St. Joan of Arc School - St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc School - St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church 359 West Areba Avenue Hershey, PA 17033 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Sundays 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (closed 12:00-1:00 PM) Telephone (717) 533-7168 Parish Emergency Phone 576-3328 Hospital Emergency Phone 805-7950 Website Fax (717) 520-0526 Parish E-mail REP 533-8578 Youth 533-1721 School 533-2854 Cafeteria 533-8537 Convent 533-2864 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Alfred Sceski, Pastor Rev. Kyle Sahd, Parochial Vicar Rev. Pius Tukura Michael, O.P., In Residence Rev. Thomas Orukpe, MSSCC, In Residence Deacon Rodrigue Mortel, MD Connie Egan, Director of Religious Education John Triscik, Youth Coordinator Beth Palmer, Director of Music Ext. 122 Ext. 128 Ext. 109 OFFICE STAFF Barbara Hasson, Parish Manager Mary Butch, Secretary Susan Robison, Secretary Michelle Gutshall, Finance Manager Jackie Abel, Director of Development Meeting Room C & Wings Ext. 107 Ext. 115 Ext. 100 Ext. 103 Ext. 121 Ext. 117 Ext. 102 Ext. 104 ST. JOAN OF ARC SCHOOL Sr. Eileen M. McGowan, D.M., Principal Deb Rizzotto, Development Director Ext. 123 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday - 5:00 to 5:30 PM, Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM Sacrament of the Sick: Call the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism: 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month Parents are required to attend one class. Please call the parish office to register. Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish office 9 to 12 months prior to the proposed wedding date. Parish Membership: Welcome to St. Joan of Arc Parish. Please register on our website or stop in the Parish Office. Bulletin Deadline: Monday before publication date by 9:00 AM. Bulletin email: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:15 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00, 5:30 PM Holy Days: 6:00 PM Vigil; 6:45, 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM Daily Mass: Monday - Friday: 6:45 & 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy: 6:30 PM everyday Chaplet of Divine Mercy: 9:30 AM everyday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Friday of each month from after 9:00 AM Mass until 9:45 PM closing with Benediction. Prayer Service at 7:00 PM during Exposition on First Friday. We, the Eucharistic Community of St. Joan of Arc Parish, by the grace of God and through our participation in His Word, the Church’s sacraments, and prayer, seek our eternal salvation. We live out the doctrines and traditions of our Faith in communion with the holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, established by Our Lord Jesus Christ. With courage, we follow the example of our patron saint and invoke her intercession as we strive to know God, love God and serve God which moves us to actively promote and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of our every day life. JULY 5, 2015 MONDAY, July 6-Saint Maria Goretti 6:45 AM Mary Zacaharia 9:00 AM Thomas Sotack, Sr. TUESDAY, July 7 6:45 AM Theresa McDermott 9:00 AM Mr. & Mrs. Clement Fure, Sr. and Anthony Fure WEDNESDAY, July 8 6:45 AM Carmen & Jean Ranerio 9:00 AM John Tapparo THURSDAY, July 9-Saint Augustine Zhao Rong 6:45 AM Mark Mooney 9:00 AM Richard Pavone FRIDAY, July 10 6:45 AM Lily Capitani 9:00 AM Sylia Pennesi SATURDAY, July 11– Saint Benedict 9:00 AM Todd Turner FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME July 12, 2015 Readings: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85; Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10; Mk 6:7-13 The prophet hears what God proclaims and is called to speak in God’s name. The Twelve hear the message of Jesus and are sent forth