Mizoram - Food Corporation of India
Mizoram - Food Corporation of India
LAND DOCUMENT MIZORAM vj..- Mil r\ yQTl-lCU 01' run LWVTY i:Cfi!H*\>~.lUrUrJi t AltAUL DI TOiar I .- - j ! ( aXZAWLb _ Ait* » ff B aJLi-JULflULUi n f - -- . Wli9ro&Q poaflscuion of Xund aaasurlng 1C>«30 WM locatoU atj ,fanhifiX wjib tajcun over by the imdaralgtwd v jyi'Ju ordur No. P. I4ail/3Q/0U-I:C(A)/21 dt. 27-9-1V09 *r«« fraw ' oil «ncu»brnnc#»t i % , . i .. . . j A»ul wh«r«un tu« X*nd go «a' |ulr*d . vast ' y,.I , abaolutoly in tb* Uovorrmont frau trou uXi aiicunbrnnouf. ' . . . . A* . w . fl ' And now* ijiarrtfofa, poun wiaIuii of tlin qnld Xund nunaurinfi 16.30 ftA&h*» of X&nd n» duncrlboti An'th# reioloted uicttoh Wup arid Coiauiary DottOrXptloao located at TouhriX ara hutul«d ovar to and tnkon pofftioii»lon of . r: . , j; »i"An's < >» I' >th J . KIP . ll r ,. by Uia roodV Corporation of India Dopiirtn«iYt,/ifroe £roa rIX 'V\4 \% ftngui.il,XMnoob " an on 1202«iy09« . TJu tarci* and oonOi.tAuna "or notuiiX n*XXot~ , V v ,**vn -4 ' ' ncnt \<ilA bo aovumod by thn L«»ne J3awU liotwimn tho Oovt» oI Kwvcuuir UcpnrtMont. iwi\ Fowtf corporation of JnUl« . . vtj * » * . I ultau ovt»r Z " ( /OKjiAh liMlii , 3 iT7> V ' ( V, riAl>CWW A ) J «<u! nw'-iiultloit (ivTWutni f tii* and on buhuif oi' - . KtoWO »*>. r. 2« " lu |t; . 3 . - V, - HKl! p ~i - -Va - 5, - 0 -TWS&FW<, ar. 5j.p.. ' i 3/ AAzniwl, th» Ut'lt . fdi- j i Km Dovt. o:( fUzto-ur,, a«vu.nu« InfaroutU-vn. Ua|i!i»Unl ItlTi I I Ul/» ( ».C.1 * far f MOUV iiottX«fJimti iUr«.altir( LitJl'l it«viinuu ft iiottX«fJimt ai*.hwx tov xnynMr pf JilfpriAutlort-imni AIxmwX Xor motion with W«» 777/ iukI laiotrXot MiuiuAor, r«.o«X.t AXi£«wJ. £or lu/oraiitiwij " = , of VI tit - ' « l f * M . , , 11 ' . \ , l,u LaXiiuiii£XX«iJtar t). Vou tJiur Xor infoir*iotxo»u o c / .::n (Or / |» . uL M .* i B " Copy to . HuWj*d iiyajtt f-r ( - - - 11 , C /?., , j t <n vc. i " 1,1 rui Acrjiii*JitXMi CpXiKV.t , ax wi ijioti-iot , Axanvx ® -- -- ... > «» . 1 _ «> QvmmxmjB* rtNvaroj"* r.c.i« ttm cai flooo/ri ,rt rmmfcj- i t rtrtinH? i Mwn/mJ fHtltXt C . VO# I t«*1» <mtw?rif* c* . ™ * » > * , . ' iniinf piist ' v «w»n»«i vmmumutaMtm ' » . , . ;f . . ' *.I kstkvto sivxik U9*l« 4to*1«» Wifi.rsa,"s5ic Mr' jjs ai'!4}r*tt ; m"ifcrr f*a , , , i , r . 'i . . v 4>» g-suMi . - isf1e.ttS.;; * vtf . .rtjkM deyiH," MtiOC# <.?« I»W i*irf , " M \ ",' Mi» , fw;- yh "s ( *««$ MI d*0 Mw MtfKBi (MB) ahi&k h Mdtojr. pn*> *3T I ?«6 y MtmitM r«Wi aim k w h«# MS <U« hmtUm pB«few |*Ut «UU» ».» ptwRaiuv *.! * i. j <ta . M&hfia Xeh . .; .'*>/}*<$. Obloij ttilv . . fpiatflMqi. M JBJL $! I /Vj> 1 M " ." V WJ 1M flM, m «»5< 1-J *.> i .» $ Ssr ,::.f,\ ;-.j; S. . bs* a>« wiLi riitoe (Mnr tjub i«ripft[ » * s « 7-« £i£S! 'K * . ». j V V ' .. Wt <>*J« i$a S .I t \ fltfikun tur«H «4(UUM ftjftJ GOT tf SMII4 ay&tif I V; .; fttitfUUI . ttlj! WBS &WS? V , rltlS Wp-m b . (I) " -v \ V , HS X M * ( jV/i r l * . f s * " i . :h 8 n f '!! I m .» » .# ' , r> j ( -i f j i , . r» / /> 4 / f V /» . . » ' tf -'I hj; . i . , , t 5 1) n , ' 7 f /, !, n i? 0 v n ii _ * f « / /? / » I ? i a «> » * f /. C 5 n *7 '* /o - " /, * j ** H h f , l - m. ' " - r - , M » t *1 >./ ii /f* <> * * e f) u> £* , / -f ZTrl /« " il II ,J " t * / < r <*«/ uvff» .a y V . h Maun I /?./", * V f if "f t, n n fit C$ I <i w ' ir I * ( j- r» f* #1 n<f m ij f(| h ajj )/ . - It) he Wiai r» / A(t/Xi T/Afit r/V,///tAf + o* t.. t H »t C T. . M J I;: - .. i TT* , " I J 'I 6 I i " r / *f n ft &;V-V *. -Uflt y > " , o -:r » / fl- . OFflCii \>j>/ ijI»V Tilji IJ154MJTY l.V)./. i;..jlOliiiU ( UZAW1 ( iui« ' ' V aI-:? - - I Oj11i.iI Hinv.>l , tli.ijjfiil MunJh,t(iy, " To, ! DI LU:J;3 > . The Diatriot Manager, » '* " l?ood Corporation of India, Ai'/owl," Mlzorom, ' SuIjJi- Provision ut i-,und , * Ho.C i- Your No, Uii;;/W2/A;' l.Am-(}y/ 2l6Q db, . , , " sir,- . WUh to youj* letter ohovnj J hnva tlui honour U,i ini«.ii,m ymi Uwt Ijtfvti u£ M.l;:or/iif|; liaa UpproVad' thu imtirUn(o-)j)y mho] nnmi) un tha m*ijuiif) tl on of Inlid fop , , . conn true l: ion o.t Ki.i .1 I » . iui. I . . >t V * * J .. i h>< (iei ju - . 1 1 , )..):li6 . ri- .> cit 11 < .' to J ' 1*rty l:h?iL"»nd eighty our) ".'ill /« Yuu urn i in.1 ni*.-ire, r« nuest .l to proviso nuuu/J«iil,)" /1iinl 1. » mmpI !!... rcqiLLr#."H*int lor tlui uu».)i.iliJ.l.tioil no u/J (.»; UhhIInu 1;Jim u< *<» nl mi u rly . * J 1hifl ' . mil 1« l"!] imilna proviuua letter Wo»V* WfG.t / :. j-lj ' 3o/oa-ix:u)/.u nf, n < y um XiiitiiffJiiyi "1.j-'i 'Y ( II, IIAWJft/AHA )$ J *p*i\iut/ Coni(iilaaloner .,H " > . DA.,Mjrict# Ai sawl. Momo ' . .v.; Diitod Aizuwl,thu jlS? Copy to*- t V 1) Tlui Qouth,nl Marmjjur, F#C.I. Shillontf iuCoi>fiihl.lwn. (A oopy of the (Ilioloooij ) * ifl (UflQ . l . « . J i ; : " . . " -f'' in ) ?-. < > . » » " » <* < 1 1,1,-' , 2) Tim UudiT tlucrotary to tlui Qovt» of HlWPmiMty " . ; Kimtnue Uopnrtmeiitf This lias n reforoflba - hth letter Ji<>,UlK/j3-25/eB/12 dt#22, ; ?ji ;;, , ( H, IIiVUTHUAWA ) DapufcV Cummi82iion&ri Ai/owl pi« l;rXct» Aizuwl« yjAMkl ' . Tim umrJfet vnluo of tlio land. J.n to bp " »lnturw lnml . Umjplnj; .In v.Wjw the uituation of tho ailvanfcHf.oM nm«I prttuntl lond* uttnoheU to the } and on thfcj . duto oi" Mofcifioiifcioji w/y A(1) of the Land . Aoquioi tio|i Adfcl V The use to which the luml ia uotually put should alfto pjujf « , and irnfiortitfit rule .in ilnoiding the mni*Knt vnlua of the lqndf The claim aubmittud by the-owner of the land ii K*»?/*PtiP' SqftV but with no uucumanftary avidence in support ot hifl claims Tha * market Valus of the land is to be aoaaased aa on 13*6,60, that is, the data of Notification u/a 't OX the . ] $ * ; . , , L.A. Apt in rue (>act of kkx this lund* Sinew thera i« no 09} o trunfiactiim raconiori Iii Hie Kavmnie ))j1) irtmon+1 ilntarmiiiution trff mm'kei; v-»Juh Im .UffJoult one. Hosjovrt, from ono reouiti uvullublo ii\ IMn Office, the AH & Visty lliiptt, ' purchased the .w»)»d to l,u Vatv.