Summer 2013 Spirit Newsletter


Summer 2013 Spirit Newsletter
S t .
T i m o t h y ’ s
S c h o o l
n e w s
V o l u m e 11 n u m b e r 2
s u m m e r . 2 0 1 3
Headmaster’s Letter
Word from the Rector
Faculty News
Titan Athletics
STS Class of 2009
Alumni News
Student News
Comic Books in School? You Bet!
STS Band
Diab Foundation
African Children’s Choir 20
Founders’ Day 21
Head of Lower School
Update on Old Tradition 23
STS Around the Globe
st. timothy’s school
spirit newsletter
is published
by st. timothy’s
episcopal school
Karen Campbell
of Development:
Heather Daughtridge
LAYOUT design:
4523 six forks road
p. o. box 17787
Raleigh, NC 27609
fax 919-787-1131
Sarah Stanley with some of her favorite comics and graphic novels available in the school library.
tudents regard Tuesdays
as the day they get out of
school a half-hour early, but
for teachers it’s actually a much
longer day.
Several years ago, St. Timothy’s
set aside time on Tuesday afternoons for a Planned Learning
Community (PLC). It’s a time for
faculty to meet as a whole, grade
level or department. It’s a time to
seek information or to share and
collaborate on ideas.
There’s no clear-cut definition
of a PLC, but what is clear is the
goal: better learning for students
through continuous learning for
And that’s how St. Timothy’s
teachers found themselves at a Josh
Elder Comic Book Workshop on a
Tuesday afternoon in May.
Elder is a nationally syndicated
cartoonist and an award-winning
graphic novelist. He is also the
founder and executive director of
Reading with Pictures, a nonprofit
organization that promotes comics
in the classroom to enhance literacy and to improve educational
outcomes for all students.
high enough on the SAT to enroll
in courses at his local community
college. By high school graduation, he was awarded a National
Merit Scholarship and enrolled at
Northwestern University.
“Comics were my secret weapon,” Elder said. “They not only
Comics were my secret weapon. They taught me
not only how to read, but to love reading.
Josh Elder
The mission of Reading with
Pictures, simply stated, is to get
comics into schools and schools
into comics.
At the age of four, Elder told
STS teachers, he picked up a
Transformer comic book and
taught himself to read. By the fifth
grade, he was reading on a college
level; by the sixth grade, he scored
taught me how to read, but to
love reading. They made it easy
and fun.”
STS media specialist Sarah Stanley, the force behind Elder’s visit to
St. Timothy’s, is a lifelong reader of
comics and a longtime proponent
of comics in the classroom.
Always an avid reader of tradicontinues on page 9
Headmaster’s Letter
Tim Tinnesz
n the final week of school, I received a
package more meaningful than anything
I’ve received as an administrator. It was an
American flag from the Soldiers of Provincial
Reconstruction Team Ghazni (Afghanistan),
and a three-page letter expressing their
gratitude to our second graders who had sent
them small care packages a few months earlier. I was amazed by the soldiers’ profound
gratitude for our students’ simple gesture.
Referring to the flag, Master Sergeant Jerry
Maddox wrote:
We were so touched by your generosity that
we all agreed that we needed to do something…
While we have been here, we have lost soldiers
who have defended the values of this flag. They
were very good men who loved their country,
had wonderful families back home and the
support of their nation that they died trying
to protect. This flag means everything to the
soldiers who are over here and we hope that it
will mean something to you, too.
We will proudly display this special flag,
which originally flew over the soldiers’ base
in Afghanistan. The letter and flag also serve
as a powerful reminder of how appreciative
I should be for the courage and sacrifice of
the men and women of our armed forces, as
well as the families they leave behind. Words
simply cannot express how indebted we are
to these soldiers and their families.
Arriving during the final week of school—
STS second graders with the American flag from
Ghazni (Afghanistan).
the busiest, most stressful time in any school
year—this package gave me a much-needed
opportunity for some reflection and perspective on a smaller scale, too. Inspired by these
acts of gratitude, I’ve given a lot of thought
to how grateful I am for the actions of so
many who have made the 2012-2013 school
year so wonderful for St. Timothy’s School
and for me, personally. So, THANK YOU…
… to our faculty and staff who have
devoted countless hours to the academic,
emotional, physical and spiritual growth of
our children.
… to our students who make us proud and
the Soldiers of Provincial Reconstruction Team
represent us so well in the community.
… to our STS parents, grandparents,
friends, families and alumni who have supported our school in ways more numerous
than can be listed.
… to our dedicated STS Friends leadership team of Lisa Covell, Lori Powell,
Carie Hamilton, CeCe Morgan and Wendy
Robeson, along with the 30+ committees of
Friends volunteers who have given of their
time, talents and gifts in pizza lunches, used
uniform sales, the book fair, cupcake days,
and so much more.
A W ord From the Rector
The Reverend Jay C. James
the pattern, and we are privileged to be part of this pattern and to
have the theme as part of our life.
We can even carry this theme through our school year at St.
Timothy’s. There are many areas of school life where we are experiencing new life and rebirth. We welcomed Tim Tinnesz as Headmaster and with his arrival we have seen a resurgence in activity on
and off campus. Attendance at concerts, fundraisers and sporting
events has received a definite upswing. There is renewed interest in
families coming to see what a special gift we have in St. Timothy’s
and these families want to be part of it. Enrollment is up. We have
a new member of the School Board in Steve Dixon. The grounds
have never been in such good shape as they have been this year. This
rejuvenation is evident in the natural life on our handsome grounds,
and inside the classrooms as well. So many of our teachers find new
ways to enlighten and inspire our students and surely this breathes
new life into their minds and hearts.
All this speaks to our April theme being the theme for the whole
year. It is a hopeful time to be at St. Timothy’s School and part of
that is seeing new life injected into the life of the school. My prayer
is that we carry this theme with us through the summer and look for
even more evidence of new life and hope when we return in the fall.
n our chapel services at St. Timothy’s we have themes for each
month. These themes are the footings for the messages, hymns and
lessons for the services. The theme for April was “Victory over Sin”
because Easter most frequently falls in the month of April. This year
the force of the liturgical calendar pushed Easter back to the last day
of March. This did not stop us from keeping the same theme for the
month of April because the 50 days of Easter fell all through April.
The theme of “victory over sin” is the Easter theme of new life
given to each of us by Christ’s death on the Cross and His rising
from the grave three days later. Our sins are now forgiven, we have
a new start and our souls are renewed. We ultimately have eternal
life because with our sins forgiven we can enter new and eternal life
where there is no sin or death. New beginnings, a new life in Christ
and the hope that these give us are a frequent topic in chapel through
God reflects this theme of new life all around us in the spring. We
see leaves breaking out on the branches of all the trees, the forsythia
blossom early and scores of azaleas show forth in the garden. The
birds return and are pleasantly loud. The days are obligingly longer
as if God has presented us the opportunity to have more daylight to
appreciate this new life. Birth, growth, death and rebirth are part of
st. timothy’s schooL
continues on page 20
s p i r i T
STS Faculty News
Assistant Headmaster Judy Tison Retires
he had planned to retire last June, but Assistant Headmaster
Judy Tison was persuaded to stay through the fall to oversee
the reaccreditation of St. Timothy’s School. When that project was
successfully completed, she was asked by Headmaster Tim Tinnesz
to extend her stay through his inaugural year.
True to form, Judy unselfishly and immediately agreed. And
now, one year after her initial retirement date, she has finally said
good-bye to the school she called home for the past 19 years.
When her husband’s work uprooted the Tison family from
Indiana to North Carolina in 1993, Judy left behind a Ph.D. program and a job as a preschool director. A year later, she joined the
STS faculty as a fourth grade teacher. She was loved by children,
parents and colleagues.
With the addition of the STS middle school in 2003, the
position of assistant headmaster was created. Judy’s administrative skills were tapped and she was selected to fill the position.
She never left the classroom completely, though, teaching middle
school grammar, journalism and yearbook intermittently over the
past decade.
Judy now joins her husband Ken in retirement and together they will enjoy their children and
ever-expanding group of beautiful grandchildren. They spent the first day of Judy’s retirement with
the grandkids at Marbles Kids Museum! 
Joanne Brown Says
Less is More!
Another 19-year veteran of STS, Joanne
Brown, has opted to “semi-retire.”
Joanne has taught second grade and
kindergarten, with the additional duty
of Kindergarten Director for the past two
years. Looking to lighten her workload,
she’ll return in the reduced capacity of parttime pre-kindergarten assistant.
Both of Joanne and husband Steve’s
daughters are getting married – Jordan in
October and Mallory in June – so she won’t
be at a loss in filling her spare time!
Lynne Sizemore, affectionately known as the St. Timothy’s “Drama Queen,” retired
after nine years of teaching middle school literature, grammar and drama.
In a dramatic send-off befitting the occasion, Dean of Students B.J. Nowak
donned fairy wings and crown to deliver his original poem honoring Lynne.
Queen SizeMo
Joanne Brown (left) and her kindergarten
assistant Shelley Collins
Judy Tison’s daughter Laura Whitley joined the
St. Timothy’s faculty and staff to honor the retiring
assistant headmaster.
So our days together must end now
But your teaching will certainly continue
Though difficult to think about our halls
Missing our queen our grammar “go to”
The lessons were plentiful
The message given with care
Dream big, love lots,
Your rewards and blessings will be ample
We know you’ll miss the ‘drama’
The chatter about you “Man, that woman’s crazy!”
