
may 2016 | en
poultry processing
Intelligent batching
RoboBatcher Flex and I-Cut 122
poultry processing
This year we will be launching a new structure for the
Marel brand. This edition of Insight shows you the new look.
Step by step all our other communications will receive the
new treatment which reflects the very latest design.
New brand
Our activities will be grouped under the
name Marel Poultry instead of Marel Stork
Poultry Processing. This doesn’t mean,
however, that the Stork Poultry
Processing brand will disappear. You will
continue to find the name of Stork
marked clearly on our equipment; you
won't be able to pass by without noticing
the Stork Poultry Processing brand on our
exhibition booths, websites,
advertisements and brochures.
Together with the new brand structure,
you’ll also see our new tagline “advancing
food processing”, because that’s our core
business. We want to bring food
processing to the next level. We want to
keep on improving. That is our passion
and that's why Marel Poultry wants to
continue to be the leading provider of
advanced processing solutions to the
global poultry industry.
The year 2015 was for Marel Poultry
another record year! This was due to a
tailwind in a number of markets. At the
same time we are well aware that this
could only be accomplished thanks to the
support and confidence of our customers.
So we definitely won’t change our
commitment to support you and assist
you in getting the best possible results
with our systems and equipment.
We strive to have even better results in
2016. We will, however, have some
challenges to conquer, as the world’s
economic and political situation can n
influence our business. But we’re well
prepared and well equipped to meet
most of these challenges.
When a national economy is booming,
such as in Poland, we benefit from
increasing investments by the agrifood
industry in that country. In this edition
of Insight you’ll read all about recent
developments in Poland, which in a very
short time has become Europe's largest
broiler processing country.
Advancing food processing must also be
put in the context of topical subjects such
as sustainability and food safety. That’s
why modern poultry processing requires
a focus not just on individual equipment,
but even more on advanced process
control. We are rolling out innovations
such as “fixed weight fillet processing” by
integrating the RoboBatcher Flex and the
I-Cut 122. These overarching solutions
involve the smart interaction of multiple
machines. The same goes for SystemFlex
conveyor logistics, connecting processes
in an intelligent way. The primary goal of
these innovations is to make daily
processing easier and more efficient,
giving a high return on investment.
I wish you a good read and look forward
to meeting you personally at one of
our events.
anTon de Weerd, Managing
Director Marel Poultry
New brand structure
Nuova CoreTech
SystemFlex conveyor
systems that fit
Charming Food introduces
air chilling in Taiwan
“A robot with a knife”
Poland – a Marel
Poultry success story
New filleting
department at Avisabor
I-cut 122 PortionCutter
taking portioning to the next level
CAS SmoothFlow
breakthrough in South America
Suprieya Foods moves to
Quality always comes first
at Broviand
Twice from grain to chicken
Serving the French polyvalentmarket
Nuova CoreTech evisceration
Serving start-ups and specific markets
Processing plants need a lot of flexibility to get the most value
out of their operations. The Stork Nuova CoreTech system has
been developed to bring maximum evisceration efficiency to
processors newly starting up or to processors who operate in
markets with specific requirements. At a later point in time
CoreTech can be upgraded to a full scale Nuova system.
“Nuova CoreTech can
‘grow along’ with the processor.”
The Stork Nuova CoreTech technology
provides evisceration solutions for all
processing capacities up to 6,000 bph
(100 bpm), taking into account that giblet
harvesting will be done manually.
Processors can have immediate access to
proven technologies of the sophisticated
Nuova eviscerating system without
having to invest in equipment which
meets the highest automation
requirements and the highest line speeds.
Upgrades to the CoreTech system can
easily be incorporated later on, without
the need to change the entire platform.
As a result, the CoreTech can “grow along”
with the processor.
Easy upgrade
CoreTech is the ideal solution for processors
starting up who want to begin automating
their evisceration process, while continuing
to harvest giblets manually. In time, they
can decide to upgrade the system by
adding a viscera pack shackle line, allowing
automated rehanging and giblet
harvesting. In this way, increasing levels of
automation can be integrated gradually in
line with growing capacity or changes in
market demands.
Proven technology
Built on 20 years’ experience, the Nuova
CoreTech eviscerator offers all the
advanced features today’s processes
demand, while providing flexibility for
future needs. Function is identical to
existing Nuova systems, but does not
include automatic rehang of the viscera
pack. CoreTech does not have separate
viscera shackles, but positions the
entire viscera pack over the back of
the product.
Exact positioning
Stork’s Nuova CoreTech eviscerator can
cope with various line speeds and large
variations in flock size and weight. The
products enter the system with their
backs towards the center of the carrousel.
The eviscerator compensates
automatically for differences in size,
by positioning each broiler exactly for a
perfect evisceration result, with no
adjustment to settings being needed.
Markets with specific needs
Besides being ideally suited to processors
starting up in any market in the world,
Stork Nuova CoreTech will also be of
interest in specific markets with cultural
or religious inspection demands.
That’s because the viscera pack which
hangs over the back of the product allows
for specific veterinary inspection.
When establishing the health status of a
flock, inspectors find organs such as
lungs, heart and liver very important.
While still attached to the product, the
intestine pack is visibly presented for
assessment; product and organs are
accessible on all sides for thorough
This is crucial, as certain religions or
cultures require a focus on specific
organs. As such, Nuova CoreTech provides
products suitable for halal, kosher and
super kosher inspection procedures.
The evisceration procedure
The flexibility and versatility of Stork’s
Nuova CoreTech eviscerator will help
processors just beginning with industrial
poultry processing to obtain the best
possible evisceration yield in all
GO TO: marel.com/CoreTech
Placed in-line after the vent
opening machine, the CoreTech
eviscerator is a carrousel machine
with 20 units. Its task is to remove
the entire viscera pack, including
heart, lungs, liver, gizzard and
intestines, from the body cavity in
one single, automated operation.
To remove the pack, a drawing arm
enters the product through the
abdominal cavity opening. When
the arm is completely inside, it
grasps the esophagus, and draws it
out together with the scraped-out
intestine pack. The consistent and
thorough way in which the system
works practically eliminates any
possible damage to the intestine
pack or the product itself.
The drawing arm then positions
the entire viscera pack over the
back of the product, ensuring a
high level of hygiene and aiming
to prevent contamination.
Cleaning is done with great care.
High pressure cleaning of parts
which have been in contact with
the product takes place after each
operation cycle. The products
themselves as well as the viscera
packs are cleaned by low-pressure
spray nozzles. This hygienic way of
working virtually eliminates any risk
of contamination. Nuova CoreTech
uses considerably less water
compared to conventional systems.
From left to right:
On behalf of Nutrypollo: Alejandro
Pineda, Francisco Guevara, Patricio
Quesada (Plant Manager), Salvador
and Armando Hermosillo. On behalf
of Marel Poultry: Gerardo Jimenez,
Edwin de Koning, Koen Serrarens and
Christjan van Haperen.
is “synonymous with total quality”
About Nutrypollo
As a fully integrated company with a processing capacity of
12,000 bph (200 bpm), Nutrypollo has earned its position as
one of Mexico’s best-known poultry processing companies
through their commitment to “the art of the good breeder”.