-n n <9 IUi . H#*)() pur SqjCt,«4n i»iul 1»lm I <tud haloiiglnit to Pu ChinuiiiB iuuI btiwra 0 )U,U/- pap 13»| CL. in thu aura a y<tar# LiJiuwlBri) . tiltf . ' lend belonging to Pu C.Lalkhunm ;.»nd others havu been acquired " by the Unjxu,tm'Mit In 19M8 if per Dqft* viiio LHHH/ii-Vj/Wi/'M 1 hut .(n all "the nbova mentioned t)ia pruiutj'dldri of tho L.a» Aot w«» not drawn up* The "hmd belli* ; nwqui n«d In ultuutod nocu* Al gawl -Tnnhr.U main lloud whI.oh iu ijoud .md ilnt jjuid# 3n t98fl» the Uovti Ifpy,roVfTiFKn « />/- pu ih| ft , ii\ ihn *mxA nwurd J&o* 1* of . * ~ - . iyU,/-JUi »ti. Mavi«ttnO .whltDi 4« nqi> fU! awn/ fr<int tl|rt if|/4n JWl* Tbflf,ufurof in My opilijcn, it would bo fnLi* (»nd ruurtUU«b H' i C u M«iin ui H .»<,«./. 1"," *l«) ft, ill 0:1 Mniilmt Vll1.Ua , .j . of tho juui «|t«l .I,.ion* il2kV!17WIL , Aa rvivU*«-tl mtder iiub-jsc!U.un .7 of fch* Auction an or l«a. A«»i, vm, tim iut«pMiit«d; im »m\ * u<) }mi«l , nil I;I|M tlnt'ltnl VhIus nC H,l\n Uind dUo tio jJOftpUX* ut)vy 1 %-viam i{ i) I 1.1 >11 (i« pt»j provlnioil of p«A» (AniuliCUifi»M I'j 4U J | *1»l'i» . i, . , * AlM,Oi-l"Al) ., antittlDd J or <i<h* or t.liu liuu.t wi t.li if l 1 . 11 1 1 i:«mw diitM oX , \ ; . ,:,i " lh>1 J.fA u;otl on u/$ /( ,j: till fiimlioutiun of l.lm A.wnrd, Munte, iidditionn). Hiuquat;-. ;! will ixi p»»Jd from 1.5.G.iyoti tJH 0<w;td« < »3/" ' V " iJ«t»»VU»t«d imrii'.-n -Will bil ( f t -m « unoint U K»Ji on t.im Miiil't-ili vnlhrt ; f \ O I rinirn .I ,r.» :;1.hiuIIih; civ ii an;l ructuros within tliu nr»u luiim. nu<|Ul».».< 1 urjil Loneo 1 0 aaaosocnenU ii; Uigjjo rui'nHn« LAND JteVimUJii ( uliiO l Uli0;j.*j«iu w L'l . 1 The l.ntd Kovfiiue under acquisition -M,l n hum of U .V-TV- i>or itMIUlTJ ih ofJUcL APOH'I,IOllf'IIJJ,f 1 11.«ira l...Klu(' , jy:r ponitesni n *.»tr J.jtmU l"ny(ni:ri I; of Compnu ntiaji will bi> iJutJo to tim interested jjeraon accord.Ln/», to the Hevenuu Ruoorxl ytiil (IuoUmhih l;n, uyi eijl.rlea Jn Uni » Mim* Co t Of ia:*tl ma sMurlfu 1, nre . I.m to be Id , I .If . f. £kjfti "<t leu«!;*"/.' pur 2. 30"/C Doiiii;itvm - idi kiwm\.l Ai»M'wiil t'v the tint© of l!<: tiri 0-LtlMI m/h 'ill) .ye) W.u.r. - lis, " 1 '1 yi )400 1 us, 1 . I .. 3, A * 300,1/1).. . i (lii**IiIv TOTAL I . 1 Ul-« 1 iW'l1JfOCl'hUO . . . . ' " . , . , - I t <. ; . >. . . .. , , (Hui)QQH Ninutuan IhKIiu forty thousand eighty fuuf1) 6nXy./{yify, , , 7r*Vi:v}« . ; . 1 . .. . ' 1 . . ' *. « . ' , A »f K\;\ .. " OA, 3d/ou/ - Y.aAPOHHUri y laAfynuvuiWAj Lund Acquisition Aiaowl.District, Altatflt . . q , . ViV/i a . . . . . . . i , .i 1 . .J " i . J . ivlf ; - V3*I,llU0"rUK!ii) . «# - -.1 I "J"luu,fi .. :i i.Jiml I nr. anil > - ructurea tlm nr«a ImiImi. ni'i'tui ;*<»') wn«i hoiK*o io .Q5BesDDie)i t Id thauo riijjnHn , LAND IteVKfKJii < ultiQ t. The land fJov«*nue under acquisition .fire -icl u hum of U-; doduotcd w.L'i;!i 'jfiUct 11 .« mi APOlU,l ~ / ' OIIHUJ*J? i pt»r unmin bt to bo In,«. )ynr ponnesit.t n of l>m<W I"m jnn.Mi I: of Compnu ntioJi will bi? undo to tilO interosteU peraon nuoord.Lni,, to the J.:i1.i;ui: elitrLot) Jn Uio Hevonuo Fluoord un"l (lnuunui l;n . * &£ ilU\lLLJ/OM jMaM . ' 1, Coit of ."/ 2, m«i'Murlfi. U .,f ..,/ < . iui !.<, * . , «. ».>/.* \Ufr . J'/' t-r , . JOtf llolntl"un - Ha 4 - ltd . A Xj.U0 . * .. . f 3* A,idiAmuuiil 1<M I'r m the ijii' > ' .. aorinW. . dute of lie Urio-Lion h/ii MO iV») w.o.C. ft ;"!i , (iiuJiN totai/* iW# . " , (JIujjooh *NiJlutuon luKha forty thoueiilli! oitflrty foufr) Only. - - v . 3d/- VibAPOIllfUNOAt Lund Aocjui/iition . " Aizciwl District, AltaWli '" - r? J V* vl fl © , -r . vfc. * PM'X AMIlLUtf!. _l(A).. VK « Wnisu? o L, Vlll;- 5 ». V-; I,iiiL : Uui;nr»3 of ACquJ 'i.l t:i Oft t I'niiii.iUJiarr \ i J,ui,jiojiit or Aom»M "I I. I »tn i foii Oi iaTiiucT*ioN up nu (Kiiotn« " . |)rooi!»H?.lnf;5 Cnr ;uMjui*» I i*A*ift or J mI-1 fiK'HHHirln,' in, in JJIfiimn - 2, 3't, 720,00 3ij f L , Utliloi*! " . I. I thu Lmtil AtM"l" l (;;l nh i 1». y4, T]jo i uml In liicpllrud by the Uovt; Cur. . . i«urpjna newely for coui)Li,iiotA«UU ' of P«C«l« O0c\oWn» Thu iuntt, Uudm* acijuLnition . , , . near Tunhvll, wmi notiflml for unquinltion ii/n A(1) of Lt\nf.i Aoi iifjlt-lon 189'i viilo Hit! Ciontion No# UUl/U-W/aVlM <*t» 13th June*GO, : <' ~ ' * . . A .l»!c3.nral..l'uj u/a 6 of Lund Acquisition Aott \ wuii Immml , viihi UuUt i<MUon llo »MUt/B-2D/G„Viy2 ; . ;;ij . . " {|. di:. 23rd Auguut.UO# In jiurauutioa uf xkaxa' the <*bov0 . t Notiricution, nutluuu u/ii 9 unci 1U of the aforefl».l4 -Jint" .tJ"*, - . ' ,. wart iuuuecl uihI cum lul.tirastad purson filed oluim QVcjr' V. . * ». his iawd» * * , k 't* , . v; MlSA PHENCTlTi Tho liuid Acquisition staff conducted nacouaary flliVvay a/nJ mmmured tho wholn tvron of the " land tmd 1i$,30 I31 !ias or . * ,3 ,720#00 S.|j t - . io the U,U'j * fiurl ucj out nron» TU«» is ou-mred hy L«JJ«C, llu»A£L« 777 c».f VJHi), MSLMJAUft,.; >*'!* 13 AH FOLLOWS1 spr 1 Wy.uuIui .SVpQIh I ' ' .. », . AZL.7V7 of 1906 16,30 Uighas. f . IX otf 2,.Vifyao,oo sqft, the u\mur ot tha Umd luivo of notJc'u u/a y nnd 10. 1 PiiAlUii * *," fj.led cluirui "in f . i . ia<iu<id tn Dim* t aiilla- llivi'U J>.L.uJiii'U,inii)! 1 . Eiiti u_LL"J - UliiAffl UlliUildiHj, WU Ju\l »77 7 .»l 19M6 Sqll. Cinttd* . . © . « j\ - r: i V c: C - v * .. >;. */ :" ;';.:. , ' - \; . h, ./,*.. ;...**. , .government op mxzoram REVENUE ETC...DEPARTMENT .***** ."'.....<' , ' " . . # .»» ... - * . : - ...."* .* " . ;/, . , . . JPAQ5- -NO. DPL. 15 ru*. / . . k&fM . . .. . OF.