Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
Local Stakeholder Consultation Report
GOLD STANDARD LOCAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION REPORT CONTENTS A. Project Description 1. Project eligibility under Gold Standard 2. Current project status B. Design of Stakeholder Consultation Process 1. Description of physical meeting(s) i. Agenda ii. Non-technical summary iii. Invitation tracking table iv. Text of individual invitations v. Text of public invitations 2. Description of other consultation methods used C. Consultation Process 1. Participants’ in physical meeting(s) i. List ii. Evaluation forms 2. Pictures from physical meeting(s) 3. Outcome of consultation process i. Minutes of physical meeting(s) ii. Minutes of other consultations iii. Assessment of all comments iv. Revisit sustainable development assessment v. Summary of changes to project design based on comments D. Sustainable Development Assessment 1. Own sustainable development assessment i. ‘Do no harm’ assessment ii. Sustainable development matrix 2. Stakeholders blind sustainable development matrix 3. Consolidated sustainable development matrix E. Discussion on Sustainability Monitoring Plan F. Description of Stakeholder Feedback Round Annex 1. Original participants list Annex 2. Original feedback forms Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Annex 3. Invitation Letters Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 2 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION A. A. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project eligibility under the Gold Standard The owner of the proposed project is Gönen Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretim A.Ş.will install a biogas facility within the premises of Doğasan Tarım ve Gıda Mamülleri San ve Tic. A.Ş. which has been carrying out stockbreeding activities in Gönen since 2008. Recently, Doğasan has increased the number of cattles to 2,000 which has also increased the volume of waste. Together with Altaca Çevre Teknolojileri firm, Doğasan has decided to construct a biogas installation which would both solve the waste problem while providing clean energy. The main economic activities in Gönen are leather, stockbreeding, and rice farming, which creates significant environmental problem. Most of the rice stalks are burned in the field after harvest and creates air pollution. The feedstock of the facility will not only be composed of the manure from husbandry from Doğasan’s own activities; but it will also collect manure from chicken farms and agricultural waste such as the rice stalks and organic wastes of food industry. The facility will have a capacity of 2.126 MWe to generate electricity from the biogas obtained via anaerobic digestion of the feedstocks. Annual generation is expected as 19.57 GWh of electricity. Waste heat is planned to be sold to nearby plants. Project satisfies GS eligibility criteria; Project is a small scale project Host country Turkey has no cap and trade system Project activity is categorized as renewable energy supply as per GS toolkit Project activity includes avoidance of CH4(methane) and CO2(Carbon dioxide) which are eligible as per GS toolkit Project does not benefit from ODA funding Project has not been announced previously to proceed without carbon certification. Project applies for regular project cycle and does not apply for another type of environmental certificate A. 2. Current project status Construction has started in march 2012 and expected to be finalized by the end of 2012. Nearest settlements and distance to project are as below, Settlement Tuzakçı village ~3km Hasanbey village ~2.5km Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 3 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 4 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 5 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION B. B. 1. DESIGN OF STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION PROCESS Design of physical meeting(s) i. Agenda Date of Meeting:27/12/2011, Tuesday Time: :14:00-15:00 Location: Chamber of Commerce,Gönen, Balıkesir Agenda 14:00-14:05 14:05-14:20 14:20-14:30 14:30-14:45 14:45–15:00 15:00-.. Opening&Introduction Introduction of the project Climate Change & Certification Process Questions &Answers SD Assessment Closure of the Meeting ii. Non-technical summary GÖNEN BİYOGAZ TESİSİ GÖNEN YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ ÜRETİM A.Ş. PROJE BİLGİ NOTU Ülkemizde, gıda ve elektrik enerjisi ihtiyacı, ekonomik gelişme ve nüfus artışı gibi nedenlerden dolayı hızla artmaktadır. Gıda miktarlarında, artan talebin karşılanamaması sonucunda fiyatlar yükselmiş ve yıllarda dışa bağımlılık artmıştır. Diğer taraftan, bir başka önemli ihtiyaç olan elektrik enerjisi üretebilmesi için gerekli kaynakların (doğalgaz, petrol, vb) yetersizliği nedeniyle, Türkiye enerjide dışa bağımlı bir ülke konumundadır. Gıda ihtiyacını karşılamak amacıyla, tarım ve hayvancılık sektörüne yapılan yatırımlar artarken, bu sektörlerden kaynaklanan atıkların bertarafı önemli bir çevre sağlık sorunu haline gelmiştir. 2008 yılından günümüze Gönen bölgesinde hayvancılık sektöründe faaliyet gösteren Doğasan Tarım ve Gıda Mamülleri San. Ve Tic. A.Ş, son dönemde gıda üretimi konusunda yatırımlarını artırmış olup, bu çerçevede daha önce Oba Salça Fabrikası arazisindeki tesislerinde bulunan büyükbaş hayvan sayısını yaklaşık 2.000 adede çıkartmış, bunu daha da artırarak bölge ve ülke ekonomisine katkı sağlamayı planlamaktadır. Sözkonusu kapasite artışı ile birlikte ortaya çıkan atıkların ve çevrede tarımsal ve gıda Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 6 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report üretiminden kaynaklanan diğer atıkların değerlendirilmesi amacıyla, seçenekler incelenmiş olup, Altaca Çevre Teknolojileri firması ile yapılan işbirliği kapsamında Türkiye’nin halihazırda en büyük kapasiteli biyogaz tesislerinden birini gerçekleştirmek üzere yatırım kararı verilmiştir. Kurulacak olan biyogaz tesisinde hammadde olarak büyükbaş ve tavuk dışkılarının yanısıra mezbaha ve deri atıkları ile beraber bölge halkının en büyük dertlerinden olan pirinç sapı vb. tarımsal ve gıda atıkları kullanılabilecektir. Sözkonusu hayvansal ve tarım atıklarının oksijensiz ortamda çürütülmesi (anaerobik fermantasyon) ile elde edilecek metan gazının yakılması ile elektrik enerjisi üretilerek, hem bölgede önemli bir sorun olan atık miktarı azaltılmış olacak, hem de elektrik üretimi ve iklim değişikliğine katkıda bulunan metan (CH 4) gazının bertarafı sağlanacaktır. 