to preach the good news. In him have we been chosen to be full of love. VIGIL, July 11 5:15 PM Joseph Casantini SUNDAY, July 12 7:30 AM Joseph & Wilma Petrakovic 9:00 AM Jerome Boyd 10:30 AM Alba DeAngelis 12:00 PM Walter Ligenza 5:30 PM People of the Parish Readings for the Week of July 5, 2015 Monday Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17; Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday Gn 41:55-57, 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33; Mt 10:1-7 Thursday Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29, 45:1-5; Ps 105; Mt 10:7-15 Friday Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday Gn 49:29-32, 50:15-26a; Ps 105; Mt 10:24-33 We wish to thank the sponsor of the week Rick Yazinski, D.M.D for advertising in our bulletin. SUNDAY, July 5 1:00 PM Baptisms MONDAY, July 6 9:45 AM Legion of Mary TUESDAY, July 7 6:30 PM St. Michael’s Guard training WEDNESDAY, July 8 5:00 PM Confessions 7:00 PM Young Adult Ministry 7:00 PM Prayer Group 7:00 PM Prayer mtg 7:30 PM Respect Life mtg THURSDAY, July 9 FRIDAY, July 10 3:00 PM Jr Legion of Mary SATURDAY, July 11 4:00 PM Confessions 6:00 PM Blood Pressure Screening SUNDAY, July 12 8:30 AM Blood Pressure Screening 6:45 PM Life Teen The community of SJA welcomes these newly baptized children of God: Allen Leibich, Jr. Julius Mione Adam Russo Margaret Brunner Henry Garner Quinn Gross Joseph Russo Vivian Zakovitch We at St. Joan of Arc congratulate and rejoice with these couples recently united in marriage. Matthew Foley and Kathryn Cantore Brandyn Bathurst and Trisha Salley Michael Falci and Joelle Andrews Ryan Felty and Molly Pantalone Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord Please pray for the soul of Justine Wagner, Anna Pickett, Louise Baseggio, and Regina Chamberlain, who died recently. The parish community of St. Joan of Arc Church extends its deepest sympathy to their families and relatives on their loss. Intentions of Pope Francis for the month of July Universal: That political responsibility may be lived at all levels as a high form of charity. Evangelization: That, amid social inequalities, Latin American Christians may bear witness to love for the poor and contribute to a more fraternal society. ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA Liturgical Ministry Schedule for July 12, 2015 5:15 PM Fr. Sceski 7:30 AM Fr. Sceski 9:00 AM Fr. Sceski 10:30 AM Fr. Thomas 12:00 Noon Fr. Sahd 5:30 PM Fr. Sceski Lector P. Graybash D. Hennigan B. Hopstetter L. Kayser E. Lechner P. Starner EMHC J. Pantalone N. Stewart M. Totaro C. Eimer M. Spaeder S. Cordaro A. Gould L. Rogers M. Rogers R. Meinert T. Mayan G. Bixler M. Waiter T. Crum-Ewing T. Kilcoyne G. Kaiser Altar G. Gurney L. Withim L. Gould D. Matas J.P. Katzenmoyer M. Gould M. Keeler Servers M. Gurney E. Gusherowski A. Hamilton L. Hamilton D. Kodua L. Gusherowski N. Hamilton E. Lamoreaux N. Kodua J. Richey F. Sallusti L. Hamilton M. Matas MC Money Counters: C. Eimer, D. Willey, H. Susi, P. Bowman, R. Hoffman If you would like to take the Pilgrim Cross into your home (for one week per year) and pray for vocations, please call the parish office at 533-7168. This week July 6 – July 13 the Pilgrim cross will be in the home of The Tim Palmer Family. Next week July 13– July 20 the Pilgrim cross will be in the home of Chris & Maribeth O’Hara & Family. ALTAR FLOWER MEMORIALS SAINT JOSEPH: In loving memory of Rob Hamilton from his parents RESPECT LIFE ROSE: In celebration of the life of our daughter on her 36th Birthday from Susan & Don In celebration of our grandmothers, Lydia Ocamb & Joan Bennett by Iam & Sean Ocamb ALTAR FLOWER MEMORIALS AVAILABLE FOR: MAIN: July 12, 19; Aug 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; Sep 6, 13, 20 BLESSED MOTHER: Aug 2, 9, 16; Sep 13, 20, 27 SAINT JOSEPH: July 12; Aug 9, 23; Sep 13, 20, 27 RESPECT LIFE ROSE: Aug 