View - Prince George Digitization
View - Prince George Digitization
18 — T H E C IT IZ E N , P rin c e G eorge — S a tu rd a y , M arch 30, 1985 » I,'11!II !|' 1982 TOYOTA Land Cruiser 4 wd stationwagen. 28.000 miles 562-1474 after 6pm 1982 TOYOTA Mirage 4x4, 70,000 kms. with canopy and big rubber Good con dition $9,000 963-7379 1982 TOYOTA SR-5 4x4. longbox, 44,000 km excel lent condition, many extras 112 997-4452 1983 CHEV Scottsdale 4x4 Vi ton, automatic, ps, pb, 4 speed. 26,000 original mi les One owner $12,500 obo 964-6683 1983 GMC shortbox 4x4 fully loaded, with canopy $12,900 Phone 562-4968 1983 RANGER 4 cylinder. 4 speed Good condition As>ng $5 500 564 2389 1984 TOYOTA 4x4, extra cab. com pletely loaded winch and canopy. 3 year warranty or 56,000 km. im maculate condition Asking $13,700 563 8843 between 5pm- 7pm 1984 rOYOTA Le Jan seats f. with belts, fully loaded, $15,000 obo 5640015 1 ,05-,077 1980 GMC y* Ion, Sierra Grande, 2 tone paint, good condition, 350 motor, ps, pb, with canopy $4,000 563-2749 1980 TOYOTA Landcruiser winch, excellent condition Try your ofler. Phone 5643563 198) CHEV Vi ton $800 in repairs, new paint $4,000 obo 964-7542____________ 1981 CHEV ton, 305 V8. 4 speed, ps pb, radio, new motor, asking $6,300 obo 962-7746 1981 DATSUN Diesel long box pickup 40000 miles Excellent condition New ra diate am/fm stereo cassette deck 50 miles per gallon $5,500 tirm Phone days. 562-8535. eves, 963 9981, ask for Archie 1981 ECONO E l50 Panal van, 351 autom. ps. pb. low mileage $5 800 obo Phone 562-4580 after 6 1981 FORD pickup. F150 supercab, V8. automatic, ps, pb, excellent condition ini1 iiii! 1876-1999 $5 000 obo 963-7051 i'!1 Illjl 1981 FORD Ranger 150 su 1969 CHEV 1 ton flat deck, percab. ps, pb automatic rebuilt motor, hydraulic tilt $6,200 564-8531 ing deck $2,500 obo 5631981 GMC 4x4 one ton, 9000 kms. in new condi 4455 1969 FORD pickup, ps. pb. tion Phone 564-7072 good condition $1 200 obo 1981 GMC camper special Phone 564 0564 ty* ton 4x4, 4 speed, ps. 1970 FORD XLT. % ton, 4 pb radio cassette. 11 Vfe’ fully self contained Security speed, 360 excellent con camper 963 8185 after 6 dition $1,100 962-2794 pm 1970 GMC pick-up Good running condition New ti 1981 GMC Gaucho van. res $700 Phone 562-9158 350 V8 auto, ps, pb, AM/FM cassette. 50.000 mi 1970 VW WESTFALIA van. les New top end $8 500 pop top, icebox, sink, re 562-3876 built motor $2,200 5632988 1981 GMC Sierra Grande, exceptionally clean, low 1971 CHEV Vi ton, 350 mo mileage Will sacrifice for tor, recently rebuilt, good $6 800 obo Call Bill 562condition $2,500 562-5720 6489 1971 FORD F250 camper 1981 GMC .an, very low special. $600 Phone 563mileage, excellent condi 4961 tion Asking $6 500 5621971 GMC ^4 ton pickup, 7429 after 4 30 good running condition, ti 1981 GMC V4 ton 4x4. 350 res fair, $700 Phone after autom atic, ps. pb. HD 5pm. 564 2169 winch bum per, canopy, 1972 BRONCO 4x4. only new BF Goodrich mud ter 43.000 miles, good running rain radials $8 500 or will condition, rusty body $600 take Blazer or Bronco as cash Phone 564 5034 after pan trade 112-972-4447 5pm 1981 GMC ton, 6 cylin 1972 CHEV Vi ton Com der. 4 speed dual tanks, pletely restored new motor. dual batteries, economical, 250 6 cylinder new paint excellent condition Sell or Over $3 900 invested Ask trade for Super Cab $6 500 ing $2,600 obo 562-1757 value 962-6620 1972 CHEV 4x4, $3 500 1981 SCOTSDALE y* ton Phone 962-6434 camper special, ps pb, automatic. 350 V8 am/fm 1972 F100 4x4 Good con dition $1 200 Phone 963 stereo cassette. 55 000 km 9393 excellent condition $7 800 963-7921_________________ 1972 FORD van in good 1982 GMC Sierra Classic, shape, fully cam penzed excellent condition with de with pop-up top sleeps 4 luxe package and low mile- $3 000 obo Phone Al 964age $6 800 obo 564 0733 6874 G O R E N M |l| ■ill - ill 1973 FORD 250 Camper Special, 360 automatic, ps pb $1,500 obo 562-7981 1973 FORD Vt to n , 4 speed, dual tanks. $700 be fore March 31st, 1985 5644581 1973 GMC ton pickup Camper Special 350 auto matic, new paint, new tires $1,300 obo Phone 962 6865 1973 TOYOTA landcruiser, great shape, s a c rific e $1,800 obo 963-9588, 564 0329 1974 F250 4X4, completely restored, featuring 79XLT Ranger body, 4 speed ps. pb. tilt. 46 gallon gas ca pacity, 9 radial tires on rims Ford deluxe canopy 564-6764 after 5 30pm 1974 FORD 900. 14 steel deck, propane carb and tank, asking $3,900 obo 564-6133 1974 FORD *4 ton. 360 4 speed 1 ton chassis, runs good. $1.500 563-2920 1974 FORD F250 supercab. 