Spring 2010 Spirit Newsletter


Spring 2010 Spirit Newsletter
S t .
T i m o t h y ’ s
S c h o o l
n e w s
8 number 1
S UMMER . 2 0 1 0
Headmaster’s Letter
Word from the Rector
Spring Sprint
Year in Review
Titan Sports
Alumni Updates
Haiti Fundraising
Soldier Care Packages
Wesley Frazier Triumphs 12
Blue and White Days
Derby Day
2008-09 Annual Report
Father Hale’s Birthday
st. timothy’s school
spirit newsletter
is published
by st. timothy’s
episcopal school
Karen Campbell
LAYOUT design:
4523 six forks road
p. o. box 17787
Raleigh, NC 27609
fax 919-787-1131
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Grace Todd as Brer Rabbit in
Tales, Long and Short, a play
that students wrote, directed
and starred in this spring.
Fine and Performing Arts Thrive at STS
Every child is an artist. 
The problem is how to remain
an artist once we grow up.
For this reason and more, the
arts – theatre, chorus, band and
visual art – are thriving at STS,
and a sampling of spring events
– Pablo Picasso
proves this point. In recent
erhaps no one understands
•Theatre students wrote, dithis sentiment better than
rected, starred in, designed the
the fine arts and performing arts
set and created costumes for a
faculty at St. Timothy’s.
play, Tales, Long and Short.
•Middle school chorus partici“By exposing our children to
pated in the Carowinds Festival
the arts, we are allowing them
of Music and were evaluated by
to nurture their natural creative
nationally known adjudicators,
abilities,” said Kim Balentine,
returning with a superior – the
who teaches classes at STS ranghighest possible rating.
ing from acting in film to jewelry
•STS hosted a day-long band
making. “This allows them to
festival for a
become creative
“By exposing our
second year,
thinkers later in
children to the arts, we featuring a
clinician and
are allowing them to
“If you want a
culminating in
nurture their natural a performance
child to have
a higher order
by 80 particicreative abilities.”
of thinking, to
pants from five
Kim Balentine
write expresschools.
sively and to be able to problem
•Elementary students displayed
solve,” added visual art teacher
over 2,000 works of art in
Laura Bierer, “then you need to
the gymnasium during Open
give them time to create.”
House; works by middle school
artists representing many media
were featured in the main
school building.
Drama teacher Lynne Sizemore
is quick to point out the multiple
benefits of the performing arts.
“Theatre teaches time management, gives students the
opportunity to ‘think on their
feet’, and serves as an outlet for
students much as sports do,” she
explained. “We are fortunate
that our administration recognizes the impact of the performing arts on the creative abilities
of students and how that impact
influences them as they become
In Tales, Long and Short, students
selected nursery rhymes and
stories and rewrote them with a
contemporary twist. The story of
David and Goliath, for example,
was reworked to reflect the problem of bullying in today’s schools.
“Humpty Dumpty, Grumpy
continued on page 12
7/12/2010 6:06:50 PM
Headmaster’s Letter
year has passed since our
last St. Timothy’s School
Spirit and we’ve done our best to
capture as much of the past year
as these pages will allow. As you
will note, our Annual Report –
usually a free-standing publication – is incorporated into this
newsletter on pages 14-19. This
was more than an editing decision; it was a necessity.
Around the time that Lisa Ham,
our Director of Development,
would have sat down to begin
the Annual Report, she was diagnosed with cancer. Around the
time that the fiscal year-in-review
would have reached mailboxes,
she passed away.
Michael S. Bailey
were an emotionally devastated
school, yet we found the strength
to carry on. For the sake of the
500 bright, smiling faces that
appear in our halls each day, we
carried on to fulfill the mission
of our school by committing
ourselves to the educational excellence and the emotional, physical
and spiritual growth of children in
an environment where traditional
Christian values are emphasized.
“When we become what
God has put us on this earth to be,
we find that we have enormous
reservoirs of strength.”
Bishop Curry
were overflowing with proud parents and family members for the
graduation of our eighth grade
class. The Rt. Rev. Michael S.
Curry, Bishop of the Diocese of
North Carolina, delivered the
commencement address. In a
Fast forward to May 27. The
pews of St. Timothy’s Church
“When we become what God
has put us on this earth to be,”
Bishop Curry said, “we find that
we have enormous reservoirs of
This has been a year when all of
us – students, faculty, parents
and administrators – have dipped
into that reservoir. n
It’s been a difficult year for St.
Timothy’s School. Three faculty
members buried their mothers,
another lost a sister to cancer,
and our cherished colleague was
gone at age 39. By mid-year we
Denisen Croom (left) and
Rachel Erwin (right) share a
moment with Bishop Curry
at graduation in May.
A W ord From the Rector
The Reverend Jay C. James
This is an “old” model for overseeing the running of a parochial
school. Some would say that it’s “antique” and even “old fashioned”. I prefer to call it “traditional” and “time-tested”. This
model works very well for us in the Church and the School because
of its simplicity, its proper alignment of priorities, and the fact that
it lets me operate under my favorite administrative principle “if it
ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
t. Timothy’s School is an outreach of the faith and practice of
St. Timothy’s Church. Our School exists and operates because
the members of St. Timothy’s Church believe that teaching children
is an important calling of Jesus Christ. If St. Timothy’s Church did
not see the education of children as a calling then there would be no
St. Timothy’s School. This calling is really what makes us a Christian School. We assume that when parents give us the honor and
privilege of educating their children that the parents know that we
are trying to carry out our calling. As St. Paul charges our own
St. Timothy, But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the
work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. At St. Timothy’s
Church we are only trying to “make full proof of (our) ministry” by
reaching out to children with the ministry of St. Timothy’s School.
In practice this model is successful because the ministries of the
Church and the School are mutually beneficial and because of basic
“good will”. The Church benefits because it has a ministry that
truly reaches out to the community with its School. The School
benefits because it is grounded in Christian principles and an
Anglican Tradition that give it weight, purpose and stability. With
this mutually beneficial relationship is the cooperation and unityof-purpose between our Vestry and School Board. The concerned,
talented and faithful members of both the Vestry and School Board
share and generate good will that redounds to the success of both
the Church and the School.
So what is the relation of the Church to our parochial School by
virtue of being a ministry of our Church? From a spiritual perspective the relation is that the Holy Ghost has called the Church to
minister to children by enlightening their hearts, minds, bodies
and souls. This takes the shape, from a practical perspective, of
the Vestry of St. Timothy’s Church giving authority to the School
Board to govern the School. The Vestry of the Church allows
St. Timothy’s School to exist and gives our School Board the authority to raise money, hire the headmaster and make major policy
decisions for the School. The Rector of St. Timothy’s Church is the
chairman of the School Board and appoints School Board members. These lines of authority are really that simple.
