TreNdseTTiNg greeNfield projecTs


TreNdseTTiNg greeNfield projecTs
MAY 2013
Trendsetting greenfield projects
ite •
New EU regulation
on stunning > 10
Customer cases from
all over the world
• New
New high performance
Wing Tipper > 6
l. co / p o u
Meeting customer
needs everywhere
HasTavuk: 5 premieres
in poultry processing in Turkey
New Plucker D203S
Yet more plucking flexibility
“Recent projects confirm yet again
our position as the customers’ choice
in technology, globally present with
a growing number of local sales and
service offices.”
First 13,500 bph (225 bpm) greenfield
and first AeroScalder in the Netherlands
Wing Tipper HP
the new standard in wing tip cutting
Russia goes fresh
CharmFre greenfield project
35,000 birds per hour!
New EU regulation on stunning
Agricola Bacau
Over 20 years of ‘partners in technology’
Stay Bone-Free at higher throughput
with new SensorX
makes every bite taste good
Rose Poultry recovers fast after fire
Teaming Up for Solutions at IPPE 2013
It is clear that for many processors times are
changing. The global economic situation and
high feed prices have affected attitudes towards
development in many markets. Against this
cautious backdrop, I am really pleased that we
have been able to finalize a large number of
projects both large and small in every corner of
the world. These projects confirm yet again our
position as the customers’ choice in technology,
globally present with a growing number of
local sales and service offices.
We have faith in our sector’s future development.
Poultry meat consumption worldwide continues to
grow and in many markets fresh poultry, portions and
tasty further processed products are becoming ever
more popular.
In Russia and Korea we have implemented several exciting
new greenfield projects, which bring together the best
and most innovative technologies to produce a wide
variety of top quality fresh chicken and duck products
at the highest levels of throughput and automation.
You can read more about the CharmFre mega project
and several Russian projects in this Insight edition.
In both projects the focus is on fresh products and on
moving to a cleaner and more sustainable process.
The projects combine intelligently designed buildings,
fully integrated processing solutions and control systems
and a clear vision on future developments and business
Two new products introduced at Eurotier 2012 are
deservedly featured in this edition of Insight Poultry.
We write about a new addition to our range of wing tip
cutting modules, the Wing Tipper HP model. This new
module performs at almost 100% efficiency at the very
highest line speeds. You can also find more information
on a new plucker, the D203S, a tool specially developed
for heavier bird weights and high throughput plants.
All new developments show that we are developing
solutions the market is asking for!
Our organization is becoming more specialized by the day.
With ever increasing frequency we are successfully
integrating into our projects solutions such as “Inspection”,
“Grading”, “Portioning”, “RoboBatching” and “Innova”. In this
Insight you can read more about the latest SensorX.
I wish you a pleasant read!
Marel Townsend Further Processing Event
Let’s meet in person
Also in both the Netherlands and Turkey, we have
realized greenfield projects, which include the
revolutionary new AeroScalder.
Ton de Weerd,
Managing Director, Marel Stork Poultry Processing
Customer Insight
HasTavuk: 5 premieres
in poultry processing in Turkey
“For our own and all our
surrounding cultures which
pay extra attention to a
cleaner process and to
producing Halal, AeroScalder
can be a big plus.”
Sahin Aydemir – General Manager of HasTavuk.
Internationally, the successful
Turkish company HasTavuk is
known for the production of
hatching eggs, day-old chicks
used for rearing both broilers
and layers. Some years ago the
company decided to start
processing broilers itself. After
intensive research and visiting
several companies all over the
world, HasTavuk decided to
partner with Marel Stork Poultry
Processing to design, build and
deliver the installation for its
poultry processing plant.
The greenfield project with an initial
capacity of 12,000 bph (200 bpm) is
situated in the North Western part of
Turkey, near Bursa. It is unique for its kind
in the Turkish poultry processing industry.
“If we decide to invest in such a large
project we only go for the best,” says
Mr. Müjdat Sezer, member of the board
of the directors and coordinator for
this HasTavuk project. “It became clear
that Stork Poultry Processing was the
best partner for offering the high
quality solution we are looking for.
They approached this project very
professionally. It gave us confidence for
the future and we are now building one
strong team. With the help of Mr. Atila
Caglar from Feyzi AS (Marel Stork’s local
representative) we are assured of perfect
technical support.”
Choosing top quality
The new HasTavuk facility near Bursa is
large and houses the best that is available
for high capacity broiler processing.
The plant is designed and built around
the various processes. Every choice was
made based on the criterion ‘quality’.
Mr. Sezer says: “To us the best hygiene,
the best products with the best taste and
the highest shelf life are what we are
aiming for. We always want to control
every step in the whole production chain.
With our processing plant we will be
able to realize this. We have our
consumers in mind. They will only want
to buy the best available products at a
good price.”
First AeroScalder for Turkey
The new HasTavuk plant is unique in
several ways. HasTavuk is the first
Turkish company to buy the all-new
Stork AeroScalder, again a conscious
choice for quality. Mr. Sahin Aydemir,
General Manager of HasTavuk says:
“To us the AeroScalder is very attractive.
Of course we save a lot of energy and
water, which is good for the environment.
But most important is the fact that
scalding is cleaner. We do not have to
immerse our products into the scalding
water. Products stay cleaner during
scalding because of the use of
moisturized hot air. There is no cross
contamination during scalding. It’s
another step towards a cleaner process.”
Mr. Aydemir adds: “I think this new way of
scalding is important for our national and
international customers. For our own and
all our surrounding cultures which pay
extra attention to a cleaner process and
to producing Halal, AeroScalder can be a
big plus.”
Premiere: form follows function
In designing their processing plant,
HasTavuk had the opportunity of
allocating certain steps of the process
to certain areas. ‘Clean’ and ‘dirty’ parts of
the process could be strictly separated to
optimize product hygiene and quality.
The operators enter their working areas
from different sides and the rendering
plant is situated away from the main
building; everything is optimized to
benefit process and product in the best
possible way. The building has been
designed with help from Marel Stork,
based on decades of global experience
in realizing greenfield projects. 
First tenderness management program
Another premiere on the Turkish poultry
processing market is the tenderness
management program. This combines
electro stimulation (Rapid Rigor) with
maturation chilling. A maturation chill
tunnel both chills and tenderizes. It is a
two-stage, multi-tier system. In the first
stage, birds are chilled rapidly to inhibit
the growth of bacteria.
Moisture is applied to the products’
surfaces to keep weight loss to a
minimum and to help the chill process,
which uses very cold air at very high
velocities. In a second, longer stage, birds
are chilled slowly, using less cold air at
lower velocities to speed up proteolytic
breakdown. Results are: optimum
tenderness and product presentation,
inhibited bacteria growth and minimum
weight loss.
