AHSAA Newsletter


AHSAA Newsletter
September 2016
Page 1
AHSAA Update
Executive Director
Steve Savarese
Volume 9, Number 8
AHSAA Update
September 2016
See Pages 13-14
Steve Savarese
Win at All Costs/ Savarese Commentary
Pages 2-3
JH/MS Conference / Stallworth Commentary Pages 7-8
Coaches Selected / Briggs Commentary
Page 9
Vision for Officials / Jones Commentary
Page 15
I’ll Jump Higher / Vickers Commentary
Page 18
September 2016
Page 2
AHSAA Update
We Must Ask Ourselves:
Why Do We Do What We Do?
We are in a new school
year and a great time to
analyze why we do what
we do.
The AHSAA provides
championships in 12 boys’
sports and 12 girls’ sports
each year. It is always a
special moment for us
when we present state
championship trophies to
We are proud of the
champions, but just as
importantly, we are proud
of all our schools and the
rules they have set forth
through the years to insure
fair play and integrity.
Why do we do what we
In my 10 years with the
AHSAA as executive
director, the majority of
our schools teach the
educational lessons
through sports and win the
right way. Some, however,
have tried to win at all
Do they realize the
message they are actually
teaching our young men
and women leaders of
Robert Townsend said,
“Leaders are role models
and set a standard for
others. True leadership
must be for the benefit of
the followers, not the
enrichment of the leaders.”
General Norman
Schwarzkopf said,
“Leadership is a potent
Steve Savarese
Executive Director
combination of strategy
and character. But if you
must be without one, be
without strategy.”
Too many times in
today’s world, the lessons
being taught are those of
leaders who choose to win
at all costs. It is more
important than ever that
we all dedicate ourselves
to lead in the right way for
the right reasons.
The pressure to win
should never replace the
pressure to do the right
thing. Character and
integrity should be rooted
in all that we do.
I remind myself often of
President Harry S.
Truman’s words. “A
person who is fundamentally honest doesn’t
need a code of ethics. The
Ten Commandments and
the Sermon on the Mount
are all the ethical code
The pressure to
win should never
replace the
pressure to do the
right thing.
Character and
integrity should be
rooted in all that
we do.
anybody needs.”
Too many times we let
our own selfish thoughts
cloud our judgment and
decisions. Borrowing the
words of Jeffrey
Sonnenfeld and Andrew
Ward in their book Firing
Back: How Great Leaders
Rebound after Career Disasters,
published in 2007, “As a
leader, you have to not only
do the right thing, but be
perceived to be doing the
right thing. A consequence
of seeking a leadership
position is being put under
intense public scrutiny,
being held to high
standards and enhancing a
reputation that is constantly
under threat.”
Welcome to the world of
a teacher and coach.
September 2016
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AHSAA Update
Savarese Commentary
From Page 2
Experts agree the second
most influential person in
a child’s life is their coach.
What an awesome
responsibility and what an
awesome reward when
done the right way. We
must do more than talk a
good game. This is not a
new idea.
The words of Aristotle,
a Greek philosopher from
384-322 BC, rang true
2,400 years ago and still
ring true today. “Men
acquire a particular quality
by constantly acting in a
particular way.”
Paraphrasing in the 21st
Century, We must live
what we preach.
Executive Director
Steve Savarese presents a watch to
Assistant Director
Greg Brewer, who
officially retired after
32 years. The AHSAA
staff honored Mr.
Brewer, the AHSAA
Director of Officials,
with a dinner August
30. Officials also honored Mr. Brewer with
a lunch attended by
contest officials from
across the state on
August 26.
Being a great leader is
always a work in progress.
An article I recently
read, “Winning at all Cost is
not True Leadership,”
summed up the
importance of always
striving to lead based on
integrity and character.
The author wrote,
“When you lead by telling
your team to win at all
costs, you end up with a
team that doesn’t know
right from wrong… When
you set out to win and
don’t count the costs, you
end up paying far more
than you expected. …
(Sports) leaders need to
respect the constraints of
(rules) and then foster their
teams to act ethically and
legally within these
confines. Only then can
they (truly) succeed.”
