Within Your Province - Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire


Within Your Province - Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire
Within Your Province
The Newsletter
Summer - a time for sponging, meeting,
donating, bowling, erecting & cleaning
A most eminent Staffordshire Mason puts himself in the firing line for wet
sponges . . . all in the cause of charity at the Summer Garden Party . .
see page 12
Some of the guests with the Provincial Grand Master at the Masonic
Garden waiting for the Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent . . .page 3
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Thomas D C Lloyd, TD, DL,
presents a cheque for £4,000 from the Grand Charity to the Air Ambulance
watched by SMCA Secretary, W.Bro Jim Warburton and Provincial Grand
Secretary W.Bro Barrie Rouse
A relaxing way to spend the afternoon at Stone. For more photographs
and details of the Provincial Bowls Competition turn to page 19
Could it be that members of Old Denstonian Lodge had lost the
instructions on how to put up the Gazebo? Summer Garden Party details
on page 12
What a load of rubbish to pick up! But when it’s your idea and your wife
offers to help you’ve got to smile. E.Comp David Hampson and his wife
Joan at the V Festival clean up . . . . see pages 6 & 12
Your Province
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Within Your Province
rd sh i re Freemasons
Th e Ne ws l et te r fo r Sta ffo
Within Your Province is published twice yearly, in March and September and any contributions,
ideas or suggestions will be welcomed by the Editor, W Bro Peter Atkins, by email to
editor@pglstaffordshire.co.uk or by post to Peter Atkins, Information Officer, c/o Provincial Grand
Lodge Office, 211 Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0DD. He can also be contacted on his
home telephone 01889 500635. Publication is made possible by the support of our advertisers
and readers are requested to support them whenever possible. When doing so please mention
that you saw the advertisement in Within Your Province. If you are a non-Masonic reader who
would like to know more about Freemasonry please visit our website www.pglstaffordshire.co.uk
or contact the Provincial Office at the address below.
Within Your Province is published on the authority of the Provincial Grand Master of the
Province of Staffordshire, RW Bro Thomas DC Lloyd, TD, DL, Provincial Grand Lodge Office,
211 Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0DD. Telephone and fax 01902 745151,
email secretary@pglstaffordshire.co.uk
Printed by David Bowyer Print and Design, Stafford. 01785 253060.
c Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire.
Passed to the Grand Lodge above
It with regret that we record the following Brethren who have passsed to Grand Lodge above
since the last publication
W Bro. V.R.Evans
W Bro. J.H.Frost
W Bro. D.H.Edwards
W Bro. W.J.Woodall
W Bro. J.A.B.Stallard
W Bro. W.R.Thomson
W Bro. WJ Price
W Bro. A.R.Prichards
W Bro JT Mills
W Bro JJ Jewell
W Bro JOG Wilkes
W Bro HT Bettany
Portland Lodge
St. Augustine's Lodge
Gordon Lodge
Legge Lodge
Faith & Works Lodge
Eccleshall Lodge
Bromwic Lodge
Streetly Lodge
Lodge of St Matthew
Staffordshire Knot Lodge,
Old Wulfrunians
Menturia Lodge
Smith Child Lodge
No. 637
No. 1941
No. 2149
No. 2784
No. 5079
No. 5389
No. 6773
No. 7448
No 539
No 726
No 7411
No 418 and
No 2064
3 Tudor Lodge of Rifle Volunteers, 1838.
Black Country Heritage Lodge. 9702
4. Thomas Telford Lodge, 8029.
Installation (Scottish delegation).
6. St Jame's Lodge, 482. Installation.
7. Barr Beacon Lodge, 6109. Installation.
8. Marmion Lodge, 1060. Installation.
Crusaders Lodge, 4107. Installation.
Izaak Walton Lodge, 4281, Installation.
10. Bromwic Lodge, 6773. Installation.
11. Old Masonians Midlands Lodge, 6762.
Clay Pigeon Shoot, Doveridge Clay
Sports Ground, in aid of 2013 Grand
Charity Festival.
13. Portland Lodge, 637. Installation.
Aldridge Lodge, 7921. Installation.
Dieu la Cresse, 4169. Installation.
SMCA Charity Stewards and Almoners
meeting at Wolverhampton.
14. St Bartholomew, 696. Installation.
Queeselet, 6887. Installation.
SMCA Charity Stewards and Almoners
meeting at Shelton.
15. Dartmouth Lodge, 662. Installation.
Old Eversley, 5259. Installation.
Ethelfleda, 6600. Installation.
Old Wulfrunians, 7411. Installation.
20. Robert Mummery, 8331. Installation.
21. Mercia Lodge, 3995. Installation.
Clough Hall Lodge, 7481. Installation.
22. Staffordshire Knot Lodge, 726.
150th anniversary.
Bridge Trust Lodge, 2878. Installation.
25. Old Denstonians Lodge, 5490.
26. Staffordshire Knot Lodge, 726,
150th anniversary service at
St Mary's Church, Stafford.
27. Legge Lodge, 2784. Installation.
Chase Lodge, 6291. Installation.
Dormston Lodge, 7821. Installation.
28. Lifelites charity upgrade IT equipment
at Donna Louise Children's Hospice,
Stoke on Trent.
29. Smith Child, 2064. Installation.
Summit Lodge, 5944. 50 year
presentation to WBro TW Follis.
30. St Michaels Lodge, 2487. Installation.
SMCA charity stewards and almoners
meeting at Aldridge.
3. Tibbington Lodge, 4927. Installation.
Castellum, 6710. Installation.
50 year presentation to E Comp KG
Rhead at Etruscan Chapter, 546.
12 St Thomas Lodge, 1914. Installation.
Izaak Walton Lodge, 4281. 50 year
presentation to W Bro SH Collins.
13. Gordon Lodge, 2149. Installation.
SMCA Charity Stewards and Almoners
meeting at Wolverhampton.
14. Lodge of Honour, 526. Installation.
Round Table Lodge, 8273. Installation.
Norah Mitchell Trust Fund (Minerva
Lodge) annual presentation.
November continued
18. Regis Lodge, 4463. Installation.
Sandwell Lodge, 4673, Installation.
19. Seagrim Lodge, 8161. Installation.
20. St Martins, 98. Installation.
22. Silver Band Concert in aid of 2013 Grand
Charity Festival at Sandon High School,
The Meir, Stoke.
26. Lodge of St John, 6320. Installation.
50 year presentation to E Comp HB Ellis at
Sutherland Chapter, 451.
27. Josiah Wedgwood, 2214. Installation.
Prince of Wales Lodge, 4021. Installation.
50 year presentation to Bro PA Kidson.
2. 50 year presentation to W Bro AG Harvey of
Barr Beacon Lodge, 6109.
11. Sheltonia Lodge, 8557. Installation.
16. Menturia Lodge, 418. Installation.
50 year presentation to W Bro S Cooper,
PAGDC, of Mercia Lodge, 3995.
January 2009
6. Abbey Lodge, 624. Installation.
7. Ready Lodge, 4008. Installation.
8. St Peters Lodge, 419. Installation.
9. Etruscan Lodge, 546. Installation.
12. Foster Gough Lodge, 2706.
13. Minerva Lodge, 1942. Installation.
16. Noah's Ark Lodge, 347. Installation.
Sutherland Lodge of Unity, 460. Installation.
17. Ceramic Lodge, 3827. Installation.
27. Oakeswell Lodge, 8117. Installation.
28. St Johns Lodge of Lichfield, 1039.
50 year presentation to W Bro H Alcock, of
Smith Child Lodge, 2064.
50 year presentation to E Comp WD Reid at
Sutherland Chapter, 451.
29. St Edwards Lodge, 966. Installation.
2. Wulfrun Lodge, 4602. Installation.
3. John O'Gaunt Lodge, 4054. Installation.
5. Provincial Grand Lodge General Purposes
Committee at Wolverhampton.
9. 50 year presentation to W Bro G Evanson
of Dieu-la-Cresse Lodge, 4169.
10. Lewisham Lodge, 2582. Installation.
Faith and Works Lodge, 5079. Installation.
20. Sutherland Lodge, 451. Installation.
Ashmole of Lichfield Lodge, 8405.
23. Legge Lodge, 2784. Banner dedication.
23. Provincial Grand Chapter.
29. Grand Lodge investitures.
30. Supreme Grand Chapter investitures.
13. Provincial Grand Lodge.
*Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained
in this diary is accurate. Any errors, amendments or additions should
be sent to editor@pglstaffordshire.co.uk and they will be posted on
the up-dated diary on the Provincial web site.
Within Your Province
Grand Master pays second visit to
Masonic Garden
The Grand Master, HRH the Duke of
Kent, has visited the Masonic Garden
at the National Memorial Arboretum
for the second time. He spent nearly
20 minutes with the Provincial Grand
Master and other senior Staffordshire
accompanied by their wives.
The Duke, who holds the rank of Field
Marshall, was attending the 100th
anniversary celebrations of the
Territorial Army, expressed great
interest in the garden which he last
visited two years ago. Provincial
Grand Master RW Bro Thomas DC
Lloyd, TD, DL, introduced the guests
and briefed the Duke, who was
accompanied by the Lord Lieutenant
of Staffordshire, Mr James Hawley,
on the last elements of the project
which includes a suitable entrance and
additional drainage.
