St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church 359 West Areba Avenue Saints Peter and Paul Hershey, PA 17033 June 29, 2014 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM (closed 12:00-1:00 PM) Telephone (717) 533-7168 Hospital Emergency Phone 805-7950 Website Fax (717) 520-0526 Parish E-mail REP 533-8578 Youth 533-1721 School 533-2854 Cafeteria 533-8537 Convent 533-2864 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Michael Rothan, Pastor Rev. Brian Wayne, Parochial Vicar Rev. Pius Tukura Michael, O.P., In Residence Rev. Chukwubikem Okpechi, O.P., In Residence Deacon Rodrigue Mortel, MD Connie Egan, Director of Religious Education John Triscik, Youth Coordinator Beth Palmer, Director of Music OFFICE STAFF Barbara Hasson, Parish Manager Mary Butch, Secretary Susan Robison, Secretary John Curley, Finance Manager Jackie Abel, Director of Development Meeting Room C & Wings Ext. 102 Ext. 104 Ext. 105 Ext. 122 Ext. 128 Ext. 107 Ext. 115 Ext. 100 Ext. 103 Ext. 121 Ext. 117 ST. JOAN OF ARC SCHOOL Sr. Eileen M. McGowan, D.M., Principal Deb Rizzotto, Development Director Ext. 123 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday - 5:00 to 5:30 PM, Saturday 4:00 to 4:45 PM Sacrament of the Sick: Call the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism: 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month Parents are required to attend one class. Please call the parish office to register. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:15 PM Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00, 5:30 PM Holy Days: 6:00 PM Vigil; 6:45, 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM Daily Mass: Monday - Friday: 6:45 & 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM Rosary: 8:25 AM & 6:30 PM Sacrament of Marriage: Call the Parish office 9 to 12 months prior to the proposed wedding date. Parish Membership: Welcome to St. Joan of Arc Parish. Please register on our website or stop in the Parish Office. Bulletin Deadline: In writing, the Monday before publication date by 9:00 AM. Bulletin email: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Friday of each month from after 9:00 AM Mass until 9:45 PM closing with Benediction. Prayer Service at 7:00 PM during Exposition on First Friday. We, the Eucharistic Community of St. Joan of Arc Parish, by the grace of God and through our participation in His Word, the Church’s sacraments, and prayer, seek our eternal salvation. We live out the doctrines and traditions of our Faith in communion with the holy, catholic, and apostolic Church, established by Our Lord Jesus Christ. With courage, we follow the example of our patron saint and invoke her intercession as we strive to know God, love God and serve God which moves us to actively promote and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of our every day life. JUNE 29, 2014 ALTAR FLOWER MEMORIALS MAIN ALTAR : In loving memory of Daniel Moyer by his parents and sister, Sara and family BLESSED MOTHER: Special intentions for Dona Svelnis by loving daughter, Kathy SAINT JOSEPH: In loving memory of Joseph Svelnis by daughter, Kathy RESPECT LIFE ROSE: In loving memory of Vincent Olaf by wife & family In celebration of our three great-grandchildren by Bill & Janet Bratina ALTAR FLOWER MEMORIALS AVAILABLE FOR: MAIN: July 6, 13, 27; Aug 3, 17, 24, 31; Sept 7, 21, 28 BLESSED MOTHER: July 13; Aug 3, 31; Sept 14, 21 SAINT JOSEPH: July 13, 20; Sept 7, 14, 21, 28; Oct 5 RESPECT LIFE ROSE: July 20, 27; Aug 3, 10, 17, 24 Please call the Parish Office for all available dates. The following parishioners or family members are ill. Please remember them and all the sick of the parish in your prayers. Vincent Savini, David Liddy, Kaitlin Buser, Terence Singer, Rose Marie Smith, Pete Gasper, Rose Jennings, John Luke Nantz, Donna Daley, Carol Knackstedt, Baby Holden James Reminder: Names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please call to have them placed back on the prayer list. If you would like to take the Pilgrim Cross into your home (for one week per year) and pray for vocations, please call the parish office at 533-7168. This week June 30 - July 7 the Pilgrim cross will be in the home of the Fran & Barb McCarthy. Next week July 7 - July 14 the Pilgrim cross will be in the home of the Don & Mary Lou Fox. We wish to thank the sponsor of the week Klick Lewis for advertising