Fall 2009 - Coe-Brown Northwood Academy


Fall 2009 - Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
Fall 2009
Annual Report
C O E - B R O W N N O R T H W O O D A C A D E M Y You
We need your help!
Annual Campaign 2009-2010
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
is embarking on an exciting new pilot
project to provide laptops to next
year’s incoming freshman (the Class
of 2014). The students will use the
laptops throughout all four years of
high school. Please help us (and these
young people) with a contribution
to the 2009/2010 CBNA Annual
Campaign. Our goal is to contribute $25,000 toward the laptop pilot
Your gifta
is tax
and supports Coe-Brown Northwood
Academy’s ongoing commitment to
the education of its students.
Through your generosity, last
year’s campaign raised more than
$30,000. A portion of that money
will be used to buy interactive white
boards for the Academy’s classrooms.
Your donations to the Annual Campaign also help support the grant program that is made available to CBNA faculty and
staff each year. The grants cover the areas of Academics, Administration, Arts, Athletics and Vocational Education.
NOTE: We are no longer offering on-line giving
via the CBNA web site. Only a few alumni took
advantage of this option and the fees associated
with this program were extremely high, making it
cost prohibitive. We are still able to accept credit
card payments (MasterCard or Visa) on the pledge
envelopes; one is enclosed in this issue for your use.
The Annual Campaign closes June 30,
2010. Please make checks payable to CBNA
Development and send to 905 First New
Hampshire Turnpike, Northwood NH 03261.
Thank you, alumni and friends of the Academy!
Thank you for your support.
907 First New Hampshire Turnpike
Northwood, New Hampshire 03261
Vidimus, Videmus & Videbimus
Headmaster: David S. Smith
Assistant Headmaster: Paul W. Davis, Jr.
B O A R D O F T RU S T E E S 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0 :
James Colburn, President
B. Lee Mason, Vice President
J.B. Cullen, Secretary
Duane Ford, Treasurer
Robert Bailey ’45
Lori Bassett
Bunny Behm
Sheri DeTrude ’73, Past President
James Grant
Timothy Joslin
Dennis McCann
Stuart J. Mitchell IV
Bernice Raffaele
Judith Sanderson, Past President
Roberta Stearns, Ph.D. ’57, Past President
G. Wells Anderson, Trustee Emeritus
George Geers ’45, Trustee Emeritus
Robert Grant ’53, Trustee Emeritus
William Lord, Trustee Emeritus
David Whitcher, Trustee Emeritus
Debbie Burklund Marden ’75, President
Charles S. Bailey ’72, Vice President
Amy Stanley Paine ’78, Secretary
Carolyn Knox O’Neal ’87, Treasurer
Jessica Marden Weeks ’00, Corresponding Secretary
Genevieve Rogers ’36 Associate, Scholarship Chair
Anne Bailey ’77
Lauren Drown Dow ’00
Robin Burklund Drown ’76
Linda Lovely Eastman ’76
Cheryl Allen Jackson ’79
(Back, left to right) James Grant, Bernice Raffaele, Dennis
McCann, Roberta Stearns, Stuart Mitchell, (front, left to right)
Duane Ford, Judith Sanderson, James Colburn, Sheri DeTrude,
Bunny Behm, B. Lee Mason, J.B. Cullen and Robert Bailey.
Missing from photo are Lori Bassett and Timothy Joslin. (Photo by
Ashton E. Welch ’60)
A Letter from Headmaster Smith.................................................Page 2
Alumni Panama Trip........................................................................Page 2
News From Around the Academy................................................Page 3
Looking Back: Coe-Brown’s Civil Defense Efforts...................Page 4
CBNA Softball Team Posts a Winning Season.........................Page 6
Coe-Brown Gift Planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Annual Alumni Banquet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
CBNA Golf Tournament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
Annual Giving by Donor Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
Annual Giving by Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
The Class of 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15
Scholarships and Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16
Commencement 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover
Editor: Margaret M. Joyce
Associate Editor: Roberta Wallace Stearns ’57
Design: Beverly A. Joyce, Joyce Design Solutions, LLC
Printing: Kirkwood Direct
Visions is published twice a year for the alumni, parents and friends of
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy.
ON THE COVER: The CBNA softball team enjoyed a winning
season. Photo by Mal Estell, father of Kyle Estell, Class of 2012.
Visions — Fall 2009 1
A letter from
Headmaster Smith
Dear friends,
Academic year 2009/2010 is off to a strong start. This year we welcomed 182 freshmen on
August 14 and the entire student body consists of 714 students from the towns of Northwood,
Strafford, Barrington, Nottingham, Deerfield, Concord, Laconia, Manchester, Epsom, Dunbarton
and Rochester.
I am proud to announce that Coe-Brown’s science scores in the statewide 2009 NECAP
assessment tests earned us a tie (with Bedford High School) for the second highest in the state. Our
11th graders (this year’s seniors) earned a mean score of 1138, just behind Hanover High at 1141.
Congratulations to our students, the science department faculty and the entire school as a whole.
We welcomed several new faculty members this year. William Clarke will be teaching algebra
David S. Smith
and general math, and will also be working with our basketball program. He is a recent graduate
of Keene State College. Ernesto Leonardo Gonzalez will be teaching Spanish I, II and III. Mr. Gonzalez has studied at the University
of Massachusetts at Boston, Tufts University and Emerson
College. Kathleen Hill has studied at the University of Lowell,
the University of New Hampshire, Universidad de Valladoid
(Spain) and Universidad de Costa Rica. She will be teaching
Spanish I, II, and III and will also serve as the World Language
Curriculum Coordinator.
alumni trip
April Pagnani will be teaching classes in the English
to Panama
department at Coe-Brown. She is a recent graduate of the
Coe-Brown alumni
University of New Hampshire with a MAT in teaching, and
and guests are invited
completed her undergraduate degree at UNH. Dorothy
to travel to Panama
Rhodes joins the Coe-Brown faculty to teach World Cultures
in June of 2010. No
in our Social Studies department. She is a recent graduate of
Spanish is needed.
the University of New Hampshire with a MAT in teaching,
The trip is tentatively
and completed her undergraduate degree at UNH, as well.
We are also pleased to welcome a new member of our
scheduled for June 16
Board of Trustees. Tim Joslin of Barrington is employed
to 28, 2010. The Coeby Banks Chevrolet in Concord; his daughter is a senior at
Brown trip leader and
Coe-Brown this year. Our trustees are a dedicated group of
contact person is Jean
volunteers who devote a significant amount of their time to
Cumings, biology and
overseeing the operation of the Academy. Mr. Joslin will be a
zoology teacher. The
great addition to this team.
estimated cost is
Construction is progressing on the expansion of the
$2,000 (depending on airfare) for 13 days and 12 nights. The
Academy’s automotive shop, with completion scheduled for the
itinerary will include camping on a tropical island, three nights
end of Semester I. In addition to gaining much needed space,
in the Chucanti cloud forest and three nights in the La Marea
the program will benefit from updated equipment and supplies.
Embera village in the Darein region of Panama. Participants will
I hope you’ll enjoy this issue’s coverage of our amazing
snorkel the reef, ride horses and dance with the natives. The cost
girls’ softball team as well as the patriotic efforts of our students
includes airfare, all meals in Panama, ground transportation and
during World War II. As always, thank you for your continued
support of Coe-Brown Northwood Academy.
accommodations. It also includes full-time bilingual guides and
entrance fees into parks. It does not include departure or visa
taxes for Panama, personal purchases or gratuities. Additional
information can be obtained from advantagepanama.com. A
non-refundable deposit of $250 is due December 18, 2009.
