Fall 2005 - Coe-Brown Northwood Academy


Fall 2005 - Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
Entire Student Body in 1905
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907 First New Hampshire Turnpike
Northwood, NH 03261
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907 First New Hampshire Turnpike
Northwood, New Hampshire 03261
Vidimus, Videmus & Videbimus
Headmaster: David S. Smith
James Colburn, President
Douglas Peterson, Vice President
J. B. Cullen, Secretary
Duane Ford, Treasurer
Robert Bailey ’45
Bunny Behm
Sheri Guptill DeTrude ’73, Past President
Jane Gettens
James Grant
Christopher J. Knox, D.O. ‘85
B. Lee Mason, Former Headmaster
Stuart Mitchell IV
Judith Sanderson, Past President
Roberta Wallace Stearns, Ph.D. ’57, Past President
David Whitcher
G. Wells Anderson, Trustee Emeritus
Robert Carr ’48, Trustee Emeritus
George Geers ’45, Trustee Emeritus
Robert Grant ’53, Trustee Emeritus
Robert Johnson ’35, Trustee Emeritus
William Lord, Trustee Emeritus
Samuel W. Johnson, Jr. ’66, President
Debbie Burklund Marden ’75, Vice President
Julie Allen Snell ’87, Secretary
Robin Burklund Drown ’76, Corresponding Secretary
Genevieve Rogers ’36 Associate, Scholarship Chair
Brian Allen ’82
Charles S. Bailey ‘72
Gretchen Pratt Colpritt ‘90
Linda Lovely Eastman ‘76
Barbara Holmes Pratt ’65
Editor: Carolyn J. Smith
Associate Editor: Roberta Wallace Stearns ’57
Editorial Assistance: Sharon Savasuk, Sally Aseltine '69
Photography: Paul Lacroix, Kathy Biery, CBNA Archives, Ginny
Rogers, Carolyn J. Smith, McLean Stevens Studio, Susan
Johnson, Betty Olivolo ‘67
Design: Terelar Advertising Productions LLC
Printing: Franklin Printing
Visions is published for the alumni, parents and
friends of Coe-Brown Northwood Academy.
CBNA Board of Trustees - Seated: Jane Gettens, Roberta Stearns ’57, James Colburn,
Sheri DeTrude ’73, Judith Sanderson; Standing: Duane Ford, Lee Mason, Robert Bailey ’45,
David Whitcher, James Grant, Bunny Behm
Annual Fund Appeal ............................................................ Inside Front
Board of Trustees and Table of Contents ...................................... Page 1
Polly Pinkham’s Legacy .................................................................. Page 2
A Look at 1890................................................................................ Page 3
The 136th Commencement .......................................................... Page 4
The Valedictorian and Salutatorian of 2005 .................................. Page 6
Other Top Graduates ...................................................................... Page 7
Commencement Scholarships........................................................ Page 9
The Class of 2005; Commencement Awards ................................ Page 9
Reunion 2005 .............................................................................. Page 10
Profile, Betty Bailey Olivolo ‘67 .................................................. Page 12
Annual Giving by Donor Category .............................................. Page 14
Annual Giving by Class................................................................ Page 15
Gifts in Kind ................................................................................ Page 16
Inscribe a Tile.......................................................................... Inside Back
CBNA Inaugural
June 9, 2006
June 10, 2006
CBNA is establishing an FFA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION and
membership is open to former active, collegiate and honorary
FFAmembers, present and former professional agricultural educators,
FFA members' parents and others who are interested.
Please contact Charles Whitten at cwhitten@coebrownacademy.com or
Sarah Ward at sward@coebrownacademy.com for more information.
Pinkham Hall... Named One Hundred Twenty Six Years After Construction
By Carolyn J. Smith
At Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s
June Reunion 2005, a long-overdue
name for the old, original building
was announced by Past Board President Roberta Wallace Stearns ’57
as many alumni gathered, in
that very same old building,
to renew their connections
with their beloved school and
with each other. The building
was named for and dedicated
to the memory of Eleanor
“Polly” Tasker Pinkham ’40
and her husband Walter
“Junior” Pinkham Jr. ’39.
Roberta Stearns, who knew
the Pinkhams very well, commented that it was rather sad that
both had died without knowing
that their dedication and commitment to the school they so dearly loved
and so truly served would be memorialized in
such a momentous way. Walter died ten years ago and Polly
passed away in February 2004.
Polly, in particular, had an enormous impact on the lives
of young CBNA graduates. As Chair of the CBNA Alumni Association Scholarship Committee for years, Polly’s name was
synonymous with generosity. She began the scholarship program in the early 1970’s and kept it going by soliciting donations door-to-door in the community; the interest on the entire
amounts she raised each year was donated directly to scholarships for Coe-Brown Northwood Academy students.
When a local woman, Esther Crandall, gave Polly’s scholarship program a gift of $5,000 in the late 1970’s, it was with
the understanding that only the interest could be awarded.
Over the years the fund grew, with Polly’s careful tending, into
nearly $100,000, with most of the money invested in government securities, and a small amount kept in a money market
savings account for dispersion. Over the years, as the scholarship fund grew, so did the scholarships, to amounts of $500
and $1,000 being awarded annually during Commencement
ceremonies. And so, each year, as the Alumni Scholarships
are announced, many in the audience will remember the
benefactor who created and managed the Alumni Scholarship
Fund so diligently and so well.
Polly’s involvement in civic affairs, while maintaining a
62-year career at Globe Firefighters, Inc. where she became
Vice President of Manufacturing, included her 13 years as the
town’s first female selectman. She was Police Commissioner
for Northwood, served on the Planning Board and served on
a number of town organizations, including the Budget Committee, Road Committee, Planning Board and the Bi-Centennial
Committee. In addition to all these activities, Polly found time
to enjoy gardening, camping and traveling.
When she announced the Pinkham Hall dedication,
Roberta Stearns commented, “Everyone knew where Polly
stood. She certainly was an independent person and the
Academy is independent of the town.”
Pinkham Hall is an elegant old Victorian, with its gorgeous tin ceilings intact. In the December 1890 edition of
Coe’s Academy Breeze, a little local newspaper, the gift made
through the munificence of Mr. E.S. Coe of Bangor, Maine, is
described: The Academy received the gift of a magnificent new
edifice, three stories high and basement, with recitation rooms
and ample halls, sufficient for the accommodation of at least
200 pupils.
Though renovated and modernized, the aura of
that gracious old
building still pervades. Known for
generations as ‘the
old building’ or ‘the
original building’,
Coe’s 1879 gift has
now, finally, been
dignified with an
outstanding name
that celebrates the
life and accomplishments of Polly
Tasker Pinkham for
her intelligence and
integrity, her conscientiousness, diligence, determination and enduring
concern for others. Eleanor “Polly” Tasker Pinkham ’40 and her husband
Generations ofCoe- Walter Pinkham, Jr. ‘39
Brown Northwood
Academy students have benefited from her philanthropy and
generations more shall as well. As her final legacy to the
school she and her husband so truly cherished, she left funds
to the Pinkham Endowment totaling $158,683.93.
Pinkham Hall is, finally, well and appropriately named.
Polly and Ginny Rogers at Reunion 2002.
From Coe’s Academy Breeze, December 1890
This academy is now 23 years old, it being
incorporated under the laws of New Hampshire in 1867. The name was then Northwood
Academy, and the building, which is now the
wing of the present structure, stood on land between the parsonage and church. The top of the
cupola of this building now occupies a place
in the orchard back of the Principal’s home,
where it will doubtless, at some distant date,
serve as the roof of a summer house.
In 1875, the legislators changed the name
of the institution to Coe’s Northwood Academy, and four years later by the munificence
of Mr. E. S. Coe, of Bangor, Maine, the academy received the gift of a magnificent new
edifice, three stories high and basement,
with recitation rooms and ample halls, sufficient for the accommodation of at least
200 pupils. The grounds were graded at great
expense and a beautiful grove was fitted out
near the buildings. In 1887 the Principal’s home
was added by Mr. Coe, a large and commodious house fitted for the use of boarding pupils,
with ten acres of land and an adjoining wood
lot. Other improvements have been added from
time to time, till now the Academy can compare favorably with any in the state.
Principals: During the past 24 years the
Academy has had the following Principals:
Rev. E. C. Cogswell, 1866-1881; Ira W. Holt,
A.M., 1881-1884; Geo. W. Bingham, A.M.,
1884-1885; A. H. Arms, A.B., 1885-1886; W. P.
Kelley, A.B., 1886-1887; Rev. S. G. Norcross,
1887-1888; E. L. Blaine, A.M., 1888-1890;
F. L. Pattee, A.B., 1890Expenses: The tuition in all academic
branches is $20 per year. Board in private families can be secured at from $3.00 to $4.00
per week; room rent from $5.00 to $6.00 per
term. Pupils living near enough to the school
to return home on Friday nights, can secure
room, wood, lights and board at a charge of
$2.50 per week. Or, if wishing to stay the entire week, the same accommodations can be
secured at a charge of $3.50 per week. Let no
pupil within a radius of twenty-five miles of
the academy be debarred from attending on
account of expense. Rooms in abundance can
be secured at a low price, which the pupil
may fit up to board himself, and the whole
money cost of a term in the academy need
not exceed $15. At New Hampton, Tilton and
other academies, scores of young men board
themselves. Why not at Coe’s Academy?
Location: Northwood Centre is best
reached via Epsom and the Northwood Stage.
Pupils arriving at Epsom on the Suncook Valley railroad, any time before six o’clock p.m.,
can reach Northwood Centre the same night.