2012 başında inşaatına başlanması planlan biyogaz tesisi 2,126MWe elektrik üretim kapasitesi ile ülkemizdeki en büyük tesislerden birisi olacaktır. Tesisin devreye alınması sonrasında, bu ölçekte hayata geçen ilk projelerden birisi olarak, tarım ve hayvancılık sektörüne öncülük edeceği öngörülmektedir. Gönen biyogaz tesisinde hayvansal ve tarım atıklarının oksijensiz çürüme teknolojisi ile elde edilen biyogazın jeneratörlerde yakılması neticesinde yıllık 19.57 GWh elektrik enerjisi üretileceği öngörülmektedir. Jeneratörlerden çıkan sıcak su, tesisin ısıtma ihtiyacında kullanılacak ve bu sayede dışarıdan bir enerjiye gerek duyulmayacaktır. Tesisten çıkan egzoz gazının ısısının da geri kazanılarak, buhar üretiminde kullanılması ve yakınlarda bulunan tesislerde kullanılması öngörüşmektedir. Tesis inşaatının yaklaşık 7 ay sürmesi ve 2012 sonunda devreye alınması planlanmaktadır. Projenin yapımı esnasında gerekli işgücü ve malzeme mümkün olduğu ölçüde, öncelikli olarak bölgeden temin edilecek ve yerel ekonomiye önemli katkı sağlanacaktır. Hasanbey Köyü mevkiinde bulunan Doğasan arazisi üzerinde kurulması planlanan Gönen Biyogaz tesisinin hayata geçirilmesi ile sağlanacak faydaları şu şekilde özetlemek mümkündür: Halihazırda bölgede çukurlara gömülmek suretiyle çevre kirliliğine neden olan ve halk sağlığını tehdit eden hayvan atıkları bertaraf edilecektir. Tarlalarda yakılarak çevre kirliliğini olumsuz yönde etkileyen pirinç sapı tesiste hammadde olarak kullanılacağı için pirinç sapı bertarafı da sağlanacaktır. Hayvansal ve tarım atıklarının bertarafı ile elde edilecek elektrik enerjisi ile ülkemizin enerji açığının azaltılmasına katkıda bulunulacaktır. Anaerobik fermantasyon sonucunda çıkan atık malzeme gübre olarak tekrar ekonomiye kazandırılacak ve tarım bölgesi olan Gönen tarımına katma değer sağlayacaktır. Hayvansal atıkların bertarafı sorununa çözüm olacak olan tesis hayvancılığı daha cazip bir sektör haline getirecek öncelikle Gönen bölgesinde ve ülkemizde hayvancılığı teşvik edecektir. Tesisin hayata geçmesi ile sağlanacak ekonomik katma değerlerle bölgede istihdam artacaktır. Biyogaz tesisi sayesinde mevcut durumunda çukurlara gömülen hayvan dışkısının yer altı suyunu kirletmesinin önüne geçilecektir. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 7 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gönen Biyogaz Tesisi Projenin Yeri Gönen Biyogaz tesisinde günlük 250 ton hayvansal ve tarım atığı bertaraf edilerek 22.000 m 3 biyogaz (yaklaşık 12.000 m3 doğal gaz eşdeğeri) elde edilecektir. Elde edilen biyogazdan üretilen elektrik ve metan bertarafı sayesinde, sağlanacak ekonomik kazanç ve yukarıda belirtilen çevresel faydaların yanı sıra, yılda yaklaşık 50.000 ton karbondioksit (CO2) eşdeğeri sera gazı salımı engellenecek olup, küresel ölçekte de iklim değişikliği ile mücadeleye katkı sağlanmış olacaktır. Sağlanacak emisyon azatlımı yaklaşık 70.000 ağacın sağladığı sera gazı azaltımına eşdeğer miktarda olacaktır. GÖNEN BİYOGAZ TESİSİ GÖNEN YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ ÜRETİM A.Ş. Project Note In Turkey, needs of electrical energy and nutrient increase due to developments on industrialization, economy and increase in population. Due to the high demand on nutrients, prices increased and dependency on out sources increased. On the other hand, because of lack of natural resources used for energy production such as natural gas, oil, and etc. Turkey is dependent on import fuels for electricity generation. Within this scope, manure from Doğasan farm and nearby facilities will be used for producing biogas and electricity In addition to that, waste which satisfies the organic waste criteria, excess organic materials used for the nutrition of the animals in the factory and organic Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 8 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report products not suitable to be used will be utilized at biogas plant. The waste fed to the plant will be decomposed under anaerobic conditions and biogas will be produced. Generated biogas will be fed to gas engines The project construction has started in march 2012 and the construction is expected to be completed as end of 2012. 2,126 MW electrical energy capacity project will be one of the largest capacity project in Turkey. After starting operation of the project, it is expected to be a lead at the foot and animal industries by being one of the largest operated capacity projects. Main benefits of the project are; - Waste collected from the animal shelters will be decomposed and turned in to more stable state fertilizer which is environmentally platonic and odorless, - Organic waste will be used as raw material for biogas production - Biogas from agricultural wastes and cattle excrement will be used electrical energy, - The obtained fertilizer will have less odor compared to present fertilizers and will contain more free nitrogen(N), - CH4 emissions caused by the present fertilizer storage and sludge stabilization activities will be decreased, - Rice stalks which are burned in fields after harvest will be used in the plant and thus forest fire risk will be avoided. This will also avoid loss of fertility of soil due to loss of useful organisms during burning of the stalks. The location of the project is in the existing facilities of Doğasan AŞ. The specific location of the project is shown below on the map. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 9 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Barn 2 Barn 1 Rice stalk and waste milk processing unit Reactor 1 Reactor 2 Gas Holders Gönen biogas plant layout Mechanical Equipment + Control room Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 Treatment Plant 10 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report iii. Invitation tracking table Category code A A A A A A B Organisation (if relevant) Name of invitee Head of Ulukır Village Burhan Kurt Head of Tuzakçı Village Şeref Özbay Head of Çınarlı Village Savaş Altınkaya Head of Turplu Village Hasan Kara Head of Keçeler Village Local Police Representative District Governor B Abdullah Kaygı Yusuf Aki Bekir Dınkırcı Hüseyin Yakar Gönen Mayor B Local Army Representative B District Agricultural Department District Dept of State Hydraulic Works Special Provincial Administration Local Head of Forestry B B B Ertan Soylu Yakup Başoğlu Ramazan Bahçivan Recap Ateş Way of invitation Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation sent Printed invitation Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 Date of invitation Confirmation received? Y/N Y 20.12.2011 20.12.2011 Y Y 20.12.2011 Y 20.12.2011 Y 20.12.2011 Y 20.12.2011 21.12.2011 Y Y 21.12.2011 20.12.2011 Y Y 20.12.2011 Y 21.12.2011 20.12.2011 22.12.2011 Y Y 11 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report C B D D D D D D E E E F F F F Management Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Ministry of EnergyDirectorate Of Renewable Energy Resource Local REC – Turkey Representative Protecting Wild Life Association Tema Balıkesir Representative Gönen Environment and Cultural Association Balıkesir Environment and Cultural Association Balıkesir Kübra Ladies Peace, Cultural and Environment Association Gold Standard Gold Standard Gold Standard WWF Turkey GreenPeace Mediterranean Mercy Corps Helio International Dr Recep Şahin Yusuf Yazar sent Electronic invitation sent via email Electronic invitation sent via email Y 19.12.2011 Y 19.12.2011 Gülçin Özsoy Y e-mail Ceren Ayas H.Korhan Yakup 16.12.2011 e-mail 16.12.2011 Y e-mail 16.12.2011 Y Electronic invitation sent via email Electronic invitation sent via email Electronic invitation sent via email Bahar Ubay Nahla Sabet Heba Rabie Ceren Ayas Hilal Atıcı Y 19.12.2011 Y 19.12.2011 Y 19.12.2011 Email Email Email Email Email 16.12.2011 16.12.2011 16.12.2011 16.12.2011 16.12.2011 Y Email Email 16.12.2011 16.12.2011 Y Y Y Y Y The stakeholders were identified in line with the Gold Standard (GS) tools. The locals, Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 12 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report representatives of local and central government, local, national and international civil society representatives were invited. Ministry of. Environment and Urbanization are focal point of UNFCC they were informed also as required by GS. iv. Text of individual invitations v. Text of public invitations Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 13 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report vi. GS and GS supporting NGOs invitations Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 14 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report B. 2. Description of other consultation methods used The invitation list and participants covered all relevant key stakeholders therefore no additional meeting/consultation meeting has been needed. In addition to invitation letters, a newspaper announcement has been published on a locally published newspaper. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 15 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION C. C. 1. CONSULTATION PROCESS Participants in physical meeting(s) i. List of participants Participants List Date And Time: Gönen Biyogaz Tesisi Projesi Location: Category Name Of Male/ Signatur Code Participant, Job/ Female e Position In The Community A M Mehmet Tosun A A A A A A A A A M M.Sinan Şen Erol Canbay, Head Of Village İbrahim Kalburan Head Of Karaağaçalan Village Abdullah Kaya Head Of Keçeler Village Hasan Kara Head Of Turblu Village Erol Çakir Hüseyin Demirarslan Taner Işik Hasan Turan M Organisation (If Relevant) Contact Details Anadolu Ajansi(News Agency)-Bandirma Sinan engineering Co.-Gönen Village HeadGönen 0532 675 67 77 Mehmettosun.Haberci @Gmail.Com 0532 276 17 79 Sinan242@Msn.Com 0530 601 59 85 M Village HeadKaraağaçalan M Village HeadKeçeler M 0532 614 62 02 0533 455 28 67 Village Head-Turblu M M M M Farmer- Çalioba Village HeadÜzümlü Village HeadKüçüksoğuklar Village Head – Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 0535 233 54 22 0541 249 55 59 0541 775 65 67 0535 576 98 08 16 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gündoğan Köyü B B A M Ali Yeşildağ M Hüseyin Yakar F Nazan Önoğlu A F Meral Akpinar A B A A F Aysun Can Abdurrahman Kural Gökhan Keskin M M M İbrahim Mutlu B M Murat Ünal A Mayor -Sariköy Mayor-Gönen Doctor-İstanbul TradeswomanGönen Tradeswoman Gönen Deputy Mayor.Gönen Mechancial Engineer BusinessmanGönen Directorate Of Renewable Energy Resource -Ankara M Emre Özmen Engineer A M Murat Akyürek Accountant A M Savaş Altinkaya A Village Head-Çinarli M Şeref Özbay A Village HeadTazakçi M Burhan Kurukurt Village Head-Ulukir Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 0530 330 22 99 0532 522 64 00 0533 584 77 95 0532 468 67 77 meralakpinar@hotmail. com 0537 836 73 74 Aysu115@hotmail.com 0533 317 98 25 a.kural10@gmail.com 0545 245 60 50 0533 657 37 30 0312 295 55 81 mural@eie.gov.tr Emre.ozmen@hotmail. com 0533 592 71 41 muratacc@hotmail.co m 0532 516 54 95 savasaltinkaya@hotm ail.com 0532 333 49 40 serefbaskan@hotmail. com 0542 204 69 89 Burhankurukurt@gmail.com 17 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report A M Haci Arslan Engineer-Kurtuluş Neighbourhood. 0266 762 10 01 Hacikor110@hotmail.c om N/A ii. Evaluation forms Name Meral Akpınar What is your impression of the meeting? Very enlightening meeting. Project details are explained very well. What do you like What do you not like about the project? about the project? Utilization of waste which disturbs us is very positive for the world and the humanity. It is very good that we will leave a better world for our grandchildren. Burhan Kuru Kurt- The information about Everything Head of Ulukır Village the project was good Şeref ÖzbayThe aim of the The utilization of waste The realities are not Head of Tuzakçı meeting is very good mentioned. If one m3 Village of gas is very harmful for the environment, what about the gases leaked during the production? What about the harm if it explodes? Is it cancinogenic? Will you carry the stalk if we do not burn or will you make us carry it? These are not addressed. Savaş Altınkapı- Head Very informative and The project will These kinds of Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 18 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report of Çınarlı Village good meeting provide many pluses both for our region and the national economy. I think the project will range more if it is realised not individually, but in cooperation. Hasan Kara- Head of How will you carry the I would be happy if the Turplu Village animal waste? animal waste turns into energy. Abdullah KaygıHow will you carry the Head of Keceler animal and agricultural Village waste to the facility? Serdar Akçalıoğlu It is very good for our Our electricity will country to have such come from our wasteinvestments very good! projects are difficult to realise individually. It is a long term investment both in terms of pay back and cost. I have no negative comments. None The locals did not raise any negative comments about the project and are very positive about the project in general. C. 2. Pictures from physical meeting(s) Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 19 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 20 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report The District Governor (left) and the Mayor (right) of Gönen also delivered very supportive and informative speeches during the event. C. 3. Outcome of consultation process i. Minutes of physical meeting(s) The meeting was organized in the premises of Gönen Chamber of Commerce, Balıkesir Province. The agenda of the meeting was defined considering the GS requirements. After opening of the meeting and definition of the purpose of the meeting, the Mayor of Gönen and the District Governor of Gönen delivered very insightful speeches in support of the project. After these opening speeches, Alper Önoğlu, the Head of Executive Board of Gönen Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretim A.Ş. made a presentation about the project. After Mr. Alper Önoğlu, GTE representative gave a presentation climate change and carbon certification. The participants in general stated their support for the project. They emphasized that waste from Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 21 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report animal breeding and agricultural activities, which are the main economic activities in Gönen, were creating a significant environmental and health problem. Especially the firing of the rice stalks after the harvest creates serious air quality problems. Thus, the locals were very happy that the project was addressing multiple problems both at the local and international level; healt problems, waste problems, sustainable energy generation and climate change. The governors during their speeches mentioned that the District’s productivity has been increasing and the waste was a main problem. In this regard, they briefed the participants about their efforts to solve animal and agricultural waste and shared experiences from the study visits they carried out in other countries. They indicated that this project was going to bring a sustainability vision to the region and they invited the farmer participants to produce similar solutions with the help of the government. ii. Minutes of other consultations N/A iii. Assessment of all comments Stakeholder comment How will you carry the waste to the facility? Was comment taken Explanation (Why? How?) into account (Yes/ No)? Yes Feed materials and delivery methods are as follows: Cattle dung: Major amount of cattle dung to be used in the biogas plant will be sourced from the livestock where the biogas facility to be erected. The cattle dung in the barn will be collected with scrapers and stocked in the concrete basins and pumped to the pre treatment basins within next 6 hours after it is produced. Chicken dung: Chicken dung will be carried to concrete basins within the biogas facility from neighbourhood livestocks by covered