WP221 - Centre For Development Studies


WP221 - Centre For Development Studies
Cammodity and C'rodit in Upland Piahsrsahtra
Centre for Diwolopncnt Studios
Ullook, Trivandnan 695 011
me notion that the backvardn2sa of k
a,miculture m y bo
*:x?l.?inad ir. terms of tho i n s t i t u t i o n a l , an_d m D r o 3;.xtfcul;crly,
51r9chrro within wAoh i t f m c t i a n s ,
the mxricot
is not wholly s :lo-/el one, e l e s c n t s of
r ~ c han' expl~~ation
5einc found in a numbcr of 13th c c n b f m i t i w On the
This e.mroach him recently bean amlied 5;- zcrvc~?laxthors, pc"zti-
c'-lmly iktra&?a,-j (1984),
cnh B a d u r i (1984).
The l ~ t t a rhas wstmetiad,.
elntl..osised and d~relcrpeddl1 tho elomcnts coLmonl;r
t o b e fcuncl i n tkcorios
d 'forced cmmercialisation', and a c l o s e scnitiry of hia view i~ a
~li.inadt o
L I C C C S ~ W ~
of tho ovolxtior, o f m r k a t e in r a n . . Iildia.
BhRcfuri's model may c qiewcd r a c q o s c d of t ; r o I l i s t i n c t p'vta: one
secks t o explain tho cencsls of tho o:rstern o l forcod comorce, ~ n the
@ t h eto oxemino its s t r u c C m J feature, onco it is cstablisherl.
i i c ttm
not necesearily ~ e l ~ t u dnnr2
, $he b\Gli of .the cook is ckrotcrl t o the
Word, M c h tho author c v f d o ~ t l yre,-&
the 13hre s : ~ i c c m t . I s h a l l
humor, examine thm both.
The bogFnninRs of forced commerce, according t o R . W w i ,
p. tation w h w e a Bmall peasantry
l i e 912,
is faced w i t h a h3avy tsx t~u*dc?, and c.mpellod
t s ern, for subsistence. Lyul i s not, rt t h i s t i n e , a ?kuf<e%??l=
t.Stephcnoe kllego, Dclhi; currently ~t Cer,%rcfor D c v c l c ~ > o n Stttdies.
v i t L i g of t ! s paper has bean made posni'olc by my tenure ~3F i ~ l + i i ~ &
?.nlirr at the Centre; I have benefitted from the co;.monts on XI e=lic,c version
ea3 k a seminar L? I.iovml~er7986. I am espocL.:Llj- matof.!!. 50 C,.a.F.ed* f o r
ks detailed c m o n t s on t k c rirnft. Re~ponsiSLLi?~f o r crzors, 1.7 0;' 20~!roa,
pc1w:valy -mint.
In t h i s argw~oritis t h a t ono c=aot
The w&cos
.tho noncylender
s\.ould l e n d t o - t h e p e a s a t e of a l l 1 if the tax bcrden i s so h b w q as t o
emroach- on tho eubqistenco of the pe1:Bmti3 on a rea.hr b\asiz, tinere-ia
obviously no chance of rqayment:
h t x o d u c ~a s o c s a d f a c t o r dabs not
a a t e r i a l l y , dter the picbue 3 the -landers' z o t u r n is 08a~ktiaUyl imitbd 'by
tho peasants ' p o s t t a x .surplus, -*norwill it be greatly change3 by. i n t h d u c a
(a) tenancy
tho debtor
market f o r land
- med &tar
the moneylend6r PAS drdven
from tho land, the new.tenants rent o m o t exoeod h a stmplus ~ b o t
BUDBlSt@nCt? and the land t a x still hae to be *aid.
(b) I?or' +ill@J buyer
of lend (prceumably a moneylender ae thc peaeants. have no funds) ps;r nor.. fof
t h e land than the opportunity cost of his funds wiil p a h i t , 8ince irha~6ie
the post
shortage of po$ential peasant barrowars t o be expropriated. But 'if
fa emall o r negative, t ! ? o m ?rill oviderltly bo no b e r e f o r the . l d ,
So the possible dolrelopcnt of fozccd commerce bittgez on tho ' a i m of the ps-fp
tax i3urp1~8.- and Gij3, i n act bo d h . c t u
r c l ~ t c f it o t h e s i z e of t
~ aurp~q
If the moneylender, in fact, lends in 'e. situation where the ter and
other claim on the p'cseant hawe forced him ,,below subaietencs, then
noot of the lnm nwt be.dfre6ted towards uroducL1~qinvoshentw.so ae t o
generate, an b o m f~o r i t s omi repayment, .which wqul.d athenrise be IrnpbOaible
Lending puraly f o r c o ~ t i o would
pey only if .t;F~ardis a largo k ~ c c bQtwel
r ~
the. bmmwersl current c o n q t i o n and minimm ~ m b s ~ s t c n o b lthe'
of which w i l l repay the loan,. or if t h e borrowck posseseen m b e t a n t i a l sseats,
In e i t h e r cme, given ninb3.l prudence, he shauld' riot a l l o w himself t g be
dra~mi n t o the ueb. of f m o a camnmce.
80, t o rocspi tul;%-to, if forcr.9 camnrcrco ba.ylne >ecauso of tho
)~mfrfsnce.neodsof heavily twod peasants, it m t Boon direof itself
t*+dO,'invostmerrti n order t o generato
~ ~ u - z l n t 3h
. ly
if mdhral incomas and land values are.riaL?g .f-= e x o m m e c ~ , u s ~can
s p k
of forcod camer.:e based uson connuin~tionl r ~ d i ? gexist on a l o r i t e m
'mio and even then if i t d m not &*aff
...to &tain
t h i s trend.
eucn L ~ v c ~ t m e na;at mqv be
Thus, we aro lef !: with the
xical ' h m l t that the theorotioa3 eyetan of forced ci.jaanerc~a.lisatioa dweio+di
to explain wariaa stagnstipn,. lr: fact ;iroe.qposeE 4 3 r i c t l i . L m ~ C f
!b 'far we herno concc'ihted on tk.0 fkst wt of B!&i9a
fmmd.'f't %obe IncmpIeto in t h a t it dooa not Fcdeqw.i:oly consider the coste,
and &urns
o.? the mr~eyloador. !his ems d
~ t r a ~ f u r a&mIyais
of b a ~ t - ~ a rFd~
Tho mneylender i a piotured
..h a ~ f n ~ . o3nym m t a t of coritzwts an M a de';.tm/t;o,eta
I C U ~ ~ JB
& WCU.
% the ) r r e Z y increasing cost of policing alii crf&i:.g
not ocnaidged.
How, thoso snforcment ooets
5:-3ao contracts
mount to n0W.W more
p8r8Ond'iiibaq for the moneyl&~~r but t!!len t h i nuinbOx d r hif3 oli&ta
c a p % ' mplcyed, sod, in sbaolute
\ill nnocem&ydbe l h i t o d , as VLU b e the
If bailiffo or &.me are eailoyed; &on 0b.Gi0~6ly
. . ,
Glue. Finally, them .1 elso ct v.ariablo d e m o of personal
*.-, tha ycow;.4oae.
::im by the *lendor,
. .
whioh '& nay fair2y p ? ~ n n ot o b e an'~ O T O ~ S *
Thus, c o s t s of
k c r e , z s k g stce.nl:l as $he. p a ~ s a n tis
o r bolarr ainLrmzn mzbeistencc
r e t u r n s ~ . some
, &.s
t o exceod
If t h e 'peasants' i?cme i s lcw, and h f s surplus.mall,
t h t s p0ir.t is r e a c h ~ r lfairly coon.
on t!ie oppcrhvritics and re*
51 ether l i n o c of t u s i r ~ c a e , the moneylender
? ~ i t h the
system of
c:-st8 w i l l be&
not fin5 it p r o f i t a b l e . to .vsdr
forced c m e r c e .
X t my be, ob3ected t h t the argument has
f,.r nor considcred.the
p o n s i b i l i Q - that the l e n d e r wishes t o secure a t i e d lz'~crur:supply, m d nct
::,c~clj-con;moil:;i~s o r l a d .
This however prcsuqcs t ! ~ tthe lcndor i s cn~a&rd
i n ~ r o h c . t i c nof son2 k h d , an3 can u t i l i s e l a b v u
1-11 rnor~dj1cnc!crs.
b c t h e r i o z o , nin-
- ?his would not be t r u e af
rubsixtencc for the labourer w i l l havo
t? 3; prmidcd, m b t h c r ~ f . c ? xthe ;sndc~g.'.~
in~oae:.front h i s source* cannot
~ : : c e ~t5o
d dif f c.renco bctwaan ;.~xki.$
rlc:mcoly be a very l.+qe
-- ~ - : wdh:=h
cast'-2 hvh;i'ch c&'
~rasr ~ e r : ? ? . alre'ady
being delivered
i? icLxi by the debtor-tcr.;~!.',, xYo woul.r! in
This f,?;Liu--c t o car,;td2r
atly CCIP\~
r c q u i r e loss supcrviaion
the c c s t c ?.nd roi;;LTlfic of the rc~ncyler?dcr
ttc~3cer.sthe ~ o r l e l~ ~ ~ l y t i c ain
l l tyh a t it fails t o f C l y cor,cl lcr t h e intcrcstr
of vha2 i s evidently t h o stronger p a t y in the arr:;?:.r.:nent,
a d 5herofnrc, t o
lodk a t the more i ~ p o r t a n tof the p o s s i b i l ? t i c s f o r the brcxkrlcwn of k!ic s y s t d
vhich ' t h a n nccesearily becmes self-enclosed and porcnninl.
So fcv
t h i a paper has confined i t s e l f 8 t o c k . ' , t i c i s w the lc.ric?J.
.7 t r ~ c . t . a r ccf
tiie 'forced comerci a l i s a t i o n ' mod.cl,
!tit:: only
t o ;.ctual k~ibltoric~al
c a n r ~ i t i o t ~I~nm
; propoeo t o "mrninc- the
periplicx-J. ~efercrc
-1c5W.l U s t o l y of
a puticular region, and to show t h a t t h e r?volution of mxketa may be explained
The region in question i s whaj I term 'Vplaqd 1~74:arrcaiit&', o r t h e
5 w r t i m of that s t a t e which l i c e above t h e Wc~trrfiG1;:tu.
Before Ir.dependence
m a Uvided &?long three administratic?!is: the r e s t e m C i u t r i c t s were
cdcr thc 3o;rtbay Guvernment, Vi-bhEl
p a r t of: %he C.P. dz hrar, and t h e
r u t i c e u t ~ r ndistkicta wore rvlcd by the N i z ~ i cc f 93eraba.d.
:f ! U s rogior!
- -*1y
on .the r e r . 8 an9 nas th'crcforc
mm a m o s t wholly dependent
r r c c d o u s , w i t h frequent, failures
2ho agciculkro
of c r o p .
T~warda%he' end of 19th
cma.oimn oE cotton production ir. the ,areas m ~ i t a b l etor it, lent a degree of
L~vaacyt o tho ectmorngr
- but t h t ~w a s
by no mema a p&ic*darly
as tho cmpxativo t:,olc. belc1.1 ahowr.
!: c s.m,ro, mid
p r o ~ ~ m 8
-cerroqr4ind1 include3
oamparati-rciy ,,,rosperc,uc p r w i n c o ol Gujzxat, and h i d 'Central
Oubut of Ali Crma ir Various Provinces of India,
(2. per ~ ? . ~ , l I 2 . )
h e a t e r Bcne;al
BSar Pradesh
Greater Punjab
C..P. & Bcrar
Noto: S o z - 1 3 ~output r e l a t e s , t o 1912-1 3, as e a r l i e r ye&
a ecarcity y e a . C.P. and U.P a r e 1332-43 for
ti!^ same reason.
The cconoqr of Upland P W a s h t r a was q u i t e highly monetieod as'
as the 17th oontury.
I n comon with .:my areas of,I.h;l,W InLa, it p a i d it6
laqd revenue m3iKi.y in c .;:I,
-,I, 7j.von t h e naepimde 3f the d m m d
o r d W f of the gross produce
- this inevitably meant t&e extensive ?cnc.:ia'.il
Money began. t o appear not nerol'j
of trade qnd moriq nat the rural econonrgr.
in transactions between t h e S t a t e (or i t s rweme assignees) and the pessaiib
but a l s o i n t h e mhal r e l k t i o n s of tho p e a s m t r j the!uelvco.
"The market mdchaniam, once established must have zeacted on file nod;
of ,agricultural .prc '. t?ction. It
not merely ihtrodccod money r e l a t i o n s kt@
a system of 'natural.eoonony', but a l s o engonddred a a h i c t 'to- hfgh-&ride
(&f~nLihbib, 1969
The s a n e p a t t e r n p r s i o t d
in tho 18th century suaceosor std Los.
The exaction of rtlvorrua i n cssh *~tould,zivs:~tl..e poor c ~ c a t i o m
and u n c c h i n markets, obviously r f f h r d great o p p o r t u ~ ij.06
t f o r intonnediarita
possessed of a l i q u i d rcsourccs needed to a c t zs bcaf2:ms and merrchnnta, end
such men became wcdthy and influcntW.
our ares, t h e m a t important ones
ware mtukally tho& resident i n the. Pesh?jaqe capiAW., PooW.z
A verg l a r g a p r o p o r t i o n of the revenue sent thQ-o tras remitted e i t h e r
5y b i l l s &Awn
f m t2ie clie'iricts upon the Poana batkc!; o r i f paid i n cmh,
gassed through tho hands of bankers who..profited bv' %kid e x c l u r p of coins
before t h e dollecti6rm reached tho
~ a t : c r s had in caha&e&;
their a&mt~i n the districts, a:..: +MIS
Iio be
r,mifications of t h e nomy
. . trade, ia
Mots,. t o the r e n t e r s of ' i ' i l l &
quarter,' created
a vide circitlation of specie, ifiich i*etumecl t o t h e i r
cqfm wit'n aii ahndftnt accuxtnzlation of interest.
t?.ture were f r q ~ ~ t l y
, , repaid
kccoraio;?ntj.on of t h i ~
in gmin, which was .:cccived at a .;rice
'm!: b91.w t k e market r a t e , and consequently b r ~ u ~ i kl f ~ o retuxw
~ t
to t h e
( ~ . ~ ~%art
~ l id.n 20 Auguat 1822 E.I.?.
E: 516 ) Tho ronta mre
w.itle e n t i m w in cash,. but were frequently za;&tizc; h3- the v i l l e b ~ r o
M d u t d a r s , by h u w a l a or orders on Sahoolcars.
Ryot in l i k e rn~vlnaroften paid the' petaii by nFmS.rtr zseig,r.nnts.
-m l2ttcr nodo was much prevdcnt; so much so tbat i%
is estimated t
twenty-five . perceht of. the re~enaeww
, p i d dizectljr in -ready !nonc;cn.
(J .bcie@+hi E . I.B.
IVz 632)
Tl~osegreat rnorch~%no~,qil
cnaers (henccf o r t h
to by tho inagenous tern - K ~ v _ . l were
p l clofiexy connoctod. kit5 the
state meme they hel*ad t o md..iz~e. To t&c
or:o cr,~fi1:.3~e
3 Morshet Tmje lent
Peth of Poona, m d was r ~ g p o ~ t ehcreBi3
fdMed the &&war
a r r c b t s (sheto). ( M V ~ & 1982 r
head of its
42~9). &ding to the Go-:
. . xmine~t,
nineb-th century British off i c i d cormented, W~W I)ZOC?UC?tiv? of great advanta.g?s
t o the saheolcarn, both
aa regarded their prosperity wi*,h' inte&st, ,ma:the
idluence it pave%em .with the Government, by which tiley ;;ere generally
with a few Guvermme~t+eons.
gcrizrj13.y rpecd2ly
with interest,. increased by tho various impositions of n%'mlam?,
Irunrlauac!~, and umotco &mc?ti?J
Every delay in rc$aying increase in
swcrdl itmrr, and the principdl wag, when recove~ed,of t e n .&x?.lloi! by
i n t ~ .(
A glimpse of .the
. manner of operation of the m a t . aahukr e e d
may be
by e x a m i n i i tho a c t i v i t i e s of Viccnjee and 'Pestonjee Flerjm'...
the Peshwa theae son were rwenuo fC&ers i n the k h n , and, thay~contractod
t o co11ect t=sit
aritieh w e . '
PAcust,orj duties i n thetama &er
Li i825
- 26 they aeit the first.a~neignmrmt.b$B.mr
to ro+ch'Bmhbay, anomtine t o 500 bullock loands.
zlmder the
tho sstabliehment .of
ilizam of &d&abad,
vae at.that' time
and the Merjces seer: t o &:re
been actiTrew.,
by ~ r i t i s hofficids to irrvoJve thornselves in tho trade as3 adnirl
str?.ttioa.of 2-
- p e r b p s i n order to promote the expo&
of .cotton*on
mqy .~ncouragaband ,atirnulatdd the growth at=d cultivation,
made arrmgemeats f o r f a c i i i t h t i n g the puralkae.and cakriage.
of t h e - a r t i c l e and for all; these .purposes lacs s*.dv~nc&irr,
money. were obliged t o be IYEtde9 not o w t o tho growers.but
also t o the rasidezit traders i n Berm mG .Bmb,oy.
Zy these.
mans and by r n W i n e ; mmy td?pebiments t o t r a n s i t i n tho
Nizamte territories, Viccajee and Pce.toGae s o greatly.