Both were given an illustrated
compilation of the history and plans
of the garden. The preface included:
"The development of the Masonic
Garden at the National Memorial
Arboretum has been a comparatively
slow and frustrating process of
evolution since the inauguration and
dedication in 2002 which was
attended by more than 300 people
including the Assistant Grand Master,
RW Bro David K Williamson and the
Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire, Mr
James Hawley.
"Several constraints have come into
play not least of which has been the
financial support which dictates to a
large extent the implementation of the
original design proposals: support
from outside Staffordshire has been
disappointing with the exception of
Shropshire and the wonderful
individual support of WBro Michael
Bachelor of the Province of
Warwickshire who has raised many
thousands of pounds as a result of his
lectures on the Burma Railway.
"The original design concept was
accepted by the Arboretum, guided by
its founder Commander David Childs,
CBE, RN (Rtd), as being a significant
aesthetic contribution to the
Arboretum in a pivotal position at the
end of the Millennium Way - creating
a visual stop and a further grove of
tranquillity and contemplation.
"Originally we envisaged a stone
construction but the limitation
imposed by available financial
support has forced us to accept the
constraints and look to a more
affordable design.
"A change in the administration at the
involvement of the local planning
authority has lead to further design
modifications and a change of
philosophy. This was not helped by the
loss of so many of the yew trees
surrounding the site and enclosing it
due to the flooding and higher water
table caused by the inclement weather
during the summer of 2007.
"The inevitable lack of progress has
sadly prompted some unhelpful
criticism from both inside and outside
the Province which, when received,
has been dealt with courteously and
"It is probably not generally
recognised what a great deal of
design work and thought has gone
into this project and included in this
presentation are examples of the
various areas of design which have
been examined in the design process
over the years.
"The lack of national publicity outside
Staffordshire which could have
alerted all Provinces to the initiative
being undertaken in the county on
behalf of Freemasonry has been
disappointing and we are now
exploring a very simple solution - a
timber entrance.
"However no design or decision "is
cast in stone" and we would like to
complete this Masonic garden with an
appropriate entrance, perhaps a
symbolic "Royal Arch" in stone. With
financial support it would be possible
and we could then negotiate a design
with the Arboretum and Planning
Authority for an entrance which is
worthy of our Order and the support it
The Provincial Grand Master told the
Grand Master that various designs are
to be discussed this autumn with the
Arboretum management and Lichfield
District Council planners and the final
design for the entrance would evolve
from the talks and the finance
available. The Duke said he looked
forward to seeing the completed
entrance on a future visit.
Among the guests were Assistant
Provincial Grand Masters W Bros
Gary Read and Colin Denne with their
wives Vivienne and Val; Provincial
Senior and Junior Grand Wardens W
Bros Sandy Stewart and Michael
Heenan, Provincial Grand Treasurer
W Bro Rod Mitchell and his wife
Josie; Provincial Grand Secretary W
Bro Barrie Rouse; W Bro Ian Moxon,
Provincial Prior, Staffordshire and
Shropshire Knights Templar; W Bro
David Edwards, Provincial Grand
Master, Mark Master Masons,
Staffordshire and Shropshire; W Bro
Norman Joughin, 2nd Provincial
Grand Principal Staffordshire Royal
Arch Masons and his wife Pat; W Bro
Jim Warburton, Secretary of the
Staffordshire Masonic Charitable
Association and his wife Margaret
and Provincial Information Officer
W Bro Peter Atkins.
The Provincial Grand Master with the Grand Master, HRH the Duke of
Kent and Staffordshire's Lord Lieutenant Mr James Hawley.
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Within Your Province
Another successful year Founder in the chair at
for the Provincial Choir
Staffordshire Provincial Masonic
Choir has had another successful year,
with hard work interleaved with
enjoyment. Highlights of the year
were at a White Table meeting in
Burton, just before Christmas, and an
opportunity to entertain the diners at
the meeting of Provincial Grand
Lodge in May.
There was also a visit to Wilson Keys
Court, for the annual Readings and
Carols; and the year wound up with a
lunch in Stafford for everybody
involved, where singing, eating and
other refreshment were carefully
mixed together.
The thanks of the Committee go to all
of the Choir's members, and to all of
the Lodges who supported its
activities during the year. Above all,
though, to the hard work put in by the
Musical Director, Brother Ian Wass,
who is also Provincial Grand
Organist. His inspirational approach
brings out the best in all of the
What of next year? Well, that's very
much up to the Province and its
The Choir already has some bookings
for the last quarter of 2008, with the
Festive Season looking quite busy.
2009 isn't quite so packed though, and
if any Lodge wants musical works
during one of its meetings, please get
in touch. The Secretary, David Leigh
can be contacted on 01785-616799 or
at d.j.leigh@ntlworld.com, and he
will be very happy to see what can be
done. Needless to say, the longer
there is to plan, the better it will be.
A founder member of Kibblestone
Lodge, 9504, WBro Wilf Burt PPr
SGD, has been installed as Worshipful
Master of the Lodge. He is pictured
centre, with Charity Steward WBro
Mike Allred on the right, and Tyler
Bro. Philip Gurney.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master,
VW Bro John E Griffiths PGSwdB
presided at his first visit to the Lodge.
At the festive board a traditional camp
fire was opened and the members and
guests sang various scouting songs
ranging from 'Riding Along on the
Crest of a Wave, I Am A Music Man
and finally The Woodpecker Song'.
Kibblestone Lodge was consecrated
in April 1993 and W.Bro Wilf is a
founder member and highly decorated
Staffordshire Scout.
V W Bro. Griffiths said he had
thoroughly enjoyed the evening which
was a splendid example of the spirit
of Masonry
And the Choir would be happy to
welcome any new members who care
to try it out. Not everybody reads
music, but everybody has a good time
(or so we are told - and they do keep
coming along, so there may be
something in it). There is one
rehearsal each month from September
to June, and the repertoire is kept
moving with new pieces each year.
(We keep the best of the old ones in,
Look at the back of the Provincial
Year Book, usually around page
450 or contact David Leigh on
01785 616799 for further
information about the Choir
Est 1954
01782 847925
01782 848863
North Street, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 7DJ
Within Your Province
Demonstrating that Masonry can be fun
What possesses members of the Black
Country Heritage Lodge No. 9702, to
gallivant around the country, reciting
unheard of ritual, to audiences who
don't understand a word of it anyway?
WBro Malcolm Cresswell, who runs
the Demonstration Team, said it's the
excitement of going to Lodges where
he might not otherwise visit in a
lifetime of Freemasonry.
WBro Mike Mellor enjoys the buzz of
bringing an ancient Lodge to life,
WBro Keith Quinton enjoys the
opportunity to ad-lib when he forgets
his lines.
WBro Maurice Long enjoys the
challenge of coping with the
unexpected script changes regularly
introduced by the W.M.
WBro Paddy Lennon enjoys some of
the comments made by Past Masters.
During a visit to a Lodge in
Whitehaven, Cumbria, some past
masters complained at a 25% levy
imposed on the Dining fee which
pushed the cost up to £5-75.
The inspiration for a Black Country
demonstration team came from
RWBro Kevin Chawner, when he was
Provincial Grand Master. He hoped
that demonstrations of the Black
Country workings would spread
Masonic enjoyment.
These include opening and closing
and a ceremony of initiation as it
might have been carried out by
celebrated Black Country characters,
'Aynuk' and 'Ayli'.
The demonstration team occupies all
offices, taking full control of the host
Lodge. Members of the host Lodge
and visitors then discover that instead
of watching a ceremony they are
actually taking part! Persistent fines
for transgressions immediately
follow. The ceremony is kept similar
to emulation ritual on the basis that if
the audience have difficulty in
understanding Black Country dialect,
at least they can follow the story.
WBro Frank Pressdee said it's all
about bringing hearty laughter and
enjoyment into the Lodge room
without losing any of the dignity and
sincerity of freemasonry. He accepts
that while this may not be to
everyone's liking, it should appeal to
those brethren who believe that
freemasons should be able to laugh at
Cresswell said that judging by the
demonstrations, there is no shortage
of like minded brethren.
WBro Geoff Robinson recalled how
he became involved in the team when
he agreed to stand-in for one night, on
the understanding that he had only to
read the prayers in the opening and
closing. Upon arrival, however, he
discovered that his part was that of a
tipsy vicar with a dickey ticker. Worse
still: being a Brummie, he couldn't
pronounce the dialect. Worse still: the
vicar's costume was designed for a
person twice his size! Worse still:
upon taking his place in the Lodge
room, he discovered a real vicar in the
audience seated right opposite, who
studied him intently, for the duration
of the ceremony.
Later, Geoff said he feared the worst
when the vicar made straight for him.
The vicar however expressed his
favour at the spiritual messages
portrayed in his prayers, but
considered his appearance
distinctly more devoid than
divine. Geoff said that from
that moment he was hooked,
he immediately went out and
invested in an authentic
costume befitting a man of
the cloth. He marched into the
next ceremony, (our biggest
ever) the East Surrey Installed
Masters Lodge, with the
confidence that his high office
bestowed him, that is, until he
observed that seated amongst the
many masons of high eminence and
already taking a keen interest in him,
was the Bishop!
"Lambs to the slaughter!" a past
master was heard to say. WM Frank
Pressdee, however, thought different.
"This is it, brethren, we can do this!"
were his words of encouragement.