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simple 10-minute homily, the
bishop said something that truly
How thankful we should be to the men and women who volunteer
so much of their time, talent and treasure to serve on the Vestry of
the Church and St. Timothy’s School Board. God is truly working
through their presence on both organizations to the benefit of our
children. May God continue to bless the work He began fifty-two
years ago because this work is a great blessing to our children.
s p i r i T SPRI N G
7/12/2010 6:06:57 PM
Lisa Permar Ham:
s Director of Development, it was Lisa
Ham’s job to cultivate goodwill and
giving at St. Timothy’s.
Bruce Ham (right) with Eric and Shari Frederick of “Team Ham” from First Presbyterian Church.
Spring Sprint Remembers Lisa Ham
lose to $24,000 was raised at the fifth
annual Spring Sprint, held this year
in memory of Lisa Ham and in support of
those struggling with cancer. Proceeds will
fund an award in colorectal research at the
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, where
Lisa was treated for the cancer that claimed
her life so abruptly last February.
The Durham facility is one of only 40 nationwide designated by the National Cancer
Institute as a comprehensive cancer center.
The award in Lisa’s memory will be bestowed
at an annual cancer conference at Duke
University in the fall.
A record number of runners, walkers and
volunteers – over 1,000 – participated in the
5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Fun Run and 50 Yard
Dash in April.
a sizeable contingent from Raleigh’s First
Presbyterian Church, came out to honor the
memory of a cherished friend and colleague.
“When Lisa was diagnosed last fall,” said race
coordinator and STS Director of Marketing
Sharon Keen, “we decided immediately to
designate the Comprehensive Cancer Center
as the recipient of our proceeds.”
It was suggested that the race be held In
Honor of Lisa Ham.
Not one to draw attention to herself, and
always mindful of the trials and tribulations
of others, Lisa resisted. She relented only
when the phrase “and Others Struggling With
Cancer” was added. n
But fundraising, albeit an important part
of Lisa’s job, wasn’t even what she did best.
What Lisa Ham did better than anyone else
was to develop relationships.
She developed respected relationships
with students, as a journalism teacher and
their Student Council advisor. She developed mutually rewarding relationships
with teachers, as the mother of three STS
students and a member of the school’s
strategic planning committee who sought
and valued their input. She developed personal relationships with parents, as a fellow parent and the administrative liaison
to Friends of St. Timothy’s.
She developed milestone relationships
with alumni, forming an Alumni Council to
provide a lasting connection to the school.
And she developed loving relationships
within the STS administration which, in a
small, independent school, operates much
like an extended family.
Some were avid runners who registered when
the Sprint became part of the Second Empire Grand Prix, a series of nine local running races held each year. Others, including
Above: It’s a race to the finish line for
STS student Blake Koch.
Left: First grade teacher Debbie Potter
and husband Bob (right) pose with
parents and students for a pre-race
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Much can be said about her professional
accomplishments, most notably steering a
campaign that produced the new school
building dedicated in 2006. Managing
capital campaigns and annual funds was
a part of the job that she tackled with
enthusiasm and determination.
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Diagnosed less than six months earlier, Lisa
succumbed to colon cancer on February
24, 2010. Upbeat until the end, she threatened to expel from “Team Lisa” anyone
who did not believe she would beat the
odds. In the end, the odds were simply
It has been written that Lisa Permar Ham
was “the heartbeat of her entire family.”
We at St. Timothy’s would like to add “and
an entire school.”
7/12/2010 6:07:41 PM
Looking Back
on 2009-2010
Another Great School Year!
ith the blink of an eye,
another year goes by.
And what a year it’s been!
Before the school year even
began last August, our Friends
of St. Timothy’s machine was
in motion planning a welcome
breakfast for new students and
parents. Meet the Teacher
nights soon followed. Practice
began for middle school students on the cross country, volleyball, tennis and soccer teams.
We settled into routines.
In September, students who read all summer long and completed
challenging math packets were rewarded with an ice cream party and
a bagel breakfast. Student Council elections were held, first graders
met their fifth grade Study Buddies, and field trips took students to
the Alice Aycock Poe Center, North Carolina Museum of History and
Quail Corners Animal Hospital.
October brought the Pumpkin
Parade and Fall Festival, two
of our perennial favorites. In
November, we turned more
introspective with our annual
“We Can Share” food drive
and kindergarten Thanksgiving
program. Basketball and cheerleading dominated the Titan
athletic scene; our hard-working
scholars were inducted into the
National Junior Honor Society.
By December, students were
mastering their roles for the
53rd performance of the STS
Christmas Pageant. Our
talented band and chorus
performed at a joint concert.
Student Council sponsored its
annual toy drive so that parents
could obtain presents for their
children through North Raleigh
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7/12/2010 6:08:20 PM
Aloha! In January, kindergarteners learning about Hawaii enjoyed
a luau with their fourth grade Biggles. The Science Fair brought
esteemed local scientists on campus to judge the impressive entries
of our students. And parents began to make summer plans for their
children at our annual Camp Fair.
dents as they wrote, directed and
starred in Tales, Long and Short.
May was soon upon us, but instead of winding down the year
we went into overdrive! Open
House highlighted our student
accomplishments through
classroom exhibits, art shows,
and performances by band and
chorus. Honors Reading participants handed in journals for
each of the 15 books they had
read since September and were
honored at an ice cream social.
If it’s February, this must be…
Spirit Week! For one glorious
week, the dress code was relaxed
in favor of a daily theme for
clothing – like Crazy Hat Day!
Before winter break, Student
Council and Friends of St. Timothy’s joined forces for Balloon
Day. With the help of many
parent volunteers, the campus
was transformed into a bobbing
sea of red and white balloons
– the STS way of celebrating
Valentine’s Day!
March arrived, as did soccer,
tennis and baseball. A new
tradition that became an instant
hit, the International Festival,
moved from multi-purpose
room to dining hall to gym to
accommodate its rapid growth.
Family Night Bingo was, as
always, a huge success. And kindergarteners entertained us all
at the Hat Parade, performing a
seasonal song and dance revue in
their creative Easter bonnets!
There were no April showers at
the Spring Sprint; it was glorious
weather for the 1,000+ volunteers and participants in the 5K
Run/Walk and 1 Mile Fun Run,
held this year in memory of our
beloved Lisa Ham and in honor
of those suffering from cancer.
