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The Smuggling Issue
Scanning China's Contraband Scams
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英文版 6 月份
CN 11-5233/GO
China Intercontinental Press
Sport: A RUFF and Brawl Knock Out One-Two
Poles Apart: China’s National Pole Dancing Team
Tim Robbin’s Talks Shakespeare in the Middle Kingdom
Marja Vongerichten Brings Kimchi to Number Three
And an Urban Eyes World Cup Guide Special!
JUNE 2014
that’s Shanghai
《城市漫步》上海版 英文月刊
主管单位 : 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室
Supervised by the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
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Editor Ned Kelly
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Contributors Ali Ali, Emily Aylett, Jamie Barys, Noemi Cassanelli, Chang Yaohua, Elliot deBruyn, Dr. Ashwin Deshmukh,
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June 2014 /
That’s Shanghai has been audited by ABC.
Publisher’s statement: June 2014
print run: 60,000
Editor's Note
ith World Cup fever
sweeping the universe,
we’ve got a sportsheavy issue for you. As well as a
dedicating our Urban Eyes pullout
to the carnival of football in Brazil,
we embedded ourselves with
two young Chinese MMA fighters
ahead of this month’s RUFF ultimate fighting event (p18), look
ahead to the Shanghai institution
that is Brawl on the Bund (p22)
and even have show jumping coming to Shanghai (p23).
In researching the fight pieces I
stumbled upon the bizarre story
of Muhammad Ali vs. Antonio
Inoki (pictured). It starts back in
1975, when Ali had bragged “Isn’t
there any Oriental fighter who will
challenge me? I’ll give him one
million dollars if he wins.”
The remark made headlines in
Japan, and up stepped professional wrestler Inoki, who found backers (When asked why he was demeaning his world boxing title by
fighting a wrestler, Ali replied “Six
million dollars, that’s why.”) The
venue was fixed as the Budokan in
Tokyo, June 26, 1976.
Ali had signed on the expectation
the fight would be an exhibition
rather than a real contest. It was
only when he went to see Inoki
train six days before the fight, and
saw him use a series of brutal
drop-kicks and violent grapples
on sparring partners, that he
sensed it would be legitimate.
June 2014 /
“OK, so when do we do the rehearsal?” Ali supposedly asked
Inoki, only to get the answer: “No,
no. This isn’t an exhibition. It’s a
real fight!”
Ali’s representatives began to
renegotiate the rules. Inoki would
not be allowed to throw, grapple or tackle Ali, and could not
land any kicks unless he had one
knee on the mat. Ali’s camp also
demanded that the rules not be
made public before the fight.
As soon as the opening bell rang,
Inoki ran the 16-foot gap and slid
at the legs of Ali, who sidestepped
the attack. Inoki stayed on the
ground for all but the first 14
seconds of the three-minute first
round, kicking at Ali. Ali began
walking around the ring, out of
reach of Inoki’s kicks, taunting
him “Coward Inoki! Inoki no
Ali, for his part, did not throw
his first punch until the seventh
round, and threw six in total during the entire fight. The most excitement came in round six, when
Ali tried to grab Inoki’s ankle as
he kicked him. Inoki managed to
grab Ali’s right calf, wrap his leg
around it and flip him over on the
canvas. He then rolled on top of
Ali’s chest, but while in his hold
he elbowed Ali in the face, costing
him three points.
The fight went the 15 round distance and was scored as a draw.
Inoki had been three points up
but was docked all three for fouls.
The result meant no one had to
lose face; Inoki could claim he
would have won had it not been
for the penalties, whereas Ali
could defend himself by saying his
opponent had cheated.
The crowd at the Budokan, unaware of the restrictions put on
Inoki, were less than impressed,
throwing rubbish into the ring
and chanting “Money back! Money
back!” Janitors took a full day to
clean up the garbage that was
hurled at the two ‘combatants.’
It was rougher than it looked
though. Inoki’s right leg, which he
had used for the majority of his
kicks, was broken. Ali’s left leg,
which took the kicks, was badly
swollen and bleeding, which led
to an infection. He suffered two
blood clots. At one point amputation was discussed. And all for
what boxing writers and fans consider one of the most embarrassing moments in Ali’s career.
So there you have it, early MMA.
And a story rather than a roundup this month. I’ll leave that
to the contents page overleaf.
Suffice to say we have another
humdinger of an issue.
Shanghai bom-ba-ye!
Ned Kelly
Editor in Chief
A pair of tickets to
RUFF ultimate fighting p21, a pair of
tickets to Brawl on
the Bund p22, two
60-minute vouchers
for a Supreme Foot
Massage at Yi tong
Massage p43, a pair
of tickets to Fuerza
Bruta p45, a pair of
tickets to King Lear
p45, a pair of tickets
to LA Dance Project
p48, a pair of tickets
to Cracker p50, a pair
of tickets to Russian
Red p50, a pair of
tickets to EWT’s
Learned Ladies and
Cock p54, a tea dinner
for two at the Westin
p69, a pair of tickets
to see CSS p83, a pair
of tickets to see Hot
Chip p83
Hourly updates on news, current affairs
and general weirdness from around
Shanghai and China.
18 Fight Club P.R.C
In the gym and on the road with
China’s new breed of cage fighters.
23 Horse-toric
Calling All Students
Keep your brain active
this summer!
The world premiere five-star show
jumping in Shanghai, neigh? Yay!
Being black in China comes with
certain stereotypes, ya’ll…
30 Pole Allure
Submit your articles,
artwork, photos, creative stories or poems to
us for a chance to be
featured in our next
Send your work to
China’s national pole dancing team
shows the respectable side of the art.
38 La Dolce Vita
Peek into an Italian bon viveur’s
sunny, art-filled Jing'an pad.
40 Her name is Rio
Carnival, caipirinhas and the
Copacabana ahead of the World Cup.
46 Tim Robbins
The Academy-Award winner ahead of
his direction of Shakespeare.
48 LA Dance Project
Black Swan choreographer Benjamin
Millipied brings his troupe to town.
52 JR, you in?
The street artist invites Shanghai to
turn itself Inside Out.
70 New Restaurants
Renew a love affair with hummus
and cry out “Vive la France!”
80 Seoul Sister
Marja Vongerichten, wife to JeanGeorges, puts down Korean roots.
82 Nightlife
Awesome acts like Hot Chip and
Young Guru blast into town.
June 2014 /
The wrap
84 Community
Scanning China's Contraband Scams
pick of six
QUOTE of the issue
“Gazza’s gone mad. He’s not in
the squad. He’s gone mental
and trashed Glenn Hoddle’s
room! He’s going absolutely off
his rocker!”
Ian Walker relives some pre-World Cup ‘98 England camp
drama, P120
June 7-8
JUNE 13-14
JUNE 13-22
Ari Schiffer
nights / June 2014
June 14 Sat
Young Guru
what's on
in JUNe
Brawl on the Bund
Hyatt on the Bund
June 2014 /
June 5
LA Dance
Shanghai Grand
June 12
Hot Chip
June 6-8 Fri-Sun
Longines Global
Champions Tour
China Art Palace
June 7-10 Sun-Tues
Fuerza Bruta
Xuhui Riverside
June 15 Sun
Father’s Day
June 27 Fri
June 10 Tues
Russian Red
June 28 Sat
Wang Wen
Shanghai Oriental Arts Centre p50
MAO Livehouse
810 Julu Road
(Between Chang Shu Rd. & Fu Min Rd)
Tel: 021-6214-8313
June 14-22 Sat-Sun
June 28 Sat
Various places
QSW Cultural Center
Hong Qiao
639 Hong Gu Road
(Near Qing Xi Road)
Tel: 021-6270-9798
Website: / June 2014
CITY « tales
tales of the city
BY Ned Kelly
Flippin’ cool
Putin a stop to traffic
The city looked deserted from above as the Shanghai Summit of the Conference on Interaction and
Confidence Building Measures in Asia took place last month. The two-day event was accompanied by
closed highways, increased armed police patrols and 300,000 “security volunteers” manning subway
stations and walking the streets. It was good news for kids though; they got a day off school. Vladimir
Putin was the biggest name on the list of 11 visiting leaders. We just hope you weren’t Russian to be
Check out this agile old fella,
said to be 73 years old, turning
somersaults on Metro Line 16,
before spoilsport staff told the
old man his actions were very
dangerous for him and other
passengers, that he should stop
and shame on them for encouraging him. Boo!
The pits
Ayi Olympics!
Cool aid
In Shanghai to promote the
opening of Burberry’s largest store in Asia, models Cara
Delevingne and Suki Waterhouse
partied, took a belfie (that, for
those of you at the back, is a ‘bottom selfie’ – a photographic selfportrait featuring the buttocks)
and even licked each other’s armpits. While Cara is dating Fast &
Furious star Michelle Rodigruez
and Suki has been with American
Hustle actor Bradley Cooper
since last year, neither appeared
to be too lovesick. They just
made us feel sick…
Shanghai’s best ayis duked it out at
the city’s first ever Domestic Service
Expo last month. Organized by the
Shanghai Women’s Federation, not
only was information on nearly
10,000 ayis posted on boards at the
event (because nothing is as convenient as looking at thousands of almost identical listings) but the expo
featured categories include cooking,
ironing, cleaning, taking care of babies, nursing seniors and – after all
that hard work – arranging flowers. It is unclear whether actual babies were used in the baby skill contest. 
June 2014 /
The number of flies 80-year-old
Tang Ruan swats… every single
day. “I had retired and was looking
around for something to do to help
the community and prove useful,
and I noticed how much flies were
troubling people in the summer,” explains Tang, who
put in eight hour shifts and stalks spawn points such
as bins to make sure she racks up the kills. “She is really a fly killing specialist,” an admiring neighbor says.
“She is our heroine.” 
Shanghai is working to build
ventilated corridors which will
utilize wind to blow away dirty
air. Tall buildings and dense
layouts have increasingly encroached on ecological conservation areas that help purify air.
Experts say ventilated corridors
can bring fresh air from suburbs and disperse hot air that
clogs city centers. Shanghai has
already been at it, in fact, employing the corridor idea when
constructing Century Avenue,
which takes advantage of summer breezes from the southeast
and winter winds from the
northwest. So there you go, nerdlingers.
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Face Painting Game
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Sport Theme Games
Date: 9:00AM-5:00PM, June 14th, 15th 2014
Venue: 633 Biyun Rd,Pudong
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The buzz
Edited by Ned Kelly /
Ruan Liangming
This month’s winner is...
Alan R. Garcia
There has been a bit of buzz
about Ruan Liangming, a
multiple record-holder for ‘bee
bearding.’ Last month he broke
the Guinness World Record
for the most time spent being
cloaked in bees, setting a time
of 53 minutes and 34 seconds in
Yichun, Jiangxi Province. Ruan
played host to approximately
100,000 of the insects.
It’s not just stamina he excels
at either, but strength too: he
recently claimed the record for
carrying the heaviest load, with
a ‘bee suit’ of over 62.1kg. The
bees are attracted onto the body
by trapping and attaching the
queen bee somewhere. Worker
bees then home in on her
pheromones and quickly swarm
the person.
It’s no sting operation either.
“I am rarely stung by my flying
friends,” Ruan explained. “As
long as you keep still and don’t
agitate the bees then all will
be well. They are most gentle
creatures really, and extremely
clever. I love bees. They are my
life.” Ahhh, sweet as honey…
Send your pictures to with subject 'Snap
City.' Winners receive a free lomography camera. 126 Jinxian Lu, by Maoming Nan Lu 进贤路126号, 近茂
Quote of the month
“I heard a sickening thud and I
thought the chicken had gone to
meet his ancestors. But then I
heard a cluck-clucking. It was a
little shaken
up and its
feathers all
ruffled, but
Driver Huang Lingyong
describes the moment he hit a chicken crossing the
road (why?) while doing 70 mph at the wheel of his Toyota Corolla
in Jiangxi Province… with the lucky cock-a-doodle-doo surviving. “It
seemed to me to be a very good advert for the durability of chickens
and a very bad one for the quality of the car that I was driving,” Huang
astutely observed. Chinese Chickens 1, Japanese Cars 0.
June 2014 /
I mean, there are people out
there, tattooed people, who are
squatting on the sides of busy
streets, smoking and broadcasting a steely death stare to the
passersby, all while sporting their
favorite patterned silk pajamas.
These people often fall under the
jurisdiction of Accidental Chinese
Hipsters. Alison Kuo //For more
hip hip hip visit
…the distance in kilometers of
a China-proposed high-speed
rail link with the US. The line
would go from China’s northeast all the way to America via
Russia and Canada. Crossing
the Bering Strait, it would
necessitate a 200-kilometer
underwater tunnel in some of
the coldest waters on earth,
just south of the Arctic Circle.
The longest railway line in the
world, some 3,800 kilometers
longer than the Trans-Siberian
railway, and with a planned
speed of 350 kilometers per
hour, the journey from China to
the US would take approximately two days.
buzz » CITY
Wriggle you marry me?
Over in Wuhan, this man asked his girlfriend,
who works as a nurse, to marry him while
dressed as a giant sperm. Because… erm…
yeah, once again we’re at a bit of a loss…
For she‘s a jolly good fellow
Thousands of couples across China got married on May 20, ‘I Love You Day.’ Spoken in Chinese,
May 20 (five two zero, wu er ling) supposedly sounds like someone expressing their love. One
of the oddest selfies we saw emerged from Henan Province, as the bride and groom decided
to trade dress codes. As well as marrying in her husband’s hometown, the bride (here dressed
in a suit) wanted to hold a separate ceremony for her family in their town. To “comfort” them,
she asked her husband to wear a wedding dress and he dutifully obliged. No, we don’t quite
follow the logic either. / June 2014
CITY « lead
Fight Club P.R.C.
On the road with China’s teenage cage fighters
Russian fighter Azamat Gashimov lunges towards 20-yearold Lv Zhenhong during a recent bout at Hongkou Arena
ong Yadong, a chiseled fighter in his
late teens with movie-star good looks
and short, floppy hair, enters the
cage to the sound of muted applause and a
booming hip-hop soundtrack. The previous
undercard matches, each consisting of three
five-minute rounds, have so far failed to produce a true standout performance, and the
interest of the predominantly male crowd
has begun to wane. As the spotlight narrows
across Hongkou Arena, a certain restlessness
takes hold.
Unmistakably the underdog, 19-year-old
Song, a relatively unknown and untested
Chinese fighter from Harbin, capital of northern Heilongjiang Province, has fought professionally just twice before. His opponent,
a battle-hardened, unbeaten Mongolian by
the name of Baasankhuu Damlanpurev, is 11
years his senior. He arrives on the back of an
impressive seven-match winning streak.
Three minutes later, the Mongolian’s
unbeaten record is over. With a flurry of
ferocious head shots, Song quickly downs
his more experienced opponent, before pin-
June 2014 /
Young Chinese like
to copy Korean pop
stars, very feminine
and weak. But MMA
shows Chinese men
can be real men too
ning him to the mat and executing a rear
choke hold. Unable to respond, a desperate
Damlanpurev taps out. The crowd, revitalized, takes to its feet in approval. Chants of
“Zhongguo! Zhongguo! [China! China!]” echo
around the arena.
For Song and his 39-year-old trainer,
‘Bobo’ Wu Jing, the victory is the result of
several years of dedicated, strenuous training. Song may have appeared an unlikely
winner on paper, but in the unpredictable,
brutal world of Chinese Mixed Martial Arts
(MMA), a fighter’s past record counts for
little. What matters, says Bobo, is his killer
“When I was a kid, everyone thought
kung fu was the world’s top fighting style,”
explains Bobo. “You couldn’t beat a kung fu
master – they were so powerful. They could
kill you without even touching you. In my
head I thought it was magic.
“But how many top fighters today use
kung fu? None. MMA is the ultimate combat
sport. The ultimate test of a man’s fighting
skills. Fighters are always improving, always
adding new techniques and skills, always
looking for a weakness; it’s totally different
from traditional Chinese martial arts, it requires a different type of mindset.”
This new way of thinking has resonated
with a subset of China’s youth. Arriving in
the country around a decade ago, MMA may
still be a niche pursuit, with the tournament
in Shanghai attracting just 2,000 spectators.
But its popularity is growing, especially compared to more traditional forms of combat
For the young men packed into Hongkou
Arena, the appeal is obvious. “MMA is a real man’s sport – only the
toughest dare enter the cage,” says 26-year-old retail manager Li
Zhao. “MMA is real fighting, not pretend stuff.”
His friend, 24-year-old Wu Cheng, agrees. “Nowadays, young
Chinese like to copy Korean pop stars, everyone is very feminine and
weak. But MMA shows Chinese men can be real men too.”
But MMA’s brand of caged machismo is not without its critics.
Inside China, many have dismissed the sport as a pumped-up violent
pursuit, devoid of philosophical meaning and lacking the long-term
health benefits of more traditional martial arts like wushu.
“I think there’s an element of truth to some of the criticism,” says
Canadian Brandon Resnick, whose family owns and operates Resnick
Ultimate Fighting Federation (RUFF), the only Government-licensed
operator permitted to host MMA tournaments in the Mainland.
“The two sports [wushu and MMA] are very, very different. But
remember, martial arts are a part of China’s cultural DNA. Given MMA
is such a new sport in China, they’ve taken to it here much quicker
than in the United States, where it was accused of being ‘human cockfighting’ for many years. I think if you look at its growth since we began
holding tournaments in China in 2010, there’s no reason to think that
it can’t one day become a profitable mainstream sport.”
For a generation of Chinese who have come of age alongside their
country’s global ascent, MMA also offers a rare chance to test China’s
strength on the world stage. Unlike other combat sports, MMA pits a
variety of international fighting styles – be it Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Thai
kickboxing, American wrestling or Chinese kung fu – against one another. In doing so, the sport helps settle age-old hypothetical questions,
such as who would win in a contest between a heavyweight boxer and
a karate black belt.
Fighters wear minimally-padded fingerless gloves, with matches
held in a locked hexagonal cage. The result is often bloody and nearly
always decisive – matches rarely end without a knockout or submission.
The US-based Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the world’s
largest MMA organization with annual revenues in excess of USD500
million, draws much of its appeal from its apparent global reach – routinely matching up fighters from different countries and backgrounds.
But Bobo, who owns and operates the successful K1 MMA gym in
Tianjin, is mindful of China’s international ambitions.
“It would be a disaster if [the government] was to let the UFC into
China right now,” he says. “Traditional Chinese martial arts are more
like gymnastics. They’re good for your health but not for fighting. If
the UFC staged a tournament in China tomorrow, all the Chinese fighters would get beaten, badly. This would be a big problem. Everybody
would know that kung fu’s famous magic powers are a lie. Personally,
I think the government is waiting. Only when we have trained better
fighters that can compete with the best in the world, will they let the
UFC into China.”
Song Yadong celebrates alongside his
trainer ‘Bobo’ Wu Jing after defeating
Baasankhuu Damlanpurev / June 2014
CITY « lead
Lv Zhenhong in his dormitory at the
K1 gym in Tianjin, and, right, in action
against Azamat Gashimov
ackstage at Hongkou Arena, there
is little mention of the UFC, but the
motivation is clear. A victory tonight
would see the fighters take one step closer to
their dream of being considered the best in
China, and perhaps one day being presented
with an opportunity to fight professionally
in America.
The K1 team sits huddled at the back
of the crowded, noisy dressing room amid
scores of other fighters and trainers, some
bloodied, others preparing to fight. The
stench of sweat is overpowering. Earlier
victor Song rests against a wall, his face
wrapped in ice packs, while his close
friend and sparring partner 20-year-old Lv
Zhenhong paces back and forth, mentally
preparing himself for his headline match
against former UFC fighter, 24-year-old
Azamat Gashimov.
Whereas Song has the type of fresh-faced
look more commonly associated with teen
idols, Lv is every bit the fighter. Although
not Song’s exact opposite, his appearance is
more lean pit bull than all-star athlete. His
face, an intriguing mix of youthful mischief
and chewed-up scar tissue, hints at a tough
The oldest of eight children, Lv was born
into a poor farming family in rural Shanxi
Province. As the family’s only son, he was
expected to help provide for his parents and
seven sisters. However, after a few brushes
with the law and a brief spell in jail for fighting, Lv became determined to leave Shanxi
and make a name for himself as a professional martial artist in Beijing.
“It was very hard, I was very young and
did not know anything,” Lv says of those
early days. “I arrived in Beijing at the end of
2009 and started to train in wushu schools,
so I could earn money to send home to my
family through martial arts performances.
But then one night, I discovered MMA while
online. I remember thinking, ‘I could do
It was around this time he met Song. He
June 2014 /
Rich families don’t
want their kids to do
this. It’s too bloody
and wild. Only the
poor families will take
the risk
had also arrived in Beijing against the wishes
of his family; from a more middle class
background, they wanted him to pursue a
college education. The two soon became firm
friends, with Song later introducing Lv to his
trainer and mentor Bobo.
“I knew he could be great as soon as I
saw him train,” Bobo recalls first encountering a then 17-year-old Lv. “He didn’t have
the technique yet, but he had the heart. Yet
for the first few months, he wanted to give
up and go home. His family couldn’t afford
to support him any longer, you know. His
father looked at what he was doing – trying
to be a fighter – and thought it was a waste
of money.”
Aware of the difficulties Lv was facing,
Bobo offered to make him a deal. “I said
‘Come and train with me and your friend
Song. You don’t need to give me money.
Firstly, I’ll cover your training and accommodation costs, just like Song. Secondly, I can
train you up quickly and put you into a fight
so you can make money to send home. For
every month you train with me, I’ll give you
money – like a salary – that you can buy your
own things with.’”
Today both Lv and Song live at the K1
gym in a small on-site dormitory provided by
Bobo. Training takes the form of three sessions per day, six days a week, beginning at
8.30am and ending at 7pm.
“They start on the running machine
then work with the muay Thai coach for two
hours. Then they sleep. Then three hours
training by themselves, sparring, working on
technique – that type of thing. And then in
the evening, boxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu,”
says Bobo of Lv and Song’s daily schedule.
“It’s tough; very, very tough. They train hard
– that’s what it takes to be the best.”
The punishing, relentless training routine has helped push Lv to the very top of
tonight’s billing. His face adorns the event’s
promotional material. His image stares out
menacingly from 20-foot banners hung
across the outside of the arena. But if the
pressure of being the star attraction is getting to him, it doesn’t show.
By the time Lv enters onto the arena
floor, it’s nearing 10pm and the crowd is in
full voice. Led out by Song and surrounded
by his training team, Lv pauses briefly to
kneel down and adopt a prayer position on
the steps of the cage before climbing in and
facing his opponent.
Next to the heavily-muscled, hulking
Russian, Lv’s young age is brought into stark
focus. It is man versus boy. A mismatched
bout in which Gashimov is the obvious favorite. A hushed nervousness creeps through
the crowd. To my right, a man asks aloud
whether a mistake had been made. “The
Chinese fighter has been set up!” he exclaims,
in apparent disbelief.
The first round is savage. Lv is wrestled
to the ground and pounded repeatedly by
Gashimov. The young fighter can do little but
defend his face. Eventually, Lv manages to
climb back onto his feet, only for Gashimov
to land a furious overhand right, knocking
him back onto the mat. The damage to the
young Chinese fighter is clear to all and for a
moment it looks as if the referee might have
to intervene. Finally, the bell rings, and Lv
falls back into his corner.
The second round begins, as in the first,
with Gashimov in total control. Lv weathers
the Russian’s relentless body shots, kicking out wildly at his opponent. Gashimov,
though, shows no sign of letting up, landing
blow after blow, peppering the 20-year-old
lead » CITY
with vicious combinations.
But Lv appears beyond breakable, his
refusal to give up the epitome of the old adage, ‘Its not the dog in the fight, it’s the fight
in the dog.’ By the third round, Gashimov is
beginning to tire and the crowd, sensing a
resurgence, will on their countryman with
chants of “Lv, jiayou! [Come on Lv!]”
The young Chinese fighter returns to his
feet, pushing his opponent back. Now it is Lv
with the momentum, landing a series of decisive front kicks, side kicks and the occasional
head kick.
Gashimov is hurting. The crowd is on
its feet, chanting wildly. Can Lv take it at the
last moment? The bell rings and the match
is over. Despite Lv’s overwhelming courage,
the final decision is really nothing more than
a formality. The judges award Gashimov a
unanimous victory.
The K1 team is the last to leave the
dressing room. Lv’s points loss notwithstanding, the team appears upbeat. “The
cheers were really encouraging for me,” he
says, his face visibly battered and swollen. “I
got excited when I heard the crowd chant my
name. I felt that I had to fight harder, to win
the honor for my country.
“During the second round, I regained my
composure and felt much better. I will work
twice as hard to reinforce my ability after
this fight, to follow my dream, and become a
everal weeks later, I head to Tianjin
and the K1 gym. Lv is still frustrated
with the outcome of the previous
match and wants to get back into the ring to
prove himself. “If I fought Gashimov again,
I’m sure I could win.”
Bobo agrees, but after Lv leaves, he
shares his concerns over his young fighter’s
future. “Professional fighting in China doesn’t
make very much money – it’s not like in
America, where you can make your fortune
in the cage. At the last event in Shanghai, we
made just RMB20,000. That is not enough.
If we can’t find Lv a sponsor, he will have to
leave to return to his family.
Bobo seems pained by the prospect of
losing him. It’s obvious how much he wants
to see Lv and Song succeed. “I’m not interested in making a return on my investment,”
he says. “My dream is their dream. I want to
see them become world champions. To be
the best and fight in America.
“Every day I try to look for sponsors
for them. But the fighting circuit is not big
enough – it does not pay enough. They fight
maybe once every three months, at most.
I’ve had more than 50 fighters quit because
of these pressures. The trouble is, in China
people can’t see the future. I tell them, ‘The
future belongs to you, not to me.’ But I can’t
tell them what to choose.
“To tell you the truth, most MMA fighters
are from the countryside. Song is maybe the
exception. Rich families don’t want their kids
to do this. It’s too bloody and wild. Only the
poor families will take the risk.”
But Bobo concedes even they find it hard
to sustain. “Poorer families in China rely on
their sons – especially their only sons – for
an income, and while I can provide for my
fighters, I can’t provide for their families too.”
// RUFF returns to Hongkou Indoor Stadium for their 13th
event this month. On the main card Song Yadong looks to
win his fourth straight match against Zhao Yafei, while lv
Zhenhong faces He Jianwei. Come early for the undercards
which features the newest in RUFF’s ever-expanding roster.
June 7, 7.30pm, RMB80-580. Hongkou Indoor Stadium, 715
Dongtiyuhui lu, by Zhongshan Bei Er lu东体育会路715号, 近中
山北二路 (400 610 3721,
We have a pair of tickets to RUFF to give
away. Simply answer the following question:
Which Japanese professional wrestler
did Muhammad Ali fight in 1976?
Answers with the subject ‘RUFF’ to win@ / June 2014
CITY « sport
Brawl on the Bund IX
Nine-time boxing event champions of Shanghai
BY Ned Kelly
Win! Win! Win!
A pair of tickets to
Brawl on the Bund at
The Charity
Grant-oh! Buchwald
There is nothing quite as enjoyable as
watching a friend get punched on the nose
he city’s number one social sports night is back for its ninth knockout edition, with
China Sports Promotions’ Brawl on the Bund IX taking place at Hyatt on the Bund on
June 14.
The evening follows the format that has made it a Shanghai institution – a packed ballroom, with beautiful people donning black-tie and posh frocks, gorging themselves on a fourcourse gourmet dinner and swilling fine wine, while at the center 16 white collar workers
attempt to punch each other’s lights out.
The pugilists may have been drawn from the professional community, but all have undergone an intensive three-month training regime in preparation for going hell for leather in
their three-round bouts. As well as a crash course in boxing basics and regular beatings in the
sparring ring, organizer Shane Benis and his team at Golden Gloves Boxing Gym even enforce
a vow of abstinence from the old booze. Yes, the event is taken that seriously. Let’s get ready to
// June 14, 7pm. Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu lu, by Wuchang lu 外滩茂悦大酒店 黄浦路199号, 近武昌路. Tables of 10
RMB12,000, or RMB16,000 ringside, which aren’t just close to the action, but overflow with complimentary champagne (150 0013
Macau, Beijing, Taipei
This is the 14th boxing event in China
by China Sports Promotions, with three
Shanghai Fight Nights and two Brawl on
the Walls also under their belt. And they
intend to stay undisputed champs, expanding into new cities. July 18 will see the first
ever Mayhem in Macau at The Venetian.
September will see the Brawl on the Wall
return to Beijing, while later in the year will
see the first ever white collar event in Taipei,
as Shanghai’s number one social event begins to grow across the region with the backing of Cotai Ring Club in Macau.
June 2014 /
The fighters’ pain is not in vain – proceeds
from the live auction and raffle go to local
charity Leo’s Foundation, set up to provide
low-income families of local babies suffering from respiratory failure access to the top
quality medical facilities of Shanghai’s Fudan
Children’s Hospital and Beijing Children’s
Hospital. To date over RMB1.6 million raised
through the events. //
The Greatest
You may recognize Xiong Wei (looking as
pleased as punch with the ring girls, above) –
he has refereed at each of the nine Brawl on
the Bund events so far. But did you know he
once sparred with the greatest?
On May 20, 1985, Muhammad Ali visited
Shanghai Jingwu Gymnasium, ‘the birthplace
of Chinese boxing.’ “He looked quite well,
and I could feel he was a very kind person,”
remembers Xiong. “He had his own personality and was independent-minded, very
friendly to the Chinese athletes.”
sport » CITY
A horse-toric event
Longines Global Champions Tour
BY Andrew Chin
istory will be made on June 6 when
the Longines Global Champions Tour
(LGCT) makes its Shanghai debut.
The world premiere five-star show jumping
tour will have a record USD2 million in prize
money on the line for the landmark event.
Plans to host the event last year were
scuttled due to quarantine issues. However,
a deal was reached between the city and
the European Union to allow foreign horses
to compete in the city. Past show jumping
events typically involved international participants riding document horses.
LGCT Sports director Marco Danese
notes, “The arrival of 80 international competition horses at Pudong International
Airport will be a major milestone for everyone involved. As the first foreign horse and
rider competition enters the arena, history
will be made. This truly is a remarkable step
and undoubtedly the start of a golden era for
horse sports in China.”
Founded by Olympic gold medalist Jan
Tops in 2006, the LGCT is a circuit
exclusive for the top riders in the
FEI Longines ranking. Arguably
the richest equestrian sporting
series in the world, the Shanghai
event will be the fourth stop in
their 14-city season that includes
events outside the Eiffel Tower in
Paris and at the state-of-the-art
Al Shaqab Equestrian Centre in
Doha, Qatar.
Four of the current Top 10
riders will be competing including Australia’s Edwina TopsAlexander, who is on the hunt for
a record third season championship, and current number two Italy’s Emanuele Gaudiano.
Other notable names include Germany’s
Christian Ahlmann, the Netherlands’ Maikel
van der Vleuten and 23-year-old Mainland
rider John Zhuangzhuang Han, who is currently on the first year on the tour.
In addition to Saturday’s Grand Prix
event, competitions will be held on Friday
and Sunday with Olympic, World, European
and Asian show jumping champions ready to
stunt in China for the first time.
// June 6-8, 12pm-5pm (Fri), 11.30am-6.16pm (Sat), 10.30am3.30pm (Sun), RMB400-2,880. China Art Palace, 161 Shangnan
lu, by Guozhan lu 上南路161号, 近国展路 (www.jusstickets.
com/gct) / June 2014
CITY « black mirror
By Ali Ali
Being a token black
friend carries an
amount of
responsibility. I was
now a ballin’, shotcallin’ oracle of all
things urban
The Sugarhill Gang: They look and sound like brothers should
Gege, can I play some music from
your laptop… please?” asked a friend’s
younger brother, who was visiting from
Hubei Province one weekend. Without giving
it much thought and eager to vibe to some
music, I relented. He frantically darted across
the room to analyze my iTunes.
As the speakers blared, I zoned out. My
feet were tapping at top speed and my lips
were steadily mouthing the lyrics. I was the
only one, however. My friend and his little
brother stood motionless, their faces caught
in an intense and puzzled stare.
“What is this? Why rock music?!” they
questioned. “Xiao Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Da
Sean… I thought you had black music? This
isn’t black!”
I felt unable to dignify the questions with
a response. A Chinese teenager was calling
my blackness into question.
Now don’t get me wrong, I am and will
always be a hip-hop head and a maestro of
R&B slow jams, but I pride myself on being
an eclectic soul. Whether it’s house, indie or
the dulcet tones of Norah Jones, my musical
mind knows no limits. Well, I do draw the
line at country, but boundaries are healthy.
A little rock music ain’t never hurt
my people. In fact, it did wonders for Jimi
Hendrix, Lenny Kravitz and Skunk Anansie,
to name but a few. But sadly I don’t have superstar status to cushion the blow. Listening
to anything other than urban music made me
less black in the eyes of young Chinese.
It suddenly dawned on me. Being a to-
June 2014 /
ken black friend carries an immeasurable
amount of responsibility. I was now a prophetic guru of all things urban. A ballin’, shotcallin’ oracle who could street dance, dress
baggy and have an eight-octave vocal range
when singing ‘I Believe I Can Fly’ at KTV.
Ah, KTV – the one place where black
people can’t escape putting on a performance for an audience who expect nothing
but stellar talent. As soon as the red sparkly
microphone is passed down to me like a
beacon, what feels like a million eyes glare
into my soul, the expectant tambourines and
maracas forming a deafening crescendo.
While I think I might hit Pharrell’s falsetto tones in the shower, I normally end
up sounding like Sloth from The Goonies,
unaware that with every mumble and slip
I make, I suddenly fade from black to gray,
more effectively than any bleaching cream on
the market.
Had I known that I would have to take
on this role, I probably would have stayed in
the UK. Being responsible for influencing the
tastes of others because of the color of my
skin is a daunting task.
And it is not just my Chinese friends.
Other laowai are just as guilty. During a night
of revelry on the town, the DJ began playing Sugarhill Gang’s ‘Rapper’s Delight,’ and
suddenly I was thrust into a circle, with my
friends and other partygoers yelling, “Go Ali!
Go Ali!”
I have yet to find out what made them assume that was my jam. Was I just supposed
to stand there and mouth all the lyrics, or go
full performing seal and do the running man?
It made me think. If the shoe was on
the other foot, and the DJ started blasting
‘Careless Whisper,’ would me egging a white
friend on to sing and dance be considered
normal, or just worrying behavior?
A variety of black artists arrive in
Shanghai and pack venues such as Unico and
Muse on The Bund. Just recently, the buzz
surrounding a concert held by Lil’ Jon (a man
of extremely few words, to be frank) went
into overdrive. The look on some people’s
faces when I told them I was not going was
Stereotypes come easily to us. We’re all
guilty of pigeon-holing our fellow man for
both amusement and malice. I remember
speaking to a Chinese friend who said that
they had to retake their gaokao exam as they
kept failing math. “Math?!” this voice in my
head screeched. “How the hell is an Asian
person failing math?”
To be the token friend, you have to take
everything with a pinch of salt. If someone
asks you to recite the entire discography of
Jay-Z and you have a better chance of knowing all the words to High School Musical,
don’t dwell on the impending judgment that
you are about to face. If you can dance, great,
but don’t expect Usher-like moves at a moment’s notice.
// next month our man talks business as he pays a visit to the
institutions at the heart of the black community.
advice column » CITY
What Would Confucius Do?
BY Professor Chang Yaohua
I’m a 27-year-old Western male who has
been living and working in China for three
years. I have a good job and life here is
challenging but enjoyable. However, recently I’ve been hit with wave after wave of
depression and I can’t stop thinking: what
the hell am I doing out here? My family,
who I miss like crazy, thinks I should stay
for my career. There’s not a great deal of
work back home, and few of my friends
back there enjoy the type of lifestyle I have
here. Yet, still, I can’t shift the feeling that
I ought to return home. Do I give up everything here and return to my native country, or do I carry on in the hope of reaching
some level of satisfaction?
What a letter! Reading it unlocked a box of
long forgotten memories. Feelings of ambition, bitterness, homesickness, guilt, confusion and helplessness all came flooding back.
You are me thirty years ago. I was not lucky
enough to work abroad, but for a young
Chinese back then, being alone in another
city, thousands of miles away from home,
with no mobile phone, no email, no Skype
to reach family and friends, was as hard as
what you are experiencing now.
But since you are consulting me as
scholar, let me tell you this: fundamentally
Chinese culture never encourages people
to move. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard
of the saying “The leaves fall to meet their
roots,” but you must have witnessed the billions of Chinese migrating across the country
each year for Spring Festival. Home is such
an important place that it merits several
days of standing in a line for a ticket in a
smelly, stuffy, slow train, that itself will take
several days to reach its destination.
So why then did I leave my family who
I loved and depended on so much? I did it
to improve my quality of life. I think you are
here for the same reason. Many people remember Confucius’s quote from the Analects,
“When your parents are both alive, don’t
travel far.” But those same people forget the
more important part that follows: “If you do
travel far, there must be a proper and worthy
Thirty years ago, I felt like a caged bird
released into the sky, that was finally free to
chase its dreams. However, later because of
historical and personal reasons, I was not
able to fly higher and further and enjoy the
experience of studying or working overseas.
This is something that I have regretted for
the rest of my life. But you, young man, you
are blessed with opportunities! Chinese culture encourages you to both stay with your
family and seek your fortune. This is not a
contradiction. There is a middle way. I hope
you find yours soon.
// Chang Yaohua is a professor of Traditional Chinese Culture
at Beijing International Studies University. His book Seventeen
lectures on Chinese Culture and History was published
in 2008. Send your ethical dilemma to professor Chang at / June 2014
style radar
LIFE & style
Style Secrets
Charles Philip and Sheila Pitigala, founders and designers of Charles Philip Shanghai
How would you describe
Charles Philip in three words?
Fun, well-traveled, cosmopolitan.
Talk us through your spring/
summer collection.
For spring/summer we were
inspired by color and playful
prints. We have worked on a
lot of new styles, as our target
customers like to diversify their
What inspires you?
Traveling has always been a
source of inspiration to us: our
offices are based in Shanghai,
Milan and New York and splitting our time between the three
cities definitely plays quite a lot
of influence on our designs.
Rachel Gouk
A typical day at Charles Philip
would include…
Listening to good music, brainstorming about new projects
and designing for the next collection. We are lucky enough
to be working with friends, so
there’s always a good vibe in the
What are your favorite shops
here in the Hai?
Apart from the shops we’re in –
10 Corso Como, Lane Crawford,
Catie Lo and The Backroom - we
like stores like Project Aegis |
Shanghai or Initial, which offer
unique styles and clothing.
How has the city influenced
your style?
Shanghai can be relaxing, fun,
cosmopolitan, retro and modern
all at the same time. It’s a mix
of cultures and people, and that
has really opened our mind and
aesthetics to different perspectives.
You often collaborate with
other designers. What's in
store for the coming months?
We always choose to work
with designers who share our
creative vision. We have a lot of
exciting names coming up, from
American womenswear label
Cushnie and Ochs to British PR
Natasha Slater and her popular
Punks Wear Prada party in Milan
(PWP) – we did a Hologram
Sneaker collection with her for
next fall/winter that you can
preview at our showroom on
Gao’an Lu.
// Suite B2, 101 Gao'an Lu, by Jianguo Xi Lu
高安路101号B2座, 近建国西路 (6422 6928
Fast Fashion
Happy Feet
McDonald’s has never inspired much in the way
of style, but this year a few luxury brands are begging shoppers to take another look. From Chanel’s
latest fall/winter show in a phony supermarket to
Moschino’s models dressed like Mickey D employees and Charlotte Olympia’s Chinese takeawayinspired bags, junk food has been all the rage on
the latest catwalks, suddenly turning burgers and
chocolate bars into the height of chic – and one
of the hottest trends to be sporting next season.
Nonsense? Maybe. But forget the silliness of it all
for a moment and look at this Asos iPhone 5 cover
– a cheaper alternative to the designers’ versions of fast food fashion.
Isn’t it a hoot? Doesn’t it scream ‘junk chic’ to you? Yes. Yes it does.
Best paired with a real Happy Meal. RMB138. //
Hot much? Put trousers and jackets
away and say hi to sundresses, shorts
and one of fashion’s most divisive
footwear: flip flops. No longer the
preserve of sandy beaches, the comfortable creation is often either loved
or hated – hipster elitists mock it as
a sad product of stylistic surrender,
while normcore peeps (i.e. people
who don’t really care about fashion)
can’t resist their ease and practicality. While we agree that the shoecum-slipper isn’t appropriate for every situation – office wear and flip
flops: not OK, not even for your commute – we can’t deny that these
funky numbers by Xiamen-based brand U Pick are actually pretty cool
(literally) and perfect to help you hoof it in the heat with style. Best yet,
they’re ultra affordable: priced at RMB45 each, you can easily buy a
pair for every outfit in your wardrobe. //
June 2014 /
Made in China
Audrey fave
"Do not
take drugs
and go
While fashion trends come and go quicker than you can say “Anna
Wintour says pineapple prints are in this season,” vintage dressing is
a firm anchor in the world of style. The aesthetics of the past almost
never fall out of favor – old clothes recount stories of bygone eras,
but they are also bastions of individuality and personal panache, a far
cry from the sameness one finds on the high street.
If you’re drawn to the charm of retro, but aren’t keen on purchasing second-hand clothes – we don’t blame you. The smell of mothballs can get even the most hardcore of old fashioned aficionados,
so look no further than ‘new vintage’ label From Audrey With
Love. Launched a few months back by landscape architect Marie
Vikström, the brand reproduces well-constructed, classic silhouettes inspired by the 1950s and 60s, alongside beautiful jackets (all
RMB1,195) and charming headbands and
turbans (RMB115) to match.
Vikström aims to create a “vintage style
with a hint of Scandinavian minimalism and
a scoop of Audrey Hepburn charm.” Her
impeccably-crafted designs reflect this ethos,
making for timeless garments, with dresses
that expose the arms and cinch at the waist
before flaring out, ultra Mad Men-esque linear frocks and almost cylindrical boleros that
emphasize the waist. Audrey would have definitely dug
it. So should you.
// From Audrey With Love can be found at different pop-up markets around
town. Browse the collection at
A welcoming 'warm notice' left for guests at
a branch of Chinese hotel chain Star Hotel.
The note, which dates from 2013, recently
went viral online after it was posted on
Imgur. Indeed, it's generally good advice not
to take drugs and go whoring. We just find a
little odd that Star Hotel management had to
remind guests about that fact.
Uniqlo straw hat,
LIFE & STYLE « fashion
// 4/F, Grand Gateway, 1
Hongqiao Lu, by Tianyaoqiao Lu
虹桥路1号港汇广场4楼, 近天钥
The little things
桥路 (5451 0084,
Summer style essentials to turn up the heat
By Marianna Cerini
s a general rule, the sermon of “less is more” is a fail-free approach to stylish and credible dressing. Yet sometimes it’s the details that really make an outfit work. Bits and pieces that finish a look can completely change
the accent of something you’ve had for years and deliver a quick fashion fix to an otherwise uninspiring closet.
The key is creating contrasts – team some color-pop clutch pouches with a pair of crisp white block heels, or tone
down a neon tee with a leather belt in neutral tan. Summer is the perfect time to experiment – sunny days call for
bright hues and eye-catching touches, funky jewelry and hip sunglasses.
With that in mind, we’ve rounded up the hottest accessories to rock this season. Tip your cap (or fedora) to the
months ahead with these must-haves.
Annabel Lee Bijoux scarf,
// No 1, Lane 8 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Fuzhou Lu 中山东一路8弄1号, 近福州路
Koala espadrille shoes, RMB460.
(6445 8218,
H&M earrings, RMB79.90.
// 645-659 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Sinan
Lu 淮海中路 645- 659号, 近思南路
(5383 8866,
CraigxKari sunglasses,
Topshop knot
headband, RMB90.
House of Harlow gold
tone Aztec leather wrap
bracelet, RMB290.
COS backpack, RMB990.
// L’Avenue, 2/F, 99 Xianxia Lu, by
Zunyi Lu 仙霞路99号2层, 近遵义
Celia B Acqua clutch, RMB380.
Zara metallic
necklace, RMB229.
Zara bucket bag with
zip, RMB499.
// 1189 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
// 1189 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Shaanxi Bei Lu 南京西路
Shaanxi Bei Lu 南京西路1189
1189号, 近陕西北 路 (6279
号, 近陕西北 路 (6279 3282,
Pull&Bear colored sandals, RMB199.
// Imago, 101 Wuning Lu, by Puxiong Lu 武宁路101号我格广场, 近普雄路
(6173 2470,
Stradivarius sunglasses,
// Rm28-29, L1, 169 Fangbang Zhong Lu,
by Sanpai Lou Lu 方浜中路168号豫城时
尚L1-28-29室, 近三牌楼路 (6136 3923,
Asos heeled sandals,
June 2014 /
Oasis pineapple clasp belt, RMB144.23.
fashion » LIFE & STYLE
Topman canvas
espadrilles, RMB250.
Mr. Jones watch,
DieNastie sunglasses,
GAP open-weave
fedora, RMB149.
// 819 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Shimen Yi Lu 南京西路819
号, 近石门一路 (6215 7050,
Uniqlo belts, RMB149 each.
// 4/F, Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao
Lu, by Tianyaoqiao Lu 虹桥路1号港
汇广场4楼, 近天钥桥路(5451 0084,
Super Primo Reflek
sunglasses, RMB2,880.
New Era 9Fifty NY cap,
COS sandals, RMB1,750.
// L’Avenue, 2/F, 99 Xianxia Lu, by Zunyi
Zara Man rucksack, RMB299.
Lu 仙霞路99号2层, 近遵义路(60671770)
// 1189 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Shaanxi Bei Lu 南京西路1189号,
近陕西北路 (6279 3282,
H&M fabric bag, RMB79.90.
// 645-659 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Sinan
Lu 淮海中路 645- 659号, 近思南路
(5383 8866,
Zara Man plain
striped scarf,
// 1189 Nanjing Xi Lu,
by Shaanxi Bei Lu 南
京西路1189号, 近陕西
北 路 (6279 3282, www. / June 2014
LIFE & STYLE « lead
Poles Apart
The respectable side of the art form with
China's national pole dancing team
By Marianna Cerini and Tongfei Zhang
A performer at China's National Pole Dancing Show
June 2014 /
s the lights go down in the crowded hall of Tianjin Haihe
Theater, over 200 audience members – an assorted mix of children, the middle-aged and giggling young couples – fall into
an expectant hush. Moments later, a lithesome woman clad in sky-high
leather platforms, spandex shorts and a low-cut glittering bra appears
on stage. Walking slowly but determinedly, she approaches a vertical
If this were a strip club, she’d be pouting and batting her lashes.
Instead, her face is tense and focused, her eyes transfixed by the metal
post in front of her. Suddenly and without warning, she grabs hold of
the pole and swings herself upward, before striking a pose two feet
from the ground.
She is one of a dozen or so performers at China’s National Pole
Dancing Show, an annual event held in the northern port of Tianjin that
aims to promote one of the country’s newest – and perhaps most controversial – fitness practices.
Over the course of the next two hours, athletic and decidedly
skimpily-dressed men and women take turns shimmying up the pole,
contorting their bodies into gravity-defying stances.
Deadly serious and undeniably dedicated, they all show a sense of
showmanship that has little to do with the raunchy gentlemen’s club
image more commonly associated with pole dancing. The audience, for
its part, sits in respectful awe.
First introduced to the country in the mid-2000s, the activity is
nudging its way into China’s mainstream exercise and sport market,
with increasing numbers of gyms and dance schools offering classes.
In 2011, an official China Pole Dance Sports and Training Center
(CPDSTC) was established in Tianjin. With it came the creation of a
professional, full-time Chinese national team consisting of some 16 men
and women aged 20 to 30, who live and train on site. Pioneers in the
discipline, they consider themselves to be professional athletes – and
are determined to help transform the public perception of their sport.
At the Haihe Theater, it is these dedicated few who perform the
show’s closing routine, a dramatic piece blending ballet, acrobatics and
gymnastics. It’s a powerful, remarkable act.
“Pole dancing is an art form yet to be fully discovered,” says Yuan
Biao, the team’s general coach, a few days after the event. “As a dance
that includes movements both in the air and on the ground, it combines
beauty and power like few other disciplines. If I were to define it in any
way, that would be it: beauty and power.”
Yuan holds a pivotal role in efforts to ramp up the country’s competitive edge. A former lawyer, he gave up his career and later sold his
house and car in order to help promote the sport full-time. Unable to
secure government funding, Yuan made contact with the World Pole
Dancing Federation in 2010 to enquire about the possibility of holding a
nationwide competition in the Chinese Mainland.
“Everybody around me thought I was completely crazy,” he says.
“But I liked the challenge.”
Shortly after, the federation allowed him to organize the discipline’s
first China Championships, in which contenders from across the country are selected for international-level tournaments. The contest, now
in its fourth edition, attracts 100 to 200 participants each year.
Meanwhile, Yuan became the first and only Chinese judge at the
annual World Pole Dancing Championships, a contest that this year
saw contenders from 14 countries, including Argentina, New Zealand,
Russia, Brazil and Cyprus travel to the UK to compete in doubles, singles, men’s and women’s categories.
The Chinese team led by Yuan has participated in the event since / June 2014
LIFE & STYLE «lead
2012. Although victory remains elusive, the team has made notable
showings and recently won awards for choreography and single performances. Yuan is confident that, by next year, they will make it into the
world’s top three.
Back home, recognition has been slowly picking up. “It has been a
tough run, but mindsets have changed enormously since we started,” he
Nonetheless, many Chinese disapprove of the sport’s sexual movements and continue to view pole dancing as unruly and licentious. In
a society that traditionally dictates that women be loyal, faithful and
modestly-dressed, public opinion still considers the discipline to be lowly
and pornographic.
Still, the number of pole dancing courses held across the country suggests attitudes towards the sport are shifting, albeit slowly.
“It remains a sport for a select few,” says Meng Yifan, the national
team captain. “But a lot of people change their views on it after watching
us perform. What we do is a kind of stage drama – none of that sleazy
stuff you see in bars or clubs. It’s serious work for us.”
Statuesque and slender, 30-year-old Tianjin native Meng has the appearance of a prima ballerina. Her abdomen is perfectly chiseled, her
June 2014 /
We get fresh blood coming in every
year. If any old member is lagging
behind, he or she will get kicked
out without a second thought
thighs toned and slim. As she ascends the pole during practice at CPDSTC,
she appears fierce and effortless in her swift movements.
A childhood spent studying ballet, jazz and folk dance accounts for
much of Meng’s athleticism. Her attraction to pole dancing, on the other
hand, comes from the web. In 2005, she saw a video of a pole dancing
performance online that, she says, “completely opened my eyes.”
“I had this idea of pole dancing as an overtly sexy thing. Watching
that video however, I found it to be something else entirely. A dance form
in its own right.”
As the CPDSTC did not yet exist at the time, Meng decided to teach
herself the moves of the discipline. She bought a pole and installed it in
her house and, once she honed her skills, filmed a video that she then
Meng Yifan displaying some seriously mind-boggling skills
submitted to the World Pole Dance Championship. The clip got her into
the international tournament, making her the first Chinese citizen to be
invited to the competition.
“That was 2010. I ended up not taking part because of visa issues.
Before I applied for the 2011 contest, Yuan had founded China’s national
team and we started attending as a group.”
Training for competitions, both local and international, takes serious
commitment. Of the 16 team members – 11 female and five male dancers
– only seven are allowed to enter international tournaments. The selection process is ruthless. Entrants are judged on a number of areas, from
strength and aesthetic to performance and flexibility; the height of the
pole and the duration of the song are also taken into account. Points are
deducted mercilessly – a minor slip or a bent leg could cost a contender
qualification to the next round.
Clothing and dance styles are also scrutinized. In order to escape the
sleazy undertones that often characterize non-competitive shows, official
pole dancing contests have introduced strict rules about performers’
outfits. While legs and feet must be bare to grasp the pole, the standard
uniform is shorts, T-shirt and special hand powder or gel to improve grip,
although heels might be worn for specific acts. / June 2014
LIFE & STYLE « lead
Male pole dancers in action
June 2014 /
lead » LIFE & STYLE
At CPDSTC, most dancers teach classes
during the day, while professional practice
runs from 8pm to 11.30pm. Before major
tournaments, these sessions can go on until
two in the morning. Stamina and consistent
performance levels are key. “We get fresh
blood coming in every year,” says Yuan. “So
if any old member is lagging behind, he or
she will get kicked out without a second
A typical training session begins with
stretches, followed by lifts, lunges, splits and
extensive core-strengthening exercises. It’s
a tough routine, culminating in pole moves
that seem to defy gravity – athletes grip the
metal stick with a single foot or several fingers, or launch themselves into high-intensity choreographed routines. As bodies tense
in concentration, it’s common to spot purple
bruises on the dancers’ thighs and bare feet.
This is neither a forgiving sport nor one that
is easy on the physique.
“I once fell from a three-meter-high pole
and hit both my knees hard on the ground,”
says Song Yao, who came second in 2011’s
China Pole Dance Championship and is
ranked number 17 in the world. “It took me
almost a year to recover fully.”
One of the team’s latest additions Yan Xu,
What we do is a form
of stage drama. It's
serious work for us
a strikingly tall, sculpted boy of 20, broke his
collarbone in a similar accident. Both seem
undeterred by such mishaps.
“Pole dancing is something that proves
my worth and existence,” Yan says. “When we
perform, it is as if we’re flying in the sky.”
The Beijing-born athlete, who first
started pole dancing in 2008 after watching
shows on the Internet, won last year’s China
Pole Dance Championships and thus qualified to join the national team. Earlier this
year, he came fifth in the world tournament.
The achievement has propelled Yan’s
confidence as a team member but has also
proven decisive in his personal life. For the
first time since starting to pole dance he has
reconnected with his family, which he had
previously been estranged from because of
the sport.
His case is not isolated. While the sport
is gaining new credentials, its champions are
keenly aware of the challenges they face in a
society where traditional values prevail. For
most pole dancers, dealing with and changing the preconceived notions of their loved
ones has become part of the job.
Song didn’t tell her family about her
training until she was ranked in the world
championship. “They all thought I was trying to become a singer,” she recalls. “When
my dad first saw me dancing on the pole
he was like, ‘what are you doing up there?
Acrobatics?’ The idea of pole dancing as a
career hadn’t crossed his mind at all.”
Once she began training professionally,
Meng told only her parents. “Friends and
relatives would have found it indecent and
hard to accept. Now that they have seen me
performing however, the misunderstandings
have gone.”
In embracing pole dancing these athletes
represent an urban youth whose values
are at odds with those of their parents. But
older generations are also more prone to
misunderstand the allure of the pole that, for
these dancers at least, bestows strength, selfcontrol and rewards seldom matched in their
other life pursuits.
“‘Sexiness’ is only one part of the whole
thing,” says Yan. “The real appeal is all about
how impressive and empowering ruling the
pole can be.” / June 2014
LIFE & STYLE « arrivals
Scene & Heard
By Marianna Cerini
Select 18
The folks behind Select 18
have been peddling vintage
and indie threads for quite
some time, both with a popup in now-closed hair salon
DAZ and at Dreams Flea market in Xintiandi. Now, the venture has set up proper shop
in a charming lanehouse,
deservedly giving its wares
a permanent home. Styling
itself as a boutique – rather
than a jumble-style vintage
den – the store is a great
place to find quirky occasion
garments and accessories.
Besides a well-stocked selection of local, edgy brands
– Ross&Brown, Bubble Mood
and Jonas’ Design among others – the space is filled (but
not overstuffed) with interesting finds spanning homeware and garments from
up-and-coming international
names such as Hong Kong
milliner Jane Kao and Aussie
menswear label Whillas &
Gunn, offering an expertly
curated edit of rave-worthy
items. On the vintage side,
the range on display offers
everything you need to pull
off a polished retro look, from
tea dresses to old fashioned
// Bldg 96, Lane 39 Shaanxi Nan Lu, by
Xinle Lu 陕西南路39弄96号楼, 近新乐路
June 2014 /
Launched in Shanghai just in
time for summer, Heinui is a
Barcelona-based indie label
that’s a real treat for the eyes.
French designer Claire Pignot
created the brand in 2013,
driven by a desire to make
simple yet sophisticated clothing that could withstand the
test of time both in terms of
quality and style. As a result,
Heinui offers a line of exquisitely crafted and immensely
wearable pieces that’ll fit easily into most women’s wardrobes. Weaving a keen eye for
edgy details with a taste for
well-tailored materials and
youthful prints and denim,
silhouettes exude plenty of
femininity without being saccharine sweet. Pignot also
sticks to now-signature lines,
like a loose-fit shirtdress and
a relaxed romper that feel
and look effortlessly light and
breezy. A collection set to hit
a sweet spot among Shanghai
fashionistas. RMB924-1,778.
// Available at Maison Coconut, Room
101, No 22, Lane 306 Xiangyang Lu, by
Yongkang Lu 襄阳南路306弄22号101楼, 近
永康路 (138 1684 6142)
JOG Swimwear
Jing Republic
With the rate at which new
design and furnishings stores
are opening up in Shanghai
every month, it might not be
long before hitting IKEA to
kit out one’s place becomes
a thing of the past. Newly arrived in Jing’an, Jing Republic
is a distinctive lifestyle venture
showcasing products from a
cluster of international designers at relatively affordable
prices. From furnishing series
inspired by the classic lines
of Danish design to edgier,
funky pieces that play with
color, shapes and angles and a
nature-inspired range of items
centered around the idea of
organic beauty, the shop is a
pleasure to browse through,
and it often rewards with
genuinely interesting pieces
of furniture. Aside from the
homeware, floral art courses
by professional florist Alton
Chen and cooking classes are
also held in store. Running the
latter are Michelin three-star
Executive Chef Jean-Georges,
restaurateur/Executive Chef
Barry Lee (who’s also the shop
founder) and Senior Gourmet
Chef James Chen.
// 361 Kangding Lu, by Shaanxi Bei Lu 康定
路361号, 近陕西北路 (6216 0385)
As a more materialistic Gandhi
might have said: “Buy the
change you want to see in
the world.” Swimwear is a
great starting point. Even if
it only gets an airing at your
local pool, it’s an optimistic
purchase that speaks of summers to come. This season,
some of the coolest cossies
on the market come from
upscale swimwear label JOG
Swimwear. Launched in 2008
by former French synchronized swimming champion
Jessica Othnin-Girard – the
name stands for her initials –
the brand uses “second skin”
effect fabric and a clever color
selection for a range of bikinis
and one-piece swimsuits that
show ultra-feminine cuts. The
latest collection – a cool sample of retro yet modern lines
and designs conceived to flatter both necklines and cleavage – comes in a sunny palette
spanning vibrant sky blue, emerald green, raspberry red and
anise yellow, and oh boy, does
it look hot. RMB1,080-1,900.
// Rm. 301, 3/F, Lane 694 Huai’an Lu, by Xi
Suzhou Lu 淮安路694弄3楼301室, 近西苏
州路 (6210 9635) / June 2014
LIFE & STYLE « interiors
Located in a quaint colonial building in Jing’an, Parodi’s pad is sun-filled and
impressively spacious. The Director at FIAT-Chrysler APAC has kitted out
the whole space with antiques, paintings and Oriental furniture, creating an
eclectic mix of styles and decorative details.
Sunny side up
Exotic style, Italian swag
By Marianna Cerini, photos by Rachel Gouk
talian bon viveur Federico
Parodi has been living
around Asia for the last
18 years. An avid collector
of art and furnishings from
the countries he has visited
or worked in, upon moving
to Shanghai two years ago he
decided to look for an empty
flat to fill with his exotic
ensemble – and a touch of
Italian flair. Into his treasure
trove we go…
Parodi and his dog.
June 2014 /
The flat’s pièce de résistance is
its terrace – a glorious alfresco
area surrounded by pots of
flowers and plants where Parodi
often holds barbecues or Italian
aperitivos for his friends.
interiors » LIFE & STYLE
Piles of books fill two hefty
bookcases Parodi had
custom-made. Nepalese,
Tibetan, Balinese and
Malaysian masks hang
between the tomes.
Vinyls from Italy sit next to two traditional Chinese chairs.
On the wall, 12 frames displaying landmarks of Genoa –
Parodi’s hometown – conjure up memories of the Bel Paese.
Plants dot the entire flat – Parodi
has a green thumb, and regularly
visits Caojiadu Flower Market to
purchase pots of greenery.
Memorabilia loom large. “My aim
when I begun decorating was to
bring aspects of both European
and Asian cultures together,” says
Parodi. The mix and match lends a
laid-back, lived-in look to the place. / June 2014
LIFE & STYLE « travel
Rock it in Rio
Ballin’ in Brazil as World Cup fever takes hold
BY the Hoganator, That's World correspondent
Beautiful beaches, ‘fio dental’ stringkinis and religious followers of futebol is the common portrait painted of
Rio - and an accurate one at that. But while time devoted to the seaside and at least one sporting match are
must-dos, there is plenty more to be seen and done in a vibrant city like this.
right green, yellow and blue flags flutter from windows, shop doors and
railings. T-shirts emblazoned with
mottos like ‘I heart Brazil’ or ‘Proud to be a
Carioca’ – a nickname for the city residents
that beckons sensuality and passion for life –
are as common as the colorful graffiti depicting the same sentiments across town.
To say the people here are prideful of
their heritage is an understatement. As one
strolls through the lush, tree-lined streets,
the sense of confidence is evident even in
the way everyone walks – especially by the
waterside, where strikingly fit and tanned
specimens go about their day.
Physicality is a notable trait of the people of Rio. So is its outdoor life. On Sundays,
the city reduces four lanes of coastal traffic
to two, opening the other tracks to cyclists
and runners. Walking along the sidewalk
at Ipanema Beach is like taking a step back
to when the 90s rocked California – joggers,
skateboarders and rollerbladers draped in
loosely-fitted, beyond-bright threads are the
picture of cool as they cruise past in their
designated lane.
The powder-like sand promises just as
much activity, with games of volleyball, futebol and futevolei – volleyball where players
use only their feet and heads. Beach chairs
are readily available, and so is everything
else you might need for a day in the sun:
boisterous beach vendors will sort you out
with flip flops, hats and sarongs – and they’ll
feed you too. Drinks range from acai or mateflavored iced tea and lemonade to coconuts
June 2014 /
and beers, best paired with snacks of cheese
grilled over coals, shrimp on the Bar-B or esfihas – savory pastries stuffed with spinach,
meat or cheese.
It’s easy to spend a full day soaking in
the sun without ever moving a muscle. If
you do so, however, leave valuables at home.
As in many other big metropolises, Rio has
its fair number of pickpockets – not wearing any jewelry and packing beach gear in a
small backpack is best. When you go in for
a dip, make sure someone keeps an eye on
your stuff.
Walking along the
sidewalk at Ipanema
Beach is like taking a
step back to when the
90s rocked California
Rio is half city, half mountainous jungle.
Combining the two aspects together makes
for endless days of sightseeing and discovery.
Hiking is an excellent way to see this metropolis from a birds-eye view, and possibly
even some of the local wildlife – on our first
trek we came across a common marmoset
Sprawling across some 32 kilometers,
the Tijuca Forest – a hand-planted rainforest
claimed to be the largest urban woodland
in the world – is an excellent spot for a day
of exploring. Besides housing hundreds
of species of plants and animals, it is also
home to one of the Mata Machado favela
(Brazilian term for slums), where one can
catch a glimpse of Rio’s most urban roots. As
renowned as some of the city’s other famous
landmarks, favelas offer a completely different perspective to the main tourist sites.
Formerly dangerous no-go areas, many are
now safe and open, welcoming visitors on
tours and music nights at bars held within
the communities.
Within Tijuca Forest also lies Rio’s most
iconic sight, Cristo Redentor (Christ the
Redeemer). The stunning Art Deco sculpture – dating back to 1922 and one of the
seven ‘new wonders of the world’ - stands
arms outstretched atop the 710-meter-high
mountain of Corcovado. While most people
take the train up to see it, a high-intensity
two-hour hike from the Jardim Botânico
neighborhood at the foot of Corcovado offers
a rewarding alternative to reach the peak.
Plan it so you end the climb near sunset and
watch Christ light up.
For more hardcore hikers, the mountain
of Pedra da Gávea is possibly Rio’s most difficult climb. Composed of granite and gneiss,
the highland has an elevation of 844 meters,
making it one of the highest mountains
in the world to end directly in the ocean.
Unsurprisingly, it offers spectacular views of
the city.
A stretch of water in the heart of the city,
Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas is also one of Rio’s
picturesque spots, encircled by a 7.2 kilometer path that’s a haven for idle walkers,
travel » LIFE & STYLE
cyclists and joggers. Bikes are
available for hire from stands
along the east side of the lake, as
are paddleboats. If you’re there
for sunset, grab a caipirinha at
one of the many kiosks lining the
lakeside and watch locals and
fellow travelers walk by.
For deeper insights into the
city’s cultural heart and soul, the
cobblestoned streets of Santa
Teresa and Lapa beguile the
eye with enchanting crumbling
mansions and art-filled corners
like the Escadaria Selarón – a
flight of steps covered in more
than 2,000 tiles from 60 countries around the world created
by Chilean-born Brazilian artist
Jorge Selaron.
Pedra do Sal, in the Saúde
neighborhood of Centro, is also
an atmospheric but run-down
setting rich in charm and history.
A settlement of African immigrants back in the 17th century,
the area was a former slave market before becoming a cultural
hub for the population of Bahia,
a neighboring state.
The area – particularly Pedra
do Sal Square – is in fact an inte-
gral part of the story of samba.
It is here that the early carnival
parades that define so much of
Rio’s identity are said to have
originated, at a time when the
port-side location made the area
a bleak focal point for the black
Fortunately, the music that
arose from that era continues
today, with the neighborhood
widely regarded as one of the
best ‘rodas de samba’ in Rio,
attracting fleet-footed dancers, professional musicians and
straight-up enthusiasts from all
over the city who pour into the
area straight from work.
A quintessentially carioca
night out, Monday nights here
are democratic, casual and
have an unbeatable soundtrack.
Joining the party is ridiculously
good fun – and an honest, feelgood glimpse of the wondrous
and carefree attitude that makes
Rio such a dazzling place.
Cariocas call it the Cidade
Marvilhosa – the marvelous city
– there can’t be much argument
about that. 
Know that feelings are mixed about the use of government funding
for the event. This is the most expensive World Cup to date, and little
has been spent to benefit the general population. Forced evictions to
clear way for stadium expansions have resulted in frequent strikes,
which often affect city transport.
As a general rule, exercise safety precautions and be smart and
sensible. That said, don’t live in fear of going out and enjoying the
city. It is safe to walk around – just don’t stick out like a sore thumb. If
you need to pick up World Cup tickets, collect them at either Casarão
General Severiano: Av. Venceslau Brás, 72 Botafogo or Cidade das
Artes, Av. das Américas, 5300 Barra da Tijuca.
Haven’t booked accommodation? You might be in luck! The Rio
Times and the Ministry of Tourism report that the estimated figure
of 600,000 foreign visitors is looking less likely. Airlines – especially
TAM – along with hotels are now releasing seats and rooms they originally thought would be scooped up for steep prices. Brazil’s biggest
tour operator, CVC, is also offering discounts of 70 percent on flights
and 30 percent on travel packages. / June 2014
LIFE & STYLE « portrait of China
By Marianna Cerini Photo by Noemi Cassanelli
Meng yuan, 22
Are you recording this? I am from Hebei province, but I have been living in Beijing for the last three years. I sell stuff
in Sanlitun – you know, cigarettes and drinks. The job keeps me pretty busy these days.
What’s your biggest ambition?
To open my own shop. I’d like to sell little things, trinkets or the like. Who knows, one day maybe.
I have to go back to work now.
June 2014 /
spa » LIFE & STYLE
Yi Tong Massage
ocated on buzzing Wulumuqi Nan
Lu, just a few minutes’ walk from
Zhaojiabang Lu metro station, newly
opened Yitong Massage is the younger
sibling of the popular Zhabei outpost that
opened three years ago.  
Skipping out on the chichi-beyond-belief
vibes that can predominate some spas, this
spot has an unpretentious, laidback feel and
it’s perfect for quick, affordable treatments
to recharge after a busy day on the town.
Twelve therapy rooms are each assigned
for different treatments, ranging from aroma
foot massage (RMB118/70mins) to Thai
oil massage (RMB268/90mins). The largest ones fit up to three beds, making this an
ideal place to bring a few girlfriends for a
social spa afternoon.
We tried the Chinese body massage
(RMB98/60mins), a holistic therapy that unwinds both mind and body while working on
your sorest kinks.
The treatment is no gentle rubdown, but if you’re looking for a way
to really soothe away muscle pains,
this is it. Applying vigorous yet comfortable levels of pressure on shoulders, neck, back, arms and legs, the
treatment provides a session of expert
kneading, as a skilled masseuse attacks tender trigger points from head
to toe.