°1985 A plot of *land as .described below is heroby al . tQ Secretary/Dy, Secretary to tho Oovt . . of Mizoram , , Supply an,-i Trftn nor Department for the purpose of t . r 2%: - :locr->tion of F.C.l.Godovm Quarter BlocV I it Kolasib R*?nate . , , / . \ , Location U) *"" *5 (2)-. Area ~ *, "' , 2,99~ Blghos . (3) . , Description of Ooundary as per enclosros , . (1) 2, C0-TDTTI0M3 . , 1 ' » . . . j * description-py l».ndA'a per .enclosures. " Tho land may be utilised for 'the purposo for whtch.it " , -« is allotted and .not for othur purpose/purposes . (2) . ' r - Tho land shall bo withdrawn by the allotting authority * „ if tho. Deptt. fails to utilise for the anid purposo* v/ithin two consecutive Financial Year 5 - fcwn* op thy following conditions j- '; , , concerned no longer require it , When tho Doptt, , 3£3) The- allotment is also subjcct to the Ruloa in force at proc*;nt and subsequent ommondments thereof from tim to tomc-pr Now Rulos that may framed by the Government. . *.»«" *V" (4) ",. This "allotment order doeo not, authorise .£he Dopartment / concerned, to-dispose of tho valuable Forost produce wi thih H v. .. tho allotted land. .} ( , . . , , , . . . ..» (5) " 'Tho Land thus *allotted should not be sub-allotted to any * . . individual person or society otc. v W,«: - .v * f. . =*$V, ' ' . . Sd/- GEORGE R. H.THANGA Undtr Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram# ' . etc. Department# Memo, No.lAr/B-25/83-85/48 (A) j Dated *izawl, the . . Ro vonuo = 1965 a Sgcrotary to 'tiho Qovt# of Mizoram Supply and Transpoaf Dopartmont* " ; * nocoss.ary r.ction# The Director# Supply.and Transport. Department. Iho Deputy Commissioner i/c iVjvc.nuc Aiz wl The District Civil Supnly Officer, Aizawi.\ District!. " . IRenyte kawn) " . e» + ** t Guard File, . . . I i , , , " . . - i,.V " a ' id xmyKolasib villago for. nccussary acft|lnn. Tho President# V/C 67 =35K * . ' = 5i> '. o Director/, Land Rovonuo & -Settlement# Aisawl for a. . - Copy to i- ; 1. . .» i " > S . . < GEORCi,R.H.THANGA ) , jjfnd cr Secretary to tho Govt, of Mizoram, « , .. IjfWf*/ A7fi r,4"t.. - 5WC»: |l»V»Wwjwf W>Si>hM X*""" )»p"»w»»wwiwwww|il . ./ mi? rVM..... - « >> J D r SCRlPTf0N r8DDD : " .. P0R/ffl,W -Ul"INblk *?** = tfrrMHrX -/It KObASlIP flCNCTCKAWN north tilZOR/ji OLOCK I . - ; - / . '' ' [ToCaTTON t ' . . , _ * . ' . * . "Tho food Corporation uf In.lin Godown! . Cort*pluK „ Sita MoooioJ at KoJ.o»ib, fWogtak n*n{ North) thu Eostofn situ itf SljXpho* wnia.rooJfbe.th'oon«foro#r* T»ok Plantation land nnd Dry Stream 8 Km*, fromjb " thd Kolo*ibi. ' - E . Th« starting point,0»P,No 1 is »*oatsij north,# ; STARTING POINT j . Wo*turn oornor of tho Lond ond tO,OOm,(H) distnnoo wns Woking fovlrpoct .orvod frein- tho middle of Silohnr main rond,From this point tho Thingkhowtto. " troo . toods:J6.1Dm(H) in tho Castcrn tids* Th« monsuromsnt . tortod fxam r - ' thio point-: R i j: [ _ " , ' , , " " .. .. ». . ' . . .. .. western $IEE (n) . ' , * (j:. . From tho 3,P>No t th« boundary lino gao* elona " fhomtase L \ - . , *. - . .. . with thok 3il.fthn? main rond for making 10,00m long for ton* raoorywd fro«H>th« middlo of th<i ,road#in the uirootion of 1T3f~0, »nd tho D,P,No 2 i#ffi>«d a* * tho dittancuri of 4 riOOm(|) «tjnd 46,T4m£Hj .from, this piilnr No 2 th« Towitaw ttso etnnda-&,70»(H) in tho .wih#r n\«j|.4»> J , jr - V; ;f " - . . , From ths D*P,No 2 tho" boundary liraf goo* nionq SIDf,tb) I * with tho 3llfthnx main xood fo* » eking \ D'»Q0m lohg*fa» rpod rosary]j»d from i thu niJHlo. of tho roodrin tho direction of 234»*0i. end tho piling Mo 3was , ' WESTERN , . _ , fixod at tho distonoo* of 4prQ0m jijst twafdus Cahfitnh .tro* nnd djry struaNU From th® D,P,No 3 th boundary iinaj.igoss pa»n~' SpUT WESTERN SIDE i ' llo.l .to dry strQom in .th« direction of* f2D**»0i and tho 0,P,No ,4 Mas, fixod 1 * ot thu dirtqnos of 30,0Qn(S) and ?9.»34*(H)« S0UTI-; C 5TEftN SII E i From tho D#P#No 4 th bouhilory-lii>of qobo in thu vUructiory of 58*«»0* ond tho D#P.No 5 was fixod oV tho diotevneo of * \\y . 34. 50m, - , . !! s Ipg ». , diroctiun of 0*-30' end th« 0«P,fio 6 . NOHTH CASf.T N $IDg i tho pnrniiol of dry f -' .. From tho D,P,No 6. th® boundary linq goo® in tl _ ' , , . wai fixod ot. hp distonogojjof TQ*00m« From tho D.P»No (j tho boundnry li rvo gauf in . ixu.J tho diftonoo* 30,00m(S) and 28«63m(H)t NOflTH wE TE'tW SIDE i |j||i . , K From tha 3,P.No 7 tho boundnry lino gooo «0.» olonj . ' with tho boundary of Foroot.Took Plontotion, in tho dirootion ojT ) 213 ond tho D#P«Nu t|tho storting point wos mat at tho distonoo o ' DIMENSION I Wo.torn Sidu (o) Wo »torn .Sidu (b) South Wo .torn-Sido, North, Woatorn Sido , Cotttorn Sido NOrth Kostorr Sido Nurth Wo»turr. Sida ' Lino 1-2 2-V . a-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-*\ . FD SP U5*~0> -47.00™ 22A>~0, * 40,00m t2Q,-q« 30,Q0m 58*-Q" 54B5&n -Q*-3Qi 70*0fim 3Uli*-Q« 2l3*-0* 06«-0« ; 0* -t\:;f 40,00m 29,34m 54,50m T,QJm 20,63m 45.0C!m 3U,00m 45.011m 0* . o» 7horoforo,-,thu wholu nroo of tho land ia . . . . , i . ' M 46#74n 43*33,62 Sq,ft . 2,99 Digha, Thu Land Domorcntiun Wo« don'> H osuo cnlculiti' n alao moking Horirontnlly, _ . . . , strbnm in thu riixootinn of SOOt O, ond tho| ;D,P,No T W99 . . . . i* . OF TO I COKPUSX BLOO* - J. J. JiO, esuctbkaw OE mcAxa nc.DPi-16 or 1988T" . . . „ . Y~ f'Lffp,«-/ I - i *: . , a»5 ' -Food Corporation of India Oodown Complex Bloe.,c-H* Location Add J lion/jtolru,Wrt hla*- Kolusib* location I The site situated *t Rerigtokawn hla, Kolacib the 3 sicri> 3'l£r of .?»! .. j; " cr ar main road ftJlI-5 ) between dry stream and vacant land* tnsccRipmrj or qcvj:vat*z fiumi wwifiaisvA) ~ - Start i:*j* point rr5i[| i G-u-vj was started from a point 10,00m fro:n the, middle of the h/.cbv!ay and O'.Pillur Ko.1 was fixed thore. Fronts t . liftw Frorr 3#PJ13flj* Vo.1 th& bound.