The trip involves moderate hiking in remote areas, hot weather,
David S. Smith
plenty of bugs, monkeys, birds and true adventure. Please
contact jcumings@coebrown.org for more information or call
2 Visions — Fall 2009
Compiled by Betty Lent, CBNA faculty
Headmaster David S. Smith was inducted into the 2009 New
Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA) Hall of
Fame during the association’s Annual Hall of Fame Banquet. The
NHIAA created the Hall of Fame in 2001 as a way to recognize athletes,
administrators, athletic directors, coaches and contributors for their
extraordinary contributions to school-based interscholastic athletic
programs for New Hampshire high schools. Mr. Smith was honored for
his lengthy tenure as the Coe-Brown boys’ basketball coach.
CBNA sophomore Michaela
Horvath has been appointed to D.A.R.E.
America’s Youth Advisory Board (YAB).
The board helps to give youth perspective
and insight to D.A.R.E. and gives D.A.R.E.
graduates an opportunity to speak to issues
impacting the national and worldwide
D.A.R.E. programs. The board is composed
of 50 members, one student from each
state. Student representatives are selected
through a state-wide search. Michaela
was nominated by the Nottingham Police
Department. Members of the YAB are eligible for the $20,000 D.A.R.E.
America Scholarship upon their graduation from high school.
Michaela recently traveled to the
D.A.R.E. America Youth Advisory Board
National Conference held at the Drug
Enforcement Administration Training
Academy in Quantico, Virginia. There
she met the other Youth Advisory Board
representatives from across the country. Fortysix of the 50 states were represented and the
students participated in tours, lectures, public
speaking, games of trust and a mock drug raid,
as well as practice at the F.B.I. firing range.
Congratulations to Aidan Cecchetti
and Brianna Jean, members of the Class
of 2009, who earned AP Scholar Awards in
recognition of their exceptional achievement
on AP Exams. The College Board’s Advanced
Placement Program (AP) provides motivated
and academically prepared students with the
opportunity to take rigorous college-level
courses while still in high school, and to earn
college credit, advanced placement, or both
for successful performance on the AP Exams.
About 18 percent of the 1.6 million students
worldwide who took AP Exams performed
at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP
Scholar Award.
Annual Alumni
Basketball Game
Wednesday, December 23
Women 5:30 p.m.
Men 7:00 p.m.
Rebecca M. Paine, a member of the Class of 2009, was
recently presented with CBNA’s highest agricultural honor, the
DEKALB Agricultural Accomplishment Award, sponsored by the
Monsanto Company. Rebecca received the award for excellence
in academics, leadership and agricultural work experience. Her
accomplishments include FFA chapter vice-president, Forestry
Team, Dairy Judging and Agricultural Communications State
Winner. Rebecca also placed nationally in that event under the
direction of Sarah Ward ’83, agricultural education instructor at
Coe-Brown. As the 2009 winner of this award, Rebecca’s name will
be recorded on a permanent plaque displayed at Coe-Brown.
Last April, Coe-Brown’s Concert and Select choruses received
Gold Awards at the Heritage Festival held at Endicott College.
The choruses, under the direction of CBNA music teacher David
Deardorff, have also been invited to participate in the Festival of
Gold, an invitation-only event open to elite performing groups. In
addition, three CBNA students, Jacob Brownell ’10, Philip
Shiere ’09 and Sophie Shiere ’12, were presented with the
Maestro Award for outstanding individual excellence at the festival.
The CBNA Chorus performed The Last Words of David by Randall
Thompson, Animal Crackers by Eric Whitacre and Ol’ Man River
by Jerome Kern, arranged by Russell Robinson. The Select Chorus
performed Sure on this Shining Night by Morten Lauridsen and No
Mark by Cecil Effinger.
Pictured from left to right are Coe-Brown music students William Farrell ’09, Jacob Brownell ’10, Philip
Shiere ’09, Sophie Shiere ’12 and Jihyon Im ’09.
Visions — Fall 2009 3
Looking Back: Coe-Brown students do their part during World War II
Tom Brokaw called them “The Greatest Generation.”
Italian planes. Plane sightings were called in to a central
They were people who came of age when our country was at
location and the spotters had to report on such things as
war. Making sacrifices was second nature, whether it was on
number of aircraft; identify if it was known or unknown;
the front lines or at home in rural New Hampshire. Helping
single or multiple engines; if the planes were seen or heard;
the war effort was part of the daily routine, and students at
how far they were from the post; what direction they were
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy were no exception.
headed; the altitude: high, medium or low; and speed: slow,
Many of the teenagers who attended Coe-Brown
fast or very fast. Notification had to be immediate.
during the early 1940s were part of a civil defense effort
“We would climb the ladder and go through the trap
called the Ground Observer Corps (GOC), a group of
door above the third floor,” says Merl. “We had binoculars
volunteers who were enrolled by the Army Air Forces to
and when we heard a plane we would look for it. The tower
staff 14,000 observation posts
was the highest point around and
positioned along the nation’s
you could see all the way to the
coast. In a six-hour shift you might
coastlines. With limited radar
have three planes come by. The
detection capability, the GOC’s
schedule was on the wall so you
mission was to visually search
would know who had the shift
the skies for enemy aircraft
after you.”
attempting to penetrate American
Connie Linnell Gates was
another member of the Class of
The cupola atop Coe1942 who participated in the
Brown’s Pinkham Hall became
aircraft warning service. “At the
one of these observation posts
beginning of the war we didn’t
and Coe-Brown students took
realize how serious it was,” she
turns climbing to this vantage
says. “We didn’t have radios or
point for their aircraft spotting
television; most of our news came
from the five minute newsreels
Merl Seavey Bartels, a
they showed in the theater before
member of the Class of 1942,
a movie started. It was exciting to
recalls that after the attack on
think we had a role in protecting
Pearl Harbor the war really hit
our turf. My father and brothers
home. “At night we had to pull
were also aircraft spotters; everyone
our shades so the lights wouldn’t
wanted to do their part.”
show,” she says. “We had civil
Connie’s memories of that era
defense drills on a regular basis and Spotters used schematics similar to this one to help
include the Academy canceling such
in school we would crawl under our identify the planes.
activities as baseball games, music festivals and even the
desks during the drills. There was a lot of rationing going
senior trip due to gas rationing. “When I graduated from
on—sugar, meat, gas—and I remember that the owner of
Coe-Brown and went to the University of New Hampshire
Demmons Store in West Nottingham would call us when
I had to live on campus that first semester because gas
bananas came in!”
Merl still has her rationing stamp book from those
rationing was still in effect. But I didn’t mind!”
days. She took part in the aircraft warning service at
A write up about the baseball team in the 1942
Coe-Brown along with many other members of her class,
yearbook reads, “The boys were enthusiastic and expected
including her now deceased husband, Phil Bartels. “But we
to have a good season, but much to their disappointment
didn’t have shifts at the same time,” Merl states. “Girls and
and to the disappointment of the whole school, the schedule
boys were not allowed to be alone together in the tower; it
for this year was considerably shortened. This was because
was two boys or two girls at a time.”
of the tire shortage and gas rationing which interfered with
The volunteers received training in how to spot the
our transportation facilities. We accepted this decision with
planes and to chart their location on a map. The Army
good will as we realize that sacrificing our baseball is only a
provided identification books and flash cards to help in
small contribution towards the national war effort.”
identifying different types of U.S., German, Japanese and
Connie’s family, like many in the area, was self
sustaining so food rationing was not as much of an issue.
4 Visions — Fall 2009
“We had civil defense drills on a regular basis and in school we
would crawl under our desks during the drills.“
“We raised cows, fruits and vegetables on our farm,” she says.
Connie remembers taking a welding course at one point: “The
men were away fighting the war so women had to be trained to
do their jobs at home.”