trucks. Rice straw: Rice straw will be baled on the rice fields. The rice straw bales will Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 22 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report be carried to the biogas plant by tractors. Milk waste with caustic: Milk waste with caustic will be carried from our shareholder’s milk facility which is about 4 km from biogas plant by tanker trucks. Milk waste with acid: Milk waste with acid will be carried from our shareholder’s milk facility which is about 4 km from biogas plant by tanker trucks. Slaughter House Waste: There are 3 slaughter houses within the area. Currently the wastes are taken to the land fill and buried with the MSW. The wastes from the slaughter houses will be carried by covered trucks. If the farmers do not burn and leave the rice straws on the field who will carry them to the biogas facility? Yes The farmer will leave the straws on the field after harvest. Then we will bale the rice straw with special equipment and carry them to biogas facility. The baling and carrying cost will be covered by us What kind of precautionary measures you take in case of an emergency?Is there an explosion risk? Yes The facility will be producing a gas mixture (biogas) which may explode if necessary preventive measures will not be taken. All necessary explosion proof measures required by law and standards and according to good engineering practices will be taken. The major preventive measures are listed but not limited to the following. Gas holding equipment will be designed 1.5 times the maximum possible pressure in the equipment/vessel. All the equipment will be leak free. All piping and vessels will be tested for leaks before commissioning. All equipment will be installed electrically bonded and totally earthed for spark prevention. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 23 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report All equipment close to gas sources will be explosion proof class equipment. If there is an over pressure in the system, the gas will be directed to the flare and the over pressured gas will be incinerated. In case, the flare will not be sufficient, the safety relief valves which are installed on the gas tanks will discharge the over pressured gas to the atmosphere. Hydrocarbon sensors will be installed in and out of the gas holding equipment which will be used to monitor the hydrocarbon level. In case the sensors detect that the hydrocarbon concentration reaches 60 % of lower explosive limits, an alarm will be activated. If the hydrocarbon reaches 80 % of LEL level, then adequate equipment will be shut down to stop gas production and gas within the tanks will be directed to the flare to incinerate under control. The automation scenario will be controlled by the automated process control scada system. The system will be monitored and controlled locally and monitored remotely. The main control philosophy of the Process Control System is Safety First, production comes after that. If there is any doubt or question no risks will be taken. In case of a fire, all fire fighting equipment required by law will be installed on the facility. All workers and staff will have adequate personal safety equipment during work. A comprehensive safety training will be given to each employee to adapt safe working practices. Will there be any Yes A detailed safety plan will be active on site and site safety manager and general manager of the plant will be responsible for implementation of the safety plant with the highest priority. No. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 24 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report leakage during the production? iv. Revisit sustainability assessment Are you going to revisit the sustainable development assessment? Yes No Please note that this is necessary when there are indicators scored ‘negative’ or if there are stakeholder comments that can’t be mitigated No comments were raised which would require change in the project. v. Summary of alterations based on comments No comments were raised which would require change in the project. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 25 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION D. D. 1. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT Own sustainable development assessment i. ‘Do no harm’ assessment Safeguarding principles 1 The Project respects internationally proclaimed human rights including dignity, cultural property and uniqueness of indigenous people. The Project is not complicity in Human Rights abuses. 2 The Project does not involve and is not complicit in involuntary resettlement. 3 The Project does not involve and is not complicity in the alteration, damage or removal of any critical cultural heritage. 4 The Project respects the employees’ freedom of association and their right to Assessment of my project risks breaching it (low/medium/high) Human Rights Project activities Low are not expected to cause any human rights abuse. Turkey has ratified European Convention on Human Right in 10/03/19541. Project does not Low involve any resettlement. Project will be implemented in existing Doğasan land2 No protected site Low or critical heritage is identified in the project site. Project site is used as industrial area and for cattle growing.2 Labour Standards Turkey has ratified Low ILO 87 and 98 conventions .All Description of relevance to my project 1 http://www.istanbul.gov.tr/?pid=9218 (Accessed on 15/11/2011) 2 EIA Certificate Mitigation measure No mitigation measure is required for this indicator. No mitigation measure is required for this indicator. No mitigation measure is required for this indicator. No mitigation measure is required for this Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Safeguarding principles Description of relevance to my project Assessment of my project risks breaching it (low/medium/high) collective bargaining and is staff recruited are not complicit in restrictions of employed these freedoms and rights according to the national legislations.3 5 The Project does not Turkey has ratified Low involve and is not complicit in ILO convention any form of forced or 29 and 105 on compulsory labour. The forced and project provides workers with compulsory labour a safe and healthy work is illegal3. environment. 6 The Project does not Turkey is a party Low employ and is not complicit in of IPEC* since any form of child labour. 