PuBLIC NOTICES - Daily Court Review


PuBLIC NOTICES - Daily Court Review
Friday, May 13, 2016
Daily Court Review
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Pub lic N otices
Daily Court Review
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Daily Court Review
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Daily Court Review (ISSN 0740-1949)
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Suit No. 2015-30969
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Florida Mae Smith; Jo B.
Wheeler, AKA Joe Bailey
Wheeler; John D. Wheeler;
Bernice Wheeler Myles;
Sharon Fielder, AKA Sharon Frances Fielder; Yolanda Bosier Hamilton, AKA
Yolanda Denise Halmilton;
Demetrice Wheeler, AKA
Demetric Roshawn Wheeler; Walter Wagner, AKA
Walter Tom Wagner Jr.; Louise Aldredge, AKA Louise
Brown Aldredge
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Lot 26 in Block 4 of
Southern Village, a subdivision in Harris County,
Texas according to the map
or plat thereof recorded
in Volume 17, Page 9 of
the Map Records of Harris County, Texas.; Account
No. 0691050040026
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for taxes
in the amount of $11,263.14,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed on
the 29th day of May, 2015,
in a certain suit styled Harris County, Et Al vs. Florida
Mae Smith, Et Al which
includes the following defendants: Florida Mae Smith; Jo
B. Wheeler, AKA Joe Bailey
Wheeler; John D. Wheeler;
Bernice Wheeler Myles;
Glenn Charles Wheeler;
Sharon Fielder, AKA Sharon
Frances Fielder; Nathan Lee
Bosier; Yolanda Bosier Hamilton, AKA Yolanda Denise
Hamilton; Norris Donell
Wheeler; Demetrice Wheeler, AKA Demetric Roshawn
Wheeler; Walter Wagner,
AKA Walter Tom Wagner Jr.
and Louise Aldredge, AKA
Louise Brown Aldredge, for
collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 133rd Judicial District, and the file number
of said suit is Suit No. 201530969, that the names of all
taxing units which assess and
collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are: None
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 133rd Judicial District, (s) Charlie Keys,
Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166,
Suit No. 2015-63184
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Felix Vanslyke, AKA Felix
Vanslyke Sr; Raymond L.
Vanslyke, AKA Raymond
Lee Vanslyke
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Tract No. 1: Lots 12, 13
and 14 of Tall Cedars Tract
1, an unrecorded subdivision located in the Absolom
Reeves Survey, Abstract 60,
in Harris County, Texas;
each lot being separately
described by metes and
bounds in a deed from E.
A. Anthony, Trustee to Tall
Cedars, Inc. dated March
9, 1971 and recorded under
Clerk’s File No. D296669 in
the Official Public Records
of Real Property of Harris
County, Texas.;
Tract No. 2: LT 14 Tall
Cedars Sec 1 U/R; Account
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for taxes
in the amount of $2,345.25,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, Harris
County Emergency Services
District # 80 and Harris
County Emergency Services
District # 05 Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed on
the 22nd day of October,
2015, in a certain suit styled
Harris County, Et Al vs.
Felix Vanslyke, AKA Felix
Vanslyke Sr, Et Al which
includes the following defendants: Felix Vanslyke, AKA
Felix Vanslyke Sr; Raymond
L. Vanslyke, AKA Raymond
Lee Vanslyke; Teresa Van
Slyke, AKA Teresa Delome
Vanslyke and Crosby Independent School District (In
Rem Only), for collection of
the taxes on the property and
that the suit is now pending in the District Court of
Harris County, Texas, 270th
Judicial District, and the file
number of said suit is Suit
No. 2015-63184, that the
names of all taxing units
which assess and collect
taxes on the property above
described, not made parties
to this suit, are: Crosby Independent School District
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
20th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 6th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 270th Judicial District, (s) Caroline
Overton, Deputy. Houston,
Texas May 10, 2016. Hereby
order this writ published in
the Daily Court Review for
the time specified therein.
Alan Rosen, Constable,
Precinct #1, Harris County,
Texas By: (s) G. Hirschhorn,
#1166, Deputy
Suit No. 2015-46509
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Edward E. Hightower; Eula
Mae Hightower
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
age 4
Friday, May 13, 2016
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Lot 6 in Block 17 of Central Gardens, Section 2, a
subdivision in Harris County, Texas according to the
map or plat thereof recorded
in Volume 19, Page 63 of
the Map Records of Harris County, Texas.; Account
No. 0700510190006
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for
taxes in the amount of
$14,806.66, exclusive of
interest, penalties, and costs,
and there is included in this
suit in addition to the taxes
all said interest, penalties,
and costs thereon, allowed
by law up to and including
the day of judgment.
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s), by
Original Petition filed on the
10th day of August, 2015, in
a certain suit styled Harris
County, Et Al vs. Edward
E. Hightower, Et Al which
includes the following defendants: Edward E. Hightower
and Eula Mae Hightower,
for collection of the taxes
on the property and that
the suit is now pending in
the District Court of Harris
County, Texas, 55th Judicial
District, and the file number
of said suit is Suit No. 201546509, that the names of
all taxing units which assess
and collect taxes on the
property above described,
not made parties to this suit,
are: Greater Northside Management District
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 55th Judicial
District, (s) Caroline Overton, Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) A. Robbins, #1166,
Suit No. 2015-74422
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Dalton Broussard, Sr.; Louise Broussard, AKA Louise
Lovine Broussard
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
Daily Court Review
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Lot 4 in Block 35 of
South Union, Section 3, a
subdivision in Harris County, Texas according to the
map or plat thereof recorded
in Volume 34, Page 47 of
the Map Records of Harris County, Texas.; Account
No. 0741520950004
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for taxes
in the amount of $6,932.26,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed
on the 11th day of December, 2015, in a certain suit
styled Harris County, Et Al
vs. Dalton Broussard, Sr., Et
Al which includes the following defendants: Dalton
Broussard, Sr.; Louise Broussard, AKA Louise Lovine
Broussard and Norma L.
Pittman (In Rem Only), for
collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 55th Judicial District,
and the file number of said
suit is Suit No. 2015-74422,
that the names of all taxing
units which assess and collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are: None
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
20th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 6th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 55th Judicial
District, (s) Caroline Overton, Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) A. Robbins, #1166,
Suit No. 2015-54636
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Angela Rivera, AKA Angela
Cardona Rivera
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Lots 13 and 14 in Block
27 of Houston Harbor
Addition, a subdivision
in Harris County, Texas
according to the map or
plat thereof recorded in
Volume 3, Page 64 of the
Map Records of Harris
County, Texas.; Account
No. 0180890000013
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for taxes
in the amount of $3,873.22,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed on
the 15th day of September,
2015, in a certain suit styled
Harris County, Et Al vs.
Angela Rivera, AKA Angela Cardona Rivera which
includes the following defendants: Angela Rivera, AKA
Angela Cardona Rivera, for
collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 55th Judicial District,
and the file number of said
suit is Suit No. 2015-54636,
that the names of all taxing
units which assess and collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are: None
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
20th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 6th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 55th Judicial
District, (s) Caroline Overton, Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166,
Suit No. 2016-16388
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
James O. Kelly, AKA James
Otis Kelly
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Daily Court Review
Lot 22 in Block 8 of
Sunnyside Gardens, a subdivision in Harris County,
Texas according to the map
or plat thereof recorded
in Volume 26, Page 71 of
the Map Records of Harris County, Texas.; Account
No. 0751990080022
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for taxes
in the amount of $8,577.03,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by First Amended Petition
filed on the 28th day of
March, 2016, in a certain
suit styled Harris County,
Et Al vs. James O. Kelly,
AKA James Otis Kelly, Et
Al which includes the following defendants: James O.
Kelly, AKA James Otis Kelly;
Carol Jean Van Valkenburg;
Donna J. Solomon, AKA
Donna Jean Solomon;
Mary Frances Monteith,
As Trustee Under The Last
Will And Testament Of,
The Estate of Edgar W.
Montheith, Deceased and
Citibank, National Association FKA Citibank (South
Dakota), National Association (In Rem Only), for collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 80th Judicial District,
and the file number of said
suit is Suit No. 2016-16388,
that the names of all taxing
units which assess and collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are: None
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 80th Judicial
District, (s) Caroline Overton, Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) Kelly Wright, #1166,
Suit No. 2015-50085
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Madelyn C. Dunn, AKA
Madelyn Clayton Dunn; Sylvan Washington, Jr.
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
A tract or parcel of land
measuring 40 feet by 75 feet,
more or less, out of Lots
9 and 10 in Block 122 of
Augusta Addition, a subdivision in Harris County, Texas
according to the map or plat
thereof recorded in Volume
56, Page 139 of the Deed
Records of Harris County,
Texas.; being more particularly described by metes and
bounds in a deed from Fifth
Ward Housing Corporation
to Madelyn C. Dunn and
Sylvan Washington, Jr. dated
November 3, 1989 and
recorded under Clerk’s File
No. M433929 in the Official
Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas;
and being that same property identified on the plaintiff’s tax rolls as Account No.
004-128-000-0009;. Account
No. 0041280000009
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for taxes
in the amount of $2,773.76,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed
on the 25th day of August,
2015, in a certain suit styled
Harris County, Et Al vs.
Madelyn C. Dunn, AKA
Madelyn Clayton Dunn, Et
Al which includes the following defendants: Madelyn
C. Dunn, AKA Madelyn
Clayton Dunn and Sylvan
Washington, Jr., for collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 55th Judicial District,
and the file number of said
suit is Suit No. 2015-50085,
that the names of all taxing
units which assess and collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are: None
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 55th Judicial
District, (s) Caroline Overton, Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166,
Suit No. 2015-56874
County of Harris
In the name and by the
Friday, May 13, 2016
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Leo Klonis, AKA Leonidas
Klonis; Betty P. Klonis, AKA
Zabeta Klonis
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
All that certain tract or
parcel of land, containing
0.6781 acres, more or less,
located in the H. & T.C. R.R.
Survey, Block 1, Abstract
449, Harris County, Texas,
said tract also being out of
tract shown as Reserved By
Owner situated in Clifton
Place, an addition in Harris County, Texas according
to the map or plat thereof
recorded in Volume 24, Page
50 of the Map Records of
Harris County, Texas.; being
more particularly described
by Warranty Deed from Pete
Klonis to George Klonis, et
al., dated August 14, 1965
and recorded under Clerk’s
File No. C143032 of the
Deed Records of Harris
County, Texas, said tract
also being identified by
Plaintiff’s Account No. 074023-000-0002.
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for
taxes and City of Houston
Special Assessment Lien in
the amount of $28,360.20,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed on
the 25th day of September,
2015, in a certain suit styled
Harris County, Et Al vs.
Leo Klonis, AKA Leonidas
Klonis, Et Al which includes
the following defendants:
Leo Klonis, AKA Leonidas
Klonis; Betty P. Klonis, AKA
Zabeta Klonis; Akrivi Mazarakis; Andrew John Mazarakis; Fotios Klonis and Spero
Klonis, for collection of the
taxes on the property and
that the suit is now pending in the District Court of
Page 5
Harris County, Texas, 333rd
Judicial District, and the file
number of said suit is Suit
No. 2015-56874, that the
names of all taxing units
which assess and collect
taxes on the property above
described, not made parties to this suit, are: Greater
Northside Management District
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
age 6
Friday, May 13, 2016
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 333rd Judicial District, (s) Caroline
Overton, Deputy. Houston,
Texas May 10, 2016. Hereby
order this writ published in
the Daily Court Review for
the time specified therein.
Alan Rosen, Constable,
Precinct #1, Harris County,
Texas By: (s) A. Robbins,
#1166, Deputy
Suit No. 2016-19908
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Marco Antonio C. Guerra;
Maria De La Luz Esquivel
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
The West 48.7 feet of Lot
219 in Block 6 of Huntington Place, a subdivision in
Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 13,
Page 67 of the Map Records
of Harris County, Texas.;
being the same property
described Tract 219A and
identified on the plaintiff’s
tax rolls as Account No. 066055-006-0219.; Account No.
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for
taxes in the amount of
$25,846.39, exclusive of
interest, penalties, and costs,
and there is included in this
suit in addition to the taxes
all said interest, penalties,
and costs thereon, allowed
by law up to and including
the day of judgment.
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed on
the 29th day of March, 2016,
in a certain suit styled Harris County, Et Al vs. Marco
Antonio C. Guerra, Et Al
which includes the following
defendants: Marco Antonio
C. Guerra; Maria De La Luz
Esquivel and Amelia Gonzalez, AKA Amelia Polanco
Gonzalez (In Rem Only), for
collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 55th Judicial District,
and the file number of said
suit is Suit No. 2016-19908,
that the names of all taxing
units which assess and collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are:
Greater Northside Management District
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Daily Court Review
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 55th Judicial
District, (s) Caroline Overton, Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) Kelly Wright, #1166,
Suit No. 2015-41523
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Francisco Andrada; Juanita
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Lot 4 in Block 74 of
Ryon’s Addition of the
Germantown Tract, a subdivision in Harris County,
Texas according to the map
or plat thereof recorded
in Volume Z, Page 601 of
the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas.; Account
No. 0310780000004
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for
taxes and City of Houston
Special Assessment Liens in
the amount of $24,817.66,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City of
Houston, Houston Independent School and Houston
Community College System
as Plaintiff(s), against the
above named person(s) as
Defendant(s), by Original
Petition filed on the 17th
day of July, 2015, in a certain
suit styled Harris County,
Et Al vs. Francisco Andrada, Et Al which includes
the following defendants:
Francisco Andrada; Juanita Andrada and Mariposa
Capital Ventures, L.L.C., for
collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 11th Judicial District,
and the file number of said
suit is Suit No. 2015-41523,
that the names of all taxing
units which assess and collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are:
Greater Northside Management District
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 11th Judicial
District, (s) Caroline Overton, Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166,
Suit No. 2016-13886
County of Harris
In the name and by the
authority of the State of
Texas, notice is hereby given
as follows to:
Carl E. Torry, AKA Carl
Emmit Torry
Whose location(s) is
unknown, and such person’s
unknown heirs, successors
and assigns, whose identities
and locations are unknown,
unknown owners, such
unknown owner’s heirs,
successors and assigns, and
any and all other persons,
including adverse claimants,
owning or having or claiming any legal or equitable
interest in or lien upon the
property which is the subject
of the delinquent tax claim
in this case.
Lots 11 and 12 of Rowe
Ashton Subdivision, a subdivision in Harris County,
Texas according to the map
or plat thereof recorded in
Volume 855, Page 161 of
the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas.; Account
No. 0641150000011
Which property is delinquent to Plaintiff(s) for taxes
in the amount of $4,110.98,
exclusive of interest, penalties, and costs, and there
is included in this suit in
addition to the taxes all said
interest, penalties, and costs
thereon, allowed by law up
to and including the day of
You are hereby notified
that suit has been brought
Harris County for itself
and for the other county
wide taxing authorities
named herein below, City
of Houston, Houston Independent School District and
Houston Community College System as Plaintiff(s),
against the above named
person(s) as Defendant(s),
by Original Petition filed on
the 3rd day of March, 2016,
in a certain suit styled Harris County, Et Al vs. Carl
E. Torry, AKA Carl Emmit
Torry, Et Al which includes
the following defendants:
Carl E. Torry, AKA Carl
Emmit Torry and Compass
Bank (In Rem Only), for collection of the taxes on the
property and that the suit is
now pending in the District
Court of Harris County,
Texas, 281st Judicial District,
and the file number of said
suit is Suit No. 2016-13886,
that the names of all taxing
units which assess and collect taxes on the property
above described, not made
parties to this suit, are: Fifth
Ward Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 061 And
Fifth Ward Tax Increment
Reinvestment Zone
Plaintiff(s) and all other
taxing units who may set up
their tax claims herein seek
recovery of delinquent ad
valorem taxes on the property above described, and
in addition to the taxes all
interest, penalties, and costs
allowed by law thereon up
to and including the day
of judgment, including special assessment liens by city
under Texas Health and
Safety Code and/or Texas
Local Government Code
Ann. Chapter 214 with interest and other fees, and the
establishment and foreclosure of liens, if any, securing the payment of same, as
provided by law.