With the declining threat to America from German and
Japanese air forces, the Army Air Forces disestablished the GOC
in 1944. The Army issued thank you letters to its volunteers,
saying, “It has been almost two and one-half years since that
Sunday in 1941 when thousands of patriotic Americans
sprang to the defense of their country by manning roundthe-clock watches at Observation Posts, Filter Centers, and
Information Centers. It is my conviction that there never existed
a more sincere and loyal group of Americans than those who
volunteered for this work.”
We are fortunate to count many Coe-Brown alumni among
this loyal group of Americans. In addition to helping on the
home front, young men from the graduating classes of the 1930s
and 1940s enlisted or were drafted into the service during World
War II. “My husband was drafted after graduation,” says Merl
Bartels, “and other classmates, like John Crummey and Lawrence
Hutchins signed up.”
Coe-Brown’s 1942 yearbook lists 34 alumni who were on
active duty at the time (although some of them never graduated,
having withdrawn from high school to join the service). Since
then, many Coe-Brown alumni have chosen to serve their
country by joining the U.S. Armed Forces. But we can’t forget
those who stayed home and did their part to help protect the
United States. As Tom Brokaw wrote in his book, The Greatest
The Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, used in great numbers in World War II,
was flown by 28 countries but the name “Warhawk” was unique to
the American P-40s.
Generation, “The nation turned to its young to carry the
heaviest burden, to fight in the enemy territory and to keep
the home front secure and productive. These young men and
women were eager for the assignment. They understood what
was required of them, and they willingly volunteered for their
Special thanks to Merl Seavey Bartels and Connie Linnell
Gates for sharing their stories!
The Class of 1942: (Front row, left to right) Eugene Hammond, Rena Bartlett, Connie Linnell, Phyllis
Tasker, John Crummey, Avis Lang, Rose Macomber, Alberta Gantner and David Little; (second row,
left to right) Gladys Pray, Merl Seavey, Etta O’Neal, Pearl Smith, Eloise Watson, Mary Deem, June
Adams and faculty member Orlando Lester; (back row, left to right) Russell Wheeler, Milton Fogg,
Martin Coster, Phil Bartels, Lawrence Hutchins and Everett Hutchins.
Visions — Fall 2009 5
CBNA softball team posts a winning season
The CBNA girls’ softball team had much to celebrate last spring
with a 16-4 record for the season and a second straight trip to the Class I
state championships. They faced the Portsmouth Clippers once again in
the championship game and, in a strange twist of fate, lost to the Clippers
by a score of 6 to 1—the same score as last year. But this did not dampen
the spirits of the Coe-Brown Lady Bears. Players and the coaches alike
were thrilled with the team’s accomplishments.
“Even though we had only one senior (shortstop Tia Beckwith) on
the roster,” says Coach Tenasco, “it was still an incredibly strong team.”
In fact, Tia Beckwith, who played softball for four years at CoeBrown, was named to the Foster’s Daily Democrat 2009 Softball Dream
Team. Foster’s also named Tim Tenasco its 2009 Coach of the Year.
Sisters Corinne ’12 and Nicole ’10 LeMauk were a force to be
reckoned with as pitcher and catcher, respectively.
“It’s sad we didn’t win the championship,” says Nicole. “But I’m
proud of our team.”
The entire Coe-Brown community shares that pride—way to go,
Lady Bears!
Team Roster
Tim Tenasco, Coach
Bob Salisbury, Assistant Coach
Devon Beckwith, Assistant Coach
Tia Beckwith ’09, Second Base
Emilie French ’10, Pitcher and Outfield
Cara Fowler ’10, Outfield
Olivia Daigle ’12, Third Base
Corinne LeMauk ’12, Pitcher
Katherine Wysocki ’12, Pitcher and First Base
Bryanna Allis ’10, Outfield and Second Base
Mariah Bisson ’10, Left Field
Emmaline Horne ’10, Shortstop
Nicole LeMauk ’10, Catcher
Lindsay St. Cyr ’10, First Base
Kelly Worcester ’11, Right Field
Kimberly Comtois ’10, Center Field
Jamie Osborne ’12, Outfield
Hailey Locke ’12, Outfield
Marissa Beaudoin ’12, Pitcher and Outfield
Jaedyn Bedell ’12, Shortstop
The last time CBNA’s Softball Team won a state title was in
1978. For the last two years the current girls softball team has
made it all the way to the Class I State Finals. This year at the
championship game a special group of CBNA alumni were
present to cheer on the girls softball team. They were some of the
members of the 1979, 1978 and 1977 teams. Thank you, ladies, for
your support! Front row, left to right: Inez Capobianco ’79, Nancy
Hilliard Parker ’77; back row, left to right: Nancy Nutter Blackey
’77, Joanne Nutter Eaton ’78, Tracy Sims McCoy ’79, Ellen Nutter
Hurd ’79, and Debbie Smith ’79.
ABOVE: Fans follow the action during a CBNA girls’ softball championship
LEFT: Shortstop Emmaline Horne ’10 ready to make the play.
6 Visions — Fall 2009
A lasting legacy:
Gift planning with Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
Coe-Brown would not be able to accomplish all of its
educational and co-curricular goals without the generous support
of our alumni and other friends of the Academy. Your gifts to the
Annual Campaign and participation in the Alumni and Friends
Golf Tournament or special efforts such as Buy a Tile or Buy a Key
(a fund set up to help with the purchase of a grand piano for CoeBrown’s music department) are vitally important to the Academy’s
current and future students.
We know it is not always easy or even possible to write a check
to Coe-Brown to support these efforts. But there are a number
of other ways that you can contribute to the Academy’s future
and, in some cases, enjoy substantial tax benefits at the same time.
As a public academy, Coe-Brown is designated as a non-profit
organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Service
tax code. This means that gifts made to the Academy are potentially
tax deductible as a charitable contribution.
Here are some charitable gift ideas that will benefit Coe-Brown
while reducing your taxable income. Gifts can be restricted to
specific funds, such as the Academy’s endowment fund, or to specific
areas such as academics, arts or athletics.
Cash Gifts
This is the most common type of charitable giving. All cash
donations are deductible if you itemize your tax return. And there
are some creative ways to make a cash gift. You can give a gift in
memory of a loved one who has passed. Or you can make a cash
donation in honor of anyone you choose on the occasion of a
birthday, graduation, anniversary or other event. What a great idea
for the person who has everything!
Don’t forget that many employers offer a matching gift
program. If you make a cash gift to Coe-Brown, your employer’s
match might double that gift! Check with your human resources
department to see if this benefit is available to you.
People often send flowers to friends and family when a loved
one passes. Why not suggest a charitable donation in lieu of flowers?
If the deceased person had a connection to Coe-Brown or placed a
high value on education, cash donations made in his or her memory
would leave a lasting legacy.
Bequeathing a portion of your estate to a charitable organization
reduces the size of the tax burden on the estate. Bequests can be a
specific dollar amount of a percentage of your estate. Another option
is to bequeath a share of the remainder of your estate after making
provisions for your primary heirs. Gifts can also be contingent on one
or more of your heirs predeceasing you.
Beneficiary Designation
You can name Coe-Brown as the beneficiary of a life insurance
policy. Many people have employer-funded group life insurance in
addition to personal policies. If you own more insurance than you
need, or if your beneficiaries no longer need the coverage, consider
donating one or more of the policies to Coe-Brown. In many cases
you will receive an immediate income tax deduction (depending
on the type of policy contributed). You can also name Coe-Brown
as the beneficiary of a retirement account or pension plan, or of a
bank account or certificate of deposit with a “payable-on-death”
designation. As with bequests, these options are revocable and can be
changed by you at any time.
This is just a brief overview of the many options that are available
to you within the realm of charitable and planned giving. Your
financial consultant can provide information about more sophisticated
options such as charitable trusts, charitable gift annuities or gifts of
stock or property. You should always check with a professional tax
advisor before making any major decisions that could affect your
financial circumstances.
