September - Mt. Moriah #28 Home Page


September - Mt. Moriah #28 Home Page
A.D. 2014
A.L. 6014
T r est l e Boa rd
Warrant Dated January 11, 1854
121 Farnsworth Avenue
Bordentown, NJ 08505-0646
(609) 298-0091
Regular Communications
2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm
F rom t he E a st
B rethren,
As Worshipful Master this year I have been taking time to read up on
some Masonic literature in the effort of gaining more light. I came up
across a book from H.L. Haywood title Symbolic Masonry. One of his
chapters speaks on our Obligation. The turning point in the ceremony of
each degree is the Obligation, for it is that which marks the Apprentice
an Apprentice, the Fellow Craft a Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason a
Master Mason. He goes on to speak about the secrecy of the obligation
and a word which is often used by Masons. This word is often spelled as
it is pronounced, “Hail,” but it comes from the Anglo-Saxon word “hele”
and means “to bury, or to cover up.” If “I hail” it means that down in the
depths of my memory, far out of reach of the profane, I hide away all the affairs of my lodge, and all the secrets of my brother.
He continues to say that we use all our arts and influences to make the
member realize his obligation to the Craft; should we not do as much to
make the lodge realize its obligation to the member? A man spends a sum
of money he can sometimes ill spare to join the Fraternity; he devotes
much time to learning the ritual; he is admitted and entered as a member;
and very often the lodge itself does not do one thing to explain to that man
its symbolism or to instruct him in its history. I am glad to say that Mt.
Moriah is rich with members who are eager to assist, enlighten, to mentor
and encourage our new members in participating in lodge.
September marks our White Apron degree and allows the non-officers of
the lodge to participate in performing the EA degree that evening. Please
make an effort to come out and support their hard work.
I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.
Rob Pigott
Worshipful Master
F rom t he W est
Gr a nd Lodge Const it ut ion a nd L aws:
Ba l lot i ng R esults on L egisl at ion at t he
A n nu a l Com mu nic at ion
L egisl at ion w hich w il l a ff ect t he
oper at ion of t he Lodge
Ba l lot i ng – R ight to Vot e - PA SSED
Current: TITLE FOUR, ARTICLE IX, Section 4, Balloting, Part 1. Right
to Vote. The right of a Master Mason to vote in his Lodge can be affected
only by his suspension or expulsion. The Tyler, when a member of the
Lodge, has the right to cast his ballot on all occasions.
Adopted: TITLE FOUR, ARTICLE IX, Section 4, Balloting, Part 1.
Right to Vote. The right of a Master Mason to vote in his Lodge can be
affected only by his suspension, expulsion, or failure to pass the Master
Mason examination. The Tyler, when a member of the Lodge, has the right
to cast his ballot on all occasions.
Jose Gonzalez
Senior Warden
F rom t he Sout h
Be n F r a nk l i n
F r ee M a son
B enjamin Franklin was truly an amazing man. His pursuits throughout his life lead him in many different directions. The American
Philosophical Society requires twenty pages merely to list, and catalog
his life’s work, just to name a few, Printer , Author, Editor, Wit, Speaker,
Inventor, Scientist, Diplomat, Founder of Schools, Hospitals, Postal
Systems, Philosopher, Founding Father, and Free Mason. Ben Franklin
was one of the most gifted and complex men of all time.
Bro. Franklin’s Masonic career stood out in that he was not content only
with being a lodge member, but as a Freemason he was deeply and intensely interested in his craft. Bro. Franklin was willing to give much of his self
to insure our ancient institutions welfare, and by doing so left an indelible
mark on its history in this great country and throughout the world. His
life’s work was so great, and his Masonry so influential, there seems little
reason to doubt why he was so revered by the peers of his own time, and
even unto this present day.