Nutrypollo, a second generation family business, takes pride
that their company is “synonymous with total quality”.
Their commitment to quality brought a
natural fit to partner with Marel Poultry to
build the first demonstration plant
showcasing a full Stork Poultry Processing
evisceration, killing and selection line in
Mexico. The project, which began in 2012,
includes an entire Stork Nuova
evisceration line, with giblet harvesting
and handling. Additionally, Stork
stunning, killing and picking solutions
were installed.
When the time came for expansion,
Nutrypollo looked for a solutions provider
that they could trust to achieve their plans
of reaching capacities of 12,000 bph (200
bpm). “We chose Stork Poultry Processing
because the brand is known for its quality,”
says General Manager Cesar Quesada. “The
name gives us confidence.”
See results first
From their beginning as an egg laying farm in 1950 by Mr. Bernardo Quesada
de Alba, father of General Director Mr. Jorge Quesada Moran, to the start of
the broiler business in 1963, to their newest successes running at 12,000 bph
(200 bpm), the company has enjoyed more than 50 years in the Mexican
market. Their commitment to quality and seeking out the newest and
highest levels of technology from partners they trust is their strategy.
The success of this large expansion project and the excellent results have
positioned Nutrypollo well for future plans. They want to expand their
product offerings into further processed products, grow their rotisserie sales
and increase their scope of supply to include some other regions of Mexico
like Jalisco. Marel Poultry is committed to helping Nutrypollo to achieve
their goals.
Because they trusted the brand,
Nutrypollo wanted to benefit from the
latest in processing technologies at very
high line speeds and also be the first to
show Stork’s equipment, solutions and
performance to important Mexican
customers. “We see Marel Poultry as
high tech and a leader in the meat
processing market but we had to see
results at 12,0000 bph,” adds Senor
“We had invested lots of time into getting
very good results from our old
equipment. But we didn’t know how
much time we had to invest to get at least
the same results with our new equipment.
The results are in and everyone is pleased
with how the line is running. Two years
ago, the plant was processing 60,000
birds per day with 20 people operating in
evisceration on an eight-hour shift.
Now, Nutrypollo is running 80,000 birds
per day, without overtime, and it only
takes six hours.
At first the line ran at 8,400 bph
(140 bpm), but later on, we increased
the speed, with new automatic harvesting
equipment added. To our surprise, the
faster we ran the new line the better
everything worked, and finally, at full
speed, we got the best results,” says
Marketing Director Patricio Quesada.
The faster, the better
Service after the sale
Equally important to NutryPollo is the
partnership after the sale. They wanted to
be sure they could maintain the
equipment at a high performance level,
also at higher line speeds.
Here again, their trust in Marel Poultry
and the mutual relationship were
decisive. That’s why the company signed
a two-year Premium Hardware Service
Level Agreement for their EV equipment,
covering parts
and labor.
Maintaining top quality
“Now our processing plant is a reference
of quality and innovation in our region
and we are always happy to invite our
customers. So they can understand that
the high quality of our chicken comes
from maintaining top quality in all of the
processes, from hatching to distribution,
and especially those processes that can
really make a difference and can literally
be seen and felt in our final product.
We take special pride in our plant because
every single customer, supplier or
colleague tells us that it’s the best looking
and one of the most modern plants
they’ve ever seen,” says Patricio Quesada.
that fit
For those who really care about adding value to
a processing system, a conveyor belt is not just
a simple means of transport for getting product
from A to B. Marel Poultry developed the
SystemFlex modular conveyor system to
generate an interactive logistics environment
and thereby maintain product quality and
optimize process integration. The SystemFlex
integrated solution is very much more than a
mere transport belt.
Motors and belts
The focus on standardization and true quality is also reflected in the choice of motors for SystemFlex
conveyors. Only three motor types are used; green labeled, efficient and reliable motors with constant
torque over a very wide speed range. The conveyor motors can be connected to the central management
system, in order to monitor their performance. In this way, it becomes easy to take preventive measures,
such as speeding up or slowing down specific conveyors.
Depending on the width required and the curves specified for the conveyor, a homogenous or modular
belt material can be chosen. All belts are available in different thicknesses and pitch distances, and have
the option of a middle lane or flights.
“They prevent product quality loss and enhance throughput.”
Well-designed internal logistics improve
product flow, safeguarding quality in the
process. A conveyor belt solution in a
poultry processing plant must, therefore,
address many different requirements:
it must be hygienic, reliable, process
embedded, flexible and silent, yet at the
same time controllable and easily
cleanable. The SystemFlex solution has
it all.
optimized, unique conveyor system.
A SystemFlex conveyor system will always
fit like a glove!
Examples of the building blocks are
support frames, bends, inclines (ups),
declines (downs), drive and return
sections. At the very minimum, the
conveyor would consist of a drive end,
an idle end and a support frame.
Modular flexibility
Besides the master building blocks, the
clever coupling method allows for the
installation of a wide range of accessory
components, such as product scrapers,
catch plates, infeed funnels, work
surfaces, work stations, product and tray
guides, cable trays, belt washing/spraying
equipment and belt lifters (for optimal
ease of cleaning).
By using functional, modular building
blocks giving the desired height, width,
length and curve, SystemFlex can solve all
internal logistic issues. With a minimal
number of components, i.e. 48 master
building blocks, any desired, tailor-made
configuration can be created. So every
single processor can build an individually
Reusable components
Should layouts change over time, almost
all components can be reused, depending
of course on the changed requirements.
Modules are easy to install, remove and
use again. There is no necessity to buy a
completely new system and previously
used, costly materials aren’t wasted.
With its strong technological background
and experience in the area, Marel Poultry
successfully ensures product integrity.
Even if a proper, careful handling of bare
fresh meat adds just one day to shelf life,
this is extremely valuable for customers.
Keeping the integrity
SystemFlex belts are built to prevent
soiling; belts stay clean in almost all
circumstances. As dry meat products tend
to attach themselves to the belt,
detaching would always leave remnants,
causing the end product to lose weight.
Food safety is an overriding concern
when conveying products through the
plant. Besides bringing products safely
and hygienically to the next process step,
SystemFlex also reduces human contact
with the product by automatically
positioning products correctly for in-feed
into a downstream machine.
SystemFlex conveyor belts contribute to
maintaining the integrity of products
during their journey through the process.
They prevent product quality loss and
enhance throughput. In an ideal
situation, each product is put down on
the belt once only, with no need for
tumbling, flipping or any further
Shelf life
The more “bare meat” is tumbled, flipped
or otherwise moved around during the
process, the more it loses its protein, the
more its adhesion force weakens, the
shorter its shelf life will be.
A well-handled product can reach a shelf
life of 12 or 13 days; under less optimal
circumstances, shelf life can be reduced
to 5 days.
SystemFlex conveyors prevent this by
using a hydrophobic coating on the
belt material.
Easily cleanable
The SystemFlex concept meets the
highest standards in safety, ergonomics
and hygiene in the food industry. Its
components are made from durable
materials, resistant to moisture and
cleaning agents. In either wet or washdown environments, safety of products
and equipment is ensured. The conveyed
products, raw meat or packed, are not at
risk, but are always carefully treated.