Whatever choices you make, we
hope you will consider donating to
Coe-Brown as an option. Your gift,
whether immediate or deferred, large
or small, makes a big difference!
Visions — Fall 2009 7
ABOVE: The 50th Anniversary Class of 1959 was represented by William
Brown, Edna Fortin Coffin, Paul Thiem, Mabel “Tabby” Sullivan, Elaine
Hoadley Solarz, former teacher Phyllis MacPerson and Joan Brackett
ABOVE: The 30th Anniversary Class of 1979 was represented by (front row, left to
right) Marina Hewett Miner, Cathy Potter Ellis, Mary Maynard Gagne, Cheryl Allen
Jackson, (back row, left to right), Clay Sauls, John Kelley, Phil Ellis, Keith Guptill and
Dean Lester
LEFT: CBNA Dean of Student Services Sally Johnson Aseltine ’69, former
CBNA teacher Arlene Whittemore Johnson, Dean Lester ’79 and CBNA staff
member Stacy Johnson Sweet ‘89
Annual B
Alumni gather at C
By Ginny Rogers ’36 (Associate)
This year 140 alumni, spouses,
friends and guests gathered for a funfilled evening reminiscing, getting
reacquainted and enjoying the delicious
repast prepared by Just US Cardinals,
Headmaster David Smith thanked
the trustees and the community for all
the support given to CBNA. He noted
a new auto area was being added and the
existing area would be converted into
a classroom and storage. Headmaster
Smith received a standing ovation for
his 29 years of service to the Academy.
The Academy’s first headmaster, Elliott
Cogswell served 15 years.
Director of Development and
Alumni Affairs Margaret Joyce gave a
report on the outcome of the annual golf
tournament held in conjunction with the
alumni banquet and fundraising efforts
on behalf on CBNA.
8 Visions — Fall 2009
Each of the following individuals received
a quart of maple syrup made in Northwood.
Representing the earliest class: Helen Marison
’36 and Robert E. Bailey ’45; traveling
the farthest: Sally Hoadley Low ’49 from
Washington State; most recent class: Tania
Drown Chamberlin ’04; class having the
most members present: Class of 1979 with 15
The Class Agents attending the 2009
alumni banquet were Robert E. Bailey ’45,
Elizabeth “Betty” Young Geers ’48, Robert
Burklund, Sr., ’51, Paul Guptill ’52, Pearl Yeaton
King ’53, Roberta Wallace Stearns ’57, Kathleen
Folsom Bernier ’58, Edith Twombly Kimball
’60, Coral Magoon Nieder ’62, Charles S. Bailey
’72, Cathy Allen Calef ’74, Suzi Cummings
Falcone ’74, Debbie Burklund Marden ’75,
Robin Burklund Drown ’76, Cheryl Allen
Jackson ’79 and Lauren Drown Dow ’00.
Scholarships in the amount of $500 each
were presented to alumni Hannah White ’06
and Kimberly Felber ’06. Five scholarships in
the amount of $500 each were presented to the
following members of the graduating Class of
2009: Brian Theriault, Jihyon Im, Allison Box,
Ross Breton and Jordan LaPointe.
The Association officers for 2009-2010
will remain the same with one exception:
Carolyn Knox O’Neal ’87 is replacing Robin
Burklund Drown ’76 as treasurer.
The annual raffle was a huge success;
funds are used for Alumni Association
operating expenses. Items, donors and winners
n Hanging basket of impatiens, donated by
Debbie Burklund ’75, won by Joe Holmes
n Plant in watering can, donated by
Elizabeth Young Geers ’48, won by Dean
Lester ’79
n Trout knife (collectors item), donated by
James Simpson, won by Romayne Milligan
Jackson ’48
n Black butterfly Swarovski crystal bracelet
and earrings, donated by Kate Folsom
Bernier ’58, won Ralph Blackey
n Watch, donated by Merl Seavey Bartels ’42,
won by Paul Guptill ’52
n Pink butterfly Swarovski crystal bracelet
and earrings, donated by Kate Folsom
Bernier ’58, won by Don Daley ’83
n Johnson’s Restaurant Gift Certificate,
donated by Ginny Rogers ’36 (Associate),
BELOW: Ashton Welch ‘60 and Carolyn Knox O’Neal ‘87
ABOVE : (Left to right) Frank “Bernie” Bernier, Kate Folsom Bernier
’58, Merl Seavey Bartels ’42 and Connie Linnell Gates ‘42
BELOW: The 60th Anniversary Class of 1949 was represented
by (clockwise from left) Jean Neilsen Smith, Gloria Young, Bruce
Young, Grace Bartlett Perkins, Sally Hoadley Low and Shirley
Twombly White. Elinor Twombly Davis also attended the banquet.
Coe-Brown for
won by Fred Twombly ’60
Yellow butterfly jewelry, donated by
Kate Bernier ’58, won by Jessica Marden
Weeks ’00
Cash ($20), donated by Ted ’38 and
Phyliss Reese, won by David Smith
Mixed flower bouquet­ — donated by
Constance Linnell Ambrose-Gates ’42,
won by Lillian Young Deely ’51
Maple syrup, donated by Mary Bailey
Snider ’75, won by Janet Hoadley
Simpson ’60
Red mosaic earrings, yellow mosaic
earrings and blue flower earrings,
donated by Kate Bernier ’58, won by
John Dodge ’72, Bonnie Dowst Heisey
’84 and Sally Johnson Aseltine ’69
Bicycle tune-up (2), donated by Rick
Drown, won by John Allen, Jr., ’78 and
Jessica Marden Weeks ’00
Dunkin’ Donut gift cards (2), donated
by Joan and Robert Burklund ’51, won
by Patricia Houlihan Sweisthal ’61 and
Tania Drown Chamberlin ’04
Jamaican picture, donated by Cathy
Allen Calef ’74, won by Charles S. Bailey
by Tania
’04, won
by Roberta
Stearns ’57
Old Man
of the Mountain clock, donated by Pearl
Yeaton King ’53, won by Mary Bailey
Snider ’75
Tupperware cups (4), donated by Tania
Drown Chamberlin ’04, won by Charles S.
Bailey ’72
New Hampshire Streams picture/poem,
donated by Cathy Allen Calef ’74, won by
Edie Twombly Kimball ’60
Coe-Brown bear (knitted outfit), donated
by Arlene Whittemore Johnson ’42
(teacher), won by Patricia Houlihan
Sweisthal ’61
Knitted scarf, donated by Carol Farr Tucker
’60, won by Mary Maynard Gagne ’79
Bird house, donated by Roberta Wallace
Stearns ’57, won by Joe Holmes ’46
Crocheted afghan, donated by Gloria
Young, won by Arthur Nutter ’48
The door prize—a beautiful chest
made and donated by the CBNA
woodworking shop—was won by Grace
Bartlett Perkins ’49.
Come and join the fun at
the next Alumni Banquet on
June 12, 2010.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Visions — Fall 2009 9
CBNA golf tournament raises
$3,700 for academy’s endowment fund
The fourth annual Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
(CBNA) Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament was held on
June 12 at Candia Woods Golf Links and raised $3,700 for
the academy’s endowment fund. The lead sponsors for the
tournament were Graystone Builders of Strafford and Fred
Fuller Oil Company of Hudson.
Thirty-five golfers participated with the team of Steve
Leighton, Donna Leighton, Jim Kelly and Brad Kelly
emerging as the winners with a gross score of 66. The second
place team consisted of Randy Burgess, Robert Woodman,
Jim Langley and Bill Wainright; their gross score was 68.