By the hour’s end, each of our
tense muscles had raised a white flag
and, as we left the spa, we felt as if our
back had been opened up and we could bend
over without it sounding like creaky floorboards. TFZ
// 386 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, by Zhaojiabang Lu 乌鲁木齐南路386
号, 近肇嘉浜路 (3356 6228)
We have two vouchers for a 60-minute
Supreme Foot Massage at Yi Tong spa
to give away. For a chance to win, email by the end of the
month with the subject 'footsies' telling us
why your extremities need a good rub.
hotel » LIFE & STYLE
Fairmont Peace Hotel
hanghai’s legendary hotel address
since 1929, the Fairmont Peace Hotel
has witnessed the ups and downs of
our city like few other buildings. A stunning
architectural landmark with its Art Deco
façade and retro-looking details, these days
it makes for one of Shanghai’s most soughtafter accommodations.
Blending historic grandeur with modern
amenities, guestrooms feature 1930s period
flourishes along with contemporary comforts and cutting-edge technology.
Sleek, luxury materials such as grey-vein
marble, Noir St. Laurent dark limestone and
walnut burl grain woods adorn the interior
surfaces and are beautifully complemented
by ornately coffered ceilings and polished
copper balustrades. Within this vintage setting, however, one can still find contemporary touches aplenty, from a 37-inch plasma
TV to a Blu-ray DVD player and wireless connectivity. Similarly, marble bathrooms feature double vanities, a bath-side LCD screen
and rainforest shower.
If you want to swan it up for a night,
we’d recommend the Nine Nations Suites.
Preserved from the original hotel, they are
gorgeous 178-square-meter rooms that
pay homage to the cultural and stylistic
influences of nine different nations, namely
India, England, China, America, France, Italy,
Spain, Japan and Germany. Countless VIPs,
diplomats and celebrities over the decades
have stayed in
these hallowed
grounds. They
are like traveling
back in time and
a lavish way to
feel like a million
Peace Hotel is
prepared to spoil
you in terms
of dining too.
Chow down
at The Cathay
Room and
Shanghainese restaurant Dragon Phoenix,
or enjoy wine rituals at Cin Cin Wine & Cigar
Lounge and ground-floor Jasmine Lounge.
A visit to the legendary Jazz Bar is also a
must – Shanghai’s oldest jazz band play here
every night at 7.30pm (members first played
together in 1947), and oh, boy can they still
swing it.
A final tip if you’re spending a night – or
two – in the lap of luxury: don’t leave without
trying Willow Stream Spa. Their treatments
are the absolute tops. MC
// Fairmont Peace Hotel 20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu 南京东路20号, 近中山东一路 (6138 6886, www. / June 2014
SIX OF THE BEST... Summer Blockbusters
Atari Kousuke
The heat is on. China may only allow 34 American films to hit their big screens, but the summer is still jampacked with event flicks.
Atari Kousuke is a leading figures
of enka, a traditional Japanese
balladic style comparable to
American blues. Despite his tranquil image, he gets ignited while
discussing the Shima-utu style of
his island home.
How did you start?
When I moved to Okinawa, I was
impressed by how much the culture affected the local musician’s
lives. I thought that as an heir to
the great culture of the Amani
Islands, I should carry on what I
was doing.
What approach do you take to
your songs?
I always make sure to include
island features and the shamisen
[a traditional three-stringed instrument], but I make the songs
softer and more lyrical. When I
started training, I concentrated
entirely on bringing out the true
nostalgic feeling of the music.
Are there many male singers of
this kind?
There aren’t but on Amani
Islands, you will find quite a few
males learning island songs. It
wasn’t a popular choice among
my friends so I was ‘unusual’
back then, but I didn’t care.
Do you worry that J-pop will
make shima-uta extinct?
It’s not a matter of popularity.
Shima-uta style is an essential
component of Japanese culture.
What would you do if you were
not a singer?
I guess I would be a nursery
worker. Actually, I’ve already
passed exams and am certified.
// June 14, RMB80-880, 7.30pm. Shanghai
Oriental Art Centre, 425 Dingxiang Lu, by Shiji
Dadao 丁香路425号, 近世纪大道 (6854 1234,
June 2014 /
X-Men: Days of
Future Past
X-Men is doing the generations
thing, uniting the young mutants
of 2011’s sprightly X-Men: First
Class with their present-day
versions last seen in 2006’s
abysmal X-Men: The Last Stand.
In cinemas now.
Edge of Tomorrow
It’s summertime, so someone
hand Tom Cruise a gun. The
51-year-old’s latest action epic
plays like a violent Groundhog
Day. He relives the same suicide
mission over and over, slowly
upping his skills. Out June 6.
Guardians of the
How To Train Your
Dragon 2
Parks and Recreation’s Chris
Pratt spearheads a group of
misfits including Zoe Saldana’s
green alien, Vin Diesel’s tree-like
Gorot and a sharp shooting-raccoon voiced by Bradley Cooper.
Out around August 1.
Dreamworks scored huge with
the 2010 original and the sequel
picks up five years later with
Hiccup and friends now young
adults. New lands and conflicts
are discovered. Out around
Hao... Bu Hao
Nine-time Grammy winner Justin Timberlake makes his Mainland
debut this month, performing as special guest to Mandarin megastar Wang Lee Hom’s June 14 concert at Workers’ Stadium. The
Beijing show caps off Wang’s 55-city world tour that has broken
numerous Mainland music records.
Bu Hao
Acting couple Sun Li and Deng Chao may face a hefty fine after
Sun gave birth to their second child. Since they already both have
siblings (two single-child parents are allowed a second child
themselves), the couple is not legally entitled to two, opening
themselves up for a Zhang Yimou-esque fine.
Transformers: Age
of Extinction
The fourth Transformers
feels like a reboot with Mark
Wahlberg’s struggling single
father/inventor supplanting
Shia LaBouef as the main human. Dinobots will debut. Out on
June 27.
The Expendables 3
What a killer lineup of action
stars of yore. New additions Mel
Gibson, Wesley Snipes, Antonio
Banderas and Harrison Ford join
the returning crew highlighted
by Sylvester Stallone and Arnold
Schwarzenegger. Out August 20.
Edited by Andrew Chin & Zoey Zha /
Simone Young
Liu Xiaodong
A person of powerful vision and fearsome ability, Simone Young
has boldly gone where no woman has gone before. Known for her
work with the German classical tradition, she was the first female
to conduct the Vienna Philharmonic, shattering the orchestra’s controversial glass ceiling in 2005. She’s currently the music director
of the Hamburg State Opera and will conduct the acclaimed Winer
Symphoniker during their China tour. It will be a night of Beethoven
with performances of ‘Symphony No. 3’ and ‘Symphony No. 7,’ which
Young admits she found “very disturbing - emotional and dark” when
she was younger. Read our interview with Simone Young at www.
// June 6, 7.30pm, RMB180-1,180. Shanghai Grand Theatre, 300 Renmin Dadao, by Huangpi Bei Lu
人民大道300号, 近黄陂北路 (400 610 3721,
What’s New
Penguin China’s latest e-book release is this
short story from Man Asian Literary Prize
nominee Sheng Keyi. Fields of White follows
Jason, a thirty-something white collar salesman juggling a wife, a mistress and a mysterious new paramour that plunges him into a
mid-life crisis. The off-beat tale continues
Sheng’s winning streak after her 2011 debut
Northern Girls.
Beijing indie-pop favorites Hedgehog return
with their sixth full-length record, Phantom
Pop Star. The ten tracks hew to the trio’s
strengths. Opener ‘We Fly into Space’and
the mournful ‘Aspirin’ showcase their jangly
guitar-fueled melancholic pop. The breezy title
track crackles with energy, earning drummer
Atom her Astro Boy inspired moniker. Listen at
Director Jia Zhangke’s latest, A Touch of Sin,
scored nominations for Best Film at the Golden
Horse Awards and the Palme D’or at Cannes
Film Festival. The episodic film follows four
stories loosely based on scandals ripped from
the Mainland headlines, stylized like a modern
wuxia epic. It’s out in the city’s DVD bins and
has a strong English translation.
atsSee www.thfor iew
and interv trick
with Wm y
Minsheng Art Museum’s summer showcase spotlights the
brilliant career of contemporary
artist Liu Xiaodong. A participant in the early days of Chinese
independent cinema and star
of 1990’s The Days, Liu is currently a professor at the Central
Academy of Fine Arts. Childhood
Friends Getting Fat: Moving Image of Liu Xiaodong 1984-2014 consists
of a thousand of Liu’s photos, a selection of his paintings and documentaries by high-profile directors and friends like Jia Zhangke and
Sophie Fiennes screened throughout the exhibition.
// Until July 31. Minsheng Art Museum, Red Town, Bldg F, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Kaixuan Lu 淮海西
路570号F座, 近凯旋路 (6282 8729,
Causing a scene
Fuerza Bruta
Postmodern theatre show
Fuerza Bruta makes its
Shanghai debut after thrilling
crowds last year in Beijing.
Since premiering in Buenos
Aires in 2005, it has traveled
around the world from Bogota
to Berlin. A high-octane spectacle that boasts of breaking
free from the confines of spoken language, the show’s motto is brute
force. Stunts like a suited man who gets shot several times before running frantically headfirst through a series of walls will amaze. Its New
York production ran for several years and was seen by over 500,000
people. We have a pair of tickets to give away. Just e-mail with the subject ‘Fuerza Bruta’ by June 5.
// June 7-8 (7pm and 9.30pm) and June 10 (7pm), RMB480-580. Xuhui Riverside Green Space,
Dong’an Lu, by Longtang Lu 东安路, 近龙腾大道 (400 610 3721,
Causing a scene
King Lear
Taiwanese stage legend Wu
Hsing-kuo has wowed audiences around the world with his
tour de force solo adaptation of
King Lear. Produced by Taiwan’s
Contemporary Legend Theater,
the show’s been praised by The
Guardian as “one of the best
blends of Eastern and Western
techniques. In any language, this is exciting theatre.” Wu blends classic Peking opera techniques with visually stunning Western stagecraft
in this wholly unique take on Shakespeare. In a series of vignettes,
Wu tells the story of a mad king, simultaneously depicting numerous
characters. The colorful costumes shimmer and the play incorporates
martial arts with contemporary dance backed by a nine-person instrumental ensemble. We have a pair of tickets to give away. Just email with the subject ‘King Lear’ by June 10.
// June 13-15, 7.30pm, RMB108-580. Daguan Theater, Zendai Himalayas Art Center, 1188 Fangdian
Lu, by Meihua Lu 浦东芳甸路1188弄1号, 近梅花路, (400 610 3721, / June 2014
ARTS « lead
Tim Robbins brings the Bard
Oscar winner on directing A Midsummer Night's Dream
BY Andrew Chin
As his career enters its fourth decade, Tim Robbins has pretty much done it all. He won an Academy Award for
his stirring performance in Mystic River, released a solo album four years ago and is about to star alongside
Jack Black in the upcoming HBO comedy series The Brink. However, the Oscar-nominated director will be
indulging his first love when his Actors’ Gang brings a workshop production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream to
the Daguan Theatre from June 19-21.
Dianna Olivia-Day
No commercials. No mercy!
The dream wasn’t movies,” he says of
the theater group he co-founded in
1981. “We were a combination of actors
that loved European theater and punk rock.
We stayed away from American realism and
tended towards more exciting material that
had a larger canvas. I’m proud to say we’ve
never done a play with a couch before.”
Midsummer is one of Shakespeare’s more
fantastical creations, an endearing comedic
romance involving young couples and manipulative fairies in an enchanted forest
setting. Past adaptations have played up the
wonder but Robbins has gone for a minimalist approach.
“I’m a big believer of less on stage. When
I see these kinds of productions with big sets
and lavish scenery, I feel like I’m watching a
June 2014 /
We were a
combination of actors
that loved European
theater and punk rock
theme park,” he says. “To me, theater is about
the connection between the actors and the
audience. The more bells and whistles you
have, the less attention you pay to the heart
of what the author is talking about and what
the actors are trying to portray.”
The Shanghai shows features the same
cast that performed it last year in California,
and Robbins explains he first directed it in
1984, when he also starred as Oberon.
“Pieces constantly evolve,” he explains.
“It’s based on certain European companies
that really take their time to develop a piece.
Unfortunately, they’re state funded and
we’re not so we have to be more economical.
Usually we do a workshop production and if
we’re interested in developing it, we’ll let it
germinate for seven months and do it again.”
The Actors’ Gang has always been close
to Robbins’ heart. He reportedly funded
their inaugural 1982 production of Alfred
Jarry’s Ubu the King through his salary as
a waiter and early television work. It was a
smart investment. The LA Weekly described
the show as “a shot heard around the city,”
with Robbins shining in the lead role as the
Dianna Olivia-Day
We want to be able
to pack up one trunk
and go anywhere
in the world to do a
madcap king.
Guest work on TV shows like St.
Elsewhere, The Love Boat and Moonlighting
increased Robbins’ visibility, leading to his
breakthrough role in 1988’s Bull Durham.
His turn in Robert Altman’s 1992 comeback
film The Player elevated him to leading-man
status, which was cemented by his stirring
portrayal as Andy Dufresne, a man “who
crawled through a river of shit and came
out clean on the other side” in 1994’s The
Shawshank Redemption.
A member of the Hollywood A-list,
Robbins is equally comfortable in big-budget
blockbusters (War of the Worlds), passion projects by respected foreign auteurs
(Feng Xiaogang’s Back to 1942) and comedy (his classic cameo representing PBS in
Anchorman’s epic news-team street fight).
With celebrated films like Dead Man Walking,
he’s exercised his celebrity juice directing
politically-tinged passion projects.
Despite the jam-packed schedule, the
Actors’ Gang very much remains core to him.
As Founding Artistic Director, he’s overseen
the production of over 100 plays in Los
Angeles and the troupe has counted stars
like Jack Black, John Cusack, John C. Reilly,
Helen Hunt and Jeremy Piven as past members.
“What we have is rare,” he admits. “It’s a
company of actors that have been together
for over 30 years that still has original members in it. We operate as an ensemble and
have a real sense of community.”
That civic-mindedness is evident in their
education programs in working with innercity youth and prison inmates. Robbins says
their educational responsibilities have expanded over the past decade, an attempt to
fill the void left by Californian budget cuts.
“Great art involves receiving everything
around you and processing it in a way that’s
productive,” he explains of the program’s impact. “Having empathy for people with less
than you helps you be able to portray emotions of other characters and that makes you
grow as a sentient being. I see it happen over
and over again.”
Of course, philanthropy isn’t possible
without a busy schedule and the Actors’
Gang will also take A Midsummer Night’s
Dream to Beijing as part of the NCPA
Shakespeare Festival and to Italy’s distinguished Spoleto Festival. The director is optimistic that China will become a regular stop
on their international circuit.
“If the offers are there and timing is
right, we want to go,” he says. “The theory is
that we want to be able to pack up one trunk
and go anywhere in the world to do a show.”
// June 19-21, 7.30pm and June 21, 2pm, RMB60-380. Daguan
Theatre, Zendai Himalayas Center, 1188 Fangdian Lu, by
Meihua Lu 浦东芳甸路1188弄1号, 近梅花路 (400 610 3721, / June 2014
ARTS « dance
L.A. Dance Project
Black Swan’s Benjamin Millepied’s passion project
BY Zoey Zha
L.A. Dance Project
While viewers may have only caught a few glimpses of Benjamin Millepied in the Oscar-winning Black Swan,
he is arguably modern dance’s most preeminent current dancer. In addition to choreographing that film, he’s
won numerous awards and founded the L.A. Dance Project in 2012. The acclaimed group makes their Mainland
debut this month with their June 5 show at Shanghai Grand Theatre.
How does L.A. Dance Project differ from
other groups?
Our goal is to make dance relevant to new
audiences by connecting it to other art forms
like music, film, fashion, architecture and
visual arts. The Internet has opened up the
appetite for more integrated and collaborative performance art. Dance is no longer an
isolated art form.
Are you concerned that all the extra
visuals will take attention away from the
dance itself?
Quite the opposite. Dance movements are
better perceived as part of a seamless artwork. They make sense through the music
and the visual environment. I am not interested in visual effects. Only in true collaborations with other artists, who are willing to
join the adventure and ready to spend a lot
of time in rehearsals with me.
You’ve collaborated with Pulitzer Prizewinning composer David Lang and con-
June 2014 /
Our goal is to make
dance relevant to
new audiences by
connecting it to other
art forms
ceptual artist Barbara Kruger. How did
this happen?
It was my strong desire to work with David
and I always admired Barbara’s work.
Although she had never worked in theater
before, I was able to lure her into our dance
studio. The minute she watched the dancers
and recognized the vinyl dance floor, she was
hooked. Van Cleef & Arpels supported this
unique collaboration, which has become one
of our most successful calling cards.
You’ve been called “the best curator” today and have also been praised for your
choreography, dancing and direction.
How do you balance all of this?
First and foremost I feel like a dancer. I have
danced as long as I can remember. The feeling is both liberating and fulfilling. My choreography comes from that same joyful place.
Being a curator is an extraordinary privilege
as it means sharing the vision of other great
artists. Being the director of the Paris Opera
Ballet will be a culmination of all this.
What impact will this new role have on
the L.A. Dance Project?
L.A. Dance Project will always remain dear to
my heart and I will continue to invest all my
energy to take the project to the next level.
The fact that I will be based in Paris does
not change anything as I already travel a lot
and rely on my collaborators and my staff in
downtown LA. In the world of instant communication it is totally possible to run two
companies, especially as they are different
in concept and size. My artistic energy feeds
off of both companies, just like conductors
dance » ARTS
like Valery Gergjev and Gustavo Dudamel run
several orchestras.
Will this show be your Mainland debut?
L.A. Dance Project is very proud to make its
debut in China but my work Sarabande was
performed recently with great success by the
Central Ballet of China in Beijing.
Have you worked with any Chinese ballet
I am always curious to meet new dancers
and choreographers all over the world. Just
recently I came across the work of Tao Ye, a
dancer-choreographer I find extremely interesting. Hopefully, he will come to work with
L.A. Dance Project one day.
Does it bother you that Black Swan’s suc-
Alexander Wagner
The L.A. Dance Project moved into the Ace
Hotel in Los Angeles this January. What
does this mean to you?
This partnership has created an unprecedented opportunity to introduce dance to
downtown LA in one of the most glorious
Hollywood theaters of the past. LA Dance
Project is committed to the revival of downtown Los Angeles and this has been a dream
come true.
cess has drawn attention to you as Natalie
Portman’s husband rather than a terrific
Black Swan changed my life in an unexpected
and wonderful way. My wife and I respect
each other’s career and together we have a
wonderful young son, who is the light of my
life. I find it very grounding to spend time
with my family. Sometimes media attention
is intrusive but it will never get in the way.
// June 5, 7.30pm, RMB80-580. Shanghai Grand Theatre, 300
Renmin Da Dao, by Huangpi Bei Lu 人民大道300号, 近黄陂北
路 (6386 8686,
We have a pair of tickets to give away.
Send an e-mail to win@urbanatomy.
com by June 3 with the subject 'L.A.
Dance Project' telling us what your passion project is. / June 2014
ARTS « music
American Troubador
Jason Thrasher
David Lowery brings Cracker to Shanghai
BY Andrew Chin
hen self-described “modern day
classic rockers” Cracker take the
Yuyintang stage on June 27, their
frontman David Lowery will also be raising
awareness of the importance of artist intellectual property rights.
“Every country with strong copyright
enforcement seems to have a strong music
export economy,” he says, citing Korea as an
example. “With more than a billion people,
China could be a powerhouse.”
Since scoring an oddball hit with 1985’s
‘Take the Skinheads Bowling,’ Lowery has
contributed to the evolution of American
underground rock. His first group, Camper
Van Beethoven, is considered an indie-rock
forefather, while Cracker rode the 1990s alternative wave to platinum albums and radio
staples like ‘Low.’
Lowery admits he’s mystified at the
song’s endurance, noting “it’s been licensed
for four primetime shows and a movie in the
last four weeks, so go figure…” However, he’s
comfortable with his current place on the
music landscape.
American pop music
is totally boring now
“American pop music is totally boring
now,” he declares. “We just do what we want.
Sometimes we are out of sync with what’s
popular but tastes change and eventually we
come back into fashion.”
As Cracker’s commercial fortunes
declined alongside rock radio, Lowery
cultivated a community around his two
seminal groups. The reformed Camper Van
Beethoven have released records in the past
two years, and both bands perform annually
at their Campout Festival in California.
It’s been five years since Cracker released Sunrise in the Land of Milk and Honey,
but next year will be a big one. They’re planning on releasing two albums – one alternative and one blues and country-based – to
coincide with the documentary release Get
Off This: A Film about Music and Perseverance
about Lowery’s career.
The trained mathematician praises the
new digital landscape
for removing cultural gatekeepers, but admits, “If I started now, I would have made
three albums and then gone back to programming computers.” Regardless, he says
writing a great three-and-a-half-minute rock
song is easy.
“There are only two ways,” he reveals.
“Have only about 45 seconds worth of words
and repeat them a la ‘Gimme Shelter,’ or have
about 11-minutes worth of words and cram
them in like REM’s ‘It’s the End of the World
as We Know it.’ Think about it. You know I’m
// June 27, 9pm-late, RMB60-80. Yuyintang, 851 Kaixuan Lu,
by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851号, 近延安西路 (
We have a pair of tickets to give away.
Send an e-mail to win@urbanatomy.
com by June 24 with the subject
'Cracker' telling us what things you hate
about your generation.
Russian Red
Exotic mystery
BY Zoey Zha
er musical pseudonym may be misleading, but there’s no confusion
over the global appeal of Spanish
indie-folk singer-songwriter Lourdes
Hernández. Adopting her nom de plume
from a lipstick color she is addicted to, it’s
fair to say that Lourdes has succeeded in impressing audiences while satisfying her own
artistic sensibilities.
Dubbed the Spanish Feist, after the
Canadian singer-songwriter, she admits that
she’s heavily influenced by the indie chanteuse, referring to her as an idol. Following a
similar blueprint of melodic whimsy, Russian
Red began to emerge in 2007, becoming a
familiar face across many reputable music
festivals in Europe, while writing songs in
“Paradoxically, I feel more free to express myself in English than I do in my own
language,” she explains. “I like to keep that
While her 2008 demo remains unreleased, it garnered over 70,000 hits on
MySpace, foreshadowing the success of her
June 2014 /
debut album I Love Your Glasses, which was
released later that year.
Gifted with a charismatically warm voice
matched with the exotic tint of her lipstick
color, Russian Red is a soulful singer even
when singing about trivial things like glasses.
“I’m inspired by affection of any kind,”
she says, “even in the dark.”
She’s since released two albums, including February’s Agent Cooper, whose drawn
cover depicts her demurely in a glamorous
golden dress clutching a large gun. Her upcoming shows will see her return across Asia
after her successful world tour in 2011.
“I love Hong Kong,” she declares. “It’s definitely one of my favorite places in the world.
I love the creative local scene and the general
vibe of the people who live there.”
The fondness is mutual. The fact that
her popularity in Hong Kong and Taiwan
exceeds some European countries takes her
by surprise.
“I find it very much inexplicable,” she
says. “I love it.”
// June 10, RMB80-380, 7.30pm. Shanghai Oriental Art Centre,
425 Dingxiang Lu, by Shiji Dadao 丁香路425号, 近世纪大道
(400 610 3721,
We have a pair of tickets to give away.
Send an e-mail to win@urbanatomy.
com by June 6 with the subject 'Russian
Red' telling us what your favorite lipstick
color is.
music » ARTS
Wang Wen
China’s premier post-rock band
BY Andrew Chin
ince forming in 1999, Wang Wen
have earned their moniker as
China’s premier post-rock band.
The Dalian group has shared international stages with genre giants like
Mogwai and will embark on a national
tour to celebrate their upcoming eighth
album 8 Houses.
Guitarist Xie Yugang credits the
band’s longevity to curiosity. “What
keeps us going on is that we still have
new ideas about music that we want
to keep expressing,” he says. “We’re all
interested in new things and hate to
always be playing the same style.”
Listening to 2010’s sophisticated 0.7, it’s
hard to imagine Wang Wen was formed by
two guitarists, Xie and Geng Xin, obsessed
with the Smashing Pumpkins. Although
primarily instrumental, their 2003 debut
28 Sleepless Days Diary emanates from an
alternative nation, buoyed by successful lead
single ‘The Dying Year End.’
Subsequent albums were praised as
bold steps forward musically as the band
expanded their swelling soundscapes with
Western and domestic influences. They were
the first Mainland indie group to release a vinyl record, had their music licensed by Nike
and leading sixth-generation filmmaker Lou
Ye and just hosted the first DanSheng Music
Festival in their hometown.
Despite the accolades, the group continues to experiment. They eschewed the
studio to record 8 Houses in a small library
in Dalian. Four producers, including
P.K. 14’s Yang Haisong and Belgium
indie-group Toman’s frontman Wouter
Vlaeminckx worked on the record with
ambient noise like cars parking outside
mixed into its sounds.
“We were really tired of the common recording room’s sound and had
played the library once. The sound
there is very cool so why not try a new
place?” Xie explains of the eight-song
disc. “Each song is quite different and
we wanted the producers to mix it in
their own way.”
Shanghai fans will be able to hear the
record when the group plays MAO Livehouse
on June 28. For newcomers, Xie promises
a dynamic show. “Some parts are very loud
and some are quite calm,” he says. “It’s very
// June 28, 8.30pm-late, RMB80-100. MAO Livehouse, 3/F, 308
Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号, 近建
国中路 ( / June 2014
ARTS « arts
I Am Art
A Close-Up on JR’s global art project
BY Andrew Chin
hen JR won the 2011 TED Prize,
he was granted one wish to inspire the world. Past recipients
like Bono and Jamie Kennedy used the
USD100,000 prize and accompanying attention to kickstart their One Foundation
and Food Revolution projects. The French
artist used the platform to start the global
art project Inside Out. Three years later, over
15,000 people in 108 countries have participated, including thousands in Shanghai as
the project reaches the Mainland.
It’s ironic that it’s taken so long since JR
learned he won the prize here while sticking
portraits of elderly residents onto dilapidated buildings as part of his 2010 series
Wrinkles of the City. Although that visit included a brief run-in with the fuzz, he’s been
welcomed back with open arms with the
three-part Close-Up exhibition.
The 31-year-old was looking dapper in
his trademark fedora and sunglasses – the
definition of anonymous chic – at the exhibition’s opening at the Power Station of Art.
Inside, the museum is full of blown-up versions of his greatest hits.
A wall is devoted to his iconic photo of
a teen holding what appears to be a gun but
is actually a camera. The then-21-year-old
graffiti artist illegally exhibited large-scale
portraits of the youthful residents of the
Parisian housing suburbs at the center of the
2005 riots, challenging their depiction in the
Portraits of a Generation was officially
recognized in 2006 and foreshadowed JR’s
style – a remix of the father of photojournal-
June 2014 /
ism Henri Cartier-Bresson, filtered through
the sensibilities of Banksy. Subsequent largescale projects contained social messages
simultaneously paying tribute to local members of the community.
It’s the artist’s role to
raise issues but never
point the finger.
Side by Side stuck playful portraits of
working Israelis and Palestinians on both
sides of the Separation Wall, while the ongoing Women are Heroes plasters photos of
local women across Africa, Brazil, India and
Cambodia, where they simultaneously act as
pillars of society but are also frequently the
victims of war, street crime, sexual assault
and extremism.
“It’s the artist’s role to raise issues but
never point the finger,” he explains. “Artists
should encourage people to do their own
research by giving no answer and bringing
another look to a place to help them discover
something they didn’t know before.”
Inside Out democratizes his style.
Participants receive large self-portraits
and are encouraged to create their own
campaigns. Native American tribes in South
Dakota have used it to raise community
awareness while environmentalists brought
the project to the Arctic Circle.
As part of his visit, the project’s photo
truck has come along for the ride. It’s al-
ready a hit, with hundreds lining up
to hop in and take a picture. A large portrait
slides out of the side like a gigantic Polaroid
and community sticking campaigns have
already started in Xintiandi and outside the
Power Station of Art.
The photobooth truck travels across the
city until July 5 with scheduled stops listed
online and portraits also digitally posted at
the Close-Up site. JR encourages participation
saying, “It’s nice to see the exhibition but it’s
also super to take part in the project and doit-yourself.”
The third part of Close-Up spotlights
his recent creations on different media like
wood and creased paper. Exhibited at the
Magda Danysz Gallery, it’s a rare occasion
that has happened just once in the last decade in his native France.
“It’s the yin to the yang of my work in
the street,” he explains. “They’re extremely
important in the manner I develop my
// Close-Up: Power Station of Art (until June 15), 200
Huayuangang Lu, by Miaojiang Lu 花园港路200号, 近苗江
路 (3127 8531) and Magda Danysz Gallery (until July 5), 188
Linqing Lu, by Pingliang Lu 临青路188号, 近平凉路 (www.
arts » ARTS
JR in Shanghai
Wrinkles of the City highlights at Power Station of Art
all photos by Stephane Bisseuil, courtesy of Magda-danysz Gallery
Getting involved in Xintiandi
More JR highligts at Power Station of Art and Magda Danysz Gallery / June 2014
ARTS « theater
Different Strokes
BY Andrew Chin
Barbara Anderlič
hanghai’s original English-language
company, East West Theatre, returns
to the stage with a pair of productions
that couldn’t be any more different.
David Johansson (Almost, Maine) directs
an adaptation of Moliere’s The Learned
Ladies from June 18 to 23 at The Pearl. An
outrageous farce, it follows young Henriette’s
efforts to fend off the ‘scholar’ suitor trumpeted by her mom, aunt and sister.
“Moliere was about poking fun at the
establishments of the period and here
he’s poking fun at academic pretension,”
Johansson explains.
The ensemble piece features a mix
of Shanghai stage veterans like Dave Earl
(Glengarry Glen Ross) and Mirren Childs
(Masque’rade: Macabre Tales of Poe) with
newcomers like Jerome Mazet and Phillip
Originally written in verse, The Learned
Ladies is set in a 17th-century estate with
Johansson promising grand costumes and
plenty of wigs.
“I want the show to spiral out of control,”
he enthuses. “These characters should be
looked at as completely insane figures that
sprouted out of Moliere’s mind, but based on
people in Paris of that era.”
Laughs will be more caustic in Barbara
Anderlič’s adaptation of Michael Bartlett’s
Laurence Olivier Award-winning Cock, which
is also a pre-festival fundraising event for
ShanghaiPRIDE VI (see below).
“The title is very in your face,” the
The Learned Ladies
The cast of Cock
I want the show to
spiral out of control
Slovenian director admits, “but it has
something to do with the story. None of the
characters are particularly likable so each of
them is kind of a cock, especially John, who
tends to cock things up.”
Cock is all about John’s relationship issues. He breaks up with his long-term boyfriend and succumbs to his first hetero urges,
before concluding with a dinner involving all
three parties. For good measure, the ex has
brought his father along for the explosive
“It’s very close to home and something
everyone that’s been in a relationship will
relate to,” Anderlič says.
John Prakapas (SantaLand Diaries) stars
as the titular character with Owen Bell (Lend
me a Tenor), Daniel Cotterall (New Electric
Ballroom) and newcomer Kate Billington costarring.
Compared to Johansson’s outsized ambitions for The Learned Ladies, Anderlič is going for something low key declaring Cock will
be “all about the acting and the words.”
// Cock runs June 6-7, 8pm, RMB100-120. The Pearl, 471 Zhapu
Lu, by Wujin Lu 乍浦路471号, 近武进路 (182 0216 4553, east.
// The Learned Ladies run June 18-23, 8pm, RMB150-200. The
Pearl, 471 Zhapu Lu, by Wujin Lu 乍浦路471号, 近武进路 (182
0216 4553,
We have a pair of tickets to give away to
both show's opening night. Send an email to by June 3
for Cock or June 13 for the Learned Ladies
with the subject 'EWT' telling us your
best play idea.
Under the Rainbow
ShanghaiPRIDE’s Arts Programming
BYLINE: Andrew Chin
he sixth annual ShanghaiPRIDE runs
from June 13 to 22 and includes a
pair of theatrical shows, a film festival
and an art exhibition.
That exhibition kicks off the festival with
Beijing’s Postivae Art Workshop (PAW) and
LA LGBT Center’s joint art exhibition displayed at M50. The show premiered last June
in Los Angeles and features work from teenagers assisted by both groups. Additionally,
drawings from Dr. Sketchy’s will be displayed
at Shanghai Studio.
The film festival runs from June 15 to
June 2014 /
20. The five top films submitted for April’s
Chinese LGBT-themed short film competition will be screened on opening night with
awards given out at the closing party.
Jason Lasky directs Rendezvous: A
Tragicomedy, in which a married couple’s
secret dalliances quickly surface. The show
runs on June 15 at 7pm and June 20 at 8pm
with tickets ranging from RMB100-150.
This Love Drama Club presents Chinese
playwright Sanyi’s Izzie and Irving, a look
at a happily married couple torn apart by a
mysterious phone call. The Mandarin show
David Johansson
East West Theatre’s two new shows
will include English-language subtitles on
June 15 at 2pm. Both shows will be staged at
Strictly Designers United.
Of course ShanghaiPRIDE isn’t all about
the arts. Their popular Pride Run and Pink
Picnic are set for June 14, and they have community initiatives like an NGO workshop and
of course parties. For more ShanghaiPRIDE
events, see p91.
// Shanghai Pride runs June 13 to 22. For full event schedule
visit or contact
to purchase tickets.
film » ARTS
Siff 17
Walk the red carpet at film festival
BY Andrew Chin
ilm stars from around the world
will walk the red carpet at the 17th
Shanghai International Film Festival
(SIFF) which runs from June 14 to 22.
Celebrated Mainland actress and Zhang
Yimou’s original muse Gong Li will chair the
jury that awards the festival’s prestigious
Golden Goblet.
Over 300 films will be shown as part
of the festival’s 14 programs. In addition
to the competing films running in the SIFF
Highlights, they’ve announced the return of
the popular 4K Restoration series, headlined
by the newly-restored 1965 Chinese blockbuster Stage Sisters.
Hi-def digitally remastered versions of
classics like Taxi Driver, The Godfather, Part
II and the 1934 version of Les Misérables will
also be screened.
The Tribute to Masters series will include film programming centered around
cinematic icons like America’s original
method actor Marlon Brando (A Streetcar
Named Desire), Italian neorealist director
Robert Rossellini (Rome, Open City), leading
sixth-generation Mainland director Jiang
Wen (In the Heat of the Sun) and recently
deceased French Left Bank director Alain
Renais (Muriel).
While the programming schedule won’t
be released until early June with film guides
available at appointed cinemas and subway
stations, the festival will include programs
on opera films and the annual Global Village,
focusing on the cinema of a few select countries.
All films will be screened in their original
language with English and Chinese subtitles. Tickets range from RMB40-60 and are
available at the 30-plus appointed cinemas
showing films and online portals on www. and Note,
over 60,000 tickets sold last year on opening
with fans queuing overnight – so act quickly
when booking.
Of course, film festivals offer a prime
chance for some star gazing. Last year, Helen
Mirren, Keanu Reeves and Jay Chou were
among attendees and rumors are circulating
that Hollywood stars like Nicole Kidman will
attend this year’s Opening Night party at the
Shanghai Grand Theatre alongside the usual
cadre of Asian megastars.
For more up-to-date information about
the Shanghai International Film Festival
including film screenings and gossip, stay
tuned at
// Shanghai International Film Festival runs June 14-22 at
various participating cinemas. For program information and
schedule, visit / June 2014
ARTS « books
shanghai rugby tales
Simon Drakeford's book delves into sport's history
BY Andrew Chin
hen former Shanghai Hairy Crabs
club captain Simon Drakeford discovered a namesake also played
rugby in the city at the beginning of the 20th
century, he went on a four-year journey that
took him across three continents and culminated in the accountant’s first book.
It’s a Rough Game but Good Sport is an
exhaustive history of rugby in Shanghai with
appendices detailing over 1,500 games and
thousands of players. However, Drakeford
notes the book also serves as a history of
“The people that played were essentially
elite,” he explains. “They were board directors and members of the Shanghai Municipal
Council that basically ran the International
A chapter is devoted to the city’s rugby
players that fought in WWI and the book is
full of characters like Oliver Phillip Edwards.
The 1930s player was imprisoned by the
Japanese, where a rugby opponent served as
a guard. He escaped to Chongqing and married a Eurasian despite heavy protests from
his HSBC employers. He later died fishing
on the England-Wales border with a salmon
found on his leg.
Shanghai’s rugby history starts in
1867 with the formation of the Shanghai
Football Club – four years after the Football
Association developed the rules for what the
Yanks call soccer but four years before the
Rugby Football Union codified its rules.
Early attempts to organize a rugby group
were marred by squabbles over what rules
to follow. The first dedicated rugby club was
founded in 1881 but quickly collapsed like
other attempts in 1889 and 1892.
Breakaway members of a larger group
founded the Shanghai Rugby Football Club in
1904 and the sport enjoyed a stable decade
up to the onset of WWI.
“The first Interport matches were
played at what is now People’s Square and
they were massive social organizations,”
Drakeford says. “They were happening every
year and the season started to have a rhythm
to them.”
Post-war games resumed in November
1920 and rugby exploded, buoyed by a massive influx of foreign soldiers sent by the
colonial powers. The season jumped from 13
games in 1921 to over 100 by the mid-1930s.
They were truly international affairs,
much to the chagrin of the predominantly
British players representing Shanghai.
“They were getting beat by the US 4th
Marines, who started losing to the Japanese
June 2014 /
Games were played
where you could hear
bombs dropping and
machine guns firing
in Zhabei
university championship teams by the mid1930s,” the English native chuckles. “They
were all polite about it, but you know they
had to be pretty peeved.”
Rugby slowed as international rivalries
bled into Shanghai’s streets. Drakeford notes
games were played where “you could hear
bombs dropping and machine guns firing in
Zhabei District.”
Many players left to serve in WWII, and
efforts to resume ultimately failed. The last
rugby game in the city was played in March
1950, until the reformation of the Shanghai
Rugby Football Club in 1994.
A chapter is devoted to the sport’s recent
renaissance, which Drakeford has been intimately involved in. The former Chairman
of the Hong Kong Pot Bellied Pigs and the
Beijing Devils moved to Shanghai in 2006. He
joined the Hairy Crab’s committee, serving as
secretary, second team captain, club captain
and honorary historian.
While Drakeford moved back to London
last year, his impact on Chinese rugby lives
on. He co-founded rugby leagues in Shanghai
and Beijing, as well as the Yellow Sea Cup – a
three-team tournament between Beijing,
Shanghai and the Seoul Survivors.
Smartly declaring himself both a Beijing
Devil and a Shanghai Hairy Crab, Drakeford
fondly recalls being on the sidelines as
Shanghai defeated his former squad to
capture their last Yellow Sea Cup in 2009.
However, he admits his most memorable
on-field moment in Shanghai colors is still
legendary, albeit unfortunately.
“I went to score a try but it wasn’t the try
line,” he chuckles. “I put the ball down but
there was no reaction. I did it again and then
the opposition came and took the ball away.
Then there was a reaction.”
// It’s a Rough Game but Good Sport is published by Earnshaw
Books and is available at Garden Books, the Shanghai Rugby
Football Club and the Peace Hotel.
museum » ARTS
Jackie Chan Film Gallery
Where Jackie is the Chosen One
BY Aelred Doyle
he place was buzzing with a mix of
foreigners and Chinese, enjoying
their experience and chatting away.
Everything was clearly labeled and staff were
professional and friendly. We recommend
the experience.
But that’s enough about the Starbucks
across the road from the long-delayed,
newly-opened Jackie Chan Film Gallery. The
latter was deserted, perhaps because tickets
cost RMB128. We feel bad now about bursting into laughter when the nice ticket seller
told us the price… but really.
As if this wasn’t insulting enough, with
the ticket comes a tiny pouch with a one-kuai
coin which one is supposed to drop into a
steel tree as a charitable donation. We kept
Before entering the main area, visitors
must watch an introductory video where
Jackie explains that it took him a long time to
build up his courage before his first big stunt
and he was in pain for a year afterwards.
This is what they call foreshadowing.
Nobody likes a hater, so let’s talk about
the good stuff, which there is plenty of.
Movie props or reproductions like the giant
tire in the sculpture garden outside, the motorbike bursting through a wall, the elevator
you can sit in while watching Jackie do the
same in one of his movies – these are great
fun, and the reason to visit.
The space is fantastic, a converted factory with a striking downstairs area dominated by an impressive wooden stage. The
steel Charity Tree, into which one drops that
one-kuai coin through a nifty swirly mechanism, is random but cool.
There are photos, stunt reels, a replica
of his Hollywood star, movies scripts, signed
photos of celebrities, costumes, a wall of
hands in different martial arts grips, a painted set that shows how movies play with perspective, some of what is apparently Hong
Kong’s biggest collection of film cameras.
But then again - the exhibit captions.
Rumors of the demise of Chinglish have
been greatly exaggerated. Beyond that, wow
are they cloying and bombastic. We have
no issue with a Jackie Chan museum being
all about how great Jackie is. He is amazing
in many ways. But endlessly invoking his
saintly ways is a bit much. Dude is an actor,
not Nelson Mandela.
Plus his motivational mottoes pop up
all over the place. “Nothing is impossible
Jackie poses in front of the 'Battle of Harmony' statue at the JC Film Gallery
It turns out banality
can be a martial art
too; we certainly felt
for a willing heart.” “There’s no way to go
backwards in life. The only way is forward.”
It turns out banality can be a martial art too;
we certainly felt bludgeoned.
Was a glass container of crushed plastic
bottles, demonstrating Jackie’s passion for
recycling, really necessary? And the replica
of his work space on a movie set, with the
fridge open to show the drinks he always
shares with all his “brothers” on the crew?
We feel a chance was missed here: why not
a preserved bead of JC sweat to show how
hard he works?
We liked early exhibits of photos and a
video, talking about his family and the opera
school he attended. These are interesting
and evocative. Our cynical hearts were also
chastened towards the end, with a room of
fan tributes that endearingly shows how
much he is loved, followed by a model of one
of the rural schools his charity has built.
He has raised a huge amount of money
for good causes, participates himself rather
than just lending his name, and has helped
a lot of people. Let the record reflect that
Jackie Chan has done more good for the
world than this scribe ever will. Doesn’t
make his ego project less ridiculous though.
Jackie Chan is a true movie star, an amazing and brave performer who continues to
work incredibly hard and fully deserves his
fame and success. Serious fans will find plenty here to enjoy. But the strange combination of sloppiness and self-importance that
characterizes the Jackie Chan Film Gallery
makes us wonder who is actually running it –
there’s a website that doesn’t work and why
isn’t this in his home city of Hong Kong?
Again, if you’re a hardcore fan (and especially if you think Jackie may be the Chosen
One), you should definitely visit. It’s also
good if you’re looking for a nice quiet place
to escape the noise of the city or perhaps
conduct an illicit affair; if you like a staffvisitor ratio of two to one, this is the place
for you.
// Tues to Sun, 9am-5pm, RMB128. 88 Yunling Lu, by Daduhe Lu
普陀区云岭路88号, 近大渡河路 (6040 3232) / June 2014
Scanning China's Contraband Scams
n the mid-sixth century, two monks snuck silkworm larvae out of China in bamboo canes, their act of treason starting the silk industry of the Byzantine Empire. It gave them a silk monopoly in Europe, the foundation for the Byzantine economy until its demise some 650 years later.
In the 1520s, South China’s coast was a hotbed of illicit commerce. ‘Barbarians’ from Portugal doing
business with the Chinese on Shuangyu Island, off the coast of Xiamen. The transient community was a thorn in the
side of the Ming government, and helped fuel Portuguese maritime activity.
Even salt, now common to our tables, was at one point the most trafficked good in the Middle Kingdom. The
vital mineral was controlled so inefficiently by a government monopoly that, by the 1900s it was estimated that
more than half of the salt consumed in China contraband and upwards of 40,000 people on the Yangtze River were
engaged in smuggling the saline substance. By the early 1930s, the legal salt business lost more than 70 million
Chinese dollars to the filchers every year.
The list goes on. And today is no exception. Smuggling remains big business in the Middle Kingdom, shaping
domestic and world economies and events. Here, we explore the lucrative and often insidious underbelly of China’s
illicit trade.
cover story _ 58 /
In gold we lust
From China to Chandni Chowk
By Lena Gidwani
ndia’s obsession
with gold is inexorable. Until recently,
an entire generation
of Indians grew up without a
whiff of an idea that masses
of the precious metal had
been smuggled into the
country in order to satiate
their lust for jewelry.
Smuggling, to them, was
the crux of Bollywood fantasies, centered mainly on
villains fighting underworld
crime with pant-ripping
moves, just so the hero could
marry the apple of his eye and
dance around a tree in the rain.
So one can only imagine
their surprise when they learned
that one of their own, a native
named Muhammed Shanood,
was arrested in the parking lot of
Tribhuvan International Airport in
Kathmandu, Nepal, while en route
to India. His crime? Smuggling six
kilograms of gold in a cloth belt from
In countries like China and India,
gold is considered the traditional safe
haven for long-term investment. China
is currently the world’s top consumer
of physical gold, importing 1,066 metric
tons, with India a close second at 975 metric tons in 2013, according to data from the
World Gold Council.
Due to poor security, domestic political
instability and growing corruption, Nepal
– on the border with China to its north and
India to its south – has become the main
transit point for smuggling the precious
metal between these two most populous
It has also become a hotbed for illegal
activity, especially since India is struggling with a high trade deficit and plunging
rupee. Forced to impose curbs on gold in
a move to protect domestic manufacturers, the Indian government has increased
importation duties from four percent to 15
percent, resulting in plummeting volumes
of legal imports.
But demand continues to soar, so smugglers have turned northwards to China,
where organized gangs work in creative
ways to smuggle gold across borders via
land and air. Modus operandi varies, from
overland from Tibet into Kathmandu or
Tatopani, in central Nepal, where the stash
is shifted to freight trucks that ply the roads
between the open borders of Nepal and
Since early 2013, Nepali police have
made several arrests and seized 105
kilos of gold. One of the culprits, Chen
Rongjie, was found traveling with eight
kilograms of gold concealed under her
clothes at Tatopani. In January this
year, Nepali police confiscated two
thirds of a kilogram in the form of
thick necklaces worn by five Nepali
smugglers, including three women.
They were also traveling from
China in a bus bound for India.
With gold prices plunging
over the past 18 months, it
is also believed that several
tons of gold have been smuggled across the Hong KongShenzhen border, as well as
through an illegal tunnel found
this year. In 2013, a woman
was caught with three kilograms of gold bars hidden in
her bra at the Shatoujiao
customs on Shenzhen’s border. Another Hong Kong man
was discovered trying to
pass through customs at the
Luohu border crossing with
four kilograms of gold bullion hidden in his shoes.
With so much illegal
activity on the rise in the
face of demand, the central
government is taking a hard
stance and clamping down
China is currently the world’s
top consumer of physical gold,
considered the traditional safe
haven for long-term investment
hiding gold in TV sets to stuffing it into
socks and shoes.
Profit margins are incredibly attractive. It is estimated that smugglers can
earn up to RMB53,000 bringing one kilo of
gold across the border. In a typical smuggling run, trucks transport the hidden gold
on perpetrators. In January of this year,
a Taiwan-bound Chinese-Australian man
named Chen Yingcheng became the first
defendant to be found guilty by a Shanghai
court of smuggling 2.9 kilograms of undeclared gold. Perhaps all that glitters is not
always sold. / cover story _ 59
Where the Wild Things Go
BY Jane Kent
y the time animals or wildlife products are placed in the hands of the
consumer, they have made long
journeys through forests, rivers,
over land and sea before delivery to dealers
and clandestine markets. Wildlife trafficking operates through a vast web of players:
poachers, human ‘mules,’ retailers, exporters, local villages and corrupt officials – all
connected globally through organized crime
International illegal wildlife trade is
worth an estimated USD19.1 billion annually, with dozens of agencies and experts
continually identifying the Middle Kingdom
as the key destination, says the 2013 report
by the International Fund for Animal Welfare
(IFAW). And demand is growing.
“Ten years ago, less than 10 percent of
confiscations in the Global Confiscations
Database were in China. Now, China accounts
for 80 to 90 percent,” says Dr. Li Zhang, an
associate professor of field biology at Beijing
Normal University, who has studied wildlife
consumption for 15 years.
The dramatic economic growth in the
last few decades and the ease of Internet
sales has manifested unprecedented de-
mand. “Many Chinese can now afford luxury
products – some of them being wildlife products, illegal and legal,” Dr. Li explains.
Part of the difficulty of monitoring and
enforcing this market stems from its incredibly diverse list of uses and motives (see
box). As demand increases, it is no surprise
that parts of China’s borders are now known
internationally as “wildlife hotspots,” especially those shared with Laos and Myanmar.
“They are so long, and with such complicated topography and social-economic situations, it is impossible to control the border
lines as compared to airports and seaports.
So, the land borders easily become the main
trade route for trafficking wildlife,” explains
Zhang Sheng, Campaign Program Manager at
Traffic China.
“Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan are
major destinations of wildlife from southeast
Asia smuggled into Guangxi and Yunnan at
key border ports, based on our research,”
says Dr. Li. A common route begins at the
Myanmar border in Ruili, Yunnan, snakes
through Guangxi and finishes in Guangdong.
Another begins in wildlife-rich Qinghai
Province and moves down through Sichuan
and Guangxi, ultimately ending again in
Guangdong. Ultimately, the southern province is where the highest prices are fetched
– Dr. Li reports that 85 percent of wildlife
smuggled through Guanxi from various
routes will end up in Guangdong.
“Frankly speaking, China has invested
a lot of enforcement along the border
with these countries and it is not easy to observe open sale of illegal wildlife products in
the markets on China side,” explains Zhang.
“But all these neighboring countries deal
with a much weaker law enforcement situation [lack of staff, equipment, and knowledge] and even corruption.” Both Traffic and
Dr. Zhang’s work involve improving capacity
for enforcement by training customs officers
on species identification, smuggling methods
and conducting inspections.
However, many smugglers never even
have to sweat it through customs. The long
The many faces of wildlife smuggling
Tiger and leopard skin, Tibetan antelope wool,
crocodile skin, otter and marten skins are usually
found in border markets and ports. All are protected
species ranging from vulnerable to critically
endangered. Carved ivory items and antelope skulls
can also be found for sale in markets, gift shops and
art galleries. An investigation by National Geographic
found religious items (like statues of Buddha or
Jesus) to be a predominant force in the market. The
illegal ivory trade has doubled since 2007 and is
at the highest level in two decades – and African
elephant populations at their lowest. Ivory sells for
USD1,000/pound in Beijing.
Everything from snakes and crocodiles to at-risk marine turtles can be found live in open markets, while
underground markets exist for those who want to eat
exotic delicacies like monkey, pangolin or bear. In a
survey conducted by Dr. Li, more than 50 percent of
participants who admitted to eating exotic animals
said the reason was that they “tasted delicious.”
In March of this year, an underground tiger-eating
cover story _ 60 /
dinner club was discovered in Leizhou, Guangdong,
when grisly pictures were posted on social media.
Tranquilized tigers, believed to be from Vietnam,
were delivered to the nouveau riche club members,
who watched as the tigers were electrocuted, butchered and served. Topping the most wanted on the
menu, though, is the pangolin. A recent bust last
month in Guangdong uncovered more than 1,000
frozen pangolins en route to dinner tables.
Tiger bone, bear bile, rhino horn, pangolin scales…
the tonic power of certain creatures has been a part
of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Zhang
Sheng, Campaign Program Manager at TRAFFIC
China, hopes that these long-held views are changing, saying that demand for wild animal parts and
products have been declining since 1993, when the
government banned the use of tiger bones and rhino
horn in TCM. “Most tiger bone/rhino horn-related
TCM products that you can see in an open market are
fake,” says Zhang. “TRAFFIC China has been working
with the TCM field since 2001, urging the practitioners not to prescribe TCM that contains ingredients
from endangered wildlife.” However numbers are still
startling: 480 black rhinos, a species on the verge of
extinction, were killed last year. In China, one pound
sells for USD30,000.
Zheng says that there is an increasing demand for exotic pets in China, from brightly-plumaged parrots to
more dangerous animals, such as pythons and crocodiles. Particular concern has been raised for the rare
box turtle, whose shells were previously coveted for
fortune-telling. Breeders sell them on Taobao for
RMB1,000-2,000 each and the government has had
to step up penalties for those who deliver using postal services. While the sentiment behind owning an
unusual pet may be harmless, risks for both animal
and humans aren’t. Out of their natural habitats, it’s
easy for foreign creatures to become ill. Because they
arrive through clandestine channels, they go through
no health check or quarantine and often receive poor
care. Aside from obvious dangers such as snake or
spider bites, animals can also transmit illness: turtles
transmit salmonella, for example and monkeys often
harbor herpes B.
shared borders mean trade can occur without even risking interactions with enforcement agencies. In a 2013 paper for Wildlife
Conservation Society, Scott Roberton did
hundreds of hours of surveys over three
months, focusing on the trade of all products
along the Ka Long River in Mong Cai City,
“The cargo that gets unloaded into rickety boats on the Vietnam side of the Ka Long
River includes wild tigers, elephant tusks,
pangolins, rhino horns and wild turtles,” reports Roberton. “These threatened species,
many still tenuously alive, don’t have far to
float – just ten meters across the river and
into China.” His analysis found that “over 90
species, many
still tenuously
alive, don’t
have far to
float—just ten
meters across
the river and
into China
percent of all products (both legal and illegal) traded in Mong Cai between Vietnam
and China are passing through illegal crossings.”
With low-risk routes like Mong Cai, high
profits and weak penalties, it is no wonder
wildlife smuggling is an attractive endeavor
to people from all walks of life. As IFAW’s
President Azzedine Downes notes, profits
“have surged to levels once reserved for
legally traded precious metals.” Revenue in
illegal wildlife trade now matches profits
from drugs and arms trade – and many are
positing that wildlife trade should be acknowledged as an increasing threat to global
The decimation of species is the obvious
concern, but the connection to security is not
as readily apparent. Smuggling animals has
become a more “structured and well organized crime in recent years,” says Zhang. Many
links are required from animal source to consumer, since “it is usually impossible for
one single person to complete all these
processes. International organized
crime groups have been involved
in this crime to make money,
even terrorist groups to
support their terrorism
Governments and
agencies around the world are seeing the effects of global crime syndicates
lubricating the mechanisms of smuggling at
all levels. Militias and warlords in Africa arm
poachers and use profits from selling illegal
ivory to fund terrorist acts.
The entanglement easily overlaps with
other illegal trade operated by organized
crime. “Wildlife is being increasingly used
to import drugs,” reports INTERPOL. With
the same routes and methods being used,
animal trafficking can obfuscate drug crimes
and weak and inconsistent penalties mean
lower risks. Geographically it’s not difficult
to see how the two crimes became intertwined. Heroin is processed in Southeast
Asia’s “Golden Triangle,” and cocaine in the
Amazon – both areas rich with rare and exotic species.
The IFAW argues that addressing wildlife
issues will improve economic security in unstable, developing countries and even public
health. Smuggling cases are believed to be
ground zero for some new health threats
in recent years – a civet cat being smuggled
in China has been identified as the likely
animal-human transmission point which
birthed SARS in Guangzhou.
China’s appetite for animals and wildlife
products is not an isolated threat to conservation, but one part of the shadowy black
market trading that crosses real and invisible borders worldwide. In order to begin to
shrink the role wildlife trade plays in organized crimes, the IFAW urges it be elevated
to the same level of crimes such as drug
and human trafficking in the hopes that this
gives rise to a global coordinating prevention
The Cobra II bust this February demonstrated the need for an international approach. The operation was led by China and
had participation from 28 countries. The global crackdown netted more than 3 tonnes of
ivory, 1000 hides, 36 rhino horns and many
other wildlife products.
While enforcement is strengthening
around the world, “no single approach can
decrease wildlife trafficking,” says Zhang.
As long as demand exists, suppliers will try
to meet it. As the Chinese fuel consumption, “increasing public awareness about
this issue and changing consumer behavior”
is going to be a crucial step for the Middle
Jin Kai may be perky and adorable, but
that’s not her only job. She spends her
work day trotting through terminals at
Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, sniffing luggage, postal packages and passengers
on the trail of wildlife contraband.
The 18-month-old Labrador retriever graduated with two others
after receiving five months of training last year in co-operation with
WWF, TRAFFIC and China Customs
Anti-Smuggling Bureau. Deployed to
Guangzhou, Jin Kai became the first
ever canine to patrol the frontlines of illegal wildlife smuggling in China.
Many dogs can be trained to detect
drugs, food, tobacco or other commonly smuggled items, but it takes an
especially focused and intelligent one
to pick up on the less-obvious odors of
animal products.
Jin Kai made her first bust in March,
when she reacted to in-bound baggage
that was searched and found to contain
13 ivory bracelets. The subsequent
response by another passenger led to
further discovery of ivory necklaces,
pangolin scales and other banned items
in his suitcase.
It was the first seizure by a detection dog for China Customs and positive
proof of the role canines can play in the
war on illegal wildlife trafficking. And
no treats are necessary: when Jin Kai
successfully roots out contraband, the
reward she has been groomed to seek
from her trainer is a playful round of
tug-of-war with a towel. / cover story _ 61
Getting Creative
BY Gary Maidment
hina’s insatiable
desire for gadgets,
high import tax on
electronic goods
and the porous ShenzhenHong Kong border combine to
generate creative border smuggling methods, high quantities
and values of items and some
impressive busts.
In 2011, around 100,000
smuggled units were seized; in
2012, 68 smugglers were detained in an e-goods bust valued
at RMB500 million and 14 arrests
were made in a separate case involving 60,204 cameras and myriad
accessories worth USD63.5 million; in 2013, 504 separate cases of
smuggling had been uncovered by
In a creative leap from the usual
transport mode of trucks and ships,
recent years have seen bursts of
smuggling ingenuity: 2012 witnessed one elderly woman caught
hiding three iPhones in each of 76
taped-together beer bottles.
Then, in 2013, e-smugglers began imbuing their escapades with a touch of heist
movie style. According to Mo Shu, a senior
official with Guangdong’s Frontier Defense
Corps, “We found that smugglers really like
to use underground passages and sky ropes
to smuggle such goods.”
Smuggling of electronic products and
materials flows as three basic tributaries:
consumer goods such as smartphones and
tablets; electronic waste products; and materials and rare earth elements (REE) such as
cerium and dysprosium, which are used to
manufacture electronic devices.
Despite China halving its import tax on egoods from 20 percent to 10 percent in 2011,
Hong Kong remains the cheaper option, and
is therefore an attractive target for smugglers – the SAR is a free port with independent and generous taxes and tariffs.
In 2013, border patrol authorities
swooped in with four busts involving underground passages, enabling them to liberate
more than 500 smartphones, 140 iPads
cover story _ 62 /
and 400 hard drives. At the end
of the year, Shenzhen authorities found
an unfinished tunnel connecting a garage in
Ganglianyi village, Shenzhen to Hong Kong.
Around 40 meters long, 80 cm wide and 1
meter high, the passage was designed to
smuggle e-goods; however, no direct arrests
were made – and the renter of the property
had used a fake ID.
Underground ingenuity is matched above
ground. Given that just 30 meters separates
some high-rise buildings in Shenzhen and
Hong Kong, “Smugglers can easily put ropes
Smugglers can
easily put
ropes and
pulleys on
such buildings…
and accomplish
smuggling in
five minutes
and pulleys on such buildings… and accomplish smuggling in five minutes,” says Mo.
Indeed, last December, border patrol officers
busted smugglers who had transported more
than 200 smartphones from Hong Kong to
Shenzhen using ropes and pulleys.
More sinister, though, are Chinese media
reports in April 2014 stating that the 15,000
or so schoolchildren making the border trip
each day are being targeted by smugglers,
with some tricked or coerced into transport-
ing e-goods. At this stage, it’s unclear how
authorities are planning to deal with it.
Some of the goods smuggled in from
Hong Kong – and also from across the globe
– include secondhand phones and electronic
waste, 95 percent of which is recyclable,
profitable and thus a breeding ground for a
thriving blackmarket. The e-waste market is
worth an estimated USD3.75 billion per year,
with an estimated 8 million tons smuggled
into the Chinese Mainland annually.
Processing e-waste improperly without
following safety procedures can be environmentally disastrous when toxic chemicals
are discharged into groundwater, poisoning
wildlife and contributing to China’s cancer
However, progress has been made in
e-waste busts in 2014. So far, more than
72,000 tons of waste materials have been uncovered in shipping containers from Japan,
Europe and North America, and gang arrests
have been made.
The final strand in the e-product smuggling web involves rare earth elements
(REE), which are smuggled out of China for
use in electronic devices. Although China
dominates world supply at 90 percent of all
REE, over the last few years its exports have
been significantly under quota.
Although this keeps prices high, which is
good for suppliers, smugglers are making up
the shortfall – according to authorities, this
amounts to an estimated 40,000 tons of REE
per year. As smuggling obscures true market
conditions, a supply glut created by smugglers depresses prices and destabilizes the
REE and related sectors.
Smuggling electronic consumer goods
into China and REE out of China causes
market instability, which if left unchecked
will become increasingly serious given the
globe’s voracious appetite for e-products.
In turn, smuggling e-waste into China for
processing on top of legal waste is extremely
damaging for an already precarious environment.
Nevertheless, growing attention and
action by the General Administration of
Customs and other authorities has made
smuggling a risky occupation, even for the
creative criminal.
Solid Waste
One man’s trash is another’s
BY Will Wu
ith an annual output reaching 220
million tons, China is the world’s
second largest solid waste producer after the United States. And
as if dealing with this daunting volume of
trash is not headache enough, China is also
destination for a huge volume smuggled in
from around the globe.
China actually legally imports 50 million
tons of solid waste annually, in order to recycle it for new materials or generate energy.
But products that cannot be used as raw
materials and pose serious risk to the environment are banned by Chinese laws.
Such low-value and even toxic solid
waste is highly profitable; businesses
in other countries will pay big money
to have someone take out their garbage – it’s often cheaper to ship it illegally than dispose of it locally within
the law.
China Customs states the majority
of the smuggled solid waste in China
originates from developed countries, such as the US, and
those running out of
space, like Japan and
the Netherlands.
Transported by
sea, items usually enter the
Middle Kingdom
through Shanghai
Dadong Port in Shenyang city, Beilun River
on the China-Vietnam border, Minhou county
in Fujian province and Jieshi village in
Guangdong province.
In 2011 alone, China’s customs authorities uncovered 1,121 cases of illegal solid
waste imports involving 10,400 tons of metal, 16,000 tons of plastics and 250,500 tons
of other waste. Just last February, Customs
Officers in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province
sent 4,931 tons of solid waste back to the
Commonly known as Yang Laji (洋垃圾,
foreign garbage), the products most attractive to smugglers are plastic waste, discarded
garments, used tires and end-of-life electronic products. After being overhauled and
renovated, they are sold into the market at
the same price as other non-recycled goods.
After all is said and done, the price of the
solid waste can range from USD100/ton to as
much as USD10,000/ton, depending on type
and quality. But in order to maximize
the margin, illegal traders adopt low
processing standards, which leave little
or no guarantee with regards health
Starting February 2013, China
implemented Operation Green
Fence to tighten supervision and
regulation on solid waste importation and smuggling. This 10-month
initiative shows the country’s
zero tolerance for banned
solid waste items and
dedication to keeping trash out. At the
end of 2013, China
Customs busted 47
solid waste smuggling cases, driving 9.26 tons of
banned solid waste out of the country.
However, while profits still prove irresistible
to entrepreneurial smugglers the world over,
that trash will keep piling up. / cover story _ 63
The rise of meth
Speaking of tweaking…
BY S.E. Smith and Monica Liau
n January 3, 2014, Chinese law
enforcement conducted an extensive sting operation, seizing 2,925
kilograms of methamphetamine,
260 kilograms of ketamine powder and
more than 23 tons of raw materials used for
drug production in Guangdong’s Lufeng city.
The 182 people eventually taken into police
custody were found to be part of 18 major
drug gangs. One was even a former local
Communist Party chief and village head.
Commenting on the drug raid at a
press conference later that month, Deputy
Director-General of Guangdong Provincial
Department of Public Security, Guo Shaobo
revealed a startling statistic: more than onethird of the country’s total methamphetamine over the past three years came from
Lufeng. But this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Methamphetamines are currently China’s
fastest growing drug problem. While still
playing second to heroin, the number of
domestic registered meth addicts increased
by 44 percent in 2012. Why has the “bing”
bus set up a station in the Middle Kingdom?
Quite simply, looking at logistics of moving other popular recreational drugs, meth
makes sense.
Heroin takes a long, arduous journey
to reach consumers. In the southeast, it
pours across the massive 2,000-kilometer
Myanmar border into southern China,
through Yunnan or Guangxi, before moving on to south-eastern coastal areas like
Guangdong or Fujian – where it often makes
its way to international customers.
As Chinese authorities clamp down, traffickers have been forced to use fishing trawlers to move their junk. They are also taking
advantage of expanding port facilities in
cities, such as Qingdao, Shanghai and Tianjin,
cover story _ 64 /
to ship heroin via maritime routes. In the
northwest regions of the country, Chinese
authorities have stated that Afghan heroin
represents as much as 20 percent of the heroin entering northwest Xinjiang. However,
the fact is that – thanks to increased security
measures and, we assume, taste – heroin
is dropping in popularity: the number of
registered addicts has shrunk more than 13
percent over the past six years.
Geographically, crystal meth suits China’s
home-grown drug operations since it is a
large country pocked with open spaces ideal
for cooking a smelly, noxious, explosive brew
– aside from Guangdong Province, most production labs seized are clustered in Sichuan,
Henan, Hunan and Hubei. According to a
2011 report by the United Nations Office of
Drugs and Crime (UNODC), China is also a
breeding ground for meth because ephedra
grows domestically in great quantities. The
herbal plant is the basis for ephedrine, which
is used in TCM practices to cure colds and is
a major chemical building block for ice and
other amphetamines.
It is in these rural spaces where meth
consumption is also most rampant: it’s cheap
and offers a lot of bang for your buck. Truck
drivers take it to stay awake on long-distance
runs. Blue-collar or factory workers take it
so they can work more hours and to alleviate
the tedium of mechanical drudgery. The drug
is also starting to penetrate urban areas as
a party and sex accompaniment: it induces
euphoria, and heightens sexual arousal and
Currently, around 23 percent of all registered drug addicts are hooked on meth (up
9 percent since 2008), with more than 70
percent of users clocking in under the age of
35. The UNODC estimates that, in total, there
are about two million people in China using
crystal meth on a semi-regular or regular
basis and synthetic drugs were the choice of
more than 69 percent of all of China’s new
drug users in 2012. This is a huge, tempting
market and illicit cooking domestically is not
likely to slow down – nor will supplies coming across the porous borders of Myanmar
and North Korea.
In 2012…
There were
45.1 tons of drugs were confiscated
drug addicts
7.3 tons were heroin
4.7 tons of ketamine
16.2 tons of meth and
meth-like drugs
4.2 tons of marijuana
122,000 drug cases were cracked,
resulting in 133,000 arrests, an
increase of 19.8 percent and 18.1
percent respectively when
compared to 2011
drug addicts
abused heroin,
accounting for
60.6 percent of
the total
3/4 of
drug users
under the
age of 35
addicts were
sent to
China cracked
manufacturing cases, an
increase of 10.9 percent
since 2011
*From the most recent report (2012) by the China’s National
Narcotics Control Commission
sites were
across 22
The cities
of Shanwei
and Huizhou
in Guangdong
Province plus
Chengdu and the
area in Sichuan
possessed the
major market
share of meth and
in Yunnan
seized 5.37
metric tons
of heroin
- 73 percent
of the total
nationwide - and
8.95 tons of
methamphetamine 55 percent of the
nationwide total,
smuggled over
the border with
*reported by China Daily / cover story _ 65
The gift of life...
at a price
The resurgence of organ trafficking
BY Lena Gidwani
rgan donors are scarce.
Waiting lists are long.
And life is short – especially if you need
a new kidney or liver. In China,
this scarcity is particularly acute,
as it has the second highest
demand for organ transplants
in the world after the United
States. However, statistics from
the China National Health and
Family Planning Commission
show that three percent – a mere
10,000 patients – from an official wait list of about 300,000
ultimately receive a legally-approved, life-saving transplant.
In 2007, the commercial
trading of organs from living donors was banned on the Mainland.
However, reliance on organ donors
is difficult due to cultural taboos;
a traditional Confucian belief that
bodies should be cremated or buried
intact in order to be reincarnated
whole. The loophole until now? No
one ever said those on death row
couldn’t voluntarily give up their organs.