Mcraaseh thirc trade that t h e qunntivj of cotton co-eyed
from Borar and othar perts of tho Xizap's d ~ n i ~ i 0 ~&to3 ,
Bombay in %he 2c;r 1835-369 had amount& t o 900,000,b~&k
loads or 48,000 Iba;
, the v e . 1 ~of
They dso'b~cguneYrmoXv~di n
lendin;3 money
which w?m 60 1aok.e or 600,000 1.
t o . the Zizain, a d were given
charge of *he , m e m e af: the.h a s valiey ai.id sat? b t h e r - t e k i t a r i e s , which
with- thefL. 3dpmta.ne~
i n a t h e loctiL'.bot$on ttrt?.de xket 'k&
t h e m enomi'bud powor.
Eowevea) they 'wed Pomfi'tily disijoss~esoi2'in 3845, . e i d
mi the
ficn f a i l ~ ain the c e v c r a ~cm-mbrcirl crisis of 1848,
IX : 2 ~ ~ 2 2 4 ) .
John ~ c o l rnm a r k o d of such a i w i c ; ~ e n , s , "The l m ~ b
of U l o m a t h a
2 i n c ~ r'arc
ecnera:Jy rented; a d as
of the r e l l t e r ~ars s i t h e r bankers,
5r rim ruFportod by that olaas t h e t W e zcquire9, and a&-
an influence,
.rtn in the c&ncils of t h e s t a t e , jnd the l o c d adriLinictratiorSof the prwOVhce
.:?A b v e a the3 gsak power, which t h q solely dFrec+, t o the object & accurrmle.
-W l e n t caia f o r both seed an8 food, =d
this ?'~onne%Lm. bebdeen t h e noat
' m b i * mf a1 the mtivoa and %he induat;ims
c u l t i w i . t o r ~has generally the
.Ife:t m f keeping the l a t t e r poor,
but saves than f r m ruin; which wculd
- ~ o l v ea loas of. all t h o bankers ?ad ventwed on "cho produce of t h e i r labour",
emkars :(rere thc uppernost run@
of t h e ladder; below them
~k.ereware n3n opomting on a more lor,al sotde, but nonetholese important in
:i.ek localities,
suah as, f o r im?;,&:c, Lala Chutaxacz of A!kadnae;ar, whom
-ctivitier :?ere described by a b.min~?seassociate; -tho m t a that CkrukaaUl,
orijwe the Patelehip af two v i l l a p a ~ - l dthe ICul-shi?
gimn t o him i n mortgage. Bebi&ea he ims mder him 5
villages belonging t o
e. l a g b . o s t a b l i s k i n e ~ tat
Ec hza l l k a r i s ~
home besidce >La farmFng stock
and huabandry '&nplemonts. Eio is lilrovise engaged in ~w~~
comnerciel transactions.
On this account 11c is embled
t o advar.ce t o the Kunbeos he know . md take from tkm
the produce of t h e i r f i e l d s ',
So the h l a combbod revenue co:ztras';e and Venal .office :-!ith
trade ~d
~ O ~ C J I ~ Q ~ ~ (E.A.R.D:
S .
~ r , 1 . 7 / / , i iQP-1952p . 2 3 ~ ) .
O f than he wrotac
thqf are bankere as w e l l ' ae marcnants
!.i!~or-.t;:ey a?lrmce a
few rupees t o any of the inhabitants withblit zecurity ?Aqw
charm 2 pice i n t e r e c t monthly .on tho rup:?a
per cent.
Thqr flow
:kick is
e o r e d i t of 12 rno~thson the 3ale af
tilair mer6handisa; after. 4 d c h i n t e r e s t is chuged.
A mod
d d of t h e i r 'traffic with the c u l t i v a t o r s is carrial on bj
brstor., who ~".C-JC S L L ~
t h e prohcc. bf tlrroir fields' f o r
& c o c o r i ~ s& c., the eettloruent cmr.only t a n g place at t h e -
FinLL'ly there was 1 e n r l . l ~slam? the c u l t i v c t o r s thomaelvesr
Coats rccorda t h a t i n addition t o monef dobt about .a fourth.of the
inhabitante wore indebtell t q t h e i r nei@
&zrLn nnd straw
box-robed till tho next ~iciCiroat,
an^ t o be rapnid t;ith fifty or awenty$?.po
percsnt i n t e r e s t .
The k h l e of the praduco, theref ore, oL" t k e c u l t i v a t o r
i a s n e r a l l y mortgawd before it la ror.pd?, t o seibiefy
the -rarioue demands on him.
T h i e is tho caao ic ardinary
tinos; but i n bad aomons, ' o r i n ceso of arqy a&lemity,
the mil is m w h increased.
(~oe.te 1823 221 3).
:ms looatod i n tho cnxpamtivoly accure and r!rosFeroua country close
k homt :conditZona wcs:n :?i.sshar i n trio iirucl~i-i':~?c~df r o n t i e r marc11 of
It* f i m t ~ & l l e c t c rB, r i ~ g ,r ~ : : o r t o ? k 381
~ R , ehortPj efter
itr.cccupe.tionby t h e S r ~ t i e l i ,on how
arlir;.~:: ~ > c i t 9 a~u3sistc:r:l:
Boforo the plo-a&ir~gseacon ;has arrive;, ha has r o r h a p ~
5eeh obliged t o
few Rupc.28 i n :~l:.:fincc:
09 the
yeam' 8oro.g t o pcty t h i s ye.w's 501~~:r.;: at .ti.@ @ver?li~*?rit
a d he .is fortunato i f he can r e ~ J i m ?t::n
40 or 50 per cent.
a t lees t:ir21
Ilb now comes on t:is 3atiooI*l?r t o rrdv,-nso
!& seed f o r wnich he p r a i s e s t o p,7;y 1.h Soore
cvoqp Sent,
w .the
anb frequently 2' Seers at 'the h r v c c t .ti-~~c.D
' W h or the grain, and vhile t!iere is -rtuch ~ r e w t a t i a ni.z
tho fields, thc Ryot contimes t o auboist hn the green corn
on meens dick't
out of tiie . b d l p e ::!:'-ic:i,,aildocl t o
othm' fooG 1ix2ce:1 z tolerable 13e;J.
1~one11tt h e ,grain ia
ptherod ttL3 ~ e c c w c sceases, mil g~.-c?il;indlltrequires iiim
to pey the rents, there is no imnsiliate a a l e f o r the C ~ a F n t
aid he t&es up noncy Crm the
pays a portion of
t!u,rant, and cives hi^ crcq o r the ,qoater p&
of it, aft-
fmor claims, t o l i q u f b t e %@,:
debtt and t i i s p a i n
he 6tmpounds t o sill i n bulk f o r lesa ti:-
it is sdlhwq in tho
in order that ha may roaliac
sum of mor,ey hmaiiataly.
Wh~nthe rmainder'of h i s s a i n i c o;cl~~.usi;ed
he is oblimd to.
it f o r food at an d n n c a d :rice: and before tlio
tb*.ior a o v i comes
~ ~ on again, he a
.in..pmioely 'the
d i l v ss at tho ' l : e ~ of~ tho
g :*ew. (~.Bri=.,
1818, D.C.R.
7ol.;74, ~0.336).
22 h.
M e s of
Wtos of i n t o r e ~ tcould u,?sy consillorably : e vcalthy and
influential 8avb.x l l k e G ~ & a r a s k . z t r iFat~mxllmn"iorrowob m3ey
frm different 2cople at t b e z:te cf kdf acr c a t p e t~; a ~ t hancl lent it
t o tho needy at the rate *om one t o two percent Cqcr,l'.inc on tho
;~.velcar1982: 439).
the Po-
3cr cent \im charged for cash l o a m t rn;:50 to 75 per oent in Iririd.
the v i l l w ~ sof
' Ahmedm&ar district in tho years be,L%\~c
tho esWoli~-h.'rent
of ~ r i t i s hrule,. loans had been made 'in which only Ru~eoa75 we-o 3aTd for
'the hwrirod a..cbow1od~d,ant3 lintarest chagmc'.OE t h i s sum at 3:ie rat& of
ftup5es Der month; B.zpeea
( ~ . ~ . b . l 29
o ~Sept.18tJ5
36 s . . . , . '
369/38) In the -kin@on of m
, the t c s e of loam ir, the 16266,
t o tPut&,s an.; mote t h e t o m s tlre commonly two t;tr cent c mont;~, &!cl two
per cent eeSucted froa the ar-t::inrcl
the lower c l m o a s , they &re
rr month or evon
or moclkaJrics..of
11~r.3u . n f ; - ; ~ o ~ ~ a b
, a:
ci?r~nic:,lQ d i s t ; u ~ i ? r ;
?rwi,iwe of Ibmdesh.
Slit t o -&isrurs
1866 t 6 5 ) .
or four pez oent
The highest ratee of i n t o r o n t
w?r rav&,cLj ~Z&,B l i k e 'he
Its f i x o t -;ritis't: collsctcr rq.ozted the proseme
of Arab ncrcan?xies, who por;sess?d nurr.erous bonda for debt , and these
wore fowd -bo hmre ori@inated
i n times when rebels or. contractors Q, *G
l e y i n g contributicm an the country, and 'cocl.ing the
ink-itan*i;e& tortures; et a peria$-~-il&this, tho Arabs,
Sov i~..
numbor, but \~a,ltlqrnnd b o l a s.M&ced clcney %o tho'
people 4 placed.one or two of .the= b r e w tci . r e ~ i d Q
the village, em3 zecclive the i ~ t e r e s,-mder
of monthly pay, usu~zlljat
tile rato of 120 per c ~ n t
( ~ . ~ r 21
i ~Oct.1818
~ a
grr F.
Vo2.173 ~0.253)
&tal. rates of return m y riot hme been aa hich as tho nmir.el r
L 186; in order
t o aatioQ t h e clcmands of-Wailiii 411y :ha= Bm.g~ai.,tho
rlllyem ib W e e
and Nimboree
borrowed 9s.1235
IG,oCO resrcctivoiy
Inri tb,
.paerflit jagirdar, Suryajae R3A) Fhbalh-rr, .t:
~ e ~ t &&h.seoms
1C per oent >or-
almort a stmd,wd rato In XhanEesh t t e n ,
bad m i d 3s.5086 and ~ i m 6 o r o eRs.24,613
,(hnnthe riipulatsd
e t c t,:e e-2
..- r-vicieu-ljf2x i e ~ a
18 D ~ . I ~ D.C.R.
V O ~ I : ~i&.j3:).
af actual recoveries of lame Flrin6.3 up the quest,ion
of k =&&&y of debt:-: m e , ~ffected. It Lc l i l c o b + k t in a ~ e z t
ujori+y- 0
m ' r e~~ ~ l j . z e n were
- iC
mu.^^ t o m . w o
f a i l e d , ;lotimer, .;here were ~ f ? x i o *method8
(Fffmcnt .-I
The p e s t sav?rar, ar>?~leltcC
ream? :.\boalf,
the State could
if noceseax: by force.
The same ai&t
be h e of ~ ~ ~ - 1 1 d of
e rci~val&y
wGo m.d@iaans to the Gillngea in
h w w , . m g a u c h loans were
., Jd
principally r~:..l.ak;;. non in d m m d -of
. t w A p o s . s s ~ i n agu t h o r i ~to zsccmer tile money..
. .
Simllar3.y. tile Ja&.rrh
&4 Son&.
.W . f or, t h o
sgont: -;rc.~
6 tnit of 77 ' o r . s ~vheke
the p:LTose
af v
u tfdl~;
~ ohiouuLr, k
36 its
plundered vi3.Xe.g~could p q ~not-
hope to r m o h r , he cauld.
a d if.anyone could
July 1830 Z.b.ii.3.
~01.53/520 of
A ~41~493
potenfato, .such aa its h c ~ h = , a ,=right a l s o rmmr
to pledge hfs cattle and 2.\r.Aanents of x ~ i o u l t u r o ,a s well
as the producol of his fields.
h a e l v e n t , tho
brhbuld, he st51 cc?ltin~a
seized everythin(: he hd, n n C to&
a deed of w e 'frmI him, s p c i P j i n g the ?~ZCUI~.YL;
of hi8
d e c l a i u g tbt the t w e r nrul' bean v o l ~ w ,
it. ( ~ ~ r k l nlR66r121i..
arid't!i~t hhe wquld a m e ~rocla&
The authority of
t h e Go*,-e~iacnt
n i ~ h &so
'be h o k e d
to c o l l ~ t
a de'dtr: but in S ~ i aC R S ~2. r!u':s-f;er or a f i f t h of the !l:oney recavered
to be p d d as
'ncwmcr Selicvdi t k 2 nethot: t o 30
frequbntly used because of tie'vim iatl.b.de givefi La
zredi tol. in rwaep:
ba to appeal to a panoha;rat of the caste, tine \Tlli~;~,~
OX r ; a e wiser 30dy
its deoisionrr oauld be edclrccd 'an tho loner.
Zn0.e~.the Fcbkn., thg
p m d h . who 10s.t. hie cnso
ifsoldam b ~ hia
d property aoM in c i v i l oases, bat in order
t o ~ ' o r ~ u a ahim
e to
up as
aa p o ~ n i t l oho was
'Pho reaebn behind t'nls is fairly'obvious,
B n - v t hati
r.s tandble pm?arty, :ad his 3ullocks
huabendrg coulC z o t 3c sslt
r i s k of raducing
h i m t o tbe rank of a h i r o d l a b m e r with e conscjusnt
of rwenue fr Cavcrrmcnt.
M 3 d ~ d 3 t l e b 8concealsd,
klrried or rlep(rr:.t~C.w i t n hit3
relations, and the 00
50~ ,pt 1-
??:,-ncnS of hie dacraascd dab*
v?.&3 20s.c
doprived him of h i s l i b e r e
IC, is ii;:oIy that &or
rL:.:?s it: I a ~ da3 ha a i a t
c r * a i n l y ir, ?,;c docG3 o f s$'.es
or^ p ~ t S k *.%ta??
tho nctivo
%oh prersures t;?o Ccbtar n
t wdll
ctxrendcr all hie pmprty, .b.cluC*
- and
.to d i S g u r b o
rim arch pcrsm-dL incomo~inzce,.s VVAJ
Vhatwcr ilc -%! saved
r;c:it?r is c 2 t m st-"*<; to 3c the FBCZLW
of debt.
-.r fcir;~?
~ J A , h s ~ m e z ,$?wholder had the ri@.t to 2ocleckn
-*-;cr c
with rewcl
it oven
i-9 t ~ ? x . . ~Sy
f ~ .OIE-tion.
30 c a d i.'=t)iC
5ic.: h t r ,-c-avked t'mt .',>e nha3dnx .is
..ticks tc
zI!.qrt. mlently a t k l ; e d to his estate, .z,?
it m i m g as h~ derive.?
7nm. x t
bare ~'.lbslc?.~*.c.:
is ca?poUc& to quj.2 it,
circmstencee w i l l parnit.
.'lc ??'k&?!3
It 2- .I #:
t ~ o ;'~luctanca
~ t
that he f c m a l l y .Iliec:tes
t o .-:ic~thcr; he
xc--..S., ko a
rather p e s abroad,
it 33. aFila
anti c.r:dcziv~ra t o
litt l o money by labour to 3 1?'.,?7iohis
.tiat-cuscs, or he onlists for
8 0 1 ~ k cti3.1
~ Scl;ter tiactr.
the c k ~ ~ i l failed
t o re-.
Ilut if tho n i ~ . . : _ . + ~nee6
m f o r crvLi':
h:.d bcon prunptcd by tho burZen o* th:, t a x nn hi= i m i , it rrould fi: f ::=t
ba e voiy bad aocu~i*, ae no other c v l t b ~ t a C
r C - L7Ii i :~; ~ it : q r .
2lphinntone found i n t h e early ycara of B r i t i ~ h272.13 t.ht if tho
.cclin-:uiebdhis laxl 'i.1 is often ca1tiv~';ori
:~ta a r c e n rent.
2kc cecmrity of nroycrty
and = * l c t c a t W 13 value,
the Ponh:ws ' r!&onz.
I' '
c,;:-: ?ie,tc.i- o,"::-;*.t
i n land, hottcvor
c o d b e d t o a l L - i t ? f l :t e a , the
Wwthor East, iF f'idsrbha,
me utxlost t ~ q r t!:o I:ea$rxtc,7
tie., is ri,-l~t
~1321.or w e 2 do
r;zcC:qwncjcx coli;i-~~:.-L,c; :.u%Jactt o
t5e p e n t of kip= i;m'~r3.ad uf
they m y bo.
,a+ -- of no * d u o .
A ityot c m n o t let hie field t o a,riot!lcr ~u-ecr.; 'il& can
only bc Gono bjr
~it=l. (l~mn. 19:;3,
: 1.3).
Shilarly, the first B r i t i s h o f f i c i a if, tho contented, and mgh
rav-,rod b a ~ c c rlands of tho Kaxmatek ze70rtcd :k:..t
&am m d o f f t c i a l Vuttuna
tho hi&
wfigvno-e :ic.craag but
msasmzont an the lands of c m o n
d a e t r o y ~ dme-
so long syo t h a t
i; i~ not to
h ~ t ' J scn
~ = ) 3 nctc 3 1 M ' e c h d ~ o & . .
@afar r:oom?, th?t tho h~l~.',~?rc, ,12-ri-2
they i > q t : l ~ b
P33ts9 nGr w i . d . i trio S k k r r
pkvclmt auch .:?x:lc.nr; ?*ew sold, 7rcnriCcd thc
?upol=ser pay the ufiunl rent -'but cv?n
too !dsUy aeaca3et? to be eulozble,
aa i n c ~ of
~ o
(8t.~ohnT l ~ a c I c e r[n
~..~'..) N0.37,
x 4 e has boon mot with.
k...rCo.u, rxa
Vol.l0/70 of 1823).
