Delivered especially for you via e-mail!


Delivered especially for you via e-mail!
June, 2015
The First Presbyterian
Church of Zephyrhills
5510 19th St.
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Delivered especially
for you via e-mail!
“ Together We Serve”
Office — Mon-Friday 9:00 AM—1:00 PM
813-782-7412 — Fax: 813-782-4352
E-mail: // Web site:
Church Staff
Rev. Ginny Simmons Ellis
— Interim Pastor
E-mail: — (813)404-6723
Dell Anderson
Debbie Edwards
Jason Edwards
Henry Skaggs
Tracy Clemmer
Church Office Administrator
Director of Music
Choir Director
Youth Leader
Nursery Attendant
Class of 2015
Sharon Harmsen
David Reifsteck
Rebecca Rognas
Class of 2015
Joanne Combs
Audrell Howard
John Wilcher
Class of 2016
Anne Brothers
Linda Lawson
Suzann Parrish
Class of 2016
Megan Hall
Robert Harmsen
Clare Bryington
Class of 2017
Joe Angello
Fran Crum
Phoebe Kay Haas
Class of 2017
Margaret Andersen
John R. Murch, Sr.
Mary “Mitzy” Tiffault
Yvonne Daume,
Clerk of Session
June, 2015
CAMP DISCOVERY VBS The week of: JUNE 15-19, 2015!
Calling all children Pre–K—5th Grade. Our VBS begins every evening at 6pm with a
light dinner prepared and served by Audrell Howard and her many kitchen volunteers. After dinner, our campers will be led through our theme song by Christy Miller. Yvonne Daume will tell a Bible story with a whimsical flare and after that,
teachers will take their campers to their rooms, answer questions and give key
themed Bible verses. Classes are split as follows: Pre-K-1st, with teachers Megan
Hall and Ron Bergstrom; 2nd-3rd with teachers Linda Bergstrom and Rhonda Register, and 4th–5th grade with teachers Roy Marks and Catherine Coffey. Children will
catch some tunes daily with Debbie Edwards, crafts with Kathy Stinnette, outdoor
fun with Henry Skaggs, and before the fun is over, a magical experiment with Jessica Boydston. Some other camp volunteers you may see are Maggie Andersen, John
and Chris Wilcher, Rosalyn Pugh, Jason Edwards, Meagan Sammons, John Murch,
Ginny Ellis, Mary Jo Combs-Hall, Clare Bryington, Shanna Royal, Heather Kline and
Joanne Combs. It's not too late to join the fun. Sign up
every Wednesday 5pm-6pm.
Camp Discovery
for guaranteed fun!
to get to know them. Invite them to consider
getting more involved, deeper in the swimming pool, you might say. (Enjoy the water,
learn to swim, then get in the deep end.)
I greet you in the name of Jesus, saying
as he does: Peace be with you!
I have just marked a year as your interim pastor. The year has flown by: meeting
you, visiting in homes, hospital, and rehab
facilities, attending meetings galore, as well
as Lenten Lunches, Movie Night and Work
Day. And lots of good worship!
Having experienced a full year among
you I now have some ideas about ways we
might tweak the focus of our ministry.
First, I think the church needs to be
more intentional about welcoming people into
worship, fellowship and service, even into
church leadership. We need to invite those
who are worshiping here to get more involved.
We need to be intentional about offering entry
points, words of welcome, and invitations.
Whatever your group is doing, be sure to invite others to come give it a try. And once
they get there, say a personal word of welcome. Take time to introduce each other and
make some connections.
I believe that for many of our events we
really should provide nametags: sticky ones
will do, permanent ones are better. Help people get to know each other and make connections! It's extremely important if we want to
be a growing church.
Second: We need to be sure the Zephyrhills
community as a whole knows about First
Presbyterian Church and knows they are welcome here. Then when people come, we need
Third: I believe we need to do a better job of
inviting people to become members. Yes, it's
okay to attend and participate without being
members. But membership says "I belong."
Those are significant words, my friends. Real
Belonging is rare in our world. Community is
important. Being an official part of the church
can be a wonderful thing.
I have been listening to a song from the
Iona Community in Scotland. It begins like
this: In love You summon; In love I follow;
Living today for your tomorrow.
What wonderful words. We are all summoned by God to live into God's plan for the
world. How do we follow our calling? How can
we acknowledge, encourage and celebrate others as they too follow God's call? How can we
be open to what God's Tomorrow might look
like? How can we be open to God's Tomorrows
that are not what we might have envisioned
ourselves? That's a big challenge for each and
all of us.
I'll share more ideas as time goes along.
In the meantime, join us in ministry. The Mission Study Retreat will benefit from all our ideas. Help with Vacation Bible School. Support
our church financial needs overall so we can be
strong moving forward. Pray for the Pastor
Nominating Committee on their significant
task. Pray for all these things. Help in the
ways you know that you can. Follow where
God is calling you: with love, with faithfulness,
taking the risks of relationship, taking the risk
of faith, offering support. I know as you take
this journey you will experience deep joy.