Few schools of the same grade are more fortunately located than Coe’s Academy in respect to freedom from temptation to evil. There
are no saloons or places where intoxicants are
sold; no places of idle resort and no foreign
population. The community is a sober and
church-going one. The discipline of the school
is mild, yet firm and decided.
Scenery: Strangers visiting Northwood
for the first time are always captivated by the
beautiful scenery by which it is surrounded.
The academy stands on a gentle rise, not a
stone’s throw from Harvey Lake, as beautiful
a gem as New Hampshire can boast. In summer its surface is covered with a profusion of
delicate water lilies. From the school room,
one’s eye can take in the whole expanse of
the lake at a glance, and watch its differing
moods and shades as the wind toys with its
waters or the water-fowl break its surface.
Courses: There are three courses of study:
the usual classical courses which prepares for
any American college; the English and Classical, which admits to the Latin Scientific Course
of nearly every New England college; the English course designed for those who do not
wish to pursue an education further than the
limits of the advantages opened by the Academy. Four exercises required of each pupil per
term, either essays or declamations. Diplomas
are awarded to those who satisfactorily complete any of the regular courses. No classes may
be formed after the beginning of the term.
Trustees of Coe’s Academy: The government of the academy is vested in a board of
eleven trustees, who have power to elect their
own successors. Albert O. Brown, A.M., President, Manchester; Hon. Woodbury M. Durgin,
Northwood Narrows; George W. Brown, A.M.,
Derry; William D. Watson, Secretary, Northwood Narrows; John G. Mead, Esq., Treasurer, Northwood Centre; John B. Clarke, Northwood Centre; John T. Cate, Northwood; John
M. Moses, A.M., Northwood Ridge; George
W. Cate, Amesbury, Mass.; Albert B. Moore,
Northwood Centre.
Alumni Association: The association meets
yearly. Albert O. Brown, President; Harriet
A. Sanborn, J. Edward Bartlett, Secretaries.
A Look at 1890
Northwood Centre, Dec. 8, 1890
“This little sheet, Northwood’s pioneer
paper, is published to advance the interests of
Coe’s Northwood Academy. This institution is
very much alive at the present time and is
growing daily. It now has three complete
courses of study to offer its patrons, courses
which are as well arranged and as complete
as are offered by any academy in the state. It
can now fit for all the leading colleges. Its
chemical and philosophical apparatus is of
the first-class, while it has a complete set of
surveying instruments and a library of nearly
one thousand volumes. Owing to the frequent
change of Principals during the past few years,
the Academy had reached a low ebb, but the
flow has now begun in the right direction and
for the past two years the growth of the school
has been a steady and uniformly increasing
one. Every energetic academy should have a
mouthpiece to sound forth to the world its
prosperity, and Coe’s Academy can no longer
keep silent.”
“The academy has for a long time had its
eyes upon the romantic little island in the lake,
only a stone’s throw from its belfry, but the
owners find equal attractions to it and refuse
to let it go. This could be easily made one of
the most charming parks in this section of the
state. When Coe’s Academy becomes Coe’s
University, all the colleges will turn green with
envy when they look from this fairy island
out upon our lovely little lake.”
Local News: “Cogswell Hall is now full to
overflowing. The Academy is now connected
by telephone with Bennett Hall. Mr. Cogswell’s
picture will be placed in the reception room.”
“A long needed improvement is being
made in the academy library. The bookcase
now in use which accommodates only a part
of the books and which has been an inconvenient and unsightly object so long, will be
removed and in its place will be constructed
a series of shelves capable of holding all the
books in the library. The cabinet containing
the geological specimens and the records will
be replaced by a more convenient one which
will allow some arrangement of the specimens
and at the same time be an ornament to the
room. This will contain a card catalogue to
the library.”
“Penmanship will probably be added to
the course soon. Those wishing to take painting
lessons can secure terms from the preceptress”.
“Anyone who has climbed Academy Hill
on a cold day will appreciate the name of this
“Football topics have taken the attention
of many of the pupils. Sympathy is generally
with Yale.”
“The pond is frozen and the skating fine.
The weather this past week has been cold
enough to satisfy the most critical.”
Betty '48 and George Geers '45 donated the old publication to Coe-Brown Northwood Academy's Archives. The Geers' son had purchased the 1890 paper at an auction.
The 136th Commencement
By Carolyn J. Smith
Class of 1905
com-mence’ ment (n.) The day when, or the
ceremonies at which, degrees or diplomas are
conferred; the festivities at this time.
Craig Carlson, Jill Weeks, and Joshua Gagnon peeking out of doorway
For all these 136 years, in different places and in different
ceremonial robes or outfits, the graduating classes of the school
now known as Coe-Brown Northwood Academy, have begun
their adult lives when they took part in Commencement.
Graduation classes at the venerable old school were once
very small at Northwood Academy in 1867, which then became
Coe’s Northwood Academy by 1875.
In the years around 1905, young women dressed in stiffly
high-necked white Victorian gowns that had tiny cinched waists
and wore their hair swept high in pompadours. The young men
wore equally stiff,
high-necked,- boiled
collars and black
suits tightly buttoned
to mid-chest. Their
hair was shiny and
slicked back. The
twelve graduates of
the Class of 1905
were: Myrtle Frances
Brown, who married
Dr. A. E. Grant; Ina
Alice Clark; Charles
Everett Day, who married Ruth Corliss;
Myrtle Ola Day Hillsgrove; Edna Marie
Quimby; Harold Wallace Quimby; Harold
Merton Smith; Sarah
Whittier Swain; Bertha
Alice Trickey; Mina
Marshalls Holly Peterson and Nathan Bassett led
the processional.
Elsie Trickey; Everett Arthur Watson, who married Lena
Kearney; and Marie Sarah Watson Woodbury.
One hundred years later, at the May 27, 2005 Commencement ceremonies, young ladies still wore white but the young
men wore bright crimson, Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s
trademark colors.
Before the ceremony, the graduates and the hundreds and
hundreds of people who had come to participate in the festivities of Commencement 2005 smiled and hugged and wished
each other well. It was a joyous time as caps were straightened
and corsages were pinned on and places were found. Aboutto-become-graduates peered from the doorways, trying to find
Valedictorian Else Horne and Salutatorian Liana Merrill marched with
radiant smiles.
Class President Jon Philip Zameron with Elisabeth Bailey and Tiffany Allen
Jean Cumings congratulates Joshua Crary.
their families in the throng. Kids wrote in each other’s yearbooks and whispered words in each other’s ears, to capture the
magic of this last evening when they would all be together as
a class. There was, of course, a hint of nostalgia, too.
And then this very large class of 144 students marched
into the gym to the traditional Pomp and Circumstance behind
the Class Marshalls, Nathan J. Bassett and Holly N. Peterson,
who elegantly kept time to the music performed by the CBNA
band with the traditional beribboned batons. In a wave of brilliant colors – white and crimson with splashes of gold, purple,
blue – and with radiant smiles, the young men and women of
2005 processed down the aisle and found their seats. The Rev.
Donald W. Plummer delivered a particularly memorable Invocation to the class in which his son Andrew is a member.
Class President Jon Philip Zamarron welcomed his classmates and the huge audience to the 137th Commencement.
The Valedictory address by Elsa G. Horne followed and Salutatorian Liana E. Merrill spoke after a lovely musical selection
by the CBNA Chorus.
A particularly moving tribute, by Bob Chadbourn, representative of the Saddleback Mountain Lion’s Club, praised
Joshua Crary for his steadfast courage and determination to
overcome a condition many of his classmates were not really
aware of, not because they didn’t care but because he drew no
attention to it. Legally blind, Joshua went about his days without complaint. When Mr. Chadbourne presented the scholarship to Joshua, his classmates surged to their feet applauding
his fortitude and brave character.
Science teacher Jean Cumings presented the CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarships, one of which was awarded to
Joshua Crary, who will attend the University of New Hampshire where he plans to major in music. It was a particularly
exciting evening for Ms. Cumings, whose son Joel Kutylowski
was among the graduates.
James Colburn, President of the Board, and Douglas
Peterson, Trustee, assisted Headmaster
David Smith with the
presentation of diplomas. It was a very special evening for Mr.
Peterson, especially
when he presented
the diploma to his
son Derek. In keeping
with his tradition,
Mr. Smith tossed the
tassels of each graduate whom he had individually addressed,
all 144 of them, at
Baccalaureate three
evenings before.
The music was incredibly beautiful, the
sense of tradition and
the acknowledgment
of the past,present and
future of the school in
Northwood were palpable. It was a lovely,
festive ceremony.
Headmaster Smith tossing the tassel for Patrick Conroy
Proud mother Jean Cumings and son Joel Kutylowski
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s Honor Graduates
By Carolyn J. Smith
Elsa Grace Horne, daughter of Peter and Mitzi Horne of Strafford, New
Hampshire, was CBNA’s Valedictorian. An outstanding student, Elsa was elected
to National Honor Society as a junior and served as the NHS Secretary her
senior year. She was a member of National Spanish Honor Society in eleventh
and twelfth grades; she also studied German at the St. Paul’s School of Advanced Studies Program where she participated in the Writing Workshop. She
received the Bear Award and Honor Roll status each year. Her sophomore year
Elsa received awards for outstanding performance in English and science.
She was an active member of Student Government for four years and
served as the organization’s secretary in ninth grade. Her senior year Elsa participated in Bible Club and as an instructor in Spanish Club.
She volunteered with the Soup Kitchen all four years and worked at J. C.
Penney her senior year.
