KLIP IN DIE BOS Edition 02 of 2009, 1 September 2009
KLIP IN DIE BOS Edition 02 of 2009, 1 September 2009
KLIP IN DIE BOS Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 STAFF NEWSLETTER PARK RYNIE (SCOTTBURG (SCOTTBURGH) OFFICIALLY OPENED AFRIMAT At least one hundred and fifty people will be affected financially, directly or indirectly by the investment which was made by AFRIMAT in the Park Rynie precast branch. This was stated by CEO Mr Andries van Heerden at the official opening of the branch on Wednesday 24 June 2009. ‘N LEEU IN AFRIKA We are currently in the midst of the worst economic crisis of the last 80 years. News of economic decline, rising unemployment and other woes continuously remind us that we are in a recession. Nobody is unaffected, especially not anybody operating in the construction materials industry. AFRIMAT has also been affected and has reported smaller profits in the last financial year. AFRIMAT has invested in a fully automated Brick and Block machine at their factory in Park Rynie. On Wednesday 24 June 2009, AFRIMAT celebrated the opening of the new branch: Park Rynie. Dignitaries form Ugu District Municipality and surrounding local municipalities attended the function and the customer base of the company was well represented. A guided tour was conducted by the supervisor, Mr I. Shezi and his staff for all to see the quality products produced and how the new machine operated. Ons het feitlilk geen beheer oor die ekonomie en die handelstoestande rondom ons nie. Wat ons wel beheer oor het is ons eie reaksie daarop. Hier wil ek ‘n treffende voorbeeld uit die natuur aanhaal wat iemand onlangs in ‘n radioprogram gebruik het. Een groep mense se reaksie sal wees om te sit en wag vir besigheid, net soos wat ‘n luislang stil lê en wag vir sy prooi om na hom toe te kom. ‘n Ander groep sal die leeu se voorbeeld volg. ‘n Leeu sal uitgaan en gaan soek vir daardie prooi totdat hy dit kry. Hy sal dan doelgerig seker maak dat hy daardie prooi vang. Net so kan ons die gemaksone verlaat en uitgaan en die geleenthede gaan soek. Met toewyding en passie kan ons seker maak dat ons die kompetisie klop en die besigheid doen. Daar is geleenthede daarbuite, ons moet net uitgaan en dit gaan soek. The Council Speaker of Umdoni Municipality, Councillor M.O. Zama (ABOVE) cut the ribbon to officially launch the new plant. In his speech he stated that the municipality and community appreciated the investment made by AFRIMAT and wished the company well for its future in the community. He further stated that the local community needed to support AFRIMAT and the investment they made during this difficult economic climate. Mr Sunny Saman, Chairperson of the Park Rynie Industrial Sector Committee, gave an overview of the upgrading of the industrial park in Park Rynie and other disaster relief initiatives in the area. Mr. Saman also stated his appreciation for the investment that AFRIMAT made in the Industrial Park. I am very grateful for the quality of our people. We have adopted the approach of the lion and took our business to new areas and new markets. We are also making sure that our existing business remains a delight to our customers. With this winning attitude our business is doing relatively well in spite of the economic storm and we are excited about an excellent future. Mr Andries van Heerden presented a profile of AFRIMAT, stating that the group is black empowered and listed on the main board of the JSE. It has a footprint throughout South Africa and is active in eight of the nine provinces. Mr van Heerden emphasized that the company has invested in this area as it is seen to have great growth potential despite the presence of other brick and block manufacturers. The introduction of SABS certified bricks and blocks will be beneficial for lifting the standard of building material, especially in the low cost housing sector. ANDRIES VAN HEERDEN Furthermore he challenged the local community and stated that this investment could only be justified with their support and in turn the company will supply the market with high quality product at very reasonable prices. HOOF UITVOERENDE BEAMPTE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS EYE ON DEVELOPMENT THROUGH TRAINING As outlined in many