in our bulletin. MONDAY, June 30-The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church 6:45 AM Heart of the Parish & Church Memorials 9:00 AM Paul Cramer TUESDAY, July 1-Blessed Junípero Serra 6:45 AM Anya Salus 9:00 AM Special Intention of Diane Holubek WEDNESDAY, July 2 6:45 AM Jennie Agresto 9:00 AM Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Freeman THURSDAY, July 3- Saint Thomas 6:45 AM Rob Hamilton 9:00 AM John Herman & Bill Murray FRIDAY, July 4- Independence Day 6:45 AM NO MASS 9:00 AM Alberta & Rosalba Weir SATURDAY, July 5-Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria, Saint Elizabeth of Portugal 9:00 AM Sophia Miklasebich Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6, 2014 Readings: Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30 Jesus, gentle and humble of heart, came to bring peace to all people. We are called to live in his Spirit, to be gracious, merciful, and compassionate to all. VIGIL, July 5 5:15 PM Joseph Nocera SUNDAY, July 6 7:30 AM William Hulbert 9:00 AM People of the Parish 10:30 AM Ed Maloy 12:00 PM Laurence Kepp, Sr. Laurence Kepp, Jr. & Christina Kepp 5:30 PM Gerald C. Smith Readings for the Week of June 22, 2014 Monday Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50; Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday Am 3:1-8, 4:11-12; Ps 5; Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Ps 50; Mt 8:28-34 Thursday Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117; Jn 20:24-29 Friday Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119; Mt 9:9-13 Saturday Am 9:11-15; Ps 85; Mt 9:14-17 DAUGHTERS OF MERCY 20-WEEK RAFFLE $100.00 - Levari Trucking, Vineland, NJ $ 50.00 - Fran Grace, Milmay, NJ $ 50.00 - Selina Leoni, Hershey, PA $ 50.00 - Sherry Larcher, Vineland, NJ $ 50.00 - Jack Larkin, York, PA ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA Liturgical Ministry Schedule for July 6, 2014 Lector 5:15 PM M. Gette 7:30 AM E. Badman 9:00 AM B. Frola 10:30 AM D. Hennigan 12:00 Noon B. Hopstetter 5:30 PM T. Grudi J. Evans B. Meinert G. Bixler C. Mortel R. Barry M. Totaro S. Parker S. Cordaro T. Mayan Sr. Salvatoris B. Lutz S. Lutz M. Spaeder P. Graybash D. Graybash T. Crum-Ewing T. Kilcoyne K. Robinson J. Traini J. McGruder E. Frauenhoffer N. Silvis M. Tice J. Wilson M. Corrado L. Hamilton M. Keeler C. Vargo A. Aluquin A. Stinson L. Hamilton C. Larkin M. Abraham R. Abraham J. Larkin P. Larkin EMHC N. Stewart J. Nolan Altar Servers G. Gurney L. Strader Q. Strader K. Wall L. Witham D. Buser E. Gusherowski M. Bagatta L. Gusherowski P. Bagatta K. Zachary MC Money Counters: C. Eimer, D. Willey, H. Susi, P. Bowman, R. Hoffman June 21 & 22, 2014 5:15 - 338 10:30 - 450 7:30 - 231 12:00 - 288 TOTAL - 1627 9:00 - 320 5:30 - no mass Due to the July 4 holiday, there will be NO FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION on Friday, July 4. CCW FLEA MARKET Friday, August 1 & Saturday, August 2 This is the time to rummage through your attics, garages and basements to find usable items to donate to this annual CCW money raising event for our parish! This is what we will accept: Clean clothing in wearable condition, small appliances in working condition, baby items, toys and furniture, books, tapes, CD’s, knickknacks, pretty dishes, candles, pictures, jewelry and accessories, baskets, kitchen utensils, pots and pans, can openers, miscellaneous items. PLEASE NOTE: No large appliances or TVs will be accepted and we do not give receipts. Donations will be accepted at the SJA cafeteria starting July 17 through July 30 from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to help sort, price and sell. To volunteer your time or for any other questions, call Dorothy Hess (566-8854) or Janet Polto (533-3368). WE ARE A TITHING PARISH FOLLOWING GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING This Year to Date $1,380,000 Previous Year $1,373,000 Catholic Communication Campaign $2,900 Watch Your Giving Grow as You Help Us Grow Our Ministry! Thank you to the many families who have come on board and signed up for Online Giving. Your gifts and your participation are a blessing to us. This convenient giving option is available from our church website at and just click the link that says Online Giving. When you participate, you can view your giving history and adjust your contributions at any time just by logging in. Photos from our