She played JV soccer for three years and was team captain her junior year;
in twelfth grade Elsa played on the varsity soccer team and was recognized
with the Excellent Contribution Award.
Elsa received the United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award
and the Presidential Scholarship. For her senior project Elsa started an afterschool eight week Spanish Club at Northwood School for sixth, seventh and
eighth graders.
She is attending the University of New Hampshire where she will major
in occupational therapy.
Liana Merrill, daughter of Steven and Priscilla Merrill of Northwood was
Salutatorian. A member of National Honor Society and Spanish National Honor
Society, Liana received the physical education award in ninth grade and the
math award in eleventh. Liana was a member of the cast of Les Miserables and
was a Peer Helper.
A three-season athlete, Liana played volleyball and tennis all four years
and basketball for three years. She was named to the All-State Volleyball Dream
Team her last two years and was honored for her outstanding contribution.
Her senior year Liana was honored for her perfect attendance and for
achieving honor roll every quarter for four years. She received the United
States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award and the Senior Math Award.
At Commencement Liana was the recipient of the Davideen Lynn Dahill/
Robert Pike, Sr. Memorial Scholarship and the Northwood Fire/Rescue Association Scholarship.
For her senior project Liana led a summer tennis camp. She has enrolled
at Wheaton College from which she received a Wheaton Trustee Scholarship.
She plans to major in psychobiology and to continue playing volleyball.
The following are ranked alaphabetically:
Sally Drescher, daughter of Robert
and Susan Drescher of Barnstead,
was a member of National Honor
Society, National Art Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society and
the International Thespian Society. She attended the St. Paul’s Advanced Studies Program where she
studied Ancient Greece as well as
participating in the Writing Workshop. She was a member of the
Math Team, the Young Environmental Activists, Project Search and
was involved in art and drama. Sally achieved Honor Roll status every quarter all four years of high school.
Sally played volleyball and was manager of the baseball
Her senior year she received the English Achievement
Award and at Commencement she was the recipient of the
CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship and the BEA/BES
For her senior project Sally organized a Coffee House to
benefit the Friends of Suncook River. She is attending Colby
College where she intends to major in environmental studies.
Timothy Hough, son of Joseph
Hough, Jr. and Nancy Hough of
Barnstead, achieved Honor Roll
status every quarter for four years
and he also had perfect attendance all four years. He was a
member of the National Honor
Society, Math Team and the Granite State Challenge. He was honored for his exceptional achievement as a member of the Math
Team in tenth, eleventh and
twelfth grades. He also received
the Headmaster’s School Service Award.
Timothy was the manager of the boys’ varsity basketball
At Commencement he received the BEA/BES Scholarship.
For his senior project Timothy restored a wooden boat. He
matriculated at New Hampshire Technical Institute where he
will major in sports management.
Joel Kutylowski, son of Walter
Kutylowski and Jean Cumings of
Deerfield, had perfect attendance
his junior and senior years and
achieved Honor Roll status all
four years. He was a member of
the National Honor Society and
National Latin Honor Society. His
freshman year Joel received the
science award; he traveled with his
mother, a CBNA science teacher,
to the Galapagos Islands several
years ago. He was a member of Student Council and recipient
of the Bear Award each year of high school.
He was a four-year member of the basketball team and
received an award for his outstanding contribution to his
team. He received the same recognition for tennis, which he
played his junior and senior years. Joel was also manager of
the volleyball team.
Senior year Joel received the Army Reserve Award for Academic and Athletic Excellence. At Commencement he was the
recipient of the CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship.
For his senior project Joel assisted Coach Skidds with
the volleyball program. He is attending the University of New
Hampshire where he will study zoology.
Kayla Nelson, daughter of Chris
and Kathy Nelson of Nottingham,
was a member of National Honor
Society and National French Honor
Society. She achieved Honor Roll
status every quarter every year at
CBNA. A four-year member of International Thespian Society and
its historian her junior and senior
year, Kayla was a member of Improv Club for two years. She was
also active in Bible Club for four
years and S.A.D.D. for two years.
She served as Activities Coordinator of Student Council for
three years and received the Bear Award each year. In eleventh
grade Kayla was recognized for Excellence in Language.
In addition to drama Kayla was a member of chorus
since her freshman year, in Show Choir for three years and in
Select Chorus her senior year. She participated in the Plymouth
Chorus Festival.
Kayla was active in her church’s drama, youth group,
leadership team and worship team. She was McDonald’s Crew
Trainer of the Year for 2004.
A mission trip to Belize for one month the summer of
2004 was the focus of her senior project. At Commencement
Kayla received the Bank of New Hampshire Seacoast Scholarship, the Best Buy Scholarship, Carl E. Rundgren Memorial
Scholarship and the Nottingham Fire Department Scholarship. Recipient of the Trustee’s Scholarship, she has enrolled
at Eastern University where she will major in international
Andrew Plummer, son of Donald
and Carolyn Plummer of Strafford,
was President of National Honor
Society and a member of Spanish
National Honor Society his junior
and senior years. He participated
in Bible Club all four years and
International Thespian Society his
senior year. He achieved Honor
Roll status every quarter each year
and had perfect attendance in
twelfth grade. Recipient of the Bear
Honor Graduates continued
Award for four years, Andrew was recognized for highest academic achievement in ninth grade English and in chorus
music his sophomore year.
Very involved in the performing arts, Andrew appeared
as Tony in West Side Story, Lysander in A Midsummer Night’s
Dream and Jean Valjean in Les Miserables. He was in drama
for two years, Show Choir in eleventh grade and Select Chorus in tenth through twelfth grades when he was also accepted
to Jazz All-State, Concert All-State and the New England Musical Festival.
A four-year member of the baseball team Andrew was
named Outstanding Contributor in ninth grade and was the
recipient of the United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award. His extracurricular activities included flying
lessons for four years, U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corp for three
years and his part-time job at Johnson’s Restaurant the past
two years.
For his senior project Andrew performed in a farewell
concert at Coe-Brown. At Commencement he received the
Alumni Scholarship, Carl E. Rundgren Memorial Scholarship
and the George N. Cate Scholarship. This fall Andrew is at
Daniel Webster College on a Presidential Scholarship. He will
major in aviation and flight operations.
Matthew Robinson, son of Bruce
and Kathleen Robinson of Strafford, received Honor Roll status
every quarter each year. He was a
member of National Honor Society, Student Council for three
years and vice president his sophomore year. A DAR Good Citizen
finalist in tenth grade, Matthew received the science award in eleventh grade and the Bear Award
every year; he had perfect attendance his junior and senior years.
A three-season varsity athlete since his freshman year,
playing soccer, basketball and tennis, Matthew was named
Outstanding Contributor in soccer his junior year and MVP
of basketball as a senior as well as being named the Top Male
Athlete of the Year.
For his senior project Matthew designed a website for a
CBNA club. At Commencement he was the recipient of the
Vincent “Mike” Bane Scholarship. He is attending the
University of New Hampshire on a Presidential Scholarship.
He intends to major in computer science.
Kathryn Rosengren, daughter of
Eric Rosengren and Barbara Nelson
of Deerfield, was a member of National Honor Society, National
Spanish Honor Society, the International Thespian Society and
S.A.D.D. Named to Who’s Who
Among American High School Students for two years, Kathryn received the Bear Award each year
and the Excellence in English
Award in English in eleventh grade. She was named to the
honor roll every year and had perfect attendance her senior
She appeared in three productions at CBNA: Footloose in
tenth grade, West Side Story as a junior and this past year’s Les
Miserables. Kathryn also sang in the Chorus for three years
and played JV soccer for two years.
Her extracurricular activities included her Junior Leadership of a local 4-H Club, participating in two Exeter Lion’s
Club Bike Tours and volunteering for and participating in the
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer for two years. She also
worked part time at Johnson’s Restaurant.
For her senior project Kathryn created a slide show presentation for Open House Night as well as two yearbook pages
about the 2004 CBNA trip to Panama. At Commencement
she received the CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship,
the Northwood Crankpullers Snowmobile Club Scholarship
and the S.A.D.D. Chapter Scholarship. Recipient of the Henry
King Stanford Scholarship, she has enrolled at The University
of North Carolina at Wilmington where she will study marine biology.
Jennifer Whiting, daughter of
Chris and Deb Whiting of Northwood, was a member of National
Honor Society, National Spanish
Honor Society and had perfect
attendance all four years. She also
achieved Honor Roll status every
quarter for four years. Jennifer received the Math Team Award in
tenth grade and was the named
the Rensselaer Medalist in eleventh grade. In twelfth grade she
was honored for her academic
excellence in science and received the Army Reserve Medal
for academic and athletic excellence and the United States
Air Force Math/Science Award.
For four years Jennifer played varsity volleyball and was
a member of the varsity cheerleading squad. In ninth through
eleventh grades she also played varsity tennis. She received
Honorable Mention Volleyball Dream Team honors. Her activities included coaching at the volleyball and tennis camps.
For her senior project Jennifer made an ABC Quilt for
Charity. This past spring she received the Renssalaer Medal
Scholarship, the Renssalaer Leadership Scholarship and the
Albany International Merit Scholarship. At Commencement
Jennifer was awarded the CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarship.
She is attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where she
will study molecular biology.
