June - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce


June - Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Fo us
A monthly publication of the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
Volume 9 | Number 6 | June 2016
Photo Gallery 7
One-on-One with Coaching for Change, LLC 11
Join Us! 16
“To beat cancer, it takes
the Cancer Center of
Thibodaux Regional.”
— Archie Manning
One Team. One Goal.
Fighting Cancer —
Contact Us!
JUNE 2016:
Chamber Development Committee Meeting
Cameron Isles Apartments Grand Opening
Business 2 Business Luncheon
Chairman of the Board
Earl J. Eues, Jr.
12:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
KEE Environmental Services, LLC
Kathleen “Kate” Theriot
3:00 p.m., 100 Cameron Isles Court
For more information call (985) 851-4753
Coaching for Change, LLC
Jason Bergeron
Technology Professionals
Diplomat Meeting
Vice Chairman-Community Development Division
Janel Ricca
Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center
Business After Hours
Vice Chairman-Chamber Development Division
Paul Labat
Foundation for Terrebonne General Medical Center
Vice Chairman-Infrastructure & Economic Develop. Div.
Mitchell Marmande
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Spahr’s Seafood - Ramada Inn, 1400 West Tunnel Boulevard
Sponsored by Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency
For more information call (985) 876-5600
4:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Fairfield Inn & Suites - Houma Southeast, 100 Picone Road
Education Committee Meeting
Delta Coast Consultants, LLC
Government Activities Committee Meeting
Vice Chairman-Government Activities Division
Chad Hebert
Workforce Logistics
8:30 a.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
12:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
Immediate Past Chairman
Stephanie Hebert
Economic Development/Infrastructure Committee Meeting
12:00 p.m., Chamber office
For more information call (985) 876-5600
Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency
General Membership Luncheon
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sponsored by: La Capitol Federal Credit Union
For more information call (985) 876-5600
For more information about Chamber Events call (985) 876-5600 or Email: info@houmachamber.com
Events in red denotes Chamber events
Ann Barker
Terrebonne Ford
Joseph Boudreaux
Michael J. Garcia, M.D.
South LA Medical Associates
Doug Gregory
On the Cover:
Blackhawk Specialty Tools
Congratulations to Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC who placed first in the 2016 Chamber Golf Classic!
Team members were Hilary Domangue, Arlen Ledet, Troy Cunningham, and Rocky Laliberte.
Campbell Technology
Consultants, LLC
Baymont Inn & Suites
Roslyn Chauvin
Big Mike’s BBQ Smokehouse
Mona Martin Christen
Terrebonne Port Commission
Natalie Campbell
Southdown Mini Storage
Mona & Company, Inc.
Michel Claudet
Claudet Properties
Reggie Dupre
Charlotte Grace
Terrebonne Levee &
Conservation District
Agency Owner
William Eroche
Allstate Insurance Company
Watkins, Walker & Eroche, APLC
1208 Louise St.
Thibodaux, LA 70301
Office 985-492-1579/Cell 985-665-3585
Fax 985-492-1264
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
Morrison Terrebonne Lumber
Cindy Landeche
Mike Lewis
David Rabalais
Darlene Rodrigue
The Courier
John Rogers
Coastal Commerce Bank
Brian Rushing
Rushing Media
Chuck Weaver Jr.
South LA Financial Services, LLC
Your trusted Allstate advisor
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
notes from the
1482 Highway 665
Montegut, LA
(985) 594-4474
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
leasing program and Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
(PEIS) that includes the
Gulf of Mexico without
any further exclusions or
State & Local Issue– Leonard J. Chabert
Medical Center has provided expert healthcare
to the residents of DHH
Region 3 since 1978.
The Chamber passed a
that state funding for
Chabert Medical Center
remain in place noting
that cutting these services would be catastrophic
for the citizens in Region
3 who have no other
means of maintaining
their health.
You may access copies
of these letters and resolutions on our website
at www.houmachamber.com under the Our
Chamber tab > Government > Position Statements.
We are your Chamber,
and we’re committed
to working together to
make our
community strong and
prosperous. Please call
or email us with your
concerns, your ideas,
and your triumphs!
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
4512 Country Dr.
Bourg, LA
(985) 594-5888
Golden Meadow (Southbound).
April 2016
Federal Issue – Continued and expanded
access to all areas of the
Gulf of Mexico will increase economic gains
for Gulf Coast residents
and businesses and ensure that the Gulf Coast
continues to supply
across the country with
reliable crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas. The Chamber
sent a letter urging the
Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM) to
finalize the 2017-2022
One benefit of the cerns about the ecoChamber is that we’ve nomic impact of the
got your back!
new Well Control Rule
We are concerned that was proposed by
with the direction your the Bureau of Safety and
business is going and our Environmental Enforcefocus is to help generate ment the Chamber sent
a strong local economy a letter to Administrator
where we can all feel Shelanski urging him to
comfortable making an direct the Department
honest living.
of Interior to re-evaluate
The Chamber works the economic impacts
hard to protect your and re-propose the rule
business by getting in with a public comment
front of and behind is- period before the prosues on the local, state, posed new Well Control
and federal levels that Rule is finalized.