390 automatic, ps. pb. dual tanks $1,000 562-0260 1974 FORD Van, excellent mechanical condition, pro fessional custom interior Must be seen $3 000 obo 964-9145 1974 GMC 4x4, with cano py Body rusted, mechani cally good Best offer 561 0366 1974 JEEP W ag on e e r, $1,500 Phone 562-5455 1974 SCOUT 6 cylinder, 4 speed $950 obo Phone 962-8433 1974 V4ton FORD pickup 390 auto, 6 000 miles on re built motor Radio, am/fm cassette Good running o rd e r and good tire s $ 1 500 obo Phone 5623836 1975 CHEVY Scotsdale. sunroof, custom bench seats, chrome roll-bar, slid ing back windows. $2,000 964 4749 1975 DODGE Club cab. -Vi ton, 2 wheel drive $1500 Phone 964-2805 1975 DODGE Club Cab. V8, automatic, ps, pb, 1975 Ford pickup, V8, automatic, ps. pb 563-3394 days 564-5979 after 5 30pm 1975 FORD y* ton Super Cab 360 motor, radial tires, radio, cassette deck, new paint, $3,500 1975 Van guard 8'9" camper, in good condition, fridge slove, oven furnace, $4,000 9629827 1975 FORD supercab and 8' O ka n a g a n c a m p e r Excellent condition 4265 Morgan Crescent 1975 TOYOTA pickup with canopy, no rust, 6,000 mi les on rebuilt motor $2 100 obo 963-7995 1976 F-100, 6 c y lin d e r s ta n d a r d , ru ns g o o d . $1 000 obo 563-6713 B R ID G E ©19«5 Tribune Media Services. Inc W E E K L Y B R ID G E Q U IZ ♦ AK1093 <78 vulnerable, you 0 54 4(19 8 3 2 (J.5 - Both vulnerable, as South you hold: ♦ 63 98762 O A952 ♦76-1 The bidding has proceeded: The bidding has proceeded: N o rth 1 0 2 ♦ N o rth 1 9 D ble E a st P ass I ’ ass S outh 1 ♦ ? W est Pass E ast Pass Pass S o u th I'a ss ? W e st 1 ♦ What action do you take? What action do you take? Q.2—Both vulnerable, as South you hold: Q.6 —Both vulnerable, as South you hold: ♦ K10765 993 085 4A984 ♦ A5 9Q 76 0 KQ10532 The bidding has proceeded: The bidding has proceeded: W e st 1 <7 S o u th 1 0 N o rth 2 0 E ast Pass S o u th ? What action do you take? 1 W est Pass N o r th Pass ♦K6 E a st 1 9 What action do you take? Q.3- Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: ♦Q < ? K ll)5 The b id d in g has W e st N o rth 1 7 D ble Pass 3 ♦ OJ76 4Q 98732 proceeded: E ast S o u th Pass 2 ♦ Pass ? What action do you take? ().4 - Moth vulnerable, as South you hold: ♦ 72 995 0 Q 10954 4AKQ 3 The bidding has proceeded: N o rth 1 9 4 0 E a st Pass Pass S outh 2 0 ? W est Pass What do you bid now? Look for answers on Monday. Y o u r p la y to the f ir s t tric k co uld decide th e fa te of th e c o n tra c t! A w r it e r once re m a rk e d : " T h e re ’s no such th in g as a b lin d opening lead, o n ly deaf o pe n ing le a d e rs!” L e a rn to fin d th e w in n in g a tta c k w ith C ha rles G o re n ’s "O p e n in g L e a d s ." F o r y o u r copy, send $1.85 to “ G o re n -L e a d s,” c/o th is n ew sp a p e r, P.O . Box 611, P a lm y ra , N .J . 08065. M ake checks p ayable to N ew spaperbooks. by 8 y d n ty O m arr r ROLOGICAL FORECAST Sunday, March 31,1085 . A ll T h in g Considered: M o re people ire born under Aquarius t h jn any other zodiacal sign • • there also ire ipore Aquarians in various M alls of Fame. Aquarians claim tw o numbers as especially "lu c k y " • • 2 and 11. Aquarians harmonizes w ith A riel, Sagittarius. G em ini and Libra. M any Aquarians are draw n to Leos - • but often it is * matter of opposites attracting each other. The Aquarius color is electric blue. A quarius con fides secrets to Capricorn, can earn money w ith Pisces and advance* career w ith Scorpio. AR IES (M arch 21 - April 19) You’ll be pleasantly surprised, entertained by younger fam ily member Cycle h ig h lights inspiration, creativity, the urge to e»press yourself in unique manner You'll receive gift which helps beautify surroundings T A U R U S (A p ril 20-M ay 20) You'll have more "w orking room” • • some requests are fu lfilled , some "used parts" art- replaced You'll learn more about motors, basic values, relatives w ho have been on "missing list " Virgo plays key role G E M IN I (M a y 2 l-|u n e 20) Spot light on communication w ith neigh bors. relatives, those who share interess By making inquiries, you receive aniwers to questions Accent on home, harmony, music and gift from one who ■'adores" you C A N C E R (June 21 -July 22) Check terms, be aware of safety and equip ment Cycle high, you'll receive news at right time and place M oney picture is bright, optimism w ill replace gloom Fives, Virgo natives figure in unusual scenario LEO (|u ly 23-Aug 22) Delays are ended • • you gel news, you get results and this could be a pow er-play day lu n ar, numerical cycles h ighligh t in tensified relationship production, re sponsibility. creativity In tu itio n is sharp' V IR G O (A u g 23-Sept 22) What transpired behind scenes is of special importance Change of methods is necessary and imm inent You'll be given opportunity to reach w ider aud i ence Aries Libra persons figure in dynamic scenario LIBR A (Sept 23-Oct 22) love, creativitv are featured Romance, Be direct 1976 FORD f t Ion. auto matic. 