The Class of 2005
Tiffany L. Allen
Derek A. Ambrose
Elisabeth Bailey
Heather A. Baker
Nicole D. Beauvais
Heather Lynn Belair
Stacie M. Beliveau
Jamie A. Bennette
Stacy M. Black
Laura Ann Blouin
Stephanie L. Bova
Aaron L. Breton
Benjamin J. Burnell
Nathaniel J. Butler
Andrew J. Buzzell
Craig Ryan Carlson
Jennifer E. Carroll
Jennifer Chick
William Claffy
Devan James Clarke
Patrick W. Conroy
Ashley Nicole Cooper
Laura Margaret Corlin
Andrew E. Coulombe
Joshua McKee Crary
Michael J. Crummey
Leanna Dawn D'Italia
Luca A. D'Italia
Sarah Elizabeth Daigle
John Michael DeFranzo
Nichole D. Dow
Sally E. Drescher
Eryn Kelly Duffy
Joey Lee Elliott
Jillian April Ernst
Koko E. Evans
Stephen H. Farrar III
Benjamin G. Faucher
Fay M. Fife
Kenneth John Fisher
Matthew S. Fisher
David L. Fostier
Michael Frase
Trisha M. Freeman
Michael Brandon Funicella
Alexandra Joan Gagnon
Joshua A. Gagnon
Robert Girard Gagnon
Corey Scott Garrison
Christopher E. Gerber
Michael J. Glidden
Emily Rose Gooch
Jonathan J. Gulick
Stephen H. Gutowski
Sarah A. Hall
Kendra Nicole Hamel
Ruth A. Hayden
Megan Lynn Hodil
Elsa Grace Horne
Timothy Russell Hough
Heidi Jewell
Christopher W. Jones
Merritt P. Kathan III
Stacey Ann Kent
Megan Elizabeth Kerivan
Angela Rose Klemmer
Emily Stockbridge Knowlton
James M. Koczera
Ernest J. Kraytenberg Jr.
Joel A. Kutylowski
Peter L. Lambert
Jennifer Lynn Landry
Taryn R. Lashon
Peter Michael LeDuc
Katherine E. Letourneau
Erica S. Linton
Eric David Locke
Sarah Kerr Locke
Kyle Steven MacKenzie
Joshua Steven Marques
Alicia Marie Marshall
Joseph W. Martinez
Brandon John May
Ryan J. McGann
Timothy David McHugh
Jesse James Leon McKinney
Jared Eben McLellan
Liana Elizabeth Merrill
Michelle Samantha Merritt
Amanda Lee Mischke
Elizabeth S. Morris
Michael Ross Morrison
Kayla Brianna Nelson
Linda Samantha Nguyen
Katie Lynn O'Connell
Timothy R. Oberlin
Ashlie Marie Paul
Derek Lance Peterson
Andrew J. Plummer
Carly D'Lane Popovich
Joseph Bayley Pratt
Antonio Ranno
Lauren Elizabeth Ricci
Katie Elizabeth Robertson
Matthew B. Robinson
Kathryn Lee Rosengren
Andrew Robert Ross
Patrick G. Rulli
Robert W. Russell
Christina Marie Sallese
Brian A. Sardinha
Amanda Jean Sargent
Kayla Theresa Sauls
Nathan John Schadler
Jih Shang Seto
Aaron C. Sharp
Charles J. Shorten IV
Krystal Marie Simmons
Cori Ann Smith
Jennifer Diane Snell
Heather May Steeves
Melissa A. Stevens
Alan C. Stuart Jr.
Melissa Kim Swanwick
Anthony Richard Thomson
Elizabeth Anne Tierney
Camille M. Tilton
Jessica Ann Towle
Chelsie Elice Twombly
Nathan E. Varney
Daniel James Waniski
Nikki Marie Warren
Jessica J. Weeks
Sarah-Beth Wilcox White
Scott E. White
Jennifer Lee Whiting
Nathaniel W. Wilder
Jacqueline Lee Williams
Alyson Joy Wilson
Michael James Wilson
Christi Amber Winstead
Kenneth A. Woollett
Jon Philip Zamarron
Commencement 2005 Scholarships
Tiffany L.Allen ....................Northwood Elementary Teachers’ Association Scholarship..............$500
Renee Laberge Memorial Scholarship ..............................................$500
Seacoast Scholars Award
SOPA Scholarships ..........................................................................$500
Derek A. Ambrose................Ann Strout Memorial Scholarship....................................................$150
George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$500
Stephanie Bova ....................CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarships ............................................$250
Aaron L. Breton....................George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$500
SOPA Scholarships ..........................................................................$500
Jennifer E. Carroll................George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$500
Devan J. Clarke ....................Dominick’s Scholarship ....................................................................$150
Student Council Leadership Scholarships ........................................$300
Laura M. Corlin....................Country Galley Catering Scholarship..............................................$250
SOPA Scholarships ..........................................................................$500
Target Scholarship..........................................................................$1000
William Loeb Memorial Fund ........................................................$1000
Joshua M. Crary ..................CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarships ............................................$250
SADD Chapter Scholarships ............................................................$300
Saddleback Mountain Lion’s Club Scholarship ..............................$1000
Sarah E. Daigle ....................George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$500
Sally E. Drescher..................BEA/BES Scholarship ......................................................................$250
CBNA National Honor Society Scholarships ..................................$300
Eryn K. Duffy ......................Brenda Lynn and Robert Daley Scholarships ..................................$300
Kenneth J. Fisher ................Annie Giles Memorial Scholarship ..................................................$500
Michael Frase ......................George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$250
Ruth A. Hayden....................Alumni Association Scholarship ......................................................$500
CBNA Maintenance Staff Scholarship..............................................$500
Timothy R. Hough ..............BEA/BES Scholarship ......................................................................$250
Megan E. Kerivan ................George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$500
Strafford Garden Club Scholarship ..................................................$500
Strafford Women’s Club Scholarship ................................................$500
Joel A. Kutylowski ..............CBNA National Honor Society Scholarships ..................................$300
Peter M. Leduc ....................Brenda Lynn and Robert Daley Scholarships ..................................$300
Katherine E. Letourneau ....Alumni Association Scholarship ......................................................$500
Christina Blanchard Memorial Scholarship ....................................$200
George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$500
Ian Reed Scholarship........................................................................$500
John O’Brien Memorial Scholarship ................................................$100
Joshua S. Marques................CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarships ............................................$250
Joseph W. Martinez..............SADD Chapter Scholarships ............................................................$350
Liana E. Merrill ..................Davideen Lynn Dahill/Robert Pike Sr. Memorial Scholarship..........$500
Northwood Fire/Rescue Association Scholarship ............................$500
Kayla B. Nelson ..................Bank of New Hampshire Seacoast Scholarship
Best Buy Scholarship ....................................................................$1000
Carl E. Rundgren Memorial Scholarships........................................$250
Nottingham Fire Department Scholarship ......................................$500
Andrew J. Plummer ............Alumni Association Scholarship ......................................................$500
Carl E. Rundgren Memorial Scholarships........................................$250
George N. Cate Scholarships ........................................................$1000
Katie E. Robertson ..............George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$500
Norman and Helen Johnson Memorial Scholarship ........................$200
Matthew B. Robinson ..........Vincent “Mike” Bane Scholarship ....................................................$350
Kathryn L. Rosengren..........CBNA National Honor Society Scholarships ..................................$300
Northwood Crankpullers Snowmobile Club Scholarship ................$200
SADD Chapter Scholarships ..........................................................$250
Patrick G. Rulli ....................BEA/BES Scholarship ......................................................................$250
Brian A. Sardinha ................Student Council Leadership Scholarships ........................................$300
Cori A. Smith ......................Ann E. Helmboldt Memorial Scholarship ........................................$500
Harvey Lake Woman’s Club Scholarship........................................$1000
Alan C. Stuart ......................Annual Merit Scholarship ................................................................$200
Anthony R.Thomson............Cardinal’s (Tom Snacks) Scholarship ..............................................$250
Scott E. White ......................CBNA Maintenance Staff Scholarship..............................................$500
George N. Cate Scholarships............................................................$250
Jennifer L. Whiting ............CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarships - Special Recognition Award ....$250
Christi A. Winstead ............Northwood Fire/Rescue Association Scholarship ............................$500
Kenneth A. Woollett ............Ian Reed Scholarship........................................................................$500
Nottingham Fire Department Scholarship ......................................$500
Raymond Area Rotary Club ............................................................$500
Jon Philip Zamarron ............Student Council Leadership Scholarships ........................................$300
CBNA Alumni Association’s Annual Banquet
By Ginny Rogers
Arlene Johnson and her son Sam ‘66 Ginny Rogers and her grand niece
Leslie Garland manned registration
Colleen Pondelli ‘91 Rundgren, Eric
Sally Hoadley Low ‘49, James and Janet John and Ginger McVicar ‘95 McHugh
Rundgren ‘90, Gail Rundgren (mother) Hoadley ‘60 Simpson
On June 11, 2005, an extremely hot evening, one hundred
twelve alumni, spouses, friends and guests gathered in the
Gerrish Gym at Coe-Brown Northwood Academy to celebrate
a fun-filled evening of remembering, reconnecting, reflecting,
relaxing and reliving past days. Headmaster David Smith served
as Tour Director for the evening and many walked through
the wonderful new math and science building.
The Alumni Board provided refreshments for the social
hour prior to the banquet and Country Galley Caters in Strafford prepared a delicious meal, with seconds for those so inclined. Alumni Board President Sam Johnson ‘66 introduced
Headmaster David Smith who has, by the way, been in that
important position for the past 25 years. Mr. Smith briefly outlined what has recently been accomplished and goals for the
future of the Academy, stating “that none of the achievements
could have happened without the stewardship of the Board of
Trustees and the support of the community.” He noted that
the incoming freshman class of approximately 200 students
will begin academic year 2005-2006 in August and that the
student body will increase to 690.