Entertaining, singing, prancing
All with a purpose, all part of the act... see?
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
At times class was a bit boisterous,
some may say wild
But it was a sheer delight
When you showered us with your classic line
- “Blessings, child!”
The queen who loves fairies, unicorns,
Maybe even believes in Nessie...
Will be missed, remembered, and copied
I’ll definitely miss hearing “BJ, can you help me?”
So on your way you go now
To something a little new
Please leave knowing, our Princess
Our Sizmo, our Queen of St. Tim’s
We bid you a loving, heartfelt “adieu”
t i ta n at
winter/Spring Sports Recap – By Tracey Woodward, Athletic Director
Boys’ “White” Basketball
Boys’ “Blue” Basketball
Coach BJ Nowak
With a conference record of 14-1 and an
overall season record of 21-2, the team had
an amazingly successful season under the
leadership of eighth graders Douglas Elks and
Eric Farley. Both have played “Blue” basketball
since the sixth grade.
Coach Nowak captured his 100th win at St.
Timothy’s during the regular season! A season
highlight was the away rematch victory over
nemesis Kestrel Heights. The boys lost a tough
battle against NRCA in the TMSC semi-finals.
The team will miss nine graduating eighth
Most Improved Player - Hayes Ference
Most Improved Player - John Kirven
Titan Award - T.J. Buckley
Best Offensive Player - Douglas Elks
Best Teammate - Kevin Smith
Coach Ivan Gattis
With a conference record of 5-10 and an
overall season record of 5-12, the boys worked
hard through the course of the season to improve skills as well as knowledge of the game.
The team was led by point guards Quentin
Cain and Jake Schneider.
Eighth graders Zachary Coley, Alex Dodds,
Derek Rose and Mekye Barnes were big contributors. They will be missed next year.
Coach’s Award - Derek Rose
Coach’s Award - Quentin Cain
Coach’s Award - Alex Dodds
Coach’s Award - Zack Coley
Girls’ “White” Basketball
Coach Tracey Woodward
With a conference record of 9-4 and an
overall season record of 10-7, the girls had a
strong season this year. The team consisted of
sixth and seventh graders exclusively, so they
often matched up against older and bigger
Led by two veteran players, Olivia Busby
and Kathryn Bell, the team earned a winning
season record.
Best Defensive Player - Cynthia Woodward
Best Offensive Player - Olivia Busby
Most Improved Player - Lilly Roth
Girls “Blue” Basketball
Coach Allen Patton
With a conference record of 12-3 and an
overall season record of 18-6, the girls had
a very successful season. With leadership
from veteran eighth graders Tess Colavecchio
and Taylor Currie, along with newcomers Lily
Wayne and Emilie Hoke, the team bonded
nicely on and off the court.
The girls battled to the final round of the
TMSC tournament and lost a tough game to a
strong Cary Academy team.
Titan Award - Lily Wayne
Coach’s Award - Taylor Currie
Most Improved Player - Parker Moody
team performed at the spring pep rally!
The girls worked hard this year on their
cheers and dances and they provided enthusiasm and plenty of spirit throughout the year.
Outstanding 6th Grader - Ruth Anne Warner
Outstanding 7th Grader - Lucy Powell Ham
Outstanding 8th Grader - Lindsey Schneider
MVP - Hailey Camper
Coach’s Award - Kayla Snare
Titan Award - Sydney Powell
Coach Kimberly Baker,
Coach Alyson Clayton
Fourteen girls were on the Titan cheerleading team with eighth graders Sydney Powell,
Lindsey Schneider and Hailey Camper taking
on leadership roles. Hailey Camper actually
choreographed one of the dances that the
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Girls’ Soccer
Coach Judy Whitley
With a conference record of 6-5-2 and an
overall record of 6-8-2, the Lady Titans soccer
team finished fifth in the regular season out
of 10 conference teams. Fourteen girls on the
team scored at least one goal
“It was a great group of young ladies who
bonded like a family over the course of the
season,” said Coach Whitley.
Eighth graders Sydney Powell, Lindsey
Schneider, Grace Gressett, KK Fritsch, Lily
Wayne, Hailey Camper, Sara Sanders and Taylor Currie will be missed next year.
MVP Offense - Lily Wayne
MVP Offense - Grace Gressett
MVP Defense - Sydney Powell
Coach’s Award - Lindsey Schneider
Titan Award - Savannah Renard
Coach Ivan Gattis
With a conference record of 7-5-1 and an
overall record of 8-6-1, the team finished
fourth in the regular season out of 10 confer2013
ence teams. They put up a strong fight in the
TMSC semi-final game against NRCA, but lost
This team had a blend of veteran players and those with little experience on the
Team leader Eric Farley, a key player in Titan
baseball since his sixth grade year, was invaluable as a player and as a mentor to the less
experienced players. Eric and fellow eighth
graders Will Hall, Warren Whitley, Evan Robertson and Derek Rose will be missed next year.
Coach’s Award – Eric Farley
Coach’s Award – Chris Thorburn
Two top distance runners and team leaders,
Connor Lane and Hope Hatfield, will graduate
this year, as will Louie DiFilippo, Alex Dodds,
Kathryn Konrad, Graham McKee and Will Garrabrant.
Top Performer - Louie DiFilippo
Coach’s Award - Connor Lane
Most Improved - Jack Taylor Top Performer - Katharine Priu
Coach’s Award - Kathryn Konrad
Most Improved - Maggie Duffy
Boys’ Tennis
Titans Win TMSC
Triangle Cup – Again!
For the second year in a row, the St. Timothy’s
Titans were named winners of the Triangle
Middle School Conference (TMSC) Triangle
Cup for outstanding achievement in athletics.
The winner is determined by a point system based on regular season and conference
tournament finish for each sport. St. Timothy’s
fields a total of 13 teams.
The top five teams in the Triangle Middle
School Conference, and the points they
received, include:
1st - St. Timothy’s School – 1761
2nd - Magellan Charter School- 1527
3rd - Cary Academy – 1505
4th - Franklin Academy –
5th - North Raleigh
Christian Academy - 1443
It’s a great day to be a Titan!
Coach Joe Mesiano
With a conference record of 8-4 and an
overall season record 10-7, this group of eight
tennis players finished a strong third in regular
season play.
Lucius Harvin played in the number one
spot all season long and battled some tough
opponents. The team fought hard and lost to
a very strong Cary Academy team in the TMSC
Eighth graders Lucius Harvin, Andrew Lampert, Austin Muhkerjee and William Wallace
will be greatly missed next year.
MVP – Lucius Harvin
Most Improved - Andrew Kaczor
Track and Field
Head Coach Tim Hart, Assistant Coaches
(NCSU Students) Quentin Vandenberg,
Michael McConoughey, Erich Horner
Twenty-five students (13 boys, 12 girls)
participated in track and field this spring. The
team competed in five meets.
The girls placed first out of four teams and
the boys second out of five teams in the meet
held at Durham Academy. Numerous school
records were set by this year’s team in the 13
track and field events.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Coach Jimmy Hamilton
Ten students (8 boys, 2 girls) participated in
golf. There were six experienced players and
four who were relatively new to the game yet
made great strides through the season.
The team placed first in three of their seven
matches. They came in a close second behind
St. David’s in four matches, including the
TMSC Championship. Seventh grader Holly
McCann was strong and very consistent this
spring. She and eighth grader TJ Buckley, as
well as seventh grader Quentin Cain, led the
team with solid performances throughout the
season. Charles Van Dyke, Blake Stone and
William Stewart were also major contributors.
MVP - Holly McCann
Most Improved - Jonathan Major
Most Improved - Claire Monaco
STS Class of 2009 Heads to College
They were a remarkable group of students.
The St. Timothy’s Class of 2009 scattered
throughout Wake County and beyond when
they enrolled in a dozen different high schools.
This summer, they prepare for their next great
adventure - college. We were fortunate to hear
from a number of these alumni about their
Travis Albrecht was accepted at Auburn, Alabama, Ole
Miss, Louisiana State, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Campbell and East Carolina. After
an exhaustive trip throughout
the Southeast visiting college campuses, he
passed up a $20,000 Campbell Grant to attend
ECU, which he chose because of the school’s
engineering program. Travis has worked the
past two years with Autobell in Durham; this
summer he’s working for an engineering firm.
Travis is very proud of his cousins currently
attending St. Timothy’s, Kayla and Steve Snare.
Kristen Bagley graduated
from NC School of Science and
Math, where she received the
2013 Biology Award for excellence in seven biology courses
(Anatomy & Physiology I &
II, Genetics, Developmental
Biology and Molecular-Cellular Biology) and
aptitude, dedication and passion as a biology
teaching assistant. She was a semi-finalist in
the 2013 USA Biology Olympiad. A passion
for theatre hatched at St. Timothy’s remains
unabated. Kristen played the role of Hedy
LaRue in NCSSM’s winter musical, How to
Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, and
Luciana in the spring production of Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors. She has enrolled
in the Honors College at NC State to pursue
a zoology major with pre-veterinary emphasis
while minoring in theatre. Kristen aspires to
earn a DVM-PhD and to perhaps work and
perform at Sea World!
dent of the Young Democrats,
played volleyball and soccer
(JV captain and recipient of
Saints Award), helped form the
National Art Honor Society
and served on the Dorm Council. She was the recipient of a
Broadreach Foundation scholarship for three
weeks of study in the Caribbean. Shelby has
since moved to Perth, Western Australia where
she is enrolled at Curtin University studying
sustainable environmental agriculture and
design. She hopes to one day create “splendid
environments for people that give back to the
earth instead of taking from it.” Shelby was
also accepted at the University of Denver,
Colorado University-Boulder as a Chancellor’s
Achievement Scholarship nominee, UNCWilmington and Drexel University.
