Visions - Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
Visions - Coe-Brown Northwood Academy
VISIONS Fall 2007 Annual Report C O E - B R O W N N O R T H W O O D A C A D E M Y There Are 700 Good Reasons to Support Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s Annual Fund Here are some of them... Your gift to Coe-Brown Northwood Academy’s Annual Fund directly benefits the students at CBNA. This year’s Annual Fund will support the purchase of a mobile computer cart for the Academy. These carts are designed to bring technology right into the classroom with laptop computers that can be easily distributed then packed up again and moved on to the next classroom. Our fundraising goal for this year is $35,000 and the Annual Fund closes June 30, 2008. Your gift truly helps! Online Giving is Here! You can make a difference! You can now make your tax deductible donation to CBNA via our secure web site using your MasterCard or Visa. Visit and look for the Make a Donation button on the home page. Follow the easy-to-use instructions and even create a profile to make future donations a snap! Questions? E-mail or call 603-942-5531, ext. 186. COE-BROWN NORTHWOOD ACADEMY 907 First New Hampshire Turnpike Northwood, New Hampshire 03261 603-942-5531 VISIONS VOL. 11 Vidimus, Videmus & Videbimus THE PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE Headmaster: David S. Smith Assistant Headmaster: Paul W. Davis, Jr. B O A R D O F T RU S T E E S 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 : James Colburn, President B. Lee Mason, Vice President J.B. Cullen, Secretary Duane Ford, Treasurer Robert Bailey ’45 Bunny Behm Sheri DeTrude ’73, Past President Jane Gettens James Grant Stuart J. Mitchell IV Judith Sanderson, Past President Roberta Stearns, Ph.D. ’57, Past President Ashton E. Welch ’60 G. Wells Anderson, Trustee Emeritus Robert Carr ’48, Trustee Emeritus George Geers ’45, Trustee Emeritus Robert Grant ’53, Trustee Emeritus Robert Johnson ’35, Trustee Emeritus William Lord, Trustee Emeritus ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OFFICER S 2007-2008: Debbie Burklund Marden ’75, President Carolyn Knox O’Neal ’87, Vice President Amy Stanley Paine ’78, Secretary Robin Burklund Drown ’76, Treasurer Jessica Marden Weeks ’00, Corresponding Secretary Genevieve Rogers ’36 Associate, Scholarship Chair ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: Brian Allen ’82 Charles S. Bailey ’72 Gretchen Pratt Colpritt ’90 Linda Lovely Eastman ’76 Barbara Holmes Pratt ’65 Front row, left to right: Judith Sanderson, Duane Ford, President James Colburn, J.B. Cullen and B. Lee Mason. Back row, left to right: Bunny Behm, Robert Bailey, James Grant, Stuart Mitchell IV, Sheri DeTrude and Roberta Stearns. Contents Annual Fund Appeal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Front Cover Kristal Kostiew Yush Pursues Her Olympic Dream. . . . . . . . . Page 2 Welcome New Faculty and Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 School News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 Two New Scholarships Established. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Annual Giving by Donor Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 CBNA’s Top Ten Graduates, Class of 2007. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 CBNA Alumni Association’s Annual Banquet. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 Alumni Golf Tournament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 Annual Giving by Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 The Class of 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 Commencement 2007, Scholarships and Awards. . . . . . . . . . Page 16 Looking Back at Commencement 2007. . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover Editor: Margaret M. Joyce Associate Editor: Roberta Wallace Stearns ’57 Design: Beverly A. Joyce, Joyce Design Solutions, LLC Printing: Keystone Press, Inc. Visions is published twice a year for the alumni, parents and friends of Coe-Brown Northwood Academy. ON THE COVER: Greg Cullen ’01 (left) and Mike Hedstrom ’01 were part of the winning foursome at this year’s CBNA Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament. Visions — Fall 2007 1 Kristal Kostiew Yush pursues her Olympic dream Kristal Kostiew Yush graduated from Coe-Brown Northwood Academy in 2000. She went on to pursue a degree at the University of Vermont, where she began competing in hammer throw. While at Vermont she collected 14 America East Championships and was a four-time Vermont team MVP, as well as four-time America East Field Performer of the Year. In 2004 she was the America East Scholar Athlete of the Year and an Academic All American. She married Derek Yush in July 2005 and they currently reside in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Kristal qualified for her first USA team in 2007 by finishing second at the USA Outdoor Championships. By winning a silver medal at the national championship, Kristal earned the right to represent the United States at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro in July, where she took fourth place, as well as at the 2007 IAAF World Championship in Athletics in Osaka, Japan, in August. Kristal has now set her sights on the upcoming Olympic trials and the 2008 Summer Games in Beijing, China. How did you begin participating in hammer throw? I began as a freshman at the University of Vermont. My coach, Ed Kusiak, introduced me to the hammer to help score more points for the team at the conference meet. I went into college as a good discus, javelin and shot putter with marks that were competitive in the America East Conference. I believe I finished third in the conference as a freshman with a high mark of 152’ and things just got better from there. As a sophomore I broke the UVM school record (formerly held by Olympian Anna Norgren) with a best mark of 182. In my junior year I became more competitive in the NCAA region throwing 188, and as a senior finished ninth in the region with a best mark of 191 feet, seven inches. While at UVM I also set the indoor and outdoor shot put records as well as the indoor 20-pound weight throw record for UVM and the America East conference. Exactly what is the hammer throw? The hammer I throw is not the one that people typically imagine when I tell them what I do. It is not your traditional hammer used to drive nails at a construction site. It is actually an event that derived from the Scottish Highland Games and modified for track and field. The hammer implement itself is a 4kg (8.8 lbs. for women, 16 lbs. for men) steel ball on a swivel. The swivel is attached to a wire and the wire is attached to a handle. The whole system is just under four feet long. The thrower enters into a 7’2” ring and must complete a series of winds (typically 2 or 3) where they remain stationary at the back of the circle (back to the direction of throw). After these winds/swings the thrower then turns to the left (if right handed) on a heel or toe and completes a turn. What was your major in college and what career path have you pursued? 