December - Faith United Methodist Church


December - Faith United Methodist Church
A community of the United Methodist Church
Nov 28th Hanging go
the Greens
Dec 11 7PM Movie Night
“It’s a Wonderful Life”
Dec 19 10AM-12PM
Ringing Bells for
Salvation Army
Dec 21 12PM Special
Music with the Keenagers
Dec 24 7PM Christmas
Eve Service-Joint KMUMC
Also Local and World
Mission giving and
Christmas gifts
From Pastor Lee
Only if we have the
heart to thank God…
It is common to forget about the past as time
goes by. Enjoying certain things now, when you
could not enjoy them before… What has now
been solved, but had previously come to you as
hardships… Although you lie in bed with legs out
straight now, the moments that used to make
you pressured at heart and the problems that
made you shed tears on your pillows… We all
have such elements in life. Therefore, it is
indisputable that we should live in gratefulness towards God for being “who I
am at the moment.” Nevertheless, we often find our bitter selves living with
walls built-up-high against thanks, completely blind and not-remembering.
I suddenly remembered an old story today. Even now, our family has no
medical insurance. However, we receive the federal medical aid for the low
income earners, and so our children can receive regular diagnosis and
urgent treatments for zero payments. It cannot be described how thankful we
are for this. I still remember the times when we prayed with all our hearts,
especially whenever our children got sick during our initial days here, since
we could not receive medical supports due to the financial situations of the
church. So shouldn't we be grateful that we can now at least
enjoy such benefits!
Today I looked for the Medicaid card to bring Joy to the dentist,
and momentarily I thought of some old memories. It was year
2003 when our family first moved to Rochester. Charles and
Sophia were spending some good 30 minutes, doing Tae-kwondo kicks. After a while Sophia tried to make fun of Charles. So
she lay down on the floor and said, “Brother, help me stand up.”
Although she could get up by herself, she was pleading for help
to her brother. After ignoring her for a good amount of time,
Charles pulled Sophia’s wrist to help her get up.
That was when Sophia burst into tears holding onto her left wrist.
It seemed that Charles tried to get Sophia up quickly and it
shocked her arm. I thought Sophia was exaggerating a little, so I
just tried to rub softly on the painful spots. But she did not even
let me touch her! Sophia could not even spread her arm. Seeing
his sister in pain because of something he did, Charles began to
cry a lot.
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
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In Faith
From Pastor Lee cont.
The situation seemed serious. I got
changed to get to the emergency room. (I did
not have an insurance but there were no other
options.) However, Sophia began to cry even
more to avoid going to the hospital. So I tried to
make her feel better by praying for her while
holding onto her arm. After praying, Sophia
looked at me with big, swollen eyes and kept
on asking, “Dad, will Sophia be okay by
tomorrow morning?” Throughout the night
Sophia continued to moan even in her sleep.
Next morning! Sophia started to cry again
as soon as she got up and could feel the pain.
So we made a reservation at the pain clinic run
by a Korean owner, and we hurried there. We
were worried that Sophia might have gotten her
shoulder or elbow dislocated. Thankfully the Xray results showed no problems in her bones
and nerve systems. The doctor said that
Sophia must have gotten bruises inside her
bones due to a sudden shock. So we left the
hospital after she received light physical
therapy and some medical treatments.
As we did not have breakfast and it was
past noon, we decided to have some
hamburgers at the nearby McDonalds. Sophia
seemed to feel pain even as she ate the
sandwich, since she frowned from time to time.
It was hard to see Sophia constantly crying on
our way home. And she fell asleep as soon as
we got back. Although we were thankful for not
having any problems with her bones or nerves,
we looked at Sophia in sadness while thinking
how much pain she might had been feeling,
praying for her once again.
Perhaps an hour or two had passed. While
I was preparing for the Sunday sermon, Sophia
ran down the staircase. “Dad, look. Sophia is
all well now. I can spread my arm and even flip
it over.” She had come to me, saying that
everything was back to normal after taking a
nap. From my point of view, it seemed that
everything had been “very much” exaggerated.
It was hard to tell whether Sophia knew how
much her mother and father had worried over
the night, the whole day next day, running with
her in their arms to the hospital and to the X585.334.1180
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
ray Laboratory. She merely left it with that one
sentence and again started to mess around
with her brother.
