October - Mt. Moriah #28 Home Page
October - Mt. Moriah #28 Home Page
A .D. 2015 A .L . 6015 O c tob e r Tr est le Boa r d Warrant Dated January 11, 1854 121 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown, NJ 08505-0646 (609) 298-0091 http://www.mountmoriah28.com Regular Communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm From the Ea st B rethren, Part 2: Continuing with thoughts from Albert Pike’s “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry” Charleston, 1871. (861 pages) page number is noted in brackets. Masonry will do all in its power, by direct exertion and co-operation, to improve and inform as well as to protect the people; to better their physical condition, revive their miseries, supply their wants, and minister to their necessities. (p. 180) Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion and its teachings are instructions in religion. For here are inculcated disinterestedness, affection, toleration, devotedness, patriotism, truth, a generous sympathy with those who suffer and mourn, pity for the fallen, mercy for the erring, relief for those in want, Faith, Hope, and Charity. (p. 213) The practical object of Masonry is the physical and moral amelioration and the intellectual and spiritual improvement of individuals and society. (p. 218) Masonry represents the Good Principle and constantly wars against the evil one,... at everlasting and deadly feud with the demons of ignorance, brutality, baseness, falsehood, slavishness of soul, intolerance, superstition, tyranny, meanness, the insolence of wealth, and bigotry. (p. 221) That God is One, immutable, unchangeable, infinitely just and good; that Light will finally overcome Darkness,–Good conquer Evil, and Truth be victor over Error;–these, rejecting all the wild and useless speculations of the Zend-Avesta, the Kabalah, the Gnostics. and the Schools, are the religion and Philosophy of Masonry. (p. 275) No one Mason has the right to measure for another, within the walls of a Masonic Temple, the degree of veneration which he shall feel for any Reformer or the Founder of any Religion. We teach a belief in no particular creed, as we teach unbelief in none. (p. 308) We teach the truth of none of the legends we recite. They are to us but parables and allegories, involving and enveloping Masonic instruction; and vehicles of useful and interesting information. (p. 329) Fraternally, Jose G. Gonzalez Worshipful Master From The W est Constitution And Laws T i t le Se v en: A ppendi x 7. 3.1 Suggested Form of Lodge By-Laws Article I Communications The regular communications of this lodge shall be held on the (first and third Mondays) of each month (except during the months of July and August, legal holidays, and during the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge). The hour shall be … o’clock P.M.; the Worshipful Master may, in his discretion, open regular communications up to one hour earlier, provided that due and timely notice shall be given to every member and that no business is transacted until the regular hour of opening. Article II Officers Section 1. In addition to the officers prescribed by the Manual, the Worshipful Master may appoint an additional Chaplain. Section 2. In addition to the duties prescribed in the Manual, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer and Secretary to render annual reports at the first regular communication in January. Article III Proxy At the annual communication there shall be elected a proxy to the Grand Lodge. Article IV Trustees Section1. The Board of Trustees shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be elected at the first annual communication for one year, one for two years and one for three years, and thereafter, at each annual election, one Trustee shall be elected for a term of three years. Section 2. A Trustee may also hold appointive office in lodge. Section3. The duties of the Trustees shall be to receive, hold, care for, and invest, under the direction of the lodge, and all funds and property committed to their care. They shall promptly report to the lodge in writing each investment made by them. They shall keep themselves informed as to the conditions relating to any security or investment of the lodge funds and shall promptly report to the lodge in writing any matter affecting such investment or security. They shall keep all securities of the lodge in a safe deposit box in the name of the lodge. They shall have general charge and supervision of the lodge room, furniture and property of the lodge and shall see that the same is kept properly insured at all times. They shall render an annual report at the first regular communication in January, and giving a full account of all receipts and disbursements and itemized