Chaos immediately ensued, with
fluffed lines, irretrievable script
departures, catastrophic wardrobe
malfunctions, missed cues, untimely
entrances and unscripted stumbles
into masons of great eminence.
At the Festive Board, however,
the WM of the host Lodge
congratulated the demonstration
team for a highly amusing and
most entertaining ceremony,
very much enjoyed by everyone
present. News travelled fast
and the bookings began to pour
in. Lessons, however, were
learnt from the catastrophic
outcomes of our inaugural
You can get
good laughs when you make an effort
to get things right, but if it all goes
horribly wrong, you bring the house
down! We started as we meant to go
with a
Malcolm Cresswell recalled the first
demonstration at a Worcestershire
Lodge in 2001. After months of
rehearsals, the team arrived nervously
at the Temple, only to discover there
was a full turn-out of the
Worcestershire Provincial Team. They
marched terrified into a packed Lodge
room, under heavy scrutiny from the
Provincial Grand Master, his
Assistants and a broad sea of braided
Their only consolation was that they
were led in by a drummer which
drowned the sound of their knees
One of our most memorable
demonstrations was at Hanliensian
Lodge, 3935, at the invitation of the
then RW Bro Kevin Chawner, who
insisted upon appearing in the
ceremony as candidate. The less than
usual entrance into the Lodge room,
of our beloved leader, wearing his cap
and Port Vale scarf, brought the house
down. Bro Kevin's warm spirited
manner and witty ad-libs throughout
the demonstration created echoes of
hearty laughter throughout that very
fine Hanley Masonic Temple. It was
indeed a proud moment for us, that the
Provincial Grand Master's initial
confidence in us, had not been
The team is made up of members of
the Lodge young and old, providing
opportunities for everyone in our
Lodge (and other lodges) to
participate in what we consider to be
our "missionary work," demonstrating
to lodges far and wide, that
freemasonry can be fun. Interlaced
with the mirth, however, are sincere
fellowship, faith and family values
which are always well received.
WBro Pressdee believes that
enjoyable Lodge meetings stem from
the right balance between good ritual
and good humour.
The Black Country Heritage Lodge,
Demonstration Team carries out its
work for the good of freemasonry and
does not take away its host Lodge's
charity collection, but adds to it, with
fines collected during the ceremony.
It is, however, happy to accept
donations to the SMCA A&B funds.
During the seven and a half years the
Demonstration Team has been
performing, charities collected by
host Lodges are approaching £20,000.
With a forthcoming demonstration to
those very fine masons who perform
the Bristol workings, WBro Mike
Mellor described it as the greatest
challenge ever, since Bristol brethren
are reputed to take their ritual very
seriously, frowning upon even the
slightest departure from ceremonial
solemnity. Asked how he intended to
respond to this impending threat to the
Team's integrity, WBro Pressdee was
Apparently, he had gone off to rewrite the script again!
Within Your Province
Royal Arch representatives in 92 lodges
In early 2002 the late E Comp John Robbins explored, with the then
Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Kevin Chawner, the idea of each
Lodge having a member to represent the Royal Arch. Subsequently he
invited several brethren to take up the position of Royal Arch
representative within their Lodge and so the scheme evolved.
Most of the Lodges in Staffordshire, 92 out of the 101 now have a
Royal Arch representative who continues this important role.
By E Companion Norma Joughin, PGStB,
Second Provincial Grand Principal.
In the latest edition of Freemasonry Today, Summer 2008, page 7, the
Pro First Grand Principal, Lord Northampton, whilst speaking to the
Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter on May 1, stated "Members
of the Craft, who are not members of the Royal Arch, still need a
greater awareness of the indissoluble link between the Craft and the
Royal Arch.
"Last year I set up a working
chairmanship of the Second
Grand Principal to look into
the questions of recruitment
and retention. One of the
recommendations was the
appointment of a formal
Royal Arch representative in
each Lodge. I am pleased to
hear that where this has been
implemented positive results
are being achieved." It
would appear that John
Robbins was 'a man ahead of
his time'.
At the Convocation of
Supreme Grand Chapter in
November 2006, E Comp
the Rev ED Levy PAGSoj
delivered an interesting
A new kind of real estate for E Comp Terry Close as he ponders the value of the tents and equipment which can be
paper in which he described
salvaged from the V Festival at Weston Park for international charity. Read more about the Royal Arch contribution
the Royal Arch as a most
to the big clear up on page 13.
continued: "It stands beyond Craft Masonry as
the culmination of the candidate's journey
through pure Antient Masonry. The beautiful
Attracting Master Masons to become An example of the companionship and lesson that this degree teaches, places man in
members of the Royal Arch was one of the pleasure of being a Royal Arch Mason was the context of eternity.
main messages contained in Grand highlighted
David Superintendent describe how a Braille “A Brother becomes a complete Mason when
Hampson's address to the Provincial ritual book had been produced for Comp he takes his Holy Royal Arch, and it is
Grand Chapter. Recognising the difficulty, Martin Ankers who is totally blind and therefore our duty to ensure that this degree is
he said it was heartening to know that 37 relies on his guide. He told the assembled as widely disseminated as possible. However,
per cent of Craft Masons are Royal Arch members that the Royal National Institute because Chapter deals with a different set of
Masons and pointed out that this meant 63 for the Blind, with the assistance of E relationships, it will appeal to Brethren on a
per cent were not.
Comp Colin Denne had produced the book different level to the Craft, and partly for
and further assistance had come from different reasons”.
"Some may say that we have perhaps Comp John May, another member of
reached our optimum numbers, after all 37 Marmion Chapter, who has produced “To those who find it attractive, the Royal
per cent sits fairly high up the list in audio tapes for Martin and any other Arch is a never-ending source of interest,
study, reflection and self-awareness. In many
comparison with other Provinces, he said Companion who might need them.
ways it is the serious Mason's degree”.
and warned "We must not be complacent,
there is always room for improvement and
The leaflet entitled Royal
we must take a positive approach."
Arch Masonry in Staffordshire
Challenge of recruitment to Order
"The challenge of recruitment is the
responsibility of all of us. You are
ambassadors of the Order and I charge
everyone to carry out that role, to
encourage, stimulate, promote and arouse
sufficient interest for Master Masons to
join us," he added.
Commenting on the 50 exaltations during
Superintendent described this as greatly
He also told members that Staffordshire
was well to the fore in the key suggestions
coming out of the 2nd Grand Principal's
Working Group such as the representative
scheme, educational forums, recruitment
recommendations are being looked at.
- Your Questions Answered is
available in each Masonic
Centre (there should be
several copies on display) and
Provincial Office.
Later in the year it is planned
to hold Forums when brethren
who are not Royal Arch
Masons together with Royal
Arch representatives will be
invited to attend in order to
learn more about Royal Arch
Masonry. A buffet will be
available which it is hoped
will facilitate a convivial
Provincial Grand Scribe E Comp Barrie Rouse (right) pictured atmosphere when relaxed,
with Grand Superintendent E Comp David Hampson and informal discussion can take
Provincial Grand Scribe N E Comp Fred Meddes (left).
Within Your Province
Hugh B Ellis celebrates
sixty years in Masonry
When Sutherland Lodge, 451, met on
Friday, March 28, at the Masonic
Hall, Shelton, the main item of
business for the evening was to
celebrate 6o years in Freemasonry by
W Bro. Hugh Burgh Ellis. PDGSwdB,
Present on this special occasion was
Past Provincial Grand Master RW Bro
Kevin Chawner, PGSwdB, as the
representative of the Provincial Grand
Master. Also in attendance was
Assistant Provincial Grand Master W
Bro Gary Read, PSGD, a large
number of Acting Provincial Officers,
Grand Officers, Provincial Grand
Lodge Officers and other guests
totalling 59.
As is often the case something had to
go wrong and yes, there was a general
electricity power cut in the area,
lasting throughout the proceedings.
Extra candles and torches were the
order of the evening. Bro Read later
noted that the Lodge had presented
very authentic conditions for the
evening, reminiscent of the years just
after the war.
The distinguished guest, The Grand
Superintendent of Staffordshire Royal
Arch Masons, VW Bro David
Hampson, PDGSwdB, PPJGW, then
stood to say a little from the
perspective of Bro Hugh Ellis in
Royal Arch, who was the Provincial
Grand Superintendent between 1980
and 1985.
Whilst Bro Hampson kept his
comments brief due to the
forthcoming celebration of 50 years in
Royal Arch by Bro Ellis, he praised
him as person who gave wise council
and total support.
RW Bro Chawner, pictured, then
presented a certificate on behalf of the
Provincial Grand Master for 60 years
service to Freemasonry in the
He said that Bro Ellis should be
congratulated for all he had done for
so long in the Province. There was a
wonderful record of dedication and he
deserved heart felt congratulations,
thanks and prayers for good health.
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W.Bro Ellis is pictured receiving his framed ‘Sixty Years in Freemasonry’
certificate from RW Bro Kevin Chawner at Sutherland Lodge No 451
W Bro A J Bentley, PPrSGW, a senior
past master of the Lodge, was invited
to say a few words which he said was
an agreeable privilege for him to offer
his tribute to celebrate the Diamond
Jubilee of Service to Masonry by Bro
Ellis, he being one of only 15 in this
Province. The high office achieved by
Bro Ellis was due to ability,
commitment and effort. Bro Bentley
said that we in Sutherland Lodge have
had the good fortune to have had the
guidance, wise council and leadership
of Bro. Ellis who remained a humble
and human mason and a true Brother.
