OVB Nov 2014 - Valley EFAP


OVB Nov 2014 - Valley EFAP
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Issue No. 147
The Region’s Business Media. More than 3,400 Subscribers.
Published by: Ottawa Valley Business Group
November 18, 2014
Locals Rank High at The Royal
Canada’s famous agricultural exhibition celebrates 92 years
By: Jennifer Layman
The Royal Agricultural Winter
(“the Royal”) Fair takes place
every November in Toronto. It
is the largest combined indoor
agricultural fair and international equestrian competition in
the world. The 2014 edition of
the Royal was the 92nd event,
drawing over 300,000 visitors
over the 10 days of the event.
Locally, several farms earned
international recognition at the
event. These include: Enright
Farms (Renfrew), Sunset Acres
(Kemptville), J-Star Livestock
(Beachburg), Melmac Angus
(Kemptville), Rideau Angus
(Kempville), Ryan Currie
(Bristol, QC), Four Mac Farms
(Beachburg), Katie Cox (McNab
Braeside), Eric Regier and Amy
Cloutier (Pembroke), John &
Barb Mastine (Whitney), Laura
Naismith (McNab Braeside),
Cornerview Charolais (Cobden),
Kraecrest Farm (Cobden), Barlee
Farms (Shawville), Craig & Jack
Oattes (Cobden) and Brett Mackechnie (Quyon, QC). A link to all
Locally, several farms earned
international recognition at the event.
the results is provided at the end
of this article.
Thousands of entries are
received each year from elite
Canadian and International
breeders, growers and exhibitors,
including over 5000 large and
small animals. Financially, the
Royal has an economic impact of
about $40.5 million.
If you never want to look at a
cow the same way again, here
is what the judges look for in
Dairy Cattle
The Royal welcomes over
800 dairy cows each year. There
are four different dairy breeds
shows: Ayrshire, National Black
and White Holstein, National
Red and White Holstein and the
National Jersey show. All vie for
the Grand Champion Banner of
their breed and the title of Supreme Champion of The Royal.
What The Judge Looks For
Dairy cattle are judged on how
closely their qualities match that
of the true type, the standard
ideal qualities that are established by each breed’s governing
association. The ideal cow exhibits a set of physical characteristics in four major categories
that make up the total evaluation
of the cow.
15% - the cows frame
25% - dairy strength
20% - rear feet/legs
40% - udder
Generally a dairy cow must
possess a straight back, flat ribs,
strong legs, shaped pelvic bones
and smooth udder attachment.
Major consideration is given to
traits that contribute to high milk
Did you know?
• No two dairy cows have the
same spots.
• The average dairy cow produces about 1,500 gallons of
milk each year and top producing Holsteins, that are milking
twice a day, have been known to
produce up to 67,914 pounds of
milk in 365 days.
• Cows produce about 25 gallons
of saliva every day.
• Cows can sleep standing up.
Beef Cattle
Over 600 beef cows appeared
at The Royal this year. There are
six different beef cattle breeds
shown: Limousins, Charolais,
Herefords, Angus, Shorthorn,
and Simmentals. All exhibitors
vie for the Grand Champion
Banner of their breed.
What The Judge Looks For
For beef cows, it is desirable to
have a large animal with muscle.
Judging criteria for beef cattle is
based on a set of traits that the
ideal cow would exhibit and may
be broken down into five major
categories; the cow’s frame/size,
muscling, volume/performance,
trimness/condition and structure/
Continued on Page 3
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November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business (OVB) is a twicemonthly publication covering business
news and events throughout Renfrew,
Lanark and Pontiac counties and the
surrounding areas. OVB is published by
the Ottawa Valley Business group.
OVB is delivered via email to more than
3,400 businesses, government agencies
and organizations.
Subscriptions are free. Email us at
admin@ovbusiness.com to subscribe at
OVB’s target audience are employers
and employees. Advertising is available
from 1/8 page to full page, plus online.
See www.ovbusiness.com/advertising for
more information.
News, article ideas, employee news,
business events, tenders and letters to
the editor are welcomed. Content will be
edited to fit the space available. Submissions must have to impact the business
community to be considered.
Publisher..........................Jennifer Layman
Advertising............................Kallie Papkie
Ottawa Valley Business
November 19, 2014
Renfrew & Area Chamber of
Commerce Annual Newcomers’
Night. Royal Canadian Legion
at 30 Raglan Street in Renfrew.