2 Visions — Fall 2007 Kristal Kostiew Yush I attended the University of Vermont on a full athletic scholarship. I majored in education and exercise and sport sciences and graduated in 2004 with my teaching degree (physical education for K-12). Right before graduation I signed a contract to teach high school physical education in Montville, Connecticut. This year I have relocated to Baton Rouge with my husband who has a coaching job at Louisiana State University and I will be teaching K-8 physical education and social studies at Crescent Elementary School as well as coaching volleyball and track at Plaquemine High School. Working full time, coaching and training sure keeps me busy, but I love all aspects of my life! Work helps me to have something non track-related that I am good at and enjoy; coaching helps me to give back to kids and participate in sports that I love; and the training is just a bonus! Did your academic and athletic experience at Coe-Brown contribute to your desire to pursue compete at the international level? If anyone had told me when I was in high school that someday soon I would be one of the best athletes in my sport, I wouldn’t have believed it. When I was in high school I had dreams of someday making an Olympic team, but I guess I never really believed that it was a true possibility for me. I always thought that I would play college basketball somewhere and that would be it. That was where my love was. Then the calls started coming from track coaches across the country and I started to think, “Hey, I could be pretty good at throwing in college.” One thing led to another and now here I am—one of the best in the world! I think that a lot of what I took from academics and athletics from Coe Brown was the drive for excellence no matter what the circumstances were. I remember with basketball, Mr. Hall always told my team that we were capable of so much, not to give up, and work for our goals and get out there and achieve them. Being a part of two of his state championship teams really helped to develop a core feeling that I could achieve anything that I put my mind to through hard work and dedication. My dad showed me similar lessons (he coached me in throwing when I decided to try track my sophomore year), as well. His patience, dedication and belief in me really helped me to see what I was really capable of. He would come to practice each day after work and help me and the other throwers to become good. His attention to detail and never letting me go home until I had a good practice really helped to hone the discipline that I need in my practice sessions today. The same was true with academics. The teachers I had—Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hall, Mr. Colby, Mr. Ashley, Mr. McCormick and Mrs. Dana—they always expected the best from all of their students. I was no exception. I remember one day I was having a difficult time with math and getting so frustrated and Mr. Johnson would not let me leave class until I got it—which eventually I did. Mr. McCormick never accepted anything less than our best for chorus and worked so patiently until everyone got it. Mr. Colby asked us day in and day out to think outside the box and imagine what we could become in five years. It was all the little things from coaches, teachers and family that helped to create the base of confidence and drive to achieve what I have so far. What role has your family played in your athletic career? I truly believe that the support of my family (including my husband) has played an important role in my success. Knowing that they are there and supportive no matter how I do or what I accomplish is one of the best feelings in the world. It doesn’t matter to them how far I throw, if I make an Olympic team or where I compete. Having that knowledge can be really comforting when I’ve had a bad meet or am thousands of miles from home. All my life my parents have been there at my athletic events, never missing a game, meet or event. Dad has acted as a travel companion to some of my cross-country trips when my husband couldn’t make it. I can always count on Mom or Dad or both of them to be there to cheer me on. Even when they can’t physically be there to watch, they ask me to show them videos of the event so they can feel like they were there cheering me on! Having that support means everything in the world. Having my husband always on my side supporting me no matter how I perform is really a rod of strength for me, too. Derek is my current coach so he is tough on me, telling me when I am capable of more, when I totally choked, or performed at my best. He is sometimes brutally honest, which is difficult to hear, but at the same time I know he is always on my side. Derek tries never to miss a meet of mine, as well, no matter if it is in Arizona, Japan or Boston. Besides being the best coach I could imagine, he is the best husband a girl could ever ask for! • • • What awards/titles/medals have you won thus far? 2007 USA World Team (finished as second best in the US and number 23 in the world) 2007 USA Pan American Team (finished fourth, was number one American hammer thrower at the meet) USA National Meet (2007: 2nd, 2006: 5th, 2005: 9th) • USA National Indoor Meet (2007: 3rd, 2006: 5th, 2005: 8th, 2004: 5th, 2003: 9th) Personal Best Progression 2007: 227’3” 2003: 188 2006: 215 2002:185 2005: 205 2001: 153 2004: 191 2000: never thrown it before! Where have you traveled for hammer throw events? This year has really been a breakthrough year for me; I’ve improved my throw by nearly 20 feet! Through this performance, the international scene has just begun to open up to me. This past year I have traveled to the following places: Boston, New York City, Tennessee, California, Oregon, Arizona, Utah, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Brazil and Japan. Next year I will travel to Europe for a few weeks of competitions after the trials and before the Olympic Games. Assuming you reach the Olympics, what do you plan to do afterwards? Will you stay in the sport and compete again in four years? Assuming I make the Olympic team next year, I hope to make it to the finals. If I make the team next year I really think that I have a really good possibility to be in contention for a medal in 2012 and 2016. Obviously Derek and I will need to sit down and re-assess after next fall, but I still feel that I will be young enough to keep up with the training and remain competitive. Derek and I definitely want to have children at some point, as well. Only time will tell how all that will work into my athletic goals and the timing of the Olympics in the coming years. Do you keep in touch with any of your Coe-Brown classmates? Living in Connecticut and now Louisiana, I am not around Northwood as much as I was in the past. I bump into my high school friend Sarah Bascom from time to time, but not as much as I would like. I do try to make it home for the Alumni Basketball game each fall to touch base with a few people, but for the most part the