Bro Ellis responded by saying that
everything that he had achieved was
entirely down to his having followed
the precepts of truth, relief and
fellowship. This being reflected in
who and what he is today.
The Worshipful Master, W Bro James
Wilson, the presented a 60 year lapel
badge to Bro Ellis, which he received
with pride. At the Festive Board the
happy occasion continued with a
further presentation and numerous
kind words throughout the remainder
of the evening.
ring Chris 01785 662945
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Within Your Province
Lunch for John to
celebrate 50 years
When W Bro John Arthur Baldock, Old Masonians Lodge, 6762, marked his 50
years in Masonry he celebrated it in style, with an informal luncheon attended by
the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Thomas DC Lloyd, TD, DL.
Bro John who had an operation on his knee last year which has hampered his
mobility is now living in a residential home in Coventry and was unable to attend
the April meeting of the Lodge at Handsworth.
The Lodge decided on the lunch at a Coventry hotel as a good way of presenting
the 50 year certificate, the second presented to a member of the lodge during the
Masonic year. Lodge secretary W Bro Ken Oliver said it was made all the more
pleasurable by the presence of the Provincial Grand Master making the
presentation, a gesture very much appreciated by Bro John who was also
promoted to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden.
The second lodge member to have his 50 years celebrated is W Bro Doug
Brundle, PPSGW, who was presented with his certificate by Assistant Provincial
Grand Master W Bro Colin Denne in December when he was Provincial Grand
W Bro Oliver reports the lodge is in good health, celebrating the long
memberships of both Bros John and Doug and having four initiates since April
Pictured with W Bro John Baldock holding his 50 year certificate are Iris Phipps
and Mandy Hughes with, Lodge Almoner W Bro Bob Phipps, the Provincial
Grand Master, RW Bro Thomas DC Lloyd, the Master of the Lodge, W Bro Jim
Hughes and Lodge Secretary W Bro Ken Oliver.
Staffordshire Knot to celebrate 150 years
Staffordshire Knot Lodge, 726, which meets in Stafford is about to celebrate its
150th anniversary. A celebratory meeting which will be attended by the Provincial
Grand Master, the Deputy and both Assistants and a full Provincial team will take
place on Wednesday, October 22.
Honours Boards have been produced to commemorate the event and a lodge
history, which also includes local and national events, is being published.
A special service, led by a member of the lodge, W Bro Rev Ken Rider, will take
place at St Mary's Church, Stafford, at 3.30pm on Sunday, October 26.
Refreshments will be available after the service at the Masonic Hall on Gaol
Square. Non Masonic guests include the Mayor of Stafford and a Deputy
Lieutenant for Staffordshire, Lord Stafford.
Freemasons and their families are invited to join the lodge members.
The lodge's Ladies Evening which will be hosted by the Master, W Bro James
Haggerty, at the County Showground, is on Saturday, November 29th.
Within Your Province
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Within Your Province
A remarkable man &
a remarkable mason
By W Bro David Edwards,
Worshipful Master, Foster Gough Lodge.
lexander Clement Foster Gough was born on
April 30, 1832, at Heath House, Wombourne,
Wolverhampton, the seventh of 10 children born
to Ralph and Catherine Gough.
When he was about nine years old he went to live
with his uncle Joseph, a solicitor practising in
Wolverhampton and his aunt Elizabeth.
After studying law at Trinity College, Dublin, where
he gained a Doctor of Laws degree, Foster Gough
joined his uncle's practice at 12 King Street,
Wolverhampton. In July 1861 Uncle Joseph died and
subsequently Foster Gough inherited both the
business and real estate including Claremont Villa in
Penn Road, Wolverhampton, where he went to live.
Up to 1859 Foster Gough was a member of the local
Yeomanry, or volunteer cavalry, similar to today's
Territorial Army, and Secretary to a local Rifle Club.
Whilst dining one evening with Colonel George
Augustus Vernon, late of the Coldstream Guards
who was President of the local Rifle Club and also
Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire, Gough's
attention was drawn to a newspaper article regarding
General Peel's historic circular about the formation
of Volunteer Rifle Corps.
Additionally, 11 Brethren joined and the then
Provincial Grand Master RW Bro. Colonel
George Augustus Vernon was elected an honorary
member. His popularity was such that he was reelected Master for the following year when he
initiated 11, passed 12 and raised ten including a
Brother George Singleton Tudor who, 21 years later,
became Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire.
Contrary to current Rules, Foster Gough was also the
Lodge Treasurer during this period and turned the
Lodge finance's from a £15 debt to a surplus of more
than £24!
During the mid-1800's it was usual for Lodges "to be
Tiled" or opened at 7pm or even 7.30pm and it is
reported that one meeting of Lodge of Honour which
began at 7.30 and during which Foster Gough
delivered all three degrees to various candidates and
four and a half hours later, at midnight the Brethren
sat down to a banquet!
In the annals of Freemasonry Foster Gough is third
on the list of Most Work Done by a Master. But this
record does not take into account work he delivered
on behalf of other Masters or occasions he stood in
as Master and delivered the ceremony.
Colonel Vernon suggested their Rifle Club could
form itself into the first such Volunteer Company in
the Kingdom. Action was immediately taken and
through his work Foster Gough was appointed to the
rank of Captain on March 1, 1860. Three years later
he was promoted to Major and by 1880 to Lieutenant
Colonel. He retired in 1888 having completed 35
years service.
On May 16, 1858, he became a joining member of
St. Peter's Lodge, 419, then 607, and on at least two
Just five years and five months after his initiation
Foster Gough was appointed Provincial Senior
Grand Warden in Staffordshire. Five years later, on
September 12, 1865 he was appointed Deputy
Provincial Grand Master, a position he held for three
In 1887 Foster Gough was one of 15 Officers of the
Volunteer Force appointed to the command of
Brigades as an acting Colonel at the Jubilee Review
in Aldershot and formed part of the 5th Brigade of
the 2nd Army Corps commanded by Colonel George
Singleton Tudor who, at this time, was also the
Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire.
Foster Gough was initiated in the Lodge of Honour,
769, now numbered 526, on May 14, 1855.
In 1881 he was again appointed Deputy Provincial
Grand Master and this time he held the appointment
for eight years, until April 30, 1889, when
Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Clement Foster
Gough was installed the eighth Provincial Grand
Master for Staffordshire.
For a number of years the Lodge had been in a
depressed state but this took a dramatic turn after
Foster Gough, aged just 26, was installed Master on
June 11, 1858. During his first year as Worshipful
Master 12 Candidates were initiated, ten passed to
the 2nd degree and ten raised to the 3rd degree Foster Gough delivered all the ceremonies.
In Royal Arch Masonry he was Exalted into St.
Peter's Chapter (then numbered 607) on Monday
March 16, 1857, and attained the First Principal's
Chair in 1862 a position he held for two years.
During his second year in Office, 1863, many
Lodges and Chapters were re-numbered, St. Peter's
becoming Number 419. In 1864 he was appointed
Third Provincial Grand Principal and two years later
promoted to Second Provincial Grand Principal.
Stan Laurel's Grandfather ?
Foster Gough never married, however, there is
irrefutable evidence that he fathered a number of
Harriet Jefferson had six children, four by Foster
Gough and two where proof of a father is
inconclusive. These two were Arthur and Clara
Jefferson. It is Arthur Jefferson who creates the most
interest as he was the father of Stan Laurel of Laurel
and Hardy fame. (Real name was Arthur Stanley
However, there is circumstantial evidence and
several pointers to suggest that Foster Gough is their
Harriet Jefferson called herself "Gough" from the
mid 1850's through to her death in 1888.
When Arthur Jefferson married he named his father
as “Frank Jefferson, Solicitor” Harriet's husband
(Christopher) was not a solicitor but Gough was.
Arthur is recorded in the 1871 census with the
surname Gough.
No trace of husband Christopher can be found at the
time of Arthur's conception
Although the case is Not Proven there is good
evidence to suggest Foster Gough fathered Arthur
Jefferson. He is, therefore, almost certainly the
grandfather of Stan Laurel.
Three months after his Installation as Provincial
Grand IMaster, in a ceremony reputed to be the first
ever delivered outside London, Foster Gough was
Installed Grand Superintendent in and over
Staffordshire. The Installation was carried out by his
close friend E Comp. Shadwell Clerke, Grand Scribe
In Mark Masonry he was Advanced into Howe
Lodge of Mark Master Masons, Time Immemorial,
on October 18, 1858.In 1878, two years after the
formation of the Mark Province of Warwickshire and
Staffordshire, Foster Gough was appointed Deputy
Provincial Grand Master. This appointment was
made before he had gone through the Chair of a
Mark Lodge and to get round the problem Foster
Gough was "made Master of a Lodge" by the power
vested in the Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro.
Riland Bedford. It was 13 months and 6 days after
this "making" before he actually occupied the Chair
of Howe TI.
He was also a Founder member of Wulfruna Lodge
of Mark Master Masons, 186, Wolverhampton, in
August 1875.
He was held in such high esteem in Mark Masonry
that Gough Lodge of Mark Master Masons, 45, was
so named in his honour. The consecration of Gough
Lodge took place on October 28, 1881 in a unique
double consecration ceremony with The Tudor
Lodge of Rifle Volunteer Mark Masters, 290, so
named after Major George Singleton Tudor,
Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire Craft.