* vy line r\uis ":ilon 12.00ra away fror middle of the rovid in the dlrretion of 165 det;* FB and B.Pillar No 2 w&s fw: fix*3ri at distai.cn ci, tiJ.bTni fcoth SD and HD. H B#P.No 2-3 Boundary line runs from U.P fcon tbo 175 P.. 10.OOn u«uy iOlle .;:£ "ohft road in a direction of in ::dd V*Fill-'.r Ko 3 vos fired nt the distance of 136 <-90):. til' und UP. B.P. I'o i-l* K'j,: ' Froiu tli*» Q.Pillar No 3 the bouzjdr.ry line runs in the direct* on cf 33 do; ; Tii and the B.Pillai , Mo . vhs. fire*? at the tilstcrce of 50*00*71 SP/Kp W , Frou. the 3.miliar !To if tho boundary line runs B-P.Ho in the direction of 355 d«g» FBand the T5-P« 5 wg3 fixed :»t tV»? distance cf 15»00ji &P and s.p.ro 5 6 - Fr iii tho >) r.<3 u i-y Pillar Ho. 5 the boundary Ijln run.* in the direction of 88 dog, FB and the B.ff e Pillar Ko 6 vss fix*d at tho dift'ir.co of 9#M|o" and 2-P.JIo 6 7 - From* 3.Pillar Wo 6 en* boundary line runs in til 6 dir tion of 35£-rtfcb» F3 and the B.Pillar UoJj7|! M vaa fixed at the distance of 1l6»00m SD and B.P .No 7-8 Prow B.Piilar L o 7 tfco boundary line runs in|j the direction of 3 8 degt FB and 3.Pillar Ho was fix<»d «t th* distance of 77*5Oy SD> axid Up!* a.P-i:c 8-1 Fror.i Q.FJllor No 8 the boundary line runs in the r irovtion of 2S8 deg. FB and th« B.P .Ho 1 t GttirtJ.i»s Point vr.£ meet at the distunes of 33.65 SD und IID. «s DIMENSION# 2J.!1L _Z/ii 165 d*£ Frontuga- "estern side 1-? Western Side 2-3 175 'J«g 8 m Depth-Southern Side Southern Side 4-5 355 &(f 88 0.ag Couther.n Side 5~6 Base-Bostom Sid® 6-7 - Bastc.rn Side Deptfci-Northern Side 328 dOK 7-8 3-1 Therefore Xlio 10 i vl C 280 deg « SA) 85.67 J 13 .00a 50.Cub _ fjTD 5 TT8?mirj. . 136.00m j 50#00J ty.COn[ I5.00n 9 .Mm 116.00b 116.00nJ; 77.50m 3P.65to 77. ?c-f,;, 33 »65i» the whole are*a of the Wl wuv a; ui "V v vuw ' ifj 9 U1n/ . land is Sqm = 8.27 bighas» The land demrcuticn * «os Horizontal and a calculation m.klng .Hon.ontal. Land Revenue and Sattleco t Kolasib 20/12/? Asstt»r>ettlewent Office :II« ' > *i P',; "-wimwimw»< j " invsnqw- * . w . . GOVERNMENT > HEVENUE ETC, Ml - OF MXZORAM . DEPARTMENT "" ' '. . j . . , . PASS NO. DPL . . . 16 A ' 3 ; iAlu.. , . OF 1985 r- . : . ML - .; ;*- A plot of land os described balow is hcrobyl:alien< to the Secretary/Dy. Secretary to the Govt.-xof Mitebrami ; V * . { ( ; f£v» Supply an<3 Transport Department for I ill! „ the purpoa of' of . , . . -ft ' ' ."* 1} Ij . -'-I t \ *;. location of P,c > T Godovm Complex Block II ot g noto fr .wn Kolfttfib on thu following conditions i- ' J %i , - :i .. . " ;v . - Location DESCRIPTION OF LaNP 1. : v.. As r>er enclo cres * (2) , Area rj 13) <* . 7.70 Bjgha3 Mi ; ' . _ __ Wi Description of boundary as per cnclosroa, 2. CONDITIONS -" V . I ,. ' > (1) * . , ; : Tho. land moy bo utilised for tho purposo for whip it vs;; $ ia allotted and not for other purposo/purpoaes. .. (2) Tha land §hall bo withdrawn by the allotting authority if the Deptt. foils to utilise for..£ho s*id purpose, within two conss..cutivc FJ.n»*.nci-:1l Yoor, Whnn conccrned no 43) - , The loner, r , ] ** ? Lhe P{ypttt iV.quiro it. allotment is ol:o su,ujcct to uno* Hul-.a in tiojrcc at prcacnt and suuse ucnt ejrvjr.ondrii ni.s theru-vf fr'W jt.jLin to. " - r tome or New Rules th-:it may fremvrf by the Govt.mnj >C, (4) ' ' (5) This allotment ord r doeo.not authorise .the Ucpc c-sncerniad to dicpooe of the vmlu.iblo Forest proc. the Allotted land, The Land thus oilottud shcul<l not be sub-allotu indiuiduil person or aoci»*--ty etc. Sd/- OEOfiGE R.;-J,THAHq Undwr Secretary tv fchc Govt# of: Revenue uic, Dcpnru Mwmo,No,LRR/B-2V0?- 5/ (A) t Doted <n*wl, tnu *.b- Copy to:1, The Secretary .to the Govt, of Niscrvn 3u.n*1y fDop k txnent, 2 . < !:. r.ircct'-:- j " K,iwn , J1r \ © - OC -lu«tl ;> 1 » - pneier S t< Olf: i , cmont 2u within to iny;>4; " , * ' Y ftrSCKtrnO/X? Pp A J , (n,mVA £L ' r £ - ff R£ GTer a.w*s3a/" If Ti*--:-- r) i Jl r4 or I J0f»tf \LI Ml t?£f V & - I ®' ffJ G .si Food Corpoxntion of Indie tiodown Complex Block-XI. *» ion nddi tfongtakawn hl« Koloaib. on i Thu site situated at Hangtakawn hla Kolpaib tho Eastexn"-aide *of Silchar m»in rond (NH-54) 'batwoen , . , dry atreom and vacant land " , D£5Cfl IPT lUN OF . ing point i BOU ND R Y ' . . (RAHRI 5 AW IF IAHNA) Suxvoy wns ataited from a point 10 00m from th* middle of tha highway and B»Pillr*r No 1 was , ' fixtfd there* ' From B*Pillar Mo 1 tho bound.ixy line runa along go HI1 12.0Qm away fxbm middle of tho rond in the direction of 165 deg* FB ond B.Pillnr No 2 wot fixad at distance of U5.67m both SD and HD» *3 2-3 Boundary line runs fxom B.P No 2, from the middle of tho road in a W;!- 10.00m oway direction of 175 dag. FB add B.Pillar No 3 wos fixed at the distance of 136.00m SD ond HD. Ho 3-*i F om tho B.Piller No 3 the boundary line rune *" , in th<3 direction of 00 deg FB end tho B « Pillar fF-i# ,;}« No 4 wns fixed at the distance of 5Q.Q0m tjD/HD From tha B.Pillnr No 4 tha boundary lino runs in thp direction of 355 deg, FB and tho B*Pn0 he 4*5 . 5 was fixed at the distance of 15.00m SD and HD!» . HQ 9-6 From the boundnry pillar No. '5 the boundary lip$ runa in tha direction of 00 dag. FB and th« Pilltr No 6 was fJoco-d at the distance of 9*41aS.]i and .No 6-7 HD* From B*Pillar No direction of 355 was fixod at ,th « ! 6 tho boundary lino runs in t h« d«g» FB and tho B-Pillor No distance of '11 6«00mSD and HD. * From B.Pillrr No tho direction of was fixad at the . He 7-0 P.Nc 7 tho boundnry lima runs in 320 deg# FB ond B.Pillar No-, C distance of 77.50m SD ond HD« From B.Pillar No 3 tha boundary line runs in , 8-1 direction of 260 dag. FB and the B*P*No 1 tha . Starting point was maet at tho distance of : 30.65rruSD and HE* I K E N 5 I 0 N ; ontega-Westurn Side Western Side ipth-Southjrn Side Southern 5ido Southaxn Side ese-Eaatarn Side , Eastern Sido lapth-Northern Sido 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-0 H/D. s/o F/B LINE 1 65deg 175dag QOdug 355dag OOdog 35 5d-;g aZSdeg 2G0dug 65 * 67m 05.67m 136.00m 5Q«00m 15. 