Untitled - Bethel College


Untitled - Bethel College
You were critical
in helping us
continue to
make all of
this a reality.
Thank you!
This feeling of connectedness
has fostered a common descriptor used by many in describing the
atmosphere at Bethel: family — it’s a
dynamic that crosses generations.
I hear frequently from visitors:
“There is something different here ...
not sure what it is, but I can feel it ...
people are real, there is a vibrancy
here.” I know that vibrancy is nurtured by our mutual foundation in
the living God.
This fall Bethel College celebrates
65 years of Kingdom service. We
celebrate the fact that Bethel College
was founded to be a truly Christcentered academic institution — one
that would foster deep connections
between its faculty, students and
staff; connections that would go well
beyond the typical surface relationships of today’s society.
In many cases, these connections
have resulted in lifelong friendships.
Our history includes a rich legacy
of such relationships. For instance,
faculty investing personally in the
lives of their students (some of those
students now teach here). Like some
of you, I studied with a professor at
Bethel who continues as one of my
mentors to this day. Some of us even
had the honor of having two of the
school’s founders invest directly in
our lives as well.
At Bethel, I made lifelong friends,
met my spouse and eventually had
children continue their education
and meet their spouses here. And like
many of you, God deepened my faith
through the ministry of dedicated
faculty, staff and other students.
While unnamed, it is this palpable
feeling that helps set Bethel apart
from many other colleges and
universities. I believe we have been
successful in achieving a wonderful,
delicate balance between the life of
the mind, the leading of the heart
and dedicated servant-hood. This
dynamic empowers our graduates
to have a significant, impactful life
through our connections to Christ
and each other.
At Bethel College, these “Spirited
Connections” are found in the spiritual life and academic life; in athletics, the fine arts and student life; in
traditional, nontraditional and graduate programs; and in every physical
space on our campus — from the
classroom, to the Dining Commons,
to the residence hall, to the library —
“Spirited Connections” abound.
We purpose to have Bethel College
recognized as a spirited, spirit-“led”
community — one that engages mind
and heart with a passion to serve
As an intentional, value- and
Christ-centered community, Bethel
is not static; connections leap from
professor to student, from student
to friend, from friend to teammate,
from teammate to community, from
community to professor, from professor to colleagues through research,
from colleagues to prayer groups,
from prayer groups to book groups,
from book groups to the student
writing a paper that will draw inspired
connections. Spirited Connections
help Bethel community members
integrate their faith and learning, integrate their social lives with their intellectual growth and integrate learning
into worship. Spirited Connections
give Bethel graduates the confidence
to go out into the world and serve
where they are called.
And you were critical in helping us
continue to make all of this a reality.
Thank you!
This connectedness dynamic has
once again allowed for many blessings over the past year:
• Enrolling more than 2,000
students from 30+ states and 20
foreign countries
• More than 900 students participating in service throughout the
community, leading to us once
again being recognized on the
President’s Education Community Service Honor Roll
• Being recognized as one of the
best colleges in America for
building character in students
• Continuing our top tier ranking
by the U.S. News selection of
best Midwest colleges
• Receiving donor funding to
launch the construction of an
expanded campus bookstore
and cafe
• Launching Bethel’s first full
online degree program
• Receiving $450,000 in funding
from the Kern Foundation to
begin a new degree program in
pastoral ministries
• Our students and faculty and
alumni receiving numerous
honors for their excellence in
scholarship, writing/research,
music, drama and athletics
The list could go on and on, but
you get the picture. God continues to
bless Bethel College with a wonderfully rich tapestry of people who
make up the “Bethel family.”
To the thousands of names contained in this booklet, I want to say
thank you for continuing to remember Bethel with your resources. Because of your continued investment
in the educational ministry at Bethel,
you will see that the college was able
to finish in the black again this year.
You will find many more blessings highlighted in this report. We
hope you will rejoice with us in the
many wonderful things happening at
Bethel College. We are humbled by
your partnering with us in the ongoing care for Bethel and its students.
Be encouraged. Christ is still at the
Steven R. Cramer (’75), Ph.D.
Celebrating with
been updated with several new dis-
in Indiana was asked to prepare their
successful outcomes. Colleges of
plays. Ribbon cutting pictured below.
students for college and careers
Distinction™ departs from traditional
through a variety of events and ac-
rankings systems that judge schools
September 15
tivities. Specifically, College GO! Week
based mainly on admission selection
aimed to have high school seniors
standards and process, and little on
with ribbon-cutting ceremonies for
Bethel Ranks 20 in U.S.
News Media Group’s
America’s Best Colleges
apply to a college, juniors sign up
the quality of education received.
each of the newly renovated and
September 20
for e-transcripts, sophomores take
reopened buildings on campus: the
Bethel earned the 20th spot among
Bethel hosted a “Day of Celebration”
Dining Commons, Wiekamp Athletic
the Midwest’s Best Baccalaureate Col-
Center, Goodman Gymnasium and
leges in the 2012 edition of “America’s
the Otis Bowen Museum. The Din-
Best Colleges” by U.S. News Media
ing Commons renovations feature
Group. Nationally there are 371
the PSAT and freshmen complete a
career and college survey.
Dedication Ceremonies
to Say “Thanks”
October 18
Bethel Hosts
College Fair
Bethel expressed gratitude to the
friends and families of longtime
natural colors and lighting, updated
schools in the Regional Colleges cate-
September 27
flooring and additional seating. Ad-
gory and overall Bethel came in at 55.
Bethel hosted more than 40 Chris-
ceremonies. As part of the ceremo-
ditionally, a “café-style” area has been
That puts Bethel in the top 14 percent
tian colleges for the annual South
nies, a display of a Historical Bible
created with bistro tables, booths and
of all Baccalaureate Colleges.
Bend/Mishawaka Christian College
Leaf Collection, dating from 1541 to
Fair in the Wiekamp Athletic Center.
1731, was unveiled and dedicated
Participating in Indiana
Private College Week
Sponsored by the North American
in honor of donors Marvin E. and
Coalition of Christian Admissions Pro-
Gladys R. Boht. The math and sci-
September 26-30
fessionals, high school, junior high,
ence laboratories were dedicated in
junior college students and parents
honor of Bethel’s second president,
were encouraged to attend. Christian
Dr. Ray P. Pannabecker. Board of
college representatives were avail-
trustees’ members, Carl and Marilyn
able to answer questions and discuss
Muselman, were recognized for their
options for those interested in a four-
generous donor support. Lastly, the
year institution. Financial aid semi-
patio located by the entrance to The
nars were also conducted on how a
Lodge residence hall was also dedi-
college education can be affordable.
cated, in remembrance of the late
room dividers. The renovations in
the Wiekamp Athletic Center include
carpet throughout and new furniture
in the lobby. The fitness areas in
Goodman Gymnasium also feature
new equipment and accessories. In
addition to repainted walls and new
carpet, the Otis Bowen Museum has
Bethel participated in the state’s
annual College GO! Week. During
College GO! Week, every high school
supporters during private dedication
Elizabeth A. Hossler, Ph.D.
Bethel Featured as a
College of Distinction
October 13
Scripture 66 Tradition
Bethel was selected for the 2011–2012
November 11–14
Colleges of Distinction™ published
Scripture 66, an around-the-clock
guide and website. Schools recog-
public reading of the entire Bible,
nized as Colleges of Distinction are
began Nov. 11 at 3 p.m. and ended
commended for their commitment
Nov. 14 at 9 a.m. in the campus’ main
to and performance of the Four
gazebo. Bethel students, faculty and
Distinctions: engaged students, great
staff volunteered to read in 15-minute
teaching, vibrant communities and
intervals during the event. Bethel’s
— a bachelor’s in business. This de-
importance of scriptural reading to
Bethel Named
Mishawaka Business
of the Year
Bethel and the surrounding com-
February 16
on-campus offerings. In 2009, Bethel
Bethel was named “Business of the
started a pilot project with one online
Year” during the Mishawaka Business
course in world regional geography.
Angelic Voices at
Christmas Concert
Association’s (MBA) annual meet-
After a successful semester, several
ing and awards dinner on Thursday,
more online classes were added and
December 2, 3
Feb. 16. The event was hosted at the
that list has continued to grow in the
The Bethel College music depart-
Windsor Park Conference Center in
last several years.
ment presented this year’s Christ-
Mishawaka. Jeff Rea, president and
mas concert, “Angels Are Making
CEO of the Chamber of Commerce,
Their Rounds,” in the Everest-Rohrer
gave the keynote address, while the
Bethel College Chapel
Band Releases New CD
Chapel/Fine Arts Center — Audito-
Bethel College Chamber Duo pro-
March 6
rium. The performance featured the
vided music for the event.
The Bethel College Chapel Band
spiritual life team sponsored the
event in hopes of expressing the
gree offers the same strength, quality
and integrated faith as traditional
released their newest album, “Love
Concert Choir, Chamber Orchestra,
Bethel Launches First
Online Program
Came Down,” in March. The album
Triumph, soloists and The Collegians.
All in all, nearly 150 students united to
March 1
are all meaningful to the Bethel
proclaim the beautiful story of Christ-
Bethel’s nontraditional program now
community in one way or another,
mas. Concert pictured below.
offers its first complete degree online
including well-known choruses, a
Percussion Ensemble, Voices Of
includes a unique mix of songs that
hymn arrangement of “The Solid
ing and communications depart-
class visited on March 29 and the rest
Rock,” and some new, fresh songs
ment worked for more than a year
visited the next day. The schedule
that will inspire the listener. The
with Iowa-based, higher education
included visits to various classrooms,
album includes the following songs
agency Stamats to come up with the
information sessions about applying
and several others: “Lord Almighty,”
messaging through research and
to college and financial aid, as well as
“The Greatness of Our God,” “Father
testing. President Steven R. Cramer,
a campus tour and even graduation
Will You Come,” “Relentless,” “Send
Ph.D. (’75), says one of the goals,
at the end of the day.