More premieres
It is clear that HasTavuk aims to produce
top quality products and chooses to have
new processing solutions that support
this aim. Another good example is choice
of the new Stork D203S plucker. It has
two shaped plucking cabinets, each with
three rows of 20 plucking discs with
6 plucking fingers fitted at an angle.
Each row of discs is offset from its
neighbor to create a compact plucking
field covering the whole bird. The new
plucker covers the whole bird from
hocks to wings and helps to deliver an
optimum plucking result.
New product for Turkish consumers
increase to a full double shift capacity
at 12,000 bph (200 bpm). Our working
force of about 700 people will increase
to over 1,000. After that we will see”,
says Mr. Aydemir. HasTavuk has the
entrepreneurial skills, space and
possibilities to raise production to the
current maximum in the industry,
13,500 bph (225 bpm). Knowing
HasTavuk, this latest addition to the
Turkish poultry processing industry
has the potential to be another great
Go to:
Last but not least! With the new plant
HasTavuk introduces a great new product
to the market, the “Wingstick”. During the
cut up process the first joint of the wing
is harvested and processed by the Stork
Wingstick module, resulting in “meat on
a stick”, a nice cocktail snack ready for
the barbecue. Has Tavuk is in contact with
the Uludağ University of Bursa to develop
new flavors for this tasty product.
Future expectations
“At this phase of the project we are
starting production. Over the next
6 months we expect production to
New Plucker D203S
Yet more plucking flexibility
Birds are becoming heavier and
line speeds faster. Line speeds of
over 12,000 bph (200 bpm) are
becoming more common and
more and more birds of over
2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) live weight are
being processed too. Heavier birds
and very fast line speeds pose a
challenge to plucking, particularly
if product has been soft scalded
and a high standard of plucking
with no skin damage is needed.
A new tool for high line speeds and
heavier bird weights
To meet this challenge, Marel Stork
Poultry Processing recently launched the
D203S, a new addition to its family of “A”
frame pluckers. The new machine, which
has six rows of plucking discs, will usually
be installed directly after the scalder, its
role being to remove as many feathers as
possible from all parts of the product,
leaving less work for the pluckers which
Shaped to pluck all parts of the carcass
The D203S has two plucking cabinets
shaped to suit heavier products. Each
cabinet has three rows of 20 plucking
discs. Each disc holds 6 plucking fingers
fitted at an angle. Each row of discs is offset
from its neighbor to create a compact
plucking field, which closely follows the
contours of the product from hocks to
wing tips, allowing all parts to be plucked
effectively at very high line speeds.
The small diameter discs with their fingers
set at an angle ensure that efficient
feather removal does not come at the
cost of unwanted skin damage.
“The new D203S plucker with six rows of plucking
discs adds yet more flexibility to the “A” frame range,
enabling heavier product to benefit from the highest
quality pluck at the very highest line speeds.”
True to the “A” frame tradition
The new D203S shares all the
characteristics, which have made “A”
frame pluckers such firm favorites with
• E ase of adjustment. Both cabinets are
adjustable for height and width and can
be rotated about their central axis.
• I ntegral shackle guides keep birds firmly
positioned in the shackle throughout
the plucking process.
• E asy to clean and maintain. The cabinet
on one side of the machine can be
swung out to provide generous access
for finger changing and cleaning.
• R
eliable operation. Discs are driven
electrically via automatically tensioned
double v-belts.
• E xtremely low cost of ownership.
Disc bearing housings are equipped
with triple seals to prevent feather and
water ingress. Bearings are guaranteed
maintenance free for 2,000 hours.
• Pleasant to live with. The machine is
closed at the top and fitted with feather
deflectors. The area round the plucker
therefore stays clean. Noise levels are
low too.
Flexible plucking solutions
The new D203S plucker with six rows of
plucking discs adds yet more flexibility
to the “A” frame range, enabling heavier
product to benefit from the highest
quality pluck at the very highest line
Whatever your plucking need, Marel Stork
will always have just the right solution
for you!
Customer Insight
First 13,500 bph
(225 bpm)
and first AeroScalder
in the Netherlands
Growing volume and quality at its
old site was no longer an option for
Esbro BV in Doetinchem, the
Netherlands. With his completely
new 13,500 bph (225 bpm) broiler
processing plant, owner Joop Eskes
can now stay ahead in the coming
years. For the time being, the new
plant will concentrate on primary
and secondary processing up to
and including cut-up. Eskes does
not, however, exclude going into
further processing on his own
account at some time in the future.
I estimate that approximately half the
processing plants in the Netherlands are
certified for Halal. This is an important
market for us too.”
“The fact that we have opted for
AeroScalder will for sure be a plus for my
customers who supply the Halal trade.
I can offer products which have not been
immersed and which therefore look
better visually at this stage in the process.
It is of course also positive that I will have
hardly any cross-contamination in the
scalding process.”
“There is only one color for me and that is blue.
But joking apart, Marel Stork is in my opinion
the only company which doesn’t only make
machines but also keeps on improving concepts.”
Joop Eskes – Owner Esbro.
But things are not that far yet. Joop Eskes
explains: “First, I want to see how the
market develops, how the market grows.
In any case, I have prepared myself well,
both as far as space is concerned with the
new premises and in the choice of
equipment for the new site. Everything has
been prepared to produce top quality
tender fresh products. I have gone for the
combination of the latest version of the GP
live bird handling system together with
the CAS Multiphase stunning system,
AeroScalder for scalding and RapidRigor.
Chilling is Downflow “Plus”, which gives us
minimal dry-out, whilst enabling us to
make a nice dry product for the fresh
market. As far as chilling capacity is
concerned, I have sufficient to be able
eventually to put in place a complete
maturation chilling installation. Taken
together, this is a first-class basis
for producing all kinds of quality products.”
Just as in most other countries, increasing
attention is being paid to animal welfare
in the Netherlands. Joop Eskes too
recognizes that. Some years ago, working
together with the retail market, he chose
to bring a new concept chicken to the
market, the ‘Gilde bird’. Eskes explains:
“The Gilde bird grows more slowly, gets
a different type of feed and results after
some 10 weeks in a first-class product.
It is not a free-range bird, but it is a fact
that the animal has had a different life
and therefore also tastes different. When
you combine that with CAS stunning,
then I think as a poultry processor you
have prepared yourself well for ever
stricter regulations and for demand
from the customer. Otherwise, in my
opinion, by far the largest part of
production will continue to consist of
normal broilers.”
“AeroScalder –
good for the Halal market”
In preparing his new premises Joop Eskes
has been visiting different poultry
processing colleagues in Europe. “I am
really happy we have got the possibility
via Marel Stork of visiting colleagues
directly and openly. This way you get the
best ideas and, along with my own plans,
together you come to a good result. 
