Spirit Newsletter - St. Timothy`s School


Spirit Newsletter - St. Timothy`s School
Volume 13 number 2
here were 10 weeks between
the last teacher workday in
June and the beginning of the new
school year in August.
Some faculty and staff filled those
weeks with travel. Some took advantage of the break to relax and
regroup. Some focused on professional development, advanced degrees, summer camps and tutoring.
And some savored precious time
with family celebrating weddings,
anniversaries, new babies and milestone birthdays.
This year, we turned the tables on
our teachers who often ask students
what they did during vacation.
Here’s what they had to say:
STS Faculty and Staff:
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Michaela Iiames and her husband
biked across Ireland with friends and
hiked 2,500 feet to the top of Croagh
Ashlee Lynn stopped in San Francisco for
a few days en route to Hawaii, where she
experienced the thrill of jumping on a ledge
10,000 feet in the air above a volcano.
Have Passport, Will Travel
For science teacher Michaela
Iiames, summer began with a twoweek trip to Ireland motivated by
an astronomy unit she taught at St.
Timothy’s last spring. (See page 22
for more on that story!) She and her
husband biked and hiked across
green landscapes dotted with sheep
and cattle, stopping to meet the
locals and enjoy the music.
“One of our favorite days was
when we hiked to the top of Croagh
Patrick,” she said. The 2,500-foot
mountain is thought to be the place
where St. Patrick hiked in the 5th
Century and fasted for 40 days.
“The footing was unstable the entire
way up, and by the time we crested
the summit we were in a covering
of clouds,” Michaela said, “but it
was worth it!”
Spanish teacher Lisa Lowrance
was an exchange student to Mexico and had been to Puerto Rico,
Costa Rica and Peru, but she had
never been to Spain. This past
summer, Lisa and her husband
toured Madrid, Barcelona, Seville
and Granada. They walked along
the banks of the river where Columbus set sail to the Americas,
and saw his tomb. They visited La
Sagrada Familia, a cathedral that is
still under construction after 125
years. They toured La Alhambra, a
Moorish palace constructed in the
1200s, and the Alcazar, the oldest
royal palace still in use in Europe.
Alison Gammage, Head of Lower
School, went home to the UK with
her husband and daughter. They
spent hours at the British Museum
viewing Roman and Greek artifacts
because, she said, “my daughter
Amelia loved everything that (Latin
teacher) Mr. Millbank taught her
last year.” Then they ventured on to
Rome for more sightseeing.
“I also had something of a busman’s holiday,” she explained,
“visiting lower schools in the UK
to compare best practices on both
sides of the pond.”
Before joining the STS faculty
this summer, physical education
teacher Fiona Cross traveled to
England and France. There were no
complaints from her family about
the seven-hour flight since they
routinely endure 24-hour flights
when going home to Australia!
Paris highlights included the Eiffel
Tower, the Louvre, Musee d’Orsay,
Notre Dame and Versailles. In London they saw tennis at Wimbledon,
cricket at The Oval, The Lion King
musical, and the Houses of Parliament.
Exploring the USA
STS alumna Ashlee Lynn, who
returned to campus this year as a
second grade teacher, traveled to
California to see San Francisco and
the giant redwoods before continuing on to Hawaii.
Angela Parrish, middle school
grammar and literature teacher,
continues on page 20
Headmaster’s Letter
And then there was the time the headmaster
cried at the faculty meeting...
We’ve got an incredible group of teachers
at St. Timothy’s School. In parent surveys,
they’re the highest-rated aspect of our school
(regarded higher than the headmaster, and
deservedly so!). I’m humbled and honored
to work with such a wonderful, dedicated,
caring group of people. We’re a very special
place, and our teachers make it so.
We’re highlighting our faculty in this issue
of the St. Timothy’s Spirit. In that spirit, I’d
like to share with you a portion of the remarks
I offered to our teachers to close a meeting
during one of our back-to-school workdays
this year. And, it’s true, I didn’t make it all
the way through without getting choked up
– my tears started flowing during a portion
when I reflected on how I saw us rally around
an STS family during a time of tragedy. It’s
a testament to the care and empathy of our
teachers that most of them started crying
right along with me! I hope sharing these
words—and offering this image of me and a
room full of teachers in tears at a school year
kick-off meeting—reaffirms for everyone that
the work we do is clearly so much more than
just a job to us.
Here’s what I shared:
Tim Tinnesz
Our mission statement charges us to be a
place “where traditional Christian values are
emphasized”. We know there are differing
beliefs among faithful Christians about what
constitutes “traditional Christian values”. However, I think we all can agree on the values of 1
Thessalonians 5: “...encourage one another and
build each other up ... Respect those who work
hard among you ... Be patient with everyone
... Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for
wrong, but always try to be kind to each other
...All day long, we get to do something few
other people get to do in their jobs—shape lives,
forever. Most people going to work this morning
don’t have that privilege. My mother retired last
year after 45 years of work as a medical administrator and later with an insurance company.
She was successful, worked very hard, had good
jobs, good colleagues, and met many good friends
along the way. But in all of 45 years at work,
she didn’t have the kind of opportunity that we
are presented with every single day, all day long.
…All day long, we get to do something few other people
get to do in their jobs – shape lives, forever. Most people
going to work this morning don’t have that privilege.
and to everyone else ... Be joyful always.” I know
we all strive to offer that kind of environment
here every day.
In reality, “being joyful always” at St. Timothy’s School is an admirable goal, but probably
impossible. We’re a very joyful place, and we
should be. But there are also moments that don’t
readily lend themselves to joy. It’s naïve to believe
that every moment is joyful. There are parts of
our jobs that are pretty joyless sometimes. While
every moment may not be joyful, every moment
we spend here is, undoubtedly, a privilege...
We’re offered that privilege with every student
and every family. 463 children will come into
our care every day, and we have an opportunity
to permanently, positively, unalterably impact
each one of them forever. What a joy! And what
an absolute privilege.
And I believe there’s no finer group of
people deserving of – and committed to – this
It’s a great day to be a Titan!
A W ord From the Rector
When Jesus is instructing His apostles in the ways of the Kingdom
of God, and in ways of life in His Kingdom, some of His parables
emphasize preparation and sacrifice.
For example, in The Gospel according to St. Luke, when Jesus is
describing the cost to be His disciple, He uses two parables that give
a message of preparation and prudence.
For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and
counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after
he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it
begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build, and was not able to
finish. Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not
down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet
him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the
other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace. So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all
that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
To follow Jesus as a disciple will require a weighing and consideration
of one’s present situation.
That is clear in the parable of the man building the tower. It is necessary to make sure we follow through with the discipleship, once we start.
Being a disciple is so important that we must do all that we can to
make sure the work continues. That is clear in the parable of the king
going to war. If the king does not think he can win the war, then he
does whatever he can to maintain the peace so life for him and his
st. timothy’s schooL
people continues. We do whatever we can to continue our discipleship and complete the work Jesus gives us to do. It is that important.
These conditions of discipleship are apropos as we pray and think
about St. Timothy’s Church and School. It is the wise and vigilant
disciples who plan on how to use the resources God has provided and
ensure many more will benefit from those resources and gifts.
This is really the attitude driving our creation of a master plan for
our church and school. We are engaging Ratio Architects, a Raleigh
firm, to help us create and implement a master site plan for the whole
of our buildings and property. This plan will allow us to see what we
ought to look like for the next five to 10 years and possibly beyond.
This kind of planning will require thoughts, wishes, insights, hopes
and dreams from many of us.
In the coming weeks, we will have an opportunity to express what
we think the school and church need to grow and flourish. When you
are given that opportunity, please use it.
We live in a very exciting time. Pray that we will have the grace to
be the kind of disciples that will have our children, and many children
years down the road, benefit from all God has given us through His
Son Jesus Christ.
Yours faithfully in Christ,
The Reverend Jay C. James
Rector, St. Timothy’s Church
Member, St. Timothy’s School Board of Trustees
S p i r i t
A New Year, A New Tradition
St. Timothy’s School Adopts a Titan Mascot
We’ll begin with a little history lesson.
In 1958, the vestry of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church founded St. Timothy’s School
at the request of its rector, Father George
B.S. Hale. Canvassing their Drewry Hills
neighborhood, Father Hale and his wife,
Carolyn, enrolled 16 children in the school’s
first kindergarten class.
When it came time to find a teacher, Father
Hale hired the best one he knew – Mrs. Hale.
The school added new grades and more
students each year, surpassing 400 students
in elementary and middle school grades
within its first decade. As enrollment
increased, new buildings popped up on
Fast forward to the fall of 2003, when
groundbreaking was held on a two-story,
two-wing, 33,000-square foot building. The
long-standing Marcia Hall was gutted and
refitted as a center for pre-kindergarten and
These sweeping changes presented students
with the opportunity to choose a nickname
for our school, one that would serve a student body now spanning pre-kindergarten
through eighth grade and introducing a
middle school athletic program.
Something Else That’s New This Year…
When St. Timothy’s School erected a
new building a decade ago, space was
allocated for a Multi-Purpose Room. The
MPR was used for an array of functions
and activities, from student instruction
to parent receptions.
With the continued growth of the STS
Fine Arts program, the MPR got a facelift,
a new name, and a new purpose over the
summer. It’s now the PAC – Performing
Arts Classroom – home to:
An ever-growing Band program that
sent a handful of students to All District
Band last year and two musicians to All
State Band tryouts.
Year-long Drama classes with outstanding student productions like The Wizard
of Oz (2014) and Peter Pan (2015).
An award-winning Chorus program
that brought home a superior rating
from the annual Choral Festival at King’s
Dominion last spring.
One thing hasn’t changed: It’s still dedicated to Mary and Art Fritsch and Val and
Vic Johnson by their children, Vicki and
Ed Fritsch.
Students voted in the spring of 2004 and
chose “Titans” as our new identity. For more
than a decade, though, we had no specific
mascot or representation.
