Green Valley Vol. 28, No.38 The Elks Thunder AUGUST 2008 Green Valley, AZ Lodge No. 2592 AN ALL-AMERICAN LODGE 1995-1996 and 2000-2001 From the Exalted Ruler Phyliss Curran M y year so far is going well. There are still a few ups and downs but nothing that can’t be handled with the help of our great membership. Together we can accomplish anything. I do not mean to repeat myself, but I would like to give you an update on Flag Day. Thank you to Hans Boensel, Chairman. Thank you to the Auxiliary ladies for such wonderful food and going the extra mile to make everyone welcome; to Anne Berry for reading a very impressive history of the various flags; to PER and Lodge Secretary Tom Curran and Hans Boensel for the beautiful presentation of the various flags while Anne told the story of each; to Chuck George, PDDGER. PER for his beautiful response; the 19-member band from Fort Huachuca and the Honor Guard from Davis Monthan; to Larry Romero, PER for stepping in at the last minute to take the place of the Esquire who became ill; and last but not least, to all of you who attended the ceremony on such a hot day. You are true Americans and I am honored to have met and known you. We had 209 people attend this event, among them: Jim Green, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Gabe Zimmerman from Congresswoman’s Gabrielle Giffords office, Tim Bee, President of Arizona State Senate, Tom Dunn from Tim Bee’s office, Fleet Reserve Association, Military Officers Association, American Legion Post 66, Green Valley Fire Department and our Sister Lodge Sahuarita Lodge #2851. I found the following story very moving and want to share it with you: While traveling to Chicago, a passenger noticed a Marine sergeant travelling with a folded flag. Upon boarding their flight, the passenger noticed the Marine was sitting across the aisle. He turned to the Marine and asked if he was heading home. “No” the Marine responded. “Heading out?” The passenger asked. “No, I’m escorting a soldier home”. “Going to pick him up?” “No, he is with me right now. He was killed in Iraq and I’m taking him home to his family.” The realization of what the Marine had been asked to do hit the passenger like a ton of bricks. The Marine had said it was an honor for him, and although he didn’t know the soldier he had delivered the news of his passing to the soldier’s family and felt as if he knew them after many conversations in so few days. The passenger extended his hand and said, “Thank you. Thank you for doing what you do so my family and I can do what we do.” Upon landing in Chicago, the pilot stopped short of the gate and made the following announcement: “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to note that we have had the honor of having Sergeant Steeley of the United States Marine Corps join us on this flight. He is escorting a fallen comrade back home to his family. I ask that you remain in your seats when we open the forward door to allow Sergeant Steeley to deplane and receive his fellow soldier.” Without a sound all did as requested. The man who had talked with the marine noticed the sergeant saluting the casket as it was brought off the plane, and that action made him proud to be an American. So here is a public THANK YOU to our military men and women for what they do so we can live the way we do. RED FRIDAYS Very soon you will see a great many people wearing red every Friday. The reason? Americans who support our troops used to be called the “silent majority”. We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country, and home in record-breaking numbers. We are not organized, boisterous, or overbearing. Many Americans, like you and me and all our friends, simply want to support our troops. Let’s make the United States a sea of red and let our troops know that the “silent majority” is on their side more than ever. (continued on page 3) PAST EXALTED RULERS OF LODGE No. 2592 THE ELKS THUNDER Published monthly by B.P.O.E.. Lodge No. 2592 2951 S. Camino Mercado Green Valley, AZ. 85614 e-mail: webpage- 520-625-2592 2008 - 2009 LODGE OFFICERS Exalted Ruler.......................................................... Phyllis Curran (Tom) Leading Knight.......................................................Tom Shanahan (June) Loyal Knight...............................................................Jack Najar (Peggy) Lecturing Knight............................................................Pat Hudson (Jim) Secretary........................................................ Tom Curran, PER (Phyllis) Treasurer.................................................. Raymond “Ray”Austin (Betty) Esquire..........................................................Arturo Gabaldon (Rosanna) Chaplain....................................................................Cheryl Ponzo (Jack) Tiler..................................................................... Rose Mattarocci (Tom) Inner Guard........................................................ Denny Scanlan (Valerie) Organist.............................................................Tamara Kahrimanis(Reg) Five-Year Trustee...........................................................Ray Zucker, PER Four-Year Trustee............................................. Tom Bright, PER (Twyla) Three-Year Trustee..........................................Mayme Specht, PER (Jim) Two-Year Trustee..........................Chuck George PDDSVP, PER (Kathi) One-Year Trustee.............................................Bert Imse, PER (Dorothy) Presiding Justice........................................... Walter Henderson (Carolyn) Mediator.................................................................. Chuck Shipman (Pat) COMMITTEE-CHAIRS Auditing & Accounting...............................................Arturo Gabaldon Membership...................................................................Denny Scanlan Indoctrination............................................................................. Tom Curran, PER Investigation............................................................ Marty McCauley & Ray Harp Lapsation................................................................... Tom Curran, PER COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES........................................ Nancy Shelton/Gary Roth LODGE ACTIVITIES................................................................ All Chair Officers Americanism..................................................................Sandy Schmidt Protocol Tom Curran, PER...............................................Government Relations Wally Geno, PER Flag Day...........................................................................Hans Boensel Memorial Day ..............................................................................Susan Trecartin National Veterans Service Comm. .....Hans Boensel, Ed Orford & Nick Nickolas Public Relations/Publicity.............................................................Carol Sturdevant Elks National Foundation.......................................... Frank Sturdevant 1979-1980 John W. Kachel* 1980-1982 James Christensen* 1981-1982 Arnold R. Peterson 1982-1983 Nicholas S. Vitale* 1983-1984 Donald F. Ehritt 1984-1985 John E.. Bold* 1985-1986 Arthur R. Flood PDD 1986-1987 W. Wesley Percy* 1987-1988 Roy Youngblood* 1988-1989 William H. Bulman Sr. 1989-1990 Ralph E.. Seaton 1990-1991 John A. Boyajean* 1991-1992 Raymond C. Zucker * Deceased Robert C. Barry* Richard E.. Flake Wally Geno Cliff Skogstrom L.C. (Bert) Imse James A. Specht Leo PavlovichPDDSVP Leo PavlovichPDDSVP Hugh T. Hall* Tom Mattarocci Mayme Specht Charles “Chuck” Fitch Charles “Chuck” Frey Tom Curran Tom Bright Jim Kear PAST EXALTED RULERS BY AFFILIATION Elmer L. Abbott William Atkins Dean Brown Jim Collins John Deady* Bill Durall Charles George PDD Edward F. King* William Lampright Mike Julya *Deceased Richard E. McCauley Robert Miller L.C. (Bill) Nevelle PSPPDD Gerald Oleson Alfred P. Pakan* Jack D. Reeder Larry Romero William Scheffer William Young ATTENTION ALL GREEN VALLEY AND SAHUARITA ELK BOWLING MEMBERS MEETINGS OTHER ACTIVITIES Accident Prevention............................................. Mayme Specht, PER Community Image......................................................... Tom Shanahan Historian..................................................................... Frank Sturdevant House Committee...................................................................................Jack Ponzo Bulletin Advertising/Editor..................................................................Betty Austin Elks Major Projects.....................................................Carol Sturdevant Sexual Harassment..............................John Reed, Walter Settles, Rose Mattarocci Sickness and Distress............................................................ Tom Mattarocci, PER ENTERTAINMENT ACTIVITIES Music.......................................................................Phyllis Curran, ER Golf .................................................................................. Tom Rogers Bingo............................................................................. Mike Wilkeson Bowling............................................................................. Matt Medina Greeters........................................... Chuck Shipman & Lee Mambretti Pancake Breakfast........................... Rudy Sweisfurth & Jerry Conners PER Association President..................................................................... Tom Bright, PER Secretary................................................................ Sonny Abbott, PER Photography .............................................................. Jim Smith & Ken Haley Ritual Team Coach..................... Tom Curran, PER, Bill Nevelle, PER YOUTH ACTIVITIES..................................................... Cheryl Ponzo Drug Awarness.....................................................................Jack Ponzo Hoop Shoot....................................................Don Nix, Sandy Schmidt Soccer Shoot-out......................................... Jack Najar, Jim Kear, PER Student of the Month/Scholarship............................. Tom Bright, PER Essay Contest................................................................... Larry Kossak WebmasterArturo Gabaldon, Pat Hudson Bulletin Publisher..................................................... Tom Curran, PER 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 A ll Elk members who bowl or wish to bowl, in the Villagers Senior Mixed League on Tuesday mornings. Time: 10:00 A.M. Date: September 2, 2008 Place: Green Valley Lanes League start date: September 9, 2008 Start Time: 9:45 A.M. (Gives bingo players plenty of time to get to the Lodge.) All 2007-2008 Elk Senior League Board of Directors (Officers and Team Captains.) Time: 10:00 A.M. Date: Friday, September 5, 2008 Place: Green Valley Lanes Annual Coffee and General Membership Meeting. All Green Valley and Sahuarita Elk members, new and old, spouses, widows, and widowers of former spouses interested in bowling are invited and urged to attend. Time: 9:00 A.M. Date: Friday, September 12, 2008 (Reserved) Place: Elks Lodge #2592 Purpose: Meet new members. adopt 2008-2009 rules and final formation of teams. F 2 raternally, Matt Medina (continued from page 1) FROM THE LOYAL KNIGHT The first thing a soldier says when asked what can be done to make things better for him is, “We need your support and prayers.” Let’s get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example, and wear something red every Friday. REMINDER What my Elks membership card really tells me? I hold in my hand a little scrap of paper, two by three inches in size. It is of no intrinsic worth, not a bond, check, or receipt for values, yet it is my most priceless possession. It is my membership card in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America. It tells me that I am an American citizen-the proudest title in all the world that can be conferred upon a man. It tells me that I am the peer of emperors and kings, the ruler of my own destiny, the maker of my own fortune. It tells me that I am a citizen of a land where democracy rules, where brotherhood prevails, where tolerance holds sway, where JUSTICE is enthroned. It tells me that I have joined with 800,000 other Americans, in the pledging of allegiance to our country and its laws; in placing the American flag first in our hearts as loyal Americans and first upon our altars as loyal Elks. It tells me that I have entered into a spiritual and material kinship with my fellow Elks to practice charity in word and deed; to forgive and forget the faults of my brothers & sisters, to hush the tongue of scandal and innuendo; to care for the crippled, the hungry and the sick; and to be just to all mankind. Members are the most important people in our Lodge. They are owners of the lodge. Members are human beings with feelings and emotions who present wants and needs for the lodge to fulfil with the most courteous and attentive treatment possible. Members are the lifeblood of every lodge and every lodge is dependent on them---not them on the lodge. Together we make up the lodge, and as members let us always remember that. Also do not forget August 10th. Our Luau committee is planning a fabulous day with Chef Fred planning one of his wonderful buffets and with Two’s Company providing the music for dancing. I hope you are planning on joining us. I would like to thank Mike Lurkins for the great job he has done in painting the dining room, also the Auxiliary who footed the bill. F AN IRISH BLESSING raternally, Jack Najar May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart, and warmed by the smile of the people