April also showcased the many
talents of our theatre arts stu-
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Our soon-to-graduate eighth
graders traveled to Washington,
DC to visit historic museums
and monuments. Fourth graders
headed for the beach to cement
their study of ocean life by clamming, pulling in crab pots, shell
collecting and pulling seine nets
in the marsh. Blue and White
Days brought the revenge of the
Blue as they dethroned White
from a dominance of many
years. The Titan Sports Banquet
honored student athletes for a
year of accomplishments.
And at commencement exercises
rounding out the month of May,
The Right Rev. Michael Curry,
Bishop of the Diocese of North
Carolina, urged our graduates to
“go forth from this place and let
your light shine.” n
7/12/2010 6:08:50 PM
t i t a n s
W e lc o m e
T i ta n
C o u n tr y !
t’s hard to believe another year
has passed in Titan Country!
The Titans achieved not only incredible accolades in fierce competition, but also represented the
school community with pride
and determination showing great
sportsmanship and learning
valuable life lessons in and out of
the athletic arena.
Bringing home the Triangle
Middle School Conference Tournament Championship looked
easy as the Lady Titan Volleyball Team literally “volleyed”
their way to victory under the
experienced gaze of Coach Judy
Whitley. The team ended with
an overall record of 14 wins and
3 losses with a conference record
of 6-2, placing them as the regular season conference runner-up.
Through the leadership of the
nine eighth graders on the team,
the ladies were able to fight
off a tough Bethesda Christian
Academy team contending for
the championship. Three team
managers, Evan Fritsch, Victoria
Griffin, and Maribelle Scoggin,
helped the team stay organized
both on the road and at Titan
arena. The team will be losing 10
seasoned eighth grade players to
graduation; however, both talent
and skill should continue to
reign on the squad next fall.
The Titan Boys’ Soccer Team
letes comprised the co-ed team,
all of whom learned the benefits
of cross country running as not
only a competitive sport but also
as a means to lifetime physical
fitness. Spectators should expect
to see another strong squad this
coming season.
finished second in regular
season conference play with a
conference record of 5 wins,
2 losses, and 1 tie against the
Kestrel Heights Charter School
“Hawks”. Coach Dan Williams
had a core group of eighth graders who helped lead the team to
their impressive record. Eighth
grade goalkeeper Wesley Smith
and defensive phenomenon
Jarrett Cervi proved to be valuable assets during the season,
according to Coach Williams.
Only five members of the 19
member squad will be leaving
upon graduation. The returning
squad will be a potent threat for
the Fall 2010 season!
The Fall 2009 season also
proved to be a fruitful time for
the Lady Titan Tennis Team.
The girls finished with 8 wins
and 2 losses in the TMSC and
12-4 with their non-conference
opponents added. Coach
Matt Scheer finished his sixth
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season as head coach. The ladies
clinched second place in regular
season conference play and were
awarded the runner-up trophy in
the TMSC tournament, losing
to a tough Magellan Charter
School team. The team will bid
farewell this spring to long time
players and eighth graders Endia
McCray, Katie Vaughan, and
Catherine Monaco. However,
the lineup should still be strong
as nine players will be returning
next year!
Under the leadership and
development of Coach Mike
McConeghy, the St. Timothy’s
School Boys’ and Girls’ Cross
Country Team dominated the
TMSC landscape with the girls
winning first place in 8 out of
9 meets and the boys taking
first or second place in 6 out
of 9 meets last fall. Individual
runners Chase McCord and
Ryen Frazier both brought home
individual championships in
the TMSC championship race,
leading both the girls’ and boy’s
squads to another team championship! Thirty-two student-ath-
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The Boys’ “White” Basketball
Team displayed tremendous resolve and determination against
some seasoned teams as they
grew from a young team into
an improved squad with depth,
skill, and court knowledge.
Coach Allen Patton focused on
teaching the team fundamentals,
plays, and how the game of basketball applies to everyday life.
Teamwork and quick-thinking
proved to be indispensable assets
for the team as they matured at
the end of the season. The team
will prove to be a formidable foe
as members approach a new season with important skills under
their belts.
7/12/2010 6:09:12 PM
Finishing with a 7-3 record in
the conference, only losing to a
tough Kestrel Heights team, the
Boys’ “Blue” Basketball Team
under seasoned Coach B.J.
Nowak slid into second place in
the regular season and second
place in the TMSC tournament.
The boys were led by eighth
grade captains Patrick Renegar
and Jarrett Cervi. They demonstrated discipline and dedication
while Coach Nowak focused not
only on basketball skills, but on
life skills as well like character
and cooperation. Even though
the team will be losing 8 out of
the 11 players to graduation, the
players left behind will develop
into leaders for the rising sixth
graders joining the squad.
son. The girls continually closed
the point gap as the season progressed, playing tough defense
and improving offensively.
Bringing home second place in
regular season play and second
place in the TMSC tournament,
the Girls’ “Blue” Basketball
Team also finished 7-3 in the
conference like their boys’ team
counterpart. Coach Judy Whitley depended on the leadership
of the seven eighth grade girls
to guide the team to its successful finish. The squad proved to
be both tenacious and skilled in
tough battles with opponents
like Kestrel Heights Charter
School, sometimes clinching
victory in the last few minutes of
the game by just a few points.
one penalty kick to an exhausted
Franklin Academy team. Captains Yasmeen Mustafa, Cameron
Perry, Rachel Schwitzgebel and
Meredith Burke led the team
throughout the season, igniting a
team that was extremely cooperative and intuitive on the field.
The Girls’ Soccer Team headed,
kicked, and dribbled their way
to an undefeated conference
record, finishing 10-0. Led by
Coach Judy Whitley, a former
North Carolina State soccer
player, the team finished 12-1-3
overall, between their conference
and non-conference opponent
games during the regular season.
The girls clinched the trophy for
regular season TMSC champions. After playing for over
two hours – an hour of regular
match play, two 10-minute
overtimes and a round of penalty
kicks – the Titan ladies lost by
Sliding into second place in
the TMSC regular season and
bringing home second place in
the TMSC tournament was the
TITAN Boys’ Baseball Team
led by Coach Tim Hart. Finishing 7-3 in the TMSC conference and bringing home a 10-4
record between non-conference
and conference contests, the
baseball team racked up a total
of 193 runs throughout the
regular season. Pitchers Jake
The Girls’ “White” Basketball
Team improved exponentially
throughout the season. Some
players began the season with
little knowledge of the sport and
had never played before. By the
end of the season, the girls were
working as a well-oiled machine
to execute plays, pass and feed
the ball around the court, and
set up tough defensive maneuvers. The highlight of the season
was the tremendous 19-9 victory
over Saint Mary Magdalene
School in Apex, NC. The girls
proved their weight in gold
to Coach Tim Hart, who was
very pleased with their progress
throughout the long winter sea-
Guided by Coach Ashley Eubanks, the Boys’ Tennis Team
finished fourth in the Triangle
Middle School Conference this
spring. The boys had an excellent season, ending with a record
of 9-9 in regular season conference and non-conference play
and including the two rounds of
the tournament that they played.