1992 and ratified ILO convention 138 and 182.3 7 The Project does not Turkey has ratified Low involve and is not complicit in ILO convention any form of discrimination 100 and 111 and based on gender, discrimination based on gender is illegal in Turkey.3 8 The Project provides Work Low workers with a safe and Safety&Risk of healthy work environment accidents. Turkey and is not complicit in exposing workers to unsafe or has ratified ILO unhealthy work environments convention 155 about work safety and precautions.3 3 http://www.ilo.org/public/turkish/region/eurpro/ankara/about/sozlesmeler.htm 4 Gönen biogas Plant Safety Protocol Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 Mitigation measure indicator For positions, requiring specific skills (such as high voltage equipment) staff will either be trained or certified staff will be recruited. No mitigation measure is required for this indicator No mitigation measure is required for this indicator All labours will be trained in terms of work safety and relevant safety protocols.4 Necessary Health and Safety equipment will be distributed to the staff. The design of the facility will 27 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Safeguarding principles Description of relevance to my project Assessment of my project risks breaching it (low/medium/high) Mitigation measure be in accordance with European Biogas plant standards. The system will have state of art controlling and monitoring capabilities. As soon as the design will be completed, a detailed operation safety plan in accordance with good operating standards, local law and European standards will be prepared and implemented. In case of an emergency gas relief from the system, the released gas will be incinerated at a proper flare system specially designed for biogas plants. The flare system will have an auto ignition and spark arresting system. Environmental Protection Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 28 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Safeguarding principles Description of relevance to my project 9 The Project takes a precautionary approach in regard to environmental challenges and is not complicity in practices contrary to the precautionary principle. This principle can be defined as:”When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” Project does not produce any hazardous waste or involve plantation and host country has its own legislation. Waste oil from equipment will be disposed in line with regulation # 25791 on control of waste oils 5 Assessment of my project risks breaching it (low/medium/high) Low Mitigation measure Project will be implemented in compliance with law# 2872 and 5491 which defines the fines to be applied to improper disposal of wastes. Construction of the plant will be monitored and audited by an official project management and audit company. Any cleaning water with either manure contaminants or other cleaning agents will be directed to the waste water treatment facility within the plant. Any water before being released to the environment will be passed through the waste water treatment facility. The organic residue 5 http://www.ormansu.gov.tr/COB/mevzuatBaslik.aspx?sflang=tr Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 29 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Description of relevance to my project Safeguarding principles Assessment of my project risks breaching it (low/medium/high) Mitigation measure from the biogas plant will be stored at the facility at the minimum amount. The stored organic residue will be stored on a concrete pavement so that any leak from this will not reach the soil. 10 The Project does not involve and is not complicity in significant conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats, including those that are (a) legally protected, (b) officially proposed for protection, (c) identified by authoritative sources for their high conservation value or (d) recognized as protected by traditional local communities Anti-Corruption 6 Low Project is implemented near existing farm facilities which is formerly used as tomato paste plant. Therefore no degradation of habitat or existence of protected area, species is relevant to the proposed project activity. Turkey has ratified Low several conventions on bribery and corruption Company will comply with all national regulations and international requirements. 6 No mitigation measure is required for this indicator Environmental Law (#2872 and 5491) Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 30 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Safeguarding principles Description of relevance to my project Assessment of my project risks breaching it (low/medium/high) Mitigation measure including OECD and UN conventions7. ii. Sustainable development matrix Indicator Air quality Water quality and quantity 7 Mitigation measure No mitigation measure needed. The project will contribute in improving air quality via replacing fossil fuel for electricity generation; The project will collect manure via closed trucks and store in leakage proof tanks. Wastewater from Relevance to achieving MDG MDG Goal 7A: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources Indicator 7.3: CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP) - Chosen parameter and explanation Parameter:SO2 and NOx emissions avoided Baseline Currently, the electricity is mainly supplied from the national grid which is fossil fuel dominant and causes SO2 and NOx emissions8. Parameter: Volume of waste fed into the facility Preliminary score + + Baseline Currently, the animal http://www.masak.gov.tr/en/LaunderingProceedsofCrime/Chronology.htm 8 http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_ghg_inventories/national_inventories_submissions/applicatio n/zip/tur-2012-crf-14apr.zip table 1s1 Row 10 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 31 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report the plant will be discharged after treatment in wastewater plant. The digesters and tanks are designed as leakproof and made of high quality and high spec concrete which have no cellular voids inside. The digester and pretreatment tank internal surfaces will be epoxy sealer coated. The digesters and pretreatment tanks will be filled and tested with water before they are filled with the feed material. In case any leakage will be observed during the tests, the leakage will be fixed before filling the feed material. The tanks and digesters will be filled with feed material only after ensuring of no leakage in the tanks and digesters. Soil condition All waste will be handled in a closed system thus the project will not cause any changes in soil.. waste is stored in pits for drying which might leak into the underground water resources. - Parameter: Volume of waste fed into the facility + Baseline Currently, the animal Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 32 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Other pollutants Biodiversity Quality of employment No mitigation measure is needed for odor and noise. Closest settlement is about 2.5km from biogas plant. - No mitigation measure is needed as the project will take place within the factory’s own premises. - The current employment situation will continue. The employees will be trained on the new technology. Protective MDG Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day waste is stored in pits and agricultural wastes are either left on site for decay or burned which creates pollution and harms the soil fertility Parameter: No odor and noise problem occurs. Baseline Manures are dumped improperly in pits and agricultural wastes are burned. The new plantation will not cause any odor and noise problem as they are collected using leakage proof trucks and stored in sealed tanks. Parameter: Number of species 0 0 Baseline There exist an old tomato paste plant and cattle farm in the land. Project will be implemented near the cattle farm. Parameter: Number of certificates issued/trainings provided. 