Because an actual titan, according to Greek mythology, is a bit
overwhelming and even frightening,
the “ST” logo was put in place to
represent St. Timothy’s School. But
this year, with a little prodding from
middle school teacher and former
basketball coach BJ
Nowak, the time arrived to select a true
school mascot.
With careful thought
and enormous research, the image of an
elephant was selected.
Elephants are often
referred to as the land’s
titan because of their tremendous size and
strength. “While these traits are admirable,”
Nowak said, “it is the elephant’s intelligence,
empathy, and loyalty which motivated us to
select it to represent the Titan community.”
Elephants have been known to possess phenomenal brain capacity, remain with family
or herd members who are injured, and even
bury companions who have passed on. With
no predators other than man, they are tough,
resilient and powerful creatures.
“Taking into
strong consideration the tradition
of St. Timothy’s,
its valuable alumni
from over 50 years
of education and,
most importantly,
the role of Father Hale in establishing our wonderful school,” Nowak
explained, “we will lovingly refer to
our elephant as “George” to honor the
legacy of Father George B.S. Hale.
Various images were considered
and two were adopted in August to
become the mascots of St. Timothy’s School. While the primary image will
be a more aggressive elephant, our lower
school community members may choose
to embrace the “little” version during their
younger years. It is with great pleasure and
tremendous excitement that we present…
George the Elephant
St. Timothy’s extends a warm welcome to new teachers Katherine Lee (grade 3), Ashlee Lynn (grade 2),
Lisa Davison (Spanish), Ann Brooke Raynal (English)
and Fiona Cross (physical education). Lola Youngman
(music) rounds out the new hires for the 2015-2016
school year.
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
t i t a n s
S P R I N G S p o rts R e cap – B y T r ac e y W o o d wa r d , Athl e tic Di r e ct o r
on this team. The Titans defeated St. David’s by a wide margin in the first
game of the tournament, but fell to a strong Wake Christian team in the
quarter finals.
The team was led by captains Carter Holjes, Cole Thompson, and TJ
Walch. Holjes and Walch will be missed next year, but Thompson will
return to lead the Titans in 2016.
Girls’ Soccer
Veteran girls’ soccer Coach Judy Whitley led the Titans this spring. Despite being a young team (more than half the roster in sixth grade), the girls
demonstrated good skills and plenty of determination to capture a 5-7-3
overall record. They placed 6th in the regular season out of 11 teams and
lost in the CAMSC tournament to a strong Magellan team.
Three eighth graders – Lilly Roth, Kate Sabiston, and Mimi Wayne –
provided leadership for the team; they will be missed next year. A talented
group of rising eighth graders will be ready to take the lead when the Titan
girls’ soccer team returns to the pitch next year.
Track and Field
The 2015 track and field team boasted the largest roster in Titan history
with 41 participants. The team was led by Coaches Quentin Vandenberg,
Michaela Iiames, Mike McConoughey and Rahsaan Eaddy. The Titans won
several of the meets that they attended. Every runner, jumper, or thrower
saw improvement over the course of the season. Several school records were
either tied or broken, two for the boys and 10 for the girls.
The team has to say goodbye to 23 eighth graders; many of them participated in Titan track and field for three years. They will certainly be missed!
Boys’ Tennis
Head Coach Alex Wilson returned for a second year to lead the Titan
boys’ tennis team. They were a young team, with only sixth and seventh
graders, and only three boys returning from the previous year. The team got
off to a slow start, but
hard work and dedication paid off later in
the season as they won
four straight matches
to finish in 3rd place
in the regular season.
They won their first
tournament match 8-1
to move to the semifinals, but fell in a close
match to Magellan.
The team will miss number one player Nima Boroojerdi next year as his
family will be relocating to Germany. The Titans will be a team to watch
next year with eight solid returning players.
Coach Jimmy Hamilton led the Titan golf team for the third year in a
row. The team was comprised of six boys and five girls, many of them
relatively new to the game. The team captured first place in a dual match
and several second and third place finishes. They placed 5th in the CAMSC
Championship match. The team was led by seventh grader Cole Whitford,
who shot the lowest team score at each match. Two eighth graders, Sam
Futch and Rom Lewis, will be missed next year. Whitford will be back and
ready to lead the team in 2016.
The Titan baseball team
was coached for a second
consecutive year by Gary
Benzine, with NC State
student Parker Wethington assisting. The boys
played hard all season
and showed tremendous
improvement as individuals and as a team.
Their overall record of
3-11 does not reflect the
talent and quality of play
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
Titan Athletic Club Hosts Golf Tournament
The first annual Titan Athletic Club Golf
Tournament was scheduled for a Saturday
in November. Organizers envisioned a crisp
autumn day with blue skies and sunshine.
Instead, the weather was so cold, wet and
raw that the tournament was postponed until
When the March date arrived, the weather
wasn’t much better– but the tournament
went on as scheduled and the event was a
great success!
Titan athletes and alumni wiped down wet
golf carts as participants braved the elements.
Headmaster Tim Tinnesz and Head of Middle
School Tim Coleman pitched in by manning
the beverage cart. With an assortment of
prizes and a huge trophy at stake, the mood
was light despite the dark skies.
It was a great day to be a Titan!
And the Capital Cup
Goes To…
Cynthia Woodward Wins Chickfil-A Servant Leadership Award
She went undefeated (51-0) in singles competition during her three years on the Titan girls’ tennis
team, winning this year’s MVP Award. An invaluable asset to the girls’ varsity basketball team, she
received the 2015 Coach’s Award. And she was
named Most Valuable Runner (girls) on the Titan
track and field team last spring.
It was a very good year for Cynthia Woodward,
but the athletic accolades did not stop there.
At an end of year awards assembly in June,
Cynthia was awarded the 2015 Chick-fil-A Second Mile Servant Leadership Award.
Second Mile Service is a biblical reference to going above and beyond by choosing from within to
go that second mile. “And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” (Matthew 5:41).
It is an honor bestowed by Chick-fil-A North Hills to an athlete who is both leader and servant, willing to sacrifice for other teammates, coaches and opponents on the field. It is an award given to a
student who displays humility, a positive attitude, good work ethic, good sportsmanship and great
STS alum Rally de Leon, owner of the North Hills Chick-fil-A franchise, presented Cynthia with an
engraved plaque – and coupons for a year’s worth of free Chick-fil-a sandwiches!
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
Each year one school from
the Capital Area Middle School
Conference (CAMSC) is awarded
the Capital Cup for being the
“winningest” school. The recipient
school is selected on the basis of a
point system. Schools earn points
through the three seasons of play
for each team they field and additional points depending on their
regular season and post-season
performance. This year the Titans
placed second behind Franklin
Academy. The points accrued for
the top four schools were:
Franklin Academy – 1720
St. Timothy’s School – 1515
Magellan Charter School – 1435
Cary Academy – 1420
STS Class of 2011 Heads to College
One of our favorite activities each year is checking in with alumni as they
graduate from high school and head off to college. We are proud of the excellence
in academics, athletics, leadership and service exhibited by our STS Class of
2011. Here’s what they reported to us about their recent past and future plans:
Over the past four
years, Kacie Bagley
was enrolled in 20 honors courses at Clayton
High School and was
a part of 12 theatrical
productions. Most recently, she tapped her
way through Clayton
Youth Theatre’s summer production of Thoroughly Modern Millie
before heading off to UNC-Wilmington.
Six colleges from Massachusetts to Louisiana
offered Destinee Bates a spot. Ultimately,
she accepted a scholarship to Hampton University. Destinee was active
at Wakefield High School
in National Honor Society, National Achievers
Society, National English
Honor Society, National
French Honor Society,
Brain Game team, varsity
tennis team, marching band, honors wind ensemble, color guard, Anti-Bullying Club and
Women’s Empowerment.
After graduating from Ravenscroft School, Ally
Bonavita is headed to High Point University.
Her talent in visual
art was well-documented at St. Timothy’s and it continued
to flourish at Cardinal Gibbons High
School. Samantha
Bratzke reports she
was “thrilled” to receive early acceptance
to the college of her
first choice, the NC
State School of Art and Design. When she’s not
creating art, Sammy enjoys softball, running and
weight lifting.
Cameron Dixon was the
recipient of back-to-back
Presidential Volunteer Service Awards at Sanderson
High School and was recognized by the National
Charity League for most
volunteer service hours as
a mother/daughter team.
She was an assistant girls’
basketball coach at STS last winter and an assistant coach for the Northbrook Country Club
swim team this summer. Cameron turned down
five other college acceptances – three with scholarships attached -- to enroll at UNC-Charlotte
where her brother Parker, also an STS alum, is
a senior.
Jackson Feathers received a Flinn Scholars
Award to the University
of South Carolina valued
at $72,800 – an annual
grant coupled with tuition
reduction for four years.
At Cardinal Gibbons he
was active in theatre and
track, served as liaison to
the Board of Trustees, was
a founding member of the Spiritual Life Leadership Council and served as a retreat leader. And
he earned his Eagle Scout Award!
As an editor of her high school newspaper,
Haley Gardner received statewide awards for
layout and graphic design from the North
Carolina Scholastic
Media Association
(NCSMA) at UNCChapel Hill. She was
a member of National
Honor Society, Cum
Laude Society, Art
Honor Society and
Latin Honor Society.
She was an AP Scholar and received Academic
Achievement Awards in Science, English and
History at Ravenscroft School, where she lettered in varsity tennis and chaired Conference
Keepers, a Key Club event. Haley has enrolled
at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Emmy Garvey played
varsity tennis, soccer and
basketball for four years at
Saint Mary’s School, and
for four years she received
the school’s Student Athlete
Award. She was senior class
president, a member of the
Executive Student Government Association, the
2014 Latin Student of the Year, and a member
of National Honor Society. She is attending NC
State University.
Kayla Gwaltney served
as secretary of the Executive Student Government
Association at Saint Mary’s
School. She has enrolled at
James Madison University.
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S p i r i t
A handful of schools lost out early in Bailey
Ham’s college selection process, but it came down
to the wire before George Washington University
edged out UNC-Chapel Hill in the final round.