Roberta Wallace Stearns ’57, Chair of the Development and
Alumni Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees, noted that
the Board had achieved their goal of raising funds to complete
the new dining center located in the lower level of the new
math/science building. The 50th Reunion Class of 1955 gave a
donation toward the completion of the lakeside patio adjacent
to the dining center.
Roberta announced that the Board of Trustees had voted to
honor an alumna who had contributed much to the Academy.
Henceforth, the main building will be known as Pinkham Hall
in honor of Eleanor “Polly” Tasker Pinkham, Class of 1940,
who gave freely of her time and talent, one of which was serving for more than 25 years as Alumni Scholarship Chair and
President Johnson introduced Class Agents attending the
banquet and thanked them for their help in updating the mailing list.
Reunion classes, ending in 0 or 5 from 1935 to 2000, were
acknowledged. All were saddened to learn that our alumna
Arlene Richardson Louden ‘26 had passed away in March 2005.
She had won the reunion award for the female representing
the earliest class in attendance for several years. Arlene had
attended her 78th reunion in 2004.
Recognition awards were given to Irene Brown Shores
Crummey ’35, Female Representative of Earliest Class; to Ted
Reese ’38, Male Representative of Earliest Class; to Sally Hoadley Low ’49, Attendee Traveling the Farthest - from the State
of Washington; to the Class of 1990 for being the class with
most members present; and to Tania Drown ‘2004, representative of the most recent class.
Class Photos
Class of 1955 - Eleanor Jacques Morrison, Joan Mihachik
Holt, Joyce Merrill Creighton
10 VISIONS - FALL 2005
Class of 1980 - Lisa Allen Kennard, Class of 1957 - Gene Jacques, Roberta Wallace Stearns, Etta
Carole St. Clair Luedtke
Yeaton, Joyce Yeaton, Robert White, Sherman Elliott
Class of 1936 - Rowena Newell
Walsh, Helen Marison
Families at Reunion
Brian Allen ‘82, Lisa Allen Kennard ‘80, Cheryl Allen Mary Bailey Snider ‘75 and Phyllis Reese, Julie Allen Snell ‘87, Ted
Jackson ‘79, John Allen, Jr. ‘78, Julie Allen Snell ‘87 her dad Robert Bailey ‘45
Reese ‘38
Association Board Officers elected for 2005-2006 are: Sam
Johnson ‘66, President; Debbie Burklund Marden ‘75, Vice
President; Julie Allen Snell ‘87, Secretary; Robin Burklund
Drown ‘76, Corresponding Secretary; Treasurer, Vacant; Ginny
Rogers, Associate ‘36, Scholarship. Members-at-large: Brian
Allen ‘82, Barbara Holmes Pratt ‘65; Gretchen Pratt Colpritt
‘90; Charles S. Bailey ‘72; and Linda Lovely Eastman ‘76.
Thanks to George ‘45 and Betty Young ‘48 Geers for their
recent donation of an 1890 Coe’s-Academy-Breeze newspaper.
It was noted that two tables and two display boards of memorabilia were set up for viewing and alumni were reminded that
the Alumni Museum is always looking for items; donations
that can be made by contacting Ginny Rogers, 603-942-5580.
Alumni scholarships were awarded to: Tania Drown 2004,
Stacy (Johnson) Colman ‘89, Andrew Plummer, Katherine
Letourneau, and Ruth Hayden from the Class of 2005.
A lively raffle followed the brief business session. Donors
and winners were: crocheted afghan by Gloria Young, won by
Rowena Newell Walsh ‘36; hummingbird feeder and lantern with
candle by Roberta Wallace ‘57 & Gene Stearns, won by Brian
Allen ‘82 and Leslie Garland; Dunkin Donuts $20 Gift Certificate
by Joan Burklund, won by Bob Burklund ‘51; books: “Dem Little
Bums, The Nashua Dodgers”,“Further Ado”, and “Swinging For the
Majors” by George ‘45 and Betty Young Geers ‘48, won by Naomi
Barrett, Cheryl Allen Jackson ‘79 and Brenda Wilson Johnson
Class of 1990 - L-R: Eveline Stevens Scanlon, Gretchen Pratt
Colpritt, Arthur Marston, Judi DiCola Alfarra, Nedina Nickerson
Willet, Jennifer Wheet, Bree Jenisch Marston, Eric Rundgren
Margery Heath ‘53 and Arthur Nutter ‘48, Charles Bailey ‘72, Mary Bailey
Linda Nutter ‘71 and Ralph Blackey
Snider ‘75, Peter Lennon ‘97
‘73; bear with knitted CBNA sweater and hat by Arlene Johnson
former teacher ‘42-44, won by Margery Heath Nutter ‘53; 17 piece
set (place mats, napkins, rings, towels, potholders, etc., by Ginny
Rogers, won by Danielle Colpritt; Fathers Day basket and 4th of
July kit by Marlene Burklund Paige ‘50, won by Paul Guptill ‘52
and Tom Johnson ‘68; bike helmet and gloves by Rick Drown,
won by James Simpson; 5-piece barbecue set by Sam ‘66 and
Sue Johnson, won by Brian Allen ‘82; wind chime by Julie Allen
Snell ‘87, won by Rocky Magoon ‘56; Mary Kay Cosmetics by
Cheryl Allen Jackson ‘79, won by Ginny Rogers; early picture
of CBNA in vintage frame with stand by Joann Bailey, won by
Cheryl Allen Jackson ‘79; African violet in ceramic container by
Jane Bell, won by Paul Guptill ‘52; Console Travel Cooler &
Warmer by Heritage Hardware, won by Sally Johnson Aseltine
‘69; Mary Kay Shampoo items by Robin Burklund Drown ‘76,
won by Ralph Blackey; Market Basket $20 Gift Certificate by
Debbie Burklund Marden ‘75, won by Arlene Johnson.
A BIG “Thank You” to everyone who donated items to
the raffle; the proceeds will help with the operating expenses.
The door prize, a beautiful chest made and donated by
CBNA’s woodworking shop, was won by Diane Shores Elliott
‘58. There were sixteen winners of the centerpieces.
Everyone is looking forward to next year’s Alumni Reunion Banquet in the new, air conditioned dining center. See you
June 10, 2006.
Class of 1945 - Robert Bailey, Warren “Pete” Guptill,
George Geers
Class of 1960 - Janet Hoadley Simpson,
Ashton Welch, Joan Jeralds DeButts
Class of 1975 - Mary Bailey
Snider, Debbie Burklund Marden
VISIONS - FALL 2005 11
Profile of Betty Bailey Olivolo ‘67
By Roberta Wallace Stearns ‘57
Betty was the catcher on Coe-Brown Northwood
Academy’s softball team. Janice Baker Zalgenas
’67 and Joan Stevens Parent ’67 were her best
friends. She remembers giggling with them in
chemistry class. Of course, she claims “the boys”
made them do it. Specifically, she named David
Copeland ’66 and Gary Goldsmith ’66 as the
instigators! She remembers Helen Dodge, who
taught home economics, and Mr. Barron, her history teacher. Betty has fun memories of CBNA, and
those are in addition to the tales from her relatives
who also attended—her father, Carroll E. Bailey ’43, her stepmother Mary Ann Tasker Bailey ’46, her uncle Robert Bailey ’45,
her sister Beverly Bailey Copeland ’69, and Bev’s husband,
David Copeland ’66, her brother Charles E. “Chuck” Bailey
’72, her step-siblings: Cheryl Noyes Fitzgerald ‘65, Charlie
Noyes ‘66, Leslie Noyes ‘69, and Andy Noyes ‘75, as well as
many cousins who all share their memories about Coe-Brown
Northwood Academy.
After CBNA, Betty attended what is now Plymouth State
University and graduated with a major in elementary education and a minor in math. During her junior year she visited
“open schools” in England, before completing her student teaching in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. After graduating from PSU, she
was immediately offered a full scholarship at the University
of New Hampshire where she went into a 12-month Master’s
program in Early Childhood Development. The master’s schedule included a month of study, followed by a month of teaching, which continued for one year. Her months of teaching were
in an open classroom of first and second graders in a Manchester elementary school.
From 1972 to 1975, she taught second grade in Plymouth,
Massachusetts. Weather permitting, she donned her leather
jacket and rode her motorcycle to school. Those seven year
olds must have loved that! While in Massachusetts, she lived
two years in Marshfield, and it is there where she decided to
take flying lessons. Her future husband, Pat Olivolo, was one
of her flight instructors. She learned to fly in a Cessna 172
A Cessna 150, much like the 172 she flew
“Ho-Jo,” so named because it was orange and turquoise, the
colors of the Howard Johnson restaurants.
Her new husband Pat had lived previously in Washington,
DC and wanted to return. Betty’s first job in the DC area was
with the Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland and
continued for the next five years. She taught first and second
grades in two different schools. While in Maryland, Pat and
Betty bought their first plane, a “Mooney”—a four seater with
12 VISIONS - FALL 2005
retractable gear. During this time she earned an instrument
rating and a commercial license.
In 1980, when her husband took a job with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), they moved to Charleston, West
Virginia, where she again taught second grade for two years.
After she and her husband, who have since divorced, returned
to the Washington, DC area, she left public school teaching and
was fortunate to be offered a position with National Wildlife
Federation. There she directed the activities of NWF’s National Wildlife Week, an environmental education program that
annually reached more than 600,000 educators all over the
U.S. She developed packets of materials that included educator’s guides, full-color posters, and overhead transparencies, and
she also produced audiovisual programs. Betty’s second position at NWF was workshop coordinator for the NatureScope
program. Naturescope was an environmental education activity
Dinner with man who organized Taiwan's cricket fighting competition.
series published by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF),
which evolved from Ranger Rick magazine’s teaching materials.