9, 16, 23, 30; Sep 13, 20 The following parishioners or family members are ill. Please remember them and all the sick of the parish in your prayers. Vincent Savini, David Liddy, Kaitlin Buser, Alex Stein, Pat Belsole, Phil Grow, Jo Anderson, Mary Bolduc, Pete Gasper, Rosie Jennings, Mary Hixon, Diane Holubek Reminder: Names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please call to have them placed back on the prayer list. A. Kulina D. Kulina J. Larkin P. Larkin C. Larkin P. Mooney S. Susi R. Barry M. Matincheck J. McGregor J. McGuren J. McInerney T. Grudi June 27 & 28, 2015 5:15 - 314 7:30 - 203 9:00 - 335 10:30 - 463 12:00 - 318 5:30 - 331 TOTAL - 1964 Parish Nurse Ministry Parish Nurses will be taking blood pressures next weekend after the Saturday 5:15 PM, and Sunday 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 AM Masses. Look for them in the school library unless announced differently in the pulpit announcements. It takes but a few minutes. CCW Flea Market and Rummage Sale St. Joan of Arc Cafeteria Friday, July 31 from 8 AM until 3:00 PM Saturday, August 1 from 8:00 AM until 11 AM Donations will be accepted at the SJA Cafeteria from 8 AM to 6 PM starting July 23 until Wednesday, July 29 except on Saturday from 8 to 12 noon only. Anyone who is able to help with unpacking, sorting and pricing of articles is welcome to come to the cafeteria during those hours to work. Please Note: NO LARGE APPLIANCES or TVS will be accepted The Knights of Columbus will host and Second Sunday Social on July 12 after the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 masses to welcome our new Pastor, Fr Al Sceski to the St Joan community. Stop by after mass for a cup of coffee and fellowship. JULY 5, 2015 St. Joan of Arc School Positions Available INSTRUMENT TEACHER St. Joan of Arc School in Hershey is looking for an enthusiastic music teacher to teach private instrument lessons during the school day to student in Gr. 4-8, and to direct the school band. Please contact Sister Eileen for details at 717533-2854 or PART TIME RECEPTIONIST St. Joan of Arc School is looking for a friendly and enthusiastic receptionist who is computer literate, willing to learn and manage new programs. It is a job sharing position 2 1/2 days per week. Please contact Sister Eileen for details at 717-533-2854 or Space Still Available! Register for the following Programs: • Preschool Program for 3 year olds Wed. & Fri. 8:10 a.m.-11 a.m. Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 8:10 a.m.-11 a.m. • Preschool Program for 4 year olds Mon.-Fri. Full Day or Half Day in PM • All Day Kindergarten for 5 year olds • General Registration for Grades 1 through 8 Youth/Young Adult Ministry Life Teen Returns Next Week! It will be a recap of our Summer Mission Trip to Groton, MA. Come hear the stories of how the teens served and prayed for a week with 300 others with Catholic Heart Workcamp. All incoming Freshman are invited. See you there. STEWARDSHIP Managing God’s Gifts To Us We Are A Tithing Parish Following God’s Plan For Giving This Year to Date: $1,410,500 Previous Year: $1,399,900 A Reflection On Giving To The Church “To most people, the subject of giving money to the church and to the poor is a sensitive topic. Many people will ignore and place this topic on the back burner, never really coming to terms with it. That is what I did for many years. Giving was not important to me until I realized it was important to God. In fact, I believe it is one of the gateways to heaven and by not giving what is required of us may put our salvation in jeopardy. Heaven is big time. I want to do whatever it takes to get there because it’s forever.” ________________________________ Calling all Young Adults of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church between the ages of 21-35, married or single!!! We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 