78.000 miles Good c o n d itio n $1,700 563 4274 1976 FORD Ranger XLT Camper Special with 1970 8' Security camper, fridge furnace, and oven 5620228 1976 FORD F100 step side short box pick-up Body and drive train in excellent shape Automatic transmis sion, 302 motor $2,500 obo Phone 964-7240 1976 FORD Crewcab F250 4x4. 390 motor, winch, dual batteries, 4 speed transmis sion $2,950 or will take part trade 963-8326 1976 GMC pick-up. 454 tilt. air. dual tanks, rust Runs excellent. $2 000 obo Phone 962-7127 1976 TOYOTA Landcruiser pickup Excellent condition Phone 112-690-7570 1942 WILLY'S Jeep 4x4. good condition Buckets, new tires $1,500 5628853 1957 WILLY'S pick-up Has 8,000 Ib winch, overdrive, stock motor $1,000 obo P hone 5 6 3 -5 5 75 a fte r 9 30pm 1964 CHEV. excellent con dition with or without cano py Phone 962-6839_______ 1965 FORD body on 1971 Power tram with canopy standard 360 engine, only 500 miles $850 obo 5639439 after 6pm 1453 Ford Street 1966 FORD recently rebuilt 289, rusty but running, gear good, $375 564-2306 1967 F 100 352, g oo d shape, chrome mags Must be seen $1,700 563-0990 1967 FORD p ic k u p . 3 speed. 6 cylinder, 352 engine, c/w radio, 3 extra rims, and canopy $800 obo 564-6896 108 AUTO PARTS it SERVICE WANTED- 1976 Dual Scoop Formula 400 hood Phone 562-4630 BY CHAHLES GOREN AND O M A R SHARIF Q.l —As South hold: 197 6 15 PASSENGER Dodge van, new tires, partly campenzed, $4,000 562 7498 1976 CHEV pickup Must sell 350 4 speed, ps. pb good running order Asking $2,200 obo 564-4203 even mgs 563-1211 days 1976 CHEV 4x4, Silverado short box, step side, air, tilt bucket seats $2,000 obo 564-0511 1976 CHEVY van, partially campenzed, 10,000 miles on motor $3,500 obo 962 9824 1976 DODGE shortbox 4x4 ps. pb. 4 speed, overload suspension, Goodyear AT's 60.000 original miles, excel lent condition $2,600 obo 563-5350 before 4pm 1968 & strive lo get to heart of matters Cycle highlights fulfillm ent, powers of per suasion You'll get what you want in surprising fashion Leo plays top role S C O R PIO (Oct 2 3-N o v 21). Follow through on hunch, realize you learn by shanng knowledge. Emphasis also on business, career, aspirations, reunion with loved one Sense of direction is restored, past mistake is rectified S A G IT T A R IU S (N o v. 22-Dec 21): Emphasis on travel, change, hum or, education, ability to get thoughts on paper People are drawn to you. w ill seek your opinions and many w ill vow to support your efforts Be aware of body image C A P R IC O R N (Dec 22-Jan 19) It may be necessary to rebuild on a "different” base If persistent, you discover hidden resources Interest in the occult is emphasized M aintain aura of glamour -- be discreet, don't tell all A Q U A R IU S (Jan 20-Feb 18) Do some personal investigating, locate le gal papers, be "in touch” with love mate who is in midst of journey Emphasis also on change, travel, variety and w riting Libra native plays s ig n ifi cant role PISCES (Feb 19-M arch 20) No more procrastinating1 Get job done, contact those who express desire to cooperate Focus on basic issues, d ep en dents, pets, health C o-w orker seeks your counsel, could invite you to fam ily dinner. IF M A R C H 31 IS YO U R B IR T H D A Y you are independent, creative, at times aggressive You can also be rebellious, charming, sensual and stub born It is not unlikely that you were on your own early, possibly were separat ed psychologically or actually from one or both parents at a relatively early age Taurus, Aquarius. Scorpio persons play important roles in your life You'll travel this year, you'll be more popular, you'll also be more aware of physical appearance May could be your most memorable month of 1985 (Discover your love and m oney males in the booklet "Secret H ints for M en and W om en”! Send $2.50, w hich includes postage and handling, to O m a n Astrology Secrets, in care of this newspaper, P.O. Bo* 2000, Los Angeles, CA 90053.1 ® 1985. Loi Angtltt Timsi Synkati WANTED cover for Cor vette Phone 563-5978 FOR sale 4500 Ib front wheel drive axle for 80 and up. Ford 4 wheel drive, % ton pickup $1,200 9626396 GLASSTITE canopy $480 Phone 962-8537 FORD 4 speed overdrive transmission Phone 5639438 COMPLETE Chev Vi ton posi track rear end Phone 562-0830 4 DAYTONA radials without rnags P245/60R14 tubeless $125 2- G 78-14 stud ded radials All good condi tion 562-1558 1968-82 CORVETTE header side pipes, good condition, $250 . 10x15" ET super spoke and caps, polished excellent condition, $100; Turbo 350 transmission B and M manual shift and clutch kit, 3500 stall con verter All new, $450 5620013. 