6:30-8:30pm. Local merchants,
restaurants and services available in Renfrew and surrounding
area. For information call Gail at
November 19, 2014
A Celebration of National Housing Day. Join Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation,
Renfrew County Housing Corporation and County of Renfrew
Social Services for a housing
forum. 9:30am to 2:30pm. Best
Western Renfrew Inn, Renfrew.
RSVP by November 10. Contact
November 19, 2014
Community meeting for Members of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation. Topic:
Land Code - Development
Process. 5:30-8:00pm. Makwa
Community Centre. For info, call
613-625-2800 or email danny.
November 20, 2014
Lucas Wilson speaks to young
entrepreneurs as part of Celebrating Youth Entrepreneurship. Wilson is Canada’s only three-time
Guinness world record-holding
illusionist. Best Western Pembroke Inn & Conference Centre.
Free. Hosted by Enterprise Renfrew County. 1:00-4:00pm. Register by calling 613-735-8224 or
November 25, 2014
Cash Rules! A Workshop For
Making Sure You Don’t Run
Out. Small Business Advisory Centre, 91 Cornelia Street
West in Smiths Falls. 9:30am12:30pm. $10 per person. Speaker is Michael Di Lauro, Certified
Management Accountant. Phone:
613-283-7002 ext.108 or smallbusiness@smallbizcentre.ca
November 26, 2014
Open House for Miller Paving
application for expansion at the
Braeside Quarry. Masonic Hall
at 31 James Street in Arnprior.
November 27, 2014
Exploring Social Enterprise.
@JennLayman (Twitter)
Free seminar that introduces the
concept of social enterprise and
how non-profit organizations can
use social enterprise to diversify
revenues, increase effectiveness
of community work and engage
the public. 1:00-2:00pm. Ottawa. Call 613-828-6274. www.
November 27, 2014
Futurpreneur Canada and Enterprise Renfrew County information session to help young
entrepreneurs launch and build
a successful business. Renfrew
County Place, 450 O’Brien Road
in Renfrew. 12:00-1:30pm. Call
613-735-8224 or kfraser@countyofrenfrew.on.ca
November 29, 2014
Pontiac Christmas Party for Pontiac businesses and employees.
Jack Graham Centre in Bristol.
Cocktails at 6pm. Dinner at 7pm.
$45 per person. Includes live
music and silent auction. Contact
Ginger at: 819-647-2312.
December 1, 2014
New council term begins with
newly elected officials.
December 2, 2014
Pinterest for Business Workshop. Small Business Advisory
Centre, 91 Cornelia Street West
in Smiths Falls. 9:30-11:30am.
$10. Speaker is Sherry Crummy.
Phone: 613-283-7002 ext.108 or
2113 Petawawa Boulevard,
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 7G8
December 2
Regular Edition of OVB
Deadline: November 25
----December 11
101 Things: Winter Edition
Deadline: December 4
----December 16
Regular Edition of OVB
Deadline: December 9
Page 2
Advertising shouldn’t be a game of
hit or miss. If you think advertising
could work better for you, take a
moment to talk with us.
Phone: 613-732-7774
Ottawa Valley
December 6, 2014
Grand Opening of Urban Sport,
formerly Arnprior Sportland &
Marine. 7:00am to 1:00pm. 46
Pine Grove Road in Arnprior.
December 9, 2014
Introduction to Facebook Advertising. Small Business Advisory
Centre, 91 Cornelia St. W., Entrance B, Smiths Falls. 4:30 p.m.
– 6:30 p.m. Sherry Crummy,
Crummy Media Solutions. $10.
Phone: 613-283-7002 or smallbusiness@smallbizcentre.ca
December 12, 2014
Renfrew County Soil and Crop
Annual Meeting. Galbraith
Room in the Renfrew Armouries. 10:30am. $10 registration
includes lunch. 2015 memberships for $15.
----Trades and Construction
Training and Events
Click here for schedule
----Send your business events to us
for free inclusion in this section.
November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business Group
Page 3
The Royal Agricutlural Winter Fair
Continued from Page 1
Real Estate
116 Pembroke Street West
----31259 Highway 17, Chalk River
----1343 Pembroke Street West
31223 Highway 17, Chalk River
----375 Pembroke Street East
----321 Murray Street, Pembroke
----3505 Highway 28
Palmer Rapids
----90 Burnstown Road, White Lake
----111 Bonnechere Street, Eganville
----394 John Street, Barry’s Bay
----Full listings are available at
The ideal beef cow weighs
1250-1300 pounds and is heavily
muscled with a deep body. The
cow will also have strong bone
and a correct skeletal structure
with balanced muscle. A grand
champion is the beef cow that
most closely resembles the ideal
cow for the breed category as its
genetics will be the most valuable to improve the quality of the
Did you know?