Me Out” and “Forever Reign.” Album
besides helping us to solidify Bethel’s
pictured right.
brand, was to develop, for the first
time, a campus-wide message for the
First Intercultural
Festival held at Bethel
New Campus-Wide
Messaging Announced
April 2, 3
March 8
7th Graders Become
College Students
for a Day
In March, Bethel launched a new
brand campaign. All marketing
materials and advertisements for
March 29, 30
The center for intercultural development (CID) planned its first intercultural festival. The festivities included
a gospel concert and fashion show,
chapel service, silent auction and
Bethel’s programs and departments
About 130 students from Jefferson In-
heritage meal. In the future, CID
will reflect the new message of
termediate experienced “College for
wants to celebrate all of the different
“Spirited Connections.” The market-
a Day” at Bethel. Half the 7th grade
cultures on campus for a week.
Programs Adds
new Degree
Sarah Kilemi, Ph.D., a director with
sumer electronics and a convenience
the United Nations, was the speaker
store. It will also include space for
for both events. Kilemi is also the eco-
reading and study. The coffeehouse
April 24
nomic advisor/co-founder of The Vil-
side will offer space similar to the
Nontraditional programs started a
lage Trust (TVT), an organization that
current location on McKinley Av-
new degree in the fall of 2012. The
empowers women and youth from
enue, but with the addition of some
criminal justice degree completion
humble backgrounds, both spiritually
meeting space and a stage area to
program was approved by the Higher
and economically. Commencement
host “unplugged” acoustic events.
Learning Commission. Of the tradi-
pictured below.
Construction for the $1.1 million facility is expected to be completed in
tional programs asked about on the
nontraditional side, criminal justice is
the most requested.
Breaking Ground
for Bookstore and
Coffeehouse Expansion
November 2012.
Celebrating Record
May 16
Dessert Theatre
Presents “Leaving Iowa”
Bethel College held a ground-break-
June 1, 2, 7, 8
April 28, 29
ing ceremony for the expansion of
Bethel’s department of theatre pre-
More than 600 students graduated
the Bethel Bookstore, which will also
sented “Leaving Iowa.” It’s the story
include the school’s coffeehouse,
of Don Browning, who returns home
quested. But when Don discovers his
Ministries degree. This is a five-year
and decides to finally take his father’s
Grandma’s house is now a grocery
program, which includes a bachelor’s
ashes to his childhood home, as re-
store, he begins traveling across
degree in Christian ministries at 124
Iowa searching for a proper resting
hours and then a master’s when 160
place for his father. This father-and-
hours are completed.
in Bethel’s two commencement
ceremonies, which is a record for
the college. Both ceremonies took
place in the Wiekamp Athletic Center.
Sufficient Grounds. On the bookstore
side, there will be expanded space to
allow growth in areas such as con-
son road trip shifts smoothly from
the annual torturous vacations of his
Bethel Partners with
WFRN’s Friend Fest 2012
childhood. Pictured above.
June 29, 30
the present to Don’s memories of
Bethel College became the first title
Bethel College
Receives Kern
Fellowship Grant;
Starts New Program
June 11
sponsor of WFRN Friend Fest, a twoday Christian music festival that was
held on June 29 and 30 at Amish
Acres in Nappanee, Ind. The event included 16 musical guests like Casting
Bethel College’s religion and phi-
Crowns, David Crowder, Sanctus Real
losophy department received a
and more; plus a variety of activities
$450,000 grant from the Kern
all weekend for the whole family.
Family Foundation to transform and
enhance Bethel’s theological education. This fall the college added a new
program — the Master of Christian
Ninety percent of Bethel’s funding
slightly from last fiscal year.
comes from tuition and auxiliary
related items. The balance of the
In 2010-2011, Bethel saw an enroll-
We appreciate your personal sup-
nual report. Again, we thank you for
port to Bethel College. Our commit-
financially supporting Bethel College,
ment year at 2,152. In 2011-2012,
ment to excellence in teaching and
for directing students our way, and
income is generated from very com-
Bethel experienced an enrollment
learning, service to others and a vi-
for helping us move “Forward, with
mitted and faithful donors. In 2011-
decrease of roughly three-and-a-half
brant community is possible because
Christ at the Helm.”
of the many names listed in this an-
2012, overall contributions decreased
0.7% 3.6%
Instructional costs
Net tuition
General administrative
Auxiliary income
Student services
Gift income
Auxiliary services
Government grants
Other sources
Institutional advancement
Founders Society members are
friends and alumni who share a love
for young people and the cause of
Christian education by making a minimum annual financial commitment to
Bethel College of $500.
Kevin & Julie Abbott
Paul & Lila* Adams
Gary & Connie Adamson
Dick & Rose Aeschleman
Rondle & Zona Amstutz
Jeffery Antkowiak
Gordon & Phyllis Bacon
Philip & Esther Bailey
Robert Bancroft
Orville & Rita Banks
Willis & Doris Barlett
Duane Baughman
Richard & Deanna Beall
Duane & Charlotte Beals
Ruth Beck
Joe & Brenda Bellman
James & Betty Bennett
Ronald & Virginia Bennett
Edward & Monica Bernhard
Albert & Barbara Beutler
Robert & Colleen Beutler
Bruce & Michelle Beyler
Robert & Lorraine Beyler
Brian & Jeannine Blake
LaVerne & Loretta Blowers
Gloria Bolton
Mary Boomsma
Otis & Carol Bowen
Charles & Joyce Boxman
Bruce & Nancy Boxum
Jonathan & Delores Boyer
Rodney Boze
Kay Branch
David & Paula Brenay
Scott Brennan, The Brennan
Group LLC
David & Linda Breuer
David & Rochelle Bridges
Jonathan & Debbie Bridges
Janice Bridges
Donald Brown
Ralph & Carla Bruce
David & Janet Buck
Leon & Betty Buzitis
Craig & Sally Campbell
Lee & Cara Campbell
Dale & Shirley Capon
Peter & Janine Capon
Aaron & Sandra Carpenter
Eugene* & Joyce Carpenter
Ruth Carter
Linda Cary
Enrique Cepeda
Doris Chaffee
Douglas Chapman
David Chart
Andrew Clyde
Robert & Josalie Clyde
John & Fern Coldeberg
Donald Conrad
Greg & Donna Conrad
Greg & Kathie Conrad
Glen & Christine Cook
Dale & Tricia Cramer
Marcia Cramer
Ross & Marilyn Cramer
Steven & Terri Cramer
Maralee Crandon
Don & Nancy Crawford
William & Rilla Crothers
Ernest Culp
Jim & Dar Cutrona
Hilary D’Arcy
Jack & Sharon D’Arcy
Sam & Faye Davenport
Joshua & Rebecca Davidhizar
Phillip Dawalt
Paul & Joan DeMerchant
Tonya Denton
Joel & Judith DeSelm
Larry & Rebecca DeWitt
Leonard & Joyce DeWitt
James & JoAnn Ditmer
Dennis & Darlene Doverspike
Betty Duerksen
Carolyn Duerksen
James Dugle
Bob & Donna Eagle
Kenneth & Shirley Eby
Sue Edington
Kenneth & Linda Elek
June Embry
Dennis & Karla Engbrecht
David & Christine Engbrecht
Marvin & Anne Engbrecht
Timothy & Sally Erdel
Virginia Erickson
Julia Farley
Richard Felix
Steve Fidler, Kuert Concrete Inc
Daniel & Lisa Filippello
Elson & Patsy Fish
Stanley & Kelli Flory
Christopher Fowler
Charles & Jean Freimund
Jack & Joni French
Dorothy Fretz
Kenneth & Kathryn Fruhner
John & Therese Gardner
Victoria Garrett
Bill & Susan Gates
Daniel & Karen Gerber
Wayne Gerber
Rick Gerver
Ted & Sandra Gilbert
Tim & Deborah Gillum
Harlan & Karen Gingrich
David & Alice Golden
Todd & Traci Gongwer
Tom & Fran Graber
Donald & Jean Granitz
William & Joy Greeney
Donald & Ann Gribbin
Katherine Gribbin
David Gu
Brian & Denise Habegger
Charles & Waneta Habegger
Bob & Mardell Hall
Robert & Marilynn Ham
Brian & Amy Hamil
Mary Handwork
Greg & Bethany Hartman
James & Wanda Hartman
Mary Hartman
Ralph Hass
Rachel Haughwout
Alma Heap*
James & Robin Hibschman
Barbara Hickey
Rex & Lola Hicks
Al & Mickey Hobson
Verle Hochstetler
Rodney & Cindy Holmes
Mary Holmes