All parties to this suit take
notice that claims not only
for any taxes which are delinquent on the property at
the time this suit was filed
but all taxes becoming delinquent at any time thereafter
up to the day of judgment,
including all interest, penalties, and costs allowed by
law, may, upon request, be
recovered without further
citation or notice to any
parties, and all parties shall
take notice of and plead
and answer to all claims and
pleadings now on file and
which may hereafter be filed
in this cause by all other
parties, and all of those taxing unites above named who
may intervene and set up
their respective tax claims
against the property.
You are hereby commanded to appear and defend
such suit on the first Monday after the expiration of
forty-two (42) days from and
after the date of issuance
hereof, the same being the
27th of June, 2016 (Expiration date: the first Monday
following 42 days after the
Issuance date), before the
honorable District Court
of Harris County, Texas, to
be held at the courthouse
thereof, then and there to
show cause why judgment
shall not be rendered for
such taxes, penalties, interests, and costs, and condemning said property and
ordering foreclosure of the
constitutional and statutory
tax liens thereon for taxes
due the Plaintiff(s) and the
taxing unit parties hereto,
and those who may intervene herein, together with
all interest, penalties, and
costs allowed by law up to
and including the day of
judgment, and all costs of
this suit.
Daily Court Review
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas,
this 9th of May, 2016. (Issuance date) (Seal) Clerk of
the District Court, Harris
County, Texas, 281st Judicial District, (s) Charlie Keys,
Deputy. Houston, Texas
May 10, 2016. Hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable, Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) A. Robbins, #1166,
n Citations –
No. 2015-56335
Augustine, Cedric
Thomas, Kenya S
In The 257th
Judicial District Court
of Harris County, Texas
The State Of Texas
County Of Harris
To: Kenya S Thomas and
to all whom it may concern, whose residence and
whereabouts are unknown,
You have been sued. You
may employ an attorney. If
you or your attorney do not
file a written answer with
the Clerk who issued this
citation by 10:00 a.m. on
the Monday next following
the expiration of 20 days
after you were served this
citation and Original Petition, a default judgment may
be taken against you. The
Petition of Cedric Dewayne
Augustine Petitioner, was
filed in the 257th Court
of Harris County, Texas, on
the 22nd day of September,
2015, against Kenya S Thomas, Respondent(s), and the
said suit being numbered
2015-56335 on the docket
of said Court, and entitled
“In the Matter of the Marriage of Cedric Dewayne
Augustine and Kenya S
Thomas and in the interest
of the child(ren): Joshua-Ray
Thomas, 10/12/2009, the
nature of which suit is a
request to Original Petition
For Divorce.
“The Court has authority
in this suit to enter any judgment or decree dissolving
the marriage and providing
for the division of property
and custody and support of
the children, which will be
binding on you.”
Issued and given under my
hand and seal of said court
at Houston, Texas, on this
the 6th day of May, 2016.
Issued at request of: Jeffrey
C. Brashear, 16350 Park Ten
Place, Ste. 143, Houston, TX
77084, Bar No. 24093014.
(Seal) Chris Daniel, District
Clerk, Harris County, Texas.
By: (S) Deputy: Michelle
No. 2016-12178
Saravia, Rosa Isela
Ortiz Cintron, Luis
In The 247th
Judicial District Court
of Harris County, Texas
247th District Court
Houston, TX
The State Of Texas
County Of Harris
To: Ortiz Cintron, Luis
Roberto, whose residence
You have been sued. You
may employ an attorney. If
you or your attorney do not
file a written answer with
the Clerk who issued this
citation by 10:00 a.m. on the
Monday next following the
expiration of 20 days after
you were served this citation
and petition, a default judgment may be taken against
you. The Petition of Saravia,
Rosa Isela, Petitioner, was
filed in the Court of Harris
County, Texas, on the 22nd
day of April, 2016, against
Ortiz Cintron, Luis Roberto,
Respondent(s), numbered
2016-12178, and entitled
“In the Matter of the Marriage of Saravia, Rosa Isela
and Ortiz Cintron, Luis
Roberto”. The suit requests
Divorce No Children.
The Court has authority
in this suit to enter any judgment or decree dissolving
the marriage and providing
for the division of property,
which will be binding on
Issued and given under
my hand and seal of said
court at Houston, Texas, on
this the 23rd day of April,
2016. Issued at request of:
Quezada, Yahaira Y., 2616
South Loop West Suite
420, Houston, TX 77054,
(832) 265-5512, Bar No.:
24056832. (Seal) Chris Daniel, District Clerk, Harris
County, Texas, 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas 77002.
(P.O. Box 4651, Houston,
Texas 77210) Generated
By: Arrendondo, Michelle
n Citations –
Civil Suits
No. 2016-03067
Booker, Andre
Unknown Owners
In The 127th Judicial
District Court Of
Harris County, Texas
The State Of Texas
County Of Harris
To: Edward Tyrone Bolden, Pamela Bolden Johnson,
And Jasmine R. Bolden
(Unknown Owners)
You Are Hereby Commanded to be and appear
before the 127th Judicial
District Court of Harris
County, Texas in the Courthouse in the City of Houston, Texas at or before 10:00
o’clock A.M. Monday, the
9th day of May, 2016, being
the Monday next after the
expiration date of forty-two
days after this citation is
issued, and you are hereby
commanded and required
then and there to appear
and file written answer to
the Second Amended Original Petition, filed in said
Court on the 8th day of
March, 2016, in a suit numbered 2016-03067 on the
docket of said court, wherein Andre Booker the Plaintiff and Unknown Heirs
Of Edward Bolden, Jr., the
Defendant, the nature of
plaintiff’s demand being and
the said petition alleging:
Other Property
Summary Of Plaintiff’s
First Amended Original
To: Unknown Owners Whose Residence And
Whereabouts Are Unknown
You Are Hereby Commanded to be an appear
before the 127th Judicial
District Court of Harris
County, Texas in the Courthouse in the City Of Houston, Texas at or before 10:00
O’clock A.M. on Monday to
day of, 2016, being the same
Monday next after expiration date of forty-two after
this citation is issued, and
you are hereby commanded
and required then and there
to appear and file the written
answer to the Plaintiff’s First
Amended Original Petition,
filed in said court on the
19th day of January, 2016 in
a suit numbered 2016-03067
on the docket of said court,
wherein Plaintiff Andre
Booker and Unknown Owners, Defendant(s), the nature
of plaintiff’s demand being
and said first amended original petition alleging: Trespass To Try Title for six (6)
certain parcels of land more
particularly described as
First Parcel, Second Parcel,
Third Parcel, Fourth Parcel,
Fifth Parcel and Sixth Parcel,
by metes and bouds as follows:
All that certain tract or
parcel containing 6,750
square feet of land comprised of all of Lot 3 in
Block 16 of Town of Spring,
a subdivision in Harris
County, Texas, according
to the map or plat thereof
filed for record in Volume
1397, Page 3 of the Harris
County Deed Records, said
Lot 3 being more particularly described by metes and
bounds as follows:
1/2 inch iron rod (found)
marking the intersection of
the South rightof-way line
of the Union Pacific Rail
Road Company right-of-way,
(100.00 feet in width), with
the Southwest line of Lot
8 in said Block 16, same
point marking the Northeast comer of that certain
call 6.0000 acre tract of
land as described in a deed
filed for record under Harris County Clerk’s File No.
THENCE South 28 deg.
30 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 77.59 feet along the
common line of said Lot 8
and 6.0000 acre tract of land
to a point for corner marking the Northwest comer of
Lot 5 in said Block 16 and
the Southwest corner of a 20
foot alley;
THENCE North 61 deg.
30 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 108.00 feet along
the common line of said
Lot 5 and said 20 foot alley
to a 5/8 inch iron rod with
EIC cap (set) marking the
Northeast comer of Lot 4 in
said Block 16 and the Northwest corner and POINT OF
BEGINNING of the herein
described Lot 3;
North 61 deg. 30 min. 00
sec. East, a distance of 54.00
feet along the common line
of said Lot 3 and said 20
foot alley to a 5/8 inch iron
rod with EIC cap (found)
marking the Northwest corner of Lot 2 in said Block 16
and the Northeast comer of
the herein described Lot 3;
THENCE South 28 deg.
30 min. 00 sec. East, a distance of 125.00 feet along
the common line of said Lots
2 and 3 to a 5/8 inch iron
rod with EIC cap (found) in
the North right-of-way line
of Prairie Avenue, (60.00
feet in width), marking the
Southwest corner of said Lot
2 and the Southeast corner
of the herein described Lot
THENCE South 61 deg.
30 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 54.00 feet along
the North right-of-way line
of said Prairie Avenue and
the South line of said Lot 3
to a 5/8 inch iron rod with
EIC cap (found) marking the
Southwest corner of said Lot
4 and the Southeast corner
of the herein described Lot
THENCE North 28 deg.
30 min. 00 sec. West, a distance of 125.00 feet along
the common line of said
Lots 3 and 4 to the POINT
OF BEGINNING and containing 6,750 square feet of
Being a 0.326 acre parcel
of land situated in the W.
S. Smith Survey, Abstract
706, Harris County, Texas,
and being the same property as conveyed to Andre
Booker as listed under Harris County Tax 1D#045-0I
0-000-0205, with the basis of
bearings Texas State Plane
Coordinate System, South
Friday, May 13, 2016
Central Zone, as per GPS
observations, and being
more particularly described
as follows:
BEGINNING at a 5/8
inch iron rod found in the
Southern right of way of
Magnolia Street (80 feet
R.O. W.) and the Eastern
right of way of Prairie Street
(80 feet R.O. W.), for the
Northwest corner of the
herein described parcel;
THENCE North, 75 deg.
54 min. 56 sec. East, a distance of 92.50 feet along
the Southern right of way
of Magnolia Street to a 5/8
inch iron rod found for the
Northwest corner of the
called 0.62 acres as recorded
under H.C.C.F. R481053,
and marking the Northeast corner of the herein
described parcel;
THENCE South 14 deg.
05 min. 04 sec. East, a distance of 176.91 feet along the
Western line of the called
0.62 acres to a 5/8 inch iron
rod set with plastic cap in
the railroad right of way for
the Southwest corner of the
called 0.62 acres, and marking the Southeast corner of
the herein described parcel;
THENCE North 77 deg.
04 min. 11 sec. West, a distance of 103.83 feet along
said railroad right of way to a
point for corner in a wooden
deck, unable to set monument, in the Eastern right of
way of Prairie Street, marking the Southwest corner of
the herein described parcel;
THENCE North 14 deg.
05 min. 04 sec. West, a distance of 122.75 feet along
the Eastern right of way of
Prairie Street back to the
and containing 0.326 acres
of land.
Being a 0.258 acre parcel
of land, known as Lots 5 &
6, Block 10 of the Town of
Spring, situated in the W. S.
Smith Survey, Abstract 706,
located in Harris County,
Texas and being the same
property as described in
Harris County Clerk’s File
S713482, with the basis of
bearings being said deed,
and being more particularly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a 5/8
inch iron rod found at the
intersection of the Northern
right of way of Magnolia
Street (80 feet R.O. W.), also
known as elm Street, and the
Eastern right of way of Prairie Street (80 feet R.O.W.),
marking the Southwest corner of the herein described
THENCE North 14 deg.
05 min. 04 sec. West, a distance of 125.00 feet along
the Eastern right of way of
Prairie Street to a 5/8 inch
iron rod set with plastic cap
in the Southern line of a
20 foot alleyway, marking
the Northwest corner of the
herein described parcel;
THENCE North 75 deg.
54 min. 56 sec. East, a dis-
Page 7
tance of 90.00 feet along the
Southern line of said 20 foot
alleyway to a 112 inch iron
rod found for the Northwest
corner of Restricted Reserve
“A” of the LP Commercial Reserve as recorded in
H.C.C.F. 20150373751, and
marking the Northeast corner of the herein described
THENCE South 14 deg.
05 min. 04 sec. East, a distance of 125.00 feet along
the Western line of Reserve
“A” to a 1/2 inch iron rod
found in the Northern right
of way of Magnolia Street,
for the Southwest corner of
Reserve “A” and marking
the Southeast corner of the
herein described parcel;
THENCE South 75 deg.
54 min. 56 sec. West, a distance of 90.00 feet along the
Northern right of way of
Magnolia Street back to the
and containing 0.258 acres
of land.
Being a 0.2847 acre parcel
of land, known as Lots 4 &
5, Block 13 of the Town of
Spring, situated in the W. S.
Smith Survey, Abstract 706,
located in Harris County,
Texas, and being the same
property as described in
Harris County Clerk’s File
S713482, with the basis of
bearings being said deed,
and being more particularly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a monument found at the intersection of the Northern right of
way of Spring Stuebner Road
(R.O.W. varies) and the Eastern right of way of Border
Street (40 foot R.O.W.),
marking the Southwest corner of the herein described
THENCE North 14 deg.
05 min. 04 sec. West, a distance of 125.00 feet along
the Eastern right of way of
Border Street to a 5/8 inch
iron rod set with plastic cap
in the Southern line of a
20 foot alleyway, marking
the Northwest corner of the
herein described parcel;
THENCE North 75 deg.
54 min. 56 sec. East, a distance of 99.20 feet along
the Southern line of said 20
foot alleyway to a 5/8 inch
iron rod set with plastic cap
for the Northwest corner of
Lot 3, Block 13 of the Town
of Spring, as recorded in
H.C.C.F. 20100288430, and
marking the Northeast corner of the herein described
THENCE South 14 deg.
05 min. 04 sec. East, a distance of 125.00 feet along
the Western line of Lot 3 to
a 1/2 inch iron pipe found
in the Northern right of way
of Spring Stuebner Road, for
the Southwest corner of Lot
3, and marking the Southeast corner of the herein
described parcel;
THENCE South 75 deg.
54 min. 56 sec. West, a distance of 99.20 feet along
age 8
Friday, May 13, 2016
the Northern line of Spring
Stuebner Road back to the
and containing 0.2847 acres
of land.
All that certain parcel or
lot of land situated on the
North part of the Town of
Spring, and out of Mrs. Julia
Sellers Subdivision of 14 and
1/4 acres survey out of the
Wiley Smith original Grant;
Lot No. 8 in Block No. 2
of said subdivision, BEGINNING 5 feet from Wiley
Smith North line a stake for
corner, the same being the
Northeast corner of Lot No.
7 in said Block;
THENCE past 50 feet to
a stake for corner, the same
being the Northwest corner
of Lot No. 9;
THENCE South 12 deg. 5
West 125 feet to a stake for
THENCE East 50 feet set
a stake for corner;
THENCE North 12 deg.
5 West 125 feet to PLACE
OF BEGINNING, containing one lot 50 x 125 feet.
An undivided one-sixth
(0.1666) interest in and to
a tract of land containing
16.0639 acres in the A. G.