One of the most
difficult duties in my
position as Executive
Director is assessing a fine
or sanction to a member
school because of an adult’s
actions that also result in
affecting innocent studentathletes in such a negative
My challenge to all of us
is to make the 2016-17
school year about making a
difference the right way in
the lives of those entrusted
to us. We can do this if we
start by looking at ourselves
and asking the question:
Why do we do what we do?
Richard Robertson is shown with wife
Ethel after receiving the NFHS
Citation at Reno, NV in June.
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 4
AHSAA Corporate Partners
ALFA Insurance was one of the first corporations to become an AHSAA Corporate Partner.
Their support was instrumental in providing special opportunities for member school achievements to be recognized. We thank ALFA and look forward to the future together.
A Story of Purpose
With organizations in every Alabama county, the Farmers Federation is an integral part of the
communities it serves. Many farmers are schoolteachers, small business owners, ministers, parents and community leaders. Together, they provide the food, clothing, shelter and energy for a
growing world. And farmers work hard to protect our environment and preserve our state's abundant natural resources.
As the voice of Alabama agriculture, the Farmers Federation works with government officials at
the state and national levels to increase profitability for farmers. It also works to protect and enhance the standard of living for rural residents.
Federation members oppose unfair taxes and work to preserve crucial farm programs that are
important to our nation's economic future and our national security.
A Story of Vision
As the world's population explodes, the demand for safe, affordable and abundant food continues
to increase as well. Farmers meet those challenges by utilizing the latest technology and drawing
on centuries of wisdom from farmers before them.
Thanks to advanced technology, one farmer can currently feed 155 people. In 1960, one farmer
fed 46 people.
From our members who rely on us to protect their rural lifestyle and their rights to farm, to those
who depend on these hardworking men and women to produce the food and fiber, the Alabama
Farmers Federation will continue to rely on its wholesome principles to meet the challenges that
lay ahead.
We appreciate our
Corporate Partners!
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Sep. 1 – Completed up-to-date school information due in C2C
Sep. 9-13 – Section 3 meeting at Charlotte, N.C.
Sep. 15 – AHSADCA Basketball Lunch & Learn Mini-Clinic, AHSAA office, 9 a.m.
Sep. 5 – Basketball Officials Directors meeting, AHSAA office, 9:30 a.m.
Sep. 5 – Wrestling Officials Directors meeting, AHSAA office, 9:30 a.m.
Sep. 19 – Basketball on-line rules test opens for JH/Middle School coaches
Sep. 20 – AHSAA Superintendents Committee meeting, AHSAA office, 9 a.m.
Sep. 21 – AHSAA Middle School/JH Conference, AHSAA office, 9 a.m.
Sep. 29 – Classification Meeting, AHSAA office, 10 a.m.
Oct. 6 – AHSADCA Bowling Lunch & Learn Mini-Clinic, AHSAA office, 9 a.m.
Oct. 12 – AHSADCA Wrestling Lunch & Learn Mini-Clinic, AHSAA office, 9 a.m.
Oct. 15 – Deadline for submitting AHSAA Hall of Fame nominations
Page 5
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 6
The Dale County High School Marching Band and its band director Sherri Miller, the recipients of the 2016 NFHS National ‘Heart of the Arts’ Award, were
recognized by Dale County High School, the Dale County School System and the
AHSAA at the school’s Aug. 26 football game.
Shown (above) at the pre-game ceremony, from left: retiring interim Dale County Superintendent Lamar Brooks, Mrs. Miller, AHSAA Associate Executive Director Tony Stallworth, Dale County band drum major Haley Templeton and AHSAA
Executive Director Steve Savarese. Brooks, a long-time member of the AHSAA
District 2 Board and member of the AHSAA Central Board, was also recognized
for his service to the AHSAA, Dale County Schools and the AHSAA school membership. He is shown below with his family and AHSAA staff at the presentation.
September 2016
Page 7
AHSAA Update
Junior High / Middle School
Conference Set for Sept. 21
NFHS Coaches
The eighth
Education Updates
annual AHSAA Junior
High / Middle
School Conference will be
September 21
beginning at 9
a.m. at the
AHSAA OfTony Stallworth
fice. We are
Associate Executive
asking adminDirector
istrators and
athletic directors to schedule their calendars and be in attendance. This conference will provide essential professional
development pertinent to our middle
and junior high school administrators.