7-8:30 in Meeting Room C. We will continue our series on, “How to Read the Bible” on July 8. If you are interested or have questions about any of the above items, please call John in the Youth Office at 533-1721 or email him at LIFE TEEN YOUTH MINISTRY LEADING TEENS CLOSER TO CHRIST Welcome to our visitors! We extend a warm greeting of welcome to all those visiting and hope that your time with us has been a time of spiritual renewal in God’s Grace. May you have safe travels. God Bless! “It’s not just about giving and how much one should give but also about doing God’s will and getting to heaven. To accomplish this will take one’s time, talent and treasure.” These two passages were taken from “Why & How Much Money Should I Be Giving To The Church, To The Poor. Using Three Pillars of Scripture” By Ben Scott Jackie Abel Stewardship & Development Phone: 717.533.7168 ext. 121 Email: ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA Parish Fes val News Fr. Sceski, Fr. Sahd, Fr. Pius, Fr. Thomas and the FESTIVAL 2015 committee would like to send a great big THANK YOU to all who made this year's festival a big success. St Joan of Arc is blessed to have so many who give of their time and talent. We would never be able to do it without volunteers. Thank you again! TOUR OF HERSHEY WINNER - Mary Grap MONEY RAFFLE WINNERS Roger Burns Bernard Bernitsky Cosmo Agostino Pam Foust Elizabeth Frauenhoffer Mary Ann O’Connell Erma Bender Wall Melissa Kulbacki Jeff Sherwood $500 $500 $500 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $100 PARISH FESTIVAL BASKET WINNERS Puzzles Barbie Pre-school Pronios Beach Artist Cookbooks Hersheypark Tickets Trucks Bedtime Books Vera Bradley Baby Dolls Girls 3 Yr Old Perfect Scents Hersheypark Tickets Lottery Tickets Rainy Day Boys Christmas The Mill Gift Card Jewelry Fun in the Sun Wine Gift Card Cookbooks Styling Girl Preteen A BIG thank you to all the vendor and parishioner donors that made the Silent Auction a huge success. Please show your support to the following vendors. Dan Francis Susan Robison Jessica Capitani Patti Deutsch Jessica Capitani Lisa Balanda Michelle Massar Sil Lutkewitte Melissa Friel Leslie Fox Kate LaCoe Jean Moran Bethany Malloy Alicia Clemens Barbara Hasson Chris Holden Adam Braucher Arlene Gill Iris Iozzia Bev Uffner Bethany Malloy Steve Coletti Kathy Hill Hoffman "31" Gifts Kim Eisenhaur AACA Museum Alfred's Victorian Andrew Gould, DMD Andy Warhol Museum Areba Club Arooga’s Field House & Sports Bar ASK Foods, Inc Robert Whitman Sam Lebo Sr Tim & Heather Collins Pam Austin Kathleen Weiss Adrianne Kihm Michael Filanowski Bernard Bernitsky Sherry DeFiore Troegs Spa Gift Card Preschool Music Arts and Crafts Girl Summertime Fun TLC Thirty-One SJA Avon Kitchen Gadgets Christmas Candle Jewelry-Walnut box Jewelry Faith and Family Halloween Tea & Coffee-Giant GC Pasta & More Bekah’s Buttons Fiesta Mexico $100 Girls Huffy Bike Bare Minerals Picnic Time Duffey Puppy Disney Frozen Music Life Teen Bartram's Garden Philadelphia Bekah’s Buttons Bill Maloney Men’s Wear BJR Office Resources Harrisburg Boro Bar & Grill Bonnie Njai and parishioner Bounce U Annville Brownstone Café Middletown Camden Children's Garden $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Julie Quirk Fran Cleaver Samantha Kopp Greg Kaiser Easton Eberly Michael Camasta Bridget Pieutowski Rebecca Mackertich Anne Reeves Barbara Falk Kim Sullivan McCarthy Carolyn Gangl Rosemary McCormick Hoffman John Bolton Donna Irvan Jean Marie Pete Graybash Crystal Smith Don Robison Bridget Pieutowski Bill Schuck Rich Burdette Erin Moran Peter Jones Carol Teufel Carnegie Museum of Art Carnegie Science Center Casey Sheehe Cassel Vineyards of Hershey Castle & Crown Boutique Hershey CCW Cherry Crest Adventure Farm JULY 5, 2015 Children’s Museum Pittsburg Choo-Choo Barn Clipper CHX Hummelstown Chocolate Ave