people I keep in touch with from CBNA are my siblings! (Michael Kostiew ’96, Matthew Kostiew ’02 and Katherine Kostiew ’04.) For more information about Kristal’s quest for the Olympics and how you can help her reach her goal, visit Kristal’s web site at Visions — Fall 2007 3 Welcome new faculty and staff Coe-Brown Northwood Academy is pleased to introduce the newest members to its faculty and staff: Laurie Foster, RN, is the new school nurse. She is a graduate of Roberts Wesleyan College and the University of Vermont. In addition to nursing duties, Laurie will teach health classes and participate in freshmen orientation classes. Carol Gephart will be teaching classes in both the math and science departments at Coe-Brown. With two master’s degrees, this graduate of Hope College, Michigan State University and the University of New Hampshire brings to CBNA 19 years of combined teaching and coaching experience. Amanda Hodgdon, a graduate of Coe-Brown, is also a recent graduate from the University of New Hampshire. She has been working in various schools for the past four years, and serves Coe-Brown as a substitute teacher as well as the director for Project Success, an after school academic aid program. Chad McGann, a graduate of Coe-Brown, has attended Hesser College and has been working in education for the past three years. He is an in-class paraprofessional working in the Special Education department. Maria Maness attended the Community College of the Air Force, University of Maryland and University of New Hampshire. In addition to teaching Spanish courses, she also serves as advisor to the International Club. Beth Mennelle has served Coe-Brown in the past as a substitute teacher. A graduate of Alfred University, she is a full-time substitute this year. Wendy Porter is the newest member of the guidance department. She is a graduate of both Plymouth State University and Lesley University. Joe Vachon, a 15-year veteran of the computer industry, serves as Coe-Brown’s technology director. He attended Lyndon State College. David Zink-Mailloux, a graduate of the University of New Hampshire, has been working in education for the past three years. He is an in-class paraprofessional working in the Special Education department, and will also serve as the head coach for CBNA’s spring track and field team. 4 Visions — Fall 2007 School News Donations Fund Grants for CBNA Faculty and Staff Several faculty and staff members were awarded $500 grants for academic year 2006-2007. The funds for this grant program are donated by individuals who wish their gift to be used in specific areas such as Arts, Academics, Athletics, Vocational Education and Administration. We are extremely fortunate to have the support of these dedicated and generous benefactors. The grant recipients are: Jean Cumings and Honor Arnstein (Academics/Administration) Speakers, materials and field trip for the Healthy Choices Club Jean Cumings (Academics) Purchase of Stealth Cam for use in biology, environmental science and zoology classes Wini Young (Academics) Purchase of GPS kit for environmental science class and Young Environmental Activists Club Pat Savage (Vocational Ed) Camera and supplies for Community Based Instruction program (journals and cottage industry) As a condition of the grant, each recipient submitted a summary report of the completed project detailing how the funds were expended as well as the short-term impact of the project and any anticipated long-term benefits to the school. Thank you to all our donors for your support. 2008 CBNA Yearbook Reverts to Original Name The CBNA yearbook is changing its name this year to restore it to the original name of Chronicle. The first Chronicle yearbook was 1935. The Comanche mascot was adopted in the late 1960s and the yearbook was changed in 1972. From 2004 to 2007 the yearbook was called Ursus (the Latin name for bear, our current mascot). Yearbook advisor Caryn Lasky has some old yearbooks available for sale in limited quantities: 2006 - 15; 2005 - 1; 2003 - 1; 2002 - 11; 1993 - 3; 1992 - 5; 1981 - 4 If you are interested in purchasing one of the yearbooks, they are available for $10 each. Make your check payable to CBNA and send to the academy, attn. Caryn Lasky, 907 1st New Hampshire Turnpike, Northwood, NH 03261. CBNA Receives Second Consecutive Sportsmanship Award Coe-Brown Northwood Academy unveiled its newest award in front of the entire student body at a recent school assembly. Athletic Director Matt Skidds announced that Coe-Brown has received the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association’s Class I Sportsmanship Award. The most prestigious honor awarded by the NHIAA, it is voted on by all schools who participate in Class I athletics. It honors Coe-Brown’s athletes, coaches and spectators for their conduct and sportsmanship during the 2006-2007 athletic season. This is the second consecutive year that Coe-Brown has been a Class I honoree, and Skidds emphasized the role the entire school played in earning this award. The NHIAA promotes a culture of sportsmanship amongst its member schools and the 44,000 student athletes involved in its programs. Two new scholarships established in memory of loved ones Coe-Brown Northwood Academy is the fortunate beneficiary of two new scholarship funds established in the names of loved ones who passed away this year. The Ralph “Duke” Seavey ’39 Scholarship has been established in the amount of $20,000 by the trustees of his estate. Duke was an avid musician who played clarinet and had his own band. He was a loyal supporter of CBNA and wanted a portion of money from his trust fund to go to CBNA. The money will be used each year for a music scholarship. Several members of Duke’s family graduated from CBNA including his mother, Grace Merl Akins 1918, and siblings Fred Seavey ’42, Merl Seavey Bartels ’42 and Frances Seavey Carlson ’43. The Nathan C. Lake Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Lake’s family following his death this past July. Mr. Lake Ralph Seavey ‘39 (center) leading the CBNA band. was a resident of Strafford and, with his wife, Anne, ran Berrybogg Farm for more than 30 years. Although his daughters, Julia Lake Butterfield, Leslie Lake and Cynthia Lake, graduated from St. Thomas Aquinas Academy in Dover fund. Mrs. Anne Lake, Nathan Lake’s widow, sums up the family’s decision: and his grandchildren attended Oyster River High School, “We chose to start a scholarship in Nathan’s name because the family chose CBNA as the beneficiary of the scholarship education, both formal and informal, was an integral part of who Nathan was,” says Mrs. Lake. “His parents struggled financially to send him to Lafayette College as so many parents do today but they did what they had to do and Nathan lived his life always grateful for the opportunity. We have lived in this community for over 35 years and over the years we have had the pleasure of employing many Coe-Brown students in the blueberry field. We were always impressed with how many of the students were college bound and spoke