Holland Survey, Abstract
348, in Harris County,
Texas and being a part of
that certain 17.72 acre tract
described in a deed recorded in Volume 1049, Page
40 of the Harris County
Deed Records and belonging to Ed. and Minnie King
Bolden, Robert & Iona
King Mingo, Robert Mingo,
Charlie King, Jr., Emanuel
King, R. V. King, and Eldred
and Letha King Lee, said
16.0639 acre tract described
by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at a iron
rod found for a corner marking the most Southeasterly
corner of the said 16.0639
acre tract, this iron rod also
marking the most Northeasterly comer of 5 equal tracts
of land belonging to the Arp
heirs, this corner also being
in the West right of way line
of the I & GN Railroad, said
right of way being 100 feet
from the centerline of the
THENCE South 78 deg.
15 min. 42 sec. West, 321.38
feet along an existing fence
marking the North line of
the said Arp tract to an iron
rod found for a comer;
THENCE South 12 deg.
28 min. East, 303.18 feet
along the West line of the
Arp tract and along an existing fence to an iron rod set
for a corner, being North 12
deg. 28 min. West, 41.86 feet
from a pinched iron pipe
found for the Southwest corner of the Arp tract also
being North 12 deg. 28 min.
West, 15.36 feet from the
South line of the said Holland Survey and the North
line of the Wiley Smith Sur-
Daily Court Review
THENCE West 528.44
feet along the North line of
Booker Street and being 15
feet North of the Holland
Survey line and along a very
old fence line to an iron rod
set for a corner;
THENCE North 00
deg. 35 min. 20 sec. West,
1,084.42 feel along the West
line of the said 16.0639 acre
tract and the East line of the
Wuensch subdivision to a
nail set in the pavement of
Nelson Street for a corner;
THENCE East 634.41
feet to an iron rod set for a
comer in the West right of
way line of the said I & GN
THENCE South 12 deg.
03 min. 16 sec. East, 739.25
feet along the said railroad
ROW line to the PLACE OF
BEGINNING and containing 16.0639 acres of land.
Notice hereof shall be
given by publishing this
Citation once a week for
four consecutive weeks previous to the 2nd day of May,
2016 in some newspaper
published in the County of
Harris, if there be a newspaper published therein,
but if not, then the nearest
county where a newspaper is
published, and this Citation
shall be returned on the 9th
day of May, 2016 which is
forty two days after the date
it is issued, and the first
publication shall be at least
twenty-eight days before said
return day.
Herein Fail Not, but have
before said court on said
return day this Writ with
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
same. Witness: Chris Daniel, District Clerk, Harris
County, Texas. Given Under
My Hand And Seal Of Said
Court at Houston, Texas
this 15th day of March,
2016. Issued at the request
of: James Luck, 15814
Champion Forest Dr. Box
146, Spring, Texas 77379,
(281) 440-8756, Bar Number: 12666400. (Seal) Chris
Daniel, District Clerk, Harris County, Texas, 201 Caroline, Houston, Texas 77002,
P.O. Box 4651, Houston,
Texas 77210. By (S) , Deputy
District Clerk. Houston,
Texas April 13, 2016. I hereby order this writ published
in the Daily Court Review
for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable
Precinct #1, Harris County,
Texas. By: G. Hirschhorn,
#1166, Deputy
No. 1067637
North Forest Community
Improvement Association
Jose L. Mendoza And Luz
M. Rivera
In County Civil Court at
Law No. Three (3),
201 Caroline / Suite 532,
Houston, Harris County,
Texas 77002
The State Of Texas
County Of Harris
To: Jose L. Mendoza
You Are Commanded to
appear and answer the Plaintiff’s Petition at or before
10:00 A.M., of the first Monday after expiration of 42
days from the Date of Issuance of this Citation, the
same being Monday, 9th day
of June, 2016 at or before
10:00 A.M., before the Honorable County Civil Court
at Law No. Three (3), of
Harris County, at the Courthouse in Houston, Texas.
Said Plaintiff’s Petition
was filed on 17th day of September, 2015.
The nature of said suit
being substantially as follows, to wit: Jose L. Mendoza And Luz M. Rivera are
the alleged owners of the
property known as Lot One
(1), In Block Four (4), Of
North Forest, Section One
(1 ), A Subdivision In Harris County, Texas, According
To The Map Or Plat Thereof Recorded In Volume
150, Page 11 Of The Map
Records Of Harris County,
Texas, an addition in Harris
County, Texas, more commonly known as 515 N. Forest Blvd., Houston, Texas
77090, (“the Property”). The
amount due from Defendant for past due assessment
fees is $3,276.50.
You have been sued. You
may employ an attorney. If
you or your attorney do not
file a written answer with
the clerk who issued this
citation by 10:00 a.m. on
the Monday next following
the expiration of 42 days
from the date of issuance of
this citation and petition,
a default judgment may be
taken against you.
Issued And Given Under
My Hand And The Seal
Of Said Court at Houston, Texas this 22nd day of
April, 2016. Issued at the
request of: Dennis Albert
McQueen, Pagel, Davis, &
Hill, P.C., 1415 Louisiana
22nd Floor, Houston, Texas
77002. (Seal) Stan Stanart,
County Clerk, County Civil
Court at Law No. Three (3),
201 Caroline, Room 300,
Harris County, Texas. By (S)
Guillermo Gomez, Deputy
County Clerk Houston,
Texas April 26, 2016. I hereby order this writ published
in the Daily Court Review
for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable
Precinct #1, Harris County,
Texas. By: (s) G. Hirschhorn,
#1166, Deputy
No. 1067637
North Forest Community
Improvement Association
Jose L. Mendoza And Luz
M. Rivera
In County Civil Court at
Law No. Three (3),
201 Caroline / Suite 532,
Houston, Harris County,
Texas 77002
The State Of Texas
County Of Harris
To: Luz M. Rivera
You Are Commanded to
appear and answer the Plaintiff’s Petition at or before
10:00 A.M., of the first Monday after expiration of 42
days from the Date of Issuance of this Citation, the
same being Monday, 9th day
of June, 2016 at or before
10:00 A.M., before the Honorable County Civil Court
at Law No. Three (3), of
Harris County, at the Courthouse in Houston, Texas.
Said Plaintiff’s Petition
was filed on 17th day of September, 2015.
The nature of said suit
being substantially as follows, to wit: Jose L. Mendoza And Luz M. Rivera are
the alleged owners of the
property known as Lot One
(1), In Block Four (4), Of
North Forest, Section One
(1 ), A Subdivision In Harris County, Texas, According
To The Map Or Plat Thereof Recorded In Volume
150, Page 11 Of The Map
Records Of Harris County,
Texas, an addition in Harris
County, Texas, more commonly known as 515 N. Forest Blvd., Houston, Texas
77090, (“the Property”). The
amount due from Defendant for past due assessment
fees is $3,276.50.
You have been sued. You
may employ an attorney. If
you or your attorney do not
file a written answer with
the clerk who issued this
citation by 10:00 a.m. on
the Monday next following
the expiration of 42 days
from the date of issuance of
this citation and petition,
a default judgment may be
taken against you.
Issued And Given Under
My Hand And The Seal
Of Said Court at Houston, Texas this 22nd day of
April, 2016. Issued at the
request of: Dennis Albert
McQueen, Pagel, Davis, &
Hill, P.C., 1415 Louisiana
22nd Floor, Houston, Texas
77002. (Seal) Stan Stanart,
County Clerk, County Civil
Court at Law No. Three (3),
201 Caroline, Room 300,
Harris County, Texas. By (S)
Guillermo Gomez, Deputy
County Clerk Houston,
Texas April 26, 2016. I hereby order this writ published
in the Daily Court Review
for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable
Precinct #1, Harris County,
Texas. By: (s) G. Hirschhorn,
#1166, Deputy
No. 2015-04318
County of Harris
Notice To Defendant:
“You have been sued. You
may employ an attorney. If
you or your attorney do not
file a written answer with
the clerk who issued this
citation by 10:00 am on the
Monday next following the
expiration of 42 days after
the date this citation was
issued, a default judgment
may be taken against you.”
To: The Heirs At Law
Of Frances Marie Marks,
You Are Hereby Commanded to appear before the
80th Judicial District Court
of Harris County, Texas in
the Courthouse in the City
of Houston, Texas at or
before 10:00 o’clock A.M.
Monday, the 23rd day of
May, 2016, being the Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days after
this citation is issued, and
you are hereby required then
and there to appear and file
written answer to the Plaintiffs Original Petition, filed
in said Court on the 27th
day of January, 2015, in suit
numbered 2015-04318 on
the docket of said court,
wherein U.S. Bank National
Association as Trustee for
the Registered Holders of
Citi Group Mortgage Loan
Trust, Asset Backed PassThrough Certificates, Series
2005-HE3, Plaintiff, sued
Frances Marie Marks and
The Heirs at Law of Frances Marie Marks, Deceased,
Defendants. The Petition
seeks an order to foreclose
the lien on the property and
assert a claim to the property
located at 50l South Holmes
Street, La Porte, Texas 77571
and legally described as: Lots
1, 2, 3 and 4, in Block 36,
of Bayfront Addition, an
Addition in Harris County,
Texas, According to the Map
or Plat Thereof Recorded
in Volume 1, Page 53 of
the Map Records of Harris
County, Texas.
Given Under My Hand
And Seal Of Said Court
at Harris County, Texas
this 14 day of April, 2016.
Issued at the request of:
Keith A. Taylor, State Bar
Number: 24088511 Address:
13015 Northwest Freeway,
Suite 1200, Houston, Texas
77040. (Seal) (s) S. Taylor.
n Storage Notices
Notice Of Public Sale
Diamond Self Storage Management hereby gives notice
that the property described
below is being sold to satisfy
a landlord’s lien pursuant to
CHAPTER 59 of the Texas
Property Code. Auction
will begin at 10:00AM on
Thursday May 26, 2016 at
the first location and then
will proceed in order to each
location thereafter as listed
below. If one is canceled,
then Auction will proceed to
the next location. Property
will be sold to the highest
bidder for the entire contents of each unit for cash
only. Cleanup deposit can
be required at time of sale.
Landlord will not proceed
with the sale if payment is
made in full including all
the rent, late charges and
costs incurred, and payment
is made by cash, credit card,
money order or cashier’s
check. Seller has the right
to refuse any bid and to with
draw any property from the
Almeda School Rd., Houston, TX 77047
Names: Raintrese L Smith –
Marcus C Watson – James D
English – Jorge A Ramirez;
Contents: HHF – Boxes –
Bags – 1983 Ford PU F250
– 1995 Ford Thunderbird
LX – 1968 Chevy Caprice
Angleton, TX 77515
Names: John E Reynolds
– John A Garza – Jo A
Williams; Contents: HHF –
HHA – TV Stand – Baby
Items - Totes
Notice Of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given pursuant of Chapter 59 Texas
Property Code, (Chapter 576
Acts Of the 68th Legislature
Regular Session 1983). StorQuest Self Storage will sell
at public sale by competitive
bidding the personal property of: Commie Sims; Jose
Esparza Property to be sold:
misc. household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes,
toys and personal content.
Auction Company: DAVIS
(817)447-9805 TX # 8325.
The sale will commence at
12:00PM on or after May
24, 2016 at the property
where said property has
been stored and which is
located at StorQuest Self
Storage 210 Gonyo Lane
Richmond, Texas 77469.
Goods must be paid in cash
and removed at time of sale.
Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and
obligated party.
Notice of Public Sale
Morningstar Mini-Storage
hereby gives notice that the
property generally described
below is being sold to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien pursuant to Chapter 59 of the
Texas Property Code, at the
time and place indicated
below, and on the following
terms: All property generally described below will be
sold at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash, or
credit cards, NO CHECKS,
with payment to be made at
the time of the sale. Seller
reserves the right to refuse
any bid and to withdraw any
item or items from the sale.
The property will be sold on
the 23rd of May 2016 beginning at 12pm. All property
is household goods unless
Daily Court Review
otherwise indicated.
May 23, 2016
Morningstar Mini-Storage
(formerly Greenhouse
Road Storage) @ 3506
Greenhouse Road, Houston, TX 77084
Starting @12pm
David Dominguez Jr Unit
334 Vacuum, moving dollies, bud light neon light.;
Velma Banks Unit 806 Ab
lounger, totes; Mario Lara
Unit 729 Misc household
Notice of Public Sale
Pursuant of Chapter 59,
Texas Property Code, Community Self- Storage LLC
located at 4155 Louetta
Road, Spring, Texas 77388
will hold a public auction on
property being sold to satisfy
a landlord’s lien. Sale will
begin at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May 20th, 2016. Property will be sold to the highest bidder. Seller reserves
right to set the terms of bidding and reserves the right
to not accept any bid or
to withdraw property from
the sale. Property being sold
includes contents of the
following tenants: Robert
Hamilton toolboxes, wood
furniture, collectible political pins; Annette Crenshaw
baby furniture, car seat,
dollhouse, mattresses, metal
light fixtures Visalaxi Narayana treadmill, washer/dryer,
refrigerator, wooden chairs,
ornate shrine; Dana Black
fishing rods, coolers, bed,
Bob Marley artwork.
American Mini Storage
4100 West 34th Street
In accordance with the provisions of the Texas Self-Storage Facility Act, Chapter 59,
Subchapter A, Sec. 59.006,
ET seq. of the Business and
Professions Code of the
State of Texas NOTICE IS
OF www.usstoragecenters.
com/auctions WITH BIDS
10:00 A.M. LOCATION:
American Mini Storage, 4100
W 34th Street, Houston, TX
THE AUCTION. These are
sold on an “AS IS BASIS” &
There is a refundable $100
cleaning deposit on all units.
Sale is subject to cancellation Name, Unit, Description: Ibis Fernandez , 3026,
Charles Bodiford , 6034,
Ericka Hernandez , 7020,
Sydell Mayfield , 7024,
Luis Miguel Zepeda , 7053,
Douglas Grieve , 8011,
Notice of Public Auction
The contents of the following storage units will
be sold at public auction
to the highest bidder to
satisfy a landlord’s lien.
#130C Julio Martinez- Boxes
#136EF Antoinette TurnerIce Chest, Toys, Microwave
#156E Jaqueline ZamoraBags, Clothes #156G Dorothy Williams- Boxes, Bags
#23 Mable Vinable- Chair,
Desk, Table, Love Seat, File
Cabinet, Shelving #247
Belinda Goree- Dresser,
Mattress, Boxes, Bags #259
Rickie Roberts- Couch,
Ladder, Vacuum, Mattress,
Dresser #265 James DavisWheelchair, Scooter, Chairs,
Boxes #279 Herman Young
Jr- Table, Chairs, Bed Frame,
Dresser, TV, Boxes #359B
Luis Garcia- Refrigerator,
Pool Table, Weight Machine,
Tires #363B Barbara Y
Arceneaux- Boxes, Clothes
#401B Lashae N CelestineTV, Couch, Chair, TV, A/C
Unit #446 Jewel L. RidleyBoxes, Couch, Chairs #6
Kenneth R Thymes- Refrigerator, Washer, Dryer, Tables,
Drawers, Chairs, Mattress,
Couch #72 Francisco Rodriguez- Couch, Washer, Dryer,
Mirror, Chair, TV #81 Adriana Guerrero- TV, Shelving,
Couch, Tables, Boxes #82
Marquis Jelks- Boxes, Suitcase #90 Ida B. DewberryChairs, Shelving, Boxes,
Door. Auctioneer: Vern
Wallace, LIC# 17161, 10%
Cash Buyer’s Premium Cash
Only. Date: May 17, 2016,
Time: 10:00 A.M., Place:
AAA Alliance Self Storage 11053 Eastex Freeway
Houston, TX 77093
Notice of Public Auction
The contents of the following storage units will be
sold at public auction to the
highest bidder to satisfy a
landlord’s lien. #57 Wanda
Brown- Matresses, couch,
chair, table, dresser #133
Tara Clifton- Washer, Dryer,
Table, TV, Boxes #197 Brandon Hester- Couch, Chair,
Tires #152 Sarah LambridiaRefrigerator, Table, Chairs,
Bed Frame, Boxes #47 Carmel Nichols- Boxes #128
Tyrone Parker- Shelving
Boxes, Vacuum, Tables #205
Michael Seagraves- Hutch,
Chairs, Boxes, Bags #61
James Young- TV’s, Cabinet,
Mattress, Table, Door. Auctioneer: Vern Wallace, LIC#
17161, 10% Cash Buyer’s
Premium Cash Only. Date:
May 17th, 2016, Time:
12:00 P.M., Place: AAA
Alliance Self Storage 140
S. Houston Ave., Humble,
TX 77338
Notice Of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given pursuant of Chapter 59 Texas
Property Code, (Chapter
576 Acts Of the 68th Legislature Regular Session
1983). StorQuest Self Storage will sell at public sale
by competitive bidding the
personal property of: Kayla
Wright. Property to be sold:
misc. household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes,
toys and personal content.