economic discussions, debates and articles, the world is experiencing a skills shortage. Recognising the skills shortage, AFRIMAT is driving training and development within the company with the goal of identifying, recruiting and developing high potential employees. Two programs recently launched within AFRIMAT Aggregates are Adult Basic Educational Training and Apprenticeship Training. Training Adult Basic Educational Training (ABET) Previously ABET training in the Western Cape was made available to a limited group used to gauge the interest for ABET training, using two quarries, Brewelskloof (Worcester) and Smalblaar (Rawsonville). The limited program indicated that there was interest from employees to further themselves. This allowed the program to be expanded further. Voluntary placement assessments for the employees have been offered to Vredenburg, Overberg area, Robertson, Rawsonville and Brewelskloof. The placement assessment indicated to the assessors what level of education the participants had already achieved. The enthusiasm from the employees showed that they are interested in enriching themselves through further education. Now that phase one of the placements has been completed, the classes will be arranged for the participants. Thanks to Joe Kalo and Willmar Jeftha for all the hard work on the programme so far. Thanks to all the Foremen and Managers for their support and arranging the logistics for the assessments. Most importantly, thanks to all the employees who are making this program a success through their enthusiastic participation. Apprenticeship Training There is a national skills shortage of trained qualified artisans such as boilermakers, earth moving mechanics, welders, fitter & turners and other trades. To limit Afrimat’s risk to a weak supply of skills, it was decided to create our own in-house apprentice training program. An Apprentice Panel was established for the Western Cape with the mandate to achieve this goal. The members of the panel are Johan Bisschoff, Jacques de Braal, Adriaan Lategan, Christo Schloms, Piet van Zyl and Johan Zietsman. Piet van Zyl acts as mentor to prospective earthmoving mechanics and Johan Zietsman as mentor to prospective fitters, boilermakers and fitter & turners. The Apprentice Panel has already enlisted the first group of young employees for the program in accordance with very demanding selection criteria. The employees who have been awarded apprenticeships are Gideon Coetzee (fitter & turner), Yazid Kariem (earth moving mechanic), Emmanuel Nkosi (boilermaker) and Louis Niemand (welder). We wish all the participants best of luck with their respective courses. Gideon Coetzee LADYSMITH OPEN DAY On 23 July 2009 the Ladysmith branch had the pleasure of hosting the local Adante primary school at their block plant. Twenty-five scholars ranging from Grade 3 to 5 attended. Branch Manager Len Orchison explained to the children in Zulu how blocks, bricks and pavers are made and showed them the different plants. The children were very excited and impressed. These are our future customers who will support us in the future. They were treated to a party afterwards. Len expressed his thanks to Jenny and all staff for their part in making it a great day for all. Jenny Labuschagne, Jan Roelofse, Johan Venter, Len Orchison and Magda Venter together with the scholars of Adante school. 2 Yazid Kariem Emmanuel Nkosi Louis Niemand Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS THE SUN IS SHINING AGAIN BLUE PLATINUM, LANSERIA LANSERIA AFRIMAT het ‘n aandeel verkry in ‘n klipgroef te Lanseria, noord-wes van Johannesburg. Hierdeur het ons ons afsetgebied in Johannesburg uitgebrei en is dit nou vir ons moontlik om kompeterend te wees in hierdie ontwikkelende gebied in Gauteng. The first eight months of this year have gone by quickly and I wonder how the next couple of months will be. Charl Marais is bevorder tot Streeksbestuurder vir die Gauteng streek en het vanaf Kaapstad verhuis om hierdie nuwe uitdaging aan te pak. July has been a difficult month for all. Our customers have contended with poor weather conditions and striking workers. This has impacted negatively on our sales volumes, with a substantial drop in volDavin Giles umes at all our quarries