I realized that Sophia’s reaction was 80%
exaggerated. But, even though a thought
crossed my mind that the diagnosis and
treatment fees were expensive without the
medical insurance, I found my heart much
lightened by seeing Sophia back in good
condition. Whether it was an overreaction or
not, it is hard to say how joyful it was to see my
child in good health.
This is a very old memory. Now, I am
thankful for receiving medical benefits, Sophia
being completely cured from her illness, Sophia
and Charles attending universities, and that
God gave us our youngest child, Joy,
unexpectedly. I am also thankful for many
things such as: new adult members joining us
for the new generation ministry, former college
members of the KMUMC getting trained,
married and settling here, having a church
building that we can use freely, starting the
American church ministry, having a car that can
run, having lots of people willing to do group
bible studies every academic semester, for the
growing number and grace of the praise team
and the choir, for having someone who can be
in charge of the sound system…
Now I find that I am enjoying all the things
I used to pray for in the old days. It means that
there are so many things that have already
been given to me. Of course, it does not mean
that some of my prayers are not ongoing.
Nevertheless, if we look for things to thank
God, there are so many. It is only a matter of
having or not having the heart to be grateful for
the grace of God. Let us drop our complaints
for things we do not have at the moment.
Instead, let us remember what He has already
given us, looking back how much grace the
responding hand of God really was. Then
would not God be very content to see us like
that? Every time we thank for the grace we
have long received, the smile on God’s lips will
not fade away.
Rev. Jinkook Lee
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In Faith
Looking for something to read - Try this
“50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours”
This is a book of short essays, each about the length of
a newspaper column (that's what many of them were),
which relate some of the best advice and stories about
life that I have ever read. Some of the lessons speak of
God, some don't, but all contain universal truths that
most of us will be able to relate to. Here are a few of the
Lesson titles:
1. Life isn't fair but it's still good.
2. When in doubt take the next right step.
8. It's okay to get angry with God. He can
take it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an
eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
33. Believe in miracles.
I would love to have a Sunday School class discussing
some of these truths that the author shares from her
experience and her wisdom.
One of my favorites is Lesson 50: Life isn't tied with a
bow, but it's still a gift. I'll share part of that here.
“Einstein said, 'There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as
though everything is.' Now the thing about miracles is
that you don't always recognize them. Sometimes they
come in packages wrapped like big fat mistakes. The
secret is to find the miracle in the mess. It's hard to do,
especially if you are attempting to create a perfect you. _
_ _ There's so much living to be squeezed into the
cracks of one little day. _ _ _ To do that means you will
get messy, because life is messy. Yes, life is still a gift,
every day of it, but it isn't tied with a bow.”
There's more, lots more. Some lessons read better than
others for me, but none were bad.
If you'd like to borrow it I'll leave my copy on the table
under the stained glass window in the Gathering Space.
Just return it when you're done for others to get a crack
Dave McNitt
What are you Reading?-Let us know
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
Wear your
have some
treats, and
the spirit of
the season
Disciple Corner:
Lessons from John
Our adult bible study has been diving into the Gospel
of John. We have shared many insights, some
confusions and many laughs and most of all we have
shared fellowship. As we try to walk the path of
discipleship to being a better Christian, we walk with
others who can encourage and make the journey a
joy. To share one concept that came out of our first
weeks: The Gospel of John is trying to get people to
see the importance of the spiritual world versus the
physical one, but people keep getting confused.
Jesus speaks of water and bread and light- three
things we need in our physical existence- but he is
offering so much more. The living water that will
sustain us in life with God, bread which is the work of
God and the light which it the truth of God that we
can grow in with honesty knowing our mistakes but
also we are loved and have “Eternal Life” a life with
God and starts here and now when we walk with
Kathleen McGrath
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In Faith
It is important for passersby
to see that Faith UMC is vital and worshiping every
Sunday and Julius has perfected a method to get
the letters up efficiently. We have one volunteer
helping so far, but it would be great to have
additional people to spread the work- Please
respond to Julius or Patty Hornik or email if you are interested.