highly of Coe-Brown. Our family hopes this scholarship will help students realize their dream of college and foster a lifelong love of education, which is how Nathan lived his life.” To date, the family and friends of Nathan Lake have contributed more than $68,000 to the Nathan C. Lake Memorial Scholarship Fund. Thank you to both families for your generosity. For more information about establishing a memorial scholarship at CoeBrown, call the Development Office at 603-942-5531, ext. 186, or e-mail Left: Nathan C. Lake served his country in the US Navy. He built a career as a corporate pilot and, together with his wife, Anne, owned and operated Berrybogg Farm in Strafford. Visions — Fall 2007 5 Annual Giving by Donor Category Coe-Brown Northwood Academy CBNA Chronicle ($10,000-$14,999) Pinkham Scholarship CBNA Patron ($250-$499) Robert E. Bailey ’45 Vincent “Mike” Bane Scholarship CBNA Heritage ($5,000-$9,999) Merl L. Bartels ’42 TD Banknorth George A. Bartlett ’47 Kathleen J. Bernier ’58 CBNA Benefactor ($2,500-$4,999) Martin F. Blood ’81 George N. Cate Scholarships CBNA Maintenance Staff Scholarship Dodge Family Scholarship Headmaster’s Society ($1,000-$2,499) Dan Ferguson David Behm Music Scholarship Priscilla Foss ’64 Boeing Robert Gable Robert E. Carr ’48 Genentech, Inc. CBNA Alumni Scholarships Graystone Builders CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarships Craig Holmes ’74 CBNA National Honor Society Scholarships Holy Rosary Credit Union Frisbie Memorial Hospital Scholarship Calvin Libby George ’45 and Elizabeth ’48 Geers Thomas Linnell ’76 Ann Gifford ’49 Northwood Diner Harvey Lake Women’s Club Scholarship Northwood Elementary Teachers’ Ryan Kane Scholarships Association Scholarship Northwood Fire/Rescue Association Mary N. Oliver ’40 Scholarships William O’Neal Oratory Award John O’Brien Memorial Scholarship Wade R. Sauls ’84 James E. Pender ’58 Maria N. Shute ’84 Raymond Area Rotary Club Scholarships Roberta N. ’57 and Gene F. Stearns Saddleback Mountain Lion’s Club Scholarship Ashton E. Welch ’60 SOPA Scholarships Patricia ’61 and Henry Sweisthal CBNA Club ($100-$249) The Weather Channel Annual Merit Scholarship Charles S. Bailey ’72 CBNA Council ($500-$999) Mary Ann Bailey ’46 Cardinal’s Scholarships Jeffrey Baker Norma A. Cater ’41 Clifford S. Bane ’53 Brenda Lynn and Robert Daley Scholarship Vincent ’87 and Christine Bane Denise Elliott Dennett Scholarship Terrence J. Beach ’97 Annie Giles Memorial Scholarship Bunny Behm Gerald F. Giles ’47 Peter M. Behm Edgar and Doris Greenhalgh Memorial Richard Bengtson ‘53 Scholarship James R. Bennett Paul J. Guptill ’52 Christina Blanchard Memorial Scholarship Ann E. Helmboldt Memorial Scholarship L. Gail Brown ’66 H. Labarree Memorial Scholarship Camp Yavneh Renee Laberge Scholarship (Northwood CBNA Alumni Association Theatre Workshop) CBNA Board of Trustees Rochester Rotary Club Richard Chandler ’69 SADD Chapter Scholarship Class of 1952 Judith Sanderson and Bruce Farr Don J. Clifford ’80 Herbert Sherman Scholarship Coca-Cola of New England Darrin A. St. Clair ’87 James Colburn Strafford Garden Club Scholarship Steven M. Colby ’85 Strafford Women’s Club Scholarship James B. Cullen Student Council Leadership Scholarships Davideen Lynn Dahill/Robert Pike Sr. Memorial Scholarship Corinda M. Davis ’41 Marilyn ’53 and Robert ’49 Deem George M. Demmons ’55 Arthur Desmarais ’76 6 Visions — Fall 2007 Sheri Detrude ’73 Douglas P. Dimes ’84 Dominic’s Restaurant Scholarship Joanne Eaton ’78 Sherman Elliott ’57 Suzi Falcone ’74 Cheryl Ann Fitzgerald ’65 Constance R. Gates ’42 Gary O. Goldsmith ’66 Barbara Gray ’56 Green Gate Farm Janet Hall Hallowell Systems Faye A. Hammond ’54 O. William B. Hayes ’36 Allan ( Joe) G. Holmes ’46 Darren M. Howcroft ’83 Emery T. Hutchins Inn at Deerfield Inventex, Inc. Clinton Jackson ’77 Gene W. ’57 and Linda ’58 Jacques Norman and Helen Johnson Memorial Scholarship Robert A. Johnson ’35 Lisa M. Kennard ’80 Pearl King ’53 Christopher J. Knox ’85 Paul Lacroix John and Jean Lane Susan Lombard Phyllis A. MacPherson Thomas B. Madson Kenneth Magoon ’53 Robert L. Magoon ’56 B. Lee Mason Raymond Mason McBride’s Water Advantage William J. McGowen ’64 Zolin Moses ’63 Alden A. Neal ’62 Joan Nelson ’55 New England Signal Systems Coral G. Nieder ’62 Nippo Lake Golf Club Northwood Crankpullers Snowmobile Club Scholarship Northwood Physical Therapy Northwood Power Equipment Northwood Transportation O-Bee’s Electric Heather E. O’Neal ’01 Marlene Paige ’50 Bernice and Benedict Raffaele Jean M. Richner Genevieve “Ginny” K. Rogers Norene S. Sauls-Niemeyer ’54 Marcia J. Severance ’62 Richard A. Shaw ’66 Sign Spectrum David M. Smith Nancy ’61 and Abe Souther Kathryn L. Stoker ’67 Ann Strout Memorial Scholarship Daniel ’74 and Melinda ’75 Tasker Elmer D. ’37 and Edith Tasker Jeffrey ‘76 and Diane ’76 Tasker MD Tasker Construction Tasker’s Well Co. Paul Thiem ’59 Barbara J. Thompson ’56 Carol Tompkins Jean R. Tudor ’46 Dennis A. Tuttle ’65 James Tuttle ’69 Lance E. Twombly ’90 Ralph E. Twombly ’51 Brenda A. Weeks ’60 Bigelow Wood ’54 Bruce Young ’49 Janis M. Zalgenas ’67 CBNA Bear’s Den ($1-$99) Anonymous Apple Hill Golf Course David and Sally ’69 Aseltine Christine Averill ’71 Richard E. Bartels ’67 Loretta G. Behm Jane Bell William L. Brackett ’66 Robert Burklund Scott G. Burklund ’82 Linda Burtt ’60 David K. Buzzell ’66 Joe Byrnes Susan E. Calabrese ’83 Cathy Calef ’74 Bruce A. Cammett ’76 Capitol Golf Center John Cassidy ’81 Russell Cicchetto ’74 Class of 1945 Class of 1948 Class of 1957 Brian J. Colburn ’97 Lindsey M. Colburn ’02 Steven A. Colburn ’96 Melisa A. Connors ’90 Eleanor Corbin ’57 Elizabeth Crowley ’40 John Crummey ’42 Al Dalrymple ’52 David Deardorff Joan M. Debutts ’60 Diana M. Decota ’78 Lillian A. Deely ’51 Thomas Demeritt ’61 William Demmons ’55 Alissa DeTrude ’04 Bill & Lois Detrude Kevin DeTrude ’01 Edward Dodge ’59 Robin Drown ’76 Mary Drown ’52 Dunkin’ Donuts Northwood Linda Eastman ’76 Nancy E. Edmunds ’63 Barbara Emery ’52 Jeffrey Farr ’99 Duane Ford and Caryn Lasky Jill M. Forward Melinda J. Geaumont ’81 Patricia A. Gerlt ’85 Margaret Giamartino Linda ’77 and Jim Grant In Memory of Frank L. Guptill ’48 Keith Guptill ’79 Kerry Guptill ’76 Norma M. Hackett ’55 Hannaford Northwood Mary Hathaway ’53 Bonnie K. Heisey ’84 Jennette Hemeon ’52 Heritage True Value Hardware Georgia E. Hodgman ’66 Lawrence E. Hutchins ’42 Rebecca L. Irvine ’64 Cheryl A. Jackson ’79 Douglas T. Jackson ’80 Romayne D. Jackson ’48 Arlene W. Johnson Jason S. Johnson ’92 Samuel W. Johnson ’66 Cheryl Jorgensen Kristin M. Joslin Carol Kelley ’59 Edith N. Kimball ’60 Joy Kimball ’47 Shelley Kirschner ’73 Cathy A. Lindquist ’72 Marion Lovely ’54 Carole Luedtke ’80 Judith D. Lynch ’66 Debbie Marden ’75 Helen C. Marison ’36 Arthur W. Marston ’66 Bree ’90 and Arthur ’90 Marston Marguerite Martinez ’59 Janet C. Marx Lindsey L. Mason ’02 Mountain Road Trading Post Joyce C. Munroe ’63 Alan E. O’Neal ’86 Anne Onion Ossian USA Amy E. Paine ’78 Louise J. Palmer Joan A. Parent ’67 Norma C. Perkins ’39 Douglas Peterson