Chris Boericke was awarded
a Presidential Scholarship to
Elon University. He was also
accepted at UNC-Chapel Hill
and Emory University, but
chose Elon for its small size and
the strength of its undergraduate business program. Chris was a two-year
varsity soccer player at Ravenscroft, twice
qualified for state competition in pole vaulting,
and was elected Prom King this spring!
Chris Bonavita was accepted at Auburn, Elon, Virginia
Tech and Loyola-Maryland; he
was accepted and offered scholarships at Loyola-Chicago,
DePaul and Marquette. In the
end, Chris elected to enroll at
NC State. He was captain of the varsity tennis
team at Ravenscroft and chaired the school’s
Adopt-A-Highway program and Key Club.
He was a member of the Student Athletic
Leadership Program and co-founder of the
Ravenscroft chapter of STAND, a human
rights organization.
Danny Bratzke
played offensive tackle
on the Cardinal Gibbons varsity football
team. He will attend
High Point University.
Leslie Barrow graduated
from Cardinal Gibbons High
School and will attend Old
Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. He has applied to the
Naval ROTC program at ODU
and plans to join the school’s
sailing team while studying oceanography.
Shelby Bassett graduated a semester early
from Saint Mary’s School, where she was presi-
Annie Buckingham passed up scholarships
to Berry College, Furman and Wake Forest
University to attend NC State, where she plans
to major in chemistry and minor in history
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
or Spanish. Her long-term
plans include veterinary school.
Annie played high school basketball and softball and was a
member of Student Council,
Service Club and National
Honor Society.
Mary Copeland Cain whittled down a half-dozen college
acceptances and ultimately
decided on the University
of South Carolina where she
received the Woodrow Scholarship. An accomplished equestrian, she was a competitive Hunter Jumper
in USHJA and USEF competitions. Mary
Copeland was a member of the Saint Mary’s
School trapshooting team.
Megan Carley graduated
from Saint Mary’s School with
high honors and was voted
the “Student Most Likely to
Change the World” by her
senior class. She played varsity
soccer and field hockey, was a
student ambassador and member of the executive student government, served as president of
the Beacon Club, was named an AP Scholar,
and was inducted into the National Honor Society and National Spanish Honor Society. She
spent the summer of her junior year in Cadiz,
Spain in a full immersion Spanish class. Megan
will attend Wake Forest University. She was
also accepted and received merit scholarships
to Villanova University, Lehigh University and
University of the South. In addition, she was
accepted to UNC-Chapel Hill and University
of Richmond.
Catherine Carter is a graduate of Saint Mary’s School
where she played tennis, was
active in the Young Republicans Club, participated in
the Rotary Youth Leadership
Association and served as a
student ambassador. She has enrolled at her
first choice of colleges, High Point University.
Nicole Chappell is a graduate of Sanderson High School.
She has enrolled in the Associate of Arts program at
Wake Tech to pursue an education degree in history and/
or English. She then plans to
transfer to NC State to earn a B.A. in Education. Nicole has a passionate desire to work
with children and teens, serving as a positive
influence and source of encouragement. She
went on her fourth mission trip this summer,
spending a week in Puerto Rico.
JB Collins received an early
admission to UNC-Chapel
Hill. At Cardinal Gibbons
High School, he was placed in
all Honors and AP math and
science courses and credits St.
Timothy’s for his great foundation in these subjects! JB was one of five
seniors who took Calculus III and Differential
Equations at NC State while in high school.
He plans to major in biochemistry with an eye
on medical school and a career
in surgery.
Abby Crawford is a graduate
of Saint Mary’s School. She will
attend Wofford College.
Kate Daniel will attend East
Carolina University. She was
also accepted at ASU, Campbell and Meredith, receiving
scholarship offers from the
latter two. She played on the
softball team for three years at
Wake Forest-Rolesville High School, was manager of the wrestling team for four years, and
held membership in National Honor Society
and Key Club. She was also active in Interact.
Steve Donaldson is a graduate of Cardinal Gibbons High
School where he was a member
of the National Honor Society
and cross country team. He
narrowed his college search
to two schools -- Appalachian
State University and UNC-Wilmington – was
accepted at both, and chose ASU. He’ll spend
the summer working at the job
he’s held for the past year at
Aubrey Finley is a graduate
of Saint Mary’s School and will
attend NC State.
David Foye made the United
States Military Academy his
first choice last year after attending West Point’s Summer
Leaders Experience (SLE), a
fast-paced week-long program
of academic classes, military
training, physical fitness training and athlet-
An STS Class of 2009 reunion was held at the home of Jacob Munster, with well over half
of the class attending. The bonds that form at STS continue through high school and
ics for high school juniors. He was nominated
and accepted for admission to the West Point
Class of 2017. David comes from a long line
of military veterans. His grandfather is a retired Army Colonel and both of his parents are
West Point graduates, Class of 1990. A natural
leader, Davis was Senior Class President at
Cardinal Gibbons High School, a member of
the National Honor Society and a member of
the varsity football team where he was awarded
2nd Team All-Conference.
Wesley Frazier, one of the
top high school distance runners in the country, will run
for Duke University. The Ravenscroft grad is a multiple national champion and won the
Triangle Independent Schools
Athletic Conference (TISAC) championships
in the 3200 meters, 1600 meters and 800
meters for four consecutive years. She holds
TISAC records for all three of these distances.
For a detailed look at Wesley’s phenomenal
accomplishments, see page 11.
Abby Gay will attend UNCChapel Hill to pursue a major
in business. She recently won
a medal in her age division
to qualify for her final year
of competition as a junior
rider in the Arabian National
Championships for horseback riding this July
in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Abby was a
nominee for the prestigious Morehead-Cain
Scholarship at UNC. At Cardinal Gibbons
High School she was a member of the National
Honor Society and tutored at the Boys and
Girls Club.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Elisabeth Holmes will attend Washington and Lee University. She was also accepted
at Kenyon, Sewanee, UNCChapel Hill and Wake Forest.
A Scholastic All-American
swimmer, Elisabeth was on the
All-Conference team this year for the CAP-8
Conference and competed at the Open Water
Nationals. She will take her aquatic skills to
the collegiate level next year as a member of
the Washington and Lee Generals swim team.
Elisabeth was a member of the National Honor
Society and received the Excellence in AP
Chemistry Award at Broughton High School.
Elliott Honeycutt is heading
to UNC-Chapel Hill where he
will study biomedical engineering. He was awarded a Summer
Undergraduate Research Fellowship starting in 2014. In
high school he was president of
the National Honor Society, served on Honor
Council for three years, played basketball for
three years and was a Fellowship of Christian
Athletes inner core leader. For the past three
years, Elliott has spent his spring break in
Guatemala repairing schools. His dream is
to someday improve the healthcare of Third
World countries, especially for children. Elliott
will spend the summer as a camp counselor at
North Ridge Country Club before leaving for
Chapel Hill.
Haley McKeown selected High Point
University over ECU, UNC-Charlotte, South
Carolina, University of Alabama and Lynchburg
College. She played volleyball her freshman
year of high school before committing herself
to cheerleading for sophomore
through senior years. Haley
was elected Homecoming Maid
of Honor in her junior year
and vice-president of Student
Council in her senior year. She
served on the prom committee
for two years and was named student activities
prefect in her senior year.
Taylor McKeown turned
down acceptances at Clemson,
Wake Forest, University of
Alabama and University of Kentucky – and scholarships at the
latter two – for the University of
South Carolina and a Woodrow
Scholars Award. A competitive cheerleader
since the third grade, she received a USASF/
IASF cheerleading scholarship and will cheer on
South Carolina’s all-girl team. Taylor was also a
member of her high school varsity cheerleading
team; she was named MVP her freshman year
and captain her senior year. She was a member
of the National Honor Society, prom committee
and Gold Key Club
Alston Meadow picked
Clemson University over Wake
Forest, UNC-Wilmington and
Elon. He is the recipient of a
$5,000 per year out-of-state
merit scholarship at Clemson.
Alston’s ties to St. Timothy’s will
remain intact for the foreseeable future – his
sister Sadie is a rising kindergartener!
Claudia Meyer will attend UNC-Chapel Hill
as a Carolina Scholar. She also
received a National Merit Scholarship for use at UNC-CH. In
addition, she was selected to
participate in the Carolina Research Scholar Program as well
as Honors Carolina. Claudia
passed up enticing scholarship offers from
University of Pittsburgh, American University,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and University of Arizona, and was also accepted for admission at NC State, where she was a prestigious
Park Scholarship nominee.
Patrick Monaghan will attend George Mason University where he plans
to major in marketing. He was
also accepted at James Madison
University, UMass/Amherst,
UNC-Charlotte, and Miami
University of Ohio. A graduate
of Ravenscroft School, Patrick
ran track for four years and cross country for
David Stump will be attend
Virginia Tech in the fall, joining his brother and fellow STS
alum Jamie. A well-rounded
athlete, David participated
in varsity soccer, swimming
and track at Ravenscroft
School. He was named MVP of the men’s
swim team this year. David’s varsity track
4x200 relay team set a new school record and
qualified for the championship tier for the
New Balance Outdoor National Track Meet. David Foye, Abby Gay and Robbie
Thorburn enjoy a Cardinal Gibbons tradition of showcasing baby pictures of
the graduating seniors!