00m 9,41m 116.00m 77,50m 30,65m 136.00m 50.00m 15.00m 9 41m 116.00m 77.50m . 30.65m Therefore, the whole nraa of the land is 0-1 ; 105U.U0 Sqm » 0.27 bighas. -The land da marcstion wns Horizontal md ar*a calculation making Horizontal* I13 nnd . : . , v Sd/-LAUHMINGTHi.NfiA,20/12/D.OM 5j ttlawont, K0l08A0 S8i; # c# ttlomarvt tfficar-II „ , u wntmmwMw V CfcJMtia T. . . W ; 1. 2. Location of La d Original ar a already ov r/bskenovpr cn 20/5/115 . b-iuclftc 3, 3'UUtt?r.;\l nr»a nc-xt nsion of th« original ar*<* from to £.27 Mghas. , 7.70 bl h.15 Handsd ove»r ad A . . « ( kaUaI: w 3! cm) Distt .)!ann£or,FCI> Aizawl,riaar-»rc. j 7 bilbos. " FQf& CCRPCRAT2CW 0? D©IA DISTRICT 07FICEJ Bi;-t6, tTPRSR KHAIDW AT2AWL-1. r,-, **«« ******** Rer.j?o ng/ l02/C2DK/Conat/87/ Dated Aizavl/tkth To Project Manager, National Building Construction Corpn.LW., Raj garb P.oad, t Her/Ung ver of additional. piece Sub UK Q*87 - of land raeasSri- ] _ m & Sir, vn -ncloaod please find bprawltb the photostat F Si copy , . . af ths pap r relating to adCitic-rral piece of land handed W ..5 ' &W over to F*C«I* by iiecy/Director of Fcc3 & Civil Supples, Govt.of JHzoroo for extension vox-ic at Xjlasit* and outwjque-v nily it is hrmded over to you rilrn vitU three coviico (of . \ .1 V bl-ije print sketch i&ap pertaining~to above cits. Copiesj-.of ttift Js-tt r of binding 5- t&fciurs over >y P.r..i;iv,or5im aafl !>.**. FGI arc Iso unclosed for your needful purpesa . - , v * ; ' , Yours faithfully, " I/l i .litV IHr/. District l'cuflftfiftr(A%Tfi. ., Copy tol- 1) Thr Py .T'aringftr_&flfcinftariivg), V.C.I.| Cffioo ?f the S Stoillsnr , ?) Tlnifl is .K., o .olianco to uia l*ttr sna rF-ss/cauh %ti/n. oA/e?. GrJiatji oal, Kanaser, TCI, NRF JUgioH, £Jfcillon;> 3) Tfc.» Ct.Kona rCT-ng;;),1*01, Sor.-il Crfj.cc, C&lcubtc. s 7 C /-> Crt -v S ' % Mb* " *> - ,W M iKk. "n+i rf- A f 5*'. 1 Hiding «Ad taking or«pe of land tor QDiutruetjdJft .£ i«c.y> qgflgwtf ' I# #>. ?.*** , " Im. . .-. * - v - r ii *2 .r . .v H *-" . . . '- j, V: , ". * * . .:.. p- . ./.** - #W.Hi "t ...> !« -/v. <V/ >y " " . . -»s --e- ~- . , , " .. - . . . ,; - ";, -; >< . (1) Location of land - Koiaalb MRft* k««, 3 " " ( 3) Are* 2i99 Blgha» (3) ru< Ho CPI# 15 of 1985; ££ it (1) Location of land - Xolaaib Rengte kawn Rods XI , .» * { 2) As*a- 7.70 Bighaa; (3) PMt Ho., EPJi 16 Of J985. > ; 7/ 3 ) , % * (l) Location of land * Batrahl (J) .12.$? Biswas. Ara* (35 Pass *>? - . IVb. 14 of 1985$ ' - UQ. ( ans.PAirr* ) District Manager PCI, SUchaT yici ««r V iEL ( dbmoojumX ) $ocy/ Director of atqapl Traaaport, Oovt. of, [J [ Minorca# AlsasAj C«qp*AlMMl * SSCVi,". »* ' . ./-j, .Jit )«-* « . *kifn ' r*' . fC., .>:"." ." . ;--v " «o ./ » .> I * , i .. « - s : , - «V , £> fc _ .ovr.iuin1Drp ui:vi;iuijf . - i."-;pai5 i . I A plot f»C I ikI t;o UlH! Isnrvj i-uy /i*iy or utt okam i:*i »:: *'* * | « hereby »ill< , * . .. . vd ty i.,, t).«. iJovi of l-U scram . t,t-p'Trlynont for tho purposo ©C . . lnr.at.1nr »i inn nr: r.C.T on "9 cgri*lltiou > thu lollowing . 1. fi) Locn 11 oi). . , I K. nxi-,TIOM OF Iw JJJJ ai-Daa-H .. (2) Area (3) Description of Mouintary *5 per onclor.ros. 2. »:«»mi)j:tion:3 i" (1) ,ilio lanrt nuy b«.« u I..L 1.1 ». «t Cor th<.» purpoe.o foe which it, / ic alluUtorl an«l not f,<u other purpo.To/i>>irp- >uea» "The loud oluill bo v/HJuli own by the allotting. £-.uthori ty| - r . , . (?.) . i«« hi Lllci* tor tha ; y . ?* I.' >>*H - purpn*juV . v/ithin two cv/nr»« ail I v rt .*,! Yii.-ir, Wbrn l*h»j IHiptlf* concerned no long* i i«.«|uLr,o It. p Wi < , if the Dopuv, f i.l..I > \f3 i'JfS . - ~ . -\\v v;\ . t3) . The allotment lit oliio rsubjcot l.«v the Milieu in prc«;nt nml cu/.-r-vai"ni .ir r.din.;iiLn Hk rvvf frnm tim Vo< tan.: or New Rulo.,j th*i" m*»y . f rcinK.-.i l)y.i:)u: Cover rurujut» ° : ** . (4) This allotment: ".irdor «* -:i_not authorise the Ucp. rUnqnt 0*» Wtl»"»-t'Slk M(iy»fw . the tn'id l.spooo oi. tho vnluotolo W . , conournud . .Ijj, Forest produco,Withi , Y * ya. , «»1.1]an,l» 1 4 1?: ' "A i ,',i Th..' hitiul thuu I) Iu>..Ll!-J :.lic-u.l-.l iv.it be sub-allotted to. indiuiduol punuMi <«. 3w.J«-ty otc, .jr ** \ t W._« 1 1 (5) .. fl " . sa/r OliORGB U. 5-i.THAHOA ,. .. . . V I* . Und,-r " . of - Uoorot-ry to the Govt, , ' * . ill . MlSdifOffi# Uuvenuw. y tc. Dcp/irtwoiltt#- . . n v -yM ' \ . Mimo.No.LRn/ a-35/83-MV47(A) cjtod " , 1 I \ thu 1 . 1905 Copy to 1, . Tliu Socrotary to Che ovt. of Mi*/or m „J.Upr')Y r lunan t, Itiu Director, i ihl U-'ivinO" & iVjrt I . ewfit, Aj , > 2 ,. *< Tho . uvtion. nuccnsary , . , ' dnjirly Tlu; pf1VMiih*Jiit.v Gi . 7r V , : ii*.-no ort Unpftri iimnt. - iJlirU/Uoi , TJ\« District Ci-vil " . itn . ni TJicj Ui.|j»,jty C,OMtf-tl HJJi'MK*r I /<. K..V«.niu. Aivvtvl, _AJ 4, i 5 av/l .. ' Guord e> vA* uvi**., Oil v j 1 i«I k"i U-iIj.ui. i__ . Mcrict, ii ? ii*,,»»n , v y y6 Pilo, * , T ' / > / : - .f " - v ' i„n . l f;*;i j*. 1;Ovt : t y t-. tl. u /JQikI. r ;--.i.:i."/i ' ' . ' ' ))</hi i' - , . t ' ) V ' ' . of Hlzoram, ; in , t:; vvJ- ' . . i;» d 1 . " «t . „ I A JiUw ,; * / V ' " * . /v ' f . , E 'I|| v- i '1 ' . BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION OF V,OOD CORPORATION OS IWD GODOWN COMi,L X AT BAUIA81, N*M1Z0RAM r, i/ ' / STAi tTlMG MUTING i PQJ-NT a boundary Pillar No« 1 was erected North Western side of the Land froiruUiin point for tha reference Was taking Thlaclo treo at tho distance of 23*35 m and Kawrthindang trees at the distance of 43*00m and the edge of the,road wa4°5«00m» , . FRO NT AGS * » t ' " " . NORTH western BIDE i iur ? v.