The informal sessions will provide important information about current and
on-going issues facing our member
Among the topics will be the emphasis placed on current safety issues within
the school setting and in athletics, clear
interpretation of the new by-laws now in
effect in the AHSAA and updates from
AHSAA staff members.
Due to the expanded roles and responsibilities of the athletic director in a
school setting, the conference will focus
on areas involving preparation for establishing an overall organizational structure. It will also provide opportunities
for one-on-one instruction, questions
and answers and C2C training.
All presenters are extremely knowledgeable in their professional assigned
areas. Please go to
http://www.ahsaa.com/CoachesADs/2016-MS-JH-Conference for more
detailed conference information and preregister.
One of the many resources the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) provides is its
NFHSlearn.com site. Numerous courses
have been developed and are available at
this site providing valuable and timely
professional development opportunities
for member school coaches and administrators as well as student-athletes and
Three free courses have been
launched this month and are especially
Social Media - This course highlights
both the positive aspects of social media
and some of the pitfalls of posting information on those platforms.
Social Media For Students – While
emphasizing some of the same topics
listed above, it also emphasizes how social media can directly impact a student’s
current and future life.
Concussions for Students – This
course repeats the “when in doubt, sit
out” advice of the existing course for
coaches, but has been created specifically for the student population and emphasizes how students need to look out
for themselves and their teammates. The
course content is provided by the Barrow Neurological Institute.
One course emphasized this summer
was First Aid, Health and Safety for
Coaches. We urge all member schools
to utilize these excellent resources.
Reporting Scores
And Schedule Changes
Schools should also make sure all
September 2016
Page 8
AHSAA Update
Stallworth Commentary
Continued from Page 7
schedule information is
online and correct
including date and time of
the contest. Host schools
should complete the online
contract including any
forfeiture fees for failure to
honor the contract and
both school principals
must sign the electronic
contracts in C2C to make
them valid.
Once a contest is
completed, the host
school’s designated
scorekeeper should report
the score immediately that
same day on the school’s
C2C schedule. Should a
game be postponed or
suspended, the schedule
report has a dropdown to
denote those changes.
Once the school submits
the changes, an alert will
be sent to the other
school’s principal to
confirm. Once confirmed
by both schools, it will
appear in C2C.
Should a contest be
suspended or postponed, it
should be re-scheduled for
the next day – if postponed
on Friday, re-scheduled for
Saturday for example.
Sunday is not an available
If a contest in progress
is interrupted and both
schools agree to terminate
the contest, the score of the
contest at the time of
termination will be the final
score and should be
submitted immediately on
C2C with the team leading
at the time declared the
winner. Should a football
contest in progress be
forfeited by a school, the
school receiving the forfeit
would be declared the
winner. Should the team
that is leading forfeit the
contest, the final score
would be 1-0 by NFHS
Richard Robertson is shown with wife
Ethel after receiving the NFHS
Citation at Reno, NV in June.
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 9
Coaches Selected for 30th
Alabama-Mississippi Game
Mississippi All-Star football game to be
The 11
played December 10 at Cramton Bowl.
annual Champions Challenge was an
way to open
the 2016 high
school football season in
Alabama. The
Alvin Briggs
Assistant Director
High School
Athletic Directors & Coaches Association thanks the six schools that participated: Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa and Demopolis in game one, Central-Phenix
City and Hoover in game two, Andalusia
and Brooks in game three.
We also thank the City of Montgomery, Cramton Bowl, Raycom Media, the
AHSAA Radio Network, the contest
officials, media who covered the event
and the AHSAA staff for a job well
done. We especially thank the fans who
endured weather delays to watch their
teams play to the end.
This event is designed to promote
what is good with high school football
in our state and also reward schools and
communities for their intense support
and love of their teams and the sport of
high school football.
We appreciate the support provided
by Mayor Todd Strange and the Montgomery Parks and Recreation staff. Having Mayor Strange at the press conference prior to the event is always special
to the participants and to the AHSAA.
Montgomery’s Cramton Bowl is an excellent location for such an event.
Now moving forward, the AHSADCA is proud to announce planning is
full-speed ahead for the 30th Alabama-
UMS-Wright head football coach Terry Curtis will be the Alabama head
coach. His staff includes Caleb Ross of
McGill-Toolen, Ben Blackmon of Spanish Fort, Kelvis White of Mae Jemison,
Keith Etheredge of Pell City, Steve
Smith of Piedmont, Ed Rigby of Elba
and Richie Busby of Fultondale.