And the 3emc rftuatitm
aeeare to have prevailed
tke r . o r t h e n bordor
Q E W C ~ o?
IV, 694).
In rmck
the mIjr rocrrrity would ba n w o ~ b l ogaada, and
- . a s , of c&e,
rm:, particolarly, the c
- ad tho yoanoaeiorr of
~ ~ E I Xpomr
J ~
msoverj e.saentiaJ. for e~r.ccamfzll e n d h ~ . k t 2 %..-;enelrewhere, a.8 W?
The b e t of British n?lo in tile Fasi:-avo tccrritory bd one
aintenced off &tt the .mi&t of the .len.l-tar hpoacd in con,tunctio::
V-lthF, steep fall in prlces w i p d uut the ~&le,>lc?
VCVJC of f d . 4
x g e s s d l a d 'by the en6 of the 1820s.
khr~?,t?t:.?. I : T ~
ritrket *&uo
Tho 8 F t . ~ - . t i ( . . ~ =i~
C ~ X X ~ X ? ~
thus asaimileted with t'mt prcttailinq i n t h o no&& ad
part of our rogicir,.
Po2 tne rest, t,:o s2t.~at$.oncl!$~.i,el l.?so -k:%xt
3ao:: m p ~ o s e d . Tile e e a t t~~::c,-s
r.s~cg.i:,toc? ?.2.?:32e
- fomer Govemefit
wont iqtc decline ( ~ v e '1
w:r82 j ; alf tSe nsv r.e~j.r.3 d i d not f a &
i t s rovcmcs, ciosing ofZ 011s Lc~>mtSveci~umelfor savk.5~ca3itel. Whed
it' tc~-ror;aG,it did
o in sonbw
t o the benefit of rc:ntie~:si? LonBon, or M n c y
great hmao cf
i,l~cc u ~ t m sof t I ~ eKonkan unilir tiie ?os!xn,
:relI ec ..~nderthe h i 9 i s h ;
the 18208, to tho ~mcnerpastures of 3 a z ~ u
it U ; t b ~ t e , Vc&mc to f&
tho Niaom
the wkolw rweir.:.c of tho province, ac?,
forced t c - lend to thd Nisam, trofit 'banl-rnpt.
L i t t l e chan~.pd i n tke villazes and.taldr, ha- we. The rmenub
coztirrue2 to be c a c t o d in octeh, =c?
k i t h 1qermr1sC rigour.
cmorly krpoundad tho ha~restc.6.crop till .+hakx
Tho S t a t e
paid .or sec~lrffy.
6;ivon ,for its diacW.p (W.;: 1985 ?26-;-7),as tIse cr'op fornad a3moat the
inwitdble cmecl;zcnoc
only W Z i r l o a3sc.t poss?cacA 'u;- .:he pe?..s:~nts.
was t ; x t . . t h a pi'csaqtal ;'.q~i:..rglor~e
It Ls .';ma wo might
tho S ~ c ~ l c a ~iqczeesed;
ds i e brou,&t
azdm the Mamlnt&c?a P 2 to saceive
havr&lrr at d l , but t'.iswould ~ o boncfl!:
kio Aqrutsa et-mw,
i_*rilecdon.tho contrary as .pro&~:ing tkc c65-c a nonth soorzr
.i-lwi;od of ta:-
a Hamla chit --able
be the came
2 ~ wouli,
the e a t '8 zocoru.lt of
intorest with h i s b=ir.er vho is afteraell',ir, 9 crwes
out oi 'i6 the pw.c.2asr.r cf' ttc c,::~:s;
c . i . ~ e t s r ? c c r.!,>,.= ~ : i .nu<.-1;
f-:cis+ s Ian::
215 t li*,.;to:%
@f ?Lt:i-
~ X M . ~ C E;!q
8s our
bc;l/o::d. 3.12
.P-Aoldc art; m c c - : t s h narketa r';r or:zraa
('i;cry~ 30 3eb.1837 I3.h.g.D.
mclmsia o r i d n a l )
;95"7 71-72
5 r ? y;s'.er;! caul< &sc, be linked w i t h ;;~:r,<vction cyedlts.
t : R~pfci-~e
2ol;:nfseidner, E3rgI.e obgler~oeirA .l W?,
. 5 i z i t h e hava'La
s r - . - I u :,.;Y
cot.': common.
W~ICPC. t i = ~ ? ' . . i 3 U l t i ~ ~SO
l , 0 ~ COT*'
. a d t h e crops tkat
...,..,. J.. ,bLe.,kin$~eci!:ii-5~1g
a la2,yc
(2'c :l>it.?fox
Irci:o~-f?.ingcor):;idor-;i:ln security
kl,i.i:: 'probxotior,, a:?
n ;Io u-m -Ll.r?l, while t:.e
a.rc i i c t m t , tile k~!e53aA: G,c::wLQo~x~;~.~>I
x=for<@& by it
L.:Ic!.r..ri ,$L' .;.ender it:.: c: :t;-:.o
:lXff CIQ ej. Z kqvc
rersrte:! t o in :hat v o
-~:pp~e,~.slor, 2
i'mmfl. . it
:.CC O L * ~ P & -
; p-?n?-',tlyti:(!
a;oomi;~ r o i c u
viI.-..-:~s such as 1 T w q ~ e r - o nin. tho 3corst 2o:.let?';orate
wilere the,*
f a much f e r t i l e lard unilcz-~krc:' r r i , p t f o n
Callectoratc *.r?,cx %&re
~ : ~ . I c :-?i?lu~ble
c Glstrict
of =dons
- Ba~seFn
- a14 the
Le rii E O
a 3 2 l - & ~ ? i r in t t c Carrdeish Collect~i-;..+,o. Xt is d e o
g d c n t i n the S v ~ t l ~ c rpxrte
of tile '2ollectozzta
where the
k ~ . epoor ,ma
ima~ant,.?I)< F*
less o*oJccti o r h l o fam iu tho r i c h cottcie lanes o f , the
Broach Collectorato, t?.a.n in Candeici-..
Dec. 1843 3.B.P.
37&/36 No. 7 7 3 )
The fun&?n&al. c o n e t m i l t under vmich b:th ~ r i v a t ccrolE$orc
tho State qcratod under L? this perf cd m e well fc:
of Zr>;nb,?y
in ;835 t
in . C a t &ive no p o d
except the pro&xc of hie =ounds.
nkxt to not&4.
of' hi3 I&,
B C C W ~:,or
??c ;%cc?*;.l:,'rx.;;u
' h e cccaTinoosnt of hi3 ; s ~ e r n M U Z d be
or rakiyer !xLs hcrecita'j.
oi' tfllam
. .
ffut tho crop wirs P n uncertain guantier, :GI<; as r c m e c ? f o o d ~ t i i n s i
b - m e o t was e
liable also to c q r o c i a t o cat-astrcjhically if tho
Arrthor, tine d t a t o , both %; law and $r:-.c-qJeur~,
thinc at tho tipie), had first claim or, the k m s 3 5 ,
creditors ' 6ec~rity
( w h ti?@ same
tlst the grtvato
Eurttlar attcnuatorl, ?.a? h i c i - i ~ l ;incrw~eC, To
~cirucot ' . ~ c s chaeard.8 by interlook*
the crs.3-i; ,lrrO cont:odity rn1:otz.'
:-:e;e .no: ~ s r e L vaxr;e:ier~t but essential.
Tha mclll~,bilLbof h-zitiation
zcfiuaad tbc chams a: crop Pilure, a93 the groductr: of such land were
i .ix, irere in 'the aost
~ act1
~ ra ...*.
& $1;l : :ar!~otc,i,
producti-to v f l l a p ~ s ';-:]att;c .:::vkar
rm:it w i . ~ l i . ~ &to lend, an?. also
Cf c m . s , , t h i s znrrtml of two :ci?x',:ct:; v?s ! r : . . 2t9
~ redomci t o
.th~ a v a k ~ a rbcnqfit,
on t&,
so, .ea r'or,jet.L,d e ~ x . : L i , :i t LI 1 4 6
a d in 75 otlses out of a
?m, ail thc
~rnaucaof the labour of the cultPator $v:ln~
cra3n9 the
whole y w W 9
i e kken by t:.e Bar,i~~n
for prohaI11.y &.Iz d-2.t it would
yic16 ).A:!, if !le .rtc,-e at.liberty to F,%ke i.i; to tho
60 m eee t : ~ tt c t h *tho floduc'tion m b conm~r?ytilmof
weis dqondent on the r o w availabUi5.f of Lorins 2-4 ~ ~ ? V U ? C C S .
g a ~ 3rise t o ;umopoiy and
30: t r : 3 ( j l t
- ...
q . !w
the merchant ' 8 point of vim t;Az wext *u qt
bccux c ~ . i t i o sfrm tho actual prc3.uce;- r l tl~nl.;; a d v s . ; z L ~f o r *:-cat
A.8.Finlrry to19 tho Prcrliaclontary Committee cf 1 .'332.-53;
Ym oarmot buy the ~mc?loofran tho c :ltivc?,torv i t h m ~ t
~ e c d h d l ypeer; they 'have not tZk
of b w i r g
food for the?solvco ar:C-?hAi.= bullo:l,:o till-.t'ac cmp: is
ready* they
:xu3 t ;tbrcf
~ r o
f20:; ~u.xoneh
(pF.1852-3 XXTIII ;IS).
The same point wae made by E3phir-iton, Ccllest.or cf Khcfitesh, 2. 1350
whar. thc idea 9f State pmhaso of cotton was noo.t?5 tNwftiwut
ouch as all r i t i v e cotton merchants mzkc, Gm*er;z~cr.t$!ill:c!~$crt ! ~ e
f i e l d or: hmrea term0
than the k t i v ~cotton
t h e cotton, and Gr~ernmc~t
~ l c i ~ t : : . v . . ~ t 2who
be m~+.ble-ko bv;f 5 k except frm s,?c.;.?!!
or third hands, a t an enhancement hf the price..
..: (3.k.
1857 E%Z Pt. 111 61j
In Eerar the' ~ystomw:-a
tlxr!; "the pumhaecm wkc. ~3v:mcesbofor? ti .e
much zotton
season f o r gmwLw cotton arrives, s t i p u l a t i m tc rncci-re
at a c e ~ t a i nrate; the j3rofit:: 1:ade under t h i n --sten
saiC to 5 s
Tnia note of business of
. 8 i:.~
i m l i c d 19ccd. roai.ilcnco, ~ n dtM
are almost dl of them colton L ~ ~ 2 - o if xr m w11m ".?;cy 3ccx?9 c;irQr ady.ra;tcos
r t ? and
; d ~ k s mR C C O ~t ?
o !the
~ i~kut2.ticnof the bc-.mwera.
( N - A . I . L . R ~ V . ~ ~Aug.l&Sb p.02).
The m e a t d a d o x ,.nrrorally hn.l tc n:p;og
thin as ~.,id~dlmen
or t o establish their own suh-woncieg.
Foncic': Gsncri3eJ.
thin is a l e t t s r of 1836 r
The exportera of cot;on t o the coast Pxe ckfofly w o n t
iniliviciuals ancl n?.tive finns of B m b ~ y . T;.ley b:?o p:rsh$%..3
who ham 1m.stod thm~olvaeat
Pkoa d e n c o they
oan5 aut aubo~6irL:c~gt o the-m i o w :-trginn,-Jm to malce
c.do?~~oeot o patcla
or hbat2ntiaJ rjrcts of v.tJlagee & c u t
.two months previous to tha gatbering, 'at 2 per menemf
suoh aecuritg ie t&&n as can be got,
urmdLty of msha:une
.t:@ C e t h m e ,
or able a 4 wealth pz.te218.themelva~.
'fiq-likewine pur&haae Atton from %!lam~ha,ims,who a m
' s e t t l e in the hwbmr ' m C ~ ; l & s t
t q the
respaotabla ~ U i m
thotm ~~&haJ~ns
haviW i ~ k i eab2??ncest o the
similar way. ;pop. 1847-48.
d-d # w ' a srslationship between t:ze aexpor+e;q' 'and
lmal1.v rasiderqt
W a r s . e x i ~ t o din f i a , d e ~ h(P12.1e57.' Y&IZ158-9).
Given the
dor?csibed. abme, it is not surpri'8ing
XI: tko Bemr cotton mdcet.
that rnoaopemy W - G ~ A O ~ J;?iif.e.e~*,read.
of credit and rna5kst*
like .the & e m
admlmrs, , \ o t at the be-
is c&J.o< n Suhoalcazt~:nriccc.
of the ee€poa of
file; ho.reve:
could only be
mgpse4 on o r d i n ~ ~eellare;
when cotton wae b r a a t la 1 ~ sq.w .~t i t i o a
ly,.?oaantrg deale~a:!it chiqpd t~curticat the "raRraet @ice1:.
21laA8pe W.S,Boyd,
Nor d i d +he wat& prevail solr>ly in ;;erare in
Collector of Kmsnd68h mpoaterlly C&
tile kemmant 'n
at&tion to such prscticea wit5 reapct to cottoli a&hdico iz hie
c ~ ~ & i c t .Bere tlm local moriopo~~
cc.l%$olling transport aleo
2x6 dbpld
r t reinforcad
t ~
the - j m . w e r o
not work for other^.
. S&
by the sat do&-8
b m d t o 3ha-i by I&,
'that 4th; nere & q f ~ a t L o snt h o t ?rims
arc high ir. Bombay oz c1sc:dlere U
uae if the ?ossi'bility
carriage WAS denied,, which it ~ o u l dbo Co thc wnemXL
Rates of
...' (B.z.P. ?'il/59
1:lc. 3249).
,...3. Fzere,
&tee of i n t e r e s t conticued t o bc hi*,
f ~ o mthe mate-n pazt of Poona d i s t r i c t in 1=O,
lo;?r2~On 3er30~2L
security w m e taken a t 2 ?,+.cea e s Rupee per nontl~. C37.5~p.a.2
smetimos wen at one pice _ozr week.
Some caul& bamcc.1 a t 25 per ccr..t,
sawai, f o r the year, v h i l e okners had t o pay that a t ::.L:..~::ontP&
i n t e m ? ~ s . <~.A.TI.D. voi.ia7/1644
o f i w c ? p.277-aj.
f'm tho &&cent d i s t r i c t of BLrmsdnagar, the
ccney r.t 6 per cer.t p e r arn:m cccl be
. .
~ o p o r t i t l gi.? 3 % ~
I>!r men of respectabilit;.
a d wealth, a?d is current among mcrc5ar.t~: .thou& w i t h ot'ncra
12 percent pe? arjlU;;l i~ tho usual niLnimrn.
For people in ordi,nery
c.ircuL~ct'amasi n t c r e ~ ;:mr
~ t como!lly ave:..as~ abut
& Rupees
Four Sirrascc . ger ii!ipea per mntil o r :;O pc.2-cent per
a cmc~ozrztc
per ~brpcz~
p e r mcnsonr
t h e poorer ivotq
3,'6 Ded. by -Ryo$s
- .two Sirreos
of' t i c "Jtter cl'edu~w,
Theso a m the.ordincs:,* e 5 r e : e ~ wf.th t h e ~iiSt!.y:z5~rfl: 2,3
4 Sirrcsscs be*
. t- h a t
& m t . ?!LC only f n t e r e s t la~o:nanor& them.
i:; t a n e & K o t r a vie, 12 per .cent .pc? zsm;
permns of the higher and wca3 t k i e r i?lassos
IT .G-1,. Vo1.2472,
coii -46)
?bCan of Rodmorv
The h t r o d u c t i o n of Zritish rule did ,not mall@r,s great a difference
t o savykarsl nethods of operatien an has~zcmetimosbeen supposed.
A certairi'
pxportion of caaoa P A alwzs a-,yr;m$d before Govcment office=,
thie r c s m o
~oncidorab'ly used fgr
cf debt wen before the
r e m e t i o n s in l22*?. &twoen Jmzxy
. ; m I u 1 ~ t i o nbf ~ o ~ F U J:'lrZici;.J.
a d June 1825, 5388 suits wqro'deoidod In thc M c . 9 : of timse? 3912,
or 73 per cent mlatod to dcbt.
(~radcan. d.
collecticn :x~zaietodes well r Y.&rtZe
parcel 02
in their
OlOor qet:;c,da of
Fmm, uritil;.~'i6la0 fron tho
astrict tkluks of Xhed'aad haw&, rapoztc:?
did not w e tho Caurte moh.
;'htho firat place,
tho local s a v k ~ m
mi;-of Chan
s e n r i m , who, by siltiiy 2aurna
k ~ v ca
(at ti,o .rieqtra
hi;-g punichd if cm~labcd o f ) and 'by athe-.;.;orme of m n o y ~ ~ ?m~l~nrod
in r c c m r l n g titoir debts fiam all who are able to jlcy...
no pzorit, From continued,
.".- 'diezo
tho rest I;i.xicaned f a r doM, r-!d
tne loridor could alwaye Crgcnt on the hozodihry n;;ttLw.of debt for hia
1m/164 of 1 M Ir.23%j..
Nor was tho pract!.crt ol" rwnnuo officerst lending by
d-f in 1339 in Khr-qdaah tnem wero s c f r ~ a c&o
oE r ' a t i i e ch=-bd with
rwanua, who-prwed that tke rn~r.cprhad men -paid for 9rivato
f o r -no
&ah, where the 'm*mJ qr~?oruvas prepatant, it - m d 36 difficult
who ccni2cl not keep his mcounts eepassto t o ?mar t h a t he k.3y u d
on Government amount
~ 1 . ~ . ~ . 3 7 3 / 1140.204~j.