Product damage, loss or bulking as well as
bacterial contamination can be
“An important innovation and a major breakthrough
in the country’s agricultural sector.”
Charming Food
introduces air chilling in Taiwan
The Charming Food greenfield project is a completely
automated state-of-the-art, multi-floor, earthquake-proof
poultry processing plant with a capacity of 9,000 bph (150
bpm). Right from the start Charming Food showed a
progressive approach to poultry processing, specifying
Taiwan’s first air-chilling tunnel, three high-tech IRIS
inspection systems and a highly elaborate Innova software
control system.
Charming Food
Charming Food is part of the Fwusow company, owned by Mr. Yao Kun Hung. Charming Food is
one of the largest agricultural food processing businesses of Taiwan with establishments all over
the island. It is a vertically organized company, which started out way back in 1920 as a peanut
and sesame oil processing company. Bit by bit, the organization grew, adding animal feed
production, feed mills, livestock farms. Recently the company opened its first processing plant.
The current design of the greenfield is fit for a capacity of 72,000 broilers per day, while the annual
output will reach 20 million. The Charming Food plant produces mainly fresh bulk products such
as sesame chicken, Korean fried chicken and other consumer ready products. These products are
supplied to B2B catering chains, restaurants and further processing companies.
Being a greenfield project, the Charming
Food plant could start from scratch,
adopting the very latest poultry processing
techniques and setting new standards for
Taiwan. “In our search for the best possible
way of automating processing on an
industrial scale, we concluded that the
solutions of the world’s prime brand Marel
Poultry met our requirements best”, says
Chairman Yao Kun Hung.
Every single detail in the plant meets a
state-of-the-art standard, such as climate
control, the supply of purified water for
washing and the overhead stainless
steel work.
Multiple floors
In Taiwan, where space is very limited,
Charming Food was the country’s first
company in years to build a greenfield
project. The plant is located directly
behind the company’s own edible oil
silos, sitting tightly between other
factories in the port city of Tai Chung, on
the west coast of the island. What’s so
special, is that the building is earthquakeproof and features multiple floors! The
first floor holds the live supply, killing and
evisceration departments, the control
room is on the mezzanine level, while
cut-up and grading lines are located on
the second floor.
Mr. Hung continues, “It’s in the interest of
the consumers that traceability of food
production is guaranteed all the way from
the source to the end product to provide
consumers with better products.”
All this is done to guarantee the best
possible end product quality and to
ensure maximum food safety for
Air chillling
Every department makes full use of Stork
solutions such as electrical stunning,
killing, defeathering, evisceration, giblet
harvesting, chilling, maturation,
weighing/grading, inspection and cut-up.
Such a state-of-the-art processing plant
can’t do without an elaborate software
structure. At numerous points in the
process, data is collected and processed
by Innova software to give a clear insight
into plant performance. Furthermore, the
EQM (equipment monitoring) software
module displays and analyzes the
performance of equipment, prompting
when variances are detected and required
action can be taken.
Charming Food is Taiwan’s first processor
to replace the traditional water cooling
method with in-line air chilling
equipment. With a total length of almost
two kilometers (1975 m, 6480 ft) the Stork
DownFlow Plus chilling tunnel, with its
accurate temperature management, is
able to chill product rapidly using cold air.
The moisturizing cabinets, part of Stork’s
“Plus” technology moisten product
surfaces to prevent dehydration and
control the presentation and color
desired. “To us, being the first processing
plant to use air cooling equipment in
Taiwan, it is an important innovation and
a major breakthrough in the country’s
agricultural sector,” says Mr. Hung.
Food safety
Food safety is another reason why the
company opted for Marel Poultry to
supply the processing solutions. Manual
contact can be reduced to an absolute
minimum, as products stay fully in line,
while all processes are executed
automatically. No manual handling is
needed except for some logistic
In the distribution line, two more IRIS
systems inspect and select product even
more precisely. One system examines the
back, the other the front of each product.
Dual Lane SmartLine Graders
In the grading and batching department
yet more Marel solutions have been
installed, examples being four Dual Lane
SmartLine Graders, the last word in
hygienic grading. Each system has its own
product group to grade: wings,
drumsticks, breast pieces and thighs. As
Charming Food has combined these
SmartLine Graders with Innova software,
intelligent decision-making and the
optimization of grading and batching
results becomes easy.
Traceability and early grading
Charming Food’s strong focus on
traceability starts early in the process with
product being graded by an IRIS
inspection system installed immediately
after defeathering. The earlier each
product is assessed, the easier it is to track
product accurately down the line,
particularly if use is also made of
advanced Innova software throughout
the process. IRIS grades each product
individually, using size, shape, color and
texture to assess defects. Grading data
remains attached to product right
through the process up to packaging and
labeling, providing full traceability.
From left to right:
Sando Chen (President Charming Food) receives Marel
Poultry’s stainless steel chicken from Janjaap van der
Mark (concluding his last project for Marel Poultry) and
H.C. Chen (Marel Poultry agent).
“A robot with a knife”
Intelligent poultry
batching with RoboBatcher
Flex and I-Cut 122
Always on the lookout for improvements, Marel Poultry can
now present a new intelligent poultry batching concept
combining the accuracy of the new I-Cut 122 PortionCutter
with the top performance of a RoboBatcher Flex. In other
words a smart “robot with a knife”.
recipe A
Batch weight: 500 gr
Disposition (priority): 60%
Individual weight: 100-140 gr
Pieces/batch: 2-4
Tray size: LxWxH
Styling requirements: parallel
Uncut or cutted fillets: mix
Inner fillet: no
recipe b
The RoboBatcher Flex has been a
successful part of the Marel Poultry
product range for a number of years now.
As the most advanced batching system, it
has already provided increased flexibility
and minimized giveaway to numerous
large poultry processors across Europe.
Next generation
The Marel I-Cut 122 PortionCutter is the
next generation development from the
portioning experts. It combines the high
levels of accuracy, throughput and
reliability of previous generations of
portion cutters with the new, innovative
portioning software. The I-Cut 122 has
been designed for cutting boneless,
non-frozen poultry products to fixed
weight and/or uniform dimensions. You’ll
find more details about the I-Cut 122
PortionCutter further on in this Insight
New batching concept
Together – and with the help of new
software – these two machines now
represent an entirely new intelligent
batching concept.
Whereas broilers are getting heavier and
heavier, retail packs are getting ever
smaller. At the same time, minimized
giveaway and optimized product
utilization are more and more at the
center of efficient production processes.
Marel Poultry’s new solution steps in to
help processors with their daily job of
making decisions.
Business as usual?
Batch weight: 600 gr
Disposition (priority): 30%
Individual weight: 90-330 gr
Pieces/batch: 2-6
Tray size: LxWxH
Styling requirements: yin-yang
Uncut or cutted fillets: only uncut
Inner fillet: no
At first glance, the concept looks like a
straight-forward cutting and batching
line. Chicken breast fillets are delivered to
the I-Cut 122 from a filleting system. Here,
some of them will be cut. The cuts will be
sorted out by a SpeedSort, fillets move on
to the RoboBatcher Flex. The RoboBatcher
Flex will place the suitable fillets in trays
and the rest can be graded into bulk
packs. It seems like business as usual.