Jacob Munster enrolled at
UNC-Chapel Hill after passing up acceptances from NC
State, ECU, University of
South Carolina, Elon, Samford
and Baylor. He even forfeited
scholarship offers from Samford and USC. Jacob played tennis all four of
his high school years, playing #1 for the past
two years. He was a member of the National
Honor Society, Honor Council and Fellowship
of Christian Athletes. He played basketball for
a season and football last fall, and served as an
athletic prefect.
Page Reynolds is putting
college on hold to do a missions internship program with
Global Youth Ministries. Afterwards, she hopes to do mission
work in Africa. A graduate of
Saint Mary’s School, Page ran
cross country and track, played basketball, was
a member of the clay sport shooting team, was
secretary of the National Art Honor Society
and co-editor of the yearbook, and accompanied the school’s “Washtub Band” on piano.
Her passion, though, was visual art. In 2011,
she received Honorable Mention in the Congressional Art Competition and Best in Show
at the Young Artists Exhibit of the Visual Art
Exchange. During her senior year at Saint
Mary’s, Page served on the Teen Council of
Raleigh’s Contemporary Art Museum. Her art
is currently on display at the Teen Art Show
at Meredith College sponsored by the Fine
Arts League of Cary and in Smedes Hall at
SMS. Page was the recipient of the prestigious
Georgia Lee Kinsey Award at graduation from
Saint Mary’s.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Robbie Thorburn is rated
among the top baseball players
in the state. He was awarded
High Honorable Mention All
American in 2013 by Rawlings
and Perfect Game. A four-year
starter at Cardinal Gibbons
High School, Robbie earned All-Conference
in 2011, 2012, and 2013 and Scholar Athlete
in 2011. He helped the Crusaders to state
tournament appearances for four consecutive
years, a first in the school’s baseball history;
he also helped lead CGHS to co-conference
championships in 2012 and 2013. As a
junior, Robbie tied the state record with 14
consecutive hits. He played with Team North
Carolina in the South Atlantic Border Battle
in 2011 and 2012 while also playing for
Region 3 in the 2012 North Carolina State
Games. Robbie was named All-Tournament
for the Evoshield Canes at the Perfect Game
2012 Upperclass Showcase in Jupiter, FL.
Robbie earned a scholarship to play baseball
at UNC-Wilmington where he plans to major
in accounting.
Nick Tyrey started running
cross country in middle school
at St. Timothy’s and never
stopped. In his senior year
at Cardinal Gibbons High
School, Nick was named MVP
of both the cross country and
track teams. He led the Crusader men’s cross
country team to their second consecutive 3A
NCHSAA State Cross Country Championship, where he placed sixth overall. During
the track season Nick posted impressive marks
in both the 1600m (4:24) and the 3200m
(9:27). He was also the “Carolina 6” 3200m
Conference Champion as well as the 3A
Mid-East Regional 3200m Champion. Nick
capped off his senior career by finishing 2nd at
the NCHSAA 3A Track & Field Championship in the 3200. Off the track, Nick was a
member of the National Honor Society. He
will continue his cross country and track careers at the College of William and Mary as a
member of the Tribe.
Huston Wallace passed up
an impressive number of college acceptances to study economics at Duke University.
He graduated fifth in his class
of 492 students at Broughton
High School with a 5.08 GPA.
He was a member of the National Honor
Society, Service club (highest non-academic
honor at Broughton) and Executive Cabinet
(student government), and was a nominee for
the Morehead-Cain Scholarship for UNCChapel Hill.
Alex Warren selected NC
State over South Carolina and
Maryland. He ran cross country for four years, played tennis
and did throwing events on the
track and field team at Cardinal
Gibbons. He looks forward to
studying abroad, hopefully in Spain. Although
he is presently undecided, he is considering a
major in language or economics – or both!
Courtney Whorf will attend NC State. She was also
accepted at UNC-Chapel Hill,
ECU, and UNC-Wilmington. She plans to major in biology
and enroll in pharmacy school
after earning her undergraduate
Freddie Woodward has enrolled at UNC-
Comic Books, continued from page 1
Charlotte where he will probably major in business and
possibly be a walk-on soccer
player. The Sanderson soccer
superstar was one of 16 high
school students selected for
the NCCA East-West All-Star
Game this summer.
Zhane Wray is the recipient of a Delta GEMS
Scholarship and will
attend North Carolina
A&T State University.
She was named to the A/B
Honor Roll her freshman and senior years, was
in the MSEN (Math Science Education Network) Club and Engineering Club at her high
school, and received one of the highest SAT
scores in her AP/Honors senior English classes. Kofie Yeboah had an extremely successful four years running track
at Ravenscroft. Check it out
athletes/1957243-kofie-yeboah. Kofie will attend the University of Maryland-College
Park, where he was awarded
the Maury Povich Sports Journalism Scholarship. He is jump-starting his career in sports
broadcasting this summer as an intern with
the Carolina Mudcats. Kofie was also accepted
at Virginia Tech, NC State, High Point and
ECU. 
Senior track and field members at Ravenscroft included Chris Boericke, David Stump,
Kofie Yeboah and Wesley Frazier.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Josh Elder, executive director of Reading with
tional books, Stanley “loved the way that comics
could draw you into a story with images and add
elements to stories that were difficult to convey
with just words,” she said. “I knew that when I
became a teacher, comics were something that I
would definitely share with my students.”
Stanley was so enamored with this kind of
storytelling that she did most of her graduate
research on using comics to help struggling
readers and as a way to encourage diversity
through images.
“I’ve seen students who were self-professed
haters of reading read an entire series of comics
in a week,” Stanley said. “Then, confidence
found, they moved on to more and more challenging books.”
Students who perhaps lacked the writing
skills to craft stories with mere text have gone
to Stanley with detailed comics they’ve created.
But most importantly, she’s seen an unparalleled
level of excitement.
“I have students who will burst into the library to ask if I have any new comics!” she said.
Elder calls it the “three Es” of comics: engagement, efficiency and effectiveness.
Engagement: Comics have more immediacy
than prose, and cartooned images have more
visceral appeal than realistic images.
Efficiency: By combining words and pictures,
you can convey more data in less time.
Effectiveness: Our brains are optimized for
reading comics.
Elder is so convinced of the role of comics
in the classroom that he is partnering with
Northwestern University and other academic
institutions to oversee a comprehensive research
study on the role of comics in education.
Both Elder and Stanley find it difficult to contain their passion and excitement when discussing comics as an educational tool. Their hope is
that, after that PLC in May, a few more teachers
at St. Timothy’s will share their enthusiasm. 
a lu m n i n e ws
School Project Benefits Volunteer Fire Company
respond.” and with the tournall sophomores at broughton
ment scheduled for september
high school are assigned a
11, wallace added, “i thought it
personal project – a significant
was an appropriate time to honor
endeavor requiring months to
and thank our firefighters.”
plan and execute. “do or create
wallace had great help from
something that you love” is what
sts alumni families who conproject guidelines suggest.
tributed financial and logistical
so huston wallace (sts
support for the tourney: elliott
class of 2009) channeled his
honeycutt and his dad, Jacob
love of fishing and kayaking into
munster and his family, Kofie
a tournament that raised over
yeboah and his dad, Kathryn
$1,500 for the southeast pamlico
lyle, megan carley, Kip
volunteer fire department.
Class of 2011 and a rising junior at Cardinal
meadows, and the mangum
The teach’s
competed inheld
theinspring Showstoppers
in Cove Kayak Fishing Tournament and
Huston Wallace
the Teach’s
family. a number of friends and
fishing tournament,
won her division raised
with a$1,500
and an
dressed up
somewhere to go! STS
Jake who
the place
atoriental, ncVA.
last She
to the
The fishing is great, and i have a
until his parents, John and erin,
tend helped the cause by buying
required contestants to flex two
few friendsGibbons
who live
in oriental
brought home a kayak from an
tournament t-shirts.
at daybreak, they put in
that i knew would be able to help
sts auction fundraiser several
completed months ago,
their kayaks and canoes at teach’s
In brief:
me set up the tournament.”
years ago.
wallace’s sophomore project is
and paddled out. for the
and he had a very personal
he could have hosted the
now history. one might expect
four hours,
got down
to as a page
reason for selecting the benefitournament
closer to his raleigh
the same of the fishing tourney.
the business of fishing.
in 2012 and attends
home, but wallace had a number
but oriental hasn’t seen the last
The ultimate
of the
“when i was in the first
of reasons for choosing oriental.
of the teach’s cove Kayak fishanglers
was aRaleigh
grade,” he explained, “our beach
“i worked as a counselor at a
ing tournament.
flounder, a trout and a drum.
house in oriental caught fire.
sailing camp in oriental for eight
“i definitely plan on doing it
although he’s been fishing
The southeast pamlico volunteer
weeks last summer,” he said, “and
again next year!” wallace said.
all his life, wallace didn’t start
fire department was the first to
i built up a large group of friends.
kayak fishing with any regularity
SPC Gary Donaldson
Alex Sullivan Appointed
to Coast Guard Academy
Congratulations to Thomas Waldrop for attaining Eagle Scout rank!