Love to each of you, wherever you are,
Ginny Ellis
Congregational Life
Ministry Team
We thank all who were participants in providing May’s Coffee
Hours: Megan Hall and Maggie Andersen, Property Team., Edwards
Family, Worship Team. and the
M E N. . .
Stop by for a cup of coffee on Saturday, June
13 at 9:00 AM!! No
Agenda, just casual
talk with friends (Old
and New)!
Members of the Congregational
Life Team did a Kitchen Refresh
on May 12. This consisted mainly of returning
items where they belonged, resupplying the
pantry and labeling the boxes in store room.
We thank all who are supporting Coffee Fellowship. There are 14 Sundays needing Hosts to
finish out the year. Please check the Coffee
Fellowship Calendar and help out as you are
able with any of the unhosted dates. Keep it
simple and remember to celebrate Birthdays,
Anniversaries or neighborhoods as a suggestion. Thanks in advance!
We will be furnishing a cake as a treat for the
men on Father’s Day, June 21st. We will also be
asking for donations of cheese and crackers for
the Coffee Fellowship. Our next Team Meeting
is Sunday, June 7.
Submitted by Linda Bergstrom, Secretary
Please only put into the blue
dumpster by the shed on 19th St.
newspaper, office paper, cardboard, junk mail, phone books,
magazines and paper bags.
Wednesday Night Bible
God’s beautiful promises, instructions and blessings are sprinkled in His Word…let’s study them
Saturday, June 13 the Supper Club will be
eating at Chancy’s Catfish Shack in Plant City
at 5:00 PM. RSVP to Sue Reffit at 813 783 1299
by Noon on Thursday, June11. Van will leave
the church at 4:00 PM. Reserve your seat!
On Sunday, June 14, please remain in the
Sanctuary after Worship to ask any Questions that you may have regarding the
Property Campaign:
“Keep Cool and Raise the Roof!
POTTER – Prayer on Thursdays at Ten
Enlightens and Refreshes
“Pray continually.”
I Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV)
“This is the promise of Paul’s command: not to ignore the daily tasks
by turning to God in prayer, but periodically to interrupt our daily tasks with moments of
prayer so that everything else is shaped by that attitude.”
Martha Moore-Keish
Each Thursday at 10 a.m. (wherever we are), let
us pause to pray.
Remember the church in your prayers
Remember the church in your will.
Remember the church when you speak
with your neighbors!
From the
Deacons’ Corner
Phoebe Kay Haas, Moderator
813-788-3454, 813-469-2225,
We cannot thank you enough for your donations to the Deacons’ pantry! On May 14 we
served 79 families, with 13 being new to this
ministry. Those in our community who need a
helping hand are blessed by your generosity!
Items requested for June are Spaghettio’s and
tuna or canned meat.
The Post Office Food Drive was a Blessing for
our community; 22,000 pounds of food was received by the Neighborhood Care Center
(NCC)! However, this was about 1,000 pounds
less than last year. Three of your Deacons and
one person from the congregation helped sort
food at the NCC on Saturday and during the
week. The Director of the NCC was very kind
to share some of the food with our Church pantry and two other local churches.
Max Lucado writes, “Daily do a deed for which
you cannot be repaid.” What a good idea! So,
you are invited to come and help us on Pantry
Day (2nd Thursday of each month, 9:30-11
a.m.). You might hand out sacks of groceries,
or carry the sacks for those who are disabled, or
just chat with our pantry families and share
Christ’s love! Come and celebrate the joy of the
We appreciate your prayers; please be assured
that you are in our prayers as well. We are
here to serve, so please let us know how we
may serve YOU!
In Christian love,
Suzann Parrish, Deacons’ Secretary
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
First, a huge WAY TO GO to the members
of our youth group who sing with the Zephyrhills High School choir. They performed in a
local church and raised $6,000 for the homeless.
Members of the choir who participated
were: Ashleigh Blackburn, Celine Johnson,
Danielle Vadenheen, Joel Skaggs and Kaitlin
Morley. Celine and Kaitlin also performed a
duo for state and received an excellent rating.
Celine sang a solo which earned her a superior
rating. Congratulations to all.
In April our youth group toured the campus of USF during the Stampede for Success
program (an Open House for high school students to see what USF has to offer them). Many
were inspired and I believe we now have a few
USF Bulls in our midst. All had a great time.
The youth group would also
like to thank all who supported the youth group during the
Chili Bar fund raiser. We are
always grateful for the support given by church
We want to honor Joel Skaggs
who has earned a 4.5 GPA. Joel
is a member of the National
Honor Society and was placed
within the top 6 of his class. We
know his parents must be beaming with pride (and who could
blame them)!
F.R.E.S.H. birthdays for June are: Julian Hay
and Marvin Miller.