563-7664 106 * WRECKING 1976 Datsun longbox pickup, 500 miles on professionally rebuilt 1800 cc motor, new alterna tor Best offer 563-7507 351C REBUILT small cham ber. 4 V heads and intake, $300 Dana 60 Detroit Lock er 30 spline, $450 M50-14 tires with slotted mages, fits Ford. $200 New tirods and fro n t s h ocks lo r 1966 Ford/Merc Vi Ion. $150 Pat 962-8890 12 BOLT posi from Che velle $175 obo Phone 562-6107 MISCELLANEOUS parts for sale 564-1527 MAKE your bids at Hart Towing Ltd 426 Second Avenue. 8 00am to 4 00pm Monday lo Saturday Bid up or down on the upset price! See the list al Hart s office All ve hicle s are e ith e r smashed or in bad me chanical repair To be sold as is and where is 1981 GMC 4x4 pickup (badly smashed). 1979 Chev Mahbu 2 door (badly smashed), 1978 Ford F250 pickup. 4 speed. 1977 Mercury Mon arch. 2 door. 1972 GMC pickup with canopy, auto, 1968 Ford pickup, six cylin der. auto. 1974 Monte Carlo (badly smashed) Bid lorms available at Hart Towing Ltd WANTED- 373 ratio drop out posi track rear end lor 1968 ton GMC Phone 563-7507 1978 COURIER, for parts 964-6538 mornings________ 1976 F100 parts- 4 speed tranny, $100, rearend c/w housing, springs, carrier as sembly, $100, rad, $30, clutch and pressure plate, $25, 2 drive shafts, $25 563 4259 TULSA pto winch grill for 1979 Ford pick-up Phone 562-3536 WANTED- Body front end parts for 1967 Chevelle, also tail lights for 1967 Camino or wagon 962-8624 FIVE used 14/35x15 Mon ster Mudders. 65% $500 obo Phone 112-567-2829 PAINT jobs. $100 You prep and bring your own paint Phone 112-971-2335 W R E C K IN G - 1974 VW Dasher Offers Phone 9641542 CHEV posi-track 12 bolt rear end and numerous Vega parts Phone 9644897 1980 DODGE Vi ton for parts Phone 564-1692 REBUILT 350 LT 1 motor, good condition, approxi mately 7.000 miles Best of fer Call Todd. 962-6667 FORD 360 engine, $400. 1973-79 Ford pickup body parts - hood $125, doors $85 each, rad $100, rearend $150, automatic $125. miscellaneous other parts Phone 563-0197 WRECKING 1969 Chev Suburban for parts Phonen 564-4649 ; 600 HOLLEY 4 barrel, $80 Complete gear set, 409 ra tio, to fit 1977- 1979 F250 4x4, $250 Headers, still in box fit 1970- 1980 Firebird. $60 Wrecking 1970 Thunderbird 964-2639 NUMEROUS miscellaneous tires and wheels for sale, very cheap also carbure tors and radios- make an offer Call Bill, 562 6489 1967 PONTIAC. 327, dou ble bump, sell whole or for parts 562-9825 1970 COUGAR, whole or parts, 351 Cleveland, run ning gear in good shape, body rusted, auto trans. $1000 obo Phone 5646682 1967 BEAUMONT SD turbo 350. no engine $800 obo Phone 562-0773 MOTORS, trans, rear d ift. hoods, fenders, plus many more new and used parts North Central Truck Parts. 1749 1st Avenue, 564-2224 EXCELLENT body and paint work done at reasonable rates Call Bill 562 6489 1949 AND 1950 Ford pick ups Good for restoring Utility trailers 1966 Chev Vi tori, very good motor cab box, and running gear Wrecking 1976 ^4 ton Chev pick-up Dump box with telescope hoist lor single axle truck Also saw mill lor sale 963-7449 383 MOTOR and 727 trans mission for Dodge. $1 200 Phone 962 7066" PRO-STOCK Go Cart with Comet engine and $1,000 miscellaneous accessories Original cost $4 000 Will sacrifice for $1500 fi'm Call Bill. 562 6489 WANTED, fail gate for early 1970's Ford pickup, good shape Phone 563-1414 1975 GMC pickup parts, 1970 Chevelle parts Phone 564-5232 BRAND new Performer In take, highly polished, big block Chevy Must sell $200 Phone 964-7542 A8TROLOGICAL FORECAST EDLEBROCK manifold No 3110, 4 barrel Carter carb to fit Dodge motors, 4 bar rel H olley carb tor 460 Ford All in good condition 564-4703 350 CHEVY engine, rebuilt only 6,000 miles $300 firm Phone 563-0549 VW engine, brand new, re built 1600cc. dual post done right $550 exchange can install 964-1686 WRECKING 1975 Blazer 4x4 962-2016, FOUR 12x15" M udders mounted on 6 stud Chev 10" rims $500 Phone 563 9670 Rebuilt 292, $400. 1926 Chev truck, good shape $1,500 Phone 564-8531 WANTED- 1964 T Bird, vac uum break booster Phone 563-4259 after 5pm AUTOMATIC transmission re p a irs , $250 in c lu d e s parts, labor, ree & ree fluid 964-2615 SET of 4 slot rims, deep dish, fits a 5 bolt Ford Excellent condition $400 obo 562-4071. ask lor Paul SCRAP car disposal, free in Prince George bowl area Monday- Friday, 8 00am4 00pm Musi have 2 tires and be towable (reasonable extra cost in some cases if no wheels or outside bowl area) Hart Towing Limited 564-5453 396 SHORT block, 11 Vi- 1 balanced all new parts Turbo 400 brand new 780 Holley, brand new 5632161 VARIOUS properly rebuilt cylin d e r heads for sale Reasonable Phone 9628155 SPRAY booth tor rent Phone 562-7111 or 563 4700 AUTO Body and paint Rea sonable rates Phone 563 4898 106 CAMPERS 4 TRAILERS PRIVATE molorcoach, 35 new factory conversion, ful ly equipped, 318 GM diesel push, air ride, $79,500 Will be at Sand Man Inn, April 5th, 6th. 7th, 8th, ask for Peter MUST sell 21 Vi' Kit Com panion Good condition 962 9026 1977 17Vi' SINGLE axle travel trailer, excellent con dition 564-4051 after 5pm 4 DOOR 3 + 3 1978 Chev Silverado 3/4 Ton Camper Special 454 motor, ps, pb. auto matic Also 1978 8' Scamper camper c/w stove. 