Since 1984, the systematic harvesting of organs from incarcerated inmates
facing execution in Chinese prisons has
provided a significant supply of livers,
kidneys, hearts, lungs and corneas – almost
two-thirds in 2012. However, in the past
two years, death sentences have dropped
to about 4,000 from the tens of thousands
condemned in the early 90s. Bowing to
growing international pressure and concerns
about possible ethical abuses arising from
coerced consent and corruption, the Central
Government now condemns the penal practice.
There is currently no sanctioned date
on the ban or an actual policy that regulates
distribution from this questionable source.
Nevertheless, the drop in numbers of death
row inmates has helped drive a massive
gap between demand and supply in organs,
spurring an illegal resurgence in the lucrative transplant trade – especially since it was
cover story _ 66 /
– back alley renegade doctors and, of course, willing
domestic and international
buyers ready to bypass long official
queues and pay any amount for a new
lease of life.
So, how does one go about buying an illicit organ? It’s a bit more complicated than
walking to a shady part of town and haggling
with a guy – “watch, bag, DVDs” – carrying
kidneys in his trench coat. Trafficking occurs in three broad categories. Firstly, there
are cases where traffickers force or deceive
victims into giving up an organ. In these situations, victims are often young, ignorant and
under duress.
There are also instances where targets
One 17-year old
sold his kidney
for USD3,500
just so he
could buy an
iPad and iPhone
discovered that a kidney from a living donor
will keep a patient alive twice as long as a
kidney taken from a cadaver.
Those who are wealthy and truly desperate now turn to a shadowy, for-profit
underground marketplace for a quick, albeit illicit solution. Just like in Vietnam, the
Philippines, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan,
China’s booming organ black market is a cat
and mouse game involving coordinated trafficking rings, corrupt intermediaries, huge
profits – ranging from RMB50,000-350,000
agree to sell an organ to an illegal broker
and are cheated; not being paid for the organ
or paid less than the promised price. The
Internet is a sophisticated hotbed for such
middlemen who, using fake identities, often
insist that they are merely helping people.
From unpublicized bulletins boards to highvolume forums, these brokers spend countless hours trawling sites for supply from
some of China’s cash-desperate and less educated, as well as for cash-ready buyers.
In 2012, 17-year-old Anhui-born Wang
prowled Internet chat rooms to peddle his
kidney. His asking price? Chump change of
USD3,500, just so he could buy an iPad and
iPhone. Wang now suffers from renal failure.
The five conspirators behind the deal have
been charged after selling off their booty for
USD32,000, almost ten times what they paid.
According to regulations post 2007,
the acceptance of live organ donors must
be a spouse, lineal blood relative or have
Organ Buyers
tend to be
textbook cases:
first world
citizens, rich,
frantic and
willing to keep
a secret
collateral consanguinity. Brokers find ways
around this by forging proofs of identity and
documents. Once donors are identified, they
are kept in secret confinement until the purchase is approved. In most cases, payment is
less than quoted or even non-existent.
Buyers tend to be textbook cases: first
world citizens, rich, frantic and willing to
keep a secret. The Saudi Center for Organ
Transplants reported that 220 Saudis bought
organs from China, Pakistan and Egypt in
2013. The source? It’s a “don’t ask, don’t tell”
policy, says the Center, who believes that
most illicit operations took place in China.
Thirdly, vulnerable people are treated
for an ailment, which may or may not exist,
and thereupon organs are removed without
the victim’s knowledge. Direct organ theft
represents only a small portion of global trafficking and, to date, hasn’t had widespread
documentation in China.
Even though trafficking is on the rise,
crackdowns are up too. In 2010 in Beijing, 16
people – including medical experts – were
charged with crimes relating to the removal
of 51 kidneys, earning them a cool RMB10
million. The gang ran their operations out
of a four-story house and paid their suppliers, mostly young and poor men, approximately RMB25,000. They then proceeded
to sell the organs to unspecified buyers for
RMB200,000 each.
In another effort to help reduce demand
for illegal organs and to bypass corruption in
the donation system, the Red Cross Society
of China launched a website on March 19
this year providing information on organ
donations and allowing people to register.
The original program, active since 2010, has
to date seen a total of 1,611 people donating
their organs for the treatment of 4,382 patients – but there are questions as to efficacy
and efficiency.
The Red Cross Society hopes this new
online registry system will help increase
public awareness and provide computerized
allocation procedures for faster, fairer and
more transparent organ distribution. With
any luck, the system will also help cut the
burgeoning black market trade.
By Andrew Chin
ast year, the US State
Department downgraded
China to Tier 3 status in their
Trafficking in Persons Report.
The Mainland joins Russia, North Korea
and Saudi Arabia at this rank, opening
themselves up for potential sanctions.
However, it’s more of a technicality as the
Mainland had already used its two-year
waiver to comply by the standards set up
by the United Nations.
In response, the government released a new eight-year national plan of
action including “measures to improve
interagency cooperation, improve victim
protection and reaffirm the importance of
international cooperation.” Here are some
facts about this depressing reality.
In the past two years, 13,000 abducted
children and 23,000 women were rescued.
More than 80,000 suspects from 10,000
alleged human trafficking organized crime
groups were placed in detention.
Suspects were arrested in September 2013, in which
92 children and two women were saved
Burmese victims enslaved in Guangdong-based metal
and paper factories were rescued in December 2012,
with five offenders arrested. Earlier that year, Chinese
cops raided a brothel posing as a beauty parlor in
Dongxing City and rescued 11 Vietnamese girls that
had been abducted and forced into prostitution.
Chinese nationals suspected of human trafficking
were sent home from Angola. Similar instances of
cross-government cooperation have been reported
in the Philippines, Colombia, Uganda and the United
*Ministry of Public
The number of babies rescued in a high
profile bust led by the Chinese Public
Security Ministry last February.
After a year of tracking, four
groups that posed as an adoption agency, 1,094 people were
The number of judges who attended a 2012 antitrafficking seminar in Yunnan province in an effort to
increase awareness of how to deal justice for foreign
and domestic trafficked persons.
The amount a boy baby sells for in China, according
to Havocscope. A girl is USD7,800. Women shipped
in from Vietnam are purchased as wives for around
USD5,700. / cover story _ 67
Six of the best… dips
Shanghai is heating up this
month with a series of cool
openings worth checking out.
Gaia:2 on the top floor of the
IAPM Mall is opened up, and
they sport some seriously killer
views along with smart Italian
fare. Pizza Express (formerly
Pizza Marzano) has opened
up their ninth branch in Novel
Plaza and are celebrating by
offering buy-one-get-one deals
from 4-8pm. Black Pepper, by
the geniuses behind the Turkish
cuisine at Pasha’s and Garlic,
is also set to open, offering set
tasting menus of more than 20
courses for around RMB240,
which sounds awesome to us.
Truffled beans
Baked hummus
Smoother and creamier than
your average garbanzo affair,
these addictive white beans enjoy a funky infusion of truffle oil.
// RMB65. Burdigala, 550 Wuding Lu, by
Shaanxi Bei Lu 武定路550号, 近陕西北路
(6217 0377)
A brilliant Turkish concoction called Kuzu Tandirli gives
crushed chickpeas sexy heat,
topped with tender tendrils of
roasted lamb.
// RMB78. Garlic, 698 Yongjia Lu, by Anting Lu
永嘉路698号, 近安亭路 (5424 3332)
Dive into a vibrant mix of broccoli, red chili, spring onion,
olive oil and tofu for decadent
dipping. Health never tasted so
Black bean chili
Northern exposure
A perfect summer snack chock
full of roasted pork, earthy black
beans and fiery spice. Pair with
lots of tortilla chips.
For local flavor, try the Dongbei
specialty of cucumber spears
with zhanjiang – fermented soybean paste dashed with wine.
If it’s hard to choose just one,
go for the organic, vegetarian
mix of hummus, baba ghanoush,
falafel, pita bread and more.
There are also interesting things
brewing in mall basements
across town. EQ Foods opened
softly last month in Superbrand
Mall, which will be a great addition for Lujiazui lunch and
dinner goers. The name stands
for equilibrium and it looks
like a happy European–style
eatery that sources local products and creates simple, fresh
Western fare. Hong Kong company City’super is also making
waves with a massive outlet
just opened in the bottom of
the IAPM mall – the biggest in
Shanghai. They’ve also launched
a new concept in Times Square
called Fusion Deli that is less a
grocery store and more focused
on creative Cantonese dishes.
Also, a big happy birthday is
in order for The Apartment,
which is celebrating four solid
years on the party scene. They’re
launching a solid three days
of events starting June 12 (see
p83 for more). The Peninsula
is also throwing a bash for their
five years in Shanghai. They’re
going really big. Think a full five
months of revelry: parties, beverage deals, spa treats and more,
culminating in a free doubledecker bus tour around the city
in October! Stay tuned for more
ways you can party with them
in style.
June 2014 /
// RMB65. Mayita, 6/F, 98 Shouning Lu, by
Xizang Nan Lu 寿宁路98号6楼, 近西藏南路
(6334 3288)
// RMB12. Ha’erbin Liji Jiaozi, 645 Jianguo Xi
Lu, by Gao’an Lu 建国西路645号, 近高安路
(6437 1782)
// RMB15. Pure and Whole, 98 Yanping Lu, by
Xinzha Lu 延平路98号, 近新闸路 (5175 9822)
// RMB84. Organic Kitchen, 57 Fuxing Xi Lu, by
Yongfu Lu 复兴西路57号, 近永福路 (6418
Jiro dreams of murder
What does one do after scoring a spot at the exclusive Sukiyabashi Jiro Roppongi,
a gourmet Mecca owned by the youngest son of Japan’s legendary sushi
master Jiro – star of luscious documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi? Snub
‘em – that’s what Lin Chuhan figured. Last month, the Chinese student
(currently studying abroad) complained on Weibo about her experience at the two-Michelin-star restaurant. The problem? The sushi had
raw fish. And no one would cook it. Or pack it in a doggy bag… Also,
the party of five was 40 minutes late for their reservation, so they had to wait.
Did a thousand foodie hearts just break?
When the post went viral, Lin found herself on the receiving end of hundreds of scathing remarks about
her ignorance and poor behavior. Supposedly chastened, the vagrant returned to apologize. However,
some think this sushi philistine is a liar. Who really goes to Roppongi – where reservations must be made
months in advance and there is only one menu costing upwards of USD200 – without knowing about nigiri? Something sounds fishy to us…
Edited by Monica Liau & Tongfei Zhang /
Positive steeps
This summer, the Westin takes an innovative approach to the leafier of life’s pleasures
by launching a series of summer dishes
developed around the finest teas in the nation. Fragrant Dahongpao (a revered type of
Oolong tea) is sauteed with juicy hunks of
wagyu beef (RMB318), the meat’s assertive
nature pairing well with Oolong’s musky
depth. Silky pan-fried cod is cut by the famous green tea Tieguanyin (RMB288), while
delicate, nutritious Anji white tea is found in
a refined version of fried rice with diced scallop (RMB78). Each dish
comes paired with its respective tea. Available until August. TFZ
// Crystal Garden, 5/F, The Westin Bund Center Shanghai, 88 Henan Zhong Lu, by Yan’an Dong Lu
河南中路88号上海威斯汀大饭店五楼, 近延安东路 (6335 1888)
We have a pair of tea dish set-menu vouchers to give away. Send an
email to with subject "indulge" by June 20
telling us which Chinese tea you like best and why.
The max number of years behind bars restaurant-goers now face
when ordering a round of roasted pangolin. In an effort to take a bite
out of crime, the National People’s Congress amended the National
Wildlife Protection Law last month to include eating from a list of 420
animals – including Siberian tigers, rhinos and Asian black bears – as
a form of trade, and therefore prosecutable. Jail: it’s not just for traffickers anymore.
the British cheese industry
is like us attacking the
Chinese noodle industry.”
British MP Andrew Percy camembert the news that the Middle
Kingdom is cutting their cheese. He may be within his rights to go
a little emmental; according to reports Chinese inspectors decided
the cheddar didn’t pass muster after auditing a single dairy during
an unofficial visit. That the unnamed facility does not export did
not seem to matter. While the Mainland market represents less
than one percent of total exports outside the EU, all the stilton and
Wensleydale still adds up to 11,000 kg annually. Adding insult to
injury, Irish cheese fared feta, finding it a bries to pass.
In season
Fava beans
Foraging abroad
Epicureans at the ready! At the end of June, online booking opens
for what will be one of Asia’s most exclusive dinners of 2015. You
may have to fight tooth and nail for a seat. Danish culinary savant
Rene Redzepi is rolling into Tokyo with the entire staff of Noma, his
two-Michelin-starred restaurant. The man has a rabid pack of foodie
groupies who salivate over his every move. Voted
world’s best at the San Pellegrino Awards four of the
past five years, Redzepi shot to stardom creating
high minded cuisine from unlikely Nordic ingredients: think moss scrapped off rocks, cabbage and
ants. Starting January 9, he will serve lunch and
dinner for two weeks at the Mandarin Oriental,
Tokyo – after spending the previous six foraging
around Japan. Arguably, good ingredients are
less scarce on the island nation. Price of entry?
Only guest booking overnight packages get
one of the 50 seats at dinner for USD1,472.
Lunch is a cool USD384.
// Bookings begin June 23. Accommodation packages should
be booked at For lunch,
Dubbed ‘fruit health care’ because they pack in a potent cocktail of vitamin C, antioxidants,
anthocyanins and iron, the
delicate, tart berries (sangshen,
桑葚) are thought to help fight
cancer, aging and diabetes. The
fragile fruits are cultivated in
Yunnan, Fujian and Xinjiang.
Select fleshy, dark purple ones.
Handle with care, they stain
everything purple. Average
price: RMB10-15/jin.
Boasting calcium and protein,
these delicious beans (candou,
蚕豆) are the epitome of spring.
Favas are usually served in
China as a cold starter, stir-fried
or boiled with star anise (and
not, surprisingly, with human
liver and a nice Chianti…) The
best hail from Sichuan, Yunnan
and Jiangsu. Choose heavy, green
pods without spots. Average
price: RMB1/jin. / June 2014
EAT/DRINK « new restaurant
Taking no prisoners
By Monica Liau, photos by Joshua tinter
t is a rare feat when hummus, that pragmatic standby, gets our hearts a’flutter
like a schoolgirl. Who knew this hearty
legume had such capability for nutty softness? That it could purr with silky, resonant
timbre? Cast with diaphanous curls of baby
fennel and octopus slices tender enough to
melt in a subtle whiff of sea, it becomes part
of a dish both carefully considered and wryly
Ling Huang, working from her new tapas
spot La Pirata, is the woman to thank for this
salad creation (RMB68). Bound by white balsamic vinegar and baby chickpeas chuckling
with cumin, it is just one example of her refreshingly global take on Spanish cuisine.
The 35-year-old Taiwan native is probably best known for heading up Willy
Moreno’s Elefante. Pirata is her more personal project, where she maintains that sense of
Mr. Moreno fun while adding her own voluptuous, continental cool. Warm sardines with
onion and soya (RMB85)? We’re in! Baby
potato skins (RMB55)? Yes, please.
Located just around the corner from
Huang’s old stomping grounds, La Pirata is
bright and tight, catering to late night crowds
craving good food, wine and conversation.
Nestling diners close together amongst
a handful of tables, one imagines secrets
making their way around the jaunty, wood-
June 2014 /
Sriracha chili sauce
takes on jammy
consistency and hits
the back of the palate
with a spicy thwack
slatted room like lightening.
Prime seating is at the curvy bar, reminiscent of a meeting place in both Spain and
Japan. From this perch, one can watch the
gratifying dance of Huang and her cohorts
as they assemble, slice, toast and roast their
way through your meal. Skewers of Chinese
leek are gently grilled over coals and lovingly
basted with Sriracha, the chili sauce taking
on jammy consistency and hitting the back
of the palate with a spicy thwack. Assertive
greens thus tamed, they are served shaokao
style with a tin of smoked clams (RMB48).
Together, discordant flavors of brine and
smoke, chili and sweetness and young oniony funk smooth into mellifluous accord.
There should be a glass of wine in hand
at all times. The short list – featuring whites,
reds and bubbly, plus a handful of beers
(RMB25-60) and a cocktail (RMB70) – has
been picked specifically for flexibility and
appeal. A glass of 2010 Bordeaux (RMB55) is
well armed, but easy drinking. Tempranillo
(RMB70) has more sharpness and attitude.
Both go swimmingly with a simple plate
of roasted vegetables with romesco sauce
(RMB70). Featuring silky eggplant rounds,
beans with charred tips and moreish mini
potatoes, the mellow group is roused from
vegetal slumber by vibrantly fiery roasted
pepper dip. An extraordinary plate of homemade chorizo (RMB85) is another wise
order, served in a hulking pile over brown
paper. It is just as sausage is meant to be:
oozing with juices, gamey and cut with a
perky ginger-spiked gremolata.
Following on the heels of Anna Bautista
– who wowed us last month at Coquille with
her updated French fare – it is a pleasure to
see yet another female chef taking the reins
and pushing boundaries. Akin to Bautista,
Huang mixes bold strokes of flavor with
subtle detail. Kingfish sashimi with crème
fraiche over a rice cracker tostada (RMB88).
Cheeky olives (RMB28) marinated in cumin
and oregano. Like those lusty travelers of
yore traversing the high seas, Pirata sails its
small vessel boldly into uncharted territory.
We are captivated by the journey.
// 136 Xinle Lu, by Xiangyang Nan Lu 新乐路136号, 近襄阳南
路 (5404 2327)
new restaurant » EAT/DRINK
Chelsea & Co.
Sounding English, Feeling French
By Tongfei Zhang
right and clean dining rooms, chic
and modern bar and lounge, classic
French food and funny easygoing
Dutch chef – these are the reasons we like
the new neighborhood Euro bistro Chelsea
& Co. Sitting on lush Yueyang Lu right next
to The Camel, this restaurant comprises
three distinct areas – a bar and lounge on the
ground floor and a bistro above that extends
out onto the rooftop patio.
Looking around, 12 original food-themed
paintings created by Finnish artist Petteri
Luoto seem to remind you of the admirable efforts and attention to detail that the
owners, Luc and Jessy Wang, have put into
this restaurant. They are working to create
a relaxed and comfortable experience that
caters to all.
Amsterdam native Edward
Borrenbergen, formerly of M on the Bund,
has taken over the kitchen, creating classical
European cookery with seasonal ingredients
he personally selects. Vichyssoise (RMB45),
a traditional summer soup, is given a modern
twist, the potato and leek potage made airy
with an infusion of lemon and homemade
buttermilk. Served cold and topped with purple pops of borage flowers, the foamy concoction is refreshing and beautiful to the eye.
An approachable main course menu
has quintessential bistro classics like slow
cooked pork belly (RMB165), tender lamb
shank (RMB165) and pan-roasted sea bass
(RMB168). Coq au vin blanc (RMB155) sees
appealing slow-cooked chicken marinated in
white wine before being stewed with celery,
carrots, onions and a strips of smoky bacon.
Smashed Irish Kerr potatoes, rarely found in
local markets, are served alongside: starchy,
creamy and the perfect match for the winey
Chocolate fudge cake (RMB55) puts
a nice ending to this gourmet journey.
Complemented by vanilla cherries and
chocolate ice cream, the multi-layered cake
is a rich blend of sweet and bitter, filled with
thick chocolate cream inside. The series of
European desserts is a true reminder of the
good casual times you spend in the sunshine.
// 1 Yueyang Lu, by Fenyang Lu 岳阳路1号, 近汾阳路 / June 2014
EAT/DRINK « new restaurant
Bistro 321
Le Bec
Successful landings
By Monica Liau, photos by Jamie Barys
he man has finally arrived. TwoMichelin-star chef Nicholas Le Bec
made waves the summer of 2012 after abruptly closing his lauded restaurant in
Lyon, announcing he was done with France
and boarding a flight to Shanghai. What
audacity! We awaited his Middle Kingdom
venture with bated breath. We waited… and
we waited…
There were false rumors he was opening
on the Bund. True rumors that a fire broke
out during renovations. And then… silence.
Finally, with little fanfare, Bistro 321 Le
Bec opened its doors in a stunning villa on
a quiet stretch of Xinhua Lu. Like his former
spot, Rue Le Bec – which was set up in a
renovated warehouse and composed of different elements – this bistro marks only the
first section of his project. Fine dining will be
served in the back wing of the complex later
this month. But for us, stage one is already a
fine addition to the scene.
We plan on coming back to this warm,
rustic space again and again for a glass of
wine from their creditable mostly French
list – glasses start around RMB50 – plus a
massive slice of torchon-style pigs head and
feet (RMB90). “Headcheese?” you ask incredulously. Ah, yes. Here, the traditional and
oft-maligned cold-cut is exquisite: nuggets of
silken meat suspended in a rich, porky gelatin. Slather it with punchy sauce, a pungent
press of fresh and preserved garlic plus kicky
ginger, and it becomes a hearty work of art
June 2014 /
Headcheese? Here
the oft-maligned
cold-cut is exquisite:
nuggets of silken
meat suspended in a
rich, porky gelatin
for the table to share.
Same goes for gamey duck pate
(RMB90). Served in softball-sized portions,
the rich, slightly metallic innards are masterfully studded with sweet pistachios and a
whiff of the forest by way of juniper. Tucked
into pretty glass jars, this fowl concoction
would be awesome picnic fare (take away
is an extra RMB30 as the containers come
straight from France). Cut the heaviness
with a perfect tomato salad (RMB60). It’s
rare when the tomatoes in China harbor all
the sweetness and depth of a sunny day, but
somehow Le Bec has found the right source.
He also strives to incorporate some of
the flavors of his new home (he is, after all,
married to a Shanghainese woman). In some
cases, it works fantastically. Softshell crabs
(RMB85) are dusted with five spice powder and fried so expertly, a Cantonese wok
master would be proud. The cushy creatures
have a resolute crunch that gives in to a
creamy, ocean center. However, a special of
the day that came highly recommended by
the waiter – lobster ravioli wrapped in the
shape of soup dumplings (RMB180) – spoke
more to gimmick than greatness: sweet crustacean flesh overwhelmed by a wad of dough
that revealed novice wrapping experience.
Technically speaking, the first floor of
this two-story space is the main dining room.
It is close and bubbles with cheer, all wood
tables, warm lighting and – if you have the
right perch – a view into the back kitchen.
Upstairs was originally just a wine bar and
has darker tones. Staff soon realized everyone wanted to eat, so the full menu is now
offered up here too.
Unfortunately, wine casks and wine box
chests act as tables. The rotund shape of the
former makes it impossible to fit your legs
comfortably underneath. The latter has loose
drawers that slide open on both sides. This
means every time you lean your hanging feet
against the table, a drawer shoots out and
hits the person across from you in the shins.
If you’re wearing a dress or tucking into a
meal, sit downstairs or in the spacious courtyard, dotted with fairy lights. That’s where
the magic of the kitchen and atmosphere
come together in heady accord.
// 321 Xinhua Lu, by Dingxi Lu 新华路321号,近定西路 (6241
new restaurant » EAT/DRINK
Chassis of a Lotus, motor of a Mini
BY Jamie Barys
aiter! There’s a car in my dining
The sleek, sexy Lotus Elise
roadster centerpiece in this ambitious 1,700
square meter space had us wondering if we
were in the promised “Modern Restaurant”
or a car dealership. Turns out, it’s mostly the
latter; Vespertine’s owners also operate the
biggest Aston Martin and Lotus dealership
in China. In their first foray into the world
of F&B, they prove themselves the culinary
equivalent of armchair enthusiasts.
No expense was spared on décor.
Chandeliers, dripping with pearls, hang
over tables adorned with substantial crystal
goblets. Confusing contemporary art dots
the landscape. Staff pointed us towards a giant installation of a Storm Trooper’s broken
heart and gleefully informed us of its capability to light up and emit smoke when plugged
in. Amongst all this, food seems an afterthought, and not one worth contemplating
for long... pacing moves faster than the F1.
All of our dishes arrived less than 10
minutes after ordering, a speed that boded
ill for execution. No risotto finished that fast
can be excellent, as their version (RMB118)
with arugula and truffle oil proved. The
boring rice had neither the bacon nor the
Valencia orange zest that the menu claimed,
to differentiate it from other run-of-the-mill
Arborio dishes. The golden egg yolk inside
a single giant ravioli (RMB58) arrived completely cold, as was its sweet brown butter
sauce. Dark brown filet mignon tartare
(RMB118) was a sure sign that the oxidized
meat was minced well before we ordered.
There is some promise in the menu,
designed by Chef Christopher Hora, whose
resume cites prestigious stints with
Wolfgang Puck and the US Pavilion of the
Expo. Salty charred flatbread (RMB60)
topped with sweet caramelized onion jam
and a sous vide runny egg exceeded expectations. But for the most part, dishes are as
confusing as the ambient trance bassline
thumping overhead. Just
try to explain
the globally confused
porchetta (RMB158), an spiral of meat
glazed with balsamic, set atop a minefield of
potato spaetzle and slathered in fiery chimichurri sauce.
The out-of-the-way location at Cool
Docks won’t help either, but perhaps things
will pick up once they open the clubby
Nimbus Lounge on the second floor. At least
the soundtrack will harmonize. And they
mentioned a plan to move the Storm Trooper
heart upstairs, where it can blow smoke
somewhere else.
// Cool Docks, Block 3, 505 Zhongshan Nan Lu, by Maojiayuan
Lu, 老码头,三号楼 ,中山南路505号, 近毛家园路 (6315 0325) / June 2014
EAT/DRINK « new restaurant
Liquid Laundry
Good, clean fun
By Monica Liau, photo by rachel gouk
ll hail Liquid Laundry, that new spot
by Kelley Lee capturing the hearts
and appetites of Shanghai’s slick
set. It’s got buzz. If it were a tumblr, it’d be
trending. If it were a house, it’d be on fire.
You may be getting to know the elevator of
this building – also leading up to Spicy Joint
and Element Fresh – very well in the coming
We should know too, having made no
less than five visits in two weeks, friend
after friend intent on finding out what everyone’s talking about. We have eaten our way
through the menu’s length – weighing our
arteries with pig face and pizza, silky duck
rilletes (RMB68) and indulgent duck nuggets
(RMB68). Firmly entrenched in the realm of
gastropub fare, Lee – of Boxing Cat Brewery,
Cantina Agave and Sproutworks – is working
alongside her main comfort-food man Sean
Jorgenson (also at Boxing Cat, formerly of
places like Maya and Avalon) to infuse substance into this stylish locale.
Everything is relentlessly homemade.
Those face bacon sandwiches (RMB68)?
They’re a lot of work. Buns baked in-house
are soft and yielding, packed with thin slices
of meat landing somewhere between the
texture of chewy jerky and chicharons. These
strips have been aged and dried, boiled and
tenderized over the span of days. The sand-
June 2014 /
Bone marrow tarts
spill unctuous
insides from a crisp
shell, perked up
with a tomato sauce
harboring barbecue
wiches arrive topped with kicky slaw and a
little pop of dill. They are highly addictive.
Oh, and they’re called the Hannibal Lecter
Special – cue the drums.
We gravitate towards smaller bites and
sharing plates, which go famously with creative cocktails from the bar (RMB75-80) like
a smoky old fashioned. Or with one of the
homebrews (RMB40), percolating in striking
stainless steel fermentation tanks (Boxing
Cat Brewer Michael Jordan has created some
beers exclusively for this venue). Rotisserie
chickens (RMB128/half, RMB218/whole),
rotating in the open kitchen, while juicy,
were over-salted on both occasions we dug
There are also pizzas with Napoli-thin
crusts from an eye-catching, custom-made
copper oven. Topped with luscious items
like pepperoni (RMB98) or (our personal
favorite) chorizo and a fried egg (RMB118),
the crusts are nicely blistered but nothing
to write home about. Bone marrow tarts
(RMB78), however, are. Served four to a
stainless steel pan, unctuous insides spill
from a crisp shell, perked up with a tomato
sauce harboring barbecue undertones.
At the moment, Liquid Laundry feels
electric, full of boisterous revelers engaged
every night in a constant dance of recognition. Bodies bounce around the room like
atoms, swooping in for guerilla cheek kisses
before inertia drives them onward. The huge,
polished space – all exposed pipes, concrete
walls and tongue-in-cheek signage (“your
clothes look better on my bedroom floor”)
– can fit 200 at any given time. If the buzz
dies down, we can imagine it being difficult
to keep this space full and rowdy. With their
prime locale and celebration of things fatty
and boozy, Liquid Laundry will remain likeable. They’ll just have to work at keeping
// 2/F, Kwah Center, 1028 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Donghu Lu 淮海
中路1028号2楼, 近东湖路 (6445 9589, 6051 0659)
new restaurant » EAT/DRINK
Cleaver take on the classics
By Monica Liau
here is something to be said for
straightforward, well-done food in a
city overrun with flash and bother.
At The Cut, one is encouraged to give in to
some of life’s most elemental cravings: good
steaks, an endless salad bar and a bottomless
supply of crispy, thin-cut fries.
Brought to us by Vol – behind markedly
more high-falutin venues like Bar Rouge,
Mr & Mrs Bund and the sensory explosion
that is Ultraviolet – the successful group has
pared their newest venue down dramatically. Centered on the everyman dish of steak
frites, the short menu features four cuts of
beef grilled a la minute for a flavorful crust
and satisfyingly bloody middle.
RMB218 gets you 180 grams of their
Canadian Prime, which proves tender, easy
eating. The three other offerings go up in
price from RMB258 for 280 buttery grams
of Qingdao grain fed to RMB558 for wagyu
Australian 400 days grain fed six score,
which means more marbling than you can
shake a stick at. The triplet of more expensive options comes served on a platter with
a choice of sauces, of which the black truffle
hollandaise is ridiculously good. Those skinny slivers of shattery potato also taste great
dipped into the creamy, funky sauce.
There is something
to be said for
straightforward, welldone food in a city
overrun with flash
and bother
As for that salad bar, one could (and can,
for RMB98 at dinner, RMB88 at lunch) make
a whole meal of it – though it comes gratis
with your meat. Beyond typical bowls of
roughage, you’ll find exciting combinations
with hearty ingredients. A bright, lemony
shaved carrot salad. Lentils and feta bound
by the carmine embrace of beets. Quinoa and
parsley slicked in good olive oil. A crisp Thai
chicken salad, exuberant with crispy cabbage
and perky dressing.
While the food speaks to retro
brasseries, Vol has by no means gone for a
rustic or old-fashioned interior. The main
dining room is open and bright, punctuated
by an explosion of colorful chairs and high
exposed ceilings. However, it’s the second
floor that will really draw the crowds. They
have a stunning space with floor to ceiling
windows and a spacious outdoor terrace,
sure to become prime territory when it
opens this summer. Sip from their extensive
wine collection and revel in life’s simple
//6/F, IAPM Mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Xiangyang Nan Lu 淮
海中路999号环贸广场6层606室, 近襄阳南路 (6443 5136) / June 2014
EAT/DRINK « new restaurant
Yun Hai Yao
Authenticity from an unexpected source
By Tongfei Zhang, photos by joshua tinter
ounded by four post-80s youngsters
in 2009, Yun Hai Yao made its name
in Beijing offering Yunnan cuisine at
affordable prices. After opening 14 branches
around the capital, this dynamic team decided to try their hand wooing us southern
brethren and chose Shanghai’s priciest territory to make its flagship debut – Xintiandi.
It was a bold move that, so far, seems
to be paying off. Since opening last month,
every night sees hungry lines of expectant diners waiting outside the restaurant
doors. Taking up the entire building opposite Simply Thai on the outside of the
main Xintiandi complex, this brick building
(formerly an overpriced hotpot restaurant)
has been transformed into an exotic palace,
with gorgeous flower-patterned lanterns
hailing from Laos hanging from the ceilings
and green plants growing luxuriantly by the
Part of the restaurant’s popularity
stems from the price points. Unlike many
of the surrounding F&B spots in this primo
location, diners at Yun Hai Yao can easily
get away with spending less than RMB70/
person for a full, well prepared meal (well
below the area average). Of course, specialties like rare Yunnan mushrooms (flown in
fresh daily) will cost upwards from RMB88
a dish. But there are plenty of other options
that are unique to the region and worthy of
Drawing from a broad range of influences due to its diverse minority population and
borders with Sichuan, Tibet and Southeast
June 2014 /
An aromatic soup of
Chinese wolfberries,
cordyceps flowers,
bamboo fungus and
tender chicken pieces
is a definite winner
Asia, Yunnan cuisine can be incredibly difficult and overwhelming for a kitchen. A
good litmus test for Yun Hai Yao is their
signature steamed pot chicken (RMB52).
Light and fragrant, each pot of savory soup
is stewed for six to eight hours with distilled
water to maintain a pure, original flavor.
Incorporating nutritious ingredients like
Chinese wolfberries, cordyceps flowers and
bamboo fungus as well as tender chicken
pieces, the aromatic pot of nourishing soup
is a definite winner.
Cold rice noodles (RMB39) may be
more suited to Shanghainese taste buds, the
generous mix of shredded beef, chicken, cucumber, carrots, leek topped with stir-fried
mushroom slices and a sweet, salty peanut
sauce. A good option for summer appetites.
Smashed potatoes (RMB9) on the other
hand, prove more rib-sticking fare. Offering
green onion and chili option, the smooth and
creamy spuds are filling and delicious, so approach with caution.
Grilled fish with lemongrass (RMB56) is
another tasty discovery, split in half and expertly cooked over coals with a layer of aromatics like lemongrass and chilies. Pair with
an order of Dai-style pineapple sticky rice
(RMB42), it’s one of the best, most traditional versions we’ve tried in town. Deliciously
chewy, the rice – served in a complete pineapple – is sweet and fragrant, able to double
as both main course and lovely-looking dessert. It also shows that, despite being a large
restaurant conglomerate taking up some of
the most expensive real estate in the city, Yun
Hai Yao doesn’t cut corners or rely on gimmicks. It shines on its own merit.
// No.1, Lane 123 Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu 兴业路1号123弄, 近
马当路 (5383 5300)
Le Petit
Fits the bill
BY Jamie Barys
hen O’Yakitori, a two-story izakaya serving grilled
Japanese dishes and creative cocktails, failed to find an audience the owners (also of Sushi’O) closed, rethought and
rebranded. It was an act of smart self-awareness. Now the first floor
is Le Petit Canard, an entry-level bistro with cheap French food and
even cheaper drinks, with L’Etage, a mojito bar, above.
Not much has changed when it comes to the raw metal and burnished wood décor – they’ve even repurposed the plates they used
to serve up skewers of chicken skin. But they did trade in some local
staff for a crew of young, friendly French waiters, a hipster generation
less inclined towards the surliness one sometimes finds at Shanghai’s
more upscale bistros. One look at the menu (or the clientele), and
you’ll see Le Petit Canard still caters to the same crowd of students,
interns and entry-level employees who go in for the affordable rolls
at Sushi’O.
Dinner fare is typical bistro classics, like duck confit (RMB70)
and croque monsieur (RMB45). Will a meal here blow your mind?
Probably not. But the prices are so reasonable, it would be bad form
to expect it to. And the occasional dish is pretty darn good, like rotisserie grilled chicken (RMB70/half, RMB130/whole). It’s everything
a roasted bird should be: comfort food in the form of juicy meat hidden beneath crispy skin, worth the extra 10 minutes it takes for the
kitchen to finish up the roasting process.
Perhaps they should have called the restaurant Le Petit Poulet,
as the “canard” didn’t fare nearly as well. Duck hachis parmentier
(RMB70) is France’s take on shepherd’s pie – layered mashed potatoes broiled brown over hunks of oily duck laced with chunks of pure
fat. Foie gras terrine (RMB75) came ringed in a bright yellow crust of
fat and was run through with unappealing, bright-red veins.
Excellent bread and a generous spread of cheese helped a camembert & lardons panini (RMB55) win major points, while rich
chocolate mousse sprinkled with sliced almonds and served in a massive tumbler is definitely worth far more than its RMB28 price tag.
The same cannot be said of the house plonk (RMB30). Splurge for a
bottle, which starts at RMB180, or do as the youthful regulars do and
pregame supper with six shots for RMB100.
// 167 Yanping Lu, by Wuding Lu 延平路167号, 近武定路 (6236 2619) / June 2014
EAT/DRINK « new cafe
Green House Cafe UTAU
Leafy oasis
A new fashion
young Shanghainese couple
has made their dream a reality by opening a lovely little
café together on Shaanxi Bei Lu.
While it looks small from the
outside, the interior features a twostory, sun-filled space that features
rustic wood walls and is enriched by
a series of vintage paintings and fine
hanging plates collected from Royal
Copenhagen (a famous porcelain provider in Denmark). Climb the staircase to find a cozy nook or claim a
space at one of the wooden tables in
the courtyard, boasting – as the name
suggests – all sorts of greenery.
Specializing in Italian coffees,
owner Sheng Di – who has been
studying coffee for seven years - creates traditional brews from The Boot using
Esse coffee beans and a fancy machine from
the mother country. Apart from usual coffee products like Americanos (RMB22) and
mochas (RMB33), Sheng has also developed
creative sips like an iced cranberry au lait
(RMB35) and a rich, foamy hazelnut latte
(RMB32), crowned with pretty latte art.
Simple food like sandwiches (RMB28-30),
salads (RMB22-28) and desserts (RMB2530) are all made in-house. Take a mouthful of
their decadent yogurt cheese cake (RMB28)
and feel the tart yogurt melting together with
a sweet, chocolaty Oreo biscuit bottom. It’s so
tasty, you’ll be fighting with your friends over
every last spoonful. TFZ
// No 2, Lane 607 Shaanxi Bei Lu, by Xinzha Lu 陕西北路607弄2
号, 近新闸路 (6203 7095)
De Mar
Understated comforts
haoxing Lu has acquired another cafe
worthy of the street’s cuteness, courtesy – surprisingly enough – of Lapis
Group. The restaurant conglomerate, behind
projects like Lapis Thai Kitchen and Lapis
Yun, has scaled back their usual slick, major
production to present Shanghai with a relaxed space for snacks and sips.
The prime real estate here is at the
wooden bar by the windows. During peak
weather, the long window fully opens, allowing open-air chasers to sit on the sidewalk.
Inside, high tables in the middle of the room
have a baffling chunk of concrete right where
June 2014 /
your legs should go, but low, shared tables
are rough hewn and comfortable.
You’ll find most people sipping coffees
courtesy of the well-regarded Williamsburg
Coffee Roasters, based out of Virginia. The
company has made its name touting sustainably sourced, direct-trade beans. While the
base is good, drinks don’t break any boundaries, with options like iced coffees (RMB28)
and cappuccinos (RMB32) proving competently prepared, but not outstanding.
The space also features an attractive
open kitchen from which nibbles like caprese
sandwiches (RMB39), soups (RMB20-25)
and piquant slices of sausage over potatoes
(RMB30) are assembled.
An in-house bakery turns out baguettes
and desserts like an appealingly dense Dutch
apple pie (RMB25). All of these options make
De Mar an attractive spot for mingling and
meeting, just one more reason to head to this
short stretch of road. ML
// 96 Shaoxing Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu 绍兴路96号, 近陕西南
路 (5465 6297)
riginally a fashion studio run by
designer Zoe Zhao, the passionate
art and food lover decided to turn
her space into a relaxed three-in-one shop
that acts as a spot for vintage fairs, photography exhibitions and a laid-back cup of
nicely brewed coffee.
Literally translating to “songs” in
Japanese, UTAU hosts a fascinating collection of reused and repurposed articles. A
dark wooden table in the corner was originally an old trunk that Zoe brought back
from Dali. The colorful flat table used to be
the work bench in her fashion studio.
There are only two menus for the
entire place, both written and decorated
with a light-hearted hand. Amongst the
doodles and whirls, you’ll find a long
list of drinks, both familiar and outlandish. Locally-roasted beans are used for
all the coffees, from a straightforward
Americano (RMB28) to the caramel macchiatto (RMB40). The unusual Grenadine
latte (RMB35) arrives sans coffee, but
the combination of fresh pomegranate
seeds, Grenadine and steamed milk is a
refreshing summer drink. You’ll also find a
plethora of teas (RMB45/pot), fruit juices
(RMB40) and wines (RMB158-3,680).
Healthy brunch sets (RMB48-58) are
offered daily until 3pm, though they’ll
probably serve it later if you ask nicely. For
the warm months, a series of refreshing
avocado dishes have just been added, including cucumber avocado rolls (RMB45)
and an avocado egg (RMB45), in while a
soft-boiled egg comes tucked in an avocado shell. When the creamy fruit melts
with the yolk, you’ll feel like you’ve a little
bit of heaven. TFZ
// 36 Tai’an Lu, by Xingguo Lu 泰安路36号, 近兴国路 (131
6208 1695)
Toaster Box » EAT/DRINK
British Kitchen recipes for your toaster
By James Stockdale, photo by Ambrous Young
s the name would suggest, millionaire’s shortbread is indeed one
excessively rich treat. Buttery melt-in-your-mouth shortbread is
already a pretty good deal any day of the week, but to go a step further and add layers of rich chewy caramel and bitter dark chocolate really
elevates it from a humble pauper to royal prince.
As the recipe is made in three stages, it does involve a bit of waiting
around. Interestingly enough, baking the shortbread base takes exactly the
same time as watching an episode of Game of Thrones. Making the caramel
layer does, however, take a bit more attention. And it will get pretty hot
during cooking. Wearing long sleeves and stirring with care is therefore
recommended. Whatever you do, DON’T be tempted to lick the spoon
straight after you finish making the caramel or your scream will be heard
from here all the way to King’s Landing!
Serves 16-20
Shortbread base:
• 200 grams butter softened
• 100 grams sugar
• 230 grams plain flour
• 70 grams rice flour
Caramel layer:
• 100 grams sugar
• 250 grams butter
• 1 tin of condensed milk
• 60 grams golden syrup
• Pinch of salt
Chocolate layer:
300 grams dark chocolate
1. Preheat the oven to 150°C
and lightly butter a 22x33 cm deepsided Swiss roll tin.
2. Start by making the shortbread base. Combine softened butter and sugar in a bowl and beat
with a spoon until light and creamy
in texture and color. Add the flours
and mix to form a smooth, uniform
dough. Press this dough into the
prepared tin to form an even layer
and lightly prick all over with a fork
before placing into the preheated
oven. Remove after 45-50 minutes
when the biscuit is cooked through
(but not too browned) and leave to
one side to cool.
3. To make the caramel layer,
place all ingredients into a heavy
bottomed saucepan, put the pan on
a low heat and stir until the butter melts. Simmer the mixture for
around 15 minutes, stirring constantly, until the mixture becomes
thickened and fudgy (around 118°C
if, like me, you’re geeky enough to
own a candy thermometer). Watch
carefully! Pour the hot caramel
over the cooled shortbread base
and spread with a palette knife or
back of a spoon to form an even
layer. Leave to cool for about an
4. Break the chocolate into
a heatproof bowl and place over
a saucepan of barely simmering
water. Once melted, pour over the
cooled caramel layer and use a
palette knife to spread evenly over
the surface. Allow to set (about another hour).
5. Once everything has cooled,
cut into bars or any shape you fancy (and as large as you dare). The
biscuits store well in an airtight tin
at room temperature for up to four
days (mine have never lasted this
// The British Kitchen is a Shanghai-based
company selling tasty and honestly-made
British goods for an affordable price. Questions
or recipe requests? Visit / June 2014
EAT/DRINK « on the grill
Marja Vongerichten
Kimchi Chronicler spices things up at Three on the Bund
By Monica Liau, photo by darrell lew
er husband may be more of a household name, but Marja Vongerichen
has multi-Michelin-starred JeanGeorges beat when it comes to knowledge of
bindaetteok, gochujang and everything bancham. The half-Korean, half-African American
beauty didn’t come to her Asian heritage until
after reuniting with her birth mother, days
before her 20th birthday. Since then, she has
obsessively worked to rediscover her roots
through Korean food – captured in 2010's
Kimchi Chronicles. As of late May, Marja also
opened her first restaurant, Chi-Q, in partnership with her better half. She tells us about
her kimchi journey to self-fulfillment.
You didn’t begin eating Korean food until
you were reunited with your birthmother.
Why did you seek her out at this time?
It was about knowing myself. You can’t know
yourself without knowing where you come
from. My parents kept diligent records of my
adoption, so I chose to look for her in college.
I think most adoptees go through an immense
sense of guilt, we feel like it’s a betrayal to
our adoptive family. But I felt like there was
something missing. My birth mother had given me away when I was three and all my life I
could always remember her presence.
What was it like when you first met her?
The first time I called, she actually fainted.
The first time we met, she cooked me all of
my favorite foods as a child – bulgogi, japchae
and radish kimchi – and this flood of memories came back. It then became my obsession,
the cuisine was my visceral connection to my
culture. I’ve been eating it religiously every
day for the past 19 years.
Did you feel the hole was filled after this?
Even after I met her I still felt like there was a
June 2014 /
something missing. Other Koreans wouldn’t
acknowledge me as Korean. I think that
changed after I shot Kimchi Chronicles.
How did your TV show change things?
Well, I had been to Korea many times to
visit my family but due to language barriers, details were lost. When we shot Kimchi
Chronicles, we had this slew of experts
explaining everything in detail and I realized it wasn’t actually that I needed to be
acknowledged by other people, it was my lack
of knowledge of myself and my culture. After
the show, I felt like I really claimed it and
owned it.
I feel like I’m telling
Korea, ‘Hey, see, look
at me, hello!’
So, whose idea was it to create your Chi-Q?
The owner of Three on the Bund sat down
with JG [Marja’s nickname for Jean Georges]
about a year ago and said she had watched
Kimchi Chronicles and wanted to do a restaurant. At first, I balked at the idea because
I’m married to the restaurant business and
always considered myself a home cook. But JG
finally convinced me and we worked out the
recipes together.
It feels like this restaurant is a continuation of your journey…
You know, that has kinda been in the back of
my mind. I feel like I’m telling Korea, “Hey,
see, look at me, hello!” I didn’t grow up hating
Korea or my mother – my parents always told
me she did the most selfless thing and loved
me very much – but you know…
Well, it’s funny that a culture that rejected
people like me [Korea did not give citizenship
to children who couldn’t claim Korean patrilineage] now embrace me as an ambassador
after this TV show. It was very difficult to get
funding for Kimchi Chronicles at the beginning
because the producers who did the show also
did Spain: On The Road Again with Gwyneth
Paltrow and Mario Batali. They wanted a
white celebrity in Korea. To be completely
honest, I believe the only reason they funded
my show in the end was because my husband
was French. They didn’t want to take a risk on
something that wasn’t tried and true.
Is there a dish that most represents the
heart of what Korean food means to you?
A spicy chicken stew called Dakdoritang, a
one pot dish that has potatoes, chicken, onions and carrots. It’s spicy and flavorful – for
me, that’s what I want to eat with rice. It’s
actually JG’s favorite dish. He wants it every
weekend… I think he just wants me to cook!
Do you make kimchi in your Manhattan
All the time! In fact, our kitchen sink at home
is not that big so I sterilize our bathtub and
soak the cabbage in there. I mean, come on.
You’re not going to go through four hours of
work for two jars of kimchi. You’re going to
make at least 10 bottles.
// For the full story of Marja’s journey through Korean food,
her early years and what it was like becoming Jean George’s
(much) younger wife, visit Try the
couple’s first ever joint restaurant, Chi-Q. 2/F, Three on the
Bund, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu 中山东一路3
号2楼, 近广东路 (6321 6622)
Between Windows and The Camel
ith NBA and NHL playoffs inching towards their championship rounds and the World Cup
on the horizon, Shanghai could use a few
more sports bars. Located on the corner of
Ruijin and Julu Lu, Legends aims to fill the
middle ground between Windows and the
Camel. There’s a solid mix of drinks with
Tiger (RMB25/half-pint, RMB95/pitcher),
Murphys (RMB35-150) and Guinness
(RMB60/pint) on tap. Bottled beers, spirits
and classic cocktails range RMB40-60.
Foodwise, the bar has a bevy of pub fare
options. Snacks like hamburgers (RMB6075) and mains like a very meaty half-rack of
ribs range from RMB55-100. Only weeks old,
the bar has already built up buzz thanks to
co-owner Jerry Wang, who helps run Dragon
Adventures. Legends will be the meeting
place for their bi-weekly expeditions and
Pub Crawl Shanghai’s four-times-a-week pub
Sports wise, they have the game situation
down pat. Flatscreen televisions connected
to four separate satellite TV set-ups are plastered throughout. There are also two electronic dart boards, a pool table and plans to
add a foosball table. It’s a spacious bar, comfortably able to seat 70 with Wang expecting
it will be filled with up to 150 for all the big
sports events just around the corner. AC
// 8 Ruijin Lu, by Julu Lu 瑞金路8号, 近巨鹿路 (6211 7980)
Beer me, wine up
dorable in red and reminiscent of
an updated diner with, metal tables,
plastic chairs and squeeze bottles
of ketchup on every table, Kiengir is a sweet
place to pick up a brew and watch the traffic
go by. Located next to Boxing Cat Brewery,
this unpretentious bar and eatery is a good
alternative on those nights when you want to
skirt rowdy sports watchers and find somewhere quieter to mull the day over and chew
the fat with friends.
Drink choices are limited, with the main
tipple of choice leaning towards the malty
variety. Prices range are a little on the pricey
side. On tap, they have common names like
Hoegaarden (RMB45/330 mL) and a wide
range of bottled brews like Rogue Dead
Guy ale (RMB68) and New Castle (RMB68).
Continuing on with their diner theme, food
on the menu tends towards comforting, nonslimming fare like hot dogs (RMB68), burgers (RMB60) and relatively decent fries.
For those who go for the more grapey
things in life, mosey upstairs into the more
grownup air of Torroir – which we can only
assume is the incorrect spelling for the
locales of wine. Despite the typo, this is a
comfortable lounge in a pretty prime locale,
overlooking the (now green) treetops and offering a wide range of wines from around the
world, starting at RMB159. ML
Migrating towards
evelopment continuing its march
north from the Bund into less
explored realms across the metal
Waibaidu Bridge. This is the ‘uncool’
side of the Suzhou Creek – charmingly
traditional and a little run down. It’s also
where you’ll find the flashing lights and
funky beats of Pasul.
As far as Chinese clubs go, this one
– which is Taiwanese-owned – could certainly be worse. There are the requisite
sofas and tables to play dice and show off
your expensive taste in booze, as well as
fancy bottles of cognac and whisky on display in cabinets. Surfaces shine with marble. However, there’s also a decently-sized
concrete dance floor and a pretty bar from
where you can grab your alcoholic beverages. Standard mixed tipples like a gin
and tonic will put you back RMB48 while
fancier, fruitier cocktails run RMB5878. Bottles of beers are a little steep at
RMB58. While not inexpensive, it falls
below standard Bund prices. If one feels
peckish with all the drinking, they also
have a selection of snacks including, oddly
enough, spaghetti with meat sauce.
If dancing and EDM is your thing,
there’s a good chance you will end up
walking through these doors at some
point. For their opening party, Pasul
brought in the terrifyingly tattooed DJ
Airsecret and will be looking to bring
a host of other international DJs in the
future. Overall, not a bad addition to the
dance scene, even if you’re not part of the
champagne and sparkler set. ML
// 70 Huangpu Lu, by Tiantong Lu 黄浦路70号, 近天通路
(5609 9199)
// 99 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Wukang Lu 复兴西路99号, 近武康路 / June 2014
Electric City
Hot Chip and CSS headline new EDM series
BY Andrew Chin
s frontwoman for Beijing electrorockers Nova Heart, Helen Feng has
caught audience’s ears home and
abroad, aptly blazing a trail for Mainland
indie-dance. With her company Fake Music,
she’s started a new electronic music series
Electric City with Pilot Records that’s bringing
in Grammy nominated Hot Chip and Brazilian
electro-rockers CSS for a pair of high profile
“We chose them because they have tons of
local appeal to test the waters,” explains Feng.
“Our ultimate goal is to add a platform for artists to educate, share, create and develop to
where they can go onto the world stage. It’s
time for music in China to start creating new
trends, not just regurgitate old ones.”
Few groups exemplify Feng’s global ambitions like CSS, who plays the QSW Cultural
Center on June 28. The group formed in 2003,
a mix of graphic designers, film directors,
fashionistas and art school students who
went to the same Sao Paulo clubs and formed
friendships via social networks and online
They were one of the first groups to use
Internet buzz to their advantage, harnessing
things like Myspace to drive them towards
worldwide success with infectious singles
‘Let’s Make Love (and Listen to Death from
Above)’ and ‘Music is my Hot Hot Sex’ – which
went on to soundtrack a global iPod advertising campaign.
Their infectious energy, day-glo look and
unpretentious party-oriented electro sound
saw them lumped in with groups like the
Klaxons and New York Pony Club as part of the
new rave revolution. The buzz genre came
and went joining electro-clash, dancepunk and chillwave as musical memes
that failed to take over the world.
“We never consider ourselves inside
any movement and we don’t even really know what ‘new rave’ is,” CSS
guitarist Ana Rezende says. “I
think we have such a long career
because we never wanted to
adapt to any trend.”
Despite losing founding
member, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter Adriano
Cintra in an acrimonious
split, the now quartet has
soldiered on and released a fine
fourth album, Planta, last year.
Produced by TV
on the Radio’s Dave
Sitek, the disc mixes
June 2014 /
retro synths with singer’s Lovefoxxx’s trademark come-ons – she literally roars at the end
of ‘The Hangout’ – while retaining the band’s
unpretentious punkish charm.
“We are very proud of this record,”
Rezende says. “We had to restructure a little
It’s time for music in
China to start creating
new trends, not just
regurgitate old ones
but it ended up giving us more space to write
songs together. It was by far our most collaborative effort.”
Although Rezende, who is also a film director, admits that – aside from a few shows
like this – CSS is taking most of the year off
after “going non-stop for five years,” the
monolith that is Hot Chip keeps growing. Since
scoring a dancefloor hit with 2006’s ‘Over and
Over,’ the British quintet expertly straddles the
line of indie stalwarts and dancefloor deviants.
It will be the latter itineration that will
rock the house at Arkham on June 12. With
members branching off into numerous side
projects like the 2 Bears, the group will be
represented by their DJ duo of Felix Martin
and Al Doyle.
The two released their debut album from
their ambient-pop group New Build and play
numerous instruments on Hot Chip’s five ac-
claimed studio albums, with Doyle also acting
as a touring guitarist for the much-missed
LCD Soundsystem.
For their Mainland debut, they’ve prepped
an electro-soul set that’s eagerly anticipated
by both locals and foreigner fans. Feng hopes
attention to these shows will act as an earworm for Electric City’s larger ambitions.
“We want to build a solid local scene
where people don’t always get frustrated and
quit or is too niche and exclusive,” she says.
“In the future, there’s going to be workshops
to encourage people to participate, learn and
become a creator. Maybe even a label will
come out of this.”
// Hot Chip: June 14, 10pm-late, RMB10-150. Arkham, 1
Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁木齐路1号, 近衡山路 (www. CSS: June 28, 9pm-late, RMB150-240.
QSW Culture Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179
号, 近江宁路 (
We have a pairs of tickets to both the Hot
Chip and CSS shows to give away. Simply
answer the follo wing question:
Which Swiss electro-punk cabaret
opened the Electric City series last
Answers to with
the subject ‘Hot Chip’ by June 9 or ‘CSS’ by
June 22
June 6
The Los Angeles (by way of
Texas) producer has been turning heads at major festivals
like Coachella and South by
Southwest with his bouncy
energetic tracks. Inspired by
Southern hip-hop and soul
music, his bangers have won approval from top dogs like Diplo,
A-Trak and Ryan Hemsorth.
Fine music for your
nightlife diet
// RMB50 (before 11pm), RMB80, 10pm-late.
Arkham, 1 Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu
乌鲁木齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317, www.
Get those dancing shoes on Shanghai, there are some serious spin-masters
dropping into town. From baroque beats that take the cake to indie electro hits to
hip-hop overtures of one Young Guru, this month is chockfull of events that will get
you moving.
June 7
The Secret Garden
The Kick the Gong Around crew
is back with their latest retro
party – an immersive experience
celebrating the frivolously ornate Rococo era. Indulge your inner Marie Antoinette and Louis
XVI (pre-Revolution of course,
try not to lose your head) while
boogeying to baroque disco and
electro-swing provided by DJ
Baron Vulgaria. In addition to
extravagant props, guests will
be entertained by court dancers
and dueling swordsmen, all taking place at Shanghai Rose, the
modern itineration of the old
British Rowing Club.
// RMB100 (with a glass of Hendricks gin),
9pm-late. Shanghai Rose, 76 Nan Suzhou Lu,
by Yuanmingyuan Lu 南苏州路76号, 近圆明
园路 (
June 14
June 13
This Dutch duo consisting
of Willem van Hanegem and
Wardt van der Harst is the
latest big name booking by
the MYST crew. Since their
debut single ‘Mustang’ received props and exposure
from leading luminaries like
Armin van Buuren, Tiesto and
Sander van Doorn, W&W have
been turning heads with their
innovative, energetic take on
trance, with DJ Mag ranking
them No. 14 in their annual
Top 100 DJs poll last year.
They’ll be taking a break from their Las Vegas residency at Hakkasan
to liven up Shanghai’s dance floors.
// RMB100 (presale with a drink), 10.30pm-late. MYST, 1123 Yan’an Zhong Lu, by Fumin Lu 延安中路
1123号, 近富民路 (400 610 3721,
The Apartment is turning four
and they’re celebrating their
‘NYC-style loft’ roots by inviting
DJ M.O.S. to rock the decks. A
fixture in New York’s nightlife
scene, M.O.S. has wowed past
clients like Russell Simmons, Bill
Clinton and Nike with an eclectic
style touching on everything
from electro to hip-hop to rock.
// RMB100 (for guys after midnight), 10pmlate. The Apartment, 3/F, 47 Yongfu Lu, by
Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路47号3楼, 近复兴西路
(6437 9478)
June 14
Young Guru
As Roc-a-Fella Records’ top engineer, Young Guru
has had a hand in crafting numerous hip-hop classics, from ‘Oh Boy’ to ‘Empire State of Mind.’ He’s
worked with Beyonce, Rihanna and Talib Kweli
as well as serving as tour DJ for Jay-Z and Kanye’s
world tour. Despite the months-long delay, his first
trip to the Mainland last year was bumping. The
party was so nice, the New York DJ is coming back
twice with what promises to be a funky night.
// RMB100, 10pm-late. Unico, 2/F, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu 中山东一路外滩3号2楼, 近广东路 (5308 5399) / June 2014
COMMUNITY « education
Escape: The Game
A real life cinematic experience
BY Andrew Chin and Zoey Zha
t started in Japan and spread to Shanghai like a sci-fi virus. Escape rooms are like a living video game
where groups of up to 10 must crawl through lasers, deduct cryptic video messages and search for secret
passageways, trying to unlock their room within an hour. With more than 20 in the city and counting, we look
at three of Shanghai’s best.
Mr. X Mystery House
Arguably the city’s slickest option is located in the
Bridge 8 II area of Huangpu District, south of Tianzifang
by the river. Mr. X Mystery House – not to be confused
with a similarly named rival on Yan’an Xi Lu – has six
room options with names like ‘Area 51’ and ‘Skeleton
King: Book of Darkness’ and an app that brings the experience to the smartphone.
Riddle me this: One puzzle involves a synchronized video game with four stations that requires
teamwork to move a single computerized player. Once
completed, a wall opens up to reveal a gigantic robot. A
gigantic robot you can climb into!!!
Elliot deBruyn
// RMB100/hour, RMB800 for groups of ten (weekdays), RMB120/hour
(weekends), 10-3am. Bldg 1, 550 Jumen Lu, by Quxi Lu 局门路550号1号楼, 近
瞿溪路 (3304 1233)
Shanghai’s first escape room remains one of its largest. Located by Nanpu Bridge,
X-Room features eleven rooms including one catering to couples. Some options include ‘Dictator’s House’, ‘Trojan War’, ‘Wizard Cabin’ and ‘Maya Grave’.
Riddle me this: Indulge your Mission: Impossible fantasies in one room, crawling
under lasers to get to the other side. However, there’s a heavy reliance on languagebased puzzles, making it ideal for bilingual groups. Also, their rooms are arguably the
hardest, with plenty of extra information to complicate matters. Pay careful attention
to the beginning instructions.
// 10-3am, RMB120/hour, RMB880 for groups of eight. Bldg 6, 1029 Zhongshan Nan Lu, by Dongjiadu Lu 中山南路1029号
幸福码头6号楼2楼, 近董家渡路 (3302 3211,
The Black Queen: New Adventures of Alice
Started by one of the founders of X-Room, this Nanjing
Xi Lu venue follows an Alice in Wonderland theme.
Currently there are four rooms available with plans to
add one more.
Riddle me this: Rooms are rated by difficulty with
an emphasis on tactile puzzles. Their operators are
proud of the hi-tech experience offered by one pitch
black room that plays a video clue activated only by loud
screaming. However, simpler puzzles like the spring-elevated maze that groups must tilt together are just as fun.
// 10.30-3am, RMB180/hour, RMB100-120 per hour for membership. 4/F, 758
Nanjing Xi Lu, by shimen Yi Lu 南京西路758号汇银大厦4楼, 近石门一路 (6225
7612, 6227 7971)
June 2014 /
Escape Rooms F.A.Q.
Seriously, what are escape rooms? It’s impossible to accurately describe to newbies…
and hard not to think of Saw for people that
haven’t done it before. Here are some things
to know before you pay money to be locked
in a room.
How it works:
A team of between five to 10 people (eight is
ideal) enters a room sans cell phones, where
they have an hour to figure out a series of
puzzles to unlock their room. Typically each
room has four sections waiting to be unlocked until completed.
The rooms:
Have a singular theme to them. Some are
Other options:
Magic Cube
// Rm 101, No. 17, Lane 113 Yuping Nan Lu, by
Zunyi Lu 玉屏南路113弄锦屏公寓17号101室,
近遵义路 (5273 4030)
based on movies and TV shows like Prison
Break or common horror tropes like a zombie outbreak.
Dark. Most rooms typically start in a dark
room with a pair of flashlights available,
making teamwork extra important.
Don’t be. All of the rooms are monitored and
you’ll get to know the voice of your room really well.
I’m in, now what?
Good question. There’s a little explanation
given prior to entering each room and most
The Tunnel
// 18F, Bldg 1, Huayuan Mansion, 3500
Kaixuan Lu, by Wending Lu 凯旋路3500号
华苑大厦1号楼18楼F座, 近文定路 (137 6419
Ai Yama
room involves a literal lock (real or digital).
It’s a matter of looking at the environment
to figure out what the numbers are. Cultivate
your mind palace like you’re Sherlock and
look at everything from the walls to any
I’m stuck! And too young to die in here!
Relax. That person watching you will also
answer your questions and even come in to
solve puzzles when you’re stuck.
The experience?
Want us to be honest? You’ll be constantly
swinging from “This is amazing!” to “This is
stupid!” But c’mon – lasers, robots, secret
closets: “This is amazing!”
// Anneji Hotel, Rm 819, 28 Moyu Lu, by
Cao’an Gonglu 墨玉路28号嘉正国际安内吉
酒店819室, 近曹安公路 (188 1759 8312)
Three Quarks
// 518 Qinzhou Lu, by Caobao Lu 钦州路518
号, 近漕宝路 (400 690 8859) / JJune 2014
COMMUNITY « tiger father
pre-natal natural?
Er, not exactly…
By Trevor Marshallsea
lot of people always
ask me: “O, Tiger
Father: How is it that
you know everything there is
to know about parenting, and
not only that but you apply it
all so faultlessly and effortlessly? Huh? How?”
I usually reply with two
answers: 1. “Well you’re not
wrong there, otherwise surely
they wouldn’t pay me good
money to write a parenting
column.” And 2: “A two-weekend course in Sydney in 2005.”
I was led to remember
our crash pre-natal course
recently, when I had one of
‘those’ parenting moments
upon contemplating how tall
our eight-year-old daughter
had become. You know those
moments? When you could swear your child
was born between 10 and 15 minutes ago,
yet here she is shooting baskets and being
longer than her bed? The moments where
you feel like you’re holding onto life like a
moth holding onto a windshield?
Living in China, where everything’s in
Chinese, certainly doesn’t help that cork-onthe-ocean feeling. Nor do kids growing up
like those fast-motion plants on Discovery
It seemed like yesterday we were in our
pre-natal classes.
There, they try to prepare you for parenthood, but really, what hope do they have?
Apart from the guarantee that its actual
starting point will be filled with much wailing and gnashing of teeth, it’s a hard thing to
prepare someone for.
I thought I’d lucked in by propagating the
species with a doctor. Not only that, one with
vast experience of children and maternity
wards (even if you’re not technically allowed
to call her a “pediatrician”). Like most doctors, however, you can call her a “goody two
shoes.” So when I declared my approach to
parenting would be to “just ask her,” she
rejected it and made me attend pre-natal
As I will always remind my kids, I gave
up two whole Saturdays – better known in
Australia as “Horse Racing and Footy Days”
– to sit with other bright-eyed, nervously
tittering expecting couples. This was proof
of my selfless approach to parenthood, if
not more noble than bearing the child itself.
June 2014 /
It was noticed that the
newborn baby dolls
bore a very lifelike
resemblance to… me.
Everyone stood around
laughing and pointing
at me
Turned out I was forced to listen as well.
The classes were held by one of those serene middle-aged midwives who insist everything will be just beautiful. In this way, she
completely missed the mood of those rotund
women in the room and their unsure men –
which was more one of teeth being gritted to
a soundtrack of “Ohmygodohmygod.”
The teacher correctly told us that people never stop worrying about their kids,
and that they would cost a bit of money.
I’m still chagrined, however, that she chose
not to mention a few things. Like how in a
few years time we’d be sifting through our
daughter’s poop to look for a swallowed coin,
or feeling around in a slimy, smelly bit of
pipe for a tooth thrown down the sink.
I do remember a couple of things, like
when the Earth Mother brought out some
lifelike newborn baby dolls. These we were
supposed to use to practice holding, putting
on diapers, and swaddling. It all fell apart,
however, when it was noticed that at 8am on
a Saturday they bore a very
lifelike resemblance to… me.
They had bald, round heads
and big bags under their
eyes. Everyone stood around
laughing and pointing at me.
It was great.
At one stage we men
were segregated from the
round people and told our
chief role – now we’d mastered fertilization – would be
staying calm. This didn’t help
one friend who, in his big
moment, saw blood, passed
out, fell down and dragged
his wife’s bed dramatically
sideways. She still calls him
her rock.
We men were put into
groups and given a task:
What to do if our wife went
into labor whilst not in a hospital, and we
had to deliver the baby? Our group thought
we’d covered it consummately, especially
my suggestion on pain relief. This was A)
gleaned from a Western movie and B) based
on the laboring woman biting down hard
on my leather belt. When the answers were
read everyone stood around laughing and
pointing at me, like, as if my belt wouldn’t
dull the pain.
I was almost sick of the whole thing
when the Hippy Woman up front asked us all
to write down our biggest fears about childbirth. This was supposed to be protected by
anonymity. And it was. Until my answer was
read out.
“Oh who wrote that?!” said the Touchy
Feely One. I was bewildered. Everyone had
written down namby-pamby things like “I’ll
be in lots of pain,” or “The wrong Mozart
will be playing”. For me, there was one clear
worst case scenario – the scenario in which
“mother and baby die.”
Now this cast a bit of a pall over the
group. Everyone stared at me, but nobody
laughed. I defended myself, saying, “What
could be a bigger fear than that?” and
“Forewarned is forearmed!” I was told I had
the wrong attitude to parenthood.
I’ve heard that a lot ever since, come to
think of it.
Still, I’d recommend pre-natal classes, if
you can find them in China. At the very least
it’s good to surround yourself with other future parents as clueless as you.
Need surgery
in Shanghai?
Things to consider before going
under the knife
BY Dr. Ashwin Deshmukh
afe, effective surgery is a
shining achievement of
modern medicine. It is
accomplished by identifying a
‘best practices’ evidence-based
approach and passionately following a growing body of safety
standards, infection prevention
practices and training programs
that keep physicians and hospital staff up-to-date. While many
countries have a clear standard
of care that we have come to
take for granted, Asia, including
Shanghai, has a very wide range
of health care options. If you
need to have surgery, the following are some issues to consider
in deciding what to do.
International accreditation
First, it is crucial to know whether the hospital you are considering has been accredited by the
Joint Commission International
(JCI), the main accreditation
body for hospitals worldwide.
JCI accreditation requires adherence to the highest infection
control standards, patient safety
protocols, careful credentialing
of physicians and nurses, and
submission to an ongoing independent auditing process.
Bottom line: Without JCI
accreditation, nothing can be
taken for granted—don’t even
think about having a surgical
Avoid traveling for medical
Given that Shanghai now offers
JCI-accredited hospitals comparable to the best hospitals in
the West, why would anyone
risk medical travel? While lower
costs might be tempting, any
surgery abroad for someone living in Shanghai requires them to
have surgery with a doctor, anesthesiologist and hospital that
they may never see again. After
the surgery, they are required to
stay in a hotel for several days,
with neither the comforts of
home nor the safety of a hospital
setting. They then have to pack
and carry their luggage, go to
the airport and take a flight back
to Shanghai, which is not only
an inconvenient and potentially
painful experience, but also
incurs the unnecessary risk of
blood clots from the flight and
falling/hurting oneself during
the journey.