0 Baseline No certificate exists Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 33 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Livelihood of the poor Access to affordable and clean energy services Human and institutional equipment. will be provided to staff and manure will be transported in closed trucks and will be processed in a closed system. No mitigation action is required No mitigation action is required for this indicator. MDG Target 1.B: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people MDG Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day and 1.B :Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people) , 1.4 (1.4 Growth rate of GDP per person employed) - Parameter: N/A 0 Baseline No change in local’s living standards. Parameter: Fossil fuel replaced + Baseline Natural gas consumption to generate heat. No mitigation measure is - Project will decrease dependency on import fossil fuels (natural gas, coal and petroleum) compared to baseline scenario Parameter: N/A Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 + 34 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report capacity required for this parameter. Quantitative employment and income generation Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG target 1.B: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people. Indicators: 1.4. Growth rate of GDP per person employed 1.5 Employmentto-population ratio 1.6 Proportion of employed people living below $1 (PPP) per day 1.7 Proportion of own-account and contributing family workers in total employment Balance of payments and investment Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG Target 8.D (Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order Baseline: The project already has a treatment plant. The current staff will continue to work in the new facility and new staff will be recruited for the biogas plant part. Parameter: Payment made to staff. + Baseline No job opportunities and payment. Project will create new job opportunities compared to baseline scenario. Parameter: Currency saving due to avoided fuel import. Baseline Fossil fuel import and trade deficit. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 + 35 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report to make debt sustainable in the long term) Technology transfer and technological self-reliance D. 2. MDG target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications. Baseline The project will contribute in technology transfer on biogas which can still be considered as marginal to Turkey and will have a positive impact on the development of local suppliers and knowhow in the country. + Stakeholders Blind sustainable development matrix Indicator Air quality Water Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. Project will replace fossil fuel import for heat generation and result in net foreign currency saving. Parameter: Expenditures for equipments Mitigation measure No mitigation measure needed. The project will contribute in improving air quality via replacing fossil fuel. No Relevance to achieving MDG MDG Goal 7A: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources Indicator 7.3: CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP) - Chosen parameter and explanation Parameter: Less natural gas consumed in the factory Preliminary score + Baseline The plant has been utilizing natural gas to generate heat. The project will contribute in less consumption of this fossil fuel. Parameter: Disposal Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 + 36 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report quality and quantity mitigation measures needed. of the treated waste water Baseline The plant already has a waste water treatment plant and releases treated the water. The new plant will both increase the capacity and the treatment efficiency while generating energy. Soil condition Other pollutants Biodiversity No mitigation measure is needed as all waste has been handled according to the regulations. - No mitigation measure is needed for odor and noise. - No mitigation measure is needed as the project will take place within the factory’s own - Parameter: Appropriate management of all waste in line with regulations. 0 Baseline Existing barns and rice fields Parameter: No odor and noise problem occurs. 0 Baseline Odor from decayed agricultural wastes and manures Parameter: Number of species 0 Baseline There exist and old tomato paste plant and cattle farm in the land. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 37 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report premises. Quality of employment Livelihood of the poor Access to affordable and clean energy services The current employment situation will continue. The employees will be trained on the new technology. No mitigation action is required No mitigation action is required for this indicator. MDG Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day MDG Target 1.B: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people MDG Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day and 1.B :Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people) , 1.4 (1.4 Growth rate of GDP per person employed) - Parameter: Number of certificates issued/trainings provided. 0 Baseline No certificate exists Parameter: N/A 0 Baseline No change in local’s living standards. Parameter: Fossil fuel replaced + Baseline Natural gas consumption to generate heat. Project will decrease dependency on import fossil fuels (natural Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 38 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Human and institutional capacity No mitigation measure is required for this parameter. - Quantitative employment and income generation Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG target 1.B: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people. Indicators: 1.4. Growth rate of GDP per person employed 1.5 Employment-topopulation ratio 1.6 Proportion of employed people living below $1 (PPP) per day 1.7 Proportion of ownaccount and contributing family workers in total employment Balance of payments and investment Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG Target 8.D (Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable gas, coal and petroleum) compared to baseline scenario Parameter: N/A Baseline: The project already has a treatment plant. The current staff will continue to work in the new facility. Parameter: Payment made to staff. 0 + Baseline No job opportunities and payment. Project will create new job opportunities compared to baseline scenario. Parameter: Currency saving due to avoided fuel import. + Baseline Fossil fuel import and trade deficit. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 39 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report in the long term) Technology transfer and technological self-reliance Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications. Project will replace fossil fuel import for heat generation and result in net foreign currency saving. Parameter: Expenditures for equipments. 0 Baseline The project will contribute in technological self reliance on biogas which can still be considered as marginal to Turkey and will have a positive impact on the development of local suppliers and know-how in the country. Comments resulting from the stakeholders’ blind sustainable development matrix have been reflected above. Blind SD exercise has been held after Q&A session. During blind exercise, categories and indicators in SD matrix have been explained to participant and they have been requested to assess whether project will have negative or positive impact within this scope. No critical comments were raised by the participants. Stakeholders did not raise any negative opinion during SD exercise. The scoring was consistent in general between two matrixes. D. 3. Consolidated sustainable development matrix Indicator Mitigation measure Relevance to achieving MDG Chosen parameter and explanation Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 Preliminary score 40 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Air quality Water quality and quantity Soil condition No mitigation measure needed. The project will contribute in improving air quality via replacing fossil fuel. Project will have a wastewater treatment facility and prevent water pollution due to leakage of manure stored in the pits in the baseline scenario. 