3-way fridge, electric water pump Both units in mint condi tion Asking $12,000 Will consider small car as partial trade Phone 563-5326 days, 9644815 eves CD-10-70 W E W ANT TO RV YOUR KEY je flj AR IE S (March 2 1 - April 19) You'll be w ith one who means much to you, w ho is loyal and also close to vour fam ily. Focus on children, security, residence Dispute is settled, sense of direction is restored Cancer native plays role TA U R U S (A p ril 20-M ay 20) Study Anes message for valuable hint Fmphasis on property, long-term pros pects, dealings w ith one who has your best interests at heart H ighlight versa tility , make inquiries concerning possi ble holiday (ourney G E M IN I (M ay 21-June 20) What appears to be a restriction is merely a "caution" sign Take time to be th o r ough. check records and source m ateri al Close relatives, including brothers, sisters could play major roles C A N C E R (June 21 -July 22) You'll learn more about money, possible change of tactics Cycle high, tim n g improves, you'll receive notification that you have go-ahead signal Engage ment party might be part of agenda LEO (|u ly 23-A ug 22) Confidence replaces uncertainty You’ll be reas sured emotionally and in financial sense Domestic adjustment occurs Ro mantic involvement figures p ro m i nently Taurus. Libra, Scorpio natives play paramount roles V IR G O (Aug 23-Sept 22) Much occurs behind scenes, gain indicated if you meditate Stress individuality, p io neering spirit, courage of convictions Spiritual values come into sharp, clear focus Pisces native plays role LIB R A (Sept 23-Oct 22) R elation ship is strong, commitment is made, wish is fulfilled Spotlight on money and love -• you’ll get what you want. 1978 GMC Vi ton with over loads 11' camper, has ev erything $7,500 Details, 564-7457 MOTORHOME RENTALS As low as $300/wk S A if i- A w n t “R tH ta k 563-5183 or 564-7213 Pager 764 SK CD-6-69 We want to “ RENT YOUR RV” Dont pay 40%. make more $ and pay less for rental services Call Universal Rental Services ★ W e only sell U sed RV’s. ★ H ig h area. t r a f f ic ★ R e n ta l p ro fit a v a ila b le fo r seller or b u y er. ★ P r o fe s s io n a l sales HOLIDAY RV SALES & RENTALS after 4 30 p m 962-6107 or 564-1269 CD 4 73 562-8865 by Sydney Om arr key is to be selective Refuse lo be intim idated by any person You w in ' S C O R P IO (Oct 2 3 -N o v 21) Career gets boost, you gel recognition, a very important person seeks your opinion Media representative talks about possi ble appearance Focus on ambition, aspiration, bestowal of honor S A C IT T A R IU S (N o v 22-Dec 21). Stress independence, creativity, ability to im p rint your ow n style Spotlight also on distance, language, customs, education and travel You could be in love w ith one w ho resides in a foreign land C A P R IC O R N (D ec 22-)an 19) Count your change' Someone needs something fast and you could be prim e target Protect assets, refuse lo give up valuables for mere w h ic /rrc d promise Cancer and another Capricorn figure prom inently A Q U A R IU S (Jan 20-Feb 18) Per mit others to take in itiative be a keen observer and bide your time I-egal complication requires attention G ive full plav to intellectual curiosity Means ask plentv of questions PISCES (Feb 19-M arch 20) Return to routine. Check sources, emphasize practical demands Focus on em ploy ment, general health, care of those who rely upon your judgment Scorpio, Aquarius persons figure prom inently IF A P R IL 1 IS Y O U R B IR T H D A Y you are em barking upon an adventure' Recent break from past w ill prove beneficial You'll be more independent, creative and open to romance *ou are sensual, inventive, original, determined and sentimental You are dynamic, children are draw n to you and so are members of opposite se* Leo. Aquarius persons play im portant roles in your life Your right eye is vulnerable and you must be aware of it lulv w ill be romantic, creative, productive for you in 1985 (D isco ve r your love and m oney males in the booklet ’’Secret H ints for M en and W om en"! Send $2.50, w hich includes postage and handling, lo O m arr Astrology Secrets, in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 2000, Los Angeles, CA 90053.) e 1985 los Angstes 1*1*5 Syndics!! HOMEMADE 8' cam per overhead, 3-burner stove with oven, icebox, $400 obo 112-971-2221 FOR rent- 21' Citation mo torhome Phone 962-6119 1978 8' OKANAGAN camp er. 3-way Iridge, stove, hy draulic jacks Excellent con dition $3 500 firm 5621508 FLAT deck trailer suitable lor snowmobiles, etc $275 firm 964-7695 evenings 1983 BONAIR 700 lent trail er, slee p s 6, 2 burner stove, ice-box, 20 lb pro pane lank $4 000 obo 964-7337 1975 RUSTLER 21' travel trailer, 3-way tridge. sleeps 6. shower, toilet, two 30 Ib tanks, new tires 964-1973 $3 333 or trade lor family car 1970 20' Security trail er, tandem axle 964-7918 16' VANGUARD travel trail er, excellent condition Must be seen Phone 964-8196 1976 CHEVY Security van conversion Loaded. 