Following the resignation of RW Bro Bedford, in
1882, the Province was split into its respective
Counties and Foster Gough was elected the first
Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire Mark
Masonry. (Shropshire was not accepted until 1900
thus forming the curent Province of Staffordshire
and Shropshire).
Stan Laurel (1890-1965),
the “thin one” of the
comic team of Laurel and
Hardy, and its creative
force. Born Arthur Stanley
Jefferson in Ulverston,
Lancashire, Laurel joined
the comic team of Fred
Karno in his teens but quit
while in the United States
in 1911 to seek a
successful career in
vaudeville. When success
failed to materialize he
made the move into films,
in a two-reel “chase”
comedy, Nuts In May
It was not until ten years later, however, that Laurel first appeared
alongside Oliver Hardy, a pairing devised by Hal Roach, in the film
Putting Pants On Philip (1927).
Within Your Province
Foster Gough joined two other Orders: Knights
Templar and Rose Croix. In October 1857 he was
Installed a Knight in the Richard de Vernon
Preceptory No. 52, meeting in Dudley and in 1864
he was a founder member of WulfrunaPreceptory,
Wolverhampton. Perfected into Vernon Chapter Rose
Croix No. 5, Birmingham, in December 1858 but, it
would appear, was not a very active member and
only paid his annual subscription of 1 guinea every 5
years or so!
In his masonic career he set record upon record and
he remains one of only two in the history of the
Provinces of Staffordshire to have held the position
of Provincial Grand Master in the Craft, Grand
Superintendent in and over Royal Arch Masonry and
Provincial Grand Master for Mark Masonry.He had
three Lodges named after him: Gough Mark, 45,
(1881) Gough Royal Ark Mariners, 45 (1930) and
the Foster Gough Lodge, 2706 (1898).
He was also the author of at least publications:
Narrative of the Knights Templar and Crusaders
Narrative (Wolverhampton 1867) and The
application of the Triad or No. 3 to the Science of
Freemasonry (Wolverhampton 1868).
He was a member of the London Arts Society, of the
Palestine Exploration Committee, of the Biblical and
Archaeological Society, a life member of the Senate
for Dublin University and followed Sir Rupert Kettle
as President of the Wolverhampton Literary and
Scientific Association.
He was also a member of the Wo l v e r h a m p t o n
D e a n e r y Conservative Club, President of the
Wolverhampton Conservative Association and
member of the Constitutional Club.
Following the sudden death of Shadwell Clerke, 61,
on Christmas Day 1891, Foster Gough resolved to
attend the funeral in London and pay his last
respects to his old friend. The Capital at this time
was in the grip of an influenza epidemic which, on
January 14, 1892, was to cause the death of HRH
The Duke of Clarence and Avondale, 29, the eldest
son of the Prince of Wales, Grand Master.
Gough contracted the virus, a few weeks later he
developed pulmonary pneumonia and on Monday
February 1, 1898, he died aged 59. His funeral on
Saturday February 6 was attended by many hundreds
of mourners. The cortège left his home, Claremont
Villa, at 2.30 pm and was preceded by the band of
the 3rd Battalion of the South Staffordshire
Volunteer Force playing Chopin' s Funeral March.
Large crowds lined the streets to witness the
imposing pageant. The hearse was drawn by four
black horses, his coffin draped in the Union Flag,
and there followed, in cabs and on foot, many
members of Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand
Lodge, Royal Arch and Mark Brethren from a
number of Provinces. The internment took place at
the General Cemetery Wolverhampton, now known
as Jeffcock Road Cemetery and his lasting memorial
remains one of the largest in the entire cemetery.
He left £29,000 or the equivalent today of around £3
This is a synopsis of a paper delivered in Foster
Gough Lodge, 2706, on April 28, 2008.
A full transcript of the 24 page paper can be
obtained from:
W. Bro. D. M. Edwards
for a donation towards
the 2013 Craft Festival.
E-mail: info@davidmedwards.plus.com.
Support for
smaller lodges
is on the way
Mentoring and Preparing
for the Master's Chair
being considered
By W Bro Geoff Bean, PAGDC.
Provincial Education Officer
Consideration is being given to developing the
Staffordshire Way Masonic Education programme
in two key areas.
Firstly with particular reference to the Rulers'
Forum report on mentoring recently issued by
Grand Lodge and secondly, utilising extensive
information produced by another Province on the
subject of Preparing for the Master's Chair.
Audio/visual presentations to interested lodges will,
it is anticipated, commence later this year.
Just over half of Lodge Secretaries have returned
the questionnaires sent to them in June requesting
details of their LOI Preceptors and meetings.
Replies from those that haven't are needed urgently.
In October a meeting is planned with the organisers
and participants of Lodges of Instruction which
meet at Aldridge. If successful similar meetings will
be held at Shelton and Wolverhampton.
DC's, ADC's, Preceptors, LOI Secretaries and
brethren below the chair from the ten lodges which
meet at Aldridge will be invited. The discussions
will address and hopefully resolve some of the
issues relating to attendance at and enjoyment and
benefits gained from attending LOI. Lodge
Secretaries are being asked to submit key discussion
Following the website seminar at Stoke a number of
points were raised regarding software and file
transfer. Some' free to use' software for both picture
manipulation and website editing have been added.
They can be down loaded from the secure page of
the Provincial website. The picture editor is self
explanatory and easy to use. The web page editor is
slightly more difficult to master and a link to a
tutorial has been included which covers most
aspects of preparing a web page for publication.
There is also a copy of a shareware file transfer
programme which is also self explanatory and
includes a help file if anyone is in doubt. Once you
have started building your Lodge website don't
think you're on your own….the Website Forum is
always there to give help, advice and share
Draft booklets for Lodge Almoners have been
circulated for comment which when received will
be considered for the final version which will be
printed and distributed in the autumn. Attention is
also being given to producing booklets in the same
series for Lodge Secretaries, Treasurers and Charity
The Speakers' Scheme is now up and running. Any
Lodge needing advice or assistance in obtaining a
A support group for all masons, from Entered
Apprentices to Past Masters, has been set up in the
Province. With a membership consisting at the
moment of mainly former acting officers and
backing from the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge,
the support group aims to visit smaller lodges to
help boost numbers.
W Bro Charles Matthews, PPJGW, the man behind
the team, also wants to offer assistance to lodges
with ceremonies and demonstrate in a practical and
meaningful way that the team supports and cares
about all lodges and their members, regardless of
the membership numbers.
More than 100 letters have gone out to acting
officers during the past three years and Bro Charles
reports a good response to date including one Grand
Lodge Officer who wants to get involved.
It is hoped that the majority of visits will be to
initiations and a plan of action is being drawn up.
The first major visit will be to an initiation at the
end of October at Summit Lodge, 5944, which last
year had a membership of 21.
A monthly email note is to be sent to members of
the team which will contain information about
Lodges which could be visited and suggestions of
how to make contact for a co-ordinated visit.
Bro Charles, a member of the Provincial Stewards
Lodge, said he has been very heartened by the
support and encouragement he has received both
from potential members and the rulers.
He said: "In addition to supporting smaller lodges
we hope this might also open up the world of
visiting brethren who normally don't get to visit
other lodges. It would also give Entered Apprentices
the opportunity to see an initiation shortly after his
Anyone interested in more details of the Support
Group can contact Charles Matthews on 01889
or by email: charlesmathews@btconnect.com
Thanks for the music
Friday, June 13, was far from
an unlucky day for Bro
Norman Griffin, pictured,
when he celebrated his 80th
birthday. A party was
organised and attended by
friends for whom he has
provided organ music at
numerous Masonic meetings.
Norman has been seriously ill since the New Year
and friends from lodges and chapters have been
regular visitors and joined in the birthday
suitable speaker should contact:
WBro Ed Humphries. 01902 753 722
Cup winner
Presentations of the Staffordshire Way to Lodges
are still available.
W Bro Dr Mike Rawle, Staffordshire Knot Lodge,
726, won this year's Stafford Lodges Valon Cup
golf competition at the Manor Golf Club.
Within Your Province
Garden party raised £5,000 for Festival
A garden party to raise funds for the
2013 Grand Charity Festival was held
at Johnson Hall, near Eccleshall, the
home of W Bro and Mrs Les Rawlins
on July 26 and a magnificent
£5,011.68p was raised.
The weather was perfect (although
one Lodge has asked if we can
arrange ten per cent cloud cover if the
event is run again) and the layout of
the garden was ideal.
More than 30 Lodges from across the
Province provided stalls and other
activities with the profit made by the
stalls being credited to their Lodge in
the Festival fund. All the Lodges that
took part made a special effort to
make their stalls look attractive and
there was a wide range of events to
suit all ages.
Activities included a traditional fair
ground coconut shy and ring the bell
along with skittles, putting and welly
throwing to name but a few.
An excellent range of refreshments,
both hot and cold, were provided.
Visitors enjoyed taking part in a
number of competitions with Mrs
Marita Rawlins winning the "guess
the number of balloons in the car".
Everyone who attended said that they
had had a very good afternoon of fun
and fellowship.
An authentic Victorian Coconut
Shy, above, courtesy of the Black
Country Museum was displayed
by the not-so-shy Black Country
Left to right: W Bro Frank
Pressdee and his wife Jane, W
Bro Malcolm Cresswell and his
wife Chris, W Bro Mike Mellor and
W Bro Paddy Lennon.