• Cattle have four parts to their
stomach and can detect smells
from over 8 kilometers away.
• Cattle are red/green color blind.
• More than 100 medicines
including estrogen and insulin
come from cattle.
• A cow’s gestation period is approximately 283 days; from the
day a cow is bred to the time she
has a calf.
• Beef fat (tallow) is an ingredient in soaps, cosmetics, candles,
shortenings, and chewing gum.
Sheep & Wool
The Royal has over 450 sheep
that competed this year. The
sheep breeds include: Suffolk,
Oxford, Lincoln, Texel, North
County Cheviot, Southdown,
Hampshire, and Dorset.
What The Judge Looks For
The difference when judging
sheep is the wool. Sheep are
40,000 HITS!
in the first 30 days!
judged at a distance first then
handled to verify what actually
lies beneath the wool.
Sheep are judged based on
how closely their traits match the
ideal for the breed. The ranking of traits in the order of their
importance for judging is: balance, frame size, soundness and
structural correctness, capacity
or volume, degree of muscling,
degree of leanness and wool.
The ideal sheep is heavily
muscled but also well balanced,
with a large frame and deep
ribs and proportioned well from
head, neck, top and rump. A
grand champion is the sheep that
most closely resembles the ideal
sheep, as it will be the most valuable in increasing the production
of the flock.
Did you know?
• Sheep have a field of vision of
around 300 degrees, so they can
see behind them without having
to turn their head.
250 goats compete at The
Royal. There are 13 divisions of
the dairy and meat goat industry.
What The Judge Looks For
For dairy goats, judges look at
the shape of the goat’s body, or
conformation, and dairy character, or the ability to turn nutrition
into milk instead of muscle or
fat. A grand champion goat is the
one that most closely resembles
the ideal dairy goat for the breed
category, who will contribute the
most value in building a healthy
and productive herd.
What The Judges Look For
The ideal meat goat is defined
by a set of characteristics which
include: the goat’s degree of
muscling and fat, soundness and
structural correctness, volume,
balance, style and freshness.
Did you know?
• Goats were the first animals to
be used for milk by humans.
• Cashmere comes from the
Asian Kashmiri goat, with the
average annual yield per animal
being less than one pound.
• Goat milk has a higher butterfat
content than cow’s milk
Poultry, Waterfowl, Pigeons
The Royal welcomes over 800
chickens, geese, turkeys, pigeons
and more to annual competition.
There are sections for 50 different breeds of standard poultry, 48
different breeds of bantams, 40
different breeds of pigeons, and
34 different breeds of waterfowl.
The Poultry, Waterfowl and
Pigeon show is one of the most
colourful shows at the Royal.
Rabbits & Cavies
Over 600 rabbits and cavies
compete at the Royal.
Click here for the results
page from The Royal, or
visit: www.royalfair.org/results
lifestyle you can work with
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front of an Eastern Ontario
audience. Book with us!
November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business
Page 4
Business News Around The Valley
Valley Plumbing and
Water Treatment
Valley Plumbing and Water
Treatment has opened at 1946
Petawawa Boulevard. The business is owned and operated by
Brad Adrain and has grown from
their original location in Perth,
Rotary Club Gives Back
The Rotary Club of Renfrew has
presented a cheque for $8,000
to Hospice Renfrew. This adds
to over $53,000 that the Club
has already donated to Hospice
Renfrew, close to 60% of the total
$80,000 commitment the club has
VC Athletic Therapy
New Location
VC Athletic Therapy and Bracing
has relocated to 3495 Petawawa
Boulevard. The business is
owned by Victoria Cleary and
was previously located as a
home-based business in
Aggregate License
Application Resubmitted
Miller Paving is still working to
have their license for expansion
at the Braeside Quarry approved.
The company has reworked its
application in advance of a public
meeting to be held November 26
in Arnprior. The company has
been working on gaining
approval since 2008.
Mortgage Brokers
Ottawa Expands
Mortgage Brokers Ottawa in
Petawawa has expanded to a new
location. The franchise is owned
by Linda Burger. The business
will be located at 3468 Petawawa
Recount in
Admaston Bromley
On November 18, there will be a
vote recount in the Township of
Admaston Bromley. Incumbent
member of council, Dirk Rook,
has requested the recount after
the initial results showed that he
was defeated by new councillor
Kevin Legris by only nine votes.
Candidates have the right to request a judicial recount if they are
not satisfied with the result.