Mil, and 3 3 s would nslxrc3ly aeaiat his rkwe1:ios.
u.5 1-
!bookerem waled 81~tmJoeafter I n t W d b t *
So fa= i n ~ t ~ z f i c e ~
him by say in,^ be w a d
cam_olainag-sinet hin t o thc-SkLclttrft.
Such influ3fl39 aS5!.?.\t.&fo be
u t i l i s o d fa- ti;* benef i5 of o';'ire~ 1Qnders:- fize . cpna '?~z:.!.Jra qoceived
bsjri worth Fa30 from one &mde=~3we9 03 u~.~Q~.W&I~ to s o l l ~ the
.do%taCue. t o her..
Ss tiid not 20
witioh i r 'x*
ue h o w of 15.
(~.A.x.D.~01,66/0f '1839 p.132, 1 ~ ) .
??orwas the phenomenon limited to v i l l c e - oificera.: F m ~ ~ r n C o r
, i ~ t .of*Y-
was found.try tho ~ o ~ l s c t ots
Influence i n the ~ i e t r i d tinto the hand6 OZ ao:?ferjr...::
3 b n i l L.'
~ ?~ ~ - r
atrol;kor officer, Sumon lbnohunder, waa mnneztod with t;-r?Jo',nil5 ~ n i : ~
throlq-.h %hemodiun of his brother.
(B,B.~.D.' V o l .l.%
*f 1855 i415.10/,::;.
EonctfiQeas, i$ sueme sn established .fact "Uct roa?ljrce. t o ti&
C ~ t bo6 3 m t o inarecroo uneejc. 3rftirrh
r g a r t o d in 1840. t k a t the uae of the Co=tu
The Collector of SIri,la;7~1:
to Z c : ~ epa;i-mcnt of .20b4s
was very moat, and tbxL in . v ~ ~ . o m a sa*ory+&~.;,
bcln3ing hexma c.n&
Tho at8tietJce certainljj uhnw an increasir~trend, *haugh
nlao notice
that the relatively smzll n o & a ; ~ i &c u d pogul::.tion has a Inrp s:laro
of the xitiention
- which in
of .weee to the Couta.
,ifpat Ire would e ~ , v w + ,yjvcn tho c m c ~ i t i a m
It i c a130 i n t e r e i t h ~'i?:::f the d i s t r i c t s whose
o r f i a h l e ropart e x t e ~ o i v euse a? the C n ~ by
o r~oxeylon:er8, are ~ C s o
dietricte whore tlze Yrescnca of k,azipant x . ~ o ; : q - d
in partrculzr, saw a groat influx of X z u n ? i nonwjlonc?ets.~
L ~ ; ~t9d.
3ekeen ttie lack of l o c d roots d
t o thc co-*~
cuff ioia::fl,y obvious ;
it ~ 1 x 'with
hesly and cvjitnxy taxes.
:I,*:c ~ . . ~ w Bo f - t h e
: ~ ri li i wxee -06,
He might a l s o be t i ~ e ~ . t c wjth
~ s d hpriacm~rit~
acCsziQ~ Imprisoned.
aai t'co wallmition by Y,o 9d.e
Tilo sec :.J~.:Q; re-.airkd the cX96
MIf a
li!Ws 31s >cC.m
of the rlohtcrs' I~r*.:.se;?oti=cc? ds ,?m
. In tiie m a w o h c a x f , Foc~ntt1f2-cl r i c i , there tre!:c
nit. w a t b > i a on mortgaee
o~ isnocr.2~le,;.~.$l,ert;~n
r 7054;; ty
1972 tho xiuntter hAd incroaaed't o 143.
k 1 ~ 6 doorgee
I n fact,
f o r s o i z u e of azauts, o r i r J y i n m o r i t 'were
often obtained t;olely for the yuqosa of terrorlr.i?,:. %?a debtor, and
x-gl?zl-jq p o p r i a t i ~
whatever s ~ a J . 1q : l a
ju..C.J. 3
he m;ght produce.
Va1.12 of 1851 lJ0.510 pa. 31 ). %e E.i\t::~*-:._r Laacribed by :'ozjbt+
bowever hzd rroaursa to l a w if
The ;b.at, wishing t o avoid nlxdcing d ~ ~ , cin
- ~cie'dt t o the
knian reserves a portion of 1xi.e cr'03n frJr sead f o r tho
o;louing &r ar for the upp port of lLnself
h i s femily
t h e next iz?;%c!:i.,
tke B m i m ,ues k1&a on an old
a c c a u ~ t : o r if he ?ejrr!
one c r c d i t a r k. p c f e r o n c o t o snother
salt is 3xmc.fCete'ly I"ilcr! w.ir,sthhi..
(ibis, pa.29)
Giver! t h i s needy conc2tion of t h e borro*'rcr, : u ~ d t;,e limited
degree of supervision on t:?c 3~2-5
0.: the iendar
accessart t o neclrro repayment.
In w c h c h u i n s t m c e a it ie ohviaua that
in:.t;ti&ud. w 3 v m c s m.el1.
-.-c:;!.t :;auld
be hig11I.y
Just haw c - z i l may be seen f r o m
the operatiom of Fdtchlo, 3 . L , ~and
~ t Cog. cattat: a.?:ney in Kh&nOcsh,
which, i n 1852 &ar:ccC
?3.32,5'j6 t o t i c t9e c m = , on 24,901 b i w s
villz~;os. In Erar.201~talu??at.:c dvancec' mounted t o 23.92 per borrower,
or h 1 . 2 6 p e r ~,i?!".!,
?:hi.',o in k.?l!.lcr 2.8 per head w.3 & v a e d ,
.'::.1 ,22 ?or
It 2s
tem.t .I;:l@
worldnjwpdd .
~ z1. . r e.rain m.d ~iDc~13.rz~ew;s
pvrk~ce ss w e l l e,s catton, md would themfore
even i f
aJvance a 3omewhi;t lar,yr ~ ~ ~ o l . mbut
l :an z:au?i,
thcao vc.r
mil1 1-
wall suz.
r : n ~ ? j l ~ cr t r e b l e t h e
~ ( 3 2 5cf
w 3 b
o r ;:;oneJ-, q.,~f;o
1,l borrowers
The Zinn h d fixecl pricea in Iywe~?kor;
by Sc3rucry ?rlccs
bj Rs.3 a 7-i
would be, in t e r n s of ;..it:;:..;:t.;?c.
all the moro s o Sccacse there idere, or, avc.,:cu,n,
it. ,:till rei?nins
(if kipas, 1,600 lba,), =? +hc fiim 2~unr?.
tb2.t; the
e i q sold alecvhcre, anC askad t h e C o l l ~ c . t ot o~ "i,ircc'; ttAe
t0 aaaist ua in o 3 t a i n h g from tho *c-k
prqcr f u l 2 i l u e n t of the&
oi-. ihcir ou~c.ticstl:e
contractcr~~,h rcpreaeni;itivc of the f im
co,7,-lained t o
Pr=li~~?lr?:::rrsr,-c01.-f!ittec5 i ; ~ l t
you cannot by;. the ~ ~ z n ? ~ fraI
c c - 'xi& cul tiv .t;~..e
i i t h m t ixd&na aC-r.mces oi
B ~ L tO
it is ;mm; you have no ..ocurity 202
m , ~ w 3 nof
3 0 d ~of
from, tne n.;-f;.ce
Chat luoney;
c u l t i v a t i o ~ l ,LW well
f m
an5 their connection ~ r i t hSanyenr m d otltors, it
very frq:uently 'mppena that they will not :.in?
' ~ O Ct : i ~produce
t h q have
r;t ti.:.'. ,~.l.'~:.r:cc:
f ~ c t ,it i n f?apc-?tly uaiaed by sane c l t h e i r
Wrropaana have act, ?nnl
resident on the
kA.9 Z a n i l y Lav?
laoc.ted In tho d i z t r i c t
t!lFs 3f r~*-:ut':;,:c:~;
. i ~ ehas consi2crab1c f = U y
a meam, thorefura, of e r f o m i r ? ~his
zqpoaonts in tb.t \my t l - s t !re b.ve not.
Iia is mbjmt
to.loo;os, anC f a r that very mason e r t a t u cn w?onnow
k t'mwas
p e t
an element of rncrerl Imard as rrall as cliiw.tic
d cqy&
? I C X % ~
tho neccnoit;- of c m f u l r o m z t l o n
and may awl-dn another fezt.r~"eof' the ~aV~2rs'o;erntionsx k!o doling out
of advances in casn and kind a t intervals rathe:
m y be understood as a way of rationin5 eree t, m 5 , d s o of e3surisl~
that it was expended in a m m s ? that l a d to th.:! p?n&uo-Li#;r,,loi sme
tangible mod desired
the sav-,
rather t;~wwe:. to su?ple~~e.nt
a c o n a ~ t i o r that
was miserably low, or placate a - n ~ ag,~easi-.tecredftor.
S i m i l a r eqsriences .mcz have l e d t h e ;llorch~?n-~s
in Eernr to ado$
practice describeh by Reynolds, of purchaair~ytho r?~iGi.ru?crop, '30 'cilat
they did not ; ' a t for the cultivator, t o pick the cat-Lon; if t h q r ::<..I c~:xck
of it would be purloined by ~cul.'civator..
Renolac pet
i n 1W2, wncn the latter m a pl&nir.B t o sen.. 5 hali;rC'1 thmsmcl b ~ d l o c k
load8 of cotton to CPJ.cuttrl. Such l a r s Ceders would be ycticL;1zrly
oxpoaod t o the sort.of risk encountered by Ritc:hLo, Stewat and Co., nr-d
Plan was t o ser.2 ~ i f tz c b r s i n k 3 f!?e 3 i s t ~ i c t ,
h i s a q ~ n t s , esta31is1w3 in every ena ot' the v.illa:,~ei;l that
part of the cm.tr; to pt.c:ace up t i c cotton 3efore tho crop
was collected; i t w z s i>icl.c2 by M s own pco21e,
tile spot .-ad then sent to h u a t t a o ,
ani! packed on
1riJi:ereha 'h.d esterbli&cd
for the pur$osa of c l z a i l i r ~ and
repaclchg it;
tho cotton from thence was. sent' eithor %o : > o h b ~ ror t o Calcutta,
as t h e case might be and ha ' w a g e d to make
?'kdo not hosrover come across bther inst-et!
very lar*
-bight contra1 being
oxucieofi, m d , in f a c t t h e ;atlicrin;. of t1.c c x i : ~c:-r..~..l e f t in t h o kiah
as.: : ~ i n gtho main cauaa
of ir.GebtcA cul1;ivittor was vpr-f f r ~ ~ : ~ r c n ci
It in cuite possi33.0 %!at
9f itz 2.i.r.t.r c o ~ : b t i a n . ( ~ r s n s l . s7362 1293-32).
thc c c s t (22, t\3tchirq
an.?.1 ~ z ~ ~ r r : ~ t2l ; crop
tlta't ii:;.cqod ever
i n hunckocls 'af different ft c l d ~ ,prove3 t o o
n i 0 8 t oavkars.
So we may deecribo the' sitrz~tiwidoel to ?.?rnL;
cluractorisoh by a high d e c e e of i n % o r l ~ c k i nS P!+~; : I C < L ; ~the c m o c ? i t y
a!4 cre:!it mrketa, with the asoocl.at.ed t c ~ 2 c r ~ i e?ova?cls
fionopoly ar.d
,?G29?oo?v; P
the virtuEd a b s e ~ c oof a 1~1(?~
n ~ : < ~ %eratioq
t r
a%-' .?tr w?.e characterisad by sonsidnza3lc ~r,ce~t,zi.:ty,t o which,
,. .- kit~10-
it i.6
&,win., tho r.t.dlr.ess of tho
wzs n i.o::;o-.oe.
pecwt:,:' cuqlus, ns wall tte z e a t flact;iat~.onsLn it, mado m d l
f~g.::cnt li.-mectione rvld
~ 1 . 3 3::~~-r~ill.?~lce
for aucc~sofuloperatic.-,.
wmd t!~er.ef.rc be hick. Ic
;?ow tnc :.ror&.g of n;tke
k e windfa31 @ns
i'rt!: ae:ns
'Gre?:hcnfA1+ : ; c ~ t s'octk
~ : I Cr - z t
C? this
? a p r we s h a l l
ai l?rr 2. in rcsy.3ncc t . ~
of the kc-ri.cari ClivrL
of 3elf-conp&tulation
.: -,f
t h e ,:eL tor a .nec<rssitr
f r m tile i 3 m r ; ~ . ~ ~ ~ ; - ? .~i"i.ch
i t a revenue md public *,ior!:s p l .i::;.w
>in$:t ;h-c!lo:,
m d tho a n t r j of .Eltrope= mcrch:mts I n thc s o f n s s i l
;*c:32 brou:nlt
of hi;>
.:or ,dechdes. Xow, w i t h the bansf icent I:ZI-%.!*.;icc3'
oconmic probl'ms w ~ c l l c ibo solved.
I~ Q P * -tone ai?
o p t m s m pam.der. the 5fficial m i t J s g of tficee ~ o & , and a l s o 'those
of some historians wha have i,por,d t h e ccnjunctural and transient
nature af the prosperity t'ney described.
Tqicdl of n q y o f f i c l a l rcyorts of the tine is tClat ~f Rivott-
Camac, Cotton~Cm.isaioner,for 7867-68.
m, he
A f e w yeare
the cul.l;ivator~i n Vidazbha were deeply I n deb+,
':compelled t o
~.iortga@t h e k cottor! crop. f o r loans, which s y s t e ~tixew
both t h e
tho cotton c r q of a d i s t z i c t i i ~ f ot h e power of s zertsin
who had every object in 1:sc:in~ tkio trade i n th'oir
o m htm6.c.*. Rut, he continues, the Rwonse S w e y bnve the p e a a n t s
2 3 c ; ; ; r i t ~ 3f
tenure, tile high price0 made t n m pror:pcr?)un and free of
C?bt, w h i l s the R a i l w a y Lrolt.?-ilt in outside buyers, e ~ e b l i n gtho cultivator
. ..
a d tho Zon'oay merchant t o .-r,oct face t o face i n tl-le cotton a ~ k e t , . ,
Tho c l i s q u i a t b ~futurc vas ;-elctr;?.tcd t o a footnote :
Since tko pahicr 327n
cul tivat&
Civil ' d e ~
of t h c
have - daubtlcan :elapc;srl i n t a t h o cbxc.nio stat2
of haci. todnesc
fozner yetss *,d
, which chrucacterised
their r.naition &rirq
mch r?f the cotton cro;, is :%-.in
h q d ~
of the nc~eyleri.ers, lorig b:.Pore it seas the cotton m.r]~et.
( ~ i v e t t - ~ a r n a1069
; 132-34)
Prices declined <own t o 1676, ,an6 the Deccan Riots Commission observed
t h a t in t h e Central Doccan tho b
m years l o f t a lew.vf ol" p e a t o r 8cbt
and heavier depoMenco on the savPars8 and tho tL?o..c s?ppears t o have been
true of thc no-w f a v m e d c o t t m produc-
d i s t r i c t 0 t n the Borth.
So thc IUI,*-?decb ?ma-t-toer of 18130 Zecl~z.*s..t
h t "&ropean
fms c a m o t , ~a tt the co.;i*c.l;tioe, cxcsn-i: 5y thc k,ei? of native
w o ~ ~ yr"or
a r u l e s t:le Rlrsr!esh cultiv~^,~i
tlik?~of no mmrlcet
beyond hi6 mor_c.Jlent~.erl
R -roix- :.zhor the Ic~sc.1
- ,f?li-rl-j->?.kg-.
o r n@rte.pd
it s t a t e 3 "the n s h r ! r ? m a ? h?s reccivei dd--lt-&?ces
f ? ~ ; i t
h i s CrcF to, sane villago ia3ne,;-3en~er,-dho
tv-1;'z Iias borrowxi Tram
(~han6eshk z e t t ~ e z8192,221
8-me l s x k , r cepitalist".
.evidence from B e m z presents a s i m i l a r p i c t ~ c e . Far f'ronr meetira t h e
merchmt i t ~ a ct o~ facei' in the cotton rnm'_e3;,
t l hiportant
rnwket of K!m~aon t h e cult.ivrtors brouzht i n only orla-fifth of tho
crop' on t h e k own account, m d w e n + U s bcluZ.~.ilC'cottonbrought in
$. Pr.!.els, who <:ener.dtlly -e:)re~ent a nw-Vcr of v l l l r~GpcJre
: and who
pkobably in n o ~ cp-oes
ilixva ~ o c ~ ~ i v aclvmces
from the Patels..
;ii.;1.3. Rept. 1875-3
er" lea5
.4r~?, :F7;d-i.y, t o aatck B r j e t t s
-:Ae ~eb%ort;:i:;i.t
dycnr'.enca '02 the.crsdi.:o,,
54: r m i ~ ~ c etdo a s t l t e sf :.3solute
. .- - .k;:;2c-;.:, .. - . .-..,.:a.-l;-
W Aa ~ i ; ( i ~ ; t ~ ~ ' ~ d d d n acco~1x.t
% j . c e l Ln t i c -
ster, we have
F q o r t 02' I;ka 3 r c c m Riota
Cor~wission. ,L, stroag cane f w c jnthdw ~ i l l : i . : ~ e - l e . - a in
l economic
q t r u c t n c . betimen tho 1'830s a i d j370s c u d tilcreror:? he made: chrxse
cclllJ Se 8aid t o be confined t o t h e upper l ~ r e l aof 9-a w k e t
SO,. va hoar .that i n Khandesh t h e Lrnr.1
tsir1ca.~mlO3t g c - m d
t ' 3.atiaa
fm Bombqy, ''maatera of the new 5r.r: e ;J:r rail :a3
a.kcg', 2:12 $!I&.