Betty implemented and managed a national workshop program
using NatureScope. She conducted more than 50 workshops
for educators and administrators at state and national conferences and for teacher inservice training programs.
Her next job, from 1991 to 1993, was Program Coordinator
for the National Science Resources Center, where she planned
and coordinated science education leadership institutes, held
jointly by the Smithsonian Institution and the National Academy of Sciences, to prepare teams of administrators, curriculum specialists, teachers, and scientists to design and implement hands-on science programs for their school districts.
She also coordinated working conferences for scientists and
engineers to help them become effectively involved in the
reform of elementary science education.
After working in the “hard core” science field at NSRC,
Betty realized how much she missed the environmental educators. So she took a position as the National Director of Project
WILD. In this position she directed all activities and programs
for this international environmental education program. She
provided training and support to project sponsors in each of
the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and international sponsors through an annual conference, training workshops, newsletters, and other training materials. While at WILD, Betty initiated and completed a comprehensive long-range plan, which
guided the direction of Project WILD through 2000.
Betty’s final position in Washington, DC lasted nine years,
from 1996 to 2005—she was Manager of Education and Outreach for World Wildlife Fund (WWF). You might recognize
WWF as the large conservation organization with the panda
as its logo. At WWF, Betty coordinated the development of the
Windows on the Wild (WOW) materials, including activity
modules, posters and video kits; the “Suitcase for Survival”
program and materials in cooperation with the TRAFFIC, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service; and a traveling exhibition called “Biodiversity 911”
that traveled to about 20 science museums in three years.
With her usual sense of adventure, last spring Betty decided to resign her position at WWF; she sold her car, rented
the house where she had lived for twenty years and disposed
of all her possessions that wouldn’t fit in a 10’ x 10’ storage
unit. She arrived in Taiwan on June 28 to assume her duties as
Head Teacher of Kindergarten through Grade Six at the Cornel
English Language School, where she is now supervising Englishspeaking teachers from the U.S., Canada, and South Africa. After
a long day of ‘regular’ school, children of Taiwan often attend
another school to learn English. Friends who live in Taiwan
had advised her not to take a lot of clothes because clothing is
plentiful there. She was advised, however, to take shoes because the people of Taiwan have smaller feet than Americans
and getting shoes that fit her properly would be difficult.
In her first few months in Taiwan, Betty reports that life
there is very different: a different culture, different language,
and different people. Taiwanese are very friendly and helpful,
even when they don’t speak English (Most Taiwanese speak
Mandarin Chinese), but “white people” are a bit alien to them.
Many days can go by when Betty does not even see another
Caucasian except the teachers she works with. She is enjoying
this new adventure and is having fun making friends and exploring Taiwan. She wonders if any of you would like to come
for a visit!
When I asked her “What after Taiwan?” she said, “Maybe
I’ll move back to New England.” Before she left the United
States Betty excitedly went to Star Island, part of the Isle of
Shoals, off Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Her membership in
the Unitarian Church has taken her to Star Island for six years
and some of those years she went twice! Betty has gone to many
other places as well. She’s traveled to every state in the U.S, except South Dakota and Hawaii, and has been to all continents
except Australia and Antarctica. She’s climbed the Great Wall
and traveled to both west and east Africa.
Betty’s hobbies and interests are many. In addition to her
flying and motorcycling, in recent years, she joined a sailing
club in the DC area and has sailed on the Chesapeake Bay,
Greece and Belize, which is south of Mexico. She’s also a
speed walker (like her sister, Bev) and now strides along on
frequent walks in the parks in Taichung. She also enjoys photography and crafts. Her memberships reflect her broad range of
experiences: American Zoo and Aquarium Association; National
Science Teachers Association; Ninety Nines, Inc., International
Organization of Women Pilots; and North American Association for Environmental Education. She has been a training
consultant at the University of Maryland and at Howard University. She was a conference coordinator for the US Fish and
Wildlife Service and Environmental Education Consultant for
the Virginia Environmental Endowment.
Betty Bailey Olivolo is a Renaissance woman and a great
credit to Coe-Brown Northwood Academy.
Dancing in Africa
Riding along the Great Wall of China
Dinner with Taiwanese family that Betty met on her August vacation to Little
Liuchiu Island, a little fishing island off the southwest coast of Taiwan
Betty with the 5th-grade Taiwanese students that she taught this past summer
VISIONS - FALL 2005 13
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy Annual Giving by Donor Category
Cogswell Cabinet
($15,000 +)
Bank of New Hampshire
Polly Pinkham
CBNA Chronicle
Robert Bailey
CBNA Heritage
George N. Cate Fund
Headmaster’s Society
Best Buy
Robert E. Carr
CBNA Alumni Association
CBNA Faculty & Staff
CBNA Maintenance Staff
David Docko
Graystone Builders, Inc.
Harvey Lake Woman’s Club
Heritage True Value Hardware
William Loeb Memorial Fund
Northwood Fire/Rescue Association
Nottingham Fire Department
John O’Brien Fund
James Pender
Donna Reed
Saddleback Mountain Lions Club
Kathi Sokness
CBNA Council
Phyllis Bane
Barnstead Educ. Assoc. & Barnstead
Elem. Faculty & Staff & Admin.
Norma Schliessman Cater
CBNA National Honor Society
CBNA Student Council
Davideen Dahill & Robert Pike, Sr.
Michael & Linda Daley
Walter Damon
Ann Helmboldt Family
Robert & Jenny Jeffers
Northwood Elementary Teachers
Northwood Theatre Workshop
Douglas Peterson
Raymond Area Rotary Club
Gail Rundgren
Judy Sanderson & Bruce Farr
Wade Robert Sauls
Darrin St. Clair
Strafford Garden Club
Strafford Women’s Club
CBNA Patron
William Andreason
George Bartlett, Jr.
CBNA National Art Honor Society
Country Galley Catering
Walter Damon
Craig Holmes
Thomas Linnell
Jody B. Low
S. Scott Piper
Genevieve K. Rogers
Russell T. Ryan
Gene & Roberta Stearns
Barbara Steevart
David Whitcher
14 VISIONS - FALL 2005
Brian Allen
Mary Ann Bailey
Clifford “Skip” Bane
Vincent & Christine Bane
James R. Barnes
Harvey W. Batchelder
Richard Bengston
Christina Blanchard Family
L. Gail Brown
Robert & Joan Burklund
Frances C. Carlson
Charles W. Carpenter
John Cassidy
Cathy Cummings & Patricia Gerlt
Burton H. Curley
Marilyn Deem
Robert Deem
George M. Demmons
Arthur Desmarais
Lois and William DeTrude
Sheri DeTrude
Douglas Dimes
Edward Dodge
Robin Drown
Joanne Eaton
Diane Elliott
Sherman Elliott
Suzi Falcone
Cheryl Fitzgerald
Lois Foss
Elizabeth Geers
George Geers
Jane Gettens
Gary O. Goldsmith
Ralph Golec
David Grant
Barbara Gray
James O. Gray
William & Janet Hall
William & Susan Hoey
Fred Holmes
Sheila Holmes
Joan Holt
Shirley H. Houlihan
Darren Howcroft
Elizabeth J. Jaderborg
Charles Johnson
Sandra Johnson
William Johnson
Lisa Kennard
Edith N. Kimball
Andrew & Jean Lane
June Leone
Robert H. Linnell
Kenneth Magoon
Robert (Rocky) Magoon
Bernard Lee Mason
Raymond & Liz Mason
Jay McCartin
William J. McGowen
Andrew & Lori Merrill
John & Abby Metcalf
Eleanor M. Morrison
Coral G. Nieder
Norene S. Niemeyer
Northwood Crankpullers
Snowmobile Club
Mary Oliver
Steve Pettengill
Bill Rafeal
George E. Reese
Robert Reis
Jean M. Richner
Lynda Sanders
David & Maureen Smith
Julie E. Smith
Beverly J. Stover
Patricia Sweisthal
Daniel & Melinda Tasker
Elmer D. Tasker
Jeffrey & Diane Tasker
Lana Thomas
Barbara Thompson
Jean R. Tudor
Dennis A. Tuttle
James Tuttle
Lance Twombly
Ralph E. Twombly
David Whitcher
Bigelow Wood
James Yeaton
David Zelie
CBNA Bear’s Den
John Allen
Doris R. Anderson