you love. F raternally, Phyllis Curran AWARDS SECRETARY’S DESK T he Front Office is a place of business, our mission is to give the best possible customer friendly service to all of our members. In order to do so, we ask that you do not gather by the Greeters Desk and engage in loud conversation. This is disruptive to both the staff and the greeter, especially when they are on the phone with other members. Your cooperation in this manner is greatly appreciated. We welcome all the spouses and guests who patronize our Lodge, having lunch and playing bridge. The Bridge Teams must provide a list of the players in their group to the Greeter. This list must be sponsored by an Elk, a spouse or a widow. If a list is not provided to the Greeter, the players who are not Elks, spouses or widows will not be allowed to enter the Lodge. At the Grand Lodge Convention a $3.00 increase in assessments was proposed and passed. I will have more on this later. A t the Lodge meeting, June 23, 2008, Cheryl Ponzo, Chaplain, was presented with an award for being 2nd place in National Competition for Youth Brochure. Tom Curran, PER, Lodge Secretary, was also presented with an award in recognition of the assistance provided to the Elks Magazine, insuring that each entitled member of the Lodge is on the national mailing list of the Order’s publication. Appreciation was expressed for the regular submission of membership and address change notices. If you find some mistakes in this bulletin, please consider that they are there for a very good reason. We put a little something in for everyone! F raternally, Tom The deadline for receiving all material for publication is Aug. 12th 3 PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! Green Valley Paint & Varnish, Inc. Interior/Exterior Ceiling/Drwall Repair Cabinet Refinishing Mike Lurkins Owner 648-2271 4 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES ARIZONA ELKS MAJOR PROJECTS A rizona Elks Major Projects, Inc. is sponsoring their 2nd annual “Elks at Sea Cruise”. It is a 7 night Western Caribbean cruise aboard the Royal Caribbean “Voyager of the Seas”. It will leave on February 22nd and return March 1, 2009. It will depart from Galveston, Texas and visit the following ports: Cozumel, MexicoRoatan, Honduras-Costa Maya, Mexico and Yucatan (Progreso), Mexico. Please call an agent at (520) 721-2300 or 888-666-1045 (outside Tucson area) for more information and to reserve a cabin. $250 deposit per person will reserve your cabin. Your participation supports the Steele Children’s Research Center and the Arizona Elks Youth Camp. Last year the cruise earned AEMP $10,000! A fund raiser for AEMP is planned for Sunday, November 30, 2008. It will be a dinner dance and silent auction/raffle. Mid Life Crisis will be providing the music. Please put it on your schedule. Tours to the Steele Children’s Research Center are scheduled to resume in September. I will start calling all of you who are signed up to go as soon as I get a confirmed date. D uring the month of May, and through the 15th of June, an Adult Diaper Drive was held to benefit the Community Food Bank located in Green Valley. The total pounds of diapers was 119. Pictured at the Community Food Bank delivering the diapers are the co-chairs of Community Activities at the Lodge, Nancy Shelton and Gary Roth. Thanks to the PELP’s and to all others who made monetary donations and diaper donations. F raternally, Carol Sturdevant, Chairperson F raternally, Nancy Shelton ANNUAL DRIVE BLOOD DRIVE FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES O n June 16, 2008, we had another successful blood drive! We had 34 units of whole blood donated and 4 units of double red cells for a total of 42 units of blood. That number of units will help approximately 126 people. Thank you to all of you who so generously donated blood and to those who made monetary donations of $66.00. Also thank you to all who worked registering blood donors and who worked the day of the blood drive. Our next blood drive will be held on Monday, October 20, 2008, from 8 am to 2 pm. Pre-registration will begin Tuesday, September 2, 2008, from 5-7 pm in the lobby at the Lodge. They will be held every Friday at that time. Together we can save lives. T he annual school supply drive began June 15, 2008. There is a large box in the lobby where you may put your donations. The following is the supply list: Scissors, glue sticks, box of tissues, zip lock bags (any size), one package of dry erase markers, back packs, crayons, colored pencils, scotch tape, and hand sanitizer. Donations are greatly