But in reality it is so much more. Full
integration between the I-Cut 122 and
the RoboBatcher Flex allows selective
cutting according to specific needs from
the RoboBatcher. It is proactive and
makes cutting decisions based on input
provided in real-time for each individual
breast fillet.
Integrating software is key at this point. It
is the Marel Innova software that makes
this whole system work. It all starts with
the input given, the so called recipes.
Each recipe defines one job.
Cutting according to recipes
Whenever a fillet enters the I-Cut 122, it is
weighed and scanned. This information is
sent to the RoboBatcher Flex, which
decides what happens next, based on the
recipes provided. If the fillet fits into one
of the recipes, it will pass through without
any cutting. Cutting only happens if this is
the only way for the fillet to fit into one of
the three recipes. In that case, the I-Cut
122 ensures accurate cutting, which
results in high value cuts that can be used
to produce nuggets. The RoboBatcher
Flex now finishes the job.
Unique performance
Contrary to comparable systems on the
market, this intelligent batching concept
focuses on assessing each individual
breast fillet, instead of cutting all fillets to
one ideal average.
This means that giveaway is kept low,
while minimal trimming ensures that
processors achieve high product
utilization with both fillets and trim as
high value end products. This robot really
does use its knife intelligently!
recipe c
Disposition (priority): 20%
Grades: <90 gr
Grades: 90-120 gr
Grades: 120-160 gr
Bulk: 5 kg
Bulk: 10 kg
Poland – a Marel Poultry
The choice of leading
processors in EU’s
largest poultry
producing country
With its population of almost 39 million people, Poland is the
sixth largest in the European Union. Traditionally, culinary
Poland is best known for its vodka and delicious sausages
made in a truly huge number of varieties, largely from pig
meat. In recent years, however, and particularly since
accession to the European Union in 2004, Poland has
become known for another kind of meat, poultry.
Poland’s poultry industry is now the
leading poultry producer in the EU.
Growth has been spectacular, from just
620,000 tons at the start of the new
millennium to 2.5 million tons in 2015.
Exports, largely to other EU countries,
account for a third of production and
have increased fourfold in the last ten
years. Besides chicken, Poland is a major
producer of turkey meat. It is also well
known, particularly in Germany, for its
high quality goose meat products.
A number of factors have been
responsible for this success. The Polish
poultry industry has taken full advantage
of its geographical position and the
access to major European markets given
by its EU membership. To build
confidence in the quality of Polish poultry
products both at home and abroad, KRD,
the Polish National Poultry Council,
introduced QAFP, a country-wide quality
assurance program. To improve their
competitiveness still further, Polish
poultry processors have invested heavily
in new processing plants and new
A partner in the latest
Marel Poultry has been happy to play a
significant role in the Industry’s rapid
growth and all major Marel Poultry
processing systems are now in everyday
operation in Poland. GP live bird handling
systems, the first of which was installed
over ten years ago, are in use with a
number of Polish processors. The system’s
containers have become a common sight
on Poland’s roads.
The Stork Nuova automatic evisceration
and giblet harvesting system has
established an enviable reputation for
itself, both for the clean, hygienic way in
which it works and for its ability to harvest
Cedrob Ujazdowek doubles up
Cedrob is a family-owned business
and is completely vertically
integrated. It has three processing
sites and processes chicken and
geese. The company produces a
wide range of fresh, frozen, raw and
further processed products. The
continuous improvement of all
processes and the optimum use of
resources are key concepts for the
At the end of 2012, Cedrob commissioned its brand
new, state-of-the-art broiler processing plant at
Ujazdowek, not far from Warsaw. The plant was
designed to handle up to 12,000 broilers per hour
(200 bpm) with all primary and secondary processing
equipment from Marel Poultry.
And now to 25,500 bph
This summer will see the commissioning of a second
13,500 bph (225 bpm) plant alongside the original
plant. Once again, all primary and secondary
processing equipment will be supplied by Marel
Poultry. A second GP containerized live bird handling
system is to be installed; giblets will be harvested
fully automatically by the Stork Nuova automatic
evisceration and giblet harvesting system.
A stunning first
Of particular note will be the first installation in
Poland of the Stork PureSine electrical stunning
system. This stunner, which conforms to the latest
specific EU regulations concerning stunning, uses AC
current formed into a perfect sinus over a wide range
of frequencies. With this system processors can
choose the frequency best suited to their particular
needs, allowing stunning to be done effectively and
humanely at all times and on all product weights.
State-of-the-art logistics and
customer-friendly flexibility
After chilling, products are weighed and graded for
quality using the latest Stork SmartWeigher and IRIS
technologies. IRIS grades the back and front of each
whole product and its anatomic portions. The
SmartWeigher incorporates sophisticated control
techniques which allow products to be weighed
extremely accurately at the highest line speeds. One
feature offered by the new system and its software
will be the ability to batch whole products into
standard weight 15 kg (33 lb) cartons.
Products will be cut on a Stork ACM-NT cut-up
system; breasts will be deboned on AMF-BX
FlexControl systems.
One noteworthy feature of the Cedrob Ujazdowek
extension is that, after breast filleting, output from
the new line will join products coming from the
existing factory to give optimum flexibility in the
assembly of final product packs. For optimum shelf
life, particular care has been taken to ensure that
products move smartly through cutting, deboning
and packing departments to the cold storage.
Marel equipment from start to finish
Packed product is checked for metal, weighed and
labeled using Marel end of line equipment. Innova
software follows each product through the process
and ensures that information on each box, crate and
pallet is captured and made available to plant
management in clearly presented reports.
In short, Marel’s responsibilities at Cedrob Ujazdowek
begin on the growing farm and end only when
finished product has been placed on a pallet and is
ready for dispatch.
success story
“The inner wing joint with a bone ‘handle’
attached, making it an ideal chicken snack.”
high yield, high quality edible giblets with
a minimum of labor.
Valuable tools
Marel Poultry equipped plants are also
using the very latest IRIS computercontrolled quality assessment systems
and the latest SmartWeigher product
weighing technology. Together with
PDS-NT/Innova software these valuable
tools help processing plant management
make the best possible return from each
Automatic line to line transfer, Marel
end-of-line equipment and Marel Poultry
software give full traceability throughout
the process.
Marel Poultry’s breast
deboning leads the field
As elsewhere in the EU, Poland’s
processors cut and debone a high
percentage of what they produce. Large
volumes of breast fillet are consumed
domestically and also exported.
Stork breast deboning systems have truly
become the industry standard in Poland.
The market boasts well over thirty Stork
AMF-BX breast cap filleting systems and a
number of Stork FHF-XB high-yield front
half de-boning systems. Some plants
boast up to four AMF-BX systems working
side by side with the capacity to fillet
close to 15,000 breast caps per hour.
Last grams recovered
Although most Polish AMF-BX systems
are producing skinless half fillets with
tenderloins attached, the system will
produce a large variety of other breast
fillet products, whole or half, skin on or
skinless. If required, tenderloins can be
harvested separately and their tendons
Recently installed Stork AMF-BX systems
include breast tendon and cartilage
harvesting modules. These allow the
recovery of potentially valuable cartilage
as well as those last grams of meat and
tendon from the keel bone.