will protect job growth Federal & State Issue and build and sustain a The Houma-Terrebonne
strong economy. These Chamber adopted a resare a few of the issues olution in support of the
we’ve weighed in on just Louisiana Department
since the beginning of of
the year.
and Development for
March 2016
their funding request
Federal Issue - The to the United States
restoration of coastal Department of TransLouisiana’s wetlands is portation (USDOT) for
one of the most pressing funding through the
environmental challeng- Nationally Significant
es of our time. In March Freight and Highways
the Chamber signed on Projects (NSFHP) Prowith Restore or Retreat gram to complete
and hundreds of other Phase 2 of the Louiorganizations opposing siana Highway 1 (LA
the Obama administra- 1) Project, Leeville to
tion’s proposal to
redistribute the Gulf
of Mexico Energy SeSUPERMARKET, I
curity Act (GOMESA)
dollars which provides the only consisSTOP HERE FIRST ON
tent source of federal
funds to continue the
implementation of
Louisiana’s Coastal
Federal Issue –
With serious con-
Suzanne Nolfo Carlos
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Thanks to all of our sponsors, players,
and volunteers who made the 8th Annual
Chamber Golf Classic on May 9th a success.
It was an awesome day of fun, fellowship
and networking and I think everyone in attendance had a great time and ate lots of
good food. Congrats to the winners!
As summertime rolls in, so does hurricane season which will be with us from
June 1st to November 30th. It’s been quite
sometime since our area has experienced a
major storm and this causes us to become
remiss of our duties of business disaster
preparedness. At our April General Membership Luncheon, Ms. Inez Pierce with
the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation gave
a presentation on small
business disaster preparation and recovery. Ms.
Pierce stated that about
74% of small businesses do
not have a disaster plan,
84% do not have adequate
insurance and 71% lack a
backup generator. 51%
of small business owners
think it will take more than
a month, or didn’t know
how long it would take, to
re-open their doors after a
major disaster.
Here are some questions that may initiate your
business disaster planning:
Can your business survive
being closed for two to four
weeks? What is your plan
to pay bills or employees?
Do you have a plan to pay for repairs? Do
you have a backup service for your computer files and can you access them away
from your office? Have you planned for a
secondary office location in case you cannot use or access your present location?
So how do you go about preparing
your disaster plan? As a start, go to the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
website, https://www.uschamberfoundation.org/quick-guides, and print out the
two quick guides, “Small Business Preparedness” and “Small Business Recovery”. These guides provide a tremendous
amount of resources to assist you in your
planning. Another great site is the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
website, www.ready.gov/business. You
can also call the Terrebonne Parish Office of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management at 985-873-6357 for assistance in helping you develop your plans.
Please pray that our area will be spared
from any tropical systems this year and
for our economy. Continue to support
our local businesses as we work toward
the Chamber’s mission of Uniting community and building a stronger Terrebonne –
Chamber Connected.
Earl Eues
2016 Board Chair
KEE Environmental Services, LLC
MarketPlace on Wellness
Wednesday, September 14th
Suzanne Nolfo Carlos
President and CEO
Chantell Pepper
Administrative Assistant
Betsy Breerwood
Events Coordinator
Kay Thibodeaux
Membership Account Executive
Heidi Ohmer
Communications Specialist
6133 Hwy.311 | Houma, LA 70360 | 985.876.5600 | 985.876.5611 fax
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
New Members
With Allstate life insurance,
Studio 371, LLC
love wins.
Carrie DeLorge
(985) 226-2257
371 School Street
Houma, Louisiana 70301
Clipper Magazine
Nicole Dion
(888) 569-5100
3708 Hempland Road
Mountville, Pennsylvania 17554
Categories: Direct Mail, Email Marketing
Rhodes Homebuilders, Inc.
Dionne Rhodes
(985) 804-7572
247 Rue Richard
Gray, Louisiana 70359
Categories: Construction - Commercial & Residential, Homebuilders
Good Samaritan Food Bank
I can help you protect your growing family
at an affordable price.
Do you have enough life insurance? It’s one
of the best ways to provide for your family if
something happens to you. With the right
coverage, love wins. Call me today for
affordable options.
Henry Stegall
(985) 851-5523
254 Magnolia Street
Houma, Louisiana 70360
Categories: Organizations - Non-Profit
Foti Financial Services
Michael Himel
(985) 879-2335
6486 West Park Avenue
Houma, Louisiana 70364
Categories: Finance Companies, Loans
The Sandbox Volleyball Courts
Teri Liner
(504) 255-4543
710 Corporate Drive
Houma, Louisiana 70360
Stephanie Hebert
Categories: Recreation, Restaurant/Lounge
Associate Member
854 Grand Caillou Rd.
Collette M. Marmande
Weichert Realtors
(985) 223-2822
6690 West Park Avenue
Houma, Louisiana 70364
Categories: Real Estate Companies
Alarms • Audio
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
510 W. Tunnel Blvd.
PO Box 4336
Houma, LA 70361
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
Availability from a particular company varies by product. Subject to availability and qualifications. Life
insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL, and Lincoln Benefit Life Company,
Lincoln, NE. In New York life insurance issued by Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge,
NY. Guarantees are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. © 2011 Allstate Insurance Co.