The activity of throwing wet sponges
was a very popular event particularly
when the Provincial Prior, Right
Eminent Knight Ian Moxon and
Assistant Provincial Grand Master W
Bro Colin Denne very sportingly
offered to act as targets!
There were stalls selling everything
ranging from cakes, pottery, plants
and crafts to jewellery and greetings
The Provincial Grand Master has
his hands full on arrival, hoping to
impress two 'shy' girls.
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When WBro Len Mowatt went back into the chair of Edwina Lodge, 4237, he
decided to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer Support in Staffordshire and he
is pictured presenting a cheque to Beverley Smith for £1,200, the proceeds of
raffles, a BBQ, a sponsored swim and a Burns Night.
Clay Pigeon Shoot
Band Concert
A clay pigeon shoot in aid of the 2013
Grand Charity Festival will be held on
Saturday, October 11, at the
Doveridge Clay Sports Ground near
Uttoxeter. It is being organised by W
Bro David Watt (einhorrido@aol.com
or 07866 571180. See the advert in
page 17 for full details.
A Silver Band Concert in aid of the
2013 Grand Charity Festival is being
held on Saturday, November 22 at
7.00pm. It will be at Sandon High
School, The Meir, Stoke, and during
the interval the second draw for the
1000 club will be held. More details
from Provincial Charity Steward W
Bro John Francis on 01785 812853.
Within Your Province
PGM's call
for support
Paying tribute to the generosity of
every member of the Province in
supporting charitable causes, the
Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro
Thomas DC Lloyd has made a special
call for support for the 2013 Grand
Charity Festival.
In his address to Provincial Grand
Lodge in May he said: "We shall not
succeed in matching the total
achieved for the 2002 Festival of £2.5
million without each individual
playing his part." Outlining many of
the fund raising events and initiatives
already in place he said: "If £2 a week
is gift aided, less than the cost of a
pint of beer we shall succeed. This
will build up over five years with the
interest accrued being added to the
investment held in the Grand Lodge
Charity Treasure Chest."
Royal Arch Masons brave £100,000
the weather to help clear for 2013
up after V Festival
Some 40 Royal Arch Masons led by
the Grand Superintendent, ME Comp
David Hampson, again attended the
"V" Festival site at Weston Park after
the end of the annual pop music
Festival. They were part of the clear
up team organised by local Rotary
Clubs to dismantle the tents left
Around 30,000 tents are abandoned
by those attending the Festival and
without our participation would be
bulldozed away. One of the six
campsites had already been cleared by
the organisers before we arrived and
they were well under way with
It was hoped some 3,000 tents would
be packed, only one tenth of the total,
together with a very large quantity of
picnic chairs, sleeping bags and other
camping equipment and taken by the
"International Aid" Charity to send
out to various parts on the world in
response to all sorts of disasters,
whether natural or man-made, to
provide shelter for the homeless.
The tent collection even made the
BBC Television News Midlands
Today where the Rotary organiser,
Mike Hampson (no relation) was
interviewed. The weather was
appalling with several storms
including hail and the ground was a
mud bath. We were soaked through,
but that did not deter our happy band
who worked on valiantly despite the
conditions. The group included
several very senior members of the
Province and some of our ladies. We
were spurred on by the thought that
our efforts were for the benefit of
those who had to suffer far worse
conditions than we were facing.
E Comp Hampson felt that this sort of
project was just the sort of thing the
Pro First Grand Principal had in mind
when he said that our Charitable
support should include getting
involved in activities for the benefit of
the community and not just putting
our hands in our pockets. He would
hope we would help again next year.
The Provincial Grand Master gives
his full support and to emphasise that
has put our Masonic involvement on
the agenda for the next meeting of the
Craft Provincial General Purposes
Beetle Drive with Fish Supper
Walton Walker Lodge, 3847, is
holding a Beetle Drive on November
8th, 7.00pm for 7.30pm at the
Masonic Hall, Edward Street, West
Bromwich. Tickets are £7, which
includes a fish and chip supper, are
obtainable from W Bro Alan Siddall.
The event is to boost the lodge's
charity account.
During the last ten years members of
West Bromwich lodges led by Alan
assisted by W Bro Bob Hogg have
raised around £85,000 to refurbish
and restore the building and support
local and Provincial charities.
And in a direct appeal to Charity
Stewards he said: "Grasp the
opportunity to take the alms collection
in Gift Aid envelopes. This will yield
an extra 28 per cent without any
additional cost."
A call for greater effort to achieve a
respectable sum for the 2013 Grand
Charity Festival was made at the
annual meeting of the Staffordshire
Masonic Charitable Association.
WBro Mike Daniels, treasurer, told
the meeting on June 26 that he
anticipated the relief chest would only
have around £100,000 by the end of
the summer.
The Provincial Grand Master also
appealed to all Lodge secretaries to be
contactable by email. He said: "In the
interests of efficiency and keeping
costs down, I would like us to have a
full emailing system. It will save an
enormous amount of money if we
could email out all lodge summonses
and other important information."
(See footnote.)
He said it was disappointing that only
themselves to monthly contributions
and 80 to annual contributions.
Incoming President WBro David
Edwards concurred with the
Treasurer's comments and urged
everybody attending the meeting to
talk to members of their lodges to
commit to donations as the Province
deserved greater support.
During his address he also praised and
thanked W Bro Keith Thomas for his
contribution as an Assistant Provincial
Grand Master and the continuing
input he will be giving as he keeps the
co-ordinating role of the Staffordshire
Way education programme. He also
thanked W Bro George Arblaster who
as stepping down as education officer
and welcomed his successor W Bro
Geoff Bean.
Provincial Grand Almoner WBro
Alan Walker told the meeting that the
Wilson Keys Court in Rugeley was
full and there as a waiting list of 35 for
double rooms and 28 for single rooms.
Welcoming W Bro Colin Denne to his
new role as Assistant Provincial
Grand Master, the PGM describe him
as "a mot committed and experienced
mason and a brilliant Provincial
Outgoing President WBro John DM
Brookes presented a firing glass to
recognition of his five years as
Provincial Grand Charity Steward.
It was agreed to make a £120 donation
to Lichfield Cathedral to add to the
collection from the service attended
by the Provincial Grand Master and
other Staffordshire Masons in July to
make a total of £500.
WBro Jim Warburton was re-elected
Secretary as was WBro Daniels as
Treasurer. The new Vice President is
WBro Ian Moxon.
Other matters highlighted in the
address included the Masonic Garden,
Wilson Keys Court, the bi-annual
Cathedral Service at Lichfield, the
Summer Ball and the dedication of the
outgoing Provincial team and the high
expectations he had for the new team.
He also congratulated all Brethren
who had been appointed or promoted.
*Provincial Webmaster W Bro Chris
Priestley is working on a scheme
which will gave all lodges a secure
emailing system, with an email
address assigned to each lodge,
through the Provincial system. Eg:
Lodge xxx@pglstaffordshire.co.uk
Within Your Province
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Ambitious survey of Lodge
and Chapter records
The Pro Grand Master in his
communication to UGLE in his June
Communication said:
"Towards the end of last year I
launched a survey of Lodge and
Chapter records. This survey will be
an important building block for the
Masonic history, which we plan to
publish in 2017 as part of the
Tercentenary celebrations of the
formation of the first Grand Lodge.
Undertaking this survey within an
organisation of this size and age is
ambitious. But I am confident that
with your help, it will be successful
and that and that the results will be
be important in encouraging further
research into our history.
Applications are invited for the position of
for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire
Duties include advising the Provincial Grand Master
and other senior Provincial officers on
communications, promoting Freemasonry in
Staffordshire, assisting Lodge Information Officers,
handling Media enquiries and liaising with Media
organisations, placing items on the Provincial website
and producing the bi-annual Within Your Province
The Information Officer is also expected to attend and
report to the Provincial General Purposes Committee
as an ex-officio member.
This is a voluntary, non-badged appointment and
agreed expenses are met.
If you are interested in finding out more about the
position please call the present incumbent,
W Bro Peter Atkins on 01889 500635.
Applications should be made in writing to
RW Bro Thomas DC Lloyd, TD, DL, Provincial Grand Master,
Provincial Grand Lodge Office, 211 Tettenhall Road,
Wolverhampton, WV6 0DD.
I have been following the results
very closely and I am pleased that
supported. All our Provinces have
now appointed a volunteer
coordinator to organise the survey.
Most of these co-ordinators have
attended a briefing meeting at
Freemasons' Hall, and have already
started the survey in their
Provinces. We hope to have the
survey completed by June 2009."
I understand that Freemasonry is the
first non-governmental organisation
to undertake the task of cataloguing
its records which is a national
initiation being driven by National
Preservation of the British Library. On
behalf of the UGLE, the Library and
Museum Section are managing the
Project and have appointed Len
Reilly, a new part time appointment,
two days a week for two years. A short
article appeared in "Freemasonry
Today" in July.
In Staffordshire I have taken on the
role of volunteer co-ordinator and
have contacted all Lodge Secretary's
and Chapter Scribe Es, informing
them of the Project and given them
the manual Forms to complete. This
process is quite simple and the forms,
just two in number, Form 1 that gives
details of the Lodge/Chapter etc.
Form 2 provides details on each
where/how stored, age, condition etc.