and sand mines. The sun is shining again and the strikes in the construction sector a thing of the past. We need to renew our efforts in August to make up the shortfall experienced this month. We experienced difficulties on the interfacing side of Winbridge which has put tremendous pressure on the administration staff and debt collection. We have now seen a positive improvement through a tremendous effort by all involved. The immanent appointments of new debt collection staff will continue this trend with an expected improvement on our debtors days that have slipped. Our first blast at the new Kliprug Quarry was a success. Well done to Kobus Jooste and his team. Mobile crushing operations are expected to commence in the near future which will place us in a strong position to compete in the Cape Town market. Blue Platinum se personeel: Voor: Anton Venter Agter: Jabulani Magubane, Nicolene Swart, Charl Marais We have seen some exciting projects going out to tender. Two of these are on our doorstep in Worcester, namely the Worcester Interchange at the Casino / Mountain Mill Shopping Centre and a large Waste Water Treatment Works, also in Worcester. A CULTURE OF SERVING DR LAURIE KORSTEN If I had to pick one key to success for any business, it would be this: create a service culture. However, what many companies fail to realize is that a service culture is more than serving the customer. It's also about serving each other. Die groef en aanleg by Blue Platinum I always made it clear to each employee in my companies: your job is not to serve me. In fact, it's the opposite … my job is to serve you. My job is to give you the tools you need to serve our customers, but more importantly, I must create a climate where we enjoy serving each other. The key to serving each other is built around two core values: mutual respect and working together. Ken Blanchard, the best selling author of The One Minute Manager said that every once in a while a small book comes along that deals with a profound subject in a simple, elegant way. A Peacock in the Land of Penguins is that book. 3 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS KLIP IN DIE BOS fokus op suksesvolle mense Pieter de Wet Pieter de Wet is die Besturende Direkteur van Lancaster Quarries. Piet het skool gegaan in Pietermaritsburg, waarna hy sy loopbaan begin het as leerlingwerktuigkundige by die Natalse Paaiedepartement. Piet het die kursus wat normaalweg drie jaar neem om te voltooi binne 18 maande voltooi. In 1975 is Pieter by Lancaster aangestel as dieselwerktuigkundige. Hy onthou hoe hulle daardie jare weeksdae vanaf ses tot ses en Saterdae tot eenuur moes werk - alles sonder addisionele oortydbetaling. Na een strawwe jaar het Piet besluit om te bedank, maar voordat hy vertrek het het Lancaster hom oortuig om sy loopbaan by hulle voort te sit. Hy is toe opgelei as skietwerker waarna hy as algemene bestuurder in Ulundi aangestel is. Pieter de Wet Na 21 jaar Ulundi is Piet bevorder tot die posisie van bedryfsbestuurder by Vryheid en ‘n jaar later tot bedryfsdirekteur. Tien jaar later is Piet aangestel in sy huidige posisie (van die afgelope vier jaar) as besturende direkteur vir Lancaster Quarries. ‘n Loopbaan van 35 jaar tot dusver waarin Piet sy persoonlike waardes van harde werk, “lead by example” en respek gevestig het en uitleef. Piet sê dat dit vir hom belangrik is dat mens nederig moet bly met jou voete op die grond. Een mens moet ook nooit dink dat hy beter is as ‘n ander nie. Piet is ‘n familieman. Hy was ‘n kranige jukskeispeler. Hy hou van gholf. Piet se passie is sy gyrocopter - ‘n klein vliegtuig wat anders as vastevlerk vliegtuig gebruik maak van ‘n rotor soos die van ‘n helikopter vir sy aerodinamika. Die lugruim van Vryheid is al bekend met Piet se rooi gyro. Easter Initiative: AFRIMAT READYMIX (CAPE) Afrimat Readymix Cape embarked on a new Easter venture this year. They donated 80 Easter eggs to the “Home of Hope Foundation” for their Easter egg Hunt. The Home of Hope Foundation assists abandoned and abused children from areas such as Brooklyn, Malmesbury, Dunoon, Khayelitsha, Langa and Atlantis. They house 60 to 80 children on a daily basis. The children truly enjoyed the Easter egg Hunt. To protect their identity no pictures could be placed. The staff all got involved with tying ribbons on the Easter eggs in order to make it extra special for the children. 