- of 60.00m from this point the edgo o£ the main road waa 5.00m and culvert was 7«90m(H). ' - ; - * . was 12 «00m(H) . . i' . , ' " * . V>'i- . SIDE' i: i*,i( , Prom the 5«Pillar No. 2 the boundary line goes at the direction of i68 0* and the Boundary Pillar Mo -3*Wat erected at - the distance of 41 .00m (a)-# and 40.60m(H)» From thia .> point the distance of the edge of the proposed of Bairobi railway WESTERN "*~ < .. .* * < r 2lS»oo * and the boundary pillar Ho 2 was erected at the. diatan©«i',.vtjj * he* t , goes along with Kawnpui to Hailakandi. road, at the direction o£.- ;; i, From the 8* Pillar No, 1 .the boundary lint ' i I . /1J | . ? t*jf * * . *iifif * . ' I i . f'It * * j . f ri f and Culvert was 30.50mlH). 4 * % . B a SOUTHERN SIDE t From the 0,pillar Ho, 3 the boundary lino- goes along with1the boundary of V.ungianga W.R.C, at the direction of * Jt&& 116 «0, >. and the B*Pillar No 4 was A* fined'at the distances-° i«|, of 112.50m* From th&s point Xhingbanphar trees was stand at the distance of 13*4Qm(H) in tho Easterly aide- and I6«30m(){0 in the Western side. pOUTH EASTERN SuSe l .Prom the B.P. Mo 4 tho boundary line goes t along with tho Boundary of yalaawma WftC at tha direction of. }9*-<V and the boundary pillar NG 5 was fixed at the distance | J I " . ' k "W ii * of 60«0qitw ' SOUTH EASTERN SIPS i - . From tha D.P.N0 5 if H0, the boundary goes along . * with the boundary of &»jfiwma WflC at th« direction Of 36 «0* artd i/ . " the Boundary Pillar No* o waiT 3ixtd at tho dlttanda o£ iJiCOrt;.. Tha Thlanvawng tree it stand Just neajr,iu thi« point* * » ' * ) . * NORTH KASTKKN SIPS i .. > f- A' ; ; |*rOin tllfl U.L,. HO 6 the boundary lino gOfltf along with tho boundary oi H?Dohlira_ Garden at the direction of 306*-30* and tho U*P« No 1 wan mnt ot tho diotanca of 145«50m(s) _ , and l44«20ro<H). ' That»ifoca tha whole area of this* land vat,; 1730l.m2 18616.1 *90 Sq£t « 12*92 Qlghas* i'fov ti . « Wl: \ . . - -4 **% ** J' mr. &Vi » .i ; i r " ' "V $>;J -i ., * *wur * T; . , vJ> g -5,-+* ** -5 " \ir» v-' i - v - /.<. iVA,';„ (. ,-. j \*tortSr - .. "* u- . - 1 r* «-*'-£.'£ :-.t .r-1 0-. **" - - , , / < cj , .» W.yi ' *. » . §4r ' i.. : > , P A' fc "s V-? .. .»; . 't rr% . / . \1 *" . .;; - - . .. £_:. T. n ~- ' . , . W _ S$*?:-c i <t > 7 < *>.. , . . . v v- * v V'- ~ 1" . - - . " " C<? { ; - . - " rj " e; £ , V ' if :t t* ..V~ 38 * *~ V Jt 3 3 HOUNDARY DESCRIPTION Of > OOD CORPORATION OB IND " OODOWN COWLlJX AT BAIRABl, N*MlZORArt STARTING POINT j A boundary Pillar Ho. l was erected North Westurn side of the Land f roitwthin ,point for the reference w«i taking Thlado tree at the dist&nc* of 33*35 m and Kawrthindeng , , trees at the distance of 43.00m and the edge of . the" road wa-i*5.00m »-i . frontage » I NORTH WESTERN BXDg * . " From the B. pillar No. 1 .the boundary lint./Vv/." . Ji t- .! goes along with Kawnpui to Hail&k&ndi road, at the direction of.215.oo * and the boundary pillar No 2 was erected at the. dl»tane»;.V.V* )Vr " " . of 60 «00m from this point the edge* of the main road-was 5.00m and culvert was 7.9Qm(H) . western sips i . v :* . Prom the B.Pillar No. 2 the boundary line goes at the direction of 1SS*«0, and the Boundary pillar No-3 "waa, , erected at . the distance of 4l«00ra {S) « and 40.60m(H)» From thi# \, point the distance of the edge of the proposed of Bairobi railway " < ' Was I2t00m(H> and culvert was 3Q.S0m(H). Pc w No . T . i >VJ :i i. £ A /H9-I;CS U.U\ t >l ' M I Xi-»HAM RX-U /VJU CIVIL .UUi-i'Lltii. DliPAIlTMliNT Dated Aiz awl , tho -23r / ' „ . _ Sept« . v - W vr . / To, { / v . - Tho Sr. P.aglonal Manager,i Food Corporation, of India# North East Region, r> ( t-1 V t Regional Office, Shillong-793003, Subject J8&*V fe» ilfcl. -India V;.: / Handing over of land to Food 'C ipp a ion Sir, .;; . ' and modification of Terms .and Corid4ij.onsVr. . :*;f . With reference to your letter No«E,9/NEER/STG/2003/ Part uatod 16.9*2004 and this office lettex* No#F„ 12012/4/39|* July 2004, I am directed to inform you-i f " " CS/C:37 dated 27 * i . that tho Government of Mizoram had agreed and accordingly. . r cdified Clause (d) for tho terms and conditions as desired , . uy >j\,uu Tho othor ti:rrns and conditions remains tho camo;~ ) " ino 1 :ui d is ' aub-loased to Food Corporation of In-J. Ai z awl for a period of 20 years W„l£»F# 21«6o 2004 subjoct to extension of the poriod of cub-loase di a, on b) mu tua-l agree,uont between tho 2{two) psrt±os0, The leasee -i,.e'« , Food. Corporation ,of. India, ..Mizoram, Aizavvl shall be responsible for safety of the/larjd* and prevention of encroachment fo . the"duratiorv['] f . * the sub-lease period# i|1 The leasee .shall pay. revenue, to , tho ..Government. of . . J izoram, "-and Revenue ?nd Settlement .Department.. as , c) , . . »1 iur tho r.»Lu;, fixod.by tho Land. Hovtmuo -mk: iiunrl. . lup » r t mm 11 iii Mi /.ii rmn etuiinu . l-i»w» m - i . " , J . . i > , \ r, (f |». i i 1 u i 1 . I a) Tho Food arid Civil iJuppliofi Departmont, ' Govornm&nt - Of Mlzor&m rosorvos th© right to claim back the landk for its ov.n us© if Food Corporation of India for reason beyond its control, fails to utilize the land for tho purpose for which it has been alloted within . . a reasonable period of time# rood and Civil Supplloc Department, Govt, of Mizoram also reserve the right to utilise any portions of > , !C the lend , unutilised by the loasoe for construc- . tion of departmental buildings if so required* iHowovor, such utilisation of the required portions of tho land should not csuse in convenience towards function-of : ' the loaooo and should bo with prior agreement of. 2 twoj parties, , the p:? The above conditions shall also remain valid during : the land ic actually utilised by the leasee andi;5haliV£u-.. O y " ctan automatically