gold standard local stakeholder consultation report
gold standard local stakeholder consultation report
GOLD STANDARD LOCAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION REPORT CONTENTS A. Project Description 1. Project eligibility under Gold Standard 2. Current project status B. Design of Stakeholder Consultation Process 1. Description of physical meeting(s) i. Agenda ii. Non-technical summary iii. Invitation tracking table iv. Text of individual invitations v. Text of public invitations 2. Description of other consultation methods used C. Consultation Process 1. Participants’ in physical meeting(s) i. List ii. Evaluation forms 2. Pictures from physical meeting(s) 3. Outcome of consultation process i. Minutes of physical meeting(s) ii. Minutes of other consultations iii. Assessment of all comments iv. Revisit sustainable development assessment v. Summary of changes to project design based on comments D. Sustainable Development Assessment 1. Own sustainable development assessment i. ‘Do no harm’ assessment ii. Sustainable development matrix 2. Stakeholders blind sustainable development matrix 3. Consolidated sustainable development matrix E. Discussion on Sustainability Monitoring Plan F. Description of Stakeholder Feedback Round Annex 1. Original participants list Annex 2. Original feedback forms Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION A. A. 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project eligibility under the Gold Standard According to Gold Standard v2.1 rules, the eligibility of the project activity is defined by several aspects. The justification of the project eligibility aspects is discussed as followed. Scale of the project activity: Kocaeli Landfill Gas to Electricity Project (hereafter referred as the proposed project activity” is a renewable energy project, which involves LFG coverage and utilization of the LFG for electricity generation. The total capacity for the electricity generation is planned to reach approximately 2.5 MW. As the planned installed capacity is below the small scale threshold of 15 MW defined by UNFCCC resources and above the values set for micro scale projects under the GS resources. Therefore the project activity falls under the “small scale” activity. Host country or state: As Turkey has no cap on GHG emissions, the GS VERs does not need to be backed up by allowances or other denominated units reflecting emission reductions. Type of project activity: The proposed project activity falls under the “Renewable Energy Supply Category” as the project activity involves generation and delivery of energy services (electricity in this case) from non-depletable energy sources. According to GS v2.1 Toolkit (p23), landfill gas to energy projects are considered to be non-depletable energy source. Official Development Assistance (ODA): According to GS rules, a project is not eligible for Gold Standard registration if it receives ODA under the condition that the credits coming out of the project are transferred, directly or indirectly, to the donor country requirements. No ODA is received or benefited for the proposed project activity. An ODA1 declaration will be attached to the Gold Standard Passport. Greenhouse gases: The project activity involves reduction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) and only these two mentioned GHGs are included in the project boundary, which are eligible under Gold Standard. Project timeframe: The proposed project was not previously announced to go ahead without the revenues from carbon credits. The estimated start date of construction will be the second quarter of 2011, while the LSC meeting was held on 1st of December 2010. Therefore the project falls under the regular project cycle. Other certification schemes: The proposed project activity does not claim Green or White Certificates or any other equivalents. 1 Turkey is listed udner the Upper Middle Income Countries and Teritories of the DAC List of ODA recipients. Reference Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 2 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Based on the above arguments it can be concluded that the proposed project activity is eligible as Gold Standard VER project activity. A. 2. Current project status The Project is currently in the technical design phase. Key project cycle stages of the proposed project activity is presented in the below table as followed: Date 1997 23.06.2010 13.07.2010 01.12.2010 23.12.2010 07.03.2011 08.07.2011 April 2011 August 2011 Event Landfill area started to accept municipal waste Tender for Right of Use of the Landfill Area Contract signed between Ortadoğu Enerji and IZAYDAS2 Local Stakeholders Consultation Meeting Application for Generation License First submission of the LSC Meeting report to GS 2nd Local Stakeholders Consultation Meeting Expected start of construction Expected commissioning date (electricity generation) According to Gold Standard descriptions “Regular Project Cycle” is defined as; the project cycle that applies to projects applying for Gold Standard registration before the start date of construction or implementation. As the first Local Stakeholders Consultation Meeting was held on 01.12.2010, the project activity falls under the regular project cycle. However based on the Gold Standard’s request a second consultation meeting has been conducted on 08.07.2011 at Solaklar Village, which is the closest residential area to the project activity. This report provides information and covers results of both meeting. 2 Izmit Waste and Residue Treatment and Incineration and Recycling Co. Inc. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 3 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION B. B. 1. DESIGN OF STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION PROCESS Design of physical meeting(s) i. Agenda The meeting took place on December 1st 2010 at 11:00 AM at Antikkapı Restaurant near the project site. The agenda of the meeting was as follows: - Opening and explanation of the meeting - Presentation about landfill gas to energy projects and of the proposed project - Information about global warming and carbon credits - Questions for clarification about the project - Blind SD exercise - Discussion on monitoring SD - Closure of the meeting ii. Non-technical summary The non-technical summary in Turkish was sent along with the invitations to the meeting. The summary was also handed out in Turkish during the meeting. PROJENİN TANIMI Kocaeli çöp gazından elektrik üretimi projesinin teknik olmayan proje özeti Projenin amaçları Bu proje, Kocaelinde Solaklar düzneli atık depolama sahasında çöp gazından elektrik üretim tesisi, ve Dilovası düzneli atık depolama sahasında çöp gazını yakma ünitesinin kurulmasını içermektedir. Böylece çöpte oluşan gaz bertaraf edilecek ve Solaklar sahasında elektrik üretilecektir. Proje, fosil yakıtlara alternatif olarak, halihazırda atmosfere yayılan çogunluğu metan ve karbondiyoksit oluşan çöp gazınının toplanmasını ve elektrik dönüşümünde yenilenebilir yakıt olarak kullanılmasını amaçlamaktadır. Bu proje, bağımsız enerji kaynaklarının oluşturulmasına katkıda bulunarak ekonomik kalkınmayı ve söz konusu arazilerin sürdürülebilir kullanımını desteklemektedir. Üretilen elektrik, ulusal elektrik şebekesine aktarılarak temel olarak fosil yakıt tabanlı elektrik santrallerinde üretilen elektriğin yerini almaktadır. Proje, atmosfere yayılan gaz emisyonlarının azaltılmasını hedefleyen Kyoto Protokolü’nün amaçlarına uymaktadır. Çöp depo alanlarında bugünkü durumun tanımı Solaklar sahası 1997 yılından, Dilovası sahası ise 2007 yılından bu yana kullanılmaktadır. Her Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 4 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report ikisinde de, sahalarda oluşan kirli sızıntı suyunu toplamaya ve saklamaya yönelik yüksek yoğunluklu polietilen (HDPE) jeomembran kaplamaya ve drenaj sistemine sahip çeşitli hücreler bulunmaktadır. Proje tanımı ve önerilen faaliyetler Proje, bir gaz toplama sisteminin kurulumunu içermektedir. Toplanan gaz, Solaklar sahasında ulusal elektrik şebekesine beslenmek üzere elektriğe dönüştürülecektir, eğer gaz motorlarının ihtiyacından fazla gaz miktarrı geliyorsa bu fazla gaz yakma bacasında yakılacaktır. Dilovası sahasında ise toplanan gaz, gaz yakma bacasında yakılacaktır. Kullanılan teknoloji Teklif edilen proje, çöp gazı toplama sistemi, ön işlem sistemi, elektrik üretim sistemi, yakma sistemi ve şebeke bağlantı sisteminden oluşmaktadır. Öncelikle çöp gazı toplanılıp ve sonra iletim boruları yoluyla çöp gazı ön işlem sistemine ulaşmaktadır, burada çöp gazının nemi alınmaktadır. Çöp gazı, basıncı artırıldıktan sonra elektrik üretim sistemine beslenmektedir. Üretilen elektrik, trafo merkezi sistemi üzerinden yerel şebekeye bağlıdır. Çevre tahribatını önlemek ve güvenlik koşullarını karşılamak için, yakma cihazları fazla olan çöp gazını bacalarda yakmaktadır. Proje faaliyetinin sürdürülebilir kalkınmaya katkısı 1. Sosyo ekonomik refah: Çöp alanının yakın çevresindeki alanlarda çöpten kaynaklanan kokulu gaz emisyonunun azaltılması ile derhal faydalar görülmeye başlayacaktır. Bu gazların önemli oranda azaltılması veya ortadan kaldırılması, bu gazların yerel nüfus üzerinde yol açabildiği sağlık sorunlarının da hafiflemesini sağlayarak, çöp alanını çevreleyen bölgenin potansiyel gelişimine olumlu bir katkıda bulunacaktır. Çöp alanında üretilen biyogazın güvenli ve etkin bir şekilde toplanması yangın ve çöp patlaması riskini de önemli oranda azaltacaktır. Proje, şebekede kullanılmakta olan elektriğin yerini alarak, kömür yakıtlı elektrik santrallerindeki elektrik üretiminden kaynaklanan sülfür oksitleri, nitrojen oksitleri ve partiküllerini içeren emisyonların da azalmasını sağlayacaktır. Ayrıca, kömür nakliyesi ve kömür madenciliği ile ilgili olumsuz etkileri (toz ve asitli maden drenajı) de azaltacaktır. 