David & Sally Aseltine
Christine Averill
Anne S. Bailey
Charles E. Bailey
Charles S. Bailey
Joann Bailey
Merl L. Bartels
Marjorie Bassett
John Bateman
Kimberly T. Bates
Jane Bell
Kathleen Bernier
Harriett Black
Diane Bishop
Linda Blackey
Laurie Bouley
Judith Brackett
William L. Brackett
Aen Brauer
Donna L. Brown
Frances L. Brown
John Brown
Nancy Brown
Norman R. Brown
Dawn Marie Bruce
Scott G. Burklund
Albert H. Burtt
Linda Burtt
David W. Buzzell
Cathy Calef
Harold Carll
Robert Carpenter
Susan Carr
Lindsey Cassidy
Catholic Home Loan LLC
Don Clifford
Anthony Coculo
Karen Cofferan
Patricia L. Comeau
Melisa Ann Connors
Eleanor Corbin
Sarah Crateau
Joyce E. Creighton
Elizabeth A. Crowley
Joanne Crummey
John Crummey
Irene Crummey
Anne & J.B. Cullen
Cumberland Farms
Corinda M. Davis
David Deardorff
Joan DeButts
Diana Marie Decosta
Donna DeCota
Christopher Demeritt
Misty L. Demeritt
Thomas Demeritt
Clive Demmons
William Demmons
Alissa DeTrude
Kevin DeTrude
Mary Drown
David J. Dulong
Linda Eastman
Nancy E. Edmunds
Barbara Emery
Michelle Evans
Jeff Farr
Maynard Farr
Celeste Feren
Cheryl Fitzgerald
Roland Folsom
Duane Ford & Caryn Lasky
Lisa Fraser
Paul Gammon
Melinda Geaumont
Catherine Gierke
James Grant
Michelle L. Granville
Barbara Grenon
In memory of Frank L. Guptill
Keith Guptill
Kerry Guptill
Steven Guptill
Warren (Pete) Guptill
Norma M. Hackett
Luke Hamel
O. William Hayes
Bonnie Kristine Heisey
Lucille A. Hill
Jennifer Ho Sue
Eva M. L. Hoadley
Georgia E. Hodgman
Martha Hossain
Lawrence E. Hutchins
Rebecca Irvine
Clinton Jackson
Cheryl Ann Jackson
Douglas T. Jackson
Gene Jacques
Linda Jacques
Arlene W. Johnson
Jason Samuel Johnson
Samuel W. Johnson
Erin Keenan
Carol Kelley
Carrie L. Kennedy
F. Anne Kustron
Paul Lacroix
Patricia Leffel
Cathy Lindquist
Dorothy Linscott
Marion Lovely
Sally A. Low
Sally Luce
Judith D. Lynch
Phyllis A. MacPherson
Joan E. Magoon
Debbie Marden
Helen C. Marison
Arthur Marshall
Shelley Marshall
Arthur Marston
Bree Marston
Arthur W. Marston
Marguerite Martinez
Rebecca M. McMullan
Steven Merrill
Marilyn Metcalf
Robert Metcalf
Zolin Moses
Joyce C. Munroe
Everett G. Murphy
National Art Honor Society
David L. Newell
Fran Newman
John Newman
Arthur Nutter
Margery Nutter
Elizabeth J. Olivolo
Anne Onion
Scott Osborne
Marlene Paige
Amy E. Paine
Fred Palmer
Kathy Palmer
Charles Pease
Grace Perkins
Norma C. Perkins
Derek Peterson
Emily Pitman
Andrew Plummer
Dorothea Putman
Pamela Rafeal
William Rafeal
Sheila Rainey
Joseph M. Raymond
Deborah Reinhold
George Richards
Leatitia Richards
Diane Robinson
Lemma L. Rollins
Nancy Rollins
Willis Rollins
Colleen Rundgren
Eric Rundgren
Susan E. Rushton
Dennis R. Schwab
Marcia J. Severance
Donna Sewell
Rebecca Shoup
Russell M. Simons
Janet L. Simpson
Fred Smith
Gloria Smith
Cynthia Smith
Lewis Smith
Phyllis Smith
Stephen Smith
Julie Snell
Elaine Solarz
Nancy Souther
David St. Clair
Jean Stapleford
Dwight Stevens
Thomas Stevens
William W. Stevens
Brian Stone
Peter Stone
Patricia Tate
Ann L. Thibeault
Paul Theim
George L. Tilton
Gayle Lynn Torla
Beverly J. Tuttle
John M. Tuttle
Frederick P. Twombly
Philip W. Twombly
Phyllis Vaillancourt
Thomas J. L. Veinote
Margaret Wallace
Rowena Walsh
Lyn Ward
Ashton E. Welch
Robert Wentworth
Robert White
Shawn White
Shirley White
Jeannette Wilkins
George W. Witham
Mildred Wolak
Richard Leo Wolf
Pamela Wood
Susan M. Wright
Etta Yeaton
Joyce Yeaton
Bruce W. Young, Sr.
Gloria Young
Janis M. Zalgenas
Annual Giving by Class
Class of ’28
Class of ’49
Class of ’58
Class of ’67
Class of ’79
Class of ’93
Dorothy Linscott
Total: $20.00
Marjorie Bassett
Elinor Davis
Robert Deem
Ann Price Gifford
Sally A. Low
Grace Perkins
Shirley White
Bruce W. Young Sr.
Total: $1,250.00
Kathleen J. Bernier
Diane Elliott
Linda Jacques
Sally Luce
James Pender
S. Scott Piper
Total: $1,875.00
Susan Carr
Elizabeth J. Olivolo
John M. Tuttle
Janis M. Zalgenas
Total: $150.00
Keith Guptill
Cheryl Ann Jackson
Total: $45.00
Anthony Coculo
Jennifer Ho Sue
Total: $75.00
Class of ’80
Class of ’94
Laurie Bouley
Donna L. Brown
Nancy Brown
Don Clifford
Christopher Demeritt
Paul Gammon
Douglas T. Jackson
Lisa Kennard
Steve Pettengill
Total: $460.00
Lisa Fraser
Total: $10.00
Class of ’32
Harold Carll
Total: $50.00
Class of ’35
Edith Tasker
Irene Crummey
Total: $25.00
Class of ’36
Frances L. Brown
O. William Hayes
Shirley H. Houlihan
Elizabeth J. Jaderborg
Helen C. Marison
Genevieve K. Rogers
Rowena Walsh
Total: $650.00
Class of ’37
Charles Johnson
Elmer D. Tasker
Total: $200.00
Class of ’38
Lucille A. Hill
George E. Reese
Total: $125.00
Class of ’39
Norma C. Perkins
Total: $25.00
Class of ’40
Harriett Black
Elizabeth A. Crowley
Robert H. Linnell
Mary Oliver
Jean M. Richner
Total: $360.00
Class of ’50
John Bateman
Patricia L. Comeau
Donna DeCota
June Leone
Total: $245.00
Class of ’51
William Andreason
Robert L. Burklund
Robert Reis
Ralph E. Twombly
Total: $620.00
Class of ’52
Mary Drown
Barbara Emery
Lois Foss
David Grant
Paul J. Guptill
Joan E. Magoon
David L. Newell
Nancy Rollins
Willis "Bud" Rollins
Patricia Tate
Jeannette Wilkins
Total: $1,050.00
Class of ’53
Class of ’59
William Demmons
Edward Dodge
Martha Hossain
Carol Kelley
Patricia Leffel
Marguerite Martinez
Elaine Solarz
Paul Thiem
Phyllis Vaillancourt
Total: $345.00
Class of ’60
Linda Burtt
Joan DeButts
Edith N. Kimball
Lynda Sanders
Janet L. Simpson
Cynthia Smith
Frederick P. Twombly
Ashton E. Welch
Total: $352.50
Class of ’61
Thomas Demeritt
Nancy Souther
Patricia Sweisthal
Lana Thomas
Margaret Wallace
Total: $295.00
Class of ’62
Norma Schliessman Cater
Corinda M. Davis
Total: $550.00
Clifford Skip Bane
Richard Bengtson
Joanne Crummey
Marilyn Deem
Kenneth Magoon
Margery Nutter
Phyllis Smith
Total: $422.50
Class of ’42
Class of ’54
Merl L. Bartels
Lawrence E. Hutchins
John Crummey
Total: $125.00
Marion Lovely
Norene S. Niemeyer
Dorothea Putman
Bigelow Wood
Total: $250.00
Norman R. Brown
Charles W. Carpenter
Nancy E. Edmunds
Maynard Farr
Zolin Moses
Joyce C. Munroe
John Newman
Diane Robinson
Total: $370.00
Class of ’41
Class of ’43
Harvey W. Batchelder
Frances C. Carlson
Eva M. L. Hoadley
Lemma L. Rollins
Total: $240.00
Class of ’45
George Geers
Warren (Pete) Guptill
Robert Bailey
George Richards
Total: $11,221.00
Class of ’46
Mary Ann Bailey
Leatitia Richards
Jean R. Tudor
Total: $225.00
Class of ’47
George Bartlett Jr
Jean Stapleford
George L. Tilton
Total: $285.00
Class of ’48
Robert E. Carr
Elizabeth Geers
James O. Gray
Frank L. (in memory of) Guptill
Arthur Nutter
Total: $1,222.50
Class of ’55
Joyce E. Creighton
George M. Demmons
Norma M. Hackett
Joan Holt
Eleanor M. Morrison
Beverly Stover
Total: $650.00
Class of ’56
Doris R. Anderson
Albert H. Burtt
Barbara Gray
Barbara Grenon
F. Anne Kustron
Robert (Rocky) Magoon
Barbara Thompson
Robert Wentworth
Total: $489.00
Class of ’57
Eleanor Corbin
Sherman Elliott
Gene Jacques
Lewis Smith
Roberta N. Stearns
Robert White
George W. Witham
Mildred Wolak
Etta Yeaton
Joyce Yeaton
Total: $539.63
Burton H. Curley
Clive Demmons
Coral G. Nieder
Marcia J. Severance
Philip W. Twombly
Total: $350.00
Class of ’63
Class of ’64
Rebecca Irvine
William J. McGowen
Margaret. Metcalf
Dennis R. Schwab
Beverly J. Tuttle
Thomas J. L. Veinote
Total: $475.00
Class of ’65
Cheryl Fitzgerald
Dennis A. Tuttle
Total: $200.00
Class of ’66
James R. Barnes
Judith Brackett
William L. Brackett
L. Gail Brown
David W. Buzzell
Robert Carpenter
Gary O. Goldsmith
Georgia E. Hodgman
Samuel W. Johnson
Judith D. Lynch
Arthur W. Marston
William W. Stevens
Total: $530.00
Class of ’69
Sally Aseltine
Aen Brauer
Linda Daley
James Tuttle
Total: $500.00
Class of ’70
Ralph Golec
Charles Pease
Fred & Gloria Smith
Dwight Stevens
Total: $205.00
Class of ’71
Christine Averill
Linda Blackey
Catherine Gierke
Fred Holmes
Jay McCartin
Robert Metcalf
William Rafeal
Deborah Reinhold
Donna Sewell
Thomas Stevens
Total: $400.00
Class of ’81
Class of ’05
Brian Allen
Scott G. Burklund
Scott Osborne
Joseph M. Raymond
Ann L. Thibeault
Total: $315.00
Darren Howcroft
Total: $100.00
Cathy Calef
Karen Cofferan
Suzi Falcone
Craig Holmes
Daniel Tasker
Total: $485.00
Class of ’75
Cathy Cummings
Steven Guptill
Debbie Marden
Steven Merrill
Melinda Tasker
Total: $120.00
Class of ’76
Arthur Desmarais
Robin Drown
Linda Eastman
Kerry Guptill
Thomas Linnell
Jeffrey & Diane Tasker
Susan M. Wright
Total: $680.00
Class of ’77
Anne S. Bailey
Clinton Jackson