E&ropem fj r n s 'incroasin&y c a m t o ccc.r~?y t h s a>-r:
z k i t i n g kierarcw.
~t t h e inPort?rt ~ ; . z k e tcjf
Almost tho w:lolc
t r a 2 c i s 31-;.:Y 2mds o.C t h e
agencies of t:m 3om'wy 42cropcan f k=:, ;.I~.jc::n. P i l l . C
, Rnt. ten
s r o t h e ~ sanh ?16-orrj. hdC.:?n, Eythell a-:?
oz twelve <%cnts cf Boabay native mcrcir.v-its.
;1!3%? t h e t r a d e in t h e i n t e r i o r was
$:?c IVE,?E
L-u"r:c?~aqC local moncylenricrs who f=::lcd
rr,?onues o r wcrc o t k i e r w i a e 4 c c o ~ e c t !..--i-'i
e ~ .. 1:; t fAvcme;:';.
t y fio~g-ees~clda f t e r much o p p o a i t i o i ~
i~crc;lmtsof Bont&v (mated t h e l o c a l oal;iJ.clists and
,?zt~.blished: i L ~ r . c i c sin'one
:c;IL!.~ cl?.icflSf
:!;zing .::he 35-~t;1-.::2::+, rails (J ~ ~ + Otob
C cr j
, then,
~ c o ~ r d i nto
g e r o y ::-.?spccts, ;-.r!1rarl2e3 .-ax
7 2 ~ et o t h e
la~l.lhol,iersant? Lhc? ??i.::.ciuce i s ba~~.:;:~t.
t :.cu rztm. ( ~ ~ 4 0 9 ) .
of t h i s na?:!l;:c:
w c r e of c : ~ u r s et;,.c ~ c r ; u l tof b e t t e r
c o m m i c e t i o n s by road, .,:ail \nnil telcgap'r.., .:+a ?Jsc nf t h e cLLm6-s
t h e conposition m d ,-.cf i - ~ i i : i e sof t h e 3m.bay .r.!o:.:c?ont::
ljy ' J i c z i ~ q r . i j u t , as a s s e r t e d ca,rlii?r, it
t h a t tho villap lev&
C, :I.+,?
c a v co ;..x-e
r m a i ! ~ ~ ?~tr.;(:tu--i..'~ly
~ l r s l t m n r l ' btilt
cottop. boom o r thc new r?.?.ilvay. Put
cc&:u;'~iw noted
2 z . z a ~ l pjntc?r.:littentu.
nr, ?-:pz;.?c~?l; wmild Se =it@
and ! ~ - . . l t i n ~ ~ tiie
l y , n c n c betveen
cre:lit ES~S.?.cornii.~ciitjrwas br?.;yinningt o d i s a o l * ~ e ,
The o n ~ e tof t h i s c",Lscolution r . ; ~t o Y , o . ~ ~ ciP;;~ the
h 1889 A-F. ?foodburn was c?mv..+uedby the Guuorrwre>t of 3oube;r to
?fiql~i;.oi n t o economic con:iitions, atld he sent out c: questionnaire t o
in nine dietricts.
One of hi^^
queries waa t
IU it customary for rayate t o
their .,;rod;rco
t h ~ ~ 4 l v et os mmket for sale, or i s it c;-:atoirm;
.for tllm t o h C C w a y t h e prorhice to t h c k
If both c u s t o m exis-i;, is either bcctmb-.;Soze marked
than it w&,
anL+~r;=,-,t; .zro the reaeons7
lir rummarised the answers received. as follows:
himaelf i s becoxkg more :?=ovalsnt
h , ~ e ~ c. lt w a
is noted in.this rospoct F-1 Satarag ziso b;: t 2 e
xqkrgaon SuborCinako JuIUms3-.
tbio %hila
for his hmb-<ivi.s5on 51
The IaLldur3e.r Subordinate Jw'p says that
in k s ' t Qlandcsh s t i l l mostly
h1(1 w o r
proctuoa to their s a ~ . + ~. s The
( b d e e h ) saye thtit, a z c q t mong the Gu;)ar 2uri~i.s.who
axe thriving anril qrosperous
, i t 13 c u . s t m s r ~for
~ rayats t o
Tho '9ubardhato
hand over their proace to their eawbms.
Bhad@m (Khandeah) s&;s*that a3.l M o b t e d ;k?yate do ao.
is mitie b o u t -debtea
m a ; it i s .also ~ a l a
.tiat i n the n a i ~ o u ~ ~ oo:.;taa
way: m t a sell .+roctly't o
deslorn much pore thah l'o&erly*
Poorla, Ahne&zgaz aird bs h e
skwlcar .at hm-rost, -ad 'sellat.the r e a t of.:his..produce himaelf.
&tna&i the. common renark is If there is . w.surplus, the mot
sells it hinsou.
. .
at ztementa of the
~~. in w e fow :Uatricts ( A h z a w ,
Potma, Snol~pur,Satam) -.much
that is,. the
the same
or" the Sibomtinate
sells his poduco b a e l - f ,
02 han~ng.ww .to
of PhaaJesh &d nerzly the whole of .i-ik
it is bacon*
s&~ka3!is becanii-i-mm?:less cc~le-me ~ n f i ~ ~ b
the ~ ? . e d a . r a@.
more om.on for r w a t s t o bend over ..l;!~oSr pmCuoe t o their
This i s af'tributail to tl'rcsir increzmeb k12~ebtedne~s
Nttizy: th&
more i n tho aab4mr.s gotier... .Hr. Earmr, %i issis-tz~~t
Collect of
mites 3 "In the dangi 3a+;t3 tho main i s , almost ~v:-xiably-dia~~)~cd
t o tho ma&ax$
in other places
Lf . the *t
i s .verg.m h in debt,.
satrlcaz s e h e e . his -hare before it leaves. tka..Lhrashhg floorit.
In Bij?.p,ur it is noted -that the custom for the \zzyats to s e l l their.
2 r o ~ . ~ cti~enaelves
baconn mwh more am-nm,. cnd.z..;'.to. the, influence
of tine R d . I ? ~ t y . In Thiura and R . t n a @ r l , the'Haxil&mte
. .
r2parta .do r a ~ t
er mrc*eriall;f,*om
ths' Subordinate Judgeis !.:
;;ico4burn 1889: ,4?)
dno need not labo-JT f l coi1.t-wt
t o X,e zitaat!-n7 til2.t ha< e...is5clJ.
fifty years bcfore
A Gettlemen?: officcr ic ~~f
S h ~ J i z...?or:
had c m ~ e n t e db- ? 063 t:~;..!;k\e 3-;.se in ccttot:
Xis ~ u c c ~ ? s s oir,vestig-.tcd
:;.i.c~>s. it.^,, .uencfi LC:'.
i F c c l l e c t .the interest clue +o t h e . ) i? I:.i_;.:'"
the v z t e m of c o t t o n .?,-r::~t.in:.:So;;m
r-:thzr SL-:,;; i:".~
ir. ' ?!(,;
: i i i : ~i -e.lLrrg ~ S ~ Q L I
and f w ? , tlmt b p o t h c c n t i o n of t h e c-op i-.;;?bii.~~t
.-L.>,.;;~CCE ~ 3 . 511,:t
and is only h ~ recourse
t o by poorer :-/?ts
in want of a s u d 1 mount of mor.q: T c r ;?r,,::a',t
have no choice but t o tdca i t on thc -tc;i2~.:1:ict.c.icrl by
~ L =vkar;
i n cu::sf.deratior~ of t h e no?,?:j i'.+!aisc? the
~ a v b ztakes ,-..?.y..>o::f
~ J Ikin<
price aakcut ?1,:.1.:'
c;: %l;e, i , z k r ? t z:..tc
ol" p\Yrnent.
none of -,no
C. f
fi.li;;;. :.t t h e time
' :i , S
?:CI? t k t
st:-:A:..d. cnce~c;?i n t o sl.?ck. cc,nt.-xcts,
a d in f e w o t h e r 'ii1.r:: o,-,iy t h e poor 'r,\:ots l ~ ~ clone
r ?
so, an2 th.q'~ n o t t o t h e c x t c n t of t h e ::?i~:,\ieof t h e i r
crop b u t orL:r .to t h e r:;~obnt requirc.Z
;?c- o i P t h e i r
I think t h a t Chc c?u!:s r t r l ~ r ~ c cb.d.: %!~esav1~azs
on t h i s %ye of contract, n u z t be fox: T..-.:ll
only, for
when I
enrliliq; wk;!? .:.kc. r. )cx in
?rcferencc t o ma.!~Lqe such r.li!lous
ap?ljr t o t h e Cfiverxncnt for T;uta-ji &-car..:es,
ill:: r,ot
T. was
told tk.t .the mc-mts borrowed were s.:;*,II, mi tho
incurring the debt did not think i+.
.to tam tho extra trouble..
8m.o vill-s
.. (H.G,s,' 350:7,3).
s a v h r s noted c h m g e ~of i;~lfaa c t r t d e o . +t
of them spoke t o ar: o f f i c i a l canmiseion i n 1552 L--.K o l ~ , o n ,Ahma&lelpr
'rlo lend only in ,this ~ 1 1 1 lend
less - l i i a i before
:he r i o t s /?375j),and
only .when r e ha! m. m m .
m o t s aupport thmsolves by a e l l w t h e i r yzcrtiuco.
it off t o B , m o r s e l l it t o marcFants from Bombay
2a.r cacin., m.e -&A-o
now go
f o r ti-&ir,g
in grain,
c l o t h etc.
One should howwer
tho 'merchankfl o system
~ 02 d=c\;u~*
an iibso'jutb trsnsfonnation i n
:mch ti.d.n(;s m a r a t e i n
India, Thore
wore probably st111 q snvkars, who, liiie those of h d , Satma
~ t r t h ~ & o r a ,tho 1880s haS been modoreteQr pror;~o:ms
p a r s , while
the tun of tho c e n t w j se.w a cyclo of devczatati.lrj faminos, folJci:ed,
i n the firat decade of the twentieth
oontuqr by scv:~;1
acute .
Under them conditions, tho crop-lie;: q s t m s e a s t o h w c
received a new lease of life.
&atin@, Director
4wi-cd.turo, stated
In 1912 that the f a m e r *moften farced to.nort@?;'c U s omp i n +lrmce.
In s m o cases the atand*
crop0&&t bo old f o r x Iwcp man pRid BOW,;
i n otnors, an advance m i ; S t be taken throo or fouz- month9 before tha
!%vcat w i t h intare ...t :..t 9 to 18 p a * zar.t, ccrd the crop t o baeold througk
ti;a crop si&.t bo .lalbl in forward Seliverf.
the ravkar.
A x r a t ~ ~ a nor
~ at k v ~ ~ * i okin&
a e n+ittimod abwa are very
b e e . just
in tho car0 ui' cotton, an2 a far ;pc:us
the fsminosJ noit of tho cotton crop c h n @
Q I C ~t o n e ,
hsnds on
but dr?rwmcont yeam tho cot'tm c u l t i v a t o a
of DlanGeah haw, profited greatly by file&-) ; ; I?
jricoa of
cotton an(L are able t o dispenee t o a l i ~ ? ~ yextent
zdv~rcos, and t o &-e
bettor b a r e r~ftez.thk'haxveet,
oiw 25 p e r cent of the Bhandeeh ootton c 2 q
1912 : 15741).
lhis trefid persir; ld
. thc 19298, wile:: tile Indian
CL..:tmit Cottori Zikr:.i::.i;ec'cizrisd out a series of
the f i f i ~ m c.and m ~ d e ? : i ?o,f~. cotton
1927k8). and
,.t,. ..-.-r:.:s cmc:.-ed
:'; t
once <I 32~26). Scvcr~3important
re::v2tu enorged.
t.ese e q e i e a ,
in' Sin&, wore ::m2 ~ ? A F Q F G ~ ! by their
in the dispcaal of t h e i r !f).
Xq scn.?'regiolro
lndere todk undortakhga fram t h s barm:.rero -;;hat the c r q
would be eold thr3wwn of
them; but in 3er= .wti.X~andcsh.:no
*written or vorbsl undertakhc
Giva this circumoteaco, it i a not ~ L Z ! . J ~ P &
t:%t the
k l a l or agent of tho big c o t t m maro!=?t
lord t o tho 'culti\rrt~:r-t,
unleoe he
o r firm did not
avkrrs as \:all*!.(i.c:c..c.
as'rn a i m kaa.lt
such dooe not W e
i 17,. 19).
BB. l a i d
t b are= imroctf'p-ted the.ds.lal
direct part InfLnmcing t f ?cultivatorsr
(p. 17). . I h e fin<in(ra o? this survey were roci>nfine~
by the Bylking
Ehquixy Carkittoo8 at
the end of't h e hventiaa.
!he 2 2 . &Bcxw
m e stated in its Report tbt '*asa general rrae 2 0 ~ e . thd
~ s fc?ctfrf
indebtedness does not prwont the cultivator frca= obt&ing
a fair
price for his >reduce, nor deprivp him of a r e a ~ r n ~ 3 ltime
for ite
before t h e hanrost.
were fen: to lend t o cKttivatw6
*We made uamful enquiries in m y vill-s
did not f h J &at t h i s s;ratern resulted in
noticezble shu338,.sm?
Jltliou& tlie loan resulted in t5e crop b e i n g - ~ ~ it:xm&
the bmbrer
who hzd ai!vmoad tile mone;l. es a matter of oustom,
obligation t o do so".
hu cmq&ios
i d , 1 ) .
there wss no lo&
.Referring a;~ecificallyto Bcrar,
skiow *hat t5e moun* ackancwl by b ~ k e r s ,
etc. is ,-el.-~:Avc3.y m ~ l 1 . Tlz2 ~ : ~ ? z ?fxlT i e f
t h c t t'aqynadvance l?zge sums an c o ~ ~ f i t i c-itl k t the
l i t t l e foundation in fact..
(ibid. IIri61).
Tho culleivutors themselves had no complalntg-. t o m r c t l i t h regard W
the oporatim~.of lending adatyirs.
rtM1a.r picture emerges
(ibid. 1;198).
A carparatively
fron tho Report of the 3oinkc~-Ea5uirga
c x c c ~ tir, Sind, htit Cllt&zh
I abozirinal tracts
e. ~ i . ~ l - : . i v z ~ oindebtedness
clloeo not umiid1y
of b l I"recrlwr~
tc; dfspor,e cT ~ L produce
tiin:,s bcetoi. (2.2
i:; tnr? ;r;:irnor
1: 57).
h?ian :!ills ~m(:f o r o i f g p u c h - l s e r e in t h e wr-:et ,t:.~*Icit ''hpoesG:i.c
f o r :i:c
t o strike ~ ~ r e j u j i c i d lt hye
k m p c t ~ t i - r rn.!,ny a k t y 2 7
C , 51.1c:.::-.C t!:e!j
I'fiere w6.s koon
not g i v e n
C?i::i::,-ti.tion to scc:?zc
tj.4;ic.n n:.t r r , ~ ~ ~ c!_lre ; r .i'r.c
ai.2 .liostlvantaees.
tho z"x~v.--;:
so keen +kt,k - 1 Dl?twr.l?i ' rick.,
e*min;y wczc? "h.rsly..in excess of the riinimi1:'.
rli&, bxt a160
So tile peasarts of' . J P ? ' ~ ~ ~Akola
C ! , Listrict,
the ':sf-i::(~
3 i ~ ~ i r that
- y they wort t o h a o c t i :,3. %h9y gsined.t3.5
- .:thc
cotton by ph-g t h e r e .
(c.F.~.~A.L'.11: 93).
frm z w k e t w i t h a bad reputation
;. 2nd
so, -'or
name that t h e cotton 'ocgw, f c
fn the hTagpur D l a t r i c t u n t i l
!kc 1x.d ~onopaonicsr?f
wi:c,ltly ~:isapr?arecl.
Trace c o - d d
instrace b~19Ci-8
~~.tl:..ai&t t o
c c ~ ~ a e yrevaiicd'.
l?undrnB years e c l i c z
The reader may porha~sM e found cin;self ~ l i $ l t l ylost in
the d o h i 1 of t h e rxevioas scctionc; but it ~hou3.C. L o now 31e8~t k ~ 3 t
t h e stmcture af the comodity-rc?Jt
Setwoen swr, 1840 mc?1920.
c ; ~ ~ r clramatf.cally
A t tho earlier date thc bulk of the
6 g i c i 1 l O ~ r a lcmm;ta~litieeentered the market as r. mwmCt9f p r o v i m
arxl both commodity and cro5.it markets trc?i'e t?~x=fiterisd~
centurj with i t a unbridled ompetition, ..wherewils.'::2
lossco m o s s
aom frw. the excesses of competition than f r o m the rcrrtraints upon it.
'1?1ef~.ctof this rnebaw,rphosis having O O C ~ Goooe establiofied,
one i n inkitably lec? t o seek i t e causes.