recent events - Our Parish Festival and The Corpus Christi Procession – are now on our website. They can be found in the Photo Gallery under the HOME menu or you can view them on the Parish Facebook page. If you snapped any photos this weekend at the Parish Festival or the Corpus Christi procession and would like to share them with us, please feel free to email them to Jackie Abel in the parish office at Caelorum The next Caelorum at St. Joan of Arc Church will be held on Wednesday, July 2 at 7 PM. Father Pius Michael Tukura will preside. Come and experience the power of Eucharistic Adoration and praise & worship music. A reception will be held immediately afterward in the cafeteria. JUNE 29, 2014 Life Teen will return July 13. Life Teen and EDGE would like to welcome back Fr. Burger to St. Joan of Arc. Remember to keep him in prayer as he adjusts to the many positions he know holds within the diocese. Summer Mission Trip-Thank you all for the prayers and support of this years Summer Mission Trip. We were blessed to serve the community of Providence, RI this past week. Prayer Partners- Life Teen and EDGE are looking for people who are willing to pray for the ministries and the pre -teens and teens we minister. If you would like to pray for us, please call John in the Youth Office. Donations Needed!!!-Life Teen and EDGE are looking for donations of water, juice, soda, and snacks for our youth group gatherings. Anything would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the front office. If you are interested in any of the above, please call John in the Youth Office at 533-1721 or email him at LIFE TEEN YOUTH MINISTRY LEADING TEENS CLOSER TO CHRIST FIAT DAYS 2014 Attention all Catholic young women ages 15-25. Our Lord Jesus Christ has a great plan and mission for you! You are invited to attend the Diocese of Harrisburg’s 7th Annual Fiat Days vocation discernment retreat to spend time with other women your age as you listen to the Lord’s call in your life while having fun. Activities include – Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, sports, games, great food, talks and more. Fiat Days will be held July 6-8, 2014 at Mount St. Mary’s University and Seminary. No cost due to the generosity of anonymous donors. Please contact the Office of Vocations at (717) 657 -4804, ext. 282 with questions or for a registration packet. Information is also on our website. MEN’S RETREAT NOTICE Corpus Christi Parish is sponsoring its annual Men’s retreat at Mt. St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg on August 1-3. Ther retreat is open to Catholic men age 14 yrs and older. Included are 2 night’s lodging and 6 meals. The retreat leader will be Monsignor Stuart Swetland. A minimum deposit of $60 is due when registering for the retreat. Please contact Brian Lynch at 717-979-6349 or for more information. SJA Special Needs Ministry …works to help SJA parishioners who have special needs and need assistance in order to participate in SJA masses and activities including assistance with religious education for children with special needs and transportation to and from SJA Masses/events. We also serve as a liaison for parishioners with special needs who need assistance to become more involved in any of SJA’s ministries. If you or someone you know could benefit from this ministry, or if you would like to volunteer to help further develop this ministry, please let us know by contacting the parish office at (717) 533-7168. Masses for Persons with Autism & their Families Masses for Persons with Autism and their families to be held on Sat., July 26 and Sat., August 23, 2014 at 6 p.m. at St. Catherine Laboure Church, Derry St. in Harrisburg, PA. All are welcome to attend. The mass has a lower level of music for persons who are sensitive to sound, and families can feel comfortable if their children talk or need to walk around, etc. during mass. Mass Celebrating the Gifts of People with Disabilities Mass Celebrating the Gifts of People with Disabilities will be held on Saturday, September 6 at 5:00 PM at St. Pius X, Selinsgrove. Bishop Gainer will be the principal celebrant and all are invited to attend. There will be a reception with Bishop Gainer following the Mass. Persons with disabilities will serve as altar servers, gift bearers, lectors and greeters. If you would like to volunteer for one of these roles or know someone who