On other fronts too Joop Eskes has made
clear choices. He is the first in the
Netherlands to use the AeroScalder for
scalding. Eskes says: “I want to be different
from the rest. I have always tried to do
this and AeroScalder is another example.
Choosing the best
The new Esbro has therefore been
designed so that all distances are short
and that everything is well-ordered and
quick for my staff to reach. We have also
gone for the strict separation of “clean”
and “dirty” processes. We also got new
ideas for walk-on ceilings and the smooth
concrete walls.”
“Marel Stork keeps on developing”
To the question why he chose Marel Stork
once again as his preferred supplier,
Joop Eskes laughs. “You’re asking the
wrong person. There is only one color for
me and that is blue. But joking apart, in
my opinion Marel Stork is the only
company which doesn’t just make
machines but also keeps on improving
concepts. What is more, concepts or
parts of the process are well tuned to
one another. From GP to fillet everything
is coupled and tuned perfectly to
everything else. Not only as far as
machines are concerned, but also
information! Marel Stork machines are
good and give a first-class yield even
at the highest achievable speeds. That
is well-known. I will get attractive, clean
and safe end products. That is ultimately
what it’s all about.”
More about Esbro
Esbro is a completely independent family
business which started up some 40 years
ago. In the middle of the eighties the
Company invested strongly in the
production of fresh products. Because of
the growth of both Doetinchem as well as
Esbro, in the nineties location became
slowly a bigger problem. From 2006 plans
for eventual new building became ever
more concrete. Finally, beside the
motorway at Wehl away from
Doetinchem’s residential areas, there is
now a hypermodern complex, where
Wing Tipper HP
the new standard
in wing tip cutting
• Cuts off over 99% of wing tips.
• Handles broken and dislocated
• Cuts consistently.
• Saves labor and re-work.
These are the headline characteristics of
the new ACM-NT Wing Tipper HP officially
launched at EuroTier last November. Since
its launch, the new module has been
ordered by major European processors
and is already in day-to-day operation in
high volume plants in Western Europe.
Simple and robust concept
When developing the Wing Tipper HP,
Marel Stork development engineers were
keen to come up with a simple, robust
concept for those processors not needing
a strictly anatomic cut but looking for an
acceptable but above all reliable cut at
the highest line speeds. The new module
should be less sensitive to broken or
dislocated wings. These should no longer
mean a missed wing tip, lost yield and
time-consuming rectification work
99%+ wing tip removal and more
“A”grade second joint portions too
The cut made by the Wing Tipper HP and
the module’s consistent cutting accuracy
fully meet rigorous USDA standards for “A”
grade product and have also proved
wholly acceptable to European plants
using the module. For processors who
really must have a strictly anatomic cut,
Marel Stork offers a suitable alternative.
Wing Tipper HP has fully lived up to
expectations! Wing tip cutting
everything happens on the premises.
This combined with the most modern
air scrubbers and the colorful industrial
design gives hardly any hint of the
realization of the largest and most
modern greenfield project the
Netherlands has ever known.
At the start Esbro will be processing some
100,000 broilers per day, moving quickly
to 120,000. Eskes expects natural growth
within the first year to 150,000 broilers
per day. With this he wants to lay the
foundations for an eventual extension
of his activities.
Go to:
performance is consistently at or above
99% even at line speeds of over 6500
broilers per hour. Users have also seen an
increase in the percentage of “A” grade
second joint portions, in one case by
more than a third. There are yield benefits
too, as the module can be set to give a
longer second joint.
Better wing tip logistics
Reliable automatic cutting means that
wing tips now all fall in the same place,
making for a smooth in-line process. The
need to cut off missed wing tips manually
and then collect them from different
places in the portion packing department
is now a thing of the past. Plant logistics
benefit greatly and there are labor savings
Easy to live with, cheap to own,
attractive to buy!
Once set, the new module will deliver top
performance hour after hour, day after
day with a minimum of fuss and
attention. Processors replacing an existing
wing tip cutter with the new unit will see
the cost of consumables more than halve
and the cost of preventive maintenance
go down by over a third.
Impressive performance, labor savings,
low running costs and a surprisingly
reasonable purchase price make the Wing
Tipper HP a very interesting proposition
For processors wishing to replace an
Marel Stork wing tipper, the proposition
can be even more interesting, as existing
components can often be re-used.
Russia goes fresh
This year as well, the Russian
poultry industry is continuing to
grow strongly. Besides renewed
growth in consumption,
entrepreneurial confidence is
greater. Companies are investing
in perfecting their processes so
as to get costs under control.
Installations are being updated
to the latest state of affairs and
production capacities are being
scaled up. There is also a clear
increase in the number of
greenfield projects.
Poultry processors in Russia are focusing
increasingly on the fresh market.
The Marel Stork Poultry Processing
fresh concept, comprising the proven
combination of CAS Multiphase stunning,
electro-stimulation (RapidRigor), the
unique Downflow “Plus” chilling
technology and maturation chilling,
makes for a fresh product suitably
presented with optimum tenderness and
maximum shelf life, but without the
typical unfavorable weight loss known
from standard chilling tunnels.
It is this fresh concept, which has been
adopted for Belgrankorm’s new greenfield
project. The project is now in the start-up
phase of production.
It is a greenfield project equipped
completely on the basis of the fresh
concept with an initial processing
capacity of 12,000 bph (200 bpm), able
to service the fresh market as far as
automated to the highest level, likewise
the premises’ own production logistics.
In addition to the fresh concept, Marel
Stork has realized for Belgrankorm a
completely integrated solution, from
the Stork GP love bird handling system,
the first operational Multiphase CAS
(Controlled Atmosphere Stunning)
installation in Russia up to and including
fully automatic cut-up and filleting
solutions, for in-line grading and batching
and “end of line” solutions such as the
Marel weight price labelers.
The processing line has been prepared
for connection to the further processing
opportunities offered by Marel Townsend
Further Processing. In this way, Eurodon
wants to focus on high quality convenience
products for the Russian market.
Processes are supported plant-wide by
a combination of PDS-NT and Innova.
All product flows are completely traceable
and controllable in this state of the art
plant. This new plant represents the
beginning of a new era in poultry
processing in Russia. The fresh concept
worked out to the last detail makes for
top shelf life and export opportunities for
fresh product.
Eurodon, an active front runner in the
growing Russian market for turkey and
duck products, is starting up its high
speed duck processing plant for
4,000 ducks per hour (66 bpm). The plant
conforms to the highest standards and
to the very latest state of technology.
The primary process with its unique
Stork Poultry Processing double wax
system and also including chilling and
cut-up is completely in-line and
The second half of 2013 is expected to see
the second phase in Eurodon’s expansion
strategy, a very large greenfield plant for
processing turkeys.