The coaches have accounted for 779
career wins and 14 state championships
between them. The group has been a
part of nearly a dozen other state or national championships as either a player
or assistant coach. Ross, Blackmon,
Etheredge, Smith and Rigby all led
teams to state championships in 2015.
Etheredge, who directed Leeds to its
fourth state title in his tenure, moved to
Pell City this season.
Curtis is one of only seven head football coaches to lead teams to five state
titles in AHSAA history. His UMSWright teams won state championships
in 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2012.
Thirteen of his Bulldogs’ squads have
won 10 games or more. Curtis, currently
in his 18th season at UMS-Wright, is 195
-45 after two games in the 2016 season.
His overall record, which includes headcoaching stops at Shaw and Murphy of
Mobile, is 268-81. He served as head
coach for the Alabama squad once before – in 1999 with Alabama’s All-Stars
winning 28-24. Curtis was inducted into
the AHSAA Sports Hall of Fame in
Mississippi won last year’s game 28-21
in the first contest of the series played
outside Alabama. That victory snapped
Alabama’s seven-year winning streak
from 2007-2014. Our teams own a 21-8
edge in the series.
September 2016
AHSAA Update
AHSAA, NFHS Encourage Schools
To Implement Emergency Program
Page 10
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 11
Prattville High School Honors Former Player Kevin
Turner and Veteran Sportswriter Jimmy White
Prattville Field
Named Kevin
Turner Field
Prattville High School
named the field at Stanley-Jensen Stadium in
honor of former Lions
running back, University
of Alabama and NFL
standout Kevin Turner
at the season opener
Aug. 19 versus Wetumpka. Turner, stricken with
ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) passed away earlier
in 2016
Prattville Sideline Named for Sports Columnist
In what may be a first at an AHSAA high school, Prattville High School named the
sidelines on the home side in honor of long-time sports columnist and Prattville
High School sports historian and statistician Jimmy White. White, who passed away
in July, served as the school’s statistician for more than 60 years. The field is now
painted with his name as well as his much beloved Boston Red Sox insignia.
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 12
Member School
News …
Member Schools
Should Update
Online Information
current cell phone number. Catastrophic insurance
For questions, contact
coverage is provided for
the AHSAA at 334-263players on each roster.
It is important that all
Member schools must
rosters be up-to-date at all
make sure all information
times including jersey
in the member site is up-to- Have Rosters in C2C
Member schools must numbers and positions for
date regarding school
all players and heights and
complete rosters in C2C
personnel and team
before the first contest for weights where applicable.
Administrators should
All school users must list all sports teams fielded at
all rosters for their
a current email address and all levels of competition.
The high school jersey number (12) of recent NFL Hall of Fame inductee, the
late Kenny Stabler, became the first number in school history to be retired by Foley
High School. The ceremony took place prior to the Lions’ 41-14 season-opening
win over Robertsdale Aug. 19. Stabler, Foley’s quarterback from 1961 through
1963 when the Lions rolled to a 29-1 record and a 23-game winning streak, went on
to a standout career at Alabama and in the NFL. He succumbed to colon cancer in
Several members of his family attended the ceremony Aug. 19, which in addition
to the number retirement, included a Hometown Hall of Fame program presented
by the Pro Football Hall of Fame and Ford Motor Company.
After Foley's current No. 12, Garrett Mayo, completes his prep career, no Lion
will wear the jersey again, according to school officials.
September 2016
Page 13
AHSAA Update
2016 Champions Challenge Photo Gallery
Game 1
Hillcrest-Tuscaloosa 42, Demopolis 7
Game 2
Hoover 23, Central-Phenix City 7
Game 3
Andalusia 34, Brooks 13
Photos by AHSAA
Photographer Tom Ewart
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 14
2016 Champions Challenge Photo Gallery
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 15
First Five Weeks on the Job
Have Been a Time of Learning
It has been a
great first five
weeks learning
from the position
of Director of
Officials with the
AHSAA from
Mr. Greg Brewer. Greg has
worked diligently
for 32 years in
Mark Jones
establishing a
solid foundation
in regards to officiating in Alabama with the AHSAA.