We do not know the exact date of Bro. Franklin’s initiation; it is thought
to be in 1731, most likely a February meeting of St. John Lodge of
Philadelphia. According to the old account book, called the “Liber B”
we know St. John Lodge was in existence as early as 1730. Whether it
was a duly constituted lodge cannot be determined, it may have been
meeting under the Authority of Ancient custom, or under the authority of Massachusetts, as did the Fredericksburg Lodge where George
Washington was initiated. As a side note the Fredericksburg Lodge didn’t
have its own Charter until after Bro. Washington was raised.
Bro. Franklin immediately got involved upon being raised and in 1732
served as a member of the committee to draft the bylaws. That very same
year, on St. John the Baptist’s Day (June Twenty Fourth) he was appointed
Junior Grand Warden of Pennsylvania, and within two years by 1734 he
was Grand Master of Pennsylvania. Bro. Franklin also served as secretary
from 1735 through 1738. By today’s standards it seems quite impossible;
it takes many years of work and struggle to rise to the position of Grand
Master. It seems truly amazing as we contemplate what a rapid ascent Bro.
Franklin made, from being raised in 1731 and by 1734, within three years
rising to the level of Grand Master of Pennsylvania. Although it is not
inconceivable, when we consider what an extraordinary individual Bro.
Franklin must have been.
While achieving these great accomplishments, he somehow found time
to reprint The Constitution of the Freemasons Anno Lucis 5734, the first
edition printed in America. It was distributed in two versions, a stitched
copy costing 2 shillings 6 pence, and a bound book costing 4 shillings. Bro.
Franklin sent copies to the cities of Charleston and Boston. Also, while
serving as Grand Master, with the assistance of the Brethren of Saints
John Lodge of Philadelphia he laid the corner stone of the state house of
Pennsylvania, which we know as Carpenter or Independence Hall. In 1743
Bro. Franklin held commination with the first St. John Lodge of Boston,
and by 1749 was appointed Provincial Grand Master by Thomas Oxnard of
Boston. The following year Bro. William Allen Received the appointment
of Provincial Grand Master, and immediately appointed Bro. Franklin
to the position of Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Late in the year 1760
Benjamin Franklin and his son made a pilgrimage to the Grand Lodge of
London. In 1777, while ambassador to France, Bro. Franklin was elected
to membership in Lodge des Neuf Soeurs {Lodge of the Nine Sisters or
Nine Muses} of Paris and in 1778 he assisted in Voltaire’s initiation into
the lodge of the Nine Sisters. The following year, 1779, Franklin became
Master of the Lodge.
On Saint John's Day in December 1786, a sermon was delivered by
Reverend Joseph Pilmore in St. Paul’s Church in Philadelphia at the request of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Bro. Franklin was referred to as
an Illustrious Brother whose distinguished Merit among Masons entitles
him to their highest veneration. In the year A.L. 5790 after a life well spent
our brother Benjamin Franklin’s work in the quarry came to an end and
he was called to the Lodge on High by our Supreme Grand Master to the
enjoyment of fadeless light and immortal life, that heavenly kingdom were
faith and hope shall end and love and joy prevail throughout eternity.
It is not for us to say what Bro. Franklin would have been or done had
he not embraced Masonry, but for us to look on with brotherly love and
esteem, and it is fitting that we honor his memory, and be ever thankful as
Masons and as Americans, to pay our homage to our creator for sending us
Bro. Franklin, one of the greatest and best of men in all ages.
Ted D’Annunzio, Sr.
Junior Warden
Ch a ir L ift F u nd
Help Us Help You
Sponsored by Eastern Star #257
October 5th at Noon
Mt. Moriah 28 Lodge, 121 Farnsworth Ave. Bordentown, NJ
7 Restaurant Tickets valued at $230
Ticket Donation
Tickets will be available at regular lodge meetings
and by contacting Bro. Ted D’Annunzio at (609) 499-2949
or Bro. Jim Potts (609) 306-5447
Spend an Evening of Fellowship
with your Brothers
September 18, 2014
Mt. Moriah Lodge #28
Lewis Parker Lounge
$10 buy in with 1 re-buy
Piz z a w i l l be o rd e re d
Bring your favorite beverage
Please register in advance by calling
Bro. Anthony Rittwager at (609) 760-6178 or
Bro. Jim Potts at (609) 306-5447
Craftsman Club News
Speci a l Ev e nts
Br e a k fa st a nd Wor k Pa rt y
at t he Lodge
September 13 at 8:00am
For more information, contact Bro. Jim Potts at (609) 306-5447
Di n ners 2014
October 20 · December 15
at 6:30pm
Great opportunity to have a fine meal
and fellowship at a modest price,
$7 per person.