Instead of enjoying his senior year at
The Citadel, Gary Donaldson is serving
in Afghanistan with the Army National
Joining Thomas at his Court
Alex Sullivan, STS Class of 2006, is
of Honor were fellow STS alumni (left to right) Morgan Seidel, Caroline Pope, Kreager Taber, Nico
a freshman at the U.S. Coast Guard
Hillmann, Seamus Burns and Andrew Swearingen.
The STS alum, a graduate of Cardinal
Gibbons High School, joined the
National Guard during his sophomore
Olivia Allen, STS Class of 2010, was named
year at The Citadel. When his unit was
Drama Student of the Year at Sanderson High
deployed to Afghanistan last May, SPC
School. She won several “SanderSony” awards for
Donaldson volunteered to go with them.
directing and represented Sanderson at regional
was incompetitions
the hearts and
and state theatre
past year.
of STS students and staff last month.
fifth gradefor
It’s not
alumni made
to stop by on
Valentine’s Day cards and first grade
a day off from high school. Catching up with
teachers Sharon Carlson, Debbie Potter and Sandy Robinson put together
Mr. Nowak this spring were (left to right) Robin
care packages of pens, note pads, hand warmers, beef jerky, hardy candy
Sawyers, Essan Asiamah and David Losada from
and other treats.
Sanderson High School and Bancks Holmes and
were mailed
Broughton share with his unit. 
st. timothy’s schooL
Academy in New London, CT. He was
one of 289 appointees from a pool of
9,000 applicants.
The Coast Guard Academy, founded in
1876, is the only one of the five federal
service academies that does not require
a congressional recommendation for
admission. Instead, admission is based
solely on personal merit through a
nationwide competitive process with no state quotas.
Alex reported for Swab Summer, the Academy’s seven-week initiation, last June. He earned his shoulder boards and is now one of 1,030
cadets enrolled in a four-year bachelor of science degree program.
In addition to his rigorous coursework, Alex wrestles for the Academy
and plays trombone in the band. 
4 ss pp i i rr i i tT
ss pur m
i NmG e r2
02 1 01 1 3
Catching Up With
Wesley Frazier
Truth be told, it’s virtually impossible to
catch up with STS alum Wesley Frazier! Her
list of accomplishments is staggering, and
we’re proud to say that her cross country
career was launched at St. Timothy’s. See
her STS Class of 2009 profile on page 7 and
check out her stats below:
5 National Championships
2011 5000 outdoor
2011 1 mile outdoor
2012 2 mile outdoor
2013 5000 indoor – National Record
2013 2 mile indoor
Sophomore Class Record
2011 5000 indoor
2011 5000 outdoor
Give Love, Give Blood
Taylor Lord (left) and her classmate from
Raleigh Charter High School collaborated
with St. Timothy’s Church and School for a
Red Cross Blood Drive on Valentine’s Day.
“It’s so nice to see our alumni giving their
time and efforts to benefit others,” said
Heather Daughtridge, STS Development
Director who organized the event.
NC State Records
Indoor 1600 - 4:46.66
Indoor 3200 - 10:08.68
Indoor 5000 - 16:18.01 - National Record
Outdoor 1600 - 4:37.56 Leading National time 2013
Outdoor 3200 - 9:57.70 - Leading
National time 2013
National Invitationals Won
Brooks PR - 2 mile indoor - 2011
New Balance Grand Prix - 1
mile indoor - 2013
Adidas Grand Prix Dream
Mile – outdoor - 2013
14 NCISAA State Championships
Cross Country - 2009
800, 1600, 3200 - 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
4X400 - 2012
NCISAA State Records
800 - 2:14.03
1600 - 4:47.34
3200 - 10:00.43
13 TISAC Conference Championships
Cross Country - 2009
800, 1600, 3200 - 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
MVP Cross Country 2009
MVP Track 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
TISAC Conference Records
800 - 2:13.30
1600 - 4:48.40
3200 - 10:23.00
NXN Southeast Regional Cross
Country Champion 2012
15 Times All American
Cross Country – 10th Footlocker - 2009
Outdoor 5000 - 2nd NBON - 2010
Outdoor 2 mile - 3rd NBON - 2010
Indoor 5000 - 4th NBON - 2011
Indoor 2 mile - 5th NBON - 2011
Outdoor 5000 - 1st NBON - 2011
Outdoor 2 mile - 3rd NBON - 2011
Outdoor 1 mile - 1st NBON - 2011
Indoor 5000 - 4th NBIN - 2012
Outdoor 5000 - 3rd NBON - 2012
Outdoor 2 mile - 1st NBON - 2012
Outdoor 1 mile - 2nd NBON - 2012
Outdoor DMR - 4th NBON - 2012
Indoor 5000 - 1st NBIN - 2013
Indoor 2 mile - 1st NBIN - 2013
It’s been almost two years since their wedding, but
we finally managed to get a photo of STS alum
Sara Dean Blanchone and her husband, Eric,
on their big day!
STS alum Jason Peck (far right) married his bride
Sneha in a ceremony in India followed by a
blessing and celebration in Chapel Hill. His ushers at the local ceremony were all STS alumni:
Ben Steele, Ben Whited, Mark Price and Zach
Segraves. Zach snapped this photo of the ushers
and groom.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
From January through June:
A Snapshot of Life at St. Timothy’s
Kelsey Wong (left) and Maya Haynes were
among the many high school students at the
annual STS Alumni Homecoming Dinner.
Second graders filled care packages, topped off
with hand-written letters, and mailed them to
servicemen in Afghanistan. The Raleigh Civitan
Club provides the boxes, addresses and postage for this annual service project.
Second grade teacher Diane Schroeder is all
smiles after receiving her Valentine’s Day balloon bouquet. A long-standing collaborative
effort between Student Council and Friends
of St. Timothy’s, Balloon Day is a popular fundraiser at STS.
The entire Konrad family came
out to support the first annual Titan Athletic Club (TAC)
Flapjack Fundraiser in March.
Lewes Powell and Andrew
Tucker cleaned their plates!
Kindergarteners sang and danced to the delight of
an audience of parents, grandparents and friends at
the annual Easter Hat Parade.
Dr. Debra Townsley (standing), president of
William Peace University, spent time with STS
seventh and eighth graders in Tim Tinnesz’s
Headmaster’s Leadership Program. She coached
them on leadership skills through a series of
exercises and challenges, including how to build
the tallest structure with 14 index card and no
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Blake Stone puts the finishing touches on his
ceiling tile. The Class of 2013 left their mark on
STS by decorating the ceiling tiles of the corridor where they spent most of their time over
the past two years.
A Volunteer Appreciation
Breakfast was held in May to
honor all of the many parents who give of their time
and talents to STS. Outgoing
Friends President Lisa Covell
(left) handed over the reins
to incoming President Lori
Powell at the breakfast.
Brian and Libby Hnat chat
with Tim Tinnesz at a reception held for donors to the
Chairman’s Honor Society
and Headmaster’s List of the
Annual Fund.
Tim and Karen Tinnesz and sons near the finish
line of the 1-mile segment of the annual Spring
Sprint. Afterwards, Karen went back out to run
the 5K! STS’s own Connor Lane led the pack at
the start of the 5K.
st. timothy’s schooL
Summer camps abound at STS! The first week
brought basketball, design app and princess camps
to campus.
s p i r i T
Student News
Kathryn Konrad, Will Garrabrant
Awarded Headmaster’s and
Faculty Cups
Kathryn Konrad and Will Garrabrant
took top honors at the end of year Awards
Chapel. Kathryn was awarded the Headmaster’s Cup and William was the recipient
of the Faculty Cup. Both awards are bestowed upon graduating eighth graders who
best exhibit the outstanding qualities of a St.
Timothy’s student. Faculty members nominate candidates and vote for the recipients of
this award.
Stephanie Harris and William Bolton
Win Margaret Evans Scholarships
Margaret Evans was a beloved teacher,
principal and headmaster at St. Timothy’s. A
scholarship is awarded in her memory each
spring to a seventh grade boy and girl who
“exhibit a love of learning and demonstrate
high academic achievement.” This year’s
recipients are Stephanie Harris and William
From Local to District to State to
National DAR Competition!
It’s been a wild ride for Caroline Vanyo
and her essay on “Forgotten Patriots Who
Supported the American Struggle for Independence.”
After being named first place winner of
the American History Essay Contest by
the local Micajah Bullock Chapter of the
Daughters of the American Revolution
(DAR), the STS seventh grader went on to
win first place in District VI competition.
She then placed first on the state level and
was recognized at the North Carolina DAR
Convention in April. Her essay is North
Carolina’s seventh grade entry in the upcoming national competition.
Essays are judged for historical accuracy,
adherence to the topic, organization of materials, interest, originality, spelling, grammar,
punctuation, and neatness.
William Stewart and
Lauren Barber Honored
at NC State Science Fair
After placing first in their respective categories
at regional competition, seventh graders Lauren
Barber and William Stewart advanced to the NC
State Science and Engineering Fair.
Lauren won third place in the Earth &
Environmental Science division for her project,
Catch the Wave. She also received the US Navy/
Marine Award and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Taking the Pulse of the Planet Award.
“I am very concerned about our environment and think our country should focus on ‘green
energy’,” Lauren said. “I wanted to explore tidal energy because it’s a reliable and unlimited
source of energy and North Carolina has 300 miles of coastline.”
Lauren compared different approaches to harnessing tidal energy as an alternative source for
generating power. She built models of three approaches being tested around the world today:
the point absorber, the attenuator, and the oscillating water column. She tested these models
in an aquarium; her results showed that the point absorber is the best option for harnessing
tidal energy.