Bottom line: Traveling for
medical care is simply not worth
the savings.
Avoid being passed off from
one surgeon to another
Another healthcare model that
carries risks similar to medical
tourism is where the surgeon
is the tourist and comes to
Shanghai for one-two weeks
per year. You may receive your
diagnosis from one surgeon,
be scheduled for surgery with
another and have your postoperative visits with a third,
fourth, fifth doctor, etc. Each
of these pass-offs represents
a disruption in your care that
may lead to complications and
poor outcomes. Post-operative
care is highly dependent upon
what is found and done during
surgery, and is highly dependent
on how confident the surgeon
is in your repair. This model
also violates a basic principle in
life—where there is no accountability, there is no one taking
Bottom line: Things go
much better if the surgeon who
helps you understand and make
the decision for surgery is also
the one who performs that surgery, advocates for you and sees
you through to full recovery.
// Dr. Ashwin Deshmukh is Chief of
Orthopedic & sports Medicine at shanghai
United Family Hospital and Clinics. / JJune 2014
Pick of six art exhibitions
Andy Summers: Mysterious
Until July 6. Kunst.licht Gallery, 210 Wulumuqi Lu,
by Nanjing Xi Lu 乌鲁木齐北路210号, 近南京西路
(6249 0737,
Sayaka Ishizuka: Life Threads
Until August 23. Pearl Lam Galleries, G/F, 181
Jiangxi Zhong Lu, by Fuzhou Lu 江西中路181号1楼,
近福州路 (6323 1989,
Yang Fudong:
New Women
until June 16.
H-Space, Bldg 18, 50
Moganshan Lu, by
Aomen Lu 莫干山路
50号18楼, 近澳门路
(6359 3923, www.
Yu Lanying: Journey to the Deep
and the Within
until June 22. China Maritime Museum, 197
Shengang Didao, by Huanhu Xi Er Lu 浦东申港大道
197号, 近环湖西二路 (3828 7777)
Mark di Suvero: The Imagination of
Until June 14. 1/F, Bldg 1, No. 1, 170 Yueyang Lu, by
Jianguo Xi Lu 岳阳路170弄1号弄1号楼1楼, 近建国西
路 (5466 0825)
Until June 15. OCT Contemporary Art Terminal
(OCAT), 1016 Bei Suzhou Lu, by Wen’an Lu闸北区
北苏州路1016号, 近文安路 (6608 5180, www.ocat.
June 2014 /
To list your events email
Concert: Apollon Musagete Quartet
& Grieg Trio
These internationally renowned
chamber music ensembles play after
serving jury duty at the closing concert of the third biannual Shanghai
Chamber Music Competition for
String Quartet and Piano Trio.
RMB75 (with drink), RMB20 (students), 4pm. M on the Bund, 7/F, Five
on the Bund, 20 Guangdong Lu, by
Zhongshan Dong Lu 广东路20号, 外滩
五号7楼, 近中山东一路 (6350 9988)
Gigs: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
The local noise-pop group celebrate
the release of their newest 7”. Non
Plus of Color supports.
RMB50, 9pm-late. Yuyintang, 851
Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851
号, 近延安西路 (5237 8662,
Concerts: The Little Singers of Paris
This famed boys choir was founded
in 1907 and has wowed audiences
across 80 countries.
RMB80-580, 7.30pm. Shanghai City
Theatre, 4889 Dushi Lu, by Mingdu Lu
都市路4889号, 近名都路 (400 610 3721)
Gigs: Eluveitie
This Swiss folk metal group mixes traditional instruments with thundering
guitar. They just captured the Best
Live National Act award at this year’s
Swiss Music Awards.
RMB380-680, 8pm. MAO Livehouse,
3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo
Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号, 近建国中路
Talk: The Way of the Dragon
John T. Benn is a Shanghai legend.
Best known for playing the titular
character in Bruce Lee’s The Big Boss,
he’s also an entrepreneur and an
author. He’ll be sharing anecdotes on
his business experience and recipients will receive a copy of his book.
RMB100, 7pm. LOHAUS, 50 Yongjia Lu,
by Shaanxi Nan Lu 永嘉路50号, 近陕西
南路 (
Talk: Florence Sampson
As creator and propretor of Songfang
Maison de Thé, Sampson specializes in fine quality Chinese tea and
blended French teas. She discusses
Chinese tea history while serving
three fine Chinese teas and a teainspired menu.
RMB188 (with three-course lunch),
12pm. Glamour Bar, 6/F, No. Five on
the Bund, by Guangdong Lu 中山东一
路,外滩5号6楼, 近广东路 (6329 3751,
6350 9988)
Talk: American Wines Beyond
The montly M Wine Talk examines
rising wine producing regions of
the US including Riesling and Merlot
from Washington State, Pinot Noir
from Oregon and a special collaboration between Dr. Loosen and Chateau
St. Michelle from the Columbia
RMB138 (with tasting), 7pm. Glamour
Bar, 6/F, No. Five on the Bund, by
Guangdong Lu中山东一路,外滩5号6楼,
近广东路 (6329 3751, 6350 9988)
JUNE 7-8
DAFF Spring 2014
The Ice Cream Truck bring back their popular community event DAFF
(Design, Art and Fashion Fair). It’s their biggest one yet, taking place at
Xuhui Riverside in the up-and-coming West Bund area. Pop-up shops and
art installations highlight the creative festival with live music, community
workshops and fashion shows happening as well. Highlights include art
presented by Lu Yang, live graffiti by Reload Crew and prints from DAFF’s
#AllAroundUs online art campaign. After a day of inspiration, get your dance
on at their DAFFter Party headlined by Kry Wolf of Cliche Records at a huge
warehouse space. Admission for the party is RMB100.
// Free entry, 2-10pm. Xuhui Rivreside, Longteng Dadao, by Dong’an Lu 龙腾大
道, 近东安路 (
Dinner: Chefs in the City
Philanthropy rarely gets as mouth
watering as the second event that
brings together six of the city’s premier Italian chefs. Proceeds from the
five-course meal goes to the Cancer
Recovery Center.
RMB888, 7-11pm. Acqua e Farina, Shop
B02, Shanghai Bay, 1138 Pudong Nan
Lu, by Zhangyang Lu 浦东南路1138号
上海湾商场B02商铺, 水法莲娜意式餐
厅 (158 2112 2831, www.citcshanghai.
Drinks: Beer Democracy
Sample independent craft brew and
make your vote on what should
be Kommune’s Happy Hour of the
RMB50, 7-10pm. Kommune, No. 7, Lane
210 Taikang Lu, by Sinan Lu 田子坊泰
康路210弄, 近思南路 (6466 2416, www.
Concert: Nahas Project
Diatonic accordionist Sébastien
Bertrand leads this new project that
musically touches on East and West.
RMB50-60, 8.30pm. On Stage, A2101, Red Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by
Hongqiao Lu 淮海西路570号红坊艺术文
化社区A2-101室, 近虹桥路 (6212 6991)
Concert: Yoshiki
This Japanese visual kei icon turned
classical artist touches down in
Shanghai to celebrate the justreleased Yoskiki Classical.
RMB280-1,580, 7.30pm. Shanghai
Oriental Art Centre, 425 Dingxiang Lu,
by Yingchun Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路
(400 610 3721,
Dance: Royal Masquerade Ball
Dust off your fanciest tuxedo and ball
gown and don your finest mask for
this fun sophisticated event. Potential
paramours will be auctioned off and
tickets include drinks, food, a lottery
ticket and other surprises.
RMB280, 6-10pm. Howard Johnson
Business Club Hotel Shanghai, 118
Shimen Yi Lu, by Dagu Lu 石门一路
118号, 近大沽路 (158 2197 0594,
BBQ: Mardi Gras Garden Party
Mardi Gras puts their beautiful outdoor space to good use with this
Garden Barbecue party. Set menu
features beef tenderloin, chicken,
pork ribs, sausage, vegetables, yakitori and free flow salad bar, beer and
basic booze.
RMB228, 6-9pm. Mardi Gras, Block
1, Lane 372 Xingguo Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu 兴国路372弄1号, 近淮海中路
(6280 7598)
Party: Cirque loves Manga
Dress up like a character from Akira,
Sailor Moon or another top anime
and receive a complimentary bottle
of bubbles.
Free entry, 10pm-late. Cirque le Soir,
4F, Bund 22 – Zhongshan Dong Er Lu
22, by Xin Yong’An Lu 中山东二路22号4
Party: Jungle Rumble
This reggae night was a LOgO fixture
and retuns under the watchful eye
of Shanghai Yard and Far East Lion
Sound System. Reggae, dancehall,
jungle and drum ‘n’ bass will get you
into an Island mood.
Free entry, 10pm-late. LOgO, 298
Xingfu Lu, by Pingwu Lu 幸福路298
号, 近平武路
JUNE 6-8
Festival: Dragon Burn
This three-day festival is the first
multi-day Mainland event based on
the 10 principles of Burning Man.
There’s going to be 30 hours of music, art, performances, workshops
and an effigy burning. Island location
outside of Shanghai will be revealed
after purchasing ticket. Tickets are
RMB260 for kids and RMB540 for
adults on Friday or RMB240 for kids
and RMB500 for adults on Saturday.
More information at 4006 DRAGON,
Travel: Longxu Hiking
Dragon Adventures are trekking to
Jixi, Anhui, to enjoy this stunning
mountain. Includes a visit to the
picturesque rural Longchuan village.
More information at 4006 DRAGON or / June 2014
Pudong, 1378 Huamu Lu, by
Fangdian Lu 花木路1378号, 近芳甸路
(6169 8886,
Party: Craft’s 3rd-year anniversaryThis hidden craft cocktail bar is
turning three and are celebrating
with a full night of DJs and drink
5pm-late. Craft, Donghu Hotel South
Wing, 7 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Xi Lu
Donghu Hotel South Wing, 7 Donghu
Lu 东湖路7号东湖宾馆西翼, 靠近淮海西
路 (139 1798 5763)
JUNE 13-14
Ari Shaffir
The host of The Skeptic Tank and frequent guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast is
one of the hottest acts in comedy these days. He describes his act as a puppet show except way dirtier and sans puppets. Well okay, then. He’s the latest international guest brought over by Kung-Fu Komedy. It’s a rare chance
to catch an intimate show with the comic that Comedy Central has tabbed
to host their new digital storytelling show, This is Not Happening.
RMB170-200, 8.30pm (Fri), 8pm and 10pm (Sat). Kung-Fu Komedy Club, 5/F,
Masse, 219 Jinxian Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu 进贤路219号5楼, 近陕西南路 (www.
Concert: Alexander Gavrylyuk
Since his first concerto performance
as a nine-year-old, Gavrylyuk has performed with philharmonic orchestras
across the world. This show will feature adaptations of Mozart, Brahms,
Liszt and Rachmaninov.
RMB80-180, 7.30pm. Shanghai Oriental
Art Centre, 425 Dingxiang Lu, by
Yingchun Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路
Festival: Xintiandi World Music
La Pegatina, Dark Lake and Nathalie
Natiembe are just some of the featured guest for this festival.
Free entry, 7-10pm. Latina, Xintiandi,
Block 101, House 5, Lane 123 Xingye
Lu, by Madang Lu 黄浦区兴业路123
弄新天地南里5号楼101单元, 近马当路
(6326 0905)
Dance: Vienesse Ball
Enjoy some Austrian dancing tradition when the Vienesse Ball returns
for a second year. Enjoy a night of
fine wine, fine dining and finer dancing.
RMB1,888, 6.30pm-midnight. Hyatt
on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu, by
Wuchang Lu 黄浦路199号, 近武昌路
(6393 1234)
Talk: Myth-Busting China’s
As co-founder of reserach company
Access Asia, Matthew Crabbe spends
his time trying to decode the economics and statistics of Chinese
doemstic consumer economy. He
reveals his findings at this joint M on
the Bund & FCC event.
RMB75 (FCC members), RMB125 (nonmembers), 4pm. Glamour Bar, 6/F, Five
on the Bund, by Guangdong Lu中山东
一路,外滩5号6楼, 近广东路 (6329 3751,
6350 9988)
Awards: Rotary Leadership Awards
and Gala Dinner
The Rotary Club of Shanghai is handing out awards to leaders in the field
of CSR in four categories. The black
tie affair includes a cocktail reception, a silent auction and a sit-down
dinner. Proceeds will go to Gift of
Life, a charity that provides free heart
surgery on the Mainland.
RMB1,250 or RMB10,000 for tables of
10, 6.30pm. Swissotel Grand Shanghai,
1 Yu Yuan Road, by Nanjing Xi Lu 愚
园路1号, 近南京西路 (182 2165 0569,
BBQ: Paulaner Expo
Paulaner Expo hosts this monthly
BBQ featuring reshly grilled suckling
pig and prime rib off the bone with
assorted all-you-can-eat starters,
salads and drinks. Children under 10
eat for free.
RMB238, 5.30-9pm. Paulaner – Expo,
3/F, 555 Shibo Dadao, by Guozhan Lu
世博大道555号3楼, 近国展路 (2206
June 2014 /
Festival: 2014 Kerry Wine Fest
The Kerry Parkside showcases wine
vendors from around the world with
cheese and cold cuts supplied by THE
MEAT and The BLOCK with live entertainment to keep you moving.
Free entry, noon-8pm. Kerry Hotel
Sports: Charity Burpee Marathon
CrossFit IronDragon wants you to
pump it up. They’re presenting
Shanghai’s first Burpee Marathon – a
full body exercise known as king
of the bodyweight exercises. Take
the full marathon challenge (1,000
reps) or sign-up for a half-marathon.
Proceeds go to Lifeline, BEAN, SCAA
and the Heart Foundation.
RMB200/750 (team), Iron Dragon
Crossfit Shanghai, Rm 101, Bldg 10,
861 Jiangning Lu, by Haifang Lu 静安
区江宁路861号101室, 近海防路 (iron@,
Gigs: God is an Astronaut
This Irish post-rock group is among
the biggest in the world. Expect epic
RMB240-300, 8.30pm-late. QSW
Cultural Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by
Jiangning Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路
(6266 3191,
Gigs: Mr. Seaturtle
The outstanding trio that mixes ska
and indie elements stops by On
Stage as part of their national Where
Are you going? tour.
RMB80-100, 8.30pm. On Stage, A2101, Red Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by
Hongqiao Lu 淮海西路570号红坊艺术文
化社区A2-101室, 近虹桥路 (6212 6991)
Gigs: Red Groove Project
Laurence Ku leads this funk explosion with JZ Club mainstays J3 Trio
opening and a jam session to close
the night.
RMB50, 9.30pm-late. JZ Club, 46 Fuxing
Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu 复兴西路46号, 近永
福路 (6431 0269)
Gigs: Soldiers of Twilight
This French collective combines the
charisma and powerhouse vocals
of Lady Bird with dj Rork’s cuts
and Demon Ritchie’s jazz and soul
inflected musical touches. They’re
responsible for deep house classics
like ‘Believe’.
Free entry, 9.30pm-late. Unico, 2/F, 3
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong
Lu 中山东一路外滩3号2楼, 近广东路
(5308 5399)
Gigs: We Shoot the Moon
After a successful tour last year,
the piano-rockers return to play
RMB80-120, 8pm-late. QSW Cultural
Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning
Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路 (6266 3191)
Party: TICT 5th Birthday
The Ice Cream Truck is turning five
and they’re celebrating at their lat-
est beach party. Groove to disco and
booty clapping house with tons of
giveaways, water toys, body paint
and ice cream on site. Free entrance
before noon if you RSVP.
RMB100, 11am-10pm. Bund Beach, 421
Waima Lu, by Maojiayuan Lu 外马路
421号, 近毛家园路 (www.tictcreative.
Party: Unity Sound
The latest Sound the Alarm party is
headlined by the versatile soundsystem that operates across four countries. Expect dancehall, reggae and a
sweaty good time.
RMB50 (before 11pm), RMB80, 10pmlate. Arkham, 乌鲁木齐路1号, 近衡山路
(6211 6317)
JUNE 7-8
Concerts: Asia Nine
These Japanese visual kei rockers
perform a pair of shows that marries
classic rocker style with alternative
RMB260/660 (two-day package),
6.30pm. MAO Livehouse, 3/F, 308
Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo Zhong
Lu 重庆南路308号, 近建国中路 www.
Market: The Weekend Waffle
This veritable outdoor fiesta is filled
with gastronomical treats and popup shops from fashion designers and
independent craftsman. There will
also be interactive art installations,
carnival games, live music and so
much more.
Free entry, noon-8pm. Jing’an Kerry
Centre, 1515 Nanjing Road West, by
Changde Lu 南京西路1515号, 近常德路
JUNE 7&21
Concert: Saturday Brunch Concert
The Shanghai Oriental Art Center’s
biweekly series that mixes classical
with brunch caps off with a performance by the VIenna Philharmonic
Quintet on June 21.
RMB30-80, 10-11.30am. Shanghai
Oriental Art Center, 425 Dingxiang Lu,
by Yingchun Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路
(40 0646 6406,
Market: Jiashan Market
Shanghai’s independent purveyors
of food, beverages and homemade
goods lead this bi-weekly community
market that takes over Jiashan market. Expect plenty of vendors peddling local vegetables, self roasted
coffee, desserts and other homemade treats.
Free entry, 11am-4pm. Jiashan Market,
No. 37, Lane 550, Shaanxi Nan Lu, by
Shaoxing Lu 陕西南路550弄37号, 近
近武进路 (138 1759 0613, qcee99@
Concerts: Deborah J. Carter
The top-class jazz singer leads her
long-standing trio through a night of
up-tempo metropolitan jazz.
RMB80-480, 7.30pm. Shanghai Concert
Hall, 523 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Xizang
Nan Lu 延安东路523号, 近西藏南路
(400 610 3721,
Workshop: Play Sessions 02
Playroom China’s offering a series
exploring different ways to climax.
Space is limited.
RMB150 (with three drinks), 6.30-8
.30pm. The Apartment, 3/F, 47 Yongfu
Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路47号3楼,
近复兴西路 (136 8168 8442,
Party: Punani Rocks
This all-female DJ night takes a walk
on the moody side with dark wave,
synth pop, electro and industrial
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Concert: Schonbrunn Palace
Orchestra Vienna
Matthias Fletzberger conducts the
top-notch chamber orchestra that
focuses on work by Mozard, Strauss
and their contemporaries. Violin soloist Linda Baich guests.
RMB80-880, 7.30pm. Shanghai Oriental
Art Center, 425 Dingxiang Lu, by
Yingchun Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路
(400 610 3721,
Sports: Mud Run
Sign-up for what organizers are describing as China’s first mud run. The
5K race includes a variety of obstacles that will leave you drenched but
happy. The race is in Songjiang but
bus pick-up is at Big Bamboo.
RMB250-300 or RMB2,000/group
of ten, 9am-5pm. Big Bamboo, 132
Nanyang Lu, by Tongren Lu 南阳路132
号, 近铜仁路 (
Books: Dr. Amory Lovins
Lovins is the co-founder and chairman of Rocky Mountain Institute and
is cited as the “Father of the Green
Movement.” He’ll be previewing his
latest book, Reinventing Fire. RSVP
2.30-5pm. Shanghai Gallery of Art,
Three on the Bund, 3/F, 3 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu 中山东一
路3号3楼, 近广东路 (6323 3355 x8303,
JUNE 9&23
Party: Swing Dance Lesson & Party
Zoot suit up and relive Shanghai’s
glorious jazz age on the Bund.
Free entry, 8.30pm-midnight. JZ Latino,
22-23/F, Renaissance Shanghai Yu
Garden, 159 Henan Nan Lu, by Fuyou
Lu 河南南路159号22-23楼, 近福佑路
(2321 8888, 2321 8898)
Gigs: Elsa Kopf
The Paris based folk-pop chanteuse
has drawn comparisons to Mazzy
RMB80-120, 8pm. On Stage, A2-101,
Red Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by
Hongqiao Lu 淮海西路570号红坊艺术文
化社区A2-101室, 近虹桥路 (6212 6991)
Party: The Hang Out
DADA’s Night Market is dead. Long
live the Hang Out. Similar concept
but with more of a more community
focus on fashion and food pop-ups.
Last time a surprise swing dance
flash mob broke out.
Free entry, 8pm-late. DADA, 115 Xingfu
Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115号, 近法
华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Forum: Empowering Environmental
This Green Drinks Forum celebrates
the green entrepreneur, delving into
stories behind current environmental
entrepreneurial ventures across the
globe with a focus on the Mainland.
Free entry with registration, RMB20
without, 6.30-9.30pm. Arup Associates,
30/F, 1045 Huaihai Lu, by Xiangyang
Bei Lu 淮海路1045号30楼, 近襄阳北
路 (135 2403 3830,
Party: Shanghai House Mafia
Non-stop celebrations and action at
the Apartment as some of the best
Shanghai DJs will spin the best in
RMB100 (after midnight for guys),
10pm-late. The Apartment, 3/F, 47
Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路47号
3楼, 近复兴西路 (6437 9478)
Party: Yoshi Horino
The latest Footprints Sessions is
headlined by this Japanese vet. Since
1991, Yoshi Horino has dropped
countless floor shaking anthems
and currently directs the UNKNOWN
Season record label.
RMB50 (with shot), 10pm-late. Arkham,
1 Wulumuqi Lu, by Hengshan Lu 乌鲁
木齐路1号, 近衡山路 (6211 6317)
Literature: United Verses
To celebrate the release of their
first poetry anthology, local poets
will read their poetry in English and
Chinese with translations available.
Copies of the book will be on sale
for RMB50.
Free entry, 2-4pm. Hu Café, Third Plaza,
146 Kaixuan Lu, by Huichuan Lu 长宁
区凯旋路164号第三座, 近汇川路 (5251
Family: Dragon Boat Race
iMandarin sends invitations out to
the town to join its 11th Dragon Boat
race. Transportation, food, prize will
be provided.
RMB350(for players), RMB200(for
cheerleaders); 6500RMB (whole-boat
rental: 18 players and one drummer),
10.30am-5pm. Shanghai Water Sports
Center, 289 Yingzhu Lu, by Gangzhou
青浦区盈朱路289号, 近港周路 (6105
Dinner: Eyes Wide Shut
To fundraise for their upcoming appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe
Festival, Urban Aphrodite offers a
soiree of sensual theater and fivecourse tasting menu. Prepare for sensory overload as erotic vignettes will
be performed with plenty of culinary
tongue teasing foreplay. Deal also
includes free flow bar.
RMB1,000/person or RMB1,900/couples, 7.30pm-late. Shanghai Rose, 76
Nan Suzhou Lu, by Yuanmingyuan Lu
南苏州路76号, 近圆明园路 (,
Gigs: James Yang Yancong
This Hong Kong-born singer with
British roots has made fans out of
such luminaries as Coco Lee with his
unique voice.
RMB280, 7.30pm. MAO Livehouse, 3/F,
308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo
Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号, 近建国中路
JUNE 12&19
Gigs: Shirin
This British glam-pop singer heads to
Shanghai for a pair of shows fresh off
a resident at Macau’s Hard Rock Café.
Tinderbox opens on June 12 with
Air Walker, Nonplus of Color and the
Spondees joining her on June 19.
June 12, RMB30-40, 9pm-late. 696
Livehouse, 11-8 Lane 1727 Sichuan Bei
Lu, by Dong Baoxing Lu 虹口区四川
北路1727弄11-8号, 近东宝兴路. June
19, RMB60, 9pm-late. Yuyintang, 851
Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851
号, 近延安西路 (5237 8662)
Film: Xing Qi Wooooo
It’s Friday the 13th so get ready for
13 hours of horror. The night will be
a mix of ghoulastic film screenings
(Bride of Frankenstein, Night of the
Living Dead), rocking live music and
plenty of surprises.
RMB100-130, 7pm-8am. The Pearl, 471
Zhapu Lu, by Wujin Lu 乍浦路471号,
JUNE 13-22
Festival: ShanghaiPRIDE VI
The annual LGBT festival returns with a varied program of arts events (see
p54), community initiatives and, of course, parties. The traditional Pride
Run kicks things off taking participants through the streets of Shanghai
and culminating in an afternoon BBQ on June 13. The starting point of the
race will be revealed at closer to the date and it’s a suggested minimum RMB100 to participate or RMB200 to join in solely for the
barbecue, with proceeds donated to Chengdu Tongle. Two panel discussions will take place on June 21 coinciding with their NGO Day that brings
awareness to the growing LGBT-related Mainland grassroots organizations.
However, Pride’s most popular events always come at night with an opening party slated for June 14, a Girlz Night Out party on June 19 at Cirque le
Soir and a closing party on June 21. Most event locations will be revealed
shortly before the event.
// For more event information, visit / June 2014
Sport: 24-Hour Challenge
Get ready for RunnersHai’s bracing
24-hour team challenge that will
take place within the organic farm
of the five-star Fairmont property by
Yangcheng Lake.
For more information and to signup, visit:
Comedy: ZMack 5 Years Anniversary
Local improv troupe Zmack is celebrating five years in the game with
a special performance. Guest appearances by Chinese improv comic Zhi
Ma Kong, French improv comedic
troupe Zut Alors and a Zmack
Comedy School Clas Reunion.
RMB100-150 (with one drink), 8-10pm.
The Pearl, 471 Zhapu Lu, by Wujin Lu
乍浦路471号, 近武进路 (150 0001 7652,
Gigs: Twiggy Frostbite
This Swedish dreampop group will
leave listeners enchanted with their
melancholic melodies.
RMB30-40, 9-11.30pm. Yuyintang, 851
Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯旋路851
号, 近延安西路 (5237 8662)
Gigs: The Best Pessimist
The one-man band is always fun and
this Ukrainian electronic post-rock
musician will dazzle with his symphonic sounds.
RMB90-120, 8pm-late. QSW Cultural
Center, 179 Yichang Lu, by Jiangning
Lu 宜昌路179号, 近江宁路 (6266 3191)
Party: Popasuda presents 1996
Skinny Brown is celebrating the full
range of the 90s with this night that
celebrates the era’s hip-hop (WuTang!), jungle (DJ Hype) and acid
Free entry, 10pm-late. Lune, 218
Xinle Lu, by Donghu Lu 新乐路218号,
近东湖路 (139 0197 4330)
JUNE 14-15
Travel: Full Moon Beach Weekend
Dragon Adventures are channeling
the vibes of Thailand’s notorious Full
Moon parties at this weekend-long
bash. Expect booze, body paint and
dancing under the stars. RMB880/
More information at 4006 DRAGON or
Art: Dr. Sketchy’s
Shanghai’s top live drawing social
is back presenting Filthy/Gorgeous
starring Booty Calypso. There’s also
a Friday after-party that’s free for attendees and RMB50 for others.
RMB80-120, 6-9pm. 390 Bar, 390 Panyu
Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 番禺路390号, 近
法华镇路 (drsketchysshanghai@gmail.
JUNE 14&28
Market: Andaz Weekend Market
Andaz Xintiandi has teamed up with
Amelia of Jiashan Market for this biweekly market featuring over 20 vendors of community minded goodies.
Free entry, 11am-4pm. Andaz
Xintiandi, 88 Songshan Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu 上海市黄浦区嵩山路88号,
近淮海中路 (2310 1234,
Concerts: CNBLUE
The popular Korean rockers hit
Shanghai Grand Stage as part of their
world tour.
RMB380-1,580, 7.30pm. Shanghai
Grand Stage, 1111 Caoxi Bei Lu, by
Ciyun Lu 漕溪北路1111号, 近慈云路
(400 610 3721,
Literature: Marco Polo Project’s
The Marco Polo Project holds their
first Shanghai event challenging would-be translators to work
together to do some competitive
Free entry, 2-5pm. Hu Café, Third Plaza
164 Kaixuan Lu, by Huichuan Lu 长宁
区凯旋路164号第三座, 近汇川路 (5231
Class: Healthy Vietnamese Demo
& Lunch
Chef Eiko Takahashi shows how
to create Vietnames dishes that
are both delicious in taste and for
the soul. Suitable for vegansa and
gluten-free diets.
RMB250, 10.30am-12.30pm. Sprout
Lifestyle, Unit 412, Surpass Court, 570
Yongjia Lu, by Yueyang Lu 永嘉路570号
4号楼412室, 近岳阳路 (180 1785 0970,
Film: One Man, One Cow, One
Sprout’s latest documentary examines what an environmentally
friendly biodynamic food system
capable of feeding everyone actually
looks like with a look at the battle of
agricultural control in India.
Free entry, 7-8.30pm. Sprout Lifestyle,
Unit 412, Surpass Court, 570 Yongjia
Film: Bottled Life
Green Drinks screens Bottled Life:
Nestle’s Business with Bottled Water
as part of their monthly film series
examining how the Swiss company
became a global leader. Proceeds go
to the NPO Greenlife Project.
RMB50, 6.45-9pm. The Green at W+K
Jia, 3/F, 1035 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi
Lu 长乐路1035号3楼, 近乌鲁木齐路
Concert: Piano & Cello Fighting
Classical has never been so comedic
as cellist Laurent Cirade duels with
pianist Paul Staicu for the crowd’s
attention while touching on songs
from Stravinsky to the Bee Gees.
RMB80-380, 7.30pm. Shanghai Concert
Hall, 523 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Xizang
Gigs: Latin Jazz China ft. Wilson
The two-time winner of the Yamaha
Saxaphone Championship in China
plays Latin-inflected jazz perfect for
these hot nights.
Free entry, 9pm-12.15am. JZ Latino, 2223/F, Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden,
159 Henan Nan Lu, by Fuyou Lu 河南南
路159号22-23楼, 近福佑路(2321 8888,
2321 8898)
JUNE 16-22
Deal: Fish Week
Käfer Executive Chef Andreas Schmid
has created this mouth watering
fish menu full of fresh and savory
seafood creations like a zesty confit
of salmon, a succulent lobster and
monkfish terrine and turbot dumplings, a creative take on the German
Königsberger Klopse.
Käfer by Binjiang One, Youlong
Garden, Shibu Jie, Fucheng Lu 滨江
富城路拾步街由隆花园, 近花园石桥路
(5877 7500)
June 2014 /
Lu, by Yueyang Lu 永嘉路570号4号
楼412室, 近岳阳路 (180 1785 0970,
JUNE 15&29
Party: Windows Garage
Windows Garage turns two and
they’re offering free drinks for all
from 9-11pm.
Free entry, 9-11pm. Windows Garage,
702 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Datian Lu 南京西
路702号, 近大田路 (6218 1360, www.
June 15
The latest M Literary salon brings the traditional Irish celebration of James
Joyce to Shanghai. Much like how he chronicles a walk through Dublin in
his masterful Ulysses, participants will stroll through Shanghai with plenty
of stops along the way. Expect plenty of readings of works by arguably the
greatest 20th-century writer, including passages from Ulysses on the terrace of M on the Bund. Prominent Joyce experts will provide insight into his
life and there’s a literary afternoon tea featuring food from Dublin’s Davey
Byrne’s pub, which Joyce commemorated in his works. RMB138 entrance
comes with a glass of Burgundy and a gorgonzola sandwich.
// RMB138, 2pm. M on the Bund, 7/F, Five on the Bund, 20 Guangdong Lu, by
Zhongshan Dong Lu 广东路20号, 外滩五号7楼, 近中山东一路 (6350 9988)
joined by other Shanghai fixtures the
Spondees and Nomad’s Land in rocking On Stage and its masterful sound
TBC, 8.30pm. On Stage, A2-101, Red
Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Hongqiao
Lu 淮海西路570号红坊艺术文化社区A2101室, 近虹桥路 (6212 6991)
Party: Goa Productions
China’s leading psy-trance crew are
celebrating the first day of the summer. There’s a simultaneous party
happening in Beijing so expect some
interaction in the night.
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
Party: Men in Black
DJ Ben Huang soundtracks Unico’s
latest wild party concept following
past success like their Twins and The
White Cat parties.
Free entry, 10pm-late. Unico, 2/F, 3
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong
Lu 中山东一路外滩3号2楼, 近广东路
(5308 5399)
June 21
Fête de la Musique
Shanghai’s going to be in a musical mood when this worldwide celebration of music returns to the city for the fifth straight year. Expect plenty of
free concerts and music performances, from Pudong to Songjiang, from
large outdoor public spaces to intimate cafes. M on the Bund is celebrating with classical concerts throughout the day before Anne Evenou closes
the night with light jazz and disco funk. More event details will be announced soon and judging from past years the festival will impress with
its eclectic lineup of local fixtures and visiting international musicians. Stay
tuned to for up-to-date event details.
// Free entry, various venues. (
Party: Robjam and MC Jado
UK garage connoisseur Robjam headlines the latest Push and Pull session
featuring Far East Lion’s MC Jado
toasting the room. Residents Alta
and Naah provide support.
RMB20-30, 10pm-late. The Shelter, 5
Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu 永福路5号,
近复兴西路 (
JUNE 21&28
Nan Lu 延安东路523号, 近西藏南路
(400 610 3721,
Breakfast: Eggs for Entrepreneurs
This monthly business breakfast
takes place at Tock’s this month with
speakers Gene Shen from China
Bridge Ventures and Brian Tan from
let’s Make Great.
RMB200-300, 9.30am. Tock’s, 221
Henan Zhong Lu, by Fuzhou Lu 河南
中路221号, 近福州路 (400 DRAGON,
Charity: Homeless Shelter Open
BEAN is looking for volunteers to
help around the shelter and play
games with residents and visitors.
2-4pm. RSVP by emailing with “Renewal Center
– June 21” in the subject.
Sport: Shanghai Shake Up
Reebok Crossfit MeWellness turns
one and they’re working hard and
playing hard. During the day there
will be a WOD competition replenished with a BBQ feast. Admission includes t-shirt, gift bag and entry into
two throw-down workouts.
RMB300, 9am-2pm. Reebok Crossfit
MeWellness, 667 Changhua Lu, by
Anyuan Lu 昌化路667 号, 近安远路
Party: Electric East
Conrank and his Rankadank posse
throws party in tribute the almighty
Free entry, 10pm-late. DADA, 115
Xingfu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu 幸福路115
号, 近法华镇路 (150 0018 2212)
JUNE 20-22
Travel: Paragliding Adventure
Get out of the city and literally take
flight in Fuyang. On top of paragliding, there will be hiking to explore
the area’s waterfalls and valleys.
More information at 400 DRAGON and
Gigs: Tamas Wells
This Australian singer-songwriter
turned heads during his 2010
Mainland tour and is back again
to support his newest disc On the
Volatility of the Mind.
RMB120-150, 8pm. MAO Livehouse,
3/F, 308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo
Zhong Lu 重庆南路308号, 近建国中路
Gigs: Limousine
These local rockers are quickly making a name for themselves as one
of the city’s top bands. They’ll be
Gigs: Redic & the Storm Riders
The eclectic soul singer leads his
group on a funky musical adventure.
Free entry, 10pm-late. JZ Latino, 2223/F, Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden,
159 Henan Nan Lu, by Fuyou Lu 河南南
路159号22-23楼, 近福佑路(2321 8888,
2321 8898)
Concert: Franz Von Chossy Quintet
The German pianist swings between
jazz and classical, infusing the sound
with his acclaimed group. The quintet will be performing tracks from
their nine-part cinematic third album
When the World Comes Home.
RMB80-480, 7.30pm. Shanghai Concert
Hall, 523 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Xizang
Nan Lu 延安东路523号, 近西藏南路
(400 610 3721,
Charity: Adopt a Grandparent
BEAN invites volunteers to help out
with their elderly care program.
1.30-4.30pm. RSVP by emailing with “Adopt
a Grandparent – June 22” in the
Travel: Mahota Farm
The Sprout Lifestyle crew will
travel to Chongming Island to visit
Shanghai’s first biodynamic demo
farm to learn about sustainable farming practices.
RMB350, 10am-4pm. Sprout Lifestyle,
Unit 412, Surpass Court, 570 Yongjia
Lu, by Yueyang Lu 永嘉路570号4号
楼412室, 近岳阳路 (180 1785 0970,
Concert: Sydney Symphony
The residents of the Sydney Opera
House return to Shanghai as part of
a national tour featuring 23-year-old
Mainland piano soloist Haochen
RMB80-1,080, 7.30pm. Shanghai
Oriental Art Center, 425 Dingxiang Lu,
by Yingchun Lu 丁香路425号, 近迎春路
Party: B2B Session
Local mainstays Charp and Alecs
Marta will be rocking Lola’s dancefloors all night long.
RMB50, 10pm-late. Lola, Bldg 4, 570
Yongjia Lu, by Yueyang Lu 永嘉路570号
4号楼, 近岳阳路 (138 1692 7970)
Party: Cirque loves Baywatch
Summer is here and Cirque le
Soir’s paying tribute to the Pamela
Anderson classic Baywatch.
Complimentary bottles of bubbles for
bikini-clad ladies.
Free entry, 10pm-late. Cirque le Soir,
4/F, Bund 22 – Zhongshan Dong Er Lu
22, by Xin Yong’An Lu 中山东二路22号4
楼, 外滩22号, 近新永安路
Ballet: Coppelia
Inspired by E.T.A Hoffman’s successful
dance piece Coppelia, Suzhou Culture
and Arts Centre Ballet Theatre modernizes this piece while maintaining
the classic storyline and choreography.
RMB80-380, 7.30pm. 1222
Pingxingguan Lu, by Lingshi Lu 平型关
路1222号, 近灵石路 (3636 8807, www. )
Daytrip: Hiking and Kayaking at
Nanbei Lake
The Shanghai Outing Club sets off
to Nanbei Lake for a day of kayaking
and hiking up Eagle Nest Peak to
take in spectacular views of the sea.
Reservation cut-off date is June 21.
More information at 138 1645 2502 or
Comedy: Comedy Exchange
The Shanghai Tickler crew is hosting
Beijing Stand Up at this gut-busting
event to see which city rules supreme
RMB100, 7.30-10pm. 390 Bar, 390
Panyu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu番禺路390 / June 2014
号, 近法华镇路 (2124 9854)
Dance: Flamenco Night
The Library Distillery introduces this
hot monthly event full of spicy dancers, free-flow Cava Segur Viudas (the
champagne of Spain) and Cava cocktails. Jump into the action or lie back
and watch some sensuous dancing.
RMB390, 9.30-11pm. Light & Salt –
Library Distillery, 6/F, YWCA Building,
133 Yuanmingyuan Lu, by Beijing
Dong Lu 圆明园路133号6楼, 近北京东
路 (6361 1086, bookings@light-n-salt.
Gigs: Rat On Monthly
A trio of Shanghai underground
rockers take over Harley’s stage. Hu
Jia Hu Wei will play tracks for their
just released Coaster EP followed by
hardcore group Spill Your Guts and
the brutalistic Goushen.
RMB40, 9pm-late. Harley’s, 265
Nandan Dong Lu, by Caoxi Lu 南丹东路
265号, 近漕溪路
Party: Jesse Rose
The London-based DJ and producer
headlines the latest TICT Rooftop
party. Free entry before 4pm for anyone that RSVPs.
RMB80, 3pm-late. La Rhone, 6/F, Ascott
Hotel, 282 Mid Huai Hai Rd, by Huang
Pi Rd 淮海中路282号香港广场北楼雅诗
阁酒店6楼, 近黄陂南路 (
Party: Miss Behave
Cirque le Soir hosts this wild and
kinky party that includes beats by DJ
Costef and the club’s collection of eccentric dancers.
RMB100, 10pm-late. Cirque le Soir, 4F,
Bund 22 – Zhongshan Dong Er Lu 22,
by Xin Yong’An Lu 中山东二路22号4
楼�外滩22号�近新永安路 (events@
Concert: The Voice Messengers
This Parisian vocal group was a
regular fixture at the legendary Duc
des Lombards jazz club, wowing
audiences with virtuoso reinterprations of big band classics. They’ll be
previewing songs from their much
anticipated third album
RMB80-480, 7.30pm. Shanghai Concert
Hall, 523 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Xizang
Nan Lu 延安东路523号, 近西藏南路
(400 610 3721,
Pets: Pet Adoption Day
Do some good and adopt a rescued
pet. Since 2011, Best Friends China
has placed hundreds of rescued pets
into permanent homes and here’s
your chance to be next. All adoptable cats are vaccinated, spayed or
neutered and de-wormed to ensure
their health.
Free entry, 11am-3pm. Porquoi Pet
Café, 3585 Yindu Lu, by Humin Lu 银
都路3585号, 近沪闵路 (147 8258 8576,
Exhibition: Queen of the Crime
Xintiandi Style is giving love to the
June 2014 /
Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie.
Scenes from her iconic works like
Murder on the Orient Express will be
displayed as will original memotoes.
Interactive events will also demonstrate her iconic stories.
Free entry, 10am-10pm. Xintiandi Style,
245 Madang Lu, by Zizhong Lu 新天地
时尚, 马当路245号, 近自忠路
Charity: Help orphaned babies
Local do-gooders are helping out
with orphaned infants at Lupin
Healing Home in Minhang (June
8&22), Shanghai Healing Home (June
8&28) and Baby’s Home (June 14).
RSVP by e-mail beanshanghai@gmail.
com with “Care for Orphans – June
8 [or] 28” or “Lupin June 8 [or] 22”
or “Better with you – June 14” in the
Drink: Waterhouse Rooftop
Come with friends and enjoy signature cocktails including paradise,
negroni, mojito and cosmopolitan
at the Waterhouse rooftop cocktail
bar. With the scent of flowers flowing from the rooftop garden and the
breeze on your face, this is where
you get to enjoy the splendid view of
Huangpu river and the spectacular
Pudong skyline in cool and comfy
mid-summer nights.
Daily, 6.30pm-1am. 4/F, Waterhouse
Shanghai, 1-3 Maojiayuan Lu, by
Zhongshan Nan Lu 毛家园路1-3号, 近中
山南路 (6080 2988)
Film: The Exchange
Basement 6 Collective will be showing video-art exhibitions all moth.
Twenty local Chinese are participating in the Exchange Program with
videos exchanged between Cannes
and Shanghai.
Free entry, 7-10pm. Basement 6
Collective, B/F, Bldg. 6, 1643 Huashan
Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu 华山路1643号
地下室6号楼, 近淮海中路 (anneliese@
Yoga: Karma Summer Yoga Season
Karma Life Yoga has just launched
a summer outdoor yoga session.
Members and yoga lovers can stretch
out their problems on the Andaz
Hotel’s patio and cap it off with
either brunch or a message set afterwards (call for prices). Yoga session
is free for Karma members, RMB248
for non-members. Classes are in both
English and Chinese.
RMB248, 10-11am. 2/F, Andaz Hotel, 88
Songshan Lu, by Taicang Lu 嵩山路88
号, 近太仓路 (5321 0688)
Celebrate Dad
JUNE 8-15
Deal: Dragon Phoenix’s Father’s
Day Deal
The Fairmont Peace Hotel’s awardwinning Chinese restaurant is offering sumptuous specialties like fried
butterfly shrimp with XO sauce and
sautéed beef spare rib with black
pepper sauce all week at special prices ranging from RMB48-168 per dish.
Dragon Phoenix, 8/F, Fairmont
Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu 南京东路20号和
平饭店8楼, 近中山东一路 (6138 6880)
JUNE 14-15
Afternoon Tea: Jasmine Lounge
This Father’s Day themed afternoon
tea is a gentleman’s affair with the
Fairmont Peace Hotel’s legendary
Old Jazz Band performing classics.
A spread of savory snacks like citrus
cured salmon millefeuille with fresh
dill and fresh capers will be available.
The deal also includes unlimited coffee or tea and a choice of cocktail
or mocktail. Guests can enjoy a 15
percent discount if they post a photograph of themselves enjoying the
afternoon together on WeChat or
Weibo prior to paying the bill.
RMB298, 2-6pm. Jasmine Lounge,
1/F, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing
Dong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu 南
京东路20号费尔蒙和平饭店大堂, 近中山
东一路 (6138 6886)
Brunch: Cathay Room
Executive Chef Nicholas Blair has
prepared this special Father’s Day
gourmet brunch with hearty a la
carte selections of rack of lamb, lobster thermidor and Angus beef sirloin. The buffet spread also features
fresh premium oysters and important
cheeses. Dads will receive a martini
and complimentary cigar. If there are
three or more paying adults in your
group, Dad gets to dine for free.
RMB798, Noon-3pm. The Cathay Room,
9/F, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing
Dong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu 南
京东路20号和平饭店9楼, 近中山东一路
(6138 6881)
Class: Father’s Day Cooking Class
Dads and kids will work together
under the watchful eye of Morton’s
Chef Panos to create such signature
dishes as their New England-style
clam chowder, lobster bisque and the
mini crab cake burgers while trying
their hand at mixology.
RMB218 plus 10 percent/two, 11.30am3pm. Morton’s Steak and Seafood
Grille, 4/F, iapm Mall, 999 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu 淮海中路
999号环贸广场4楼, 近陕西南路 (6067
Class: Father’s Day Cooking Class
Chef Corwin Long at the original
Morton’s at ifc Mall oversees this
class where fathers and children will
learn how to prepare Morton’s legendary hot chocolate cake and mini
RMB218 plus 10 percent/two,
3-4.30pm. Morton’s Steakhouse, 4/F,
ifc Mall, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan
Lu 世纪大道8号, 国金中心IFC商场4楼,
近陆家嘴环路 (6075 8888)
Lunch: Yi Café
Treat Dad with a feast. Dads will receive an honorary plaque for being
awesome and kids can design a tie
for Pops.RMB528 deal includes unlimited soft drinks, juice, select beer
and house wines.
RMB528 plus 15 percent, 11.30am-3pm. Yi Café, Pudong Shangri-La Hotel,
Level 1, Tower 2, 33 Fucheng Lu, by
Yincheng Dong Lu 富城路33号香格
里拉酒店2号楼1楼,近银城东路 (6882
Lunch: Le Bistrot
Treat the man of the house to a
feast from the four corners of the
earth including fresh seafood, roast
meats and foie gras. There’s even an
exciting bull competition for all the
fathers to further cement that they’re
the man. Options include free flow
Moët Bruet champagne for RMB528
plus 15 percent or free flow Moët
Rose for RMB598 plus 15 percent.
RMB428 plus 15 percent, 12-3pm. Le
Bistrot, Le Royal Meridien Shanghai,
lobby level, 789 Nanjing Dong Lu, by
Jiujiang Lu南京东路789号, 近九江路
(3318 9999, x. 7001)
Lunch: Pudong City Bistro
Give Dad the day off to enjoy this
mammoth buffet spread that features
food from around the world and
free-flow house wines and beers. A
RMB599 family package deal is available for groups of two adults and
one child under 12. Reservations are
required in advance.
RMB328/person, 11.30am-2.30pm.
Pudong City Bistro, 2/F, 15 Xinjinqiao
Lu, by Hongfeng Lu 新金桥路15号2楼,
近红枫路 (6036 8855)
Family Moments
With all these family holidays, the
Grand Hyatt is offering this weekend
deal. Two children under 12 years
old per family can enjoy free chef’s
creative kids menus or buffet at any
of the hotel’s restaurants. A clown
will be on site for Children’s Day and
the hotel is running a Weibo/WeChat
photo contest for best family moments with a weekend stay at their
Presidential Suite with breakfast as
the prize.
Grand Hyatt, Jinmao Tower, 88 Shiji
Dadao, by Dongtai Lu 世纪大道88号金
茂大厦, 近东泰路 (5047 1234)
travel deals
Seven days Palawan, RMB8,6
Fly from Shanghai to idyllic Coron
and enjoy one of the Philippines’
top hotels, Club Paradise. A tropical
Shangri-la nestled upon a coral jewel
set amidst Palawan’s sparkling turquoise waters, this island resort is a
perfect hideaway for those who seek
both relaxation and discovery. Price
includes airfare, six nights at the resort and return airport transfers.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Eight days Cambodia,
Combine beach and culture
with a trip to Angkor Wat and
Sihanoukiville. Package includes
return airfare without tax, accommodation, daily breakfast and airport
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Four days Yangtze River Yichang
to Chongqing, RMB6,500+
Visit Chongqing and then embark
on a cruise that will take you to the
‘ghost city’ of Fengdu, the Three
Gorges Dam Project and down the
quiet Shennong stream, flanked by
lushly vegetated cliffs where you
may spot traditional suspended
coffins. Package includes flights to
Chongqing and back, half day tour in
Chongqing with an English-speaking
tour guide, accommodation on the
cruise, airport transfers and meals
when specified.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Six days Bhutan (October
Holiday), RMB19,500+
Explore the tiny, remote kingdom of
Bhutan nestling in the Himalayas. Fly
to Paro via Bangkok and make your
way into this still untouched country.
Package includes flights without air
tax, private transfers, accommodation, English-speaking guide and
meals as specified in the itinerary.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Seven days Kota Kinabalu
(October Holiday), RMB11,900+
Fly to Malaysia and stay at awardwinning Shangri-La Rasa Ria Resort,
with a wide sandy beach, six restaurants, kids’ club, cooking classes and
an orangutan sanctuary within the
resort. Price includes return airfare
with air tax, accommodation, daily
breakfast and return airport transfers.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Seven days Boracay (October
Holiday), RMB7,900+
Today, Boracay is one of the world’s
most famed tourist destinations and rightly so, with two fantastic
main beaches boasting some of the
whitest sand and finest blue skies
ever encountered by man. Package
includes return airfare with tax, fournight accommodation, daily breakfast and transfers.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Seven days Bali (June),
Fly to Bali via Singapore and soak in
beautiful sceneries, and lush natural
treasures. Package includes return
airfare excluding tax, accommodation, daily breakfast and return airport transfers.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
or the pearl of the south. Chill out
in this tropical paradise and treat
yourself to a pampering stay. Price
includes return airfare with tax, accommodation, daily breakfast and
return airport transfers.
// Homay Travel, Rm 402, Pearl Center,
1019 Nanquan Bei Lu, by Shangcheng
Lu 南泉北路1019号明珠中心402室, 近
商城路 (2215 7565, www.homay-travel.
Sailing Koh Samui, RMB8,500+
per day
Explore the beautiful surroundings
and pristine waters of Koh Samui
with a bespoke sailing trip that will
take you to remote beaches and
more on a private yacht featuring,
among other things, a fully equipped
kitchen, three spacious cabins and an
LCD TV sound system.
// Homay Travel, Rm 402, Pearl Center,
1019 Nanquan Bei Lu, by Shangcheng
Lu 南泉北路1019号明珠中心402室, 近
商城路 (2215 7565, www.homay-travel.
Five days Sanya, RMB4,600+
No need to travel miles to find perfect beaches and crystalline waters;
just head to Sanya. Price includes
roundtrip flights, accommodation,
airport transfer and daily breakfast.
// Homay Travel, Rm 402, Pearl Center,
1019 Nanquan Bei Lu, by Shangcheng
Lu 南泉北路1019号明珠中心402室, 近
商城路 (2215 7565, www.homay-travel.
Seven days Boracay (Christmas
and New Year), RMB7,500+
A seemingly endless coast of talcumwhite sand, clear waters and an air of
island serenity are what attract most
visitors to Boracay. But the island is
not lacking in fanfare and comforts:
rock bars and discos, deluxe resorts
and superb restaurants abound.
Package includes round trip flights,
airport transfers, accommodation
and daily breakfast.
// Homay Travel, Rm 402, Pearl Center,
1019 Nanquan Bei Lu, by Shangcheng
Lu 南泉北路1019号明珠中心402室, 近
商城路 (2215 7565, www.homay-travel.
Eight Days Silk Road,
Explore the ancient Silk Road, one of
the world’s most historically important trade routes, from Xi’an, through
Dunhuang to Turpan and Urumqi.
Tailor-made private tours are available. For inquiries, contact Silk Road
Seven days Cebu, RMB8,500+
Cebu is both a bustling metropolis
and a tropical getaway lined with
sandy beaches and crystal clear waters. Stay at popular Maribago Resort
and make a day trip to nearby island
Bohol, known for its Chocolate Hills,
fabulous diving and snorkeling sites,
as well as for being home to one of
the world’s smallest primates, the
Tarsier. Price includes return airfare,
accommodation, daily breakfast and
return airport transfers.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Four days Singapore (June),
Have a dazzling city break in
Singapore, and discover its fascinating brew of Chinese, Malay, Indian
and Western cultures. Price includes
return airfare excluding tax, accommodation at Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa
Resort and daily breakfast.
// Xpats Travel, 1807A, 699 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Wujiang Lu 南京西路699弄东方
有线大厦1807A, 近吴江路 (6439 2985,
Seven Days Phuket (Christmas
and New Year), RMB7,500+
Located approximately 862 kilometers south of Bangkok is Phuket,
Thailand’s largest island, often
dubbed the pearl of the Andaman,
Four days Jiuzhaigou private tour, RMB5,900+
Located in the north of Sichuan, Jiuzhaigou is a stunning natural reserve
and national park. Explore this scenic area with a private English-speaking
guide. Package also includes round way flights, private transfers, breakfast
and accommodation.
// Homay Travel, Rm 402, Pearl Center, 1019 Nanquan Bei Lu, by
Shangcheng Lu 南泉北路1019号明珠中心402室, 近商城路 (2215 7565, / June 2014
Bar Rouge
Mon-Fri 6-10pm, RMB100+/person
for a signature cocktail and tapas
presented by Mr & Mrs Bund. They
also have giant cocktails big enough
for 10-15.
7/F, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Nanjing Dong Lu 中山东一路18号7楼,
近南京东路 (6339 1199)
Big Bamboo
Mon-Fri 2-8pm; Sat-Sun 4-8pm,
RMB25 Tiger and Carlsberg draft,
standard drinks, non-imported bottle beers and discounted premium
1) 132 Nanyang Lu, by Tongren Lu
南阳路132号, 近铜仁路 (6256 2265, 2) Hongmei
Entertainment Street, No. 20, Lane
3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 虹
梅路3338号虹梅路休闲街26号, 近延安
西路 (6465 9099,
3) 381 Hongfeng Lu, by Biyun Lu 红枫
路381号, 近碧云路 (5030 1779, www.
Bistro Burger
Weekdays 11am-6pm,
RMB75 on any purchase
of a burger and a drink
less than RMB30. Wed 7-9pm, free
classic milkshakes with any purchase
of burger. New cocktails available by
the carafe (1 liter) for RMB200.
1/F, 291 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu 富民
Bounty Rhumerie
Daily 6-9pm, buy-one-get-one-free
on bottles of beer and planteur.
1) 550 Wuding Lu, by Xikang Lu 武定
路550号, 近西康路 (www.bountybar.
cn) 2) 1/F, 47 Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing
Xi Lu 永福路47号, 近复兴西路 ( www.
Burdigala Wine Bar
Sat 6-9pm, buy-one-get-one-free on
glasses of Bordeaux from the whole
550 Wuding Lu, by Shaanxi Bei Lu 武定
路550号, 近陕西北路 (6217 0377)
Camel Sports Bar
Daily 4-8pm, RMB25 on select drinks.
1) 1 Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu 岳
阳路1号, 近东平路 (6437 9446) 2) 116
Weifang Xi Lu, by Pudong Nan Lu 潍坊
西路116号, 近浦东南路 (5879 5892)
Tues 5pm-late, buy-one-get-one-free
on draft beer and house wines.
4B, 1/F, 291 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu
富民路291号1楼4B, 近长乐路 (6076
Cin Cin Wine and Cigar
Every Tue-Sat 6-8pm, buyone-get-one-free on all cocktails on the menu.
Mezzanine floor, Fairmont
Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong
Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu
南京东路20号, 近中山东一路
(6138 6889)
Mon-Fri 4-8pm, buy-oneget-one-free.
1) 132 Anting Lu, by
Jianguo Xi Lu 安亭路132
号, 近建国西路 (6433
June 2014 /
7995) 2) 294 Xinhua Lu, by Panyu Lu 新
华路294 号, 近番禺路 (6282 6897)
Daily 5-7pm, half price cocktails,
beers and house wines. RMB50/person for finger food.
Unit B, 4/F, 6 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu,
by Guangdong Lu 中山东一路6号4楼B
座, 近广东路 (6346 3686)
Mon & Sun 5-8pm, buy-one-getone-free on all wines by bottle or by
glass, drinks and selected tapas.
1) 53-57 Anfu Lu, by Changshu Lu 安福
路53-57号, 近常熟路 (5404 0050) 2) 58
Taicang Lu, by Ji’nan Lu 太仓路58号, 近
济南路 (5306 3400) 3) 343 Jiaozhou Lu,
by Wuding Lu 胶州路343号, 近武定路
Glo Wine Bar
Daily 5-8pm, RMB30 on selected
wines, draught beer and glo signature mojitos
3/F, 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, by Dongping
Lu 乌鲁木齐南路1号3楼, 近东平路 (6466
Greyhound Cafe
Mon-Fri 5-7pm, RMB28 for one
Tsingtao or Budweiser and RMB38 for
a mojito or dry martini. All accompanied by an option of snack from the
happy hour menu including calamari
fritti, fried spring rolls and chicken
503, IAPM Mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu,
by Shaanxi Nan Lu 淮海中路999号IAPM
MALL 503商铺, 近陕西南路 (5466 6105)
Mon-Fri 4-7pm, buy-one-get-onefree on all drinks except Guinness,
Kilkenny, or Long Island Iced Tea.
Super Brand Mall 1/F, 168 Luijiazui Xi
Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu 陆家嘴西路
168号, 近陆家嘴环路 (5049 0199); B1,
Shanghai City Center, 100 Zunyi Lu, by
Xianxia Lu 遵义路100号B1层, 近仙霞路
(6237 0080)
Italian Kitchen 26
Fri & Sat 10pm-2am, buy-one-getone-free refill for all glasses of wine
and beer.
23 Anfu Lu, by Changshu Lu 安福路23
号, 近常熟路 (5404 3109)
Jade on 36 Bar
Daily 5.30-9pm, buy-one-get-onefree by glass.
36/F, Grand Tower, Pudong Shangri-La,
33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu 浦
东香格里拉大酒店紫金楼36层, 富城路33
号, 近陆家嘴环路 (6882 8888)
Kebabs on the Grille
Mon-Fri 5.30-6.30pm, 50 percent off
the whole bill.
People’s Square branch, Unit 103,
Central Plaza, 227 Huangpi Bei Lu, by
Jiangyin Lu 黄陂北路227号中区广场103
室, 近江阴路 (3315 0132,
La Cocina
Daily 3-7pm, buy-one-get-one-free on
cocktails, beers and house wines.
9 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu 东平路
9号, 近衡山路 (6473 1021)
Le Cafe des
Cheap! Daily 4-8pm, dis-
Daily 5-8pm, RMB30 on house
selections, RMB45 for luxury
11 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan
Lu 东平路11号, 近衡山路 (6474
Daily 5-7pm, RMB88 on free
flow prosecco, RMB45 for
one cocktail and RMB88 for
two, all accompanied by
chef’s homemade pizza,
chicken croquettes and
fried zucchini.
4/F, IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao, by
Lujiazui Huan Lu 世纪大道
8号IFC商场4楼, 近陆家嘴
环路 (5012 1277)
Segafredo Caffe Bar &
Daily 5-10pm, buy-one-getone-free on drinks including aperitifs, selected prosecco, red or white wine,
whisky and beers.
2/F, S2-03, S2-07,
South Retail Building
Jing’an Kerry Center,
1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Changde Lu 南京西路
商场2楼S2-03, S2-07K, 近
常德路 (6380 3280)
counted beers from
RMB10/glass and wines from
1085 Wuding Lu, by Jiaozhou
Lu 武定路1085号, 近胶州路
Max Pub
Daily 5-8pm. buy-oneget-one-free on most
draft and bottled beers.
188 Fujian Zhong Lu, by
Fuzhou Lu 福建中路188号,
近福州路 (6375 7707)
Sir Elly’s Terrace
Daily 5-8pm, RMB195/
three-assorted tapas
from the land or
tapas from the sea, includes a signature cocktail, a glass of sangria
or house wine.
14/F, The Peninsula
Shanghai, 32 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing
Dong Lu 上海半岛酒店14
层, 中山东一路32号, 近北
京东路 (2327 6756)
Mexico Lindo
Daily 4.30-8pm, buyone-get-one-free on
beer, wine, cocktails and
Unit 39 Laowaijie, Lane
3338 Hongmei Lu, by
Yan’an Xi Lu 虹梅路3338
弄老外街39号, 近延安西路
(6465 9336)
Morton’s the Steakhousse
Mon-Fri 5-7pm, RMB45 on five
selected martinis with free steak
4/F, IFC Mall, 8 Shiji Dadao, by
Yincheng Zhong Lu 世纪大道8号国金中
心商场4楼, 近银城中路 (6075 8888)
Daily 4-8pm, buy-one-get-one-free
on all home-crafted beers and house
1/F, Kerry Hotel Pudong, 1388 Huamu
Lu, by Fangdian Lu 浦东嘉里大酒店1楼,
花木路1388号, 近芳甸路
Morton’s Steak & Seafood Grille
Mon-Fri 5-7pm and 9-11pm, RMB45
plus 10 percent each on Morton’s
popular Mortinis, beer and wines.
Between 9-11pm, there’s also
RMB15O plus 10 percent on half a
dozen house special oysters.
L4-403, iapm Mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong
Lu, by Shaanxi Nan Lu 淮海中路999
号iapm环贸广场4楼403, 近陕西南路
(6067 7888)
Unico by Mauro
Tues, all night, RMB80
for two sparkling mojitos
and free flow mojitos between 8.309.30pm.
2/F, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu 中山东一路3号外滩3号2
楼, 近广东路 (5308 5399)
Paulaner Brauhaus
Daily, 50 percent off beers at Expo
3/F, 555 Shibo Dadao, by Guozhan Lu
世博大道555号3楼, 近国展路 (2206
Pho Co
Daily 3-7pm, Buy one get one free
on selected bottle beers. RMB25 on
glasses of house wine or sparkling
920 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu 长乐
路920弄1号, 近乌鲁木齐路 (5289 6275)
Roosevelt Rooftop Lounge and
Roosevelt Sky Bar
Daily 2-5pm, RMB148 for all-you-candrink frozen margaritas.
The House of Roosevelt 9 /F, 27
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing
Dong Lu 中山东一路 (外滩) 27号罗斯福
公馆9楼, 近北京东路 (2322 0800)
Va Bene
Daily from 6pm, RMB48 on all drinks,
which are also buy-one-get-one-free.
Block 7, 181 Taicang Lu, by Madang Lu
太仓路181弄新天地北里7号楼, 近马当路
(6311 2211)
Daily 5-8pm, 50 percent off on standard drinks (including mojito and
margaritas) and 50 percent off on all
5 Hengshan Lu, by Dongping Lu 衡山路
5号, 近东平路 (6433 4104)
Zpark Bar
Sun- Fri, 5.30-8.30pm, all drinks buyone-get-one-free except bottles.
25/F, Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan
Park Hotel, 1018 Changning Lu, by
Kaixuan Lu 长宁路1018号25楼, 近凯旋
路 (6115 8809)
Ladies’ nightS
路47号3楼, 近复兴西路 (6437 9478)
Tima Harbour
5pm onwards. All cocktails buy one
get one free.
11 Zhenning Lu, by Zhaohua Dong Lu,
镇宁路11号, 近昭化东路 (6225 8684)
Big Bamboo
8pm-12am. Free selected drinks for
all ladies.
123 Nanyang Lu, by Tongren Lu 南阳路
123号, 近铜仁路 (6256 2265)
Bistro Burger
Ladies get a free spiked milkshake
with any purchase of
1/F, 291 Fumin Lu, by
Changle Lu 富民路291
号1楼, 近长乐路 (6170
1315, www.bistroburger.
RMB78 on free flow sparkling
for ladies all night.
1) 53-57 Anfu Lu, by Changshu
Lu 安福路53-57号, 近常熟路
(5404 0050) 2) 58 Taicang Lu,
by Ji’nan Lu 太仓路58号, 近济南
路 (5306 3400) 3) 343 Jiaozhou
Lu, by Wuding Lu 胶州路343
号, 近武定路 (www.enoteca.
The Geisha
Free sparkling
wine and pink
3/F, 390 Shaanxi Nan Lu,
by Fuxing Zhong Lu 陕西
南路390号3楼, 近复兴中路
(6403 0244)
5pm-late, ladies get one
free classic cocktail.
4B, 1/F, 291 Fumin Lu,
by Changle Lu 富民路
291号1楼4B, 近长乐路 (6076
All night. Buy one get one free on
all fruit lambics and RMB25 Vedett
for ladies.
739 Dingxi Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 定西路
739号, 近延安西路 (6280 5688, www.
La Cocina
9.30-11pm. Free flow of selected
latino cocktails, beers and sangria.
9 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu 东平
路9号, 近衡山路 (6473 1021)
La Pedrera
5.30-10.30pm, two free cocktails
for ladies, including Jamaican white
Russians, Jamaican swizzles, espresso
martini cocktails and hurricanes.
33 Sichuan Zhong Lu, by Yan’an Dong
Lu 四川中路33号, 近延安东路 (6136
Southern Belle
8-11pm. RMB25 house pours for all
the belles in the house.
433 Changle Lu, by Xiangyang Bei Lu
长乐路433号, 近襄阳北路 (5403 3218)
9-12pm. Free Margarita for ladies.
5 Hengshan Lu, by Dongping Lu 衡山路
5号, 近东平路 (6433 4104)
The Apartment
9-11pm. Free sparkling wine and
cosmopolitan for the ladies. Music is
3/F, 47 Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu 永福
Bar Rouge
6-11.30pm (until 12.30am
with password ‘MVP’)
means free cocktail for the
ladies, but free entry goes
all night long.
7/F, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi
Lu, by Nanjing Dong Lu 中山
东一路18号7楼, 近南京东路
(6339 1199)
Glo Wine Bar
8-10pm. One glass of wine and
50% off tapas for all ladies
3/F, 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, by
Dongping Lu 乌鲁木齐南路1号3
楼, 近东平路 (6466 6565, www.
Jade on 36 Bar
7.30-10pm, free “Sex and the
City” cocktails for ladies.
36/F, Grand Tower, Pudong
Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui
Huan Lu 浦东香格里拉大酒店紫金楼
36层, 富城路33号, 近陆家嘴环路 (6882
789 Nanjing Lu
9-11pm. Free-flow Martini Brut sparkling wine and cocktails
65/F, Le Royal Meridien Hotel, 789
Nanjing Dong Lu, by Xizang Lu 南京东
路789号, 上海世茂皇家艾美酒店64-66
层, 近西藏路
The Spot
10pm-late. Complimentary fruit martinis for all ladies.
331 Tongren Lu, by Beijing Lu 铜仁路
331号, 近北京西路 (6247 3579)
Cin Cin Wine and Cigar Lounge
9-11pm. Free flow of selected cocktails for ladies.
Mezzanine floor, Fairmont Peace Hotel,
20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu 南京东路20号, 近中山东一路
(6138 6889)
Mexo at the Bund
10pm-12am. Free Margaritas for all
Rm114, Wharf 1846, Bldg3, 601 Waima
Lu, by Zhuhangmatou Jie 外马路601号3
号楼114室, 近竹行码头街 (3330 0977)
Ricky’s Bar
Daily 11am-9pm, two-for-one on
Tiger/Heineken draft.
930 Pudong Dadao, by Yuanshen
Lu 浦东大道930号, 近源深路
Coconut Bar
Mon-Fri 2-8pm, Sat-Sun 11am6pm, two-for-one on Tiger/
Heineken draft.
No.12, Lane 199 Fangdian Lu, by
Dingxiang Lu 芳甸路199弄12号, 近
丁香路 (5033 9879)
JK Bar
Daily 4-8pm, two-for-one on
Tiger/Heineken draft. RMB150 on
free flow Tiger draft.
1181 Xiuyan Lu, by Henghe Zhong
Lu 秀沿路1181号, 近恒和中路 (2095
Two-for-one on
330ml Pint and
two-for-one on Heineken draft.
1) 1/F, Superbrand Mall, 168
Lujiazui Xi Lu, by Huayuan Shiqiao
Lu 2) 1498 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Wulumuqi Zhong Lu 1) 陆家嘴西路
168号正大广场一楼 , 近花园石桥路
2) 淮海中路1498号, 近乌鲁木齐中路
Radisson Hotel
Daily 4-8pm, two-for-one on
Tiger/Heineken draft.
1199 Yingchun Lu, by Fangdian Lu
迎春路1199号, 近芳甸路 (137 6434
Dream Bar
Holiday Inn
Flanagan Bar
Daily 4-8pm, two-for-one on
Tiger/Heineken draft.
1181 Xiuyan Lu, by Henghe Zhong
Lu 秀沿路1181号, 近恒和中路 (2098
Daily 5-8pm, two-for-one on Tiger
899 Dongfang Lu, by Pudian Lu 东
方路899号, 近浦电路 (139 1758
Expo Hotel
Liquor Factory
Daily 5-8pm, two-for-one on
Heineken draft.