4 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS ONS GROET ONTMOET PIETER DE WIT Pieter is sedert Februarie 2008 die Groeprekenmeester van Afrimat. Hy was voorheen vir 15 jaar werksaam by PriceWaterhouseCoopers in Worcester, waarvan hy die laaste drie jaar ‘n senior bestuurder was. Pieter werk vanuit die Tygervallei kantoor. As Groepsrekenmeester behels sy taak die konsolidasie van AFRIMAT groep se finansiële state en die opstel en voorbereiding van AFRIMAT se jaar- en halfjaarverslag. Hy behartig die rekeninge van AFRIMAT Ltd (die houer-maatskappy) en die inkomstebelastingsake van die maatskappye in die groep. Pieter het sy B.Compt (Hons) graad aan UNISA verwerf en is ‘n gekwalifiseerde geoktrooieerde rekenmeester (altesaam 'n 7-jaar kwalifikasie). Hy het ‘n nagraadse diploma in belasting en is tans besig met die Instituut vir Geoktroieerde Maatskappysekretarisse se raadseksamens. Ons het die afgelope twee maande van Theunis Jordaan en Monty Kaplan afskeid geneem. Hierdie twee grotes van AFRIMAT het afgetree. Monty het op AFRIMAT se Raad gedien sedert die stigting van die maatskappy in 2006. Theunis was ’n Direkteur van Prima en Boublok. VRYHEID READYMIX E.J.P. CONTRACT COMPLETED Pieter is getroud met Surina en het drie seuns: Stephan (7), Petrie (5) en Marnus (1). KEEROMBERG BERGFIETSWEDREN BERGFIETSWEDREN The readymix concrete department under the leadership of Pieter Lourens and Klemens Stols has completed a major RMC project supplying ready mix from Sandspruit towards Utrecht ending at the Umfolozi substation. We are thankful to everybody that was involved, especially the drivers who did a marvelous job in mostly off-road terrain. The contractor erected transmission pylons that are based on concrete foundations. The foundations were poured over a distance of approximately 100 km, with a pylon every 300 metres, amounting to about 330 of these foundations. The project was completed on 17 July 2009. Eben Swanepoel AFRIMAT was een van die trotse borge van die Keeromberg bergfietswedren wat op Saterdag 23 Mei 2009 plaasgevind het. Daar was drie roetes: ‘n 15km (vir beginners), ‘n 30km en 50km deur die berge by De Wet. Eben Swanepoel van die bande afdeling in Worcester het in ‘n uitstekende tyd van 2:20 klaar gemaak teenoor ‘n wentyd van 2:05 vir die 50 km roete. PETER CORBIN ‘N KLEINSEUN RYKER Peter Corbin en sy vrou Lynette het op 1 September ’n kleinseun ryker geword. Hul dogter Nicole Thompson het in Engeland geboorte gegee aan Harry Peter Geoffrey Thompson. 5 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS PROMOTION "VOSSIE" VORSTER PROMOTED PROMOTED Congratulations to M.J. Vorster, affectionately known as "Vossie", for his appointment as Quarry Manager at the Vryheid Branch. Vossie was born in 1963 in Greytown, Natal. He matriculated at Gert Maritz High School, Pietermaritzburg. After completing his military service, Vossie enrolled at Durnacol Training Centre as an apprentice millwright, majoring in electricity. After completing his apprenticeship in 1987 Vossie joined Iscor, working at Durnacol and Hlobane where his duties included above others Relief Foreman and Planning. Vossie joined Lancaster Quarries in 1997 as Group Electrician. In 2003 he took on the responsibility for the total maintenance of the crushers in the group. Vossie is a keen fisherman and an accomplished "Jukskei"-player, having achieved regional colours seven times and representing Natal five times. IN MEMORIAM HERMIAS CORNELIUS (NEELS) VAN ZYL Chris Maart It is with great sadness that we received notice of the death of Neels Van Zyl. Congratulations to Chris Maart on his promotion as the Sales Manager for Afrimat Readymix Cape (Pty) Ltd. Chris together with his team of four Sales Representatives will be servicing the Readymix Division in the Western Cape. He passed away due to a heart attack on Tuesday morning, 7 July 2009 on site at the Mobile Readymix Plant in Dealesville near Bloemfontein. Chris was employed as Sales Representative in 2001. He was then promoted as Regional Operations Manager and later as Key Accounts Manager, from which he received his latest promotion to the position of Sales Manager. Chris has truly shown his competence, loyalty and dedication towards Afrimat Readymix Cape (Pty) Ltd. Neels was the Plant Supervisor. He joined AFRIMAT Readymix Cape in October 2008. He will be remembered for his contribution in the establishment of the Dealesville plant and the dynamic start of operations under his leadership there. He was an inspirational leader and his presence will be greatly missed. We look forward to the future endeavors of the sales division at Afrimat Readymix Cape (Pty) Ltd. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family and friends. ZEROZERO-X Zero-X is die term wat gebruik word vir die aantal aaneenlopende kalenderdae gewerk sonder ‘n aanmeldbare besering. Die sweiswerkwinkel in Worcester het ZERO-X in werking gestel om hul veiligheidsrekord te verbeter en om die vyf stappe tot veiligheid as een van die belangrikste gereedskapstukke te gebruik. Die werknemers neem ook deel aan veiligheidspraatjies en -vergaderings. Elke werknemer van die sweiswerkwinkel het ook eienaarskap van sy eie veiligheid aanvaar. Aangesien die sweiswerkwinkel se “DIFR” te hoog was het hulle vir hulself ZERO-X doelwitte gestel. Veiligheidsverteenwoordiger Deon Coetzee is opgewonde oor die eerste doelwit van 60 dae sonder ‘n besering wat reeds bereik is. Hy het vertroue in elke werknemer van die sweiswerkwinkel om as ‘n span saam te werk. Deon dank elke werker van die Sweiswerkwinkel vir hul insette om die werkplek ‘n veiliger omgewing te maak en aan bestuur vir hul leiding en ondersteuning. Veiligheidsverteenwoordiger Deon Coetzee (middel) by voormanne Pieter Swanepoel (links) en Johan Zietsman (regs) 6 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS AFRIMAT READYMIX (CAPE) The Dealesville Plant was erected in April 2009. It has successfully passed and maintained all the safety, health and environmental requirements of Eskom. The following employees and subcontractors were designated to this project:. • Elton Frans - Plant Supervisor • Bonginkosi Stafa - Loader Operator • Koos Mbalola - Plant Assistant • Nkosinathi Komisane - Mixer Truck Operator • Karel Koert - Mixer Truck Operator • Macford Mvelashe - Lorry Owner Driver (LOD) • Sarel Dyers - Lorry Owner Driver (LOD) The team kicked off with meaning and produced 3831m3 of concrete at the Dealesville Plant during the first two months of their operation. Management expressed their thanks to the Dealesville team for their hard work, patience and dedication to making this Site so productive and successful. AFRIMAT SUPPORTS Vryheid Athletic Club had their annual Easter Run on 11 April 2009. AFRIMAT hosted one of the eighteen water points, ensuring a presence of the brand in the community and testing our service focus by competing with seventeen other companies for the title of “BEST WATER POINT SPIRIT”. AFRIMAT came second in this competition and aims to take this title next year. Good service, high spirit and great team work, that is the name of the game whether for pleasure or for business. 7 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS HYLTON’S TEAM PUMA DOES IT AGAIN WêRELDSPELE 2009 (TAIWAN) Anton Gerber, Voorman van Afrimat Aggregates in Kaapstad is die afrigter van die dames “indoor” toutrekspan wat vanjaar vir Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig het by die wêreldspele te Kaohsiung, Taiwan. ‘n Totaal van 158 lande was by die wêreldspele verteenwoordig. Suid-Afrika het algeheel sesde geeïndig. “Team South Africa” soos die groep bekend gestaan het, het een silwer- en twee brons medaljes huis toe gebring. Volgende jaar word die wêreldkampioenskappe vir “outdoor” toutrek in September in Pretoria aangebied. Anton was afrigter van die nasionale span wat verlede jaar in Swede deelgeneem het. Alle sterkte vir Anton en sy span vir volgende jaar se uitdaging om goud huistoe te bring. I recently attended the National yachting Championships held off Durban from the 10th – 12th July. The championships is a highly competitive event involving all the top racing yachts in South Africa. The total entry was 67 yachts broken up into four divisions according to size. Our yacht, “Puma Unleashed”, sailed in the highly competitive division one. Anton Gerber After four days of racing we were