Radio Systems
Louisiana State Fire Marshal License No. F2
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Photo Gallery
Chamber members enjoy April’s Business 2 Business networking luncheon which was sponsored by EATELCORP
Family of Companies consisting of EATEL, Venyu, Upperline Digital Media, and Vision Communications.
Sharon Bergeron, Coastal Commerce Bank, Chamber President/CEO Suzanne Nolfo Carlos and Chamber Chairman elect Kate Theriot, Coaching for Change attend the Business 2 Business luncheon sponsored by EATELCORP. Congratulations to Ms. Bergeron for winning a free month of advertising on the Chamber’s website at
the event and to Ms. Theriot for winning a business spotlight feature in the Focus newsletter.
Chamber President/CEO Suzanne Carlos, Michele Cheramie, EATEL, Tessie Toups, EATEL, Eddie Callais, Vision
Communications, and Peter Louviere, Eatel, pose at April’s Business 2 Business luncheon. Special thanks to
Eatelcorp Family of Companies for sponsoring the April Business 2 Business.
Coastal Commerce Bank sponsored the joint Business After Hours held at the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission. Coastal Commerce Bank representatives John Rogers, Rachel Beebe, Amy Neal, Shanna Battise, Shane
Golmon and Chad Parr pose while hosting the bar during the event. Special thanks to Coastal Commerce Bank
and their team for sponsoring and attending the event.
Felicity Prosperie, Gas Pump TV, Nicole Chiasson, Southdown Plantation, and Curt Chiasson network at the
April Business After Hours held at the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission. Special thanks to All South
Consulting Engineers, Chauvin Brothers, Coastal Commerce Bank, Piggly Wiggly and Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency for sponsoring the event.
Matt Voisin and Josh Carter from Raising Cane’s (Grand Caillou location) share a laugh at April’s Business After
Hours at the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission. Special thanks to all of our food partners Big Mike’s BBQ
Smokehouse, Raising Cane’s- Grand Caillou location, The Jolly Inn and Cannata’s Family Market for sponsoring
the event.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Stephanie Hebert, Mike Woods, and LaDonna Cruse from Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency attend the Business After Hours at the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission. Special thanks to Stephanie Hebert and her
staff for attending and sponsoring the event.
Tommy and Charlene Chauvin, Kimi Walker and Christina and Chris Tucker attend the Business After Hours at
the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission. Special thanks to Chauvin Brothers for sponsoring the event.
Joe Wheeler, Ed Marmande, Mike Kreller, and Earl Hicks with the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission attend the Business After Hours event. Special thanks to the Houma-Terrebonne Airport Commission and representatives for hosting the event.
Michael Straney, M.D., Scott Diedrich, P.A., and Bradley Chauvin, P.A., cut the ribbon during their grand opening celebration at Delta Urgent Care located at 1340 Grand Caillou Road in Houma. For more information, visit
their website at http://deltaurgentcarela.com or call 985-262-4424.
Chamber Chair Elect Kate Theriot, CFC, LLC, Chamber Chairman Earl J. Eues Jr., KEE Environmental Services,
Speaker Inés Pearce, Senior Advisor, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center/
CEO, Pearce Global Partners Inc., Chamber President/CEO Suzanne Nolfo Carlos, Debbie Breazeale, Shell Pipeline Company, and Gerald McSwiggin, U.S. Chamber of Commerce attend the General Membership Luncheon
in April.
Inés Pearce, Senior Advisor, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center/CEO, Pearce
Global Partners Inc. speaks about disaster preparedness and recovery for businesses at April’s General Membership Luncheon. The luncheon was sponsored by Shell Pipeline Company and supported [in part] by the
United States Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
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Chamber Chairman Earl Eues Jr., KEE Environmental Services, LLC speaks about the 2016 Chamber Golf Classic
during an interview with HTV 10 KFOL/KJUN. The Chamber Golf Classic took place May 9th at Ellendale Country
Congratulations to MidSouth Bank’s golf team - winners in the Chamber Golf Classic - Greg Bertholot, Greg
Maillet, Chuck Walters, and Keith Leonard!
Congratulations to Terminix Pest Control’s golf team - winners in the Chamber Golf Classic - Johnny Hector,
James LeCompte, Todd Wooly, and Chris Haydel!
Congratulations to Barker Automotive Family’s golf team - winners in the Chamber Golf Classic - David Hebert,
Kirk Poincon, John Roussel, and Chris Barker!
Congratulations to Physicians Urgent Care’s golf team - Kendall Duplantis, Houston Lirette, DJ Thompson and
David Martin - winners in the Chamber Golf Classic!
Congratulations to Castagnos, Goodwin, Utley Engineers’ golf team - Robert Utley, James Goodwin, Ed Cheramie, and Daniel Bruce - winners in the Chamber Golf Classic.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Photo Gallery
Keith Voisin, Doug Gregory, Gregory Landry, and David Vice of Morrison Terrebonne Lumber/Home Hardware
Center participated as Exclusive Hole Sponsors in the Chamber’s Golf Classic. Special thanks to all of our sponsors, golfers and volunteers!