94/F, SWFC, 100 Shiji Dadao, by
Lujiazui Huan Lu 世纪大道100号环球
金融中心94楼, 近陆家嘴环路 (5878
Daily 5.30-8pm, two-for-one on
Tiger/Heineken draft at RMB38.
1188 Xueye Lu, by Shibo Dadao 雪
野路1188号, 近世博大道 (186 2000
RMB70/two pints Sol, RMB60/
canned Murphy’s.
851 Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 凯
旋路851号, 近延安西路
Dillon Bar
Daily 8-10pm, RMB100 on free
flow Heineken draft. RMB80 on
one Heineken draft all day.
62 Xuanhua Lu, by Jiangsu Lu 宣化
路62号, 近江苏路
Koala bar
Daily 4-8pm, two-for-one on
Tiger/Heineken draft.
280 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Panyu Lu 淮海
西路280号, 近番禺路
Daily 11am - 6pm, half price on
second glass of Tiger draft.
135-3 Fahuazhen Lu, by Xingfu Lu
法华镇路135-3号, 近幸福路
RMB40 on Murphy’s
happy hour. Buy-five-getone-free on Sol all day,
two-for-one on Tigers.
Rm E, 1/F, 242 Julu Lu, by
Shimen Lu 巨鹿路242号底
层E商铺, 近石门一路 / June 2014
With remarkable sales results in 2013, supermarket Ole’ published an ambitious plan to expand in more Mainland cities while
embracing its 10th anniversary this year.
ZStar Group, a real estate developing corporation combining
multiple industries, planned the grand opening of its newly-built
Pullman Shanghai South hotel and rewarded guests with selected
restaurant opening offers on April 29. It also launched a ZStar
Plaza Art Festival on May 11.
June 2014 /
Westin Ningbo launched its Horseback Riding Program (a part of
Westin’s year-long well-being campaign carried out by all Westin
hotels and resorts around the world) at the Ningbo Xinzhengda
Equestrian Club on April 27. Over a hundred hotel clients, Ningbo
local celebrities and horse owners attended.
On April 22, Cachet Hotel Group (CHG) announced important
milestones for their continued global expansion at a press
conference held during the China Hotel Investment Conference
(CHIC) in Shanghai.
Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund re-launched its nightlife
hotspot TOPS, which was awarded 2013 Best Bar View in Shanghai
along with an elegant dining encounter offered by Riviera in April.
Shanghai Tang, one of China’s iconic fashion brands, launched
a new outlet in the Biyun International Community, Pudong on
April 23.
Inspired by the 2014 Summer Stockholm Fashion Week, D:fuse
launched its awesome summer collection.
The fourth Sheshan Blossom Festival, held on a private peach garden in Songjiang, sees
a combination of peach blossom discovery, interactive workshops and intangible cultural
heritage performances. The culture and leisure event introduced the charm of Chinese
folk culture to all.
THE CODE 20, the organization behind
the avant-garde closing Grand Prix
events in collaboration with prestigious
club M18 Shanghai closed the Grand
Prix party with celebrated artists. / June 2014
6 楼 , 近桃源路 6) 世纪大道 100 号环球金融中心
2 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路 7) 延安西路 2088 号虹桥嘉顿
广场一层 , 近伊犁路 8) 红枫路 331 号 , 近碧云路
9) 花木路 1378 号浦东嘉里城 1 楼 , 近芳甸路 10)
太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 18 号楼 02 单元 11) 淮
海中路 300 号 K11 艺术中心 4 楼 402, 近黄陂南
路 12) 南京西路 1551 号静安嘉里中心 N1-12,
N2-11 单元 , 近铜仁路
AE kitchen One of the most popular brunch
place! Especially the Pancake, French toast,
Omelets! Bakery is available everyday! 1)
184 Jiaozhou Lu (62123337) 2) 491 Yuyuan
Lu (62413233) 1) 胶州路 184 号 2) 愚园路 491
Shanghai Slims One of the more reasonably
priced steakhouses around town, Chef
Adam Levin ages his meat beautifully. Also
serves up lobster mac&cheese and other
haute takes on American grub. 10-12, Sinan
Mansion, 523 Fuxing Zhong Lu, by Sinan Lu
(6426 0162) Daily 11.30am-10pm 复兴中路 523 弄思南公馆 10-12 号 ,
Beef & Liberty A burger restaurant offering
hand-made , premium hamburgers made
from grass-fed, Australian Certified Angus
beef that is ground in-house, twice a day.
Suite 111, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing
West Lu, by Xikang Lu Daily 11am to 11pm
南京西路 1376 号上海商城 111 单元,近西康路
Bistro Burger Bistro Burger serves 100
percent Australian beef patties with special
spices and fresh ingredients and milkshakes
made with New Zealand ice cream. The
bistro also functions as a bar where a wide
selection of beers and cocktail concoctions
can be best enjoyed. 1/F, 291 Fumin Lu, by
Changle Lu (6170 1315) Sun-Thu: 10-12am;
Fri-Sat: 10-2am 富
Baker & Spice Excellent fresh-baked pastries
and spot-on baguettes. Brought to you from
the makers of Wagas. 1) 1/F, 195 Anfu Lu,
by Wulumuqi Lu (5404 2733) Daily 7am8.30pm. 2) Unit 118, 1/F, Shanghai Centre,
1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289
8875) 1) 安福路 195 号 1 楼,近乌鲁木齐路 2) 南
民路 219 号 1 楼 , 近长乐路
京西路 1376 号上海商城 1 楼 118 单元 , 近西康路
Blue Frog 1) Lower Level, Unit 12, 131
Tianyaoqiao Lu, by Xingeng Lu (3368 6117)
Daily 10am-late 2) 30,
Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Hongxu Lu (5422
5119) Daily 10am-late
cn/ 3) Green Sports & Leisure Center, R3633 Biyun Lu, by Yunshan Lu (5030 6426)
Daily 10am-late 4) 6/F Daning Life Hub,
1918 Gonghe Xin Lu, by Daning Lu (6631
3920) Daily 10am-late 5) B109, 100 Century
Avenue, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6877 8668)
Daily 9-2am 1) 天钥
Baker One A member of the Fairchild Group,
founded in 1984, this Canadian company has
over 28 years of prestigious history turns out
tasty baked goods that use all-natural and
fresh ingredients. 1) 559 Nanchang Lu, by
Shaanxi Nan Lu (6211-8217, www.bakerone.
cn) 2) 300 Hankou Lu, by Jiujiang Lu 1) 南昌路
559 号 , 近陕西南路 2) 汉口路 300 号 , 近九江路
glo London Bakery Cafe Freshly-baked
bread, croissants, pastries, cakes and
scones plus fresh juices & roasted coffee.
1/F, 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, by Dongping Lu
(6466 6565) Daily 7am-10pm shanghai@ 乌鲁木
桥路 131 号地下一层 12 室 , 近辛耕路 2) 虹梅路
3338 弄虹梅步行休闲街 30 号 , 近虹许路 3) 浦东
金桥 , 碧云路 633 号 -3,近云山路 4) 共和新路
1918 号大宁国际商业广场 6 楼 , 近大宁路 5) 世纪
大道 100 号 B109 室 , 近陆家嘴环路
齐南路 1 号 1 楼 , 近东平路
近富城路 2) 淮海中路 1498 号 1 号楼一层 , 近乌鲁
木齐南路 3) 仙霞路 99 号尚嘉中心三层 , 近遵义路
4) 北京市朝阳区工人体育场东路,中国红街 1 号楼
201 5) 成都市武侯区科华北路 62 号力宝大厦一层
Pentalounge A so-called “lifestyle lounge”
in Changning District where you can meet
friends for drinks and dishes or share relax
with unlimited free WiFi and your favorite
Chinese and Western “comfort foods”. 1/
F, 1525 Dingxi Lu, by Changning Lu. (6252
1111) Daily 6-12am 定西路 1525 号 1 楼 , 近长
June 2014 /
明路 1888 号 , 近龙阳路
Alfie’s by KEE With a selection of simple but
high quality European food, this relaxing
high-end spot is perfect for business lunch,
coffee and afternoon tea. A concept lounge
and dining room under Alfred Dunhill and
runs by the Private Members Club--KEE Club.
Unit 111A, Alfred Dunhill Flag Shop, Plaza
66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu ((6288
3822) Mon-Sat 10am-10pm 南京西路 1266 号
恒隆广场 111A 室 , 近西康路
Bistro Sambal Located at the new Eco Village Area, this daytime cafe
- proudly being part of the
Cafe Sambal Team, serves modern Malaysian dishes in a open kitchen, highlighting
satay in the bun, nasi Lemak (coconut rice),
a variety of curry set meals and sweet savory comes with fresh blended juices. Daily
5-8pm, all drinks buy-one-get-one-free. Bld6,
485 Fenglin Lu, by Zhongshan Nan Er Lu
(3137 3840) 枫林路 485 号,近中山南二路
Brioche Doree Offering great baguettes,
breads and savory meals, this French chain is
a good option for those looking for a quick
bistro fix. 1) 7 Donghu Lu, by Huaihai Zhong
Lu (6472 8977) 2) 98 Yanping Lu, by Xinzha
Lu (6272 1008) 1) 东湖路 7 号 , 近淮海中路 2) 延
平路 98 号 , 近新闸路
Gourmet High class sweets and other baked
goodies. Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, Level 1,
Tower 2, 33 Fu Cheng Lu, by Yincheng Dong
Lu (5888 2957) Daily 8am-8pm 富城路 33 号香
Dakota French Bistro with a New York
slant, with seasonal changing menu, its
understated yet fresh brunch menu, fresh
Oysters, its quaint and snob free. 38 Donghu
Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (5403 8906) MonSat:11-2am; Sun 11-10pm www.dakotabistro.
com 东湖路 38 号 , 近淮海中路
Hooters Great food, great beverages, and
pretty HOOTERS Girls. -This is HOOTERS! 1)
1/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Fucheng Lu (5049 0199) 2) 1/F, 1498 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Wulumuqi Nan Lu (6437 9811)
3) 3/F, L’Avenue, 99 Xianxia Lu, by Zunyi Lu
(6212 0296) 4) 201, China View Building
No.1,East Worker's Stadium Lu,Chaoyang
District,Beijing (010 6585 8787) 5) 1F, Lippo
Tower, No.62 North Kehua Lu,Chengdu (028
6281 8877) 1) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场一层 ,
glo London Rooftop BBQ Spend a pleasant
weekend dining on hickory-oak smokepit
BBQ on an open rooftop. 4/F, 1 WulumuqiNan Lu, by Dongping Lu (6466 6565) ThursSun: 11am-Midnight shanghai@glolondon.
com 乌鲁木齐南路 1 号 4 楼 , 近东平路
Riveria Enjoy weekend BBQ brunches,
English afternoon teas and Mediterranean
dinners served at this green and modern
waterfront villa-style restaurant. Bld 21, 1888
Pu Ming Lu, by Longyang Lu (6100 2097) 浦
格里拉酒店 2 号楼 1 楼 , 近银城东路
Element Fresh Chain of restaurants and
one of the longest running with quality
ingredients and good service. One of the
mainstays in Shanghai. 1) Rm.112, Shanghai
Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu
(6279 8682) Mon-Thurs: 7am-11pm; Fri-Sat:
7-12am Sun 7am-11pm 2) 4/F, 1028 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Donghu Lu (5403 8865) MonThus: 8am-11pm; Fri-Sat: 8-12am; Sun 8am11pm 3) 1/F Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5047 2060) MonThurs: 9am-10.30pm; Fri 9am-11pm SatSun: 8am-10.30pm 4) 1/F, Grand Gateway,
1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan Lu (6407 5992)
Mon-Thurs: 7am-11pm; Fri-Sat: 7-12am; Sun
7am-11pm 5) 6/F, 228 Xizang Nan Lu, by
Taoyuan Lu (6334 3598) Daily 7am-10.30pm
6) 2/F, Shanghai World Financial Center,
100 Shiji Da Dao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6877
4001) Daily 10am-10pm 7) 1/F, 2088 Yanan Xi
Lu, by Yili Lu (6083 7436) Mon-Thurs: 9am10.30pm; Fri 9am-11pm; Sat 8am-11pm; Sun
8am-10.30pm 8) Green City, 331 Hongfeng
Lu, by Biyun Lu (3382 1700) Mon-Fri: 9am10.30pm; Sat: 8am-11pm; Sun 8am-10.30pm
9) 1/F 1378 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian Lu (2022
2537) Mon-Thurs: 9am-10.30pm; Fri 9am11pm; Sat 8am-11pm; Sun 8am-10.30pm 10)
unit 2, building 18, north block xintiandi,
181 taicang Lu Sun-Thurs 8am-12pm; Fri-Sat
8am-2am (6326 0950) 11) Shop 402, 4/F, K11
Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi
Nan Lu Daily 10am-10pm (6315 2070) 12)
Unit N1-12, N2-11, Jing’an Kerry Centre, 1551
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Tongren Lu Sun-Thurs 8am11pm; Fri-Sat 8-12am (6139 8297) 1) 南京西
路 1376 号上海商城 112 室 , 近西康路 2) 淮海中
路 1028 号嘉华中心 4 楼 , 近东湖路 3) 陆家嘴西
路 168 号正大广场 1 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路 4) 虹桥路
1 号港汇广场 1 楼 , 近华山路 5) 西藏南路 228 号
La Boulangerie This charming and authentic
little French-style bakery has fresh bread,
croissants and pastries every morning.
RMB16 for an Americano. More French than
France itself. 54 Yongkang Lu,by Xiangyang
Lu (3425 0210) 永康路 54 号,近襄阳路
Sunflour Bakery & Café (Anfu) Not only
has excellent baked goods but also serves
good breakfast and lunch options. 322 Anfu
Lu, by Wukang Lu (6473 7757) 7am-10pm www.sunfour. 安福路 322 号 , 近武康路
Latina Latina pulls out all the stops with
their endless portions of gaucho-style grilled
meats. It’s easily one of the best Brazilian
churrascarias in town. 1) 2/F, La Villa, 165
Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Lujiazui Dong Lu (3383
0577) 11am-11.30pm 2) 166 Grand Gateway,
1 Hongqiao Lu, by Zhaojiabang Lu (6447
2260) Mon-Fri 11am-11pm; Sat-Sun 11-12am
3) 1/F, 633 Biyun Lu, by Lan’an Lu (5030
6672) 11am-11.45pm 4) Unit101-201, Block5,
Lane123 Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu (6320
3566) Daily 10-2am 5) B1-B2, 2002 Shiji Da
Dao, by Yingchun Lu (6854 5484) 11am-9pm
6) Latina Center 66 Wuxi, 1/F, 139 Renmin
Zhong Lu, Chong'an District, Wuxi (0510
8185 6996) 1) 陆家嘴环路 165 号 2 楼 , 近陆家嘴
东路 2) 虹桥路 1 号港汇广场 1 楼 166 商铺 , 近肇
嘉浜路 3) 碧云路 633 号金桥碧云体育休闲中心 1
楼 , 近蓝桉路 4) 兴业路 123 弄新天地南里 5 号楼
单元 101-201, 近马当路 5) 世纪大道 2002 号亚
太盛汇广场 B1-B2, 近迎春路 6) 无锡恒隆店 , 无锡
市崇安区人民中路 139 号恒隆广场 1 楼
Bubba’s Texas-style Bar-B-Que and Saloon
1) 2262 Hongqiao Lu, by Jianhe lu (6242
2612) Daily 11am-12pm, Dining until 10pm 2) Rm. 101, 1011
Xueye Lu by tangzijing lu (2206 0338) Daily
11am-12am 1) 长宁区虹桥路 2262 号 , 近剑河路 .
2) 雪野路 1011 号 101 室,近塘子泾路
Café 1188 Treat yourself to an inspired
buffet offering a variety of international
delicacies at Café 1188 at InterContinental
Shanghai Expo. Kids will have fun with
creative arts projects provided by Awesome
Kid’s Club and even attend a private
swimming class in hotel’s swimming pool.
Sunday brunch, 11.30am-3pm. 1188 Xueye
Lu, by Shibo Dadao (3858 1208) expo@,
shanghai-expo 雪野路 1188 号 , 近世博大道
Cafe Barbera With more than 140 years’
perfection in coffee, Cafe Barbera is
delighted to bring Barbera tradition, art
and passion from Italy to China. 102 Wanke
Square, 17 Shuicheng Nan Lu, by Huangjin
Chengdao (5206 8001) 水城南路 17 号万科广场
102, 近黄金城道
Citizen Café & Bar Charming Euro-style
cafe offering fine coffees, teas, cocktails as
well as sandwiches and pastas. First floor is
smoky, but the terrace is lovely on a nice day.
222 JinXian Lu, by Shanxi Nan Lu (6258 1620)
Daily 11-12.30am
进贤路 222 号 , 近陕西南路
Coffee Tree With a light and airy European
look, the cozy spot offers an array of fresh
and homemade items including salads,
sandwiches, quiche, pasta, and cakes using
the finest ingredients. Ferguson Lane, 376
Wukang Lu, by Tai’an Lu (6466 0361) MonSun 9am-10pm
武康路 376 号 , 近泰安路
great offers in a welcoming ambience. 1)
Rm102, 1/F Lansheng Building, 208 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Xizang Nan Lu (3315 3296)
2) Rm211-212, 2/F, 300 Nanjing Dong Lu,
by Henan Zhong Lu (6045 2218) 3) 1/F, 618
Xujiahui Lu, by Ruijin Er Lu (6093 2219) 4) 1/
F Thumb Plaza, No.11 Lane 199 Fangdian
Lu, by Dingxiang Lu (6892 0007) 5) 1F-A, 367
Pucheng Lu, by Qixin Lu (5062 3701) www. 1) 淮海中路 2-8 号蘭生大厦
1 楼 02 室 2) 南京东路 300 号名人购物中心 2 楼
211-212 室 3) 徐家汇路 618 号 1 楼 , 近瑞金二路
4) 芳甸路 199 弄大拇指广场 11 号 1 楼 , 近丁香路
5)浦城路 367 号 1F-A, 近启新路
CHI-Q Latest project by Three on the
Bund. With culinary concept developed by
Marja and Jean-Georges Vongerichten, it
is a gourmet’s embrace of the strong and
long-lasting Korean BBQ culture in the
intent of bringing it to a new international
dimension. 2/F, 3 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu (6321 6622) Dinner: Monday
- Saturday 6:00pm-10:30pm 中山东一路 3 号 2
楼 , 近广东路
Éclair Éclair offers the largest selection of
gourmet éclairs in classic and innovative
flavors. There’re also chocolates, cakes,
freshly baked breads, sandwiches, etc
available. The outdoor terrace facing
Songshan Lu is a nice place for friends’ gettogether. 1/F, Andaz Shanghai, 88 Songshan
Lu, by Taicang Lu (2310 1720) Daily 7am10pm 嵩山路 88 号
1 楼 , 近太仓路
Gloria Jean’s Coffees An Australian owned
global specialty coffee shop with over 1,000
coffee houses worldwide, who runs its
own coffee university and is dedicated in
handcrafting each drink to perfection. 1)
106, 138 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Pu’an Lu (3330
1599)2)1/F, 506 Shangcheng Lu, by Pudong
Nan Lu (5011 5232) 3)1/F, 68 Yincheng
Zhong Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5091 7926) 1)
淮海中路 138 号无限度广场 106 室 , 近普安路 2)
商城路 506 号新梅联合广场 1 楼 123-B 单元 , 近
浦东南路 3)银城中路 68 号时代金融中心 1 楼 ,
House of Flour A consistent winner of our
Readers’ Choice Awards, this bistro/cafe
serves some of the city’s best desserts as
well as some great sandwiches, salads and
pastas. We love their chocolate cake. Unit2,
1/F Shanghai Legend, 635 Bibo Lu, by Zu
Chongzhi Lu (5080 6230) Daily 7am-9pm 碧
波路 635 号上海传奇 1 楼 2 号店 , 近祖冲之路
Lapis Cafe Unique rooftop glasshouse with
an amazing afternoon tea set and affordable
menu selections. 6/F, 818 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Shimen Yi Lu (3203 1377) Daily 11am - 6pm
南京西路 818 号 6 楼 , 近石门一路
Le Crème Milano Offering real Italian
handmade artisan gelato in Shanghai since
2008, you can see the sweet treats being
made daily at their open factory on Shaanxi
Lu, enjoy cake ice cream on Fumin Lu or
relax with a scoop in Gubei. 1) 434 Shaanxi
Nan Lu ,by Yongjia Lu (6433 5208) 2) 173
Fumin Lu, by Julu Lu (5403 3918) 3) Huangjin
Chengdao Pedestrian entrance, by Gubei Lu
(3255 0371) 1) 陕
西南路 434 号 , 近永嘉路 2) 富民路 173 号 , 近巨
鹿路 3) 黄金城道步行街口 , 近古北路
MoMo Café Bring your friends and treat
yourselves to an all-you-can-eat weekend
feast at MoMo Café where you may find
both local and international seafood,
crisp salads, carving delights and delicious
desserts including endless scoops of New
Zealand Natural. Weekend seafood dinner
buffet is on offer every Friday through
Sunday evening at just RMB228+15% per
person. 2/F Courtyard By Marriott Shanghai
Xujiahui, 100 Hongqiao Lu, by Yishan Lu
(6129 2944) Fri-Sun: 5.30-9pm 虹桥路 100 号
上海西藏大厦万怡酒店 2 楼 , 近宜山路
Nar Cafe & Yoga Lounge Rm108, Block 6,
999 GaoJing Lu, by Huqingping Gong Lu
(5988 9814) Mon-Thurs: 9am-9pm; Fri-Sun:
10am-10pm 高泾路 999
号 6 号楼 108 室 , 近沪青平公路
Napoleon Chocolate Bar A chocoholics
paradise providing one of the town’s best
chocolate mud cakes, fondues, macarons,
hot chocolate and chocolate cocktails. A
good selection of fresh salads, sandwiches
and pastas are also available in store. 1)
242 Julu Lu, by Ruijin Yi Lu (3256 7078) 2)
B2, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Lujiazui Huan Lu (6184 3449) 1) 巨鹿路 242 号 ,
近瑞金一路 2) 陆家嘴正大广场 B2 层 , 陆家嘴西路
168 号 , 近陆家嘴环路
Pacific Coffee Inspired from the coffee
culture from Seattle, Pacific Coffee serves
great Italian espresso based coffee in
generous American sizes, cakes and other
Pudong City Bistro The all-day-dining casual
restaurant features interactive show kitchens
and live cooking stations for breakfast, lunch
and dinner, which is complimented by an
extensive a la carte menu. 2/F, 15 Xinjinqiao
Lu, by Hongfeng Lu (6036 8855) 新金桥路 15
号 2 楼 , 近红枫路
Simply Bakery Cafe Nestled in the tranquil
neighborhood of Jinqiao, this one-year old
café is gaining popularity with its array of
freshly baked bread, pastries and cakes.
With an appealing and healthy lunch menu
of salads and sandwiches, the cafe has the
best croissants, chocolate éclairs and carrot
cakes to offer. 1) 576 Biyun Lu, by Yunshan
Lu (6105 2968) Mon-Sun 7am-7pm 2) Unit
107, 1/F, K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu,
by Huangpi Nan Lu (4009216088) 8am-8pm
3) Unit 316-317, 3/F L’Avenue, 99 Xianxia
Lu, by Zunyi Lu (4009216088) 10am-10pm
4) Unit 102, 1/F, 900 Yishan Lu, by Guiping
Lu (4009216088) Mon-Fri 8am-7pm 5) 159
Madang Lu, by Taicang Lu (4009216088)
8am-10pm 1) 碧云路 576 路 , 近云山路 2) 淮海
中路 300 号上海 K11 购物艺术中心 L1 楼 107 室 ,
近黄陂南路 3) 仙霞路 99 号尚嘉中心 3 楼 316317 单元 , 近遵义路 4) 宜山路 900 号科技产业大
楼 1 楼 102 单元 , 近桂平路 5) 马当路 159 号 , 近
The Dining Room Creating a new Shanghai
dining scene, the Dining Room is where you
get a taste of new Shanghainese cuisine in a
simple but modern environment. Shop A-003,
L'Avenue, LG2, 99 Xianxia Lu (6067 3751) 仙
霞路 99 号尚嘉中心 LG2 层 A-003 室 , 近遵义路
Wagas 1) 1168 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Jiangning
Lu (5292 5228) 7am-10pm 2) 199 Fangdian
Lu, by Dingxiang Lu (5033 6277) 7am-10pm
3) Rm108 Maxdo Center, 86 Xianxia Lu,
by Hami Lu (5208 1978) 7am-10pm 4) 300
Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Madang Lu (6335
3739) 7am-10:30pm 5) 288 Jiujiang Lu, by
Henan Zhong Lu (3366 5026) Mon-Fri: 7am8pm; Sat-Sun: 9:30am-6pm 6) Shop 201,
169 Wujiang Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu (6267
0339) 8am-10:30pm 7) 283 Jianguo Xi Lu, by
Jiashan Lu (5466 8312) 7am-8pm 8) G104,
999 Pudong Nan Lu, by Zhangyang Lu (5134
1075) 7am-9:30pm 9) 1/F, 1233 Lujiazui
Huan Lu, by Dongchuan Lu (5879 4235)
Mon-Fri: 7am-6pm; Closed on Sat&Sun 10)
1/F, 265Jiaozhou Lu, by Xinzha Lu (6272
0353) 7am-11pm 11) L102, 1/F Channel One,
155 Changshou Lu, by Shanxi Bei Lu (3131
5008) Mon-Sun: 7am-11pm 1) 南京西路 1168
号 , 近江宁路 2) 芳甸路 199 弄大拇指广场 31 号 ,
近丁香路 3) 仙霞路 86 号万都商城 108 室 , 近哈密
路 4) 淮海中路 300 号香港新世界广场 , 近马当路
5) 九江路 288 号 , 近河南中路 6) 吴江路 169 号
201 商铺 , 近南京西路 7) 建国西路 283 号 , 近嘉
善路 8) 浦东南路 999 号新梅联合大厦 104 号 , 近
张杨路 9) 陆家嘴环路 1233 号汇亚大厦 1 楼 , 近东
川路 10) 胶州路 265 号 1 楼 , 近新闸路 11) 长寿路
155 号调频壹广场 1 楼 L102, 近陕西北路
Whisk Choco Cafe While best known for its
sumptuous chocolate desserts, Whisk also
does a brisk business with risottos, pastas,
panini and pizza. 1250 Huaihai Zhong Lu,
by Huating Lu (5404 7770) Daily 10.30am11.30pm 淮海中路 1250
号 , 近华亭路
WK Hawaii Cafe A Hawaii-themed cafe
providing a variety of local food from
eight of Hawaii islands, highlighting the
most representative pancakes, authentic
locomoco and more. 2/F, Building1, 570
Yongjia Lu, by Yueyang Lu (6073 7626)
10am-5pm 永嘉路 570 号 1 号楼 2 楼 , 近岳阳路
Pho Real
Good, for real
In the mood for Vietnamese food? You know where to go. Embracing its five year birthday this summer, well-known Vietnamese restaurant Pho Real celebrates its origins as
a tiny 18-seat space on buzzing Fumin Lu to today’s expansion into Jing’an Kerry Center
and Fuxing Lu, specializing in that most comforting of noodle soups.
Making a name for themselves by sourcing fine ingredients as they always do
since five years ago, the restaurant eschews artificial addictives and focuses on clean
flavors. Fried spring rolls (RMB42/three) are hand-rolled daily using near-translucent
0.1mm-thick skins, carefully filled with sliced carrots, taro, black fungus, vermicelli,
shrimp and pork. Fried to a golden crisp, they are both light and satisfyingly filling.
The ultimate pho (RMB138) will turn you into a big fan of the beef noodle soup in
no time. Aside from smooth and delicious noodles, the hearty portion sees generous
slices of Angus sirloin on top as well as several chewy and juicy beef balls - more than
enough share with friends. Try also the tasty bo kho (RMB66/with noodles; RMB76/
with baguette). Beef is stewed for three to four days and is incredibly tender with
concentrated meaty flavor. Scoop up beef and tomato and spread them over a crispy
butter-toasted baguette for a blissful sweet and sour flavor.
In celebration of their fifth anniversary, Pho Real has also launched a new chicken
vegetable salad and is pricing it at just RMB5 all month. The mix of julienned cabbages
and chicken as well as mint leaves and fresh lime makes this a truly fragrant and refreshing summer treat. TFZ
1) 166 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu (5403 8110) 2) 1465 Fuxing Zhong Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6437 2222) 3) SB1-12, Kerry Center, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Changde Lu (3419
0220) 1)富民路166号, 近长乐路 2) 复兴中路1465号, 近淮海中路 3) 南京西路1515号嘉里
中心SB1-12号, 近常德路
Jing Hui Cui Parent company Xinwang
Group has departed from their Cantonese
roots to bring Shanghai excellent Beijing
duck, plus an array of dishes that will please
both northern and southern palates like
handpulled noodles and marinated sea
whelks. 8001, Cloud Nine Shopping Mall,
1018 Changning Lu, by Kaixuan Lu (6212
6986) 长宁路 1018 号中山公园龙之梦购物中心
8001 商铺 , 近凯旋路 / June 2014
Cha Canting With its bright, chintzy interior,
awesome HK diner-style dishes and more
variations on tea and soda than you ever
knew, Cha’s is a definite Shanghai favorite.
Expect a long line during traditional meal
hours. 1) 1/F, 30-32 Sinan Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6093 2062) Daily 11-2am 2) Novel
Plaza B18, 131 Tianyaoqiao Lu by Xingeng
Lu (3461 5868) Daily 11am-2am 1) 思南路
30-32 号 1 楼 , 近淮海中路 2) 天钥桥路 131 号
B18 室近辛耕路
Gui Hua Lou A meld of Shangri-la’s impeccable service and well-made Sichuanese,
Shanghainese and Cantonese cuisine. 1/
F, River Wing, Pudong Shangri-La Hotel, 33
Fucheng Lu, by Yingcheng Dong Lu (5888
3697) Lunch: Mon-Fri 11.30am-3pm, SatSun 11am-3pm, Dinner: Daily 5.30-10.30pm 富城路 33 号浦东香格里拉
酒店 1 楼 , 近银城东路
Manchuria Upscale, new-age Cantonese
cuisine with excellent soups and other
delicacies. 3-4/F, Bldg 11-12, 889 Julu Lu,
by Changshu Lu (6445 8082) Daily 11am2.30pm; 5.30-10pm 巨鹿路 889 号 (11-12 幢
3-4 层 ), 近常熟路
Mao This restaurant works to blend
modernity with local tradition. Its plethora
of Cantonese specialties are elegantly
presented 5/F Sofitel Hyland Hotel, 505
Nanjing Dong Lu, by Fujian Zhong Lu (6351
5888) Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30-10.30pm www. 南京东路 505 号索菲特海仑
of a 1930’s Shanghainese nobleman
(complete with a coveted chefs’ table and
six different private rooms), celebrated
Hong Kong Chef Dicky To serves authentic
dim sum and Cantonese cuisine. 2/F, The
Peninsula Shanghai, 32 Zhongshan Dong
Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2327 6742) Daily
11.30am–2.30pm; 6-10.30pm
Ming Yuan A contemporary upscale
Chinese culinary journey for epicures,
serving traditional Cantonese cuisine paying
homage to classic Chinese influences in
a contemporary style. Ming Yuan offers a
range of dining options varying for private
dining rooms and large group tables. Lunch
11.30am – 2.30pm; Dinner 5.30-9.30pm. 2nd
floor, Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund,
19 Haiping Lu, by Gongping Lu (2509 1188)
Lunch 11.30am – 2.30pm; Dinner 5.30–
9.30pm. 海平路 19 号悦榕庄 2
Yue Xuan Savour the most authentic
Cantonese food in Shanghai in the elegant
surroundings of our Yue Xuan restaurant.
From traditional dim sum treats to
delectable steamed fish, selected fresh
from our seafood tanks, the diverse menu
will satisfy. 1/F, Tower 2, 1116 Hongsong
Dong Lu, by Songyuan Lu (3323 6574)
Lunch: 11.30-2.30pm; Dinner: 5.30-10pm
shanghaihongqiao 红松东路 1116 号 2 号楼 1
YUE 1525 Traditional Cantonese fare with
excellent dim sum, clay pot dishes, doubleboiled soup and and chef specials. 2/F, 1525
Dingxi Lu, by Changning Lu (6225 8665)
Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30pm-10pm 定西路
1525 号 2 楼 , 近长宁路
YUE A Chinese restaurant offering all
local favorites and regional specialties
plus authentic Cantonese cuisine which
creates a warm and unique dining
experience. Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao
Hotel,28 Jilong Lu, by Xinlan Lu, China
(Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (3121 9662)
Daily11.30am-2pm,5-10pm 上海外高桥喜来登
酒店 , 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区基隆路 28 号 ,
Mahota Kitchen The farm-to-city store of
Mahota Farm serves hotpot using freshly
harvest safe ingredients and offers a range
of fresh produce direct from the farm. 1/F,
M-Town, 680 Huaihai Xi Lu, by Hongqiao Lu
(5267 9988) 淮海西路
680 号新淮海坊一层泰生天地 , 近虹桥路
Qimin Organic Hotpot This Chinese
hotpot restaurant’s motto is “From Farm to
Table.” Focuses on local produce including
vegetables from the restaurant’s own
farm. 1) 407 Shanxi Bei Lu, by Beijing Xi Lu
(6258 8777) 2) 2) 7/F, 1438 Hongqiao Lu,
by Hongbaoshi Lu (6295 2117) 12-2.30pm;
5.30pm-12am 1) 陕西北路 407 号 , 近北京西路
2) 虹桥路 1438 号高岛屋 7 楼 , 近红宝石路
里 3 楼 , 近自忠路
Qianyue Court This hidden gem of a
Shunde restaurant commands two floors
of Cantonese cuisine. They offer everything
from dim sum to congee hot pot. Enjoy! 2-3/
F, 1414 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu
(6418 9196) 11am-2.30pm; 5.30-11pm 淮海中
路 1414 号 2-3 楼 , 近复兴西路
Sheng Hui Tang A Chinese restaurant with
spectacular view of the Huangpu River and
Nanpu Bridge, offering authentic Cantonese
cuisine in a fusion with Sichuan and local
flavors prepared by Hong Kong Master Chef
Pan Xianwen. Boasting six elegant private
dining rooms, it’s an ideal venue for social
gatherings and business entertainment.
1188 Xueye Lu, by Shibo Dadao (3858 1218,
雪野路 1188 号 , 近世博大道
Shen Yue Xuan 1) 4/F, Central Plaza, 381
Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Madang Lu (5382
2222) Daily 11am-2.30pm, 5pm-11pm 2) 849
Huashan Lu, by Fuxing xi Lu (6251 1166)
Mon-Fri 11am-midnight, Sat-Sun 7.30am midnight 1) 淮海中路 381 号 , 中环广场 4 楼 , 近
马当路 2) 华山路 849 号 , 近复兴西路
Summer Palace Combining Cantonese and
South-Eastern Chinese cuisines, the Summer
Palace enhances gastronomical sensations
with a poetic visual dreamscape with the 3
distinct chambers. Jing An Shangri-La, West
Shanghai, 1218 Yan'an Zhong Lu, by Tong
Ren Road (2203 8889, 静安香格里拉大酒店,延安中路 1218
T’ang Court A signature Chinese restaurant
at The Langham, Xintiandi which is
rebranded from its former name Ming Court
that provides authentic Cantonese cuisine
for discerning local and international guests.
5/F, The Langham Xintiandi, 99 Madang Lu,
by Taicang Lu Mon-Fri, 11.30am-2pm; 5.3010pm. Sat-Sun, 11am-2.30pm; 5.30-10pm 马
当路 99 号新天地朗廷酒店 5 楼唐阁 , 近太仓路
Yi Long Court Themed on the residence
June 2014 /
Di Shui Dong 1) 2/F, 56 Maoming Nan Lu, by
Changle Lu (6253 2689) 2) 5 Dongping Lu,
by Hengshan Lu (6415 9448) 3) Unit 22, 300
Guyang Lu, by Yili Nan Lu (5175 3067) 1) 茂名
南路 56 号 2 楼 , 近长乐路 2) 东平路 5 号 , 近衡山
路 3) 古羊路 300 号 -22,近伊犁南路
Gu Yi 87 Fumin Lu, by Julu Lu (6249 5628)
Daily 11am-2pm; 5.30pm-10.30pm 富民路 87
号 , 近巨鹿路
Hunan House A very pretty Hunan
restaurant by Cotton (of Cotton’s) located in
a converted Concession villa. No.2, Lane49,
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu (3461 1377)
Mon-Fri: 4.30pm-11.30pm; Sat-Sun 11am11.30pm 复兴
西路 49 弄 2 号 , 近乌鲁木齐路
1221 A consistent contender for our
Readers’ Choice Best Shanghainese Award.
This tucked-away restaurant has a die-hard
laowai following. 1221 Yan’an Xi Lu, by
Panyu Lu (6213 6585, 6213 2441) Daily 11am2pm; 5-11pm 延安西路 1221 号 , 近番禺路
Bao Luo Some may carp that it has become
an expat trap over the years. But, this place
is still wildly popular with locals. Don’t miss
their mammoth-sized shengjian bao. 271
Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu (5403 7239) Daily
11-4.30am 富民路 271 号 , 近长乐路
Club Jin mao One of the most prestigious
Shanghainese restaurants offering the finest
facilities, traditional Chinese elements and
authentic cuisines. Six private dining rooms
and A La Carte area overlooks views of the
city skylines. 86/F JinMao Tower, 88 Shiji Da
Dao, by Dongtai Lu (5049 1234) Lunch: Daily
11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: Daily 5.30-10.30pm
世纪大道 88 号 86 楼 , 近东泰路
Dragon Phoenix Looking over the Pudong
skyline and fabulous Huangpu River, this
distinguished piece of Shanghai history
was the finest Chinese restaurant in town
when the hotel opened, and it remains an
exquisite dining destination to this day.
Enjoy Shanghainese and regional Chinese
delicacies in the ornate dining room or
Center, 222 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Jiangxi
Zhong Lu (6339 1977) Daily 11am-2.30pm;
5-10.30pm 1) 天钥桥路 211 号 , 近南丹路 2) 延安
东路 222 号外滩中心 , 近江西中路
Whampoa Club This Bund institution
specializes in modern reinterpretations of
Shanghai classics. Great view, fancy eats. 5/F,
3 on the Bund, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu (6321 3737) Daily 11.30am-2
.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm www.threeonthebund.
com/ 中山东一路 3 号 , 外滩三号 5 楼 , 近广东路
Ye Shanghai An ostensibly sleek and shiny
restaurant specializing in modern Shanghaicuisine. They also offer a pretty decent
weekend dim sum. 338 Huangpi Nan Lu,
by Taicang Lu (6311 2323) Daily 11.30am2.30pm; 5.30-10.30pm yss@elite-concepts.
com 黄陂南路 338 号 , 近太仓路
楼 , 近宋园路
楼 , 近公平路
Molokai With an infusion of signature
Cantonese dishes and continental cuisine,
Molokai is a Hong Kong bistro that offers
a distinct menu with flavors from both the
east and west. 3/F, Xintiandi South Plaza,
Bldg 6, 123 Xingye Lu, by Zizhong Lu (5321
0881) Daily 11am-11pm 兴业路 123 号新天地南
南京东路 20 号上海和平饭店 8 楼 , 近中山东一路
中山东一路 32 号上海半岛酒店 2 楼 , 近北京东路
宾馆 5 楼 , 近福建中路
Man Ho With a good selection of traditional
Cantonese dishes and Shanghai favorites,
Man Ho provides five private lake-view
rooms that are perfect for both private and
business parties. 5/F, 15 Xinjinqiao Lu, by
Hongfeng Lu (6036 8866) 新金桥路 15 号 5 楼 ,
one of our four decadent private rooms. 8/
F, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong
Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu ( 6138 6880 )
Lunch: Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: Daily
The Chinoise Story A unique restaurant
featuring radically fused cooking styles.
Lovely space. Expect classic Chinese dishes
served in individual portions rather than
family style. Cathay Building, Jin Jiang Hotel,
59 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu (6445
1717) 11am-2.30pm; 6-10.30pm 茂名南路 59
号锦江饭店北楼底层 , 近长乐路
Hai Pai The neighborhood restaurant in
Xintiandi provides delicate Shanghainese
cuisine with a modern flavor. Created by
Executive Chef Jacqueline Qiu and Chef de
Cuisine Johnny Xiang, the menu features
delicious home style cooking using fresh local products and carefully sourced specialty
ingredients from around the country. 1/F,
Andaz Shanghai, 88 Songshan Lu, by Taicang
Lu(2310 1700) Breakfast: Daily 6.30-10.30am;
Lunch: Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; Dinner: Daily
5.30-10.30pm 嵩山路 88 号上海安达仕酒店 1 楼,
Shanghai Min A Shanghainese restaurant
grown up from a local dining venue to a
national phenomenon, Shanghai Min has
dedicated in local cuisine for 26 years and
is known for authentic Shanghai flavor and
excellent food quality. 1)Room 304, 3/F, CITIC
PLAZA, 1350, Sichuan Bei Lu, by Wujin Lu 2)
L225, 2/F, Kerry Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu,
by Jinxiu Lu 3) 2/F, Enterprise Square, 228,
Meiyuan Lu,by Gonghe Lu 4)3/F, Building
8, 1968, Gonghexin Lu, by Daning Lu 5)
588, Dalian Road, by Zhoujiazui Lu 6) 7/F,
Shanghai Golden Eagle Square, 278,Shaanxi
Bei Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu 7) 2-5/F, Shanghai
Oriental Centre, 699 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Wujiang Lu 8) 2/F, South Block Plaza, 123 Xingye
Lu, by Madang Lu 9) 4/F, 999 Changning Lu,
by Huichuan Lu 10) 4/F, Wharf 2, 579 Waima
Lu, by Zhuxingmatou Jie 11) 9/F, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu 12) 7/F, 2727
Binjiang Dadao, Oriental Riverside Hotel, by
Oriental Pearl Tower 13) 4/F, 500 Pudong
Nan Lu, by Lujiazui Dong Lu 14) 2/F, Building
6, 3611 Zhangyang Lu, Jinqiao International
Commercial Plaza, by Jinqiao Lu 15) 4/F, 777
Jiamusi Lu, WH Ming Hotel, by Yingkou Lu
16) 3337 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu 17)
Building A, 565 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by
Dongmen Lu (400 820 9777) 1)四川北路
1350 号第三层 304 单元 , 近武进路 2)花木路
1378 号浦东嘉里城 2 楼 L225, 近锦绣路 3)梅园
路 228 号企业广场 2 楼 , 近共和路 4)共和新路
1968 号大宁国际 8 座 3 楼 , 近大宁路 5)大连路
588 号 , 近周家嘴路 6)陕西北路 278 号金鹰国际
购物中心 7 楼 , 近南京西路 7)南京西路 699 号
东方有线大厦 2-5 楼 , 近吴江路 31 号 8) 兴业路
123 弄新天地南里商场 2 楼 , 近马当路 9) 长宁路
999 号 4 楼 , 近汇川路 10)外马路 579 号 2 号楼
4 楼 , 近新码头街 11)陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场
9 楼 , 近东方明珠 12)滨江大道 2727 号东方滨江
大酒店 7 楼 , 近东方明珠 13)浦东南路 500 号国
家开发银行 4 楼 , 近陆家嘴东路 14)张杨路 3611
弄金桥国际商业广场 6 座 2 层 , 近金桥路 15)佳
木斯路 777 号小南国花园酒店 4 楼 , 近营口路 16)
虹梅路 3337 号 , 近延安西路 17)中山东二路 565
号 A 栋 , 近东门路
Yin par Le Garcon Chinois A quiet oasis
on an otherwise blaringly loud street, Yin
pulls out all the stops with its quaint oldworld decor, genteel service and quality
Shanghainese food. Sushi is also a must try.
2/F, 4 Hengshan Lu, by Wulumuqi Nan Lu
(5466 5070, 5466 0087) Daily 12-2pm; 5pm12am 衡山路 4 号领馆广场 2 楼 , 近乌鲁木齐南路
Yongfoo Elite Impress guests with this
utterly regal affair. It’s got a beautiful
garden, classical decor and a beautiful bar.
Also sports one of the fuzziest walls in the
city. 200 Yongfu Lu, by Hunan Lu (5466
2727) Daily 11.30am-10.30pm; bar open till
midnight 永福路 200
号 , 近湖南路
Wei Jing Ge Enjoy the Waldorf Astoria’s
century-old tradition of excellent service
and the unsurpassed standards of Chinese
cooking culture. Join Chef Sam Yuen for
a gourmet journey of Shanghainese and
Cantonese-inspired dishes. 5/F, 2 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6322 9988)
Daily11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm 中山东
一路 2 号外滩华尔道夫酒店 5 楼 , 近广东路
Maurya A modern Sichuan restaurant
offering authentic traditiaonal food, served
in a lovingly restored shophouse near
Xintiandi. 75 Mengzi Dong Lu, by Liyuan Lu
(3307 0770) Daily 11am-2pm; 6-10pm 蒙自东
路 75 号 , 近丽园路
Pin Chuan 1) 47 Taojiang Lu, by Wulumuqi
Nan Lu (6437 9361) Daily 11am-2pm; 5-11pm
2) 5/F Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Shanxi Bei Lu (6288 8897) Daily 10.30am10pm 3) Unit 312B, 3/F, L’Avenue Shanghai,
99 Xianxia Lu, by Zunyi Lu (400 820 7706,
delivery: 6209 6209) Mon–Sun: 11am-10pm
4) Daily 11am-10pm S801-1B, Level 8, Jiu
Guang Department Store, 1618 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Jingan Temple (4008207706) 1) 桃江
路 47 号 , 近乌鲁木齐南路 2) 南京西路 1266 号恒
隆广场 5 楼 , 近陕西北路 3) 仙霞路 99 号上海尚
嘉中心 3 楼 312B, 近遵义路 4) 南京西路久光百货
1618 号 8 层 S801-1B, 近静安寺
Shu Di La Zi Yu 1) 187 Anfu Lu, by Wulumuqi Zhong Lu (5403 7684) Daily 11am-2pm;
5-10.30pm 2) 53 Fengxian Lu, by Nanjing Xi
Lu (6267 0097) Daily 9.30am-10pm 3) 2/F, 1
Shuang Feng Bei Lu, by Xietu Lu (6487 1015)
Daily 11am-2pm; 5-10.30pm 1) 安福路 185187 号 , 近乌鲁木齐中路 2) 奉贤路 53 号 , 近南京
西路 3) 双峰北路 1 号 2 楼 , 近斜土路
Yu Xin 3/F Zhaoshangju Plaza, 333 Chengdu
Bei Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu (5298 0438) Daily
11am-2pm; 5-9.30pm 成都北路 338 号招商局广
场 3 楼 , 近南京西路
Shang-High Cuisine Understated and
elegant Shanghainese food with some
pleasant surprises like beef cheek with
truffles. 6/F, Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, 1108
Meihua Lu, by Fangdian Lu (3858 0888) Daily
11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30- 10.30pm 梅花路 1108
号 6 楼 , 近芳甸路
Shanghai Classic Restaurant Open since
1875, this restaurant is located on the
second-floor atrium of a three-star hotel. Be
sure to try the eight treasure duck or fried
shrimp. 242 Fuyou Lu, by Lishui Lu (631 1177
7205) Daily 11am-2pm, 5:30-10pm 福佑路 242
号 , 近丽水路
Shanghai Uncle Perfect for a big group,
with large tables and red decor, it’s a fancy
setting for a lively dinner. 1) 211 Tianyaoqiao
Lu, by Nandan Lu (6464 6430) Lunch: 11am2pm Dinner: 5.30pm-10.30pm 2) Bund
Sichuan Citizen The people who brought
you Citizen Cafe and Bar have gone native
with this Sichuan eatery. Here you’ll find
all the classics amply spiced and served
in bamboo-clad dining room. 30 Donghu
Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (5404 1235) Daily
11am-10.30pm 东湖路 30 号 , 近淮海中路
Din Tai Fung Taiwanese chain restaurant
that offers delicious Chinese snack foods,
especially their xiaolongbaos are to die for 1)
Unit 24, 3/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5047 8883) Daily
10am-10pm 2)
Unit 318, 3/F, Shanghai World Financial
Center, 100 Shiji Da Dao, by Lujiazui Huan
Lu (6877 6886) Daily 10-1am 3) 5/F Grand
Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan Lu
(3469 1383) Daily 11am- 2.45pm; 5-11pm
4) 168 Fangbang Zhong Lu, by Zhoujin Lu
(6334 1008) Daily 9am-10pm 5) 3/F, MIXC,
701Fuchun Lu, by Jiangjin Lu, Hangzhou
Daily 9am-10pm 6) South Block Plaza, 2/
F, Lane 123 Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu (6385
8378) Daily 10-1am 7) 1/F, Shanghai Center,
1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289
9182) Daily 10am-10pm 8) 1/F,Buliding F,
268 Min’andong Lu, by Shengmo Bei Lu,
Jiangdong District, Ningbo Daily 11am-10pm
translation. Private classes and cooking
parties are ideal for friends gathering or
corporate teambuilding. Kids party available
for 8-12yrs. Puxi Downtown Kitchen: 3F/Bldg
20, Lane 383 Xiang Yang Nan Lu, 64332700.
Closed on Sun & Mon. Check program
online: 襄阳南路 383
弄 20 号楼 3 楼 , 近建国西路
Deli Shops
Deli and Leisure Prompt yourself with the
fine herbs and ingredients; the combining
European and Southeast Asian Cuisine at
our relaxing European-styled dinning area.
SUN.-THU. 8:00-23:00; FRI.-SAT. 8:00-24:00.
No.184 Fucheng Lu, PuDong New District,
Shanghai by Hua Yuan Shiqiao Lu (5081
5700) 上海浦东新区富城路 184 号,近花园石桥路
1) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场 3 楼 24 单元 , 近陆
家嘴环路 2) 世纪大道 100 号上海环球金融中心 3
楼 317 单元 , 近陆家嘴环路 3) 虹桥路 1 号港汇恒
隆广场 5 楼 503, 近华山路 4) 方浜中路 168 号 , 近
昼锦路 5) 杭州市富春路 701 号 3 楼 , 近江锦路 6)
新天地南里广场 2 楼 , 兴业路 123 弄 , 近马当路 7)
南京西路 1376 号上海商城 1 楼 , 近西康路 8) 宁波
市江东区民安东路 268 号 F 座 1 楼 , 近盛莫北路
Bellagio 1) 101 Shuicheng Nan Lu, by
Hongqiao Lu (6270 6865, 6270 6866) Daily
11-4am 2) 111 Xikang Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu
(6247 2666) Daily 11-12am 3) 138 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Pu’an Lu (6375 6696) Daily 114am 4) 68 Taicang Lu, by Songshan Lu (6386
5701) Daily 11am-10pm 5) 778 Huangjin
Cheng Dao, by Gubei Nan Lu (6278 0722)
Daily 11-4am 1) 水城南路 101 号 , 近虹桥路 2)
西康路 111 号 , 近南京西路 3) 淮海中路 138 号 ,
近普安路 4) 太仓路 68 号 , 近嵩山路 5) 黄金城道
778 号 , 近古北南路
Charmant Taiwanese food in a faux
Provence-style dining room. Decor aside, the
food is pretty good and served until the wee
hours to boot. 1418 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Fuxing Xi Lu (6431 8107) Daily 11-4am 淮海中
路 1418 号 , 近复兴西路
Lapis Yun Specializing in Yunnan cuisine,
Lapis Yun boasts an exotic Yunnan bamboo
forest ambiance, which is set to provide you
a whole new experience on Yunnan cuisine
6/F, 818 Nanjing Xi Lu by Shimen Yi Lu (3203
1377) Daily 11am - 11pm 南京西路 818 号 6 楼 ,
High end French fix
Green & Safe With an organic farm in
Kunshan, this organic store provides daily
delivered vegetables and a variety of local
and imported organic goods, such as
organic extra virgin olive oil, white and red
balsamic vinegar, organic pasta, muesli
and more. 30% off on all breads after 7pm
everyday in Dongping branch; all-day 20
percent off on all breads in Hongqiao
branch. 1) 6 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu
5465 1288, 1/F: 8am-10pm; 2/F: 6pm-12am
2) 2) 4/F, 1438 Hongqiao Lu, by Hongbaoshi
Lu 10am–9.30pm 1) 东平路 6 号 , 近衡山路 2)
虹桥路 1438 号 4 楼 , 近红宝石路
Organic Kitchen Sit in central former French
Concession, Organic Kitchen is a cozy cafe
that offers daily breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Grab a meal designed by head chef and
a cup of coffee made from organic coffee
beans, there’re live Americana music on
Thursday and Saturday nights too. 1/F, 57
Fuxing Lu, by Yongfu Lu Daily 8am-11pm
(6418 3220) 复兴西路 57 号 1 楼 , 近永福路
Housed in the oldest French mansion in the city with an adjoining garden lined with
trees, Science Mansion JE is without doubt one of the hidden gems of the French
Concession. A uniquely calm environment in the middle of bustling Shanghai, the
building houses eight restaurants and an extremely popular weekend brunch.
Taiwanese Chef Vincent Ren who trained in France now presents a sublime menu of
classic cuisine at French restaurant Villandry. The menu is carefully constructed to
give diners a unique taste of vintage cordon bleu cuisine. Choose from thinly sliced
scallop and oyster carpaccio paired with a decadent spoonful of caviar (RMB180), or a
mouth watering 700 gram Entrecote steak (RMB999/two people) perfectly paired with
gorgeously crispy goose fat French fries. Desserts are visually stunning. We like the
mascarpone lemon sorbet and Provencale strawberry mousse perched on a light layer
of fresh vanilla sponge (RMB60), or for a twist on a French classic, go for the caramel
apple mille feuille with foie gras vanilla ice cream (RMB60). EW
// 47 Nanchang Lu, by Yandang Lu 南昌路47号, 近雁荡路(3126 8801)
Slice This up-market deli/cafe specializes in
sandwiches and salads with Mediterranean
flare. 1) 688 Biyun Lu, by Lan’an Lu (3382
0653) Mon-Sat 8am-10pm; Sun 9am-10pm. 2)
1517 Huqingping Gong Lu, by Zhuguang Lu
(5988 7007) 9am-9:30pm 1) 碧云路 688 号 , 近
蓝桉路 2) 沪青平公路 1517 号近诸光路
Lost Heaven 1) 17 Yan’an Dong Lu, by
Sichuan Nan Lu (6330 0967) Daily 12-2pm,
5pm-1am (the lastest order at 10.30pm) 2) 38
Gaoyou Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (6433 5126) Daily
11.30am-1.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm 1) 延安东路
Urban Soup Kitchen In case the name didn’t
clue you in, soup is the order of the day
here. They offer a vast variety of gourmet
style sandwiches and salads too.Delivery
available. 1) 280 Madang Lu, by Zizhong
Lu (5382 2978) Daily 10.30am-10pm 2)
17 Nanquan Bei Lu, by Laoshan Lu (3331
1861) 11am-10pm 2) 17 Nanquan Bei Lu, by
Laoshan Lu (3331 1861) 3) 280 Madang Lu,
by Zizhong Lu (5382 2978) 1) 马当路 280 号 ,
近自忠路 2) 南泉北路 17 号 , 近崂山路 2) 南泉北
路 17 号 , 近崂山路 3) 马当路 280 号 , 近自忠路
17 号 , 近四川南路 2) 高邮路 38 号 , 近复兴西路
Legend Taste A small, unassuming eatery
specializing in the delicacies of Yunnan’s
many ethnic tribes. They also have an exotic
selection of Yunnanese sticky rice wines and
beers. 1025 Kangding Lu, by Wuning Nan Lu
(5228 9961) Daily 11am-2pm; 7-9.30pm 康定
Modern classics
路 1025 号 , 近武宁南路
Southern Barbarian Enjoy home-style Yunnan classics like crossing-the-bridge noodles
and fried goat cheese with one of the city’s
best beer selections. 2/F, Ju’Roshine Life Arts
Space, 169 Jinxian Lu, byMaoming Nan Lu
(5157 5510) Daily 11am-2pm; 5pm-11pm 进贤路 169
号 2 楼 , 近茂名南路
Cooking class
The kitchen at… cooking studio Every week
since 2007, we offer exciting scheduled
cooking classes of different cuisines,
pastry and dumplings. 5-star hotel chefs
teach hand-on classes with step-by-step
demonstration, bi-lingual or with English
Shanghai Uncle
B REAL Pho Real's little sister serving fast
food variation. Boasting a mini and warm
Everything is big at Shanghai Uncle’s Bund Centre branch, from its cavernous space to
its nostalgic decorations to its generous portions. After a dozen years and fresh off a
renovation, the restaurant remains one of the city’s safest bets for a sumptuous local
culinary experience, perfect for large groups.
Crispy 8 Treasure Duck (RMB138) comes marvelously presented, the amazingly
crisp, copper-colored skin hiding a rich, glutinous rice stuffing. It’s just one of the
restaurant’s signature dishes, as is the Uncle Hen’s Fire Crispy Pork (RMB118). Served
in tin-foil and set aflame to maximize the juiciness of its tender flesh, it’s a truly hedonistic carnivorous experience. Shanghai Uncle also has a lighter side. Stir Fried Papaya
Lily Peeled Shrimp (RMB238) is light and healthy while the stunning Sweet and Sour
Mandarin Fish with Pine Nuts (RMB198) is a sterling example of the restaurant’s contemporary take on Shanghainese and Cantonese classics. AC
// Daily, 11am-2.30pm; 5-10.30pm. Bund Center: 222 Yan’an Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong
Lu 延安东路222号外滩中心, 近江西中路 (6339 1977), Xujiahui: 211 Tianyaoqiao Lu, by
Nandan Lu 天钥桥路211号, 近南丹路 (6464 6430) / June 2014
environment,B Real has a relaxed and cozy
ambiance which provides Vietnamese fusion
sandwiches, summer rolls and stewed beef
broth. Free delivery within 3 km from B Real.
185 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu Daily 11am9pm (3419 0220) 富
民路 185 号 , 近长乐路
City Deli City Deli serves a variety of
sandwiches, burgers, and salads including
Steak & Cheese, Reuben, and Turkey
Avocado. 6/F, Golden Eagle Mall, 278 Shanxi
Bei Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu (6288 3912) Daily
11am-9pm 陕西北路 278 号 6
Jade on 36 Restaurant This stunning
restaurant makes traditional French fare a
bit more lighthearted. Excellent wine list,
beautiful views and a sumptuous weekend
brunch. 36/F Grand Tower, Pudong ShangriLa, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6882
3636) Sunday:11:30am-3pm, Sunday brunch:
RMB788+15% service charge per person,
aspx/RestaurantBarJade36.aspx 富城路 33 号
浦东香格里拉大酒店紫金楼 36 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路
楼 , 近南京西路
Delivery Hero The German transplant
Delivery Hero helps you with online delivery
from hundreds of restaurants without extra
charge. (189 1895 0360)
Elders Fine Foods An Aussie importer
specializing in quality meats, fresh seafood
and fine wines from the land down under.
Building 9, 550 Jinhai Lu, by Donglu Gong Lu
(3872 0368) Daily 9am-6pm
cn 金桥工业区金海路 550 号 9 幢 , 近东陆公路
Mealbay Thanks to the company’s wide
variety of participating restaurants, you
can order cuisines that’are French or from
the Philippines. Online service available.
Rm1212, 68 Xinqiao Lu, by Nan Suzhou Lu
(5158 0168) Daily 10.30am-11.30pm www. 新桥路 68 号 1212 室 , 近南苏
Element Fresh Delivery (5116 9887)
Sherpas Shanghai’s first delivery service
that has over 100 restaurants in Puxi,
Pudong, Hongqiao, Suzhou SIP and SND
and Hangzhou. Fees range from RMB15
to RMB30. 3D, 489Xiangyang Nan Lu, by
Jianguo Xi Lu (6209 6209) Daily 10.30am10.30pm. 襄阳南路 489
号 3D, 近建国西路
Sushi’O Sushi’O offers a free delivery service
(with a minimum order of RMB50) for a
wide range of creative maki rolls, sushi,
sashimi, hot dishes and appetizers. Free
delivery within the inner ring and the south
of Suzhou Creek. 21 Yongkang Lu, by Jiashan
Lu (15000 820 420) Daily 1.30-2pm, 5.3010pm. Online order available on www. 永康路 21 号 , 近嘉善路
glo London Gastro Grill Sizzling grills,
stone baked pizzas and other international favorites. 2/F, 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, by
Dongping Lu (6466 6565) Daily 11am-12am 乌鲁木齐南路 1 号
Jing’an Restaurant The PuLi’s acclaimed
Executive Chef Michael Wilson presents a
seasonal and changing international menu
with subtle elements of Asian influence.
Wilson delivers old favourites in brand
new guises, placing an emphasis on local
ingredients and fusion texture from the East
and West. Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner
and Sunday brunch. 1 Changde Lu, by Yan’an
Xi Lu (2216 6988, taste@jinganrestaurant.
com, 上海璞丽酒
店 , 常德路 1 号 , 近延安西路
M on the Bund This Bund pioneer serves up
impeccable service and a menu peppered
with Continental, Aussie and Moroccan
inspiration. Try the pavlova for dessert. 7/F,
No.5 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong
Lu (6350 9988) Mon-Fri: 11.30am-2.30pm;
6.15-10.30pm; Sat-Sun: 11.30am-3pm; 6.1510.30pm 中山东一路外滩 5 号
7 楼 , 近广东路
Madison We love how Austin Hu creates
fine fusion cuisine from mostly local
ingredients. His dining room is also very,
very pretty. 3 Fenyang Lu, by Huaihai Lu
Daily 6-10pm 汾阳路 3 号,近淮海路
悦酒店 87 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路
The Cathay Room Blending casual elegance
with accomplished modern European
cuisine. The Cathay Room offers impeccable
service and an extensive wine selection with
a spectacular ninth-floor terrace overlooking
the historic splendor of the Bund and
Pudong skyline. 9/F, Fairmont Peace Hotel,
20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong
Yi Lu ( 6138 6881 ) Lunch: Daily 12-2.30pm;
Dinner: Daily 6-10pm,
peacehotel 南京东路 20 号上海和平饭店 9 楼 , 近
June 2014 /
not restaurant, not to be missed. 4/F, 3
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(6321 7733) Mon-Sun 11:30am-2:30pm,
Dinner Mon-Sun 5:30-11pm, Brunch SatSun, 11:30am-3pm, Bar Mon-Sun, 11:30-1 中山东一路 3 号 4 楼,近广东路
La Brasserie A French-style restaurant and
terrace bar with simple food made from the
finest ingredients in a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere. It is committed to provide
customers with excellent quality, first class
service and competitive prices with pleasant
surroundings. 6/F Ascott Service Apartment,
282 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Songshan Lu (6091
9893) Mon-Fri:10am-12am; Weekends &
public holidays: 10am-1am 淮海中路 282 号雅
T8 Xintiandi stalwart features cool fusion
food, mingling European cuisine with Asian
accents. The decor alone is worth a visit to
this trendy and relaxed restaurant. Block8,
North Block Xintiandi, Lane 181 Taicang Lu,
by Madang Lu (6355 8999) Daily 11.30am2.30pm; 6.30-11.30pm 太仓路 181 弄新天地北
诗阁酒店 6 楼 , 近嵩山路
The Cathay Room Blending casual elegance
with accomplished modern European
cuisine. The Cathay Room offers impeccable
service and an extensive wine selection with
a spectacular ninth-floor terrace overlooking
the historic splendor of the Bund and
Pudong skyline. 9/F, Fairmont Peace Hotel,
20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong
Yi Lu ( 6138 6881 ) Lunch: Daily 12-2.30pm;
Dinner: Daily 6-10pm,
peacehotel 南京东路 20 号上海和平饭店 9 楼 ,
近汾阳路 2) 南京西路 1601 号芮欧百货 1 楼 D 座 ,
UltraViolet Conceived by Paul Pairet for
over 15 years, and supported by VOL Group,
Ultraviolet is the first restaurant of its
kind attempting to unite food with multisensorial technologies in order to create a
fully immersive dining experience. Tues-Sat:
7pm till late.
Brasserie la Fourchette A lovely French
bistro serving up excellent eggs florentine at
brunch and some hearty offerings at dinner.
The chef Peter Gong (formerly of Kathleen’s
5 and Avalon) does the classics, with a bit
of a twist, well. 1 Xiangyang Bei Lu, by Julu
Lu (6418 6389) Daily 11am-11pm www. 襄阳北路 1 号 , 近巨鹿路
La Creperie A charming Brittany-style
crêperie. A cup of dry cider and a savory gallette make a great Sunday brunch. Try their
set lunch; RMB78 gets you a main, dessert
and drink. 1) 1 Taojiang Lu, by Fenyang Lu
(5465 9055) Daily 10.30am-late 2) UnitD, 1/F,
Réel, 1601 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Jingan Park (3253
7978) 桃江路 1 号 ,
La Rue Embracing a casual and chic
ambience with the look of a French
local brasserie, La Rue at InterContinental
Shanghai Ruijin presents "a journey around
France" with a seasonally changing menu.
Executive Chef Dimitri Bastiani prepares the
finest seafood of the Mediterranean, foie
gras terrine of South-west France, and duck
dishes from Normandy. Daily 11.30am–10pm. 1/F, Reception Building, InterContinental
Shanghai Ruijin, 118 Ruijin Er Lu, by Huangpi
Nan Lu (6043 5222) 瑞金洲际酒店 , 瑞金二路
118 号 , 近黄陂南路
La Table This beautiful 8th floor dining room
serves classic Southern French cuisine with
a bit of contemporary flair. Owned by twins
Jacques and Laurent Pourcel. 8/F, 35 Shaanxi
Nan Lu, by Changle Lu (6215 8777) Daily
5.30-10.30pm 陕西
南路 35 号 8 楼 , 近长乐路
Le Saleya Old timer offers simple, homestyle French cuisine. The draw is the quaint
garden , which is almost always full in nice
weather. 570 Changle Lu, by Xiangyang
Bei Lu (5403 6957) Daily 11.30am-2.30pm;
6.30pm-10.30pm 长乐
路 570 号 , 近襄阳北路
Café Montmartre This historic family-owned
bistro offers authentic French cuisine in
town since 2001, serving traditional French
fare, an array of Brittany-style crêpes, and a
good selection of imported meat and sweet
treats. The signature hand-made dishes like
foie gras, indulgent chocolate fondant are
not to be missed! 1) 68 Wulumuqi Zhong
Lu, by Changle Lu (51589377) Daily 11am10.30pm 2) 3911 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi
Lu (54047658) Daily 11am-10.30pm www.
café 1) 乌鲁木齐中路 68 号 ,
近长乐路 2) 虹梅路 3911 号 , 近延安西路
Fine Dining
Dining Room serves up elegant European
provincial cuisine paired with an extensive
wine list above the roof of Shanghai on
level 87 of Park Hyatt Shanghai. 87/F, 100
Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6888 1234
ext. 4559) 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 世纪大道 100 号上海柏
Sir Elly’s Restaurant & Bar Dine on fine
modern European cuisine while overlooking
the Huangpu River. Expert cocktails offered
at both the circular bar and the expansive
14th floor terrace. 13/F The Peninsula
Shanghai, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Nanjing Dong Lu (2327 6756) Lunch daily 122.30pm; Dinner Sun-Thurs: 6-10.30pm; Fri-Sat
Dining/Sir_Ellys_Restaurant/default.aspx 中山
里 8 号楼 , 近马当路
glo London Rooftop BBQ Enjoy food from
hickory Oak burning smoke pit while taking
in the views across the city skyline. Daily
Mon- Fri: 5pm-late; Sat- Sun: 11pm–late.4/F,
1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, by Dongping Lu (www. 乌鲁木齐南路 1 号 4 楼 , 近东平
海)自由贸易试验区基隆路 28 号 , 近新兰路
外滩华尔道夫酒店 1 楼,近广东路
东一路 32 号上海半岛酒店 13 楼 , 近南京东路
2 楼 , 近东平路
8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana An extension
of the three Michelin Star venue (by the
same name) in Hong Kong, a fantastic
fine dining fare that will leave you both
comforted and breathless. 6-7/F, 169
Yuanmingyuan Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (6087
2890) 圆明园路 169 号 6-7 楼 , 近北京东路
BAY LEAF A stylish signature restaurant that
offers breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as
a la carte delicacies, serving international
fare by various open live stations. Sheraton
Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel, 28 Jilong Lu, by
Xinlan Lu, China (Shanghai) Shanghai Pilot
Free Trade Zone (3121 9678) Breakfast daily
6-10.30am, lunch daily12-2.30pm, dinner
daily6-9.30pm 上海外高桥喜来登酒店 , 中国(上
contemporary flair. 1/F, Waldorf Astoria
Shanghai on the Bund, 2 Zhongshan Dong
Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6322 9988) 6-11pm 中山东一路 2 号
Cheese & Fizz Unit 101, 119 Madang Lu,
North Block Xintiandi, by Taicang Lu (6336
5823) Daily 10am-midnight. 马当路 119 号
101 单元 , 新天地北里 , 近太仓路
NAPA Wine Bar & Kitchen Bringing the
best in creative European cuisine from
Chef Patrick Dang together with one of the
widest selections of fine wines in China at
the prestigious South Bund 22. Lunch TuesSun: 12pm–3pm; Dinner Mon-Sun: 6pm11pm. 2/F, South Bund 22, 22 Zhongshan
Dong Er Lu, by Xin Yong'an Lu 南外滩中山东二
路 22 号 2 楼 , 近新永安路 (6318 0057)
Roosevelt Sky Restaurant Ultimate
Panoramic Views of Pudong and Bund;
International and Asian Fine Dining.