27 000 miles Like new 964-7517 1973 DODGE Scamper 19' mini-home, dual air condit ioning. 360 automatic, driv ing computer, lots ot new parts $11,500 obo Or trade for what have you 962-8624 IMPORT sized ca m pe r, near new, $5,000 obo After 6pm. 563-5924 1979 TERRY 5th wheel. 32 . 1980 Ford % ton on pro pane $20,000 for both Open to oflers Cliff 9649224 evenings. 964-4424 or 562-4414 days 1976 21' PROWLER tandem wheel trailer. 3 piece bath, Iridge. stove, oven, furnace, excellent condition 5637241 1984 19' GLENDALE mini home as new, dual tuelp ro p a n e and gas, air, cruise, tilt Full warranty $25,500 563-5771 1978 35' GLENDETTE lux ury travel trailer, air condit ioning awning many other extras $13,000 obo Will consider trade 964-2643 1976 CHEV Curtis raised roof van conversion motorhome, air, cruise, tilt, ste reo, slove. fridge, sink, toi let, furnace $4,750 5633332 days. 562-0630 even ings 1978 FORD SuperC ab. 91 500 kms. 56.850 miles 400 cu in engine, 4 speed standard transmission. 1978 8'6" Frontier camper, bath room, 3-way Iridge oven. 110 converter $11,000 obo 563-6731 inA 106 CAMPERS & TRAILERS CANOPY tor lon g box import Fully insulated and wired $450 Phone 9647432 1978 PROWLER 27'. lully sell contained, excellent condition Phone 563-9942 evenings 1977 PROWLER 24' 5th Wheel, excellent condition $12,500 Phone 964-6327 1977 TRILLIUM, excellent c o n d itio n . $3,500 obo Phone 963-9981 SPRING BREAK S P E C IA L S VACATION READY RV’S — 8’ C A M P E R S 1984’s — some with toilet. Reg. From $7418 .*6495 ~ Parkhill Centre Monday, April 1, 1985 Since You Asked Me: Pisces in d i viduals are d iffic u lt to fool but can fa ll victim to self-deception. G em in i natives are naturally mischievous, e x h ib it skill when it comes to dream ing up A p ril Fool’s gags. Aquarians fin d this day especially "delicious" because they have sense of hum or, especially when it comes to fo o lin g oth er* in manner that results in m utual laughter. Aries persons can be ove rly aggressive when it comes to com m em orating this day. Taurus n a tiv e * enjoy g ivin g " tric k ” gifts. 1978 GALAXlt b camper. 3 way Iridge. stove, good condition $3,300 Call 564 6502 8' CAMPERETTE, roll on boat rack, excellent condi tion Phone 964-0583 19' TRAVEL trailer, complet ly self-contained, must be seen $7,500 563-4527 1981 MOTORHOME Triple E. 21', 350 Chev engine, 19.500 kms Slove with oven. 3 way fridge Lots of extras Phone 564-9288 afler 6 pm BRAND new fiberglass can opy. fils Toyota short box Phone 564-5518 8Vi FOOT, older model Campmate Fridge, slove. furnace, sleeps 4 boat rack on top $2,000 obo 9629074 10' VANGUARD camper. 3 way tridge, stove with oven, porl-a-potie Excellent con dition, $3,800 obo 5648006 1978 16' VANGUARD travel trailer, excellent condition Will consider older pickup or 16' Runabout with motor in trade 563-9444 1976 23' WINNEBEGO mini home on Dodge chassis. 440 engine, nice condition $16 000 962-6755 or 9622666 21' 5th WHEEL trailer 1977 Vanguard, lully sell con tained, excellent condition Phone 112-996-8998 8Vi’ CAVEMAN camper. 3 way fridge, stove, oven, hy draulic jacks Phone 5631804, 564-8616 1980 JAYCO 35 winterized 5th wheel, air conditioning 4.000 watt generator, ood 21' awning, antenna hitch, etc. 1978 GMC 60.000 mi les. 454. propane fuel Package $19500 Will sell separate 963-9009 IMMACULATE condition. 23' Skylark travel trailer, sleeps 6. 3-way Iridge, bath, awn ing. fully self-contained $10,000 563-7178 1981 GMC camper special Vt Ion 4x4, 4 speed, ps. pb. radio cassette. 11 Vfe' tully sell contained Security camper 963-8185 after 6 pm 1975 PROWLER. 17Vi', good condition, with awn ing, stereo and TV antenna. $5 200 obo View al 296 Explorer Cres 562-2518 SELL YO UR 1980 23' TANDEM trailer very clean, c/w equalizer hitch, awnings, etc Consid er mini home or van conver sion on trade or what have your Also 1980 F-150, Lar iet 4 speed 564-6738 1980 28' SKYLARK travel trailer, c/w air conditioning. 