Michael & Judy Holtgren
Shawn & Kathryn Holtgren
Lois Hossler
William & Margaret Hossler
Jim & JoAnn Hossler
John & Colleen Hossler
Harold & Peggy House
Harrison Hull
Bryan & Susan Isaac
Kevin & Sara Jackson
Jerry & Dianna Jenkins
Robert & Shirley Jimerson
Michael & Rose Johns
Bob Johnson
William & Deborah Jones
Barry & Brenda Jones
Jack & Hope Jordan
Susan Karrer
James & Brenda Keller
Helen Keller
William & Jean Kercher
Jay & Janie Kesler
Lovina Kimbel
Yvonda Kisor
Daniel & Nancy Kletzing
Clair & Kristi Knapp
Jeff & Angela Knight
Jonathan & Nancy Kobylarz
Kevin Korhorn
Andrew & Sharon Kotlarz
Thomas Krake
Carlon & Christina Kress
Thomas LaFountain
Wyn & Carol Laidig
Bernie & Bev Lambright
Bob & Joyce Laurent
Robert & Margaret Laven
Tyler & Julie Lehman
Randall & Deb Lehman
Bob & Marlene Leininger
Thomas & Bobbie Leland
Larry & Judith Lentych
Doyle & Janet Liby
Michael & Jacci Lightfoot
Terence & Kelly Linhart
Dale & Marian Linhart
Romona Little
Michael & Judy Livingston
Miriam Long
Jack & Irma Longley
Paul Loucks
Samuel & Mary Lyle
Dennis & Pamela Magary
Timothy & Donna Mann
Lovell & Lila Martz
Stephen & Diane Matteson
Mike & Cynthia McKee
Phil & Lynne McLaren
Donald & Elizabeth McLaughlin
Shirley McMillan
RA McNiece
Jack & Patricia McPhee
Bill & Sandy McVay
Chad & Tammi Meister
Matthew & Jamie Metzger
Judith & Mitchell Miles
Bradley & Roxy Miller
Calvin & Eloise Miller
James & Sylvia Miller
Daniel & Joni Mills
Edward & Patti Minnick
Clyde & Sharon Moore
Edwin & Janet Moore
John & Retha Moran
John & Sue Ann Morey
Robert & Janice Mueller
Ronald & Sandra Mulder
Martin Muoto & Eva Harms
Tom & Elsie Murphy
Tom & Audrey Muselman
Marilyn Muselman
Glen & Spike Musselman
Rose Mustric
Larry & Cathy Nafziger
Daniel & Christine Null Jr
Lavon & Monica Oke
Shawn & Amy Oltz
David & Lois Pannabecker
Dennis & Eva Pannabecker
Daryl & Jennifer Pannabecker
Wayne & Doris Parcell
Ken & Dorothy Parsons
Howard & Rhonda Patterson
Cole Patuzzi
James & Dawn Payne
Roger & Lynn Pendl
Kenneth & Clarice Pennell
Steve & Maribeth Peterson
Dale & Phyllis Pettifor
Robert & Bernice Pettifor
David Phipps
Ronald & Phyllis Phipps
Dona Lou Pierce
Jerry & Maxine Pletcher
James & Shirley Pomeroy
Lester & Judy Pound
Terry & Peggy Powell
Robby & Jeanie Prenkert
Robert & Donna Ransom
Norman & JoLynn Reimer
Richard & Nancy Reitherman
Robert & Sandra Rhein
Richard & Maryann Riddle
Frank & Betty Riffell
Winifred Ritchie
Harold & Barbara Rodgers
JR & Marilyn Rohrer
Clyde & Maryanne Root
Stephen & Nancy Runyon
James & Stacy Salanty
Richard & Beverly Schantz
Gerry & Jane Schember
Richard & Karen Schiele
Darrell Schlabach
David & Carol Schmidt
Gary & Patricia Schroeder
Burton & Beverly Schultz
Jim & Julia Schwartz
Karon Schwartz
John Sebu
Carol Severance
Don & Alice Severance
Rick & Carol Shearer
Colleen Sherrard
Ron & Sharon Showalter
Bradley Smith
David & Sue Smith
William & Nancy Smith Jr
Bruce & Jennita Speicher
Wayne & Opal Speicher
Peter & Marjorie Spencer
Larry & Susan Stamm
Roy Starkey
Adam Steele
Ronald & Cheryl Stichter
Gwen Stines
Ron & Nancy Stump
Ralph Stutzman
Ross & Jolene Swinehart
Charles & Ruth Taba
Bob & Helen Taylor
Ernie & Carol Taylor
Naomi Thompson
Roger & Marge Thornton
Marlyn & Jaurene Traub
LeRoy & Phyllis Troyer
Chet Tschetter
Mick & Kathleen Tuesley
Brenda Ummel
Robert & Idelle Wagner
Larry Wagner
William & Bonnie Walter
Roland & Norma Wardlow
Vicky Tan Warkentien
Jack & Nila Waterson
Greg & Jean Wayne
Katie Weakland
Walt & Caroline Weldy
Robert & Juanita Weldy
Bob & Roberta Werman
Bernadine White
Hyacinth White
Dale Whitehead
Steve Whittenberger
David & Melissa Wiederrecht
Dar* & Dot Wiekamp
Willard & Lillian Williams
Rebecca Wilson
Douglas Wilson
Walter & Diane Wise
James & Patricia Wisler
Richard & Judy Witmer
Dennis & Sandra Woods
Abbi Kim Yap
Stephen & Helen Yaw
Julie Yoder
Keith & Virginia Yoder
Kent & Linda Yoder
Lisle Young
Robert & Maree Zawoysky
Terry & Jill Zeitlow
roll of Honor
Heritage Roll of Honor members
have made a substantial commitment to the future of Bethel College
through either a specific bequest
to Bethel through their estate plan,
or by establishing and funding an
endowed student scholarship at the
college. Members of the Heritage Roll
of Honor are making a profound and
lasting impact on insuring the mission
and ministry of Bethel College.
Dick & Rose Aeschleman
Leon & Anne Amstutz
Rondle & Zona Amstutz
Ethel Anglin
Carolyn Arthur
Gordon & Phyllis Bacon
Orville & Rita Banks
Duane & Charlotte Beals
Nettie Bellman
Albert & Barbara Beutler
Robert & Colleen Beutler
Bruce & Michelle Beyler
Robert & Lorraine Beyler
Juanita* Bishop
Helen Blosser
Vergil Blosser
Diane Bowdoin
Otis & Carol Bowen
Jonathan & Delores Boyer
Kay Branch
Wayne & Hilda Brenneman
Janice Bridges
Donald Brown
David & Janet Buck
Stephen & Lisa Burkey
Philip Bush
Lillian Butt
Dale & Shirley Capon
Eugene* & Joyce Carpenter
Lucy Charlton
David Chart
Wilma Coil
Donald Conrad
Greg & Kathie Conrad
Ron & Karen Cook
Ross & Marilyn Cramer
Steven & Terri Cramer
Don & Nancy Crawford
Hal & Karen Cutshall
Jim & Teresa D’Arcy
Marjorie DeArmond
Joel & Judith DeSelm
Vickie Dietz
Bob & Donna Eagle
Walter & Marilyn Easton
June Embry
Virginia Erickson
Richard Felix
Lyle Fisel
Stanley & Kelli Flory
Joseph & Jeanne Focht
Walter Focht
Dorothy Fowler
Jeanne Gastineau
Bill & Susan Gates
Ruth Gates
Howard Gindelberger
John & Louise Glingle
Donald & Jean Granitz
Lisa Greco
Floyd Haag
Mike Haag
Charles & Waneta Habegger
Brian & Amy Hamil
Donald & Janice Harrison
Mary Hartman
Ralph Hass
Virginia Hatfield
Alma* Heap
Andrea Helmuth
John & Rose Hewett
Rex & Lola Hicks
Leslie Hitchcock
Al & Mickey Hobson
Dale & Janet* Hochstettler
Lloyd & Joyce Hoist
Phyllis Holdeman
Jamie & Kimberly Jarman
Ruth Joelson
Doris Jones
Helen Keller
Roy Kipp
James Kroon
Randall & Deb Lehman
Bob & Marlene Leininger
Romana Little
Micheal & Judy Livingston
Harold & Helen Lomax
Paul Loucks
Lois Luesing
Floran & Naomi Mast
David & Anita Matteson
Richard & Esther Matteson
Stephen & Diane Matteson
Phil & Lynne McLaren
Shirley McMillan
Calvin & Eloise Miller
Signe Miller
Thomas & Mary Molnar
Tony & Mindy Moore
John & Retha Moran
John & Sue Morey
Lynn & Linda Morris
Ronald & Sandra Mulder
Stephen & Joan Murphy
Marilyn Muselman
Glen & Spike Musselman
Paul & Marilyn* Nelson
Mary Nyikos
Calvin & Pat Pannabecker
David & Lois Pannabecker
Dennis & Eva Pannabecker
Randall Petresh
Robert & Bernice Pettifor
David Phipps
James & Shirley Pomeroy
Raymond & Eleanor Pottschmidt
Lester & Judy Pound
Terry & Peggy Powell
Frank & Betty* Riffell
Harold & Barbara Rodgers
Kelly & Karen Rose
Hyla Ross
Weir & Mary Rummel
Gerry & Jane Schember
Richard & Karen Schiele
Darrell Schlabach
Herman & Lois Schrock
Burton & Beverly Schultz
Beulah* Schwanke
Larry Secor
Wayne & Suanne Shidler
Marie Sims
David & Sue Smith
Keith & Jannifer Smith
Ronald & Linda Smith
Wayne & Opal Speicher
Roy Starkey
Wayne & Evelyn Stauffer
John & Terri Steele
Wilbert Steele
Virgil & Marie Strahm
Jeanne Swartzendruber
Ernie & Carol Taylor
LeRoy & Phyllis Troyer
Della Trudgen
Jim & Joyce VanBruaene
Nora Wade
William & Bonnie Walter
Jack & Nila Waterson
Alison Waun
Katie Weakland
Dale & Norma Weldy
Walt & Caroline Weldy
Dennis & Miriam Wertz
Bernadine White
Dale Whitehead
Willard & Lillian Williams
Rebecca Wilson
Walter & Diane Wise
William Wise
David Wolfe
Treva Woods
Judy Wright
Joyce Yoder
Keith & Virginia Yoder
Murray Young
Robert & Maree Zawoysky
Terry & Jill Zeitlow
Bethany Missionary Church
Beulah Missionary Church
Bremen Missionary Church
Brenneman Memorial Missionary Church
Cedar Road Missionary Church
Colonial Woods Missionary Church
Davison Missionary Church
Elkton Missionary Church
Fairview Missionary Church
First Missionary Church, Berne, Ind.
First Missionary Church, Niles, Mich.