Gregory ’96 and Sara ’97 Pickard Sandra L. Priolo ’66 William ’71 and Pamela ’72 Rafeal Sheila Rainey Wendy Rappa ’80 Nancy L. Richardson ’62 Diane R. Robinson ’63 Lemma L. Rollins ’43 Brenda Salisbury Patricia Savage Debbie S. Schimmel ’83 Donna Sewall ’71 Irene M. Shores ’35 Rebecca Shoup Janet L. Simpson ’60 Lewis ’57 and Cyndi ’60 Smith Phyllis Smith ’53 Smuttynose Brewing Co. Jessica A. Snider ’01 Mary J. Snider ’75 Ginger L. Snow ’89 Jean E. Stapleford ’47 William W. Stevens ’66 Sean P. Stimmell ’93 Brian Stone ’77 Beverly J. Stover ’55 William Strachan ’69 Mabel Sullivan ’59 Ann B. Thibeault ’82 Joyce E. Thistle ’57 George L. Tilton ’47 John M. Tuttle ’67 Corey A. Twombly ’87 Frederick P. Twombly ’60 Philip W. Twombly ’62 Roland I. Twombly ’62 Margaret Wallace ’61 Wal-Mart Rochester Rowena N. Walsh ’36 Deborah Ward ’70 Jessica Weeks ’05 Sandra Weston Jennifer L. Wheet ’90 Robert White ’57 Shirley White ’49 George W. Witham ’57 Mildred P. Wolak ’57 Pamela Wood ’73 Etta ’57 and Joyce ’57 Yeaton In Memory of John M. Young ’49 Visions — Fall 2007 7 Coe-Brown Northwood Academy announces the top ten graduates for 2007 By Jeanne Goulet Reardon The valedictorian for the class of 2007 was Rebecca L. Harnish of Strafford. During her four years at Coe-Brown, Miss Harnish played on the varsity soccer team as well as the varsity track and field team. She was captain of the soccer team her junior and senior years and captain of the track and field team her senior year. In addition, she was a member of the National Honor Society, Valedictorian National Latin Honor Society, the National Art Honor Society, student government and the school’s math team. Miss Harnish is attending Wake Forest University where she is studying premedicine and biology. The 2007 salutatorian was Zoe Mistrale Hendrickson of Strafford. She is attending Swarthmore College where she majors in biology. At Coe-Brown, Miss Hendrickson played varsity soccer, softball and basketball. She played softball and basketball all four years of school and was also captain of both teams. She was an active member of the National Honor Society, National Salutatorian French Honor Society, and the National Art Honor Society, for which she served as the group’s treasurer. In addition to her academic and athletic achievements, Miss Hendrickson was a member of the school’s chorus and band, as well as the math team and SADD. 8 Visions — Fall 2007 The remaining top ten graduates are listed in alphabetical order: Emily Helena Brownell of Strafford was an active member of CBNA’s student government, serving as class treasurer her freshman year and as president for the next three years. Miss Brownell has acted in six CBNA theater productions, including the starring role of Sandy in this year’s musical, Grease. She was a member of the track and field and cross-country teams. In addition, she is a member of FBLA, the National Honor Society, the National French Honor Society, International Thespian Society, and her church’s youth group. Miss Brownell is attending Boston University majoring in athletic training. She was awarded several scholarships, including the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, The Strafford Women’s Garden Club, and a Boston University Grant. Melissa Overmeyer of Northwood is attending Gordon College, where she majors in family counseling. In addition to her academic achievements, Miss Overmeyer was an active member of many school organizations, including the cross-country team, Project SEARCH, the National Honor Society, the Bible Club, band and chorus. Nicole Smith of Strafford was the Vice President of the class of 2007 since her freshman year at Coe-Brown. In addition, she was an active member of the school’s student council and played varsity tennis all four years. Miss Smith attends Northeastern University where she majors in business. Kaitlyn Cecchetti of Strafford was a member of student government for her four years at Coe-Brown, serving as a class officer as well as a member of Student Council. She is a member of the National Honor Society, the Spanish Honor Society and played on the girls basketball team all four years. Miss Cecchetti is the recipient of the Leadership Academy Scholarship and the Presidential Scholarship and attends Fitchburg State College where she majors in film directing. Danielle MacDonald of Northwood will major in education at the University of New Hampshire, where she received a Presidential Scholarship. An athlete and scholar, Miss MacDonald was a member of the volleyball, tennis and basketball teams during her years at Coe-Brown. In addition, she was an active member of the National Honor Society and the French Honor Society. Hannah A. Osgood of Nottingham has been a member of the varsity tennis team and the Coe-Brown chapter of SADD. In addition, she was a member of the National Honor Society, the National Art Honor Society and the National Latin Honor Society. Miss Osgood is attending Gordon College, where she received the Challenge Scholarship. She will major in early childhood education. Sofija R. Sutton of Strafford majors in studio arts at Wheaton College, from which she received a Community Scholarship. She was a member of the school’s math team, jazz band and chorus. In addition, Miss Sutton was the Editor-in-Chief of CoeBrown’s Literary Magazine, Paragon. She performed in numerous school productions and was a member of the National Honor Society, President of the National Art Honor Society and a member of the International Thespian Society. Outside of school activities and scholastics, Miss Sutton dances at Studio 109 in Rochester. Nicholas Vina of Strafford is attending Brown University where he majors in physics. Mr. Vina received scholarships from the numerous schools he was accepted to, including the prestigious Rensselaer Medal and a Presidential Scholarship from UNH. He was a four-year member of the CoeBrown basketball team, and also spent three years on the school’s soccer and track and field teams. In addition to sports, he was an active member of the National Honor Society, the Latin Honor Society and student government. Visions — Fall 2007 9 BELOW: A family CBNA reunion! Front row, left to right: Mary Bateman Drown ‘52, Robin Drown ‘76, Tania Drown Chamberlin ‘04, Lauren Drown Dow ‘00 and Marlene Burklund Paige ‘50. Back row, left to right: Jessica Marden Weeks ‘00, Debbie Burklund Marden ‘75, Robert Burklund, Sr., ‘51 and Scott Burklund ‘82. ABOVE: The 50th Anniversary Class of 1957: (left to right) Robert White, Etta Yeaton, George Witham, Sherman Elliott, Lewis Smith, Gene Jacques, Joyce Yeaton, Mildred Pectle Wolak, Gail Hoadley Towle, Eleanor Kelley Corbin, Joyce Brown Thistle and Roberta Wallace Stearns. Annual CBNA Alumni By Ginny Rogers, CBNA Alumni Association On June 9, 140 alumni, spouses, guests and friends gathered in the CBNA dining hall for the annual Alumni Banquet. As usual Kim and Darlene Cardinal of “Just Us Cardinals” prepared a delicious buffet. Headmaster David Smith conducted a damp walking tour of the campus for