3-way Iridge. awning. TV antenna, fully sell-con lained $10,800 562-5500 1978 CAMPER 9V4', with boat rack Excellent condi tion $4,300 562-1589 atler 4pm __________________ RENT- RVs. molorhomes campers and trailers Winter rales Holiday RV Rentals 562-8865 VAN CONVERSIONS 1971 Golden Ears Water, Stove, Toilet. 1975 XTC New Paint, Sleeps 4 1974 Special Sleeps 4, Basic Unit. 1979 Dodge 3 Way Fridge, Stove Furnace .................... — *5995 *8895 5495 *13,900 TR AILER S— 1978 Fleetcraft 18’ Dual A x le .......................... $7AQK IH ilu 1978 Vanguard ftQ Q I% 16’, Flush Toilet ................. O O v V 6295 1977 Okanagan 1981 Corsair 35' Park Model, O Q 7 1 )1 1 Ready to Live In ......... 4 0 ^ I U U 1 9 1 1 426’ M O TO R H O M E Leocraft, Class A Luxury, has all the options, 27,000 km ...................... 56,995 — MINI HOMES— 1979 21’ Okanagan 50.000 km. $01 Q n n Very C le a n ................. 4 I j w l J U 1976 21' Bendix 1 C O R A Rear Bath......................I U j i l U U SU 1976 Toyota Chinook Mini Home '23,400 26,500 IM P E R IA L <2? N ISSAN Westwood & Massey Drive >63-0581 DLN6352 1980 CLASS A 26' Winne bago. A-1 shape, one own er/ driver, low mileage $32,000 obo 964-0449 RV Repairs Fiberglass, re modelling, lloor coverings paint 563-5643 11' VANGUARD camper, boat rack, ladder, oven sell-contained, excellent condition $4,300 563 4349 8' CAMPERETTE, bar size fridge, 2 burner stove, both run on propane, boat rack Must sell 964-1790 1977 VOLKSWAGEN Westlalia camper, fuel injection, propane furnace $8,000 obo 963-8715 or 563 4392 View at Sintich Trailer Park 17' VANGUARD travel trail er, e xcelle nt condition $3,600 962-8956 CEDAR truck canopy. Ills import truck Phone 5630197 1977 10Vi' OKANAGAN cam per, tully equipped except hot water, $4 900 Excellent condition 5640302 MOVING- Must sell this week 11' Vanguard camp er Has many extras Excel lent c o n d itio n $3,950 Phone 964-2390 1979 FORD % ton 1979 O ka n a ga n 8' ca m p e r Excellent shape $10,000 962-6958 1980 26' CLASS A Empress Motorhome. Dodge Chas sis, 440 motor only 19.000 miles Must be seen 562 3871. 963-8757 View at PG Bottle Depot. 1st Ave 10Vi' CAMPER, sleeps 5 fridge, stove, bath. $3,600 Phone 964-4766 LIKE new. sleeper for mid size truck $450 obo Phone 563-6025 1971 SOUTHPARK trailer with awning, 3 way Iridge and lights, sleeps 5 clean 963 7335 1984 VALLEY camper lor import or small truck Brand new condition Many extras $5,990 962-6715 1980 FORD 19 Frontier mo torhome, 8.000 kms, bunk beds Will take camper Open to otters 962-7678 8 ’ HUSKY c a m p e 'e tle , stove, oven. 3-way Iridge, furnace, jacks $2,000 obo 963-8353 1977 NOMAD 22' tandem trailer excellent shape sleeps 7. tub & shower, lorced air furnace, c/w equalizer hitch $6,500 112-566-9152 17’ TRAVEL trailer, single axle, self contained, good condition $4,500 obo 5622050 RV RENTALS Low Reason able rates Personal, friendy service is Universal Rental Service After 4 30pm. 9626107 or 564-1269 1977- 26 FT PROWLER travel trailer Air condition ing Many extras A1 condi tion $8000 562-0506 1978 SKYLARK 18 tan dem, sleeps 6 563-1750 1980 FORD % ton Super Cab, excellent condition, 1979 9Vi' Vanguard camp er, $15 000 obo 562-6732 after 4pm 1977 VANGUARD 8’ camp er, new condition 3-way frid ge , stove hydraulic jacks, under frame tie down $3 500 firm Phone 564-8379 8 CAMPERETTE Sliding w in d o w s, jacks $500 Phone 563-2559 GEM TOP. $400. One cano py. $250 Phone 563-3394 days, 564-5979 evenings 1977 GMC van/ motorhome rebuilt motor. 66 000 miles excellent condition $5,500 C o n s id e r tra d e s 1984 Homemade camperette. fits Mazda and Courier long box Excellent condition $600 obo Ancho Motel room 38 1973 FORD, 6 cylinder eco noline van, partially campenzed, needs some body work. $900 obo 564-6463 after 6pm 8' REBEL camper, stove, oven, ice box, in good con dition $1 900 563-4274 1980 FRONTIER 10Vi' camper, 4 burner stove with oven, hot and cold water, toilet, sink and shower $7,000 Excellent condition 564 4089 1978 HAWAIIAN tent trailer, furnace, stove 10' awning $3 000 obo Can be viewed at 114 Wade Street 562 5616 MUST sell 21 Vi’ Kit Com panion Good condition 962 9026 1980 I T V A N G U A R D c a m p e r, h a rd ly used $7,000 obo 964 4573 LARGE canopy for standard size pickup insulated and wired, with boat rack $975 Call after 5pm 962 2455 1978 CHEV van 350 auto matic, ps, pb. sun rool side window cassette 2 complete set of wheels and tires table bed sink, ice box. fully carpeted and in sulated. excellent shape $5 800 obo 962 2813 1976 9Vi' Security camper 3 way frid ge , 4 burner stove with oven turnace, sleeps 6. good condition Asking $3 500 112-330 4344 PORTABLE c o tta g e or guest house on wheels lul ly winterized Quality interior finished Sale $5 900 112 560 5427 8 CAMPER c/w stove ice box, jacks. $1 100 Phone 964 1405 1981 28 KOMFORT 5th wheel, excellent condition priced