Travis Gravois, Travis Gravois State Farm Insurance Agency, poses with the State Farm bear at the Chamber
Classic. Travis Gravois State Farm Insurance Agency sponsored the tournament as an Exclusive Hole Sponsor.
Please see page 19 of this publication for a complete list of sponsors and partners.
Charles A. Page & Sons Insurance Agency representatives (front row - left to right) Charley Chauvin and Susie
Bourg, (back row - left to right) Ryan Page, Lynn Arboneaux, John Page and Robert Page pose at their Exclusive
Hole Sponsorship tent. Special thanks to Charles A. Page & Sons Insurance Agency, Inc. and all event sponsors
and partners of the Chamber’s Golf Classic (see page 19 for a complete list).
Motivatit Seafoods, LLC, Chamber Golf Classic team - Digger Porche, Jarod Voisin, Brad Deroche and Matt
U.S. Congressman Steve Scalise (left) visits with Pete Beniot, Coburn Supply Company, at the 2016 Chamber
Golf Classic. Special thanks to Congressman Scalise and Coburn’s Supply Company for their sponsorship of the
golf tournament.
Workforce Logistics Chamber Golf Classic team - Willard Robinson, Chad Hebert, Randy Steib and Bart Dupre.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
One-on-One with Coaching for Change
The Chamber selects member businesses, organizations and individuals to highlight in this monthly publication. Coaching for Change, LLC was selected at a
recent Business 2 Business Luncheon to be featured.
Earlier this month we interviewed Owner Kate Theriot
to learn more about her and Coaching for Change.
In your own words, describe Coaching for Change.
Coaching for Change, LLC partners with businesses
and individuals to fulfill their full potential using the
tools of life coaching, executive/career coaching, employee development and leadership training, stress
and conflict management, and workplace wellness
programs. CFC guides the purpose-driven individual
to create a vision for their life and works with them
to bring that vision to reality. We help the individual
connect their external world efforts to their inner
world dreams. In the business world CFC works with
companies, particularly the small business, in developing their workforce to be more productive and efficient. Each employee of a company is the company’s
greatest asset, when the company empowers their
employees they will in turn take care of the customer,
resulting in higher productivity and sales. CFC assists
the business owner in empowering their employees.
How long has it been in business? Is it locally owned
and operated? Tell us a little about the history of
Coaching for Change.
I established Coaching for Change, LLC in 2002. At
the time I was employed as the Director of Human
Resources for a church non-profit organization and I
began preparing for the day of “retirement” by developing a client base for CFC on a part-time basis. After
32 years of service I made the decision to “retire” and
move into full-time status with my own business in
Over the years CFC has gone through many changes, however, the main focus of bringing the concept of
self-awareness to individuals and in the workplace has
remained. The focus was on coaching while in parttime mode. Once I moved to full-time status, I began
working with companies and non-profits developing
worksite wellness programs. Currently, the business
has grown to include leadership development, coaching programs, conflict resolution in the workplace,
Self-Development Saturdays for the public, Plexus line
of supplements, retreats and spiritual direction, and
coming later this year, Women’s Inspiration Network
with Knowledge – W.I.N.K. which is a joint effort with
ABL Ventures, LLC. All of this has rounded out CFC
services to touch on the three main areas of one’s life
– Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Where is the main office located?
The office is located inside my home on Verret
Street. Since most of my work takes place onsite in
the workplace, on the phone, or online, it is not necessary to have a store front.
What is the company’s specialty?
I believe CFC is most effective in working with women and empowering them with the self-awareness
they need to live the life they have always dreamed of
and knew was achievable.
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
How many people are employed by Coaching for
At this time CFC has only 1 employee, however, has
partnered with many other coaches, nurses, sales
force, etc. to provide excellence to their clients.
In what ways has the industry changed the most
over the years?
I find the most dramatic change has been the way
we do business. When the business opened the use
of the internet was in its infancy stage, or at least in
my life. Now much of the marketing and actual work
is done via social media and internet. There is less
and less need for travel and face-to-face meetings.
This has made it easier and less expensive to market
the business, but it has been a real learning curve for
What do your clients like best about Coaching for
I’d like to answer this question with a story from an
employee of one of my current clients. I was attending a crawfish boil for the employees of the company
and one of the managers sat with me to tell me his
thoughts on the recent training. He said, “As I walked
into the first training I thought to myself, boy this is
going to be a waste of time. However, I made the
decision to pay attention and get what I could out of
the training. When I was walking out of the training I
thought, man do I have a lot to learn.” I love hearing
comments such as this because I feel like I have done
my job. I’ve opened someone’s mind to new possibilities. As a side note, the company representative tells
me he has become a model manager, incorporating
much of the training into his life as a leader.
What is the one experience you want for the clients
of Coaching for Change?
I want each and every client to walk away with their
“Aha” moment, which means they have new insight
into their situation, life, and the person God created
them to be.
Tell us about you. Where were you born and raised?
Tell us about your family.
