IX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INFORMATION COMMISSIONERS (ICIC), CHILE 2015 OSCAR MAURICIO GUERRA FORD NATIONAL TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM APRIL 22TH, 2015 PRESENTATION Considering the perspective that people only use their right of freedom of information if they have at their disposal the means to exercise it, all institutions of information in Mexico (federal and local) were concerned that the population had the opportunity to request information not only in writing or in person, but through electronic means and, in some cases, by telephone and smart phones. The objective of INFOMEX system was to provide electronic means for requesting information, from the moment the user submits his request until there is a response from the corresponding government institutions. Now, this system evolves in to a new version (INFOMEX 3.0) that allows all people to find public information of their interest, no matter if they expressly request it or if they find it posted on this site that will also include transparency obligations of all public institutions of Mexico. Additionally, users will be able to locate responses from requests of other users. 2 INTRODUCTION • The Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Governmental Public Information entered into force on June 12th, 2003. And along with it the “System of Information Requests (SISI) initiated operations. • SISI was the predecessor or the Infomex system. • On 2006 Infomex was developed, with the financial support of the World Bank. • Many Latin American countries and from the European Union have expressed interest in acquiring knowledge and the best practices obtained by Mexico with the use of Infomex. • Infomex is an electronic set of tools to administer an manage information requests, so any person can exercise their right to access public information, as well as the access or rectification of personal data in possession of public authorities (on the federal, state or municipal level). 3 INTRODUCTION • Portal of Transparency Obligations (PTO) is an internet site operating since February 15th 2007 which concentrates mandatory public information of all Federal Public Administration, in concordance with article 7 of the Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Governmental Public Information • Zoom is a browser focused on locating resolved information requests, resolutions of Revision Acts, as well as studies and opinions that support such resolutions. 4 INFOMEX STATISTICS - FEDERAL GOVERNMENT There are 961,804 information requests and 229,281 personal data requests (March 19th, 2015), registered into Infomex system of the Federal Government, which sum a total of 1,191,085 requests. 120000,0 Public Information Personal Data 110337,0 110387,0 98538,0 100695,0 96863,0 95270,0 100000,0 87696,0 81056,0 80000,0 60000,0 52269,0 44690,0 36870,0 38208,0 34793,0 40000,0 27028,0 22896,0 20000,0 14482,0 1212,0 2939,0 5437,0 8294,0 22048,0 18272,0 19899,0 28010,026314,0 6582 ,0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 5 OPEN DATA INFOMEX Infomex contains a section on Open Data of the Federal Government. This area contains downloads of databases of information requests and their answers from 2003 to the present date. These are segmented by year and sector of government. There are also data bases of revision acts and their resolutions from 2007 to the present date. All databases are available in Open Data formats: XML, CSV, JSON and SQL. Downloads of Information Requests by Sector 6 INFOMEX STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES At present, the advances of Infomex as a National Platform are: • There are 41 Infomex systems in operation. Their implementation began in 2006 and carried on to the present date, according to the following timetable: 7 INFOMEX STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES • We are currently developing a new version of the Infomex system, also labeled as “Infomex 3.0”. This version considers a complete redesign of the system which will integrate all 41 Infomex systems into a single Platform. • Portals of Transparency Obligations of all entities of the Mexican State will also be integrated into the Platform, with a sophisticated browser to facilitate localization of information on a national level. 