Oktyabrskaya is a completely different
project. Marel Stork has realized a
6,000 bph (100 bpm) greenfield project
there. After the customer had for a
number of years been using solutions
from other suppliers, a choice was made
here as well for the Stork Nuova
evisceration system and the Downflow
“Plus” chilling concept. For Oktyabrskaya
the new installation means a solid step
forwards as far as product quality,
production capacity and yields are
Kurganinski Broiler
In the recent past, Marel Stork replaced a
28 year old Stork evisceration line at its
loyal customer Kurganinski Broiler. The
completely new Nuova evisceration line
brings Kurganinski Broiler up to today’s
quality level.
Over the years Severnaya’s processing
plant (2 x 9,000 bph (150 bpm) and
6,000 bph (100 bpm) polyvalent) had
become insufficient to meet growing
demand. In consultation with Marel Stork
the choice was made to expand both
9,000 bph (150 bpm) lines to 2 x
13,500 bph (225 bpm), the maximum
capacity achievable today in the industry.
In some three months all building
modifications were carried out and the
whole installation expanded and adapted
to the latest state of technology.
The entire GP live bird handling system,
kill and evisceration lines and chilling
capacity were all expanded and updated
to the latest state of technology.
A substantial expansion has been
successfully realized with a large team of
employees working closely together and
with a minimum of lost production hours.
Yields have gone up, particularly giblet
Severnaya is a modern, high volume fresh
processing plant with the emphasis on
the continuing sale of quality product to
the Russian market, chiefly whole bulk
products with an eye, however, on
changes in today’s marketplace.
For Akhazhevskaya, Marel Stork is at this
moment putting in place both a complete
turnkey greenfield project with a
processing capacity of 9,000 bph
(150 bpm) as well as a state of the art
6,000 bph (100 bpm) project in an existing
building. These projects too are bringing
together the best in primary and secondary
processing, whereby Akhazhevskaya is
the launch customer in Russia for the HLH,
the latest addition to the selection of
automatic giblet harvesting machines from
the Nuova range.
The projects are also completely focused
on the fresh market. In the secondary
process, the automatic batching of fresh
products is being done with the help of
Fresh Poultry Multihead Weighers.
These screw-fed automatic batchers have
been developed for the problem-free
processing of sticky fresh products and
ensure minimal giveaway. Weight Price
Labelers make for labeling without worries.
In this project Marel Stork is working
together with “Sealed Air / Cryovac”.
With these projects and on the basis of
proven technologies and a large number
of innovations, Marel Stork Poultry is once
again proving its ability to contribute
well to a number of striking projects.
A number of projects will be publicized
further in a future edition of INSIGHT.
Customer Insight
greenfield project 35,000
In South Korea near Buan,
CharmFre is implementing a huge
greenfield project complete with
Marel Stork Poultry Processing
equipment. There are four high
capacity processing lines under
one roof for the primary and
secondary processing of different
types of poultry. Total maximum
throughput is more than
35,000 bph (585 bpm), including
ducks. The CharmFre greenfield
project is a new benchmark for
East Asia and is truly a show plant
at a global level.
of the maximum load area expressed in
square meters per truck allowed by
current quality and animal welfare
The entire live bird handling system is
unique in its design and size: all four
production lines bring their containers
automatically to a fully automated
cleaning and disinfection system. The
Stork GP Live Bird Handling system will
enable CharmFre to improve conditions
for catching and transporting live birds, at
the same time improving end product
Specific product requirements
This project has everything a large scale
project should have. Marel Stork Poultry
Processing has managed to successfully
integrate the best new proven
technologies for processing various types
of poultry such as broilers, tiny ‘Spring
Chicken’, ‘Country Chicken’, parent stock,
laying hens and ducks. The specific
technologies Marel Stork Poultry has
been developing over the last 4 decades
for the different types of poultry can now
prove their strength together. For
CharmFre, the processing lines have been
designed for the highest processing
capacities. The duck processing line can
process up to 6,000 ducks per hour (100
bpm) in-line, which at this moment is
unique in the whole poultry processing
One integrated solution
The CharmFre project consists entirely of
Marel Stork solutions from supply of the
live birds, kill and evisceration lines, the
different chilling concepts, selection,
cut-up and deboning lines, including
automatic grading, batching, bone
detection, labeling and distribution. The
plant-wide production process and the
warehouse management system are
controlled and monitored by PDS-NT and
Innova, including integrated flock
tracking and tracing.
Specific containers
For this project Marel Stork has come up
with different solutions specific to the
market. One example is the Stork GP live
bird handling system. Marel Stork has
introduced a new type of GP-container,
specifically designed for the smaller type
of trucks you typically find in South Korea
and other Asian markets. It allows full use
Another example of a solution specific to
the market is the combination of scalding
and chilling technology. This is set up to
meet specific South Korean product
presentation requirements. The
combination of Multiphase Controlled
Atmosphere Stunning, RapidRigor electro
stimulation and maturation chilling
prepares meat for optimum tenderness.
Nuova: perfect for ‘Spring chicken’
The dedicated processing line for
processing ‘Spring chicken’ and ‘Country
chicken’ is equipped with the Nuova
evisceration system, the only automatic
evisceration system giving excellent
processing yields when handling not just
these very light birds, but also heavier
parent stock. The Stork Nuova
evisceration system has proven itself daily
over many years in the factories of the
best South Korean poultry processors.
Duck processing at the highest level
With ducks perfect breast skin
presentation is essential. The feathers
should be completely removed, but the
skin must not be damaged. For CharmFre
Marel Stork supplied a compact, fully
enclosed and fully in-line double wax
system. A combination of specially
developed duck pluckers and evisceration
modules gives a processing capacity of
6,000 ducks per hour (100 bpm), currently
the highest in the industry, as are yields
and automation levels too. Ducks are
chilled in-line and distributed
automatically based on weight.
Grading, batching and more
Automated solutions have been
integrated into the different processing
lines, examples being fixed weight
birds per hour!
batching, the weighing and packing of
whole products, cut-up products, fillet
products and other boneless products
(whether trimmed or not), giblets and
feet as well as tray, bag or bulk packaging.
Using a barcode system, products are
distributed correctly and finally handed
over to Charmfre’s fully robotized
palletizing system.
The integrated (semi) automatic batching
and weighing solutions reduce giveaway
and simplify the tasks for the operators.
Product flows are optimized. Furthermore,
management has complete oversight of
production speeds, product flows and the
quality of work, such as trimming being
done by operators.
More added value
In the secondary process different
products are checked for bone and other
foreign materials using SensorX. These are
trimmed where necessary. After being
packed several products are scanned
again with a metal detector. For CharmFre
the highest product safety is essential.