William won second place in the Biological Science A division for his project, eMammal
Camera Trapping with Smithsonian WILD. This win qualified him for the Broadcom Masters
national competition in the fall.
His project is part of a study by the Biodiversity Laboratory at the Nature Research Center at
the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.
He set camera traps in Stone Mountain State Park at three different distances from the hiking
trail, then tagged and analyzed the pictures for different mammal species. He calculated the
activity rate for the three locations and added moon and weather data from other sources,
combining his data with that from all volunteers’ data to expand the dataset.
William found that most mammals preferred to be 200 meters off the trail, preferred a moderate temperature with their activity peaking at about 50 degrees, and preferred dry weather. The
mammal activity peaked twice, both at new moon and full moon.
His analysis and the results of the species tagging for population density studies will eventually be published in a scientific journal. His best camera trap pictures will be on display at the
Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC as part of their Smithsonian WILD project (http://
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Sydney Tucker Defines “Avid Reader”
Last fall, Scholastic Books introduced
a new program called Paws for Reading,
designed to help parents motivate their children to read 20 minutes each day.
Sixth grader Sydney Tucker did that and a
lot more, reading for 13,129 minutes -- 218
hours -- during the allotted time period. She
handily won the top spot among the participants in Angela Parrish’s literature classes.
STS Fields First MATHCOUNTS Team
“She’s an avid reader,” said Sydney’s mom,
Annette. “When she’s not at school or in the
pool, she’s reading a book!”
Scholastic Books donated 70 books to
children in need in Sydney’s honor.
Grace Patton Wins State
Young Authors Competition
When sixth grader Grace Patton was
named a state winner in the Young Authors
competition by the North Carolina Reading
Association, there was one person who was
perhaps even more excited than she was.
“I have never had a state winner in this
competition!” said Grace’s literature and
grammar teacher, Angela Parrish.
Sponsored by the International Reading
Association, the topic for this year’s competition was “Play That Game.” Grace’s
essay was one of 12 entries from all of Wake
County to be selected as a state winner.
Prior to being named a state winner, Grace
and her classmate Caroline Konrad were
named regional Young Authors winners.
Four STS sixth graders - Chris Bain, Caroline Konrad, Sydney Tucker and Katharine Priu - competed in this year’s regional MATHCOUNTS competition at Athens Drive High School.
The event included 41 schools from the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area with a total of 250
students in grades 6-8 competing. “Overall, STS placed 18th,” said Teresa Pollock, middle school
math teacher. “Not bad for our first year!”
In the individual category, Chris Brain placed in the top 20%.
“Our students did an amazing job and we hope next year we’ll climb the ranks to the Top 10,”
said Mrs. Pollock. “St. Timothy’s School is about goal-setting and we know we can do it!”
phy Bee mentor Matt Scheer.
While he did not make it to the Top 10
final competition, Riley was one of only
three STS students to make it to the NC
State Geographic Bee since the school began
participating in the annual event.
Riley Mears Wins STS
Geography Bee - Again!
Let the record state that Riley Mears
knows his geography! The eighth grader won
the St. Timothy’s School Geography Bee for
a second year.
After winning the STS Geography Bee in
December, Riley was given a written test. As one of the top 100 scorers in the state,
he was invited to compete in the North
Carolina State Geographic Bee at UNC Charlotte. Riley was cheered on by his family as well
as STS middle school teacher and Geogra-
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Move Over, Mia Hamm - Here
Comes Izabella Ference!
Fourth grader Izabella Ference traveled to
Cleveland, OH with her U10 NLA indoor
soccer team in March and returned with a
national championship title. Two months
later, her outdoor CASL soccer team made
headlines when they played up in the U11
girls division and took first place. “She works
hard and we are proud of her,” said Izabella’s
mom Kris, a teacher at STS. “She’s learned a
lot about time management this spring!”
Izabella (center) with members of her national
championship U10 NLA indoor soccer team.
Battle of
the Books
Lily Wayne Wins
Chick-Fil-A ServantLeadership Award
Second Mile Service is a biblical reference to
going above and beyond by choosing from
within to go the 2nd mile. “And if anyone
forces you to go one mile, go with him two
miles.” (Matthew 5:41). It’s not so much about
the talent; it’s about the heart. Someone who
is a leader and a servant, willing to sacrifice
for other teammates, coaches and opponents
on the field; someone who displays humility,
a positive attitude, good work ethic, good
sportsmanship and great character.
It takes a special person to fill the characteristics outlined above. That special
person, the recipient of the 2013 Chic-Fil-A
2nd Mile Servant-Leadership Award, is Lily
“To determine the winner,” said Tracey
Woodward, Athletic Director, “I solicited
nominations from all 2012-2013 athletes.
They could nominate one eighth grader
from each team they were on this year.”
Woodward also solicited every coach to
nominate any of their players that they
felt met the standard. Every nomination
included a brief statement about the athlete.
Woodward compiled the statements in
such a way that the Titan Athletic Board
(TAC) could not identify the nominees.
They read the statement and voted for
their top two; the nominee with the most
votes won.
Representing Chic-Fil-A was Rally de
Leon, an STS alumnus, who presented Lilly
with a plaque and coupons for one year of
Chick-Fil-a sandwiches!
Lily’s name will be engraved on a large
plaque in the trophy case in the gym
beneath Broderick Huntwork, last year’s
The STS Battle of
the Books team placed
third overall in the
Eastern Regional competition in Winton,
NC. The team, consisting of 11 students
in grades 6 and 7, was
quizzed on 27 different books.
The St. Timothy’s
team included Virginia
Laurie, Olivia Howe,
Caroline Konrad,
Maggie Duffy, Sydney
Tucker, Holly McCann, Jordan Sharber, Savannah Renard, Grace Raphun, Hannah Harris and Eva Guarino. School media specialist Sarah Stanley served as the group’s advisor.
Scholastic Art Awards Regional Winners
For the first time this year, St. Timothy’s middle school artists participated in the Scholastic Art
Awards program — the nation’s largest, longest-running and most prestigious recognition of
teenagers in the visual arts. Thirteen students submitted 15 pieces: painting, drawing, photography, jewelry, clay and sculpture.
Two of these students, Ashley Badin and Stephanie Harris, won Gold Key Awards in the
regional competition. Stephanie’s entry was a painting entitled “The Forbidden Fruit”; Ashley
won for her photograph, “The Brick Wall.”
Student artists Melanie Davis, Anna Elizabeth Helton, Rachel Marston and Mary Wilkinson
received honorable mention accolades.
The Gold Key works were displayed at Barton
College before advancing to the national competition, while the remaining entries were on
display in the school lobby.
“I am so proud of every student who entered
this competition,” said Kim Balentine, middle
school art teacher. “They are truly amazing
and gifted artists!”
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at St. Timothy’s School - Raleigh, NC
and St. Timothy’s School Alumni - Raleigh, NC.
s p i r i T
Over $9,000 Raised
for Cancer Research
Talent Show Nets $1300+
For Hurricane Sandy Relief
One student danced with a grace and flexibility that left the audience in awe.
Some braved solo performances while others harmonized in ensembles, mastering show
tunes as well as pop favorites.
One brought the house down with a rockin’ guitar riff and others executed challenging
piano etudes with apparent ease.
STS middle school students came together for a cause, raising over $1320 for the American
Red Cross’s hurricane and storm relief.
“Your gift to the Hurricane and Other Related Storms fund helps people affected by disasters like Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Isaac and Tropical Storm Debby,” wrote Barry Porter,
Regional Executive Director of the American Red Cross. “Your support helps us to provide
services such as food, shelter and emotional support to those affected.”
Photographs by Jennifer Robertson
st. timothy’s schooL
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It was the third time around for STS students Anderson Ward and Steve Snare.
They had been shaving their heads to
raise money for childhood cancer research
through the St. Baldrick’s Foundation since
the second grade.
This year they recruited STS eighth grader
Eric Farley and Luke Nelson, a friend who
attends West Millbrook Middle School.
Since they doubled in size, the group doubled their goal to $5,000. At the last minute, yet another friend joined Team Ashley’s
Angels. After shaving their heads on a
Saturday morning in March, the group of
five raised over $9,000 for cancer research.
“It was quite a day,” said Renee Ward,
Anderson’s proud mother. “Our three Titans
raised over $5,000!”
Eight Gifts He Took Away from St. Timothy’s
Alumnus George White Delivers Graduation Address
hen George White was an
eighth grader at St. Timothy’s
Just as it was 32 years ago, the
School in 1981, he could either
campus remains a carefully landlisten to music on the radio or save
scaped oasis off busy Six Forks Road.
his money for a trip to the mall to
Father Hale’s rule when White was
buy an album or cassette.
a student was simple: Don’t pick up
Today’s eighth graders can downanything you can’t put back! This
load songs from iTunes, stream video
has been “a memorable reminder
and music from YouTube or Spotify
over the years of our personal impact
to their phones or iPads – even interon the earth, and it motivates me to
act directly with artists on the web
do my part to help digital technoloor in apps like Twitter or Instagram.
gies reach their potential to lessen
A lot has changed in the music
it,” he said.
industry over the years, and George
White has played a pivotal role in
Each year, his respect for the sacthat change.
rifices and contributions that others
As Senior Vice President for
have made for him – including his
Strategy and Product Development
time at St. Timothy’s – grows. “The
at Warner Music Group, he was a
truth is,” White said, “there are very
leader in the development of new
few things that you will accomplish
mobile and online distribution
George White attributes much of his success in life to eight gifts he took by yourself.”
channels for music. And as General away from his years at St. Timothy’s.