8 INFOMEX STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES Details of the project can be found on the following link: 9 INFOMEX NATIONWIDE Federal Executive Power 26 States Other Obligated Subjects of the Federal Law Consejo de la Judicatura Federal Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos Instituto Nacional Electoral Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación Senado de la República Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación Tribunal Federal de Conciliación y Arbitraje Tribunal Federal de Justicia Fiscal y Administrativa Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro 10 Aguascalientes Campeche Chiapas Chihuahua CJF CNDH Coahuila Colima DF Durango Gobierno Federal Guanajuato Guerrero Hidalgo INE INEGI Jalisco Mexicali Monterrey Morelos Nayarit Puebla Puebla de Zaragoza Querétaro Quintana Roo San Luis Potosí SCJN Senado Sinaloa Sonora SPGG Tabasco TEPJF TFCA TFJFA Tlaxcala UAAAN Veracruz Zacatecas 3,764 OBLIGATED SUBJECTS INCORPORATED TO INFOMEX 1400,0 1286,0 1200,0 1000,0 800,0 600,0 400,0 257,0 200,0 92,0 82,0 52,0 252,0 81,0 1,0 18,0 119,0 7,0 283,0 158,0 51,068,061,0 1,0 1,0 130,0 103,0 115,0 97,0 73,0 65,062,0 64,0 65,0 17,0 15,0 14,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 75,0 ,0 11 NATIONAL TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM ¿Where are we headed? The National Transparency Platform aims to become a new technological solution to integrate the functionality of Infomex 2.0 with the Portal of Transparency Obligations (PTO) and Zoom. New accessibility tools, and state of the art technologies and vanguard solutions are included aimed to integrate sectors of society that don't have access to Internet or are handicapped in any way. NATIONAL TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM The General Law of Transparency and Access to Public Information (recently approved) establishes the creation of a National Transparency Platform with the following characteristics: Windows Phone Android IOS Information requests o Information requests by telephone, mobile phones, tablets, computer and other mobile devices. o Revision acts by the same means. o Second Instances of revision acts (IFAI) National Browser of Requests ZOOM 01 800 NTP Information Services Portal of Transparency Obligations PTO Software Inclusite Constitutional Reform and General Law 13 NATIONAL TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM Components of the National Transparency Platform (NTP) System of Information Requests (Federal and State level) System of Management of Impugnment Means (Federal and State level) System of Transparency Obligations Portal (Federal and State level) System of comunication between Transparency Institutes and Public Entities (Federal and State level) NATIONAL TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM National Transparency Platform (NTP) System of Information Requests Internal Management N-levels Configuration of Administrators and Users Unit Configuration of calendars Adjustment of term of requests Payment application Breadcrumb and back controls Dashboard Statistics by entity SMS notifications Email notifications Web services Social networks integration (Twitter, Facebook and Google+) Mobil phone integration National browser Assistant for Information consults • A Dashboard will allow viewing the listings, status and support documentation of processes (both on the federal and stat level). • A notification system via email, SMS, and social networks will be enabled. NATIONAL TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM National Transparency Platform (NTP) System of Management of Impugnment Means Configuration of information flows Calendar configurations Breadcrumb and back controls Dashboard Statistics by entity SMS notifications Email notifications Reports by entity Web services Social networks integration (Twitter, Facebook and Google+) Mobil phone integration National browser Assistant for Information consults • Users which are not satisfied with an access to information answer will be able to submit a revision act using the Platform (either to the federal or local transparency institute). • Unsatisfied users with local institute resolutions, may submit an impugnment to the federal transparency institute (second instance). NATIONAL TRANSPARENCY PLATFORM Additionally, the Platform will have the following attributes: • Virtual intelligence browsers using key words, algorithms and other capacities in order to find immediate responses to information requests that have already been answered to other users. • Capacity to request information from multiple entities in a single step (regardless of the scope of government). • Development of mobile apps for smartphones (Windows Phone, Android e iPhone/iOS). This will enable users to search information through Zoom, Portal of Transparency Obligations and information requests that have already been answered, as well as submitting information requests and revision acts. • Compatibility with social networks to: submit information requests, revision acts and response publications. • Virtual assistant to generate information requests. • Capacity to submit information requests through a call center with a 01-800 (free toll number) ¡TANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! COMMISSIONER OSCAR M. GUERRA FORD Twitter: @oscarguerraford Email: INSTITUTO FEDERAL DE ACCESO A LA INFORMACIÓN Y PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS Insurgentes Sur No. 3211 Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04530, México, D.F. TEL. + 52 55 5004 2400 01 800 835 4324 01 800 te l i f a i
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