crowned South African champions. Tips on Environmental Awareness 1. NO-GO AREAS: 2. LITTERING: 3. FIRES: 4. TOILETS: 5. WATER: After two years of campaigning we have finally become the South African yachting champions. This qualifies us to receive South African Colours. Not to be walked through or travelled through with machinery. No littering, use the dustbins as supplied. No open or un-authorised “braai” fires. Use the toilet facilities on site. Water to be used wisely: Repair leaking pipes and taps. Close running taps. Our yacht is a 43 foot racing yacht with a sparse interior (the toilet door has even been taken off), the hull is epoxy carbon and the keel is manufactured using high tensile steel with a lead bulb at the bottom. The mast and boom is vacuum molded using carbon. The bulk of the sails which vary in size according to wind strength are manufactured using laminated carbon and kevlar strands. The yacht complete with inventory weighs about 6 tons and we sail with a crew of 13. Conserve, Protect & Respect our Environment! Hylton Hale Teamwork at Ladysmith WEL GEDAAN The teamwork at Ladysmith under the leadership of Len Orchison has done a splendid job and managed to hold the record for the most blocks sold during June 2009. A total of 460 434 blocks were sold. This is equivalent to the requirements for 460 RDP houses in one month. Monty Coleman het onlangs die wyd erkende SAMTRAC kursus in veiligheidgesondheid- en omgewingsbestuur voltooi met ‘n slaagsyfer van 88%. Wel gedaan Monty! Len expressed a special thanks to his staff and workers, especially to Jenny and Magda for “going the extra mile”. Len humbly expressed his gratitude and praises to our Lord above whom gave us the strength, confidence and love. Congratulations with the high sales and production. 8 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS Health and Safety MY SAFETY - my responsibility MY VEILIGHEID - my verantwoordelikheid TYPE OF INJURY: March - June 2009 Injuries to the hands, fingers, wrist, arms (20%) Injuries to the back (20%) Injuries to the head, neck & shoulders (0 %) Injuries to the eyes (15%) Injuries to the legs, feet & ankles (35 %) Injuries to the Trunk & Hip (10%) Injuries to the Face & Ears = (0 %) Internal injuries = (0 %) CAUSES OF INJURIES Lacerations, bruising and burns, caused by using the wrong tools or the correct tools used incorrectly. Unsafe lifting of heavy objects, or slipping and falling. Objects hitting against the head, concussion, straining. Solid/liquid material in eyes. Jumping off structures, missing steps, objects falling on the feet, resulting in fractures, torn ligaments or strained muscles. Injuries caused by tripping and fall incidents. WINNER OF SAFETY COMPETITION COMPETITION ODENDAALS RUS NIE Congratulations to Marna Strydom (Worcester) who won the safety competition in the March edition. Gerhard Odendaal se dogter Sune het weer die Boland verteenwoordig in die SA Biathle kampioenskappe in Oos-Londen. As 12-jarige het sy die eerste plek in die 0/14 ouderdomsgroep verower. Sy is in die SA-span opgeneem en as die Nasionale victrix ludorum aangewys. VORSTER KINDERS PRESTEER PRESTEER Jaco en Florinda Vorster, onderskeidelik 16 en 12 jaar oud, kinders van Vossie (Vryheid), het in Desember 2008 tydens die SA Junior Jukskei Kampioenskappe, hulle Oos-streekskleure verwerf. Monty Coleman hands Marna her prize. Jaco het vir die derde keer sy Nasionale kleure verwerf en in Mei 2009 saam met die SA-span op ‘n Nasionale toer deur die land getoer. UYS HENGELAARS Deon Uys en sy vrou Marie is die eerste egpaar uit die Boland wat saam WP-kleure verwerf het vir varswaterhengel. Hulle is onderskeidelik in WP se A-spanne vir mans en vroue opgeneem en neem vroeg volgende jaar aan die Nasionale kampioenskappe deel. Die mans gaan na Port-Elizabeth en die vroue na Bloemhofdam. 9 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The Service Management faculty at the Harvard Business School suggests that the strength of the customer relationship may be contingent upon four elements describing employee performance: capability, satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity. These four elements are thought to directly influence customer satisfaction (and ultimately loyalty) in the following manner: 1. Capability: Capability Capable employees can deliver high-value service to customers. This implies that employees have the training, tools, procedures, and rules to deliver good service. 