Everyone on the team improved
both in skill and knowledge of
the game. The team lost to a
talented Cary Academy squad
the first match of the year 1-8.
By the semi-final round of the
tournament, however, the TITANS had improved greatly and
only lost to the Chargers 3-6,
winning all three doubles slots.
The team will lose three eighth
graders, Walker Adams, Conrad
Crounse and John Austin Luck;
however, they have great depth
and should be a powerhouse
next spring! n
– Josh White, Athletic Director
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Turley, Patrick Renegar, Bryan
Hall and Joseph Ward enabled
the Titan squad to shut down
their opponents game after
game. Three tough games against
the Grace Christian School of
Sanford Crusaders kept the Titan baseball team from clinching
the conference title. The boys
exhibited tenacity and heart in
learning new skills in practice
and executing them in game
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7/12/2010 6:09:31 PM
a lu m n i n e ws
Adult Alumni Meet at Annual Social in November
he Cardinal Club in downtown Raleigh
was the scene of the annual Alumni
Social last November. Close to 100 alumni
from the greater Raleigh area were joined by
classmates from across the state and beyond
for an evening of reminiscing and catching
up. Chrissy Bolin Rand received the unofficial prize for traveling the farthest, from
Ponte Verde, Florida.
The adult Alumni Social is held on the first
Saturday of November each year. Plans
are now being made for the next social on
November 6, 2010.
If you know of any alumni who were
dropped from our mailing list due to
relocation, please forward those names and
addresses to kcampbell@sttimothys.org or
phone 919-787-3011, ext. 1010.
(Left to right) Alison Evans Flaugher, Lauren Dilthey Sink, Olga Simpson Kruger, Cynthia Naef,
Susan Evans Flaugher and Chrissy Bolin Rand enjoyed more than a few laughs at the Alumni Social.
Michelle Lee Kim (left) and her sister, Debbie
Lee, came down from northern Virginia for the
Alumni Social.
Rebecca Harris Eaddy and her
husband, Ellis, are joined by
Jackie King and Jeff Murr.
The Flanagan brothers, Anthony (left) and twins
Hugh and Paul (middle and right) were in good
spirits at the Alumni Social. Paul’s son, Essan
Asiamah, graduated from STS in May.
David and Alison Flaugher are
joined by Margaret (Gulley) and
Rob Tyson.
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7/12/2010 6:10:02 PM
Parker Dixon won the door prize – an iTunes
gift card!
Class of 2006 members (left to right) Olivia James, Alex Sullivan, Lilly Beamon, Lenny Bailey,
Emilee Carlson, Ian Bennett and Weston Sadovy enjoyed the mini-reunion.
Elisabeth Holmes, Abby Gay, Kofie Yeboah and
Kathryn Lyle, 2009 graduates, compared notes
on their respective high schools.
Annual Young Alumni Dinner
TS Young Alumni (current high school students) were treated to dinner
in the dining hall following the Titan Homecoming basketball game in
February. The spaghetti supper was capped off with cupcakes, an homage to the
monthly Cupcake Days enjoyed by students during their years at St. Timothy’s.
Seven members of the Class of 2006, the first eighth grade graduating class at
STS, freed their busy high school calendars to meet, eat and discuss upcoming
college plans. [Editor’s Note: To find out where our first middle school graduates
are pursuing their college careers, check out the next issue of the St. Timothy’s Spirit.]
Darby-Tuttle Wedding
atie-Rose Tuttle and Max Darby were
married in an Episcopal wedding
service on the beach at Bald Head Island on
October 3, 2009.
Although both graduated from Hale High
School -- he in 2000 and she in 2001 -- they
hardly knew one another at the time. “We
reconnected in 2006 around Thanksgiving,”
Katie-Rose explained. “Max was acting out
in LA and I was in the Raleigh area.” He
visited a couple of times, love blossomed
and Max moved back to Raleigh in April
of 2007.
Fellow Hale High School alumnus Evans
Kistler (‘00) served as best man; Amanda
Barbee (HHS ‘01) was a bridesmaid.
Katie-Rose is now the Program Director at a
non-profit called Leadership North Carolina.
Max works at a start-up telecommunications
firm in Raleigh. The couple live in Raleigh
with their dog, Millie.
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Hale Alumni
Off On A Mission
ethany (Boyd) and Jared Reeves are embarking upon a six-month mission trip
to China. The couple will first spend a week
of orientation with the Evangelical Alliance
Mission in Illinois.
Bethany and Jared, who met at Hale High
School, dated for six years before marrying
in July of 2008. She is a graduate of Elon
University; he attended UNC-Charlotte,
majoring in business marketing
and philosophy.
For the past
several years,
they have lived in
Charlotte where
Jared worked in
sales and marketing and Bethany
was a first grade
teaching assistant.
7/12/2010 6:10:30 PM
STS Alum Travels to Haiti After Earthquake
TS alum Colin Campbell was in the midst
of a month-long internship with New
Directions International (NDI) when disaster
struck Haiti last January.
small village of 14 families that became home
to 750 families after the earthquake. There
was absolutely nothing at all for these children
to do in this overwhelmed tent city.”
Based in Graham, NC, the faith-based
non-profit organization operates throughout
Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean
by means of national partners – natives who help equip local leaders
for ministry, build churches, initiate
self-support projects and develop
children’s programs.
A crash course in Creole gave Campbell a very
rudimentary vocabulary, but words were not
always necessary.
In addition to entertaining the children with
songs, skits and games, the group helped with
food distribution and went on several unforgettable field trips reinforcing their knowledge
that Haiti’s desperation far preceded the January natural disaster.
They visited a residential home for HIVinfected children as well as Grace
Children’s Hospital, Haiti’s leading
medical facility for the treatment
of children with tuberculosis. Here
they encountered a 12-pound
two-year-old, brought in from the
countryside on the brink of death
the previous afternoon.
At the rural North Carolina
corporate headquarters, Campbell
shared the terror of not knowing
who among NDI’s partners in
Haiti had survived the earthquake.
With a steady stream of photos
from a ravaged Port-au-Price, he
felt an overwhelming urge to help.
“Intermediate accounting just didn’t
seem as important as these suffering
people,” said the Elon University
Colin Campbell surrounded by children who lost their homes in Haiti’s
finance major.
devastating earthquake last January.
When spring break arrived in March, Campbell joined an 11-person team of Alamance
County Young Life leaders and NDI staff on
a five-day mission to Haiti.
