Fall 2002 - University Heights Lodge #738


Fall 2002 - University Heights Lodge #738
Vol. 52, No. 4
Message From The East
It is a privilege to greet you with
a heartfelt wish that this fall season
finds you and your families in good
When reviewing our masonic
year we see links between masonry
and the Boy Scouts of America
(BSA). This began at Installation
when our District Education Officer,
Wor. Bro. Roger Lynch, presented
an Israeli Boy Scout banner
displaying the International Boy
Scout Symbol, or fleur de lis, inside of the Star of David.
The banner bears Moses' admonition to Joshua, "Be
strong and of good courage.” These were apt words
from Wor. Bro. Lynch to start me on my year as Master.
This theme was again reflected by the visit of Bro.
Edward Lewis, Chaplain of Westmoreland Lodge No.
518 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania to our 10th Annual
Table Lodge. Bro. Lewis is a member of BSA's National
Relationships Committee, and is the recipient of
numerous masonic and scouting awards.
Bro. Lewis discussed the masonic origins of BSA,
including BSA's founding by Bro. Daniel Carter Beard.
But the masonic ties to scouting go deeper than the
founding of Boy Scouts by a mason. They include the
Boy Scout Oath, based on "Duty to God and Country"
and on a duty "to help other people at all times”. These
are reflected in the tenet of brotherly love, first taught in
the Entered Apprentice degree. The oath also includes
the scout's promise to keep himself "mentally awake",
paralleling the duty to study the Liberal Arts, contained
in the Fellowcraft degree.
Most importantly, the Boy Scouts are an organization
based upon each scout declaring his belief in God, and
respecting the right of all other scouts to worship God in
Continued on Page 2
Fall 2002
50th Charter Night Approaches
On October 31st, University Heights Lodge will mark
the 50th anniversary of the granting of our Charter. On
October 18, 1952, the 230 members who formed the
nucleus of the lodge realized their dream when the lodge
received a charter from the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The
significance of the event seems to have more meaning
with each passing year.
Charter Night is an annual celebration of fellowship,
symbolized by the past, the present, and the future. On
the evening’s agenda is a moving memorial service for
our departed brethren, conducted from the altar in the
center of the lodge. Members who have been masons for
25, 40, and 50 years will be recognized with pins to
commemorate the occasion and blood donors will be
thanked for their selfless donations. Contributions to
various charities will also be announced.
We are pleased to have, as speaker for the evening
Mitchell Balk, President of the Mount Sinai Health Care
Foundation. He will speak on the Legacy Grant Program
offered by this foundation. Our Senior Warden, Bro.
Jeffrey Kaplan is chairman of the evening.
The evening begins promptly at 7:30 and is open to
anyone wishing to attend, including spouses and nonmasonic friends. The evening will conclude with a
beautiful dessert reception in the banquet hall. For more
information, contact Bro. Kaplan at (216) 382-2685.
Vote for new Officers at the
Annual Meeting
November 7th, 2002
Rays From
University Heights Lodge
Message From The East (cont.)
their own way. This is contained in the twelfth and final
point of the Scout Law, "A Scout is Reverent”. This
reverence can be directly tied to the example of Our
Ancient Operative in the Master Mason degree, and
should be reflected in our every masonic action.
This theme is echoed in our Grand Lodge's decision to
participate in the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter
Award. This award honors brethren who have given
exemplary service to Scouting in a way that reflects
favorably on freemasonry. It is in the spirit of both
scouting and masonic reverence, that my greetings
conclude with the words from the Scout banner, "Be
strong and of good courage."
Published quarterly in the
interest of University
Heights Lodge No. 738 F.
and A.M., 5516 Mayfield Rd
Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124.