A safe product is a valuable product.
In the further process CharmFre uses the
well-known Marel Townsend
RevoPortioner to produce all kinds of 3D
shaped end products.
Everything under control
It is clear that this huge processing plant
deserved an optimal software solution to
support the whole production process,
analyze and plan production, and to
monitor the state of the equipment. At
about 120 points in the whole process,
data is collected and processed by Marel
Stork in-plant PDS-NT & Innova software.
The entire production process, from live
bird supply to the storage of finished
products is controlled, monitored and
Based on the quality and weight of each
product production can be monitored
and controlled. Product streams are fully
traceable. From the production site there
is a link to the fully automated pallet
storage system for end products.
Furthermore, the equipment monitoring
module allows the performance of a
number of processing modules to be
displayed and analyzed in real time. A log
and database prompts when (preventive)
maintenance is due. This enables modules
to be kept in optimal condition and
contributes to optimum uptime and plant
Other facilities
CharmFre has over 17 Ha of land available
for the greenfield project. The whole
processing complex covers approximately
10 Ha. From a glass gallery, large parts of
the process are visible. It is part of
CharmFre’s philosophy to show visitors
openly how their products are being
made. There is a large workshop located
centrally and close to all 4 lines, making
for quick reaction times and maintenance.
The building has been designed with the
help of the world wide experience Marel
Stork has in building greenfield projects.
Waste water treatment and rendering are
carried out near the processing plant.
Near the headquarters you can also find
an apartment building for employees,
various facilities for sports, including
football and tennis courts. Everywhere
CharmFre has opted for a high finish
using the best durable natural materials.
With this huge greenfield project,
CharmFre has opted for quality, efficiency
and hygiene at the highest levels. The
Company strives to offer only the very
best quality products to the market.
With the expansion of its activities
CharmFre again confirms its position as
one of South Korea’s poultry processing
elite. Marel Stork is proud and grateful
that it could contribute to the realization
of this great high end poultry processing
Go to:
“With this huge greenfield project CharmFre has opted for quality,
efficiency and hygiene at the highest levels. The Company strives
to offer only the very best quality products to the market.”
New EU regulation
on stunning
At the beginning of this year EU
Council Regulation 1099/2009 on
the protection of animals at the
time of killing became applicable
in all member states of the
European Union. The Regulation
replaces Directive 93/119/EC,
which had not been substantially
amended since its adoption some
twenty years ago.
The new Regulation aims to improve
animal welfare and sets common
standards across the European Union.
It takes account of technical advances
made in recent years. Controlled
atmosphere stunning is included for the
first time. Requirements for electrical
waterbath stunning have been tightened
up and are set out in greater detail.
There are new guidelines for
layout too.
The Importance of choice
More and more plants are moving to
controlled atmosphere stunning,
particularly those processing very high
hourly throughputs in markets where
labor is scarce and expensive. For many
processors, however, electrical stunning
will remain the best and most costeffective option for many years to
For this reason, we are committed to
doing ongoing research into all stunning
techniques, as it is our aim to offer our
customers only the very best in both
electrical and controlled atmosphere
stunning equipment.
You can therefore always rely on us to
advise you on the stunning method best
suited to your particular requirements.
“Our WaterBathStunner EU will give our European
Union customers the option of continuing with this
stunning method. It is still the most widely used.
It is effective and reliable and will continue to be
the best answer in many situations.”
Multiphase CAS –
now officially approved
Our Multiphase CAS (Controlled
Atmosphere Stunning) system is amongst
the controlled atmosphere stunning
regimes now officially approved by the
Regulation for use across the European
The system is the result of comprehensive
research carried out over many years both
in-house and at a large number of
universities and institutes in Europe and
the USA. It was first commissioned at a
high-volume plant in Belgium in late
1996. Since that time the system has
processed more than 6 billion broilers and
184 million turkeys. It is the most
commonly used CAS method and is in
everyday use in many countries in the EU,
in Australia and in the USA.
The Marel Stork CAS system stuns birds
in two phases. In the first phase birds are
exposed to an anesthetic atmosphere
containing up to 40% carbon dioxide
and an enriched level of oxygen, which
causes them to lapse gently into
unconsciousness. The level of carbon
dioxide in the second phase is higher and
induces an irreversible stun. When they
leave the system, birds are hung to the kill
line fully unconscious and will not
Besides providing an entirely reliable,
humane and welfare-friendly way of
stunning birds, multiphase controlled
atmosphere stunning is good for meat
quality too. There are virtually no broken
bones and no blood spots caused by the
process and, as these do not have to be
trimmed out, breast and thigh fillet
yields are higher.
New WaterBathStunner EU complies
with Regulation
The Regulation dictates substantially
higher electrical values for water-bath
stunners, lays down specific requirements
for their design and operation and
specifies new guidelines for laying out
the kill line.
To ensure an effective stun lasting
until death, the Regulation requires a
minimum of 150 mA for a setting of
200-400 Hz, which is a harder stun than
many processors will be used to. This is
likely to result in more blood spots and
broken bones, which could have an
economic impact depending on final
product use.
We offer both 50 Hz and high frequency
waterbath stunners. Our new
WaterBathStunner EU has been
developed to comply fully with the
requirements dictated by the Regulation.
New features include side doors which
allow easy access to birds in the case
of an emergency and the ability to log
electrical parameters.
We are convinced that our
WaterBathStunner EU will give our
European Union customers the option
of continuing with this stunning method.
It is still the most widely used. It is
effective and reliable and will continue
to be the best answer in many situations.
Using water as an electrode is the best
way of ensuring good electrical contact
and does not require additional
positioning of the head or the bird.
It is therefore a reliable, simple, compact
and cost effective method of rendering
birds effectively unconscious before
Stop Press: first turkey stunner!
Just over a year ago, Grup Alimentari
Guissona, a major force in the Spanish
red meat and poultry industry, became
the first company in the market to stun
turkeys using the Stork Multiphase CAS
system. Experience with the system has
been so positive that the Company
recently ordered a second system for its
8,000 bph (133 bpm) broiler operation.
The system will be commissioned this
summer and will make Grup Alimentari
Guissona the second processor in the
European Union to use Stork Multiphase
CAS to stun both broilers and turkeys.
Customer Insight
Agricola Bacau
Over 20 years of ‘partners in technology’
“Our companies have been working together for many
years now. You can say that Marel Stork is part of our
success. Together we are partners in technology.”
Grigore Horoi – President of Agricola.
Although the economic situation
is still difficult and customers are
not always able to automate
radically, the Romanian company
Agricola Bacau manages to grow
strongly. With a clear vision based
on strong values, Agricola Bacau
has a tradition of introducing new
high quality products to the
market. The inventor of the
‘chicken with the four legs’
celebrated its 20th. anniversary
and is now ready for the next step.