Bailey graduated with honors from Saint Mary’s
School, where she served as Student Government
Association President and received the school’s
Leadership Award.
William Harris,
a Cardinal Gibbons
grad, decided he’d
rather be a member of the Wolfpack
t h a n a Ta r h e e l ,
choosing NC State
over UNC-Chapel
She started running as an
STS Titan and continued
at Cardinal Gibbons, where
she was co-captain of a cross
country team that won
three state championships.
And Laura Hart doesn’t
plan to slow down any time
soon! She’ll be running at
UNC-Wilmington, where
she plans to major in Education. When she’s not running, Laura spends time on
her guitar and vocal skills.
Hollis Hatfield said no to Rhodes College, Sewanee, NC State, Alabama, Clemson, Tennessee,
South Carolina and Furman… and yes to Virginia Tech! An International Baccalaureate medalist
at Broughton High
School, Hollis was
captain of the cross
country team. She
received her school’s
Excellence in Latin
and Outstanding AP
Environmental Science Student awards,
as well as the Yellow
Rosebud Award from
the National Charity League for 50 additional
hours of requirement. And did we mention she’s
a beekeeper? Hollis has entrusted care of the hive
to her sister Hope and mother Peyton while she’s
at school.
Nico Hillmann received an appointment to
the United States Air Force Academy, an honor
valued at $450,000. We might have guessed this
was coming when he received his private pilot
certification three days before the start of his
senior year of high school! An AP Scholar with
Distinction, Nico was a member of the National
Honor Society at Grace Christian School and
a Costa Rica mission trip leader. He passed up
a Chancellor’s Scholarship to Embry Riddle
Aeronautical University upon receiving the appointment to the USAFA.
Like his sister Elisabeth, Bancks Holmes is a
powerful swimmer. He was chosen for the NC
Swimming Select Team and chosen three times
for the NC Swimming Open Water Select Team.
Captain of the Broughton High School swim
team for two years, Bancks was a member of
the record-setting 4x100 freestyle relay team.
He was a member of
the National Honor
Society, Latin Honor
Society, Service Club
and Enthusiasm in
Calculus, and president of the Engineering Club. A North
Carolina Scholar
and AP Scholar with
Honors, Bancks was
accepted by UNCChapel Hill, Hampden Sydney, New
York University, and Washington and Lee University. He will join his sister at Washington and
Lee, where he plans to major in physics.
A graduate of Ravenscroft School, Anderson
Ivey ran cross country, played basketball and was
a member of the track and field team. She is now
at NC State majoring in Sports Management.
Anderson spent the past two summers working
at Sharkey’s in Ocean Isle.
A Saint Mary’s alum,
Madeline Joslin served
on the Executive Stud e n t G ov e r n m e n t
Association as Day
Life Representative.
“I served alongside
Emmy Garvey (senior
class president), Kayla
Gwaltney (secretary),
and Bailey Hall (student body president) –
all STS alumni!” she noted. Madeline was elected
by her SMS classmates to serve as Senior Speaker
at graduation. After a road trip from Raleigh to
San Francisco this summer, she headed to the
University of Vermont to major in Environmental Studies and minor in Writing.
Jaclyn Komoski is back
in the Tar Heel State! After
her sophomore year at Raleigh Charter High School,
where she and her doubles
partner won all-county in
varsity tennis freshman year,
Jaclyn’s family relocated to
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
When it came time to apply to colleges, she applied to five – all of them in North Carolina! She
was accepted by all and chose UNC-Charlotte.
Adam Huggins earned his Eagle Scout Award while
at Broughton High School. He opted to remain local
and is now at NC State.
Sarah Huggins, Adam’s twin sister and fellow
Broughton alum, received a scholarship to Meredith
College that knocked her other five acceptances out
of contention.
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S p i r i t
With nine AP courses in calculus, physics,
chemistry, environmental
science, macroeconomics, microeconomics and
statistics under his belt,
Kurtis Konrad should
have no trouble in the
School of Engineering
at NC State. A National
Merit Scholarship finalist, Presidential Scholar finalist and Eagle Scout,
Kurtis received the Leesville Road High School
PTSA Academic Scholarship.
Eric Lester is a 2015 National Merit Scholar,
but he won’t be going to college this fall. Instead,
he will spend a year in China taking courses in
Chinese on Chinese language and literature as
part of a Confucius Institute Scholarship (CIS).
“It’s a program that affords this opportunity
to me free of charge as a result of my study of
Chinese language,” Eric explained. After his gap
year, he’ll attend Carnegie Mellon University to
double major in physics
and computer science.
At Raleigh Charter High
School, he started a Robotics Club and competed
in the Science Olympiad
state competition. For the
past three years, Eric volunteered in the IT department at RCHS. “I’ve done
everything from building servers to managing the
network to painting to mounting televisions!”
he said.
In the halls of Sanderson High School, David
Losada and wrestling were often used in the same
sentence. A member of the Spartan wrestling
squad for four years, David made it to state competition both junior and senior years – a big deal
considering that only 16 wrestlers in each weight
class from the entire state
qualify. When he was
inducted into Sanderson’s
National Honor Society,
David cited STS history
teacher Peggy Todd as the
most influential teacher
in his academic career.
He served as president
of his school’s Environmental Club and fulfilled
his community service
hours by volunteering at
Teen Court, where teenage first-time offenders
charged with misdemeanors have a trial by jury
of their adolescent peers. This experience fueled
David’s passion for law, his ultimate career goal.
In the meantime, he has accepted a scholarship
to Campbell University where he will major in
Business and Economics and minor in Philosophy. He intends to keep the job at Harris Teeter
North Hills that he held through high school,
where you’ll find him stocking the produce
department on weekends.
Kristina Marquardt has enrolled at the Georgia
Institute of Technology to study Chemical and
Biomedical Engineering, passing on scholarships
from Clemson, University of Alabama and University of Delaware in the process. At Wakefield
High School, Kristina was in National
Honor Society, National Beta Club,
Science Honor
Society, Mu Alpha
Theta and student
government, and
was named a North
Carolina Scholar.
Melissa McBride received appointments to the
United States Coast Guard Academy, the United
States Naval Academy and the United States Merchant Marine Academy – with a total scholarship
value of $792,000. She declined them all. She was
accepted at Norwich University, the oldest private
military college in the country, and UNC-Chapel
Hill. She turned them down as well. Instead, the
Cardinal Gibbons grad
enrolled at NC State. “I
chose to not pursue my
appointments because I
have a calling to serve in
a medical field,” Melissa
explained. “The academies did not present
this opportunity to me
so I am now at NC State
where I can go in any
direction now.”
Titan alumni Jax Tyson and Hollis Hatfield
show off their International Baccalaureate
medals at Broughton High School’s graduation in June.
Hannah Messick
is “beyond excited”
to be enrolled at
East Carolina University to pursue a
degree in nursing,
and the scholarship
ECU awarded her
is icing on the cake!
The Cardinal Gibbons alum earned a
silver medal in the
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award program. Last July, Hannah’s dance team was named
Showstoppers National Champion.
When Ellery Newell moved to Burlington at
the onset of her senior year of high school, she
opted for home schooling. She is now enrolled
at UNC-Greensboro.
Allegra Pieropan spent much of the summer
traveling: visiting family and friends in Italy,
touring London, and spending time in Chicago,
New York City and Atlanta. What little time she
did spend in Raleigh was on the tennis court
taking her skills to
the intermediate
level. She is now at
Johnson & Wales
University in Charlotte, majoring in
Hospitality and
Tourism Management. An honors
graduate of Trinity
Academy, Allegra
was a member of the
volleyball and swim
teams and Cru.
Caroline Pope is
majoring in Microbiology at NC State
University. She graduated from Cardinal Gibbons High
School where she ran
cross country, was a
member of National
Honor Society, and
was active in Read
and Feed, a nonprofit designed “to
give kids an appetite
for reading.”
st. timothy’s schooL
It was a busy summer for Beñat Quartararo.
Immediately after graduating from Raleigh Charter High School, he left for a family vacation in
England and Scotland. And immediately after
returning, he left for the summer session at High
Point University where he earned eight credits in
four weeks. Beñat
graduated magna
cum laude from Raleigh Charter High
School, where he
was a Presidential
Scholar and member of National
Honor Society. He
received a Fellows
Scholarship to High
Point, where he is enrolled in the Honors College. He plans to major in Communications and
minor in Political Science.
Alex Russell was accepted
at Campbell University,
Hampden-Sydney College,
and East Carolina University, with scholarhsip offers
from Campbell and H-S.
He chose Campbell. At St.
David’s School he played
soccer and was on the first
varsity lacrosse team. In his
junior year, he helped coach
middle school lacrosse.
Saint Mary’s School alum Morgan Seidel has
enrolled in the Honors College at College of
Charleston, where they wanted her so badly that
they offered her in-state
tuition. She plans to pursue a degree in Marine Biology. Last spring, Morgan
brought home an armful
of fine and performing arts
awards from SMS: Heart
Award in Chorale, Visual
Arts Achievement Award,
Outstanding Achievement
in Acting, and Exceptional
Leadership in Chorale.
Founder of the school’s SCUBA Club, Morgan was a member of National Honor Society,
National Spanish Honor Society, National Art
Honor Society, and International Thespian
Society. She was president of Chamber Choir,
president and web designer of Chorale, and a
school vestry member.
The recipient of four varsity letters for tennis at
Sanderson High School, Maggie Strickland won
the team Leadership
Award and was named
to the Academic AllConference team. She
received three consecutive Presidential
Service Awards as well
as the school’s Spartan Award. Maggie
is attending UNCWilmington.
S p i r i t
She will always be “Ms. B” to these – and many
more – alumni! Last spring, middle school art
teacher Kim Balentine was host to seven of her
former students at a spaghetti dinner: (left to
right) Maggie Strickland, Caroline Vebber, Kayla
Gwaltney, “Ms. B”, Ally Bonavita, Dakota Zuehlke,
Cameron Dixon and Bailey Ham. “We laughed
about STS middle school memories – lunch
room events, art, and so much more,” Ms. B said.