Northwood Power Equipment was the hole-in-one
sponsor again this year, although no one was lucky enough to
win a tractor. Hole sponsors for this year’s tournament were
Holy Rosary Regional Credit Union, Northwood Physical
Therapy, Northwood Diner, Meyer Family Dentistry, CoeBrown Alumni Association, M.D. Tasker Construction of
Northwood, Civil Consultants of Dover, Whitcher Builders
of Strafford, Dowling Corporation of Portsmouth, Sign
Spectrum of Northwood and The Inn at Deerfield, a home for
elders with dementia.
Raffle and tournament prize sponsors were WalMart Rochester, Hannaford Concord, Spinelli Cinemas,
Chadbourn’s Restaurant and Gift Shop of Northwood,
Smuttynose Brewing Company, Dunkin’ Donuts of
Northwood, Irving Mainway of Northwood, Northwood
Garage, Nippo Lake Golf Club, Candia Woods Golf Links,
Collins Sports Center, Shaw’s Supermarket Concord, Fisher
Cats Baseball, the Lazy Lion Café of Deerfield, Mountain
Road Trading Post and Coca-Cola of Northern New England.
Heritage True Value Hardware of Northwood sponsored
the Closest to the Pin Contest, which was won by Trevor
Mauck ‘02. New England Dragway donated the prize for the
Longest Putt, which was won by Joy Wood.
Thank You!
Brandon Boggs ’02, Micah Smith ’04, Isaiah Smith ’02 and Trevor
Mauck ‘02
Next year’s tournament is scheduled
for Saturday, June 12, 2010,
at Nippo Lake Golf Course
in Barrington.
Mark your calendar and plan to
join us for a fun-filled day that
benefits a great cause!
Shirley Webber, Blanche Garone, Madeline Clark and Dorothy
10 Visions — Fall 2009
CBNA Trustee Stuart Mitchell IV (father of Stuart V
’08 and Skyler ’12), David Towson, Donald Bullerwell
(grandfather of Alexandra ‘12 and Abbey ‘13
Steve and Donna Leighton (parents of Kate ’04 and Ashley
’06), Jim Kelly and Brad Kelly
CBNA Assistant Headmaster Paul Davis, Kevin Madison
(father of Emily ’11 and Eli ‘13), Tom Lavigne and David
CBNA faculty members Mark Struthers, Emily Crompton, Matt Skidds
and Sam Struthers
Randy Burgess, Robert Woodman, Jim Langley and Bill
Wainright (all from Fuller Oil Co.)
Harland Stevens, Steve Guptill ’75, David Newell ’52 and
Paul Guptill ‘52
Visions — Fall 2009 1 1
Annual Giving by Donor Category
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
CBNA Chronicle
Nathan C. Lake, Jr., Memorial
CBNA Heritage
George N. Cate Scholarships
CBNA Benefactor
Alumni Scholarships
Headmaster’s Society
Boeing Corp.
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship
CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarships
Dodge Truck Scholarship
Ann Gifford ’49
Fred Fuller Oil Co.
Frisbee Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship
Gerald F. Giles ’47
Graystone Builders, Inc.
Harding Metals
Harvey Lake Woman’s Club
Ryan Kane Scholarships
Lion’s Club Scholarships
Northwood Fire and Rescue
John O’Brien Memorial Scholarship
Strafford Women’s Club Scholarships
Bruce A. Viel Scholarships
CBNA Council ($500-$999)
Vincent “Mike” Bane Scholarship
Barrington Women’s Club Scholarship
David Behm Music Scholarship
Norma A. Cater ’41
CBNA National Honor Society
CBNA Student Council Leadership Scholarships
Betsy and James Colburn †
Brenda Lynne and Robert Daley
Denise Elliott Dennett Scholarship
12 Visions — Fall 2009
Bruce Farr and Judith Sanderson †
Golf Tournament Raffle/Mulligan
Ann E. Helmboldt Memorial Scholarship
Jeanne and Robert A. Johnson †
Just Us Cardinals Scholarships
Renee Laberge Scholarship
Charles McCormick Memorial
Northwood Crankpullers Scholarship
Northwood Elementary Teachers
Association Scholarship
Patti Roberge Memorial Scholarships
Stephen Roberts
Strafford Garden Club Scholarship
SOPA Scholarships
Peter A. Trump
CBNA Patron ($250-$499)
Terrence J. Beach ’97
Althea “Bunny” Behm †
Nick Conidas
Marilyn ’53 and Robert ’49 Deem
Martin F. Blood ’81
Deerfield Ferns
Priscilla Foss ’64
Elizabeth ’48 and George ’45 Geers
Paul J. Guptill ’52
Craig Holmes ’74
Holy Rosary Credit Union
Elizabeth Imler ’69
Norman and Helen Johnson Scholarship
Thomas Linnell ’76
Phyllis A. MacPherson
Fred Mason
Kevin McCarthy
Middleton Chiropractic
Northwood Garage
O-Bees Electric
William O’Neal Oratory Award
Orr & Reno
Vin Porcella
David Ruth
Ryan Construction
Sandy Point Restaurant
Wade R. Sauls ’84
Ralph “Duke” Seavey, Jr., Scholarship
Jessica A. Snider ’01
Mary J. Snider ’75
Gene F. and Roberta N. Stearns ’57 †
Michael and Jean St. Laurent
Patricia Sweisthal ’61
CBNA Club ($100-$249)
Annual Merit Scholarship established by David Whitcher †
Audrey M. Abbott ’62
William Andreason ’51
Christine Archambault
Joann and Robert E. Bailey ’45 †
Edith C. Ballard ’40
Clifford S. Bane ’53
Merl L. Bartels ’42
F.K. Bassett and Sons Heating and
Richard Bengtson ’53
Christina Blanchard Memorial
L. Gail Brown ’66
William Brown, Sr. ’59
Candia Woods Golf Links
Frances C. Carlson ’43
Civil Consultants
Don J. Clifford ’80
CBNA Alumni Association
CBNA School Activities Account
Steven M. ’85 and Wendi L. Colby *
Curves for Women Northwood
Dowling Corp.
Glenn K. Currie
Sheri DeTrude ’73 †
Lois DeTrude
Carrie Einbinder ’90
L. Sherman Elliott ’57
Suzi Falcone ’74
Foot Locker
Lois Foss ’52
Paul Garland ’70
Gary O. Goldsmith ’66
Dagne Goodwin
Grafton County Farm Bureau
Linda ’77 and James Grant †
Barbara Gray ’56
Dana Haley Custom Builder, Inc.
Hannaford Northwood
Michael ’83 and Tami ’85 Hearn
Heritage True Value Hardware
Frederic N. Howe
Fred Holmes ’71
Inn at Deerfield
J&B Auto Sales
John and Patricia Jacobsmeyer
K&K Landscape Supplies
Lisa M. Kennard ’80
Edith N. Kimball ’60
Pearl Y. King ’53
Paul Lacroix *
Andrew J. and Jean W. Lane
June Leone ’50
Dean A. Lester ’79
Suzanne ’41 and Maxwell ’41
Kelby S. Longueil ’90
Carole M. Luedtke ’80
Kenneth W. Magoon, Sr. ’53
Robert L. Magoon, Sr. ’56
Debbie Marden ’75
B. Lee Mason †
Raymond Mason *
William J. McGowen ’64
MD Tasker Construction, Inc.
Robert L. Meatty ’58
Meyer Family Dentistry
David A. Miller
Zolin Moses ’63
Mountain Road Trading Post
Joan Nelson ’54
New England Employee Benefits, Co., Inc.