cancelled if the land is not:uti-/ liscd by the leasee for the purpose it is given on sub-lease. K> , \ A " C". > " ; - . sVv/ r: " ;y . i-.vH If - . . " , .. - ; Xerox copy of Certificate of Land Lease, Bp ndary description and sketc map-had already bean v ent to yo u . . . Contd*. .2/-;;, . I : -W-v; ' . . ] - . Vv ; ' . V. - - -.J if; -ti nri-y" -"-f " , > . S-W' * . wu are, Litoro i oro, ' reouoi, loci to o vox* o f t ho plot of .land at Bualpui urr an go early talco N* under No. , EXP 18 of 2004« Yours faithfully, > > < { N7L.CUAKMA ) ; Joint Secretary to the Govt® of Mizorarn, Food and Civil Supplies Deptt* Memo No, I „ 12012/4/8 9-FCS Dated Aizawl the 23rd V Copy to : 1) Shxi Sanjay Kaul, . Sept., 2004. "" ' Joint*Secretary, Government of India, : . . ! ! - . . . * * ' . V , . . . . j!1' j;,! , V . Ministry of Consumers Affairs £ ; . Food & Public Distribution, Department of Food and Public-Distribution, . ; ii; Kris hi Bhawan f New ,Delhi-110001_" with -preference: ' to his D.0a No« 1-7/2003-iFC«II':dated~ i;9o2004» 2) The Director, Food and Civil Supplies, MizoramJ; . Aizawl " o» i . ' 3) , v, . r. l , . ., . I . - i j Tho Director, Land ftovonuo $nd Settlement, Government of Mizoram, Aizawl# 4) The District Manager, /."Food .Corporation,of'.r India, NHF, Region" District.:office* Aizawl Ml: ' h : r He is requested for erarly taking-over;of the; land® Joint Secretary,*to.. the Oovt. of MizoramJ,i; . , Food ancL,Ci vi 1" Supplies. Deptt o\ - Y-W' J ' - ;.- YTYYY-"U ,-.>Y- s.Ki 5" *H- .i kJtJJWi I/}" - . ra: 1 , - fif ' iP*'**"" " - . -~ " Mugif d*>i i| ... <* - KV *et s f& JT:.:- . , ' >*!* * * . " - , * . " . . ' < . ' . . , . !?. T7* ' --"-- / ' * vf-V: i . G0VE.TKK3NT OF KIJ RAH ' - DlfoCICiUTS Or< SUPPLY & TRANSPORT . . (SUPPLY V3.N0) - . r . . KQ.J.l701l/2/03-C4/r)XiCs?V)/; -Dated Aizawl,the , , , , . " Toi .: * * . . . . . . . Ihe Senior Regional. Kaiasorf Food Corporation. of India, &illlong ' t Ca*np:. AizawL* - Handing over the lend to V»C.I. for constrUo- Sub "i > . - tion qf . i 3- odovxv at LucQtfaual* \ Sir, o)- : I " haveJthe honour to. enclose herewith Pass No,CPL,4AO *of 1984 for taking Wor, th£ land* » - , . . «A , . V, * . * =5 : ., . . V i . .. - . «kf- a . Biclos ati atnted / . . > nbove.~ / Yours faithfully, . \ =3T " * $ Sy £.#-* . . ( " D-ftGliJUfA' ) Socrotary-ouE>-Ztf.roctorjSupply & \ " yv:<* '{j,;, ' ; IvCranqport Dcp ortaoat, AizawiU «. « r: :. ; :' Xemo.No.J,17011/2/03-8A/ur2(SPV)/ . Dated'Aizawl,the. Feb/85.; > Copy to:Socretary to the Govt.,of *a,zore»#3i$ply &\0fr§«j£orli 3$P'artaait, Aizawl# . t r » v-T . ' . ( DE<G$UKA j : Socretary-cuni-Iiroctor. . > * . . * Supply and xr. ns ort,Deparur.ffit, Aizav/1* . *% S* *. . . . V«» .} 3 . .* 3 .. " > - " - . " u, -Ar- . y «r- * ,-,:v * ! atv !!»*.»*«* , V<|«v " ' . v I 1 >1 * vm>, & ' /«*. - t" - JW- f . *. v jWr.„ r . . . , -GOVERNMENT OF MXZORAM' REVENUE * ETC, . DEPARTMENT . , . ***** PASS NO. DPL : ' ~ V . . 440 . OF 198 . . A plot of land as described below Is hereby * allotted to the Secre-tary/Dy,.Secretary to ,the Govt of Mizoram , , ' , ?nA Department Cor ,the purpooeof . , location>o£ * i r on pie following conditions . * . . 1 , . 1, Location _ .. n "Dr-i CniPTIOM. OF LANDV !>yyry - *+ r,.* . ' , Luaolaia -jUinglei ""- -,*i , , M , j&m * (2) f*M (3>) Description of Boundary as per enclosures, --2oaso . * * . / . , (l) ; - ' tAinnlavn- l n-rlel (1) 2, . : ... .! Cp. piTI ON-S v WW>**# The land may be utilised * or* the purpose for whicSh it is " ; allotted and not for other pur-pose/purposes. ' (2) . %£f&* The,land shfill be withdrawn by the allotting authority if , , the Depfct. fails to. utilise .for'the said purpose, within 0 consecutive Financial Vear. »hen t o Deptt, concerned .t , ' * ' , no longer Acquire it, (3) \ , This allotment order dons*not authorise the Department concerned to despese. of the valuable For.est produce within the allotted land, (4) The a 'otmant is also subject to the Rules J.n force at proocnt subsequent jwvTiondjnanta thoreof from .time or Kew Rules that may framed by the Government (5) * . . time to. , . Land thus allotted should not be sul?-allotted to any. individual person or socioty etc. . s. . V * ... ' , » , > - * . * . . Undor Secretary to the . . . > Sd/- GEORGE R.H.. THANGA * * .. . . Govt, of Mizoram, , Revenue .etc. Daptt, . Kemol o. Viat 8-25/83-84/23 (A) Dated Aizaw 1/ the 6- J v Copy to The Secretary tp the Govt, of /izoram 1. , 5. : " * Department, The- director. Land Revenue & Settlement, Aizawl for necessary 2. f >etior>. 5"S$5tyf c ni$-WBv3« to,! f1§'*5r"uairi "" w_; -" action, .District* "Vuiaga for nacessary ' - 7 . . * * L . 3, #1984;; - r" , ' I. Guard File, - SSP™ \ i x ( CEORC:; R H THAl GA ) . . UnJer Secretary to the Govt, of iiizoram# Jspn/' in* VvfiwcrtSzptu ' , ;7 /o"zS -T& Rovonue. otc . 7>cpartmont, 7 it-kit'kbit it v . . Pl ' "" < . / :;. . . kV . Co bp i* t Cow»ittee. tha, '' '; > ' > . . iv ' 1 j)ur4no Oct,«,g3; a* Ungia .if undarsigned. .in tha; p*aoanca. of -* rof Lunglal R.venue/o ttic n i , -i* ,KtYJ \ . ., ol c.s.o. WwiO. . . raaajrw !»Ww y * . \ >. **/ vi 1 -L! V.i» W' Si , A..t? 2i««r(Engg)lS"S '7 ; .XiJ.y. . .: ; Silohis. - .. V, vv.: . . v C.»?,», Lung . . ? * i' ' .. :vvw«r 'rV , '-V.; - Ov.r...r v f . , . jS rlliSi . ».'< . ... -. -V . .« , r « ". ! *»r> ~((... ..... »V o- .':.. *».-" . .-. , . » !>::;« ixwwf1i i -w v h t "y~' ' I " < ~ jv , 4r,-!>-" " , . ,.. , . . . A/« . 1 ." - :&. ' . - . I :> i >». . " 'v. t'\*, , , r-% . . . -Hr* . . ;; ; ;;\'- - v w vt.; .../ I ?=t£ ! V-;:< . .. /.., . . .: ;.-v . . . . . W W : r/r Avvv " * . , -i*;\; > . ' . 19 ii il ! t t": , ' : , , T '"" '>; ' , . - - " - . .; I . . K- l'h *> i .* . / ' - " « , . . - / .- , ' . - - . ' - r" ...''