Whilst I say this is, a comparative
easy exercise it does demand
knowledge of where all the records
W Bro Colin Denne, PAGDC,
Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
are kept and a reasonable time is
necessary to complete the task. One
Secretary informed me it took him 7
hours to complete the exercise for his
old and distinguished Lodge
comprising of 34 individual records.
One Lodge, which is almost, 150
years old have submitted records of
65 individual records comprising of
Minute Books, Attendance Books,
Declaration Books, Lodge of
Instruction Details etc.
Forms are available in an electronic
form and a Lodge/Chapter is welcome
to a copy but I feel the manual forms
are adequate, albeit, I have to transfer
the information to an electronic
version fro transfer to UGLE. I am
quite happy to send you an electronic
copy of my submission to London.
Up to the end of July, the following
Lodges have submitted details to me:
Noah's Ark; Staffordshire Knot,
Marmion, Queeselet; Andresey and
Foster Gough
In addition, Chapters: Marmion, St
Giles, St John's of Lichfield,
Lodges who have difficulty in
keeping these valuable documents in
good dry and secure accommodation
may consider contacting their local
Archive/Library Department to assist
them. This method is highly
recommended by UGLE, Library and
Staffordshire Knot No.726 have just
passed their records over to the
Staffordshire County Library Archive
Department, for their safekeeping in
suitable conditions to ensure these
records are available for future
Incidentally, Lodges can safe monies
by not having to pay Banks to keep
the records in their vaults, which are
often not ideally suitable.
I wish to thank all those brethren who
have already submitted their records
and remind the rest to make a early
start if you need any further
information or assistance please do
not hesitate to contact me Tel:01889 881130
Please do not send information direct
to London, they only tell me to ask
you to forward it to me.
In conclusion, I look forward to
receiving your records and showing
UGLE that this Province not only has
good records but also is able to
respond to such an important task
when requested to do so.
Within Your Province
Ball raised £3,475
The principal speaker at the bi-annual Provincial Summer Ball
was W Bro Ian Moxon, pictured here presenting Elaine Lloyd,
wife of the Provincial Grand Master, with a bouquet.
£3,475 was raised from the evening for the Staffordshire Grand
Charity 2013 Festival which was enjoyed by 267 Masons and
Mystery of Ready
Ready Lodge, 4008, has a long and
distinguished history in Staffordshire
Freemasonry and in 2019 will celebrate
its centenary under its newly refurbished
banner around which certain mysteries
An explanation of the mystery was given
to Lodge members and guests by W Bro
Frank Howells at what he described as
the dedication and not the re-dedication
of the banner because there is no
reference in the minutes to the original
banner being dedicated.
Bro Howells said the banner was
presented to the Lodge in June 1920 after
it's consecrated in November the
previous year. It was presented by the
first Master, W Bro TS Whitfield.
Move forward 86 years, to July 2006 and
Grand Lodge approved the banner which,
when the Lodge celebrated its 50th The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Thomas D C Lloyd
anniversary in 1969 agreed to pay £31.40 and the Worshipful Master admire the Ready Lodge
to W Bro S Hollinshead's aunt who had banner
done some refurbishment work on it. Its latest refurbishment was done at United Grand Lodge for
£950. A new one was estimated at nearly £2,000.
W Bro Howells said that the lodge was a Burslem Lodge, joining St Martins, 98, and Sutherland,
451, at the Masonic Hall in Waterloo Street. After the outbreak of war in 1939 the three lodges were
joined by Smith Child Lodge, 2064, when its premises in Tunstall were commandeered by the ARP.
In February 1942, the Burslem Masonic Hall was also commandeered by the Ministry of Food as a
'Buffer Depot' and all four lodges moved to Shelton where they continue to meet.
At the meeting W Bro Howells also gave a detailed explanation of the coat of arms derived from the
Burslem coat of arms.
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Within Your Province
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Full Provincial
On May 8th the Provincial
Grand Master together
with a total of 21
attended Jubliee Lodge of
Mark Master Masons No.
1485 in Stafford to see the
Advancement ceremony
of Brother Richard Fisher.
A splendid night was had
by all and, as the PGM
said, the officers and those
who stood in to act at
short notice brought credit
on themselves and honour
to their Lodge.
A Sunday
May 17th, 2009, by kind
invitation of W. Bro. Steve
Jones, Wrekin Mark, a
Luncheon Carvery will be
held in a Grand Marquee.
More details shortly.
Garden Party
Evening Bash!
Sunday July 12th, 2009.
Venue and details shortly.
Mark Weekend
Scheduled for
October 9th - 10th 2009.
On 21st October 2008 a
meeting will be held at St.
Bartholomew Lodge of Royal
Ark Mariners No. 650,
Wednesbury when, most
likely, unless a Candidate is
Demonstration Team led by
W. Bro. Roy Lees will deliver
an 1810 ritual of the Degree.
All Royal Ark Mariners will
be welcomed to witness this
unique demonstration.
County Air
Launched on October 31st the
Air Ambulance appeal is
going better than the PGM had
dared hope despite his
insistence that other charitable
calls upon the Brethren should
not be put in the shade. The
PGM is delighted with the
support of this most worthy
cause. By July 2008, just 8
months after its launch, almost
£9,500.00 had been received
with promises of more to
come. Many Lodges are
holding raffles, luncheons and
other fund raising events.
The object is to hand over “a
substantial sum” to the County
Air Ambulance covering
Staffordshire and Shropshire
sometime before the service
reaches its 21st Birthday. Rt.
W. Bro. Edwards said “ I
thank all who have thus far
contributed to this vital
service and I encourage every
(continued next column)
Mark Mason to continue
Ambulance. Just bare in mind
that one day it may be you, or
one of your loved ones, whose
life may be saved by the
County Air Ambulance and
the “Golden Hour” it
provides. This is a priceless
Charitable Service and one
which deserves our utmost
forthcoming Winter and
Spring a Grand Draw is to be
held in favour of the service,
1st prize is a week for up to 8
persons at a luxury selfcatering
overlooking St. Michael's Bay
& Mount, Penzance in July
2009. The heated swimming
pool is included in this super
prize worth over £1,200.
Other prizes include a ride in a
helicopter (but not to
12 bottles of
vintage Champagne and an
autographed painting of a well
known celebrity. The draw is
scheduled to take place at
Joseph Whittall Lodge 1392
on May 28th 2009.
Provincial Visits for
All subject to confirmation:
Monday January 12th 2009,
at Huntune Mark No. 1085 at
the Red House, Albrighton.
Tuesday February 10th 2009,
Beaudesart Mark No. 1127 at
The Chase Golf Club.
Thursday March 12th
2009,Castle Mark No. 1622 at
their new premises in
Friday April 3rd 2009,
Severn Royal Ark Mariners
No. 1617 Newport.
Monday May 11th 2009,
Noel Boardman Walsall Mark
No. 933 Aldridge. (75 year
Noah's Ark Lodge
Banner dedication,
May 7th 2008
The Provincial Grand Master,
Rt. W. Bro. David Edwards,
presided at the Banner
Dedication Ceremony at
Noah's Ark Lodge of Mark
Master Masons No. 1401 on
May 7th when, with the
assistance of the Provincial
Grand Chaplain, Rev. Fredrick
Roeschlaub, dedicated a New
Banner to the service of the
Lodge. Many Grand Officers,
Provincial Grand Officers,
present and past, together with
members of Noah's Ark
Lodge, filled the room and
witnessed a most moving
ceremony. The evening was
rounded off with a cheque for
£150 towards the County Air
Ambulance appeal.
Further Full
Provincial visits
The 24th September meeting
will be held at Talbot Lodge of
Mark Master Masons No.
1021 at Whitchurch when the
Master, W. Bro. Shingler, will
Advance Brother Dennis
Keith McGrath.
Provincial Officers will
receive notice in due course
any other Mark Master Mason
wishing to attend may contact
the new Lodge Secretary W.
Bro. Bill Pyle, 01948 830300
Provincial Officers
Sunday Luncheon.
(Active Officers for the year
and their Ladies)
Sunday Lunch September
14th, 2008, at Haughton Hall
Hotel. £16 pp for 3 courses
Within Your Province
White Table evening.
May 16th saw well over 60 Mark
and Craft Brethren joined
together at the Provincial White
Wolverhampton following a
regular meeting of the oldest
Mark Lodge in Staffordshire and
Shropshire, Wulfruna Lodge of
Mark Master Masons No. 186.
The Provincial Grand Master for
Worcestershire, Rt. W. Bro.
Francis Spencer, was guest of
honour and following a welcome
and introductory talk on the Mark
Degree by Rt. W. Bro. David
Edwards, PGM, Brother Spencer
gave a most illuminating and at
times humorous insight into the
honourable Degree of Mark
Master Mason. He talked about
the history of Mark Masonry and
how, in 1856, it very nearly
became part of Craft Masonry.
How and why the Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons came about
and the current happy relationship
the Order has with the United
Grand Lodge of England and
other sovereign bodies. Rt. W.
Bro. Spencer gave a general
outline of the meaning behind the
ceremony and how Mark
Masonry, in comparison to the
Craft, has 4 additional officers.