Coral G. Nieder ’62
Nippo Lake Golf Club
Michael P. Nolin ’58
Northwood Diner, LLC
Northwood Physical Therapy
Northwood Power Equipment
Lorraine ’56 and Paul ’54
Ben and Bernice Raffaele †
Susan and Joseph Reed
Jean M. Richner ’40
Genevieve Rogers ’36
Route 4 Motors
Sophia G. Savage ’02
David S. Smith *
Ginger Snow ’89
S.P.A.C.E.—NH’s Current
Use Coalition
Kathryn Stoker ’67
Beth and Mark Struthers *
Tape-O Corporation
Jeffrey ’76 and Diane ’76
Daniel ’74 and Melinda ’75
Barbara J. Thompson ’56
Jean R. Tudor ’46
Keith and Kimberly Turgeon
Dennis A. Tuttle ’65
James D. Tuttle ’69
John M. Tuttle ’67
Ralph E. Twombly ’51
Brenda A. Weeks ’60
Ralph Wegner
Kenneth L. Weyler
Whitcher Builders
Charles M. Whitten *
Bigelow Wood ’54
James Yeaton ’78
Pamela Young ’77
CBNA Bear’s Den ($1-$99)
Dawn Almazan
David and Sally ’69 Aseltine *
Christine Averill ’71
Anne S. Bailey ’77
Mary Ann Bailey ’46
Craig L. Balben ’93
Phyllis E. Bane
Richard E. Bartels ’67
Carroll and Arlene Bassett
Lori Bassett †
Eileen Bedard
C. Pat Bedford
Irene Blenis
Blue Loon Pizzeria
Brandon D. Boggs ’02
William L. Brackett ’66
Aen Brauer ’69
Sharolyn L. and Everett Brown ’73
Donald S. Bullerwell
Robert L. Burklund ’51
Linda Burtt ’60
Bill Buxton
Dorothy Campbell
Ryan H. Chadbourn ’02
Chadbourns Gift Shop
Madeline Clark
Heidi Cleveland *
Coca Cola of Northern New
Karen Cofferen ’74
Paul and Lorraine Colby
Michael and Reina Collins
Collins Sports Center
Melisa A. Connors ’90
Eleanor Corbin ’57
Emily Crompton *
John Crummey ’42
Crystal Lake Club Homeowners
Association, Inc.
Anne and James B. Cullen †
Greg L. Cullen ’01
Al Dalrymple ’52
Jolene A. Damon ’99
Walter Damon *
Donald and Barbara Danklefsen
Paul Davis *
David Deardorff *
Diana M. DeCota ’78
William Demmons ’59
Alissa DeTrude ’04
Kevin M. DeTrude ’01
Irene Dowst
Maureen Duffy
Dunkin Donuts Northwood
Linda J. Eastman ’76
Nancy E. Edmunds ’63
Devon Farr ’09
Jeffrey Farr ’99
Brenda Feaster ’78
Fisher Cats Baseball
Cheryl Ann Fitzgerald ’65
Caryn Lasky * and Duane Ford †
Jane Fortier
Jill M. Forward *
Marie E. Fournier
Lisa Fraser ’96
Blanche Garone
Robert Gerity
Patricia A. Gerlt ’85
Granite Image
Rayne K. Griffiths ’84
In Memory of Frank L. Guptill ’48
Keith L. Guptill ’79
Kerry Guptill ’76
Steven L. Guptill ’75
Adrienne Hall
Halo’s Hair Salon
Hannaford Concord
Mary Hathaway ’53
O. William B. Hayes ’36
Susan J. Heald
Bonnie K. Heisey ’84
Heather E. Herod ’99
Georgia E. Hodgman ’66
Susan Hutchins-Greene ’66
Keith and Rebecca L. Irvine ’64
Irving Mainway Northwood
Clinton Jackson ’77
Linda F. ’58 and Gene W. ’57
Andrew J. Jellie
Nicholas Jenisch ’98
Arlene Johnson
Susan and Samuel W. Johnson ’66
Melinda J. Josiah-Geaumont ’81
Brad Kelly
Jim Kelly
Carrie L. Kennedy *
Joy Kimball ’47
Shelley Kirschner ’73
Thomas W. Lavigne
Lazy Lion Café
Legacy Healthcare Services
Donna and Steve Leighton
Cathy A. Lindquist ’72
Emily J. Liskow ’25
David A. ’82 and Rebecca S. ’84
Marion Lovely ’54
Sally Low ’49
Judith D. Lynch ’66
Kevin D. Madison
Joan E. Magoon ’52
Helen C. Marison ’36
Marguerite Martinez ’59
Lindsey L. Mason ’02
Trevor A. Mauck ’02
Dennis McCann †
Stuart J. Mitchell †
Eleanor M. Morrison ’55
Gwen L. Mulcahey ’98
Joyce C. Munroe ’63
New England Dragway
David L. Newell ’52
John P. ’63 and Fran Newman *
Rita D. Nichols
Northwood House of Pizza
Timothy D. and Noreen A.
Alan E. ’86 and Carolyn ’87 O’Neal
Scott ’82 and Penny ’85 Osborne
Anne Onion *
Louise J. Palmer *
Joan A. Parent ’67
Charles Pease ’70
David Penfield
Norma C. Perkins ’39
Piece Time Puzzles
Sandra L. Priolo ’66
Dorothea M. Putnam ’54
Marjorie Pyle ’51
Amy Quinlan
Antoinette Raffaele ’09
Joseph Raffaele ’04
Sheila Rainey
Everett C. Robinson ’55
Thomas and Lena Rogler
Lemma L. Rollins ’43
Emil and Alma Schliessman Scholarship
Dianne E. Schuett
Lee Scott
Maylon T. Scott
Sea of Green Lawn Care
Marcia J. Severance ’62
Donna T. Sewall ’71
Shaws Concord
Janet L. Shea ’86
Diane Shores ’58
Irene M. Shores ’35
C. Douglas and Denise Simmons
Janet Simpson ’60
Matthew Skidds *
Isaiah D. Smith ’02
Micah Smith ’04
Phyllis Smith ’53
Elaine Solarz ’59
Jean E. Stapleford ’47
Earl E. Steinbrink
Dwight Stevens ’70
Harland Stevens
Thomas D. Stevens ’71
William W. Stevens ’66
Brian Stone ’77
Beverly J. Stover ’55
Strafford County Farm Bureau
Sam Struthers *
Mabel Sullivan ’59
Curtis M. Tasker ’97
Tasker’s Well Company
Joyce E. Thistle ’57
George L. Tilton ’47
Gail Towle ’57
Dave Townson
Corey A. Twombly ’87
Frederick P. Twombly ’60
Philip W. Twombly ’62
Roland I. Twombly ’62
Phyllis Vaillancourt ’59
Thomas J. Veinote ’64
Wal-Mart Rochester
Mark and Holly Walsh
Sarah M. Ward ’83
Shirley S. Webber
Ashton E. Welch ’60
Jennifer L. Wheet ’90 *
Jane Whelan
Robert H. White ’57
Shirley White ’49
James and Pauline Wimsatt
George W. Witham ’57
Mildred P. Wolak ’57
Joy Wood
Pamela Wood ’73
Camp Yavneh
Bruce W. Young ’49
In Memory of John M. Young ’49
* denotes CBNA faculty or staff
† denotes CBNA trustee or trustee
Annual Giving Totals
Annual Campaign:
Gifts in Kind:
Scholarship funds
Visions — Fall 2009 13
Annual Giving by Class
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
Class of 1935
In Memory of
Robert Johnson
Irene Shores
Total: $525.00
Class of 1936
O. William Hayes
Helen Marison
Total: $75.00
Class of 1949
Robert Deem
Ann Gifford
Sally Low
Shirley White
Bruce Young
In Memory of John Young
Total: $1,305.00
Class of 1939
Norma Perkins
Total: $25.00
Class of 1940
Edith Ballard
Jean Richner
Total: $225.00
Class of 1941
Norma Cater
Suzanne Lester
Maxwell Lester