Auction Company: DAVIS
(817)447-9805 TX # 8325.
The sale will commence at
9:00AM on or after May
24th, 2016 at the property where said property has
been stored and which is
located at StorQuest Self
Storage 2300 W. Bay Area
Blvd. Friendswood, TX
77546. Goods must be paid
in cash and removed at time
of sale. Sale is subject to
cancellation in the event of
settlement between owner
and obligated party.
Notice Of Public Sale
PS Orangeco, Inc., hereby
gives notice that the property generally described
below is being sold to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien pursuant to Chapter 59 of the
Texas Property Code, at
the date and time indicated
below, and on the following
terms: All property will be
sold at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash or
credit cards, NO CHECKS,
with payment to be made at
the time of the sale. Seller
reserves the right to refuse
any bid and to withdraw any
item or items from the sale.
The property stored therein
may include, but are not
limited to general household
items, appliances, boxes,
bags, totes, tools, bedding,
clothing, electronics, toys,
books, files, furniture and
miscellaneous items. The
property will be sold on the
23rd & 24th, May, 2016 on
or about the time indicated
at each self-storage facility
identified below. No Children Please.
May 23rd, 2016
Robinson, Maria; Pryor,
Sherry; Salami, Tania;
OSPINA, SERGIO; Anderson, Jremekyo; Feniquito,
Brandon; Nabors, Melissa;
Dennis, Keyandra; Ware,
Rebecca; Devoto, Lori;
Badillo, Armando; Nowlin,
Robert; Thomas, Melissa;
Gales, Sharay; Kent, Harold; Devoto, Lori; Curry,
Kenneth; Cooper, Beverly;
Semiens, Michael; Gomez,
Solomon; harris, Robert;
Cobbs, Anthony; Cash,
Dennis A; Cotton, Stephen;
tyler, allysia
START AT: 11:00 A.M.
Robinson, Jardan; smothers, joshua; Butler-Olinde,
Tasha; Bryant, Robert;
Randle, Jeremiah; king,
Drakelle; Bell, Kenneth;
Idom, Christopher; Stanley, Donna; Rischer, Robin;
Johnson, Travis; Keeling,
Octavia; George, Stephanie;
Adebola, Maryah; Henderson, Neiman
HOUSTON, TX 770827602
START AT: 11:30 AM
Obasoyen, Sarah; Hall, Varrick; Payne, Xzavier; Luna,
Andrea; Djire, Cheick; Girley, Alton
START AT: 12:00 PM
Dagostaro, Karen; Jordan,
Auttshnet; Garrison, Azel;
Parker, Tamyra; Bailey, Robert; Hernandez, Michael;
Fitzgerald, Felicia; Davis,
Mitchell; Robinson, Maria;
Wright, Ben; Cooper, Desmond; Hilliard, Leslie
Heckard, George; Roberson,
Patricia; Houser, Myra
11900 Old Katy Road
Houston, Texas 77079
Shrode, John; Fields, Juanita; Armstead, Heather;
Roscoe, Angela; Ams, Steve;
Smith, Robert; Guedry,
Pam; Shrode, John; Shrode,
John; Halliburton, W;
Smith, Briemone; WHITAKER, MATT; Hill, Shondria; Hollis, Antonio
May 24th, 2016
6615 S. Gessner Drive
Houston Texas 77036-3811
START AT: 9:30am
Moreno, Cristal; Ratcliff,
Tina; Warren, Richard; Gonzalez, Juan; Mata, Francisca;
Henderson, Brian; Ramirez,
Gabriel; Arthur, Freda;
Cooper, Lushun; Callagin,
Jamaer; Robinson, Denecia;
Begley, Sylvia; Garcia, Arturo; Alexander, Alexis; Herron, Dezmund; Ortiz, Maria;
Francis, Jarel; Palacios, Kenneth; Cruz, Walter; Hernandez, Christopher; Wallwin,
Lee; Lemi, Anthony; Warner, Faith; Allen, Jimmy
8555 Larkwood Drive
Friday, May 13, 2016
Houston Texas 77074-7199
Dowdy, Steven; Gregg, Tamlyn; Jones, Keivelin; Newton,
Larry; Pete, Mark; Zilker,
John; Zilker, Jack; Banion,
Cynthia; Segura, Priscilla
Gipson, Deana; Epps,
Desiree; Jackson, Jaculynn;
SIMON Estate, JEAN; Stanley, Frankie; Dawson, Gwendolyn; Lewis, Huston; Harris, Laci; Martin, Rolonda;
Leon, Rebecca; Castro, Victor; Crouch, William; Linsey, Dana; Garcia, Maria
Notice of Public Sale
May 21, 2016
Affordable Storage hereby
gives notice that the property
generally described below is
being sold to satisfy a Landlord’s lien pursuant to Chapter 59 of the Texas Property
Code on May 21, 2016 at
the times and locations listed in order below. Seller will
sell all or part of each unit or
space to the highest bidder
for cash. Seller reserves the
right to refuse any bid and to
withdraw any item from the
sale. Seller reserves the right
to bid and public is invited. Cash cleanup deposit
required. All property must
be removed from premises
within 72 hours of sale.
9:30 A.M. 10235 Woodedge, Houston, TX 77070,
Cooper-1992 El Pescador
Boat Ser#FGW01141A293,
TX#2863HH WITH 1993
Evinrude outboard motor
SER# G03572971 AND
1992 Spor Boat Trailer Vin#
1 B TA D K J 10 N 1 Z 2 54 5 6 ,
10:30 A.M. 19111 FM 529,
Cypress, Tx 77433, 281861-0303: Jose O. GarciaGrinder, A/C vent elbows,
prefab concrete slabs, ladders, insulation, floor fan,
misc; Ernest Cisneros-Alum
wheels, vertical lathe, bikes,
weedeater, blower, vacuum,
microwave, tall storage cabinet, sports/fishing gear,
boxes.Shermon Skip MillerWavemaster freestanding
training bag, blower, 2 sectional sofas, misc; Ashley
M. Caraway-2 lawn mowers,
chain, saw, blowers, furniture, cabinets with glass
fronts, vehicle seats, bassinet, shop vac, pedal go
kart, boxes, misc; Michael
Hutchins-wood curio cabinet, Craftsman tool boxes,
bags men’s clothes/linens,
12:15 P.M. 16203 Westpark
Dr., Houston, Tx 77082,
washer, Craftsman lawn
mower, edger, wheel barrow,
3 alum ladders, weedeaters,
bed frames.
1:15 P.M. 10545 Synott,
Houston, Tx 77099, 281-
Page 9
558-2828: Beau FergusonMisc exercise equipment, 2
snow boards, metal cabinets,
small refrig, bike, plastic
bins, misc
PS Orangeco, Inc., hereby
gives notice that the property generally described below
is; being sold to satisfy a
Landlord’s Lien pursuant
to Chapter 59 of the Texas
Property Code, at the; date
and time indicated below,
and on the following terms:
All property will be sold at
public; sale to the highest
bidder for cash or credit
cards, NO CHECKS, with
payment to be made at
the; time of the sale. Seller
reserves the right to refuse
any bid and to withdraw any
item or items; from the sale.;
The property stored therein
may include, but are not
limited to general household
items,; appliances, boxes,
bags, totes, tools, bedding,
clothing, electronics, toys,
books, files, furniture; and
miscellaneous items.; The
property will be sold on the
23rd & 24th May, 2016 on
or about the time indicated
at; each self-storage facility
identified below. No Children Please.; May 23rd, 2016
Dianne Mcpherson; Jorge
Vasquez; Larry Manzano;
Ryan Clark; Adrienne
Stone; Dominique Bibbs;
Teresa Cato; Meccoca
Doyle; Demonyca Bedford;
Rafael Garcia; Delia Salazar; Cheryl Jordan; Ivan
Muniz; Alton James; Christina Garcia; Monica Flores;
Mariza Salinas; Cedric
Starks; Sandra Malone;
Antoinette Osborne; Cornelius Addison; Latoya
Hardrick; Rosa Lizcano;
Helen White; Veronica
Borrego; Lela Renay Ross;
Adrean Brooks; johnetta williams; Ryan Barton; Teriko
Perkins; Amiel Lewis; Estela
Romero; Quateka Bowman;
David Garcia; Shylandra
Benjamin; Danny Scott; Lisa
Davis; Johnise P. Walker;
START AT: 10:30 A.M.
kenecka mckinney; Alexander Calloway; David Garcia;
Donnie Coleman; Fawnda
Kemp; Jorge Orellana; Edith
Gonzalez; Crystal Roberts;
Brooks; Jessica Torres; Stacy
Hale; David Hood; Candace
Knox; Marquise Sturgis;
Robbin Davis; PARKVIEW
Benito Martinez; Terry Bradley; Vatisha Wright; Phachel
Kelly; Myron Rusher; Iris
Magadan; Benjamin Mar-
age 10
Friday, May 13, 2016
tinez; Maria Chavez; Charlen Busby; Amanda Brown;
Dantria Smith; Yolanda
Roberts; laquitha allen; Kenneth Coleman; Patricia Guzman; Jasmin Gonzales; Cory
Edwards; Robert Nervis;
Deric Jackson; John Butanda; Joann Martinez; Willie
Moore; Lashawn Hayward;
Darlene Collins; Alford
Mares; Robert Green; Sylvia
Noah; Margarita Capuchino;
Herbert Hagewood; Maribel
Pena; Jason Moreno; kacee
prevot; Jeremy Perry; Ryan
Logan; Lakisha Dancy; Trina
Leo; Porsha Hyson; Kadisha
START AT: 11:30 AM
Audrey Davis; Alma Williams; Randy Lopez; Jessica
Mendez; Marco Mireles;
Sandra Simpson; Kristina
Lozano; Sandra Mendoza;
Robert Archer; Sara Solis;
Rosa Christine Minor; Jeremy Simpson; Selina Calvillo; Aaron Marin; Mark
Shearfield; Myrna Moya;
Armandina Chlamon; Jose
Fabian; Laquita Fisher;
Rena Upchurch; Alex Suazo
Jr; Dianna Sneed; April
Flores; Hilie Pitre; Jacqueline Beiard; Jennifer Zavala;
Rosalinda Perez-Sanchez;
Jennifer Stark; LESLIE
GROOMS; Rodolfo Salinas
Sanmiguel; Freda Cisneros;
Irene Rocha; Juan Vasquez;
Bernardo Salazar; Sadie
Stage; Virgil Martin; Sidney
Cooper; Clifford Klyng; Jj
Fair; Guadalupe Llamas III;
Jose Barrera;
START AT: 12:30 PM
jose cuellar; John Long;
Fayne Manuel; Robert Hammond; Brittney Cockrell;
liliana moreno; Marko Guerrero; Dakota Cousimano;
Carey A. Reed; Jesus Garcia;
Angela Farris; Robert Kerling; Chris Goldinger; Karen
Crowder; Jonathan Castillo;
DC RENTALS; Jose Ponce;
Erica Long; Ellen Ramirez;
Ethen Price; Zoila Padilla;
Francisco Lopez; Eduardo
Mendoza; Travis Harlow;
Roberto Minjares; Shelly
Hewett; Danny Crump; Leonel Botello; May 24th , 2016
10950 I-10 EAST FWY
Tabanesheia Smith; Robert
Robinson; Julia Ruffin; Sandra Strahan; Shanta brown;
Tracy Reyes; Katrina Gibbs;
Damien Freeman; Brianna
Saldana; Damarius & Latasha Smith
12435 I-10 EAST
HOUSTON, TX 770153143
START AT: 10:30 AM
Katie Manning; Elliot Glenn
Harris; Chrishelle Lindsey;
Octavia Dupas; Mary Joseph;
Christopher Hill; Juan Hernandez; Rolando Compian;
James R Moreno; Tammy
Payne; Juan Velasco; Abuzar
Ali; Ramiro Deleon; Esselanda Seals; Terri Turbeville; Francisco Alvear; Carlos
Nieves; Rachel Derouen;
Michael Lejune; DOLLY
KELLY; Diamonque Gatlin;
Public Storage #08411
HOUSTON, TX 770153143
Start at 11:30 AM
Jeramy Cardova; Jason Faldyn; Alfredo Partida; Travis
Page; Pebbles Rosario; Beatriz Bernal; Felton Barnes;
Joyce Burgos; Felicia Beaudoin-Kyle; CESAR SANTIZO; Timothy Sherrod; Ray
D Jackson Jr; Krystle Hill;
BENJAMIN DAVIS; Danielle Varner; Nikki Keyser;
naomi laureano; Irene Hernandez; Deaaron Singleton;
Eric Spencer; Dephina Marshall;
Public Storage #28101
Start at 12:30 pm
Charles Hancock; Norma
Zapata; Nadine Willis;
Rashon Thompson; Joseph
Hart; AAA National USA,
Inc.; Myra Wright; Luis
Chavez; Cathy Bates; Romero Simpson; Yolanda Allen;
Delanette Collins; Hilario
Gomez; Amy Lynch; Karolyn
Bourgeois; Karolyn Bourgeois; Erica Davis; Anita
Morton; Clyde Semere; Lisa
Cope; Jerald Bass; CHRIS
ROSALEZ; Patrica Young;
Jeremiah Offong; Derrick
YOUNG; Ann Stemley;
Chandra Holden; Monica
Sayrie; Sherhonda Jackson;
Notice of Public Sale
PS Orangeco, Inc., hereby
gives notice that the property generally described
below is being sold to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien pursuant to Chapter 59 of the
Texas Property Code, at
the date and time indicated
below, and on the following
terms: All property will be
sold at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash or
credit cards, NO CHECKS,
with payment to be made at
the time of the sale. Seller
reserves the right to refuse
any bid and to withdraw any
item or items from the sale.
The property stored therein
may include, but are not
limited to general household
items, appliances, boxes,
bags, totes, tools, bedding,
clothing, electronics, toys,
books, files, furniture and
miscellaneous items. The
property will be sold on the
25th & 26th of May 2016 on
or about the time indicated
at each self-storage facility
identified below. No Chil-
Daily Court Review
dren Please.