Executive Lunch: RMB138/two-course-set.
8/F, The House of Roosevelt, 27 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2322 0800), 中山东
一路(外滩)27 号罗斯福公馆 8 楼 , 近北京东路
Oceans Dining in a romantic and
contemporary setting, an extensive array of
selected premium products from the sea. A
distinct and innovative gourmet experience
to satisfy the most discerning of tastes,
Ocean fully realizes the art of cooking.
Lobby floor, Banyan Tree Shanghai On The
Bund, 19 Haiping Lu, by Gongping Lu (2509
1188) Lunch 11.30am – 2.30pm; Dinner 5.30–
9.30pm. 海平路 19 号悦榕庄 1
楼 , 近公平路
Pelham’s Celebrated Chef Bruno Bruesch
presents modern French cuisine with
a brand new menu, highlighting a mix
of premium, local ingredients with
Chelsea & Co. A contemporary take on a
Euro Bistro Bar concept offering a refreshing
and reinvigorated new choice, using only
the finest fresh, imported and seasonal
ingredients and products. 1 Yueyang Lu, by
Fenyang Lu 11am-1am 岳阳路 1 号 , 近汾阳路
Chez Nous by City Super Home-style French
restaurant inside the City Super grocery
store serving traditional French dishes and
desserts. LG 2, Shanghai IFC Mall, 8 Shiji
Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5012 0983)
Daily 11am–11pm 世纪大道 8 号国金中心商场地
下 2 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路
Des Lys No-frills home-style French cooking
in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. 178 Xinle
Lu, by Donghu Lu (5404 5077) Sun-Thu
11am-11pm, Fri-Sat 11am-12am 新乐路 178
号 , 近东湖路
Franck Classy yet casual, and perhaps a
touch overpriced, owner Franck is obsessed
with quality and it shows. As authentic a
bistro as you’ll find in Shanghai. Ferguson
Lane, 376 Wukang Lu, by Tai’an Lu (2167
6767) Le Petit Franck: Daily 11 am-1am;
Franck Bistrot: Daily 6pm-1am (last order:
11pm) 武康路 376 号 , 近
Jean Georges Jean Georges first signature
restaurant outside of New York and a classy
one at that. Bringing us his signature French
cuisine, with an Asian twist, this is one top-
Mr. & Mrs. Bund Molecular madman Paul
Pairet takes a more laissez-faire approach
with this modern French eatery. Expect
straightforward food and a great wine
list. 6/F Bund 18, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu,
by Nanjing Dong Lu (6323 9898) Lunch
Mon-Fri: 11.30am-2pm; Dinner Sun-Thurs:
6-10.30pm, Fri-Sat: 6-11pm Late night TueThurs:10:30pm-2am, Fri-Sat: 11pm-2am 中山东一路外滩 18 号 6 楼 ,
MAISON CAMUS LOUNGE (openning soon)
Situated in the heart of the city, in Nanjing
Xi Lu’s Shanghai Centre, Maison CAMUS
Lounge is the ultimate expression of the
CAMUS vision. The deluxe venue offers a
unique experience in the best of French
contemporary: from afternoon tea and
exceptional fine dining to excellent crafted
cocktails. Unit206, Shanghai Center, 1376
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu 南京西路 1376 号
上海商城 206 室 , 近西康路
Mardi Gras Japanese owned, but they do
French cuisine by the books. Don’t miss the
single malts and cocktails in their upstairs
lounge, or the chocolate torte in the garden.
Block1, Lane 372 Xingguo Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6280 7598) Daily 11am-2:30pm,
5-11:30pm 兴国路 372 弄 1 号 , 近淮海中路
Mavilla Enjoy a daily french selection
of fresh and seasonal product cooked
traditionally. Rm106, Building 1, 999 Gaojing
Lu, by Gaoguang Lu (5988 7857) Tue-Thurs:
10am-9pm; Fri-Sat: 10am-10.30pm; Sun:
10am-3pm; Monday closed 高泾路 999 号 1
楼 106 室 , 近高光路 Nougatine Nougatine
is a smart, upscale bistro that delivers Jean
Georges’ signature cuisine in more relaxed
surroundings. The stylish space is anchored
by a dramatic carved stone bar, which offers
an extensive drink selection and creative
cocktails. The premium value menu features
comforting bistro fare such as gourmet
salads and the classic JG burger. 4/F, 3
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu by Guangdong Lu
(6321 7733) Daily 6-11pm. 中山东一路 3 号 4
楼 , 近广东路
Nova This authentic French brasserie is
known for its warm, family-style service,
nice outdoor seating and traditional French
dishes. 1) 418 Dagu Lu, by Chengdu Bei Lu
(3376 6377) Hours, 12pm-12am Lunch, MonSat, 12-2:30pm Brunch, Sun, 12-2:30pm
Dinner, 6:30-10:30pm 2)
677 Waima Lu, by Wangjia ma tou Lu (3376
6377) Hours, 12pm-12am Lunch, Mon-Sat,
12-2:30pm Brunch, Sun, 12-2:30pm Dinner,
6:30-10:30pm 1) 大沽路 418 号 , 近成都北路 2)
Azur Azur chefs have decided to get in
shape, they searched high and low for
the highest quality locally grown organic
produce, the freshest seafood, and the finest
meats, and prepared it all in the lightest
Mediterranean fashion. 26/F Renaissance
Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel, 1018
Changning Lu, By Kaixuan Lu (6115 8818)
6am-11pm 长宁路 1018 号 26 楼 , 近凯旋路
Azul Tapas & Lounge Perched on top of
Ferguson Lane's new eight-story building,
Chef Eduardo Vargas' tapas restaurant offers
a number of delicious original Mediterranean and South American dishes. Every
weekend, enjoy the view from the terrace
while discovering or rediscovering the most
popular brunch in town. 8/F, Ferguson Lane,
378 Wukang Lu, by Taian Lu (5405 2252) 武康
外马路 653 号老码头 4 号库 207 室 , 近中山南路
路 378 号 8 楼 , 近泰安路
Paris Rouge Café & Restaurant La Cuisine
Traditionnelle Francaise The very best of
luxurious French brasserie-style food on the
bund which celebrates authentic traditional
french cuisines with modern techniques,
seasonal ingredients and a lighter
hand. Room102, Y.W.C.A Building, 133
Yuanmingyuan Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (5386
6011) open hours: Tue-Sat 10:30-23:00, Sun
10:30-18:00 圆明园路 133 号女青年会大楼 1 楼
Mi Casa The new brand from Lapis group.
The chef from Spain creative spanish and
italian home made food. Shop 710, No 1438
Hong Qiao Rd. Shanghai (6233 7062) www. 长宁区虹桥路 1438 号高岛屋
102, 近北京东路
Soleil De Provence Opened by the chef
Serge Alain of Le Paris that closed two
months ago, its RMB298 ‘discovery menu’
(starter, main, dessert) proved a journey
fraught with hazards. 302 Wulumuqi Nan Lu,
by Jian’guo Xi Lu 乌鲁木齐南路 302 号 , 近建国
Villandry French Restaurant Aside from the
veneer of gloved waiters,antique furniture
and white linen napkins,the restaurant
boasts a rich history of the building with
exuberantly pretty and high-end cuisine. 47
Nanchang Lu, by Sinan Lu (3126 8801) 南昌路
47 号,近思南路
Vue Restaurant Enjoy classic European fare
with one of the city’s best skyline views. 30/
F Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu, by
Wuchang Lu (6393 1234-6328) Daily 6-11pm
黄浦路 199 号 , 上海外滩茂悦大酒店西楼 30 楼 ,
Papa’s Bierstube Decent German food in
enormous portions and for reasonable
prices in a cozy atmosphere. 22-24 Hongmei
Food Street, 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi
Lu (6465 8880) Mon-Fri: 10.30-1am; Sat-Sun:
9.30-1.30am 虹梅
路 3338 弄虹梅休闲街 22-24 号 , 近延安西路
Paulaner Brauhaus Enjoy Bavarian food (and
more importantly, beer) in a warm, wellpopulated atmosphere. 1) House19-20,
North Block Xintiandi, Lane181 Taicang Lu,
by Madang Lu (6320 3935) Daily: 11am-2am 2) 2967 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Binjiang Da Dao (6888 3935) Sun-Thu: 11am1am; Fri-Sat: 11am-2am 3) 150 Fenyang Lu,
by Yueyang Lu (6474 5700) Sun-Thu: 111am; Fri-Sat: 11am-2am 4) 3/F, 555 Shibo Da
Dao, by Guozhan Lu (2206 0555) Sun-Thurs:
11am-10pm; Fri-Sat: 11am-12am hellauer@ 1) 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 19-20
号楼 , 近马当路 2) 陆家嘴西路 2967 号 , 近滨江大
道 3) 汾阳路 150 号 , 近岳阳路 4) 世博大道 555 号
3 楼 , 近国展路
710 铺
Greek Taverna 1) Thumb Plaza, Unit
41, 199 Fangdian Lu, Century Park, by
Dingxiang Lu (5033 7500) Daily 8.30am
until late 2) Villa 1,
3911 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Lu (6262 5011)
Daily 10am until late 3) 1 Yueyang Lu, by
Dongping Lu (6431 7751) Daily 10am-late 1)
芳甸路 199 号 , 大拇指广场 41 铺 , 近丁香路 2) 红
梅路 3911 号 1 号 , 近延安路 3) 岳阳路 1 号 , 近东
Mythos A Greek-style taverna with
cute,kitschy decor, a selection of standard,
rather pricey fare and sparkling views of the
Huangpu River. Bldg 6, 505 South Zhong
Shan Rd, by East Fuxing Rd (6152 6755) Daily
10am-10pm (restaurant); Mon-Thurs: 10am1am, Fri-Sun: 10am-2am (bar) 中山南路 505 弄
6 号楼,近复兴东路
Hotel Buffets
Cachet Catering to a taste of diversity,
Cachet offers a variety of culinary concepts
from around the world. Food is served
from live cooking stations versus the
standard steam table buffet and there are
menu options suitable for everyone. 1/F,
The Langham Xintiandi, 99 Madang Lu, by
Taicang Lu (2330 2288) Daily 6.30am-11pm
cachet.htm 马当路 99 号新天地朗廷酒店 1 楼 ,
MoMo Cafe Jiading International Seafood
Dinner Buffet is offered at MoMo Café in
Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Jiading.
Enjoy your night with mouthwateringseafood and cakes. 3101 Huyi Gong Lu, by
Yecheng Lu (3991 6499) 沪宜公路 3101 号 , 近
Vie All Day Dining The Sofitel Shanghai
Sheshan Oriental’s all day buffet featuring
fresh seafood and international cuisines.
The food is as luxe as the surroundings. 1/
F, Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental, 3388
Sichen Gong Lu, by Jiasong Gong Lu (3761
8888-1911) 24/7 泗泾镇泗陈公路 3388 弄东方佘
山索菲特大酒店 1 楼 , 近嘉松公路
Bollywood Indian Restaurant Salivate over
Indian cuisine and Bollywood movie stars
during their lunch buffet or dinner. For
parties, there are nice rooms in the back
with a private bar. 2/F, 326 Hongfeng Lu,
by Biyun Lu (3872 6176) Daily 11am-11pm 红枫路 326
Pudong City Bistro
Something for everyone
Catering to the ‘Green City’ area of Jinqiao, the Sunday brunch at Pudong City Bistro
in the Marriott Hotel Pudong East has the laid-back feel of the suburbs in which it sits.
Parents will be pleased with the ease of the buffet and enjoy a leisurely meal, as the
kids are entertained at the play area.
The indulgent, but manageable brunch spread includes a selection of seafood on
ice, freshly sliced meat, homemade pasta, make-it-your way cooking stations, charcuterie, salads and a dessert table. Pizza fresh from the oven is also served right at your
Meat-lovers should not miss the ham – it’s juicy, tender and perfectly flavored reminiscent of a Honey Baked ham at holidays. Roasted potatoes and glazed carrots are
a perfect accompaniment.
For simpler kid tastes, there are basic breakfast foods – breads, cereals, congee
and an omelet station, as well as chicken fingers and fries offered near the children’s
play area. Also tempting to tiny taste buds is the candy station complete with an ice
cream cart and cotton candy machine.
While the kids are burning off the sugar rush at the play area, parents can indulge
in more sophisticated sweets at the dessert table. Delicate cakes, mousse and crème
brulee are highlights, along with handmade chocolates.
Brunch is available every Sunday from 11.30am to 2.30pm, for RMB328/person
net. Free for children under age six and half price for children from ages six to 12.
A family package is also available at RMB599 (two adults and one child) making this
brunch one of the better values in Shanghai. Pudong City Bistro is also offering special
activities at the brunch for Children’s Day on June 1 and Father’s Day on June 15; call in
advance for reservations.
// 15 Xin Jinqiao Lu, by Hongfeng Lu, 浦东新金桥路15号, 近红枫露 (6036 8855, www.
号 2 楼 , 近碧云路
Drei Kronen 1308 brewery One of the
world’s oldest breweries located in North
Bund brings up German beer into Shanghai
with a unique brewery house restaurant and
exquisite Bavarian and international dishes.
1929 Art Space Building, 687 Dongdaming
Lu, by Xinjian Lu (5521 5355) Sun-Thurs
11.30am-midnight, Fri-Sat 11.30am-Late
(opening at the end of May) 东大名路 687 号
1929 艺术空间 , 近新建路
G water front Located at the riverside of the
South Bund and embraced by the history
and culture of the ancient quay, G Water
Front is dedicated to offering a modern,
elegant and enjoyable dining experience
with the gorgeous river view, the authentic
food and friendly service provided by
the Indian chefs and waiters. Rm206,
Block 3, Wharf 1846, 601 Waima Lu, by
Zhuhangmatou Jie (3302 0007/ 3302 0166)
Daily, 11.30am-11pm 外马路 601 号 3 号楼 206
室 , 近竹行码头街
Kebabs On the Grille Indian eatery specializing in grilled fare and situated in the
picturesque environs of the Cool Docks. 1)
The Cool Docks, 505 Zhongshan Nan Lu, by
Fuxing Dong Lu (6152 6567) Daily 11am-10
.30pm www. 2) Unit103, 227
Huangpi Bei Lu, inside Peoples Square (3315 / June 2014
0132) Daily 11am-10pm kebabsonthegrille@
3) Unit A4 Green Sports Center, 633 Biyun
Lu,by Yunshan Lu (5030 2005) Daily 11am10pm www. 1) 中山南路 505 号 , 近
复兴东路 2) 黄陂北路 227 号 103 室 , 人民广场中
区广场内 3) 碧云路 633 号碧云体育休闲中心 A4,
Masala Indian cuisine at reasonable prices
served in a warm, hospitable atmosphere.
8 Jinan Lu, by Taicang Lu (6384 6838) Daily
11.30am-2pm; 5.30-10.30pm 济南路 8 号 , 近太
Tikka Brought to you by the team behind
Nepali Kitchen, Tikka serves up lush, well
executed Indian cuisine. Steamy spices
wafting admist cushioned sofas offer a
warm atmosphere. Awarded as 1212
iDEAL Shanghai one of the best new Asian
Restaurant in 2012 by Shanghai Daily. 1/F,
56 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu (6054
2114) Lunch: Tue-Sun, 11am-2pm; Dinner:
Daily 5.30-10.30pm 茂名南路 56 号 1 楼 , 近长
Tandoor Shanghai’s first, and arguably one
of the best, Indian eateries features dance
performances, first-class service,great classic
curries and tasty tandoori meats. Jin Jiang
Hotel, 59 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu
(6472 5494, 6258 2582) Daily 11.30am-2pm;
5.30- 10.30pm 茂名南
路 59 号锦江饭店 , 近长乐路
Punjabi Wide range of Indian dishes,
from Northern to Southern India, also
caters and hosts parties to give you a
great time 1) 5F, 627 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Sinan Lu (6472 5464) Daily 11am-11.30pm www. 2) 12-20 Shuicheng Lu,
by Hongqiao Lu (6278 8626) Daily 11.30am11.30pm. 3)
1099 Meihua Lu, by Fangdian Lu (6075 1970)
Daily 11.30am-11.30pm 1) 淮海中路 627-635
1) 南汇路 73 号 , 近北京西路 2) 长乐路 946 弄 4
号 , 近乌鲁木齐路
Briccocafe 1) International Airside B10,
Terminal 1, Hongqiao Airport Daily 10-12am 2) China Art Palace
Branch, 10/F, 161 Shangnan Lu, by Guozhan
Lu (2025 2131) 1) 虹桥机场国内出发禁区 B10 登
机口 , 近空港二路 2) 上南路 161 号中华艺术宫 10
楼 , 近国展路
Bocca A Sytlish Italian restaurant with a
spectacular view on the Bund, where you
may enjoy the Contemporary Italian cuisine
prepared by creative Italian Chef and dine
in a casual and fine dining ambience. South
Bund 22 5/F, 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by
Xin Yong’an Lu (6328 6598) Daily 12pm2.30pm; 6pm-11pm www.bocca-shanghai.
com 中山东二路 22 号 5 楼 , 近新永安路
Casalingo Offering authentic Italian dishes
prepared by Italian Executive Chef Sergio
Zanetti and his team, Casalingo features an
open kitchen with pizza oven, a sumptuous
antipasto counter and a gelato coffee bar
with both indoor and outdoor seating areas
with beautiful tree lined canal-view. 1/F, 15
Xinjinqiao Lu, by Hongfeng Lu (6036 8838)
新金桥路 15 号 1 楼 , 近红枫路
Ciao Dining Room and Ciao Bambino
A classy cucina serving authentic Italian
cuisine. Pop in for a quick coffee and pastry
at their adjoining cafe. 1/F, The Langham
Yangtze Boutique, 740 Hankou Lu, by
Yunnan Lu (6080 0743) Dinning Room
6.30–10pm; Bambino 6.30–11pm 汉口路 740
号朗廷扬子精品酒店 1 楼 , 近云南路
熟路 83 号 3 楼 , 近巨鹿路
Alcove 1982 A unique character on quiet
Panyu Lu, Alcove 1982 provides a wide selection of Italian and French fusion cuisine in
a warm-hearted and homey atmosphere.
11am-2.30pm (lunch Mon-Fri), 11am-3pm
(lunch Sat-Sun), 2.30-5pm (afternoon tea),
6-10pm (dinner Mon-Sun), 10pm-1am (Bar)
390 Panyu Lu, by Fahuazhen Lu (6215 5531)
番禺路 390 号 , 近法华镇路
Alla Torre Laid-back trattoria with good
wood fired pizzas and homemade pastas. 1/
F, La Villa,165 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by Lujiazui
Dong Lu (3383 0577) Daily 11am-11pm 陆家
嘴环路 165 号 1 楼 , 近陆家嘴东路
Basilico A must-try Italian restaurant where
one can savor the authentic delicacies of
Italian while enjoying panoramic views of
both the Huangpu River and Nanpu Bridge.
3/F, Inter Continental Shanghai Expo, 1188
Xueye Lu, by Shibo Dadao (3858 1228) WedSun 11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30-9.30pm; Mon-Tue
Closed 雪野路 1188 号上海世博洲际酒店三楼 , 近
deCanto A chic and modern Italian
restaurant overlooking the magnificent
landscape of the Bund. Enjoy the fine dining
with affordable prices plus an extensive wine
list. 11.30am till late. 4B/F, 6 ZhongShan
Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6346 3686) 中
Osteria Another concept from the prolific
Eduardo Vargas, this restaurant has a great
wine list and amazing oysters. 226 Jinxian
Lu, by Maoming Nan lu (6256 8998) Daily
11am-10:30pm 进贤路 226 号 , 近茂名南路
Palladio Regional Italian favorites by Italian
Chef Gianluca Serafin in a gorgeous dining
room. Lobby Level, The Portman Ritz-Carlton
Hotel, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6279
7188) Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30-10.30pm
Shanghai/Dining/Palladio/Default.htm 南京
梅路 3896 号 , 近延安西路 2) 衡山路 4 号 , 近乌鲁
木齐南路 3) 芳甸路 185 号大拇指广场 2 楼 14 室 ,
东方路 889 号 39 楼 , 近潍坊路
Dolce Vita Prime, pricey Italian food in
the French Concession. 291 Fumin Lu, by
Changle Lu (6170 1318) Daily 12-2:30pm;
6pm-12am (10.30pm last order) 富民路 291
号 , 近长乐路
南中路 16 号 , 近延安东路
Isola bar + grill A chic and trendy Italian
restaurant located in IFC mall sporting an
opulent interiors and terrace overlooking a
breathtaking view of the Huangpu River. 4/F,
IFC, 8 Shiji Da Dao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5012
1277) 11.30am-10.30pm reservations@,
isola-shanghai 世纪大道 8 号 , 国金中心 IFC 商
场 4 楼 L4-17, 近陆家嘴环路
Isola Bella 1) Restaurant Huaihai Rd. 2/
F, No.41, Lane 816 Huaihai Lu, by Guotai
Cinema (5467 0170) 2) Isola Bella Barbeque
Restaurant 6/F, Gold World Commercial
Building, 988 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi
Nan Lu (5424 3531) 3) 630 Huashan Lu, by
Shanghai Theater Academy (6248 3613) 4)
3222 Longteng Dadao, by Dong’an Lu (136
内 , 近镇宁路
Tavola This hip new Italian restaurant offers
great service at a beautiful location. Located
in a quiet area just minutes from the Lujiazui
metro station, Tavola has a wonderful view
right on the Huangpu river. Food is prepared
in an open kitchen right before you. 2500
Binjiang Dadao, by Dongyuan Lu (2022
8288) Mon-Fri: 11.30am-2.30pm; 6-10.30pm;
Sat-Sun: 11.30am-3pm, 6-10.30pm www. 滨江大道 2500 号,近东园路
The Kitchen by Salvatore Cuomo Fantastic
pizzas and Italian food by lauded Chef
Cuomo in Lujiazui with a beautiful Bund
view 2967 Binjiang Da Dao, by Fenghe Lu
(5054 1265) Daily 11am-2:30pm, 6pm-10pm 滨江大道 2967 号近丰和路
Tima Harbour 11 Zhenning Lu, by
Huashan Lu (6225 8684) Daily 7-1am info@ 镇宁路 11 号 , 近华山路
Va Bene Enjoy everything from classic
standards to creative cuisine in this Xintiandi
stalwart. Va Bene Shanghai has set a new
trend for Italian fine dining using quality
Italian ingredients with authentic Italian
culinary tradition. Block 7, 181 Taicang Lu,
by Madang Lu (6311 2211) Daily, 12-3pm,
太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 7 号楼 , 近马当路
号 1 楼 , 近平武路
近江苏路 2) 虹桥路 1 号 , 港汇广场 1651 楼 , 近华
山路 3) 羽山路 350 号 , 近桃林路
Danieli’s Italian Restaurant Upscale Italian
with comfortable, elegant dishes. Classic
dining room and lovely desserts. The Hongta
Hotel, 39/F, 889 Dongfang Lu, by Weifang
Lu (5050 4567) Mon-Fri 11.30am–2pm; Sun:
11.30am–2.30pm; Mon-Sun: 6–10.30pm
Seve Sit in the heart of former French
Concession just few steps away from
Shanghai Theater Academy, the homey
restaurant with 70 seats inside and two
outdoor alfresco balconies is designed in a
modern and simply elegant style, providing
a comfortable and cozy ambiance for all.
600 Huashan Lu,by Zhenning Lu MonSun 11.30am-11pm (6249 3638, www. 华山路 600 号上海戏剧学院
Venexia Quiet and long-time neighborhood
resident, Venexia offers Italian staples. 1/
F, 127 Panyu Lu, by Pingwu Lu (6282 2220)
Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; 6-10.30pm 番禺路 127
Da Marco 1) 1/F, Golden Bridge Garden,
103 Dong Zhu’anbang Lu, by Jiangsu Lu (6210
4495) Daily 12-11pm
2) Grand Gateway Square, 1/F, 1 Hongqiao
Lu, by Huashan Lu (6447 7577) Daily 10am11pm 3) 350 Yushan Lu, by Taolin Lu (5860
8170) Daily 12-11pm 1) 东渚安浜路 103 号 1 楼 ,
环贸广场 L6-605, 613, L7-703, 近陕西南路
June 2014 /
乌鲁木齐路 2) 西康路 225 号,近北京路
Mercato This newly opened coastal Italian
restaurant offers vibrant cuisine, stylishly
rustic décor, and breathtaking Bund views.
The menu created by three Michelin Star
Chef Jean Georges Vongerichten, features
amazing light-as-air pizzas, house made
pastas, and the freshest seafood, graced
with the true flavor of Italy. 6/F, 3 Zhong
Shan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu (6321
9922) 5.30pm-1am 中山东一路外滩 3 号 6 楼 ,
山东一路 6 号,近广东路
Gondola Good place to pop in for a bit of
antipasti. 16Henan Zhong Lu, by Yan’an
dong Lu (6321 9803) Daily 11am-10:30pm 河
Il Bambino With a real taste of Italy and
using top food ingredients, this restaurant
provides a warm and nice ambience that is
perfect for parties and friends’ meetings.
903 Julu Lu, by Changshu Lu (6445 3656)
Daily 10am-4am. 巨鹿路 903 号 , 近常熟路
La Strada Brought to you by Craig Willis
(of Wagas), this trendy 10-table pizzeria
offers thin crust pizza and simple selection
of antipasti and salads. 1F, 195 Anfu Lu, by
Wulumuqi Lu (5404 0100) Daily 11am-11pm 2) 225 Xikang Lu, by
Beijing Lu (6266 7909) 安福路 195 号 1 楼 , 近
西路 1376 号波特曼丽嘉酒店 1 楼 , 近西康路
Gaia This vibrant restaurant guarantees
all diners a delightful dining experience in
a casual and fun asmosphere by serving
contemporary Italian classics. L6-605, 613,
L7-703 iapm mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Shaanxi Nan Lu (5466 1699) 淮海中路 999 号
Bella Napoli Ristorante e Pizzeria With a
neighborhood ambience, the restaurant
offers Southern Italian food made with high
quality ingredients. Enjoy the home made
pastas and authentic Neapolitan pizza. 1)
73 Nanhui Lu, by Beijing Xi Lu (5289 0806)
Daily 11am-3pm; 2)
No.4, Lane 946 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu
(6248 8985) Daily 11.30am-3pm; 5.30-11pm
海中路 988 号 黄金世界商厦 6 楼,近陕西南路
3)华山路 630 号,近上海戏剧学院 4) 龙腾大道
3222 号 , 近东安路
Pasta Fresca Da Salvatore 1) 3896
Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6262 5620)
Daily 11.30am- 2.30pm; 5.30-10.30pm 2) 4 Hengshan Lu,
by Wulumuqi Nan Lu (6473 0772) MonFri: 11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30-11pm; Sat-Sun:
11.30am-11pm 3) Rm.14, 2/F, The Thumb
Plaza, 185 Fangdian Lu, by Yanggao Zhong
Lu (5033 9001) Mon-Thurs: 11.30am-2.30pm;
5.30-10.30pm; Fri-Sun: 11.30am-11pm 1) 虹
号 5 楼 , 近思南路 2) 水城路 12-20 号 , 近虹桥路
3) 梅花路 1099 号博览会广场 , 近芳甸路
Vedas A consistent winner of Readers
Choice Awards, Vedas offers countless classic
Indian dishes and a classy environment. 3/
F, 83 Changshu Lu, by Julu Lu (6445 8100)
Daily 11.30am-2pm; 6-10.30pm info@ 常
7156 9780) 1) 淮海中路 816 弄 41 号 2 楼 2)淮
Ambrosia Meet Shanghai’s finedining crowd for Japanese Teppanyaki in a
European-style mansion. 2-3/F, 150 Fenyang
Lu, by Yueyang Lu (6431 3935) Daily 5.3010pm 汾阳路 150 号 2-3 楼 , 近岳阳路
PastaMania PastaMania is about making
great tasting Italian food conveniently
at affordable prices. From features like
Edicola to Alimentari, coupled with Italian
inspired decoration designs, this restaurant
will captivates the interest of most the
discerning 1)
Unit25, 3/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (5019 0081) 10am10pm 2) Unit13A, B&C, 4/F, Metro City Mall,
1111 Zhaojiabang Lu, by Caoxi Bei Lu (5419
9358) 10am-10pm 1) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广
场 3 楼 25 室 , 近陆家嘴环路 2) 肇嘉浜路 1111 号
美罗城 4-13A,13B&13C, 近漕溪北路
Porta Nova With traditional Italian food
and pizzas made in the wood oven, Porta
Nova uses imported high quality ingredients
and provides a corner of traditional Italian
atmosphere. Daily 11.30am-11pm. No.40,
Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Hongxu Lu 虹梅路
3338 弄 40 号 , 近虹许路 (6465 7788)
Settebello An old-style Italian alcove with
lively fine dining. 193 Anfu Lu, by Wulumuqi
Lu 安福路 193 号 , 近乌鲁木齐路 (3356 2587)
Segafredo Italian Caffè Bar & Restaurant
Authentic Italian restaurant providing
extensive food menu and exclusive selection
of Italian wines 2/F, S2-03, S2-07K, South
retail building Jing’an Kerry Center, 1515
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Changde Lu Daily 10am10pm, (6380 3280) 南京
西路 1515 号静安嘉里中心南区商场 2 楼 S203,S2-07K, 近常德路
Benkay Authentic and fine presented
Japanese cuisine in an elegant hotel. 3/F,
Hotel Nikko Shanghai, 488 Yan’an Xi Lu, by
Zhenning Lu (3211 9999-6620), 11.30am2.30pm, 5.30-10pm www.nikkoshanghai.
com 上海日航饭店 3 楼 , 延安西路 488 号 , 近镇
Chin-Agiku Specializing in traditional
Japanese charcoal grill, various seafood and
daily imported top grade sashimi and sushi,
Chin-Agiku is a well established international cuisine restaurant providing healthy
Japanese and Thai fusion food in a luxury
and contemporary dining atmosphere. LG183, IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu
(3381 7878) 世纪大道 8 号国金中心 LG1-83, 近
DOZO A transplant from Taipei that specializes in izakaya cuisine. Wheelock Plaza 2/
F, 17171Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huashan Lu (3127
8558) Noon: 12-2.30pm; Dinner Sun-Thurs:
6pm-1.30am; Fri-Sat: 6pm-2.30am service.
南京西路 1717 号 , 近华山路
En Grill & Bar A pint-sized, friendly Japanese
joint with fresh sashimi, organic vegetables,
great set meals and an open kitchen. 1) 20
Lane 248, Taikang Lu, Tian Zi Fang (5466
0857) 2) 30 Sinan Lu (6385 0707) Daily 11am2pm; 6pm-2am 泰康路 248 弄 20 号
Haiku by Hatsune A perennial Readers’
Choice Award winner. This wildly popular
restaurant is best known for it’s Cali-style
sushi. 28B Taojiang Lu, by Hengshan Lu (6445
0021) Sun-Thu 11.30am-2pm, 5.30pm-10pm;
Fri-Sat 11.30am-2pm; 5.30-11pm service@ www.haikushanghai.
com 桃江路 28 号乙 , 近衡山路
Hanano Japanese Restaurant Fill up here
are decent sushi and teppanyaki. 2F, 5 Zunyi
Nan Lu, by Hongqiao Lu (6275 8888) Daily
11.30am-2pm; 5.30pm-12.30am 喜来登豪达上
12-2pm 上海外高桥喜来登酒店 , 中国(上海)自
由贸易试验区基隆路 28 号 , 近新兰路
海太平洋大饭店 , 遵义南路 5 号 2 楼 , 近虹桥路
Gintei Teppanyaki Sushi All you can eat
hibachi-style cooking and boatloads of
reasonably-priced sushi. One of the better
teppanyaki joints in town. 75 Nanhui Lu,
by Beijing Xi Lu (6218 1932) Daily 11.30am2pm, 5.30-10.30pm. 南汇路 75 号 , 近北京西路
J-Mix The sushi/teppanyaki dining option
of the Jumeirah. Beautiful dining room and
lush surroundings. 1/F, Jumeirah Himalayas
Hotel, 1108 Meihua Lu, by Fangdian Lu (3858
0888) (3858 0888) Daily 11.30am- 2.30pm,
5.30-10.30pm 梅花路 1108 号 1 楼 , 近芳甸路
Kagen Teppanyaki Haiku by Hatsune’s
upmarket teppanyaki concept. Choice cuts
of meat and fresh fish prepared at your
table. 28D Taojiang Lu, by Hengshan Lu (6433
3232) Daily 6-11.30pm; Sat-Sun: 11.30am3pm 桃江路 28 号丁 , 近衡山路
Kagura Japanese cuisine with a bit of
Thai, Korean, and Vietnam cuisine. Lunch
set starts at RMB40. 390 Shanxi Nan Lu,
by Fuxing Zhong Lu (5171 9539) Daily
11.30am–2pm; 5–11.30pm 陕西南路 390 号 ,
[ 瑠 RYU] Designed by HK designer Alan
Chan and the father of Japanese Light
God Mr.Kawamura, RYU, meaning jewels,
is located on the Bund 5 which presents
a unique type of Cuisine du Japon - a
sumptuous infusion of Japanese and French
cuisine. Monday to Sunday lunch set from
RMB98. 3/F, 5 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu (6333 7633) 中山东一路 5 号外
滩 5 号 3 楼 , 近广东路
Kappo Yu A beautiful high-end alternative
to its sister restaurant, Sushi Oyama. There
is only one daily menu of 10 courses that
will set you back RMB690. Expect beautiful
food and excellent service for the price. 33
Wuxing Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (6466 7855)
Daily 6-10.30pm 吴兴路 33 号 , 近淮海中路
Koyama Though the menu is
extensive,Koyama’s conservative flavours
and passable fare do not justify its premium
prices. Unit 6, 3/F, South Block, Lane 123
Xingye Lu, by Madang Lu (5382 1125) Daily
11.30am-2.30pm; 5.30pm-12am 兴业路 123 弄
新天地南里广场 6 号 3 楼 , 近马当路
Mado Izakaya A casual everyman’s Japanese
restaurant, where you can get sashimi,
tempura and yakitori, with a particular
emphasis on crab dishes. 1/F, The Langham,
Yangtze Boutique, 740 Hankou Lu by Yunnan
zhong Lu (6080 0745) 11.30am – 2.30pm;
5.30–11.30pm 汉口路 740 号朗廷扬子精品酒店
1 楼 , 近云南中路
Takumi Robata & Sake Skilled Robatayaki
chefs from Japan grill seasonal fish, meat and
vegetables over an open coal fire, serving
authentic Japanese sake-cuisine pairings.
Wifi available. 1) L4-22, ifc mall, 8 Shiji
Dadao, by Yincheng Zhong Lu Daily 11.30am2.30pm, 5.30-10pm (5011 1677) 2) N3-14,
Jingan Kerry Centre, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Anyi Lu Daily 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm
(6259 5177) 1) 世纪大道 8 号国金中心 4 楼 , 近银
城中路 2)南京西路 1515 号静安嘉里中心北区 3
楼 , 近安义路
Shari New Japanese cuisine served with flair,
plus a lovely outdoor courtyard. 630 Yongjia
Lu, by Wulumuqi Zhong Lu (5466 0320)
11:30am-11pm 永嘉
Inclusive of Sashimi,
Sushi, Tempura,
Steak, Soft Drinks, Beer, Sake
11:30-14:00 (Lunch) 17:30-22:30 (Dinner)
Ooedo Japanese Restaurant Serving
authentic and high quality Japanese cuisine
since 1994, Ooedo serves an extensive
à la carte menu and “all-you-can-eat”
buffet at RMB268 per person for dinner
and RMB248 per person for lunch. Drinks
included, wifi available. 1) 30 Donghu Lu,
by Huaihai Zhong Lu (5403 5877) Daily
11.30am-2pm, 5.30-10.30pm 2)Room104E,
Lujiazui Investment Tower, 366 Pudian Lu,
by Dongfang Lu (6841 6377) Daily 11.30am2pm, 5.30-10.30pm 1) 东湖路 30 号 , 近淮海中
路 2) 浦电路 366 号陆家嘴投资大厦裙楼 104E, 近
Miyabi Japanese Restaurant & Sky Bar
Nested on the 37th floor boasting a
stunning night view of the Bund and
Lujiazui area, Miyabi Japanese restaurant
sees open teppanyaki stations and exquisite
Japanese cuisines in a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere. A guest DJ plays live lounge
music every night from Tuesday to Saturday,
making Miyabi a perfect choice to enjoy the
night over a cocktail or a Japanese whisky.
37/F, Sheraton Shanghai Hongkou Hotel, 59
Siping Lu,by Hailun Lu (2601 0088, sheraton.
com/shanghaihongkou) 5.30-10.30pm 四平路
59 号虹口喜来登酒店 37 楼 , 近海伦路
MIYABI Offering an extensive menu
complimented with unmatched Japanese
delicacies, Miyabi provides a combination
of modern flavor with a traditional twist.
The delicacies freshly cooked from the
Teppanyaki counter will delight your day.
Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel, 28
Jilong Lu, by Xinlan Lu, China (Shanghai)
Pilot Free Trade Zone (3121 9679) Mon-Fri
路 630 号 , 近乌鲁木齐中路
Shintori Null II Fresh, elegantly prepared
food and one of the best vantage points for
checking out Shanghai’s urban cognoscenti.
803 Julu Lu, by Fumin Lu (5404 5252) MonFri 6-10.30pm, Sat-Sun 11.30am-2pm,
6-10.30pm. 巨鹿路 803 号 , 近富民路
Sushi Ichi No.5, Lane 50 Gaoyou Lu, by
Hunan Lu (5411 1713) Lunch 12-2.30pm;
Dinner: 5.30-11pm 高邮路 50 弄 5 号 , 近湖南路
Sushi Hisago Chef from Tokyo uses fishes
from Nagasaki to serve authentic Edomae
sushi. No.1, Lane 372 Xingguo Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6280 7598) Daily 6pm-12am 兴国
路 372 弄 1 号 , 近淮海中路
Sushi’O With American flavor infused into
traditional Japanese sushi, Sushi’O offers
26 different rolls and heart-warming winter
udon noodles, seafood soups and more hot
dishes. 21 Yongkang Lu, by Jiashan Lu (150
0082 0420, 400-820-2160,
) 永康路 21 号 , 近嘉善路
Sushi Oyama An exquisite little restaurant
slicing up some of Shanghai’s best Sushi. A
prix fixe menu changes nightly according to
availability and freshness. 2/F, 20 Donghu
Lu, by Huaihai Lu (5404 7705) Mon-Sat: 5.3010.30pm 东湖路 20 号 2 楼 , 近淮海路
Sutekiya A Japanese restaurant infused with
Western and Japanese Teppanyaki, Sutekiya
provides delicate steaks and a wide variety
of fresh seafood. 3/F, Jiadun Plaza, 2088
Yan’an Xi Lu, by Yili Lu (6029 0518) 5.30-11pm
延安西路 2088 号嘉顿广场 3 楼,近伊犁路
UMINOSACHI Refined Teppanyaki. Chains
around the country offering all-you-can-eat
classics. Promotion: RMB168/per person:
Everyday starting at 8.30pm. 1) 2890 Yan’an
Xi Lu, by Zhonghuan Lu (6262 5777) 2) 169
Xinle Lu, by Donghu Lu (5403 0303) 3) Rm
428, 333 Tianyaoqiao Lu, by Xietu Lu (6426
Bund Bank of Fine Wines 
A fine wining experience 
The Bund Bank of Fine Wines is a vinophile’s wet dream tucked into the basement of
historical South Bund 22. Dating back to 1906, the cavernous 350-square-meter underground getaway acts as a temperature-controlled cellar that also offers a wine tasting
area, private dining area and spaces for private wine storage. With a total capacity of
22,000 bottles, the stunning space counts as one of the largest cellars in the city.
Access to this vino temple is strictly reserved for members, the anointed few who
spend RMB50,000 a year on wine purchases to qualify. However, diners of Napa Wine
Bar & Kitchen (located on the second floor of the same building), also have the chance
to indulge in the basement tipples. The upstairs and downstairs venues are sister
companies and work closely together. That means another benefit to becoming a cellar member is upstairs, you get personalized sommelier service and no corkage fee at
The food is also top-notch, serving up self-professed “wine friendly” dishes and
featuring one of China’s best wine lists. The high-end restaurant has been showered
with accolades. For the past five years consecutively, they’ve been granted “Best of
Award of Excellence” by Wine Spectator – an honor only 850 restaurants around the
world share. Napa was also named China’s “Best Restaurant Wine List” by the China
Sommelier Association in 2013.
As if this wasn’t enough to get your grape-juice loving behinds in motion, the
Bund Bank of Fine Wines places important on the provenance of the bottles to promote excellent ageing and focus a lot on older wines that are perfectly stored and
ready to drink. All Bund wines come from cellars in Europe and are rigorously monitored. If you so desire, they also have mind-bogglingly large bottles of wine harboring
a volume of 15 liters - equivalent to 20 bottles. It’s a statement piece for sure, something guests at a business meeting or wedding will talk about long after the last drop
has been guzzled down.
// Bund 22, 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by Jinling Lu 中山东二路22号, 近金陵路 (6318
0057) / June 2014
3300) 4) 123 Nanyang Lu, by Xikang Lu (6279
3777) 5) Rm401, 8 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Xizang Nan Lu (6319 0178) 6) Rm511, 5001
Dushi Lu, by Mincheng Lu (6480 2588) 7) Bld
20, Jinjihu Da Dao, Suzhou (0512-62622708)
8) 1/F, Bld 5, No.1912 Baijiahu zone, 1680
Longdong Da Dao, Jiangning district,
Nanjing (025 8713 9141) 1) 延安西路 2890 号 ,
Shanxi Nan Lu (6289 6889) Daily 5pm-12am;
kitchen closes 10.30pm (Sun 9.30pm); bar
food until 11pm 巨鹿路 568 号 , 近陕西南路
to enjoy the picturesque view of the well
manicured park from cozy dining rooms.
91 Xingguo Lu, by Hunan Lu Mon-Sat: 8am11pm; Sun: 8am-10pm. (3406 0599, info@, )
兴国路 91 号 , 近湖南路
近中环路 2) 新乐路 169 号 , 近东湖路 3) 天钥桥路
333 号腾飞大厦 428 室 , 近斜土路 4) 南阳路 123
号 , 近西康路 5) 淮海中路 8 号兰生大厦 401 室 ,
近西藏南路 6) 都市路 5001 号仲盛世界商城 511
室 , 近闵城路 7) 苏州工业园区金鸡湖大道李公堤三
期 20 号楼 8) 南京市江宁区双龙大道 1680 号百家
湖 1912 街区 5 号楼一层
路 291 号 01 套房 A2-2, 近长乐路
Chala Tapas & Bar Bringing a taste of
South and central America, Chala combines
excitement of Latin American cuisine
with a modern and urban flavor. Join for
tapas complimented by traditional Pisco
cocktails. 4B, 1/F, 291 Fumin Lu, by Changle
Lu (6076 1925, Annwang@chalatapasbar.
com) 富民路 291 号 1 楼 4B, 近长乐路
Unico by Mauro Colagreco The largest tapas
lounge in Asia is reflecting the trendiest
part of Latin contemporary culture with
unique cocktail creations, stunning interior
design, special music compilations, and
exquisite selections of tapas by Chef Mauro
Colagreco. Located at Three on the Bund,
the prestigious address in Shanghai, UNICO
is committed to enlarge the Latin culture,
while inviting people to feel and share
passions within the space. Here, discover a
new experience in Shanghai nightlife, where
food and feelings naturally merged. 2/F, 3
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(5308 5399) Mon-Fri 6pm-2am; Sat-Sun 6pmlate. 中山东一路 3 号外滩三
号 2 楼 , 近广东路
东一路 3 号 , 外滩三号 7 楼 , 近广东路
Mexico Lindo Cantina & Grill The colorful
Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurant has
updated its menu for the colorful season,
featuring spicy chili, jalapeno poppers,
green chicken enchiladas, tacos and more,
accompanied with over 40 different types
of margaritas. Bookings for parties & other
catering are accepted. 1) Unit 39, Laowaijie,
Lane3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6465
9336) Daily 11am-12am 2) Unit104, No.8,
Lane 569 Yunle Lu, by Lianyou Lu (5484
6562) 10am-10pm.
cn 1) 虹梅路 3338 弄 39 号老外街 , 近延安西路 2)
运乐路 569 弄 8 号 104 单元 , 近联友路
Pistolera Pistolera is an experience like
no other. With original recipes, a great
atmosphere and friendly staff, it is truly
a Mexican Cantina. 1) 855 Biyun Lu, by
Huangyang Lu (5030 4228) 2) 3307-2
Hongmei Lu, by Huaguang Lu (6221 6392) 1)
碧云路 855 号 , 近黄杨路 2) 虹梅路 3307-2 号 ,
Mexo at bund Mexo adds elegance
and the unexpected to everything from
ceviche to tacos to create a Mexican fine
dining experience unlike anywhere else in
Shanghai. Wharf 1846,Bldg3,601 Waima Lu,
by Zhuxingmatou Jie (3330 0977) 11.30am2.30pm 外马路 601 号 3 号楼 114 室,近竹行码
Middle Eastern
1001 Nights Here, some of the city’s best
Middle Eastern cuisine is served in a fun,
festive atmosphere. Come for the kebabs,
stay for the belly dancers. 4 Hengshan Lu, by
Wulumuqi Nan Lu (6473 1178, 6473 8289)
Daily 11-2am 衡山路 4 号 , 近乌鲁木齐南路
Id Kah Muslim Restaurant Specializing in
authentic muslim cuisine, the restaurant
sees beef and lamb flown in daily from the
prairie of Inner Mongolia to ensure the
freshness. Opening 24 hours a day. 665
Changping Lu, by Changde Lu (6299 7887)
100 Century Avenue occupying floors 91
through 93 of Shanghai World Financial
Center, creates an atmosphere of sophistication and class in the clouds. Situated as the
highest restaurant in town, 100 specializes in steak, Chinese wok items, steamed
specialties and seafood. 91-93/F, Park Hyatt
Shanghai, Shanghai World Financial Center,
100 Shiji Dadao, by Dongtai Lu (3855 1428)
Daily 11am-2.30pm; 5.30-10.30pm 上海环球金
融中心 , 世纪大道 100 号柏悦酒店 91-93 楼 , 近
Green Kitchen Using the freshest seasonal
food and vegetables coming directly from
its organic farm, Green Kitchen provides a
homey atmosphere in the most authentic
taste. 6 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu (5465
9135) Mon-Fri 5:30-11pm, Sat-Sun 11am4pm, 5:30-11pm) 东平路 6 号 , 近衡山路
Greyhound Café was the first fashion café
in Bangkok offering the fashion, service and
food concept - 'Thai with a twist' as a casual
dining experience. With various outlets
between Hong Kong, Beijing and now
Shanghai - Greyhound Café is the modern
take on fusion cuisine. 11am-midnight. 503,
IAPM, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Shaanxi Nan
Lu (5466 6105,
路 550 弄 37A 号 , 近永嘉路
Mexican & TexMex
Blue Marlin Bar & Restaurant Blue Marlin
Bar & Restaurant offers an exceptional
environment for all with live music at night,
great food and drinks, and an ambiance
making you want to come back again
and again. The food is a global cuisine
with great flavors from all over the world.
1) No.689 Lantian Rd. Green City Jinqiao
Pudong10.30–2am 2)
No.17/199 Fangdian Rd.Thumb Plaza Pudong
(6886 7376) Daily 10.30–2am 1) 浦东金桥碧云
国际社区蓝天路 689 号 2) 浦东新区芳甸路 199 弄
17 号大拇指广场
Hacienda A fun Mexican eatery adjoining
Zapatas catering to Shanghai’s love of all
things Mexican. Serving up favorites and
a few surprises. They’ve got a party menu
that’s perfect for birthdays and celebrations,
starting at RMB150/person. Daily 5pm - very
late. 5 Heng Shan Lu, by Dong Ping Lu (6433
4104) 东平路 5 号,近衡山路
Café LIANG & mezzanine The two-level
CAFE LIANG & mezzanine treats diners with
multiple dining options and cuisines. The
buffet style concept on the first level features
a “tick box” menu card for main courses
integrated with buffet for appetizers and
desserts, while the mezzanine level serves
contemporary Japanese-inspired cuisine. Jing
An Shangri-La, West Shanghai, 1218 Yan'an
Zhong Lu, by Tong Ren Road (2203 8889, 静安香格里拉大
Maya Voted “Best Latin American Cuisine”
in our 2009 & 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards,
Maya was arguably the first restaurant in
Shanghai to start doing Mexican right.
Grand Plaza Club House 2/F, 568 Julu Lu, bu
Ginger by the Park The latest branch
of Ginger continues to offer a mix of
international dishes in a vintage three-storey
building. With a bistro on the first floor and
al fresco terrace on the second, guests get
June 2014 /
酒店,延安中路 1218 号,近铜仁路
海中路 300 号 K11 购物中心 3 楼 306 室 , 近黄陂
Sasha’s Steeped in history, this hugely
popular bar is located in a 1920’s mansion
that formerly housed the famous Soong
sisters and boasts one of Shanghai’s largest
and favorite alfresco terraces. Huge beer
list, diverse food offering and 24 wines by
the glass. 11 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu
daily 11am – 2am (6474 6628) 东平路 11 号,
Shook! Restaurant & Rooftop Terrace
Matthew Ona serves up creative international
cuisine with beautiful views and the biggest
Terrace on the Bund. 5-6/F, The Swatch Art
Peace Hotel (Bund 19), 23 Nanjing Dong Lu,
by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (2329 8522) Daily
11.30am-2.30pm; 6-11pm 南京东路 23 号上海斯沃琪和
平饭店艺术中心 5-6 楼,近中山东一路
Fountain This bistro concept in the heart
of Xintiandi offers gourmet-style burgers,
sandwiches and various tapas. A pretty tasty
breakfast is served 8-11am. Unit 4, Building
10-12, Lane181 Taicang Lu, by Madang
Lu (6326 8800) Daily 8a-1am 太仓路 181 弄
10-12 号楼 4 单元 , 近马当路
The Spot Bar & Restaurant Attractive terrace and pleasantly refreshing interior with
an international menu, televised sports and
affordable drinks. 331 Tongren Lu, by Beijing
Xi Lu (6247 3579) Sun-Thurs 11-2am; Fri-Sat
11-3am 铜仁路 331 号 , 近北京西路
Barbarossa Built on a pond in People’s Park,
this beautifully decorated three story lounge
offers amazing skyline views, cocktails and
fragrant shisha pipes and modern Morroccan fare. 231Nanjing Xi Lu, inside People’s
Park (6318 0220) Sun-Thurs: 11-2am; Fri-Sat
11-3am 南京西路 231 弄 , 人民公园内
Ninethirty by awfully chocolate Made
by hand from scratch, the Singaporean
dining bistro behind the all-time favourite
chocolate cake brand Awfully chocolate,
serves a contemporary selection of western
favourites such as fish and chips, and hearty
beef bourginion with a touch of Asian
influence in a modern setting. Unit306, 3/
F, K11 Arts Mall, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Huangpi Nan Lu (6312 9038) 10am-10pm 淮
淮海中路 999 号 IAPM mall 503 商铺 , 近陕西南路
昌平路 665 号 , 近常德路
Cafe Sambal Shanghai Café Sambal
embraces and surpasses all the clichés of
a chic Shanghai eatery - an old loft house
turned stylish restaurant and lounge,
decorated with modern furnishings, offering
relaxed service and a well-balanced yet
authentic Malaysian menu. Jiashan Market,
No.37A, Lane 550 Shaanxi Nan Lu, by Yongjia
Lu (3368 9529, 陕西南
Mr Willis An inviting kitchen-dining room
offers straightforward homey mains and
lovely starters. Served family style. Expect
a small seasonal menu that is market and
whim driven. 3/F, 195 Anfu Lu, by Wulumuqi
Zhong Lu (5404 0200) Mon-Fri 11am-2pm
5pm-12am, Sat-Sun 11am- 12am 安福路 195
号 3 楼 , 近乌鲁木齐中路
号 3 楼 309-311 商铺 , 近成都北路
Cantina Agave Voted “Best New Restaurant”
and “Restaurant of the Year” in our 2009
Readers’ Choice Awards for their great tacos
and bar full of artisan tequilas. Suite01, A2-2,
291Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu (6170 1310)
Daily 11-11pm 富民
iapm 环贸广场 , 近陕西南路
New Heights Bund brasserie and bar with
creative cocktails, regular DJs and outdoor
seating with a picturesque view. 7/F, Three
on the Bund, 3 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Guangdong Lu (6321 0909) Lunch Mon-Sun
11.30am-2.30pm, (Sat-Sun till 4pm), Dinner
Mon-Sun 6-10.30pm,Sat-Sun till 11pm 中山
Xenri No Tsuki A high-end Japanese
restaurant serving new kaiseki cuisine in a
homey and contemporary environment. Lot
309-311, 3/F, Ciro’s Plaza, 388 Nanjing Xi Lu,
by Chengdu Bei Lu (6318 1388) 南京西路 388
Latin American
premium seafood flown in fresh daily. L4403, iapm Mall, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Shaanxi Nan Lu (6067 7888) 淮海中路 999 号
mizzi A new and pioneering lifestyle brand
integrating multimedia, entertainment
and vogue elements into the flagship cafe
restaurants which serve creative desserts,
specialty drinks and healthy meals. Mizzi
brings three different styles to diners: pure
and fresh Shanghai SML Store, IAPM Store
and Chengdu IFS Store; romantic and sweet
Lujiazui Riverside Store, and sexy Shanghai
Times Plaza Store. 1) No.182, Fucheng Lu,
by Huayuan Shiqiao Lu (6261 1117) 2)Shop
E04, Xujiahui Lu, by Ruijin Er Lu (6285 1117)
3) Shop 513, 999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Xiangyang Bei Lu (6259 1117) 4) L605, 99
Huaihai Middle Lu, (6233 1117) 5) LG108,
IFS Mall Chengdu (028-86721117) 1) 富城路
182 号,花园石桥路 2) 徐家汇路 618 号日月光中
心广场 1 楼 E04 室 , 近瑞金二路 3) 淮海中路 999
号 513 室 , 近襄阳北路 4) 黄浦区淮海中路 99 号
L605 5) 成都市国际金融中心商场 LG108 号
Kathleen’s 5 Rooftop Restaurant & Bar
Enjoy contemporary American cuisine in a
stunning setting– an art museum overlooking People’s Park. 5/F, Shanghai Art Museum,
325 Nanjing Xi Lu, by People’s Square (6327
2221) Daily 11.30-12am events@kathleens5.
com 南京西路 325 号 ,
上海美术馆 5 楼 , 近人民广场
Morton’s Steak and Seafood Grille The
world’s first Oyster Bar and Seafood Grille
by Morton's focuses on presenting the
city’s finest seafood dining experience with
The COOK The COOK at the Kerry Hotel
Pudong offers 11 live theater kitchens
and a gourmet delicatessen with a la carte
dining options. Offerings include a Chinese
wok and steam baskets, Asian noodles,
sushi, yakitori and an excellent cheese
vault. Wine by the bot 1388 Huamu Lu,
by Fangdian Lu (6169 8886) 6.30am-11pm www. 花木路 1388 号 ,
Table No. 1 by Jason Atherton Former
Gordon Ramsay lieutenant and chef of the
Michelin star-studded Maze restaurant set
up his own venture in the first floor of the
Waterhouse Hotel. Expect creative, excellent
Euro-style cuisine with local sensibility. A
stellar experience. 1-3 Maojiayuan Lu, by
Zhongshan Nan Lu (6080 2918) Daily, 11am2.30pm, 5pm-10.30pm
毛家园路 1-3 号 , 近中山南路
TMSK Art and sculpture gallery by day and
graceful wine lounge by night. Whenever
you go, you are sure to impress your date
here. Unit 2, House 11, North Block
Xintiandi, Lane 181 Taicang Lu, by Madang
Lu (6326 2227) Daily 2pm- 12:30am 太仓路
181 弄新天地北里 11 号楼单元二 , 近马当路
Nepali Kitchen Still the friendliest service
this side of Kathmandu. Enjoy authentic
food delivered with the necessary spicy
punch in a pleasant atmosphere. 4 Lane
819 Julu Lu, by Fumin Lu (5404 6281) Mon
6-11pm, Tues-Sun 11am-2pm, 6-11pm 巨鹿路
819 弄 4 号 , 近富民路
California Pizza Kitchen Straight from
America’s shopping mall to Shangers. This
chain-restaurant has all the classic pizza,
pasta and salad favorites, plus some more
Asian oriented offerings. 1) 2/F, Bldg. 3,
Lane 507, Sinan Mansions, Fuxing Zhong Lu,
by Sinan Lu (5465 4800) Daily 11am-11pm 2) Rm.
L231, 2/F, Kerry Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu, by
Fangdian Lu (5036 1177) Daily 10am-10pm 1) 复兴中路 507 弄思
南公馆 3 号 2 楼 , 近思南路 2) 花木路 1378 号浦
东嘉里城 2 楼 L231 室 , 近芳甸路
La Pizzeria Specializes in traditional and
original thin-crust Italian Pizza, you’ll enjoy
authentic handmade pizza, Panini, Gratin,
snacks and all kinds of desserts made by the
Italian chef! 166 Grand Gateway Plaza Inner
Street, 1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan Lu (6447
2267) 11.30am-9.30pm 虹桥路 1 号港汇广场内
Albero El Albero, located in the Gran
Melia hotel, offers some excellent
beautifully-presented high-end Spanish
cuisine. Decorated in traditional Andalusian
style. 2/F, Gran Meliá Shanghai, 1288 Lujiazui
Huan Lu, by Yincheng Zhong Lu (3867 8888)
11am- 2.30pm; 5-11pm 陆家嘴环路 1288 号新
天哈瓦那大酒店 2 楼 , 近银城中路
La Cocina by Lapis Lazuli Spanish restaurant
& bar with authentic Spanish dishes and the
full Spanish pinchos bar. 9 DongPing Lu, by
HengShan Lu (6473 1021) Daily 11am - 2am
东平路 9 号 , 近衡山路
Las Tapas Typical Spanish tapas served in a
pleasant, if slightly predictable atmosphere.
1) C6, Building 59, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by
Kaixuan Lu (6415 9567) 2) 259 Hongfeng Lu,
by Biyun Lu (3382 1686) 3) House33, Laowai
jie, 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu. Daily
11-12am 4) Building 32,
Sinan Mansion, 45 Sinan Lu, by Fuxing
Zhong Lu (6426 0660) 1) 淮海西路 570 号红坊
59 幢 C6, 近凯旋路 2) 红枫路 259 号 , 近碧云路 3)
虹梅路 3338 弄老外街 33 号 , 近延安西路 4) 思南
路 45 号思南公馆 32 幢 , 近复兴中路
街 166 号 , 近华山路
Super(b) Brunch 
Shangri La Pudong’s new offering
earns its name
New York Style Pizza 1) 336 Hongfeng Lu,
by Biyun Lu (3872 6606) Daily 12-10.30pm
2) No.23-4, Lane 248 Taikang Lu, by Sinan
Lu (5466 0969) Daily 12-10.30pm 3) B/F,
Email Fashion Plaza, 1699 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Huashan Lu (3214 0024) Daily 12-10.30pm 4)
Rm150, 1118 Pudong Nan Lu, by Zhangyang
Lu (3868 2738) Daily 12-10pm 5) L116, Kerry
Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian
Lu (2022 2198) Daily 12-10pm 6) Rm106,
warehouse4, 653 Waima Lu, by Wangjia
Matou Lu (3376 8308) Daily 12-9.30pm 7)
Rm108, 59 Shuicheng Nan Lu, by Yan’an Xi
Lu (5239 7368) Daily 12-9.30pm 8) 8) Rm104,
Building6, 569 Yunle Lu, by Jingfeng Lu (3490
5177) 1) 红枫路 336 号 , 近碧云路 2) 泰康路 248
弄 23-4 号 , 近思南路 3) 南京西路 1699 号,近华
山路 4) 浦东南路 1118 号 150 室 , 近张杨路 5) 花
木路 1378 号浦东嘉里城 L116 店 , 近芳甸路 , 6)
外马路 653 号 4 库 106 室 , 近王家码头路 7) 水城
南路 59 号 108 室 , 近延安西路 8) 运乐路 569 弄
6 号 104, 近金丰路
Pizza Express 1) 380 Huangpi Nan Lu, by
Xingye Lu (5383 3999) Sun-Thurs: 11.30am11pm; Fri & Sat: 11am-11pm info@ 2)
Suite 107, Shanghai Center,1376 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289 8733) Daily 11am11pm 3) No.1, Unit
111, 570 Yong Jia Lu, by Yue Yang Lu (6467
8898) Sun-Thurs: 12-11pm; Fri&Sat: 11am11pm 4) 507B/C, 5/F
Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu, by Huashan
Lu (6447 8880) Daily 10am-10pm info@ 5) Unit 403, 4/F, K11 Art
Mall, 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan
Lu 1) 黄陂南路 380 号 , 近兴业路 2) 南京西路
1376 号上海商城西峰 107 号 , 近西康路 3) 永嘉
路 570 号 111 单元 1 号楼 , 近岳阳路 4) 虹桥路 1
号港汇广场 5 层 507B/C, 近华山路 5)淮海中路
300 号 K11 购物艺术中心 403 号铺 , 近黄陂南路
Plaza Pizza Shanghai’s first super-sized
Italian-style pizza. Enjoy authentic thin crust
pizzas and specially selected cocktails in a
cultured environment and experience the
vibrant Shanghai nightlife at our bar. 325-1
Huashan Lu, by Changshu Lu (6248 9121)
10am-2am 华山路 325-1 号 , 近常熟路
Southeast Asian
Bali Laguna Delicious vegetarian-friendly
Indonesian cuisine and a romantic setting.
189 Huashan Lu, by Yan’an Zhong Lu (6248
6970) Daily 11-12.30am www.balilaguna.
com. 华山路 189 号 , 近延安中路
La Pedrera Spanish Restaurant Enjoy a glass
of pre or after dinner cocktail in the cozy
long bar at La Pedrera Spanish restaurant.
Located by the Bund, La Pedrera provides
classic Spanish cuisine with an impressive
list of wines. 33 Sichuan Zhong Lu, by Yan'an
Dong Lu (6136 0206) Mon-Fri 11:30am-2pm
5:30pm-10:30pm Sat-Sun 11:30am-10:30pm
四川中路 33 号 , 近延安东路
El Patio Set in a lovely villa Chef Franki offers
fun modern and traditional Spanish dishes.
Terraces abound, wine mark-ups don’t. 110
Fengyang Lu, by Fuxing Zhong Lu (6437
5839) Sun-Thu: 11am-1am, Fri-Sat: 11am2am 汾阳路 110 号 , 近复
el Willy 5/F, 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by
Xin Yong’an Lu (5404 5757) 中山东二路 22 号 5
楼 , 近新永安路
Gran Bodega Gran Bodega serves famous
Spanish wines and authentic tapas. Don’t
miss their grilled goose liver with apple and
black paella. 1/F, Royalton hotel, 789 Wuyi
Lu, by Zhongshan Xi Lu (5206 0719, 5206
8000-5115) Daily 11am-2.30pm 6-11pm
Taking up the whole of the second floor of the hotel’s main tower, the Shangri La Super
Brunch is a strong claimant for biggest buffet in Shanghai. Even for those of us who live
far from Lujiazui, to say it is worth the trip would be understating matters. 
Walking through the grand lobby and up an escalator, one enters the redesigned
second floor Yi Cafe and become almost overwhelmed by the sheer amount and variety of food on offer. The uber-posh food court has been split into four main sections:
salads and sweets in the former Yi Cafe area, which showcases an actual Great Wall
stunningly made from chocolate and candy. There’s fresh seafood, sushi and sashimi
overseen by Nadaman’s Japanese chefs and a hot food section with Malaysian, Middle
Eastern and Chinese fare, all cooked by experts from those respective countries. For
Western flavors, there’s also a area dedicated to charcuterie, a diverse selection of
bread and more cheese than one normally sees in the hotel’s wine bar. 
It’s hard to do justice to the sheer magnitude of this buffet area, only to say that
it’s not difficult to get lost on the way back to one’s table. It’s also tempting to switch
seats between courses in order to be closer to your next indulgence. Enlivening the
self-serve offerings are a variety of tucked-away gems including iced coffee by local
roasters Sumerian, a fully stocked bar, a juice bar and a teppanyaki chef peeking out
from behind Nadaman’s main seating area. For guests with children, there is a dedicated play area and kids seating zone. 
At RMB488/adult or RMB244/child (add 15 percent) it’s not cheap, but you’re getting more than you paid for. Shangri La Super Brunch earns its exuberant name and
guests will leave waddling, their clothes straining to contain an over-expanded stomach. The Super Brunch takes place on the third Sunday of every month, 11.30am-3pm.
// Level 2, Grand Tower, Shangri La Pudong, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Yingcheng Dong Lu富
城路33号2楼, 近银城东路 (6882 8888)
武夷路 789 号 1 楼 , 近中山西路
Restaurant Martin Spanish celebrity chef
Martin Berasatagui’s Shanghai outpostfeatures fine modern Spanish cuisine and
impressive wine list. 811 Hengshan Lu, by
Yuqing Lu, inside Xujiahui Park (6431 6639)
Daily, Lunch 11.30am-2.30pm Dinner 6pm10.30pm 衡山
路 811 号,徐家汇公园内 , 近余庆路
Wine & Tapas Just as the name suggests,
you come here for the wine, finger food and
fun location. 333 Chang Le Lu, by Xiangyang
Bei Lu (5403 3767) Daily 10am-11pm 长乐路
333 号 , 近襄阳北路
Speciality Food
Amphora As a chain of specialty stores that
brings healthy food from Greece and the
Mediterranean world, the Amphora stands
for the “Best from Greece” and provides
authentic, premium and healthy products
to customers in China. 1) 409 Shanxi Bei Lu,
by Beijing Xi Lu (5213 9066) 2) 434-1 Shaanxi
Nan Lu, by Yongjia Lu (6431 0145) 3) 330
Madang Lu, by Xintiandi (5382 0237) 4) 7-1
Taojiang Lu, by Fenyang Lu (3460 5181) 5)
3899 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6262
0519) 6) 611 Changle Lu, by Donghu Lu (3461
2161) 7) 907 Yuyuan Lu, by Jiangsu Lu (3256
9610) 8) 230 Danshui Lu, by Zizhong Lu (3330
1509) 9) 151&148a, B1, Himalaya Center,
Fangdian Lu, by Meihua Lu 1) 陕西北路 409
号,近北京西路 2) 陕西南路 434-1,近永嘉路 3)
马当路 330 号,近新天地 4) 桃江路 7-1,近汾阳 / June 2014
路 5) 虹梅路 3899 号,近延安西路 6) 长乐路 611
号,近东湖路 7) 愚园路 907 号,近江苏路 8) 淡水
路 230 号,近自忠路 9) 芳甸路 1088 号喜马拉雅
中心 B1,近梅花路
City Super Shanghai Offers a one-stop
shopping for both groceries and prepared
foods from around the world. LG 2, Shanghai
IFC Mall, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan
Lu (5012 0998) Daily: 10am-10pm www. 世纪大道 8 号国金中心商场地下 2
楼 , 近陆家嘴环路
Feidan 1) 153 Anfu Lu, by Wulumuqi
Lu (5403 6991) Daily 8am-10pm. 2) 283
Jianguo Xi Lu, by Jiashan Lu (6473 3194)
Daily 9am-10pm. 3) 332 Jinyan Lu, inside
Shanghai Lujiazui Center Palace (5059 3723)
Daily 9.30am–10pm. 4) 382-1 Dagu Lu, by
Chengdu Bei Lu (6340 0547) Daily 9.30am10pm 1) 安福路 153 号 , 近乌鲁木齐路 2) 建国西
路 283 号 , 近嘉善路 3) 锦延路 332 号 , 陆家嘴中
央公寓 4) 大沽路 382-1 号 , 近成都北路
FIELDS China A premier online grocery
store based in Shanghai who provides
healthy and safe options for all your grocery
needs, including vegetables, fruits, meat
& poultry, fish & seafood, dairies, bakeries
and personal care products. Seasonal
produce and ready-to-serve dishes are also
available. With same day delivery on orders
in Shanghai, FIELDS makes it convenient
and affordable for you to have healthy and
safe organic, imported food items in China.