Telephone: (440) 442-9714
Rays Staff
David S. Michel, Editor ....................... (216) 581-2300
Bernard Abrahams ............................... (216) 381-2075
William A. Berris................................. (440) 449-5472
Donald H. Levenson ............................ (216) 371-2445
Louis Ross............................................ (440) 473-1190
Robert L. Stovsky, Editor Emeritus ..... (216) 382-6225
Fraternally yours,
Abraham Kay
Worshipful Master
Editorial Advisory Board
Alan B. Arons, PM
Dennis A. Linden, PM
Roger C. Newberry, PM
Joel I. Newman, PM
Scottish Rite Valley of Cleveland
Fall Reunion
Abraham Kay, Worshipful Master
21075 Farnsleigh Rd. (44122) ......... (216) 751-1949
55 Public Square (44114)................ (216) 579-6252
Jeffrey A. Kaplan, Senior Warden
2417 Elmdale Rd. (44118) .............. (216) 382-2685
Bus .................................................. (216) 382-1300
Henry G. Mankowski, Junior Warden
3070 Chadbourne Rd. (44120)........ (216) 283-8247
Bus ................................................ (216) 751-6599
Harold S. Linden, Treasurer
Joel I. Newman, PM, Secretary
11215 Edgewater Dr. (44102)............ (216) 651-3561
711 Leader Bldg. (44114) .................. (216) 621-1541
Hugh Harris, PDDGM, Chaplain
Alan L. Wittenberg, PM, Assoc. Chaplain
Duane Dukes, Senior Deacon
Jeffrey Symms, Junior Deacon
Adam Rutkowski, Senior Steward
Brian Krantz, Junior Steward
Robert L. Stovsky, Tyler
Leonard O. Buchler, Assoc. Tyler
Harvey Golden, Assoc. Tyler
Maurice Senkfor, Assoc. Tyler
Keevin Berman, PM, Lodge Education Officer
Harold S. Linden, Historian
Jerome Ack, PM, Secretary Emeritus
Bernard Friedman, Tyler Emeritus
The Scottish Rite is a branch of Freemasonry in which
a mason may continue his masonic education after he has
completed the three degrees of Symbolic or Blue Lodge
masonry. The Scottish Rite conducts the ritual of the 4th
through the 33rd degrees and makes extensive use of
drama and allegory to elaborate on the basic masonic
principles found in the Blue Lodge.
Our own Rt. Wor. Bro. Edwin A. Strauss, Jr. has
spent the past several years working through the chairs in
the Elidah Lodge of Perfection. He is currently serving
the Valley of Cleveland as the Thrice Potent Master of
this body.
Rt. Wor. Bro. Strauss says: “I encourage everybody to
join me in this great branch of Freemasonry. You will
not be disappointed.” The next Fall Reunion will be held
on Friday and Saturday, November 22nd and 23rd, 2002 at
the Cleveland Masonic Temple, 3615 Euclid Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio. The fee for the degrees is $100 (or
$50 for those 35 years of age or younger).
Brethren who are presently members might enjoy
taking part in the work. It is quite a wonderful feeling to
perform in the beautiful Scottish Rite auditorium. There
is nothing more impressive in all of the masonic degrees
than the fine details including music, costuming, makeup and staging.
If you are interested in joining or participating in the
work, please contact Rt. Wor. Bro. Strauss at (216) 6960262. He will be pleased to assist you in any way he
Marc F. Reiff, PM................................................. 2002
Alan B. Arons, PM................................................ 2003
Keevin Berman, PM.............................................. 2004
Page 2
Sun and Fun at Six Flags
The 24 of July was a picture-perfect day as our lodge
celebrated its annual family picnic at Six Flags World of
Adventure. The Brethren and their families had the run
of what was formerly Geauga Lake Park and Sea World
of Ohio all day. We then sat down at our reserved picnic
pavilion for a dinner featuring hamburgers, hot dogs and
chicken. All present enjoyed the weather, the rides, the
shows, the food, and last, but not least, the warm feeling
of brotherhood throughout the park. Many thanks to
Wor. Bro. Bob Fried for all of his hard work in
organizing this event.
Schvitz Night is
October 23d
Hiram Hears
RT. WOR. BRO. ED STRAUSS, JR. was elected and
installed as the Thrice Potent Master of the Eliadah
Lodge of Perfection, one of the four coordinate bodies of
the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. Congratulations and
best of luck to one of our finest among the best!… Eric
Strauss, son of RT. WOR. BRO. ED STRAUSS, JR. and
Jill will be married this month to Alyssa Birkel… BRO.