Most folks would have taken time off
during their last couple of weeks before retirement. But most folks aren’t
Greg Brewer.
True to his character, Greg worked
until his last day showing me all that is
involved with the position. Even
though there is no way to learn it all,
he has shared a great deal of
knowledge during these short five
weeks. We can’t thank him enough for
all he has done for officiating and wish
him well in his retirement.
Although Greg is leaving, there is
an excellent staff at the AHSAA that
will be assisting me during my inaugural year as the Director of Officials. It
has been an extreme pleasure getting to
know these individuals in the state
office and to become a part of a staff
that works very hard for its member
Like Greg, I have a vision of ways
to enhance officiating in Alabama. My
four-step plan includes:
1) Utilizing technology advancements to assist in training and teaching
our contest officials in a consistent
manner. Consistency is the number
one expectation of coaches as well as
players and fans.
2) Increasing recruitment and retention of officials through promoting
the positive aspects through several
marketing arenas including encouraging students to take the officiating classes taught on the high school level
(currently we have over 30 schools
teaching it now); recruiting our colleges and junior colleges to offer officiating courses; and looking into ways to
improve the incentives and rewards for
3) Continuing to utilize and evaluate our district and state training camps
as well as utilizing other avenues such
as conferences and clinics.
4) Welcoming assistance from
coaches, players, fans and media to
help promote officiating in a positive
manner. We also will strive to promote
the need to address the major issue occurring in our society today concerning
a lack of respect for all authority. This
is not only an issue on the playing
fields and courts, but also one occurring too often in classrooms and communities nationwide.
Officiating is a profession that will
always continue to work toward the
goal of perfection while always maintaining the standard of enforcing the
rules fairly and promoting good sportsmanship. We will always welcome any
feedback as we strive to improve.
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 16
Understanding Transfer Rule
Is Essential for Member Schools
As each
new school
year begins,
most schools
deal with
transfers into
the school. It
is important
that principals and othWanda Gilliland
er administraAssistant Director
tors understand the
rules regarding eligibility of transfer students. The Transfer Rule can be found
in the 2016-17 AHSAA Handbook beginning on page 30.
Principals and athletic directors should
review the Bona Fide Move which can
be found on page 32 under Exception
3. To determine if a bona fide move is
complete, it is important for principals
and athletic directors to check the former residence and new residence to verify that all principal members of the family have made the move into the new
school zone.
The school administrators must inspect the inside of both residences. Just
driving by the dwelling does not verify a
complete bona fide move.
If you have any concerns or questions, the AHSAA is here to proactively
assist any school not sure if a bona fide
move has been made.
Study the Transfer Rule, especially the
Bona Fide Move portion included.
Good luck to coaches and teams
competing in Fall Sports and remember
sportsmanship has to be at the forefront of
all our programs. We are all teammates
on the same team!
“If you want to lift yourself up, lift someone
else” – Booker T. Washington
Exception 3.
Bona Fide Move. A student whose parents make a bona fide move completely
out of one school zone into another may
transfer all his/her rights and privileges
to the member school that serves the
area where his/her parents reside.
If the change of school precedes the bona fide move on the part of the parents,
the student is ineligible until the parents
make a bona fide move.
Determining a Bona Fide Move –
Sometimes it is very difficult to determine what constitutes a bona fide move.
Family and home conditions differ and
must be considered. The following factors are basic guidelines for determining
a bona fide move:
a. The household furniture of the family
must be vacated into an unoccupied
house or apartment.
b. All principal members of the family
must reside in the new place of residence.
c. The original residence should be
closed, rented or disposed of and not
used by the family.
d. Nine months at the new residence will
be required to make a move bona fide.
Note: The Change of Residence Form may be
found at ahsaa.com/forms
September 2016
Page 17
AHSAA Update
2016-17 Lunch & Learn
Series in the Works
Plans are in
the works for
the 2016-17
Lunch & Learn
Series for our
coaching miniclinics. Remember, these
clinics are designed to be
Denise Ainsworth
more intimateAssistant Director
allow time for
Q & A, one-day, convenient, and cost
effective. Your lunch is included in
the cost!
We have already secured speakers for
the first semester’s clinics and are looking forward to solidifying the second
semester dates and the speakers for
those sessions very soon.