I was born and raised in Houma and am the 4th of 5
children; I have 4 brothers. My parents were Margaret and Ambrose Theriot, lifelong residents of Houma.
I am the mother of 2 children John Francis and Samantha. Samantha is married to Matt, and they are
the parents of my 2 grandchildren Abigail and Lillian.
Samantha is a CPA here in Houma. John Francis is employed as a cross country truck driver and is living his
dream. Along with my children and grandchildren, I
have friends I consider family and I spend my down
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
time with them.
Did you attend/graduate from college? School?
I am definitely a product of the Catholic Church. I
began school at St. Francis De Sales, completed high
school at Vandebilt Catholic High, attended Nicholls
State for a short period, and finished at Loyola of New
Orleans with a bachelors degree and a masters in pastoral studies. My career years were spent with the
Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux. So I think we can all
agree I’m entrenched in the Catholic tradition of our
I’m a board certified coach with the Center for
Creditialing & Education, Inc. and a certified spiritual
director from the Haden Institute. I’m also a certified
CDC Work@Health Trainer.
What is your title?
The title I use is owner, however I can also add life
coach, consultant, and spiritual director.
What are your primary responsibilities?
Recently, I heard a wise business person say, “we
need to spend more time on our business rather than
in our business.” That seems to sum up my responsibilities. Since I’m the visionary and the doer, I do
whatever needs to be done.
How long have you been in the industry? How long
with Coaching for Change?
I consider my industry human resources and I’ve
been in this industry for 38 years.
What do you like best about Coaching for Change?
What I like best is being self-employed and being able
to work from home. It really does feel like retirement.
− continue on page 12−
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I am able to make my own schedule
and balance that schedule with my
family and personal life. It does help
that the work I do truly is my passion
and I’d be doing this even if I won
the lottery. I believe we are each
put on this earth to bring out gifts to
the world and at this time I believe
that is exactly what I am able to do.
What is most challenging about your
job? Favorite part of your job?
The most challenging part of my
work is marketing. I have had to learn
the marketing side of business and I’ve
been very blessed in having many great
teachers. Marketing is way out of my
comfort zone and it has pushed me
into new growth as a person and for
that I am grateful.
My favorite part of the work is when
a person walks away from a coaching session, or a training with a new,
positive, perspective on their life and
is able to find peace and harmony in
their world.
Do you have a fundamental philosophy for life or business that you can
Choose a career that gives you selffulfillment over money. Pope John
Paul II wrote, “work is for humans not
humans for work.” What I believe he
meant was our work is a vehicle for
each of us to bring our gifts to the
world. Find your gifts then find a career that honors those gifts and the
money will come.
Tell us about the relationship between
Coaching for Change and the HoumaTerrebonne Chamber of Commerce.
Why does Coaching for Change invest
in the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of
One of the first things I did in 2010
when I brought my business to a fulltime status was join the Chamber. The
Chamber was how I began establishing
and building relationships that in many
cases have turned into clients. My
work with the Chamber has been a way
for me to feel like I am truly engaged in
the activities of the community and an
active participant in building a better
Can you share any of your company’s
involvement or your personal involvement with the Chamber over the
During the 6 years CFC has been very
active in all of the Chamber’s sponsored activities. I needed to learn how
to do business as an owner instead of
an employee and the Chamber was instrumental in assisting in that endeavor.
Why should other businesses invest
in the Houma-Terrebonne Chamber of
The Chamber is a way for businesses
to become active participants in the
community of Terrebonne Parish and
to be part of the future of our community. Our Chamber is very active
in all aspects of the community and is
respected for its leadership. We can
be involved in the issues facing our
community and support our officials in
their decisions on those issues.
The Chamber also has many nonprofit members and supports those
members by giving back. This gives CFC
the avenue to support non-profits in all
areas of need. All in all, the Chamber
has been a way for CFC to belong to the
community of Terrebonne Parish.
Michael A. Lewis
Big Mike’s BBQ Smokehouse
E-mail: mike@bigmikesbbqsh.com
Website: www.bikemikesbbqsh.com
Areas of Expertise:
Restaurant/Hospitality management
Other interests:
Family and fun activities
Why did you join the Chamber?
My goal is to add value and substance by using my years of experience
of managing businesses and providing leadership within companies to
achieve growth and successful results.
Why do you serve on the Board of Directors?
It gives me the opportunity to fellowship with other forward thinking
individuals endeavoring to build a progressive and meaningful community.
What is the Chamber’s role in the business community?
The Chamber is a forum to find common ground on topics affecting
the business community; it’s also the catalyst for delivering a cohesive
response to the community and government entities pertaining to business and economic issues.
Visit our website at
Your Chamber—Uniting community and
building a stronger Terrebonne.
6133 Hwy 311  Houma, LA 70360  985-876-5600
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
2016 Fakiér Open Raises
More than $122,000
Nationally recognized Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC, Fakiér
Jewelers and HTV-10 hosted the 6th
annual Fakiér Open April 18 - 23 at Ellendale Country Club. The annual event
raised more than $122,000 to benefit
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at
TGMC and the local fight against cancer.