“We even face timed Mr. Nowak and his sweet
little Izabella!” The girls wore t-shirts representing the colleges they’re now attending: UNC-W,
High Point, James Madison, Appalachian, UNCCharlotte and George Washington University.
For all three seasons
of all four years at
Ravenscroft School,
Samuel Stump was
on a sports team:
soccer in the fall,
swim team in winter, and track in the
spring. Additionally,
he played CASL soccer throughout high
school. The big news in the Stump family is that,
unlike brothers Jamie and David, Samuel is not
attending Virginia Tech to major in Engineering. Instead, he is studying Computer Science
at NC State.
Andrew Swearingen
will attend Auburn
University as a scholarship recipient, where
he plans to major in
Mechanical Engineering and attend numerous football games!
An honors graduate
of Sanderson High
School, Andrew is following in the footsteps of
both parents who are Auburn alumni.
Kreager Taber set
the state record in pole
vault last May at the
state track meet and
holds the pole vault record at Cary Academy.
In her senior year at
CA, Kreager was first in
pole vault in the TISAC
conference and at the
NCISSA meet. She is
now in Vermont where she will be pole vaulting
and participating in triple jump on the Middlebury College track team. She plans to major in
Environmental Studies and International Relations.
A graduate
of Ravenscroft
School, Allyson
Take will attend
Marshall Taylor, a Cardinal
Gibbons alum, is attending
Randolph-Macon College.
Jax Tyson earned her International Baccalaureate medal at
Broughton High School, where
she was a member of National
Honor Society, Latin Honor
Society and Service Club.
She turned down acceptances and scholarship offers
across North Carolina and
into South Carolina, opting
instead for a scholarship
from the Honors College
at East Carolina University.
A graduate of Sanderson High School,
Caroline Vebber is at
High Point University
and got a jump start by
enrolling in the summer session. Family
beach time filled the
rest of her summer.
Thomas Waldrop
is in the School of
Engineering at NC
State University. A
graduate of St. David’s School, he is
an Eagle Scout and
enjoys sailing.
A baseball standout at Millbrook High School,
Joseph Ward was equally known for his academic excellence. Although he was offered a Flinn
Scholarship to the
University of South
Carolina, Joseph
chose East Carolina
University where
he was awarded
an Honors College Scholarship, a
Passage Academic
Merit Scholarship,
and the Ella D.
Broughton Memorial Scholarship.
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
Lee Whitley was accepted into the Honors Program at the
Georgia Institute of
Technology, where
he will major in Mechanical Engineering.
The Ravenscroft grad
is an Eagle Scout and a
National Merit Scholarship finalist.
Mary Scott Willson
is at Appalachian State
University. While at
Saint Mary’s School
last year, she served
on the senior leadership team at White
Memorial Presbyterian
Church and was an
NC Senate page.
Alex Yost, a member of the state champion
lacrosse team at Cardinal Gibbons, is now at
Lehigh University in Pennsylvania.
The simple truth is
that Dakota Zuehlke
loves soccer! Captain
of the varsity girls’ soccer team at Broughton High School, she
plans to play club soccer at Appalachian
State University where
she will major in Elementary Education.
Dakota was a counselor at Camp Kanata for several years, with a
promotion to chief of arts and crafts this year.
Got News?
Graduations, weddings, new
babies, new jobs, awards or
recognitions... if you’ve got
news to share, email it to
a lu m n i n e ws
Matt Rouse’s Mission Trip to Peru
School Project Benefits Volunteer Fire Company
Matt Rouse probably wondered if he would ever reach
his destination of Cuzco,
Peru.and with the tournarespond.”
His group from Trinity
flew from Rament scheduled
for september
leigh to Atlanta and, after a five-hour layover, boarded
11, wallace added, “i thought it
a plane for the seven-hour flight to Lima. From there
an appropriate
to honor
they were bused to a youth
hostel, wheretime
he caught
and thank
hour’s nap before getting
back on
bus at 3:30 a.m.
wallace had great help from
for a return to the airport.
At 6:00 a.m., 21 hours
after leaving
he was
sts alumni
who confinally on the last legtributed
of his trip
from Lima
to Cuzco.
and logistical
But he’ll tell yousupport
in a heartbeat
that it was
for the tourney:
worth it!
honeycutt and his dad, Jacob
Matt spent the next week doing mission work at an ormunster
and his family,
phanage in the Peruvian
He builtKofie
a fence,
cleared land for a hut in the village, built a Kathryn
wall, cleaned
megan carley,
Kip Bible
up a soccer field to lyle,
the Vacation
ll sophomores at broughton
high school are assigned a
personal project – a significant
endeavor requiring months to
plan and execute. “do or create
something that you love” is what
project guidelines suggest.
so huston
wallace (sts
A huge
part of Governor’s
School is making new friends, and that was certainly the case with Chip Cervi
of 2009)
his center) and friends at Governor’s School East show off their certificates
Petty. Chip
(back row
far right)into
gathers with friends at Governor’s School West.
love of
a tournament that raised over
and Luke
$1,500 for
the southeast
pamlico Petty Attend NC Governor’s School
One hundred miles away, meanwhile, Luke
volunteer fire department. Petty, seniors
was enmeshed in the Governor’s School
at Sanderson
The teach’s cove Kayak
attend the Governor’s School of North CaroHuston Wallacesummer
the Teach’s Cove Kayak Fishing Tournament and
fishing tournament, held in
A concentration in English that explored
lina, the oldest statewide summer residential
raised $1,500 for the Southeast Pamlico Volunteer Fire Department.
the theory behind non-fiction was augprogram in the nation for academically or
is great, and i have a
and erin,
required contestants
to flex
twostudents.until his parents,
mented John
by classes
in philosophy
gifted high
few friends
who live in oriental
a kayak from
at daybreak,
they put
in East, brought
ogy. Highlights
of an
Luke’s summer
Chip attended
and the day
for at
i knew
would be able to help
sts auction
and canoes
West, held
at ago.Hunt, a man wrongly incarcerated
me set up
point andGovernor’s
paddled out.
for the
a crimethehe didn’t commit,
to a very personal
in Winston-Salem,
for English.
he had
he could
next four
they got down to
For Chip, the son of a math teachertournament
reason for selecting the beneficloser to his raleigh
the business of fishing.
The entire program, Luke said, “was awean accountant, math has always come easily.
some! Everyone was there because
they wanted
But he readily admits that the six-week cur“when
i was in the first
to learn. It was a very enthusiastic
environriculum, including daily classes in quantum
“our beach
“i worked
as a He
flounder, a and
and a drum. – a word that
intendsattoa keep ingrade,”
touch he
of Governor’s
“I caught fire.
even inhe’s
in oriental
sailing camp
in oriental
for eightSchoolhouse
fishing before Goverhave friends
all parts of
Caro- pamlico volunteer
– were didn’t
weeks lastnow
he said,in“and
all hisSchool
life, wallace
never was the first to
fire department
i built up a large group of friends.
kayak fishing with any regularity
meadows, and the mangum
family. a number of friends and
former teachers who couldn’t attend helped the cause by buying
tournament t-shirts.
completed months ago,
wallace’s sophomore project is
now history. one might expect
the same of the fishing tourney.
but oriental hasn’t seen the last
of the teach’s cove Kayak fishing tournament.
“i definitely plan on doing it
again next year!” wallace said.
even heard of!”
After a week of hard but rewarding mission work, Matt
As his senior year of high school unfolds,
Rouse and his dad Shannon spent a day at Machu Pichu,
Luke is already thinking about college. He
home to the Incas.
plans to major in English and sees law school
in his future.
to Coast Guard
that his group hosted for the local children…
Alex Sullivan, STS Class
is Matt Rouse did it – and without comThe Citadel, Gary Donaldson is serving
a freshman at the U.S.
Coast Guard
with the Army
But how could he possibly complain after
After St. Timothy’s
he was serving?
Academy in New London,
CT. the
It took a little bit of sleuthing, but we finally tracked down Therice
poverty, but they don’t even
The STS alum, a graduate of Cardinal
that what they have is
Therice went on to Cary Academy after St. Timothy’s, graduating
Gibbons High School, joined the
lacking anything.”
in 2009 and heading to Brown University to concentrate in electrical
The Coast Guard Academy,
in and everything their parents ask
National Guard during his sophomore
“They founded
do anything
1876, is the only one
of the
five federal
year at The Citadel. When his unit was
to do,”
Matt added. “Despite their frugal means,
“I was heavily involved with the FSAE team, which builds and races
to require
share more than any American kid I’ve
service academies that
deployed to Afghanistan last May, SPC
formula-style race cars,” she said. “I studied abroad in Beijing, China
ever met!”
a congressional recommendation
Donaldson volunteered to go with them.
for a summer, perfecting my Chinese skills, and I attended Cambridge University
for my Instead, admission
The 10-dayis trip
included a visit to the architectural
junior year.was
” in the hearts and minds
Pichu, the last stronghold of the
solely on personal merit
of STS
and staff
last month.
Cum Laude from Brown with the Outstanding Senior
of almost 8,000 feet. And
nationwide competitive process with no state quotas.
and fifth
grade Study
Buddies made
Matt spent a day touring Lima, the capital of Peru,
Alex reported for Swab
Academy’s seven-week initiaValentine’s
Day cardsshe
first grade
After graduation,
at a patent attorney’s office as a technical specialist,
But, his
be told,boards
it wasand
the ischildren
of of
tion, She
last is
June. He earned
now one
put together
then enrolled
on aRobinson
Ph.D. in Electrical
that made
on him.
cadets enrolled in acountryside
four-year bachelor
of the
of pens, note
jerky, hardy candy
fiber pads,
optic hand
for aircraft
“It was incredibly humbling to see how happy and
that her sister Meghan, also an STS alum, is living near Denver and workIn addition to his rigorous
for the
these children
for what
they had,”
ing as a public defender in the Colorado Court of Appeals.
and plays tromboneheinsaid.
the band.