Civitan Returns to Arnprior
The Town of Arnprior will soon
have a Civitan Club as part of
their service club establishments.
Glenn Miller has been leading
the revival of the Club and has
gathered a group of people to get
it going. The Club’s inaugural
meeting will be held November
19 at the Arnprior Legion at
7:00pm. For info on the Club,
contact Miller at 613-663-3206 or
Canex To Move In Petawawa
As schools close in Garrison Petawawa, relocating to the Valour
mega school, new plans are being
made for those buildings. Canex
retail store will be locating to the
site of the current General Panet
High School after the school
is torn down. The new store is
expected to be a warehouse type
store with a lot more merchandise available. In addition, a new
medical clinic will be built on the
base as well. The location of the
clinic is not yet known.
Reuse Centre Coming 2015
The Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre will be home to a Reuse Centre in the spring of 2015.
The Reuse Centre will allow for
residents to dispose of building
and construction or renovation
materials at no charge. Targeted
items are not those that currently
go to other organizations who
re-sell them for a profit, but rather
for items that may not be usable
after being upgraded.
Pontiac Updates
Tourisme Pontiac has a new website and a new “Happy” video in
hopes of attracting people to the
region. The website address is:
Petawawa Denied Funding
The Town of Petawawa’s applications to the Small Communities
Fund to assist with the Victoria
Street project and the Civic
Centre Road project were not
approved. The reason is that other
communities are in more challenging economic situations than
United Way
Call for Proposals
The United Way is inviting
interested and qualified charities located in Renfrew County
to submit proposals for project
funding support in 2015. There
is also established a new “Community Investment Fund” that
provides one-time funding for up
to $1,000 per project. Proposals
must address health and social
issues within one or more of our
six broad, strategic priority areas:
youth, child poverty, seniors, safe
and affordable housing, transportation and health services.
Proposals are due January 29,
2015 and applications can be
downloaded at: www.renfrewcountyunitedway.ca. In addition,
the United Way office is moving
to 225 Pembroke Street West.
Township Considers Being
Lead Applicant for Sabstock
Sabstock may be getting a big
chunk of support from the Township of Laurentian Valley for the
annual Sabstock music festival.
Lauree Armstrong, Planner and
Economic Development Officer
for the municipality, has recommended that Laurentian Valley be
the lead applicant for funding for
the festival as Sabstock does not
have non-profit status to apply
on their own. Armstrong feels
the festival provides a tourist
attraction and destination event
that helps bring business to the
municipality and assists it in
developing an image as a
Laurentian Valley
Election Information
The Township of Laurentian
Valley spent just under $30,000
to hold the recent municipal election. While internet and telephone
voting accounted for $24,000
of the cost, it also resulted in
36.65% of the vote. The paper
ballot cost around $5,000 and
accounted for 7.18% of the vote.
Continued on Page 5
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November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business
Page 5
Business News Around The Valley
Continued from Page 4
OVWRC Quarterly Report
According to the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre
(OVWRC), has reported that the
overall trend across Ontario for
recyclable materials is that tonnage is decreasing. Two factors
contributing include consumers
purchasing fewer goods resulting
in less packaging materials, and
that materials are being created
in lighter weight. Locally, commercial fibres/papers is down
130 tonnes with 70 tonnes related
to residential. Residential waste
going to the landfill is down 370
tonnes and commercial waste is
down 450 tonnes. Residential
waste from recycling is down
slightly. Unsorted loads have
decreased by 345 tonnes which is
a good indication of better sorting
practices, but it does impact the
tonnage revenues significantly.
Construction and demolition
materials have increased by 270
tonnes. Due to reduced tonnages,
two full-time staff members
have been laid off for the winter
months, and contract hauling
were provided with an end-date
sooner than that which was
New Liberal Candidate
From Arnprior
Brendan Edge is hoping to
become the first federal Liberal
candidate from Arnprior since
1867. Edge, aged 22, is a political science student from McGill
CBO Wages Increased
Horton Township has agreed to
increase the wage of the Chief
Building Official from $36,000
per year to $45,000 per year effective January 1, 2014.
Calabogie Motorsports
Wins MPAC Reassessment
Track Corp. Canada Inc, the
company that owns the Calabogie Motorsports Park, has
won a reassessment from the
Municipal Property Assessment
Corporation (MPAC). Track Corp
appealed their assessment for
the years of 2007 to 2014 based
on how MPAC had assessed
similar tracks in Ontario. The
settlement reached between the
owner, MPAC and the Township of Greater Madawaska
resulted in the assessment being
reduced for 2007 and 2008
from $4,676,000 to $608,000.