Wednesday May 25th, 2016
9:30 AM 3155 W Walker
Molina, Brittany; Pickens,
Benji; Magallan, Marisa;
Wilson, Andrea; Tippins,
Iyana; Sonnier, Austin;
Clark, Jesse; Gillispie, Danielle; Hodge, Colleen
10:30 AM 1250 W League
City Pkwy League City,
Texas 77573-6438
Gray, Shannon; Muhammad, Sahirah A.; Burkhalter, April; Davis, Timmora;
Cherry, Thomas; Munson,
Jason Wayne; Meguess,
Donna; Cherry, Thomas;
Walker, Bobby
11:30 AM 3500 E FM 528
Rd, Friendswood Texas
Willhite, John; Lott, Heather; Payne, Doris; Vaughn,
Dianne; Jury, Sr., Paul; Garris, Danielle
12:30 PM 2930 FM 528 Rd
Webster Texas 77598-4505
Blue, Tonya; Saldana,
Geroge; Tinsley, Cherrish;
Wagley, Ashton; Vaudrin,
Staci; Washington, Latasha;
McMurray, Mandy; Hamilton, Brandon
1:30 PM 20602 Gulf Freeway
Webster Texas 77598-4806
Gosswiller, Russell;
Robinson, Kevin; flores, Issac;
Hunter, Roy;
Armando; Hargrove, Roderick; Rodrigo, Davanie
Day 2: Thursday May 26,
9:30 AM 2930 County
Road 59
Manvel, Texas 77578-4199
Rawlins, Kimberly; Bradley,
Vincent; WHITE, CHEKESHA; Benoit, Linda; English, Christine; Jackson,
Teena; McShon, Brigette
Bennett III, Leo
10:30 AM 5151 S. Shaver
Houston Texas 77034-3655
Tobias, Lizbeth; Galvan,
Raquel; Strickland, Clara;
Deleon, Micheal; Pleasant,
Marsha; Shuker, David;
Jones, Melba; Hoover, Julie;
Addison, Katina; williams,
heather; McClelland, Briyona; Littleton, Victoria;
Daniels, Jelea; Caudillo, Ali;
Davis, Lashanda; Cortez,
Alan; Goodwin, Elizabeth;
Royal, Justin; Melendez,
Antonio; Carrigan, Trisha;
Flores, Alfredo; Del Fierro,
Hector; Roberts, Sandra;
Nickles, Kandy
11:30 AM 15114,
Highway 3
Webster Texas 77598-1821
Martinez, Raquel; Hernandez, Leticia
12:30 PM 401 E Nasa Rd 1
Webster Texas 77598-5314
sitarz, joseph; Harris, Sandra; Thompson, Renee; Mercado-Bautista, Doris; Pleasant, Jasmine; Metz, Brenda;
Roy, Lou’Vester; Hayes, Jordan; Youngblood, Raymond;
Cole, Cecile; Ellis, Sheronda; Russell, Clinton
PS Orangeco, Inc., hereby
gives notice that the property generally described
below is being sold to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien pursuant to Chapter 59 of the
Texas Property Code, at
the date and time indicated
below, and on the following
terms: All property will be
sold at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash or
credit cards, NO CHECKS,
with payment to be made at
the time of the sale. Seller
reserves the right to refuse
any bid and to withdraw any
item or items from the sale.
The property stored therein
may include, but are not
limited to general household
items, appliances, boxes,
bags, totes, tools, bedding,
clothing, electronics, toys,
books, files, furniture and
miscellaneous items.
The property will be sold on
May 23rd & 24th 2016, on
or about the time indicated
at each self-storage facility
identified below. No Children Please.
May 23rd
9:30 a.m. 12090 Fondren
Road, Houston, TX
Holden, Jovan; Moses,
Samanthy; Simms, Yanina; Pryor, Janie; Breaux,
Monique; Morris, Alondra;
Onubogu, Jennifer; Henry,
Asia; King, Lindell; King,
Lindell; Torry, Tyam; Wallace, Jacqueline; Sosa, Latoisha; Burrell, Shirley; Moore,
Pamela; Levy, Stav; Kelly,
Natalie; Polidore,Jr, Roman;
Holmes, John; Koger, Brittany; Milner, Christine;
Griffin, Correy; Robinson,
Smokie; Randle, Leslie;
Brimmer, Lillie; Knight,
Markee; Bradley, Ryan;
Weatherspoon, Develous
10:30 a.m. 12400 Fondren
Road, Houston, TX
Dennis, Michael; Marshall,
Terry; Robinson, Latosha;
Washington, Rhonda; Cox,
Anthony; Lacy, Dolfas; Land,
Alex; Atkins, Donnavon;
Coronado, Juan; Crawford,
Rene; Bell, Lakeith; Jackson,
Janice; Johnson, Malisha;
Reese, Khalil; Mable, Chorlette; Owen, William; Arceneaux, Eric; Harry, Kalillian; Carr, Faqueda; Hebert,
Leonnisha; Johnson, Rosalynn; Seiss, Victor; Albrow,
Tarwonia; Addison, Kelvin
11:30 a.m. 9544 Highway 6
, Missouri City , TX, 77459
Henderson, Yolanda; Williams, Tracey; MorganAllen, Alycia; Knight, Darian
1:00 p.m. 7210 Highway 6,
Missouri City, TX, 77459
Hanks International Svcs;
Ball, Jerry; Hudgins, Lakeisha; Sims, Samuel; Banks,
Tierney; LEE, MICHAEL;
Perry, Tiffany; Porter, Sonya
1:45 p.m. 6725 Highway 6,
Missouri City, TX, 77459
Evans, Maria; Fisher, Harrison; Starks, George; Floyd,
Jelisa; Gardner, Courtney;
Frias, Jenee; Smith, Nakesha; Thompson, Tomaria;
Davidson, Stacy
May 24th
9:30 a.m. 9710 Plainfield
Rd., Houston, TX 77036
Muhammad, Rabar Toyota,
hybrid, Prius, n/a, 2015
Hughes, Akira; Nero Jr,
Charles; Birkhead, Shirley; Hawkins, Joyce; Petitt,
Catina; Morgan, Mark;
Mcfadden, Tracy; Calhoun,
Robert; Macedo, Elizabeth;
Jones, Kimberly; DEVILLE,
TIMOTHY; Smith, Benny;
Gongora, Sonia; Stcyr,
Maranda; Jackson, Carl;
Akpan, Anie; Revis, Yophet;
Lerma, Everardo; Dorsey,
Travis; Garner, Langley;
Walker, Kent; Gee, Versie;
Olivier, LaKiesha; Akinniyi,
Jimoh; Bratcher, Markus;
Benson, Takiyah; Murray,
Reginald; OBAS, AMEN;
Faulkner, Jerome; Kanich,
Hossein; Hodges, Rachelle;
Milburn, Diane; Peterson,
Keyanna; Daroya, Kimberly;
Mccaskill, Donald; Wattell,
Tomeka; Johnson, Andrea;
trifectre inc; Long, Rebecca;
woodard, justin; Shoaga,
Monsurat; Phelps, Daniel
11:30 a.m. 11770 Southwest
Freeway, Houston, TX,
Brigham, Reginald; Johnson, Shari; Killen, Diana;
Scott, Annetta; Moreno,
Valerie; Weldon, Beverly;
Alexander, Kendall; Flores,
Patricia; Crawford, Shantera; Green, Lee; Maddox,
Kenosha; Faniel, Lakiesha;
Cromartie, Keisha; Ingram,
Gerard; Cox, Marcus; Martinez, Rafael; Davis, Betty;
Thorne, Donald; Martin,
Shermika; Batiste, Dominic;
Hernandez, Gabriel; Sampa,
Christopher; Kallen, Marta;
Stevens, Joshua; Martinez,
Rafael; Armstrong, Darryn; Nash, Patricia; Massie,
Rebecca; Lynskey, Jolie;
Tickles, Deborah; Johnson,
Regina; Anderson, Karen
1:00 p.m. 888 Eldridge
Road, Sugar Land, TX
Johnson, Laban; Morris,
Eric; Wood, Elliot; wilcox,
Keyleigh; Randolph, Cara;
Eniona, Shawn; SHOAGA,
MONSURAT Kiser, Joseph;
Demetro, Dorothy; Anderson, Theophilus; Lee, Lydia
1:45 p.m. 15220 Lexington
Blvd , Sugar Land , TX,
2:30 p.m. 1745 Dulles Ave,
Missouri City , TX, 77459
Haynes, Donna; Threadcraft, Taylor; Woods, Ifeoma
Notice of Public Sale
PS Orangeco, Inc., hereby
gives notice that the property generally described
below is being sold to satisfy a Landlord’s Lien pursuant to Chapter 59 of the
Texas Property Code, at
the date and time indicated
below, and on the following
terms: All property will be
sold at public sale to the
highest bidder for cash or
credit cards, NO CHECKS,
with payment to be made at
the time of the sale. Seller
reserves the right to refuse
any bid and to withdraw
any item or items from the
sale. The property stored
therein may include, but
are not limited to general
household items, appliances,
boxes, bags, totes, tools, bedding, clothing, electronics,
toys, books, files, furniture
and miscellaneous items.
The property will be sold on
the 23rd and 24th of May
2016 on or about the time
indicated at each self-storage
facility identified below. No
Children Please.
Monday May 23, 2016
9:30 A.M. 3732A Westheimer Rd.
Houston Texas 77027-5470
Mondiere, Claude; Zerwas,
Patti; Kinsey, Christopher;
Lawler, Chad; TAYLOR,
DARLENE; Elliott, Alexa;
10:30 A.M. 3703 Westheimer Rd.
Houston Texas 77027-5470;
Dinh, Monica; Hemingway, Tallula; Duan, Jiahui;
Routte, Demetria; Mcreynolds, Larry; Holman, Stuart
11:30 A.M. 2006 Westheimer Rd
Houston Texas 77098-1540
Spencer, David; Schulke,
Kayla; Kemp, Erin; Bourbon, Michael;
12:30 PM 1419 W. Gray St.
Houston Texas 77019-4926
Grunfeldt, Andrus; Smith,
Markesha; Struchen, Brett;
Harper, Angela
1:30 P.M. 2405 Jackson St.
Houston Texas 77004-1235
Dixon, Ananias; Larkin,
Eirik; Welte, Slater; Dixon,
Imy; Warren, Greg; Oconnor, Latoya; Chaveste, Alvaro; Dickson, Rekeisha; Day
2: Tuesday May 24, 2016
9:30 A.M. 4121 Greenbriar St.
Houston Texas 77098-5205
coleman, ron; Johnson,
Harrison; Halverson, Brett;
Josey, Edward; Copes, Daniel J; Adul-Alim, Tarik;
Vanover, Jeffrey; WRIGHT
III, JAMES ROBERT; Barrilleaux, Brian; Bazile, Brandi
10:30 A.M. 7701 S. Main
Houston Texas 77030-4405
Walker, Sedrick; AUSTIN,
JIMMIE L; Ortez, Fausta;
Gollas, Adrian; Fobb, Diedra; Adesanya, Tara; DAHLIN II, ROLAND E.; Martinez, Melinda; Hamilton,
Canedia; Roberts, Mark;
Williams, Contessa; Hssle
Free Bail Bonds; ONeil,
Niah; Vazquez, Bianca;
Whitaker, Joyce; COSBY,
AUDREY; Martin, Elishia;
Mercer, Jalika; TAFFET,
GEORGE; Figures, Deidre;
Greene, Norwood; Brazle,
Brianna; Broussard, Corliss; Heid, Camille; Barnes,
Melody; Dawson, London;
Wilkins, Lashanda
11:30 A.M. 9420 S. Main
Houston Texas 77025-4530
Dixon, Eugene; Smith, Carl;
Daily Court Review
Jackson, Audrianna; Homer,
Chimira; Duncan, Dominique;
Williams, John;
Washington, Nakita; Floyd,
Lily; Guidry, Joshua; Miller,
Aia; Clark, Lasonya; Greenhouse, Donald; Callaway,
Bob; Howard, Deon; phillips, terry; Graves, Jessica;
Holland, Chanda; Jordan,
Kizzie; Bell, Erma; Callaway,
Bob; Scott, Linda; Davis,
Albert; Jones, Jo Ann; Nellums, Nicole
12:30 P.M. 10200 S. Main
Houston Texas 77025-5212
Bradford, Debbie; Prince,
Belinda; Thompson, Keshana; Jackson, Olivia; Brown,
Rosiland; Kizzee, Larhonda;
lopez, jessica; Jones, Ikeisha;
Webber, Cameron; Abdur,
1:30PM 3555 South Loop
Houston Texas 77025-4214
Atlee, Tonya; Williams,
Reba; Pesquera, Norma;
ROY, SHEILA; Jones, Robert; Joseph, Tristaine; Cook,
Dunn, Joseph; SANDERS
JR., JAMES A.; Capdeville,
Katherine; Spencer, Courtney; Johnson, Demetri;
Allen, Demetri; Martin,
Trenton; Shelton, Wilonder;
Wolford, Derrick; Gooch,
Dominic; Mcglothin, Travis;
Kimble, Verna; Barnes,
Delawrence; White, Tracy;
Johnson, Rhonda; Ethridge,
Charles; Price, Kendria;
Jackson Jr, Darryl; Lehman,
Cassondra; Moore, felicia;
Williams, Khalil; SPENCER, RAMONA; dupree,
jones, kristal; Taylor, Ashley;
Norman, Beatrice; Jones,
Adrian; Edwards, Cauwaine;
Notice of Public Sale
Notice is hereby given pursuant of Chapter 59 Texas
Property Code, (Chapter
576 Acts Of the 68th Legislature Regular Session 1983).
StorQuest Self Storage will
sell at public sale by competitive bidding to satisfy a
landlord’s lien. The personal
property of: Joey Thomas;
Bharti Sharma; Xiang Tang
Property to be sold: misc.
household goods, furniture, tools, clothes, boxes,
toys and personal content.
Auction Company: DAVIS
(817)447-9805 TX # 8325.
The sale will commence at
10:30 May 24, 2016 at the
property where said property
has been stored and which
is located at StorQuest
Self Storage, 420 Sartartia
Rd Sugarland TX 77479.
Goods must be paid in cash
and removed at time of sale.
Sale is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and
obligated party.
Notice of Public Sale
SALE: Self-storage Cube
contents of the following
customers containing household and other goods will be
sold for cash by store# 789 at
CubeSmart 19840 FM1093
Richmond TX 77407 to satisfy a lien on May 27, 2016
at approx. 10:00AM at www. Dale
Notice Of Public Sale
Move It Self-Storage - Pearland hereby gives notice
to satisfy landlord’s lien
according to Texas Property Code Chapter 59. Sale
ends around 12:00pm, on
05/30/2016 at Property
will be sold to the highest
bidder for cash. Cleanup
and removal deposit may
be required. Seller reserves
right to withdraw property
from sale. Property includes
contents of spaces of following tenants: Maria Gonzales
– Furniture; Linda A. Rash
– Household Goods; Jose
Zavala – Household Goods;
Clint Conrad - Household
Goods, tools; Jill Maloney
- yard tools, furniture; Contact Omar Bayyoud (281)
648-5250 at: Move It Self
Storage 2225 Country Rd.