Peter Stone
Brian Stone
Total: $110.00
Class of ’78
John Allen
Diana Marie Decota
Joanne Eaton
Roland Folsom
Amy E. Paine
Russell T. Ryan
David St. Clair
James Yeaton
Total: $610.00
Lindsey Cassidy
Luke Hamel
Total: $40.00
Class of ’82
Class of ’83
Class of ’74
Class of ’00
Class of ’01
Charles E. Bailey
Charles S. Bailey
Cathy Lindquist
Pamela Rafeal
Total: $125.00
Sheri DeTrude
Marilyn Metcalf
Pamela Wood
Total: $212.00
Jeff Farr
Emily Pitman
Total: $45.00
John Cassidy
David J. Dulong
Melinda Geaumont
Sheila Holmes
Arthur T. & Shelley Marshall
Lyn Ward
Total: $325.00
Class of ’72
Class of ’73
Class of ’99
Sarah Crateau
Kevin DeTrude
Total: $45.00
Class of ’04
Alissa DeTrude
Total: $25.00
Derek Peterson
Andrew Plummer
Total: $40.00
Class of ’84
Diane Bishop
Douglas Dimes
Bonnie Kristine Heisey
Sandra Johnson
Wade Robert Sauls
Total: $850.00
Class of ’85
John Brown
Patricia Gerlt
William Johnson
Susan E. Rushton
Total: $210.00
Class of ’86
Rebecca M. McMullan
Total: $25.00
Total 2005
Annual Giving
Class of ’87
Vincent Bane
Michelle L. Granville
Jody B. Low
Darrin St. Clair
Julie Snell
Total: $915.00
Class of ’89
Kimberly T. Bates
Michelle Evans
Bill Rafeal
Russell M. Simons
Julie E. Smith
Total: $285.00
Class of ’90
Melisa Ann Connors
Arthur & Bree Marston
Lance Twombly
Richard Leo Wolf
Eric Rundgren
Total: $225.00
Cash Contributions
Gifts in Kind
Pinkham Endowment
Class of ’91
Dawn Marie Bruce
Colleen Rundgren
Gayle Lynn Torla
Total: $75.00
Class of ’92
Jason Samuel Johnson
Total: $50.00
VISIONS - FALL 2005 15
Gifts-in-Kind 2004-2005
William Andreason ‘51 . . . . . . . . . Vintage Clothing & Accessories
Joann Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early picture of CBNA with vintage frame, glass with
stand for Alumni Association banquet raffle
Robert Bailey ‘45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repair parking lot and driveway for hot topping
Jane C. Bell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . African violet for Alumni Association banquet raffle
Harriett Black ‘40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pictures for the CBNA Archives
Robert ‘51 & Joan Burklund . . . . . Dunkin Donut gift certificate for Alumni
Association banquet raffle
Cumberland Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Aprons
Walter Damon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash Donation to Drama
Sheri DeTrude ‘73. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Development and Alumni Affairs - mailings
(1 roll of 37 cent stamps)
D. L. Docko & Son, David Docko . . Loam, labor and equipment for parking lot
Rick & Robin ’76 Drown . . . . . . . . Bike helmet and hat, Mary Kay Shampoo Items
for Alumni Association banquet raffle
George ‘45 & Betty ‘48 Geers . . . . Coe's Academy Breeze, December 1890
Volume 1 Issue 1
Three books for Alumni Association banquet raffle
Jim Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Postage
Graystone Builders Inc . . . . . . . . . Tennis Club
William & Janet Hall . . . . . . . . . . . Assist with cost for indoor track
Heritage Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mini console travel cooler and warmer for
Alumni Association banquet raffle
cabinet hardware
Cheryl Jackson ‘79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Kay cosmetics
Robert & Jenny Jeffers . . . . . . . . . . Delta Wood Lathe
Arlene Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bear with knitted CBNA sweater and hat for
Alumni Association banquet raffle
Charles ‘37 & Jean Johnson . . . . . Paper Cutter
Samuel ‘66 & Sue Johnson . . . . . . 5-piece barbecue set for Alumni Association
(raffle banquet)
June Leone ‘50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1933 Commencement Program; 1960-61 Graduate
Alumni Directory and 1989 50th Reunion update,
Class 1939
Debbie Marden ‘75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gift certificate to Market Basket for Alumni Association
banquet raffle
National Art Honor Society. . . . . . Display Case to Exhibit 3-D Artwork
Marlene Paige ‘50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fourth of July kit; Father's Day basket for Alumni
Association banquet raffle
Douglas Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fencing
Genevieve Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set of placemats, napkins, napkin rings, potholders;
minute's and agenda; syrup for awards; flowers for
tables for Alumni Assoc banquet raffle
Stephen Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photograph of Stacey Kent/Ashley Cooper
Julie Snell ‘87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wind chime for Alumni Association banquet raffle
Kathi Sokness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Studio Lighting Equipment, miscellaneous supplies
Gene & Roberta ‘57 Stearns . . . . . Lantern with candle and hummingbird feeder
Phonothon and door prize for Alumni banquet
Picture for Visions
Barbara Steevart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beseler 23C II Photographic Enlarger
Gloria Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crocheted Afghan for Alumni Association banquet raffle
The Development Committee gave a $500 grant to
the library, $500 grant to the arts, $500 grant to the
Athletic Department, and $500 grant to the
administration for a meeting of the Board of Trustees
with the student leaders. The Development Committee
also gave $10,000 toward the construction of the
patio adjourning the Dining Center.
The 50th Anniversary Reunion Class of 1955 gave $650
toward finishing the patio. Members of the 50th
Anniversary class are Ellen Beland, Joyce Creighton,
George Demmons, David Freitas, Shirley Garfunkle,
Norma Hackett, Class Agent Joan Holt, Eleanor
Morrison, Everett Robinson and Beverly Stover.
In Memoriam
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy has been notified of the passing of these members of the CBNA Family.
Flora (Pender) (Allen) Holmes '32
Frances L. Brown '36
Shirley (Tasker) Houlihan '36
Virginia (Johnson) Chadwick '41
James Corbin '56
Patricia (DeButts) Roberge ‘87
The Alumni Association tries its very best to accurately record the names of alumni and friends who have passed away. Please contact Ginny Rogers at 603-942-5580 about the deaths of
alumni and friends of CBNA, especially those which occur outside the local news area.
16 VISIONS - FALL 2005
There Are 680 Good Reasons to Support
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s Annual Fund.
BUY-A-TILE Order Form
Help Build a Wall of Recognition in the Dining Center…One Tile at a Time.
Now is your chance to support this effort with a donation that will last a lifetime!
Buy an engraved tile (or more) to honor someone special......a friend, a son or
daughter or an outstanding faculty or alumnus of Coe-Brown Northwood
Academy. A personalized tile is a permanent form of recognition and is a lovely
gift for graduation or as a memorial.
Complete and Mail This Form To:
Attn: Development Committee
907 First New Hampshire Turnpike
Northwood, NH 03261
Here are some of them...
Sample 4” x 8” Engraved Tile
Sample 8” x 8” Engraved Tile
Tile and Engraving Information
Available tile sizes:
4 X 8 inches
8 X 8 inches
(3) lines per 4” X 8” tile, (6) lines per 8” X 8” tile
(20) characters per line, including spaces and punctuation
If you are sponsoring more than one tile, make copies of this form or download a copy from: www.coebrownacademy.com
Option 1
4” X 8” Engraved tile with (3) three lines of print @ $50
Option 2
8” X 8” Engraved tile with (6) six lines of print @ $100
Total $
Make checks payable to: CBNA Development
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Day Phone
Evening Phone
Your gift to Coe-Brown Northwood Academy's Annual Fund directly benefits the students at CBNA and ensures that the excellent
education you enjoyed while a student there continues now and in the years to come. Annual Fund dollars will be dedicated to finishing the
dining center. Please use the Annual Fund envelope enclosed in this magazine to make your gift.
You can make a difference!
Entire Student Body in 1905
Non-Profit Status
U.S. Postage
Farmington, ME
Permit No. 30
If there is an error in your address, please
accept our apology. We request you notify the
Alumni Office of any changes. Thank you.
C O E - B R O W N

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