Stored settings
Polish users are enthusiastic about the
system’s latest PLC controls, which allow
different module settings to be stored for
different breast cap weights. These make
light work of adjusting the system when
weights change. This is done by activating
a menu on the touch screen.
All module settings are changed
automatically and filleting can restart
Users can, therefore, be sure of hitting the
highest standards of yield, quality and
product presentation regardless of the
weight of breast cap being handled.
With the number of systems sold now
running well into double figures, the
Stork ACM-NT high speed cut-up system
has put down strong roots in the market.
Systems are equipped with a wide range
of modules giving users optimum
flexibility in the cuts they are able to offer
domestic and export customers. Of
particular note is the first installation in a
Polish processing plant of the ACM-NT
wingstick module.
This innovative module cuts off the inner
wing joint with a bone “handle” attached,
making it an ideal chicken snack.
Marel Poultry recently commissioned the
first Stork ACM-NT system to work on
ducks at AMI, Poland’s top exporter of
goose meat products and a leading duck
processor. The new system, commissioned
in January 2015 and currently cutting
4,000 ducks per hour (66 dpm), includes
the JLR anatomic leg module. Consistently
high yield, excellent skin cover and perfect
presentation are hallmarks of legs
produced by the module.
Major processors choose
Marel Poultry
Many Marel Poultry projects are ongoing
at a number of Polish processing plants.
This article will single out one major
Polish processor, whose storming growth
in recent years accurately reflects Poland’s
confident emergence as an EU poultry
Local customer support
Marel Poultry has a fully staffed corporate
office in Warsaw. Together with
specialized technical and technological
back-up from Boxmeer in the
Netherlands, Marel Poultry is keen to
provide its many Polish customers with
the very best in support, allowing them to
take full advantage of Poland’s rapidly
growing reputation as a reliable supplier
of quality poultry products.
New filleting department at Avisabor
Smart solutions provide ease and high yield
After reconstruction of the entire
processing plant in 2015, capacity at
the Portuguese processor Avisabor
increased to 12,000 bph (200 bpm).
It was time to bring the filleting
department in line with the process
speed of the rest of the equipment.
With the integration of two Stork AMFBX FlexControl systems and a SensorX
bone detection solution, breast cap
deboning and bone detection have
now become much easier and faster.
From left to right:
Marco Solleveld (Marel
Poultry Area Sales
Manager) and Vitor
Pinho (General Manager
First of all, the logistics of the filleting
department have to be perfect. Product
should move smoothly between the
different work stations in the filleting lines
with minimal interruption and with
minimal human intervention. The
SystemFlex logistic solutions at Avisabor
do this perfectly, while at the same time
taking good care of meat integrity and
ensuring food safety.
Thanks to the specific belt material used,
fillets do not lose meat and therefore
weight when detached.
Smart grading with Gauss
From the breast cap cut-up line, products
proceed to the Marel SmartLine Grader.
This grader splits the product flow into
two weight classes. By making flexible use
of the overlap region in the Gauss curve,
the SmartLine Grader is able to divide
incoming product into two equal volumes
of heavy and light fillets. This is a smart
way of generating the highest possible
yield from the fillets, which can only be
achieved with this particular combination
of Marel equipment and Innova software.
A single filleting line without intelligence
would never match this performance.
Both AMF-BX FlexControl breast cap
deboning lines at Avisabor receive the
same amount of fillets and are equipped
with the same modules. They therefore
produce the same products, one line
delivering smaller fillets and the second
line heavier ones.
Avisabor has chosen to fully equip both
Stork AMF-BX systems with modules for
deskinning, wishbone removal, fillet
halving, fillet separation, tendon cutting,
tenderloin separation and breast tendon
harvesting. In this way, the filleting
The processing plant Avisabor (former Hilário, Santos &
Filhos) is located in the town of Estarreja, on the west
coast of Portugal, 40 km (25 m) south of Porto. It was
founded in 1980 to slaughter, produce and sell poultry
products. In 2006 Hilário became part of the Lusiaves
Group and since then it operates under the name of
Avisabor. The company, with a strong expansion strategy,
redid the factory lay-out in 2015, enabling a significant
increase in processing capacity and ensuring its future
The Lusiaves Group currently has 2500 employees. It is
the leading Portuguese agricultural company, vertically
organized and present throughout the poultry
production chain, namely in corn production, animal
feed, incubation of eggs and production of chicks,
production of chickens, free-range chickens and turkeys,
poultry processing, storage as well as sale and recovery of
“A single filleting line without intelligence
would never match this performance.”
Vitor Pinho, General Manager of the
processing plant, says: “We felt higher
yields were possible from our product
input. We were looking for an integrated
deboning and filleting solution, which
could fulfil our needs. Marel Poultry
accepted the challenge and they really
succeeded in outperforming our
Avisabor and Lusiaves
department is able to handle 14,400 fillets
per hour. Actual volumes are, of course,
determined by the previous processes.
Bone detection
After deboning, fillets pass a manual
trimming area to end up in the Marel
SensorX SmartSort. Equipped with the
SmartSort discharge unit, this SensorX
combines X-ray bone detection and X-ray
grading in one compact solution, doing
away with the need for a separate
weighing unit. Based on weight,
SmartSort gently diverts calibrated
products into a bulk box. This is Avisabor’s
end product: bulk batches of calibrated,
bone-free, fat-free fillets, to be packed
in which many components have to work
together smoothly. Vitor Pinho
comments, “After the implementation of
our new filleting department, we
immediately noticed huge improvements
in filleting performance, compared to
what we were used to. We are very
pleased with this rise in yield.”
“We are very satisfied with the way Marel
Poultry supported us during the changes
to our filleting department. That’s why
we’re looking forward to continuing the
cooperation in the future,” concludes
Vitor Pinho.
Challenging process
Avisabor’s state-of-the-art filleting
department is a very challenging process
High performance with Stork K15
Apart from redoing its filleting department, Avisabor recently installed a
Stork K15. Management wanted to improve the effectiveness of the killing
process.They wanted to reduce manual rework, while fully complying with
legislation.The Stork K15 provided the means to do this, by applying a
precise cut to the end of the neck, regardless of any in-flock differences in
length. Besides working extremely accurately, the K15 is also very fast.
It performs to the complete satisfaction of Avisabor at the desired speed
and capacity.
Main benefits I-Cut 122
Innovative cutting patterns to meet future demands
Multi-language, intuitive touchscreen for easy operation
New vision control technology enables superior accuracy
Dual-lane execution for even higher throughput
Individually adjustable cutting angles on each of the two lanes
Infeed and outfeed belts with individually adjustable speed
Designed for easy cleaning and maintenance
I-Cut 122 PortionCutter
Taking portioning to the next level
The I-Cut 122 PortionCutter is the next generation
development from Marel’s portioning experts. It combines
the high levels of accuracy, throughput and reliability of
previous generations of portion cutters with Marel’s new,
innovative portioning software. The dual-lane I-Cut 122 has
been designed for cutting boneless, non-frozen poultry
products to fixed weight and/or uniform dimensions.