Faith, Hope and Charity
Manager of Billboard Digital, he
St. Timothy’s was and remains a
bravery that are pre-requisites to follow the
grew the company’s online audience by over
little utopia, a shelter from the harsh world
long and winding path to pursue a long-shot
40% in just one year.
that allows its students and faculty to foster
career,” he said.
“It involved a ton of hard work, but it was
hope, grow, learn and give in a loving and
A passion for reading and life-long
outrageously fun and exciting,” White told
virtuous environment. “I believe my time
students and their families at graduation
in this haven inspired me to make choices in
The library as a resource in campus
exercises in May. “In very important ways,
my life that others have described as giving,”
life – coupled with the generous spirit of
my journey to do these things began at St.
White said, “ but that have been the most
participation and inclusion in the arts and
personally rewarding to me, like teaching in
athletics – instilled in him a love for new
White singled out eight gifts he took from
Kenya after college graduation or adopting
ideas, experiences and challenges that has
St. Timothy’s that propelled him through
my daughter from Sierra Leone as a 10-yearbeen “absolutely essential to being a leader in
high school and college and into an incredold.”
times of change and disruption,” White said.
ible cutting-edge career with music and
The challenges of the 21st century are
more complex and daunting than any we
The early focus at St. Timothy’s on critihave yet to face, White said.
cal thought and articulate communication
“I know that you are all leaving here with
over repetition and rote learning established
The intimate environment at St. Timothy’s
a few gifts that, if not unique to St. Timoin White a love of argument that has been
allowed the faculty to oversee and encourthy’s, are special and rare,” he said, “and if
“as aggravating to my family and friends
age his strengths, which greatly reinforced
you continue to nurture them, will lend
as it has been profoundly useful in making
his self-confidence. “That self-confidence
you the composure and resolve to meet each
the case for change and investment in the
fueled the independence, determination and
challenge and opportunity.” 
future,” he said.
Left: Grace Gressett,
Natalie Rinehard, Lindsey
Schneider, Emilie Hoke
and Rachel Marston
assemble for graduation.
Right: Spencer Mangum
receives his diploma from
Father James.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
STS Band Grows in Students, Instruments and Talent
n more ways than one, the STS band
program can toot its own horn.
When Director Susan Fritts arrived on the
scene, the program had 28 students on two
levels: beginning and advanced. Three years
later, the program has grown to almost 50
students in three classes: beginning, intermediate and advanced.
Much of this growth was made possible
by a generous multi-year grant from The Dr.
Albert Joseph Diab Foundation (see related
story on this page).
“When I first came to St. Timothy’s we
had absolutely no percussion,” Fritts said.
“The Diab Foundation was kind enough
to provide a $10,000 grant to purchase
instruments.” In that first year, the program
acquired two timpani, a bass drum, cymbals,
auxiliary percussion, bells, assorted percussion mallets and music stands.
This year, the band held a spaghetti dinner
fundraiser that netted over $1300. With
these proceeds, an additional $4900 gift
from the Diab Foundation and $400 from
Friends of St. Timothy’s, Fritts was able to
purchase a Bb tuba, marimba, French horn,
another timpani and many more assorted
small percussion instruments.
During her tenure at St. Timothy’s, Fritts
Susan Fritts rehearses with the STS band before a performance in the school gym.
has developed a music library, purchasing
This spring, Advanced Band took its first
off-campus field trip to join the Leesville
four to eight new pieces for the program
Road High School Symphonic Band in an
each year. Another band milestone is the use
hour-long clinic with Fritts and Leesville
of visiting clinicians. “We are fortunate to
Band Director Dave Albert.
have several outstanding middle school band
directors in the area who have come in to
“This gives our students a chance to
work with our students,” she said.
hear their current music literature with full
instrumentation,” she explained. “Although
And the program has been fortunate to
have the Diab Foundation underwrite these
the STS band program continues to grow
continues on page 23
Dr. Albert Joseph Diab Foundation Grant Boosts Arts and Sciences at STS
Dr. Albert Joseph Diab was a well-known physi● addition of a percussion section and purchase of
cian and community leader with a passion for sciother instruments for the band program to bring it
ence and a fervent desire to further the arts. His
closer to full instrumentation for future competiwish was that the arts could impact the lives of othtion;
ers just as his life had been deeply touched.
● participation in the Kings Dominion Choir
In 2005, a foundation was formed by Dr. Diab’s
Showcase and regional performances by the midson, Joe, to advance his father’s legacy. The misdle school chorus.
sion of The Dr. Albert Joseph Diab Foundation is to
The Diab Foundation outfitted a third middle school
improve our world through improving the quality
science lab in 2011, a space desperately needed to
of its leaders. To this end, the Foundation continues
conduct experiments and dissections. It purchased
Dr. Diab’s support for institutions that train, develop
equipment such as microscope sets, plant cell kits and
and support leaders in the arts and sciences.
laboratory hotplates for the lower school science lab.
Three years after its formation, the Diab
Remaining funds will be used for the implementaFoundation awarded a five-year, $100,000 grant to
tion of a Science Olympiad program in the fall.
St. Timothy’s School. The impact of these funds has
“This grant is part of a larger picture which
had a profound impact on both science and the
includes the Annual Fund, the efforts of Friends of
arts at the school.
The percussion section of the band was St. Timothy’s, and every individual donation which
Any student involved in the visual arts, for exam- made possible by a grant from The Dr. creates the resources for the school to offer excepple, uses supplies purchased through funds from Albert Joseph Diab Foundation.
tional tools and opportunities to each future leader
the Foundation. Many of these students go on
walking -- or running -- through those hallways,”
to showcase their works throughout Wake County and beyond,
said Foundation Director Joe Diab. “ It is satisfying to think of those
including this year’s winning entries in the prestigious Scholastic Art
dollars as microscopes, paintbrushes and musical instruments, and
even more rewarding to see what the children create from those tools!”
The music program at STS has been enhanced in many ways through
The gift of the Diab Foundation has been instrumental in advancthe Diab funding:
ing the arts and science programs, said STS Director of Development
● acquisition of a computer and software for music composition to
Heather Daughtridge. “We are incredibly grateful to be the recipient of
engage students and to assist with performance rehearsals;
such generous funding.”
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
The phenomenal drumming of the young boys,
coupled with the incredible singing and dancing
of the 16-member African Children’s Choir, kept
STS students on the edge of their seats during two
performances at the school.
African Children’s
Choir at STS
tudents normally welcome an unexpected
long weekend. With a threat of winter
precipitation, there was a very real chance that
school would be closed on that Friday in January.
This time, however, students had an important
reason for wanting to go to school. The African
Children’s Choir was coming to St. Timothy’s
School to launch a year-long nationwide tour.
Luckily, the snow never materialized.
The choir, a group of 16 children from
Uganda ranging in age from seven to nine years, had landed in America just three days earlier.
They had already eaten their first peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by time they got to St.
Timothy’s, but a pre-performance lunch at the school provided another novel culinary experience: pizza, some unfamiliar fresh fruits and huge chocolate chip cookies.
The children dined with members of the STS Student Council, which paid the group’s
performance fee with the proceeds from a year of fundraising projects. Money raised from the
choir’s tour goes back to their homeland to build orphanages and promote literacy.
With an abundance of talent and a level of professionalism belying their young ages, the
choir performed two 45-minute concerts of song, dance and African drumming. Students
from kindergarten through eighth grade watched and listened with rapt attention.
It is safe to say that the African Children’s Choir left a huge impression on the hearts and
minds of the St. Timothy’s community. Almost as soon as the group left campus, plans were
underway to bring them back to St. Timothy’s in December at the tail end of their tour. 
Headmaster, continued from page 2
… to our inaugural group of “STS Admissions Ambassadors” and all other current
and former families who have encouraged
a neighbor, co-worker or friend to visit our
… to the families who opened their homes
and hearts to our first Guatemalan exchange
… to all those who worked to make our
grounds so beautiful this year, including
community volunteers, our Boy Scout troop,
Frank Morey and CeCe Morgan.
… to our Student Council for the Fall
Festival dunk tank that raised money for
SAFEChild, for underwriting the visit of the
African Children’s Choir, and for all of the
other projects that reflect their incredible
leadership and service.
… to all of those who supported our
students as they sang at the Governor’s Mansion, performed at Peace University, played
at countless athletic venues (bringing home
our second straight Triangle Cup!), and raised
over $1300 for Hurricane Sandy relief at our
talent show.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Student Council member Hinson Willson enjoyed
meeting the choir members at a luncheon before
their performance.
... to Assistant Headmaster Judy Tison,
who postponed retirement and time with
grandchildren last spring to see us through
reaccreditation and the arrival of a new headmaster this year.
… to my wife and children, who probably
haven’t seen me as much this last year as they
would have liked (a sacrifice likely shared by
many of our faculty/staff families, I’m sure) as
we pursue whole new levels of excellence for
St. Timothy’s School and our students.
Thank you to our whole community who
has made it a great YEAR to be a Titan! 
Annual Founders’ Day Fundraiser
Mardi Gras Nets $75,000 for Technology Enhancements
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Synonymous with Mardi Gras, the Cajun
phrase translates literally as “Let the good
times roll!” And that’s exactly what happened
at the Mardi Gras-themed dinner and auction
fundraiser held at North Ridge Country Club
in February.