“It wassimply amazing.”
All were mailed to Donaldson with instructions to share with his unit. 
“One of the things I learned is that I’m not
as smart as I thought I was!” Another thing
he learned is that he wants to double major
and mathematics, and
Instead of enjoying on
his college
senior year
ott hh yy ’ ’ ss ss cc hh o
o LL
ss tt. . tt i i m
sS p i r i t
sS pu rmi NmGe r2
02 101 1 5
Reconnecting with the Penven-Crew Family
There’s nothing we like more than alumni news!
This update from alumni mom Dee Penven-Crew
made us so happy that we just had to share it!
Remember those Penven-Crew kids from the
1990s? Caitlin Penven-Crew began her dance education at Arts Together in 1991 and her academic
education in Patty Asher’s kindergarten class at
St. Timothy’s in 1993. She was a dance/dance
education major at UNC-Greensboro until a
broken tailbone from a nasty fall during an ice
storm forced her to change course.
A lifelong love of dance had fostered in Caitlin
a love of human anatomy. After taking no science classes for many years, she took nothing but
science for two years. She graduated with a degree in
dance with a minor in Biology. She was among 60 students out of a field of 600+
accepted at Elon University’s Doctor of Physical
Therapy program.
“Four years later, resplendent in her graduation
robes,” Dee wrote, “Caitlin received her hood in
December of 2014. The celebration continued with a
10-day family trip through the UK over New Year’s.”
Dr. Penven-Crew is now a physical therapist at High
Point Regional in Greensboro. McCale Penven-Crew’s time at St. Timothy’s began
in a pre-kindergarten classroom in 1996.
He is now a senior at William Peace University, As
a junior last spring, he maintained a 4.0 GPA and
received a series of accolades – Dear John letters, his
mother calls them.
Caitlin Penven-Crew (left) and her
brother John (above), students at
STS in the 1990s.
The first letter began, “Dear John, Based on your
exemplary academic performance, you have been selected
to serve as a University Marshall for the 2015 calendar
year. This honor is bestowed upon the five students in
both the sophomore and junior classes who have the
highest grade point averages.” The second letter read, “Dear John, Because of your
exemplary college achievements, we invite you to join the
North Carolina Psi Chapter of Alpha Chi, a national
honor society that accepts only the top 10 percent of
juniors, seniors and graduate students in all academic
fields….” “The hits,” his mother said, “just keep on coming. Are we proud? You bet!”
McCale is scheduled to graduate next May with a
double major in Political Science and Communications.
Meredith Burke Takes an
Adventurous Gap Year
When Meredith Burke graduated from Saint
Mary’s School in 2014, she put her college
plans on hold. Instead of moving into a dorm
at UNC-Chapel Hill, she began a gap year that
would take her to Latin America, Utah and
South Africa.
She spent what would have been her
fall semester in a group program called
Adventures Cross Country, traveling to Costa Meredith (second from right) dressed in indigenous clothing for a
Rica, Ecuador and Peru for service projects and wedding in Ecuador.
“We worked on a sea turtle conservation project in Costa Rica,” Meredith said, “volunteered in indigenous
villages in the Ecuadorean Amazon, and volunteered at an orphanage in Peru.”
In the spring she did a leadership semester with Colorado Outward Bound School in southeast Utah,
backpacking, canyoneering and white water rafting.
“For 50 days we lived outside, learning how to work together and lead, as well as learn the skills necessary for backcountry travel,” she explained. “We learned about knots, rock climbing, rappelling and how to
captain a raft through white water.”
And if that wasn’t enough to quench her thirst for adventure, it was definitely sated when she went to
South Africa to spend six weeks on a game reserve.
“I participated in a volunteer project to monitor wildlife to help with research and management,” said
Meredith. “Volunteers go out on drives to find the focus animals and take data on their locations and
behavior.” Lions and leopards were two of her focus animals, and she had ample opportunity to photograph them.
“It was beneficial to our research and it helps with identification, particularly for the leopards,” she said.
Her travels behind her for the moment, Meredith has begun her first semester in Chapel Hill.
More Alumni News On Page 23!
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
Jamie Stump (left) on graduation
day at Virginia Tech. David
Stump (right), is a junior at
Virginia Tech
Stump Brothers:
Continuing and
Starting College
There seems to be a revolving
door at the home of Melinda
Stump, mother of three STS
In May, her oldest son Jamie
graduated from Virginia Tech
where he majored in Engineering
(Science & Mechanics) and
minored in Physics and Math.
In August, her youngest son
Samuel started his freshman
year at NC State University. (See
STS Class of 2011 Heads to College,
beginning on page 6.)
Maintaining the status quo was
middle son David, who returned
to Virginia Tech for his junior
year where he is majoring in
Packaging Systems and Design
in the College of Sustainable
“I’m so proud of all my boys!”
Melinda said. “Seriously, I credit
a lot of their success to the great
start they got at St. Timothy’s!”
STS Alumni Shine
At Sanderson
Among the 23 Junior
Marshalls at Sanderson High
School last year were seven STS
alumni from the Class of 2012:
Robyn Sawyers
Ana Sheridan
Catherine Allen
Erin Perry
Chip Cervi
Anne Elkins
Cameron Osiecki
This is an honor and recognition of the top students in the
junior class.
Dark Skies, Bright Smiles Mark Be
The only rain in weeks fell on the opening day of school on August 19, but it did little to dampen the spirit of students – or their parents! It was “all hands on deck” for faculty and staff – offering directions to new families, manning the carpool line, staffing the “Coffee and Kleenex” table
for pre-k and kindergarten parents, greeting new and familiar faces in the classrooms, helping
students navigate their new schedules… All things considered, it was a very successful opening
to our 58th year of education.
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
eginning of 2015-2016 School Year
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
Student News
First in Math
STS students are First in Math!
Last spring students in Mrs. Angie
Austin’s first grade math class were
recognized as Top Team (first grade)
in NC. Students in Mrs. Deb Bardeen’s class were recognized as Top
Team (second grade) in NC for the
same week.
And St. Timothy’s School ranked
#7 of all schools in North Carolina!
In addition, a number of STS students received individual recognition
from First in Math: Neal Wasudev,
Owen Treadway, Mac Cobb, Dan
Rajaratnam, Darcy Keegan, Lachlan
Cross and Sean Manuel.
The online program is geared toward
solidifying math skills.
Cynthia Woodward (left), recipient of the Headmaster’s Cup, with Kate
Sabiston (right), who was awarded the Faculty Cup.
Headmaster and Faculty Cups Awarded
Cynthia Woodward and Kate Sabiston were awarded the Headmaster’s
Cup and Faculty Cup at an end of year assembly in June.
The Headmaster’s Cup is bestowed upon an eighth grade student who
best exhibits the outstanding qualities of a St. Timothy’s student. Teachers
nominate candidates for this award. The candidate with the most nominations is awarded the Headmaster’s Cup, with the runner-up receiving the
Faculty Cup.
The Headmaster’s Cup went to Cynthia, with Kate taking home the
Faculty Cup.
Katharine Priu
Wins State DAR
Essay Award
Katharine Priu made it to the
top tier of the competition.
After winning the local chapter
as well as state competition of the
American History essay contest
sponsored by the Daughters
of the American Revolution
(DAR), her eighth grade essay
was forwarded for national consideration.
The topic was “A Child’s Journey through Ellis Island.”
Martha Ellington of the local
Micajah Bullock Chapter of the
DAR presented Katharine with
chapter honors at the STS semester awards assembly in February.
A First for the STS Band Program
Wesley Major qualified for the 2015 North Carolina All State Honors
“He was officially ranked the sixth best tuba in the state,” said STS
Band Director Susan Fritts, “as a sixth grader!”
Wesley participated in the All State Clinic at UNC-Greensboro on
May 1-3, with a concert capping off the weekend on Sunday afternoon.
Titan trumpeter Rollie Tillman placed 18th in the state competition,
narrowly missing the cut for state honors. “Rollie did an outstanding
job!” Fritts said of Rollie, who made school history as the first STS
student ever qualifying for All State honors.
Chorus and Ensemble Score Superior Ratings
The STS Middle School Chorus and the STS 7th and 8th Grade
Vocal Ensemble received superior ratings at the Kings Dominion
Choral Festival last spring.
“I am very proud of our student musicians,” said Joe Farmer, STS
Chorus Director. “They gave their very best and the judges recognized their outstanding effort.”
Wesley Major was ranked sixth best tube in the state as a sixth grader.
st. timothy’s schooL
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Community Service at STS: Spring Projects Reflect Student Commitment
Fourth graders selected Backpack Buddies for their spring service project. They were asked to
do chores at home and bring in
any money earned. With those
earnings, breakfast and snack
foods were purchased and students filled bags in an assembly
line at school.
Student Council raised close
to $3,000 through the annual
Balloon Day fundraiser. When it
came time to allocate the funds, Above: Student Council selected Stop Hunger Now for
students decided they didn’t its spring service project.
want to simply donate the money
Right: Henry Absher adds his contribution for
– they wanted to do something
Backpack Buddies.
with it. The result was a Stop
Hunger Now Pack-a-Thon that sent 10,000 packets of dried nutritional meals to locations around the globe. In only two hours after school one day, 50 students measured,
weighed, sealed, and packed the meals.
And there were more service projects, including the annual middle school talent show
which raised over $1,000 for the American Red Cross’s effort in earthquake-stricken
Nepal. And every other Wednesday, middle school students gave up their break time to
prepare and pack 40 “lunches to go” for delivery to the emergency shelter at the Raleigh
Rescue Mission.
Mrs. Austin and Her Pen Pals
At the end of last school year, Angie
Austin invited her first graders to be
her summer pen pals. Much to her surprise and delight, two of her students –
Charlotte Fusco and Haddie Horton – took
her up on that offer.
“I didn’t send any letters first,” Mrs. Austin
said. “They were the ones who took the
At first, she responded immediately.