For 2009, the assessment was
reduced from $4,686,500 to
$831,000. For 2010 to 2012,
the 2008 CVA was reduced
from $6,328,000 to $3,110,000
and for the 2013 to 2016 taxation years, the 2012 CVA was
reduced from $5,626,000 down
to $3,110,000. This has a taxation impact to the municipality,
the County of Renfrew and four
school boards as follows: County
of Renfrew ($209,324.30),
Township of Greater Madawaska
($158,366.85), English Public
School Board ($293,640.06),
English Separate School Board
($138,928.03), French Public
School Board ($8,310.68) and
French Separate School Board
New Name For
John XXIII School
An elementary school in Renfrew
County has just celebrated its
50th anniversary, and has also
changed its name. John XXIII
in Arnprior is now Saint John
XXIII. The name change was
announced on the same day as
the anniversary on October 9th.
Local dignitaries and representatives from the board attended
the special afternoon blessing
by Father John Burchat and the
school held an open house later in
the evening. Chair of the Board
of Trustees Bob Michaud says the
50th anniversary is a testament to
the success of all past and present
In our last issue, we made a few
errors in reporting the results of
the election. In Deep River, the
voter turnout was 64.20%, not
65.50% as reported, and we also
missed adding Jason McAuley on
as an elected councillor. In Mississippi Mills, Donald Cram was
the Ward winner for the Upper
Canada District School Board,
not Craig Rogers. Anne McCrae
we had listed as a candidate, but
she was in fact the outgoing trustee. Thanks to those who brought
these changes to our attention.
Why Should You Care?
If you have an employee who is struggling with issues
that are distracting them for their work, you are losing
productivity. Being a member of Valley EFAP allows your
employees to access unlimited counselling services,
and to return to full productivity levels.
Ask for a free information package and see
the rewards of a mentally healthy workplace.
Phone: 613-735-2116 | info@valleyefap.com
84 Isabella Street, Pembroke
November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business
Page 6
Anxious Times
On The Move
Ed Cotnam
Ed Cotnam has joined the team
at Frank Carroll Financial as a
financial advisor. Ed brings over
33 years of experience in
Pembroke and the surrounding
area to the business.
Steve Newman
Steve Newman, a reporter for 37
years, has retired from the Renfrew Mercury. Newman worked
for the Mercury for 10 years.
Chris Carroll
Chris Carroll is retiring as the
Treasurer of the Town of Deep
River at the end of the year.
Carroll replaced Brian Quibell in
2011. Carroll will be returning to
the private sector with his local
accounting practice.
Send us your people news for
free inclusion in our next issue:
Subscribe For Free!
We’ll give you just enough information so
you’re “in the know” about business in the Valley.
Email us at: admin@ovbusiness.com or subscribe
online at: www.ovbusiness.com
Ottawa Valley
Welcome to
The Work Place.
Post your job
for $75 and
we’ll get the
word out.
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Phone: 613-732-7774
Ripples of recent deaths
By: Shelley TerMarsch
Recently Canadians were
struck by the senseless tragedies
that claimed the lives of two of
the nation’s peacekeepers: Cpl.
Nathan Cirillo and WO Patrice
Vincent. The nation watched
in awe as events unfolded on
the streets of Montreal, at the
War Memorial in Ottawa, and
in the legislature. The impact
reverberated across large cities,
and small rural communities,
young and old, as people tried to
make sense of a senseless act of
While all were touched by the
events, a greater impact was felt
by a group of silent observers,
those battling depression and
For these individuals, everyday
normal stressors and triggers
can be daily challenges. Negative events and thoughts require
direct energy and focus to shut
down; challenging irrational beliefs that the world is an unsafe
place, that bad things do happen
to good people. The recounting
of such traumatic incidents can
seriously unhinge previously
acquired strategies to cope with
anxiety and depression, and
incite significant regression.
The visual and auditory replays
of the events throughout the
media can be sensory overload
to an already worried brain. The
gut-wrenching descriptions of
the fallen soldiers as sons, fathers and spouses, the video clips
of procession along the Highway
of Heroes - it all incites strong
empathic identification with the
loss to the loved ones of the two
soldiers. This can negatively
impact the emotional balance of
people already prone to depression.