Agricola Bacau (based in Bacau in
North Eastern Romania) is a completely
integrated company active in red meat
processing and poultry processing –
from feed mill, hatcheries, to breeders,
slaughtering, further processing, logistics
and a chain of shops. The company
controls the whole value chain. Since its
foundation in 1992, ‘quality’ is one of the
Company’s main brand values.
Choosing quality
More than 85% of the Company’s poultry
production consists of high quality fresh
products: whole broilers (less than 20%),
cut up and deboned products and further
processed products. Mr. Grigore Horoi,
President of the Group, says: “Agricola
always goes for the highest quality,
whether it is our products or our people,
processes and equipment. Because we
process to a high quality standard, our
products have a shelf life of up to ten days.”
trends, based on international
developments and our own creativity.
An example is the ‘Family Chicken’ that
we introduced some years ago: it’s a
chicken with four legs, one package with
a complete broiler and two extra legs,
perfect for the average Romanian family.
Everyone gets a leg and still there is
enough meat left for another dish.”
Innovative products made by an
innovative company
Stress Free Chicken
It is also second nature to Agricola to
keep looking for exciting new
possibilities, chances of offering
consumers new products.
Mr. Horoi continues: “We are convinced
that introducing new products offers
us the best possibilities for growth.
In general, margins are very small and
we need to look for new ways to
trigger consumers.
We are making the transition from a
commodity product ‘chicken’ to a wide
variety of value added products which
directly target consumers, let’s say the
Romanian family.”
Chicken with four legs
Ms. Tatiana Cimpoeşu - Vice President and
Business Line Manager Poultry, explains:
“Over the years we have introduced
several successful products. We are very
close to the market and always try to set
Another Agricola product is the ‘Stress
Free Chicken’. Ms. Cimpoeşu continues:
“We saw that many consumers wanted
to spend less time on preparing a good
meal. With the stress free chicken we
offer them the possibility of preparing
a healthy meal with fresh high quality
ingredients in less time. The griller is
cooked directly in the specially designed
aluminum tray.”
Happy Chicken
An interesting concept Agricola also
introduced is the ‘Happy Chicken’. This is a
corn fed, slow growing broiler (70 days),
raised in rural areas on small farms. It’s a
tasty all-Romanian success story. “Our
Happy Chicken was voted the best new
product by the industry and consumers.
I think it also won because it is more than
a product. It’s an aspiration, a feeling that
we give to people who strive every day
to offer the best to their loved ones. 
It is an inspiration for us to keep
innovating, to differentiate the products
we offer, to be innovative.”
Further processing
Agricola is national market leader in
further processed products. Besides raw
dried salami the Company offers a wide
variety of convenience, coated products
such as schnitzels, chicken burgers, wings,
fingers, nuggets etc., made from its own
high quality broiler meat and produced
on a complete production line from
Townsend Further Processing, which
includes the Townsend RevoPortioner.
Here Agricola also sees chances.
Production will rise over the next few
Of course we must look for a healthy
balance between margins and quality,
but we are convinced that our quality
products will be successful again.”
Agricola has almost 20% of the total
chicken meat market in Romania.
The Company is the market leader with
its pre-cooked and ready-meal type
products. With a production capacity of
8,000 bph (133 bpm) it processes around
430.000 broilers per week. In 2013
production will reach about 35,200 tons
of slaughtered meat, with growth to
40,000 tons expected in 2015. Agricola
has around 60 outlets in Romania, a
number they plan to double in a few
years. When it comes to exporting,
Agricola has various large retailers among
their customers. The company exports to
The United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, France, Greece, Bulgaria
and the Netherlands.
Partners in technology
In 2012 Agricola Bacau celebrated its 20th
Anniversary, a perfect moment to present
their new corporate identity and logo.
Among the many guests were Area Sales
Manager Ruud Berkers from Marel Stork
Poultry Processing and Cristian Ciornei from
Riva (local representative for Marel Stork).
Their presence confirmed the long lasting
relation between Marel Stork /Riva and
Agricola. Mr. Horoi: “Our companies have
been working together for many years now.
You can say that Marel Stork is part of our
success. We appreciate their high quality
know-how, their poultry processing
solutions and the simple fact that they are
pleasant open minded people. Together
we are partners in technology.”
Go to:
Mr. Grigore Horoi continues: “We now
want to create a new line of all-Romanian
healthy convenience products. We always
follow developments and try to set
trends. We interview consumers and
promote products in supermarkets.
Stay Bone-Free at higher throughput
with new SensorX
Food safety is essential in all
food-processing operations.
If, for example bones and bone
fragments in deboned poultry
are not effectively removed,
end customers can easily switch
brands: there is no brand loyalty
if family safety is at stake. Manual
bone inspections have numerous
drawbacks, including reduced
yield due to over trimming as well
as ordinary human error. Only
advanced technologies can
ensure a best-quality product at
a profit-enhancing cost.
Bones are not forever
Bone risk is no longer an inevitable part
of poultry processing. Various methods
and technologies have been developed
over the years in attempts to improve
safety-control, including X-ray scanning.
Marel’s revolutionary innovation SensorX
bone detection system, based on X-ray
technology, was launched in 2007.
After demonstrating to processors that
this was a practical and effective system
solution, the SensorX proved a great
success, and became the benchmark for
bone detection. Around 300 systems are
in operation worldwide.
Marel is now introducing new additions
to the SensorX portfolio that provide
poultry processors with even more
opportunities to improve their bonedetection capability.
New SensorX 25
The new SensorX 25 has all the
capabilities and benefits of the existing
SensorX 23, along with a much larger
scan width: 500 mm (19.7 inch) compared
to 300 mm (11.8 inch). The increased
scanning width greatly expands
possibilities for bone detection in
poultry processing.
Features of the new SensorX25:
SensorX 23
• P
oultry fillets can now be placed
sideways on the belt in a dual-lane
setup, which can increase throughput
and improve labor efficiency and
• The SensorX 25 can handle the
throughput of two Stork AMF-BX
breast-cap filleting systems.
• I t is capable of handling much larger
poultry products, for example turkey
New solution
With the SensorX 25, Marel can offer a
new solution immediately after two Stork
AMF-BX breast-cap filleting systems.
This solution includes rework stations and
modular discharge.
Product arrives from the two AMFs and
enters the SensorX 25 system. The
SensorX scans the fillets for bones and
other contaminants. Fillets with
contaminants are sent to the rework
station in front of the SensorX. Here,
operators use monitors that show the
SensorX 25
exact location of any contaminants for
easy removal. The fillet is returned to the
SensorX for another scan to ensure it is
safe, before being sent to the correct
modular discharge. This solution enables
the SensorX to provide data on deboning
quality as well as yield.