Some el" the p o s s i b i l i t i e s
hzve alzeaijt rcppearcd i n the ~ r e c e p~ wg s
aa f o r instances, the
inpmements i r i canm;unicztions n c ! t h e appc-=JK:e -'up.-countq' of
Barnbay a d Europe'm
the mow*
I I I C . ~ C ~ Z ~;
. + t3
5j i t s e l f howcvcr
?&on tho peaoante could ?ow s e l l a t
, W:is
presenao of
i o . r,oS
& U - a j r
atdf iciently ;owerful
atationa o r rron-lacs; merchants
woule of ,no mail unlasa the po;r.saht was free to =:coL
in other w o r ~ sif it was not mart-d
for debt.
!zis own pmdkcc,
?kc c?rJection is not
merely 1 0 ~ ~ 5f
1 .w e examine anat'ner cotton .qo?ting region -me,er the
Bombay ,pvernment, viz.,
Sind,.we find that down to ?;he 19308 ne5thcr t!.c
large-ecde opemt;ion of farcign m o m , nor' cansid~ra3ubr2rwaaent
i n c m W w t i o n s , c a d shake the hold of the savhxc on t'le pc"zuoc-:l.s.,
on .tha comcockity markets.
md, conse~ilontly~
C C ~ the
C ans.*isr 'lie 2. ? i o n 8 2eosrilt L?ca;eq :i The years
T ~r;rfinrl:d.yin
tlte c r v p e d z c z .
i?'f nally
, the
the p s c n t c e n h y also' R a w the -c:iden;-oaL :.;'y~tianof
- d o u s of
f ? h u r h k p l e cotton 5y the p - s a t s
ki i~h:k~>
a d . Vi&bh?r;
ray lwr6 3een an increaoo in tangible propcr.LSS of vtisiouo oortc.
~ s r c t s . mcl1 iis c%ttle, houses, i m y l c ; ~ ~ ~ek.
dl 'oOc.qantn in a nwber of vill?.qea In orio Deccm.
but exolucLti
r.. i
- ". .-.
..--.--. .. -.c.. )
vdue-, L
UstrZcts mc- ~ d t oirnii;::,.
= o t r i c t s of Khanrlesh &?d DSj~.:;ur showinc i.li*er
w!.tk $!lo cotton
ammis, also a faaf;.~e
~f J1asik, prohabkv a b s 7 ~ e f i c w
of the wheat em,>ort boom of the. 1880s.
Mob1, we unfortunately
l a c k com::r,raSle
d a t z f o r ah e a r i i c r period but
the ltterarg- 3 e s c r k ~ t i o n sappc~mt o int?icate tifit .zran t&
-mount of p r o 3 e r w
w ~ . 3no-l
to be been i n the 3840s.
Thus, Forzett wrote i n 1846:
Sqrond the precL;?cts. ~f the .towns, sutd
F2.l itmy
cont:mints and out 'of the l i n e of' tits i?im mar?s,
t h e vill-s
consist, f o r the most a ? t , of 1..5.r.era.blo
hu+s, LrAabitec? bsr
a aqualie pea8ar.ti-y > i h x s very
a.ppe,?sexze 2cnotes
ctato of destitution.
Ar~r: in
villw;es orhich ?yesent n b e t t e r Aspect the e-:r?,uirar
a r q o r t on the zencr:.2 cor_Ci';ion of ~ r t ~t
. r;zre; ir. the $8808,
procperous krluks in the ccmp-~ativelyveal thy r e d o n cr" b t
KhanAesh s2oke, in 1845, of t!:e vi2lag-c~as poor, co::sLsting largely
cf mud hcts w i t h one o r tqo rooms, ,CUIQ ria fu~mituro
The cmmunitj. c ~ nj:r;i;::
of e3a!os$ exc,i*x
l i t t l e 'cut theiz :mll::.cks: a
y l o m ara? i-~z(?:.t: .:. s w 1 l 3tock 01..?a:
L few
u t e n c i l s and t21c wccz.t~' m i i e z t /hat
sn< nz, bt3l?cet3
t':38class ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ c J of
o Hnor0
o o u .
t!mn a few ornanotlts of triflir~,~
vr.l:uc k..t-a ?L;cr,
occasion of robbery or through othez
chmnels o c c w ~ o dto notice.
(A.c. Zf?.avrms 22
Zf therefore, tliere r.%s ~ o m cincro.?.oe i r k tl.:c
j d p s u e ~ s a dby tho i . l ~ : : a n ~ . fvc
; ~ ,csn .90c
of sciwkc
% tl.19 :iwtrists we
.all assets
anrl .Nas&
.5r;)--1rc~ on
avaiiabilfty 09
lerw= collatcrcCl?.
to the
u3scto, c i o q i t e t h e inclusion ' 6 4 t!r.e unindc3te;l
.+;hi inrei~~..vs.T ~ , S L .1.Cr;3t,
.a.no$ii~rCi;301; for the
so? 5.e o u t o t ~ ~ ~ C i ndebt
c~x?er!- r i . ~ rclose
;due of tl;o nan-la19
- the.
::.:-:sets other
the,-of'ox, rsuat ' h e been appzo~ching
an: i't i ~ ;~)(:teworthy-!hit iii thoae Xstrictr~.
bbtll Ju<.~Y>s
%~i: i;?xL~..t~%z~
2 : ~ 3 ~ 2fit..t; M v f i of
erne ~ c a l o ,
'Ijqrwed incomes a t G \matt; asaetn Mcl ntj4 th~xi:Sora, nac;r:sarily
Sam tho end
the crOp-=l%en
e;rfftan, but -tihey z,?; -.re11
!Ey7e be3un Ct
::!ien the farmer io indcjjendcnt, thc ~ ~ P J i
F T ~ C C O of
the pext ,season, ch.: t h e
OF, t h e
f m e m ' ~C O S C S S ~ ~ L C,S ,should
the f,amor, h o m e r be b a y
off mid i n d ~ b t e ?to the tx~der,-&e t.i,vacc
3ut Lf tke m
c&k~I.~l;kedon t m s
namowed, advance pturchasa mi-*t.
s e ~ . ~Ce~ be
praf ifabl o , ~ h . K u l k . 4 ,Cotton &perviaor, K~LW.J?GII,
docline of the dvance s a l e wjo.tem
terns of
tlie b e t t e r . s h t e of the cult,ivators ~.nda l ~ o20 t k c hi&.*
that goes on hatweor. t:m when p i c o i fl'lctcate iloi*vily.
tilo s e t t l e d
the prices go d o ~ mthe merchants will not
price to the cultivators, but w i l l find Izult vith tho
clcanllnose or tiie bl:.ck particle8 o f b r a c t e ~ l ~ r tsr)lilc
wkmn prices are hic;h
cultivator w i l l s e l l h i s mad
lot to ~cnothorPEC'I: i d l f l ~tr) tile ~.erct]aT!tfr(l~1
wiim the
ahoat d
w a w and is a
TC th3
are @ n a y more clever trim the cultL\-,&ors in Ei:.cling
(cotton Ctteo. 1919, XI: 26)
B ~ i d ~ q t l ythe
, aucces~fuloperation of t h i s c y a t m ~requlred the
leader t o posses8 a hi&
d c s e e of control eyer
bcrrower, and anyt:t.',r.g,
mck as rising ificome or Licreaseil l o o a l competition, w'hicll roiuccd t!r:c
lenders ' power would tend t o undomine the viability cf. t:?o operatior,.
So i n c r a a ~ o dincoo.as nay accomt for p ~ & .of -the,
doc1 ina i n ciavbn-
But the h p m v m e n t e were a m q l p .so g=s?L to cnacipate the
peaseatry8 in,the 20th o e A m y as in the g9th most how&olds
fbrr)elWe w i t h law anil *mae,-trrin L5canac an;! borzoviz4; zmabod aontral
k their survival.
it d
Xf the ar,v.-p:q
had baea d o u n t o erxorca orop
d have bem impbed on the maneraus p r
fribal -1e
mere were
of t ? e re@on,
as ;5 t was on the
w 12.25'0 r~mbersof ir;c?Lmt
)rrraote who would ?m in no posftion to reffist; :fat the q s t a n of ckop
mla3Vely oxceptia,~al. It is most unlikely tht.f t h i s sb'~.?%ge+varcaul&
itie ,jcmmil without same G e b o of aonaurranm an t2ie p&
ab a&&mss,
t'iem ha8 to be striat I f n i t s to creCit, lead*
sort of rationin s, uith
k liuit
h posel3ility
':'moI .to.+he *-fit
ef the s k 1 . z
-:ept -tot ma1 'qiWar.cas,
often in kind, in ordor
or" 5iver"aion Zrom its avow62 3urpase
.of the smhr, Fur-Lhemoze, ,an the camp
*!s aU?t not otht3rwiao deliver t!! sttlpul~teu:.xduc?::,
fn baa
%. had,discwerad.
atid &.no, .of
as Z i W o , Stern*
so~sonethere niefrrt &=d be the need to roU.
orodit for a o t h e r eeson, or.* d a d e t c iot t b o credit02 Emd Por
k b ~ l L w i t h tho risk @f lose awing to M e rlez.th'br n - ~tzaticn,
big ~ m i m n ti b ; l d . t
~it met
. af~icisntto c w t w t
loc?sl s a v y , uld the ctZt.;.v.::tnr would .qencr&ly ffnd
t h r o e this
(as Forjet lmintcd out).
Them - m . l 8 obviously a lia -'.tebnmi'cler of til-oshing floors that the .
covld v i s i t in one season; and the nut~bcro?
..I,~z.i.to v - i l l - . s voul
How, the om~loyncntof a larger r?zylGhl .i? f e t ~ o rtrw::.ctfgns
be even fcl;sr.
coull ;~ivc!the scvlca increase,.?.profit
:z e r w - c-s
ml, if he cboze, iqcroaml Isisme
in the ntqrket structure th:.), c-xzllence' in '%!o
:hi ?-lgt'n c:?nt;ury &ve tho savk31.a. as a class, pzeci~e!_y
t h i s qparbmi*!
%'hie c h a i q ~was tho merwncc
a feirly ;:ctiv-ra lam?.
. .of
an l, at t h c sane time, the otoa:y p o v t h of the p~~;d!ntionsinm t h e c r i s i s
~ t h c ~ ! s r tho
zt t h e b ~ g ~ of3 the
g ccntwjr, bcipn t o make ii;selL' i'3lt.
t a e j on Ian.?, an' create !'
R ttrlii'orm
:l tzan~f:e:?~.Sle
to Tan: unsl.ar the
. :labt w r ~
new .Surycy sfstan. LoLa pmxos9ou f0,- the = o ~ a . c . r jof
an.?.s i q l i f l e ? .
them c ~ c ~ : . a s ~ ~d?vl~.sre
c e s , f !l.o!xL*out our -e@oii 30-
t o fin2 that they hai, s new iocurity fcr the .'.i.?30h-~~w
of :oLt: $.he reizvm
an? s a l e of tile 3ebtor's 1222<.
The lm: narlcet
s t i l l , howwer, m ~ o e n tea.' hi~k2yinper. act, an.!
in ma?v ceaa3 there vocll? redly e x i s t n o t f w lG:a
for Ian*?. G i ~ e ntho a.ttacher_t of poasanto t o t h e i r
m i g h t oxcoc.l m y other c o n c e i v ~ b l eoffer for it.
mote in 1873:
~.t,zb!.irrhc? xir?cet v2lue
their om v~J.~~.tim
, Cc.llcct-\r of
m o t s imraziably s o t a hi,*ar >rice -spin t h e e L a d :s thm
'they are r e a l l y worth, an? w i l l mt ae a r u ~ opart w i t # , +hitz for 5hc\f-,. actt.cJ
( ~ h 1.985
cx2laited [!it
This o m v a l u a t i o n of c o l l a t e r d . could be
+he moneylende~, i h ~
tj t h r e a t s of foreclos-no carlc? extract
'nore from the 4ab.i;or t b
other tt?cnr.t r l a s 1ril:eU to
( e,q, BtlHd-*I
The Bccan Riotc Conmission noted;
1?84 171).
the aor.~!zz's ob jeot..
.io tc obtain t h e . m a t v t grodcce;
he nr?-Icoa advances against tllia security: .he doc.-. not
' G S ~ ~ Qt o
obtain tho land unless the profiSs 2o:c .l,?r,d
are excentionally high, ,as Ln'the lowly zgoe3::cd d i s t r i c t
of thehagar,
o r unlosr. awing t c t h e com?ctition o f .
other crcZitore t h e roturn t o be made out of h i s Cobtor
i e lecu than t h a t recoverable from t h e land.
3c long as
t!lc zr>t~!:-r has a ~~onf,:::ol;,r
of hi8 debtor, he c:.n secure
not oxily the s r o f i t
a ~ i c u l W e but
sot;ew!mt a180
of hio 1 ~ 5 ~ .wlren
0 ~ ~his
; monqoly is 1nf~&.c2, he: takes
c,T his
, ii"i.-.!
!Re i q e r f e c t l y devel.oy?ed 3 k t e of ' t h e lend in.,r?cet 1s
shown by the Csmissioo'n ccmnnerk '&at a s l o v ~ l x e swere,
f o r ~,?sh.......~~ (i31cl.60).
Imperfectly dovelopod though it ' m i @ t Se, +he 2:2pemano6 of z
m':et f o r lend, me the savk-x a.now eecwi-ty, mrl n new hold on .the
. t ~ .there ria:.:
dettor. T ' l i ~1m12l.J. pami+, a 1 : x ~ rextension of ~ ~ 3 2 wince
othor than t!!o person &d crmo of .'i:.o
the nbcossity f o r c r e d i t ratjonin?. and f&-extreme
mastly raduccd
.. fn f a c t
~ T i ~ ~ k at
i . him.5
! ~ ~ ~
acme e a v k w , ::~f.;*t
.'n%r . p i ? s i t F ~ ~ l y
t h e accumulation
m d the e m i r ~ sof labour,
Cekt in order t o a22rn?rinto both the profit0 of l.r
Rot nrzr w w lend ?re i l l i q i x i ~ l.sect
..: hy the e.wly
20th century t h e r e w s . a o t e a d i l y g o v i n g volume cf t r m s a c t i o n a , h t h i s market,
a&the - saV&s could readily: ,turn,
.!ILR property back ir,to cs~h.
the Crop-
l i e n 3yst- was a:)xndoned p a r t l y becxasq of L~prc?-~mients
iq t h e eoonm.ic
eituztlon of a section of tho. ~eas&:tx$, h 2 t mainly b e c a u ~ eo< the c i t w in
o a v w 1 s security. as re=&.
Cases of conconitant v a r i e t i o n
If tl& e q l m a t i o n of tile diaappeccrancc n f t i . c p r z c t i c e of in-i,erlcclcLi
o r crop l i o n is correct, we shovld e x p c t t o fin& it t o l ~ o r s i s tin ~ z e a s
where 1:sr-d as s;.curi'iy was unava.i::.--%lc:sr unce'rtaic.
trib;)L-.irhz'oi'keii b e l t of >..ills3~1; I'orzsta
t k 4 . t
One such w e a wrm the
frbged t h e plains of t h e
Tho inxcessibi25t;r oZ t :cr;c 12nd.s ~ro6ldl e a ~ tl o t h e i r entering the.
i ~ ~ k r:uch
e t l a t e r tla.n tlzosc oi- ttlc p;:;ins
that l o f t . t L t ei~n %he posses:ior,
ri.js ~ o ~ s e s s i ntlie
it w ~ r s , i n .:.'act t h e i r menality
$:if t h e 3kLls zt ~ ~ 1 1 .2krti=ermorep
pro4uc t i v a of i.i.ttle :!,&rantage
.Hinciu s e t t l e r s shunned these u"?vceri.dCcn
as c s s t s
fcaciblsl hc.;c~nr, it woula ger,erallyoccur, as T<ir h .,
- -,.: - ,. ~e- cin S h i m w
cf 't!&st I.&,m?ct;!~G i s t r i c t , ~ J ~ c rbetween
1998 ,wd. 1917 *,kc 3hils lost =ch
T?~ldtr: La.5i.s. ?s.?j?ntsand Gujms.
569 ih'.3.):.~2).
3enca wc w i g '
it 'c?;a.i: t h e S h i l s survived es c u l t i v s t o r s only i;..h~;:e t;?c la'?. r;r;J in
of l i t t l e vo1w.a.
arc czsq, poor arid rna,rgimJp i.e. [-El%he 20th ~ e l i t z > ';hey
reccit~od.a r w ,?,i,a€
c?dditi.onr,!. protectZor.
t h e cree.tion by thc Gorom:en.t Qs" s s ~ e c i dL.c.::licnabl.s
,enme intsn7cxi to prevent t o t & o q r o p r i z t i o n .
Irl f;:c ';e.~?scf seai'ri'i5; Fc.2
therezore, t h e E h i l ii.: .i:ze 20th c c ~ t u r yiIe5 in m ~ c ht h e same s i t u a t i o n
W tfie
ordirl?y hem p e . x ~ n tk2.6 ?jeer.
t h e e x l y :.;ocadee of the 19th.
kt surprisir?:*y, t h e savkrzs p e r s i s t e d w i t ! l t.ha .~r;.-;le~ c t h o d s . W.G.
mote of PiTlipdncr t ~ J u k a ,'&st Khmdesi? i n 1869 :
The people seem
be ,aJil!ost sveqwhore ta 't?c -rnry bzdly
They allow t o bein?
i.!:zi.r :.rmt of
.wC they seem almost i m i v c r s a l ~ yt r , Zoo:: t o 'cl:c.
the rsawkw f o r t h e i r assessment, f o r peed f'cr l.11eir f i e i d s ,
and 'man f o r t h e fooc! of t h e i r f m i l i ~ s
beti.:ccn k c r v e s t s
.a state of t h i n p vhich kiss passed e:.'ay Fr. n o r c f : ~ v o u c d
ibo z a n k ~ r ul i v e in tk~c:;RZSX villages,
and a f t e r b m c . - t , !y) :.3o:..t
'buy, o r rat::cr
from villa,-
t o .t:.~.kc on ~ c c c - m tth e
to vill'age t o
of t h e i r
d i f f c ~ c z t clients:;. \.::.C .E. 570: 60).