Other traumatic events, such as
witnessing vehicular accidents,
can trigger prior losses, traumas,
anxiety and stress. If you notice
that your reactions are troubling
and are interfering with daily
life for an extended period of
time, your mind starts to find
solutions for you. You minimize
exposure to disturbing content
by moderating how you watch
the news. You increase the need
for self-care and activities which
bring you joy and ground you
in your own life, such as time
with friends and family or leisure
As employers and co-workers
we need to be cognizant that
such events can have an unexpected and disproportionate reaction in those around us. Should
this be noted, a gentle suggestion
that seeking support and talking
with someone (Valley EFAP)
could be beneficial.
Be Sled Ready.
When the trails open, have your snowmobile ready with
a season-ready maintenance check by C&T Enterprize.
Need accessories? We have those too. We can outfit you
and your sled with gear and accessories you want.
Phone: 613-687-9996 | www.marinepros.ca
November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business
Page 7
McNab Braeside Uses Rubber Tires
For Ice Rink: Implemented in 2013
News Canada - Each year in
Ontario, 12 million scrap tires
from vehicles like cars, motorcycles, trucks and tractors reach
the end of their life and are collected, sorted and recycled right
here in the province.
Despite having already
traveled tens of thousands of
kilometres on your car, recycled
rubber is given new life as
it’s transformed into an ever-
growing number of innovative
products for communities and
homes alike. From planters and
doormats to rubber paving and
playground surfacing, recycled
rubber is showing up in more
places around communities than
ever before. One benefit to working with durable recycled tire
rubber is that it doesn’t harden or
crack when the temperature dips,
making it fantastic for outdoor
surfaces in the winter and the
perfect material to stop slips in
the common areas of skating
Last winter the Township of
McNab Braeside was looking to
update and increase the safety of
their skating facilities. Primarily
used by children, protective matting made from durable rubber
was a good solution to provide
the much-needed facelift while
effectively cushioning falls and
protecting skate blades from
damage in cold skating arenas.
The surface was provided by
North West Rubber Limited, an
innovative Canadian company
that produces a range of recycled
rubber products including recreational flooring and playground
surfacing, diverting tens of millions of pounds of rubber each
year from landfills.
District 6 is Second Most Popular For Snowmobiling
$76 million spent in Haliburton-Pembroke in 2013 season
If you ever wondered what
kind of impact snowmobiling has
in our own backyard, the answer
is $76 million.
District 6 includes Haliburton
and Pembroke and was used as
a case study as one of the most
commonly visited districts for
snowmobiling in Ontario. The
expenditure in this district for
one year is $76 million. Here’s
how the snowmobilers are
$4.63 million is spent in travel
services; $4.85 million is spent in
accommodations; $24.37 million
is spent in travel and operations;
$5.87 million on food and bever-
age in stores while $21.26 million
is spent on food and beverage in
restaurants; $2.51 million is spent
on clothing while $9.36 million is
spent on other retail expenditures.
All combined, the economic
impact of snowmobiling in this
district involves $51 million in
GDP, 867 jobs and $24.9 million
Distribution throughout Renfrew County and
the Pontiac. Reach the entire region!
Complete advertising package online (click here)
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in taxes.
District 6 is part of the Ontario
Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
and is known locally as Snow
Country. More information can
be found by visiting: www.snowcountryscsa.ca
Deadline to book
advertising space:
November 21, 2014
December 12, 2014
Phone: 613-732-7774
November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business Group
Page 8
Book Club: Zero To One
Notes on start-ups, or how to build the future
It’s A Fact
Micro Business
in Canada
(1-5 Employees)
Percentage of Canadian businesses that are “micro”.
Growth of micro businesses in
the past 10 years.
Micro businesses that would
have difficult operating without wireless technology.
Micro businesses that stay
connected to their business
with laptops, tablets or
Micro businesses that use
mobile technology alleviates
stress from the work week.
Micro businesses that use
cloud-based software/apps.
Micro businesses using mobile
point-of-sale applications to
process payments.
Micro businesses using online
store or website as primary
means to sell products or
From The Publisher
If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets.
The great secret of our time
is that there are still uncharted
frontiers to explore and new
inventions to create. In Zero to
One, legendary entrepreneur and
investor Peter Thiel shows how
we can find singular ways to cre-
ate those new things.
Thiel begins with the contrarian
premise that we live in an age of
technological stagnation, even
if we’re too distracted by shiny
mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved
rapidly, but there is no reason
why progress should be limited
to computers or Silicon Valley.
Progress can be achieved in any
industry or area of business. It
comes from the most important
skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself.
Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the
world from 1 to n, adding more of
something familiar. But when you
do something new, you go from
0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will
not build an operating system.
The next Larry Page or Sergey
Brin won’t make a search engine.