“Our primary purpose was to entertain about
400 children each day, ranging in age from
toddlers to teens,” he said. “We were in a
When a four-year-old reached up for a hug,
Campbell hoisted him onto his shoulders.
“He started shrieking and I was afraid I had
hurt him when I lifted him,” he said, “but
he was screaming for joy simply because
someone was paying attention to him. When
I tried to put him down, he tightened his grip
on my shoulders!”
“He was too weak to smile,”
Campbell said, “but we could see a
glimmer of recognition in his eyes
as we held him.”
The group also visited Cité Soleil,
one of the world’s largest and most
dangerous slums with no sewer
system, no electricity, and no police
force. “We had driver/bodyguards,” Campbell said, “but even then, it was
only safe to visit the periphery of the slum.”
His time in Haiti was short, but the memories
will last a long time. He would love to return,
and just might have the opportunity. Upon
graduation from Elon in May, Campbell took
a position with NDI. n
St. Timothy’s Joins Haiti Relief Effort
hen a devastating earthquake rocked
Haiti on January 12, the first question at St. Timothy’s was not, “Can we
help?” It was, “How can we help? The STS
character trait for January
was responsibility and, with a
communal feeling of responsibility to aid the impoverished
Caribbean nation, students,
parents and faculty swung into
In plastic milk jugs and
other makeshift containers,
homerooms collected nickels,
dimes, quarters and bills. By the one-month
anniversary of the earthquake, donations
exceeded $2,000.
Friends of St. Timothy’s added its monthly
profits from the Titan Bucks program, an
ongoing fundraiser whereby families order
gift cards at face value, the school receives
a discount for placing a bulk order and the
difference is realized in profit
for STS.
Classroom donations and
fundraiser proceeds were combined and donated to Hope for
Haiti, a non-profit organization
supporting the country, with a
special emphasis on educating
its children, for almost 20 years.
Middle school students added to the effort
by hosting a talent show in the gymnasium
featuring vocalists, musicians, dancers – even
a bit of magic. Faculty emcee Matt Scheer
entertained the capacity crowd between acts
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with some impromptu dance moves, but the
crème de la crème of the evening was a pie
in the face for the cause! Five middle school
teachers offered their faces as targets, with
students buying tickets for a random drawing and the opportunity to hurl a whipped
cream pie.
The Middle School Talent Show raised an
additional $1,500, donated to the American
Red Cross for Haitian relief.
7/12/2010 6:10:50 PM
Second Graders Send Care Packages to Iraq,
Enjoy Visit From Army Medic Home on Leave
second graders joined forces
with the North Raleigh Civitan
Club again this year to pack military care
boxes for soldiers in Iraq. Last year’s effort
won the local club a first place award for
ongoing contribution to the military from the
NC Civitan District East.
“I believe a lot of the reason we won first place
was because we involved the school children,”
said JoAnn Harper, president of the North
Raleigh club. “With the help of the children
from St. Timothy’s, we were able to send more
supplies and add that special note from a child
which is truly appreciated by our soldiers.”
In addition to personal notes to the soldiers,
students brought in hand sanitizer, hot chocolate and lemonade mixes, pens and pencils,
crackers, beef jerky, hard candies, chewing
gum and personal car items. An anonymous
local dentist contributed AT&T gift cards.
A number of soldiers responded with thank
you notes to the students.
Although the second graders never met their
care package recipients, they enjoyed an informative visit from a soldier recently returned
from the Middle East.
Cpl. Zach Haunsperger, an Army medic
home on leave, presented a slide show including the streets of Baghdad, Iraqi children
playing outdoors, open air markets, mosques,
Second grade students and teachers with Cpl. Zach Haunsperger when he dropped in for a visit
while home on leave from Iraq.
Saddam Hussein’s palace, Black Hawk helicopters and Army convoys. Then he answered questions from the inquisitive young
“How far away is Iraq?” another asked. “Six
thousand miles,” he replied.
“Did you ever get hot in Iraq?” one student
asked. “Every day!” Haunsperger responded,
explaining that temperatures routinely
reached 110º in the shade and 135º in the
sun. It gets cold at night in the winter, he
added, because the desert can’t hold heat and
temperatures often drop into the 40s.
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The visit ended after a show-and-tell as
Haunsperger passed around Iraqi currency, an
Iraqi flag, his military helmet and his Army
medical kit. n
Connor Tyson drops his contribution into a
care package.
A hand-written note from a second-grader is included in the care package.
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“Did you ever get scared?” “Yes,” Haunsperger admitted, “but I was always with
people who were well-trained and we looked
out for one another.”
7/12/2010 6:11:08 PM
STS Alum Makes Her
Mark in Cross Country
oogle the name Wesley
Frazier and you’ll come
across a few hits. A few pages of
hits, that is.
A 2009 graduate of St. Timothy’s,
where she began her cross country
career, Frazier started turning
heads in September of her freshman year at Ravenscroft when she
shattered the state girls’ record in
winning the Seahawk Invitational
at UNC-Wilmington.
She caught the eye of editors at
ESPN RISE magazine and was
named a Regional Athlete of the
Week, cited for “a pair of sub18:00 5K performances in the
first two meets of her career.” The
second, the article noted, was a
17:36 at a tri-meet where she beat
everyone (including boys) by more
than two-and-a-half minutes.
By mid-year, Frazier was named
the 2009-2010 Gatorade North
Carolina Girls Cross Country
Runner of the Year. She racked up
an impressive array of accolades,
including the nation’s sixth fastest
5,000-meter time (17 minutes,
5.09 seconds) and a tenth place
finish in the distinguished Foot
Locker Nationals in San Diego.
Not bad for a 14-year-old who
Fine and Performing Arts, continued from page 1
stands five feet tall and weighs
about 80 pounds!
After her impressive debut in
cross country, Frazier was equally
daunting during track season.
At the Phoenix High School Classic at Elon University last March,
she shattered meet records in
the 1600m and 3200m races. A
week later, she ran the third fastest
two-mile time in state history
(10:37:37) at the Raleigh Relays.
So how does one attempt to improve upon a season like Frazier’s
freshman year?
“I’ll just continue to train and
work,” she said, “and hopefully,
as I get older and stronger, the
improvements will come.”
Training and working, it appears,
will occupy most of Frazier’s summer. After the Outdoor Nationals
in June, she will focus her efforts
on preparing for cross country in
the fall.
Karyn Macdonald leads her daughter, Neve, around the roller rink at last
fall’s Roll Out for the Arts.
(of the Seven Dwarfs) and the
Wicked Witch (from the Wizard
of Oz) were in an anger management group,” Sizemore added.