those hearty alumni willing to brave the elements. Alumni Association President Debbie Burklund Marden ’75 introduced Headmaster Smith who briefly outlined accomplishments in 2007 and hopes for the year 2008. He noted that over 200 hopeful freshmen are enrolled for academic year 2007-2008. Headmaster Smith also accepted a donation to a scholarship in memory of Willis “Bud” Rollins ’52, presented to the Academy by Class of 1952 representative Leonard Welch. Margaret Joyce, director of development and alumni affairs gave a brief report on the annual golf tournament and the generosity of alumni who provided financial support to the academy over the past year. 10 Visions — Fall 2007 Reunion classes represented were: 1942 (65th) 3 members 1952 (55th) 7 members 1957 (50th) 12 members 1962 (45th) 1 member 1972 (35th) 2 members 1977 (30th) 1 member 1982 (25th) 1 member 1987 (20th) 3 members 1997 (10th) 1 member Eighteen class agents were present. The following recognition awards were given: ■ Female Representative of Earliest Class–Irene Brown Shores ’35 ■ Male Representative of Earliest Class–John Crummey ’42 ■ Attended Traveling the Farthest–Aen Brauer ’69, State of Washington ■ Class with Most Members Present–Class of 1957 ■ Representative of the Most Recent Class–Tania Drown ’04. BELOW: Ashton Welch ‘60 was the proud winner of the quilt made and donated by retired CBNA teacher Phyllis MacPherson. Banquet ABOVE: Class Agents (from left to right) Roberta Wallace Stearns ‘57; Edie Twombly Kimball ‘60; Nancy Linscott Edmunds ‘63; Kathleen Folsom Bernier ‘58; Robert Bailey ‘45; Barbara Holmes Pratt ‘65; Paul Guptill ‘52; Ann Witham Kustron ‘56; Pearl Yeaton King ‘53; Linda Nutter Blackey ‘71; Charles S. Bailey ‘72; Aen Brauer ‘69; Robin Burklund Drown ‘76; Robert Burklund ‘51; Debbie Burklund Marden ‘75; Lauren Drown Dow ‘00; Christine Larsen Mousseau ‘87; and Suzi Cummings Falcone ‘74. Association’s Association Board Officers elected for 2007-2008 are President Debbie Burklund Marden ’75; Vice President Carolyn Knox O’Neal ’87; Secretary Amy Stanley Paine ’78; Treasurer Robin Burklund Drown ’76; Corresponding Secretary Jessica Marden Weeks ’00; Scholarship Chairman Ginny Rogers ’36 Associate. Members-at-Large are Brian Allen ’82; Gretchen Pratt Colpritt ’90; Linda Lovely Eastman ’76; Barbara Holmes Pratt ’65; and Charles S. Bailey ’72. The Class of 1957 (12 members strong) celebrated their 50th reunion with a very special guest, former teacher Phyllis Batchelder MacPherson, who traveled from Florida to attend. She also made a beautiful quilt to be used as a door prize, which was won by Ashton Welch ’60. Ashton was delighted to win this beautiful prize, made by one of his teachers. A special thank you to all that donated raffle items. We raised $531 for the Alumni Operating Fund. Each year the CBNA Woodworking Shop makes a beautiful chest for the Alumni Association to give as a door prize. This year’s winner was Patricia Houlihan Sweisthal ’61. SAVE THE DATE! We’ll see you June 14, 2008, at the next Alumni Banquet. Until then be safe, healthy and happy. We appreciate the e-mails and telephone calls stating that this was the “best banquet to date.” It takes a lot of work each year to plan the banquet and accolades are always welcome. In Memoriam We are saddened to report the passing of the following members of the CBNA family: J. Wesley Broome ‘38 James A. Brower ‘47 Lucille Boodey Hill ‘38 Leslie R.Noyes ‘69 Rowena Newell Walsh ‘36 The CBNA Alumni Association tries its best to accurately record the names of alumni and friends who have passed away. Please contact Ginny Rogers at 603-942-5580 or about the deaths of alumni and friends of CBNA, particularly those that occur outside the Academy’s local news area. Visions — Fall 2007 11 Loyal golfers help boost CBNA’s endowment fund Intermittent rain (all right, it was a steady downpour!) didn’t dampen spirits of the forty golfers who participated in the second annual CBNA Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament on June 9 at Nippo Lake Golf Club in Barrington. The golfers and our generous sponsors, led by Graystone Builders of Strafford, raised more than $2,000 to benefit CBNA’s endowment fund. Northwood Power Equipment joined us again this year as our hole-in-one sponsor but they were unable to give away a Massey-Ferguson tractor. Better luck next year, golfers! Our winning team this year consisted of Greg Cullen, Keith DeTrude, Mike Hedstrom and Doug Smith, who unseated last year’s champions. We were especially pleased to have CBNA faculty members Sam Struthers, Matt Skidds, Mark Struthers, Josh Hils, Heidi Cleveland and Mark Carrier join us on the links this year. Individual hole sponsors for this year’s tournament were Northwood Physical Therapy, CBNA Alumni Association, McBride’s Water Advantage, O-Bees Electric, Holy Rosary Credit Union, Inn At Deerfield, Inventex, New England Signal Systems, Northwood Diner, MD Tasker (Left to right) Jack Miles, Fred Holmes ‘71 and John Dodge ‘72 get ready to hit the links. Construction, Tasker’s Well Company and Northwood Transportation. Tournament and raffle prize sponsors were CocaCola of New England, Capitol Golf, Dunkin’ Donuts, Hannaford Supermarkets, Apple Hill Golf Course, Holy Rosary Credit Union, Smuttynose Brewing, Lion Café, New Hampshire Fisher Cats, Nippo Lake Golf Club, Northwood Power Equipment, Sign Spectrum, Wal-Mart Rochester, Mountain Road Trading Post and Paul Guptill. Thank you so much to all our players and sponsors! The 2008 tournament is scheduled for Saturday, June 14. We welcome golfers of all abilities! Watch the CBNA web site ( for registration information and materials. To have a registration form mailed to you, call the CBNA Development Office at 603-942-5531, ext. 186, or e-mail LEFT: CBNA faculty members Mark Carrier (far left) and Heidi Cleveland (far right) with Heidi’s sisters Joy Wood and Amy Quinlan. 12 Visions — Fall 2007 Keith Guptill ’79 and Doug Smith. Assistant Headmaster Paul W. Davis, Jr., with CBNA student and tournament volunteer Nate Legere ‘08. Third Annual CBNA Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament Saturday, June 14, 2008 Paul Guptill ’52 and David Newell ’52. The Petersons (Derek ’05 and Doug, former trustee, far left and far right) watch the action with Dan ’74 and Jeff ’76 Tasker. Visions — Fall 2007 1 3 Annual Giving by Class Coe-Brown Northwood Academy Jean Stapleford George Tilton Total: $1,295.00 1935 Robert Johnson Irene Shores Total: $112.50 1948 Robert Carr Elizabeth Geers In Memory Of Frank Guptill Romayne Jackson Class of 1948 (Tile) Total: $1,810.75 1936 O. William Hayes Helen Marison Rowena Walsh Total: $200.00 1937 Elmer Tasker Total: $100.00 1949 Robert Deem Ann Gifford Shirley White In Memory of John Young Bruce Young Total: $1,270.00 1939 Norma Perkins Total: $25.00 1940 Elizabeth Crowley Mary Oliver Jean Richner Total: $400.00 1950 Marlene Paige Total: $120.00 1941 Norma Cater Corinda Davis Total: $1,100.00 1951 Robert Burklund Lillian Deely Ralph Twombly Total: $140.00 1942 Merl