Total: $600.00
Class of 1942
Merl Bartels
Total: $200.00
Class of 1943
Frances Carlson
Lemma Rollins
Total: $120.00
Class of 1945
Robert Bailey
George Geers
Total: $300.00
Class of 1946
Mary Ann Bailey
Jean Tudor
Total: $125.00
Class of 1950
June Leone
Total: $100.00
Class of 1951
William Andreason
Robert Burklund
Marjorie Pyle
Ralph Twombly
Total: $360.00
Class of 1952
Al Dalrymple
Lois Foss
Paul Guptill
Joan Magoon
David Newell
Total: $540.00
Class of 1953
Clifford Bane
Richard Bengtson
Marilyn Deem
Mary Hathaway
Pearl King
Kenneth Magoon
Phyllis Smith
Total: $575.00
Class of 1954
Marion Lovely
Paul O’Neal
Dorothea Putnam
Bigelow Wood
Total: $205.00
Class of 1947
Gerald Giles
Joy Kimball
Jean Stapleford
George Tilton
Total: $1,095.00
Class of 1955
Eleanor Morrison
Joan Nelson
Everett Robinson
Beverly Stover
Total: $225.00
Class of 1948
Elizabeth Geers
In Memory of Frank Guptill
Total: $225.00
Class of 1956
Barbara Gray
Robert Magoon
Lorraine O’Neal
14 Visions — Fall 2009
Barbara Thompson
Total: $350.00
Class of 1957
Eleanor Corbin
Sherman Elliott
Gene Jacques
Roberta Stearns
Joyce Thistle
Gail Towle
Robert White
George Witham
Mildred Wolak
Total: $1,125.00
Class of 1958
Linda Jacques
Robert Meatty
Micheal Nolin
Diane Shores
Total: $250.00
Class of 1959
William Brown
William Demmons
Marguerite Martinez
Elaine Solarz
Mabel Sullivan
Phyllis Vaillancourt
Total: $300.00
Class of 1960
Linda Burtt
Edith Kimball
Janet Simpson
Frederick Twombly
Brenda Weeks
Ashton Welch
Total: $435.00
Class of 1961
Patricia Sweisthal
Total: $250.00
Class of 1962
Audrey Abbott
Coral Nieder
Marcia Severance
Philip Twombly
Roland Twombly
Total: $325.00
Class of 1963
Nancy Edmunds
Zolin Moses
Joyce Munroe
John Newman
Total: $225.00
Class of 1964
Priscilla Foss
Rebecca Irvine
William McGowen
Thomas Veinote
Total: $455.00
Class of 1965
Cheryl Ann Fitzgerald
Dennis Tuttle
Total: $125.00
Class of 1966
William Brackett
L Brown
Gary Goldsmith
Georgia Hodgman
Susan Hutchins-Greene
Samuel Johnson
Judith Lynch
Sandra Priolo
William Stevens
Total: $400.00
Class of 1967
Richard Bartels
Joan Parent
Kathryn Stoker
John Tuttle
Total: $275.00
Class of 1969
Sally Aseltine
Aen Brauer
Elizabeth Imler
James Tuttle
Total: $525.00
Class of 1970
Paul Garland
Charles Pease
Dwight Stevens
Total: $175.00
Class of 1971
Christine Averill
Fred Holmes
Donna Sewall
Thomas Stevens
Total: $220.00
Class of 1972
Cathy Lindquist
Total: $50.00
Class of 1973
Sharolyn Brown
Everett Brown
Sheri DeTrude
Shelley Kirschner
Pamela Wood
Total: $280.00
Class of 1974
Karen Cofferen
Suzi Falcone
Craig Holmes
Daniel Tasker
Total: $510.00
Class of 1975
Steven Guptill
Debbie Marden
Mary Snider
Melinda Tasker
Total: $515.00
Class of 1976
Linda Eastman
Kerry Guptill
Thomas Linnell
Diane Tasker
Jeffrey Tasker
Total: $395.00
Class of 1977
Anne Bailey
Linda Grant
Clinton Jackson
Pamela Young
Total: $415.00
Class of 1978
Diana DeCota
Brenda Feaster
James Yeaton
Total: $175.00
Class of 1979
Keith Guptill
Dean Lester
Total: $175.00
Class of 1980
Don Clifford
Lisa Kennard
Carole Luedtke
Total: $400.00
Class of 1981
Martin Blood
Melinda JosiahGeaumont
Total: $275.00
Class of 1982
David Lovely
Scott Osborne
Brian Stone
Total: $65.00
Class of 1983
Micheal Hearn
Sarah Ward
Total: $75.00
Class of 1984
Rayne Griffiths
Bonnie Heisey
Rebecca Lovely
Wade Sauls
Total: $312.50
Class of 1985
Steven Colby
Patricia Gerlt
Tami Hearn
Penny Osborne
Total: $212.50
Class of 1986
Alan O’Neal
Janet Shea
Total: $45.00
Class of 1987
Carolyn O’Neal
Corey Twombly
Total: $50.00
Class of 1989
Ginger Snow
Total: $100.00
Class of 1990
Melisa Connors
Carrie Einbinder
Kelby Longueil
Jennifer Wheet
Total: $275.00
Class of 1993
Craig Balben
Total: $50.00
Class of 1994
Lisa Fraser
Total: $10.00
Class of 1997
Terrence Beach
Curtis Tasker
Total: $265.00
Class of 1998
Nicholas Jenisch
Emily Liskow
Gwen Mulcahey
Total: $100.00
Class of 1999
Jolene Damon
Jeffrey Farr
Heather Herod
Total: $100.00
Class of 2001
Greg Cullen
Kevin DeTrude
Jessica Snider
Total: $325.00
Class of 2002
Brandon Boggs
Ryan Chadbourn
Lindsey Mason
Trevor Mauck
Sophia Savage
Isaiah Smith
Total: $495.00
Class of 2004
Alissa DeTrude
Joseph Raffaele
Micah Smith
Total: $145.00
Class of 2009
Devon Farr
Total: $25.00
Total 2009
Myriah Allard
Matthew Anthony
Leah Bane
Jenelle Beaulieu
Tia Beckwith
Jacqueline Belbin
Chelsey Bell
Amy Belyea
David Berry
Tristan Blanchard
Nathaniel Bobowski
Allison Box
Allison Brackett
Bret Bradley
Ross Breton
Alan Burnell
Jason Buxton
David Carr
Aidan Cecchetti
Stephanie Champney
Ryan Chase
Rocky Chase-Burrows
Brandon Clark
Jared Companion
Taryn Connor
Krystal Costa
Jonathan Daigle
Kaitlyn Daugherty
Rebecca Davis
David Dean
Hannah DeBenedictis
Lydia-Ann DeBenedictis
Michelle DeButts
Nicholas DeFlumeri
Sandra Delisle
Stephanie DiVirgilio
Jacob Doyon
Alexander Drew
Victoria Duford
Zachary Edgecomb
Rhiannon Egan
Devon Farr
William Farrell
Abigail Fernandes
Robert Fioccoprile
Shauna Foley
Jennifer Forbes
Andre Francoeur
Joshua Frase
Shawn Fredette
Amanda French
Austin Frizzell
Michelle Gelinas
Summer Gerry
Ivy Gooch
David Grant
Kevin Grenier
Jesse Guckert
Randall Hall, Jr.
Joshua Hatchell
Morgan Hilow
Patrick Hodgdon
Gardner Hoey
Shane Horvath
Travis Hoyt
Kevin Hutchins
Terrence Hyland Jr.
Leigh Iber
Jihyon Im
Shain Jandebeur
Joseph Jarvis
Brianna Jean
Devin Jeannotte
Kassidy Johnson
Devan Jordan
Kristina Joy
Kayla Kearsey
Rebecca Lake
Louis-James Landry
Jordan LaPointe
Melissa Laurion
Ryan Lemieux
Aaron Libby
Zoe Lillis
Robert Macri, Jr.