9 No mitigation measure is needed as all waste has been handled according to the regulations. Currently, agricultural residues after harvesting are 9 MDG Goal 7A: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources Indicator 7.3: CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP) - Parameter: SO2 and NOx emissions due to electricity generation from fossil fuel + Baseline Turkey has a fossil fuel dominated electricity grid and other pollutants are emitted in addition to GHGs.8 Parameter: Disposal of the treated waste water + Baseline The plant already has a waste water treatment plant and releases treated the water. The new plant will both increase the capacity and the treatment efficiency while generating energy. - Parameter: Appropriate management of all waste in line with regulations. + Baseline There exist a tomato paste facilities in the land.Agricultural http://jes.ksu.edu.tr/public/journals/1/backIssues/sayi/eski/sayi/92/92.%20133-139.pdf Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 41 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report burned before new plantation which causes air pollution, damages soil and also causes fire risk. 9,10 Other pollutants Biodivers ity Quality of employm ent No mitigation measure is needed for odor and noise. - No mitigation measure is needed as the project will take place within the factory’s own premises. - The employees will be trained on the new technology. MDG Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose wastes (rice stalks) are burned in the field and wastes from individual poultries have been stored in fields for decaying creating pollution for soil and water. Parameter: No odor and noise problem occurs. Baseline The new plantation will not cause any odor and noise problem and improve soil and underground water conditions in addition to odor from decaying wastes and manures. Parameter: Number of species 0 0 Baseline The project will be located within the boundaries of an industrial facility which is formerly used as tomato paste plant.11 Parameter: Number of certificates issued/trainings provided. 0 Baseline 10 www.cygm.gov.tr/CYGM/Files/Projeler/Uluslararasi/gubre.doc 11 Layout of the project Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 42 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report income is less than one dollar a day Livelihoo d of the poor No mitigation action is required Access to affordabl e and clean energy services No mitigation action is required for this indicator. Human and institutio nal No mitigation measure is required for this parameter. MDG Target 1.B: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people MDG Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day and 1.B :Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people) , 1.4 (1.4 Growth rate of GDP per person employed) - No certificate exists Parameter: N/A 0 Baseline No change negative or significantly positive in local’s living standards. Parameter: Fossil fuel replaced + Baseline Natural gas consumption to generate heat. - Project will decrease dependency on import fossil fuels (natural gas, coal and petroleum) compared to baseline scenario Parameter: N/A 0 Baseline: The project already has Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 43 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report capacity Quantitati ve employm ent and income generatio n Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG target 1.B: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people. Indicators: 1.4. Growth rate of GDP per person employed 1.5 Employment-topopulation ratio 1.6 Proportion of employed people living below $1 (PPP) per day 1.7 Proportion of ownaccount and contributing family workers in total employment Balance of payments and investme nt 12 Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG Target 8.D (Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term) a treatment plant. The current staff will continue to work in the new facility. Parameter: Payment made to staff. + Baseline No job opportunities and payment. Project will create new job opportunities compared to baseline scenario.12 Parameter: Currency saving due to avoided fuel import. + Baseline Fossil fuel import and trade deficit. Project will replace fossil fuel import for heat generation and Payment records will be provided during verification Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 44 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Technolo gy transfer and technolog ical selfreliance Mitigation measure is not required for this indicator. MDG target 8.F: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications. result in net foreign currency saving. 13 Parameter: Expenditures for equipments + Baseline The project is developed by Altaca Cevre Teknolojileri which located in Gebze technopolis and doing R&D on biogas and waste to energy issues. Project will have a positive impact on the development of local suppliers and knowhow in the country.14 Justification choices, data source and provision of references Air quality To generate electricity by biogas will reduce the amount of PM, SO2 etc released to the air in Turkey. http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_ghg_inventories/national_inventories_sub missions/application/zip/tur-2012-crf-14apr.zip (Table 1s1) Water quality and quantity Currently the cow and chicken manure is disposed in the non-sealed pits and lagoons digged in the soil. This is fully violation of environmental regulations and standards. In the region, the ground water level is high and the lagoons are usually linked to the nearest ground water source. As a result of this, the water from manure is mixed with the ground water. The manure which will be used as feed material in our biogas plant will be collected directly from the farms before they are disposed to the pits and lagoons. The manure will be put immediately into the well-sealed concrete pretreatment tanks as soon as it arrives to the biogas plant site and pumped to the digesters immediately. There will not be any manure storage on the biogas plant site and there will not be any contact between the manure and the soil. Thus there is no risk of waste water from manure reaching the ground water sources. The digesters and tanks are designed as leak-proof and made of high quality and high spec concrete which have no cellular voids inside. The digester and pre-treatment tank internal 13 www.hazine.org.tr/en2/energypaper.pdf 14 http://www.altacaenerji.com/tr/index.html# Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 45 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report surfaces will be epoxy sealer coated. The digesters and pre-treatment tanks will be filled and tested with water before they are filled with the feed material. In case any leakage will be observed during the tests, the leakage will be fixed before filling the feed material. The tanks and digesters will be filled with feed material only after ensuring of no leakage in the tanks and digesters. Soil condition Project uses a land within the boundaries of investor which were formerly being used as tomato paste plant. Construction works and land use will be minimum. Small amount of excavation soil