may wish to volunteer, please contact Lisa Kronmuller, SJA's parish advocate, at or at (717) 443-8523 as soon as possible as the Diocese needs to confirm all volunteers by August 1, 2014. What Does the Catholic Church Teach and Believe? Sessions are now open for those interested. This process of learning the faith is a part of the Adult RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). These Inquiry Sessions, starting in July, are designed for adults, either unbaptized or baptized in another faith tradition, who would like to know more about the Catholic Church. To sign up for the Inquirers sessions clip out the form below and drop it off at the Parish Office. The RCIA Coordinator will be in touch with you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Name: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City/State/Zip:__________________________________ Phone: ______________ E-mail____________________ Best time to call: ________________________________ ST. JOAN OF ARC CHURCH HERSHEY, PENNSYLVANIA Parish Fes val News Fr. Rothan, Fr. Wayne, Fr. Pius, Fr. Chuks and the FESTIVAL 2014 committee would like to send a great big THANK YOU to all who made this year's festival a big success. St Joan of Arc is blessed to have so many who give of their time and talent. We would never be able to do it without volunteers. Thank you again! TOUR OF HERSHEY WINNER - MaryAnn Singer MONEY RAFFLE WINNERS Jennifer Wolf Joseph A Casantini Patricia Wolf Bob Hamilton Greg Kaiser, Sr. Philip Kershner Diva Passalacqua Melissa Kulbacki Melissa and Eric Tomko $500 $500 $500 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $100 Mark Cuddy Joseph Nestico Darla Pronio Pam Austin Edward Weiss Matilda Stover Stephen Cordaro Betsy Ingraham Emil Malasavage $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 PARISH FESTIVAL BASKET WINNERS His and Hers Manicure/Pedicure Prayer Shawl Spa Bare Minerals “Indulge Yourself” Bare Minerals Bare Minerals Car Care Bucket Dip Basket Breakfast Thirty-One Thirty-One Scentsy Wine Fiesta Mexico! Crafts, Crafts and More Crafts for Kids A Journey Through the Bible Coffee Time Lily House Daylilies Springtime Candle It’s Tea Time! Toddler (Boy) Summer Fun Boy Summer Indoor Fun Young Girl Summer Fun! Dinosaurs Collectible Dolls Collectible Dolls Tailgating Tailgating Troegs!!! Sports!!! Bath & Body Beach Beach Hello Kitty Hello Kitty Beer and More! Motives Linda Arnold Joe Wilda Renee Stephens JoAnn Eisenhauer Lisa Byers Angela Mondell Mary Ann Wayne V. Gliot Peg Allen Stacey Collins Bridget Wappman Barbara Hasson Amanda Mannion Janet Grab Karen Joseph Easton Eberly Lucille Chegston Linda Hyde Cathy Malloy Marie Bowman Clariece Swan Carla Mooney Martin Smith Songul Ural Mary Ann Wayne Brent Killian Iris Iozzia Judy Quigley Kerrie Wolfe Mark Kurzenknabe Bobbie Johannes Lisa Baker Angie Nacci Mary Beth Sheehan Rebecca Greiner Mary Ann Wayne Don Robison Claire Olmsted Baking Pops Baking Donuts Infant Boy Infant Girl Baby Boy All Things Christmas Boys Action Packed Greece! Kitchen Avon Avon Girls Night (Teenagers) Christopher Radko Christopher Radko Sweet Dreams & Hershey Kisses Disney Avengers Disney Minnie Pamper Yourself Muffin Baking Faith Filled Summer Fun A Day at the Beach/Pool Golf Jewelry Box Jewelry Box 2 First Aid Backpack Children’s Grab Bag Italian Basket Hershey Spa Feeling Lucky? Hersheypark Happy Woman’s Day Out Eat Yourself Happy! Collectible Plates Wine Everything Italian Kids Basket of Everything Ice Cream Kit Wendy Naughton Matthew Podhajsky Audrey Devine Larry Lenovich Myra Nicoletti JoAnn Agstino James Sherma Betty Roksandic Barb Krasuski Lola Lausch Kevin Rakszawski Russ Ford JoAnn Lecher Shirley Arnold Arthur Arnold Don Zaprazny Mark Cuddy Marie Bowman Jane Wilburn Rene Stephens Crystal Smith Audrey Devine Francis McCarthy Lois Heisey Bev Uffner Jay Kelley Dave Moreland JoAnn Lecher Larry Lenovich Taylor Luchansky Erica Arter Betsy Ingraham Mark Kurzenknabe Maria Hammond T. Childs Don Fox Betsey Ingrham Karen Mikulka JUNE 29, 2014 A BIG thank you to all the vendors and parishioner donors that made the Silent Auction a huge success. Please show your support to the following vendors. Give them a Thank You from St. Joan of Arc. "31" Gifts Kim Eisenhaur AACA Museum Adventure Aquarium Airport Car Care Center Alfred's Victorian Andrew Gould DMD Andy Warhol Museum Anita Housman Applebee's