2. Çevresel refah: Proje, insanların refahı ve bölgenin gelişmesi için çok önemli olumlu katkılara sahiptir. Yerel istihdam bakımından, proje sayesinde ekipmanların bakımı ve işletimi için bir miktar kalifiye istihdam ihtiyacı ortaya çıkacaktır. Proje, yerel işçiler çalıştırarak ve mümkün olduğunca yerel malzemeleri kullanmak suretiyle yerel ekonomi üzerinde olumlu bir etkiye sahiptir. Proje, bir örnek temiz teknoloji projesi görevi görerek, fosil yakıtlardan elde edilen elektriğe bağımlılığı hafifletmektedir. ÇEVRESEL ETKİLER Kocaeli çöp gazından elektrik üretimi projesinin çevresel etkisi Bu projenin amacı, halihazırda iki atık sahasında atmosfere yayılan gazın toplanarak birinde Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 5 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report elektrik üretiminde kullanılması diğerinde ise yakılmasıdır. Bu projelerin yerel ve küresel çevre üzerinde yalnızca olumlu etkilerinin olacağına inanıldığı için resmi idarenin yetkisi doğrultusunda bir çevresel etki değerlendirmesi (ÇED) gerekli görülmemiştir. Projenin küresel çevresel etkisi Küresel seviyede bu projeler, çöp sahasından çıkarılan biogazın içindeki metan gazının yakılması yoluyla sera gazı emisyonunu azaltmaktadır. Makinelerin dolum alanına nakliyesi, vantilatörler ve benzeri diğer taşıma ve iletim makinelerinin sahaya montajı sırasında veya ölçüm ekipmanlarınca üretilenler dışında, proje içinde başka herhangi bir potansiyel CO2 emisyon kaynağı bulunmamaktadır. Sözü edilen makinelerin emisyonları, proje sayesinde elde edilen emisyon azaltımı ile karşılaştırıldığında son derece önemsizdir. Projenin uygulanması ve gerçekleştirilmesi sırasında nakliye ve saha montajından kaynaklanan CO2 emisyonlarını en aza indirmek amacıyla, ekipman ve malzemeler mümkün olduğunca yerel olarak temin edilecektir. Projenin yerel çevresel etkisi Yerel seviyede, teklif edilen faaliyet Kocaeli şehrinin sürdürülebilir gelişimine katkıda bulunacaktır. Proje, bugünkü katı atık yönetiminin ve atık sahası etrafındaki çevresel koşulların geliştirilmesini destekleyecektir. Halihazırda, depolanan çöpler H2S gibi, insan sağlığı için çok ciddi tehlikeler barındıran toksik bileşenler yaymaktadır. Teklif edilen faaliyet ile çöpten biyogazın çıkarılması yoluyla yayılan toksik bileşen miktarı da proje sayesinde önemli oranda azalmaktadır. Projede çöp içindeki gaz konsanstrasyonunun azaltılmasıyla, çöp patlaması riski de en aza indirilmiş olmaktadır. Bu durum, çöp doldurulan alanların yeniden tarım için kullanılmasını sağlayacak ve çöp dolgu alanları artık çorak arazi olarak kalmayacaktır. Biyogaz üretimi için çöpün uygun şekilde kapalı alanda tutulması daha tercih edilir bir yaklaşımdır ve çöp sahibinin, atık kümesini araziye sığacak şekilde yeniden biçimlendirmesini mümkün kılmaktadır. Elde edilen yerel çevresel faydalar, çevre bölge sakinlerinin güvenliği ve günün çoğunu çöp alanında geçiren işçilerin sağlığı bakımından önemlidir. Projede üretilen elektrik, şebekeden kullanılan elektriğin yerini almaktadır. Böylece proje, kömür yakıtlı elektrik üretiminden kaynaklanan sülfür oksidi, nitrojen oksidi ve partikülleri emisyonlarını azaltmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, kömür nakliyesi ve kömür madenciliğinin yan etkilerini de (toz ve asitli maden drenajı) azaltarak, Türkiye’nin fosil yakıtlara bağımlılığını hafifletmektedir. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 6 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report The English translation of the non-technical summary is as follows: DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Non-Technical Summary of the Kocaeli landfill gas to electricity project Purpose of the project This project covers the construction of landfill gas to electricity generation plant at the Solaklar solid waste disposal site and flaring unit at the Dilovasi solid waste disposal site, in Kocaeli city. Therefore the gas formed in the waste will be destroyed and electricity will be generated at the Solaklar site. The aim of the project includes the collection of the landfill gas, made up of mostly methane and carbon dioxide, which is currently released to the atmosphere and it will be used as fuel for electricity generation as an alternative to fossil fuels. The project supports sustainable usage of the landfill sites and economic development by its contribution to having independent energy sources. The electricity generated by the project will be fed to the national grid, and will replace electricity which would otherwise be generated by fossil fuel power plants. The project conforms to the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce the emissions released to the atmosphere. Current Conditions at the Waste Disposal Sites Solaklar site has been used since 1997 and Dilovasi site since 2007. At both sites, there exist cells with high density polyethylene (HDPE) geo-membrane and drainage systems to collect the leachate caused by the stored waste. Description and proposed activities The project includes the construction of a gas collection system. At the Solaklar site, the collected gas will be converted to electricity and fed to the national electricity grid, and if the incoming gas is more than the requirement of the gas engines, this extra gas will be flared. At the Dilovasi site, the collected gas will be flared. Utilized Technology The proposed project includes, gas collection system, pre-treatment system, electricity generation system, flaring system, and national grid connection system. First the landfill gas is collected then with it is transferred through the pipes to the pre-treatment system where the gas is dehumidified. The landfill gas is then pressurized and sent to the electricity generation system. The produced electricity is sent to the national grid from the transformers. Any extra incoming landfill gas is flared to ensure safety of the system, to prevent pollution of the environment. Contribution of the project activity to sustainable development 1. Socio-economical Welfare : Positive effects of the projects will be seen immediately in the nearby areas when the odors from the landfill are reduced. When these odors are greatly reduced or removed completely, the health effects which can be caused by these will be reduced and this will have a positive effect on the Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 7 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report potential development of that region. Fire and explosion risks will be greatly reduced when the landfill gas is collected safely and effectively. By replacing the electricity which would be produced by the grid connected power plants including coal fired power plants, the project will reduce emissions containing sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and their particles. Additionally, negative effects of coal transportation and coal mining will be reduced. 2. Environmental Welfare: The project has positive effects to the welfare of the people and the development of the region. The project will result in some local employment for operation and maintenance of the equipment. By employing local people and using local suppliers as much as possible, it contributes positively to the local economy. By serving as an example clean energy project, it decreases dependency on electricity produced with fossil fuels. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE KOCAELI LANDFILL GAS TO ELECTRICITY PROJECT The purpose of the project is collection of the landfill gas at the two landfill sites and used for electricity generation in one and flaring for the other. Because the project is expected to only have positive environmental impacts on the local and global scale, it was decided by the authorities that no environmental impact assessment (EIA) is necessary for the project. Environmental impacts of the project on the global scale On the global scale, this project reduces greenhouse gas emissions by combusting the methane gas forming in the landfill sites. Except for the emissions resulting from the transportation of the engines, blowers, and other machines for installation, the project does not have any other CO2 emission source. Since the emission reductions resulting from the project activity are much greater than the transportation emissions, they are negligible. To reduce the emissions resulting from the transportation of the machines for the implementation of project activity, equipment and materials will be sourced locally as much as possible. Environmental impacts of the project on the local scale On the local scale, the proposed project activity contributes to the sustainable development of the city of Kocaeli. The project will improve the environmental conditions of the locations around the landfill site. Currently, the stored waste emits toxic gases such as H2S which is harmful to human health. The proposed project will greatly reduce these by collecting the landfill gas from the waste. By reducing the gas concentration within the landfill, the project reduces the explosion risk to a minimum. By this the closed landfill can be reused for planting, and this land will not be bare. For proper biogas production the landfill must be covered with a top cover. These local environmental impacts are important for the safety of the locals and health of workers spending their days at the landfill site. By replacing the electricity which would be produced by the grid connected power plants including coal fired power plants, the project will reduce emissions