129 Pearland, TX 77581
n Notice to
No. 438,987
On the 27th day of
May, 2015, Letters Testamentary upon the Estate
of Janie Torres, Deceased
were issued to Cheryl Escobedo, Independent Executrix by the Probate Court
#3 of Harris County, Texas,
in cause number 438,987
pending upon the docket
of said Court. All persons
having claims against said
Estate are hereby required
to present them within the
time prescribed by law at the
address shown below. The
name where claims may be
sent is Mark S. Grantom,
whose address is 550 Westcott, Suite 355, Telephone:
713-880-3900, Fax: 713-8803950, (s) Mark S. Grantom,
TX Bar Number: 08305080
Cause Number 15-CPR028457
On the 23rd day of November, 2015, Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of
Bach-Yen Tran Le, Deceased,
were issued to Bachphuong
Thi Le Williams, Independent Executrix by the Probate Court #1 of Fort Bend
County, Texas, in cause
number 15-CPR-028457
pending upon the docket
of said Court. All persons
having claims against said
Estate are hereby required
to present them within the
time prescribed by law at the
address shown below. The
name where claims may be
sent is Mr. Howard G. Skolnick, Attorney at Law, whose
address is 13211 Jones Road,
Houston, TX 77070, Telephone: (281) 894-5308, Fax:
(281) 890-1329, (s) Howard
G. Skolnick, TX Bar Number: 18474675
Cause Number 15-CPR028693
On the 9th day of May, 2016,
Letters of Guardianship
upon the Estate of Hazel
Francis, incapacitated, were
issued to Suzanne Davis,
Guardian of the Estate by
the Probate Court #4 of Fort
Bend County, Texas, in cause
number 15-CPR-028693
pending upon the docket
of said Court. All persons
having claims against said
Estate are hereby required
to present them within the
time prescribed by law at the
address shown below. The
name where claims may be
sent is Kerri Graham, whose
address is 21559 Provincial
Blvd. Ste A, Katy, TX 77450,
Telephone: 281-940-3000,
Fax: 281-940-3001, (s) Kerri
Graham, TX Bar Number:
Cause Number 442,116
On the 2nd day of May,
2016, Letters of Administration upon the Estate of
Clyde Martin, Deceased,
were issued to Rosalie Martin, Dependent Administrator by the Probate Court
#2 of Harris County, Texas,
in cause number 442,116
pending upon the docket
of said Court. All persons
having claims against said
Estate are hereby required
to present them within the
time prescribed by law at the
address shown below. The
name where claims may be
sent is Ki’Tari Riles, whose
address is 5847 San Felipe
St., Suite 4500, Houston,
TX 77057, Telephone: (713)
352-3334, (s) Ki’Tari Riles,
TX Bar Number: 24093043
No. 447,844
Estate of
Paul E. McGarry,
In Probate Court No.1
of Harris County, Texas
Notice is hereby given that
on May 3, 2016, letters testamentary upon the Estate of
Paul E. McGarry, Deceased,
were issued to Carole L.
McGarry, as independent
executor of said Estate, Pro-
bate Court No. 1, of Harris
County, Texas, in Cause No.
447,844, pending on the
docket of said Court.
All persons having claims
against said Estate are hereby
required to present the same
to said independent executor, within the time prescribed by law, at the address
shown below. Claims should
be addressed in care of said
independent executor.
The residence of independent executor Carole
L. McGarry is in Houston,
Texas; and the mailing
address of said independent executor is as follows:
Estate of Paul E. McGarry,
Carole L. McGarry, Independent Executor c/o Baker
Williams Matthiesen LLP,
1177 West Loop South,
Suite 1600, Houston, Texas
77027, Dated May 3, 2016.
Baker Williams Matthiesen LLP By: (s) Lynne H.
Williams Texas Bar No.
21560900, Attorney for
Applicant, 1177 West Loop
South, Suite 1600, Houston,
Texas, 77027, Phone: (713)
888-3535, Fax: (713) 8883550,
n Proof of Heirship
Proof Of Heirship
No. 447,312
Carol Ann Conran
Estate Of:
Anna Leigh Swift,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 447,312
Style of Docket:
Anna Leigh Swift,
You are hereby commanded to summon the unknown
heirs of Anna Leigh Swift,
Deceased, all of whose
names and residences and
whereabouts are unknown
to the Plaintiff, Carol Ann
Conran, by making publication of this Citation once,
at least ten days previous
to the return day hereof, in
some newspaper, published
in your County, to appear
at the next regular term
of the Probate Court No.
One (1) of Harris County,
Texas, after service has been
perfected, to be holden in
the Courthouse thereof, in
Houston, Texas, the same
being Monday, May 23,
2016, then and there to
answer a Petition filed in
said Court on March 31,
2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate
Docket of said Court, wherein Carol Ann Conran, is
Plaintiff and the Unknown
Heirs of said Anna Leigh
Swift, Deceased are the
Defendants; said Petition
containing allegations as is
shown in the attached copy
of said Petition.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. One (1), 201
Caroline, Room 800, Harris
County, Texas. By: (S) Rosa
M. Infante, Deputy County
Clerk, Attorney: Kristi Burleigh, 800 Rockmead Drive,
Suite 220, Kingwod, Texas
77339, 281-359-1150. Houston, Texas, May 11, 2016. I
hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court
Review for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen,
Constable Precinct #1, Harris County, Texas By: (s) G.
Hirschhorn, #1166, Deputy
Proof Of Heirship
No. 448,715
Vita P. Como
Estate Of:
Palma Blanche Como,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 448,715
Style of Docket:
Palma Blanche Como,
You are hereby commanded to summon the
unknown heirs of Palma
Blanche Como, Deceased,
all of whose names and residences and whereabouts are
unknown to the Plaintiff,
Vita P. Como, by making
publication of this Citation once, at least ten days
previous to the return day
hereof, in some newspaper,
published in your County,
to appear at the next regular
term of the Probate Court
No. Two (2) of Harris County, Texas, after service has
been perfected, to be holden
in the Courthouse thereof,
in Houston, Texas, the
same being Monday, May
23, 2016, then and there
to answer a Petition filed
in said Court on May 10,
2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate
Docket of said Court, wherein Vita P. Como, is Plaintiff
and the Unknown Heirs of
said Palma Blanche Como,
Deceased are the Defendants; said Petition containing allegations as is shown
in the attached copy of said
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal) Stan
Page 11
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Two (2), 201
Caroline, Room 800, Harris
County, Texas. By: (S) Rosa
M. Infante, Deputy County Clerk, Attorney: Philip
W. Boyko, 4615 Southwest
Freeway, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77027, 713-6262221. Houston, Texas, May
11, 2016. I hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166,
Proof Of Heirship
No. 448,718
Jonte L. Berry
Estate Of:
James Berry, Jr.,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 448,718
Style of Docket:
James Berry, Jr., Deceased
You are hereby commanded to summon the unknown
heirs of James Berry, Jr.,
Deceased, all of whose names
and residences and whereabouts are unknown to the
Plaintiff, Jonte L. Berry, by
making publication of this
Citation once, at least ten
days previous to the return
day hereof, in some newspaper, published in your
County, to appear at the
next regular term of the Probate Court No. Two (2) of
Harris County, Texas, after
service has been perfected,
to be holden in the Courthouse thereof, in Houston,
Texas, the same being Monday, May 23, 2016, then and
there to answer a Petition
filed in said Court on May
10, 2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate Docket of said Court,
wherein Jonte L. Berry, is
Plaintiff and the Unknown
Heirs of said James Berry,
Jr., Deceased are the Defendants; said Petition containing allegations as is shown
in the attached copy of said
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Two (2), 201
Caroline, Room 800, Harris
County, Texas. By: (S) Rosa
M. Infante, Deputy County
Clerk, Attorney: T. Aaron
Dobbs, 2277 Plaza Drive,
Suite 290, Sugar Land, Texas
77479, 281-207-7697. Houston, Texas, May 11, 2016. I
hereby order this writ pub-
age 12
Friday, May 13, 2016
lished in the Daily Court
Review for the time specified
therein. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris
County, Texas By: (s) Alida
Villalongo, #1166, Deputy
Proof Of Heirship
No. 432,038
Zvi Eisenberg
Estate Of:
Isaac Eisenberg,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 432,038
Style of Docket:
Isaac Eisenberg, Deceased
You are hereby commanded to summon the unknown
heirs of Isaac Eisenberg,
Deceased, all of whose names
and residences and whereabouts are unknown to the
Plaintiff, Zvi Eisenberg, by
making publication of this
Citation once, at least ten
days previous to the return
day hereof, in some newspaper, published in your
County, to appear at the
next regular term of the Probate Court No. Two (2) of
Harris County, Texas, after
service has been perfected,
to be holden in the Courthouse thereof, in Houston,
Texas, the same being Monday, May 23, 2016, then
and there to answer a Petition filed in said Court on
May 10, 2016, in a probate
action now pending in said
Court in the above numbered and styled Estate on
the Probate Docket of said
Court, wherein Zvi Eisenberg, is Plaintiff and the
Unknown Heirs of said Isaac
Eisenberg, Deceased are the
Defendants; said Petition
containing allegations as is
shown in the attached copy
of said Petition.
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal)
Stan Stanart, County Clerk,
Probate Court No. Two (2),
201 Caroline, Room 800,
Harris County, Texas. By:
(S) Rosa M. Infante, Deputy
County Clerk, Attorney:
Warren J. Fields, P.O. Box
809, Katy, Texas 77492, 281496-3030. Houston, Texas,
May 11, 2016. I hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) Alida Villalongo, #1166,
Proof Of Heirship
No. 448,689
Marc Edward Grant
Estate Of:
Gary Neal Grant,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 448,689
Style of Docket:
Gary Neal Grant, Deceased
You are hereby commanded to summon the
unknown heirs of Gary
Neal Grant, Deceased, all
of whose names and residences and whereabouts are
unknown to the Plaintiff,
Marc Edward Grant, by
making publication of this
Citation once, at least ten
days previous to the return
day hereof, in some newspaper, published in your
County, to appear at the
next regular term of the Probate Court No. Two (2) of
Harris County, Texas, after
service has been perfected,
to be holden in the Courthouse thereof, in Houston,
Texas, the same being Monday, May 23, 2016, then and
there to answer a Petition
filed in said Court on May
9, 2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate
Docket of said Court, wherein Marc Edward Grant, is
Plaintiff and the Unknown
Heirs of said Gary Neal
Grant, Deceased are the
Defendants; said Petition
containing allegations as is
shown in the attached copy
of said Petition.
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Two (2), 201
Caroline, Room 800, Harris
County, Texas. By: (S) Delores Medina, Deputy County
Clerk, Attorney: M. R. Carr,
902 Main, Humble, Texas
77338, 281-540-1220. Houston, Texas, May 11, 2016. I
hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court
Review for the time specified
therein. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris
County, Texas By: (s) Kelly
Wright, #1166, Deputy
Proof Of Heirship
No. 448,716
Elizabeth Farmer
Estate Of:
Robert Earl Farmer,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 448,716
Style of Docket:
Robert Earl Farmer,
You are hereby command-
Daily Court Review
ed to summon the unknown
heirs of Robert Earl Farmer, Deceased, all of whose
names and residences and
whereabouts are unknown
to the Plaintiff, Elizabeth
Farmer, by making publication of this Citation once,
at least ten days previous
to the return day hereof, in
some newspaper, published
in your County, to appear at
the next regular term of the
Probate Court No. Two (2) of
Harris County, Texas, after
service has been perfected,
to be holden in the Courthouse thereof, in Houston,
Texas, the same being Monday, May 23, 2016, then and
there to answer a Petition
filed in said Court on May
10, 2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate Docket of said Court,
wherein Elizabeth Farmer, is
Plaintiff and the Unknown
Heirs of said Robert Earl
Farmer, Deceased are the
Defendants; said Petition
containing allegations as is
shown in the attached copy
of said Petition.
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Two (2), 201
Caroline, Room 800, Harris
County, Texas. By: (S) Delores Medina, Deputy County
Clerk, Attorney: Jason C.
Smith, 3934 Cypress Creek
Pkwy., Suite 369, Houston,
Texas 77068, 281-205-3888.
Houston, Texas, May 11,
2016. I hereby order this
writ published in the Daily
Court Review for the time
specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) Kelly Wright, #1166,
Proof Of Heirship
No. 448,677
Joe Hill
Estate Of:
Malcolm Hill,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 448,677
Style of Docket:
Malcolm Hill, Deceased
You are hereby commanded to summon the
unknown heirs of Malcolm
Hill, Deceased, all of whose
names and residences and
whereabouts are unknown
to the Plaintiff, Joe Hill, by
making publication of this
Citation once, at least ten
days previous to the return
day hereof, in some newspaper, published in your
County, to appear at the
next regular term of the Probate Court No. Two (2) of
Harris County, Texas, after
service has been perfected,
to be holden in the Courthouse thereof, in Houston,
Texas, the same being Monday, May 23, 2016, then and
there to answer a Petition
filed in said Court on May
9, 2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate
Docket of said Court, wherein Joe Hill, is Plaintiff and
the Unknown Heirs of said
Malcolm Hill, Deceased are
the Defendants; said Petition containing allegations
as is shown in the attached
copy of said Petition.
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal)
Stan Stanart, County Clerk,
Probate Court No. Two (2),
201 Caroline, Room 800,
Harris County, Texas. By:
(S) Delores Medina, Deputy
County Clerk, Attorney: Zeb
Zbranek, P.O. Box 2050,
Liberty, Texas 77575, 936336-6454. Houston, Texas,
May 11, 2016. I hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) G. Hirschhorn, #1166,
Second Amended Pleading
In Opposition To Probate
Of Will And Cross Complaint For Declaratory
No. 445,832
Fred John Michael Gallucci, II
Estate Of:
David Hussey Lennox,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 445,832
Style of Docket:
David Hussey Lennox,
You are hereby commanded to summon Robert S. Lennox, known heir of David
Hussey Lennox, Deceased,
whose residence and whereabouts are unknown to the
Plaintiff, Fred John Michael
Gallucci, II, by making
publication of this Citation once, at least ten days
previous to the return day
hereof, in some newspaper,
published in your County,
to appear at the next regular
term of the Probate Court
No. Two (2) of Harris County, Texas, after service has
been perfected, to be holden
in the Courthouse thereof,
in Houston, Texas, the
same being Monday, May
23, 2016, then and there
to answer a Petition filed in
said Court on May 9, 2016,
in a probate action now
pending in said Court in the
above numbered and styled
Estate on the Probate Docket of said Court, wherein
Fred John Michael Gallucci,
II, is Plaintiff and Robert S.
Lennox, the Known Heir of
said Deceased is the Defendant; said Petition containing allegations as is shown
in the attached copy of said
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, This, 10th
day of May, 2016 (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Two (2), 201
Caroline, Room 800, Harris County, Texas. By: (S)
Charlene G. Rosser, Deputy
County Clerk, Attorney:
Brenda K. Whitehead, 5300
Memorial, Ste. 725, Houston, Texas 77007, 713-4265737. Houston, Texas, May
11, 2016. I hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) Kelly Wright, #1166,
First AmendedProof Of
No. 444,304
Wilma J. Wheatfall
Estate Of:
Leslie Cecil Robinson,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 444,304
Style of Docket:
Leslie Cecil Robinson,
You are hereby commanded to summon the unknown
heirs of Leslie Cecil Robinson, Deceased, all of whose
names and residences and
whereabouts are unknown
to the Plaintiff, Wilma J.
Wheatfall, by making publication of this Citation once,
at least ten days previous
to the return day hereof, in
some newspaper, published
in your County, to appear
at the next regular term
of the Probate Court No.
Three (3) of Harris County,
Texas, after service has been
perfected, to be holden in
the Courthouse thereof,
in Houston, Texas, the
same being Monday, May
23, 2016, then and there
to answer a Petition filed
in said Court on May 9,
2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate
Docket of said Court, wherein Wilma J. Wheatfall, is
Plaintiff and the Unknown
Heirs of said Leslie Cecil
Robinson, Deceased are the
Defendants; said Petition
containing allegations as is
shown in the attached copy
of said Petition.
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Three (3),
201 Caroline, Room 800,
Harris County, Texas. By:
(S) Delores Medina, Deputy
County Clerk, Attorney: F.