2. Satisfaction: Satisfaction Satisfied employees are more likely to treat customers better than are their dissatisfied counterparts. 3. Loyalty: Loyalty Loyal employees are more willing to suppress short-term demands for the long-term benefit of the organization. As such, they may themselves place a priority on good customer service. Loyal employees also stay with their organizations longer, reducing the cost of turnover and its negative effect on service quality. 4. Productivity: Productivity Productive employees have the potential to raise the value of a firm's offerings to its customers. Greater productivity can lower costs of operations, which can mean lower prices for customers. The combination of these four factors makes intuitive sense. In addition to the traditionally emphasized elements of employee satisfaction and loyalty, this perspective adds the dimensions of capability and productivity. The theory, yet to be proven, emphasizes that employee loyalty is not a singular, direct link to customer loyalty. Source : Timothy L. Keiningham, Terry G. Vavra, Lerzan Aksoy and Henri Wallard, Loyalty Myths: Hyped Strategies That Will Put You Out of Businessand Proven Tactics That Really Work. ABLED PEOPLE WITH A DISABLILTY My name is Anton Venter and I am the Area Sales Manager for AFRIMAT in Gauteng. I started working for AFRIMAT in June 2009 and would like to share with you some of my life experiences. I am a disabled person who lost my left leg at the age of two while playing on the railway line in Empangeni in Kwa-Zulu Natal. I learned from a very young age to set goals for myself to show everyone that I was just as able as a person with two normal legs. I rode BMX competitions and even came second once and winning my first ever trophy. At the very young age of ten I came into contact with the game of golf and there my love for the sport started. By the age of nineteen I was playing from a 4- handicap. At age twenty I got married to Adri and we have two daughters, Antoinette now age 18 and Andria now age 15. I’m always setting goals for myself as a disabled person. I made peace with my disability at a young age and never stood one inch back from an able Anton Venter person. I have succeeded in winning a silver medal in badminton for Western Gauteng and also a gold medal for action cricket for Western Gauteng. In 2005 I became actively involved in the SADGA (South African Disabled Golf Association) and also played my first open which was held at Graceland in Secunda. I came second in the B division which was a huge achievement for me seeing that it was my first Disabled open. It was such an eye opener for people with no disability to attend these competitions to experience the humbleness and camaraderie between the participants from all over the world. I have played in the SA open every year thus far. I’m actively involved in sponsor days and regional days that are held in aid for disabled persons to create more awareness for people with disabilities. At these invitational sponsor days we try to be role models to assist and make aware what can be achieved even though we have a disability. I have been selected to represent Gauteng at a provincial level to compete against the Cape Province in the latter part of the year in a tournament which will be hosted in the Cape. Disabled Golf is now incorporated into the Paralympics for 2016. My goal now is to practice and to qualify for the Paralympics 2016. Being disabled taught me discipline, perseverance, commitment, goal setting, and humbleness. In my contact with other disabled people I always try and motivate and encourage to never give up, making piece with your disability and always giving it your all. Andy Scott of Nedbank mentioned some beautiful words at Erinvale in Somerset West in 2008, that “WE ARE NOT DISABLED PEOPLE, WE ARE ABLED PEOPLE WITH A DISABLILTY” 10 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS OPERATEURSOPERATEURSOPLEIDING Om te verseker dat ons Operateurs bekwaam bly en aan die wetlike vereistes voldoen, word hulle