Tomorrow’s champions will not
win by competing ruthlessly in
today’s marketplace. They will
escape competition altogether,
because their businesses will be
Micro businesses who say
marketing and sales top the
list of services they need most.
Zero to One presents at once an
optimistic view of the future of
progress in America and a new
way of thinking about innovation: it starts by learning to ask
the questions that lead you to find
value in unexpected places.
About the Authors
Peter Thiel is an entrepreneur
and investor. He started PayPal
in 1998, and in 2004 he made the
first outside investment in Facebook. He launched Palantir Technologies, a software company
for analysts in fields like national
security and global finance.
Blake Masters was a student
at Stanford Law School in 2012
when his detailed notes on CS183
became an internet sensation. He
went on to co-found Judicata, a
legal research technology startup.
Have a great read?
Email suggestions to
Great things in business are never
done by one person. They are
done by a team of people.
- Steve Jobs
Leaders become great, not
because of their power, but because of their ability to empower
- John Maxwell
Inspiration exists, but it has to
find you working.
- Pablo Picasso
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of
Owners where the micro
business is their sole source of
Looking to hold your event or meeting in the
Ottawa Valley? Download our free Meetings and
Events Guide for the region.
Source: News Canada
- Bill Gates
Have no fear of perfection, you’ll
never reach it.
- Salvador Dali
You have to do what you dream
of doing even while you’re afraid.
- Arianna Huffington
November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business
Page 9
Tender Results Around The Region
PW-2014-10 Harper Road
Culvert Replacement.
Tay Valley Township.
Crains’ Construction - $27,945
Crains’ Construction - $30,523
Arnott Brothers - $59,500
Awarded to Crains’ Construction.
Space Needs Assessment for
Public Library. Town of
Mississippi Mills.
1292080 Ontario - $14,500.00
CSV Architects - $14,900.00
Trademark - $12,239.70
Awarded to 1292080 Ontario Inc.
The Town of Mississippi Mills
has recommended that council
extend the contract with Halpenny Insurance to 2015 at an
additional cost of $3.632.00.
Heating. Horton Township.
North Country Heating - $11,600
Melcher’s - $12,500
Recommended to North Country.
Winter Maintenance. Township
of Lanark Highlands.
Awarded to Manson Cartage.
57716 Supply and Install Rain
Gutter. Defence Construction
Awarded to Turcotte Contracting
in the amount of $6,750.00.
57717 Replace Exterior Stairs
at Building. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to John Mackay Painting in the amount of $1,150.00.
57542 Fire Hydrant Replacement and Repairs. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to Do All Construction
in the amount of $26,983.00.
57394 Supply Trusses and LVL
Headers. Defence Construction
Awarded to 2187649 Ontario Inc.
in the amount of $46,999.00
57734 Various Landscaping
and Roadway Repairs. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to H&H Construction in
the amount of $32,000.00.
57564 Repair Various Catch
Basins and Manholes. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to Eastway Contracting
in the amount of $6,300.00.
57396 Tree Clearing and
Timber Salvage. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to Creepy Crawler in
the amount of $58,733.00.
57575 Horizontal Boring for
Street Light. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to Do All Construction
in the amount of $6,200.00.
57002 Upgrade Tanks at Building D-106. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to Frecon Construction
in the amount of $88,888.00.
57553 Supply and Install Fence
Gate. Defence Construction
Awarded to Turcotte Contracting
in the amount of $6,090.00
57658 Repair Roofs on Various
Buildings. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to Irvcon Limited in the
amount of $27,595.00.
57636 Demolition of Building
R-101. Defence Construction
Awarded to H&H Construction in
the amount of $119,649.00.
57674 Various Repairs to
Trailer SC-662. Defence
Construction Canada.
Awarded to Turcotte Contracting
in the amount of $3,751.00.
57460 Repair Air Compressor
Controls. Defence Construction
Awarded to Frank’s Electric in
the amount of $678.80.
57698 Storm Sewer Improvements. Defence Construction
Awarded to Do All Construction
in the amount of $154,211.00.
57572 Improve Drainage on
Patio. Defence Construction
Awarded to Do All Construction
in the amount of $23,940.00.
is now certified in
Concussion Management
If you are involved with coaching a sports team,
or if you are competing in sports, we are a
resource for you and the team.