Fleetwood Bible Church
Frankstown Park Missionary Church
Gospel Center Church
Grabill Missionary Church
Granger Missionary Church
Greenville Missionary Church
Harvester Missionary Church
Hope Missionary Church
Kalaheo Missionary Church
Koontz Lake Missionary Church
LaGrange Missionary Church
Michigan Region of the Missionary
Missionary Church East Central
Missionary Church
Missionary Church Inc
Murray Missionary Church
Nappanee Missionary Church
New Life Missionary Church
Oak Grove Missionary Church
Ottawa Missionary Church
Pleasant Grove Missionary Church
Redeemer Missionary Church
Rona Missionary Church
Roy Missionary Church
St Mark Missionary Church
Sturgis Missionary Church
Union Chapel Missionary Church
Warren Community Church
Warsaw Missionary Church
West Valley Missionary Church
Woodburn Missionary Church
Adamsville Road Church of God
Antioch Christian Church
Brighton Brethren Chapel
Blythefield Hills Baptist Church
Casa Del Alfareo Instituto Biblico Bethel
Christian Bible Church
City Chapel
Dever Conner Community Church
Grace Church
Grace Baptist Church
New Life Assembly of God
South Side Church of God
Trinity Lutheran Church
Wapakoneta Church of the Nazarene
Wellspring Community Church
AXA Foundation
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Crowe Horwath LLP
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Farmers Group Inc
Johnson Controls Foundation
Lilly Endowment Inc
Lincoln Financial Group
PepsiCo Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Raytheon Company
Elizabeth A Hossler
Jim & JoAnn Hossler
Wendall L Sousley
Gordon & Phyllis Bacon
Stanley M Taylor
Orville & Rita Banks
Robert & Lorraine Beyler
Harold Brooks
Virginia Erickson
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Joseph & Shirley J Martin
Bob Medhurst
Craig & Deborah J Nayrocker
Elliott & Shirley Nordgren
Harold& Margaret Platts
Maryanne Ritenour
Philip Yoder
Vance & Marilyn Yoder
Lila Adams
Floran & Naomi Mast
Mike Niquette
Brian Stude
Norman Bridges
Fred & Glenice Becknell Sr
Jonathan & Debbie Bridges
Naomi Everett
Ross & Marilyn Cramer
Grace Marks
Norman Gascho
Catherine Hacker
Timothy & Nancy Henthorn
Joe Ziegler
Charles Adams
Robert & Lorraine Beyler
Mike & Trish Bowerman
Amy Brinkerhoff
David Chart
Trace Cole
Donald Conrad
Donald & Karen Danz
Eugene & Kimberly Dudeck
Melissa Duerksen
Sharon Duerksen
Virginia Erickson
Lee & Gayla Fisher
Tom & Shirley Firestone
Richard Fletcher
Steven & Tonya Fletcher
Joyce Fragomeni
Dorothy Fretz
Harold Geyer
Wilbert & Sharon Hoover
Charles Hunter
Kurt & Rhonda Laidig
Cynthia Lantz
Dick & Marilyn Lightfoot
Jean Lightfoot
Marbach Brady & Weaver Inc
Peter & Sonya Martinez
John & Sue Mikel
Tamara Miller
Anthony & Andrea Natali
Connie Nine
Barbara Norkus
Kevin & Merrie Papczynski
Carole Rehmann
Constance Sauer
Nancy Snell
South Bend Silver Hawks
Loren Stackhouse
Nancy Upchurch
Mimi Vollum
Stephen & Constance Williams
Julie Yoder
Terry & Jill Zeitlow
Jennifer Zurcher
Laura Miller
Gerald & Laura Miller
BUSIness and
1st Source Bank
A Harold and Lucile Charitable Trust
Allan Magaziner DO PC
B & J Company of Middlebury Inc.
Bail Home Services & Construction Inc
Bellman Oil Company Inc
Bittersweet Road Family Dentists
Brotherhood Mutual Foundation Inc
Burns Rent-Alls Inc
CVS Systems
Caldwell Monument Company
Cargo Services
Charles G Koch Charitable Fdn
Clean Air
D.L. & D.J. Wiekamp Foundation
Design Collaborative
Devries Jewelry Store Inc
Dicor Corporation
Dirk & Dad Trucking
Dow Corning Corporation
Drevs & Hancz
Educational Assistance Ltd
Faegre Baker Daniels
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Financial Security
Fisher’s Lime Spreading
Foster Custom Homes Inc
Garman Electric
Gates Toyota Inc
Gibson-Lewis LLC
Graber Family Trust
Guidance Wealth
H&E Machine
Heritage Financial Group Inc
Hoover Lumber & Coal Co.
Hubbard Hill Estates Retirement
In-Detail Inc
Independent Colleges of Indiana
Indiana Chargers
Indiana Michigan Power
Integrity Real Estate Professionals
Interlogic Outsourcing Inc
International Business Machines Corporation
J & M Enterprises
Jo’s Hair Loft
KFG Wealth Management
Kardia House Publishing
Kelly and Karen Rose Foundation
Kem Road Animal Hospital
KeyBank National Association
Kosciusko Co. Community Found.
Laidig Family Foundation Inc
Lamb Investment Inc
Marbach Brady & Weaver Inc.
McDonald’s KADA Partnership
McGladrey LLP
Mennonite Foundation Inc
Mike’s Masonry Inc
Mishawaka Business Assoc
John J Nate Jr
New Prairie Baseball
Northern Illinois Steel Supply Co
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Novae Corp
Oliver Memorial Trust Foundation
Paige’s Custom Lettering
Pendl Investments Inc
Perfectly Placed
Pioneer State Mutual Ins Co
Prairieside Suites, Inc
Pro Grass Lawn LLC
Progress Club Of South Bend
Query Monument Co
RSM McGladrey Inc.
Remote Controls Inc
Rieth-Riley Construction Co Inc
Robert Weed Plywood Corporation
Rosenberg & Associates
Rotary Club of Edison Lakes
Rykar Enterprises
Sage Geotech Inc.
Scoggins Development
Scott Moore Contruction Inc
Special Products and Services
Stateline Executive Suites
Steele Farms
Stripco Inc
T & J Plating Inc
Taylored Systems
Teachers Credit Union
The Beauty Shop
The Brennan Group LLC
Tylers Automotive
United States Plastic Corp
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Welch Packaging Group Inc
Werntz Supply
Willie’s Plastering Service
Women’s Ministry International
Yoder Oil Company Inc
Zolman Tire Inc
Board of Trustees
Front Row
Judith K. Miles (vice president finance,
Admin IE-E Industries), Steven R.
Cramer (president, Bethel College),
Michaele A. Hobson (broker, Townline
Second Row
LeRoy Troyer (retired president, Troyer
Group), Charles E. Habegger (retired
president, Habegger Builder Supply),
Glen E. Musselman (retired attorney),
Glen E. Cook (former owner, Propane
Gas Company), Aaron A. Carpenter
(president, Power Products, LLC)
Third Row
Daniel W. Kletzing, M.D. (physician),
William C. Gates (president, Gates
Toyota), John W. Gardener (semi-retired
CFO, Noble Composite), Richard E.
Felix (president emeritus, Azusa Pacific
University), Martin Muoto (managing
partner, E & M Associates LLC), Greg
D. Hartman (retired vice president,
Biomet, Inc.)
Back Row
William A. Hossler (president, Missionary Church), Sam D. Davenport (partner, McGladrey & Pullen LLP), Richard
H. Riddle (co-owner, Church & Casualty
Insurance), Joel D. DeSelm (pastor,
Woodburn Missionary Church; Missionary Church Vice Superintendent,
Central District), David J. Engbrecht
(senior pastor, Nappanee Missionary
Church), Thomas C. Muselman (president, Dynamic Resource Group)
Not pictured
Daryl G. Pannabecker (vice president,
Brotherhood Mutual Ins Co.), Brian L.
