GS 2016 Goede Praktijk Best Practice Belgium Water management


GS 2016 Goede Praktijk Best Practice Belgium Water management
Uit de nationale oproep om mee te doen aan de Best
Practice Belgische Competitie, hadden we 4 projecten
geselecteerd om te laten beoordelen door onze
‘water’experten jury. Kasteelhoeve Wange werd door de
jury verkozen als nationale winnaar en voorgedragen aan
de internationale jury. Hieronder een kort overzicht van de
4 projecten:
• Kasteelhoeve Wange – Integrated Watermanagement
• Hotel Fevery – Rim Free toilets
• Hotel Navarra – Goede Huisvader Praktijken
• Hilton Brussels Grand Place – Reverse Osmosis for
Water Expert Jury Compositie België
 Good Planet water
expert: (Director
and Senior Consultant at Deep Blue Consultants)
 VMM (Flemish environmental administration)
water quality expert : Steven van den Broeck
 VMM operational expert: Adelheid Vanhille
 VMM watercleaning expert: Ingeborg Barrez
 Walloon environmental adminstration: Isabelle
Delgoffe du Contrat de rivière Dyle-Gette (CRDG)
Guest house and meeting location
25 beds
4 meeting rooms
located in the beautiful undulating
Hageland and surrounded by hundreds
of acres of orchards and fields: an almost
hidden place in Flanders, on the borders
of Limburg, Flemish Brabant and
Wange is a site where lots of people
meet. We want to be a pioneer in sustainable
practices. Lots of people are inspired and filled with
enthusiasm by our ideas on sustainability when they
leave.’ Philip Van Kelst, manager Kasteelhoeve Wange.
“Water & Energy & Awareness raising Integrated management” project
All the ’dirty’ water that leaves the farm is cleaned in two
underground water cleaning installations (60.000 liters). It’s an
natural cleaning system, that works on bacteriological bases.
After passing this water cleaning installation, all the water that
leaves the farm is clean and drinkable. It enters the ’GETE’, a
small river that passes the farm.
All the people who stay, live and work at the Kasteelhoeve (
+/- 35 persons a day) do not impact anymore the quality of
the water in a negative, polluting way.
Natural swimming
pond with water
captured from the
roof of the
farm(600 m²). The
water in the
swimming pond is
partly cleaned by
special plants in
the pond
In March 2016 a
system will be
installed to clean
this water to use it
for the toilets,
garden and
Japanese irises
are used to
clean the water.
In 2017 another
another roof
(600 m²) will be
connected to the
swimming pond.
At that moment
the water supply
for toilets will be
covered for 90
Water is heated
by the use of
Within 5 years
the wood chips
will be
produced by
ourselves on a
wood we have
planted will
take out the
amount of CO2
that we still
produce, of the
air. At that
moment we will
be 100% CO²
neutral .
The electricity
needed for the
pumps (heating
sanitary water,
pumping up the
water for the
toilets...) is
produced by
solar panels.
The solar system
provides 80 % of
the electricity
needs of the
All pumps are low energy pumps
(50% less energy use than
standard pumps).
Companies and tourists choose the
Kasteelhoeve for its sustainability. It
has a massive impact on our
marketing. After 4 years the
Kasteelhoeve is constantly fully
booked. It is impossible to calculate
the financial return at this level.’
Philip Van Kelst, manager Kasteelhoeve Wange.
• Adres: Collaert Mansionstraat 3, Brugge
• Paul Asselman -
Project - Rim-Free Toilets
• Toiletpotten dienden vervangen te worden
• Advies ingewonnen over betere systemen
• Rand-vrije toiletten (rim - free)
• In alle gastenkamers geïnstalleerd
• Informatie aan gasten via Facebook & Website
Concept / voordelen:
• Slimme waterverdeler
• Geen (minder) plaats voor bacteriën
• Verbruikt minder water: tijdens de schoonmaak, door de betere
• Ander voordeel: vermindering van poetsuren
Slimme waterverdeling:
rondom &
dun verspreid, daardoor
grotere kracht
en beter
4-star hotel
224 rooms and suites
17 meeting rooms
Restaurant, bar and fitness center
Prime location right at the heart of the
Brussels’ historic city center, near the
Grand Place
Reverse osmosis
A reverse osmosis unit has been set up to supply the
dishwashing machine.
This system improves the quality of the water in the
machines by reducing its hardness.
This prevents the staff to polish the cutlery and glasses
before setting the tables for the guests.
This enhancement impacts the entire catering service.
Benefits of the good practice:
This practice offers a quicker and better result while
washing the cutlery.
It also reduces the use of chemical products,
enables an energy saving in water heating and
prevents damaging the heating resistor.
More information:
Personal Assistant to General Manager
t: +32 (0)2 548 41 75
• Adres: St. Jakobsstraat 41 – B-8000 Brugge
• Michel Maertens:
Project - “Goede Huisvader praktijken van Green Key”
• Hoge kwaliteits perlatoren op alle kranen (type Neoperl) voor
constant verminderd waterdebiet (<6l/min)
• Douchekoppen vervangen door nieuwe waterreductie technologie
van Grohe (betere verdeling, constant verminderd debiet, krachtige
waterstraal bekomen door vermenging /inblazen van lucht) (<7l9l/min)
• Installatie nieuwe doorspoelknoppen voor alle toilletten: verminderd
waterverbruik met voldoende spoelkracht (<6l/spoelbeurt)
• Handdoeken: effectief ‘wasbesparingsprogramma’, uitleg aan
gasten & instructies voor personeel
• Auditprocedure voor het opsporen van waterlekkages