Nan Wagoner, 5202 Spruce
Street, Bellaire, Texas 77401,
713-668-5680. Houston,
Texas, May 11, 2016. I hereby order this writ published
in the Daily Court Review
for the time specified therein. Alan Rosen, Constable
Precinct #1, Harris County,
Texas By: (s) G. Hirschhorn,
#1166, Deputy
Proof Of Heirship
No. 427,861
Adetunji Ogungbayi
Estate Of:
Adeola A. Ogungbayi,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 427,861
Style of Docket:
Adeola A. Ogungbayi,
You are hereby commanded to summon the
unknown heirs of Adeola
A. Ogungbayi, Deceased, all
of whose names and residences and whereabouts are
unknown to the Plaintiff,
Adetunji Ogungbayi, by
making publication of this
Citation once, at least ten
days previous to the return
day hereof, in some newspaper, published in your
County, to appear at the
next regular term of the Probate Court No. Four (4) of
Harris County, Texas, after
service has been perfected,
to be holden in the Courthouse thereof, in Houston,
Texas, the same being Monday, May 23, 2016, then and
there to answer a Petition
filed in said Court on March
2, 2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate
Docket of said Court, wherein Adetunji Ogungbayi, is
Plaintiff and the Unknown
Heirs of said Adeola A.
Ogungbayi, Deceased are
the Defendants; said Petition containing allegations
as is shown in the attached
copy of said Petition.
Daily Court Review
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Four (4),
201 Caroline, Room 800,
Harris County, Texas. By:
(S) Delores Medina, Deputy
County Clerk, Attorney:
Thomas A. Horton, 700
Louisiana Street, 48th Floor,
Houston, Texas 77002, 713260-3926. Houston, Texas,
May 11, 2016. I hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas
By: (s) Kelly Wright, #1166,
Proof Of Heirship
No. 448,703
Julia Gail Geltmeier
Estate Of:
Judith Ann Prince,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 448,703
Style of Docket:
Judith Ann Prince,
You are hereby commanded to summon the unknown
heirs of Judith Ann Prince,
Deceased, all of whose
names and residences and
whereabouts are unknown
to the Plaintiff, Julia Gail
Geltmeier, by making publication of this Citation once,
at least ten days previous
to the return day hereof, in
some newspaper, published
in your County, to appear at
the next regular term of the
Probate Court No. Two (2) of
Harris County, Texas, after
service has been perfected,
to be holden in the Courthouse thereof, in Houston,
Texas, the same being Monday, May 23, 2016, then and
there to answer a Petition
filed in said Court on May
9, 2016, in a probate action
now pending in said Court
in the above numbered and
styled Estate on the Probate
Docket of said Court, wherein Julia Gail Geltmeier, is
Plaintiff and the Unknown
Heirs of said Judith Ann
Prince, Deceased are the
Defendants; said Petition
containing allegations as is
shown in the attached copy
of said Petition.
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, this 10th
day of May, 2016. (Seal)
Stan Stanart, County Clerk,
Probate Court No. Two (2),
201 Caroline, Room 800,
Harris County, Texas. By:
(S) Rosa M. Infante, Deputy
County Clerk, Attorney:
Larry P. Walton, 4001 North
Shepherd Drive, Suite 109,
Houston, Texas 77018, 713699-0545. Houston, Texas,
May 11, 2016. I hereby order
this writ published in the
Daily Court Review for the
time specified therein. Alan
Rosen, Constable Precinct
#1, Harris County, Texas By:
(s) Alida Villalongo, #1166,
Appliction For Appointment Of Permanent
Guardian Of The Person
No. 446,814
Noel B. Lopez
Estate Of:
Tristan Lopez,
The State of Texas
County of Harris
Docket No. 446,814
Style of Docket:
Tristan Lopez, Deceased
You are hereby commanded to summon Leigh
Catherine Tidwell, biological mother of Tristan Lopez,
Incapacitated, whose residence and whereabouts are
unknown to the Plaintiff,
Noel B. Lopez, by making
publication of this Citation once, at least ten days
previous to the return day
hereof, in some newspaper,
published in your County,
to appear at the next regular
term of the Probate Court
No. Four (4) of Harris County, Texas, after service has
been perfected, to be holden
in the Courthouse thereof,
in Houston, Texas, the same
being Monday, May 23, 2016,
then and there to answer a
Petition filed in said Court
on February 25, 2016, in a
probate action now pending
in said Court in the above
numbered and styled Estate
on the Probate Docket of
said Court, wherein Noel B.
Lopez, is Plaintiff and Leigh
Catherine Tidwell, biological Mother of said Ward is
the Defendant; said Petition
containing allegations as is
shown in the attached copy
of said Petition.
Herein fail not, but have
you before said Court, at
the time aforesaid, this Writ
your return thereon, showing how you have executed
the same.
Issued and Given under
my hand of said Court, at
Houston, Texas, This, 10th
day of May, 2016 (Seal) Stan
Stanart, County Clerk, Probate Court No. Four (4), 201
Caroline, Room 800, Harris
County, Texas. By: (S) Delores Medina, Deputy County
Clerk, Attorney: James S.
Tittle, 107 Landing Blvd.
Suite F, League City, Texas
77573, 281-814-5325. Houston, Texas, May 11, 2016. I
hereby order this writ published in the Daily Court
Review for the time specified
therein. Alan Rosen, Constable Precinct #1, Harris
County, Texas By: (s) Alida
Villalongo, #1166, Deputy
n Miscellaneous
WHEREAS, on December 23, 2004, a certain Mortgage Security Instrument was
executed by Mollie Sparks as
mortgagor in favor of Wells
Fargo Bank, N.A., as mortgagee and Robert K. Fowler
as trustee, and was recorded on January 5, 2005, as
Instrument No. Y174507
in the office of the County
Clerk, Harris County, Texas;
WHEREAS, concurrently
on December 23, 2004, a
Second Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Security
Instrument was executed
by Mollie Sparks, as mortgagors in favor of Secretary
of Housing and Urban
Development, as mortgagee
and Senior Official with
responsibility for Single
Family Mortgage Insurance
Programs in the Department of Housing and Urban
Development Field Office
with jurisdiction over the
property described below, or
a designee of that Official as
trustee, and was recorded on
January 5, 2005, as Instrument No. Y174508 in the
office of the County Clerk,
Harris County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage Security Instruments
were insured by the United
States Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development
(the Secretary) pursuant to
the National Housing Act
for the purpose of providing
single family housing; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage Security Instruments
are now owned by the Secretary, pursuant to an assignment dated November 12,
2009, and recorded on January 27, 2010, as Instrument
No. 20100032159, in the
Office of the County Clerk,
Harris County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, a default has
been made in the covenants
and conditions of the Mortgage Security Instruments in
the mortgagor is deceased,
which accelerated the maturity of the mortgage debt
and subjected the Property
to payment of all principal, interest, and other fees
allowed under the Loan
WHEREAS, the entire
amount delinquent as of
June 7, 2016 is approximately $ 105,822.64, with a per
diem of $ 7.65; and
WHEREAS, by virtue
of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire
amount of the indebtedness
secured by the Mortgage
Security Instruments to be
immediately due and payable;
pursuant to powers vested
in me by the Single Family
Mortgage Foreclosure Act
of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et
seq., by 24 C.F.R. part 27,
subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as
Foreclosure Commissioner,
notice is hereby given that
on June 7, 2016, no earlier
Friday, May 13, 2016
than 10 a.m. local time or
within three (3) hours after
that time, all real and personal property at or used
in connection with the following described premises
(“Property”) will be sold at
public auction to the highest
Commonly known as:
142 W. Rocky Creek Road,
Houston, Texas 77076, And
more particularly described
as follows:
The sale will be held at
the Harris County Family Law Center per Commissioner’s Court Order dated
03/18/03, Clerk’s File No.
W516820, or as designated
by the county commissioners or as further designated
by the Foreclosure Commissioner. The Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development’s bid will not exceed
the total amount due under
the terms of the Loan Agreement as of the date of sale.
When making their bids,
all bidders except the Secretary must submit payment
totaling the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale, or if any bid
exceeds this amount, the
greater of the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale or the highest
bid in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check
made out to the Secretary of
HUD. This amount must
be delivered in the form of
a certified or cashier’s check.
If the Secretary is the high
bidder, he need not pay the
bid amount in cash. The
successful bidder will pay all
conveyancing fees, all real
estate and other taxes that
are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of the
payment and all other costs
associated with the transfer
of title.
If the high bidder is
unable to close the sale
within the required period,
Page 13
or within any extensions of
time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may,
at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after
consultation with the HUD
Field Office Representative,
be liable to HUD for any
costs incurred as a result of
such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction
of the HUD Field Office
Representative, offer the
Property to the second highest bidder for an amount
equal to the highest price
offered by that bidder.
There is no right of
redemption, or right of possession based upon a right
of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent
to a foreclosure completed
pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed
to the purchaser(s) upon
receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance
with the terms of the sale
is provided herein. HUD
does not guarantee that the
property will be vacant.
May 4, 2016. Thomas L.
Brackett, Foreclosure Commissioner, 15000 Surveyor
Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001, (972) 3865040 Phone, (972) 341-0734
WHEREAS, on September 15, 2005, a certain Mortgage Security Instrument
was executed by Helen L.
Ford as mortgagor in favor
of Financial Freedom Senior
Funding Corporation, a
Subsidiary of Indymac
Bank, F.S.B., as mortgagee
and Robert K. Fowler as
trustee, and was recorded on
October 5, 2005, as Instrument No. Y806754 in the
office of the County Clerk,
Harris County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, concurrently
on September 15, 2005, a
Second Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Security
Instrument was executed
by Helen L. Ford, as mortgagors in favor of Secretary
of Housing and Urban
Development, as mortgagee
and Senior Official with
responsibility for Single
Family Mortgage Insurance
Programs in the Depart-
age 14
Friday, May 13, 2016
ment of Housing and Urban
Development Field Office
with jurisdiction over the
property described below, or
a designee of that Official as
trustee, and was recorded on
October 5, 2005, as Instrument No. Y806757 in the
office of the County Clerk,
Harris County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage Security Instruments
were insured by the United
States Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development
(the Secretary) pursuant to
the National Housing Act
for the purpose of providing
single family housing; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage Security Instruments
are now owned by the Secretary, pursuant to an assignment dated March 27, 2013,
and recorded on April 4,
2013, as Instrument No.
20130156072, in the Office
of the County Clerk, Harris
County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, a default has
been made in the covenants
and conditions of the Mortgage Security Instruments in
the mortgagor is deceased,
which accelerated the maturity of the mortgage debt
and subjected the Property
to payment of all principal, interest, and other fees
allowed under the Loan
WHEREAS, the entire
amount delinquent as of
June 7, 2016 is approximately $84,032.01, with a per
diem of $5.94; and
WHEREAS, by virtue
of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire
amount of the indebtedness
secured by the Mortgage
Security Instruments to be
immediately due and payable;
pursuant to powers vested
in me by the Single Family
Mortgage Foreclosure Act
of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et
seq., by 24 C.F.R. part 27,
subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as
Foreclosure Commissioner,
notice is hereby given that
on June 7, 2016, no earlier
than 10 a.m. local time or
within three (3) hours after
that time, all real and personal property at or used
in connection with the following described premises
(“Property”) will be sold at
public auction to the highest
Commonly known as:
5667 Bellcrest Street, Houston, Texas 77033, And more
particularly described as follows:
The sale will be held at
the Harris County Family Law Center per Commissioner’s Court Order dated
03/18/03, Clerk’s File No.
W516820, or as designated
by the county commissioners or as further designated
by the Foreclosure Commissioner. The Secretary of
Housing and Urban Devel-
Daily Court Review
opment’s bid will not exceed
the total amount due under
the terms of the Loan Agreement as of the date of sale.
When making their bids,
all bidders except the Secretary must submit payment
totaling the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale, or if any bid
exceeds this amount, the
greater of the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale or the highest
bid in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check
made out to the Secretary of
HUD. This amount must
be delivered in the form of
a certified or cashier’s check.
If the Secretary is the high
bidder, he need not pay the
bid amount in cash. The
successful bidder will pay all
conveyancing fees, all real
estate and other taxes that
are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of the
payment and all other costs
associated with the transfer
of title.
If the high bidder is
unable to close the sale
within the required period,
or within any extensions of
time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may,
at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after
consultation with the HUD
Field Office Representative,
be liable to HUD for any
costs incurred as a result of
such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction
of the HUD Field Office
Representative, offer the
Property to the second highest bidder for an amount
equal to the highest price
offered by that bidder.
There is no right of
redemption, or right of possession based upon a right
of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent
to a foreclosure completed
pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed
to the purchaser(s) upon
receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance
with the terms of the sale
is provided herein. HUD
does not guarantee that the
property will be vacant.
May 11, 2016. Thomas L.
Brackett, Foreclosure Commissioner, 15000 Surveyor
Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001, (972) 3865040 Phone, (972) 341-0734
WHEREAS, on July 22,
2005, a certain Mortgage
Security Instrument was executed by Ruth A. Hoag as
mortgagor in favor of Wells
Fargo Bank, N.A., as mortgagee and Robert K. Fowler
as trustee, and was recorded
on August 2, 2005, as Instrument No. Y660248 in the
office of the County Clerk,
Harris County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, concurrently
on July 22, 2005, a Second
Home Equity Conversion
Mortgage Security Instrument was executed by Ruth
A. Hoag, as mortgagors in
favor of Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development,
as mortgagee and Senior
Official with responsibility
for Single Family Mortgage
Insurance Programs in the
Department of Housing and
Urban Development Field
Office with jurisdiction
over the property described
below, or a designee of that
Official as trustee, and was
recorded on August 2, 2005,
as Instrument No. Y660249
in the office of the County
Clerk, Harris County, Texas;
WHEREAS, the Mortgage Security Instruments
were insured by the United
States Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development
(the Secretary) pursuant to
the National Housing Act
for the purpose of providing
single family housing; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage
Security Instruments are
now owned by the Secretary,
pursuant to an assignment
dated November 19, 2012,
and recorded on December
3, 2012, as Instrument No.
20120555547, in the Office
of the County Clerk, Harris
County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, a default has
been made in the covenants
and conditions of the Mortgage Security Instruments in
the mortgagor is deceased,
which accelerated the maturity of the mortgage debt
and subjected the Property
to payment of all principal, interest, and other fees
allowed under the Loan
WHEREAS, the entire
amount delinquent as of
June 7, 2016 is approximately $102,745.91, with a per
diem of $7.42; and
WHEREAS, by virtue
of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire
amount of the indebtedness
secured by the Mortgage
Security Instruments to be
immediately due and payable;
pursuant to powers vested
in me by the Single Family
Mortgage Foreclosure Act
of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et
seq., by 24 C.F.R. part 27,
subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as
Foreclosure Commissioner,
notice is hereby given that
on June 7, 2016, no earlier
than 10 a.m. local time or
within three (3) hours after
that time, all real and personal property at or used
in connection with the following described premises
(“Property”) will be sold at
public auction to the highest
Commonly known as:
17338 Broken Back Drive,
Crosby, Texas 77532, And
more particularly described
as follows:
220, PAGE 76 OF THE
The sale will be held at
the Harris County Family Law Center per Commissioner’s Court Order dated
03/18/03, Clerk’s File No.
W516820, or as designated
by the county commissioners or as further designated
“I don’t want to lose my house.”
If you have mortgage problems, call 888-995-HOPE for
one-on-one expert advice from this free government program.
Don’t give up.
ADC23843_IsoC_BW_Eng_Mag7x4.875.indd 1
11/27/12 5:23 PM
Daily Court Review
by the Foreclosure Commissioner. The Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development’s bid will not exceed
the total amount due under
the terms of the Loan Agreement as of the date of sale.
When making their bids,
all bidders except the Secretary must submit payment
totaling the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale, or if any bid
exceeds this amount, the
greater of the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale or the highest
bid in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check
made out to the Secretary of
HUD. This amount must
be delivered in the form of
a certified or cashier’s check.
If the Secretary is the high
bidder, he need not pay the
bid amount in cash. The
successful bidder will pay all
conveyancing fees, all real
estate and other taxes that
are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of the
payment and all other costs
associated with the transfer
of title.