Open to Mount Moriah Lodge #28 Members,
their Families, & Friends.
All tickets must be purchased in advance.
No tickets at the door. Tickets are available in advance of
each dinner at our regular communications, or by contacting
WB Holmes L. Hay at (609) 298-3912.
Mt. Moriah Lodge #28 F.&A.M.
5-45 Token Recognition
•September 10, 2014 •
Dinner at 6pm ∙ Program at 7pm
Our Honorees
5 Years
30 Years
James C. Langford
William G. Engel
David E. Patriarca
Lester A. Sickels
James E. O’Hagan
10 Years
Edward J. Ryder, Jr.
35 Years
Ralph E. Biscardi
Wallace W. Bowers
William Johnson
15 Years
Kevin R. McCoy
20 Years
Robert W. Alpaugh
Kharis F. Sepulveda
Mark J. Dempsky
Charles V. Anderson
James F. Anderson
John R. Parke
25 Years
40 Years
Raymond E Jones
Karl T Niedt, Jr.
Charles F Wilson
45 Years
Frances G. Spence
Donald L. Heaney
Alan M. Stoneback
John K McCoy
Mount Moriah
Lodge #28 F. & A.M.
Ta b l e
Our honored guest and speaker will be
M W Ger a l d J. Sh a r pe
Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey
Wednesday, November 12 at 6:30pm
Valley of Central Jersey
103 Dunns Mill Road, Bordentown, NJ 08505
$35 per person in advance
$50 at the door (limited availability)
We encourage you to get your tickets early.
Tickets will be available in September.
For more information and tickets:
Robert J. Pigott, WM (609) 723-4577
Jose Gonzales, SW (609) 499-1413
Ted M. D’Annunzio, Sr., JW (609) 499-2949
Annual Bordentown
Cranberry Festival
LO D G E #2
& A.M.
M T. M O
October 4th & 5th
9am to 5pm
Mt. Moriah 28 Craftsman Club
Needs Your Help!
??Setting Up
Proceeds from the sales of hot dogs, soda and
other foods directly benefit the building fund and
purchase of Bibles for new members.
Please sign up to help at our lodge.
Contact Bro. Jim Potts
at (609) 306-5447
Bordentown Chapter No. 257, O.E.S.
Fried Oyster and Chicken Salad
Family-Style Dinner
Saturday, October 11 · 2pm to 6pm
at the Scottish Rite Center, 103 Dunns Mill Road, Bordentown, NJ
Handicapped Accessible
Fried Oysters, Chicken Salad, Parsley Potatoes,
Green Beans, Pepper Cabbage, Cranberry Sauce,
Homemade Apple Sauce, Homemade Cakes, Beverages
$24 Adult · $10 Child (12 & under)
$24 Take-Outs (2:30-4:30pm)
Takeouts also available
No tickets sold at the door. For tickets, make checks payable to “Bordentown Chapter #257, O.E.S.” Checks must be mailed by October 1st with a
self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Mrs. Louise G. Temple, P.O. Box 35, Crosswicks, NJ 08515
Volunteers for kitchen preparation
and serving are needed
Please contact Joan Carslake at for more
Our Lodge T rust ees
Trustee to 2015:
Trustee to 2016:
Trustee to 2017:
Trustee to 2018:
Trustee to 2019:
R.W F. Gerry Spence, PDDGM
Bro. Richard E. Shenowski
D.B. Raymond E. Jones
R.W. Dennis R. Bator
R.W. Joseph Varga
Our Lodge Com mitt ees
Sickness and Distress
R.W. Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., GSB, Chair
W.B. William F. Walling
W.B. Roger K. Fischer
W.B. George A. Chidley
Bro. Jose G. Gonzalez
Bro. Barry Oros
W.B. P. Brian Sisz, Chair
M.W. Edgar N. Peppler
Bro. Joseph Lippincott
Community Outreach
Bro. Ted M. D’Annunzio, Chair
W.B. George A. Chidley
David S. Workman (CPA), Chair
W.B. Dean J. Buhrer
W.B. David S. Blew
Lew Parker Scholarship
Bro. Robert B. McCormick, Chair
Bro. Albert Bela Ari
Bro. Robert E. Oliver
Blood Bank
W.B. David S. Blew, Chair
Bro. Arthur S. Pelzer, Jr.