statement of all investments and property held by them. Section 4. Lodge funds shall be invested only as directed by the lodge and in such investments as may be lawful for funds of savings and fiduciary institutions of the State of New Jersey. Article V Election Of Officers Section 1. At the Annual Communication, immediately after the opening of the lodge, the Secretary shall place the ballot-box upon his table, wherein any member of the lodge may place nominations for any or all of the elective officers, which nominations shall be read for the information of the lodge, before proceeding with the election. Section 2. No brother shall be eligible to hold any office unless he is present to signify his acceptance thereof, or has authorized someone present to accept for him. Article VI Committees The Worshipful Master shall appoint the following committees: A Standing committee of three, through whom the supplies shall be ordered, and by whom all bills of indebtedness shall be audited; A Relief committee of three, who shall officiate almoners; An Auditing committee of three, not holding other office, whose duty it shall be to examine the books, accounts and reports of the Treasurer, Secretary, and Trustees, and report in writing upon the correctness of the same at the next regular communication after the reports of said Officers and Trustees shall have been received, and at such other times as directed. Article VII Fees and Dues Section 1. The initiation fee shall be … dollars, … dollars of which shall accompany the petition, the balance to be paid before initiation. There shall also be paid prior to his initiation, such sum as the Grand Lodge shall determine from time to time, as an initial contribution to charity, to be applied specifically to the maintenance of the Masonic Home Fund. Section 2. The annual dues shall be … dollars, plus all Grand Lodge assessments heretofore or hereafter levied, payable in advance, provided, however, that upon granting a demit, the lodge shall remit such portion of the dues as shall be unearned. Article VIII Life Membership Any Master Mason, a member of this lodge, who is not indebted to this lodge, or to the Grand Lodge, may become a life member upon payment in advance of (a sum equivalent to at least ten times the amount of annual due) and such life member shall be exempt from future payment of dues to the lodge. Article IX Masonic Law This lodge shall be at all times subject to and be governed by the provisions of Masonic Law as contained in the Landmarks, Constitution and Laws and Manual of the Grand Lodge. Amendments to these by-laws must be presented in writing at a regular communication of the lodge and action thereon postponed until the next regular communication, and then shall require the assent of a majority of the members present for their adoption. Due and timely notice of the proposed amendments must be mailed to each member at his last known address before action is taken. Amendments shall take effect when approved by the Grand Master. Respectfully, Ted M. D’Annunzio Senior Warden Poker Night Spend an Evening of Fellowship with your Brothers October 29 at 7:30pm Mt. Moriah Lodge #28, Lewis Parker Lounge $10 buy in with 1 r e -buy Pizza will be ordered · Bring your favorite beverage Please register in advance by calling W.B. Roger K. Fisher at (609) 234-6024 or emailing PleasePokeFun@me.com R e m i n de r From the desk of t h e Secr eta ry Brothers, the end of 2015 is fast approaching and I see that many Brothers have not sent in their dues for 2015. Please check your membership cards and see that it is dated 2015. If not, please contact me if you have any questions, or remit dues in the amount of $106.50 immediately. As you may be aware, a recent change in the New Jersey Grand Lodge Constitution and Laws requires all lodges to suspend Brothers who are behind in payment of dues. If you have a special circumstance, please contact me or the Worshipful Master. You may contact me via e-mail at McCormickRB@Verizon.net or by calling (609) 499-0499. Br. Robert B. McCormick Secretary Mount Moriah Lodge #28 F. & A.M. L ege n da ry Table Lodge Our honored guest and speaker will be M W A n t h o n y W. M o n t u o r i Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey November 11 at 6:30pm Valley of Central Jersey 103 Dunns Mill Road Bordentown, NJ 08505 $ 4 0 pe r Pe r s o n We encourage you to get your tickets early. For more information and tickets: Jose Gonzales, WM (609) 499-1413 Ted M. D’Annunzio, Sr., SW (609) 499-2949 Richard W. LaBaw, JW (609) 499-0418 Bor den town Ch a p t er No. 257, O.E . S. Fried Oyster and Chicken Salad Family-Style Dinner Saturday, October 10 · 2pm to 6pm at the Scottish Rite Center, 103 Dunns Mill Road, Bordentown, NJ Handicapped Accessible Menu Fried Oysters, Chicken Salad, Parsley Potatoes, Green Beans, Pepper Cabbage, Cranberry Sauce, Homemade Apple Sauce, Homemade Cakes, Beverages Tickets $25 Adult · $10 Child (12 & under) $25 Take-Outs (2:30-4:30pm) Takeouts also available No tickets sold at the door. For tickets, contact Joan Carslake at (609) 298-2346 Volunteers for kitchen preparation and serving are needed Please contact Sharon McCormick at (609) 499-0499 for more information. Bor den town Ch a p t er No. 257, O.E . S. LO D G E #2 M T. M O R I AH & A.M. BO 8 F. 3 Annual rd RD E N TOW N Roa st Beef Di nner Sunday, November 1 at 5pm at Mt. Moriah All proceeds after expenses to benefit the Mt. Moriah #28 Lodge Building Fund A ll-You - Ca n-E at for $1 5 Each Only 100 tickets available • No tickets sold at the door M en u Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Green Beans, Homemade Coleslaw, Homemade Applesauce, Rolls/Butter, Beverages, Dessert Volunteers for set-up and clean-up are welcome Please contact Sharon McCormick at (609) 499-0499 or mccormicksm@verizon.net for more information or to donate supplies. Blue Stone–Mystic Tie–Malta Doric Lodge No. 35 Cordially Invites You to Attend The Official Visit of Most Worshipful Anthony W. Montuori Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey to the Open R ecep t ion In Honor of R.W. Roger Quintana Junior Grand Warden Saturday, October 17th The Fellowship Center 1114 Oxmead Road Burlington, New Jersey 4:00pm Social Hour 5:00pm Reception 6:30pm Dinner $65 per Person · No tickets will be issued Checks Payable to: BSMTMD #35 Mail reservation forms and checks to: RW William Anderson 134 West 28th St., Bayonne, NJ 07002 Cut below the dashed line. Please write the names of all those included in this reservation below, then fold on the dotted line. I would like_______ reservations @ $65 each. Total enclosed:_ ____________ Name_____________________________ District_ _______ Lodge____________________ Title_ ___________________ Email_ ___________________ Phone___________________ M ason’s Progr ess Awa i t i ng En t er ed A ppr en t ice Degr ee Mr. Benjamin David Pinter Ne w Jer sey DeMol ay Legion of Honor In vestitur e Honoring Active Legion of Honor: Brother Richard W. LaBaw Honorary Legion of Honor: RW William J. Morelli PGC at the Valley of Central Jersey 103 Dunns Mill Road, Bordentown, NJ 08505 Sunday October 1 1t h, 201 5 2pm Private Investiture (open to Legionnaires only) 3pm Public Investiture (open to all) 5pm Social Hour/Cash Bar/Dinner (Adults $40/Children $20) RSVP by October 2nd, to John Ryan (jryan@njmasonic.org) 1 Killdeer Glen, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Ou r Lodge T rust ees Trustee to 2016: Bro. Richard E. Shenowski (609)291-9745 Trustee to 2017: D.B. Raymond E. Jones (609)298-5563 Trustee to 2018: Bro. David Patriarca Trustee to 2019: R.W. Joseph Varga (609)499-0138 Trustee to 2020: R.W. George A. Chidley (609)462-3267 Appointed O u r L o d g e C o m m i tt e e s R it ual R.W. Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., Chair R.W. George A. Chidley Financ e R.W. P. Brian Sisz, Chair M.W. Edgar N. Peppler Bro. Joseph Lippincott Comm u nity O u tr e ach W.B. Dean Buhrer, Chair M e ntoring W.B. David S. Blew, Chair D u e s Coll e ction R.W. Brian Sisz, Chair W.M. Jose G. Gonzalez C harity R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair R.W. Richard H. Trout R.W. P. Brian Sisz S ic k n e ss and D istr e ss Bro. Barry Oros, Chair Bro. Joseph Hand Au dit Bro. David S. Workman, Chair W.B. David S. Blew Bro. Michael Onofri L e w Par k e r S cholarship Bro. Robert B. McCormick, Chair Bro. Albert Bela Ari Bro. Robert E. Oliver B lood Ban k W.B. Roger K. Fisher, Chair W.B. Dean J. Buhrer Bylaws R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair R.W. George A. Chidley R.W. Henry P. Fratz M asonic H om e Bro. William Federico L iason to East e rn S tar Bro. Robert B. McCormick Facility/ B u ilding M aint e nanc e Bro. Dave Patriarca W idow ’ s S u pport W.M. Jose G. Gonzalez O u r L i v i n g Pa s t M a s t e r s 1965 Joseph Varga, PJGD 1999 Mark Dempsky 1966 Edgar N. Peppler, PGM 2001 James F. Anderson 1971 Robert C. Guest 2002 Charles V. Anderson 1972 Richard H. Trout, PSGD 2003 Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., PGSB 1977 John McCoy 1980 Ronald R. Meadows 1982 Robert W. Alpaugh 1983 Harry S. Forman, Jr. 1985 Michael Grenz, PGC, PGMar 1991 Dean R. V. Allen 1992 Thomas V. Petito 1993 Joseph R. Shields, Jr. 2004 William D. Pigott 2005 Henry P. Fratz, PDDGM 2006 Roger K. Fisher 2007 David S. Blew 2008 Ned A. Koble 2009 Joseph B. Varga 2010 P. Brian Sisz, PGC, GL Trustee 1994 Holmes L. Hay 2011 William J. Morelli, PGC 1995 William F. Walling, PGC 2012 Dean J. Buhrer 