containing sulphur oxides, Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 8 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report nitrogen oxides, and their particles. Additionally, negative effects of coal transportation and coal mining will be reduced and Turkey’s dependence on fossil fuels will also be reduced. iii. Invitation tracking table Category code Organisation (if relevant) Name of invitee A Muhtar of Kayapınar Neighbourhood A Muhtar of Durhasan Village A B Muhtar of Karadenizliler Mahallesi Ministry of Enviroment and Forestry, Head of Waste Management Department Way of invitation Date of invitation Confirmation received? Y/N Mehmet Sıddık Durak by hand 13.11.2010 Y Burhan TUĞTEKĐN by hand 13.11.2010 Y Celal Şar by hand 13.11.2010 Y Mahir Erdem email 12.11.2010 N B Izaydas Çağatay Mehmet Bozkurt email 12.11.2010 Y B Izaydas Nuri KAYA email 12.11.2010 Y B Izaydas Özlem DĐZMAN email 12.11.2010 Y B Izaydas Özgür TORAMAN email 12.11.2010 Y B Izmit Municipality Directorate of Utilies and Construction Manager Adnan GÜLYEŞĐL email 12.11.2010 N Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 9 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report B C D D D Izmit Municipality Environment Protection and Control Manager Ministry of Enviroment and Forestry, Head of Air Management Department Chamber of Environmental Engineers Kocaeli University, Environmental Engineering CEVKO (Environmental Protection Association) Havva AÇIKGÖZ email 12.11.2010 N Abdurrahman Uluırmak fax 12.11.2010 N Kocaeli Office email 12.11.2010 N Doç. Dr. Ertan DURMUŞOĞLU email 12.11.2010 N Özgür Şaki email 12.11.2010 N E Gold Standard Regional Manager Bahar Ubay email 12.11.2010 N F WWF Turkey Ceren Ayas email 12.11.2010 N F Greenpeace Turkey Hilal Atıcı email 12.11.2010 N F REC Turkey General + Gülçin Özsoy email 12.11.2010 N The Local Stakeholder Consultation has been organized according to the guidelines in the Gold Standard Toolkit v2.1. The stakehoders were identified based on Table 2.8 of the Toolkit and they were invited to the meeting via e-mails, fax and delivery of the invitations by hand. When possible participation was confirmed in order to make the necessary arrangements for those who would be picked up to be taken to the meeting. Also a minibus was arranged to pick up the locals and the muchtar from the village to the meeting location. The stakeholders have been identified based on Table 2.8 of the Toolkit. Local residents, local and national policy makers, universities, press, and GS supporting NGOs have been invited. Kayapinar, Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 10 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Durhasan and Karadenizliler neighbourhoods have been identified as relevant stakeholder, and their elected representatives (Muhtar) have been invited. The muhtars were asked specifically to encourage locals to attend the meeting. Several hardcopies of nontechnical project description was also delivered to village headmans to be shared with any local interested in the project activity. Officials from IZAYDAS A.S. (Izmit Waste and Residue Treatment and Incineration and Recycling Co. Inc.) and several others from the Izmit municipality have been identified as local policy makers and invited. Even though Turkey ratified the Kyoto Protocol in February 2009, Turkey has no emission reduction commitments. There exists no DNA in Turkey, therefore Ministry of Environment and Forestry, who is the national focal point has been invited to the meeting. Gold Standard expert in Turkey has also been invited. iv. Text of individual invitations The following invitation letter has been sent to the identified stakeholders in Turkish: YEREL PAYDAŞLAR İÇİN DAVET MEKTUBU Konu: Kocaeli çöp gazından elektrik üretimi projesi için başlangıç paydaş danışmanlık toplantısına davet Sayın İlgililer, İşbu yazı ile, Karabaş Mah. Hatıra Sok. No:44 (NCITY AVM Yanı) İzmit/Kocaeli’de 1 Aralık 2010 tarihinde Antikkapı Restoranda sabah saat 11.00’de düzenlenecek olan “Kocaeli Çöp Gazından Elektrik Üretimi Projesi” paydaş danışmanlığı toplantısına katılımınızı saygıyla rica ederiz. Önerilen paydaş danışmanlığı, projenin faaliyetlerine doğrudan katılımınızı mümkün kılacaktır. Projeyi ilgili paydaşlara tanıtmak ve hem çevre hem de bölgenin sosyal ve ekonomik hareketi üzerindeki etkilerini görüşmek üzere bu toplantıya katılarak projeye ilişkin etkin geri bildirimde bulunmanız için sizleri saygıyla davet ederiz. Proje, Kocaeli’de Dilovası ve Solaklar düzenli depolama sahalarında gaz toplama ve bertaraf tesisilerinin kurulmasını içermektedir. Halihazırda bu çöp alanları atmosfere gaz bırakmaktadır ve bu gazlar hem küresel ısınmaya katkıda bulunmakta, hem de yerel olarak çevre üzerinde olumsuz etkilere yol açmaktadır. Proje gönüllü emisyon azaltımı (VER) projesi olarak faliyete geçecek ve uluslararası Gold Standard altında sertifikalandırılacaktır. Daha fazla bilgi için bizimle ile irtibata geçebilirsiniz: Tel: 0212-210-2525 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 11 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Fax: 0212-221-8111 Saygılarımla, Mehmet Gür Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Körfez Enerji A.Ş. English translation is as follows: LOCAL STAKEHOLDER INVİTATİON Subject: Invitation to the Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting for the Kocaeli Landfillgas to Electricity Project To whom it may concern, With this letter we respectfully invite you to the local stakeholder consultation for the “Kocaeli Landfill gas to Electricity Project” at 11:00 on 1 December 2010 at Antikkapi Restaurant, Karabaş Mah. Hatıra Sok. No: 44 (next to NCITY AVM) İzmit/Kocaeli. The proposed stakeholder consultation will enable your direct participation to the project activity. We invite you in order to introduce the project to the relevant stakeholders, gather your feedback, discuss the effects of the project on the environment, and also discuss its social and economic effects on the region. The project includes the implementation of landfill gas collection and destruction systems at the Dilovası and Solaklar solid waste disposal sites. Currently these disposal sites release the landfill gas to the atmosphere, contribute negatively to global warming and on the local scale have negative effects on the environment. The project will be developed as a voluntary emission reduction (VER) project and aims to be registered by the Gold Standard. Please contact us for more details: Tel: 0212-210-2525 Fax: 0212-221-8111 Kind Regards, Mehmer Gur Board Member Korfez Enerji Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 12 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Invitation emails sent to the stakeholders: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 13 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 14 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report v. Text of public invitations The most effective way of public invitation is the widely available local newspapers. Özgür Kocaeli and Kocaeli Gazetesi have been identified and the following announcement was published in the mentioned newspapers in Turkish. ___________ Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 15 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report TOPLANTI DAVETĐ Körfez Enerji San. Ve Tic. A.Ş. tarafından yapılması planlanan “Kocaeli Çöp Gazından Elektrik Üretimi Projesi”nin yerel paydaşları bilgilendirme toplantısı düzenlenecektir. Toplantı 1 Aralık 2010 tarihinde saat 11:00’de Karabaş Mah. Hatıra Sok. No:44 (NCITY AVM Yanı) Đzmit/Kocaeli, Antikkapı Restoranda gerçekleştirilecektir. Çöp gazından elektrik elde edilecek bu proje, aynı anda ortaya çıkan metan gazınıda bertaraf ederek çevreyi korumayada katkı sağlayacaktır. Proje bir gönüllü emisyon azaltımı projesi olup, Gold Standard tarafından sertifıkalanması amaçlanmaktadır. Toplantının amacı projeyi ilgili paydaşlara tanıtmak ve projeyle alakalı görüşleri paylaşmaktır. ___________ The English translation of the announcement is as follows: A stakeholder information session will be organized for the planned Kocaeli Landfill Gas to Electrictiy Project by Korfez Energy. The meeting will take place at 11:00 on 1 December 2010 at Antikkapi Restaurant, Karabaş Mah. Hatıra Sok. No: 44 (NCITY AVM Yanı) Đzmit/Kocaeli. The project will generate electricity from landfill gas, at the same time by destroying the formed methane gas, it will contribute to environmental protection. The project is a voluntary emission reduction project, and aims to receive certification from the Gold Standard. The purpose of the project is to present the project to the stakeholders and gather their comments. Below you can see the scans of the original newspaper announcement: “Kocaeli Gazetesi” Newspaper “Özgür Kocaeli” Newspaper Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 16 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report B. 2. Description of other consultation methods used The invitation letter clearly outlined the purpose of the meeting and the stakeholders have been proactively invited to the meeting. Contact information has been provided with the invitation and they were asked to contact us for more information about the project or the meeting. During the meeting, project participants gave their business card upon request, for easy communication. No questions or comments have been received. The outcome of the LSC meeting held on 01.12.2010 showed that the stakeholders including the locals are in favour of the project as it will provide them with better air quality and some local employment. However a second meeting have been organized to strengthen the reach to local stakeholders, which are directly impacted by the project activity. The second meeting took place on 08.07.2011 in Solaklar Village which is the closest residential area to the project activity. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 17 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION C. C. 1. CONSULTATION PROCESS Participants’ in physical meeting(s) i. List of participants [See Toolkit 2.6.1 and Toolkit Annex J] Please attach original participants’ list (in original language) as Annex 1. Participants list Date and time: 01/12/2010 11:00-13:00 Location: Antikkapı Restoran, Kocaeli Category Name of participant, Male/ Code job/ position in the Female community B Mahmut Kıldize Male B Özgür Toraman Male B Özlem Dizman Female B Salih Deveci Male B Muhammet Saraç Male A Celal Sar Male Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes A Burhan Tuğtekin Male Yes A A D Hüseyin Kanbaş Erdem Tuğtekin Serdar Erdal Male Male Male Yes Yes Yes D Ahmet Kurt Male Yes D Uğur Ulu Male Yes D Doğukan Koyuncuoğlu Male Yes Signature Organisation (if relevant) Contact details Đzaydas A.Ş. Đzaydas A.Ş. Đzaydas A.Ş. Đzaydas A.Ş. Đzaydas A.Ş. Muhtar of Karadenizliler Neighbourhood Muhtar of Durhasan Neighbourhood Local Local Kocaeli Demokrat Newspaper Özgür Kocaeli Newspaper ĐHA Kocaeli Journalist Bizim Kocaeli 0530-545-3783 0530-462-2088 0530-5453784 0530-413-8818 0262-316-6000 0532-743-2829 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 05325035437 0536-703-1646 0537-713-0698 0546-850-4028 0532-493-1835 0545-424-2524 0538-4670542 18 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report D Mesut Metin Male Yes D Gülşah Polat Female Yes D D A A Anıl Koçuk Canan Kaya Melih Oral Mehmet Gür Male Female Male Male Yes Yes Yes Yes A Ali Özdemir Male Yes A Dr. Orhan Sevimoğlu Male Yes A A Yusuf Kaya Gülüt Fethullah Demircan Male Male Yes Yes Newspaper Kocaeli Demokrat Newspaper Çağdaş Kocaeli Newspaper Gazete Kocaeli Gazete Kocaeli Targim A.Ş. Ortadoğu Group Ortadoğu Energy Ortadoğu Energy Körfez Energy Ortadoğu Energy 0530-924-0923 0554-414-2506 0539-474-7690 0537-647-0432 0533-580-7680 0212-210-2525 0530-549-3903 0531-688-3910 0532-295-7199 0532-420-5056 The participation to the meeting was sufficient and there was an open atmosphere during the meeting to freely voice any comments. Asking questions was encouraged during the meeting. A large number of journalists were present, who has published articles about the project. With their articles, information about the project will reach a larger audience. There were also several women present during the meeting. ii. Evaluation forms Name Canan Kaya Anıl Koçuk What is your impression of the meeting? I think the meeting was productive. It was presented with details. Employment (quality, What do you like about the project? What do you not like about the project? It will provide There is nothing I do employment and it not like. reduces environmental pollution. The meeting was Energy Services Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 19 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report quantity), livelihood of the poor, equality Mesut Metin Informative and detailed. The questions were answered Gülşah Polat I came unprepared to this meeting. From what was presented, this project should be supported. Doğukan Koyuncuoğlu The project contributes positively to the environment and the world. Uğur Ulu I think it will be a positive effort. Melih Oral Explanations were little Erdem Tuğtekin Hüseyin Kanbaş Burhan Tuğtekin Yusuf Gülüt Ahmet Kurt A positive meeting organized to inform Positive A nice project The meeting was well organized I concluded that the project is beneficial Serdal Erdac It was an informative meeting. Sufficient explanations were given. Salih Deveci More effective methods could have been used. Good Muhammet Saraç productive. Beneficial in terms of global warming. It is good that it provides employment Minimizing the damage to the environment and contribution to energy production. Finding the solution by finding the source. Employment numbers are low. It should provide more employment. - Environmentally friendly Renewable energy is very important for our country, we support these kinds of projects Waste to energy production Envirometal Employment Environmental benefits Electricity production, producing this electricity from waste is very beneficial. Employment is also a plus. Electricity for around 12 thousand homes, employment opportunity even though it is little Prevention of releasing the CH4 gas to the atmosphere. Renewalbe, There is no negative situation Presentations could be a little more detailed Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 Providing little employment. None None None It should come into operation sooner. I hope you continue with more projects. - None 20 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Özlem Dizman I think it is beneficial. Özgür Toraman Mahmut Kıldize The meeting was positive and explanatory. More effective methods could have been used. (overall good) Celal Şar Good eviromental and first for our city. Utilization of the gas, preserving the environment while producing electricity. It is a renewable energy. Renewable energy, contribution to our country by feeding the electricity to the grid, and providing employment. Everything about the project is good. - I view the project positively. - None A total of 19 evaluations forms have been filled by the stakeholders. The overall view of the project activity was positive. C. 2. Pictures from physical meeting(s) Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 21 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report C. 3. Outcome of consultation process i. Minutes of physical meeting(s) The meeting started with a welcome speech by Mr. Fethullah Demircan. It was then followed by everyone in the meeting introducing themselves stating their names and their organization. Next Mr. Yusuf Gülüt gave a detailed presentation about: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 22 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report • • • • Landfill gas to electricity production Technology of waste to energy projects o Gas Collection System o Gas Collection Wells o Well Heads o Manifold Stations o Landfill gas pre-treatment o Engine/Generator o Grid Reducing bad odours Eliminating the risk of fires and explosions Mr. Fethullah Demircan explained the format and purpose of the consultation meeting which he later followed by explaining climate change, global warming, emission reductions and how carbon credits fit into this picture. Later he explained the expected social and environmental impacts of the project activity. The question and answer session was then started, the questions asked and the answers given are given below. Q: When will this project start? A: The project is in the technical design phase. We are hoping that the project will start operations before the year 2012. We are planning according to this timeframe. Q: How many people will be hired? A: It is estimated that 20 people will be hired for the project. Size of the project does not change the number of people to be hired all that much. Q: You mentioned that Ortadogu Enerji won the tender for this project but during the presentations Körfez Enerji is the one stated. A: According to the electricity market law a new company has to be formed for every project, thus a new company has been established called Körfez Enerji which is owned by Ortadogu Enerji in order to apply for the electricity production license to the EPDK (EMRA). Q: Who will implement the project? A: The implementation will be done by Körfez Enerji, which is a special purpose company established under Ortadogu Group of companies. Q: Either, not applicable or no environmental impact assessment is necessary, document is required for the project. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 23 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report A: That is true. For this project no EIA is needed and we will apply for the no EIA is necessary document. Participants were encouraged to ask questions about the project and told that if they have any other questions we can also answer them after the meeting. After the question and answer session Fethullah Demircan explained how to score the Sustainable Development Matrix and participants were given time to fill out the forms. A short while later evaluation forms were also distributed. Last a closing speech was made and the participants were invited for the lunch organized for them. ii. Minutes of other consultations No other comments have been received other than the Stakeholder meeting conducted on 01.12.2010. However a second meeting have been organized to strengthen the reach to local stakeholders, which are directly impacted by the project activity. The second meeting took place on 08.07.2011 in Solaklar Village which is the closest residential area to the project activity. The meeting was announced via Mr. Burhan Tuğtekin, who is the muchtar of the village (also participated the LSC meeting held on 01.12.2010). Hardcopies of the non-technical description of the project activity along with an explanation of the “sustainable development indicators” and an evaluation forms were made available one week before the meeting for the locals and were also delivered during the meeting to participants. The meeting took place in muchtars office and started at 12:30. The meeting agenda was kept flexible on purpose in order to enable a free and encouraging discussion ground however followed the pattern: - Opening Session: Introduction of the Project Owners Representatives (Mr. Fethullah Demircan and Mr. Salih Güney). The purpose of the meeting was explained to the participants. - Explanation of the project activity: The Representatives have explained the project activity. The non-technical description of the proposed project activity was used as the basis of the oral presentation, however more detailed and technical information was provided based on the nature of the questions received during the meeting. - Q&A session: Conducted in parallel with the explanation of the project activity. The questions and answers could be summarized as follows: Q: Further explanation on the technology and how the project will generate electricity was asked. A: Mr. Salih Güney has explained the technology and process of electricity generation from LFG and how it will be implemented on the site. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 24 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Q: What type of waste will be used for the project activity? A: The project activity only involves LFG extraction from lots, which were used to dump municipal waste and excavation rubbles. Q: What is the role of IZAYDAŞ on this project? A: IZAYDAŞ, which is an affiliated company of the Municipality is responsible for operating the landfill area. However, followed by a tender process, IZAYDAŞ have transferred the right of use of the old waste lots to Körfez Enerji, which is a special purpose company under Ortadoğu Enerji A.Ş. in July 2010. Therefore, Ortadoğu Enerji A.Ş. is currently responsible for investment and operation of the LFG extraction project. Q: What is the current situation of the project? A: Currently we are preparing the site for the construction and within a month we are planning to start construction with installing verticle gas extraction wells into the waste. Q: When will it start to produce electricity? A: It is planned to start by end of 2011. Q: How many engines will there be? A: It is planned that 2 gas engines will be installed reaching to a installed capacity of approximately 5 MW installed capacity. The generated electricity will be delivered to the grid. Q: We do experience lots of power cuts in the region. Will the project solve this issue? A: On a broad level the project will have a positive impact on the quality of the national grid by balancing the supply and demand, however the power cuts in this region might be a result of many reasons. This problem is more related to the distribution infrastructure of the region and is under the responsibility of the distribution company. Q: There is a very disturbing odour coming from the landfill especially when the wind is blowing from the landfill side. Would extraction of the LFG increase the odour? A: On the contrary the odour level will be significantly reduced with the project activity. The odour from the landfill is caused by a gas (hydrogen sulphide) in the LFG itself. It can cause unpleasant odours even at very low concentrations. The landfill area will be first covered with a layer to prevent LFG leakage and the trapped LFG will be sent to gas engines where it is burned. This will also eliminate the effect of the gas (hydrogen sulphide) significantly. However it should be noted that daily waste is still entering the landfill area and therefore there might be still a level of odour detectable near the landfill area. Q: How often is the fresh waste covered in the landfill? A: New waste is generally covered with a period of 3-5 days. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 25 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Q: The major problem in the area is unemployment. Especially among young people who doesn’t have a university diploma. Will there be employment opportunities created in the future. A: We are already aware of this issue and willing to contribute to the solution of the problem. The project activity will require employees on different skill levels. We do believe that preferring local people for employment have benefits for both our project and therefore any suitable job both during construction and operational phase will be covered by the local people, especially among young. We have already hired people from the locals and will continue to do so. - Further Questions: To encourage the locals to further provide their opinion on the project activity and to cover also other topics not brought up during the Q&A session, some questions were also asked proactively to the locals, which could be summarized as follows: Q: What is the leachate situation in the landfill area? A: The landfill is operational since 1990 and since 1994 it is operated by IZAYDAŞ. As far as we know, IZAYDAŞ is collecting the leachate and we have no leachate problem at all. The leachate is sent to a Municipal Waste Water Treatment Centre. Q: Are there any water resources such as rivers, ponds, lake or wells close to the landfill area. A: No. There are no such water resources near the area. Q: Are there anyone that makes a living from the waste itself such as scavengers. A: The entire landfill area is covered by fences and entering to the landfill area is controlled by IZAYDAŞ. Therefore there are no scavengers in the area. Q: What is the general income of the village? A: The village covers approximately 200 households in total. Most of the families make a living from livestock and farming, mostly barley and oat. There are approximately 600 great cattle and 700 small cattle. We have a school of 168 students, which also includes students from other villages. We have also a village clinic, where there is a fulltime nurse and a part time doctor. Q: Does the landfill have any impact on the farming or livestock? A: No. The farms and land for animals area at the other side of the village. Q: Are there any aspects of the project activity that you think might have a negative impact on the environment or social and economic development of the village/region? A: As we have stated earlier, we do believe that this project will have a positive impact on the environment and contribute to the region. Q: Is there a specific need of the village, which Ortadoğu Enerji could help? Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 26 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report A: The library within the primary school requires improvement. We would appreciate if Ortadoğu Enerji could help us improving the library. The meeting has ended with a general positive outcome and no major suspected negative impacts identified by the stakeholders. Some of the participants have filled the questionnaire forms (assessed in more detail under section C3 iii and the original copies provided under Annex 2). More hardcopies of the non-technical description of the project activity along with the questionnaires are made available at the muchtar’s office for anyone who is willing to provide further comment on the project activity. The outcome of the “other consultation” meeting held on 08.07.2011, is mostly in line with the outcomes of the LSC meeting held on 01.12.2010. Ortadoğu Enerji has found out that the locals request improvement to the school library. Ortadoğu Enerji have agreed to help the locals on this matter and will contribute to the school library. Pictures from the meeting: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 27 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report iii. Assessment of all comments Stakeholder comment Employment numbers are low. It should provide more employment. Was comment taken into account (Yes/ No)? Yes Presentations could be a little more detailed No It should come into operation sooner. No (Received during the meeting on 08.07.2011) We experience power cuts in the region. Will the project activity solve this problem? No Odour from the landfill area is Yes Explanation (Why? How?) The project participants are aware that the employment opportunities are important for the region. Korfez Enerji is willing and will employ locals as much as possible. It is difficult to choose the level of detail for a stakeholder consultation meeting since there are many groups participating to these meeting. Too much details can be confusing for some stakeholders, thus it was explicitly stated that if there are any other questions or details that anyone would like to ask, there welcome to do so during or after the meeting. The project will be implemented as quickly as possible. Although the project acidity will have a positive impact on the general quality of the grid system, the main reason for the power cuts is most likely related with the quality of the distribution infrastructure, which is under the control of the distribution company in the region. The odour from the landfill is Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 28 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report a problem to the local area. Will the project have an impact on this issue? The school library requires improvement Yes caused by a gas (hydrogen sulphide) in the LFG itself. It can cause unpleasant odours even at very low concentrations. The landfill area will be first covered with a layer to prevent LFG leakage and the trapped LFG will be sent to gas engines where it is burned. This will also eliminate the effect of the gas (hydrogen sulphide) significantly. During the meeting held on 08.07.2011, the locals have raised their need of help for improving the school library. Ortadoğu Energy have agreed to provide any necessary help/support/donation to the village on this issue. The SD Matrix have been revised to include the impact of this to the sustainable indicator “human and institutional capacity” and will be included to the monitoring plan. iv. Revisit sustainability assessment Are you going to revisit the sustainable development assessment? Please note that this is necessary when there are indicators scored ‘negative’ or if there are stakeholder comments that can’t be mitigated Yes No X [See Toolkit 2.7] Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 29 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report v. Summary of alterations based on comments There were no comments or concerns from the stakeholders that require a modification of the project. Either they were already considered such as local employment, or they are not applicable, however taking into account that Ortadoğu Enerji has expressed it support on improving the library conditions in the primary school, the sustainable indicator “human and institutional capacity” has been scored + and has been added to the monitoring plan. SECTION D. D. 1. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT Own sustainable development assessment i. ‘Do no harm’ assessment Safeguarding principles Description of relevance to my project Assessment of my project risks breaching it (low, medium, high) Mitigation measure The project respects internationally proclaimed human rights including dignity, cultural property and uniqueness of indigenous people. The project is not complicit in Human Rights abuses. The project respects internationally proclaimed human rights including dignity, cultural property and uniqueness of indigenous people. Low. As a member of United Nations and part of UN Agreement on Human Rights, it is ensured by law in Turkey that no action can be taken against human rights3 including dignity, cultural property and uniqueness of indigenous people. n.a. The project does not involve and is not complicit in involuntary The project is not complicit in Human Rights abuses. The project does not Low. Cultural and environmental heritage is protected against n.a. Human Rights 3 Reference: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 30 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report resettlement. involve and is not complicit in involuntary resettlement. Project does not require residents to be relocated. alteration, damage or 4 removal by the law . The project does not involve and is not complicit in the alteration, damage or removal of any critical cultural heritage. The project does not involve and is not complicit in the alteration, damage or removal of any critical cultural heritage. Low. Cultural and environmental heritage is protected against alteration, damage or removal by the law5. n.a. The project respects the employees’ freedom of association and their right to collective bargaining and is not complicit in restrictions of these freedoms and rights. Employees are not restrained from forming associations or collectively bargain employment conditions. Low. Freedom of association and their right to collective bargaining is granted by national law (Trade Union Act of Turkey No. 2821)6. n.a. The project does not involve and is not complicit in any form Project does not involve any form of forced or Low. Forced or compulsory labor is forbidden in n.a. Labor Standards 4 Reference: “Law on Protection of Cultural and Environmental Assets” = 5 Reference: “Law on Protection of Cultural and Environmental Assets” = 6 Reference: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 31 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report of forced or compulsory labor. The project does not employ and is not complicit in any form of child labor. The project does not involve and is not complicit in any form of discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other basis. The project provides workers with a safe and healthy work environment and is not complicit in exposing workers to unsafe or unhealthy work environments. compulsory labor as enforced by the Labor Act of Turkey (4857). Project does not employ and is not complicit in any form of child labor in compliance with Article 71 (Working age and restrictions on the employment of children) of Labor Law (4857). The project owner respects Article 5/8425 of Labor Law; which states no discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other basis is allowed. The project owner is committed to the safe and healthy working conditions during all phases of the project. All employees will attend trainings on first aid and health & safety. Turkey and protected by 78 Law . Low. As a member of United Nations and part of UN Agreement on Human Rights, it is ensured by law in Turkey that no project can complicit in any form of child9. n.a. Low. As a member of United Nations and part of UN Agreement on Human Rights, it is ensured by law in Turkey that no discrimination could take place10. n.a. Low. This issue is protected by Labor Law and 11 regulations and UN Agreement on Human Rights12. n.a. 7 Reference: 8 Reference: 9 Reference: 10 Reference: 11 Reference: 12 Reference: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 32 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Environmental Protection The project takes a precautionary approach in regard to environmental challenges and is not complicit in practices contrary to the precautionary principle. This principle can be defined as: ”When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” The project does not involve and is not complicit in significant conversion or degradation of critical natural habitats, including those that are (a) legally protected, (b) officially proposed for protection, (c) identified by authoritative sources for their high conservation value or (d) recognized as protected by The precautionary principles have been applied in this project. Low The environment is protected by several Laws and Regulations in Turkey. The purpose of the “Law on Environmental Protection” is to protect the environment with principles of sustainable development and environment13. n.a. The project is not complicit with the degradation of critical natural habitats, as verified through an investigation of the municipality. Low. The environment is protected by several Laws and Regulations in Turkey. The purpose of the “Law on Environmental Protection” is to protect the environment with principles of sustainable development and environment14. n.a. 13 Refenrence: 14 Refenrence: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 33 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report traditional local communities. Anti-Corruption The project does not involve and is not complicit in corruption. Low. The project does not involve and is not complicit in corruption. n.a. Additional relevant critical issues for my project type It is ensured by law in Turkey that no action can not involve and is not complicit in corruption.15 Description of relevance to my project Assessment of relevance to my project (low, medium, high) Mitigation measure n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. ii. Sustainable development matrix Indicator Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development Mitigation measure If relevant, copy mitigation measure from ‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’ Air quality 15 Relevance to achieving MDG Check and Chosen parameter and explanation Defined by project developer Describe how your indicator is related to local MDG goals MDG 7a: Preliminary score Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated No change in impact: score ‘0’ Sulphides Positive impact: score ‘+’ + Reference: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 34 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Water quality and quantity Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources MDG 7.10: Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources, total Soil condition N/A Other pollutants N/A Biodiversity N/A Quality of employment Livelihood of the poor Access to affordable and clean energy services Human and institutional capacity Quantitative employment and income generation Balance of payments and MDG 1.5: Employment to population ratio MDG 1b: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people. MDG 7.2: CO2 emission, total per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP) destroyed by the gas engines. Water contamination Leachate contamination. Level of noise Alteration or destruction of natural habitat 0 0 0 0 Number of trainings attended + Employees’ social security records. 