Thirty theatre students in the
sixth, seventh and eighth grades
Parental support for the fine arts
and performing arts is abundant
at STS. More than 20 parents
assisted with the recent theatre
production through set building, ticket sales, make-up and
other roles. Three dozen parents
volunteered over two days before
Open House to set up for the
massive visual art show.
Several years ago, Friends of
St. Timothy’s established a Fine
Arts Committee to help with
ongoing needs. And last fall,
a “Roll Out for the Arts” roller
skating party was held to raise
additional funds for the fine arts
and performing arts programs.
“At a time when fine arts in the
public sector are facing a tsumani
of budget cuts,” Bierer said, “the
support of our parents and administration is phenomenal.” n
Modest and ever gracious, Frazier
has kind words for her alma mater.
“I enjoyed all aspects of my experience at St. Timothy’s,” she said.
“It prepared me well for high
school at Ravenscroft.” n
Top Awards for Eighth Graders
Wesley Frazier clocked in with an impressive 10th place finish at the
prestigious Foot Locker Nationals last winter.
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Headmaster Mike Bailey is flanked by Jennifer Koenig (left)
and Grace Todd (right). Todd was awarded the Headmaster’s
Cup, an honor bestowed upon the eighth grader nominated by
the faculty who best exhibits the outstanding qualities of a St.
Timothy’s student. Koenig received the Faculty Cup, another
distinguished honor given to an eighth grader who exhibits outstanding qualities.
12 s p i r i T
7/12/2010 6:11:30 PM
Blue Dominates at Blue and White Days
lue and White Days, an STS tradition that dates back as far as anyone
on campus can remember, is a spirited
competition among students in grades
1-8 randomly assigned to either Team
Blue or Team White.
In recent years, Team White dominated
the three-day event in activities including the scooter race, Frogs in the Pond,
basketball shoot and Koosh in the Can.
It was no secret that Team Blue was
aiming to change that trend, and that’s
exactly what happened when the results
were tallied in May.
Top: Fourth graders
Ben Kingery, Matt
Rouse, Hayes Ference
and Quentin Cain cheer
on their teammates
Left: Jason Constantino
is on the starting line
and ready to go!
Right: An exhausted but
happy Taylor Newell
relaxes after her event.
Score for
Lee Whitley achieved a perfect score on the 2010 Introduction to Latin National
Latin Exam last spring.
Only 795 students out of
over 18,800 who participated in the U.S., Australia,
Canada, Mexico, England,
Italy, New Zealand, Poland,
Bulgaria, China, Guam,
Japan, Korea, Singapore
and Zimbabwe attained this
Gaudeamus igitur, Lee!
Derby Day
When the date for Founders’ Day 2010 was announced last fall,
co-chairs Benji Jones and Kate Duncan had no trouble picking
a theme. Coinciding with the running of the 136th Kentucky
Derby on May 1, the event was quickly dubbed “Derby Day.”
As is the custom at Churchill Downs, ladies donned their most
stylish hats for the occasion. But unlike the event in Kentucky,
the race was not the focus but merely the prelude to a fabulous
evening of fun, fellowship and fundraising.
A silent auction, raffle and live auction dominated the evening’s
activities. In the end, $41,645 was raised to finance a covered
walkway on campus.
Top: Adam Schneider was high
bidder on a class project entered
in the live auction, a birdhouse
featuring thumbprint birds of each
first grade student and teacher.
Right: All eyes were on the largescreen TV during the Run for the
Roses at Derby Day.
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2008-2009 Annual Report
Phase II
Copie and Jim Cain, Chairs
Michelle and Craig Adcock
Becky and Troy Anderson
Mike Bailey
Melinda and P.J. Barber
Deb Bardeen
Lora and Kevin Barnett
Katie and Tom Barrett
Yusbeht and Elias Barrios
Brenda and Jim Beamon
Laura and Rob Bierer
Bonefish Grill
Ana and Robert Brady
Joanne and Steve Brown
Barbara Buffaloe
Jenny and Paul Burroughs
Brenda and Joe Burton
Sallie and Dan Cahill
Ann and John Campbell
Karen and Joe Campbell
Beth and John Carley
Sharon and Chris Carlson
April and Phil Cervi
Holly and David Chilman
Teresa Ciannamea
Elaine and Don Clark
Cathy and Al Clement
Marilyn and Van Cochran
Ann and Joe Diab
Mika and Julian Drew
Christy and Jeff Dunn
Kathy and David Ellis
Margie and Joe Farmer
Patricia Feltz
Kris and Mark Ference
Vicki and Ed Fritsch
Suzanne and Tom Fritsch
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Penny and Andrew Fusco
Ivan Gattis
Kathy Gwinn
Lisa and Bruce Ham
Carie and Paul Hamilton
Jill and Nelson Harris
Peyton and Scott Hatfield
Ellen and David Hawkins
Dawn and Eric Henderson
Terry and Thomas Henson
Viviana and Ricardo Hillmann
Patsy and Hal Hopfenberg
Pat and Skip Horton
Lori and Phil Huber
Laurie and Lyndon Jordan
Charla and Randy Katz
Sharon Keen
Sarah and Joe Kingery
Theresa and Ed Komoski
Beth and Haden Lane
Deanna and Michael Lord
Kelly and Michael Mackay
Meg and Brian Mansfield
Vanessa and Daniel Manzella
Sharon Mathis
Kristine and Curtis Mears
Tony Millbank
Ruth Miller
Diane and George Mills
Patricia Moates
Jane and Tom Monaco
Linda and Bryan Monaghan
Crissie and Dennis Moody
Susan and Frank Morey
Jennifer Noel
North State Bank
Laura and Ward Nye
Betty Ord
Angela Parrish
14 s p i r i T
Lisa Phipps
Lorella and Franco Pieropan
Debbie and Bob Potter
Sandy and Joe Quinn
Caroline and Charlie Raphun
Lori and Jeff Reedy
Wren and Robert Rehm
Laura Riddick and Matthew Eisele
Patty and Gary Rinehard
Debbie and Larry Robbins
Wendy and David Robeson
Sandy Robinson
Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
Lynne and Jeff Sanders
Phoebe and Muhammad Sanders
Malinda and David Schantz
Michele and Adam Schneider
Diane Schroeder
Lynne Sizemore
Jodi and Mike Snare
St. Timothy’s School Student Council
Susan Stacy
Perry and Bill Suk
Julie and Rhett Taber
Sona and Bob Thorburn
Judy and Ken Tison
Judy and Ed Todd
Beth and Morris Treadway
Michele and Don Van Dyke
Susan and Steve Vebber
Renee and Joe Ward
Ansley and Paul Wegner
Judy and Battle Whitley
Chris Wilson
Faye and David Wilson
Kaki Woodlief
Tracey and Fred Woodward
Donations received 7/1/08
through 6/30/09
7/12/2010 6:12:34 PM
2008-2009 Annual Report
Annual Fund
Julia and David Hoke, Chairs
Sally and Brian Branson
Judy and John Buckelew
Lutu and Tom Coffey
Friends of St. Timothy’s
General Mills Box Tops for Eduation
Lands’ End, Inc.