1996 F. Gerry Spence, PDDGM 2013 R.W. George A. Chidley, GC 1997 Carl H. Doan, PGC 2014 Robert J. Pigott Ou r Aff i l i at e d L i v i ng Pa s t M a s t e r s 1973 Robert E. McElhone (Joseph H. Brown Lodge) 1981 Robert E. Petersen (Warren Lodge) 1982 Kenneth E. Ibach (Auburn Lodge) 1988 Frank L. Blades (Woodstown Lodge) 1990 William J. Booher (Pyramid) 1994 John R. Parke (Gothic Fraternal) 1997 Michael A. Ramirez (Mariner’s Lodge) 1997 Dennis R. Bator (Palestine Lodge) 1997 Ronald R. Meadows (South Pine Lodge) 2003 Scott Wiese (Princeton) I n a n d Ab o u t t h e T e m p l e Brethren, you and your Masonic friends are cordially invited to participate in the following Masonic events: October ?? October 3-4 All Day: Annual Bordentown Cranberry Festival. All members are encouraged to volunteer. Contact Bro. Jim Potts at (609) 3065447 for more information. ?? October 4 6:00pm: 7:00pm: White Apron Rehearsal. All White Apron Officers are required to attend. Fellow Craft Degree Rehearsal. All Officers are required to attend. ?? October 6 7:00pm: DLI hosted by Burlington Lodge #32, Route 541, Burlington, NJ. All Officers are required to attend and all Brothers are encouraged to attend. ?? October 11 8:15am: Bagels & Coffee 9:30, 10:45am: Sunday services, Wheelchair Push, Masonic Home. All are welcome! Our residents rely on us to fill this need. We start helping our family members at 9:00am, so come early so you have time to socialize with your Brothers. 7:00pm: Fellow Craft Degree Rehearsal. All Officers are required to attend. ?? October 14 7:30pm: Regular Communication (Advanced Stations). Guest speaker in attendance. ?? October 17 4:00pm: Junior Grand Warden Reception at the Fellowship Center in Burlington, NJ. See ad. ?? October 18 9:00am: Tour of the Battleship New Jersey in Camden. Contact Bro. Jim Potts at (609) 306-5447 for more information. Attendees will gather at Mt. Moriah at 9:00am for a 10:45am tour. 6:00pm: White Apron Rehearsal. ?? 7:00pm: Fellow Craft Degree Rehearsal (Advanced Stations). A ll White Apron Officers and all Officers are required to attend. ?? October 19 6:30pm: Craftsman Club Dinner. See ad. ?? October 22 7:00pm: GLI hosted by Burlington Lodge #32, Route 541, Burlington, NJ. All Officers are required to attend and all Brothers are encouraged to attend. ?? October 28 7:00pm: Entered Apprentice Degree performed by White Apron Degree Team. ?? October 29 7:30pm: “Poker Night” at Lewis Parker Room. (See ad) S u pp o r t O u r Sp o n s o r s Peppl er F un er a l Hom e s Bordentown Bro. Edgar N. Peppler, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. 3926 (609) 298-1333 Allentown Karen E. Peppler, Mgr. NJ Lic. 4584 (609) 259-7391 Sport sm en ’ s Cen t er US Highway 130 Bordentown, NJ 08505 (609) 298-5300 Bros. Paul & Brian Sisz Pow na l l El ec t r ic 136 Irvington Avenue Yardville, NJ 08620 (609) 585-0591 Bro. Joseph Pownall Freedom Financial Luc a s Ch e v rol et 1622 Route 38, Lumberton, NJ 08048 (609) 267-0200 Jim Lynch • • • Advisors Retirement, Estate, Tax & Wealth Management 132 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown City, NJ 08505 (609) 291-8363 Bro. David Workman, CPA • C M S Geo t h er m a l 130 Farnsworth Avenue Bordentown, N. J. 08505 (609) 298-3018 Bro. Patrick Jones • • Bu r l i ngt on Cl e a n er s 201 South Route 130 Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-1616 Bro. Ted M. D’Annunzio • • Bob ’ s Ba r ber Shop 2786 S. Broad St., Trenton, NJ (609) 888-4222 • H er d t Fenci ng 183 Bordentown-Crosswicks Road Crosswicks, NJ 08515 (609) 298-2201 Bro. Mike Galati Da n i el M acN ei l W i l son, L LC Group Insurance Brokerage, Life, Health, Annuities 16 Bernath Drive (609) 587-9092 (tel) Hamilton, NJ 08690 (609) 338-1865 (cell) dmwgmnj2004@verizon.net Grand Lodge of NJ Speci a l E v en ts For more detailed information, please refer to the full ads in the following Trestle Board issues: Grand Lodge Event Date(s) Trestle Board JGW Reception October 17 September Digital copies of past Trestle Boards can be downloaded from • Mt. Moriah's official website at http://mountmoriah28.com Craftsman Club News Regular meetings on September 16 at 7pm Visit to the Battleship New Jersey on October 18 at 9am (Departs from Lodge) Dinner on October 19 • December 14 at 6:30pm, followed by meetings at 7:30pm Great opportunity to have a fine meal and fellowship at a modest price, $7 per person. Open to Mount Moriah Lodge #28 Members, their Families, & Friends All tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets at the door. Tickets are available in advance of each dinner at our regular communications, or by contacting Bro. Jim Potts at (609) 306-5447 or Bro. Mike Onofri at (609) 298-8163.
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