to sell 964-9160 be tore 9pm 1982 21' MINI home new condition only 6 000 miles Phone 562-6032 after 6 pm 106 MOTORCYCLES 1981 CAN AM 175 Qualifi er Phone 563 4047 after 6 1982 CR480 excellent con dition $1150 obo Phone 962 8149_________________ 1985 LT250EF 4 wheel Su zuki excellent condition $2 000 obo 112 972 4388 O' 112-972 4362 anytime 1981 KZ1100 KAWASAKI very good condition Asking $3 500 Phone 963 9134 1981 750K HONDA in excellent condition Bags windshield sissy bar and lent 562 6214 1981 KAWASAKI 1000 Touring bike Wmdiammer lairing AM FM cassette dec* side bags trunk 3 000 miles Phone 562 1149 before 12 noon 564 2819 after 4 pm 1983 HONDA Shadow 750 2 200 kms. $2 950 Phone 562-3740_________________ 1981 KAWASAKI KX80 never raced great condi tion $550 obo Phone 564 4596 1982 305 KAWASAKI LTD Excellent condition Asking $1,700 Phone 563-3077 Ask for Angela____________ 1984 HUSQVARNA 250-XC, $2,500 obo 962-2481 1982 YAMAHA 250 Exciter. 8.000 km. asking $850 obo 562-3863 after 6 p m ______ 1982 HONDA XR250 4 stroke Phone 562-3871 or 963-8757 1982 KAWASAKI LTD1000. mint Phone Pat at 9628890 1983 BIG Red. A-1 condi tion. low miles First $1,700 takes 562-4250 M INT c o n d itio n - 1983 XT550 Yamaha Dual Pur pose, 2200 kms $1800 tirm 562-2709 1979 YAMAHA 650 Special low kms Good condition 562-1220 after 3 SILVER Vetter fairing new rubber, on 1979 GS 850-N Suzuki, asking $2,250 1982 GS 400-E Suzuki, asking $1,295 Call after 6pm. 964 6454 1979 SUZUKI 400T. c/w windshield and saddlebags $1 200 Phone 564 6639 af ter 5 1978 KE-100 Kawasaki excellent condition 1.80C km, $700 563 6324 1982 LTD 1000 lully dres sed low mileage, excellent condition 964 1289 after 6pm 1982 YAMAHA IT 175 650 miles. $1 350 Phone 5630808 MUST sell Cannot ride 2 1983 Magnum V45 Honda 750cc. water cooled shaft drive, has windshield and soft Honda bags Excellent condition Only 4.500 kms $2,750 obo 964 6541 alter 5 1982 VIRAGO Low miles Mint condition $2400 obo Trade up or down tor Ca maro. Chevelle, Chevy II or Nova 962 6140 1982 VIRAGO 750 $1 900 964-9051 1983 V 65 Magna 9000 km, custom pamt, must be seen, very fast 962-7172 or 962-7116 1984 CR250. excellent con dition. lots of extras $1 300 obo Phone 963 9466 1984 HONDA Goldwing In terstate (1200 cc), used for one trip only $5 900 563 4805 days. 564-7576 even ings_____________________ 1972 SUZUKI runs but needs work $250 obo Trades 562 7670 1976 HARl EY 125SS 1.900 miles Excellent condition $600 obo 564-4922 or 9638839 1974 KAWASAKI F-7 175, totally rebuilt engine $600 in receipts Must sell $650 obo 962-9841 1982 VIRAGO 750 fairing new tires back rest carrier $2 400 562 6049 5633684 1983 KNIGHTHAWK 650 low mileage, lots ol extras $3,000 firm 563-3959 alter 4pm, ask for Ralph KAWASAKI KD100 good shape Phone 964-1492 1982 HONDA Nighthawke 650, excellent condition helmet and cover included $2 000 962-2809 alter 5 1981 YAMAHA 250 TT $800 1980 Suzuki 400 DR $1,000 obo 962-7746 1978 HONDA 550K Excel lent co n d itio n $1,000 Phone 562 0221 1983 KAWASAKI 250 3 wheeler, near new condi tion. 700 kms $1 900 firm 564-6872 1980 RM125. never raced Phone 564-5518 1981 SUZUKI 650 low kms excellent condition. $1 400 Phone 964-2470 1982 KAWASAKI 250 3 wheeler Phone 962 7919 1982 HONDA FT 500 Ascol 11.500 km. excellent condi tion Includes some acces sones Asking $1 500 562 5912 1983 HONDA Aspencade like new with only 3 500 kms $6 000 obo 564 0733 1981 HONDA Goldwing low mileage bare, $3 000 Phone 562 0437 alter 5pm 1983 SUZUKI GS400E Excellent condition 3 600 kms $1 600 563 1756 1977 KZ650 16 995 kms vetter fairing sissy bar saddle seat Excellent con dition $ 1 2 0 0 561-0101 8am 5pm Evenings 964 9875 TERRE-JET ATV industrial body rebuilt transmission and drive train motor good condition 564-8716 564 2610 ask tor Heller 1978 SUZUKI GS400 Good shape $800 obo Phone 563 9569 YZ80 YAMAHA excellent condition $600 Phone 563 3748 1979 HONDA dirt bike XR80. $350 obo Phone 112-971-2221 1983 SUZUKI RM125 mint condition Phone 562 2300 1982 HONDA XR 80 excel lent condition $475 firm 964-4844 or 964 0600 ATC 1983 Big Red excel lent condition $1 850 with trailer 962 6540 or 562 6859 1983 HONDA CR 125 $800 Must sell Phone 563 6707 KAWASAKI 440 LTD wind shield saddle bags crash bars full cover Excellent shape Less than 3 000 mi les $1400 obo Phone 564 1035 1984 HUSQVARNA like new $1650 obo 564 0347 DIRT BIKERS! - Fror'l Metiers $40 Preston Petty 'enders $10 Hallman and Be1’ Peaks S4 • Leve's lace gjards etc Used pals CYCLE SALVAGE 1839 First Ave 563-7266 CD TF 68 OFFERS Sale Prices On Selected Leather Jackets Fealure Item New 1984 FXR Harley Davidson Motorcycle Come ask us about this beauty at 548-4th Ave 564-6667 i
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