400-021-0339,, cs@
Green & Safe With an organic farm in
Kunshan, this organic store provides daily
delivered vegetables and a variety of local
and imported organic goods, such as
organic extra virgin olive oil, white and red
balsamic vinegar, organic pasta, muesli and
more. 1) 6 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu
5465 1288, 1/F: 8am-10pm; 2/F: 6.30pm12am 2) 2) 4/F, 1438 Hongqiao Lu, by
Hongbaoshi Lu 10am–9.30pm 1) 东平路 6 号 ,
近衡山路 2) 虹桥路 1438 号 4 楼 , 近红宝石路
Mahota Kitchen The farm-to-city store
carries fresh traceable farm produce from
Mahota Farm in Chongming island to be
brought home or be enjoyed in the hot pot
restaurant. Taste the difference in quality
as the produce are harvested and delivered
to the store within 24 hours. 1) 10-1F,
M-Town, 1580 Kaixuan Lu, by Huaihai Xi
Lu (5267 9988) 2) B1-101/102, 660 Dapu
Lu, by Longhua Dong Lu (5318 8111, www. ) 1) 凯旋路 1580 号新淮海坊 ,
近淮海西路 2) 打浦路 660 号 B1-101/102, 近龙
Char Grill Located inside of the Hotel
Indigo, this beautiful steakhouse serves up
a lovely view and lots of haute meat. 29-31/
F, Hotel Indigo, 585 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu,
by Dongmen Lu (3302 9995) Daily, Dining
Room, 6-10.30pm Bar, 6pm-late 中山东二路 585 号 29-31 楼 , 近
Prime 1921 Elegant steakhouse on the 2/
F of the old Soong Mansion. Classically
inspired with a modern twist, there’s more
than just Australian beef that’s worthwhile
to eat on the menu. Daily, 6pm – 11pm. 2/F,
Sasha’s Restaurant & Bar, 11 Dongping Lu, by
Hengshan Lu (6474 6628) 东平路 11 号 2 楼,
President Steakhouse A modern interpretation of authentic Taiwanese steakhouse
perfect for those first dates and first
impressions where service and taste blend
perfectly in this casually stylish yet graceful
gem in the heart of Huangpu district. 691
Jiujiang Lu, by Guangxi Bei Lu (6327 5858)
11am-11pm 九江路 691 号 , 近广西北路
Ruth’s Chris Steak House Located in a
restored historic building on Shanghai’s
famous Bund waterfront, the fine dining
steakhouse hailing from the New Orleans
presents the finest custom-aged Australian
Wagyu beef which is served “sizzling”
hot. Further complemented by friendly
services and an inviting atmosphere, it’s a
perfect location for business dinners and
family gatherings. 4/F, Five on the Bund, 20
Guangdong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu
(6071 4567) 外滩 5 号 4 楼 , 广东路 20 号 , 近中
The 1515 WEST, Chophouse & Bar In The
1515 WEST CHOPHOUSE & BAR, an appetite
for premium Australian beef, Americansized desserts, signature drinks and a classic
bar awaits you. Jing An Shangri-La, West
Shanghai, 1218 Yan'an Zhong Lu, by Tong
Ren Road (2203 8889, 静安香格里拉大酒店,延安中路 1218
Roosevelt Prime Steakhouse Thick, juicy
prime steaks from a custom stone oven. AllAmerican beef. Enjoy martins and California
wines on the backlit bar. Frequented by the
Shanghai elite and those with expensive
tastes. 160 Taiyuan Lu, by Yongjia Lu (6433
8240) Sun-Thurs: 5-10pm; Fri-Sat: 5-11pm rps@ 太原路 160 号 , 近永嘉路
The Grill With a central grill, rotisserie and a
large built-in marble displaying the freshest
seafood, it is a contemporary and colorful
venue for guests in search of the freshest
seafood and succulent prime grade meats
grilled right in front of them in the open
kitchen. 56/F Jin Mao Tower, Grand Hyatt
Shanghai, 88 Shiji Dadao, by Dongtai Lu
(5047 1234) Lunch: Daily 11.30am-2.30pm;
Dinner: Daily 5.30-10.30pm 世纪大道 88 号金
茂君悦大酒店 56 楼 , 近东泰路
The MEET The Kerry Hotel’s meat mecca, make
sure you take a peek into their meat locker to
see your dinner up close and personal. 1388
Huamu Lu, by Fangdian Lu (6169 8888) 5.3010pm 花木路 1388 号 , 近芳甸路
Morton’s the Steakhouse The first Morton’s
in Chinese mainland specializes in classic,
hearty American cuisine including the
grain-fed prime aged Australian beef, fresh
seafood and spectacular desserts served in
generous portions. 1) 4/F, IFC Mall, 8 Shiji
Dadao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6075 8888) SunThurs 11.30am-10pm; Fri-Sat 11.30am-11pm 1) 世纪大道 8 号 ,
11.30am- 2.30pm; 6-10pm 3) No.14, Lane
248 Taikang Lu, by Ruijin Er Lu (6473 3989)
Daily 11.30am-2.30pm; 6-10pm 4) L109, 1376
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (5252 0082)
Daily 11.00am-Late 1) 湖南路 285 号 , 近高邮路
2) 芳甸路 199 弄 19 号 3 楼 , 大拇指广场 , 近丁香
路 3) 泰康路 248 弄 14 号 , 近瑞金二路 4) 南京西
路 1376 号 109 室 , 近西康路
Lapis Thai Kitchen 1) 6/F, 818 Nanjing Xi
Lu, by Shimen Yi Lu (3223 0277) 2) 7/F, 1438
Hongqiao Lu, by Gubei Lu (6237 1261) 1) 南
京西路 818 号 6 楼 , 近石门一路 2) 虹桥路 1438
号 7 楼 , 近古北路
Simply thai 1) 5C Dongping Lu, by
Yueyang Lu (400 880 7729, 6209 6209) SunThurs:11am-11pm;Fri & Sat: 11am-midnight
2) 159 Madang Lu, by Xingye Lu (400 880
7729, 6209 6209) Mon-Sun: 11am-midnight
3) No.28 Laowai Jie, lane 3338 Hongmei Lu
(400 880 7729, 6209 6209) Sun-Thurs: 11am11pm; Fri & Sat: 11am-midnight 4) A6 Green
Sports & Leisure Center, 600 Lantian Lu, by
Lan’an Lu (400 880 7729, 6209 6209) MonSun: 11am-11pm. 5) 4/F IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao,
by Yincheng Zhong Lu (400 880 7729, 6209
6209) www. Mon-Sun: 11am-10pm 6)
Unit 312A, 3/F, L’Avenue Shanghai, 99 Xianxia
Lu, by Zunyi Lu (400 880 7729, delivery: 6209
6209, , www. Mon-Sun: 11am-10pm
7) Level 8, S801-1A, Jiu Guang Department
Store, 1618 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Jingan Temple
8) Level 4, N4-11, Shanghai Kerry Centre,
1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Tongren Lu 9) Ciros
Plaza, Level 3, 312-314 388 Nanjing Xi
Lu,by Huangpi Bei Lu 10) 4/F, L4101-4105,
Global Harbor, 3300 Zhongshan Bei Lu, by
Jinshajiang Lu Mon-Sun 11am-10pm. 11) 6/F,
Rm612, Grand Gateway Plaza66, 1 Hongqiao
Lu, by Huashan Lu Mon-Sun 11am-10pm 12)
5/F, Rm503, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Xikang Lu Mon-Sun 11am-10pm 1) 东平路 5
号 C 座 , 近岳阳路 2) 马当路 159 号 , 近兴业路 3)
虹梅路 3338 弄老外街 28 号 , 近延安中路 4) 蓝天
路 600 号碧云休闲体育中心 A6, 近蓝桉路 5) 世纪
大道 8 号上海国金中心四层 , 近银城中路 6) 仙霞路
99 号上海尚嘉中心 3 层 312A 单元 , 近遵义路 7)
南京西路 1618 号久光百货 8 楼 S801-1A, 近静
安寺 8) 南京西路 1515 号静安嘉里中心 4 楼 N411 , 近铜仁路 9) 南京西路 388 号仙乐斯广场 3 楼
312-314 0) 中山北路 3300 号环球港 4 楼 , 近金
沙江路 11) 港汇广场 6 楼 612, 虹桥路 1 号 , 近华
山路 12) 南京西路 1266 号恒隆广场 5 楼 503, 近
Pho Season With 20-years experience in
South-East Asian cooking, theirFrenchborn-South Asian chef has all the SouthEast Asianspecialties– Vietnamese ‘Pho’,
Cambodian ‘Loc Lac’ and Thai ‘Pad Thai’. 427
Dagu Lu, by Chengdu Bei Lu (6327 3778)
Daily 11am-11pm 大沽路 427 号 , 近成都北路
PHOCO Set in a pretty lane house, the
enormous outdoor courtyard is the spot’s
most attractive attribute, which is graced
with bamboo gardens and features mainly
Vietnamese dishes and western fusion
cuisine including steaks and pasta. No.1,
Lane 920 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu (5289
6275) 长乐路 920 弄 1 号 , 近乌鲁木齐路
B&C Bar A fun little 1970’s London dive bar
with cheap drinks and lots of specials. 940
Changde Lu, by Changping Lu (5213 2100)
4pm-2am 常德路
940 号 , 近昌平路
Backroom Lounge at K5 An intimate yet
glitzy lounge, decorated with velvety red
curtains, still-life paintings and rich earth
tones. 5/F,Shanghai Art Museum, 325
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xinchang Lu (6327 2221)
Daily 5.30pm-2am 南京西路 325 号 , 上海美术馆
5 楼 , 近新昌路
Bar Fly A chill bar/lounge with a lovely
terrace overlooking the former French
Concession. A pretty cigar room (Salon
Harcout) and a few private rooms for the
big wigs. 6/F, 35 Shaanxi Nan Lu, by Changle
Lu (6215 8777) Daily 6pm-2am marketing@ 陕西南路 35 号 6 楼 , 近长
Thai Gallery Thai Gallery Those well-versed
in Thai food will admire the authenticity of
these dishes. Creative art covers the walls.
127-1 Datian Lu, by Beijing Xi Lu (6217 9797)
Daily 11am-3pm; 5.30pm-12am 大田路 127-1
号 , 近北京西路
Thai Loft Express Quick, easy and well
priced Thai food. If you don’t want Thai,
you can also order Vietnamese. 105B, Kerry
centre lobby, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Tongren
Lu (159 2161 6618) Daily 11am-9.30pm 南京
西路 1515 号嘉里中心大堂 105B, 近铜仁路
Urban Thai Tiny Thai restaurant with
excellent steamed sea bass and authentic
curries. Their Thai iced tea is the best in
town. 938 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi Lu (3250
3863) Daily 11;30am-11pm
长乐路 938 号,近乌鲁木齐路
B REAL Refer to “Delivery” for more
国金中心 IFC 商场 4 楼 , 近陆家嘴环路
Lu, by Changde Lu (3419 0220) Daily 11am-
10pm1) 富民路 166 号 , 近长乐路 2) 复兴中路
1465 号 , 近淮海中路 3) 南京西路 1515 号嘉里中
心 SB1-12, 近常德路
Avenue Joffre BAR Started by cocktail master
Munenori Harada, formerly of el Coctel,
this 1920’s Shanghai-style bar mixes highquality cocktails in a relaxed and refined
environment. Specializes in gin with over
20 types from all over the world. Daily 7pm3am 1/F,Unit 5, 570 Yongjia Lu, by Yueyang
Lu (6029 9725) 永嘉路 570 号 5 号楼 1 楼 , 近岳
Barbarossa Restaurant & Lounge Stand
by the lake inside People’s Park, the threestory Barbarossa restaurant and lounge
offers an array of fine food, cocktails, shisha,
tapas and live entertainment in an exotic
ambience. 231 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Bei
Lu (6318 0220) Restaurant: 11am-11pm; Bar:
5pm-2am. 南京西路
231 号 , 近黄陂北路
Beernest Tiny bar and shop boasting a huge
selection of imported beers. 76-82 Zhaozhou
Lu, by Xizang Nan Lu (138 1650 2260) MonSat (closed on Sun) Summer: 5pm-12.30am;
Winter: 4-11pm jackiehandmade@gmail.
com 肇周路 76-82 号 , 近
Coconut Paradise Housed in an elegant
French house with two floors, a garden
and a separate bar annex. 1) 38 Fumin Lu,
by Yan’an Zhong Lu (6248 1998) 2) 2/F, 378
Wukang Lu, by Hunan Lu (5424 5886) Daily
11am-2pm; 5-11pm coconutparadise38@
html 1) 富民路 38 号 , 近延安中路 2) 武康路 378
号 2 楼 , 近湖南路
Phipps Steakhouse Inspired by the tradition
of the New York Steakhouse, Phipps
Steakhouse brings to Shanghai the finest
prime cuts as well as a complete dining
experience to its exceptional authentic
cuisine. Mon-Sat 11am-10pm; Sun 12am9pm 1/F, Bldg 11, The Cool Docks, 505
Zhongshan Nan Lu, by Fuxing Dong Lu (
6152 6543, 6152 6542) 中山南路 505 弄老码头
11 号楼 1 楼 , 近复兴东路
June 2014 /
Herbs With a Thai owner at the helm and
a Thai chef manning the furnace, their fivepage menu showcases some of the best
this nation has to offer, with brash yet often
subtle execution. 1/F, Mayfair Tower, 768
Julu Lu, by Fumin Lu (6208 5357) 巨鹿路 768
号 1 楼 , 近富民路
Lapis Thai 1) 285 Hunan Lu, by Gaoyou
Lu (5466 3026) Daily 11.30am-2.30pm;
6-10pm 2) 3/F, No.19, Lane 199 Fangdian
Lu, by Dingxiang Lu (5033 9223) Daily
Pho Real Some of Shanghai’s finest pho and
Bánh mì, with high-quality ingredients and
a young, hip environment. 1) 166 Fumin Lu,
by Changle Lu (5403 8110) Mon-Fri: 11am -2
pm, 5.30pm -10pm; weekends: 11am -10pm
2) 1465 Fuxing Zhong Lu by Huaihai Zhong
Lu (6437 2222) Mon-Fri: 11am -2 pm, 6pm
-10pm; weekends: 11am -3.30pm, 6pm10pm 3) Kerry Centre
Store, Kerry Centre SB1-12, 1515 Nanjing Xi
BELGA a new authentic Belgian bistro
serving home made food and more than
40 Belgian beers. this homey, casual
restaurant is all white walls, wood tables and
decoration brought from Belgian.Half of the
85-seating is outdoors on the intimate first
floor garden or the sun-drenched second
floor terrace. Fuxing xi Lu 133, by Yongfu
Lu (6433 4261) Mon-Fri: 11 am -11 pm,
weekends: 11am -2 am ( snacks available) 复
兴西路 133 号 , 近永福路
Bin 74 A slick, cozy, glass-encased wine
bar+shop in the heart of the French Concession. 74 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu (6431
0258) Daily 2pm-1am
复兴西路 74 号 , 近永福路
Bounty Rhumerie A French-owned, piratethemed rum bar that is surprisingly low in
cheese and high in atmosphere. You can
get just about any type of rum cocktail ever
conceived by man and then a few more. 47
Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (137 6451 0616)
Daily 6pm-late ning@ 永福路 47 号 , 近复兴西路
CHAR bar Classy cocktails and sophisticated
setting, best known for its exquisite 270degree views over The Bund and Pudong
skyline. 30/F, Hotel Indigo Shanghai on
the Bund, 585 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by
Dongmen Lu (3302 9995) Daily 4:30pm-late, 中山东二路 585 号英
drinkers who relish an intimate, low-key atmosphere. 127 Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu
(6431 3787) Daily 7pm-2am 永福路 127 号 , 近
Riverdeck ON THE BUND A nostalgic
bar located on the third floor of RIVIERA
SONGHELOU boasting breathtaking scenery
of both sides of the Bund. Riverdeck ON THE
BUND serves as a perfect spot for after-work
drinks and friends' get-togethers. 3F, 505
Zhongshan Dong Er Lu, by Xinkaihe Lu (3331
3777, 3331 3071) 中山东二路 505 号三楼 , 近新
Roosevelt Sky Bar Enjoy rooftop bar
with the best view on the Bund and airconditioned glass atrium. 9 /F, The House
of Roosevelt, 27 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by
Beijing Dong Lu(2322 0800) info@27bund.
com, 中山东一路(外滩)27
迪格酒店 30 楼 , 近东门路
Constellation Bar A quiet bar with lowkey 30’s ambiance. Known for its unique
cocktails and ice-making technique, this
is the perfect place for lovers and friends’
get-together. 1) 1-2/F, 33 Yongjia Lu, by
Maoming Nan Lu (5465 5993) Daily 7pm2am 2) 86 Xinle Lu,
by Xiangyang Bei Lu (5404 0970) Daily 7pm2am 3) 251Huangpi Bei Lu, by Jiangyin Lu
(5375 2712) Mon-Sun: 7pm-2am 1) 永嘉路 33
号罗斯福公馆 9 楼 , 近北京东路
号 1-2 楼 , 近茂名南路 2) 新乐路 86 号 , 近襄阳北
路 3) 黄陂北路 251 号 , 近江阴路
Cotton’s A charming bar with Jazz played
in the garden, you can “smell” relaxed
ambiance in the air. 1) 132 Anting Lu, by
Jianguo Xi Lu (6433 7995) Mon-Fri: 4pm2am; Sat-Sun: 11:30am-2am 2) 294 Xinhua
Lu, by Panyu Lu (6282 6897) Mon-Fri: 4pm2am; Sat-Sun: 11:30am-2am 1) 安亭路 132 号 ,
近建国西路 2) 新华路 294 号 , 近番禺路
De Refter A cozy Belgian style Brasserie
boasting more than 50 Belgian beers,
De Refter offers an intimate, friendly and
relaxed atmosphere mixed with a classy
crowd equaling the perfect spot for enjoying
the evening with friends, colleagues or a
good book. 181 Jinxian Lu, by Maoming Nan
Lu (3230 2595) 进贤路 181
号 , 近茂名南路
Dr Bar This hidden matchbox of a bar is
arguably the only place in all of Xintiandi
with any character. That’s probably because
it’s owned by Ben Wood, Xintiandi’s
architect. Try their monstrous martinis.
House 15, North Block Xintiandi, Lane 181
Taicang Lu, by Madang Lu (6311 0358) 5pm2am 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 15 号 , 近马当路
El Cóctel From virtuoso Spanish chef Willy
Trullas Moreno comes this super swank
cocktail lounge. Expect specialty drinks
mixed with surgical precision. Reservations
recommended. 2/F, 47Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing
Xi Lu (6433 6511) Daily 5pm-3am www. 永福路 47 号 2 楼 , 近复兴西路
G&G Bar is your friendly local bar, a great
place to catch up with friends, or meet
new ones. Recently refurbished, we are
open from 5pm daily, until late. Please visit
our website for specials and weekly event
listings Jianguo
lu 283 “The Loft” Metro Line 9 Jiashan Lu
Stn. For events bookings, please contact
Henry on 1860 212 7141.
I Love Shanghai With a solid events lineup,
stiff drinks and a fiercely loyal crowd of
regulars, ILS is one of the city’s best come
as you are watering holes. 2-3F, 1788 Xinzha
Lu, by Jiaozhou Lu (5228 6899) Daily 5pm4am 新闸
路 1788 号 2-3 楼 , 近胶州路
142 号 , 近南京西路
Jenny’s Blue Bar Second home to hordes of
blokes who regularly stop by for a drink or
a home-made snack. A free foosball table,
classic rock and a big screen showing ESPN
and Star Sports channels. 7 Donghu Lu, by
Huaihai Zhong Lu (6415 7019) Daily 1pm2am 东湖路 7 号 , 近淮海中路 142 号 ,
La Cocina A spanish restaurant with a
authentic pinchos bar at first floor.La Cocina
serves Pinchos,Tapas,Sangria, Cocktail and
wines. 9 DongPing Lu, by HengShan Lu (6473
1021) Daily 11am - 2am 东平路 9 号 , 近衡山路
Le Petit Franck A tiny, quaint cocktail lounge
with a retro speak-easy feel serving classic
cocktails, slightly pricey beers and upscale
snacks. Ferguson Lane,376 Wukang Lu, by
Hunan Lu (6433 1213) Tue-Sun 12pm-1am 武
康路 376 号 , 近湖南路
Malabar A cozyand exquisite Spanish tapas
bar with nice food in a good value. Try
the Spanish beer and wines plus excellent
pinchos and tapas. 1081 Wuding Lu, by
Jiaozhou Lu (5237 3085) Mon 17:00-01:00
Tue 12:00-01:00 Wed 12:00-01:00 Thu 12:0001:00 Fri 12:00-02:00 Sat 12:00-02:00 Sun
12:00-01:00 武定路 1081 号 , 近胶州路
Mokkos Bar With a Japanese husband and
wife team behind the bar, reggae rhythms
on the sound system and a cold glass of
shochu in your hand, you’ll agree that this is
one of the coolest little bars in town. Room
103, 1245 Wuding Xi Lu, by Wan Hang Du Lu
(6212 1114) Wed-Mon 7pm-2am, Closed on
Tuesday 武定西路 1245 号 103 室 , 近万航渡路
Mr. Pitt Cocktails A pre-prohibition joint
serving classic cocktails made according to
original recipes. Paying tribute to the golden
age of 1850-1920, this is where you find
great cocktails in town. 600-10 Shaanxi Bei
Lu, by Wuding Lu (6075 1072) Daily 6pm2am 600-10 号陕西北路,近武定路
Mural The best Latin-themed underground
Buddhist temple, looking all-you-can-drink
Friday night bars in Shanghai. Hands down!
10 Hengshan Lu, by Yongjia Lu (6433 5023)
8pm-4am, closed on Tuesdays. postmaster@ 衡山路 10
号 , 近永嘉路
Number 5 Bistro An unpretentious underground bar with free pool, inexpensive
drinks and good bar food to boot. B/F, 20
Guangdong Lu, by Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu
(6329 4558) Daily 10am-2am 广东路 20 号地下
一层 , 近中山东一路
Judy’s One of Shanghai’s oldest watering
holes and a Readers’ Choice Hall of Famer,
this institution is perpetually packed with
rowdy punters to the wee hours. 142
Tongren Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu (6289 3715)
Daily 11am-late 铜仁路
142 号 , 近南京西路
Kaiba Belgian Beer Bar 739 Dingxi Lu by
Yan’an Xi Lu (6280 5688) Sun-Thurs 4pm12am; Fri-Sat 4pm-2am 定西路 739 号 , 近延安西路
Kiitos Part of the Japanese ‘micro-bar’
trend, Kiitos brings exacting standards
to its impressive cocktail, and fine spirits
menu. The perfect choice for discerning
quite a few tiki drinks served in novelty
vessels like ceramic skulls and Polynesian
gods. 117 Chengdu Bei Lu,by Dagu Lu (3117
9694) 4pm-2am, 成都北路 117 号 , 近大沽路
Sasha’s Steeped in history, this hugely
popular bar is located in a 1920’s mansion
that formerly housed the famous Soong
sisters and boasts one of Shanghai’s largest
and favorite alfresco terraces. Huge beer
list, diverse food offering and 24 wines by
the glass. 11 Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu
daily 11am – 2am (6474 6628) 东平路 11 号,
Shiva Lounge Owned by a yoga instruc-tor,
Shiva Lounge is decked out in batiks, candles
and many handed Hindu gods. Room 102,
47 Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (6433 5330)
Sun-Thu10pm-2.00am, Fri- Sat 10pm-5am 永
福路 47 号 102 室 , 近复兴西路
The Apartment The boho decor, quirky
furniture, classy rooftop terrace and
expertly mixed cocktails just might fool
you into thinking you’re at the loft party of
a SoHo socialite. Not to be missed. 3/F, 47
Yongfu Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (6437 9478) SunThurs: 11am-2am; Fri-Sat: 11am-3am www. 永福路 47 号 3
楼 , 近复兴西路
The BREW Try one of their six home-brewed
beers and you’ll never go back to bottles
of Qingdao again. Warm wood interior,
right on the edge of Century Park. The Kerry
Hotel, 1388 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian Lu (6169
8888) Daily 11am–2am
花木路 1388 号 , 近芳甸路
The Bund Brewery This off-Bund pub brews
it’s own German style lagers. Pair them off
with some hearty pub fare. A less flashy alternative to the typical Bund pretension. The
Custom House, 11 Hankou Lu, by Sichuan
Zhong Lu (6321 8447) Fri-Sat 11am - 2am;
Sun-Thu 11am - 1am www.thebundbrewery. 汉口路 11 号 , 近四川中路
The Chalet Not exactly a loveshack but a
good example of how to build a bar in a
box. 385 Yongjia Lu, by Taiyuan Lu (3401
0958) Daily 3pm-3am 永
Bar Rouge The go-to spot for Shanghai’s
glitterati, this chic lounge offers expertly
mixed cocktails, the latest electro beats and
one of the best views on the Bund. 7/F, 18
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing Dong Lu
(6339 1199) Sun-Wed: 6pm-3am; Thu-Sat:
6pm-late 中山
东一路 18 号 7 楼 , 近南京东路
Cirque Le Soir Experience China’s first
boutique circus themed club in the historical
Bund 22 building with a vibrant twist to the
Bund’s nightlife scene. Guests are paraded
with live world-class circus performances
by the mind-boggling cast of performers.
Unparalleled music is also provided by
talented local and International DJs.
Wed–Sat 9pm-4am; Sun–Tues for private
booking: RSVP 4/
F, Zhongshan Dong Er Lu 22, by Xin Yong’An
Lu ( 400 99 100 88) 中
山东二路 22 号 4 楼 , 近新永安路
M1NT Winner of 2009 Readers’ Choice
Award for “Club of the Year”.Join the posh
and the poser alike in this quasi exclusive
nightclub, where a chic dining room offering
up superb Asian inspired fusion and grilled
fare are a;sp available. 24/F, 318 Fuzhou Lu,
by Hankou Lu (6391 2811) Lunch: Mon-Fri
11:30am-2:30pm; Dinner: Mon-Sat 6-11pm;
Club: Wed-Sat 9:30pm-late bookings@ 福州
路 318 号高腾大厦 24 层 , 近汉口路
M2 Following footsteps of its enormously
successful sibling-- Muse, the excellent
drinks and energetic, crowd-pleasing mixer
offers a distinctive scene. 4/F Hong Kong
Plaza, 283 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Huangpi
Nan Lu (6391 2811) Daily 8pm-late 淮海中路
283 号香港广场 4 楼 , 近黄陂南路
Muse at Park 97 Art deco lounge
overlooking Fuxing Park hoping to develop
ameaningful relationship with expatriate
wallets. Live jazz and a nice balcony. 2/F, 2
Gaolan Lu, by Sinan Lu (5383 2328) Daily
9pm-4am 皋兰路 2 号
2 楼 , 近思南路
MYST Daily 9:30pm-late 1123 Yanan Zhong
Lu, by Fumin Lu (64379999) 延安中路 1123 号 ,
THE 7th FLOOR 7F, No.8 Huaihai Zhong Lu,
by Liulin Lu (6307 9999) 淮海中路 8 号 7 楼,近
Hotel Bars
嘉路 385 号 , 近太原路
The Glamour Bar Owned by M on the Bund,
this bar is a magnet for uptowners and well
out of towners out to dress and impress.
Expect impeccable service, in-novative drinks
and occasional live music.(6329 3751 (after
4pm); 6350 9988 (until 4pm)) 6/F, No. 5 the
Bund, by Guangdong Lu (6329 3751, 6350
9988) Daily 4pm-late www.m-theglamourbar.
com 中山东一路 , 外滩 5 号 6 楼 , 近广东路
The Park Tavern Stained wood panelling,
billiards, darts and a solid selection of
whiskey and beer all make this a proper pub
in a neighbourhood that desperately needs
one. 840 Hengshan Lu, by Tianping Lu (5465
9312) Mon-Thu: 11am-2am, Fri-Sun: 11amlate 衡山路 840 号 , 近天平路
Tango Bang This Argentinian bar and restaurant has a broad menu and a spacious
dance floor upstairs. The staff are friendly
and helpful. Happy hours are long. Tango
lessons are available throughout the week.
Yu Jing Fang, 1F, 545 Pudong Da Dao, by
Dongfang Lu (5877 1881) Daily 11am-2-am 浦
Pokernuts A professional cocktail bar, and
a classy booze paradise with polite services,
a dizzying array of whiskies and a striking
poker table. Offers premium French oysters,
5J Iberian ham, and a nice selection of wines
and Cuban cigars. Free fun Hold’em poker
games available. Well worth of an ALL-IN
night in Pokernuts. C-103, Jinghongqiao
Square, 682 Wuzhong Lu, by Hongxu Lu
6pm-2am (5439 8030) 吴中路 682 号金虹桥广
中路 527 号 11 楼 , 近成都路
Pulse A sweet stop-off point where you can
enjoy savories, afternoon tea and cocktails
in the evening. Tower 2, 1st Floor, 1116 East
Hongsong Lu, by Songyuan Lu (3323 6666)
10:00am-01:00am 红松
Windows underground With the abrupt
closure of Window’s Too, this basement
dweller up the street has taken on the
mantle of Shanghai’s premier place to get
down and dirty with cheap drinks and all
night beats. 698 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Wujiang
Lu (5116 8857) Daily 10am-late 南京西路 698
场 C 座 103 室 , 近虹许路
where anything goes…bartop dancing,
tequila girls, TOP 40, you name it. 5
Hengshan Lu, by Dongping Lu (6474 6166,
6433 4104) Daily 5pm-late 衡山路 5 号 , 近东平路
东大道 545 号裕景坊 1 楼 , 近东方路
Windows Scoreboard With the same
rough and ready atmosphere as its three
sisters, this branch adds multiple, big screen
monitors to watch the game, with the usual
cheap drinks. 11/F, 527 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Chengdu Lu (5382 7757) Daily: 5pm-late 淮海
东路 1116 号 2 号楼 1 楼,近宋园路
号 , 近吴江路
Red Corner Situated at the eastern end
of Dagu Lu, Red Corner is a craft cocktail
lounge which provides a solid selection of
classic drinks like the vesper, old fashioned
Pimm's cup and pisco sour. They also do
YU Located on 28th floor, YU offers an
inspiring view of the Lupu Bridge and
elegant cocktails. 99 Jiangbin Lu, by Dapu Lu
(5318 8888) 江滨路 99 号 , 近打浦路
Zapata’s Classic “Spring Break” party bar,
789 Nanjing Lu Bar & Lounge An upscale
hotel bar with 360-degree floor-to-ceiling
windows, an iced seafood bar and cool
lounge music. 64-66/F, 789 Nanjing Dong
Lu, by Xizang Zhong Lu (3318 999956500) Mon-Thurs 5pm-1am; Fri-Sat 5pm2am reservations.shanghai@lemeridien.
royalshanghai 南京东路 789 号 64-66 楼 , 近西
Andaz Lounge Specialises in its unique
Kir Royale and other cocktails from Andaz
hotels around the world, it offers a full
range of tea, coffee, cocktails and mocktails
as well. 1/F, Andaz Shanghai, 88 Songshan
Lu, by Taicang Lu (2310 1710) 7am-11pm 嵩
山路 88 号 1 楼 , 近太仓路
Banyan Tree Located on the rooftop of
Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund, TOPS
is the first open rooftop bar with full
180°unobstructed view in Shanghai, offering
a breathtaking panorama spanning across
the Bund. 19 Gongping Lu, by Haiping Lu
(2509 1188) Tue-Sun, 2.30pm-1am 公平路 19
号 , 近海平路
Cigar and Dim Sum Executive Chef Peter
prepares daily fresh baked, steamed and
deep fried lobster Dim Sum platter for
your taste buds. Finish it with an excellent
cigar Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2.
Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel, 159
He’nan Nan Lu, by Fuyou Lu (2321 88886234) 2-10pm 上海豫园万丽酒店 , 河南南路 159
号 , 近福佑路
Cin Cin The mezzanine level of the Fairmont
offers luxury wines and cigars plus a variety
of areas to relax in. Choose from their
cocktail bar, refined wine cellar or their
warm cigar lounge. 1/F, Fairmont Peace
Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu (6138 6889) Daily 6pm-2am 南京东路 20
号 1 楼和平饭店 , 近中山东一路 / June 2014
Cloud 9 Located on Level 87 of Jin Mao
Tower, this sky lounge has magnificent
views of the entire city, where guests can
enjoy a wide collection of creative cocktails,
champagnes and Asian Tapas. The floorto-ceiling glassed double-height section
also holds a hide-away mezzanine bar. 87/F
Grand Hyatt, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao,
by Dongtai Lu (5049 1234) Mon-Fri 5pm1am; Sat-Sun 2pm-1am 世纪大道 88 号金茂大
厦 87 楼 , 近东泰路
The Compass Bar This unique bar offers an
extensive collection of marine memorabilia
to celebrates Shanghai’s maritime history,
also check out the open-air promenade. The
Peninsula Hotel 1/F, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi
Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2327 6737) Daily:
11am-2am 中山东一路
32 号上海半岛酒店一层 , 近北京东路
Jade on 36 Bar Breathtaking views, creative
cocktails and stunning interior design make
this a must-see venue. Sunday Brunch:
RMB 788 + 15% service charge per person,
effective 28th October 2012. 36/F Grand
Tower, Pudong Shangri-la, 33 Fucheng Lu,
by Lujiazui Xi Lu (6882 3636) 5.30pm-1am
(weekends until 2am) fbreservation.sipu@ https://www.shang-rewards.
com/aspx/RestaurantBarJade36Bar.aspx 富城
路 33 号香格里拉大酒店紫金楼 36 楼 , 近陆家嘴西
JW Lounge Bar Popular with high-flyers,
this lofty lounge boasts panoramic city
views and offers an extensive champagne
list, either by the glass or the by bottle. Live
music six days a week. 40/F, JW Marriott,
399 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Huangpi Bei Lu
(5359 4969-6864) Daily 5.30pm-2am www. 南京西路 399 号 JW
万豪酒店 40 楼 , 近黄陂北路
Liquor Factory A British-style bar located in
hotel’s garden villas with outdoor pool table
and terrace seatings, where you drink the
night away. 1188 Xueye Lu, by Shibo Dadao
(3858 1188) Daily 11-2am 雪野路 1188 号上海
of live music madness, with the backing
of the Japanese investors behind the
successful MAO Livehouse in Beijing. 3/F,
308 Chongqing Nan Lu, by Jianguo Zhong Lu
(6445 0086) Open for events only 重庆南路 308 号 3 楼 , 近建国中路
Music Room Live Show The leading DJ Keto
from Taiwan brings his hottest music to the
highest bar in the city on each Wednesday
night where ladies get free-flow sparkling
wines. Enjoy the amazing voice of renowned
vocal artist and saxophone player Wink with
his latest band from Monday to Saturday
from 8pm until late. 92/F, 100 Shiji Dadao, by
Dongtai Lu (6888 1234) Mon-Fri 8pm-1am;
Sat 8pm-2am; Sunday closed 世纪大道 100 号
环球金融中心 92 楼 , 近东泰路
The Ritz Bar Mixologists create uber cool
drinks and special martinis made to order
or select from an impressive collection of
malt whiskies. Shanghai’s favorite Jazz King,
George Butts is making a comeback this
autumn to The Ritz Bar. Call to reserve. 2/
F, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai, 1376
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6279 7977)
Daily 5.30pm -1am every Monday to Sunday
上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店二楼,南京西路 1376
号 , 近西康路
The Shelter This former bomb shelter is
THE place for alternative electronic music
in Shanghai. Low/no cover and good drinks
prices make this an indie haven. 5 Yongfu
Lu, by Fuxing Xi Lu (6437 0400) Wed-Sat
9pm-late 永
福路 5 号 , 近复兴西路
Yu Yin Tang Warehouse music space run
by the Yu Yin Tang collective, filled with
a motley crüe of rock aficionados at the
forefront of shanghai’s burgeoning hardcore
scene. 851 Kaixuan Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (5237
8662) Tue-Sun: 8pm-2am; closed on Mon. 凯
旋路 851 号 , 近延安西路
世博洲际酒店 1 楼 , 近世博大道
Long Bar Offering a good selection of
cocktails, deluxe oysters and premium
cigars, legendary Long Bar remains to be a
part of the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the
Bund after architectural restoration. Lobby,
2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(6322 9988) Mon-Sat 4pm-1am; Sun 2pm1am 中山东一路 2 号外滩华尔道夫酒店大堂 , 近广
Salon de Ning Inspired by an elegant
drawing room in a 30s private Shanghairesidence, this lounge bar offers a wild range
of signature cocktails and tasty snacks. B1/
F, The Peninsula Shanghai, 32 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing Dong Lu (2327 6731)
Tue-Sat 8pm-1am, Closed on Mon and Sun 中
山东一路 32 号上海半岛酒店 B1 楼 , 近南京东路
XTD elevated Casual, stylish and unique,
that’s what XTD elevated is all about. Enjoy
cool cocktails and an extensive BBQ menu
while sitting back and relaxing on day
beds and cabanas. Daily, 5pm till late. 5/F,
99 Madang Lu, The Langham Xintiandi, by
Huaihai Zhong Lu (2330 2232) 上海新天地朗廷
酒店 5 楼 , 马当路 99 号 , 近淮海中路
Zpark Bar Locates on the 25th floor of the
Renaissance Zhongshan Park, it offers great
view with cool cocktail sellections. There’s
a big variety of bar food including check
satay, Vietnamese Spring roll, Buffalo check
wing and more. Sip hand crafted cocktails
with panoramic views and discover a brand
new sound. Every Tuesday to Saturday from
8.30pm onwards, join Kelly, the runnerup winner of the popular TV Show “SUPER
DIVA”, who’ll stimulate your senses with her
soulful tunes spanning a variety of genres.
25/F, Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park
Hotel, 1018 Changning Lu, by Kaixuan Lu
(6115 8888) 长宁路 1018 号 25 楼 , 近凯旋路
Live Music
Brown Sugar An upscale jazz club featuring
top-shelf cocktails, simple food and live
entertainment. Building 15, Xintiandi North
Block, Lane181 Taicang Lu, by Huangpi Nan
Lu (5382 8998) Daily 6pm- 1am service. www. 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里
15 号 , 近黄陂南路
JZ Club Shanghai’s true jazz scene has finally
arrived. Check it out and dig the vibe. 46
Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu (6431 0269) Daily
7pm-2am 复兴西路 46 号 , 近永
LOgO 298 Xingfu Lu, by Pingwu Lu 幸福路
298 号 , 近平武路
Mao Livehouse Shanghai Formerly WTF
Club, this mid-sized performance space has
nowbeen taken over by the local rockers
at Soma Records, who promise plenty
June 2014 /
Abbey Road An ideal pub where you
can turn off your mind, relax and float
downstream or come together with some
mates. Come for the tasty brews and pub
grub, stay for the bamboo garden in the
shade. 45 Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu (6431
6787) Mon-Fri: 4pm-2am; Sat-Sun: 8.30am2am 岳阳路
45 号 , 近东平路
Archie’s Friendly neighbourhood bar with
big screen TVs, outdoor seating and cheap
drinks. Giant View, 15, Lane 1520, Huashan
Lu, by Huaihai Xi Lu (6281 4245, 6281 4237)
Daily 12pm-2am 华
山路 1520 弄 15 号时尚虹景大酒店 , 近淮海西路 .
Art Deco Garden Café & Bar A lesserknown
clean and quiet occupant of the Ruijin
Guesthouse. Good for couples who want
a simple sip, stare and sigh sort of night.
Bldg 3, Ruijin Guest House,118 Ruijin Er Lu,
by Maoming Nan Lu (6472 5222-3006) Daily
9.30pm-12am 瑞金二路 118 号瑞金宾馆 3 号楼 ,
The Fat Olive This Greek-themed wine
and mezze by David Laris features a lovely
terrace ideal for relaxing with a glass of
wine and warm pita bread. 1) 2/F, Unit 26A,
Sinan Mansions, 525-527 Fuxing Zhong Lu
by Sinan Lu (3368 9524) Daily 11-late www. 2) 6/F, Silver Court Complex,
228 Xizang Nan Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu
(6334 3288) Daily 11-1am 1) 复兴中路 525527 号思南公馆 26A 号楼 2 楼 , 近思南路 2) 西藏
南路 228 号 6 楼 , 近淮海中路
La Terraza This terrace lounge offers a nice
chill-out place. Besides, free snacks are
passing around every night. 17 Yongjia Lu,
by Maoming Nan Lu (5465 5837) Daily 4pm4am 永嘉路
17 号天台 , 近茂名南路
The Roof at Waterhouse The Roof at
Waterhouse, a rooftop cocktail bar, offers
a splendid view of the Huangpu River and
serves up the most creative concoctions and
delectable appetizers to guests who come to
this perfect cozy getaway in the city. 4/F, 1-3
Maojiayuan Lu, by Zhongshan Nan Lu (6080
2988 ext. 919, www.waterhouseshanghai.
com) Daily 6.30pm-1.30am 毛家园路 1-3 号水
舍酒店 , 近中山南路
Sports Bars
Big Bamboo A sports bar offering an
expanded food menu, with entertainment
including pool tables and flat screen televisions. Big Bamboo pulls large crowds for
events like the World Cup and Superbowl.
1) Hong Mei Entertainment Street, No. 20,
Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6405
8720) Daily: 11am-late www.bigbamboo.
cn 2) 132 Nanyang Lu, by Tongren Lu (6256
2265) Daily: 2pm-4am carsten@bigbamboo.
asia 3) 381 Hongfeng Lu, by Biyun Lu (5030
1779) Sun-Thu: 11am-2am; Fri-Sat: 11am3am 1) 虹梅路 3338
弄虹梅休闲街 20 号 , 近延安西路 2) 南阳路 132
号 , 近铜仁路 3) 红枫路 381 号 , 近碧云路
Boxing Cat Brewery 1) Unit 26A, Sinan
Mansions, 519-521 Fuxing Zhong Lu, by
Sinan Lu (6426 0360) Mon-Fri: 5pm-2am; SatSun: 10am-2am 2) 82 Fuxing Xi
Lu, by Yongfu Lu (6431 2091) Mon-Thu: 5pm2am; Fri: 3pm-2am; Sat-Sun: 11am-2am 1) 复
兴中路 519-521 号思南公馆 26A, 近思南路 2) 复
兴西路 82 号 , 近永福路
Koala Bar Friendly local bar with big screen
televisions, a pool table and loads of drink/
food specials. Caters to the clientele coming
from the nearby Jiaotong University. 280
Huaihai Xi Lu, by Panyu Lu (5258 8779, 138
1880 3478) 11am-2am 淮海西路 280 号 , 近番
Malone’s Popular American-style bar and
winner 2009 Readers’ Choice Award for best
pub. Come for the burgers, stay for the live
music and TV sports. 1) 255 Tongren Lu, by
Nanjing Xi Lu (6247 2400) Daily 11am-2am 2)
2/F, shop 17 Thumb Plaza, 199 Fangdian Lu,
by Yanggao Zhong Lu (5033 6717) Mon-Fri:
11am-2am; Sat-Sun: 9:30am-2am 1) 铜仁路
255 号 , 近南京西路 2) 大拇指广场 17 号 2 楼 , 芳
甸路 199 号 , 近杨高中路
The Camel Bar The screens, hot-blooded
crowd and happy hour specials make this
a fun place to meet and watch a game. 1)
1 Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu (6437 9446)
Daily 10am-2am 2)
116 Weifang Xi Lu, by Pudong Nan Lu (5879
5892) Daily 10am-2am 1) 岳阳路 1 号 , 近东平
路 2) 潍坊西路 116 号 , 近浦东南路
The Max Pub With over eight years’ history,
the Max Pub is one of the coziest sports bars
in Huangpu district. Great western food,
plenty of big screens playing your favorite
sports, free pool, endless cocktails and draft
beers. 188 Fujianzhong Lu, by Fuzhou Lu
(6375 7707) 福建中路 188 号 , 近福州路
The Rocks Grill & Bar A sports bar with a big
garden, views of the Huangpu River, snooker
and ball games on TV. 5-9pm, house wine
buy-one-get-one free. TowerB, Block10,
505 Zhongshan Nan Lu, by Waima Lu (6152
6626) 中山南路 505 号老码头 10 号楼 B 座 , 近外
Shanghai Brewery Microbrewery restaurant
and sports bar with the chef from Michelin
two-Star restaurant. Great hand-crafted
beer (6 styles), tasty food with international
flavors and live sports on big screens. 1) 15
Dongping Lu, by Hengshan Lu (3461 0717)
Daily: 10am-2am www.shanghaibrewery.
com 2) 21C, Hongmei Entertainment Street,
3338 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6406
5919) Sun-Thu: 10am - 2am; Fri-Sat 10am3am 1) 东平路 15 号 , 近衡山路 2) 虹梅路 3338
号 , 虹梅休闲街 21C, 近延安西路
Ricky’s Sports Bar & Grill With live bands,
big screens and pool tables, the Ricky’s is a
relaxing sports bar providing not just live
sports on screen, but fresh and high quality
food for lunch and dinner plus late night
snacks. 930 Pudong Dadao, by Yuanshen Lu
(5093 1519) 浦东
大道 930 号 , 近源深路
Wine Bars
Brick Restaurant and Wine Lounge Quaint,
cozy, comfortable and cool, Brick also offers
a jazz scene. Get a table by the piano, tuck
into some Mediterranean-style cuisine. 30
Sinan Lu, by Huaihai Zhong Lu (6093 2005)
Daily 11-2am 思南路
30 号 , 近淮海中路
Burdigala Bordeaux Wine Bistrot In
partnership with the CIVB and initiated by
private investor Franck Boudot, the Burdigala
Bordeaux wine Bistrot offers some fifty
châteaux and brands reflecting the whole
Bordeaux range: red, dry, sweet, rosé and
Crémant de Bordeaux wines. 550 Wuding Lu,
by Shaanxi Bei Lu (6217 0377) 11am - 1pm ww.theburdigala.
com 武定路 550 号 , 近陕西北路
Dr Wine This sumptuous wine bar has
bottles from RMB118 (a French Cab Sauv) to
RMB45,000 for a 1982 Chateau Lafite. Don’t
worry if the selection overwhelms you,
someone will be there to hold your hand.
177 Fumin Lu, by Julu Lu (5403 5717) Sun-Sat
5pm-2am 富民路
177 号 , 近巨鹿路
Epicvre Wines and spirits imported from
France, delicious imported jams and
marmalades all make it worth a visit to this
gourmet shop/wine bar. 98 Xinle Lu,by
Xiangyang Lu (5404 7719) Daily 11am- 11pm
新乐路 98 号 , 近襄阳路
Glo Wine Bar Arriving August 8thLooking
for the perfect place to meet friends,
unwind from work, de-brief during the
day? Then Glo Wine Bar is the perfect
destination. Whether you want to catch up
over cocktails, share a well chosen bottle
of wine or enjoy our International tapas &
platters, you will find the perfect solution
in Glo Wine Bar. 3/F,1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu,
by Dongping Lu (6466 6565, shanghai@ MonSun: 4pm-late 乌鲁木齐南路 1 号 3 楼,近东平路
Globus Wine 1) Ferguson Lane, 376
Wukang Lu, by Hunan Lu (6466 8969) Daily
12-10pm 2) 83 Jianguo Xi Lu, by Xiangyang
Lu (5466 1575) Daily 12-10pm 1) 武康路 376
号 , 近湖南路 2) 建国西路 283 弄 5 号楼 , 近襄阳路
L’Aveue A classy and trendy wine bistro in
Xintiandi offering a selection of home-made
tapas, dips, pizza, sharing plates and wines
in a comfortable and warm atmosphere. 1/
F, 333 Huangpi Nan Lu, by Taicang Lu (6301
9999) 24/7, 11-2am 黄陂南路 333 号 1 楼 , 近太
Roosevelt Wine Cellar The Largest Wine
Cellar in Town with over 4,000 labels. Every
Wednesday is Winesday 6.30-8pm. The
House of Roosevelt, 2/F, 27 Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu (2322 0800), 中山东
一路(外滩)27 号罗斯福公馆 2 楼 , 近北京东路
HoF A popular wine bar that provides super
tasty chocolate and cakes for afternoon
tea, featuring chocolate velvet cakes,
death by chocolate, etc. A variety of wines
and cocktails are provided at night. B1/
F, DBS Building, 1318 Lujiazui Huan Lu, by
Dongyuan Lu (5010 0800) Mon-Sat: 3pm10pm 陆家嘴环路
1318 号 B1 层 , 近东园路
Wine Must Traditional French Bistro with a
typical wine cellar. A wide selection of wines
from Europe are available, accompanied
with excellent grilled dishes for dinner and
classic home-made French Cassolettes for
lunch. You will surely love this place, a cozy
chic magical land to share with friends. 1/F,
Bld 2, 881 Wuding Lu, by Changde Lu ( 6176
1378) Daily 11am-1am 武定路 881 号 2 号楼 1
楼 , 近常德路
Vine Chic wine bar with a large selection of
old & new world wines. Asian & Westernstyle nibbles also served. Tower 1, 1st Floor,
1116 East Hongsong Lu, by Songyuan
Lu (3323 6666) 5:00pm-01:00am SHASH.
shanghaihongqiao/restaurants 红松东路 1116
号 2 号楼 1 楼,近宋园路
Wine Shops
ENOTECA 1) Shop No.L4-402, Level 4,
Shanghai iapm shop, 999 Huaihai Zhong
lu, by shaanxi Nan Lu (5174 8865) 2)Shop
No.L4-21, 4/F, IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao, by Yincheng
Zhong Lu (5012 1480) 3) B1/F, TAKASHIMAYA
department store, 1438 Hongqiao Lu,
by Manao Lu (6295-8292) 4) B1/F, Sogo
Department store, 1618 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Huashan Lu (5237-9015) 1) 淮海中路 999 号环
贸广场 L4-402, 近陕西南路 2) 世纪大道 8 号上海
国金中心 L4-21 铺 , 近银城中路 3) 虹桥路 1438
号古北国际财富中心 2 期裙房 B1-010, 近玛瑙路
4) 南京西路 1618 号上海久光百货 B1 楼 DB12 店
铺 , 近华山路
Everwines Shop A cheery, laid back wine bar
and shop, with a nice terrace and frequent
wine classes. 200 Taizhou Lu, by Kangding Lu
(3208 0293) Daily 12pm-12am jinganshop@ 泰州路
200 号 , 近康定路
GLADYS With selected fine wine from
Australia, France and the rest of the world,
the neighborhood friendly wine shop
also provides quality imported food and
beverages which are available for delivery.
12am-10pm daily. 71 Zhaohua Dong Lu, by
Zhening Lu (5237 0807) 昭化东路 71 号 , 近镇
Vins Descombe A wine bar and retail space
that hosts regular tastings and events. Also
sells box wine. 372 Dagu Lu, by Shimen Yi Lu
(6340 1590) Tues-Sun 12-10pm 大沽路 372 号 ,
W&W Fine Wines and Whiskies Professional butler service and selection, high
quality of fine wines & single malt whisky.
An awesome selection of whiskies and wines
for decent prices (Napa Valley vintages start
at RMB98, Glenfidditch 12 yr RMB260) - Also
a bar where you can sip. 779 Beijing Xi Lu,
by Shimen Er Lu (3353 5189) 北京西路 779 号 ,
Garden Books New shop soon be opening
in SHANGHAI CENTER, F1/1376 Nanjing
Road (W), (EAST SUITE)Sells imported
books, newspapers, magazines and other
foreign publications. 325 Changle
Lu, by Shaanxi Lu (5404 8728) 长乐路 325 号 ,
Regus Raffles City 来福士广场 , 51/F, No.268
Xizang Zhong Road, Huangpu District
Regus Shui On Plaza 瑞安中心,12/F,
No.333 Huaihai Road Middle, Huangpu
Regus Silver Centre 银座企业中心 , No.1388
Shaan Xi Road North, Putuo District
Regus Silver Court 永银大厦 , 3/F, No.85
Taoyuan Road, Huangpu District
Regus Standard Chartered Lujiazui 陆
家嘴渣打中心 , 5/F, No.201 Shiji Avenue,
Pudong Lujiazui
Regus Shanghai Mart Hongqiao 虹桥世
贸商城 , 2/F, No. 2299 Yan’an Road West,
Changning District
Regus Yueda 889 悦达 889 中心 , 8/F, No.
1111 Changshou Road, Jing’an District
Regus Harbour one 东方海港国际大厦中心 ,
16/F, No.1080 Dong Da Ming Road, Hongkou
Regus ICC 上海环贸广场 , 7/F, No.999
Middle Huaihai Road, Xuhui District
Regus Central Towers 上海品尊国际中心 ,
11/F Tower B, No.567 Lan Gao Road, Putuo
Regus One Prime 壹丰广场 , 25/F, No.360
Wu Jin Road, Hongkou District
Regus 21st Century 21 世纪中心 , 6/F,
No.210 Century Avenue, Pudong Lujiazui
Regus The Headquarters 上海都市总部
中心 , 25/F, No.168 Middle Xizang Road,
Huangpu District
Regus KIC Yangpu 创智天地 , 9/F Tower 12
Kic, No.333 Songhu Road, Yangpu District
Regus The Tower 锦江向阳大厦 , 14/F, 993
West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District
Regus CCIG International Plaza 中金国际
广场 , 12/F Building A, No.331 North Caoxi
Road, Xuhui District
Regus Hong Kong Plaza 香港广场 , 26/F,
283 Middle Huai Hai Road, Huangpu District
长乐路 1238 号 , 近乌鲁木齐中路
1/F Huaihai Youth Department Store, 775
Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Ruijin Yi Lu (6472
7544) 淮海中路 775 号 1 楼 , 近瑞金一路
Shanghai Tang 1) No.15 North Block,181
Taicang Lu, by Madang Lu (6384 1601) MonSun 10.30am-11pm 2) Shop E, Jinjiang Hotel,
59 Maoming Nan Lu, by Changle Lu (5466
3006) Mon-Sun 10am-10pm 3) ShangriLa Pudong Lobby Level, 33 Fucheng Lu,
by Mingshang Lu (5877 6632) Mon-Sun
10am-10pm 4) 1/F, 333 Huangpi Nan Lu, by
Taicang Lu (6384 1601) Mon-Sun 10.30am11pm 5) L1C, Level 1 the Peninsula Hotel,
32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Nanjing Dong
Lu (6329 6255) Mon-Sun 10.30am-11pm 6)
L221, Citic Square, 1168 Nan Jing Xi Lu, by
Jiangning Lu (5212 2162) Mon-Sun 10.30am11pm 1) 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 15 号 , 近马当
路 2) 茂名南路 59 号锦江饭店 E 店铺 , 近长乐路 3)
富城路 33 号浦东香格里拉大酒店一楼 , 近名商路
4) 黄陂南路 333 号新天地 1 层 , 近太仓路 5) 中山
东一路 32 号半岛酒店 1 层 L1C 铺 , 近南京东路 6)
南京西路 1168 号中信泰富广场 2 层 221 单元 , 近
Stella Lam The first Exclusive EveningGown
Boutique in Shanghai, with morethan 500
styles presented in the showroom,10,000
styles for made-to-order, isbound to reveal
women’s volatile glamour. No.6, Lane210
Taikang Lu, by Ruijin Er Lu (6466 9710) Mon
- Fri: 9am - 6pm stellalam@stronglytrading.
com 泰康路田子坊 210 弄
6 号 , 近瑞金二路
Wowshopping Search and buy from Taobao
(China’s largest online marketplace) in
English and then let WowShopping do the
rest. WowShopping is a fantastic new service
for expats, who will place the order, arrange
delivery and communicate with sellers on
your behalf. Wow makes shopping in China
easy. Check out latest collections for some
stunning products at great prices.
Furniture &
Life & style
BCoS I'M HOME A new lifestyle brand in
home décor, artifacts, interior designs and
creative products, specializing in creating
an exciting and healthier living space with
creative designed artifacts, prints and
paintings, artificial plants, soft furnishing,
and home accessories. 600 Shaanxi Bei Lu,
by Xinzha Lu (6045 2368) 陕西北路 600 号 , 近
DTL Michelle Collection Indoor&Outdoor
Furniture store with showrooms of 2,000sqm
in both Pudong and Puxi. Customized
services are also provided. 1) 160 JinFeng
Bei Lu, by Longdong Da Dao (5833 1968,
5476 1812) www. 2) B-1, 1568 HuQingPing
Gong Lu, by Xiewei Lu (6976 0245)
1) 金丰北路 160 号 , 近龙东大道 2) 沪青平公路
1568 号 B-1, 近谢卫路
Regus Serviced Office
Regus Shanghai Centre 上海商城 [NEW] 5/
F, West Office Tower, No.1376 Nanjing Road
West, Jing’an District
Regus Plaza 66 恒隆广场,15/F, Tower 2,
No.1266 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District
Regus Aurora Plaza 震旦国际大楼,11/F,
No.99 Fucheng Road, Pudong Lujiazui
Regus BEA Finance Tower 东亚银行金融大厦
中心,15/F, No.66 Hua Yuan Shi Qiao Road,
Pudong Lujiazui
Regus Shanghai Bund Centre 外滩中心 , 18/
F, 222 Yan’an Road East, Huangpu District
Regus Shanghai Eco City 1788 国际中心 ,
9/F, 1788 Nanjing West Road, Jing’an District
Regus Jin Mao Tower 金茂大厦,31/F, 88
Shiji Avenue, Pudong Lujiazui
ANNABEL LEE SHANGHAI is a Shanghaibased luxury home and fashion accessories
brand that reflects beautiful Chinese
tradition and culture. It boasts sophisticated
modern Chinese design in the form of the
finest Chinese silk, cashmere and jewelry.
Silk pouches with delicate embroidery,
intricately-woven cashmere shawls made
of the highest-quality cashmere from Inner
Mongolia, breath-taking jewelry made of
beautiful gemstones, all of which make
perfect gifts! 1) No. 1, Lane 8, Zhongshan
Dong Yi Lu, by Fuzhou Lu (6445-8218)
10am-10pm 2) Unit 3, House 3, North Block
Xintiandi, 181 Taicang Lu,by Huangpi Nan Lu
(6320 0045) 10am-10pm 1) 中山东一路 8 弄 1
号,近福州路 2) 太仓路 181 弄新天地北里 3 号楼
3 单元,近黄陂南路
Ben Zhou Handmade Shoes Studio Custommade shoes in retro, modern and popular
designs for both male and female. You can
also have pictures of certain designs and
your favourite worn shoes copied. 1) B148, Luocheng Plaza, 1665 Hongqiao Lu, by
Shuicheng Lu (138 1788 7660, 136 3658
0300) 9.30am-10pm 2) Rm112, 90-1 Nanyang
Lu, by Xikang Lu (138 1788 7660, 5213
5770, 136 3658 0300) 9.30am-10pm 3) D-01
A.P. Plaza South.No.2002 Century Avenue
Pudong (138 1718 9104) 9.30am-10pm 1) 洛
Regus Nanjing West Road 南京西路中心,
18/F Shanghai Oriental Centre, 699 Nanjing
Road West, Jing’an District
城广场 B1-48, 虹桥路 1665 号 , 近水城路 2) 南阳
路 90-1 号 112 室 , 近西康路 3) 上海市浦东新区
世纪大道 2002 号,亚太盛汇南广场 D-01
Regus One Corporate Avenue 上海企业天
地中心 , 15/F, No.222 Hubin Road, Huangpu
Mr. Billy’s Hand Made Shoes 1238 Changle
Lu, by Wulumuqi Zhong Lu Daily 11am-10pm
10pm. 1) 淮海中路 374 号 , 近淡水路 2) 长顺路
38 号 , 近虹桥路
GELINCASA Original modern designs
mingled with classic shanghai antiques,
perfect matched handcrafted furnishings to
make your space unique. Gelincasa will be
a bridge to transfer your dream into your
home. Please note, nothing could be better
than living in a heal 577 Changde Lu, by
Xinzha Lu (625 3517 5802) Mon-Fri: 9am7pm; Sat-Sun 10am-7pm designer@gelincasa.
com. For more details and the latest new
design, please check, www. 常德路 577 号 , 近新闸路
Dress up your World
LE REXO High-End Western & Chinesestyle furniture, LE REXO’s pieces are all 100
percent made-to-order, custom made and
hand crafted from precious woods like elm,
rosewood, ebony, sandalwood etc... LE REXO
also makes upholstered pieces like armchairs
and sofas in a variety of sumptuous fabrics
and leathers and offer free interior design
& decoration service for professionals and
individuals. 2F, N.20, Lane 383, South Xiang
Yang road (By Yong Jia Road). (5213 0016) Wed-Sun, 12:30-18:00 樂蕊
歐 , 襄阳南路 383 弄 20 号 2 楼 , 近永嘉路
Lily’s Antiques Specializing in high
quality and genuine Chinese antiques, Lily’s
Antiques offers 100 percent wood furniture
and home decor for the modern home.
Tailor-made furniture can be ordered on
request and free shipping is provided within
Jinqiao area. 1037 Biyun Lu, by Huangyang
Lu (5019 1199) showroomsh@lilysantiques.
com; 碧云路 1037 号 ,
近黄杨路 offers quality European design
furniture and home decor at a great value.
By simply operating online and on-demand,
NewX cuts all unnecessary costs and the
savings are passed on to the customer. Free
delivery in town. Shop online at www.newx.
com or (400 068 7080)
Paddy Field 1) Warehouse, 1/F, Building C,
1568 Huqingping Gong Lu, by Xiewei Lu
(5976 9331) 2) 105 Hunan Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (6437 5567) 1) 沪青平公路 1568 号圣
Kava Kava creates modern, colorful and
functional Chinese furniture for every
household. Choose from our extensive
collection or customize your own. Free
delivery in Shanghai. 1) 639 Honggu Lu, by
Shuicheng Lu (6270 9798) 9.30am-6pm 2)
810 Julu Lu, by Changshu Lu (6214 8313)
11am-7pm. 1) 虹古路 639 号 , 近水城路 2) 巨鹿
路 810 号 , 近常熟路 provides a wide selection
of creative home deco accessories, home
textiles, small storages, etc. All products are
Homes-Up exclusive design, imported from
all over the world. Experience an innovative
decoration concept in Shanghai. Shop online
at 1) 374 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Danshui Lu 2) 38 Changshun
Lu, by Hongqiao Lu (400 655 0280) 10am-
堡艺术园区 C 栋 1 楼 , 近谢卫路 2) 湖南路 105 号 ,
Platane Platane combines traditional savoir
faire, worldwide design home wares in a
distinctive simplicity and elegance. Discover
its own range of handmade ceramic and
porcelain as well as imported brands like
Zoeppritze, Bertozzi, Charvet, La Rochere,
LSA. 1)439 Wukang lu by
Huaihai Zhong lu (6433 6387); 2)156Taikang
lu by Sinan lu (6466 2495). 1) 武康路 439 号
(6433 6387)2)泰康路 156 号(6466 2495)
mind & body
Diva Life Nail & Beauty Lounge Just three / June 2014
minutes’ walk from the trendy “Tianzifang”,
down a quiet lane in the middle of the hustle
and bustle of the French Concession, Diva
Life is a wonderful location to while away a
couple of hours treating yourself a massage,
facial, waxing, manicure or pedicure. The
American and Taiwanese owners strictly
follows Swiss clean hygiene standard and
have imported Dermalogica, OPI and Calgel
products to ensure you the best quality
services with affordable prices. English
speaking staff here will help you organize all
kinds of spa parties for big and small divas.
266 Ruijin Er Lu, by Taikang Lu (5465 7291)
Index.aspx 瑞金二路 266 号 , 近泰康路
Jin’s Dental Surgery offers special care for
every patient. Comfortable environment and
good service are also what you can enjoy
here. Rm1904, Hui Yin Plaza, 2088 Huashan
Lu, by Guangyuan Xi Lu (6448 0882)
9am—6pm www. 华山路 2088 号汇银广场
1904 室 , 近广元西路
Global HealthCare Medical & Dental Center
– Puxi Suite 303, Eco City 1788Nanjing Xi Lu,
by Wulumuqi Bei Lu (5298 6339, 5298 0593)
南京西路 1788 号 1788 国际中心 303 室 , 近乌鲁
Global HealthCare Medical & Dental
Center – Pudong Shop 212, Shanghai World
Financial Center, 100 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui
Huan Lu (6877 5093, 6877 5993 ) 世纪大道 100
号上海环球金融中心商场 212 室 , 近陆家嘴环路
United Family Quankou Clinic - Dental
Clinic 8 Quankou Lu, by Linquan Lu, Changning District (2216 3909) Mon-Sat: 8am-5.30pm 上海和睦家医院口腔美容中心 ,
泉口路 8 号,近林泉路
Peter salon With a range of professional
hairstylists from around the word, Peter
Salon offers top quality services in haircut,
perm, base color, nail and makeups. 80
Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, by Anfu Lu 10am-10pm
(5419 6757) 乌鲁木齐中路 80 号 , 近安福路
Showcase Hair Salon 1) 1/F, 1099 Meihua
Lu, by Fangdian Lu 2) RoomA02,Hotel
lobby, 778 Dongfang Lu, Grand Trustel
Purple Mountain Hotel, by ZhangyangLu
(15921900709) 1) 梅花路 1099 号 1 楼 , 近芳甸
路 2) 东方路 778 号紫金山大酒店 , 酒店大堂 A02
Toni and Guy 1) 1380 Dingxiang Lu, by
Zihuai Lu (5843 3830) 2) Unit F1A-06, B2,
Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, by
Fucheng Lu (5407 1350) 3) 4/F, River Wing
Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by
Mingshang Lu (2828 6691) 1) 丁香路 1380 号 ,
近紫槐路 2) 陆家嘴西路 168 号正大广场 B2F1A06, 近富城路 3) 富城路 33 号香格里拉大酒店浦江
楼 4 楼 , 近名商路
Helen Nail Spa A long-time favorite among
locals and expats alike, Helen Nail Spa
is much more than a nail spa; they have
a variety of pampering treatments and
excellent waxing services. 1) 120 Nanchang
Lu, by Yandang Lu (5383 8957) Daily 10am10pm 2) No 6, Lane 819 Julu Lu, by Fumin Lu
(5403 7802) 3) 70 Shimen yi Lu, by Dagu Lu.
1) 南昌路 120 号 , 近雁荡路 2) 巨鹿路 819 弄 6
号 , 近富民路 3) 石门一路 70 号,近大沽路
Dr. Li Jie Chinese Medicine Clinic Trained
at the Shanghai University of Traditional
Chinese Medicine and with 28 years of
experience, Dr. Li owns this well-licensed
clinic that offers a full range of Chinese
medical services and courses for both expats
and locals: herb medicines, acupuncture
and moxibusion, tui na ( Chinese massage
for adult and childs), gua sha (scraping
method), cupping, point application
of drugs, Chinese medicated diet, Qi
gong, reflexology (foot massage) and life
cultivation (keep good health and long life)
etc. Appointment only. 5C, No.28, Lane18
Hongqiao Lu, by Caoxi Bei Lu (3424 1989) 虹桥
路 18 弄 28 号 5C, 近漕溪北路
Professional Chinese Medicine Founded in
Qing Dynasty, this 205 year-old pharmacy still
uses authentic ingredients for TCM healing.
2/F, Tong Han Chun, 20 Yuyuan Xin Lu, by
Fuyou Lu (6355 6607) Daily 8.30am-4.30pm 豫
园新路 20 号童涵春国药 2 楼 , 近福佑路
The Mahota Health Management Center
Health Management Center inspires you
to lead a new sustainable, healthy lifestyle
with experienced medical professionals
integrating natural therapies, modern life
sciences with Traditional Chinese Medicine.