The new, innovative portioning software
on the I-Cut 122 sets the industry
standard in portioning. Marel has
partnered up with long-term customers
to understand their primary challenges in
keeping pace with constantly escalating
demands from retail and food service
industries. The I-Cut 122 will take poultry
portioning to the next level.
Even higher throughput
The dual-lane I-Cut 122 offers one of the
highest throughputs in the market and
will match future requirements for
filleting line capacities. At top
performance it operates at 2000 cuts per
minute per lane. On each lane, the knife
ring can be positioned at four angles, 45,
60, 75 or 90 degrees.
Enabling processors to make use of
maximum flexibility, the cutting angles
on both lanes can be adjusted
independently of each other, and
different cutting patterns can be cut on
each lane simultaneously.
Fixed weight
However, it is not just throughput that is
important in processing. In many
countries, retailers and food service
companies are moving away from selling
products of variable weight. The demand
for products of consistent weight and
uniform shape is increasing.
To many poultry processors the challenge
is to supply retailers with fixed-weight
packs, each having a specific number of
portions, without the risk of being
under-weight or hand over expensive
The software on the I-Cut 122 is based on
Marel’s Innova common software
platform and therefore compatible with
other Marel machinery.
The intuitive touchscreen makes daily
operation easier than ever, and users will
be able to operate the machine after a
short introduction. During daily
production the ability to store an
unlimited number of customer-specific
programs in the software menu saves a
lot of time. With just a few selections on
the touchscreen, the programs can be
applied to the production process and
adjusted continuously during operation.
The multi-language touchscreen allows
users to switch between languages as
they please. This is a big advantage for
companies who have employees of
different nationalities operating the
Impressively accurate
The advanced vision control technology
on the I-Cut 122 combined with the
innovative portioning software has
demonstrated impressively accurate
cutting results. Standard deviations
between portions are considerably
lower compared to previous cutter
The I-Cut 122 will therefore enable
poultry processors to deliver fixed-weight
portions, while give-away is kept to an
absolute minimum.
The I-Cut 122 is a value adding portion
cutter, both as a stand-alone machine and
in integration with other equipment, such
as the RoboBatcher Flex, together
creating the “Robot with a knife”.
Easy user interface
Numerous new cutting patterns and
superior accuracy levels enable
processors to maximize the use of raw
materials, minimize give-away and
increase yield. The user interface offers a
very easy access to the programming,
making it possible to cut products to
needed target weights with
maximum profit.
Innova integration
The I-Cut 122 perfectly integrates with Marel’s intelligent production control
software Innova. Innova allows for easy-to-use remote programming,
control, real-time monitoring and reporting on actual performance.
Information about all pieces and portions is collected in real-time and stored
in the Innova database, enabling users to analyze and optimize their
portioning process.
CAS SmoothFlow
breakthrough in South America
“First controlled atmosphere stunning
systems in Chile and Brazil.”
The Stork CAS SmoothFlow stunning solution has made its
breakthrough in South America, as various important
poultry processors in Chile and Brazil have recently opted
for this modern and advanced method of controlled
atmosphere stunning. In their search for a more animal
friendly stunning method which ensures the highest meat
quality, Latin American processors are now switching over
to Marel Poultry’s CAS solution, thereby securing their
exports to the EU.
What is CAS SmoothFlow?
The multiphase Stork CAS SmoothFlow technology complies with the most
stringent legislations in the world, including those of the USDA and the European
Union. It ensures the highest level of animal welfare and paves the way for top
quality breast meat with no blood spots.
The fully automated system is available for a wide range of breeds, weights and
capacities. The phases of the CAS SmoothFlow process have been sharply defined
and arranged to properly control the stunning with an easily and precisely
programmable atmosphere. The air mixture near the broilers is continuously
monitored and can be adjusted if needed via the touchscreen. In this way, the
process can be programmed to a level of accuracy unequalled by other poultry
The robust construction of the Stork CAS SmoothFlow concept works with a single
straight-ahead belt without any transitions, making for a smoother and more
welfare-friendly process. Broilers are not stressed when entering the system
because, in the induction phase, they lapse gently into unconsciousness thanks to
an air mixture to which extremely precise levels of carbon dioxide as well as oxygen
have been added. In the next phase, the stunning effect is intensified using a higher
concentration of CO2, which results in an irreversible stun. Visual inspection is
possible through windows throughout the stunning process. Consumption of CO2
and O2 is limited, as the air used is recirculated.
Manual shackling after stunning is much easier, as operators don’t have to hang live,
moving broilers. Not only is this an ergonomic benefit, it also prevents injuries to the
birds. All of these factors contribute to the best possible end product quality.
The Stork CAS SmoothFlow stunning
solution is the result of almost 20 years of
Controlled Atmosphere Stunning practice
and experience. Since its introduction it
has been installed throughout Europe,
USA and Australia. Now South America is
following too.
“For Marel Poultry it’s yet another
milestone to be the very first company to
install controlled atmosphere stunning
systems in Latin America,” says Lambert
Rutten, Marel Poultry Sales Manager in
South America.
Agrosuper is known as an outstanding
producer in Chile and is the first ever
broiler processing company in Latin
America to replace electrical stunning
with controlled atmosphere stunning.
This was a logical step, as the company’s
San Vicente plant is geared up for exports,
including to Europe. EU regulations
require processors outside the EU
exporting meat to the EU to comply
with similar standards to those in
Europe itself.
Long-term Marel Poultry partner
Agrosuper has made a well-considered
choice in opting specifically for the Stork
CAS SmoothFlow controlled atmosphere
stunning, together with the GP live bird
handling solution. The whole system in
the San Vicente plant, located 150 km
(93 m) south of Santiago, consists of two
complete lines for 12,000 bph (200 bpm)
to replace existing crate handling and
electrical stunning systems.
Brazilian poultry processors now also
recognize Controlled Atmosphere
Stunning as the ideal solution for
combining high animal welfare standards
with the finest meat quality. As leading
poultry processing companies in Brazil
also export their products to the EU, it
was only a matter of time before the first
company would switch to CAS stunning.
Lambert Rutten says, “CAS is an excellent
way of stunning broilers with the lowest
risk of bruises. In the end, processors all
over the world, and in Latin America too,
like to benefit from less need for trimming
and more yield.
As of now, more and more Brazilian
broilers will be CAS stunned and of course
much improved animal welfare is also a
big plus.”
Suprieya Foods
moves to
Marel Poultry equips
an Indian greenfield
processing plant
About Suprieya Foods
Since its founding in 1993 Suprieya Foods has grown steadily. The company is
involved in lots of activities such as broiler parent farms, poultry hatchery, the
manufacture of poultry feeds and battery cages for broiler rearing. In 2016 the
company completes its vertical integration by opening a brand new poultry
processing plant in Coimbatore.
“There’s a lot more to it than
just installing machines.”
C.V. Subramaniam, Managing
Director of Suprieya Foods.
slaughter process in its activities and
byautomating primary processing
operations with Stork equipment and
Automated process
Suprieya Foods’ completely new
processing plant has an hourly capacity
of 4,000 broilers (66 bpm). It uses an
overhead conveyor to transport broilers
through the whole process.