Phone: 613-732-9215
1169 Pembroke Street East in Pembroke
Christmas Light Installation
----Supply of a Multi-Functional
Colour Copier/Printer
----Supply of a Digital Mailing
----Design-Build French Line Bridge
----Waste, Recycling and Organics
----Collection, Haulage and Disposal
of Waste & Organics
----Collection, Haulage and Disposal
of Waste Utilizing Steel
----Recycling Collection, Haulage
and Processing
----RFQ - GPS Fleet Management
----Closed Bid Auction - Surplus
Equipment Sale
----Full listings of tenders, visit:
There is no charge to post a
tender with Ottawa Valley Business. Email the tender notice you
would send to the newspaper and
we will publish it free of charge.
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enough information so
you’re “in the know”
about business in the Valley.
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Ottawa Valley
November 18, 2014
Ottawa Valley Business
Page 10
The Truth About Small Business
A story for those supporting entrepreneurs
By: Jennifer Layman
Last month, we had a week
to celebrate entrepreneurship in
Canada. This month, there is a
global entrepreneurship week.
I’m not sure if any of that means
anything to you, but here’s something that might.
Ted Mallett is the vice president
and chief economist for the Canadian Federation of Independent
Business (CFIB). He is also one
of Canada’s leading experts on
the confluence of economics and
entrepreneurship. He is part of
an organization that produces an
annual ranking of Canada’s most
entrepreneurial cities - Communities in Boom. In a recent article
in the National Post, Mallett
describes the reason for issuing
the report. Specifically, he wrote
as follows:
“Tomorrow’s most successful
communities will not be those
that use up energy competing
in a zero-sum game of trying to
convince outside big enterprises
to locate within their borders, but
those that demonstrate their openness by allowing entrepreneurs to
start and grow up from within. In
time, the rewards of large businesses will only come about with
a focus on the small.”
Focus on Small Business
For those of you who struggle
and toil everyday to keep your
small business afloat, give
yourself a treat and read Mallett’s
short article - link to follow at the
end of this article. It’s a pat on
the back for entrepreneurs, and
you’ll feel like someone actually
“gets it” in terms of the value of
entrepreneurs to a society.
For those of you who have an
opportunity to support entrepreneurs (basically, everyone else),
here are some ideas of things that
could be implemented to support Mallett’s idea of focusing on
small business:
Give small businesses consideration for opportunities to contribute. This covers everything from
purchasing golf tournament gifts
to promoting tender opportunities. Small businesses are happy
to work for the business; all they
want is to be considered.
Recognize Achievements
If you work for a municipality, when a business opens, host
the ribbon cutting. If you can,
attend the opening. Celebrate
the achievement whether it is an
opening or a 10-year anniversary.
Unless you’ve been an entrepreneur, you may not understand
what it takes to still be around in
10 years.
One of the tenants of this publication is to provide a venue to
keep businesses, municipalities
and organizations connected on a
regular basis. That is also one of
the most common compliments
we get on the publication - that it
helps people know what’s going
on all over the region. Use the
opportunities you have available
to keep in touch with small businesses – whatever those opportunities may be.
Not every business can create
a huge number of jobs or put up
a large commercial building. We
need those big businesses, we
want those big businesses and we
should do whatever we can for
those big businesses. And, what
makes them big businesses, is
that there are small businesses.
We can do good, no, we can do
better, for both.
Link to Ted Mallett’s Article
Jennifer Layman is the president of
Forward Thinking Marketing Agency.
Her column appears every issue.
www.fwdthink.net | Phone: 613-732-7774 | jenn@fwdthink.net
Neat Stuff
Ben & Jerry’s is owned
by Unilever.
----Wal-Mart averages a profit of
$1.8 million every hour.
----“Yahoo” is an acronym for “Yet
Another Hierarchical Officious
----Starbucks’ round tables were
created specifically so customers
would feel less alone.
----Apple’s iPad retina display is actually manufactured by Samsung.
----Dasani water is just purified tap
water; it doesn’t come from a
natural spring.
----One in 10 Europeans are
conceived in an Ikea bed.
----Marvel Comics once owned the
rights to the word “zombie.”
----The red and white Coca-Cola
logo is recognized by 94% of the
world’s population.
----The iPad 2 would cost $1,140 if it
were made in America.
----Taco Bell has proved to be a huge
flop in Mexico, as Mexicans were
confused by the Americanization
of their traditional cuisine.
----Adding /4 to the end of
Facebook’s URL will take you to
Mark Zuckerberg’s profile.
----Cereal is the second-largest
advertiser on television today,
behind automobiles.
----Google was originally called
----Pepsi got its name from the
digestive enzyme pepsin.
----16. U.S. corporations are reportedly hiding $1.6 trillion in profits
Source: Buzzfeed.com