“I am truly in awe at the support our
community gives our Cancer Center
each year,” said Melanie Guilbeaux,
director of oncology at Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center at TGMC. “From the
sponsors and teams, those who purchased tickets, to those who provided
food and beverages, everything was
truly tremendous. The funds raised
through our annual golf tournament
impacts our patients who are currently
undergoing cancer treatment and our
community through cancer prevention,
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
early detection, education and clinical
research. We are incredibly grateful for
our community’s support.”
The Quality Rentals, Frank P. Clements Memorial Pro-Am on April 19
attracted more than 180 amateur golfers and featured some of south Louisiana’s finest seafood. The Adams Pro
Tour Series professional tournament
followed April 19-22 and included 125
professional golfers who played for a
$100,000 purse. Andrew Presley won
the tournament.
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC)’s Volunteer Auxiliary named Linda Patterson the “Volunteer of
the Year” at the annual Volunteer Luncheon. Patterson has been a member of the TGMC Volunteer Auxiliary
for over 17 years and has donated over 4,693 hours of service to TGMC. TGMC Volunteer Auxiliary members
donated over 8,000 hours of service this past year and were recognized at the annual luncheon during volunteer week. Pictured from left to right are Linda Patterson, Volunteer of the Year, and Phyllis Peoples, president
and CEO of TGMC.
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
L.E. Fletcher Technical Community College Earns
Two Accreditations
Fletcher Earns Accreditation of
Associate of Science in Nursing
Fletcher Technical Community
College has been awarded initial
accreditation of the college’s Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN)
program. The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
(ACEN) approved accreditation of
the Fletcher program at its meeting March 2016. The Board of
Commissioners granted initial accreditation to the associate nursing program and scheduled the
next evaluation visit to Fletcher
for Fall 2020.
“We are indeed very proud to
have received national accreditation for our Associate of Science
in Nursing program. Accreditation
affirms to our students and our
community that we are providing
the finest education in the nursing field,” said Fletcher Chancellor
Dr. Kristine Strickland. “Our faculty
and staff are to be commended
for their efforts in achieving this
milestone. We look forward to
continuing to serve the workforce
needs of the Bayou Region in the
field of nursing.”
“The national accreditation of
the ASN Nursing program is a milestone and indication of the dedication and hard work the nursing
faculty and staff have put forth,”
said Dean of Nursing and Allied
Health Dr. Sonia Clarke. “Our students and graduates provide the
foundation of healthcare workforce and the accreditation affirms
the strength of our program. We
are proud that our ASN program
has maintained a 100% pass rates
for 4 years and counting as well as
100% employment rate. “
The Associate of Science Degree
in Nursing program at Fletcher
Technical Community College consists of both classroom instruction
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
and supervised clinical activities
to prepare the student to take the
National Council Licensing Exam
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN)
given by the National Council of
State Boards of Nursing. The program incorporates course work
identified as essential to the practice of the registered nurse. Classroom instruction includes the integration of the following material:
human anatomy and physiology,
microbiology, nutrition, nursing
concepts, nursing care, pharmacology and clinical activities in accredited hospitals and health care
The program also has full approval by the Louisiana State
Board of Nursing. Upon graduation, the student is eligible to take
the licensure examination administered by the National Council of
State Boards of Nursing. The student must pass the national exam
to become a Registered Nurse
Fletcher Cardiopulmonary Care
Program Earns Continued Accreditation
At its March 2016 meeting, the
Commission on Accreditation for
Respiratory Care (CoARC) voted
to confer a full 10-year re-accreditation to the Fletcher Technical
Community College Associate of
Science Degree in Cardiopulmonary Care. The recent accreditation review conducted by CoARC
recognizes the Program’s commitment towards compliance with the
nationally established accreditation standards. The next comprehensive evaluation of the Program
and an on-site review is scheduled
to occur no later than 2026.
“We are indeed very proud to
have received continued national
accreditation for our Cardiopulmonary Care program. Accreditation affirms to our students and
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
our community that we are providing the finest education in the
field,” said Fletcher Chancellor Dr.
Kristine Strickland. “Our cardiopulmonary faculty and staff are
to be commended for their hard
work in maintaining this standard
of excellence. We look forward to
continuing to serve the workforce
needs of the Bayou Region in the
field of respiratory care.”
“This is wonderful,” said Assistant Professor Errol Champagne,
Program Director for Cardiopulmonary Care. “We couldn’t have
asked for a more positive outcome.
The support from everyone at the
college and the communities of
interest was great and the recognition of the program strengths by
the site visitors was excellent.”
The other two faculty members
of the Cardiopulmonary Care Program are the Director of Clinical
Education Jenny Meleen, MEd,
RRT and Medical Director LaSandra Barton, MD.
Cardiopulmonary Care Science
prepares individuals to treat patients ranging from premature
infants to the elderly with acute
and chronic cardiopulmonary illnesses. Graduates of the program
work with patients on mechanical
ventilation to maintain life support
such as oxygenation, ventilation
and airway management. They
treat patients with pulmonary disease who have under-developed
lungs and patients with chronic
lung disease. They play a vital role
in many areas of health care.