Go to:
Customer Insight
ValueDrum makes every bite
taste good
When 2 Sisters Storteboom
decided to expand their activities
in the fast-growing retail market,
the search was on for a marinating
solution that could combine high
capacity with excellent product
quality and work efficiently in an
inline process. They found it all
with Marel’s ValueDrum.
quantities: there’s a lot of handling and
loading and they create buffers, seriously
interrupting product flow. This also affects
the visual and bacteriological quality of
the products. Also, we would be needing
very large tumblers, but products get
crushed and damaged in those. Bad for
quality and it doesn’t look good when
packed for retail.”
2 Sisters Storteboom
2 Sisters Storteboom B.V. is a division of
UK-based 2 Sisters Food Group Ltd., a
major food company in Europe. With eight
production sites in the Netherlands and
one in Poland, 2 Sisters Storteboom is one
of the larger poultry processors in Europe.
The Zeewolde facility opened in 2011 and
focused on restaurants and wholesale. But
when several major Dutch supermarket
chains chose 2 Sisters Storteboom as their
main supplier for poultry, the retail market
strongly came into focus.
Plant Manager Hans van Norden:”With
our new customers we also welcomed
a relatively new market for us: retail.
Demand for easy-to-prepare, readily
seasoned products is fast growing in the
Netherlands, we knew we had to focus on
that. Marinating is a very effective way of
increasing a product’s quality and ease of
cooking, so that’s what we chose to
invest in.”
Marinating wasn’t new to 2 Sisters
Storteboom: “We had already been
producing ready-to-cook products on a
small scale, using conventional tumblers.
That works, but we really want to be
ready to step up in scale. Conventional
tumblers create all kinds of logistic
problems when dealing with large
“Marel came into view early. They have
been one of our main suppliers for years
and we have an excellent relationship.
It only made sense to ask them for a
solution”, Van Norden recalls.
Marel suggested installing the relatively
new ValueDrum.
“Marel installed a demo version of an
updated ValueDrum in our plant in
Zeewolde. The deal was, it would be here
temporarily, mainly for testing purposes.
But after only three hours of vigorous
testing we called them on the phone:
forget about temporary, we are going to
keep this machine!”
The ValueDrum has many advantages
over traditional tumblers. Because
products are constantly moving
separately, they cannot be crushed under
their own weight. This also guarantees an
even distribution of marinade and herbs
on the products. Van Norden: “This is
more than just cosmetic, it is also really
important for the taste. You want every
bite to taste good!”
Another big advantage Van Norden
mentions is the handling: “We don’t use it
fully in line yet, but already we see the
advantages. It’s really easy to load and the
end products can be loaded and packed in
retail trays right from the machine’s
conveyor. It’s also very easy to change
recipes: no more weighing and measuring,
the computer takes care of that.”
Skin coverage
Another important plus, typical for
poultry products, is ‘skin coverage’: for
both looks and taste it’s vital the chicken
skin stays on when processing legs, wings
or whole birds. Van Norden: “As this is
crucial for product quality, we used to do
a lot of manual restyling to our products
after marinating. Very time-consuming
and expensive, I can assure you…
But with the ValueDrum, skin coverage is
very high, so restyling is hardly an issue
anymore. This has already saved us a lot
of time and money!”
Future plans
Production with the ValueDrum is still not
at a maximum. “At the moment we’re not
yet using the machine at its full potential,
but it plays an essential role in expanding
our range. We are planning on doubling
production in the very near future and we
are already contemplating working in
shifts. Like I said, there’s a huge market
there for us and the ValueDrum helps us
to conquer it.”
Go to:
“Marel installed a demo version of an updated
ValueDrum. After only three hours of vigorous testing
we called them on the phone: forget about temporary,
we are going to keep this machine!”
Hans van Norden – Plant Manager 2 Sisters Storteboom.
Customer Insight
Rose Poultry
recovers fast after fire
‘A real team effort involving all specialists’
Summer 2012. A fire causes
considerable damage to the
Rose Poultry Processing plant in
Vinderup (Denmark). Rose and
a team of specialists gather
immediately. Even before the
clean-up gets underway, an
inventory of the damage has
already been made. The common
goal is to get the plant up and
running again as quickly as
possible. Within a few weeks,
a part of production can be
restarted. After a few months
it’s business as usual, including
a completely new state of the
art cut-up department and
improved product logistics.
Before the fire, Rose Poultry had just
carried out a major update of several
processes. The kill and evisceration
departments had been replaced or
upgraded. Nuova was now the heart of
the evisceration department. Products
were being prepared in-line for optimal
tenderness using a brand new maturation
chilling tunnel. Production capacity had
increased from 9,500 to 12,000 bph
(160 to 200 bpm). In terms of quality
and efficiency Rose had taken another
step forward.
Quick inventory
More on Rose Poultry
Rose Poultry was founded in 1999 from two local family owned businesses
and is now part of the Finnish HK Scan Group. Rose Poultry develops,
produces, markets and distributes high quality poultry products to the retail,
food service and industry sectors as well as selected export markets.
The previously small product portfolio of frozen and ready-to-cook broilers
has developed into a broad range of poultry products, classics and
innovations alike. You can serve chicken every single day of a month without
ever serving the same dish two days in a row.
The fire stopped the whole process.
Immediately after the fire, a project group
of Rose and a group of specialists met
to analyze what could be done to start
production as soon as possible. The
primary process in the processing plant
(kill and evisceration line) had been
substantially damaged mainly by smoke
and water. The overall installation could
probably be saved. It was, however,
different in the chilling department and
the selection and cut-up lines. These had
to be replaced completely.
The first goal was to get at least the
primary process running again as quickly
as possible to safeguard production and
jobs. The team succeeded. Within about
two weeks the primary part of the plant
was producing again.
Choosing quality
Meanwhile a new layout for the cut-up
department was thoroughly discussed.
The cut-up department would not only
be replaced in its entirety but would
also be updated to the latest state of
technology and the highest quality
standard. The newest technologies
available would be installed with
stainless steel motors and electrically
adjustable frames.
Process efficiency and internal product
logistics would also be improved and
attention paid to the working conditions
for employees, good working conditions
and ergonomics being key concerns at
Rose Poultry.
Quick response
Marel Stork made an excellent job of
executing the project. In just a few
months everything was finished: from
making the new layout and
manufacturing all necessary equipment
and modules through to installation,
integration into the existing equipment
and the actual commissioning. It was a
tough challenge that could only be met
thanks to good cooperation with other
specialists and of course the dedication
of colleagues from Rose Poultry.
Rose Poultry is back on track, ready for
the next step.