The mini-clinic series began in August
with a session on C2C, and Vestavia
Hills High School athletic director Jeff
Segars spoke to a packed house. In fact,
due to space limitations, we unfortunately had to turn people away. Early
registration, WITH PAYMENT, is
the only way to secure your spot!
We will begin the sports sessions on
Thursday, September 15, by bringing to
our office two outstanding basketball
coaches. Coach Kristy Curry from the
University of Alabama, Women’s Basketball, and Coach Scott Padgett from
Samford University, Men’s Basketball,
will both join us for a day dedicated to
basketball. You may visit the links be-
low to find out more about Coach Curry’s and Coach Padgett’s credentials and
career stats. A complete itinerary and
registration are available online at
www.ahsaa.com. Remember, you are
only pre-registered if you have included payment with your registration.
Kristy Curry
Scott Padgett
Also, during the first semester, we will
host Lunch & Learn Coaching MiniClinics for the following:
Bowling: Wednesday, October 6:
Coach Michelle Crews, University of
Wrestling: October 12: Coach Craig
Duncan, Huntingdon College
Track & Field: (TBA) Coach Paul
Brueske, University of South Alabama
Complete itineraries for these and all
other sessions are or will be online soon.
We look forward to seeing you at
any of our Lunch & Learn Coaching
Deadline for AHSAA
HOF Nominations, Oct. 15
The deadline to submit nominations
for the AHSAA Sports Hall of Fame is
Oct. 15 to be considered for the selection for the Class of 2017.
Nomination forms must be completed and received by that date. Mail
to: AHSAA Hall of Fame, P.O. Box
242367, Montgomery, AL 36124.
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 18
My Goal Is to Jump
Higher Today
With the
the other side of the net is more than
just skill. It is motivation and determiclose of the
2016 Rio
As I watched a volleyball game this
Olympics, the
week, I thought of the new Post-It Notes
commercial that portrays a shorter girl
Press reportgetting ready for basketball tryouts.
ed that 73
Every day, she wrote “Tomorrow, I’ll
percent of
Jump Even Higher” on a Post-It Note
and jumped to stick it to the wall. The
next day, she repeated the note and
watched team
jumped higher to place the note above
Kim Vickers
volleyball and
Assistant Director
the day before.
up to 83 perThis continued until the day of trycent watched beach volleyball. Thus it is outs when she was able to shock and
understandable why high school volley- impress her coach and teammates by
ball is becoming one of the most com- being able to jump high enough to stick
petitive, intense sports for girls’ athletic a Post-It note to the back board. This is a
programs and why more girls are playperfect example of what motivation and
ing. The sport
determination can
is getting fastdo.
er, and the
In preparation
girls are jumpfor the 2016-17
ing higher.
school year, we
With the
should all be writing
2016 high
and placing Post-It
school volleyNotes for our stuball season
dents and players.
well underEncourage your stuway, one asdents and players to
pect that nevdo more today than
er ceases to
they did yesterday;
amaze me is
motivate them to set
how high
personal goals for
these girls can
the season; praise
jump!! I’m not referring to just the tall the small successes as well as the big acgirls but more so to the 5-foot-6 girls
complishments; and persuade them to
who are playing outside or middle hitter. encourage others along the way.
Being able to jump high enough to
Obviously, for the 5-6 volleyball playblock the hit from the
er to be able to outjump that much taller
5-10 girl across the net or being able to girl, someone must have told her she
jump higher than the 5-11 blocker on
could jump as high as she wanted.
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 19
This message brought to you by the AHSAA and Alabama
High School Athletic Directors & Coaches Association
 Only enter “Home/Host” games/tournaments on your schedule
 Drop down green add event button
 Choose game/match/tournament, whichever applies (event is not a
 Only tournaments involving more than two teams require sanctioning
except in volleyball, track, golf, wrestling, cross country and swimming –
see Handbook page 38, Section 3
 Upon choosing tournament, complete the three step wizard, on the 3 step
 Click Finish
 Click on participant tab – REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL PROCESS
 Have principal sign into C2C with his/her username/password
 Go to principal certifications, competition certifications
 Click one tournament at a time and click “I agree”
 Click “certify selected”
 Should see confirmation box “Approved”
September 2016
AHSAA Update
Page 20
STEVE SAVARESE (ssavarese@ahsaa.com)