Emphasis is placed on producing
graduates to function as professionals in various venues wherein
the practice of respiratory therapy
occurs. The programs of study
strive to broaden the scope of
practice by teaching students certain components of cardiovascular
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Diane Yeates Awarded Nicholls State
University’s “Outstanding Alumni Award “
USI Insurance Services Honors Summit Winners
USI Insurance Services
(“USI”) honored Summit
winners across the country during its 5th annual
celebration on Friday,
April 15, 2016. The Summit Awards are a recognition and celebration of
USI’s top performing employees who are located
in more than 140 locations across the United
Ed Daigle, President of
USI Louisiana, is proud to
announce the following
Summit 2015 winners
from our Houma, La. location:
• Sarah Ardoin- Account Manager- 1st time
• Ryan Daigle- IT – 1st
time winner
• Jena Myhand – Ac-
count Executive- 5-time
Awards were created as
a reward and recognition program for USI’s
associates nationwide
who serve both internal
and external clients. It
was the first of its kind
at USI and it is a unique
program for the insurance brokerage industry.
Each Summit winner receives the Summit experience which includes:
company-wide recognition; local office celebrations; a custom-designed
trophy; and a “special”
off-site day planned in
recognition of how they
go above and beyond in
their jobs every day.
Diane Yeates, Chief
Operating Officer at Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC), was
recognized by Nicholls
State University College
of Business with the
Award”. The “Outstanding Alumni Award” recipients are chosen each
year by their respective
colleges/college deans as
individuals who are outstanding in their fields.
Yeates is a 2004 Master
of Business Administration graduate from Nicholls State University College of Business and was
presented the award by
Dr. Marilyn Macik-Frey,
Dean of the College of
Business Administration.
Yeates has worked in
the healthcare industry
for over 27 years. She is a
Certified Public Accountant and a member of the
Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants.
She is a Fellow in both
the Healthcare Financing
Management Association
and the American College
of Healthcare Executives.
In 2013, she was recognized as a New Orleans
CityBusiness Healthcare
Hero and in 2014 she
was selected as a CityBusiness’ Woman of the
Year honoree. From a
community standpoint,
over the years she has
been involved in several
advisory boards such as
United Way, Chamber of
Commerce, and Community Hospital 100.
“It is an honor to have
our Chief Operating Officer recognized with
this prestigious award,”
explains Phyllis Peoples,
TGMC president and CEO.
“Diane’s dedication to
providing quality healthcare to our community
makes her an ‘Outstanding Alumni’ and COO, as
well as an outstanding
member of our community.”
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H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Join Us !
Dr. Walker to Receive Honorary Doctorate
Award from Ul Lafayette
Cardiovascular Institute of the South is honored to announce that
the founder, president,
and medical director, Dr.
Craig Walker, delivered
speech at the graduation
ceremony for University
of Louisiana at Lafayette
on Friday, May 13 at the
Lafayette Cajundome at
11 a.m., and was awarded with the Honorary
Doctorate of Nursing
Practice Degree from
the College of Nursing
and Allied Health Professions.
“In addition to his many
achievements as a physician, Dr. Walker has been
committed to nursing ed-
ucation on many levels,”
said UL Lafayette President Dr. Joseph Savoie.
“Throughout his career,
he has provided educational opportunities
to other physicians and
health care professionals. He has supported UL
Lafayette’s nursing faculty and nursing students.
And, he has helped high
school students interested in health care attend
an annual cardiovascular
“When UL Lafayette’s
first class of nurse practitioners graduated, Dr.
Walker hired the first
nurse practitioners in cardiac clinics in this region.
Cardiovascular Institute
of the South continues
to employ graduates of
our program. We are
pleased to acknowledge
his long history of helping others by presenting him with an honorary doctorate of nursing
Business 2 Business is a networking event for Chamber members and their employees
to promote their business and hand out marketing materials to the guests at their table.
Admission is $15 per person with payment required in advance.
Tuesday, June 14 • 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Spahr’s Seafood & Catering at Ramada Inn-Houma
1400 West Tunnel Boulevard
Local Realtor Achieves National Recognition
Cindy King with Houma’s Town & Country
Real Estate has been
awarded the Accredited
Buyer’s Representation
(ABR®) Designation by
the Real Estate Buyer’s
Agent Council. (REBAC)
Cindy joins more than
30,000 real estate professionals in North America who have earned the
ABR ® designation. All
were required to successfully complete a comprehensive course in buyer
representation and an
elective course focusing
on a buyer representation specialty, both in
addition to submitting
documentation verifying
professional experience.
REBAC, founded in
1988, is the world’s largest association of real
estate professionals focusing specifically on
representing the real
estate buyer. There are
more than 40,000 active
members of the organization world-wide. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF
REALTORS®, “The Voice
for Real Estate,” is the
world’s largest professional association, representing over 1,000,000
members involved in all
aspects of the real estate
Cindy is a member of
the Bayou Board of Realtors. She is also PAT
Chairperson Board of Directors, Houma Chamber
of Commerce, Lafourche
Chamber of Commerce,
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Networking at its best!