Hamil (CPA, Hamil, Lehman & England)
Class Year 1949
Gordon Bacon
Virginia Krake
Joyce Yoder
giving by
Living: 6
Giving: 3
Percentage FY12: 50%
FY11: 50%
Amt: $2,400
Class Year 1950
Robert Clyde
Donald Conrad
Eileen Grabill
Lois Hossler
Doris Jones
Living: 12
Giving: 5
Percentage FY12: 41.67%
FY11: 25%
Amt: $2,235
Class Year 1951
Albert Beutler
Goldie Boese
Rex Hicks
Living: 11
Giving: 3
Percentage FY12: 27.27%
FY11: 27.27%
Amt: $2,410
Class Year 1952
Gordon Enfield
Ila Lee
Franklin Lusk
Shirley McMillan
Ken Parsons
Alice Severance
Living: 15
Giving: 6
Percentage FY12: 40%
FY11: 43.75%
Amt: $2,250
FY11: 20%
Amt: $700
Class Year 1953
Audrey Clyde
Wayne Gerber
Ruth Gleason
Lloyd Lilly
Paul Loucks
Living: 12
Giving: 5
Percentage FY12: 41.67%
FY11: 25%
Amt: $2,025
Class Year 1954
Helen Harness
Norma Hoist
Barbara Lilly
Living: 11
Giving: 3
Percentage FY12: 27.27%
FY11: 45.45%
Amt: $325
Class Year 1955
Charles Daniels
Marvin Engbrecht
Elliott Nordgren
John Secor
Opal Speicher
Living: 12
Giving: 5
Percentage FY12: 41.67%
FY11: 41.67%
Amt: $2,795
Class Year 1956
Richard Carpenter
Phyllis Pettifor
Esther Schott
Living: 10
Giving: 3
Percentage FY12: 30%
Class Year 1957
Rita Banks
Betty Bennett
Betty Bryner
Shirley Comfort
Ruth Joelson
Joseph Martin
Joyce McDaniel
Bernice Pettifor
Dale Pettifor
Beverly Schultz
Burton Schultz
Don Severance
Wayne Speicher
Living: 32
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 40.63%
FY11: 36.36%
Amt: $14,695
Class Year 1958
Joanne Keith
Yvonne Laszlo
Irma Longley
Richard Matteson
Dennis Pannabecker
Alvera Sandberg
Patience Stelma
Living: 33
Giving: 7
Percentage FY12: 21.21%
FY11: 18.18%
Amt: $1,800
Class Year 1959
Donna Eagle
Virginia Erickson
Julia Geiman
Jack Longley
Lois Luesing
David Matteson
Esther Matteson
John Moran
Retha Moran
Mary Noaker
Shirley Nordgren
Eva Pannabecker
Larry Secor
Living: 36
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 36.11%
FY11: 35.14%
Amt: $9,730
Class Year 1960
Esther Bailey
Philip Bailey
Arnold Dietz
Bob Eagle
Nancy Eckstrom
Rose Lenig
Marilyn Lightfoot
Robert Pettifor
Larry Stump
Nila Waterson
Living: 32
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 31.25%
FY11: 18.18%
Amt: $5,825
Class Year 1961
Duane Beals
James Bennett
Treasure Berens
Janice Bridges
Mary Handwork
Living: 31
Giving: 5
Percentage FY12: 16.13%
FY11: 18.75%
Amt: $18,145
Class Year 1962
Glenice Becknell
Nancy Bowman
Dolores Collins
Karen Cook
Jack French
Joni French
JoAnn Hossler
Fred Hunsberger
Don Matteson
William McPhail
Dick Roth
Gwen Stines
Nancy Stump
Ron Stump
Carol Wrightsman
Linda Young
Living: 47
Giving: 16
Percentage FY12: 34.04%
FY11: 20.41%
Amt: $7,565
Class Year 1963
Helen Althoff
Paul E Blosser
Joyce Boxman
Jack D’Arcy
Sharon D’Arcy
Shirley Eby
Jim Hossler
Norman Reimer
Nancy Roth
Wes Ummel
Bob Yarbrough
Virginia Yoder
Living: 49
Giving: 12
Percentage FY12: 24.49%
FY11: 24%
Amt: $19,373
Class Year 1964
Bernard Abendshein
Nancy Amstutz,
Charlotte Beals
Fred Becknell Sr
Lois Dickison
Phyllis Donnelly-Ingold
Eunice Hunsberger
Lynne McLaren
Phil McLaren
Judith McPhail
Rose Mustric
Betty Reading
Maryann Riddle
Richard Riddle
Gerald Robbins
Darrell Schlabach
Ron Showalter
Ellen Stanley
Lillian Stanton
Carol Stump
Joan Ummel
Lorraine Yarbrough,
Living: 71
Giving: 22
Percentage FY12: 30.99%
FY11: 21.92%
Amt: $161,080
Class Year 1965
Anna Abendshein
Ron Cook
Joyce Halt
Wayne Haney
Harold Knight
Carol Null
Phyllis Phipps
Maryanne Ritenour
Sharon Robbins
Judy Rouch
Ellen Steiner
Terry Sudlow
Marilyn Yoder
Living: 80
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 16.25%
FY11: 12.50%
Amt: $2,385
Class Year 1966
Lois Coffman
Karen Cutshall
Phyllis Gartner
Phil Hiatt
Dawn Horein
Margaret Hossler
William Hossler
Sharon Huber
Mary Moore
Judy Pound
Juanita Stephenson
Steve Stump
Living: 63
Giving: 12
Percentage FY12: 19.05%
FY11: 15.63%
Amt: $13,523
Class Year 1967
Hal Cutshall
Jack Edison
Ruth Gates
Alice Gill
Eileen Guckenberger
Linda Hinkle
Nancy McBride
Janice Stoner
Roger Thornton
Bill Unrue
Robert Zawoysky
Living: 65
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 16.92%
FY11: 19.7%
Amt: $8,488
Class Year 1968
Retha Blocher
Joyce Chambers
Robert Culp
Lorraine Frederick
Gary Hinkle
Peggy House
Dave Klontz
Bill McVay
Daniel Null
Carol Patterson
David Smith
Beverly Sudlow
Joy Trulock
James Wisler
Maree Zawoysky
Lucy Zimmerman
Living: 87
Giving: 16
Percentage FY12: 18.39%
FY11: 17.24%
Amt: $6,365
Class Year 1970
Phillip Bridges
Ralph Causey Jr
Greg Conrad
Jean Culp
Bob Deal
Norman Fuller
Chuck Henkel
John Holmgren
Libby Karns
Steve Van Bruaene
Suzanne Veselak
Patricia Wisler
Judy Wright
Living: 83
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 15.66%
FY11: 12.94%
Amt: $3,535
Class Year 1969
Ron Bacon
Missy Bayer
Judy Edison
John Graybill
Sharon Graybill
Anna Harness
Bob Leininger
Mary McBride
Sandy McVay
Joe Mellendorf
Herb Peer
Lester Rassi
Jackie Reilly
Timothy Reilly
Mike Reynolds
Shirley Schaefer
Jane Weaver
Richard Witmer
Living: 70
Giving: 18
Percentage FY12: 25.71%
FY11: 22.54%
Amt: $5,750
Class Year 1971
Joe Bellman
Nancy Beron
Linda Cary
Donna Conrad
Maureen Cook
Randy Klotz
Marlene Leininger
Steve McBride
Steve Peterson
Karen Schiele
Rose Vaile
Living: 90
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 12.22%
FY11: 12.22%
Amt: $4,525
Class Year 1972
Todd Blumenstock
Janet Buck
Bruce Coffman
Jim D’Arcy
Harlan Gingrich
Jenny Heemer
Ramona Little
Donna Mann
Maribeth Peterson
Colleen Sherrard
Shirley Simmons
Jerry Thacker
Sam Watson
Nancy Whiteman
Living: 83
Giving: 14
Percentage FY12: 16.87%
FY11: 16.87%
Amt: $8,250
Class Year 1973
Leon Amstutz
Daniel Gerber
Bobbie Glingle
Randy Glingle
James Keller
Dorothy Parsons
Donna Thacker
Lyndon Tschetter
Richard Patterson
Ronald Phipps
Harold Rodgers
Joseph Sabo
Jim VanBruaene
Joyce VanBruaene
Living: 57
Giving: 8
Percentage FY12: 14.04%
FY11: 11.86%
Amt: $28,450
Living: 63
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 17.46%
FY11: 17.46%
Amt: $13,249
Class Year 1974
Class Year 1975
Valinda Colyer
Terri Cramer
Stanley Flory
Bruce Horein
David Pannabecker
Ruth Anthony
Marilyn Barbour
Steven Cramer
Walter Easton
Sue Edington
The Mission of an Extreme Kiteboarder
Extreme sports enthusiast Kelsey
(Waliszewski ’09) Poole is living
her dream in Hawaii — merging
her passion for kiteboarding with
ministry. Poole first encountered
the sport while on vacation in Maui
during highschool. As she watched a
surfer glide over the swelling Pacific
waves, then soar 25 feet into the sky
with nothing carrying him but the
wind and the six-meter kite spiraling
above, she dreamed of one day
trying it for herself.
While in college at Bethel, Poole
pursued a four-month youth ministry
internship at Hilo Missionary Church
(HMC), located on Hawaii’s Big Island.
This time, she fell in love with the
island’s people rather than its sports,
but her kiteboarding dream had not
been forgotten.
Following graduation, she married
fellow youth ministry major David
Poole (’09), and the couple moved
to the Big Island to serve as youth
pastors at HMC, where they worked
for a year-and-a-half.
During that time, Poole met a
local kiteboarder who offered her
kiteboarding lessons.The sport’s thrill
and adrenaline rush captivated her,
despite a two-hour weekly commute
to the other side of the island for
lessons and the many bumps and
bruises she endured along the way.
When the couple felt called to
temporarily step out of professional
ministry, they moved to the
other side of the island and soon
realized they were already given
another ministry: a community of
“We had a time where we were
given a platform to literally and
verbally preach the gospel as youth
pastors,” Kelsey says. “Now, in this
season, we just have our lives, and
God gave us specifics in how we
should live to reflect Him. That’s
ministry to us.”
Because kiteboarding remains
one of Kelsey’s main ministry
opportunities, she hopes to travel
around the world someday, enjoying
the sport and talking with fellow
kiteboarders and spectators about
what God has done in her life.