appreciated and needed by the children. Thank you. F raternally, Carol Sturdevant, Chairperson 5 THE NATIONAL VETERANS SERVICE COMMITTEE VETERANS AT PANCAKE BREAKFAST T he Green Valley Elks Lodge hosted 24 veterans and 5 staff/helpers at the Pancake Breakfast they had on Sunday, June 22, 2008. The veterans were all transported from the Veterans Hospital in Tucson. Individual certificates of appreciation for serving our country were presented to all who attended. The Elks host the veterans once each month at the Pancake Breakfast. HANS BOENSEL, NICK NICHOLAS AND ED ORFORD O n Saturday the 14th of June, a lot of planning and good luck came together. The plan was to make it a very special Flag Day Ceremony. We had the 36th Army Band from Fort Huachuca (19 members), under the direction of WO-1 Donna Clickner and three members of the Davis Monthan Honor Guard Detail. Pictured below from left to right are: Nick Nicholas, SSGT Charles Figgins, SRA Fernando Gonzales, SRA Violeta Martinez and Hans Boensel. Nick and Hans presented them with Certificates of Appreciation for a job well done for Flag Day. Pictured of presentation of certificates: Connie McKinney, Jay Marshall, Tracey Bailey (the one being presented a certificate), Andy Comparetto, Gene Puckett, and Richard Holenka. With over 200 members, dignitaries and the Elks. The Elks Auxiliary as usual under the “Helm” of June Shanahan outdid themselves again with the food preparation and refreshments. There was enough food to feed “An Army” which is exactly what we did. As I said before in a message, in all my years of work with large associations this Auxiliary is the best I have ever dealt with. Ladies, thank you one and all, we could not have done this without you. Recently, The Veterans Committee also received an award from the Arizona Elks Association called the Veterans Remembrance Award, First Place 2007-2008 Green Valley Elks Lodge 2592. This shows that we are recognized as “Doers” and I want to thank Nick and Ed for the great job they are doing to make this possible. We like what we do and it shows. VETERANS GROUP Back row left to right: Kevin Well, Charles Greeney, Lester Criner, Jennie & Larry Romero, Elks servers, Edna Makie, Mary Jane Harp, Elks server, Jose Renson, Ray Harp, Elks server, Rita Ramey, Fred Hall, Elks Chef, Joe Soct, Andrew Comparetto, Jay Marshall. Front row: Hans Boensel, Gene Puckett, Jerry Carufel, Tracey Bailey, Cindy Johnson, Richard Holenka, and Phyllis Curran, Exalted Ruler. F raternally, Hans Boensel 6 HOUSE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE AND STAFF ACTION UNDERWAY ON THESE APPLICATIONS FOR AFFILIATION (by initiation, unless otherwise) APPLICANT T his month, while we are enjoying our newly redecorated Dining Rooms and Hostess areas, compliments of the Elks Auxiliary. Members will notice that we will have professionally cleaned the carpets, upholstered chairs and booths. The cleaning is scheduled for August 4th. The scheduling of the cleaning took longer than anticipated due to the availability of the cleaning service. Please enjoy our new look and do bring your guests to enjoy our restaurant. Our costs of food supplies, liquor, wine and beer continue to increase from our suppliers. Costs include fuel and delivery surcharges which are continuing to increase. The House Committee is responsible to operate the Lodge Club to the benefit of our members. We are required to insure that our costs of facility operations and supplies are adequately met. While we have not had to raise our prices for some time, we are reviewing whether a price increase may be necessary in the near future. We want our members to understand that we will only increase prices if absolutely required to maintain our Club without sustaining losses which could be disastrous to our future. Thank you for your understanding of this situation. PROSPER John Anderson.............................................................Barbara Fallon 103 S. Paseo Quinta #D James Berg................................................................Richard Phillips 741W. Placita Dela Cotonia William Frensley......................................................... Gordon Sebby 1130 La Canoa John Gieb.................................................................... Gordon Sebby 1997 W. Acacia Bluff Dr. Charles Moore.....................................................................John Neff 1868 Desert Lark Pass Thomas Scarlett......................................................... Thomas Calcut 319 N. Calle Del Diablo Russell Stoll...........................................................Douglas Cameron 1956 W. Calle Estio Lyle Wheeler............................................................ Howard Lanyon 569 W. Aspenwood Harold Dalby................................................................... Tom Curran 17078 S. La Canada CR...................... Sahuarita, AZ #2851 Hans Campestini.............................................................. Dan Martin 5171 S. Paseo Gemelos CR.................... Lake City, WA #1800 John Riely....................................................................Nancy Collins 4214 S. Via De Febrero AD...............Green Valley, AZ #2592 F raternally, Jack Ponzo, House Committee Chair HOUSE COMMITTEE Jack Ponzo, Chairman Nancy Collins, Ray Greeley Bob Monk, Larry Romero MEMBERSHIP STATUS APRIL 2008 Number of members 4/01/08 ......................2423 Year -to- Date Increases: Initiates................................ 50 Transfers ins......................... 08 Reinstatements..................... 01 +59 Decreases: Dropped................................ 16 Transfer outs......................... 02 Absolute Dimits.................... 03 Deceased................................ 15 -36 Year -to- Date net.................................................. +23 Number of Members 6/30/08............................. 2446 Delinquents........................................................... 134 Applications on hand 50 ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION A t Indoctrination I have been asking the new members for a $10.00 donation pledge for their first year which equates to $0.90 per month. I am sure that this is something most of us can do. Now is the time for all good Elks to come to the aid of their Lodge. You can either deliver your checks to the Lodge Secretary, Tom Curran, or obtain a mailer from the front office. Please plan to attend the Hawaiian Luau that will be held Sunday, August 10, 2008, and enjoy great fun and camaraderie. Proud to be an Elk. THANK YOU !!!! T hank you to the membership that responded to the Zip Code change. Your cooperation in this matter means saving a tremendous amount of time of looking up a total of 2446 members to see if your zip code has changed. I’m sure we have not received them all, so we encourage you to please submit a change as soon as possible. F raternally, Frank Sturdevant, Chairman, ENF The Office Staff. 7 IN MEMORY OF In Memoriam ALEX P. CAPITAN He has passed into the light which is beyond the valley of the Shadow of Death. The places that have known him shall know him no more, But his virtues are written upon the tablets by Harvey & Alberta Condon Don & Diane Bass Georgia Keris Jack & Ann Pearce Myron & Donna Thiel Bob & Arra Willis of love and memory JOSEPH JOHNSTON Born: June 11, 1914 Oklahoma Initiated: September 4, 1990 Nutley, New Jersey #1290 Affiliated: January 12, 1998 Passed Away: July 7, 2008 BARBARA ASKIN by Don & Diane Bass Carl & Jeanne Svanberg Myron & Donna Thiel NORMAN SEARLE Born: April 21, 1927 N. Providence, Rhode Island Initiated: October 25, 1999 Passed Away: June 12, 2008 SICKNESS AND DISTRESS Tom Mattarocci - Chairman DALE L. TRAYLOR Please contact me at 520-393-0135 if you know of anyone who is seriously ill or in a hospital or nursing home. We will gladly send a card or visit them and let them know that we care and are thinking of them. Jean Gray, Ladies Auxiliary Chaplain, will send a card to any member or spouse who is a member in the Auxiliary. If you hear of the death of a member, please notify our Office Secretary, Betty Austin (520-625-2592), who will send a condolence card and, if necessary, will issue a spouse card to the widow/widower. Born: November 6, 1932 Juneau, Alaska Initiated: November 27, 2006 Passed Away: June 12, 2008 F raternally, Tom 8 9 10 FLAG DAY CELEBRATION O n Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 9:00 am the Green Valley Elks Lodge #2592 celebrated Flag Day. An Honor Guard from Davis Monthan Air Force Base conducted the changing of the Flag and the Army Band from Fort Huachuca provided support music for the program. The event was open to the public and over 200 people attended. The purpose of the service was to honor our country’s Flag. During the course of the ceremony the anniversary of the Flag’s birth is celebrated in the giving of the Flag’s history and the achievements attained beneath Its folds are recalled in the response. On June 14, 1907, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks began declaring June 14th as Flag Day, and in 1908, the group mandated that every local Elks lodge observe Flag Day with a ceremony. Flag