First of all, broilers are stunned in a
water bath electrical stunner. A throat
cut to conform with Halal regulations is
then applied manually. After bleeding
out, products are scalded and plucked
fully automatically. Subsequently feet
are removed automatically.
India is one of the fastest growing markets for industrial
poultry processing. Suprieya Foods is a perfect
example of India’s entrepreneurial spirit. Starting with
industrial processing at 2,000 bph (33 bpm) and scaling
up to 4,000 bph (66 bpm) is the path Suprieya has
chosen to take.
Coimbatore is a city in Tamil Nadu state,
in South India. It is a large and
important industrial city experiencing
steady growth. Coimbatore is known for
all kind of industries.
The district is home to the country’s
largest concentration of cotton and
clothing manufacturers as well as
poultry processing industries. Most of
the industries are run by creative
entrepreneurs, often family-based
companies looking for new
Industrial processing
Most broilers in India are not processed
in industrial plants. Changing quality
requirements from customers such as
quick service restaurants and hotels are
resulting in increasing demand for high
quality processed poultry. Suprieya
Foods is one of the companies which
have started to process broilers
Suprieya Foods used to deliver live
broilers to the wet market, but the
company has now taken a well thoughtout, big step by integrating the entire
Still transported by the overhead
conveyor, broilers are eviscerated in a
separate room. As the last step in the
evisceration process products enter the
Stork neck skin inspection (cropper)
machine (NIC-NT). This carousel
machine helps to ensure that no crop,
esophagus, trachea or thymus glands
remain in the neck skin. On leaving the
machine, powerful jets of water wash
the outside of the product.
Automation helps raise production
levels and contributes to an improved
process and better product quality.
After evisceration, products are
transported to a spin chiller located in
another separate room. The chiller
brings products to the required core
temperature. Products are then graded
automatically by weight; whole
products are now ready for cold storage
or cut-up.
installing machines,” says C.V.
Subramaniam, Managing Director of
Suprieya Foods. “We didn’t have all the
knowledge and had to have complete
trust in the advice and expertise of the
people from Marel Poultry. We left
everything in their hands; things turned
out very well. Now that the products
have started to come out really well, I
very much appreciate the work Marel
Poultry has done.”
Jose Martin Xavier, General Manager
Marel India, adds, “To us scalability is a
key factor. We see it as our mission to
assist a customer like Suprieya Foods
growing from an entry level plant to
higher levels of automation, secondary
processing and even further processing.
As the poultry processor grows, we scale
up too.”
A vision to grow
To Marel Poultry it is clear that India
offers huge possibilities for poultry
processors like Suprieya Foods, a
processor with a vision to grow. Having
faith in the future, this company is
making a clear choice for high quality
poultry processing.
Jan Wouterse, Area Sales Manager for
India, says, “Marel Poultry contributes to
this growth, not only by providing tailor
made poultry processing solutions that
can grow with the processor, but also by
sharing knowledge and by being
present in the market. As we like to say
it, ‘global knowledge, local solutions’.”
Growing with the customer
“It is a real challenge to enter the
processing business as a newcomer like
we did. There’s a lot more to it than just
Quality always comes first at Broviand
SmartLine Graders fit perfectly into the production process
Founded in 1996 by Piet van den Broek as a small
poultry processor in the Netherlands, Broviand is
now a well-established player in the country, led by
Piet’s sons Rob and Simon van den Broek. The
company’s general focus is on high quality end
products developed together with and produced
for fast food, food service and food processing
Simon van den Broek (Broviand Director)
and Sander de Bruijn (Marel Poultry
Regional Sales Manager).
“We have built a great relationship
and that is important to us.”
When Broviand started in 1996, there
was a sharp focus on producing cold cuts.
Consequently, the production area was
designed for that way of processing.
“We made a very specific choice, when
deciding how to build up our production
in those early days,” says Broviand’s
Director Simon van den Broek. “We wanted
to do deboning by hand, which required a
lot of working space. We did that to ensure
the highest of standards in bone control
for our cold cut products.”
company an excellent partner. With their
experience in the poultry processing
industry they have no problem
understanding our world and can help us
achieve our goals,” says Mr. van den Broek.
“Not long ago, Marel installed a recently
developed fillet separators and tendon
cutters on all of our three AMFs – a great
solution combining manual deboning
with harvesting tenderloins without
Breast cap filleting
Until recently, deboning of breast caps
manually provided a limited choice of
products, mainly half fillets with
tenderloins attached. When tenderloins
without tendon are required, a lot of
expensive manual labor is usually
necessary. This is because the tenderloins
need to be removed manually as well as
the tendon.
The next step for the company was an
expansion which involved the production
of skin-on chicken breast fillets. With
product range and throughput both
growing, the production facilities needed
to follow suit. In 2013, Broviand invested
in three Stork AMF-BX FlexControl breast
cap filleting systems. These are known for
their solid performance, excellent
footprint to capacity ratio, easy operation
and low cost of ownership.
An excellent partner
“Since we have started working with
Marel Poultry, we have found the
Manual labor
A new fillet separator and
tendon cutter
Marel has developed a solution
combining manual deboning with an
efficient way of harvesting tenderloins
without tendon. This is achieved by
installing a fillet separator and tendon
cutter. The wishbone, together with the
breast tendon, can be harvested
separately with the optional breast
tendon harvester. This combines the
benefits of manual deboning with the
advantages of semi-automatic deboning.
Now it is easy to process efficiently half
fillets without tenderloins together with
tenderloins without tendon.
Marel graders for
perfect packing
Just behind the AMFs in the processing
line, Broviand has installed a combination
of four Compact Graders and two
SmartLine Graders. They are used to
create bulk batches of 10 or 15 kg (22 to
33 lb) for packing in crates. On average,
the SmartLine Graders process 6.5t per
day and the Compact Graders 2.5t. Both
graders are solid performers which keep
giveaway at a minimum. Simon van den
Broek continues, “The reliability and
quality of the equipment is important to
us. The Compact Grader is a great little
machine that is very easy to use. The
SmartLine Grader fits perfectly into our
production; we have already decided that
we need a third one.”
Looking at the future together
One of the next big projects for Broviand
is improving internal logistics. “We want
to free up space and create an
opportunity for highly efficient logistics,“
says Mr. van den Broek. “But if we keep
challenging the ways we process, can we
continue to produce poultry products
according to our high standards?
To answer this question affirmatively, we
are looking at our options and we discuss
our ideas with Marel Poultry – we have
built a great relationship and that is
important to us.”
Stork VO
The new Stork VO-20
RS CrossCut opener for
the Latin American
market gives an
accurate opening cut
to the abdominal skin
of broilers allowing for
In many Latin American markets
where whole broilers are sold for
rotisserie preparation, presentation
of the bird is important. Broiler
processors need a system that will
allow them to create rotisserieready product with the bird in a
truss position.
Vertical and horizontal
The key to achieving such a
presentation is in the way the
opening cut is made. Rather than a
traditional, vertical cut through the
vent, processors in these
Twice from grain to chicken
“quality, traceability and food safety must
be their discriminating factors.”