12-2F, M-Town, 1580 Kaixuan Lu, by Huaihai
Xi Lu (5267 9988;, Mon-Fri: 10am-8pm; SatSun 10am-6pm 凯旋路 1580 号新淮海坊 12-2,
路 211 号 , 近虹梅路 2) 西藏南路 760 号安基大厦
14 楼 5 室 , 近建国新路 3) 威海路 500 号四季酒店
6 楼 , 近石门一路 4) 民生路 1518 号金鹰大厦 B 座
1303 室 , 近含笑路
Dr.Harriet Jin’s Dental Surgery Dr.Harriet
June 2014 /
Shanghai Redleaf International Women
and Infants Center; Shanghai Redleaf International Women's Hospital 1209 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Donghu Lu 8am-5pm, 24/7
(6196 3333) 淮海中路 1209 号 ,
Shanghai United Family Hospital and
Clinics 1) 1139 Xianxia Lu, by Qingxi Lu (2216
3900, 2216 3999) Mon-Sat: 8.30am-5.30pm
2) Shanghai Racquet Club, Lane 555 Jinfeng
Lu, by Baole Lu Mon-Sat 9am-5pm 3) 1/F,
area A & B, 525 Hongfeng Lu, by Mingyue Lu
(5030 9907) Mon-Sun: 8.30am-5.30pm 4) 8
Quankou Lu, by Linquan Lu Mon-Sat: 8am5.30pm 1) 仙霞路 1139 号 ,
近青溪路 2) 金丰路 555 弄上海网球俱乐部内 , 近
保乐路 3) 红枫路 525 号 A&B 区 1 楼 , 近明月路
4) 泉口路 8 号 , 近林泉路
Massage & Spa
Chi Spa CHI, the Spa at Shangri-La, offers
massages and treatments that are based
on authentic natural healing methods
found in the traditional well-being practices
shared by many Asian cultures. 6/F, Tower
2, Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by
Mingshang Lu (5877 1503) 10-12am www. 富城路 33 号
上海浦东香格里拉大酒店二座 6 楼 , 近名商路
Chuan Spa This world-class spa located
within the new Langham Hotel specializes in
traditional Chinese treatments. Designed for
contemplation and inspiration, rediscover
your inner self with an escape to a spa
treatment in any of the four luxurious
therapy rooms. 3/F, The Langham, Yangtze
Boutique, 740 Hankou Lu, by Xizang Zhong
Lu (6080 0722) 10am-10.30pm
Shanghai/上海人民广场朗廷扬子精品酒店 3 楼 ,
汉口路 740 号 , 近西藏中路
Dragonfly 1) 2/F, 559 Nanchang Lu, by
Shaanxi Nan Lu (5456 1318) 2) 206Xinle Lu,
by Fumin Lu (5403 9982) Daily 10-2am 3) 2/F,
218 Xinle Lu, by Fumin Lu (6327 1193) Daily
11-2am 4) 646 Baole Lu, by Jinhui Lu (6221
9770) 5) L119, 1378 Huamu Lu, by Fangdian
Lu (6469 7258) 11-12am 6) 386 Hongfeng Lu,
by Mingyue Lu (3872 6996) Daily 10-12am
7) Villa 5, 3911 Hongmei Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu
(6242 4328) Daily 9-2am 8) Rm202, 322 Anfu
Lu, by Wulumuqi Zhong Lu (5406 0680) 9)
193 Jiaozhou Lu, by Xinzha Lu (5213 5778)
Daily 10-2am 10) LG2-47 IFC, 8 Shiji Dadao,
by Lujiazui Huan Lu (6878 5008) 1) 南昌路
559 号 2 楼 , 近陕西南路 2) 新乐路 206 号 , 近富
民路 3) 新乐路 218 号 2 楼 , 近富民路 4) 保乐路
646 号 , 近金辉路 5) 花木路 1378 号浦东嘉里城
L119 单元 , 近芳甸路 6) 红枫路 386 号 , 近明月路
7) 虹梅路 3911 号 5 号别墅 , 近延安西路 8) 安福
路 322 号 202 室 , 近乌鲁木齐中路 9) 胶州路 193
号 , 近新闸路 10) 世纪大道 8 号国金中心 LG247, 近陆家嘴环路
Cosmetic Plastic & Laser Center
Shanghai Clinic
Bioscor Shanghai Clinic No.5, Lane89
Xingguo Lu, by Hunan Lu (6431 8899) 9am6pm
cn. 兴国路 89 弄 5 号 , 近湖南路
Global HealthCare Medical & Dental Center
– Puxi Suite 303, Eco City 1788Nanjing Xi Lu,
by Wulumuqi Bei Lu (5298 6339, 5298 0593)
南京西路 1788 号 1788 国际中心 303 室 , 近乌鲁
Global HealthCare Medical & Dental
Center – Pudong Shop 212, Shanghai World
Financial Center, 100 Shiji Dadao, by Lujiazui
Huan Lu (6877 5093, 6877 5993 ) 世纪大道 100
Shanghai Aier Eye Hospital Shanghai
Aier Eye Hospital, which was founded by
the largest chain ophthalmology center
in China, is a first-rate, comprehensive
ophthalmic medical center and hospital
黄陂南路 6) 太仓路 68 号 , 近顺昌路
Mandara Spa 1) 6/F, JW Marriott Hotel,
Tomorrow Square, 399 Nanjing Xi Lu, by
Huangpi Bei Lu (5359 4969-6798) Wed-Sun
Spa 10am-10pm; Salon 10am-8pm 2) 50
Tongchuan Lu, by Lan’gao Lu (2219 5888)
Daily 11am-11pm 1) 南京西路 399 号明天广场
JW 万豪酒店 6 楼 , 近黄陂北路 2) 铜川路 50 号 ,
Lotos Spa This ultra-zen Xintiandi
oasis has treatments that beautifully blend
Eastern and Western healing ideologies
and practices. Choose from a large menu
of massages, skin therapies and beauty
enhancements. 2/F, 8 Ji’nan Lu, by Shunchang Lu (3308 0088) Daily 10am-midnight 济
南路 8 号西座 2 楼 , 近顺昌路
Talise Spa located in Jumeirah Himalayas
Shanghai, it is an oasis of Oriental healing
combining traditional wellbeing wisdom.
With the latest international high-tech
products and spa luxuries, Talise Spa offers
a wide range of facials and Talise massages.
Guests of Talise Spa also get access to
the hotel’s 24-hour fitness centre, indoor
swimming pool, etc. Advanced reservation
is required. 1108 Mei Hua Lu, by Fangdian
Lu (3858 8888 ext. 7200, jhhspa@jumeirah.
com) 10.30am-10.30pm 梅花路 1108 号,近芳
The 1116 Fitness & Spa Hilton
Shanghai Hongqiao boasts some of the best
recreation facilities in the area, with a 25metre heated indoor swimming pool, two
rooftop tennis courts and a well-equipped
fitness center. For a complete pampering
experience, they’re six luxurious spa t Tower
2, 3rd Floor, 1116 East Hongsong Lu, by
Songyuan Lu (3323 6981) 6:30am-11:00pm www. 红
松东路 1116 号 2 号楼 3 楼,近宋园路
The Langham Xintiandi’s Chuan Spa
Designed in a tranquil ambiance, this is
where you get to indulge in signature
facial and foot massages with top class skin
products. B1, 99Madang Lu, by Huaihai
Zhong Lu (2330 2443)
马当路 99 号新天地朗廷酒店 B1 楼 , 近淮海中路
The Peninsula Spa Escape from the hustle
city life and enjoy massages, facials or
make-up applications, it is the first spa in
Shanghai offering award-winning Biologique
Recherche skincare treatments and facial
products. 3/F, The Peninsula Shanghai, 32
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Beijing Dong Lu
(2327 6599), Mon-Fri 11am – 12am; Sat-Sun
10am – 12am; treatment reservation begins
at 10am. 中山东一路 32 号,上海半岛酒店 3 楼,
Shirley Massage Shirley massage has more
than a decade of professional pampering
know-how and is renowned for its
professional services. There are currently
nine branches in Shanghai. 1) 84 Ziyun Xi
Lu, by Loushanguan Lu (3255 1382) 102am 2) 28 Xingeng Lu, by Wanping Nan Lu
(6468 7321) 10-2am 3) 935 Xinzha Lu, by
Taixing Lu (6208 9589) 4) 75 Shuicheng Nan
Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6208 7032) 5) 4F, No.
3211 HongMei Lu (City shop) (3468 8306,
6405 1676) 6) 2/F,17 Shuicheng Nan Lu, by
Ronghua Dong Dao (6209 5849, 6270 2506)
7) 2/F Goldren Bridge Mansion, 2077 Yan’an
Xi Lu, by Zunyi Nan Lu (6270 2682) 8) 68
Taicang Lu, by Shunchang Lu (6387 0090) 9)
2F, Wujin Century Mansion, No.291, Fumin
Lu, close to Changle Lu (6136 9517) www. 1) 紫云西路 84 号 , 近娄山关路 2) 辛
耕路 28 号 , 近宛平南路 3) 新闸路 935 号 , 近泰兴
路 4) 水城南路 75 号 , 近延安西路 5) 虹梅路 3211
号 4F 城市超市楼上 6) 水城南路 17 号万科广场东
南 2 楼 , 近荣华东道 7) 延安西路 2077 号金桥大厦
2 楼 , 近遵义南路 8) 太仓路 68 号 , 近顺昌路 9) 富
民路 291 号悟锦世纪大楼 2 楼 , 近长乐路
Cosmetic Surgery
Botox & Dermafiller
Laser Skin Center
Cosmetic Dentistry
号上海环球金融中心商场 212 室 , 近陆家嘴环路
Health Services
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics 1) 211
Chengjiaqiao Zhi Lu, by Hongmei Lu (6461
6550) Mon- Fri: 9am-6pm; Sat: 10am-3pm
2) 14/F, An Ji Plaza, 760 Xizang Nan Lu, by
Jian’guo Xin Lu (5101 9262) Mon-Wed & Fri:
9am- 6pm; Thu: 9am-8pm; Sat: 10am-3pm 3)
6/F, Four Seasons Hotel, 500 Weihai Lu, by
Shimen Yi Lu (5101 9262) Tue & Thu 10am8pm; Wed-Fri: 10am-6pm; Sat: 10am-7pm 4)
Rm1303 Jin Ying Bld. (B), 1518 Minsheng Lu,
by Hanxiao Lu (6162 0361) Mon- Fri: 9am6pm; Sat: 10am-3pm pudong@bodyandsoul. 1) 程家桥支
that provides excellent English service for
expats. 1286Hongqiao Lu, by Songyuan Lu
(3251 9930) Mon-Sun: 8.30am-5.30pm ipsc@ 虹桥路 1286 号 ,
Kousenkaku 87-89 Ruijin Er Lu, by Fuxing Lu
(6385 3130) Daily 11:00 am-1:00 am 瑞金二路
87-89 号,近复兴路
Green Massage 1) 58 Taicang Lu, by Jinan
Lu (5386 0222) Daily 10.30-2am 2) 88
Xingeng Lu, by Tianyao Qiao Lu (6468 7076)
11.30-1am 3) Rm304, 3/F SWFC, 100 Shiji
Dadao, by Dongtai Lu (6877 8188) 10.30-12am 4) Rm 202 Shanghai Centre, 1376Nanjing
Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289 7776) 10.30-12am
5) Rm305, 3/F K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Huangpi Nan Lu (6385 8800; 10.30-12.30am
6) 5) 68 Taicang Lu, by Shunchang Lu (6384
1356) 10.30-2am 1) 太仓路 58 号 , 近济南路 2)
辛耕路 88 号 , 近天钥桥路 3) 上海环球金融中心 3
楼 304 室 , 世纪大道 100 号 , 近东泰路 4) 南京西
路 1376 号上海商城西峰 202 室,近西康路 5) 淮
海中路 300 号 K11 购物艺术中心 3 楼 305 室 , 近
SPA AT KERRY SPORTS A multi-disciplinary
approach to holistic well-being with
physiotherapy,restorative massage, skincare
and body treatments. 4/F, Kerry Hotel
Pudong, 1388 Hua Mu Lu, by Fangdian Lu
(6169 8856) 11-12.15am www.shangri-la.
com/en/corporate/kerry 浦东嘉里大酒店 4 楼 ,
花木路 1388 号 , 近芳甸路
Yu Massage Step into a tranquil dynastic
setting when you cross the threshold of
this spa, adorned in antique Chinesestyle decorations. Matching the decor, the
services are primarily Chinese, offering
Chinese massage, aroma oil massage and
foot massage. Freshly mad 366 Wuyuan Lu,
by Wukang Lu (5403 9931) 11-1:30am www. 五原路 366 号 , 近武康路
Yuan Spa Yuan Spa, located the in the
swanky Hyatt on the Bund, is one of the
biggest spas in the city, covering over 3,000
sqm of recreational and wellness space
including 12 spa treatment rooms, a 24hour
fitness center, an indoor swimming pool,
whirlpool, steam Lower Lobby, Hyatton
the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu,by Qingpu Lu
(639312346-527) 10am -12am shanghai. 黄浦路 199
号外滩茂悦大酒店 B1 楼近青浦路
Nanjing Dong Lu, by Zhong Shan Dong Yi
Lu, ( 6138 6818 ), Daily 10am – 11pm, www. 南京东路 20 号上海
和平饭店 1 楼 , 近中山东一路
Health Service
American-Sino OB/GYN/Pediatrics Services
ASOG was founded in 2003. We provide a
comprehensive array of on-site services for
women and children by certified specialists
from overseas and China. Our facilities
located in the city center are comfortable
and equipped with state-of-the-art
technology. We are committed to providing
quality, compassionate, and personalized
healthcare with international standards.
Our medical staffs are bilingual in English
and Chinese.Opening Hours Monday-Friday
9:00--20:00 Saturday-Sunday9:00--17:00
Vaccination for children is not available after
5pm Direct billing with over 30 international
insurance companies 1) Inpatient: 14/F,
Complex Building Huashan Hospital, 12
Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, by Changle Lu (6249
3246, 5288 7240) 2) Outpatient: 3/F, Block
6, Clove Apartment, 800 Huashan Lu, by
Zhenning Lu (6210 2299) Mon-Fri 9am-8pm,
Sat- Sun 9am-5pm 1) 乌鲁木齐中路 12 号华山医
院综合楼 14 楼 , 近长乐路 . 2) 华山路 800 弄丁香
公寓 6 号裙楼 3 楼近镇宁路
Shanghai East International Medical Center
Since 2003, Shanghai East International
Medical Center has been providing 24hour out-patient and in-patient care to
the international community not only in
Shanghai, but also surrounding provinces.
The dedicated team of multilingual medical
professionals 551 Pudong Nan Lu, by
Pudong Dadao (5879 9999) 24/7 care@ 浦东南路
551 号 , 近浦东大道
Yitong Massage Specializing in foot
massages and Chinese massages, this is
where you relax yourself and indulge in
pampering hands of skilled therapists in a
nice and warm environment. 386 Wulumuqi
Nan Lu, by Zhaojiabang Lu (3356 6228, 3356
6218) 11-2am 2) 733 Luochuan Zhong Lu, by
Gonghe Xin Lu (5603 0601) 11-1.30am 1) 乌
鲁木齐南路 386 号 , 近肇嘉浜路 2) 洛川中路 733
Shanghai Redleaf International Women and
Infants Center; Shanghai Redleaf International Women's Hospital 1209 Huaihai
Zhong Lu, by Donghu Lu 8am-5pm, 24/7
(6196 3333) 淮海中路 1209 号 ,
Ashtanga Yoga Shanghai 8 Park Avenue,
Club House, 650 Wuding Lu, by Xikang Lu
(139 1740 2183) 7am-9pm 武定路 650 号近西
城东翼 8 楼 , 近西康路
Waldorf Astoria Spa The Waldorf Astoria
Spa offers an international elixir of luxury
spa experiences delivered by a team of
highly skilled therapists. Each experience
is enhanced by purest exquisite products
selected from around the globe, sending
you on a journey of enlightenment. 3/F, 2
Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Guangdong Lu
(6322 9988-3620) Daily10am-10pm 中山东一
路 2 号外滩华尔道夫酒店 3 楼 , 近广东路
Water’s Edge Spa Up on the 85th floor in
the Park Hyatt Hotel you’ll find the world’s
highest spa including a 20-meter infinity
swimming pool, whirlpool, tai chi courtyard
and steam rooms. Offering the typically
luxurious treatments such as massage,
facial, body and TCM 85/F, Park Hyatt Hotel,
Shanghai World Financial Center, 100
Century Avenue, near Dongtai Lu (6888
1234-4250) 6am -11pm
hyatt/pure/spas/index.jsp 世纪大道 100 号环
球金融中心 85 楼 , 近东泰路
Willow Stream Spa Find your energy, find
yourself, find Peace. It’s a peaceful haven
of pampering at the heart of this bustling
metropolis. 1/F, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20
3 楼 , 近永福路
Yogiyoga True boutique style yoga in the
heart of Jing’an, located in an old lane
house. Yogiyoga has mostly a Chinese
clientele and classes average about eight
people. Their instructors come from all
over the world, including India, and teach a
wide range of cla No.1, Lane22 FuminLu, by
Yan’an Zhong Lu (6248 5848) Mon-Fri 8am9pm; Sat-Sun 8am-6pm 富
民路 22 弄 1 号 , 近延安中路
Yuan Fitness at Hyatt on the Bund The
fitness center of the luxurious Hyatt on the
Bund hotel, Yuan has fantastic machines and
a sophisticated environment. The 24-hour
center features equipment by the US Brand
Star Trac, including cross trainers, steppers
and exclusive spinning bikes. Mac Lower
Lobby, Hyatton the Bund. 199 Huangpu Lu,
near Wuchang Lu (6393 1234) 24 hours www.shanghai. 外滩茂悦大酒店黄浦路 199 号 ,
Body Concept Pilates Studio Focusing
on Pilates and GYROTONIC:emoji:
exercise methods as well as rehabilitation
services through Pilates trained professional
physiotherapists, Body Concept Pilates
studio holds a variety of classes for every
fitness level from reformer, mat Pilates, to
studio/rehab Pilates, GYROKINESIS:emoji:
and GYROTONIC:emoji:. Join a group class
or a personalized one on one session and
enjoy the fun and challenging experience. 1)
Rm508, 3211 Hongmei Lu, by Huaguang Lu
(3468 1328,
2) 5/F, Yunhai Garden, 118 Qinghai Lu, by
Weihai Lu (6218 6236, 1) 虹梅路 3211 号 508-9 室 , 近华
光路 2) 青海路 118 号云海苑 5 楼 , 近威海路
VIP Maternity&GYN Center This is a
reputable chain of hotel-style VIP Maternity
& GYN Centres delivering premium Obstetric
and Gynaecological (“OB/GYN”) services.
There services include prenatal examinations,
examinations, genetic consulting, general
examinations, minor operatio VIP13-15/F,
1961 Huashan Lu, by Changle Lu (6407 0399,
5288 9999) Daily 8am-10pm 华
山路 1961 号贵宾楼 13-15 层 , 近长乐路
Urban Retreat Wellness & Spa Located
inside the luxe Shanghai Centre, this spa
and "health culture centre" is as plush
as its surroundings. Enjoy a selection of
muscle-melting massages, facials and the
like. Shanghai Centre, East Tower, 8/F, 1376
Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang Lu (6289-7007, 南京西路 1376 号上海商
Yoga Garden With top-notch classes taught
by overseas teachers in a beautiful boutique
studio in the heart of the former French
concession, the Yoga Garden offers a range
of classes including ashtanga, yin, hatha and
hatha vinyas, pilates and more and is in the
process of building a 'Yoga Library' to share
with the community. 3/F, 100 Fuxing Xi Lu,
by Yongfu Lu (158 2187 3325) 复兴西路 100 号
Aumnie Aumnie is a Canadian born, health
and wellness inspired clothing line. With
quality and style right up there with Lulu
Lemon, you’ll be wearing these pieces to
way more than just yoga and pilates classes.
3/F, 60 Xinle Lu, by Xiangyang Bei Lu (5404
3135, 400 811 1683) Daily, 10:30AM to 8PM 新乐路
60 号 3 楼 , 近襄阳北路
Karma Life Yoga This large newly renovated
high-end studio in Pudong offers a diverse
range of styles and classes, including
Ashtanga, Anusara, Hot yoga, soft Yin
and Basics. The teachers are top notch
and international, with world-renowned
visiting guest teachers offering workshops
and teacher trainings. Classrooms are
spacious and bright, and changing areas
are clean and stylish. Classes taught in both
Chinese and English. 1) 160 Pucheng Lu, by
Shangcheng Lu (5882 4388, 150 0003 0588)
Daily 9am-10pm 2) 2nd floor, No.
758 South Xizang Lu 1) 浦城路 160 号 , 近商城
Bodyworks Pilates Studio Bodyworks
pilates, physiotherapy, corrective and
functional exercise studio. Unit A/B, 12/F,
Joy Tower, 9 Zhenning Lu, by Zhaohua Dong
Lu (5238 5750,
7am-9pm 镇宁路 9 号 , 近昭化东路
The Orange Room Wellness Center
Equipped with the latest V2 max reformers,
stability chairs, ladder barrels and more,
the Orange Room Wellness Center
provides group and private classes on
yoga, equipment-based Pilates and mats
Pilates, which are trained by internationally
certified and trained multi-lingual instructors
and wellness specialists. 7B, St. Laurent
Building, No.201, Lane 3215 Hongmei Lu, by
Chengjiaqiao Zhi Lu (6406 3642) 虹梅路 3215
弄 201 号圣伦兰商务楼 7 楼 B 室 , 近程家桥支路
Britannica International School Shanghai
1881 Gubei Lu, by Wuzhong Lu (6402
7889/8991) 古北路 1881 号 , 近吴中路
Concordia International School Shanghai
999 Mingyue Lu, by Yunshan Lu (5899 0380) http://www.ciss. 上海协和国际学校 , 明月路 999 号 , 近云
Deutsche Schule Shanghai 437 Jinhui Lu, by
Wuzhong Lu (3976 0555) info@dsshanghai. 上海德国
学校 , 金汇路 437 号 , 近吴中路
Dulwich College International School
266 Lan’an Lu, by Mingyue Lu (5899 9910) http:// 上海德威英国国际
学校 , 蓝桉路 266 号 , 近明月路
Fudan International School 384 Guoquan
Lu, by Handan Lu (6511 1292, 139 1802
3906) 复旦大学附属中学
国际部 , 国权路 384 号 , 近邯郸路
Lycée Francais de Shanghai 1) No.30,
Lane 399 Zhuguang Lu, by Gaoguang Lu
(3976 0555) 2) Bldg D, 1555 Jufeng Lu, by
Shenjiang Lu (6897 6589) 上海法语学校 , 1) 诸
光路 399 弄 30 号 , 近高光路 2) 巨峰路 1555 号 D
楼 , 近申江路
Rainbow Bridge International School 2381
Hongqiao Lu, by Hongjing Lu (6268 9773) 虹桥国际学校 , 虹桥
路 2381 号 , 近虹井路
Shanghai American School 1) 1600 Lingbai
Gong Lu, by Chaoyang Lu (6221 1445) 2) 258
Jinfeng Lu, by Beiqing Gong Lu (6221 1445)
上海美国学校 , 1) 凌白公路 1600 号 , 近朝阳路 2)
金丰路 258 号 , 近北青公路
Shanghai Community International School
1) 1161 Hongqiao Lu, by Yan’an Xi Lu (6261
4338) 2) 800 Xiuyan Lu, by Hunan Gong Lu
(5812 9888) 3) 78 Dongxin Jie, by Puyan Lu,
Binjiang District Hangzhou (0571-86690045)
上海长宁国际学校 , 1) 虹桥路 1161 号 , 近延安西
路 2) 秀沿路 800 号 , 近沪南公路 3) 杭州滨江区东
信大道 78 号 , 近浦沿路
Shanghai High School International
division 400 Shangzhong Lu, by Longchuan
Bei Lu (6476 5516) 上海中学国际部 , 上中路
400 号 , 近龙川北路
Shanghai Rego International School 1) 159
Diannan Lu, by Shuying Lu (5488 8320) 2)
189 Dongzha Lu, by Shuying Lu (5488 3431)
上海瑞金国际学校 , 1) 华庄镇淀南路 159 号 , 近
疏影路 2) 东闸路 189 号 , 近疏影路
Shanghai Singapore International School
1) 301 Zhujian Lu, by Lianyou Lu (6221 9288)
2) 1455 Huajing Lu, by Lao Humin Lu (6496
5550) 上海新加坡国际学校 , 1) 朱建路 301 号 ,
近联友路 2) 华泾路 1455 号 , 近老沪闵路
Shanghai United International School 1)
999 Hongquan Lu, by Jinhui Lu (3431 0090)
2) 248 Hongsong Dong Lu, by Yaohong
Lu (5175 3030) 3) 48 Xueye Lu, by Yuntai
Lu (5886 9990) 4) 185 Longming Lu, by
Baochun Lu (5417 8143) 5) 55 Wanyuan Lu,
by Tianlin Lu (6480 9986) 上海协和双语学校 ,
1) 虹泉路 999 号 , 近金汇路 2) 红松东路 248 号 ,
近姚虹路 3) 雪野路 48 号 , 近云台路 4) 龙茗路
185 号 , 近报春路 5) 万源路 55 号 , 近田林路
The British International School 1) 111
Jinguang Lu, Huacao Town, by Baole Lu (5226
3211) 2) 600 Cambridge Forest New Town,
2729 Hunan Gong Lu, by Xiukang Lu (5812
7455) 上海英国学校浦西校区 , 1) 华漕镇金光路
111 号 , 近保乐路 2) 沪南公路 2729 弄康桥半岛
600 号 , 近秀康路
Western International School of Shanghai
The Western International School of
Shanghai (WISS) is an IB world school
dedicated to preparing childern through
the ages of 3 to 18 for there future and the
21st century 555 Lianmin Lu, by Huqingping
Highway (6976 6388, 136 6189 8631, 6976
上海西华国际学校 , 联民路 555 号 , 近沪青平公路
Yew Chung International School of
Shanghai 1) 18 Ronghua Xi Dao, by Guyang
Lu (6219 5910) 2) 1433 Dongxiu Lu, by Yanggao Nan Lu (5045 6475) 3) 11 Shuicheng Lu,
by Hongqiao Lu (6242 3243) 4) 1817 Huamu
Lu, by Liushan Lu (5033 1900) 耀中国际学校 ,
1) 荣华西道 18 号 , 近古羊路 2) 东绣路 1433 号 ,
近杨高南路 3) 水城路 11 号 , 近虹桥路 4) 花木路
1817 号 , 近柳杉路
YK Pao school This is a school offering a
bilingual programme integrating Chinese
students with international cultures. It
was founded in memory of businessman,
statesman and philanthropist Sir Yue-Kong
Pao, and prides itself in involving students
community service as No.20, Lane1251,
Wudingxi Lu, by Jiangsu Lu (6167 1999) http://www. 包玉刚实验学校 , 武定西路
1251 弄 20 号 , 近江苏路
路 2) 西藏南路 758 号 2 楼
Y+ Yoga Centre Whether you are looking
to develop your spiritual wellbeing, body
toning or just socialise with the hip young
crowd, Y + Yoga Centre will have the right
class for you. 1) 2/F, Bldg2, 299Fuxing Xi Lu,
by Huashan Lu (6433 4330) Daily 6.45am
- 8.45pm www.yplus. 2) 3/F, 308 Anfu Lu, by Wukang Lu
(6437 2121) 3) 2/F, 202
Hubin Lu, by Shunchang Lu (6340 6161) Daily
7.30am-8.45pm 1) 复兴西
路 299 号 2 号楼 2 楼 , 近华山路 2) 安福路 308 号
3 楼 , 近武康路 3) 湖滨路 202 号 2 楼 , 近顺昌路 / June 2014
Ascott Huai Hai Road Shanghai
Ascott Huai Hai Road Shanghai is located
in the most prestigious commercial area
of Shanghai. It is just a short walk from
the famous Xintiandi, the city’s premier
lifestyle and entertainment hub with a
myriad of restaurants, cafés, bars and
No 282 Huaihai Road Central, Luwan
District, Shanghai 200021, China
Reservations Telephone
400 820 1028 (local toll-free)
(86-512) 6763 1020
Reservations Facsimile
(86-512) 6763 1022
GDS Chain Code UZ
Ascott Raffles City Chengdu
No. 3, Section 4, South Renmin Road,
Wuhou District, Chengdu 610041, China
Post code: 610041
Telephone: (86-28) 6268 2888
Facsimile: (86-28) 6268 2889
GDS Code: AZ
Reservations Telephone: 400 820 1028
(China toll-free) ; (86-512) 6763 1021
Central Residences II
sits on the Huashan Lu,offers 2 to
4 bedrooms and penthouse service
apartments, with sizes ranging from
approximately 135 square meters to 580
square meters. With warm colors, subtle
textures and spacious floor plans creating
a feeling of cozy simplicity, this luxurious
development brings quality to life at every
turn. The five star health club provides
indoor swimming pool, tennis and squash
courts, sauna and jacuzzi facilities for
your rejuvenation, while the 24 hour oncall security service and full-time concierge
ensure you privacy and peace of mind. For
details, please call leasing department at
6226 6633 or
Citadines Shanghai Biyun
Address: Lane 450 Hongfeng Road, Jinqiao
Export Processing Zone, Pudong, Shanghai
201206, China
Reservations Telephone 400 820 1028
(local toll-free)
(86-512) 6763 1020
Reservations Facsimile (86-512) 6763
Telephone (86-21) 3860 2288
Facsimile (86-21) 3860 2000
GDS Chain Code UZ
Citadines Shanghai Jinqiao
Address: 55 Beijing Xi Road, Huangpu
District, Shanghai 200003, China
Reservations Telephone 400 820 1028
(local toll-free)
(86-512) 6763 1020
Reservations Facsimile (86-512) 6763
Telephone (86-21) 2308 6666
Facsimile (86-21) 2308 6688
GDS Chain Code UZ
Fraser Suites Top Glory
New Year with Fraser Suites Top Glory
Shanghai. Joy preferential in Christmas
& New Year and …some fun! From 20th
Dec 2013 to 9th Feb 2014, when staying
2 Bedroom Premier Suite, you can have
complimentary daily breakfast and free
internet access, welcome hamper and
usage of club house facilities, RMB1,988
net @ Fraser Suites Top Glory Shanghai.
Tel: 6378 8888 Email: sales.fsshanghai@
Add: No.1, Lane 600 Central Yincheng
Road, Lujiazui, Pudong New District,
ifc residence 国金汇
8 Century Avenue (near Huayuanshiqiao
世纪大道 8 号,近花园石桥路
Fraser Residence Shanghai
June 2014 /
Each of the 272 residences features a
balcony from where you can enjoy unparalleled city views. When the excitement that
characterises vivacious Shanghai gets too
much to bear, return to the cosy comfort
offered by Fraser Residence Shanghai. With
designer decor, innovative lifestyle concepts
and plush furnishings, you know you have
picked the right home for you and your
98 Shouning Road, Shanghai, 200021 P. R.
Reservation Hotline/ Toll Free: 800 820
Email: sales.frshanghai@frasershospitality.
Lanson Place Jinlin Tiandi Serviced
Lanson Place Jinlin Tiandi luxury serviced
apartments overlook the fashionable and
historic Xintiandi entertainment area
as well as the tranquil lake beyond. The
serviced apartments are in generous
three bedroom layouts with contemporary
furnishings, well equipped bathrooms and
kitchens. On property is an indoor heated
swimming pool and exercise room for
exclusive use of our residences guests.
No. 3, Lane 168 Xingye Road, HuangPu
District,Shanghai 200020, China
Tel: (86) 21 2306 1888
Lanson Place Jin Qiao Residences
Lanson Place Jin Qiao Residences is in
the vibrant Pudong New District. The
one- and two-bedroom homes are close
to expatriate communities, international
schools and European supermarkets. With
each residence furnished in a comfortable
residential style, with a fully, fitted kitchen,
an entertainment centre and high speed
internet connections. Right next to the
property is a landscaped garden over
10,000sqm and a complex of shopping,
restaurants and recreational facilities.
No.18, Lane 399 Zao Zhuang Road,
Pudong New District, Shanghai 200136,
Tel: (86) 21 5013 3592
Fax: (86) 21 5013 9441
Oakwood Residence Shanghai
The newly opened Oakwood Residence
Shanghai is located in Wuning Road,
amidst a mixed use development housing a
shopping mall and an office tower.
The 112 well appointed studio, 1, 2 and
3 bedroom apartments are ideal for both
short and long term stays. Contemporary
furniture, comprehensive entertainment
system with LCD TV , DVD player and
stereo system, in-room safe, fully equipped
kitchen with electric stove, refrigerator,
toaster, coffeemaker, microwave oven,
complete set of crockery, cutlery and
cooking utensils, and a washing machine
and dryer in every apartment, are just
some of the things to make your stay
more comfortable.
Adress:103 Wuning Road,Putuo District
Shanghai 200063 China
Tel (86-21) 6183 0830
Fax (86-21) 6183 0888
Office at Kerry Parkside
An elegant and grade-A office tower, Office
at Kerry Parkside situated in Pudong’s
most unique location, directly connected
to Shanghai’s transportation network and
conveniently close to Pudong International
Airport. The 43-floor, 92,000m2 office
tower features spectacular views of
Century Park.
No.1155 Fangdian Lu, Pudong, by Huamu
Lu, Metro Line 7 Huamu Lu Station Tel:
5033 2777
Savills Residence Hongqiao
Our International team of Interior
Designers have provided a timeless and
stylish backdrop for your home. Fully
furnished and equipped One, Two and
Three Bedroom apartments include all the
following features:
• Gas hob, microwave and dishwasher
• Conventional full size oven
• Washing Machine and Tumble Dryer
• Customized climate control with under
floor heating
• Home entertainment system incorporating satellite multi-channel TV, DVD and
sound system
• High speed internet throughout
Our two bedroom apartment interiors
offer the perfect balance of elegance and
sophistication, with large family dining
space.( 2 bedroom size: 136 sqm, Rental
from RMB 26000-31000)
The three bedroom apartments are
perfect for the family with well-appointed
living and dining space. Plenty of storage
well designed bedrooms with study and
relaxation areas and master en-suite
bathrooms are just some of the details
that make these apartments so special.
(3 bedroom size: 160/173 sqm, Rental
from RMB 31000-41000)
almost anywhere else in the center of
Shanghai.It offers 244 spacious guest
suites and private residences, which,
ranging between 62-600 square meters,
are among the largest in the city. From
Kempinski's proudly traditional flair to
breathtaking Shanghai skyline view, plus
our state-of-the-art in-room facilities and
technologies, we provide a harmonious
balance between work and family life .601
Fengyang Lu by West Nanjin Lu,Jing'an
District(61571688) 静安区凤阳路 601 号,近南京西路
Reservation Hotline: +86 21 61571688
classifieds index
Savills Residence Century Park
Set within a private and secure residential community,Savills Residence Century Park offers 65 exquisitely designed, fully furnished serviced apartments with a variety of different layouts that range from one &twobedroom apartments to three-bedroom penthouses, many with their own terrace or private gardens.
No.1703,Lane 1883,Huamu Road, Pudong New District,Shanghai,201303,PRC
Serviced residences at Kerry Parkside
Kerry Parkside prides itself in providing
residents with all the comforts of home,
in every one of our 182 fully furnished
premium serviced apartments over 28
floors. Choose from spacious and efficient
1-bedroom to 4-bedroom penthouse units
to suit your particular lifestyle needs. The
Premier Penthouse units come with their
own spacious rooftop terraces. Lease
terms are flexible, marking the Residences
at Kerry Parkside an ideal choice for
both short and long-term stays. No.1398
Huamu Lu, Pudong, by Fangdian Lu,
Metro Line 7 Huamu Lu Station Tel:5033
8167 ,
Shanghai MD maid service
Shanghai MD services is an advanced
household service provider, offers
professional and reliable Ayi/Filipino
and driver to expatriate families.
Service include: onetime cleaning, fulltime and part-time domestic helper,
baby-sitter, tutor, airport pickup and
(delighting your life in shanghai)
Mobile: 13564880039 amanda
Shops at Kerry Parkside
Kerry Parkside Shops has 45,000 m2
of retail and leisure space, out of a fully
integrated development of 330, 000
m2. The shopping centre offers a largescale premium supermarket, a myriad
of casual and fine dining choices, top
international fashion brands, personal
and beauty services, toys and children’s
wear and many more, amounting to
well over a hundred shops all working
together to become the newest and most
desired community hub. 10am-10pm.
Pudong> No.1378 Huamu Lu, Pudong,
by Fangdian Lu, Metro Line 7 Huamu Lu
Station Tel:5033 8155 www.kerryparkside.
Sun & Associates is an interior design firm
that specializes in high-level residential and
office interior design, luxury villas, hotel
clubs and apartments. Design services
include interior planning, decoration,
art consultation, purchasing and project
Tel: (8621) 61171419 Fax: (8621)
Sunrise Property offers honest, reliable
service for people looking to buy or rent
real estate in Shanghai. Specialising
in the former French concession and
Luwan district, our team brings years of
experience to finding the right property for
you. Call Xiaoli on 1302 012 6166 or visit
us in one of our two locations, Jiashan Rd
504 (cnr Jianguo Rd) or Yongjia Rd 282 (cnr
Xiangyang Rd).
THE ONE is located in the business
center of Shanghai’s Jing’an District, five
minutes’ walk from the upscale shops
and metro station on Nanjing Xi Lu and
a short taxi ride to Pudong’s business
district, Xintiandi, the Bund, the French
Concession, making it accessible to
A-YI services
Business center
Regus Business Centre
Premium Business Centre
21 in Shanghai, 70+ in Greater China
Tel: +86 400 120 1205
Regus is the world’s largest provider of
workplace solutions, with products and
services ranging from fully equipped
offices to professional meeting rooms,
business lounges and the world’s largest
network of video communication studios.
Servcorp is the industry-leading,
technologically advanced provider of
the most professional, flexible and
cost-effective serviced office and
virtual office solutions. Tel: +86 400
656 0166
Kerry Center
Level 29 Shanghai Kerry Centre
1515 Nanjing West Road
Jing An District, Shanghai 200040
Close to Jing’An station (Line 2,7)
嘉里中心 29 楼
南京西路 1515 号
靠近静安寺地铁站(2 号线)
Servcorp At the Bund
5th Floor Somekh Building, Bund
149 Yuanmingyuan Road
Huangpu District Shanghai 200002
Close to People Square Station (Line 1,2,8)
圆明园路 149 号
外滩哈密大楼 5 楼
靠近人民广场地铁站(1 号线)
Citigroup Tower
Level 23, Citigroup Tower
33 Huayuanshiqiao Road
Pudong, Shanghai 200120
Close to Lujiazui Station (Line 2)
花旗集团大厦 23 楼
花园石桥路 33 号
靠近陆家嘴地铁站(2 号线)
Shanghai Business Center 第一商务中心
CBD, Grade A Building, Serviced Office
Lujiazui, Huaihai Road, West Nanjing
Road, Hongqiao, Xujiahui
Free Service, Impartial Assessment, Best
Call Green To Viewing:189 1732 8282
bikes and bicycle delivery service. Free
advice and free map will be given to you
HOT!!! shanghai bicycle tour available.
CATERING services
Gourmet Traveler
Gourmet traveler caters much more
than just food. With absolute attention
to detail we ensure a personalized
gourmet experience from planning right
through to your special occasion. It’s
what we do
Tel: 5477 9702
or contact Albert on 159 0175 7070
地址 : 红松东路 699 号名都城二期会所 .
邮编 :2011003
Cable Services
The Executive Centre – Xintiandi
Level 5, Xintiandi
No.159 Madang Road, Huangpu District,
(South Huangpi Road Station, Line 1)
上海市黄埔区马当路159号, 新天地5楼
The Executive Centre – The Center
Level 20, The Center
No.989 Changle Road, Xuhui District,
Shanghai (Changshu Road Station, Line 1)
上海市徐汇区长乐路989号, 世纪商贸广场
20楼 (地铁一号线常熟路站)
The Executive Centre - Chong Hing
Finance Center
Level 12, Chong Hing Finance Center
No.288 West Nanjing Road, Huangpu
District, Shanghai
(People Square Station, Line 1)
上海市黄浦区南京西路288号, 创兴金融中
心12楼 (地铁一号线人民广场站)
Super IPTV Super IPTV offers 120+
English live TV Channels in HD quality,
These TV channels are delivered into
your televsion throuth a set top
box via a broadband connection,
Much like cable services back home,
pick up the remote control and
start watching, it's one of the best
ways to get your favorite channels
including HBO,CNN,BBC,FOX,AXN,Star
World,F1,EPL,SETANTA,FIFA 2014...
Mobile: 139 1811 9990 or 139 1188
J&K Investment Consulting Co., Ltd.
WOFE, JV & Rep. Office Set Up.
Visa, Work Permit, Residence Permit.
Tax & Accounting Advisory.
Payroll & HR Solutions.
Trade Mark Registration.
HK & Overseas Company.
Tel: 51179353; 51179360.
Tinvest Group- boutique serviced office
( Former French concession)
6433 5707 or 18317070380
Car rental services
Professional, Save Time and Money!
- Airport pick-up / drop-off
- Business & Tourism Travel Service
- Business Travel Assistant
- Long Team Leasing
Tel: (86-21) 5447 8362
(86-21) 5447 8361
Fax: (86-21) 5447 8369
Shanghai Yichuan Bicycle Rental
We provide you with high quality brand
Room D-E, 11/F., Yueyun Building,3 Zhongshan
2nd Road, Guangzhou, PRC.
广州市中山二路 3 号 ( 东山口 ) 粤运大厦 11 楼 D-E
Hong Kong:
7/F., Hong Kong Trade Centre, 161-167 Des
Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.
香港德辅道中 161-167 号香港贸易中心 7 楼
24M²Large Bedroom For Rent
13th Floor, view, 20GB Broadband,
En-Suite Toilet, IPTV Over 120 International Channels. Steps to North Xizang Rd.
Station, Line 8. 3 Stops Away From People
Square. Rent: 3000 Per Month. Mobile:
出租主卧,靠近西藏北路地铁站(8 号线)
AIA CFO Forum on Dec 15
This is the 14th CFO Forum AIA (the
Association of International Accountant) has held in Shanghai. This time
we invite Yu Chun, a director of one
international accounting firm to share
her view on bank fraud.
Tel: 400-820-2803
Free, 2:00-3:30pm. 10F, Towel 2, No.
2230, Zhongshan Road West, close to
Yi Shan Road Station(Line3, 4, 9)
One of the most professional Chinese
language institute in Shanghai,provides
private and group courses for foreign
learners(both adults and kids),perfect
teaching skills.
Add:26/F,South Tower Hongkong
Plaza,No.283,Huaihai M.
Mobil:135 6450 7621
J&E Dance
Learn Latin Dance from the Professionals. Cash Coupon is available.
For the details please contact:
2/F, YuJing Yuan Club,Lane 888,Jinxiu
Lu 锦绣路 888 弄御景园会所二楼
Mandarin School
• Step by step
• Blurt Out Idiomatic Chinese
• Speak out your fluent Chinese with
the magic rhythm!
9F/10F,Dramatic Art Center 288 Anfu
Rd,Xuhui District,Shanghai
Close to Changshu station (Line 1&7),
Close to Shanghai library station (line 10)
#297,Wuyuan Rd
Close to Changshu station (Line 1&7),
Close to Shanghai library station (line 10)
Room 2302, E-Tower, No.12 Guanghua Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC.
北京市朝阳区光华路 12 号数码 01 大厦 2302 室
Educational Services
The Executive Centre – International
Finance Center
Level 8 & 36, Tower 2, International
Finance Center
No.8 Century Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai
(Lujiazui Station, Line 2)
上海市浦东新区世纪大道8号, 上海国金中心
二期8楼/ 36楼(地铁二号线陆家嘴站)
The Executive Centre – CITIC Square
Level 35, CITIC Square
No.1168 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an
District, Shanghai
(West Nanjing Road Station, Line 2)
上海市静安区南京西路1168号, 中信泰富广
场35楼 (地铁二号线南京西路站)
Suite 904, OOCL Plaza, 841 Yan An Zhong
Jing-An District, Shanghai, PRC.
上海市静安区延安中路 841 号东方海外大厦 904 室
Harris Corporate Solutions Ltd
Shanghai | Beijing | Guangzhou | Hong Kong
Established since 1972
WFOE & Rep. Office Set Up
Accounting & Tax Compliance
Payroll, HR & Visa Solutions
Hong Kong & Offshore Company Registration
Hong Kong & China Bank Account Opening
Serving all your business needs for investing in
China. Call us for a free consultation.
Tel: (86)21-6289 8813
Mobile: 189-643-41625
Mandarin School
80RMB One to One Class Promotion
60 days for Step by Step Chinese
A miracle of Chinese learning achievements!
We are tailor making the STEP BY STEP
courses for your situation in China like
transportation, shopping, accommodation, oversea travel or any other real
personal needs.
Huaihai Road Campus
No.28 Gaolan Road(Near By Ruijin 2
Tel: 021-5306 7271
Yaohan Campus
Suite 1103, Build B, Tomson Centre,
No.188 Zhangyang Road(Near by
Puming Road)
Tel: 021-5877 1797
Zhongshan Park Campus
Address: Block A, 13F, No.121, Jiangsu
Tel: 6241-8767
Hutong School
With 8 years' experience, Hutong
School provides Mandarin courses for
everyone eager to learn Chinese. We
offer standard daily Chinese classes
as well as tailor-made courses for
companies and individuals. We offer
private or group classes, at all levels,
whenever (weekdays or at weekends)
and wherever (at our school, your office
or home).
Tel: (21) 3428 0099
76 Wuyuan Lu, House 16, 2F, near
Wulumuqi Lu, Xuhui District, Shanghai
i Mandarin
“Ting Bu Dong” is Long gone!
Shanghai Centre Campus
Rm720, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Xikang
南京西路 1376 号上海商城西峰 720 室 , 近
Tel:021- 3222 1028
Xintiandi Campus
Suite1708, 333 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by
Huangpi Nan Lu
淮海中路 333 号瑞安广场 1708 室 , 近黄陂
Tel:021-3308 0508
Zhongyin Campus
Suite2312, 200 Yincheng Zhong Lu, by
Shiji Dadao
银城中路 200 号中银大厦 2312 室 , 近世纪
Tel:021-5037 2711
Jinqiao Campus
1779 Yunshan, by Biyun Lu
云山路 1779 号 , 近碧云路
Tel:021-6105 9572
Yuandong Campus
Rm1916, Bldg B, 317 Xianxia Lu, by
Gubei Lu 仙霞路 317 号远东国际广场 B 座
1916 室 , 近古北路
Tel:021-5239 2807
Hongqiao Campus
RmC207, Shang-Mi Ra Commercial
Centre, 2633 Yan’an Xi Lu, by Shuicheng Nan Lu
延安西路 2633 号美丽华商务中心 C207 室 ,
Tel:021-3223 1046
Mandarin City
Mandarin City is dedicated to providing
high quality and professional Chinese
courses for foreigners. It has a good
reputation for achieving results through
excellent teaching and considerate service!
Mandarin City also can sent teachers to
your office or home for your convenience!
Address: No.40, Lane 56 Yandang Road
(Close to Middle Huaihai Road)
Tel: 8621 5306-2960, 8621 5306-0968
Shanghai International MBA
A two-year Part-time MBA designed for
multinational managers
Classes are taught in English by
international professors on average 4
consecutive days per month
Tel: +86 (21) 65980610
Room A309,Sino-French Center, Tongji
University,1239 Siping Road, Shanghai
200092, China
同济大学上海国际 MBA, 中国上海四平路
1239 号同济大学中法中心 A309 室
Voice of Mandarin
Voice Of Mandarin was established in
2003 and offers a range of courses that
include group classes, private 1-on-1
lessons, business Chinese ,survival
Chinese and HSK preparation options
for all Chinese levels.
P.s.Our teacher are all kind and
patient,So don’t hesitate to join us!
Pop Address: Room 1803, No. 1065,
Zhao Jia Bang Rd, Xuhui District,
Shanghai (near Metro City) 200030
Tel:021-64871815 Email:info@ / June
May 2014
15 號,錦城大廈 14B
Panda Hongqiao Campus: Suite E, 26F,
Ziyun Mansion, near 299 Ziyun Rd. 中山
西路 800 弄 55 號,紫雲大廈 26E
Panda Xu Jiahui Campus: Suite 1706A,
17F, Huijia Mansion, 41 North Caoxi
Rd. 漕溪北路 41 號,匯嘉大廈 1706A
Free Phone: 4008203587
Whatever your objectives - personal
training, corporate training, cultural
acclimation, providing your children
with an opportunity for a head start, or
even just fine-tuning your accent- our
customized training system ensures
that all your needs can be met in a
timely fashion. Quality assurance is our
foremost concern
Jing’an Campus: Suite 4I, Crystal
Century Tower, 567 Weihai Road
Hongqiao Campus: Suite 1812, Tower A,
City Center, 100 Zunyi Road
Tel: 60906068
Mandarin House Chinese Schools
International quality accredited Chinese
language programs. Whether at your
office, home, or our convenientlylocated schools; learn practical and
modern Chinese with experienced
teachers. Effective courses include:
Conversational Chinese, Written
Chinese, Business Chinese, HSK
Preparation and tailor-made Private
Tutoring to meet your specific needs.
Mandarin House is an official registered
HSK testing center as well. Call us or
visit our school and see why more than
20,000 people have chosen Mandarin
House for learning Chinese!
People’s Square:
12F, Asia Mansion, 650 Hankou Road
汉口路 650 号亚洲大厦 12 楼
Tel: 021-6137 1987
Suite 1203, Shenggao International
Bldg, 137 Xianxia Road
上海市仙霞路 137 号盛高国际大厦 1203 室
Tel: 6273 6237
MEIZHI MANDARIN is an institution
with long history, high education
quality and outstanding fame. All
MEIZHI's fulltime professional teachers
will provide you with qualified kids,
conversation,business,HSK lecture,
Japanese,Korean,etc. In order to
convenient your study,.we provide
various types of classes ,including 1 to
1 lesson, group lesson , school course,
assigning course ,skype course…
West Guang Yuan Road Xuhui District;
徐汇区广元西路 45 号 505 室(上海交通大
No96 East Rong Hua Road Changning
长宁区荣华东道 96 号 505 室(靠近古北路)
Panda Chinese Language Institute
Expert Teaching and Competitively
With 8 years of teaching experience,
4 campuses and over 5000 satisfied
graduates, the Panda Chinese
Language Institute in Shanghai is the
only source you need for effective
Mandarin Chinese instruction or
Chinese cultural training, whether for
business or personal enrichment.
Panda Jing’an Campus: Suite 311-315,
3F, Tower 3, Donghai Plaza, 28 East
Yuyuan Rd. 愚園東路 28 號,東海廣場 3
號樓 311-315
Panda Pudong Campus: Suite B, 14F,
Regal Tower, 15 Xiangcheng Rd. 向城路
June 2014 /
Health Services
Rm 1904, Hui Yin Plaza (South
Building), 2088 Huashan Lu
Tel:021-6448 0882
华山路 2088 号汇银广场南楼 1904 室
girl come to your hotel or home. I’m
gorgeous and great body shape. I’m tall
and slim not fat.
Please call me at 13818927285 for
more information.
Moving + Shipping
is an expert in international, domestic,
local household goods and office
moving, storage and full relocation
We have been servicing the chinese
mainland since 1980, which makes us
one of the most experienced moving
companies. Call today and get an
obligation FREE quotation from our
multilingual expat staff.
Tel: (021) 6258-2244
Fax: (021) 6258-4242
of the EUROMOVERS and IAM) - From
one box to full containers, let us carry
the load for you! Available Moving
Solutions: international Door to Door
Moving, Local Moving, Groupage
Service to US, Europe, Asia and
Australia, Home Search, Corporate
Relocation Package, Storage and more.
Call us for an obligation-free estimate
and find out what we have to offer.
Tel: +86 (0)21 3255 3762
Hanna Relocation –Hanna keeps it safe.
International/ Domestic/Local Move
Storage Service
Office Move
M:138 1742 2742 Menicus
Tel:6475 2726 F:5479 6362
International & Domestic Moves
Air Conditioned Storage
Pet Relocations
Vehicle Handling
+86 21 5459-2017
reloSMART was built with one aim,
to offer SMART moving solutions. We
believe that moving house is simple,
not rocket science. Our Asian experience paired with European efficiency
makes us the smartest choice in the
Contact: Drew Richards
5C No.28 Lane 18 Hongqiao Rd.
(Appointment Only)
Tel:021-3424 1989
Minyuan 18
33 弄 28 号 5C
paper magazine ads_option 1
professional Door to Door international,
domestic, local household goods and
office moving services, as well as
warehousing and record management.
Tel: 2306 8047/ 2306 8049
Fax: 2320 1950
Contact: Joanna Hu
Zikko Group (core members of IAM)
was found in 1996 and specialize
in international relocation service
, domestic / local removal, office
removal and stoarge service.
Call us to get free survey and quotation.
Choose Zikko, Enjoy your move!
Tel: 86-21-63811583 / 400-681-1583
Web service:
Beijing / 3+1bedrooms hutong
3+1 Bedrooms meets the needs of
the most meticulous guest: complete
immersion in traditional Beijing
coupled with first class comfort only
found in a modern-day metropolis
17 Zhanwang Hutong, Jiugulou Dajie,
Dongcheng district, +86 10 6404 7030
Tianjin / 3+1 bedrooms minyuan
Minyuan 33 is a boutique hotel that
combines the storied legacy of Tianjin
with the finest modern conveniences.
To understand Minyuan 33’s history, we
must go back to the days when Tianjin
was a bustling port city situated at a
nexus of important mairtime and rail
trade routes. Strict restrictions on
European trade began to ease after
China suffered military setbacks, and
in the last century of the Qing Dynasty
(1644-1911), zones were approved for
foreign trade.
31-33 Changde Rd. Wudadao Heping
District +86 2331 1626
VIP Romantic Massage
(139 1664 3647)
feel tired?
We have good massage services. Come
to your place. Let me know your needs.
We give you a surprise.
Add: 328 Nanjing East Road, near
Radisson Hotel & JW Marriot.
Also available in Suzhou and Hangzhou
Hi, guys! My name is seven! I am a nice
local removals specialists for personal
effects, fairs & exhibition and office
Room.4001-4006, Raffles City (office
tower) No.268 Xi Zang Zhong Road.
Contact: Eric Chen 13661810964
For sending your excess baggage &
personal belongings b y air & sea,
please use our Baggage Worldwide
service, prices from CNY1,499. For
furniture items, you can use our safe
& secure MoveCube™, prices from
CNY5,899. We can move bags, boxes,
beds, chairs, desks, a sofa and kitchen
appliances. Call 4001816698 for an
instant free quotation or book online at
Eagles Worldwide Moving Shanghai
Specializes in import, export, local,
domestic, office, facto ry relocation,
customs clearance, warehousing,
insurance. Attractive rate, Professional
Tel: 6273-3482; 6228-6087
Duty Manager: 136-5171-5835,
Excel World Wide Moving & Storage
International / Domestic / Local /
Office Removal
Tel 34628040
Self Storage,
delivered to your door
4006 252 559
GGBOX Storage is self-storage,
delivered to your door! We deliver a
sturdy 7m3 storage module to your
address, you fill it, then we take it away
for storage in our secure warehouse.
When you need it again, you can access
your module by appointment, or we
deliver it back to your address. We
are cheaper and more convenient than
traditional self-storage. Please call
4006 252 559 for more information, or
visit us at
Are you moving house? Have too much
stuff ? Need more space to store your
personal items or for your growing
MINISTORAGE is an expert in self
storage and offers clean, secure and
flexible storage units ranging from
1m² to 50m² (larger upon request).
The units are climate controlled and
ideal to store your rarely used items,
furniture, equipment and more.
Contact us now for more information!
Tel: 021 6045 6838
Address: Building 1, No. 33 Jinji Road
上海浦东新区金吉路 33 弄 1 号楼
In 2003, StorHub pioneered the selfstorage concept in Singapore by
providing a safe, secure and flexible
self storage solution with its first
modern self storage facility.
StorHub is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of CapitaLand Group and is now
proud to have extended the StorHub's
experience and brand to China
through our facilities in Shanghai and
Guangzhou. We therefore look forward
to introducing our self-storage solution
to both individuals and businesses in
3F, No.1581,Chang Yang Rd, Yang Pu
District, Shanghai, China
YouYou Space Self Storage
Need help solving your storage problems
in China? YouYou Space self storage
is your best choice. All storage units
are clean and accessible 24/7 at
our secure location equipped with
50 surveillance cameras and an
electronically controlled access system,
ensuring your belongings stay safe and
protecting your privacy.
Hotline: 400-680-1716
Address: 1F, East Tower, 800 East
GuoShun Rd.,YangPu District,Shanghai
上海市杨浦区国顺东路 800 号东楼 1 楼
Travel Services
Homay travel
Homay Travel, a legally registered travel
service corporation, customer oriented
We arrange talor-make travel plans
in South East Asia, and private tours
in China according to clients' requirement, and also book worldwide flights
and hotels.Some of our travel packages
on our website. For more inquiry,feel
free to contact us. Any suggestions or
feedback are very welcome.
Address:Room 402, Pearl Center,
1019# Nanquan(North) Road, Pudong
New Area, Shanghai.
地址 :上海市浦东新区南泉北路 1019 号明
珠中心 402 室
Pingjiang Lodge
A unique cultural hotel located in the
Pingjiang District, Suzhou. Transformed
from an ancient complex dating back
to the Ming Dynasty, Pingjiang Lodge
preserves the traditional architectural
style and landscape of Suzhou. WiFi
Internet available.
Tel: (86 512) 6523 3888
Fax: (86 512) 6523 3868
Address:No. 33 Liu Jia Xiang, Pingjiang
Qu, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province 215005,
中国江苏省苏州市平江区平江路钮家巷 33 号
Private Tour Guide for Shanghai or
nearby cities
Want to know more about Shanghai?
Want to have great experiences with
customized itineraries?
We have professional English-speaking
tour guides to help make your journey
easy and happy!
From RMB 500 to RMB 1,000 per day
(depending on the number of guest),
tour buses are available for RMB 500/
day (driver fee included), reservation
Complimentary souvenir for each guest!
A choice of T-shirt for each member or
one China Tea Set for the entire group.
Tel: 52068511
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1933 老场坊 1 号楼大堂 , 近海宁路
B101, 近玛瑙路
Main Hall, Block 1, 611 Liyang Lu, by
Haining Lu (400 888 1933) 溧阳路 611 号
The Lounge 29
29 Pingwu Lu, by Panyu Lu (6114 0801)
1/F, 1601 Nanjing Xi Lu, by Changde Lu
(3253 7978) 南京西路 1601 号 1 楼 D 座 , 近常
A thousand and one nights restaurants
La Douceur
4 Hengshan Lu, by Wulumuqi Nan Lu (6473
1178) 衡山路 4 号 , 近乌鲁木齐南路
Agile Binhai Golf Club
5333 Dongda Gong Lu, by Binguo Gong
Lu (3800 1888) 东大公路 5333 弄 , 近滨果公路
1023 Kangding Lu, by Taizhou Lu (6218
3798) 康定路 1023 号 , 近泰州路
1162 Waima Lu, by Duojia Lu (5386
2070) 外马路 1162 号 , 近多稼路
Beauty Factory
路 611 号 1933 老场坊 1 号楼 105 单元 , 近海宁
Lily’s Antiques
1037 Biyun Lu, by Huangyang Lu (5019
1199) 碧云路 1037 号 , 近黄杨路
1690 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Hunan Lu
(6433 0835) 淮海中路 1690 号 , 近湖南路
Oasis Center
6/F, 679 Ningxia Lu, by Kaixuan Bei Lu
(6193 1111) 宁夏路 679 号 6 楼 , 近凯旋北路
坊 A2, 近凯旋路
Bld 6, 485 Fenglin Lu, by Zhaojiabang Lu
(3137 3840) 枫林路 485 弄 6 号楼 , 近肇嘉浜路
Birtro Burger
291 Fumin Lu, by Changle Lu (6170
1315) 富民路 291 号 , 近长乐路
Bund 270
3/F,Zhong Yi Building, 270 Beijing Dong
Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu (5185 2333) 北京
东路 270 号中一大楼 3 层 , 近江西中路
Cafe Montmartre
66-68 Wulumuqi Zhong Lu, by Changle Lu
(5158 9377) 乌鲁木齐中路 66-68 号 , 近长乐路
1/F, 9 Ji’nan Lu, by Taicang Lu (5386
5123) 济南路 9 号 1 楼 , 近太仓路
Dian Dao
1025 Kangding Lu, by Taizhou Lu (5228
9961) 康定路 1025 号 , 近泰州路
Gokurakuyu Spa
600 Xinjinqiao Lu, by Jinzang Lu (3875
1245) 新金桥路 600 号 , 近金藏路
399 Baotun Lu, by Xietu Dong Lu(6377
7179) 保屯路 399 号 , 近斜土东路
A2 Red Town, 570 Huaihai Xi Lu, by
Kaixuan Lu (6212 6991) 淮海西路 570 号红
No.1, Lane 920 Changle Lu, by Wulumuqi
Zhong Lu (5289 0275) 长乐路 920 弄 1 号 ,
Pink dolphin salon
1) B1, 12 Hengshan Lu, by Gao’an Lu
(18616291886) 2) Unit34, 4/F, 5001
Dushi Lu, by Mingdu Lu (3463 3465) 1) 衡
山路 12 号 B1 楼 , 近高安路 2) 都市路 5001 号 4
楼 34 室 , 近名都路
1) No.18, Lane896, Jianhe Lu, by Longxi
Lu (6262 9055) 2) 223 Xikang Lu, by
Beijing Xi Lu (5204 7605) 3) B1-10,
633,Biyun Lu, by Lan’an Lu (5030 6972)
4) 427 Jinfeng Lu, by Xingle Lu (5226
4137) 1) 剑河路 896 弄 18 号 , 近龙溪路 2) 西
康路 223 号 , 近北京西路 3) 碧云路 633 号碧云休
闲中心 B1-10, 近蓝桉路 4) 金丰路 427 号 , 近幸
Red Cliff Old Battlefield
Chibi town Chibi city, Hubei Province
(4000898876) 湖北省赤壁市赤壁镇
Sitka Coffee
11-001, 207 Mengzi Lu, by Liyuan Lu
(13564615025) 蒙自路 207 号 11-001, 近丽
Harley's Bar
Tattoo family
265 Nandan Dong Lu, by Caoxi Bei Lu
(5424 7317) 南丹东路 265 号 , 近漕溪北路
2/F, No.16, Lane 76 Wuyuan Lu (3428
0099) 五原路 76 弄 16 号 2 楼 , 近常熟路
Ibis Hotels
858 Panyu Lu, by Huaihai Xi Lu (6283
8800) 番禺路 858 号 , 近淮海西路
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Unit 105, Block 1,1933 Shanghai,611
Liyang Lu, by Haining Lu (6513 9697) 溧阳
路 199 弄 5 号 B 座 , 近丁香路
Hutong School
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5B, The Thumb Plaza, Lane 199 Fangdian
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路 99 号尚嘉中心三层 , 近遵义路
La Creperie
平武路 29 号 , 近番禺路
1) 1/F, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui
Xi Lu, by Fucheng Lu (5049 0199) 2) 1/
F, 1498 Huaihai Zhong Lu, by Wulumuqi
Nan Lu (6437 9811) 3) 3/F, L’Avenue, 99
Xianxia Lu, by Zunyi Lu (6212 0296) 1) 陆
TMF Group
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B101, 1438 Hongqiao Lu, by Manao Lu
(6278 8026) 虹桥路 1438 号古北财富中心
1) 120 Weifang Xi Lu, by Pudong Nan Lu
(6859 1886) 2) 115 Huangyang Lu, by
Biyun Lu (5830 5929) 1) 潍坊西路 120 号 , 近
浦东南路 2) 黄杨路 115 号 , 近碧云路
Isola Bella
3222 Longteng Dadao, by Fenggu Lu (6457
5883) 龙腾大道 3222 号 , 近丰谷路
142 Tongren Lu, by Nanjing Xi Lu (6289
3715) 铜仁路 142 号 , 近南京西路
JZ club
386 Zhijiang Xi Lu, by Datong Lu (6658
1517) 芷江西路 386 号 , 近大统路
260 Xiangyang Nan Lu, by Fuxing Zhong
Lu (13918840521) 襄阳南路 260 号 , 近复兴
The Camel Sports Bar
1 Yueyang Lu, by Dongping Lu (6437
9446) 岳阳路 1 号 , 近东平路
The foreign culture and Education
Exchange Center
Rm500, Teaching Building, 350 Xianxia
Lu, by Honggu Lu (6209 6501) 仙霞路 350
号教学楼 500 室 , 近虹古路
The Irishman’s Pub
No.20, Lane 199 Fangdian Lu, by
Yingchun Lu (5033 9163) 芳甸路 199 弄 20
号 , 近迎春路
The Spot
331 Tongren Lu, by Beijing Xi Lu (6247
3579) 铜仁路 331 号 , 近北京西路
Tonghe Overseas student village
Building1, 28 Wudong Lu, by Zhengmin
Lu (6510 5187) 武东路 28 弄 1 号楼 , 近政民路
Tonghe International Building
Building A & B, 477 Zhengli Lu, by Songhu
Lu (5551 3003) 政立路 477 号 A 座和 B 座 , 近
46 Fuxing Xi Lu, by Yongfu Lu (6431
0269) 复兴西路 46 号 , 近永福路
Wooden box café
JZ latino
青海路 9 号 , 近吴江路
21/F, Renaissance Shanghai Yuyuan Hotel,
159 Henan Nan Lu, by Renmin Lu (2321
8888) 河南南路 159 号豫园万丽大酒店 21 楼 , 近
9 Qinghai Lu, by Wujiang Lu (5213 2965)
Yuan Oyster &Cocktail Lounge
No.2, Lane 17 Xiangyang Bei Lu, by
Changle Lu (6433 0538) 襄阳北路 17-2, 近
长乐路 / June 2014
BACKPAGE « sport
Walks the walk
Gazza’s second most famous set of World Cup tears
he World Cup. As a professional foot-
"I'm not kidding Gazza, cut out on the kebabs."
fore we had to leave, so everyone was trying
you play in the first place. To miss out
to calm Gazza down. I went back to my room,
on one is probably the most devastating thing
grabbed my stuff, and they kind of ushered
you can feel. I know because I’ve experienced
the six of us who didn’t make the cut out of the
back of the hotel (which I thought was a bit
It was World Cup France ’98 and Glenn
of a joke) onto the minibus and directly to the
Hoddle was the England coach. He decided to
take a squad of 28 to a pre-tournament train-
When we got on the plane, Gazza was
ing camp at the La Manga resort in Spain, to be
still in bits. He was crying. Really blubbing.
cut down to 22 for the finals. Of course, eve-
We were trying to calm
ryone goes in thinking they’re going to be the
him down – “Don’t worry
ones in the final squad.
We took four goalkeepers. David Seaman
was obviously going. And then it was Nigel
not going to
some good keepers, so it was going to be
this occasion.”
Martyn, Tim Flowers and me. I was up against
tough, but I thought I might have a chance of
sneaking in…
We trained for about 10 days, played a
couple of friendlies, and then they said to us,
“Right, we’re going to call everybody individu-
ally into Hoddle’s hotel suite, and he is going to
tell you personally whether you are in or out.”
If you were kicked out you had one hour to
pack your stuff, after which a minibus would
take you to a private jet that would fly you
straight back to England (like a bizarre foot-
take you on
All that…
I didn’t
even ask him
why – at that
what lay at the end of it) – I passed Phil Neville,
bit, and pack – I had to be out within the hour!
I was sitting there when all of a sudden I
know, you’ve obviously worked hard, but I am
June 2014 /
I was good friends with him and we lived
they asked me if I would look after him, get in
house okay. Because by this point the press
were already all over him.
Looking back I don’t think it was the right
way to go about it. By that point the coach
in the squad. He’s gone mental and trashed
extra players to the camp, giving them hope
Glenn Hoddle’s room! He’s going absolutely off
his rocker!”
Oh my god. Nightmare. We went down
Flowers and vases strewn all over the cor-
delivered the news. He just said to me: “You
ourselves and make sure
he was alright, because he was the most
were a couple of lads outside and I asked what
him, but you couldn’t really get through.
walked into Hoddle’s hotel suite. And then he
kind of had to forget about
a taxi with him and make sure he got into his
to Hoddle’s suite and Gazza had turned over
“Oh god, that’s not good,” I thought, and
were equally as shattered
do was go back to my room, dwell on it for a
got to deal with the disappointment. All I could
who was in tears. “He isn’t in,” I thought – it
wasn’t tears of joy, anyway! I tried to console
interesting, all of us who
nearby, so once we arrived back in England
was going on? “Oh Gazza’s gone mad. He’s not
– and it was a fair walk (and all the longer for
devastated. It was quite
The decision has been made and you’ve just
Pretty strange.)
called. Eventually, I got mine. On my way down
those things” – but he was
inconsolable of us all.
can say, because you can’t change his mind.
heard a huge commotion. I came out and there
So we just had to sit there and wait to be
about it, it’s just one of
stage, you just go home. There’s not much you
balling form of a Big Brother eviction night,
only with a place at the World Cup at stake.
By that time it was about 10 minutes be-
baller, it’s the pinnacle. The reason
probably knew his final squad, so to bring six
that they might make it, only to let them down
in that manner… especially with a character
like Gazza. It lit the fuse, and that was it!
As for me, unfortunately that’s the closest
the table, thrown everything. Smashed glass.
I got to a World Cup. Other times I missed out
ridor. In one corner he was being comforted
make it to two European Championships, in
by Paul Ince and David Seaman. “I thought he
was going to hit me,” Hoddle told David Davies,
Executive Director of the English Football
due to loss of form or injury. Although I did
1996 and 2004, more of which to come.
// Former England international goalkeeper, Ian Walker played
for Tottenham Hotspur, Leicester City and Bolton Wanderers.
He is now goalkeeper coach of Shanghai Dongya.

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