Elena and Tony Quartararo
Kristin and Ken Reali
Malinda and David Schantz
Sona and Bob Thorburn
Michele and Don Van Dyke
Tracey and Fred Woodward
Mary Jane and Pat Woodward
Christine Arseneault
Harris Teeter
Zaytoun Orthodontics
4C Communications
Cheryl and Max Barbour, in memory of
Margaret Evans
Katie and Tom Barrett
Karen and Brent Brockschmidt
Margaret and Mac Foster, in memory of
Helen Ferm
Denise and Jeff Hall
Dottie and Noah Huffstetler, in memory
of Layne Stirman
Betsy and Jay James
Haden and Beth Lane, in honor of Mr.
Bailey and Mrs. Tison
Mary Mears
Laura and Chuck Neely
Betty Ord
Laura and Mitch Perry
Emily Roberson
St. Timothy’s School Student Council
Jean and Kermit Stewart
May Bai and Chris Swift
Melinda and P.J. Barber
Karen and Joe Campbell
Chick-fil-A at North Hills
Genworth Financial
Frances and Edward Graham
Lori Hennelly
Marty and John Hood
Grace and Jerry Hurst
Maola Jones
Helen and Calvin Kirven
Kelly and Michael Mackay
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RBC Centura Bank
Wren and Robert Rehm
Patty and Gary Rinehard
Wendy and David Robeson
Deborah Smith
Mary and Scott Tyrey
Eleanor Wentzell
Tracee Whitley
Faye and David Wilson
Michelle and Craig Adcock, in honor of
3rd grade teachers
Becky and Troy Anderson
Sarah Bethune
Richard Blanks
Ana and Robert Brady
Gina Braswell
Beth Colbert
Joan and James Collins
Christina and Glenn Crater
Becky and Les Crenshaw
Margie and Joe Farmer
Kris and Mark Ference
Penny and Andrew Fusco
Ruth and Hugh Gerringer
Carolyn and George Hale
Carolyn and George Hale, in honor of
Olga Crabtree
Carolyn and George Hale, in honor of
Craig Price
Carie and Paul Hamilton
Brian Hammill
Lori and Phil Huber
Charla and Randy Katz
Meg and Brian Mansfield
Bill Marley
Sharon Mathis
Sharon Mathis, in honor of Olga
15 s p i r i T
Carol and Bill McClymont
Athene Meads, in honor of Alexandra
and Lizzy Meads
Kristine and Curtis Mears
Karlyn Mitchell
Patricia Moates
Lynda and Bryan Monaghan
Sally Elizabeth Moore
Angela Parrish
Lynette Debnam Roberts
Sandy Robinson
Saint-Gobain Corporation Foundation
Blair Wall Smallman
Jodi and Mike Snare
Chris Stewart
Anna and Craig Taylor, in honor of Mrs.
Clark, Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Brown and
Mrs. Burton
Renee and Joe Ward
Travis Whitley, in honor of Tracee and
Lynley Whitley
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2008-2009 Annual Report
Titan Club
Copie and Jim Cain
Sandy and Joe Quinn
Sona and Bob Thorburn
Coach’s Club
Shelley and Jeb Collins
Marcia and John Erwin
Kit and John McConnell
Gaile and Scott Renegar
Tamara and Shannon Rouse
Anna Stephenson and Chris Gage
Tracey and Fred Woodward
Captain’s Club
Julie and Andy Bilodeau
Debra and Jack Burke
Beth and John Carley
Wanda and David Farley
Cynthia and Rick Feathers
Denise and Jeff Hall
Dottie and Kent Honeycutt
Grace and Jerry Hurst
Helen and Calvin Kirven
Theresa and Ed Komoski
Beth and Haden Lane
Deanna and Michael Lord
Jane and Tom Monaco
Jill and Jon Strickland
Melinda Stump
Blue and White Club
Becky and Troy Anderson
Kim Balentine
Ellen and Gary Benzine
Platinum Sponsors
North State Bank
Pepsi Bottling Ventures
Kim and Jimmy Boericke
April and Duane Coley
Christy and Jeff Dunn
Nancy and David Gardner
Jennifer Gibson
Georgia Harris
Peyton and Scott Hatfield
Dwayne Houtz
Charlotte Lewis
Laura and Greg Munster
John Nash
Lori and Jeff Reedy
Malinda and David Schantz
Tina and Harvey Skinner
Blair and Steve Smallman
Judy Stewart
Tanya Stockton and Reid Bryant
Kathy and Tom Thompson
Peggy and Jim Todd
Mary and Scott Tyrey
Susan and Steve Vebber
Silver Sponsors
AP Cables
Blalock Paving
Capital Cash
Gugenheim Law Offices
Friends of St. Timothy’s
Henson and Fuerst, PA
Krash Creative Solutions
Bronze Sponsors
Iris Diagnostics
Wachovia Bank
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16 s p i r i T
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2008-2009 Annual Report
A Titan
Charming Coconuts
Ed and Vicki Fritsch
Lyndon and Laurie Jordan
Mitch and Laura Perry
Kevin and Martha Schneider
Jason and Holly Warner
Kindred Kiwis
P.J. and Melinda Barber
Kelley and Shelley Bassett
Andy and Julie Bilodeau
John and Whitney Boylan
Paul and Jenny Burroughs
Al and Cathy Clement
Bob and Renee Crawford
Joe and Ann Diab
Steve and Susan Dixon
Ed and Heather Garrabrant
Kraig and Stephanie Haglund
David and Ellen Hawkins
Mike and Deborah Hensley
Ken and Melissa Jefferies
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Katz
Bob and Suzanne Koscso
Haden and Beth Lane
Rom and Marty Lewis
Alistair and Karyn Macdonald
Chase and Erin McCord
Allen and Susan Patton
Mike Morse and Cathy Plaut
Will and Maria Plentl
Charlie and Caroline Raphun
Robert and Wren Rehm
Shannon and Tamara Rouse
Adam and Michele Schneider
Greg and Linda Stone
Rhett and Julie Taber
Drs. Morris and Beth Treadway
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Ward
Kevin and Suzanne White
David and Faye Wilson
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Precious Papayas
Craig and Michelle Adcock
Mike Bailey
Steven and Jane Elkins
Mark and Kris Ference
Nelson and Jill Harris
Joey and Stacey Jacobs
Dean and Gail Jordan
William and Laurie Marston
Maury and Stephanie Tepper
Mark and MaryAnn Vasbinder
Tommy and Gretchen Waldrop
Thom and Amanda Williams
17 s p i r i T
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2008-2009 Annual Report
A Titan
A.E. Finley YMCA
Aly’s Gifts
An Anonymous Titan Supporter
Laura Bierer
Blackmon Insurance Agency
Whitney and John Boylan
Joanne Brown
Karen and Ed Brown
Jenny and Paul Burroughs
Brothers Cleaners
Burnie Batchelor Studio
Capital Cash Pawn
Cardinal Club
Sharon Carlson
Carolina Ballet
Carolina Dance Center
CC & Co. Dance Complex
Charlotte’s Jewelry & Gifts
Christine Jones Jewelry
Elaine Clark
Lutu and Tom Coffey
Danielle’s Hallmark
Design Lines, Ltd.
