January 2013 - Timber Ridge Obedience Club of Central Wisconsin


January 2013 - Timber Ridge Obedience Club of Central Wisconsin
Next membership meeting
Hurley (Marquardt)
Bluestem's Lost and Found CD TDX PT MX AXJ OF
& ribbons from the American Belgian Malinois Club
all-breed agility trials held during the national
specialty He earned a first and a third in Master
Standard & 2 firsts in Open FAST to finish his title.
Upcoming Events
7:00 PM
Sportsman’s Repair
Spring Agility Trial at
Camp Bandy
Spring Herding Trial
at Camp Bandy
Spring Agility Trial:
April 26-28th at Camp Bandy
Spring Herding Trial:
May 11-12th at Camp Bandy
Timber Ridge Awards &
Member Appreciation Party
April 8th
Dock of DuBay
Fun Day – help with games,
& workshops.
If you would like to help with any of
the events, free training is available –
it isn’t difficult and you see some
terrific performances (and some
worthy of bloopers)
Meet Your TRDTC Officer!
Hi, My name is Brenda Blume, your Club Secretary. .
I am owned by a couple of Belgian Malinois:
GCH CH Mystique's Son Of A Beach BN RN CGC IT (aka Dune)
Duner is a multiple group placer in conformation
Unser Goldenes Schafer Madel Fisch RN CGC (aka Fish)
Fish is major pointed (16) and group placer, also in conformation
The most recent addition is Baby Nemo
We have done Conformation, Rally, Obedience & tried herding and agility.
Fish is a trick dog demo and canine ambassador.
My dogs are young so we have lots of time to try other venues.
My Motto is love yourself so others can love you and keep smiling!
To learn more about Brenda and her dogs, go to her website at www.Malistorm.com
Minutes of the Combined General and Board Meeting
Portage County Library, Stevens Point WI
Publication for the November Newsletter is February 28th..
If you have brags or other items for the newsletter, please send it to Cheryl Brimmer coffeesprariesmoke@yahoo.com
Members present: Susen Trail, Linda Redfield, Jared Redfield, Brenda Blume, Sue Hamm, Cris Miller, Kathy Schuh, Cheryl Brimmer,
Connie Wood, Liz Drifka, Mary Ann Ralston, Laurie Bandy , guests Laurie Blackwell, Renea Dahms, Beth Sternitzky
Linda Redfield called meeting to order at 7:05
Treasurer’s Report – Treasures Report accepted subjected to audit
Committee Reports:
Website- Jona-no report
Classes– Yvette Huesler & Brenda Blume; No
Awards-C. Brimmer brought 2 styles of plaques to
2013 Spring Obedience Trial-2/4 2/5 Laurie
Bandy; Judges Elmer Willems.& Norman Aguirra
2013 Spring Agility Trial- 4/26-4/28 Jane
Zank-no report
2013 Spring Herding Trial-5/12-13 Laurie Bandy
judges, Scott Lucken & Shannon Wolfe No report
2013 Fall Herding Trial-nothing to report
2013 Tracking Test – Liz Drifka will contact
Jane Zank for advice about judges. Date is 10/27
2013 Fall obedience trial-11/2-11/3/13
Jona Decker; No report
2013 November Agility Trial #1 -11/8-10
Linda Redfield: Joan Simon is Judge. No report
2013 November Agility Trial #2 - Laurie
Bandy; judges Iise Rukis (Fri.) and Joan Simon
(sat/sun) No report
2013 Labor Day Trial-Linda Redfield Karen
Winter is judge. No report
Old Business
New Business:
Slate of officers:
President: Linda Redfield-2014
Vice President: Liz Drifka-2014
Secretary: Brenda Blume-2014
Treasurer: Laurie Bandy-2014
Board 2014: Jared Redfield/Jocelyn Reid
Board 2015: Kathy Schuh/MaryAnn Ralston
Pizza Party at Dock of DuBay. MaryAnn Ralston
moved, Liz Drifka 2nd; all in favor
Motion to vote in slate of officers by Cheryl Brimmer
2nd by Cris Miller
Discussion of how to replace Liz. Linda will appoint when Liz
completes her move
All in favor of new slate of officers
Hospitality volunteers:
February hospitality- Susen Trail
March hospitality- Jocelyn Reid
The Meeting adjourned 7:59 pm
Respectably submitted
Laurie Bandy, Substitute Secretary
Fun Day – Rose Gottung & Cheryl Brimmer discussed
earlier. Motion from Cheryl for $25 for games at Mosinee
(February meeting). Laurie Bandy 2nd. Check on dates-what
about June 8th fun day. Susen Trail volunteered to help with
Newsletter-some means of getting correct email address.
Linda agreed it was okay to email website password to
members. Photos of officers to Cheryl by next newsletterideally officer would be with a dog.
TRDTC Officers and Contacts 2012
Term Until
President: Linda Redfield
Vice President: Liz Driftka
Treasurer: Laurie Bandy
Secretary: Brenda Blume
Board Members:
Jocelyn Reid
Mary Ann Ralston
Kathy Schuh
Jared Redfield
Newsletter: C.Brimmer
Building Owner: Chuck Brod
Club Web site:
Until someone
else is willing!
(715) 693-6634
1. Please gate off the section you are working on during separate skills
2. Please ask if the person is done using the equipment before you start working your dog
3. Please have gating across the front while running full course agility
4. Please have dogs on leash while entering and exiting the building
830-11:30 AM
8:30-10:00 AM
Obedience, Agility, Flyball (Separate Skills)
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Agility, Full Courses
4:00-7:00 PM
4:00-5:30 PM
Agility, Full Courses
5:30-7:00 PM
Obedience, Agility, Flyball (Separate Skills)
dates subject to change if there is an event at Camp Bandy
February 10 – 8:30-11:30
February 24 – 4-7
July 7 – 8:30-11:30
July 21 – 4-7
March 3 – 8:30-11:30
March 17 – 4-7
August 4 – 8:30-11:30
August 18 – 4-7
April 7 – 8:30-11:30
April 21 – 4-7
September 8 – 8:3011:30
September 15 – 4-7
May 5 – 8:30-11:30
May 19 – 4-7
June 2 – 8:30-11:30
June 23 – 4-7
October 6 – 8:30-11:30
October 20 – 4-7
November 17 – 4-7
December 1 – 8:30-11:30
December 22 – 4-7
Timber Ridge Mosinee Building Dates and Times for 2013
The building in Mosinee is available for use by club members Tuesdays and Thursdays.
If you want to use the building on Mondays or Saturdays, check availability with Chuck. The club will
reimburse his $3 fee for using the building on those days. Notify Laurie Bandy when you are there on Monday
or Saturday so the club can pay the use fee.
Please sign in on the clipboard whenever you use the building. We are tracking building use to
determine how often and when to rent the building for member use.
Our classes are scheduled for Tuesdays 7-9PM (obedience) & Thursdays 7-9PM (Agility).
The building is not open for general use at those times when classes are in session.