twee jaarliks opgelei in besuurdersvaardighede en in die veiligheidsaspekte verbonde aan die gebruik van masjiene by die werksplek. Sodoende kan ons ons bates optimum gebruik en kan ernstige ongelukke voorkom word. Die opleiding is deur Breërivier Training Development, ’n geakrediteerde opleidingsinstansie aangebied. Jakobus Koert Operateurs Wellington Mkholiso, Simon Willemse, Walter Snyders Kenneth Polopolo, Dawie Booysen en Samuel Evertson met hul opleidingsertifikate. IN MEMORIAM ARGUS FIETSRYERS MANDLA HUGHES Na publikasie van die prestasie van verskeie manne van AFRIMAT wat deelgeneem het aan fietstoere, het KLIP IN DIE BOS verneem dat daar nog drie manne die Argus toernooi voltooi het. Mandla passed away suddenly on 19 July 2009 after a short illness. He started employment as a temporary worker at Lancaster Quarries on 29 April 2008, helping with the move to our new premises. Mandla showed potential and was later offered a permanent position as Receiving Clerk at the central stores in Vryheid. He will be remembered as a competent, loyal and hard worker. Hulle is (naam/tyd voltooi): • Johan Burger – 5:15 • Len Douglas – 6:20 • Adriaan Lategan – 3:53 Adriaan Lategan Our deepest sympathy goes out to his family & friends. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM JAPIE PEENS ALBERT NUNU 1313-0505-1963 - 2828-0505-2009 1-0808-1952 - 2020-0707-2009 Ons het met skok en leedwyse kennis geneem dat Japie Peens op 28 Mei 2009 na ‘n kort siekbed oorlede is. It is with regret that we received notice of the passing of our colleague Albert Nunu on his sick bed. Albert was employed as a Bell Dumper Driver since 23 January 2001 at the Brewelskloof Quarry (Worcester). Hy was 46 jaar oud. Ons harte gaan uit na sy vrou Marietha en hul twee dogters. Our sincere condolences goes out to his family and friends. Japie was die Groefbestuurder by Vryheid. 11 Edition 02 of 2009 1 September 2009 KLIP IN DIE BOS WAZEEM VAN WYK PLAY OUR WORD-GAME Baie geluk aan Fayzil en Radiyah van Wyk met die geboorte van julle seun Wazir op 13 November 2008. Find the mystery word. Simply answer the 8 questions by filling your answers in the blank spaces of the word puzzle. You will then find the mystery word in the encircled cells. Mag hy julle groot vreugde verskaf. Five winners will be drawn and will win an AFRIMAT-beanie. Fayzil werk in Worcester. Write your name, surname, site, and answer on a piece of paper and forward to KLIP IN DIE BOS: 0866 070 777 Fax: E-mail: anton.gerber@afrimat.co.za MELISSA SMITH Baie geluk André en Cindy Smith met die geboorte van julle dogter Melissa en sussie vir Nathan op 23 Julie. Mag julle wonderlike “onthou” oomblikke met haar deel. Andre werk ook in Worcester. CLUES: 1 - The Branch Manager of Ladysmith (Precast): Len _____ . 2 - Our new quarry in Lantseria: ______ Platinum. 3 - He retired along with Monty Kaplan: ______ Jordaan. 4 - He is "Abled with a disability": _____ Venter. 5 - Vryheid Quarry's new Manager: "Vossie" ______. 6 - Sales Manager for Afrimat Readymix Cape: Chris _____. 7 - Our introduced successful person: _____ de Wet. 8 - The precast plant in Scottburgh: Park _____. WILLIE BRITS ‘N SEUN RYKER Baie geluk aan Willie Brits en sy vrou Jané met die geboorte van jul seun op 1 Augustus 2009. Mag julle gesin geseën wees en mag julle wonderlike tye saam met Anthony Owen beleef. You will find the answers in this edition of KLIP IN DIE BOS. Willie werk in Vryheid waar hy verbonde is aan die Quarries werkswinkel. OUR PREVIOUS WORD GAME The answer to our word game in the March Edition was “INTEGRITY”. Thank you for everyone who participated. Unfortunately only five winners could be drawn. Jenna Gavin - B. Acc. Acc The lucky winners are: ● ● ● ● ● Congratulations to Jenna Gavin, the Assistant Management Accountant at Lancaster Precast, who graduated at the College of Economics and Management Sciences. MP Simelane VHD W/S Ralph Summerfield VHD P/C Romano Swartz Denver W/S Rebecca Montoeli QQ Esther Kirchner QQ Congratulations, your Afrimat caps will be delivered soon! KLIP IN DIE BOS Jenna received the degree of Bachelors in Accounting Science. invites contributions from our readers. Forward articles and photo’s by e-mail to anton.gerber@afrimat.co.za or by fax to 0866 070 777 12