MICHAEL STOVSKY and Jill have a new son, Tyler
Jordan. Proud grandparents are BRO. BOB STOVSKY
and Alyce…BRO. BOB GOLDSTEIN and Rita are
celebrating three graduations: granddaughter Melissa
Weisbrot received her Masters Degree in Education from
Cleveland State University; granddaughter Monica Levitt
graduated from Ohio State University, Summa Cum
Laude; and granddaughter Leslie Moore received her
Bachelors Degree in Education from NYU…BRO.
HAROLD CHAITOFF and Mary are proud of their two
high school graduates: granddaughter Michelle Weiner
graduated from Beachwood High School and will attend
Kent State University; and granddaughter Rachel
Salamon graduated from Orange High School and will
attend Miami University…WOR. BRO. MARC REIFF
will be married in November to Joan Schneider…BRO.
HARRY WITTENBERG and wife Harriette celebrated
their 63rd wedding anniversary … Hiram wishes a Mazel
Tov to all!…WOR. BRO. DAN FRIEDMAN and Susan
are now residing in Hudson, Ohio … BRO. LOUIS
APPLEBAUM has moved from Florida to
Page 3
Lyndhurst…BRO. HAROLD RESNIK and Evelyn
visited their son Alan in Indiana …BRO. DAVE
RESNIK and Carol enjoyed a visit from their son Paul
over the July 4th holiday…WOR. BRO. ARTHUR
MOSS and Lenore’s grandson Jeff was awarded his
black belt in Karate… BRO. SAUL EISEN was named a
U.S. Trustee for Region Nine, The Justice Department
Office that oversees bankruptcy cases in Ohio and
Michigan…Julie Becker, granddaughter of WOR. BRO.
DAVE GREENBERG and Cynthia, will celebrate her
Bat Mitzvah in December…BRO. DUANE DUKES and
Nancy have a new granddaughter, Rachel Eliana Apple
…Dana Beth Wasserman, daughter of BRO. STEVE
WASSERMAN and Joni, was named to the Dean’s List
at Miami University… Robin Rothstein, daughter of
BRO. DAN ROTHSTEIN and Mary Ann, was married to
William McCann … Matthew Harris, son of RT. WOR.
BRO. HUGH HARRIS and Christine, has completed his
Eagle Scout project at the Orange Senior Center…BRO.
JEFF KAPLAN and Meryl Levin enjoyed a weeklong
motorcycle trip to Canada this summer. Following two
days in Toronto, they headed East to a BMW Motorcycle
Rally in Trenton, Ontario… RT. WOR. BRO.
RICHARD FROMSON and Faith enjoyed their recent
cruise to Alaska, which was a gift from their
children…BRO. AL ROTH had surgery…BRO. KEN
RUBINSTEIN had surgery… Nancy Kumin, wife of
WOR. BRO. HARVEY KUMIN, had surgery…WOR.
BRO. ALAN SILVER was hospitalized… Renee
Goldstein, daughter of Jane Schultz and WOR. BRO.
JEFFREY SCHULTZ, had surgery…Cele Friedman,
wife of BRO. BERNIE FRIEDMAN, had cataract
surgery… Adele Ack, wife of WOR. BRO. JERRY
ACK, had surgery … BRO. LEONARD BUCHLER had
surgery and is well recovered… Barb Golden, wife of
BRO. HARVEY GOLDEN, broke her ankle… BRO.
CHARLES REINER spent time in the hospital… BRO.
BOB SCHWEID is recovering at home from a series of
illnesses… RT. WOR. BRO. ROBERT CERNY lost his
father, as did WOR. BRO. BOB FRIED… BRO.
HARVEY CHODOCK lost his sister-in-law… WOR.
BRO. HARRY MARCUS lost his brother-in-law…
Please keep Hiram posted on what is happening with you
and yours.
Send Hiram your news by email
Visit Hiram at the lodge website
Our Charter Members at Reconsecration
Brethren at Table Lodge
Volunteering at Menorah Park
With the Grand Master
Looking for Chuck E. Cheese
At the Dinner Dance with Friends
Our Worshipful Master
A Gift from the Officers
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