Bro. Ted J. D’Annunzio
Bro. Michael J.Galati
W.B. Roger K. Fischer, Chair
W.B. Dean J. Buhrer
Dues Collection
W.B. P. Brian Sisz, Chair
W.B. George A. Chidley
Bro. Robert J. Pigott
Bro. Jose G. Gonzalez
R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair
M.W. Edgar N. Peppler
R.W. Henry P. Fratz, DDGM
R.W. William F. Walling
Masonic Home
R.W. Verdon R. Skipper, Chair
R.W. Carl H. Doan, Chair
R.W. Richard H. Trout
R.W. P. Brian Sisz, GC
Liason to Eastern Star
Bro. Robert B. McCormick
Our L i v i ng Pa st M a st ers
Joseph Varga, PJGD
Edgar N. Peppler, PGM
Frank Katona
Robert C. Guest
Richard H. Trout, PSGD
John McCoy
Ronald R. Meadows
Herbert W. Borgstrom, Jr.
Robert W. Alpaugh
Harry S. Forman, Jr.
Michael Grenz, PGC, PGMar
Dean R. V. Allen
Thomas V. Petito
Joseph R. Shields, Jr.
Holmes L. Hay
William F. Walling, PGC
F. Gerry Spence, PDDGM
Carl H. Doan, PGC
Mark Dempsky
James F. Anderson
Charles V. Anderson
Richard F. LaBaw, Jr., PGSB,
GL Ritual Committee
William D. Pigott
Henry P. Fratz, DDGM
Roger K. Fisher
David S. Blew
Ned A. Koble
Joseph B. Varga
P. Brian Sisz, PGC, GL Trustee
William J. Morelli, GC
Dean J. Buhrer
George A. Chidley
Our Aff il i at ed Pa st M a st ers
1958 Henry Petersen
(Continental Lodge)
1973 Robert E. McElhone
(Joseph H. Brown Lodge)
1981 Robert E. Petersen
(Warren Lodge)
1982 Kenneth E. Ibach (Auburn Lodge)
1988 Frank L. Blades (Woodstown Lodge)
1990 William J. Booher (Pyramid)
1994 John R. Parke (Gothic Fraternal)
1997 Michael A. Ramirez
(Mariner’s Lodge)
1997 Dennis R. Bator (Palestine Lodge)
1997 Ronald R. Meadows
(South Pine Lodge)
2001 Earl H. Reeder (Raritan Valley)
2003 Scott Wiese (Princeton)
New 160t h A nni v ersa ry
Mt. Moriah Masonic Baseball Caps & Shirts
The time is now to show your Masonic spirit and support our lodge. The officers are introducing custom embroidered Masonic golf shirts and baseball
caps. All proceeds will be donated directly to offset costs for the Annual
Picnic and Table Lodge. Currently there are two colors to choose from,
black and white. The shirts are a great way to celebrate our anniversary and
show our pride and unity to the community in which we practice our craft.
?? Ball Cap $15.00
?? 6oz light weight shirt $25.00
?? 8oz heavy weight shirt $35.00
Note: further customization with initials or name add $2.00
For further details please contact Ted M. D’Annunzio
and order your shirts today!