Charlie Keller
Joyce Mangia
Jim Marks
Hope Olson
Beverly Ostrander
Barbara Rodgers
Stephen Runyon
Jean Sabo
Living: 68
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 19.12%
FY11: 14.71%
Amt: $9,628
Sandra Finkenbinder
Karen Gadd
Darlene Johnson
Janine Ramsey
David Severance
Robyn Severance
Ruth Sims
William Smith Jr
Dennis Woods
Living: 68
Giving: 16
Percentage FY12: 23.53%
FY11: 16.18%
Amt: $18,430
Class Year 1976
Ruth Carter
Edward Faulhaber
Donald Gribbin
Katherine Gribbin
Deborah Keller
James Little
Judith Miles
Mitchell Miles
Joan Murphy
Stephen Murphy
Denise Palmateer
David Phipps
Janelle Schwartz
Dean Weirich
Roberta Werman
Living: 71
Giving: 15
Percentage FY12: 21.13%
FY11: 16.67%
Amt: $5,770
Class Year 1977
David Brenay
Rex Charles
Joy Clark
Kirk Clark
Marcia Cramer
Sam Davenport
Franklin Finkenbinder
Class Year 1978
Bruce Beyler
Michelle Beyler
Delores Boyer
Ann DeBaets
Shirley Deemer
Mark Grose
Marlene Hadden
Joseph Hardman
Thomas Krake
Michael Lightfoot
Jeffrey Springer
Living: 79
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 13.92%
FY11: 16.46%
Amt: $9,880
Class Year 1979
Debra Armington
Jonathan Boyer
Brian Habegger
Gary Simmons
Sandra Woods
Living: 66
Giving: 5
Percentage FY12: 7.58%
FY11: 13.64%
Amt: $7,455
Class Year 1980
Richard Armington
Dennis Doverspike
Julie Harrison
Diane Matteson
Deborah Nayrocker
Tom Stefaniak
Margaret Wilson
Jeffrey Ziegler
Living: 68
Giving: 8
Percentage FY12: 11.76%
FY11: 13.04%
Amt: $4,345
Class Year 1981
Dale Brenneman
Karen Brenneman
Melinda Brown
Stephen Brown
Sandra Carpenter
Greg Conrad
Nancy DeWeese
Denise Habegger
Charlene Hardman
Kevin Helsley
David Jasper
Michele LaPlace
Scott LaPlace
Stephen Matteson
Daniel Mills
Diana Munter
Douglas Snyder
Cathleen Sprunger
Donna Van Bruaene
Living: 110
Giving: 19
Percentage FY12: 17.27%
FY11: 14.55%
Amt: $9,684
Class Year 1982
Rondle Amstutz
Sharon Baker
Lisa Bixel
Matthew Bixel
Kathie Conrad
Brian Hamil
Randall Lehman
Timothy Overmyer
Morganna Schwing
Donald Zawlocki
Living: 84
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 11.90%
FY11: 20.24%
Amt: $29,825
Class Year 1983
Scott Anderson
Wendy Anderson
Mick Baker
Virginia Bennett
Aaron Carpenter
Robert Clyde
Mona Conrad
Rhonda Edmond
Charles Harris
Karen Harris
William O’Dell
Deborah Oke
Thomas Scott
Phillip Taylor
Living: 76
Giving: 14
Percentage FY12: 18.42%
FY11: 15.79%
Amt: $3,989
Class Year 1984
Loni Baker
Charles Bowen
Joel Conrad
Carol Fish
Christine Fisher
Guy Fisher
Alisa Hein
Cynthia King-Harris
Debra Nehls
Walter Nehls
Pamela Nguyen
Lori Overmyer
David Schafer
Joanne Ummel
Michael Ummel
Living: 79
Giving: 15
Percentage FY12: 18.99%
FY11: 24.05%
Amt: $3,764
Class Year 1985
Steven Baker
Jack Carpenter
Andrew Clyde
Eric Edmond
Everett Nifong
Christine Null
Daryl Pannabecker
Kathleen Schafer
Bev Wagnerowski
Living: 70
Giving: 9
Percentage FY12: 12.86%
FY11: 14.29%
Amt: $4,368
Class Year 1986
Kenlyn Graber
Rose Johns
Sharon Minnich
Lavon Oke
Lorne Oke
Living: 70
Giving: 5
Percentage FY12: 7.14%
FY11: 2.86%
Amt: $2,785
Class Year 1987
Kevin Abbott
David Gu
Dawn Harrington
Julie Innes
Teresa Jones
Ryan Minnich
Living: 70
Giving: 6
Percentage FY12: 8.57%
FY11: 14.08%
Amt: $1,620
Class Year 1988
Lynne Andrews
Deanna Fretz
Matthew Kopsea
Tammi Meister
Kathleen Ruble
Living: 58
Giving: 5
Percentage FY12: 8.62%
FY11: 13.79%
Amt: $2,810
Class Year 1989
Linda Eby
Dan Florian
David Hess
Living: 103
Giving: 3
Percentage FY12: 2.91%
FY11: 2.88%
Amt: $556
Class Year 1990
Cheryl Croy
Jeff Knight
Peter Martinez
Sonya Martinez
Lori Rose
Keith Rupp
Gail Stutzman
Cynthia Ward
Kelly Williams
Living: 88
Giving: 9
Percentage FY12: 10.23%
FY11: 11.36%
Amt: $2,371
Class Year 1991
Deborah Church-Smith
Arlene Duerksen
Bob Knebel
Andrew Peterson
Jennifer Peterson
Norman Sellers
Living: 105
Giving: 6
Percentage FY12: 5.71%
FY11: 8.57%
Amt: $644
Class Year 1992
Cathryn Chen
Kevin Gerencher
Daniel Null Jr
Shawn Oltz
Jeanie Prenkert
Robby Prenkert
Mary Ryder
Tena Sheets
Steven Stutzman
Living: 118
Giving: 9
Percentage FY12: 7.63%
FY11: 9.24%
Amt: $4,905
Class Year 1993
Mark Brown
Fran Graber
Joy Greeney
Sheri Hess
Angela Knight
Alan Kuzmits
Sandra McNiel
Cheryl Smith
John Smith
Meredyth Wollmann
Living: 151
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 6.62%
FY11: 6.62%
Amt: $3,005
Class Year 1994
Kent Eby
Linda Elek
Brad Fish
Michelle Fish
Tara Holmes
David Lorence
Rodney Nafziger
Joan Smith
Mark Via
Christianna Weston
Living: 179
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 5.59%
FY11: 6.15%
Amt: $2,806
Class Year 1995
Matthew Baron
Matthew Bowers
Geri Bradford
James Bradford
Joyce Carpenter
Andrea Helmuth
Alex Hess
Melinda Lorence
Tamara Miller
Helen Nusbaum
Scott Stewart
Living: 156
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 7.05%
FY11: 5.73%
Amt: $1,805
Class Year 1996
David Blake
Kevin Blowers
Allison Clay
Robert Culp
Mikel Large
Christine Lauber
Samuel Obermeyer
Monica Oke
Amy Oltz
Karen Peek
Living: 211
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 4.74%
FY11: 7.58%
Amt: $4,250
Class Year 1997
Romeo Berthier
Loretta Blowers
Jefferson Clay
Faye Davenport
Candice Igel
Barry Jones
Janette Kraemer
Mark McBride
Shannon McBride
Julia Reininga
Randy Romer
John Urbanski
Living: 225
Giving: 12
Percentage FY12: 5.33%
FY11: 9.33%
Amt: $12,796
Class Year 1998
Jodi Culp
Patrick Hannon
Eric Hernandez
Eric Hostetler
Elizabeth McLaughlin
Charles Nightingale
Jane Schmidt
Sara Smith
Samuel Stutzman
Donna Wortinger
Seth Zartman
Living: 233
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 4.72%
FY11: 5.58%
Amt: $2,260
Class Year 1999
Dana Baker
Dale Fish
Carl Galloway
Todd Gongwer
Jeffrey Hobson
Brenda Jones
Pablo Rodriguez
Jayne Romer
Earl Smith
Jeanette Taylor
Living: 251
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 3.98%
FY11: 5.98%
Amt: $3,600
Class Year 2000
Beth Bender
Valerie Breeden
Bruno Jose Martins DeJesus
Lisa DeJesus
Lola Gingerich
William Greeney
Cara Hernandez
Sara Jackson
Janelle Prenkert
Norman Smith
Constance Williams
Living: 313
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 3.51%
FY11: 3.17%
Amt: $4,325
Class Year 2001
James Bayer Sr
Terry Bley
Craig Foor
Dale Gadd
Fred Harris
Mark Oyer
Donna Rohrer
April Russell
Carrie Smith
Gabriel Wallis
Living: 307
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 3.26%
FY11: 2.93%
Amt: $2,970
Class Year 2002
Mary Aupperle
Kendra Eicher
Eduardo de Freitas Ferreira,
Brenton Fish
Caryn Fish
Scott Goble
Rachel Hoover
Malana Maher
Rhonda Michael
Keli Rodriguez
Stephen Smith
Eric Stults
Phillip Ummel
Shanda Wirt
Nathan Yoshida
Living: 286
Giving: 15
Percentage FY12: 5.24%
FY11: 5.24%
Amt: $3,625
Class Year 2003
David Binkley
Matthew Carpenter
Renata Santos Da Silva Ferreira
Melissa Foor
Darlene Geoghan
Lori Gonzalez
Shallon Gray
Sarah Lawrence
Suk Yun Park
Randy Styles
Living: 361
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 2.77%
FY11: 3.30%
Amt: $1,465
Class Year 2004
Richard Becker
Edward Bernhard
William Bloom
Lisa Filippello
Brant Fowler
Alex Gonzalez
Lamanda Hilty
Terri Lawton
William Nelson
Jared Schwartz
Sheldon Smith
Stephanie Stults
Tracy Ummel
Living: 358
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 3.63%
FY11: 4.75%
Amt: $4,488
Class Year 2005
Hilary D’Arcy
Bruce Faltynski
Mary Fulton
Jordan Garrett-Medeiros
Landon Hochstetler
Stephanie Hochstetler
Yvonda Kisor
Patrick Ryan
Patrick Smith
Sarah Tietsort
Staci Weisser
Living: 399
Giving: 11
Percentage FY12: 2.76%
FY11: 3.75%
Amt: $1,835
Class Year 2006
Patrick Adamo
Heather Bowers
Edward Coleman Jr
Daniel Crouch
Eric Flemming
Deanne Gonzalez
Wendy Hagie
Donna Joldersma
Ryan Matteson
Alexander Robbins
Sally Robbins
Sallyann Yakym
Anitra Zartman
Living: 412
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 3.16%
FY11: 2.9%
Amt: $1,240
Class Year 2007
Rebecca Aldridge
Randy Beachy
Thomas Carpenter
Tonya Denton
Amber Pauls
Joshua Schwartz
Living: 410
Giving: 6
Percentage FY12: 1.46%
FY11: 5.34%
Amt: $1,776
Class Year 2008
Kimberly Boswell
Anthony Coble
Donald Danz
Joshua Davidhizar
Nora Didrick
Grail Gast
Justin Gingerich
Rachel Haughwout
Shane Hopkins
Robert Lightfoot
Carrie Nofziger
Hyacinth White
Rebecca Wilson
Living: 512
Giving: 13
Percentage FY12: 2.54%
FY11: 3.70%
Amt: $1,480
Class Year 2009
June Bails
Lorena Erdel
Norma Firestone
Cynthia Jacobs
Eric Lebold
Brittney Lightfoot
Luke Nakatsukasa
Cole Patuzzi
Cameron Pauls
Michael Phipps
Curt Rallo
Hannah Richards
Ashley Sparks
Chad Stephenson
Brian Stevenson
Jessica Lovin
Jacqueline O’Blenis
Sarah Rassi
Phillip Wertz
Living: 512
Giving: 10
Percentage FY12: 1.95%
FY11: 2.32%
Amt: $862
Class Year 2011
Katelyn Boocher
Carlie Dunbar
Austin Francis
Caleb Laidig
Jessica Rondeau
Michael Sprunger
Joseph Welch
Christopher Wolfe
Stephen Yaw
Living: 520
Class Year 2012
Bethany Aldrich
Kelsey Arntzen
Mackenzie Borst
Randall Bridges
Charity Brown
Chelsey Campbell
Donna Chamblee
Tiffany Christensen
Joel Eichorn
Rachel Embry
Amy Fishbein
Nicole Freeman
Andrew Gerig
Karol Griffin
Lucas Grudda
Kimberly Hale
Sabrina Hallock
Laura Hanlin
Amy Heitz
Ryan Huling
Katie Jolliff
Brittney Lambright
Stephanie Malkewicz
Justin Mauchmar
Kent Palmer
Garrett Penn
John Rapp
Karli Saner
Leah Smith
Jodi Spotts
Rosa Villalobos
Deanna Wolfe
Kirstin Yoder
Living: 440
Giving: 33
Percentage FY12: 7.5% FY11: N/A%
Amt: $2,645
A Man with a Mission for God
Living: 483
Giving: 15
Percentage FY12: 3.11%
FY11: 3.11%
Amt: $2,388
Class Year 2010
Tyler Brown
William Cramer
Corinne Dennison
Lori Knisely
Sandra Lesko
Ryne Lightfoot
Giving: 9
Percentage FY12: 1.73%
FY11: 2.76%
Amt: $1,028
“We can make our own plans, but
ultimately God is in control and we
just have to follow his lead and go
wherever He takes us,” liberal arts
major Yonathan Moya (’10) says.