will be used in the landscaping after construction works are completed. Using rice straw as feed material in the biogas plant is decreasing burning rice straw in the fields. This will increase the yield because burning rice straw in the field causes loss of organic matter and useful bacterias and useful insects in the soil. Therefore the project will have positive impact on soil quality. Project will not have impact such as erosion or soil pollution. If wastes from other farms are also accepted in next stages, than the impact on soil condition will be positive. Other pollutants Solid waste and waste oil will be handled according to the national regulations. The recyclable solid waste will be collected separately. The waste will either be used in construction or disposed in appropriate locations. The waste oil obtained collected during construction and operation phases will be either provided to license waste oil collecting firms or returned to the seller of the oil. Wastewater from the plant will be discharged after they are treated in wastewater plant. Biodiversity There exist no protected or endemic species identified in the project site. The project area is within the boundaries of Gönen district and area used is formerly used as industrial plant. There exist no vegetation covers or fauna within the project area which is currently partially used as poultry. Project will be implemented near existing poultry. Quality of employment Project activities will create many direct and indirect opportunities both locally and nationally. The positions will be for both skilled and unskilled labor and provide alternative employment opportunities for those who work on agricultural sector. Recruited staff will be trained and certified according to local regulations. Protective clothing and equipment will be provided to employees. Wastes will be handled in closed system so interaction of staff with waste will be limited. The workers will also be trained on the safety and medical issues as soon as they are employed in the biogas plant. No employee will be allowed to work before the proper training will be given. Although adequate worker training will be given and proper equipment and tools will be in place for poultry litter handling, the plant workers and staff will have periodic medical checkups. The plant workers and staff will have adequate personal protective equipment and tools for safe work and operation. (Source: Certificates will be provided during verification ) Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 46 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Livelihood of the poor Income of local people from project activities will increase as a result of project. Disposal and transport costs due to wastes will be eliminated to a great extend after commissioning of the plant. Although the project will contribute local economy, impact of project on livelihood of the poor according to parameters defined by GS will be limited. Project will not cause any expropriation. Access to affordable and clean energy services Human and institutional capacity Quantitative employment and income generation Balance of payments and investment The project will help meet national energy demand and enable diversification in the energy supply. (Source: http://www.epdk.org.tr/yayin_rapor/elektrik/yayin_rapor.htm EMRA/EPDK – Turkish Electricity Market Regulatory Authority Reports) Project will increase human and institutional capacity of the workers and local community in terms of awareness about environmental issues. However the impact will be limited. Therefore, the indicator was scored as neutral. During the construction and operation phases, recruitment will be conducted among the local workforce. Documents locally recruited staff during operation will be provided during verification. Turkey is heavily dependent on import fossil fuel for electricity generation. Project will help to decrease the dependency of fuel import and result in net foreign currency saving and energy security. Nearly half of the Turkey’s foreign trade deficit is due to energy import. (http://hazine.org.tr/en/energypaper.pdf and http://www.teias.gov.tr/projeksiyon/CAPACITY%20PROJECTION%202008-2017.pdf ) Technology transfer and technological self-reliance Project will assist in development of new technology to Turkey. Project will be one of the largest biogas plants in Turkey and will be built by a local company which will increase experience and skills of the local company. (Source: http://www.altacaenerji.com/tr/index.html#) The locals are supportive of the project and did not raise any concerns. The sustainability indicators of the project owner and the locals are in line with each other. SECTION E. DISCUSSION ON SUSTAINABILITY MONITORING PLAN No request or recommendation from the locals has been received regarding monitoring of the indicators. Monitoring of SD indicators will be defined in the GS passport. Below issues will be monitored during the construction stage: Safety meetings will be done periodically. Labours will be briefed during safety meetings. Labour and staff are to be trained and made sure that safety is the most important issue. Use of protective equipment by staff & labour Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 47 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report The quality of construction will be monitored for conformity of local law and European standards. All installed equipment will be properly tested to meet the design criteria. Below issues will be monitored during the operation stage: Training of the operation staff. There will not be any feed material storage anywhere even for temporary reasons. Waste water leakage will not be allowed. Samples from ground water will be taken and no leakage to the ground water will be confirmed on regular bases. Biogas vent to air will not be allowed. If any gas to be released for operational reasons the gas will be incinerated at the flare. Operation safety procedures to be obeyed. Operation labours and staff medical check-up to be done periodically. The automation system will be checked regularly to ensure that the automation system will not allow uncontrolled emissions and leakages. Concrete tanks and pits will be visually checked for any leakage. SECTION F. DESCRPTION OF THE DESIGN OF THE STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK ROUND SFR will be initiated after the project is reviewed and listed by GS considering the LSC review comments. SFR is planned to be held via mails rather than a physical meeting. Stakeholders identified and included in the invitation list and those participating the meeting will be involved in the SFR. GS will also be informed about initiation of the SFR. Documents will be made public at GTE website (www.gte.uk.com) during the SFR as required by GS. ANNEX I ORIGINAL PARTICIPANTS LIST Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 48 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 49 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 50 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report ANNEX 2. ORIGINAL EVALUATION FORMS Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 51 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 52 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 53 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 54 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report ANNEX 3. INVITATION LETTERS Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 55 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report