If the high bidder is
unable to close the sale
within the required period,
or within any extensions of
time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may,
at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after
consultation with the HUD
Field Office Representative,
be liable to HUD for any
costs incurred as a result of
such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction
of the HUD Field Office
Representative, offer the
Property to the second highest bidder for an amount
equal to the highest price
offered by that bidder.
There is no right of
redemption, or right of possession based upon a right
of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent
to a foreclosure completed
pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed
to the purchaser(s) upon
receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance
with the terms of the sale
is provided herein. HUD
does not guarantee that the
property will be vacant.
May 11, 2016. Thomas L.
Brackett, Foreclosure Commissioner, 15000 Surveyor
Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001, (972) 3865040 Phone, (972) 341-0734
WHEREAS, on May 17,
2004, a certain Mortgage
Security Instrument was executed by Thomas C. Nixon
and Kathryn J. Nixon as
mortgagors in favor of Wells
Fargo Bank, N.A., as mortgagee and Robert K. Fowler
as trustee, and was recorded
on June 14, 2004, as Instrument No. X687287 in the
office of the County Clerk,
Harris County, Texas; and
concurrently on May 17, 2004, a
Second Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Security
Instrument was executed
by Thomas C. Nixon and
Kathryn J. Nixon, as mortgagors in favor of Secretary
of Housing and Urban
Development, as mortgagee
and Senior Official with
responsibility for Single
Family Mortgage Insurance
Programs in the Department of Housing and Urban
Development Field Office
with jurisdiction over the
property described below, or
a designee of that Official as
trustee, and was recorded on
February 7, 2006, as Instrument No. Z076068 in the
office of the County Clerk,
Harris County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage Security Instruments
were insured by the United
States Secretary of Housing
and Urban Development
(the Secretary) pursuant to
the National Housing Act
for the purpose of providing
single family housing; and
WHEREAS, the Mortgage Security Instruments
are now owned by the Secretary, pursuant to an assignment dated January 7, 2009,
and recorded on July 23,
2009, as Instrument No.
20090328487, in the Office
of the County Clerk, Harris
County, Texas; and
WHEREAS, a default has
been made in the covenants
and conditions of the Mortgage Security Instruments in
the mortgagor is deceased,
which accelerated the maturity of the mortgage debt
and subjected the Property
to payment of all principal, interest, and other fees
allowed under the Loan
WHEREAS, the entire
amount delinquent as of
June 7, 2016 is approximately $158,935.08, with a per
diem of $11.48; and
WHEREAS, by virtue
of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire
amount of the indebtedness
secured by the Mortgage
Security Instruments to be
immediately due and payable;
pursuant to powers vested
in me by the Single Family
Mortgage Foreclosure Act
of 1994, 12 U.S.C. 3751 et
seq., by 24 C.F.R. part 27,
subpart B, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as
Foreclosure Commissioner,
notice is hereby given that
on June 7, 2016, no earlier
than 10 a.m. local time or
within three (3) hours after
that time, all real and personal property at or used
in connection with the following described premises
(“Property”) will be sold at
public auction to the highest
Commonly known as:
709 S. Kaufman Drive, Deer
Park, Texas 77536, And
more particularly described
as follows:
183, PAGE 135, OF THE
The sale will be held at
the designated area at the
Harris County Family Law
Center per Commissioner’s Court Order dated
03/18/03, Clerk’s File No.
W516820, or as further designated by the Foreclosure
Commissioner. The Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development’s bid will not
exceed the total amount due
under the terms of the Loan
Agreement as of the date of
When making their bids,
all bidders except the Secretary must submit payment
totaling the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale, or if any bid
exceeds this amount, the
greater of the total amount
due under the terms of the
Loan Agreement as of the
date of sale or the highest
bid in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check
made out to the Secretary of
HUD. This amount must
be delivered in the form of
a certified or cashier’s check.
If the Secretary is the high
bidder, he need not pay the
bid amount in cash. The
successful bidder will pay all
conveyancing fees, all real
estate and other taxes that
are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of the
payment and all other costs
associated with the transfer
of title.
If the high bidder is
unable to close the sale
within the required period,
or within any extensions of
time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder may,
at the election of the foreclosure commissioner after
consultation with the HUD
Field Office Representative,
be liable to HUD for any
costs incurred as a result of
such failure. The Commissioner may, at the direction
of the HUD Field Office
Representative, offer the
Property to the second highest bidder for an amount
equal to the highest price
offered by that bidder.
There is no right of
redemption, or right of possession based upon a right
of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent
to a foreclosure completed
pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed
to the purchaser(s) upon
receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance
with the terms of the sale
is provided herein. HUD
does not guarantee that the
property will be vacant.
April 27, 2016. Thomas L.
Brackett, Foreclosure Commissioner, 15000 Surveyor
Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001, (972) 3865040 Phone, (972) 341-0734
n TABC Notices
Notice is hereby given in
accordance with the terms
and provisions of the Texas
Alcoholic Beverage Code
that Restaurante Huetamo Michoacan DBA Restaurante Huetamo Michoacan has filed application
for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late
Hours Permit, Food and
Beverage Certificate.
Said business to be
conducted at 6345 Windswept ‘G’, Houston (Harris County), Texas 77057.
Restaurante Huetamo
Michoacan DBA Restaurante Huetamo Michoacan
Leonor O. Ramirez,
Application has been
made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Mixed Beverage
Permit by Outback Steakhouse, 1503 W Bay Area
Boulevard, Webster, Harris County, Texas 77598.
Jeffrey Smith, President/
Manager; Joseph Kadow,
Notice is hereby given
in accordance with the
terms and provisions of
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Culichi
Town has filed application
for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late
Hours Permit, Food and
Beverage Certificate.
Said business to be conducted at 11901 Aldine
Westfield Rd., Houston
(Harris County), Texas
Culichi Town
Tania Mondragon, President/Secretary
Notice is hereby given
in accordance with the
terms and provisions of
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Gilbert
A. Garcia, Jr. dba Daquiri
Delights has filed application for Wine and Beer
Retailer’s Permit.
Said business to be
conducted at 6455 Westheimer Road, Houston
(Harris County), Texas
Gilbert A. Garcia, Jr.
dba Daquiri Delights
Gilbert A. Garcia, Jr.,
Friday, May 13, 2016
Notice is hereby given
in accordance with the
terms and provisions of
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Renee’s
on the Bayou Club, LLC
dba Renee’s on the Bayou
Club has filed application
for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late
Hours Permit.
Said business to be conducted at 2541 N. Macgregor Way, Houston
(Harris County), Texas
Renee’s on the Bayou
Club, LLC dba Renee’s on
the Bayou Club
Willie Monie, III, Managing Member; Karla
Monie, Managing Member
Notice is hereby given in
accordance with the terms
and provisions of the Texas
Alcoholic Beverage Code
that Brookstreet, LLC dba
Brookstreet BBQ has filed
application for Wine and
Beer Retailer’s Permit.
Said business to be
conducted at 1009 Missouri St., Houston (Harris
County), Texas 77006.
Brookstreet, LLC dba
Brookstreet BBQ
Jamil M. Musa, Mangaing Member; Lufti A.
Rukab, Managing Member
Notice is hereby given
in accordance with the
terms and provisions of
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that AU Investment, LLC dba The Cajun
House has filed application for Wine and Beer
Retailer’s Permit.
Said business to be conducted at 6015 Hilcroft,
Suite 3700, Houston (Harris County), Texas 77081.
AU Investment, LLC
dba The Cajun House
Michael V. Au, Managing Member; Tu Uyen V.
Tran, Managing Member
Notice is hereby given
in accordance with the
terms and provisions of
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Wing
Gone Wild LLC DBA
Pho Nuong Ume has filed
application for Wine and
Beer Retailer’s Permit.
Said business to be conducted at 3445 FM 1960
#206, Houston (Harris
County), Texas 77074.
Wing Gone Wild LLC
DBA Pho Nuong Ume
Vuong Pham, Manager;
Hiep Huynh, Manager
Notice is hereby given in
accordance with the terms
and provisions of the Texas
Alcoholic Beverage Code
that Accuron Ventures
LLC d/b/a Airport Buzzy
Bee has filed application
Page 15
for Beer Retail Dealers
Off Premise License and
Wine Only Package Store
Said business to be conducted at 5415 W Airport,
Houston (Harris County),
TX 77035
Accuron Ventures LLC
d/b/a Airport Buzzy Bee
Riyaz R. Maknojia - Managing Member; Shama
Q. Maknojia - Managing
Notice is hereby given in
accordance with the terms
and provisions of the
Texas Alcoholic Beverage
Code that SAZ Enterprises
Inc. d/b/a Time Express
#2 has filed application for
Wine & Beer Retailer’s
Off-Premise Permit.
Said business to be
conducted at 5006 Atascocita Rd, Suite B, Atascocita (Harris County),
TX 77346
SAZ Enterprises Inc.
d/b/a Time Express #2
Samir Karedia - Secretary; Sadrudin N. Karedia
- President; Zulfikar Q.
Ali - Director.
Notice is hereby given in
accordance with the terms
and provisions of the
Texas Alcoholic Beverage
Code that Zhong Sheng
Enterprise LLC DBA
Spicy Chen Asian Bistro
has filed application for
Wine and Beer Retailer’s
Said business to be conducted at 7730 Spencer
Hwy., Pasadena (Harris
County), Texas 77505.
Zhong Sheng Enterprise
LLC DBA Spicy Chen
Asian Bistro
Wen Zhong Chen, President
Application has been made
with the Texas Alcoholic
Beverage Commission for
Wine & Beer Retailer’s
Permit, Food & Beverage Certificate, by, Brazos
Presbyterian Homes, Inc.
(a Texas Non-profit), dba
Brazos Towers at Bayou
Manor, 4141 S. Braeswood
Blvd, Houston, TX 77025,
Harris County. Sheryl
Callahan President/CEO,
Board of Directors: Warren Bellows, Labinco
Clarke, Susan Estill, Barton Fair, Thomas Graves,
William Hall, Raymond
Hamill, William Heston,
Laura Higley, Mary Larkin, Richard Leathers, Ed
Neuhaus, Richard Nunn,
William Price, Kathleen
Redden, Winton Starling, Louis Paine, Jeanette
Notice is hereby given
in accordance with the
terms and provisions of
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that The VilContinued on back page
age 24
Friday, May 13, 2016
Continued from page 15
lage Store Market has filed
application for Beer Retail
License, Wine-Only Package Store Permit.
Said business to be conducted at 5600 Chimney
Rock Rd #43, Houston
(Harris County), Texas
The Village Store Market
CH Mimosa Corporation; Linda Pham, Pres/
Notice is hereby given in
accordance with the terms
and provisions of the Texas
Alcoholic Beverage Code
that Timeout #4 Sports
Bar, LLC d/b/a Time Out
#4 has filed application
for Mixed Beverage Permit, Mixed Beverage Late
Hours Permit.
Said business to be conducted at 3338 FM 528,
Friendswood (Outside)
(Harris County), Texas
Timeout #4 Sports Bar,
LLC d/b/a Time Out #4
Randall A. Fluker, Manager
Application has been
made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commis-
sion for a Wine and Beer
Retailer’s Off-Premise
Permit by NG Beverages
II Holder, LLC dba Hilton Garden Inn at 23535
Northgate Crossing Blvd,
Spring, Harris County,
Texas 77373. Manager is
Charles J. Raymond.
Notice is hereby given in
accordance with the terms
and provisions of the
Texas Alcoholic Beverage
Code that British Brewery
Company Inc. DBA Brewery Tap has filed application for Mixed Beverage
Permit, Mixed Beverage
Late Hours Permit.
Said business to be conducted at 911 Franklin,
Houston (Harris County),
Texas 77002.
British Brewery Company Inc. DBA Brewery
Philip D. Carvell, President
Notice is hereby given
in accordance with the
terms and provisions of
the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code that Juan Carlos
Pena DBA Club El Perla
has filed application for
Wine and Beer Retailer’s
Permit, Retail Dealer’s
On-Premise Late Hours
Said business to be conducted at 6002 Wallisville
Daily Court Review
Rd., Houston (Harris
County), Texas 77020.
Juan Carlos Pena DBA
Club El Perla
Juan Carlos Pena,
Continued from front page
domestic terrorism charges. Intent also could play a role in
sentencing, should the government proceed with a case and win.
Elder declined Wednesday to discuss specifics about suspects,
possible charges or motive for the April 17, 2013, incident, one
of Texas’ deadliest industrial disasters. But agents were “headed
in the right direction,” he said, and hoped a new $50,000
reward would “get us across that finish line.”
Elder said the investigation had in recent months eliminated
two other potential causes that remained — faulty electronic wiring at the building and a short-circuiting golf cart. The probe
cost $2 million and included more than 400 interviews, a firescene examination and “extensive scientific testing” at an ATF
fire research laboratory.
“Why the fire was set, I don’t know,” Elder said. “Hopefully
when we arrest the person or persons responsible, they’ll tell us.”
Matt Orwig, the former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District
of Texas, said whatever the motive and charges, anyone convicted probably faces at least life imprisonment.
“What this person has done is commit mass murder by turning that building and its contents into a weapon of mass destruction,” Orwig said.
Federal reports estimated that the West Fertilizer Co. had a
supply of 40 to 60 tons of ammonium nitrate, a popular agricultural fertilizer that can be explosive under certain conditions.
Continued from front page
supporters, insist the Capitol should remain a gun-free zone.
Republican Gov. Mary Fallin, reliably conservative on all issues,
said she worries about having handguns in a place where emotions sometimes run high among advocates and politicians.
“There’s a reason why we have screening when people come
into the Capitol, and we have restrictions on bringing guns into
the Capitol,” Fallin said. “It would trouble me if someone broke
the policy, and the policy is that you can’t as a legislator bring a
firearm into the Capitol.”
Nevertheless, officers at the security stations now regularly
encounter lawmakers who decline to be screened. During a
30-minute period after a recent lunch break, an Associated
Press reporter watched six GOP House members walk through
the checkpoints with their briefcases and satchels and set off
the alarms.
Members who were asked later wouldn’t admit they were
armed, but some were coy about why anyone should object if
they were.
“If a legislator wants to carry a firearm in the Capitol, I think
they have a constitutional protection to do that,” said Ralph
Shortey, a Republican senator, who said weapons screening
violates a constitutional prohibition against interfering with
lawmakers during a legislative session.
Republican Rep. Lewis Moore said legislators shouldn’t be
“They’re supposed to know who the House members are,” he
said of the guards.
Security officials acknowledge they’re reluctant to stop those
breezing through if they appear to be lawmakers.
“We do probably err on the side of giving them a little leeway
when it comes to screening, but they can’t legally carry,” said
Highway Patrol Capt. John Paul, who oversees the security at
the Capitol.
Continued from front page
we collected evidence that we will hand over to the Canadian
judicial system.”
Al-Mazeina offered no motive for the slaying, nor did he name
any suspects or the victim.
An official with the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, the
capital of the United Arab Emirates, referred a call for comment
to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Dubai, a popular tourist destination that is home to the
world’s tallest skyscraper, is a safe haven in the turbulent Middle
East. Violent crime remains rare.
Continued from front page
Yenick, who died in October at age 33. They have filed a wrongful death suit against Rand in Washoe County District Court
accusing him of ignoring their warnings and continuing to
increase the strength of their son’s painkiller dosage until his
Bogden said during a news conference Wednesday his office
has made a priority of cracking down on illegal prescription drug
trade, especially physicians and pharmacists who violate the law.
“We will continue to pursue dirty doctors and illicit pill
mills,” he said.