Susan and Steve Dixon
Douglas Carroll Salon
Elaine Miller Collection
Elizabeth Galecke Photography
Flamboyant Scarves
Gena Chandler
Betsy and Dudley Gwaltney
Donna Hadley
Harris Teeter
Hayes Barton Animal Hospital
Deborah and Mike Hensley
Hertz Local Edition
Grace and Jerry Hurst
J. Alane’s
Jennifer Robertson Photography
Sharon Keen
Kimia Glenn Fine Art Portraiture
Jennifer and Roger Lias
Lily Girl Designs
Deanna Lord
Luxe Apothecary
Caroline MacGabhann
McConnell Golf LLC
Lisa and Kip Meadows
Jenny and Neal Meads
Lisa Messick
Midtown Magazine
Mitchell’s Salon
Clifton Mobley of Mobley’s Shoes
Moe’s Southwest Grill at North Hills
NAI Carolantic Realty
National Art Interiors + Design
Natural Body Spa & Shoppe
Night Skateboards
North Carolina Theatre
Outdoor Bird Company of Raleigh
Palm Avenue
Debbie Potter
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Raleigh Country Club
Regal Entertainment
Wren and Robert Rehm
Renaissance Raleigh North Hills Hotel
Kristin and John Replogle
Sandy Robinson
Diane and Dave Rodger
Ruth’s Chris Steak House of North Hills
Mary Laura and Frank Sabiston
saraG photography
Malinda Schantz
Gail and William Scoggin
Scout & Molly’s/Walk
Shannon Powell of Active Ergonomics®
Sissy and Jack’s Custom Beaded
Skin and Cosmetic Solutions
Smith & Hawken
18 s p i r i T
Southern States Eurospeed of Raleigh
St. Timothy’s School Students
Gina Stephens
Judy Stewart
Sullivan’s Steak House
Synergy Spa
The 42nd Street Oyster Bar
The Cain Family
The Flying Biscuit
The Umstead Hotel
Theatre in the Park
Judy Tison
Urban Food Group
Susan and Steve Vebber
Amanda and Thom Williams
Winston’s Grille
Witherspoon Rose Culture
Sally Wooten
Zaytoun Orthodontics
7/12/2010 6:14:11 PM
2008-2009 Annual Report
Friends of St. Timothy’s 2008-2009
Friends sponsored events and
programs for our school:
Book Fair
Camp Fair
Cultural Arts Program
Faculty Appreciation
Honors Reading
Meet the Teacher Night Receptions
Summer Math and Reading Programs
Friends sponsored family events:
Fall Festival
Family Night BINGO
Friends coordinated volunteers for:
8th Grade Graduation Reception
Balloon Day
Fine Arts – Art, Drama, Music
Founders’ Day Event
Friends in Need
“Green” Efforts (Recycling)
Lost and Found
Open House
Playground Committee
Room Parents
Science Fair
Spirit Week
Welcome Committee
It was a very good year for Friends of St. Timothy’s! Our parent volunteer organization worked diligently to
promote programs and activities for our school, faculty and staff, and – most importantly – our students.
Monies Raised:
Executive Committee:
Pizza Days
Titan Bucks
Art Project
Total raised (net)
$ 7,583
$ 4,377
$ 3,262
Monies Gifted to St. Timothy’s School:
Classroom/Club Support
Staff Development: Cultural Arts Program
Faculty Appreciation
Campus Enhancements
STS Annual Fund Margaret Evans Scholarship Titan Athletic Club Spring Sprint
Other Funds
Total Given to School
$ 3,345*
$ 2,850
$ 1,000
$ 1,000
$ 750
$ 500
$ 3,005
Gift Wrap
Susan Patton, President
Marty Lewis, Vice President
Teri McKee, Treasurer
Angela Hawkins, Secretary
Sona Thorburn and Caroline
MacGabhann, Assistant
2008-2009 Financial Information
The Annual Fund
3% Other
5% Gifts
& Facilities
Friends of
St. Timothy's
Titan Athletic
& Programs
Phase 1 & Phase 2
Capital Campaign
(Excludes Gifts-in-Kind)
Salaries & Benefits
Operating Income
Operating Expenses
*All figures based on the fiscal year July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009, unaudited. All donors listed in this report made a gift between
July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009. Great effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate. If any error is found,
please notify the Development Office at 787-3011.
st. timothy’s schooL
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19 s p i r i T
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August 16:
Meet the Teacher Night
Jr. K, K and Grade 1
4523 Six Forks Road
PO Box 17787 • Raleigh, NC 27619
August 18:
First day of school
August 22:
Back to School
Family BBQ
August 25:
Meet the Teacher Night
Grades 2-4
August 26:
Meet the Teacher Night
Grades 5-8
Don’t forget to RE-LINK your Food Lion and Harris Teeter Cards and designate STS! (Harris Teeter is #2635)
Happy 90th Birthday,
Father Hale!
ather George Hale, founder of St. Timothy’s
School, celebrated his 90th birthday with a
party in the dining hall on April 18. Alumni and
former faculty, as well as current students and faculty, joined church members and family friends in
wishing Father Hale a happy birthday.
Doris Freeman Matal (HHS ’87)
extends best wishes to Fr. Hale.
Keep in Touch!
Are you a current student
who has had a unique
summer experience?
An alum looking to
reconnect or share your
latest accomplishments
with former classmates?
Your news is our news!
Contact our development
office and we’ll share your
good news in our next
or 919-787-3011 ext. 1010
Alumnus Chris Brownfield chats with Carolyn
STS_Spring2010.indd 20
Buford and Carolina Mitchell congratulate
Fr. Hale on his 90th birthday.
We look forward
to hearing from you!
7/12/2010 6:14:28 PM