Day was officially established June 14, 1916, but it was not permanently designed as Flag Day until 1949 by an act of Congress. Following the ceremony the Auxiliary of Green Valley Elks Lodge served refreshments. Pictured below are the Fort Huachuca Army Band and the Honor Guard from Davis Monthan Air Force Base. LODGE OFFICERS AND DIGNITARIES In the back row left to right: Gabe Zimmerman,from Congresswoman’s Gabriell Giffords office. L.C. (Bill) Nevelle, PSPPDD.PER, Rose Mattarocci, Tiler, Tom Shanahan, Leading Knight, Pat Hudson, Lecturing Knight, Jack Najar, Loyal Knight, Phyllis Curran, Exalted Ruler, Larry Romero, PER, State Senate President, Tim Bee, and Chuck George, PDDGER. PER .Front row left to right: Hans Boensel, Co-Chairman of National Veterans Service Committee and Chairperson for Flag Day and Tom Curran, PER and Lodge Secretary. 11 WELCOME AMERICANISM PLEASE EXTEND A HANDSHAKE AND “OLD GLORY!” WELCOME TO THESE NEW MEMBERS T his famous name was coined by Captain William Driver, a shipmaster of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1831. As he was leaving on one of his many voyages aboard the brig CHARLES DOGGETT - and this one would climax with the rescue of the mutineers of the BOUNTY - some friends presented him with a beautiful flag of twenty four stars. As the banner opened to the ocean breeze for the first time, he exclaimed “Old Glory!” He retired to Nashville in 1837, taking his treasured flag from his sea days with him. By the time the Civil War erupted, most everyone in and around Nashville recognized Captain Driver’s “Old Glory.” When Tennessee seceded from the Union, Rebels were determined to destroy his flag, but repeated searches revealed no trace of the hated banner. Then on February 25th, 1862, Union forces captured Nashville and raised the American flag over the capital. It was a rather small ensign and immediately folks began asking Captain Driver if “Old Glory” still existed. Happy to have soldiers with him this time, Captain Driver went home and began ripping at the seams of his bedcover. As the stitches holding the quilt-top to the batting unravelled, the onlookers peered inside and saw the 24-starred original “Old Glory”! Captain Driver gently gathered up the flag and returned with the soldiers to the capitol. Though he was sixty years old, the Captain climbed up to the tower to replace the smaller banner with his beloved flag. The Sixth Ohio Regiment cheered and saluted - and later adopted the nickname “Old Glory” as their own, telling and re-telling the story of Captain Driver’s devotion to the flag we honor yet today. Captain Driver’s grave is located in the old Nashville City Cemetery, and is one of three (3) places authorized by act of Congress where the Flag of the United States may be flown 24 hours a day George & Kathleen Chute Michael & Betty Gervan Kevin & Paula McAfee Fred & Ruth Rossi Edwin Smith Susan Vecsey Keth & Deborah Vincent F raternally, Sandy Schmidt ELKS GOLF LEAGUE V.A. NEEDS YOUR I n August we will go down to Rio Rico for one event and stay in GV to play at Canoa Hills, Haven and San Ignacio. Check the bulletin boards for sign-up sheets, cost , time, etc. The new golf year will begin September 1, with an outing at Torres Blancas. Annual dues (unchanged from last year) of $8 will be due at that time. All golfers who participate in a minimum of four events during the golf year will be eligible for the championship tournament scheduled for February 23, 2009. I tems they need: current magazines, books, bedding, personal hygiene items, games, puzzles, men’s clothing, women’s clothing, shoes, and stamps. If you have too much to bring into the Lodge please call Nick Nickolas at 777-5741 or Ed Orford at 393-1626. 12 AUGUST 17TH Birthday coupon valid Wednesdays & Thursdays Only AUGUST 2008 PANCAKES BISCUITS AND GRAVY SCRAMBLED EGGS BACON AND SAUSAGE JUICE AND COFFEE GREEN VALLEY ELKS B.P.O.E.. #2592 For those Elk Members of #2592 in good standing having a birthday this month, this coupon is good for the menu price of one entrée (not to exceed $10.00) Please make reservations with the Hostess. (Present coupon to server when ordering) Time 8:30-12 Noon $6.00 Per Person Tickets at the Door Name:__________________________________ Date of Birth:_ ___________________________ Membership No:__________________________ *Must be a Member with a valid card. This does not include Widows or Spouses. (Coupon not valid after August 31st ) Elks and their guests are welcome ELKS BINGO Now starts at 1PM 1. EARLY-BIRD COVERALL E. FOR Elks - $100.00 2. JUNIOR JACKPOT - $500.00 Starts at 52 numbers progresses weekly 3. SENIOR JACKPOT - $1000.00 Starts at 52 numbers progresses bi-weekly Consolation $200.00 4. 