Then summer travels, coupled with a postal forwarding order when she moved to a
new house, slowed her response time. But
the letters from her students kept coming.
Charlotte and Haddie are in second
grade now, but they got together with
their former teacher at lunch one day to
catch up where they left off after their last
Drama Students
Perform Peter Pan
For the second consecutive
year, Amy Murphy accomplished
the impossible by successfully
triple-casting the school’s annual
drama production. With three
grades enrolled in drama classes,
she divided the scenes of Peter
Pan equally. The transitions were
seamless and the young actors
performed to two standing room
only crowds in the auditorium at
William Peace University.
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
STS Class of 2015: Our Tenth Year of Eighth Grade Graduates
The festivities leading up to eighth grade graduation actually began in May with the traditional threeday trip to Washington, DC. Final exams followed and, finally, graduation day arrived.
It began with an 8:00 a.m. breakfast, followed by graduation rehearsal in the courtyard and an
impromptu photo of the alpha-omegas, those students who were at St. Timothy’s from kindergarten
through eighth grade.
Students were dismissed at noon, returning at 5:30 p.m. for a professional group photo.
With acolytes leading the processional and the sounds of piano and trumpet filling the air, 48 students
solemnly filed in and took their seats. An hour later, they recessed as alumni with diplomas in hand.
It’s a routine that’s been repeated on campus since 2006, and one that we never tire of watching.
Eva Guarino receives her diploma.
Graduation day started with a breakfast for the
Class of 2015.
Well over half of the STS Class of 2015 were alpha-omegas, enrolling in
kindergarten and graduating from the eighth grade: Murat Adibelli, Carly
Bierer, Emily Burroughs, Katie Burroughs, Warren Fusco, Anna Guarino, Kody
Haglund, Jake Hamilton, Carter Holjes, Justin Jefferies, Peter Lane, Rom Lewis,
Grace Patton, Grace Raphun, Shelby Reaugh, Elizabeth Riddick, Lilly Roth,
Kate Sabiston, Victor Samia, Marianna Schantz, Rob Treadway, Sydney Tucker,
T.J. Walch, Ruth Anne Warner and Duncan Wegner.
Students were all smiles
before lining up for the
graduation processional.
The crucifer and torch bearers led the procession
of eighth graders into the courtyard.
Construction on the US Capitol building didn’t deter the enthusiasm of eighth graders when they
toured Washington, DC – their last field trip together as STS students.
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Alumna Ashley Edmonds Boswell Delivers Commencement Address
It was a homecoming for alumna Ashley Edmonds Boswell
as she addressed the STS Class of 2015 at graduation in
Boswell is the founder of Shepherd Youth Ranch, a
Christian-based non-profit organization that uses equineassisted therapy to serve children suffering from trauma and
their families. It was only natural, therefore, that she would
weave horses into the theme of her graduation remarks.
“Tonight I want to share with you some valuable lessons
I learned about character here at St. Timothy’s,” she began.
“These are the same lessons that horses have taught me in
my line of work.”
Be Honorable
The first lesson Boswell learned from both St. Timothy’s
and her horses is to be honorable. “Horses don’t lie… they
can’t,” she said. “They are honorable creatures.”
Humans, on the other hand, can be unclear and even
untruthful. “We have all told a fib, a little white lie,” she said.
“Lying becomes habitual in our society, but the goal is to
catch yourself, tell on yourself and make it a habit to tell the
truth instead.”
Telling the truth makes you honorable and trustworthy.
With Headmaster Tim Tinnesz and Joe Diab, chair of the St. Timothy’s Board of Trustees,
looking on, alumna Ashley Edmonds Boswell delivered the 2015 commencement address.
“fall off the horse.” Those you love will let you down. “Forgive them
immediately,” she urged. “Realize that they are not perfect, only our
Lord is perfect.”
Forgiveness isn’t for the person who wronged you. Forgiveness is
for you. “It allows you to let go of hurts, move on, and love and ride
again,” she said.
Be Present
Horses live in the here and now, Boswell explained. This is how they
have survived predators for years in the wild. They don’t have the
privilege of daydreaming about their future or the burden of worrying
about their past.
“Too often we worry or daydream about the future and forget to
stop and smell the roses,” she said
Part of being present also means looking past yourself and what you
want to serve others instead.
“Be a friend to someone in need, take time to cheer someone up,
pray for someone,” she said. “Help your mom, take out the trash, be
kind to your brother or sister, and thank your teachers for serving you.”
Be Yourself
Be yourself, because everyone else is taken!
Just like humans, God created every horse to be unique. Some are
shy, some friendly, some introverted, some extroverted, some impulsive, some fearful, some playful and some calm.
“My job as a professional horse trainer is to bring out the best qualities in every horse so that they can be the best they can for every
child they meet,” she said,
“You, too, are unique,” Boswell told the students. “God gave each of
you specific talents, gifts, passions and dreams.”
One of her favorite hymns, All Things Bright and Beautiful, was
learned in St. Timothy’s chapel. “This song resonates deep within my
soul,” she said
At a very early age, Boswell realized that she had a passion for all of
God’s creatures, particularly horses.
“I also knew that I had a deep-seated desire to help hurting children,” she said. “Today, I do exactly what I was meant to do – counseling youth who have experienced trauma and pairing them with
horses who have also experienced trauma. I love what I do and who
God made me to be.”
Figure out what it is that you love and what you do well, she told the
graduates. “Be who you were meant to be… yourself.”
Boswell ended with her hopes for the STS Class of 2015.
BE HONORABLE: Tell the truth no matter the cost.
BE PRESENT: Show up and serve others.
BE FORGIVING: Forgiveness makes you loving and lovable.
BE YOURSELF: Don’t try to be something you are not. Instead, use
your God-given abilities, gifts and talents to make a difference in
someone else’s life or the world.
“And remember, when challenges come your way and try to unsettle
the person you are meant to be,” Boswell said, “don’t quit. Do not
give up, be who you were meant to be, and do it long enough to be
good… even great!”
Be Loving and Forgive
“I can honestly say that the friends I made here at St. Timothy’s last a
lifetime,” Boswell said. “I still keep in touch with many of them today.”
She told how a former STS classmate recently reached out and asked
if she would give him advice about an equestrian facility he was working on in Hong Kong as the principal architect. Boswell immediately
dropped everything she was doing, researched what her friend wanted, and got back to him with answers.
“Life is really all about relationships and the love and commitments
we make to our friends and family,” she said.
The other side of loving others has to do with forgiveness, and
Boswell said she doesn’t think you can have one without the other.
“Recently I was bucked off one of our rescue horses that occasionally
has a fear of pressure from humans because he was once neglected
and abused” she explained. “This day, I put a little bit of pressure on
him with my seat and legs and asked him to speed up. He responded
with a reactive hop and then another until I lost my balance and
squeezed to hold on….so basically I accidentally put more pressure on
him until he bucked straight up in the air and I landed on the ground.”
Boswell immediately looked at the horse and said, “I’m so sorry. I
didn’t mean to do that.” The horse looked back at her as if to say, “Me,
too. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that. It was just a reaction.”
“We immediately forgave each other and moved on in our relationship,” she said. “I got back on and off we went without incident.”
In life, Boswell told the graduates, there will be times when you will
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An Old Tradition Continues, A New Tradition Begins
Family BINGO Night is a decades-long tradition at St. Timothy’s. Held every spring, it’s
an evening of fun and fellowship for the entire
Refreshments, raffles and 10 games of BINGO
bring out a capacity crowd of students, parents,
and even alumni each year.
We love our traditions at St. Timothy’s, but
we’re always open to new ideas. Last year, we
launched an event that is sure to become a new
STS tradition: Step and Stack.
It was an obstacle course. It was a pancake
breakfast. Actually, it was an obstacle course and
a pancake breakfast!
On a Saturday morning last spring, students
completed an obstacle course designed by Athletic Director Tracey Woodward. With staggered
starting times and challenges to meet their age
levels, participants from four to 14 years old followed a course that spanned the entire campus.
There were sprints and hurdles and obstacles of
all sorts – tires, wading pools, hoses, ropes – just
about anything that Woodward could conceive.
Proceeds from the obstacle course were donated
to No Kid Hungry NC.
After “stepping” through a series of obstacles,
participants headed to the dining hall for a “stack”
of pancakes as the Titan Athletic Club hosted its
annual pancake breakfast.
Pancakes, sausage links, fruit, coffee and orange
juice were served by an outstanding team of
parents and faculty, with proceeds benefitting
the Titan athletic program.
It was a great day to be a Titan!
BINGO! We have a winner! Actually , there were
many winners at Family BINGO night with 10
games and 10 raffle baskets.
After “stepping” through the obstacles, participants
headed to the dining hall for a “stack” of pancakes.
STS Replaces Tinnesz With New Headmaster
– But Just For A Day!
The Headmaster’s Office had a
new occupant on two occasions
last year as Chase Pettersson and
Huntley Carr each assumed the role
of “Headmaster for the Day.” At the
Founders’ Day fundraiser last winter,
DeAnna and Carl Pettersson, as well
as Danette and Greg Carr, were high
bidders on the opportunity for their
sons to experience a thrilling day in
the life of Headmaster Tim Tinnesz.
Both students agreed on one thing:
admin meetings are not so thrilling!
Chase Pettersson (left) and Huntley
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S p i r i t
N ews
f r o m
T he
F r i en d s
o f
S t .
T i m o th y ’ s
Friends of St. Timothy’s Honored at Volunteer Breakfast
Beginning with a faculty breakfast before the
start of each school year and ending with a graduation reception in June, the many volunteers of
Friends of St. Timothy’s provide priceless services
to our school.
They are the organizers of the Back to School
BBQ, Fall Festival and Family BINGO. They
serve pizza every Tuesday, sell cupcakes every
quarter, and provide a spectacular faculty luncheon three times a year.
And they start laying the groundwork each
summer for Founders’ Day, a major fundraiser
held each winter.