After restoration comes the recovery
Rose Poultry is now running at full speed.
Restoration after the fire went well.
The company is now looking towards a
bright future. Cutting costs whilst at the
same time raising efficiency levels is now
a strong focus, as it is for many processors.
Rose Poultry is facing challenging
possibilities for further automation as
skilled labor is not always available.
It is clear that Rose Poultry does not
compromise on quality. In all areas the
company will always choose the best.
Marel Stork appreciates being part of
that choice.
Go to:
Teaming Up for
Solutions at IPPE 2013
For the first time, three great
tradeshows – the International
Poultry Exposition, International
Feed Expo and AMI’s International
Meat Exposition – integrated their
shows in 2013 to create the new
International Production &
Processing Expo. IPPE 2013
brought together over
1,000 exhibitors and more than
25,000 attendees in Atlanta from
January 29 - 31, 2013.
At IPPE 2013, Marel Stork Poultry
Processing showcased the many ways
we are Teaming Up with our customers
to provide the best poultry processing
Visitors crowded the stand to experience
the six new innovations making their
North American launch. Customers were
able to see how these developments were
created to provide crucial benefits in the
areas of sustainability, process control,
food safety and efficiency. The reaction
was strong and positive. “Marel had an
active booth with some innovative new
equipment!” Mark Avery, Complex
Manager for Tyson.
By sharing the stand with two of Marel’s
other industries – Meat and Further
Processing – we were able to highlight
solutions for every phase of the process
and for every type of processor. Bringing
together our global resources allows
Marel Stork to leverage breakthroughs
in processing knowledge from several
sectors of food processing to develop the
best systems for our poultry customers.
The booth was hard to navigate at times
because of the large crowds and the
interest in the new products kept the
sales team and product specialists busy
from start to finish. It was an undeniable
success according to Vice President of
Sales – Poultry for the US, Larry Campbell.
“I would say the show was very successful
for Marel Stork,” he said.
Marel Townsend Further Processing Event
Within Marel, Townsend Further
Processing concentrates on
integrated further processing
equipment. Through regular
customer events, they demonstrate
the innovative qualities of the wide
range of further processing
machines, such as the popular
RevoPortioner which makes
perfectly portioned products at
low pressure and the powerful
ModularOven with its patented
separate environments.
On 28 and 29 November, Marel Townsend
Further Processing will be holding a
Heating Event at their fully equipped
DemoCenter in Boxmeer, the Netherlands.
During this event you will be able to fully
immerse yourself in the endless
possibilities provided by the innovative
systems. Full production lines will be
showcasing heat treatment equipment,
the RevoPortioner and much more, so
you can see, smell and even taste a wide
selection of end products made with
chicken. During this event you will have
the privilege of fully experiencing the
innovative technology from Marel
Townsend Further Processing.
The demand for new products, which can
be prepared simply and quickly, is
becoming even more prevalent in today’s
market -not only for the consumer, but for
the foodservice and institutional markets
as well. As a result, the manufacturers of
these products must ensure that their
production systems become more and
more adaptable to work with a wide
range of products at high capacity.
Our heat treatment systems offer that
degree of flexibility and control of the
production process to create the ultimate
end product for you. With high capacity
and adaptability, our heat treatment
equipment is excellent for innovative new
products and is proven successful for
processing a wide range of steam-cooked,
marinated, coated and roasted products.
Achieving the right appearance, texture,
flavor and bite for the most enjoyable
eating experience relies heavily on the
cooking parameters. With heat treatment
equipment from Marel Townsend Further
Processing, you can maximize control of
the process. This allows you to obtain the
desired degree of crispness, browning
and juiciness, while optimizing yield and
Come to the Marel Townsend Further
Processing Heating Event on 28 or 29
November and experience the world of
further processing!
Go to:
“Full production lines will
be showcasing our heat
treatment equipment,
the RevoPortioner and
much more. You can
see, smell and even
taste a wide selection
of end products made
with chicken.”
Let’s meet in person
• VIV Russia 21 - 23 May
Moscow, Russia
• AVI Africa 27 - 29 May Johannesburg, South Africa
• Indo Livestock 05 - 07 June Bali, Indonesia
• ProPak Asia 12 - 15 June
Bangkok, Thailand
• VIV Turkey 13 - 15 June
Istanbul, Turkey
• TecnoCarne
13 - 15 August
São Paulo, Brazil
• Saudi Agriculture
24 - 27 September
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
• Agroprodmash
07 - 11 October
Moscow, Russia
16 - 18 October
Beijing, China
• AgroWorld
05 - 08 November
Almaty, Kazakhstan
• Congreso Latinoamericano de Avicultura
12 - 15 November
San Salvador, El Salvador
• Poultry India
27 - 29 November
Hyderabad, India
• Marel Townsend Further Processing Heating Event
28 - 29 November
Boxmeer, the Netherlands
Global presence
Marel Stork Poultry Processing is the leading worldwide supplier of processing
systems for broilers, turkeys and ducks. With a strong focus on innovative
technologies and service, we provide inline solutions for every processing stage
and capacity level.
We offer integrated solutions spanning single processes to complete processing
plants, including live bird supply, slaughtering, scalding and evisceration, chilling,
cut-up and deboning, X-ray bone detection, portioning and slicing, weighing,
grading and batching, packing, production control software and preventive
maintenance programs.
Marel Stork Poultry Processing B.V.
P.O. Box 118
5830 AC Boxmeer
The Netherlands
T: +31 485 586 111
F: +31 485 586 222
Marel Stork Poultry Processing Inc.
P.O. Box 1258
Gainesville GA 30503
T: +1 770 532 70 41
Stork Poultry Processing is a trade name of Marel Stork Poultry
Processing B.V. © Copyright Marel Stork Poultry Processing B.V.,
The Netherlands, 2010: All rights are reserved. Any reproduction or
modification of all or part of this publication, regardless of the
method of reproduction or modification used and regardless of the
carrier used, is strictly prohibited, unless written authorization by
Marel Stork Poultry Processing B.V. has been obtained beforehand.
Those acting in breach of this notice expose themselves to criminal
and civil prosecution, in accordance with the international
conventions and copyright laws. The data published herein answer
to most recent information at the moment of publishing and are
subject to future modifications. Stork Poultry Processing reserves
the right to modify the construction and the execution of their
products at any time without any obligation on their part to modify
any equipment delivered before accordingly. The data mentioned
are meant as an indication only. Stork Poultry Processing assumes
no responsibility for errors or omissions in the data published or
use of the data published. The publication of these data may not
be interpreted as a warranty or guarantee of any kind (either
express or implied).
Our products enable our customers to produce a vast range of products while
maximizing yields, product quality and value, as well as providing full traceability.