Business After Hours is held each month for Chamber members and their
employees to network and enjoy food, drinks and door prizes.
Thursday, June 16 • 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Fairfield Inn & Suites Southeast
100 Picone Road
Houma Rotary Club,
South Central Industrial
Association, Houma Terrebonne
Band, Bayou Civic Club
– Larose, Louisiana Realtors Association, and The
National Association of
Cindy enjoys guiding
home buyers through all
phases of the very important investment of
purchasing real estate.
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
Tuesday, June 28 • 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Quality Hotel, 210 South Hollywood Road
Sponsored by La Capitol Federal Credit Union
Admission is $25 per person in advance and $30 per person at the door for members.
General public is invited to attend, call the Chamber at (985) 876-5600 for admission fees.
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Attention Chamber Members!
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H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Shell Sponsors BTNEP in Joint Restoration Endeavor
Dean Blanchard, Deputy Director, of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program
BTNEP will partner with
Shell to complete a series of projects to help
restore some of Louisiana’s coastal marsh and
ridge ecosystems.
projects will focus on
chenier ridges and adjacent marshes which are
unique wetland features
that provide habitat for
wetland animals. Ridges
stand several feet above
mean sea level and are
planted with a variety of
woody and herbaceous
these features are lowlying productive marshes. Ridges provide important habitat and sources
of food for many species
of Neotropical migratory songbirds including
some that are on the
threatened and endangered species list. Chenier ridges and maritime
forests also act as speed
bumps in slowing down
storm surge during tropical events.
“Restoring ridges and
adjacent marshes are a
great way to provide valuable habitat and storm
protection. This type of
restoration always requires multiple partners
to be successful,” said
Dean Blanchard, BTNEP
Deputy Director. “The
use of volunteers from
around the country to
help vegetate these restored ridges is an important tool to raise awareness about our issues
here in the estuary.”
Shell and BTNEP are
committed to supporting the environment and
Louisiana communities.
Shell will provide funding
and volunteers to work
with BTNEP on habitat restoration projects
that are being designed
to help to improve the
“There are many reasons why restoring Louisiana’s coast is important
to Shell including the vital role this state plays in
supporting our nation’s
energy needs,” said Rick
Tallant, General Manager for Shell’s Gulf of
Mexico East assets. “But
the most important reason is because this is our
home. Shell employees
live here, work here and
volunteer here making us
a part of a resilient and
vibrant Louisiana community.”
The project will include growing native
woody and herbaceous
species that will be used
for plantings. The plants
will be grown at the BT-
NEP Field Operations
Center located on the
Nicholls State University
farm. Once the plants are
grown out, volunteers
from around the country,
and Shell volunteers, will
take part in the planting
of these natives.
“No place is a better
example of how energy
and the environment are
If you’re a Chamber Member
consumers are...
more likely to
purchase your
goods and
Contact us at
985-876-5600 or
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
The project will include
BTNEP staff and the Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary
Foundation (BTEF).
Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency
Stephanie Hebert
“I invest in the Chamber because it provides
a great opportunity to learn about new and
existing businesses and to come together to
strengthen our business community.”
Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center
Janel Ricca
The Chamber is a way to get great ideas and
feedback from so many talented business professionals in our community through networking, professional development seminars and
Uniting community and building a
stronger Terrebonne.
more likely
to consider
your business
Commerce Focus/May 22, 2016
Port Fourchon. We are
grateful for the outstanding restoration work BTNEP and Shell have undertaken at the Port to
date, and we welcome
this investment from
Shell in continued science-based restoration
at Port Fourchon,” said
Chett Chiasson, Greater
Lafourche Port Commission Executive Director.
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
Thank you to our sponsors!
● Christian Lapeyre, RHU Insurance & Benefits
● Claudet Properties
● First American Bank and Trust
● Iberiabank
● Juneau Marine Refrigeration & AC, Inc.
● K & B Industries
● Senator Bret Allain
● Mustin Insurance LLC/Allstate Insurance
● NRE Power Systems
● Summit Electric Supply
● United Community Bank
● Vida Paint & Supply, Inc.
● Bayou Signs
● Cajun Meat Market
● Coburn Supply Company
● Community Coffee Company, Inc.
● Firehouse Subs
●My Home Team Media
● Off The Hook
● Premier Catering & Events, Inc.Grady V’s American Bistro
● Buquet Distributing Company, Inc.
● Coca-Cola Refreshments
● Charles A. Page & Sons
Insurance Agency, Inc.
● Coastal Commerce Bank
● FMT Aggregates, LLC
● Gulf South Risk Services
● Houma Highlands Apartment Homes
● Morrison Terrebonne Lumber/
Home Hardware
● South Louisiana Bank
● Southwest Funding
● State Farm Travis Gravois
Insurance Agency
● Stephanie Hebert Insurance Agency
● Synergy Bank
● TGMC’s Healthy Lifestyles Center
● The Courier
● Armand Creative
● Bourgeois Bennett, LLC CPAs
H o u m a - Te r r e b o n n e C h a m b e r
Commerce Focus/January 24, 2016
w w w. H o u m a C h a m b e r. c o m
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