- 20 RS
applications need to be able to
make a horizontal cut, across the
vent. This creates a bridge in the
abdominal skin allowing to tuck
the legs of the broiler into the
cavity, making a good presentation
of the product in the market.
The VO-20 RS CrossCut opener
builds on the quality and
performance of the world-famous
VO-20 Reference Series.
It gives processors the capability of
making the required cross cut for
their operations, preventing
damage to the intestines and not
baring the tip of the breast bone.
When combined with a Stork
VC-20 RS vent cutter and Stork
eviscerator, processors will now be
able to achieve highest possible
yields and hygiene standards
available in the industry while
maintaining maximum flexibility
for operations and markets.
In 2012 Marel Poultry was
invited to participate in the
project to expand the
existing poultry processing
operation at the Malaysian
company Dindings Poultry
Processing. This then
evolved into a full scale
greenfield project, which
was completed in 2015.
As ideas evolved and proposals were
developed, Dindings became more and
more convinced that quality, traceability
and food safety must be their
discriminating factors in the competitive
domestic market as well as in export
Dindings’ focus on quality led to
partnership with Marel Poultry
About Dindings
Dindings Poultry Processing Sdn Bhd, part of the Malayan Flour Mills Berhad,
started its poultry processing activities in 1985. Together with other
companies in the same group, the entire supply and production chain is
covered assuring strict quality control, value for money and customer
Malayan Flour Mill is a pioneer in its industry in Malaysia. The first – and for
that time very modern – flour mill was opened in 1966 and was also referred
to as “the Pride of the Nation”.
Grain to chicken, once
Just like many other integrators in the industry, the Malayan Flour Mills
group entered poultry production via animal feed milling. The first MFM feed
mill at Lumut was launched in 1983 with the objective of producing quality
feeds for the poultry and aquaculture industries. Other feed mills and flour
mills followed. These currently total six operations in both Malaysia and
Two processing lines
Grain to chicken, twice
In June 2015, Dindings appointed Marel
Poultry as equipment supplier for the
expansion project. By then, the project
had grown from an expansion to a
full-blown greenfield project comprising
two primary processing lines with a
combined secondary processing
Malayan Flour Mills extended its poultry operations further up the value
chain by starting its own day-old-chick production, breeder and broiler
farming as well as setting up a poultry processing plant, Dindings Poultry
Processing Sdn Bhd. It is quite unique, having production facilities from
direct grain import to producing a large range of poultry products, marketed
under the brand name Ayam Dindings.
The first line is a 12,000 bph (200 bpm)
line, dedicated to broiler processing and
the second line – with a capacity of 6,000
bph (100bpm) – is configured to process
broilers as well as female and male
parent stock.
Stork secondary department
The secondary department comprises a
combined grading line, whole bird
selection and packing areas. For cut-up,
deboning and grading, Dindings is
operating a Stork ACM-MX fast food 8 and
9 piece cut-up line with fixed weight
batching, a Stork ACM-NT line with the
in-line grading and batching of poultry
parts, a Stork AMF-BX FlexControl breast
cap filleting system and a Stork thigh
deboning system.
All of these advanced poultry processing
technologies will result in a considerable
enhancement of overall performance.
Maximized yield
Working seamlessly with MTech poultry
management software already in place
and with existing ERP systems, the
Marel Innova production management
software and Product Distribution
System (PDS-NT) will enable Dindings
to maximize their yield and
throughput, conform to quality standards
and also ensure food safety and full
Serving the French polyvalent market
Stork evisceration line installed at Les Eleveurs de la Champagne
Regional chicken breeds
There was a point in time when local chicken races seemed to be
disappearing in favor of the standard broiler. But nowadays this trend has
been reversed and France now boasts many different breeds of broiler
chickens. Some of them even have protected names, bound to a region, with
a controlled production in an PGI geographic zone (Protected Geographical
Indication). This is the case with the “red label” chicken breed “Fermier de la
Champagne” produced by the company Eleveurs de la Champagne. Breeding
of this chicken in a defined area around Reims is mandatory. This in itself
provides strong protection for both the regional market and breeders as well
as associating consumers closely with products from their own region.
Marel Poultry recently
installed an all-new Stork
Nuova polyvalent
evisceration and giblet
harvesting system at the
Les Eleveurs de la
Champagne plant, located
near Reims in France.
Evisceration systems have
to be extremely versatile in
the French poultry industry,
as various poultry breeds
are processed.
Based at Caurel near Reims, the company
“Les Eleveurs de la Champagne” has been
located in the heart of the Champagne
region for over 50 years. The company is
well-known and owes its reputation to
Les Eleveurs de la Champagne
the consistent quality of its products
which also receive regular awards at the
Concours Général Agricole in Paris. The
company processes a variety of poultry
such as the standard chicken, red label
chicken, turkey and capon.
Les Eleveurs de la Champagne is a company founded in 1959 by farmers who
wanted to capitalize on their expertise in chicken breeding.
Thanks to this original initiative, which attracted a growing number of
consumers, the company has grown enormously since. Its secret to getting
the best poultry products? The resources of its own region.
Today, the company Les Eleveurs de la Champagne employs 175 people and
has a turnover of 40 million Euros. Commitments remain unchanged: food
safety, traceability, IFS (International Food Standard), a responsible attitude
towards the environment, professional ethics and, of course, respect for
animal welfare.
In order to cope with the variable sizes,
weights, biological shapes and other
characteristics, processing solutions have
to be really versatile. The evisceration
process in particular presents many
challenges when it comes to adapting to
such variations. As Label Rouge chickens
are valuable, it is crucial not to damage
them during evisceration.
A challenging weekend
Les Eleveurs de la Champagne didn’t want
installation of the new equipment to stop
production. Marel Poultry’s technicians
therefore saw themselves faced with the
substantial challenge of installing the
new Stork EV system over a single long
weekend. The teams from Eleveurs de la
Champagne and Marel Poultry did an
excellent job in achieving this!
The people of Les Eleveurs de la
Champagne were extremely satisfied with
the result. All performances which were
agreed beforehand were accomplished;
they even exceeded expectations.
Let’s meet in person
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21 - 23 Jun
Johannesburg, South-Africa
Saudi Agriculture
01 - 03Oct Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Indo Livestock
27 - 29 Jul
Jakarta, Indonesia
10 - 14Oct Moscow, Russia
Anutec Brazil
02 - 04AugCuritiba, Brazil
WorldFood Kazakhstan 02 - 04NovAlmaty, Kazakhstan
VIV China
06 - 08 SepBeijing, China
15 - 18NovHannover, Germany
13 - 16 SepChapeco, Brazil
Poultry India
23 - 25NovHyderabad, India
Marel Stork
Poultry Processing B.V.
P.O. Box 118
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The Netherlands
t +31 (0) 485 586 111
f +31 (0) 485 586 222
e info.poultry@marel.com
w marel.com/poultry
Marel Inc.
P.O. Box 1258
Gainesville GA 30503
t +1 770 532 70 41
f +1 770 532 57 06
e usa.poultry@marel.com
w marel.com/poultry
poultry | may 2016 | EN
Stork Poultry Processing is a trade name of Marel Stork Poultry Processing B.V. © Copyright Marel Stork Poultry Processing B.V., The Netherlands, 2010: All rights are
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