Chaired by Denise Pallister and Debbie
Blankenship, the evening of fun, fellowship and
fundraising included live and silent auctions
and a tuition raffle. It also featured a “bling
bonanza” which adapted the Mardi Gras theme
of the king cake. Hundreds of mini-cupcakes
were sold, with one containing a lucky trinket.
The person who purchased that cupcake was
the recipient of a serious piece of “bling” from
Diamonds Direct!
Proceeds from Founders’ Day 2013 will focus
on technology enhancements throughout the
school that will impact every student.
Funds were set aside for a professional development fund to bring educational technology specialists to campus
for faculty workshops.
Another significant portion of the proceeds was used to purchase
tablet computing carts, one for the lower school and another for
the middle school.
But the largest percentage of funds raised will be spent on installing LCD projects, screens, speakers, document cameras, and wireless mice and mobile presentation hardware in every classroom.
“This major infrastructure improvement will allow every classroom to host on-demand interactive lessons using educational web
resources, streaming media, and more,” said Headmaster Tim Tinnesz. “We will also substantially increase our campus bandwidth to
accommodate more internet usage and streaming media.”
Plans are already underway for next year’s Founders’ Day event, Event co-chairs Denise Pallister and Debbie Blankenship (left), along with Faye
and David Wilson, got into the spirit of Mardi Gras at the annual STS Founders’
The Red Party, which will be held at North Ridge on February 8,
Day dinner and auction.
2014. 
Alison Gammage Appointed Lower School Head
Alison Gammage has been appointed to the newly created position of Head of Lower
For the past four years, she has been an Academic Chair and the Director of the Teaching
and Learning Center at the National Cathedral School in Washington, DC. She was also an
adjunct professor with the Corcoran Museum of Art and spent 12 years as a teacher and
administrator at the Lab School of Washington, DC.
Ms. Gammage holds a B.A. Hons. in Theology and an M.A. in Education from Westminster
College in Oxford, UK, and an M.A. in Special Education from American University in
Washington, DC.
She is on the ERB Advisory Board and presented on “Best Practices in Dealing with NeuroDiversity in the Classroom” at both the NAIS and ERB annual conferences last year.
“I am delighted to be joining St. Timothy’s,” Alison said. “It has been my dearest wish
to lead a lower school for a long time and I am thrilled that St Timothy’s chose me. I am
excited about meeting everyone - students, teachers and parents - and becoming a Titan!”
Alison’s husband, John, is a social studies teacher, and they have a 9 year-old daughter,
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
Kacie Bagley’s Rising Star
Clayton High School’s Honk! The Musical, featuring STS
alum Kacie Bagley, was a finalist for Best Musical 2013 in the
Triangle Rising Stars program. High schools in Chatham,
Durham, Franklin, Granville, Harnett, Johnston, Lee, Moore,
Orange, Person, Vance, Wake and Warren counties are
eligible to participate in the program. Kacie served as cochoreographer of the production’s dance numbers.
A rising junior, Kacie won her school’s Theater I Award.
You can catch her this summer in the ensemble of Joseph
and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Clayton
Youth Theater.
When she’s not singing, dancing or acting on stage, Kacie
keeps the creative juices flowing by writing. Her poem
“Glimmer the Pixie” won first place honors in the local
and district competition of the NC General Federation of
Women’s Clubs before going on to nab an honorable mention on the state level.
Her academic achievements rival her artistic achievements,
as she received the Principal’s Academic Achievement
Award for earning all As each nine-week grading period.
Kacie Bagley (second from left) in Honk! The Musical at Clayton High School
Lisa and Sadie Meadows:
Running for a Reason
Last summer, Lisa Ward Meadows celebrated her fortieth birthday and one year of being a cancer survivor by running a marathon and a half-marathon – even throwing in an extra 1-mile fun
run with her daughter Sadie – within a week!
This year she’s running for a new cause: Amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS) awareness. Her father died of complications from
Bulbar Palsy and ALS in the spring. “To celebrate my father’s life
and raise money and awareness for ALS,” Lisa said, “I’m running
68 miles, mostly in distance runs, and a mile with Sadie over the
course of about two months.”
Nico Hillmann:
Flying Solo
While most boys his age dream of getting
a driver’s license, STS alum Nico Hillmann is
focusing on his pilot’s license.
Starting when he was 13 years old, he
slowly logged flight hours and training. On
May 11, barely two months beyond his sixteenth birthday, Nico marked a milestone:
his first solo flight and receipt of a student
pilot permit.
For training purposes, Nico may now fly
solo; he cannot carry any passengers. On
his seventeenth birthday next spring, he
will be eligible to take the Federal Aviation
Administration FAA checkride for a private
pilot’s license.
For her Girl Scout Bronze Award, Grace Patton made a collection of no-sew fleece blankets and donated
them to the Rex Cancer Center. In doing so, she honored both of her grandmothers who died of cancer.
Grace is currently working on her GS Silver Award.
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
An Update On An Old Tradition:
New Shepherd Robes for Pageant
hat do you get when you take two
moms with one great idea and about
100 yards of fabric? New shepherd costumes
for the St. Timothy’s Christmas pageant.
Debbie Blankenship and Kristin Holder
met when their sons were in kindergarten. As
first grade room mothers last year, they had
a lot to talk about, including the annual St.
Timothy’s Christmas Pageant.
Since the pageant’s inception over 50 years
ago, first grade boys have donned bathrobes
and fastened towels around their heads to play
the role of shepherds. First grade girls wear
white dresses complemented with sheer wings
and shimmering halos in their role as angels.
“As moms of boys we wanted our sons –
and all the boys – to look as handsome as
shepherds as the girls look beautiful as angels,”
Kristin said. “We had the basic idea in mind
from our own personal church pageants over
the years.”
They found a pattern at a fabric store, then
figured out how many costumes were needed
and how much fabric was required to make
them in three basic sizes: small, medium and
large. They shopped for material of the right
color and texture, always keeping an eye out
for a sale, and bought colored cords for waist
ties at a great price from a first grade grandmother who is an interior decorator.
Kristin and Debbie cut out and
pinned the robes and Kristin sewed
“My grandmother was a seamstress
so I learned to sew a little from her,”
she explained. “I did it all one Sunday
afternoon while watching lots of
They made the cord ties in different sizes and then had a fitting with
the boys to adjust sleeve lengths and
hems. But they weren’t finished yet.
Debbie purchased fabric and elastic
bands and made head pieces. Debbie Blankenship and Kristin Holder, the talent behind In all, they made 19 ensembles
– including a few extra robes – and
the new pageant shepherd robes.
STS Band, continued from page 19
each year and add important instrument
voices, we still do not have all of the instrumentation necessary for a full ensemble.”
The program’s goal is to develop a full ensemble that can participate in concert band
festivals and competitions.
The advantages of the STS band program
are many, Fritts said:
Band is a wonderful place for students to
use their math and creative skills.
Playing a musical instrument improves
manual dexterity and hand/eye coordination.
Students are exposed to many foreign
languages through music.
Band instills in students a work ethic and
teaches how to be a team player.
“We also use technology with our program,” she said. “Students are encouraged
to use a program called Smart Music, an
online tutorial that allows them to practice
their band music at home with full ensemble.”
Ian Fan and Henry Roney exhibit the Christmas
pageant wearing their new jobs.
left the patterns for future years along with
leftover fabric. “We had a lot of laughs making them,”
Debbie said, “and then a lot of tears while we
watched them during the pageant!”
For their labor of love, Kristin and Debbie
accepted no compensation. It was their way
of saying, “Merry Christmas, St. Timothy’s!”
By the eighth grade, Fritts
knew that she wanted to be a
music major in college. After
graduating from the UNCGreensboro School of Music,
she took a job as band director
with the Wake County Public
Schools. At the same time,
her private studio of flute students continued to grow and,
ultimately, it won out over the
public school system.
But Fritts missed being a
band director and when the
position at St. Timothy’s became available in 2010, it was
Wesley Major, who plays tuba in the STS band, learned a lot from the
an offer she couldn’t refuse.
“big guys” in the Leesville Road High School band at a spring clinic.
And it’s one that she’s never
I’ve gotten goose bumps listening to their
regretted, as she calls her position at STS the
performance and sometimes I forget how
best job she’s ever had.
young these kids are! I walk into every
“I am simply amazed at what these young
rehearsal excited to work with these amazing
students have accomplished this past year,”
kids!” 
she said. “There have been times that
st. timothy’s schooL
s p i r i T
4523 Six Forks Road
PO Box 17787 • Raleigh, NC 27619
Do you have a favorite
teacher from your years
at St. Timothy’s?
We’ve got a unique
naming opportunity and
we’d like your input.
Send an email to
with the name of your
favorite teacher.
Feel free to include any
special memories!
Don’t forget to RE-LINK your Harris Teeter (#2635) and Kroger (#90768) cards to designate St. Timothy’s School!
Spreading the Spirit of St. Timothy’s Around the Globe
When students graduate from St. Timothy’s or simply experience a growth spurt, parents often
donate their school uniforms to the used uniform sale. Sometimes, though, there’s a small but
stubborn stain or another imperfection that keeps an item of clothing off the sale rack. These
used uniforms – they ones that just don’t “make the cut” for resale – are put to good use all over
the globe. Through a myriad of contacts, St. Timothy’s uniforms have found second homes
in Belarus, Haiti, Ukraine and most recently, Kenya. Pictured above are a group of boys in a
Ukrainian orphanage modeling their St. Timothy’s School sweaters and sweatshirts.