- Executive Director Overall AHSAA Administration
Issued monthly by the
Alabama High School
Athletic Association
P.O. Box 242367
Montgomery, AL 361242367
7325 Halcyon Summit Dr.
Montgomery, AL 36124
Phone: 334-263-6994;
Fax: 334-387-0075;
Web: www.ahsaa.com
OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m.5 p.m. weekdays
Meet The
1st Year
(tstallworth@ahsaa.com)- Associate Executive
Director Administration, Eligibility, Investigations,
Coaches Education, School Audits, Middle
Schools, Championship Events, NFHS Coaches
Education Committee
(wgilliland@ahsaa.com)- Assistant Director Championship Events, Volleyball, Basketball,
Softball Coordinator, Eligibility, Investigations,
Sports Declarations, Foreign Exchange Students,
NFHS Softball Rules Committee Chair
ALVIN BRIGGS (abriggs@ahsaa.com)
- Director of Alabama High School Athletic Directors &
Coaches Association AHSADCA, Football, Super 7 Coordinator,
Summer Conference/All-Star Week, All-Star
teams, Alabama-Mississippi All-Star games,
Sports Committees, Sports Clinics, Champions
Challenge, Principals & AD Conference
RON INGRAM (ringram@ahsaa.com)
- Director of Communications Multi-Media Coordinator, Star Sportsmanship,
Medical Advisory Committee, Publicity, Records
Updates, Championship Events, Rosters &
Schedules, NFHS Network, NFHS Records
Committee Chair; NFHS Spirit of Sport Comm.
Assistant Director Director of Special Projects, Professional
Development, Summer Conference/All-Star
Week, Sports Mini-Clinics, Strategic Plan, Hall of
Fame, Student Leadership, Unified Sports,
Volleyball, Bowling, Tennis, Marketing Liaison,
NIAAA Coordinator, Principals & AD
Conference; NFHS Volleyball Rules Committee
MARVIN CHOU (mchou@ahsaa.com)
- Assistant Director Website Development & Coordinator,
Swimming, Soccer, Cross Country, Golf, C2C
Schools Coordinator, Sports Declarations,
Student Leadership, Social Media Coordinator,
NFHS Network, NFHS Swimming Committee
KIM VICKERS (kvickers@ahsaa.com)Assistant Director Director for all Publications, Hall of Fame,
Coaches Directory, Surveys, Student Leadership,
Eligibility, Sports Calendars, Human Resources
MARK JONES (mjones@ahsaa.com)
- Assistant Director Director of Officials for All Sports, Officials
Guide, Officials Camps, Playing Rules
Implementation, Wrestling, Baseball
SANDY LOGAN (slogan@ahsaa.com)
- Office Manager Bookkeeper for AHSAA & AHSADCA, Chief
Financial Officer, Coaches Registration,
Admission Ticketing, Catastrophic Insurance
Premiums, Championship Programs, Conference
Registrations, Contracts
- Administrative Secretary to Executive DirectorCorrespondence of Official AHSAA Letters for
Executive and Associate Directors, Sanction
Approval, Hall of Fame, Legislative Proposals,
Bryant-Jordan Coordinator, Observer Cards,
Master Calendar, Committee Meetings
- Secretary (Eligibility) Receptionist, Data Coordinator for AHSAA
Eligibility, Fines & Ejections, Coaches Education,
Foreign Exchange Students, OTG Coordinator,
Social Chairperson, Member school
ALAINE DAVIS (adavis@ahsaa.com)
- Secretary (Finance) Championship Programs, Football Regional
Standings and Playoffs, Ticket Distribution,
Sports Playoff Financial Reports, Football,
Basketball Playoff Packets, Ticket Distribution
VANDA PEPPERS (vpeppers@ahsaa.com )
- Secretary (AHSAA and AHSADCA) Assistant to Director of Officials, Player and
Coaches Coordinator and Coaches Registration
for All-Star Sports Week, Ala.-Miss. Basketball
Coordinator, Officials Registration and Website
ALAN MITCHELL (amitchell@ahsaa.com)
- Assistant Director (retired) Website, Publications consultant
RODNEY MILLS (rmills@ahsaa.com)
- IT Coordinator Technology Engineer, AHSAA IT Network,
Servers & Security Systems, Software, Hardware
Updates, New Software Education, Technology
Equipment Maintenance

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