Bartels John Crummey Constance Gates Lawrence Hutchins Total: $688.50 1952 Al Dalrymple Mary Drown Barbara Emery Harley Florence Paul Guptill Jennette Hemeon Class of 1952 (Tile) Total: $770.00 1943 Lemma Rollins Total: $20.00 1953 Clifford Bane Richard Bengtson Marilyn Deem Mary Hathaway Pearl King Kenneth Magoon Phyllis Smith Total: $550.00 1945 Robert Bailey George Geers Class of 1945 (Tile) Total: $1,070.75 1946 Mary Ann Bailey Allan ( Joe) Holmes Jean Tudor Total: $500.00 1947 George Bartlett Gerald Giles Joy Kimball 1954 Faye Hammond Marion Lovely Norene Sauls-Niemeyer Bigelow Wood Total: $325.00 14 Visions — Fall 2007 1955 George Demmons Norma Hackett Joan Nelson Beverly Stover Total: $275.00 1956 Barbara Gray Robert Magoon Barbara Thompson Total: $300.00 1957 Eleanor Corbin Sherman Elliott Gene Jacques Lewis Smith Roberta Stearns Joyce Thistle Robert White George Witham Mildred Wolak Etta Yeaton Joyce Yeaton Class of 1957 (Tile) Total: $772.50 1958 Kathleen Bernier Linda Jacques James Pender Total: $1,236.00 1959 William Demmons Edward Dodge Carol Kelley Marguerite Martinez Mabel Sullivan Paul Thiem Total: $325.00 1960 Linda Burtt Joan Debutts Edith Kimball Janet Simpson Cyndi Smith Frederick Twombly Brenda Weeks Ashton Welch Total: $562.50 1961 Thomas Demeritt Nancy Souther Patricia Sweisthal Margaret Wallace Total: $1,169.95 1962 Alden Neal Coral Nieder Nancy Richardson Marcia Severance Philip Twombly Roland Twombly Total: $605.00 1963 Nancy Edmunds Zolin Moses Joyce Munroe John Newman Diane Robinson Total: $275.00 1964 Priscilla Foss Rebecca Irvine William McGowen Total: $400.00 1965 Cheryl Ann Fitzgerald Dennis Tuttle Total: $200.00 1966 William Brackett L. Gail Brown David Buzzell Robert Carpenter Gary Goldsmith Georgia Hodgman Samuel Johnson Judith Lynch Arthur Marston Sandra Priolo Richard Shaw William Stevens Total: $590.00 1967 Richard Bartels Joan Parent Kathryn Stoker Richard Stone John Tuttle Janis Zalgenas Total: $475.00 1969 Sally Aseltine Richard Chandler William Strachan James Tuttle Total: $365.00 1970 Deborah Ward Total: $50.00 1971 Christine Averill William Rafeal Donna Sewall Total: $100.00 1972 Charles Bailey Cathy Lindquist Pamela Rafeal Total: $190.00 1973 Sheri Detrude Shelley Kirschner Pamela Wood Total: $350.00 1974 Cathy Calef Russell Cicchetto Suzi Falcone Craig Holmes Daniel Tasker Total: $525.00 1975 Debbie Marden Mary Snider Melinda Tasker Total: $120.00 1976 Bruce Cammett Arthur Desmarais Robin Drown Linda Eastman Kerry Guptill Thomas Linnell Diane Tasker Jeffrey Tasker Total: $545.00 1977 Linda Grant Clinton Jackson Theresa Laderbush Total: $145.00 1978 Diana Decota Joanne Eaton Amy Paine Total: $175.00 THE CLASS OF 2007 1979 Keith Guptill Cheryl Jackson Total: $75.00 1980 Don Clifford Douglas Jackson Lisa Kennard Carole Luedtke Wendy Rappa Total: $400.00 1981 Martin Blood John Cassidy Melinda Geaumont Total: $325.00 1982 Scott Burklund Brian Stone Ann Thibeault Total: $75.00 1983 Susan Calabrese Darren Howcroft Debbie Schimmel Total: $180.00 1984 Douglas Dimes Bonnie Heisey Wade Sauls Maria Shute Total: $725.00 1985 Steven Colby Patricia Gerlt Christopher Knox Total: $250.00 1986 Deborah Hoey Alan O’Neal Total: $40.00 1987 Vincent Bane Darrin St. Clair Corey Twombly Total: $680.00 1989 Ginger Snow Total: $50.00 1990 Melisa Connors Arthur Marston Bree Marston Lance Twombly Jennifer Wheet Total: $300.00 1992 Jason Johnson Total: $75.00 1993 Kristyl Calef Brum Sean Stimmell Total: $60.00 1996 Steven Colburn Gregory Pickard Total: $30.00 1997 Terrence Beach Brian Colburn Sara Pickard Total: $180.00 1999 Jeffrey Farr Total: $20.00 2001 Kevin Detrude Heather O’Neal Jessica Snider Total: $150.00 2002 Lindsey Colburn Lindsey Mason Total: $50.00 2004 Alissa Detrude Joseph Raffaele Total: $50.00 2005 Jessica Weeks Total: $20.00 Catherine Leah Adams Leila Victoria Alkurabi Sara Meaghan Allard Nickolas Allen Ambrose Taylor Robert Ashford Katie Leigh Beairsto Kevin Michael Bedell John Matthew Benham Roxanne Nicole Bischoff Paul William Blouin Calah Denise Bouchard Megan Cecilia Bready Nathan Ross Bronnenberg Emily Helena Brownell Sarah Jayne Bujno Rebecca Sue Bunker Nathan Scott Burnell Nicole Alexandra Campbell Michael Paul Carr Jill Amanda Carroll Kaitlyn Elizabeth Cecchetti Christopher Michael Chagnon Calie Elizabeth Chase Nicholas Charles Comtois Cristin Margaret Conroy Deanna Linn Cook Michael Sebastian Coulombe Samantha Marie Currier Benjamin Lee Davis Courtney Ann DeAngelis Brian Miles Deyermond Kyle Thomas DiFruscio Ryan Fred Dolen Kyle Bradford Drake Evan Thomas Duderewicz Amanda Lynn Elliott Spencer Michael English Kyle Tuttle Faucher Kimberly Felber Hannah Elizabeth Fernandes Alexys Leigh Ficek Mary Elizabeth Flannery Kipp Gregory Franklin Peter James Frase Timothy James Fredette Alison Elizabeth Freeman Michelle Rose French Amanda Beth Fuller Robert William Gates Jr. Andrew Joshua Goodwin Allan Scott Grondin Alicia Ann Gutowski Alex David Haas Kate McLean Hanrahan Spencer Ross Hardwick Rebecca Lynn Harnish Anna Lee Hartmann Nicholas William Hayward Zoé Mistrale Hendrickson Devon Voltage Hermenau Joshua Salvatore Hickey Jeffrey Nicholas Hodgdon Kaci Alice Hoey Gary Michael Hoover Meghan Elizabeth Iber Jason Robert Irving Jonathan Richard Irving Trevor Kevin Jandebeur Tessa Jayne Jesmer Amy Elizabeth Jordan Kyla Amber Jurgel Derek Stephen Kelley Victoria Marie Kerivan Justin Michael Kirwin Seth Russell Klint Derek Neal Kraytenberg Elizabeth Nicole Lacroix Daniel Nolan Laroche Jr. Douglas Michael LeDuc Joshua Kevin LeTarte Benjamin Alyn Levergood Stephanie Anne Long Joshua Brian Lucien Benjamin Joel MacDonald Danielle Marie MacDonald Kayla Elizabeth MacKenzie Lyndsy Marie Macri Rachel Ann Madariaga Joshua Alexander Madison Patrick John Massicotte Laura Marie Masten Krystal Anne Mayo Brendan Hugh McCann Timothy Rabin McConnell Heather Ashley Meattey Elizabeth Gearty Merrill Devon John Miles Robert Donovan Morlang Taylor James Morrissette Robert Scott Morton Katelynn Patricia Mulcahy Nathan Raymond Nadeau Tiffany Anne Nolin Patrick Ryan O’Connell Haley Allison Omand Grady James O’Neil Hannah Ashleigh Osgood Melissa Caitlin Overmyer Matthew Joseph Pappalardo Jennifer Lee Perry Katelin Anne Perry Matthew Thomas Peterson Christi Elizabeth Pike Chad Michael Pittera Hannah Marie Plimpton Alicia Marie Poisson Larry Arthur Potvin Jr. Jennifer Patrice Rice Sheri Margaret Roux Kristina Beth Roy Kyle William Russell Charles Ross Sargent Thomas Aristotle Schena Bradley Louis Schnoor Jasmine Emily Schonwald Samantha Marie Segura-Cook Wendell L Sharpe Jessica Lynn Shurtleff Jame Kenneth Skeffington-Ward Courtney Jayne Small Nicole Elizabeth Smith David Raymond Snell II Joshua James Steenbergen Kelsea Marie Stewart Chance Andrew Strandell Sofija Rasa Lucia Sutton Marcie Erin Tasker Elizabeth Terry Tatjana Thomas Joshua Ryan Thorne Amanda Jean Turner Jessica Margaret Valencia Nicholas Louis Vina Elizabeth Ashley Waldron Kaitlin Michelle Waldron Robert Scott West Jr. Justine H Wheeler Brianna Marie Whelan Justin James Wood Ashley Marie Young Rebecca Grace Yurek Visions — Fall 2007 15 Scholarships and Awards Commencement 2007 Alumni Scholarship, Elizabeth N. Lacroix...............................