Call (609) 499-2949 or email
M a son’s Progr ess
Awaiting Ballot for
Dual Membership
Mark S .Juchniewiez
Awaiting Ballot
September 10, 2014
Christopher Michael LaBaw
Published August
Edgar Ross Peppler
Published July
Paul John Pigoncelli
Published July
Francis X. Stein
Published August
Awaiting Master Mason Exam
Bro. Joseph Stephen Hand
Bro. Justin C. Hoffecker
I n a nd About t he T e mpl e
Brethren, you and your Masonic friends are cordially invited to
participate in the following Masonic events:
?? September 2, 7:00pm: DLI hosted by Pemberton #199,
Hanover Street, Pemberton, NJ. All Officers are required to attend
and all new Brothers are encouraged to attend.
?? September 7, 7:00pm: Open/Close Rehearsal.
?? September 10, 6:30pm: Dinner.
7:30pm: Token Night 5-45 Year pins.
?? September 13, 8:00am: Breakfast and Work Party at the Lodge. (See ad)
?? September 18, 7:30pm: “Poker Night” at Lewis Parker Room.
?? September 24, 7:00pm: White Apron Entered Apprentice Degree.
Officers in Advance Stations.
All Officers are required to attend.
?? September 25, 7:00pm: Mentoring Session. All are invited to attend.
?? September 27,10:00am: Mentoring Session. All are invited to attend.
?? September 28, 8:15am: Bagels & Coffee
9:30, 10:45am: Sunday services
Wheelchair Push, Masonic Home. All are welcome! Our residents rely
on us to fill this need. We start helping our family members at 9:00am,
so come early so you have time to socialize with your Brothers.
7:00pm: Fellow Craft Degree Rehearsal.
Officers in Advance Stations.
All Officers are required to attend.
Support Our Sponsors
Peppler Funeral Homes
Bro. Edgar N. Peppler, Jr., Mgr.
NJ Lic. 3926
(609) 298-1333
Karen E. Peppler, Mgr.
NJ Lic. 4584
(609) 259-7391
Sportsmen’s Center
Pownall Electric
US Highway 130
136 Irvington Avenue
Bordentown, NJ 08505
Yardville, NJ 08620
(609) 298-5300
(609) 585-0591
Bros. Paul & Brian Sisz
Bro. Joseph Pownall
Freedom Financial Advisors
Lucas Chevrolet
Retirement, Estate, Tax &
1622 Route 38,
Wealth Management
Lumberton, NJ 08048
132 Farnsworth Avenue
(609) 267-0200
Bordentown City, NJ 08505
Jim Lynch
(609) 291-8363
Bro. David Workman, CPA
Burlington Cleaners
201 South Route 130
CMS Geothermal
Burlington, NJ 08016
130 Farnsworth Avenue
(609) 386-1616
Bordentown, N. J. 08505
Bro. Ted M. D’Annunzio
(609) 298-3018
Bro. Patrick Jones
Herdt Fencing
183 Bordentown-Crosswicks Road
Bob’s Barber Shop
Crosswicks, NJ 08515
2786 S. Broad St., Trenton, NJ
(609) 888-4222
(609) 298-2201
Bro. Mike Galati
Daniel MacNeil Wilson, LLC
Group Insurance Brokerage, Life, Health, Annuities
16 Bernath Drive
Hamilton, NJ 08690
(609) 587-9092 (tel)
(609) 338-1865 (cell)
Su nr ise Lodge No. 288
Cordially invites you to attend an
Official Visit
Most Worshipful Gerald James Sharpe
Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey
and the
Open Reception and Dinner
in Honor of R.W. Dieter B. Hees
Junior Grand Warden
Saturday, October 18th
5:00 pm– Reception
6:00 pm–Social
6:45 pm–Dinner
Fellowship Center, 1114 Oxmead Road, Burlington, NJ 08016
RSVP by October 1st
Tear Below and Send to
To: WB Denis Johnson
932 Lincoln Avenue, Pine Beach, NJ 08741
Phone: 1-732-278-6286
Please send a check for $65.00 per person payable to
Sunrise Lodge No. 288
Name:_ _______________________
Lodge _ _______________________
No. of Guest:_ ___________
and District No.__________