The Mark Degree and the Degree
of Royal Ark Mariner are,
respectively, the 3rd and 4th
largest Orders in Freemasonry
and that, together with the Craft,
are the only Orders in the United
Kingdom to have as their Grand
Master a member of the Royal
Family – The Duke of Kent for
the Craft and Royal Arch and his
brother Prince Michael of Kent
for Mark and Royal Ark
Mariners. (continued in next column)
In conclusion he talked about
other Masonic Orders and how
membership of the Mark Degree
was an essential qualification.
Whilst thanking Rt. W. Bro.
Spencer for his talk the Provincial
Grand Master, pointed out that he
didn't wish to give our Craft
Brethren the wrong idea about the
Wages every Mark Brother
receives – sadly not real money
but a special Token!
Under the direction of the acting
Provincial Grand Director of
Ceremonies, W. Bro. David Wall,
columns were formed by Grand
and Provincial Grand Officers in
the Mark Degree to escort the two
Provincial Grand Masters' from
the Lodge Room in most
impressive form.
A banquet was held in the large
dining room, toasts were kept to a
expressed delight in the evening’s
proceedings and a good number
of enquiries ensued regarding
Presentation to
Past PGM
On 6th June 2008 Kidsgrove
RAM lodge No 1503 held a
regular meeting attended by the
Past PGM. Rt. W. Bro Frederick
Arthur Cotton who is also a
founder member. Much to his
surprise The PGM Rt. W.Bro.
David Michael Edwards entered
the lodge in order specifically to
present a cheque following
collections held at Mark & RAM
lodges in appreciation of the
P.PGMs services to this province.
The very enjoyable evening was a
great success & a well kept secret.
Thursday November 6th, 2008, at the County Showground, Stafford,
commencing at 3p.m.
Thursday November 5th, 2009, (this one should go with a bang!) same venue.
Inter-Provincial Visitation.
Wednesday November 12th, 2008, at the Installation meeting of Tudor Mark
No. 290, Wolverhampton. Staffs & Shrops plays host to the annual InterProvince meeting.
Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank Investiture.
Tuesday December 9th in London. All RAM's welcome contact Prov. Secretary
Clay Pigeon Shoot
in aid of
2013 Grand Charity Festival
at Doveridge Clay Sports Ground
(On A50 near Uttoxeter)
Saturday, 11 October, 2008
10.00am to 3.00pm
50 Varied Sporting Targets
(re-entry permitted)
Inscribed Trophy for High Gun
Gentleman, Lady and Under 18
Experienced shooters will be at every stand
for safety and to assist beginners.
Ear defenders and safety glasses recommended.
Bring your Non Masonic friends.
£25 per entry
Café on site
Cartridges available at on-site shop from £4 per box of 25
Entry with fee to:
David Watt, 9 Balance Hill, Uttoxeter, ST14 8BS
Tel: 07866-571180 E-mail: einhorrido@aol.com
Assistance from experienced shooters will be appreciated
Your Province
Enjoyable year of competition golf
Once again Staffordshire Masonic
Golfers have enjoyed a year of
competition golf having played all
matches but one in Staffordshire,
writes W Bro David Hadler.
The Annual Spring Meeting event was
held at Ingestre Park Golf Club,
Stafford. Open to all members, 31
players teed off and the overall winner
was WBro Tony Usherwood,
Tibbington Lodge, 4927, with a score
of 37 Stableford Points. The runner
up, who was playing his home course
and last year's winner, Bro Mark
Ashton, North Staffs Round Table
Lodge 8355, with 34 points. Members
were pleased to receive the support of
the Provincial Grand Master, who was
in attendance and presented the prizes.
At the beginning of May Staffordshire
Worcestershire at Oxley Park Golf
Club, Wolverhampton, where the
result was halved, the match against
Nottinghamshire was played at
Newcastle under Lyme Golf Club,
with the visitors regaining a win. The
match against Warwickshire was
hosted by them at West Midlands Golf
Club, Berkswell, with Staffordshire
taking a comfortable victory.
The most prestigious event in this
years golfing calendar was the Six
Counties Championship hosted by
Staffordshire at Brocton Hall Golf
Club, Stafford. 96 players from
the Provinces of Staffordshire,
Warwickshire, Leicestershire and
Rutland, with Nottinghamshire
Derbyshire, and Yorkshire West
Riding all taking part. With the day
bathed in sunshine and the event
being held in a magnificent setting it
all added to being a tremendous
Many prizes were to be played for, all
of which at the end of the day were
presented by the Provincial Grand
Master who again provided his full
support to the Society. The
Competition was evenly matched
resulting in a very close result with
Yorkshire West Riding retaining the
Six Counties Trophy by a margin of
just one point. The overall individual
prize, an engraved Silver Carriage
Clock was awarded to W Bro .P J
Allen, Leicestershire and Rutland,
who with a count back on the back
nine scored 36 Stableford points. The
result for Staffordshire was fourth
place with W Bro Mike Baggaley,
Castellum Lodge, 6710, receiving a
Silver salver for the highest
Staffordshire score of 34 points.
Staffordshire golfers also involve
themselves with two other major
Masonic golfing events during the
year. In June the Annual Wardens
Golf Competition was held at the
Lichfield Golf and Country Club,
formally Seedy Mill Golf Club,
Lichfield. The Provincial Wardens
were both present with W Bro Sandy
Stewart, Provincial Senior Grand
Warden leading his team out and
WBro Mike Heenan, Provincial
Junior Grand Warden being a non
golfer providing plenty of support and
encouragement to his team. The
afternoon was full of good sporting
humour and banter the result being the
Junior Warden's team taking the
Trophy with the best six scores
The Provincial Grand Master's Golf
Trophy is played annually in
September and alternates each year
between Oxley Park Golf Club and
Ingestre Golf Club the September
2008 event being played at Oxley.
This is a Charity event the monies
being raised by the sale of Golf Cards
throughout the Provincial Lodges the
proceeds all being donated to
Provincial Charities. With the
Staffordshire 2013
Festival approaching
the support required
for this Charitable
Competition is now
greater than ever.
The overall winner
this year, his second
year, was W Bro
Bernard Bailey, St
Martin's, 98, with 36
Stableford points.
Runners up, both
with 34 points were
pipping W Bro
Geoff McAra on a
count back on the
back nine.
If any Brother who
is a Club Golfer
wishes to join the
Masonic Golfing Society please
contact W Bro. David Hadler on
dhadler@btinternet.com for details.
The Provincial Grand Master, WBro Thomas D C Lloyd,
presents the trophy to WBro Bernard Bailey of St Martins
Malcolm Phillips, playing in the
Senior Warden's team got the highest
score, 41 points, closely followed by
N Wright with 40 and B Kibble (better
back nine) with 39 points.
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Within Your Province
This year's event was held at Stone
Crown Green Bowling Club,
Uttoxeter Road, Stone, on the
afternoon of Sunday, August 24. It
was an ideal venue with it's a recently
completed green and purpose built
Club House which enjoy beautiful
Staffordshire countryside.
Provincial Bowls Competition
attracts 18 players
We are most grateful to the Club
Chairman, W Bro Trevor Mardling
and its members for allowing us the
use of such marvellous facilities and
to Trevor's wife Helen who worked
tirelessly all afternoon, providing a
very comprehensive and enjoyable
buffet together with an endless supply
of hot and cold drinks.
There were a total of eighteen
John Birchill, Maurice Williams and
Brian Tennant, St Peter's Lodge, 419,
and Chris Adams, St Peter's Chapter,
419. Mike Thomas, Staffordshire
Knot, 726, Don Cox, St Johns of
Lichfield, 1039, Gordon Wild,
Andrew Tomblin and Rob Newton,
Josiah Wedgwood, 2214, Trevor
Mardling, St Michael's, 2487, Roger
Williams, Victoria, 2848, Richard
Hill, Noah's Ark, 4021, Harold
Hampton, Prince of Wales, 4021,
Tony Minns, St Modwen's, 4850, Tim
Barrett, Old Wulfrunians, 7411,
Andrew Lawton, Clough Hall, 7481,
David Hull, Charley, 7569 and Archie
Pugh, Round Table, 8273.
RWBro Kevin Chawner, right, with Arnold Lawton and Tony Minns, winner and runner up, watched by organiser, Brian Tennant
Also present were nine wives /
partners and we were honoured with
the company of Past Provincial Grand
Master RW Bro Kevin Chawner and
his wife, Provincial Senior Grand
Warden W Bro Sandy Stewart and his
wife and Provincial Grand Secretary
W. Bro Barry Rouse.
The start of the competition was
delayed by rain for half an hour and
the weather remained fine for the rest
of the afternoon. We were treated to
culminating in a great final between
Arnold Lawton and Tony Minns. Tony
gave a great account of himself, but
I'm sure everyone present would agree
that Arnold was a true and worthy
For entertainment only, a separate
competition was held between four of
the ladies present, Dianne Widenbar,
Elizabeth Williams, Helen Mardling
and Cynthia Minns. Elizabeth and
Helen were the finalists with
Elizabeth being the eventual winner.
A sunny afternoon in Stone
Brian Tennant who once again
organised the event thanked all
present for their support and
generosity, particularly Trevor and
Helen Mardling for their tireless
efforts. He then invited RW Bro
Chawner to present the Provincial
Bowls Trophy to Arnold Lawton and
the Runner-up Trophy to Tony Minns.
He also offered his thanks and
The happy afternoon ended at
approximately 6.30 pm and the
proceeds amounted to £80.50 which
was donated to the 2013 Festival, in
aid of the Grand Charity
Action on the green
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