? I y 1 , -''{ , . V , V 7, " . «/ ' .; . » - y t- , : A !*V1 ' ; v :. - . : - -r w- ?V < t ;>:$& j ,g t , . /. v.f. [: . .: |-v Jm Fg i i ir;'.nv ;: 'P:;K,tA6 },Vsrv\*- .::i. >9 . . 0 I ; I . i- , r & I1 Nl .ifi N0«K«11013/1 /8WJDC ( L) AUTGrfO. I COS DISTRICT COUNCIL , LNT I;: REV.-.Nija BRi\i»CH. Dated Lawngtlai.tho The deputy Manager ( EWGG) Food Corporation of India Regional Office, Shillong-3-8609# Allotment of Land at Lawngtlai to F»C. Your Express letter No.ENGG/HEF/L.A ( Mizoran 83/ dt 27.8.84./ . Sir, . Repply to your letter no cited above, I am inform you that a donation of Land to Food corporation of India for construction of Godown at Lawngtlai had alreac i been issued* Furtlwr, a copy in fresh has recontly been refurnished addvlssed to the District Manager F.C.I Regior N.Jj.F District Mizoran:, National High-way Silchar -7880 vide this office letter No.R.11013/1/84-FDC(L) the 25.9» with a copies to (1) The Regional Manager, F.C.I, N.S.F Region 3hillong-793©03. (2) Tho Director, Supply & Tra* port, Govt, of Wizoraa, Aizawl. (3) T&e Assistant Manage ( ENCG) F.C.I, Assam Region Silchar-788001. X am now enclosing herewith true copy of the i Land Donation Cetificats as pew demand letter no cited* Kindly acknowledge Hnclo : made under your receipt. As above* _ pWV ' 1 ( F.IiR I. GiUiUfoA ) Revenue Office . Pawi District Council#Lawngtlji +> f - .us* * ** J? ' it , * -2- , }*. V-* ' . * ; / - WW# *»**<* < ! Memo No.R.11013/1/8i»-f,DC(t) f'l ; Dated Lavmgtlai,the 17(£**>& » , . Copy tot- V 1. The Joint Nar»aer/(*3<GQ), Food Corporation,of M, 2. The Joint mV - &«.«»»«. DWan Kov I elhi* Manager (£NGG) ,F#C.I, Zonal Office, 2 . Galib Street, Calcutta* y . " . t .. 3* I . , . . . >- . (j The JoJjr ttanager ( Commercial) Food corporation Inaia . , Zonal Office Calcutta, 10-A 1'iiddleton Rov, cu£ta - 71. ./ he Qistrict Manager# F*C»1 District Office. hizoram, National Highway, Silchar-788005. ( F.HRM Revenue Officer i Pay! District Council»Lawngtlai ' / V A - \ t-r i:: .t: «tf. , v - -Wy- . . ," y: oc ; u**?. , 2 7:' * r 1 _, , . -> LAND DONATION CERTIFi Executive Coaniittee of the Pawl Autonomous District Council;! . 4 .cased to dooiate' a plot of land with an area 25#000 Sgm-tflthln Town Lawngtlai. With the boundary described and conditio below to the D.Manager r«C«Z Silohar. baacki tion 1. Location x 2. t boundary Within Lawngtlal Towzu - Starting from the opposite point of track leading ta J Horth j Cast s iar-y lui peng the boundary runs East Ward a long the. exrngtingi$|| PWU road upto the SadCle above the source of Tlangkaw .ui. - Thence south eastorly Blrectlon it runs along the Tlar ;kawi* lui South ; upto the small Nulha» j r , %< Thence slightly runs upward along the Nulla the bounda cross tlangkawi touching abig Thlangvawng tree stretciji g upto zairua tree# Thence slightly turns South - Easterl " direction down upto a small stream known as tlangkawi}. te* South Wests- Thence up the later to its source upto the starting CONDITION'S t This donation certificate is subject to the following conditions. (a) The leasee is entitled to the right of occupation only for-the exclu3ivo purpose of Department use# (b) SSl No portion of land should be settled with or sold or sublet any person or disposed of in any manner without the previous permission of the iixecutivo Committee. (c) The land in question shall revert to the Pawi District Coun£&l asj tor' ]w)jichj w icn» and whon the leasee has no further use for the purpose for it was &iven« t, on jsuchy lj (d) Ownership and general centrel of vegetation and mineral donated land will be in the hands of the Pawi District Council, (e) If any clearance or with holding of vegetation is necessar Hi ton , any purpose, the occupant or any person/party soauthorised on its; y a , behalf should obtain previous permission from the Pawi District [a tho» | : riscd on behalf aay with or without royalty permission as to| do 18 .o® * Council. The Pawi District Council or any other person so _ - Tljl . . (f) i Any violatia of the above condition on the part of the leasee shall entitle forfeiture of the right enjoyed by theci over land under this certificate* / . k 3 Sd/- F«Hrangkhuma, Revenue Officer# Pawi District CouncilfLavr ?? KSVoV / «> , . L/»fiD uUWTIUS Ct-iV; ... C VlKt „ 1 . - . i ,._ n i..1, ,1,1?jr.>...«« . . * V» *;/£. »* * . .. . i t CfrC OiT .,Uiv* »v _ . " Ot „ _ Oi . 4uV >nC,» . -2- j.O«'.* " *<".,; , . . V V»"v. - v> * . '»" « io."Ui'i ,.%A No#ft#11013/1 /Q3- ,DC(L) . .- DatQd l wngtlai#the'' " . 10th?'-Noviil 983, J . to:- 1- (** ". . . /W7 :* , , . r 1 - . . .. 1. Director of. Land/Revenue* Govt,or Hizoram for 2m Deputy CooaXsaloner,. Saiha for Information* v cye . "i , " . - - . vJ 3. Sub-Divissional Officer* Lawngtlai for information* 4* Pass Register Book* 5* C3f i/c for necessary action* . ( F.liRANG] i _> Hevenua vfficerr Pawi District Council,Lawn£tl*i# > , . - , . : ' C , " . - ! t! .. :3» , . . , , . WM :V;vyt . .**> 1 . . " .Vj* '* - ' . &* . T . ' ? -V . . .' . 3*83 (fij&afef I Mf , ' -4;* Jpfh! ' . * « /. * j f.- vV-. / v*tf> ' 4 . Jk 8# I (.! i 1 11T *2 ' U r - ; i . ?"" , CA" . "V " . . 'V ' .., ; - ' i v . - . Memo No«R«11013/l/8ft-HX2(L) r Bated Lawngtlai the Copy to*. ! \ s i. The Joint Manager/(BNOO)9Food|florporation*of|Iij$ * * . ' SKawan Hew Delhi* »T-t~- i 2, The Joint Manager (£NGG) ,F*C*I, Zonal, Off J.oe» -2\ . Galib Street, Calcutta* ' K , 3* . i ' . * ' ' > The J oin Wianager ( .Coamercial) Food corporation Inala.Zonal Office Calcutta, /; * , . 10-A hiddleton Am; . ou ta - 71 . Nfhe Q: km. xhe Qistrict Manager, F.C.I District Office, N#E« Mizorao/ National Highway Silchar-788005., , i * . /.. w .. - !> 4- .. i - A/--/ . - Pawl District CounciX»Lawngtla ii ' L J-W.. . > .: i : . . . . I . " /y * .