Thr? s i t u a t i o n h d hanlly ci::.?v.-:~'.-.qhf+nttlo Col!.sctor of V c ~ Khmdosh
?vii.snd:c t o the Ewal Co;:.nissiox:. on A g r i c u l t=e
i n 1.!27 :
The zow;-.ar dvaiices t h e f i . - ~ c koi r B h i l norC;Y :tgair.;t
his crop before it i a w o n sown m d p r w i l l z s rec?d; c;her_
t h c crop i s r i p e t h e -s$-ycx tzkco t h o v~holcof it mcl
croclits t h e cultivator with what incay, o r u=.:,.?ct be tilo
value lea^ advances 5 t h e lk~uchf t h e n
>la.cr! acc(..vr.t
from tho sowcar what m9nc:q he wants or h~
the account is lcept miming indef i n i t o l : ~ .
& ~ t~ ,:1 i .
.i, g. 11
A s sxother o f f i c i a l d o s c r i ~ i ~ :t!le
: s'mc o i h a t i o n 1m.d bccassion to renzzk
T'hua, ir, spite of t h e protaction ~ ~ f f o r d
by~ td i i ~tenureP
continuca t o
tke 3Danh
l i o n ' s s h ~ z ooct or' t h e
lmd, and if he i s r,ot tfic master of chc
certainly tllc master d thc nominal rn~ster0.: +he lanfiei.
The other instance or the nature of securit-;- =Icte;~:tL?hcthc c ~ e r a t i o &
is the case of j~ul_production.
lis t::c
irrigate 2ortions of t h e i.'eestcrn h c c z n , t h e water
systex c.sm io
~ n ~ r e a s l r y &u.tili;od
f c r tbe i n t a ~ ~ s i vpor o d u c t i o ~~f
~ snet.scme, and the n & h g of y
involved Is!- c q a n d i - t t x c s
lare domaiid f o r c r e d i t .
. u?t;o Rs. 1000 ar: acre,
mil prices p o d , ,uld
f e~vpraczut ions had t o hs ta'.2n: t2.e Poor& ca?itdi:;t;s v!zo l e n t
m d .d.cl..o gcner~t.eda
y i e l d s were hi.*
Poor,?, d i s t r i c t , -'lenci on n ? : . c ~ l e:...ccti-mt:ritl:o:;t
l Phpalgaon,
bop.;. w s e c u r i t ; ~ , as .the
people g r o w sugarcane or, ct;i;;*Jlm.,!", . 5 r t , %nc ~rF~Z:?.c:a.s added, 'The
mer never ailvance more t!18.u
to pay them3.
v5;lue of the crop, co ?:ley a r e never ilnable
B q t . 1631-2
Crop nccurity
iqortc?s,t because the loans >road oftzr. exceer! j:k.,c.v-:::..;:a
amin 5ecame
3f t n c 12~d,a c ! ,
case t h e cro? l:tas often ;gobm by tenants, w ; n , ec...:j.~~?ccl
with c a p i t a l cn
t c c k i ; , n ~ : t , *:~c;vct! into t h e newly .creatcrl
proc!l;ction wns no lozmr au profitable
;:oiJ. z d i n i t ~:mZ.low p r i c e s took t h e i r toll.
19203, however,
a t 2hc- +,lrrn o2 the cc:~l;u;y, as
The rccr.=wr
of a&vsnces' ~ c - c E u ~ ~
a ~lr!ores c r i o x pro?>lem, D. a. Sh.h, Ass t. Iiegintrcx, C o c ~Societies
ir! 1929:
s o i l arc: :.--:.#I ~;rict-nof &
kr-.izL5i; kacd
prof its t o wqzzcr~?q~;:.o::crs till c; :t:u'
it was possible CT-c..
f c r an ir1cf;:'icient :;;:.:?icldt:~rlist
suearcace with prof it, - w r @ i ~ . ~ i h i . ' i ~ t ~
t o powbho should no-i; h v z .td.an t o s ~ ?.LLcC~
3 t.3?W.iir!.:,
\gent in f o r it.
Th? rise of incc;ine l e 2 t2
;wrci.lasw lends
c :ii&er
The ~ r d . 1 : ~ ~ ~ ; r e t ~ e r
high prices.
showed sign@ of c~k.\;.;.tion
r e s u l t i n g Ft: lc:' ;e:
a d tilo hi&,
p r i c e s w:~ic:: were temporxy, :::.i.~~ally
went d m an3 t;r?
procese 3eg:uy..
$or a y e a
two, or m o x , so 1ong as the cult i.r;.to~ had noney
clodit mfi
O W C ~
e n t e r k i n e 2 ti.,@
h o ~ eof a r i s e i n prices, a L ~ @ r E I i s t c d
in w h a t turned o i ~ t~3
bo a. ? p h l c . . ..'i;h(?:c
+;?ata number. of czreif.C, ?.~t;ell2.~zxit
& g r i c u l h r i s t o CC-YI.
c. l o n a and oven
is rto doubt
LO b - i ; l l l gru ,;:x;;,~: 22:;- i d t h o q t
~ ~ 9 f j . t .C l l t tl:at 22.!:.10t 50 t r u e of
file avers.3 m q a s ~ u ~powc::
i f .x-.30
l i l ~ c :5
. ~
p2iceo of' 1927-28 pc!zsist;.
? h i t 8 iv@Xefixed
f o r alounts t c be adv%?cc2,
';ailv?.iiced on the rnort:;,;.~
n1i;:0:& i.211i,~11l.:~
of i;movablr: :.;ro~ert;\.er..i c='l.soof .Ihr!
:-.r,s cme cro? if tho finc~lce:!ere for
O U ~ XCZ~LL: :;2:;;i$.r,ly..
...Tlrs cjczle of
(1523) practicdly no ino:~br,~
rrnii sannot f i r d Mr o*.m rroney f o r kitf al ewenoes
,md f o r p l a n t n t i s n is f i ~ i n c e i tf o r sugzcccwe".
(EL.Ibji cd. 1930: 14).
Given t h e go11e::~J. mononic ~ o r , < i t i o i -these
n e x s c e s proved i n s u f f i c i e n t
t o chock: t h e notul-thg arrcezw
- 2.;'
almost 21 1sk:is by 1928
hLcl been rnz2.e.
... o:rordues
ori t h e cm1a.1 s o c i e t i e s reaches
f o r sr3iera.I y e ~ x so n l ; ~i.~&ie:slif
i c - a t recc~eries
( J , P ~ B . z ~1c: ~75).
t'nc sane probf em, and re.?.c.';c;l in ~ L l i l w,;:s~
,.he s ~ , v k ~ zfacecf
f 7
PrpJ1Ia3,ji CcJverclhandas t o l d t h e Bomb%? Ba12;in~2?c;-::.ici.-t h a t t h e c.on-L of
~ ; S C ~ UtC
t o 400:'.
as P.C.
~f sc,y.rcane
1:s. 600 per a c r e , h~ h::,cl
(i3id. 11:
Tif,?It;er c o n d i t i o n s
8zs 500
~ . c ? i y c . . : . : ~~ i :
U U ~in
t o be c?.ri-s::ccd,
Patil s t a t e d ;
On the & c c m ccxm-ls
the 1,larmva1le.i- t!lc
f0 , l e r s c e r ~ , l l y5 c . i ; ~
l o z n s f o r o u ~ - r c a l ac!iLi:j.%.tion from
Lcjabl. by
Not ir.i.'::cry:.o5l:?-y near Foon~i, t h o ,&da,Wa ~ e c v z e s
taking n, ':;or!.:. i ' r o ~~ ~l i ecul-l;ivz.t\-I- to t h e off e c t
t.:o whole c:~-Liv;.$S.cfi :elongs t o hLn
tha;'; the c u l t i v a t o r is hi:$ ( t . L;~..,%<
' i;)
LCZ., ,..i:-2
(ibid. 112298)
S t r i c t control r ~ v e rsales was neccssmy i.f %he croy ~!:c,s tile main sc?c:x:ity;
and must h - v c >een w i d e l y r e s o r t e d to; t h e E n q u i ~ rfie. art stated that M:e
tqent tl?rcugh ~ C O I t; h~ e
&& ;ras
dealer as well..
no7 c? 1:ras " u s ~ a l l y.the ;r,one;rlender, m d
The money
:gowing i? a l c o o t hvariably ah-weed on t h e securit:? of t h e croy, w i t h
c o n d i t i o n atts,ci t!:d -that the ,u:y;i
a a l ? procee:ls
inuct be sol.?. thro~:.;-h
creilited t o l~.i_:>
account and the ?ix??1.,17: :. if my1.i-;ivei? %o
hkn ir castr.;. (ibid. I; 106).
That t k d s urn r. f\~qctiorrdlncccoaity iB ahown by its vridaqmad :-
?.*:tian by &he cooperative
In the 5 350c, it va3 roportcd frani i k m b ~
h i m e that t h c crop loan cyst^.. was oyers+,ine; zest eatisfaotorily w i t h
?..arflto su&rLrcmo and y0't;nto.
In both cf these tkc ore-nir3ation of
hzipful for the oxp,wion of-crcrlit
q + r ~ + , i o i of
the credit syatcz.
snle c c i
puc:~zse has been
vell as fo2 the regular
The p i x yw:c:~c-.na and sale
3ocLoSies existent in the v?xja~?stracts &;-re n.coic.,iatediyhelped
tho zxteneian of crop loan crer:it to. snpx=e.ne $-1*rni.ero, through
assistance i n the r z c w a q of crop loans im,c.cIi~.toly,<tor the
w-le of
I::.?oriein af
thc crop
loan scFicllle I-i;self i n ir~tructivc: after tho introdv.ctlon
the b b a y A:yicultural i k k t o z 'E ?t?J.j.cf Act, there m e r p d a class of
' ~ i . b n t e ddeb23r8
',. VI'.IO c o u l d
not 1 ~ ' ~ dalienate
- comequei..tl.y
i:!q!h d t o be cut o f f f r m coo~c::.;.:;:ve crocii.;~, =.mi i t UPS for their bcnu:flt
loam !?it:? t5e crq;;i as
BM~.E.. :.y
were bc6.r: ia 1939.
i't;B problem hati alre2.w a x i z c ~ tA:! ,;.,
h p m t i v e SocLeties, 6.E.
.( -a:;..
5. 11: 238).
,7.-:c z i ~ c c z . ?"he IZegiatr8x of
1 9 7:
The land t . e m e in tho Cencr,al Froit.~~:ccs
unilei. t3ich
~ Q
M ~ ~ ~Z!.nxlOt
l c ~ theil.
I Ci:lO;tC
a yecnx, and aannot nai-t&e
an obstacle t o tho growth or" t;;e
or eel3 theiz ';i;c?r;: is
cuopem..t:ve ~.mrc~~ei-~t..
Th5 situation as regards privatc creditor8 xzs 30t s o bad howev~r.
.'i:r occupancy :cnult could n:mrcncler h i s h o 1 d j . 1 ~to the lxrilord, who, for
an approFria&ef e e would re-grpr..L it t o the cxcrlitoz.
ea Gother air'icial
stated, i n tile devclogsd tr.:c-:u
c ~ l t i v a t i rdcsi-;.es to i;r.msfer ili.n
if trmzi'cr
do so:
i: r.:::.lie w i l l
res1;ricted IT the T.~::;!lt
of pzecn-,t!.on ,?ism
t h .p ~ r o o n ,tkc c,ifty result w i l l 5 ~ ~ ' :t.
; '.'*,:?ccu3.tifr:':Ya~
w i l l l o x c. p:?rt i>f Wio. v d u o rmcivcd
:;;;at tho : ~ m t h6f the tl~irclyart:~.
:. fsr,
in order t6
(TI ."v A?. !.2f ~1.m)
As low 2 s rigkLtsin land ro:.~aincda source of b c c . ~ ; : ;rcc?!c
caul: be fomd f a
cvcdo the lkv, and the situ.atio.r~cotild r,ot bocace
ccr.V.1~3, when l a n 3 r,mo valueless
%):z.t cf
t::e c?rxly -13th
- but ccopcratives eau7.d ::?~;tr c ~ a r tto such
e v ~ ~ i o n c Tho
~ . dcprension of thc 1970s ~ 3 r : t ~ ~ ~ t i c . Jr. le: :d u ~ ~
tke rental
mi sale value of land, at the sane ti!:? 2s 1cgia;ntion flrr'i!?er reduced lc@
,raovarsof ~ccc,vcry. TY!o .?nerd
I'29n 5 , o e::parienccs
8.. ,a;rrc
~ . k i . - % ~ ofl o
: r
rural lcndaru mrj' be inferred
of tric L'd:r.pla C01?t?~.1 Coop~rative3~nl::
A wit::out
.rcr; c z r ~ f u 1scna.ti.yv a~d&ir?crimhation,
coercivc ne?.s.=cn ha6 to >c -5:kcr. for recwcyf of l o c ; , ~ . In many
w c s , lad
att3ci3eC tlm~~,~;;ii
tke courts and
of tne bo,-rcw-ra
mortgages we.--.@farcclascd remiting i n the crcqci;-;.itS.or. of.lm.: by
1 ; d c on a subst=-tie3
i.:c,?lc. As ti!c 1;~c'A v:Cv.oa .-;erestlso
dcprosscd, it v3.e not p ~ s c i b l ~ tl-rm~ai..
<;f 1x;d in p ~ s s c a s i o n
of t.i?e T A P ~ L :to
; ~ recwer
tio:: fl tho
o u f s t a a 6 i n ~ioaia.
C V ~ C~i
: e a ~ O m b l ~?ro:m:-
Thus a cri:i
t14.o V ~ P Wof liquidation.
<.evelop&, c:..:
+,he '-':xx:m e o?
An.rti;cm:>t !tr?;;, krowcve~:...:Gc io
t h e %!.rL< from tilie fe-te, m d
coinpromise was :;.r=i-?d
.::t with t!?e
creditors of' the Lank re,~-rCi.:~
rep&rsaent of t b c i ~C r ~ ~ o s i t sctc.
?'ititin n short t h e & t o r
t k i z coq:;ro~irze CSJ.IC.~ thc beco:id ;orld i ? ~ ,
and GsiculturCQ r r i c o o csd irwdvalues ronc nti?.cply.
the dcfc".ul:tere.r,cpaid t l ~ z l rdebts and. t h e Eml: w2.s a b l e t o eel1
the ,lands x q ~ c C.:i~i.!,n
t h e de3ression' at rernune%tit-e prices,
Tl~efixxmclal p o s i t i o n of the Bank thus recorded an hprinrcment
during the f o r t i e s .
A s a r e s u l t o f - these hapyenin,-
t h c B;irllc ?doljte3 a policy of
ericour&ng the formation of crop 1023 soc::,i.'~ies 1.6-th 1L n i i t e d
l i a K l L t y , f o r t h e proviolion.of short-tory2 czcsy,
. - finance t o the
' a ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ; u rand
l s a1
t sso
, a very cau$ions l o z x 'plicy
1om.s wsre zdVsnced to;tl~ecrop loan s o c i e ~ i e sf a r periods of
nine to twelve months.
Secoodly, z ceiling l i i n i t . of
as. l U per
In addition t o ~filt h i s , 3:>rt6zi%eof l,md ;.,-asc7;L~oi n s i s t e d upon, with
doeds being 4.-yositeC
.. ..
:.;i-tk 3 : e ' ';...G
:,provision vncs dso'rnade for r m w e l y
The pro?)lems faced by -this Sank wore the prc;Slcna of a l l lendera in
$usperiod: we may also note t:h?.t the Banlt reacted %y a.c!oyting m a y of t h e
&.vat e . mmeyl onaers practices as proca~).t
far in e:COE3
of thcsc tycf;:.ilc&lo
. .
m s e v o l u t i o n -1@
o l s t e r s the argument that ti:
i f o i l cs by
the ~ a v l : ~ ~ .
m & ~ &
c d s p t a t i o n s t o a p;ssticul;ir ~ c c ! l ~ i ~snvl.ror;r?cnt,
.. ,
Credit Survey
Apart frm the econoxic ,hazcvda of. landing i;~the t h i r t i e s , tl-.cre
fox the yrivate moneylender tile zdd2tiona.l r i s h ,?si&itc
frrcn'chsul@s in t!zc lz~';,r:
both Dm~hay,mci Berar
nddi'clons t o t h e rep=tr?ry or" l e g i s l a t i o n protecting
There can be l i t t l o d m b t tlut tte r e l a t i o n s between londer and
bcxrower adjusted thornselves t o this shock as t o t ! ~e.. v l i e r ones, but it ~112so
ems likel;. t i &
the locally resident agricultusi~tlr..r:dcr, with h i s suprior
capacity f fir d i r e c t rccwrcry , h i s w i l l ingnese to scceyt iicerf ectly vendible'
security, an" lzck of easy al t e r m t i v e in~oslnontn, ~.JPJJ
8 become more 12romin!ent
t!w t h e Fkofessional moneylendor.