Many times, that is easier said than
done, but Moya doesn’t just talk the
talk; he walks the walk when it comes
to following God’s plan for his life.
As a regional coordinator for
a nonprofit organization called
Experience Mission (EM), Moya
oversees short-term mission work
in Spanish-speaking communities
throughout Central America and the
Caribbean, as well as in places like
Joplin, Mo., and Los Angeles, Calif.
Since transforming his calling
into a profession in the spring of
2010, Moya has led six different
trips, including two separate ones to
Port au Prince, Haiti, increasing his
nomadic repertoire to more than 11
locations around the world.
“I don’t take my traveling lightly. I
see every trip as an opportunity to be
a tangible picture of [God’s] love and
represent His kingdom in everything
that I do,” explains Moya.
Now, when he is not traveling
internationally, Moya spends his time
visiting college campuses in northern
Indiana and southern Michigan,
recruiting students for EM’s fall and
spring internship program. Recently,
he began expanding toward
Columbus and Chicago, in hopes to
further diversify the program.
“With recruiting, I believe there is
something really valuable in building
relationships with people,” says Moya.
“Since I’m such a relational person, I
love just meeting and working with
people. Last year at this time, we had
39 applicants. This year we have 139!”
15+ Years of
Kevin & Julie Abbott
Steve & Rebecca Aldridge
Billy Allen
Leon & Anne Amstutz
Richard Amstutz
James & Linda Arnold
Gordon & Phyllis Bacon
Richard & Deanna Beall
Duane & Charlotte Beals
Ronald & Virginia Bennett
Albert & Barbara Beutler
Robert & Colleen Beutler
Bruce & Michelle Beyler
Robert & Lorraine Beyler
Joe & Marlene Blosser
Paul Blosser
LaVerne & Loretta Blowers
Leslie Bodnar
Mary Boise
Otis & Carol Bowen
Charles & Joyce Boxman
Arden Boyer
Irene Brazier
Don Brenneman
Wayne & Hilda Brenneman
Norman* & Janice Bridges
Stephen & Melinda Brown
David & Janet Buck
Kenneth Buel
John & Edna Bunch
Garland & Muriel Carothers
Linda Cary
Douglas Chapman
Rex & Kathryn Charles
David Chart
David & Doris Clay
Jefferson & Allison Clay
John & Fern Coldeberg
Donald Conrad
Harold Cook
Dale & Tricia Cramer
Marcia Cramer
Ross & Marilyn Cramer
Steven & Terri Cramer
Maralee Crandon
Don & Nancy Crawford
Bill Crocker
Charles & Norma Daniels
Christian & Susan Davis
David & Gwen DeSelm
Joel & Judith DeSelm
Arnold & Nancy Dietz
Dennis & Darlene Doverspike
Arlene Duerksen
James Dugle
Kenneth & Shirley Eby
Eric & Rhonda Edmond
Walter & Shirley Eger
Gordon Enfield
David & Christy Engbrecht
Dennis & Karla Engbrecht
Marvin & Anne Engbrecht
Timothy & Sally Erdel
Virginia Erickson
Edward Faulhaber
Elson & Patsy Fish
Guy & Christine Fisher
Stanley & Kelli Flory
Everett & Alice Freed
Dorothy Fretz
Norman & Linda Fuller
Mary Fulton
Carl & Sheila Galloway
Ruth Gates
Wayne & Willowdean* Gerber
Russell Geyer
Donna Gibson
Robert Gill
Harlan & Karen Gingrich
Dale & Toqualee Gongwer
Todd & Traci Gongwer
Katherine Gribbin
Fred & Joan Grossman
David Gu
Floyd Haag
Mike Haag
Brian & Denise Habegger
Charles & Waneta Habegger
Robert & Marilynn Ham
Brian & Amy Hamil
Charles Hamrick
Anna Harness
Donald & Margaret Harsha
Walter Hartman
William* & Mary Hartman
Rex & Lola Hicks
Allen Hill
Gary & Linda Hinkle
Al & Mickey Hobson
Gerald & Marjorie Hogue
Roger Hollinger
Michael & Judy Holtgren
Wilbert* & Sharon Hoover
Michael & Karen Hosinski
Lois Hossler
Glenn & Sharon Huber
Harrison Hull
Mildred Ireland
Bryan & Susan Isaac
Dennis & Margaret Jarusewic
Ruth Joelson
Betty Johnson
Weyburn & Dorothy Johnson
Doris Jones
Libby Karns
Helen Keller
James & Brenda Keller
Daniel & Nancy Kletzing
Keith & Ronda Klotz
Matthew Kopsea
Virginia Kraft
Larry Lambert
Bruce & Anne Lawrason
Ila Lee
Luther & Linda Lehman
Randall & Deb Lehman
Tyler & Julie Lehman
Michael & Jacci Lightfoot
David & Patricia Lister
Harold & Helen Lomax
Paul Loucks
Samuel & Mary Lyle
Lavon Marks
Dallas & Gloria Martin
Peter & Sonya Martinez
Floran & Naomi Mast
Richard & Esther Matteson
Stephen & Diane Matteson
Steve & Mary McBride
Larry & Susan McClements
John McCollum
Phil & Lynne McLaren
Richard & Patricia McNiece
William & Judith McPhail
Wyatt & Elaine Mick
Lowell & Evelyn Mikel
Calvin & Eloise Miller
Edward Miller
James & Sylvia Miller
Samuel Miller
Clyde & Sharon Moore
David Moreland
Loren Moser
John & Connie Mow
Tom & Elsie Murphy
Patrick & Shirley Murray
Glen & Spike Musselman
Imogene Myers
Larry & Cathy Nafziger
Pamela Nguyen
Elliott & Shirley Nordgren
David O’Neill
Lavon & Monica Oke
Lorne & Deborah Oke
Shawn & Amy Oltz
Timothy & Lori Overmyer
Dennis & Eva Pannabecker
Andrew & Jennifer Peterson
Steve & Maribeth Peterson
Jerry & Maxine Pletcher
Raymond & Eleanor Pottschmidt
Earl & Dorothy Prout
Robert & Donna Ransom
Lester & Velma Rassi
Norman & JoLynn Reimer
Robert & Sandra Rhein
Patricia Richards
Doris Risser
Maryanne Ritenour
Harold & Barbara Rodgers
JR & Marilyn Rohrer
Clyde & Maryanne Root
Dick & Nancy Roth
James & Lois Roth
Lavere & Betty* Rouch
Fred & Christine Rowe
Jerry & Kathleen Ruble
David & Carol Schmidt
Joseph & Janelle Schwartz
Charles Sellers
Evelyn Sloat
Jared Smith
John & Joan Smith
Richard & Diana Smith
Richard Smith
Nancy Snell
Wayne & Opal Speicher
Jeffrey & Judy Springer
Ron & Nancy Stump
Steven & Gail Stutzman
Terry & Beverly Sudlow
Edwin & Janet Terui
Paul Troyer
Brenda Ummel
Jim & Joyce VanBruaene
John Veal
Mabel Veal
Suzanne Veselak
Larry Wagner
William & Bonnie Walter
Roland & Norma Wardlow
Walt & Caroline Weldy
Dennis & Miriam Wertz
Helen Wiegand
Dar* & Dot Wiekamp
Douglas Wilson
Rebecca Wilson
Walter & Diane Wise
Richard & Judy Witmer
Meredyth Wollmann
Stephen & Helen Yaw
Jeffrey & Ronda Yoder
Joyce Yoder
Julie Yoder
Keith & Virginia Yoder
Roger & Kimela Young
Robert & Maree Zawoysky
Joe* & Gayle Ziegler
11-14 YEARS of
James & Betty Bennett
James & Sheryl Blake
Ben Blosser
Kevin Blowers
James & Carol Bowden
Nancy Bowman
Donald Brown
Peter & Janine Capon
Sharon Carlson
Aaron & Sandra Carpenter
James & Lois Coffman
Gaylord Conrad
Greg & Kathie Conrad
Charles Cooper
Virgil Curley
Jack & Sharon D’Arcy
Mark & Rebecca Dingeldein
Bob & Donna Eagle
Phil & Nancy Eckstrom
Paul Erdel
Tom & Shirley Firestone
Kenneth & Kathryn Fruhner
Bill & Susan Gates
Daniel & Karen Gerber
David & Alice Golden
John & Sharon Graybill
Donald Gribbin
David & Kathy Handschu
Dwight Handschu
Wayne Haney
Paul Harrell
Matthew & Barbara Hartsell
Alma* Heap
Verle Hochstetler
Mary Holmes
William & Margaret Hossler
Eric Hostetler
Norman & Eunice Hunsberger
Teresa Jones
Susan Karrer
Mary Kimpel
Yvonda Kisor
Calvin & Marilyn Klopfenstein
Thomas Krake
James Kroon
James & Joyce Kuehl
Roger & Darlene Large
Larry & Judith Lentych
Dale & Marian Linhart
Terence & Kelly Linhart
David & Melinda Lorence
Lois Luesing
Joseph & Shirley Martin
Helen Martinez
David & Anita Matteson
Timothy Matteson
Richard Measell
Chad & Tammi Meister
Willis & Jama Mitchell
Ronald & Sandra Mulder
Angela Myers
Karen Myers
Rodney Nafziger
Anthony & Andrea Natali
Daniel & Carol Null
David Nussbaum
Daryl & Jennifer Pannabecker
David & Lois Pannabecker
Ronald & Phyllis Phipps
Robby & Jeanie Prenkert
Richard Randall
Julia Reininga
Robert Ries
Donald & Donna Rohrer
Don & Faythe Rohrs
Inez Sassaman
Norma Sassaman
Fred & Ann* Schrock
Burton & Beverly Schultz
Ron & Sharon Showalter
David & Sue Smith
William & Nancy Smith
Ellen Stanley
James & Christine Stump
Roger & Marge Thornton
Nora Wade
Michael Watson
James & Ramona Weikel
David & Pam Wiegand
James & Patricia Wisler
Seth & Anitra Zartman
Carol Ziegler
10 Years of
Ruth Beck
Dale & Karen Brenneman
Jonathan Brown
Gregory & Sherry Buss
Ruth Carter
Doris Chaffee
Shirley Comfort
Robert & Connie Cramer
Crowe Horwath LLP
Kenneth & Linda Elek
Feeding the Hungry in South Bend
Lindsay Stork (’13) spends her Friday nights hanging out with friends
and eating pizza — but not in the
way you might think. Each week, the
liberal arts major gathers with other
Bethel students and volunteers to
feed and minister to the hungry in
South Bend.