0 Electricity generated + N/A Improvement to the school library + MDG 1.5: Employment to population ratio Number of job contracts. + N/A Net foreign currency savings 0 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 35 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report investment resulting from a reduction of fossil fuel imports. MDG 8 f: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications Technology transfer and technological self-reliance N/A 0 Comments accompanying own sustainable development matrix N/A D. 2. Stakeholders Blind sustainable development matrix [See Toolkit 2.6.1] Indicator Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development Mitigation measure If relevant, copy mitigation measure from ‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’ Relevance to achieving MDG Chosen parameter and explanation Check and Defined by project Describe how your developer indicator is related to local MDG goals Preliminary score Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated No change in impact: score ‘0’ Positive impact: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 36 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report score ‘+’ Air quality Water quality and quantity Soil condition Other pollutants Biodiversity Quality of employment Livelihood of the poor Access to affordable and clean energy services Human and institutional capacity Quantitative employment and income generation Sulphides destroyed by the gas engines. Water contamination Leachate contamination. Level of noise Alteration or destruction of natural habitat Number of trainings attended Employees’ social security records. Electricity generated + + + + + + 0 + Improvement to + the school library Number of job contracts. + Balance of payments and investment Net foreign currency savings resulting from a reduction of fossil fuel imports. + Technology transfer and technological N/A + Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 37 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report self-reliance After all filled out forms have been collected from the stakeholders, it was seen that some stakeholders did not understand some of the indicators. There were a few negative scores without any explanation which was insignificant compared to the overall positive outcome. Results from the blind exercise were supportive of our own SD matrix. The stakeholders scored most of the indicators as positive which shows their confidence in the project activity and its positive impacts to the environment. D. 3. Consolidated sustainable development matrix [See Toolkit 2.4.2] Indicator Gold Standard indicators of sustainable development Mitigation measure If relevant, copy mitigation measure from ‘Do No Harm’ assessment, and include mitigation measure used to neutralise a score of ‘-’ Relevance to achieving MDG Chosen parameter and explanation Check and Defined by project Describe how your developer indicator is related to local MDG goals Preliminary score Negative impact: score ‘-’ in case negative impact is not fully mitigated, score ‘0’ in case impact is planned to be fully mitigated No change in impact: score ‘0’ Positive impact: score ‘+’ Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 38 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Air quality Water quality and quantity MDG 7a: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes; reverse loss of environmental resources MDG 7.10: Proportion of the population using improved drinking water sources, total Soil condition N/A Other pollutants N/A Biodiversity N/A Quality of employment Livelihood of the poor Access to affordable and clean energy services Human and institutional capacity Quantitative employment and income generation Balance of payments and investment MDG 1.5: Employment to population ratio MDG 1b: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people. MDG 7.2: CO2 emission, total per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP) Sulphides destroyed by the gas engines. + Water contamination 0 Leachate contamination. Level of noise Alteration or destruction of natural habitat Number of trainings attended 0 0 0 + Employees’ social security records. 0 Electricity generated + N/A Improvement to + the school library MDG 1.5: Employment to population ratio Number of job contracts. + N/A Net foreign currency savings resulting from a 0 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 39 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report reduction of fossil fuel imports. MDG 8 f: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of N/A new technologies, especially information and communications Technology transfer and technological self-reliance 0 Justification choices, data source and provision of references A justification paragraph and reference source is required for each indicator, regardless of score Air quality The current practice is uncontrolled release of the landfill gas into the atmosphere. This is a big concern for public health, and the environment16. The landfill gas contains gasses such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) a gas detectable in very low concentrations and notable for its toxicity, is also a major source of odor in the landfills. It can cause unpleasant odors even at very low concentrations17. Exposure can result in nausea, headaches, delirium, and skin and eye irritations. Inhalation of high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide can cause rapid unconsciousness and death18. The project activity minimises these effects by collecting and combusting or flaring the landfill gas. Hydrogen sulfide and other gasses will be destroyed. Based on the above arguments it is considered that the impact of the proposed project activity will be positive compared to the baseline and therefore this sustainable indicator has been scored as (+). It is very difficult to measure odors directly, but since sulphides are the major source of this odor and they are toxic, volume of sulphides combusted in the gas engines will be measured. The volumes of sulphide gas destroyed through combustion will be estimated 16 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) – Hydrogen Sulfide 17 Reference: Parker T., Dottridge J. & Kelly S. (2002). Investigation of the Composition and Emissions of Trace Components in Landfill Gas. Retrieved June 30, 2011, from World Wide Web: 18 United States Environmental Protection Agency – Landfill Methane Outreach Program Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 40 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report according to the common sulphide percentage in landfill gas and included in the monitoring plan. Water quality and quantity Soil condition Other pollutants 19 Landfill leachate is a potentially polluting liquid, which unless returned to the environment in a carefully controlled manner may cause harmful effects on the groundwater and surface water surrounding a landfill site. The landfill sites already have geo-membrane liners and leachate collection systems to avoid the leachate from contaminating the soil and the underground waters19. The existing leachate collection system drains the leachate reaching the bottom of the landfill. This system is currently running and the collected leachate is transferred to the water treatment plant where it is processed. In the project activity, the leachate built up in the gas collection wells will be extracted with pneumatic pumps, which will then be transferred to the water treatment plant for processing. Taking into account that there will be no change in the baseline situation this sustainable indicator has scored (0). One of the main mechanisms for soil contamination due to landfill activities is the uncontrolled drainage of leachate, which includes heavy metals such as lead, nickel, copper and mercury. The soil contamination from leachate will be prevented by leachate management and the leachate will be transferred to the treatment plant reducing the contamination of the soil layers beneath the landfill20. The landfill area will be covered with a top layer of soil during the project. The site will be managed to ensure the sustainable improvement of the landfill area. There exist leachate collection systems which prevent contamination of the soil layers below the landfill. Taking into account that there will be no change in the baseline situation this sustainable indicator has scored (0). The project has no significant emissions of other pollutants. Although there will be some noise from the generator sets, the distance of the UK Environmental Agency - Monitoring landfill leachate, groundwater and surface 20 Kjeldsen P., Barlaz M. A., Roker A. P., Baun A., Ledin A., & Cristensen T.H. (2002). Present and Long Term Composition of MSW Landfill Leachate: A Review. Retrieved June 30, 2011, from World Wide Web: Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 41 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Biodiversity landfill from surrounding residential areas make it negligible. People will not be disturbed by the project activity21. This sustainable indicator has been scored (0). This project does not have an impact on the surrounding biodiversity. Taking into account that the area is used as a landfill area since 1997 and no specific or significant natural habitat is present the project will only have a positive impact compared to the baseline scenario however the score has been conservatively set at “0”. Picture from Solaklar Landfill Area Quality of employment The project activity will create job opportunities during construction, operation and maintenance. These jobs will include skilled and unskilled jobs for a variety of positions. All employees will receive social security with their jobs. It should be noted that Turkey has a high rate of unregistered employment, and these people do not have any kind of social security22. Appropriate trainings will be given to the employees to develop their skills and theoretical knowledge waste to energy systems. Also specific training will be given by TEIAS for the staff responsible for the switchgear station23. Based on the above arguments this sustainable indicator has been scored (+). 