Prayer List
Mary Andersen/daughter of Maggie Andersen
David Mann/Friend of Joe and Anna Angello
Glen Badgero
Sally Martin, C.O.M., Presbytery of Tampa Bay
Jean Basnight Family/sister of Rosalyn Pugh
Gordon McDonagh
Stu Daume
Diane Middlekauff/Fran Crum’s daughter
John Britton/
Pam and Rex Nichols/daughter and son-in-law
Michael Doran/Linda Lawson’s nephew
of Martha Wilson
Vickie Ellingwood
Charles Pugh
Donna Englebrecht
Sue Reffit
Mardell Franke
Joe Soueidan/grandson of Rosalyn and
Frank Guth/Husband of Holly Neiswender’s niece
Charles Pugh
Kevin Haas/son of Phoebe Kay Haas
Ken Keslar/son-in-law of Donna Brooking
Prayer concerns remain for thirty days unless the office is otherwise notified by family.
Pray for those in Nursing Homes:
Reba Carlson/Westbrook Manor — Irene Finn/Heartland — Joe Horak/The Commons
Elaine Truelson/Zephyrhills Health & Rehab.
Pray for those in the Armed Forces:
LSC(SS) Matthew E. Edwards
Major Craig Young/Jack and Dianne Young’s son.
Mark and Debbie Edwards’ son
Ashley Lawson, USMC/Linda Lawson’s 5
Sr. Airman Jason Haas/Phoebe Kay Haas’ grandson
John Wilcher
Randy Neiswender
Patricia Hopkins
Reba Carlson
Tina Hannold
Richard Putskey
Jack and Dianne Young
James and Megan Hall
Warren and Marcia Stearns
Bill and Elizabeth Hughes
Kenneth and Mary Gregg
Dave and Vicki Arndt
Joseph and Joan Pound
Jack and Peg Wilson
Art Kopp
Noah Ainsworth (Hopkins)
Howard Hague
Joanne Wussow
Joan Pound
51 Years
04 Years
57 Years
47 Years
67 Years
39 Years
17 Years
53 Years
Summer is upon us, that traditional time of relaxation; some of us will
travel near and far, and others simply stay home and rest. Such a happiness-inspiring season, yet there are those who are unhappy still: alone in
angst, feeling sorrowful, unloved, or grieving. As Micah described Israel’s Miseries in verse 7:1, "I am like one who
gathers summer fruit at the gleaning of the vineyard; there is no cluster of grapes
to eat, none of the early figs that I crave." That's a gap Stephen Ministers help
fill, addressing those concerns within, bringing the love of Jesus; bringing Summertime into the heart, and that's when healing begins. Please call Tina Hannold:
(813) 782-8303.
News from John Wilcher, Chair — Administration, Finance and Personnel Ministry
On Sunday, May 17, the Session approved our next project. Our capital campaign will be
called: Keep Cool and Raise the Roof. This project will be divided into two phases:
Phase I is to replace 9 of our air conditioners at a cost of $50,000. This includes the immediate replacement of two units plus fixing the roof where these units are located. In order
to have VBS, this is necessary for the comfort of the students.
Phase II is to replace the roof shingles at an additional cost of $70,000.
The total cost of these projects is approximately $125,000. The funding of the projects will come from 4
a) Pledges. We are asking you the congregation to pledge over a three year period for this project. You soon will receive a letter explaining how the pledge system will work;
b) Borrowing. We can borrow from ourselves, using our investment account or from an outside
agency, ie the Presbyterian church or a bank;
c) Fundraisers. This would need a group of people to run this program to raise money expressly for the use of the church.
d) Estate Planning. Bequeathing money to the church through your Will is always appreciated.
We will keep you apprised of money raised through the Weekly Word and the First Word newsletter.
Chelsey Judd * Class of 2015
Congratulations to our graduating senior Chelsey Judd. She was honored
with a brief presentation by Yvonne Daume during the Sunday service on
May 24. Chelsey has been a member of our youth group for 5 years. If you
have ever been to Movie Night you probably have seen her making the popcorn. Or if you've been to VBS in the past couple of years, you would
have seen her teaching a younger class. She has always been a big help
with many church activities. We want her to know
how much we have enjoyed having her in the youth
group and give her an invitation to continue her biblical education on Wednesdays with the adult class.
Best wishes to you always.
June, 2015
First Presbyterian Church of Zephyrhills
5510 19th Street, Zephyrhills, FL 33542
(813)782-7412 Fax (813)782-4352
1 The Scouts will not
be meeting during
June and July.
2 10:00 AM
Women’s Bible Study
10:00 P.O.T.T.E.R.
7 8:30 Adult Study 8 Ministry Team
10:00 Worship/
Reports are due
11:00 Coffee Time
11:30 Ministry Teams
2:30 Deacons
5:30 Weds. Supper
6:00 Classes
7:00 Choir
9:30 Food Pantry
13 9:00 AM Men’s
Morning Coffee
Supper Club to eat at
Chancy’s Catfish
Shack/Plant City
14 8:30 Adult Study
10:00 Worship
11:00 Q&A time following Worship
11:20 Coffee Time
11:45 Session meeting
10:00 P.O.T.T.E.R.
21 8:30 Adult Study
10:00 Worship
11:00 Coffee Time
10:00 P.O.T.T.E.R.
Vacation Bible School each night this week!
6:00— 8:30 PM
5:30 Weds. Supper
6:00 Classes
10:00 P.O.T.T.E.R.
Father’s Day
28 8:30 Adult Study
10:00 Worship/Food
Pantry Collection
11:00 Coffee Time