Each spring, we celebrate these Friends at a
Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. It’s a special
time to recognize the incoming and outgoing
Executive Board of Friends of St. Timothy’s, as
well as every parent who has volunteered one
hour or countless hours during the school year.
The incoming-outgoing Board of Friends includes (left to right) Shannon Helm, assistant treasurer; Kristin
Holder, secretary; Cissy Lewis, outgoing president; Lisa Meadows, president; Olga West, treasurer; Michele
Schneider, vice-president; and Jeanette Gray, outgoing treasurer.
Garden Bed is Dedicated to Jeff and Lynne Sanders
Lynne Sanders was a first grade assistant when her husband Jeff was stricken with cancer,
and circumstances forced her to leave her beloved job with the school. She was gone but
never far from the hearts and minds of students and faculty.
When the STS learning garden was constructed with proceeds from Founders Day 2014,
naming rights to the flower beds were offered. Steve and Lori Powell took the high bid on one
of them and dedicated it in memory of Jeff and in honor of Lynne.
At the invitation of the first grade faculty and the Powell family, Lynne Sanders returned to
campus one day last
spring for an intimate
and informal dedication of “her” flower bed.
The plan was for all to
enjoy lunch together in
Debbie Potter’s classroom afterwards.
En route from garden
to classroom, Lynne
was discovered by a
group of third graders,
her former students,
who couldn’t let her go
without hugs and well
Parent ambassadors play a
vital role in the admissions
process at St. Timothy’s. They
escort parents from classroom
to classroom during A Day
in the Life open houses, they
provide campus tours during
fall and spring open houses,
and they serve as mentors
to newly-enrolled families.
The program, introduced several years ago, continues to
expand each year.
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Summer Vacation
from the Chelsea Highline to the
Brooklyn Bridge, with lots of good
eating and adventures in between. Middle school math teacher Claire
Elliott and her family visited New
York City, Niagara Falls and Carolina Beach, went camping in the
mountains and tubing down the
Neuse River “It was nice to recharge
our batteries,” she said. “We were
ready for the new school year!”
continued from page 1
hosted two summer camps. Then
she and her husband got in the car
and drove through rural Virginia,
visiting sites like the historic home
of President James Monroe and the
Walton Mountain Museum.
“My favorite part of the summer was driving off the GPS grid
and stumbling upon a dirt road at
the top of a mountain covered in
butterflies,” she said. “I had to get
out of the car to keep them from
being run over!” The experience,
she said, “was so much better than
the Smithsonian butterfly exhibit
in DC… which I still highly recommend!”
Headmaster Tim Tinnesz spent
15 days unplugged from email
and cell phones while hiking and
traveling in Wyoming, Montana
and Washington. He spent the first
half of his vacation with extended
family in the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone National Park and Glacier
National Park. Then he forged on
with a friend to the Cascades and
Olympic National Park. “It was
over 40 total miles of hiking with
alpine lakes, snow-capped peaks,
bald eagles, mountain goats… even
a couple of bear sightings!” he said.
Better at the Beach
While in Maine, Katherine Lee photographed this lighthouse featured in
the movie “Forrest Gump.”
Katherine Lee spent the summer
preparing to move to Raleigh for
her new position as a third grade
teacher, but she still managed a
short vacation. “I was blessed to be
able to spend three days traveling
up and down the coast of Maine
with a friend visiting small towns
and beautiful lighthouses,” she said.
“It was the highlight of my summer
and it made the list of most stunning
places I have been!”
Technology teacher Meg Mansfield spent four days sampling the
fruits of Napa Valley vineyards and
a day touring San Francisco.
What happens when two librarians
go on an Alaskan cruise? They check
out the public libraries at every port!
Sarah Stanley in Alaska
School librarian Sarah Stanley and
her husband, a librarian at Campbell
University, enjoyed photographing
libraries from Vancouver to Anchorage as much as they enjoyed photographing glaciers from the vantage
point of a helicopter.
Science lab teacher Perry Suk
spent a special weekend in New York
celebrating her husband’s birthday
– a “big” one! – with a family trip
to his childhood neighborhood in
the Bronx. “He had not been back
in over 30 years and was pleasantly
surprised at the condition of his family home, although he swears it used
to be much bigger!” she said. They
enjoyed other parts of New York,
A Reunion in Manteo
Science teacher Michaela Iiames and her husband went to Manteo
one weekend this summer to see STS students Chloe and Emma Lias
perform in the symphonic outdoor drama, “The Lost Colony.” Eighth
grader Emma was featured as a dancer and a colonist with sixth
grader Chloe playing the role of a colony child.
The Lias sisters were not the only familiar faces that Iiames saw in
the crowd.
Fourth grade teacher Lori Reedy and her husband Jeff, celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary on the Outer Banks, were also in
After the performance, all gathered for a group photo.
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Perry Suk in Manhattan
S p i r i t
Deanna Lord spent most of the
summer at her Bald Head Island
home making center activities for
second grade, doing projects for
professional development and reading. “Some people might think this
is boring,” she said, “but I had a great
Kim Balentine, middle school
art teacher, spent the summer in
her Beaufort home painting and icing her knee as she recovered from
surgery. Spending about eight hours
a day on her art, Kim lost track of
how many paintings she produced.
“Maybe 22?” she estimated. Nine of
her paintings were sold before she
even left Beaufort.
Cathy Clement, Director of Admissions, carried on the family tradition of a week on the Outer Banks
with her children and grandchildren.
This year three-month-old grandson
Evan made his debut at the annual
family gathering.
Annette Tucker, communications
coordinator, spent her favorite week
of the year in Atlantic Beach where
they celebrated five family birthdays and Father’s Day. “We fished,
boated, swam, boogie boarded and
had a fun time showing our northern
relatives the North Carolina coast,”
she said. “We saw dolphins, huge
stingrays, sea turtles, and yes, a
couple of sharks!”
First grade teacher Debbie Potter
owns a condo in Southport and,
as her colleague Sharon Carlson
explained, “It’s my job to keep
her company!” They enjoyed daily
picnic lunches on the Oak Island
beach, returning to Southport in
late afternoon for dinner and bike
Sharon Carlson and Debbie Potter
at the beach
riding until dark. The two report
they are now experts in staking a
beach umbrella in the sand and are
happy to share their technique if
asked. “Our umbrellas never blow
away!” Debbie said.
On the Move
Two of our faculty have new addresses, and one of them is Learning
Specialist Lindsay Behrens. She and
her husband spent the summer moving into a new house and preparing
their former residence for sale.
First grade teacher Angie Austin
will insist that she spent most of the
summer packing and unpacking
boxes for her family’s August 8 move.
When pressed, however, she admits
to a family trip to Washington,
DC for sightseeing and a Nationals
game, a 40th birthday celebration
with her sister on Grand Cayman in
the Caribbean, a few days at Disney
World with her mother and sons,
and a road trip to Holland, Michigan for a visit with the in-laws. But
the highlight of her summer, Angie
said, was “getting together with lifelong friends at a reunion of day camp
counselors at the 25th anniversary
celebration of the Finley YMCA.
Movement and drama teacher
Amy Murphy helped her fiancé
move into the home they will share
after their December nuptials. Planning that wedding, monitoring the
enhancements to the campus performing arts classroom, and being a
“swim team mom” to her daughter
Rose rounded out her summer.
Archeoastronomy Lured Michaela Iiames to Ireland
To understand science teacher Michaela Iiames’s summer of 2015, you need to go back to the summer of
2014 when she was awarded a professional development grant from the Dr. Albert Joseph Diab Foundation.
Iiames traveled to Pingree State Park, a satellite campus of Colorado State University, for a program called
Astronomy in the Rockies.
For one week, the group of 15 participated in eight
hours of classroom instruction each day, supplemented
with day and night viewing with telescopes. “It was my
first experience using a solar filter to view the sun during
the day,” she said.
Upon returning to Raleigh, Iiames shared this experience with STS parent and astronomy enthusiast Tom
Barrett. He generously donated his Dobsonian telescope
to the school and purchased a solar filter so students
John and Michaela Iiames at New Grange, an ancient
could enjoy daytime viewing of the sun on campus.
burial site in Ireland that she discovered when planning
“The spring of 2015 found us viewing sun spots on the
her astronomy unit last spring.
courtyard,” she said.
While preparing the astronomy unit for her students, Iiames stumbled upon the topic of archeoastronomy
– the study of the role of astronomy in the lives of ancient peoples. She read about an ancient burial ground
just north of Dublin, Ireland named New Grange that predates the pyramids by about 1,000 years.
“It was awe-inspiring for me to understand how people so long ago could not only construct such a massive thing without the help of wheels or animals,” she said, “but also that they understood the movement of
the celestial bodies in such an intimate way.”
Iiames was so intrigued by her study of New Grange that she decided to visit it for herself, incorporating a
visit to the site into her two-week tour of Ireland in June.
Dr. Albert Joseph Diab Foundation
Professional Development Grants:
Teachers Return With Ideas and
Inspiration After Summer Seminars
Erin Berry Spalinski went to Chicago courtesy of a Dr. Albert
Joseph Diab Foundation professional development grant to attend
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Interactive
Institute on Number & Operations in the Classroom. “I know – it’s a
mouthful!” Erin admitted. “It was a wonderful experience and I met
some great teachers from all over the country.” She also participated
in the NC Museum of Art’s Summer Educator Institute, spending three
days learning how to better integrate arts into curriculum.
History teacher Peggy Todd attended a week-long Gilder
Lehrman Institute seminar at George Washington University, funded
by a Diab Foundation professional development grant. The seminar,
designed specifically for teachers, focused on WWI and how to use
primary sources in lessons for historical literacy.
Brandon Bogumil, middle school literature and grammar teacher,
received a Dr. Albert Joseph Diab Foundation professional development grant to attend the Columbia University Teachers College
Institute on Teaching of Reading in New York.
Fun with Family
Kindergarten assistant Deb Bardeen spent lots of time at the pool
with her daughter Gracie May, as
well as working on some house
projects. She also made a trip to
New York to visit family and friends.