Jacinta Madore
John Madore
Christopher Magner
Kayla Manning
Andrew Mason
Brianna Massicotte
Casey McGann
Kyle McHugh
Stephen Moore II
Adriane Moreno
Margaret Morlang
Jessica Morrill
Alexis Morrisette
Jason Morton
Veronica Noble
Dylan O’Ceallaigh
Jonathan O’Connell
Dillon O’Connor
Oluwaseun Odueyungbo
Rebecca Paine
Karyn Pepin
James Peterson
Justin Peterson
Gabrielle Phaneuf
Daron Philbrick
Liam Pillsbury
Wayne Pincence
Mykel Poisson
Matthew Powers
Ashley Raczka
Antoinette Raffaele
Cordelia Reagan
Benjamin Reed
Jonathan Reid
Jason Robertson
Kyle Rothemich
Justin Routhier
Izaak Ruel
Derek Santiago
Abigail Sargent
Tylee Schraufnagel
Ricky Senter
Philip Shiere
Jess Skeffington-Ward
Michael Slattery
Evan Spaulding
Matthew St. Laurent
Lucy Sutton
Brian Theriault
Reid Thibeault
Cherylyn Thorne
Kendra Tilton
Amanda Torosian
Timothy Trask
Ashton Twombly
Sarah Vachon
Cody Webster
Michelle Wegner
Wendy Wegner
Tucker White
Lea Wiley
Sarah Wilkins
Ashley Williams
Kaitlin Wood
Kayla Wood
Kimberly Worcester
Chelsea Yergeau
Visions — Fall 2009 15
Scholarships and Awards
Commencement 2009
Ann E. Helmboldt Memorial Scholarship, Alex Drew..........$500
Annual Merit Scholarship established by David Whitcher,
Michelle Wegner.................................................................$200
Just Us Cardinals Scholarship, Morgan Hilow.........................$250
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship,
Tylee Schraufnagel.......................................................... $1,500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Allison Box.................................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Taryn Connor............................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Joshua Frase................................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Austin Frizzell............................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Morgan Hilow...........................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Melissa Laurion..........................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Adriane Moreno........................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Jason Robertson.........................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Tylee Schraufnagel....................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Philip Shiere...............................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Lucy Sutton................................$500
George N. Cate Scholarship, Michelle Wegner.......................$500
Just Us Cardinals Scholarship, Andrew Mason........................$250
CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarship, Cordelia Reagan........$350
CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarship, Alan Burnell...............$350
CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarship, Shane Jandebeur........$300
CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship,
Melissa Laurion....................................................................$300
CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship,
Aiden Cicchetti...................................................................$300
Northwood Crankpullers Scholarship, Brianna Jean..............$500
Brenda Lynne and Robert Daley Scholarship,
Josh Frase...............................................................................$300
Brenda Lynne and Robert Daley Scholarship,
Taryn Connor......................................................................$300
Vincent “Mike” Bane Scholarship, Reid Thibeault.................$500
Norman and Helen Johnson Scholarship, Liam Pillsbury.....$250
CBNA Student Council Leadership Scholarship,
LJ Landry..............................................................................$300
CBNA Student Council Leadership Scholarship,
Jason Robertson...................................................................$300
CBNA Student Council Leadership Scholarship,
Shauna Foley.........................................................................$300
William O’Neal Oratory Award, Austin Frizzell.....................$400
Denise Elliott Dennett Scholarship, Lydia DeBenedictis......$500
Emil and Alma Schliessman Scholarship,
Hannah White ’06................................................................$30
David Behm Music Scholarship, Rebecca Lake........................$500
SOPA Scholarship, Rebecca Lake...............................................$250
SOPA Scholarship, Addie Moreno.............................................$250
16 Visions — Fall 2009
Ralph “Duke” Seavey, Jr., Scholarship, Hannah DeBenedictis........$250
Bruce A. Viel Scholarship, Jonathan Daigle........................................$500
Bruce A. Viel Scholarship, Seun Odugyungbo...................................$500
Bruce A. Viel Scholarship, Kim Worcester..........................................$500
Alumni Scholarship, Brian Theriault.....................................................$500
Alumni Scholarship, Jihyon Im...............................................................$500
Alumni Scholarship, Allison Box...........................................................$500
Alumni Scholarship, Ross Breton..........................................................$500
Alumni Scholarship, Jordan LaPointe...................................................$500
Alumni Scholarship, Hannah White ’06..............................................$500
Alumni Scholarship, Kimberly Felber ’06............................................$500
Northwood Fire and Rescue Scholarship, Jason Buxton...................$500
Northwood Fire and Rescue Scholarship, Jihyon Im.........................$500
John O’Brien Memorial Scholarship, Nathan Legere ’08............. $1,000
Lion’s Club Scholarship, Michelle Wegner..........................................$500
Lion’s Club Scholarship, Reid Thibeault..............................................$500
Strafford Women’s Club Scholarship, Tylee Schraufnagel............... $500
Strafford Women’s Club Scholarship, Adriane Moreno................... $500
Strafford Garden Club Scholarship, Tylee Schraufnagel.................. $500
Northwood Elementary Teachers Association Scholarship,
Reid Thibeault............................................................................... $500
Renee Laberge Scholarship, Lucy Sutton............................................ $500
Harvey Lake Woman’s Club Scholarship,
Hannah DeBenedictus................................................................. $500
Harvey Lake Woman’s Club Scholarship, Jihyon Im........................ $500
Christina Blanchard Memorial Scholarship,
Tylee Schraufnagel.........................................................................$200
Frisbee Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship, Tylee Schraufnagel........ $2,000
Nathan Coleman Lake, Jr., Memorial Scholarship,
Tylee Schraufnagel...................................................................$10,000
Barrington Women’s Club Scholarship, Kim Worcester...................$500
Patti Roberge Memorial Scholarship, Jessica Morrill.........................$250
Patti Roberge Memorial Scholarship, Brian Theriault.......................$250
Charles McCormick Memorial Scholarship, David Carr.................$500
Ryan Kane Scholarship, Rhiannon Egan..............................................$500
Ryan Kane Scholarship, Brian Theriault...............................................$500
Dodge Truck Scholarship, Devon Farr............................................. $1,000
Congratulations, Class of 2009!
1 (left to right) Aaron Libby, Stephanie
Champney, Shane Horvath and Sean
2 Michelle and Wendy Wegner
3 CBNA faculty member Gary Colby ’81 looks
on as Gardiner Hoey and Kayla Kearsey
enter the gymnasium
4 Jihyon Im with her mother, Kum Lee, and
brother Seonghyon ‘11
5 Veronica Noble and sibling
6 David Carr, winner of the Charles
McCormick Memorial Scholarship, with
CBNA music teacher Bruce McCormick
7 Junior Marshalls Sarah Fenerty and Sam
Class of
ACADEMY 907 First New Hampshire Turnpike
Northwood, New Hampshire 03261
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Please inform the CBNA Development and Alumni
Affairs Office of any changes in your address.
The 2009 CBNA Girls Softball Team: (front row, left to right) Nicole LeMauk, Cara Fowler, Hailey Locke, Jamie Osborne, Tia
Beckwith, Emmaline Horne and Bryanna Allis; (back row, left to right) Coach Tim Tenasco, Corinne LeMauk, Kelly Worcester,
Katherine Wysocki, Lindsay St. Cyr, Emilie French, Mariah Bisson, Jaedyn Bedell, Kim Comtois and Olivia Daigle. Partially obscured
behind the players are assistant coaches Bob Salisbury and Devon Beckwith. Missing from the photo is Marissa Beaudoin.