$500 Alumni Scholarship, Hannah A. Osgood................................$500 Ann E. Helmboldt Memorial Scholarship, Kimberly Felber..................................................................$500 Annie Giles Memorial Scholarship, Melissa C. Overmeyer.......................................................$500 Ann Strout Memorial Scholarship, Alison E. Freeman.........$150 Annual Merit Scholarship, Robert S. West..............................$200 Brenda Lynn and Robert Daley Scholarship, Jennifer P. Rice....................................................................$300 Brenda Lynn and Robert Daley Scholarship, Brendan McCann...............................................................$300 Cardinal’s Scholarship, Robert S. West.....................................$250 Cardinal’s Scholarship, Amanda L. Elliott...............................$250 CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarship, Nicole E. Smith........$400 CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarship, Joshua J. Steenbergen.........................................................$400 CBNA Faculty and Staff Scholarship, Sofija R.L. Sutton...............................................................$400 CBNA Maintenance Staff Scholarship, Wendell L. Sharpe..............................................................$400 CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship, Rebecca L. Harnish............................................................$500 CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship, Zoé M. Hendrickson.........................................................$500 CBNA National Honor Society Scholarship, Jennifer L. Perry..................................................................$500 Christina Blanchard Memorial Scholarship, Wendell L. Sharpe..............................................................$200 David Behm Music Scholarship, Benjamin A. Levergood................................................ $1,000 Davideen Lynn Dahill/Robert Pike, Sr., Memorial Scholarship, Michelle R. French..................$120 Denise Elliott Dennett Scholarship, Nathan R. Bronnenberg....................................................$500 Dodge Family Scholarship, Rebecca S. Bunker.......................$250 Dominic’s Restaurant Scholarship, Alexis E. Ficek................$150 Edgar and Doris Greenhalgh Memorial Scholarship, Benjamin L. Davis..............................................................$500 Frisbie Memorial Hospital Scholarship, Emily H. Brownell......................................................... $2,000 George N. Cate Scholarship, Emily H. Brownell...................$500 George N. Cate Scholarship, Kimber Felber...........................$500 George N. Cate Scholarship, Rebecca L. Harnish..................$750 George N. Cate Scholarship, Brendan McCann.....................$500 George N. Cate Scholarship, Nicole E. Smith........................$500 George N. Cate Scholarship, Sofija R.L. Sutton.....................$500 George N. Cate Scholarship, Nicholas L. Vina.......................$500 George N. Cate Scholarship, Kaitlin M. Waldron.................$500 H. Labarree Memorial Scholarship, Marcie E. Tasker...........$500 16 Visions — Fall 2007 Harvey Lake Women’s Club Scholarship, Amanda B. Fuller.................................................................. $1,000 Herbert Sherman Scholarship, Mary E. Flannery.........................$563 John O’Brien Memorial Scholarship, Nicholas L. Vina.......... $1,000 Norman and Helen Johnson Memorial Scholarship, Jill A. Carroll.............................................................................$200 Northwood Crankpullers Snowmobile Club Scholarship, Marcie E. Tasker.......................................................................$200 Northwood Fire/Rescue Association Scholarship, Taylor R. Ashford.....................................................................$500 Northwood Fire/Rescue Association Scholarship, Robert S. West..........................................................................$500 Northwood Elementary Teachers’ Association Scholarship, Jeffrey N. Hodgdon.................................................................$300 Pinkham Scholarship, Hannah A. Osgood..............................$13,000 Raymond Area Rotary Club Scholarship, Mary E. Flannery.....$500 Raymond Area Rotary Club Scholarship, Hannah A. Osgood.............................................................. $1,000 Renee Laberge Scholarship (Northwood Theatre Workshop), Christopher M. Chagnon.......................................................$500 Rochester Rotary Club, Kaitlin M. Waldron................................$500 Ryan Kane Scholarship, Haley A. Omand.....................................$500 Ryan Kane Scholarship, Wendell L. Sharpe...................................$500 SADD Chapter Scholarship, Hannah A. Osgood.......................$350 SADD Chapter Scholarship, Rebecca G. Yurek...........................$350 Saddleback Mountain Lion’s Club Scholarship, Heather A. Meattey............................................................. $1,000 SOPA Scholarships, Christopher M. Chagnon............................$500 SOPA Scholarships, Jeffrey N. Hodgdon.......................................$500 Student Council Leadership Scholarships, Kaci A. Hoey..........$300 Student Council Leadership Scholarships, Elizabeth N. Lacroix................................................................$300 Student Council Leadership Scholarships, Rachel A. Madariaga...............................................................$300 Strafford Garden Club Scholarship, Emily H. Brownell.............$500 Strafford Women’s Club Scholarship, Kaitlin M. Waldron........$500 Vincent “Mike” Bane Scholarship, Kyle T. Faucher.....................$350 William O’Neal Oratory Award, Rachel A. Madariaga..............$400 Army Reserve Awards for Academic and Athletic Excellence, Rebecca L. Harnish and Nicholas L. Vina United States Air Force Math and Science Award, Nicholas L. Vina United States Marine Corps High School Awards: Distinguished Athlete Awards, Kyle T. Faucher and Zoé M. Hendrickson Scholastic Excellence Awards, Benjamin A. Levergood and Melissa C. Overmeyer Semper Fidelis Awards, Gary M. Hoover and Elizabeth Terry Looking Back Commencement CLASS OF 2007 ABOVE: Senior members of CBNA’s Chorus salute their classmates in song. RIGHT: Nick Ambrose, Josh LeTarte and Paul Blouin. BELOW: Jordan Zamarron ‘08 and Meredith Overmeyer ‘08 served as marshalls for CBNA’s 138th Commencement. Commencement Program, June 23, 1899 COE-BROWN NORTHWOOD ACADEMY 907 First New Hampshire Turnpike Northwood, New Hampshire 03261 If there is an error in your address, we request you notify the Alumni Office of any changes. Thank you. Non-Profit Status U.S. Postage PAID Northwood, NH Permit No. 17
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