16 GAMES IN ALL $70.00 Minimum ELKS LODGE Every Tuesday 1:00 p.m. All Year Long **PUBLIC INVITED** 13 AUXILIARY CALENDAR, August, 2008 From The Elks’ Auxiliary.. Board Meeting: No Elks Auxiliary Board or Luncheon: August Board Meeting: September 3rd 2:00 p.m. – Antler Room Luncheon: September 10th Social Hour: 11:30 a.m. Luncheon 12:15 p.m. Program 1:15 p.m. MENU: Bow-Tie Pasta Chicken Salad, Rolls, Brownie ******** PROGRAM: Barbershop Quartet Concert ******** Reservations for the September luncheon are due the first Wednesday of the month by 3:00 p.m. NO CASH IS ACCEPTED!! Send check for $9.50. Elks Auxiliary members and their guests only. Mail to Elks Auxiliary P.O. Box 1493 Green Valley, Arizona 85622-1493. Call Carol Greer, 648-2032, CJ Settles, 648-0825 or Dorothy Riley, 6483117 reservation chairpersons for any other information. A ny of you who have been to the Lodge recently, I’m sure have noticed the wonderful paint job and new cornices in the dining room. Give yourself a pat on the back ladies, without you, this wouldn’t have happened. Our Chili Cook-Off was held on Sunday, July 6th, and it was very successful. We had 14 entries in competition with Chef Fred. It’s amazing, how many different ways chili can be prepared. The firemen that were our tasting judges had a hard time narrowing the field down to three winners. First Place went to Sylvia Wilson, Second was Kathi George, and Third was Jan Schade. It is interesting that all three winners are Board Members. The firemen judged the chili by number only, they had no idea who the cooks were. Congratulations to everyone that entered, you are all winners! Thanks to everyone that helped make this project a success, but an extra thank you goes to Tom Bright, who sweated bullets out in that warm kitchen, and to Chuck George, who saved the day by running the dishwasher. As you know, we are an integral part of the pancake breakfast crew providing coffee servers, and clean up help. Recently we have had some people sign up to work and not show up. If you are scheduled to work and cannot make it, please let BB Haywood or Connie McLynn know, so they can replace you. Their phone numbers are in the directory. At Christmas time we visit Del Coronado Apartments and deliver Christmas gifts to deserving seniors. As you travel this summer, please accumulate the soap, shampoo and, conditioners etc, that you get at your hotel and bring them back for this worthy project. They can be left at the greeter’s desk, with my name on them, and I will see that they are distributed at Christmas. Charity is the lifeblood of our Auxiliary and the need today is greater than ever. Don’t forget to bring your food donation to the September luncheon. Last but not least, we come to the subject of DUES. It has come to my attention that many members have not paid their dues for this year. I’m sure it is simply an oversight, and would appreciate it if you could help us get this corrected. Your check for $10.00 can be left at the greeter’s desk or mailed to our P.O. Box 1493, Green Valley, AZ 85622-1493. All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. We warmly welcome our newest Auxiliary member: Pam Carlone ******** Newcomer’s Coffee will resume September 17th. Call Mary John , 625-6751 or Betty McCauley, 399-0539 ********** IF YOU KNOW OF AN ILL OR BEREAVED MEMBER: Please call Diane Bissell, 399-1392 (filling in for Jean Gray) ********* The Elks Auxiliary support of the Green Valley Food Bank is an ongoing project; needs have increased by 60%! Please remember the Food Bank by bringing cans of food, a personal hygiene product or a cash donation to the monthly luncheons. You will receive a free RAFFLE ticket!!!! ********* PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Please call BB Haywood, 867-6474 or Connie McLynn, 625-1281 ********* UPCOMING EVENTS: August 10th, dig out your Hawaiian shirts, and grass skirts and join everyone for a LUAU! ********* October 12th, ELKTOBERFEST at the lodge – come for the beer, brats and Bavarian Band music!! ********* F raternally, June Shanahan, President 14 Membership in the Auxiliary of B.P.O.E. #2592 is open to the spouse, surviving spouse or an Elk in good standing. To join the Auxiliary, complete an application form (available at the Greeter’s Desk), and submit along with your check for $15.00 (NO CASH PLEASE) made payable to the Elk’s Auxiliary for the 2008-2009 dues. Renewal dues are $10.00 payable by April 1st of each year.