Ifnus, in t h o earen d i s t r i c t 8
f i : ~ r ~ m ~ s hcovered
by tho Rural Credit Survey, out; of 457 xofieyl zndere
responding, 242 were a l s o c u l t i v a t o r e , ane 60 were non-cui tiva.ting l ~ ~ d ( r ~ % e r b ;
t h i s despite tho fact +;hat, the d e f i n i t i o n of the i3ur~e.ybcludcd only
c n ltivat or3 who l e n t s u b ~ tially
~ ~ ~among
Wonctlieloss , tho ?ref essional moncylendor ;.er~rinedprominent, if th4
General schedule returns arc reliable.
percent*^ of Tot:.~l3c-mowiw of Al3. F a ~ i i i c aFrom
U. Khandash
'I'rildar~ etc.
It is i n t e r e s t i n g
~ h i c r!7 ~s 3 t h e only d i s t r i c t vm?re
mon~ylender3i.Iwc ;.lore '&portant t h a r ~c 7 q r o t h e r c a t e p r y of
lender, also lud a high do;>-et? of s~.vk;z c o n t r o l mcr : ~ ~ a r k e t i n g .ah t h e 44
c2of?s, ''about one-fourth s t i p u l a t e d for poosesain? sY thn crops; and noc?,rly
half of then 2 c + . ~ ~ J lhandled
t h e crops f o r m,?rketi?..;-'.
Of eke
44 iiionej l e n d e r s , 31 were
,also cUIL;EV: tcrz, f 3
: lWCJ(;.?c',s
16 ~ h b pkcepcrso 11 t r a d e r s m d e i & t brokers s r ~ r l cc;i-;;:.is~ion.~4;onts, (i1:id').
i n Supply t & l e 7 do not t a l l y ; i n tho l a t t e r t h e 44 ,:,uney londei-s oi k o . n l b ~ d
Furthornozc, t h e
. .
caltivatora re6pondiri
t h e intensiite cn?uiry i n -i;hir, d i s t r i c t r e y o r t d by
report no loans w i n s t ei ther s-lzndinj o r t?nrvested c r o p .
cidvancoe c-tc,. before sale of crop in only 6 out of 236 t,rmsactions.
h e w a u l d ':e i n c l i.i~t;,G to re&p.rd t h e !?o?.ogrc,-.he as
for d i e t r i c t conrlitions,
more reliable sourcen
i t not l o r tho f a c t tb.t c.t l c a s t throe of them
show ouch cl.ose resemblc?r,cec in ,r,hznsiv as t o l c x d
O I ? ~to
suppose tl:at tlle
text wsa x r i t t c n . f i r a t , and th.? d z t a f i l l e d i n l&er.
The 1lturLL Credit Surrcp a l s o hdicz.tcn
thct c . ~ c u i t o rcontrol crrcr
swketing ir- su'&mcano azo'ca-~lyrmained s t r o n g
r a t e t h i s 3 e c p ~t o be
fnlli.catcd by the f z c t t h a t , i f we t a b u l a t e t h c 2r:.~:ticc.~ of m o n ~ ~ r l e n b owad
:r~'bders in the f i v e cotton-produc1.x and t h e t v o
rerpcctivcly, a striking c a n t r a s t is immediately v i s i 3 l c .
stand in^
Fivc Cotton
Suply Tables 6 &
The mtwa of tho Rural Credit Snrvoy'a ciatc. zdca tho al\tcib%tion
of t h o r e l a t i o n e behind tho s t a t i s t i c s of t3iffim~l.t
-- c.p?xt f
rliscre.pancios i n t h e s t r r t i s t i c s indicated earlier. For example, tho
'Upper strata m l t i v a t o r s ' a r e found imrolvod in p r ~ a l cra.lit
a t l c a t rn froquontly
l m e r strata cultivztora, tbo pcrcontsgas being
10.4 and 10.2, of all traiiractions ro3psctival.y.
(!?able8 21.103 '& 104)
a y n t n t o tho s u ~ v ~ ~ Imilico
,ma t o rho top sa;tx.,
as tho t a b l e below
__ -_-
3 o r c e n t ~ sof Total_,-De3t
._.t o TP,~??Z
k e n t o of
A l l Cult iye&ra. me6sif i a d 3y-.-v.rgLt~
W. Xhandoeh
Sourcot Calc-dated from C e n ~ r a lTable 14, Vol.
III, 9 .C.S.
IJow i t 13 Liprobable t k a t dl.t l s e ~ ep:?re0n3
f r m tho
r n e r c h ~ ~ ton
a the smic ??:r:!s, but thc f~.~'r&:t
01 th2 Survcy prevent3 ug
fro^ s e e i ~ akow cc~2itK.-.,.r,
'I1.VC r!i '?CQFCC~. T?c :?ol?oh~qthsw e l d
bc u s e f a i n t h i s rcm3+l, thatL* tl~eirrcxuct: sss
of lendill3 on :,;lc secui-itj of crops
c moot point.
- thus ten a ~ oft fourteen traders
at D h u l i : ~ r t z ~ k c t , Vest ukul(3.esh an m ~ d c~dvanccct o .-iecu;-c crops
t:!c.tls ,?ii!rjur?tcd t o no
lcoa t h ~ n
b. 315,000 in zll. 7ikuree of this s o r t
t o reconcile
with t h e low level of borzowing f r m
'1Yzders xi?&commission o.gznts' reported in tho ,::lxe;-al
schedule tables.
Thio my be cithar because .the borrowers did not, i c l ~ ? t i f ythe l~hGe.:.s cis
traflera, but used some cn~i~rohonsive
term as
or 'shoV', which .qae
translated as 'Professj.on.al ncncy-lender1, o r br-causc lea6er3 thoq{I-:t t n z t
throu,;b t h m was ,:~;a.r~.iitecdby t h s lo-w., Sut 'oorrower? did not wilolly
O r finally, t112.t .;:he tcm~ntercbanba lo hail advm-ced w i n s t
future s u ~ ? l yhad done s o t c s r ~ . l l a s r c k ~ a t em C
dealers, mil not
2Lrectl.y t o the cultivat.arn .tilei.l3e'' r ~ s - k ~ ~ , n t i o n0Ta-l t h i ~s o r t tha
fordat of the Rural Credit h r v a y makes Jifi'ic!rlt t o 'answer.
A p a r t i c u l a r e'truct~lrc.of conu~ociityproduction :-rose :IS c? consc.:~uancc
of t,a-d.emai?ds i n l a t e ei($l;ee:: clh ce;z.i.m ki~?r;rohtra ri?d ,:.emratw?. a need
f o r c r e d i t vitllout which prociuc tion, c ~ l dconsequently, bo.i;:t tile productiva
a r ~ dt h e w.productive cl,?sscs trould suffer.
Conscyucritl~, n f l o w of s r e d i t
problems' of scc~~.I.I:y
f o r , and rccovery of l o ~ . r ~ws2 8 a l s o ,
rcsolvcd i n vnrious ways: 3 u t canmorJy by t h e l c n a e r l~?;~ir;g
t h e pcwer of Girect
distr2in.t o r self-help t o enforce !iis claim.
nobod$ without such power would lend sn
O r , t o put it i n m o t h e r :!.a,,*,
sm. s c a l e . . except
p e r m to n w -
o r fellow merchants.
B r i t i z h r u l e did not: r e z u l t i n 41c?sna-tic chculcc.
f o r c i b l e rncthods
- but
i2Z.v l-avc
3 e z o r t t o t h e mole
dcc:=axsc?, w ~ daypca1 t o a court boconc somew!rt norc
sc :112
operc.tio:~ changed 'I-ittie.
f u n c t i o n i n s s-cill required 1ocr:?. ::csS..lerce, pexson.a h o w l e m
and c o n s t a t
The s t r u c t u r e rc.n~.incGcxc oP ilitc.riocl:c~l icsA.!rets.
The r o d c h a r l ~c m e t\ri~enCv.other market c:mc i r k o operation : .t!l?.t
in lZnd, Mow an a d d i t i o n a l , a93 tc..n@~;'c,le,s e c u r i t y
moneylender could rcducc his sonts a ~ cxtend
vi..s ~ v a i l c k l c .and
~ -the
his ope---!-. A _ . i.ons by r e l y i a ~
or) it.
The vcxstious enIorcement of cro:g-Cllizn 3 c n d i ~ z2n
~d s u r d u l c r e d i t r a t i o n i n g
could now bc 6ropgcd.
l n d s o it 1i;l~gelyd i s a ~ ) r ) c ~ j . ~ C
:j its
e x p l i c i t ,and i..lpli.cit
c o s t s did not xivc zky b e t t e r i - c h n s .
Tknt this zgwnent explzine t h e end of intcr1oc:ring i s evidenced by
market bchaviour i n pf a c s and 'i.isc:.:when lcinded si.cWi-by :.;as bad o r unavailable
lenders resortcd once
ti; crop-lf en ~ c c t r r i t : ~ . is a d not a p p l y
solely t o the evil-nin2cd aox?ylsndcrr:
t h c coo??eratkrc?s o c i e k i c s
climilrzly found thcmsclvcs tizovm bmlc on sccxricr xorc t a b l e th%.l'l
ri.1Dm.1 g~odnessof the pzascnts, and i n i t i z l g .
i t in rnor.t.yX@ of
- but whm..this ?ailed
thcy t o o b o p a to c?ri;'osce a lien on t h e crop,
t o rcntrol tho supply of inputs, end ta dole
:!-qj 6@
m ~ ,?cl.~mcc~
in kind.
money in
as' t h e sr?vkazs hmd clone, b u t ~iJ;iin:rt
i'his cl.e&*ly shows the functional chc?;.ac izr of t h e fiarkot
str:!ctl??rc?e ,. c ~ l dbolsters
the cxclcanir%ionzd..wncc;l .he,-e .
this is inclmd the explanation, than it vrczulci c o t 3 c . su-prising
, if
cont&.!,~j.?~yinvestigations were t o f i n d many cases of "in'torlockU
~ r i v z - t cc r e G i t t r p ~ ~ s c c t i o:n t~h c recovery of ~ r i v s t c debt is slow and
sncertain, the land market cloggcc? w i t h m a n y y e s t r i c t i o n s and only a very
.;wise m a
va&d lend tr: s:mco:~o over whoin he ha? no p ~ d . c @ dh ~ l dt o
:~lcercerQsovery, if n c c c c o z q ,
BL t zuch c a r r a ~ m c r ~ nhould
not b e
?.ievc4 a t 2.-~ivalsf r o m $lie 10th c s n t u r y
mlch else, thcy a r e
I n the wostern p h z cf Poona d i s t r i c t in 1854, c s o t t l a a n t officor
wrote,, ,tho nonaglander o r his *ant art be . y . c m i b coon lurkinp: about
tho m o t ' 8 stacward *on
~ v r yt h a e h i n g
on, rocrc* t o . s l i p in
is go-
and c t f i y off the pmniaod portion of tilo produce.
There ma oirPio*iely
a limit t o tho nwnber of etackyards tho smlazr coulG ;amon&Lly mtch,
aqd whcn Me dealings becano wider than t h i s ar. - l i c i t
his agants ' romunoration
- would
i ~
~ncacnt. ' Sac a l s o
4.1 the 1WOu relations betwoon c r e d i t o k on& Aabtoru \*erapzrD:oularly
bad, and apart fm thc r i o t 8 on 1875, them m;?e aevor,xl at+&:s
rnonoylondora by a 'eacial bandit
, Honia haic.
'Pha remalting
. .
lnseteurity drovc ?mny of 'them from the outufne
vLllago8 to loasl
centrea and crsqeb .thejr effort8 t o cnlloct t;:ei.r dobts I .
W.25 of 1079 ~ e ~ af
t .L
K Q ~ pa.11.)
~ C ~
Rqmolds, rofcrr!.ng t o .con6itiona it; -:Lie Eisam's t k i t o r y
s t a t e d that savknrs eeA&lished thmselvec
in tdo villagee "with tt:a
aceaunt, o r an account of sane ,groat firw who30 =nt
he was; and he
@norally bacerue tho r o c i p i m t of almost dl tho : ~ r ~ d u cwhich
was not
codarnned on the spot,
or within a short distarao
(pap. 1647-48, X I : 426).
the plaoa'.
RumaJ, h a
or 1053, 3ccorii Off ice, B a e co;~tai?sthis
'de shoi.ild n c t i c e that t l ~ cZ i r z oncr~.ted v i t h tho f u l l
rxpport of t h e State, whose potrers, fom.l
c",nd iiCo~ma.1,were very great t
receipt of the co~!:plnint, t h e Colleci;ortc f h s t i . i . i u l ~ e
deprive $he recalcitrant
i ~ ~ ~ -of
1-36; Iie
refrair~aGf ~ r
few that such a c t i o n s:irmld f::i&ntsn awqy a l l r,c&:r:,.rtsCrcr~:F ~ t h e - .
d e , r l W 3 w i t t i the fin.
.In. the
t c ,be
t r i b d t r z c t s of Bombqy p r o v i ~ c e+,kc n::m-nc ?rec:~:ilt.i.on$ i\?;r!
by Cooperative Societies lendh-~z.tr tile Snilsr:
.;C-325 :.,ls
<&en t o see thzt t h e cash d i d not get into t h o hr..nde of tlie berry-,:r?rs
as fezas possible.
If a mcnber required sccd
cox'? f o r mnintc;:?:-!ce
or cloth or blank~tsor even bullocks, the socir~-t3;smctionzci :xis
. .
dan,md and passed i t 'cn to t h e e,$vnc:r concemeG t f l i c ! ~V C ~ E.zxp~ci;i;c?.
rupply tho rw:uiroroa-i;~:.
'!-'kc d e b i t s we=.@ t h ~ r ,':?-an~fexedt o t h e iJ,.tnk
in termc of money rrkis::. in its .t;trr! dobit-.j i!~e aoi.ie-t;v comer-.?d -:!ith
tho :mmt.
O f co\12se9 5.1
i3iividual m a b p r ' 8
tc. be seen ni: ~ . - c . ? c ystngc tic.,7,tthe
::qci ;?.',icg c:;
t i t -.......,..
(LL.k j i od. 1930: .18)
6. For a full0:r accour~t_3c_c_
W.2 1987.
a - ..-
-' ::CCC rjdc4;'.
mlshed Ipkterials
Thene b v e b c ~ nrefori.cd to .in conformi-& with
p m c t i c s of tile
r e p o s i t o r i s s where they'sxe t o be foun,', slil\jzct. 'i:: 55s n . x d f o r
The abbreviations used are:
- Bombay
Architroo ; YL. 9
- 3c*rcti.!:-2fl:>ctr.l:incnt
JuclicizJ Department
3. C -9.
-- Deccan h n n i s s i o n o r 's Records,
! x i ~ ~ e
PJroet Britain.
Pesk:ra hftar, Pune
?i~esrjilave been rel"ox=ad
5y year and vol.~;.~e n~~rrbcr. T P e i r p..t&?atio~ ir: not P J . I ~ ~
. . - .:cl"ers
E (7.S
t o the
- .-..
ices S&L dct i o ~ o , . f - r ~ G I G 1 ~ ~~-,B-OF&)~..
exciur;ivcly tho E , c ~ S c ~ . i 2 s -(c. 1852 -). %eTarcncc
i n t o the s o r i a l maber of t h c v o l u . ~ ?cmccxncd.
- This
zefers to: ,SpJ-+.i.,n _ofZapr3 fzm. LI?'.
&st India Hmse r o l , . . t i ; ~ t o the Rdvc_l~ug,
Policc. C i v i l m d CT&,I$T~::~ J u a t l c c *ads.
_the C a m ~ a , r ~~
y ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ? $ - s ~ , ~ ~ I n ; U a ,
4 ~01s.(London 1820-26).
Anon. 1923
Franks. i4.G;
i ..
~ a 2el;t
C :-rd..$$-e-gGene:~i R.eLt?-j::tt
E;dlt Inv-gs.~-iDt~ons
t --.InZ
:url- ;Z;~&e:c,i-n~ -o.
. ..
; ;-
U t i -v ~ .-, t o -.....
r Cott-on
' ~'..
in India. Boabw.
ed. 1930
: Cc, ~uc?:~;-ti~?n3 ~ - k ryShort _S~;-L$>%
X c ~ t i r ~ y 1912
-1. -1970
Rdport_o? _ti?::;
, ~ j ~ - e - r - ~-off
. , + >.
~:-!e~ ~Cotton
- - -*earg?w~t.*r.o?. -I!4 6-.:!$,
.?<A& J:.?>*.JZCL.
- ' -
Reserve Bad,: of Ldia
S u r v c 5J,0&-s6.
- st-el-;2z!+j.-t.
3 0 r n b i ~1 9 54
- _&~.axT;ic.-wKhaz$,o&I
District i d : o n o ~ ~ b s
Eepo.rt of A. 'i
odburn j,=~P,7:~e~/9.rre,l.at>,ng
r;.< ,t$..e. 2ecoo~.
- -icl
- . a c t 1.''.I/.
. .334.-* 2 vols Calcatta,
7 837.
Cozts, Y. 1323: 'Account of ti?@ Present Si?,?!e 02 khe 'ilownship of Lonyl
Vol .III.
.in Trap~;,st;:i,c,n.s.c;-_tjh-e. L
ilivcirm, V. 1982 0 'The Z x r ~ e i l c eof. am Lirii.qer.oue I:.isir.ess Clzss i.?
I*L.ha,rashtrain the Z i g k t e c ~ t i iCe.it\?ny ' _isiodern
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A s i a Studies,
_.Vo1 ,16.