ASK Foods, Inc Bahret Religious Goods Baltimore Street Car Museum Bartram's Garden Philadelphia BELLA ITALIA Hershey Bill Butch, Keller William Realty BJR Office Resources Harrisburg Blue Mountain Vineyards & Cellars Bob Evans Bonnie Njai and parishioner Bounce U Annville Brickers's Pizza Brownstone Café Middletown Camden Children's Garden Carnegie Museum of Art Carnegie Science Center Casey Sheehe Castle & Crown Boutique Hershey CCW Challenge Family Fun Center Champions for Children Cherry Crest Adventure Farm Choo-Choo Barn C-Nails Hershey Cocoa Couture Bridal Cocoa Grill Hummelstown Cocoaplex Cinema Colonial Electric Service Inc Curves Hershey Cyclorama, Film, Museum Dafnos Italian Grille David Wills House Deacon Rodrigue Mortel, MD Derry Township Historical Society Diane Holubek Dog & Pony Restaurant Don's Barbershop Duke's Bar& Grille Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre Dutch Wonderland Eisenhower National Site Explore & More Children's Fenicci's of Hershey Fire Alley Francis & Barbara McCarthy Free Spirit Yoga Fuddrucker's Funck's Restaurant Gemistry Jewelry Gettysburg Tours, Inc Giant Giant Cooa Ave Hershey Girl Scout Troop 11043 Girl Scout Troop 12171 Goodyear Hummelstown H. A. Boyd Harrisburg Senators HERCO Hershey Country Club Hershey Auto Center, INC Hershey Bears season ticket holders Hershey bears/Washington Capitals Hershey Nails Hershey Pantry Hershey Pharmacy Hershey Road Family Rest Hoageez Hummelstown Holiday Inn Hbg/Hershey Hollywood Casino Grantville Hometown Family Restaurant Hoover Funeral Home Hoss's Family Steak & Sea Jack Williams Jackie Abel James Bouch Joanne Jacaruso John Hopkins University Judy McMillan Celebrating Home Karns Knights of Columbus #6693 Lake Tobias Wildlife Park Lancaster Science Factory Landis Valley Village Laserdome Manheim Pa Lazzaro's Italian Bistro Leo's on Chocolate Lester Krumm Lincoln Holding Company LLC Linda M Kelly Linda Sudimack, Artisian Linglestown Paintball Lisa Kayser Lisa's Café Little Rock Bible Study Longwood Gardens Mangia! Mangia! Martin's Country Kitchen Mary Kay Irene Mantione Marygeneviev Saukaitis Me too (boutique) Medieval Times Dinner/ Tournament Merry Maids Mike Leonard's Plumbing Mixie's Frozen Yogurt National Christmas Center National Constitution Center National Liberty Museum National Toy Train Museum Nissley Vineyards North Museum Natural History NY Skyride NYC On the Ice @ Klick Lewis Arena Our Lady's Rosary Pa Trolley Museum Palermo's Pizza II Palmyra Bowling Papa John's Hummelstown Parish Nurse Ministry Park Inn BY Radisson Pastoral Care & Outreach Committee Patty & Rick Barger Penn Hotel Sports & Raw Bar Penn State Hershey Cosmetic Surgery Penn State Hockey Penn State Lady Lion Basketball Perking Point Hummelstown Philadelphia Zoo Phipps Conservatory Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium Pizza Hut Pocono Raceway Prayer Shawl Ministry Pride of Susquehanna Pronio's Market and Jean Marie Fischer QVC Studio Tour Railroad Museum of PA Reading Fightin Phils Red Robin Rhoads Pharmacy & Gift Shop Ripley's Believe It or Not Rockford Plantation Rothermel Funeral Home Roxy's Chatter Box Café Royer's Flowers Sam's Club Seltzer's Lebanon Bologna Shady Maple Sherwin Williams Sinkhole Saloon Palmyra Sister Joanne Skyscraper Museum Smoked Bar & Grill Society of St. Vincent DePaul Soldiers & Sailors Museum, Baltimore Soldiers & Sailors Pittsburgh Splash Hair Salon St Joan of Arc Adult Choir St Joan of Arc School St. Joan of Arc Boys Basketball Strasburg Railroad Company Styles on Chocolate Subway Central Pa Subway E Chocolate Ave only Subway Hummelstown only Ted's Bar & Grill Texas Roadhouse Palmyra The Cutting Edge The Jeweler's Bench The Reeves Family The Rizzotto Family The Skyscraper Museum NYC The Sun The Vineyard at Hershey Thomas E Clark Jewelers Thomas R Toczek Tokyo Diner Hershey Top of the Rock NYC Township of Derry Toys on the Square Trefz and Bowser Funeral Home Trend 5 Salon Hummelstown Trolley Works - Hershey Tulli's Shoe Store & Repair Turkey Hill Turkey Hill Experience Turkey Hill Minit Markets Twin Ponds West UPS Store Hummelstown Vineyard at Grandview,Mt Joy Vision of Honey Photography Walmart Harrisburg Warburton Greenhouse Wasabi Bistro Washington Walks Waterfront Crusies Wendy's What If Hershey Wicker East Wilhelm's Hardware WNNK WINK 104FM Your Place
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