21 • Reference: Solaklar Village Muhtar Mr. Burhan Tuğtekin 22 Reference: Hakki Mumin Ay - Unregistered Employment in Turkey • 23 Regulation of High Current Electricity Plant - Article 60 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 42 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Livelihood of the poor Access to affordable and clean energy services Human and institutional capacity As confirmed by the local stakeholders, the proposed project activity will have an impact on the employment of the region with created work opportunities both in operational phase and construction phase. For those who will be employed by the project activity will also benefit from the social security system. However this issue has been already taken into account under the sustainable indicator “quantitative employment and income generation” this sustainable indicator has been scored as “0”. According to 2009 statistics, 50% of Turkey’s energy generation is dependent on natural gas24. As Natural Gas is not a national resource available in Turkey the majority of the natural gas is bought from Russia and Iran. Natural gas and petrol imports are claimed to be the biggest responsible for current account deficit of Turkey and have been reported to increase 40% compared to 2010 figures25. Utilization of renewable resources (such as waste) will decrease the dependency of fuel/energy imports that will lead to more sustainable and affordable energy services in Turkey. Although the impact of the proposed project activity could be considered as minor to this problem, the successful implementation of the project activity will definitely contribute the trend to increase the renewable energy utilization in Turkey’s energy mix. The sustainable indicator is scored (+) taking into account the proposed project activity has a positive impact on access to affordable and clean energy services26. During the stakeholders meeting held on 08.07.2011, the locals have requested the project owners help with regards to the primary school library. The primary school holds 168 students, which also includes students from other villages. According to the locals the library is in bad condition and is hardly usable27. Ortadoğu Enerji has agreed to provide any necessary help/support/donation to the village on this issue. In October – November 2011 the renovation work of the Solaklar Primary School has been finalized by the Project Participant. This 24 Reference: Annual Developmnet of Turkey’s Electricity Generation by Primary Energy Sources (19752009) 25 Reference: 26 Although the proposed Project activity will have a positive impact it is very hard to monitor the impact quantitatively and therefore this indicator has not been included in the monitoring plan. 27 Reference: Solaklar Village Muhtar Mr. Burhan Tuğtekin Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 43 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report sustainable indicator has been scored (+). Quantitative employment and income generation 28 The project will create employment opportunities for about 20 people. All employees will receive contracts and social security benefits. As a general principle of the Project Participant, employment recruitments will be made mostly from the nearby regions and villages especially for the unqualified jobs. Local people will be favoured as much as possible28. All the employees will be granted with a salary equal or above the minimum annual wage rate depending on their responsibility and position in the project. However, at the moment Reference: Mr. Salih Güney / Site Manager. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 44 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report project is a very early stage to mention exact number of the employment or specification of the jobs. This sustainable indicator has been scored as (+) and has been included in the monitoring plan. Balance of payments and The project does not lead to any significant changes with regards to investment balance of payments and investment. The reduction of fossil fuel imports due to the project is too insignificant to be monitored29. The indicator has been set to “0”. Technology transfer and technological selfreliance There are 3,213 municipalities in Turkey, out of which 3,129 have a municipal waste service, covering 82% of the total population of Turkey. The amount of waste collected in 2008 was 24,361,000 tonnes. Out of 3,129 municipalities providing landfill services, only 37 of these landfills are classified as “controlled landfills”. From these controlled landfills only 4 have a composting plant and 2 of them have an incineration plant30. Of the total disposal of 24 million tonnes in year 2008 in Turkey, 13 million tonnes of solid waste per year is dumped at wild landfills, in nature and in streams.31 Moreover, nearly 20% of the population does not receive solid waste services at all, meaning that around 7 million tonnes are not officially registered and most likely are dumped or buried in illegal waste dumps. Under these circumstances, the introduction of a modern landfill management technology will eventually contribute to a change in energy sector’s perception of “alternative investment opportunities” demonstrating the viability of the technologies relatively new to the country and region. However taking into account that measuring this contribution and its impact to the energy sector is practically impossible and subjective this sustainable indicator has been scored “0”. 29 Reference: Turkish Statistic Institute (2011). TUIK Statistical Year Book 2009 Section 14, Energy. Retrieved June 30, 2011, from World Wide Web: 30 Turkish Statistics Institute official website / Main solid waste indicators of municipalities 31 Turkish Statistics Institute official website / Main solid waste indicators of municipalities / Amount of Waste by Destination 2008 / Population Registration 2007. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 45 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report SECTION E. DISCUSSION ON SUSTAINABILITY MONITORING PLAN No Indicator Mitigation measure Chosen parameter Current situation of parameter Estimation of baseline situation of parameter Future target for parameter Way of monitoring How When By who No Indicator Mitigation measure Chosen parameter Current situation of parameter Estimation of baseline situation of parameter Future target for parameter Way of monitoring How When By who No Indicator Mitigation measure Chosen parameter Current situation of parameter 1 Air quality n/a Levels of sulphides combusted in the landfill gas engines Landfill gas not extracted/combusted: uncontrolled emission of landfill gas 0 m3 sulphide destroyed The landfill gas is collected and combusted, avoiding the emission of sulphides (0.5% of landfill gas combusted annually). Between 0-1% of volume of the landfill gas is known to contain sulfides. The amount of sulphide will be calculated based on the amount of landfill gas combusted in the engines as followed: V sulphide destroyed=VLFG destroyed * 0.005 Where “V” represents the volume in m3. A conservative approach of 0.5% is set for the sulphide content. Annually Ortadoğu Enerji 2 Quality of employment n/a Provided trainings. No one employed for project, thereby no contracts and no traings See above Employment: All employees receive contracts including social security provisions. Trainings will be offered to employees. Number of contracts with social security provisions Attendance at trainings Annually Ortadoğu Enerji 4 Human and Institutional Capacity n/a Improvements to the school library The school library is in bad condition and the locals have Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 46 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Estimation of baseline situation of parameter Future target for parameter Way of monitoring How When By who No Indicator Mitigation measure Chosen parameter Current situation of parameter Estimation of baselin situation of parameter Future target for parameter Way of monitoring How When By who SECTION F. requested support for improvement n.a. The school library conditions will be improved Visual First verification Ortadoğu Enerji and Village Muchtar 5 Quantitative employment and income generation n/a Number of contracts No one employed by project, thereby no contracts signed 0 The project activity will result in employment opportunities Number of contracts Annually Ortadoğu Enerji DESCRPTION OF THE DESIGN OF THE STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK ROUND Since there was no significant issues raised during the first meeting, Stakeholder Feedback Round will not be a physical meeting. Same stakeholders will be invited to participate in the consultation process. The summary of the Local Stakeholder Consultation Report will be translated into Turkish and sent to the stakeholders through mail, fax or delivered by hand. The documents will also be made available online. All of the comments received from the consultation process will be documented and included in the Gold Standard Passport. Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 47 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report ANNEX 1. ORIGINAL PARTICIPANTS LIST Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 49 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Original participation list of the meeting held on 08.07.2011 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 50 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report ANNEX 2. ORIGINAL EVALUATION FORMS Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 51 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 52 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 53 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 54 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 55 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 56 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 57 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 58 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 59 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Evaluation forms received during the meeting held on 08.07.2010 Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 60 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 61 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 62 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report Gold Standard Passport version 2.1 July 2009 63 Gold Standard Local Stakeholder Consultation Report