They pray before driving over to
the Midas parking lot on the corner
of S. Michigan St. and E. Monroe St.
When they get there, they make
quick work of transforming their
trunks into food and drink stations.
On a typical Friday, they serve more
than 50 people.
When the food distribution begins,
it is controlled chaos, as many reach
out hungry hands. Stork reminds everyone that there is enough food; this
Friday there are 80 slices of pizza, 50
sandwiches and more than 100 bags
of chips and snacks.
Stork, who has been serving since
her freshman year, greets several
“regulars” with smiles and pats on the
back, and they catch up on life. She
calls them by name and recalls their
“My week would not be complete
without Feed the Hungry,” she says.
The ministry initially started with
former basketball player and current
Assistant Basketball Coach Ryne
Lightfoot in 2008. And what began
as Bethel athletes giving their extra
food to those in need has transformed into a weekly ministry with a
core group of students and volunteers who consistently go out to
Throughout the school year, the
majority of the food is donated by
Bethel students who use their extra
meal swipes to purchase food. Collection boxes (for chips and other
nonperishable items) have been
set up in residence halls on Bethel’s
campus, and Stork says they’ve had a
great response. In addition, the Feed
the Hungry team gets a discount on
Little Caesar’s Pizza.
Julia Farley
John & Therese Gardner
Alice Gill
Scott & Leanne Goble
Stanley & Catherine Graber
Elmer & Joyce Halt
Margaret Hawkins
Shawn & Kathryn Holtgren
William & Deborah Jones
Virginia Krake
Bernie & Bev Lambright
Bob & Marlene Leininger
Jean Lightfoot
Timothy & Donna Mann
Jim Marks
Tim Martsolf
James & Nancy McBride
David Miller
Michael & Margaret Miller
Daniel & Joni Mills
Tim & Nancy Mulder
Howard & Rhonda Patterson
Richard & Carol Patterson
Marvin Ramseyer
Linda Rowland
Stephen & Nancy Runyon
Richard & Beverly Schantz
Richard & Karen Schiele
Earl & Sara Smith
Gary & Bonnie Spraker
Ronald & Cheryl Stichter
Leland Swartzendruber
Ross Swinehart
Mark & Jeanne Via
Cynthia Ward
Judy Wright
6-9 Years of
faithful Giving
Dick & Rose Ann Aeschleman
Rondle & Zona Amstutz
Orville & Rita Banks
Leah Barger
Duane Baughman
Gregory Baumgartner
Randy Beachy
John Beck
Joe & Brenda Bellman
Terry Bergman
Edward & Monica Bernhard
Douglas & Kimberly Beutler
Goldie Boese
Gloria Bolton
Robert & Patricia Bowen
Carol Boyer
Jonathan & Delores Boyer
David Brenay
Karl & Marie Brenner
Phillip & Leona Bridges
Kathryn Butts
Craig & Sally Campbell
Lee & Cara Campbell
Stephanie Carlson
Jack Carpenter
Matthew Carpenter
Mary Agnes Carter
Ralph Causey
Roland Clements
William Coblentz
Bruce & Sandy Coffman
Joel & Mona Conrad
Glen & Christine Cook
Maureen Cook
Christopher & Kelly Craft
Kerry & Bonnie Cripe
Hal & Karen Cutshall
Sam & Faye Davenport
Edward & Connie DeLong
Lois Dickison
Eldon* & Carolyn Duerksen
Ralph Eash
John & Lorena Erdel
Dale & Carol Fish
Dewayne Forrest
Bernice Frame
Jack & Joni French
Deanna Fretz
Dale & Karen Gadd
Mark & Robyn Gardner
Victoria Garrett
Kevin Gerencher
Harold Geyer
Dawn Goellner
Roger Goss
Donald & Jean Granitz
William & Joy Greeney
John & Cynthia Haas
Charles & Joyce Hanje
Dawn Harrington
Fred Harris & Cynthia King-Harris
Miriam Hartman
Jerry & Sandra Hatfield
Alisa Hein
Eugene Henry
Randall & Perri Hepler
Alex & Sheri Hess
Karen Hirschy
Jeffrey & Kelley Hobson
Landon & Stephanie Hochstetler
Dawn Horein
Harold & Peggy House
Betty Huber
John & Cynthia Huemmer
Richard & Sharon Huls
William & Cynthia Hunter
Kevin & Sara Jackson
Cynthia Jacobs
Roger Johnson
Barry & Brenda Jones
Jack & Hope Jordan
Bob Knebel
Jeff & Angela Knight
Bud & Shirley Lantz
Mark & Cynthia Lantz
Mikel & Terri Large
Jean Leinbach
Thomas & Bobbie Leland
Todd Lemons
James & Sandra Lesko
Doyle & Janet Liby
Jason Lindower
Jack & Irma Longley
Everett & Dorothy Lubbers
Franklin & Betty Lusk
Linda Manchow
David & Ruth Mast
Mark & Shannon McBride
Peter & Wendy McCown
Charles McDonald
Jack McPhee
Bill Miller
Maurine Miller
Wayne & Kim Miller
Edward & Patti Minnick
John & Retha Moran
Philip & Marjorie Morgan
Allen & Betty Needler
Walter & Debra Nehls
Helen Nusbaum
Virginia O’Hair
Wayne & Doris Parcell
Frederick Penick
Robert & Bernice Pettifor
Gerald & Cheryl Phipps
Ronald & Kim Phipps
Jack* & Dona Pierce
Richard & Maryann Riddle
David & Debra Rose
Judy Rouch
Weir Rummel
Joseph & Hazel Sabo
Gary Savill
Darrell Schlabach
Donald & Morganna Schwing
Donald & Nancy Sharp
Frederick & Carol Shearer
Joyce Slusher
Patrick Smith
Cathleen Snyder
Douglas Snyder
Bruce & Jennita Speicher
Larry Stamm
Lillian Stanton
Alan & Kristen Steiner
Galen Stouder
Naomi Thompson
Robert Trimmer
Lyndon Tschetter
Michael & Annette Umbaugh
Wes & Joan Ummel
Thomas & Barbara Visker
James & Kathleen Walcott
Vicky Warkentien
Jack & Nila Waterson
Staci Weisser
Ruth Whaley
Bernadine White
Philip & Isabelle White
Devon & Marcella Wilson
Robert* & Sally Wise
Dennis & Sandra Woods
Stuart & Michelle Yager
Randy & Judith Yoder
Susan Yoder
5 Years of
Mick & Sharon Baker
Devon Bechtel
David Blake
Ralph & Carla Bruce
Michelle Bruns
Lynne Cary
Joyce Chambers
Paul & Tonya Condry
Andrew & Anna Conrad
Julianne Crist
Robert & Martha Culp
Tom & Ann DeBaets
Robert Freeman
Steve & Colleen Galat
Robert & Judith Geldien
Darlene Geoghan
Dale Gerig
Randy & Bobbie Glingle
Robert Hamman
Richard Hammond
Jenny Heemer
Walter & Kathleen Henkel
Jack & Sandra Holbert
Ruth Houtz
Kevin Lambright
John & Donna Leatherman
Ramona Little
Donald & Elizabeth McLaughlin
Bill & Sandy McVay
Adam & Karen Miller
Robert & Janice Mueller
Martin Muoto & Erica Harms
Daniel & Christine Null
William & Kathy O’Dell
James & Shirley Pomeroy
Mike & Sherri Reynolds
James & Agnes Saddington
Alvera Sandberg
Peggy Shidaker
David Shively
David & Elizabeth Spear
Eric & Stephanie Stults
Larry Stump
Robert & Phyllis Sullivan
Timothy & Rosalie Tucker
Kent Wenger
Harry & Karen Wild
Margaret Wilson
Scott Wise
Irene Wolfe
Dot Wysong
Terry & Jill Zeitlow
Harold Zeltwanger
office for institutional advancement
1001 bethel circle
mishawaka, in 46545-5591
574.807.7485 • fax 574.807.7484