April Cervi spent a relaxing summer with her family, both oceanside
and poolside. With her son Jarrett
attending a summer session at Old
Dominion and son Chip away at
NC Governor’s School, she got a
taste of what next year will be like
when she’s an empty nester: quiet!
Colleen Camaione-Edmonston,
middle school grammar/literature
teacher, watched her three children
compete in swim, dive and tennis.
The family vacationed on Topsail
Island, where they successfully
avoided sharks, as well as Montreat,
where they hiked the trails and ran
the 4th of July 5K – and ran into
STS families and alumni! She and
her husband capped off the summer with a trip to the mountains
to celebrate “20 adventurous and
Amelia Edmonston (left) with fellow
Titans Margaret and Rosemary
Raynal in Montreat
blissful years of marriage!”
Math teacher Melynda Foye and
her husband spent most of the summer on the road with daughter Jillian and her lacrosse team, Carolina
Fever, as they played tournaments
in Maryland, Virginia and North
Carolina. “Jillian had a blast,” Melynda said, “and we had fun using
Yelp to find great places to eat after
the games!” The Foyes were able to
squeeze in some beach fun for Jillian and her friend Brianna Briggs,
another Titan alumna.
colleagues to visit with students
and alumni.
One of those colleagues was science teacher Judy Whitley, who
conducted her annual volleyball
camp at the beginning of the summer. At summer’s end, she deposited
her older son Lee at Georgia Tech
for his freshman year.
Kindergarten teacher Natalie Mayur conducted a Craft Readers summer camp at STS, and continued
Teaching and Learning
Chris Wilson, middle school
history teacher, switched gears this
summer and tutored math. In addition, he found great joy in dropping
by the summer camps of his STS
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her graduate studies at NC State as
she pursues a Masters in Elementary
When he wasn’t at a work-related
conference or seminar, Director
of Technology Eddie Cobb was
on campus updating computers,
supervising the conversion to fiber
optic cables, and doing everything
that needs to be done to keep our
computers and internet service up
and running all year.
Tim Coleman, Head of Middle
School, went to Guatemala
at the invitation of Jump the
World, the organization that
arranges exchange students
to St. Timothy’s each year. He
toured schools in Guatemala
City, visited Spanish colonial
sites in Antigua Guatemala –
and zip-lined down a mountain at a coffee farm! “The
trip was amazing!” Coleman
said. “I’m looking forward to
welcoming our three new
Guatemalan exchange students in a few months.”
His most vivid and meaningful experience, however, was
working with Annini, an organization that provides housing
and care for orphaned children with physical and mental
disabilities. He joined a group
of teachers to help paint the
interior of one of the Annini
Sherry Mitchell and family at a roadside “free wi-fi” spot.
teach Latin. “I was also searching for
new ways to incorporate classical art
and paintings, as well as Greek and
Roman mythology, in my teaching,” she said.
Art teacher Laura Bierer tutored
budding artists and conducted
her annual Artists and Authors
summer camp. She took a trip to
the Big Apple with her best friend
and vacationed in Ohio, where she
gifted her newly married niece with
a painting she created for her. In addition, Laura said, “I took my kids
and myself to every kind of doctor
for check-ups. We are all healthy!”
Susan Fritts, STS band director,
attended the Building Better Bands
clinic in Winston-Salem in June,
where she had the opportunity to
meet and work with some of the
most prestigious people in her field.
She helped out with the Cardinal
Gibbons Band Camp in July, and
returned to Winston-Salem in August to work on the new All District
solo rotation music. In between, she
was on campus three days a week
teaching flute lessons and flute ensemble – and spending a lot of time
practicing her flute.
“It was great to meet with other
history teachers from around the
country,” she said. “At the end of
the seminar, each teacher presented
a lesson plan using primary sources.
There were so many good ideas! I’m
sure I’ll use what I learned in my
classes.” The week also included
visits to the National Archives and
the Library of Congress.
Mary Cerrato traveled to Connecticut for the American Classical
League’s Summer Institute, an annual conference for Latin and Greek
teachers. “I go regularly to keep updated and connected,” she said. This
year, she was looking for information
and ideas for the new STS sixth
grade Latin curriculum and ongoing updates for using technology to
Erin Berry Spalinski decided to
teach herself to sew (still a “major
work in progress,” she reports) and
wrote a lot of thank you notes for
gifts bestowed at her May wedding
to David Spalinski.
Fourth grade teacher Caitlin Folan and Davis Roach were married
at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in
Winston-Salem on June 20, with
a reception at the Old Town Club.
They honeymooned in Dominica.
Kindergarten assistant Sherry
Mitchell and her family spent five
nights at a cousin’s cabin in the upper peninsula of Michigan. “We had
no electricity, no water and, most
Erin spent a lot of her summer
hours writing thank you notes for
gifts given at her May wedding to
David Spalinski.
Caitlin Folan married Davis Roach.
st. timothy’s schooL
Family Milestones
S p i r i t
life-changing, no wifi,” she said.
“You can see how that went on day
#5!” The family strife lessened when
the Mitchells headed to their favorite
place, Mackinac Island, to celebrate
their 20th wedding anniversary.
Lori Reedy and her husband spent
the summer babysitting their first
grandchild, Madison. The Reedys
celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a trip to Manteo.
Lori’s husband enjoyed the summer with their granddaughter so
much that “he applied for and got”
the job of being her full-time nanny
this year. “We call him the Manny!”
she said.
Jeff and Lori Reedy with their
granddaughter Madison
Joanne Brown and her sisters
took their mother to Atlantic Beach
for her 90th birthday. “We walked
down memory lane and recalled
many fun events of our past,” she
said. “Nothing like beach air in
your hair and fresh seafood in your
tummy!” Joanne also watched her
extended family grow (and grow and
grow) this summer: a great-nephew
in June and twin great-nephews in
July, with another due in September
and a great-niece expected in January
No Rest For The Weary
Kindergarten assistant Christy
Lingle learned the meaning of the
term sweat equity as she remodeled
her kitchen this summer. “My
husband and I not only tore down
cabinets but learned how to build
shelves and cabinets,” she said. “We
even did some electrical work.”
Second grade teacher Diane
Schroeder completed a summer
professional development project
of creating math centers… and
learned how to pressure wash a
house! “My house sparkles now,”
she happily reported.
Administrative assistant Judy
Todd worked in her yard, laid
hardwood floors, painted the dining room and den, recovered her
dining room chairs, and re-upholstered sofa and chair cushions for
a friend. 
More Alumni News!
Each year Eddie Cobb, Director
of Technology, hires the best and
the brightest for his summer tech
crew – STS alumni! This year’s
crew included (left to right)
Alec Dompka, Noah Lenhardt,
William Daughtridge and Sam
Nick Schantz, a senior at Cardinal Gibbons
High School, received his private pilot’s license
in June. Will he follow in the footsteps of STS
alum and private pilot Nico Hillmann, who
entered the United States Air Force Academy
this semester?
The STS Class of 2013 was wellrepresented at the inaugural Titan
Athletic Club Golf Tournament
in March. Cardinal Gibbons
students (left to right) T.J. Buckley,
Spencer Mangum, Blake Stone
and Eric Farley were a formidable
foursome on the links.
David Foye (front and center) earned a leadership
position at West Point this summer. He was
responsible for 47 new cadets (plebes) entering
the military academy. When that assignment
ended, David did an internship in Hawaii before
heading to Morocco for a semester of study abroad.
Felicity Baker was
so impressed by
Ashley Boswell’s
speech at her
graduation in June
that she went out
to Shepherd Youth
Ranch the next
month to volunteer
– taking her brother
Cameron with her.
Olivia Busby knows where to go to earn her
community service hours for Broughton High
School! Not only did she volunteer at the Step
and Stack spring fundraiser, but she returned
a week later to help with the campus workday.
When Hans Bierer told his mother,
STS art teacher Laura Bierer, that he
was thinking of a career in the Coast
Guard, she called upon the one person
she knew who could give him the
best advice possible – STS alum and
U.S. Coast Guard Academy graduate
Alex Sullivan. The timing was perfect
since Alex was in Raleigh for a few
days visiting family. The two met on
campus and Alex gave Hans an insight
into his daily life in the Coast Guard.
st. timothy’s schooL
S p i r i t
4523 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27619
st. timothy’s school spirit newsletter
is published by
st. timothy’s episcopal school
Karen Campbell
Director of Development:
Shayla Bradshaw
LAYOUT design:
4523 Six Forks Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
919-787-3011 Office
919-781-0531 Admissions
Follow us on Twitter @StTimsRaleigh
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St. Timothy’s School - Raleigh, NC
Don’t forget to re-link your Harris Teeter card (#2635) and link your Target REDcard (#12652) to benefit STS!
Clarence Turnage Retires
from STS – Almost!
After 13 years as a campus security officer, Clarence Turnage retired
last spring.
Recent surgery had slowed him down to the point that he found it hard
to be on his feet all day directing traffic and patrolling the campus. Quietly
and with little fanfare, he met with Headmaster Tim Tinnesz near the last
day of school.
Tinnesz accepted Mr. Turnage’s resignation, but proposed a compromise: Would he return for a limited number of special events during the
2015-2016 school year? It was the best of both worlds for Mr. Turnage
– returning to a place he loves and where he is much loved, but on a far
less rigid schedule – and he readily accepted the proposal.
So on the first day of the new school year in August, Clarence Turnage
was where he’s been every weekday for the past 13 years: directing traffic
in the carpool lanes at St. Timothy’s.
And it’s a good thing he was there!
“As we started off the year with new security guards for the first time in
13 years,” Tinnesz said, “we found that there were things that Mr. Turnage
‘always did’ that we never realized. He has been very helpful in walking
our new security guards through his procedures.”
Happy retirement, Mr. Turnage. It’s great to have you back!
2015-2016 Annual Fund
100% of our teachers gave.
100% of our Board of Trustees gave.
Will you join us?