Grill C-Nails Hershey Costco Harrisburg Cocoa Couture Bridal Cocoa Grill Hummelstown Cocoaplex movie-town Colonial Electric Service, Inc Dafnos Italian Grille David Wills House Deacon Rodrigue Mortel, MD David DeLuce, Attorney Derry Township Historical Society Diane Holubek Don's Barbershop Duffy’s Bed & Biscuit Duke's Bar& Grille Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre Explore & More Children's Fabio’s Fenicci's of Hershey Fort Pitt Museum Free Spirit Yoga Francis Civello Photography Game Truck of Hershey Gettysburg Tours, Inc Giant Giant Cocoa Ave Hershey Giant Rt 39 Gold’s Gym Harrisburg Senators HERCO Hershey Country Club Hershey Auto Center, INC Hershey Bears season ticket holders Hershey Bears/Washington Capitals Hershey Nails Hollywood Casino Grantville Hometown Family Restaurant Hoover Funeral Home Indian Echo Caverns Jack Williams Joanne Agostino John Hopkins University Judy McMilllen Celebrating Home Karen Ocamb Karns Kim’s Institute of Martial Arts Knights of Columbus #6693 Kreider Farms Lake Tobias Wildlife Park Lancaster Science Factory Landis Valley Village Laserdome Manheim Pa Leo's on Chocolate Lester Krumm Lifeteen Music Ministry Lincoln Holding Company, LLC Lisa Kayser Little Rock Bible Study Longwood Gardens McDonald’s Medieval Times Dinner/ Tournament Mike Leonard's Plumbing National Christmas Center National Constitution Center National Liberty Museum National Toy Train Museum National Watch & clock Museum Nissley Vineyards Our Lady's Rosary Pa Renaissance Faire Pa Trolley Museum Panera Bread Parish Nurse Ministry Pastoral Care & Outreach Committee Penn Hotel Sports & Raw Bar Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Museum of Art Phipps Conservatory Pittsburg Pirates Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium Pizza Hut Please Touch Museum Phila Pocono Raceway Prayer Shawl Ministry Pres James Buchanan Wheatland Pride of Susquehanna Pronio's Market and Jean Marie Fischer Railroad Museum of PA Reading Fightin Phils Red Lion Hotel Hbg/East Rockford Plantation Seltzer's Lebanon Bologna Shady Maple Sherwin Williams Sister Joanne Skyzone Lancaster Skyzone Mechanicsburg Society of St. Vincent DePaul Splash Hair Salon Sports Emporium Carlisle Stephen Ministry St Joan of Arc Parish Office Staff St Joan of Arc School St Joan of Arc School PTO St. Joan of Arc Priests & Deacon St Vincent DePaul Society Strasburg Railroad Company Styles on Chocolate Texas Roadhouse Palmyra The Jeweler's Bench The Rizzotto Family The Vineyard at Hershey & the Brewery of Hershey Toys on the Square Trefz and Bowser Funeral Home Tulli's Shoe Store & Repair Turkey Hill Turkey Hill Experience Turkey Hill Minit Markets Twin Ponds West Ultimate Car Wash Hummelstown UPS Store Hummelstown Vineyard at Grandview, Mt Joy Walmart Palmyra Warburton Greenhouse Warwick Hotel Wasabi Bistro Washington Capitals Washington Walks Wendy's What If Hershey Wicker East Wilhelm's Hardware WNNK WINK 104FM Your Place and the many Parishioners of St Joan of Arc. Did you know one of the best ways to stay connected to our parish is through our monthly e-newsletter? With so many things going on here at St. Joan of Arc sometimes it feels impossible to keep up with it all. In the beginning of the month we publish an e-newsletter that is sent out to each parishioner who signed up or requested to receive it. We make a special effort to choose 5 or 6 things we feel you would want to know about or be reminded of. Each newsletter is short and sweet taking no more than 10-15 minutes to read through. If you haven’t already, please consider signing up today to try it out for a month or two. If you decided it’s not for you, there is an unsubscribe button on each email that allows you to easily stop future newsletters. You can easily sign up on our website at or just let Jackie Abel know, 533-7168 x121, that you would like to enroll.