All our ladies are invited to join our Small Group
Bible Study group on Tuesday Mornings at 10:00 am
in the Gathering space. Please let me, Donna
McAlpine, 218-9497 or the church office, 334-1180
know you wish to join our Biblical exploring lessons.
The Gospel of
John, beyond 3:16.
Adult Sunday School is after worship and a short
fellowship break. We have been talking about the
Gospel of John which has some of our most well
known passages and is filled with great insight. But
is also requires us to think about what is faith and
who is our God. We will explore this Gospel
together and find out how it is relevant to our lives.
Sing in the shower?
Find yourself
humming hymns
after service? Come
sing with the choir.
You don’t have to
read music or have the best singing voice, just a
desire to praise God in music. Come join us any
Sunday morning for practice at 8:30AM
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
We are going to begin sewing mission dresses
very soon for a couple of different mission trips.
Our hope is that we will come together to work on
various other mission and fundraising projects as
we sew. knit, crochet and craft over the next year.
We may be few, and we may not be young, but
with God’s blessing there is much we can do in
His name. We will be meeting at various times
depending on the projects and people involved.
Please let Sharon H, Charlotte, Cheryl or Betty B
know if you are interested in being a part of this
group in some manner. We are also looking for
supporters. So, if you or someone you know has
any fabric (cotton, light-med. weight, not see-thru
for dresses), sewing notions (thread, 1/4- 1/2in.
doublefold bias tape, fabric use trims like eyelet
lace), sewing machine to be left at church, yarn or
craft supplies that you’d be willing to donate, it
would greatly be appreciated. If you’d like to help
monetarily, you can purchase gift cards from
Joann Fabrics or Wal-mart and give to Cheryl or
Sharon and then record on your Gifts in Kind
sheet for tax purposes or just donate cash if you’d
like. If you’d like There are a few of us who have
found some great deals on fabrics and other
linens that we can use at Savers, garage sales,
Holiday Bazaar / end of year Extra
Effort Fundraising
If you have any new or gently used
appropriate holiday gift items, holiday
decorations or items for our craft area,
please bring them in asap. Space is limited
so if you have anything that is large please
check with us to see if we have room for it.
Also, it would help if you put a suggested
price on your donated items, if not we'll take
care of it as we receive the items. We are
using the nursery alcove (the little room by
the office) for storage of donated items until
they are ready to put out. Once again
prices are suggested only, please give what
you are able and willing with a joyful heart.
If a check is written out, the memo space
should be labeled EEF
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In Faith
Are you a Ding-aLing for God?
Ringing Salvation
Army Bells
Other Advent Missions
Sign up to join us Dec 19,
10am -noon at the
Marketplace mall.
(JCPenney door facing Macy's. This is not our usual
spot-but very easy to find). We will be collecting for
the Salvation Army as well as spreading some
Christian Cheer as we open up door and wish
people Merry Christmas. It is always touching to see
how God uses even these simple acts to bring a
touch of his love to others. Everyone can come- the
more the merrier! (couldn’t help the pun-blame it on
Pork and
Apple Bake
Quick comfort food for cold busy nights. This
is one of those “show the love” recipes.
Share with others-Bring a bit to someone who
needs a break. This recipe is recommended
to us from Betty Hopkinson
You can cut down on the amount of pork
chops depending on the people serving. (If
you like the apple, you can use two cans of
apple pie filling.)
1) Spread one can of apple pie filling (21 oz)
in the bottom of a 13 x9 x2 baking dish.
2) Place 6-8 pork chops or loin slices over
top. 3) Mix one small package (6 oz) cornbread
or other flavor stuffing mix-following
instructions- (apple juice or apple cider
can be used as liquid.).Spread over meat.
4) Cover and bake at 350 degrees 40-45
minutes. (The meat can be browned or
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
We will be reaching out here and around the
world. Check at church for our Advent Tree
for ways to help. We will be supporting local
families in need. We are also reaching out to
the Kade Project (
that supports local military personnel in need.
Also we will be supporting the House of Hope
in Nicaragu, a rehabilitation program for
women and their children leaving the world
prostitution and human trafficking.
( will be
sending little toy beanie babies in special little
cloth bags for the children. There is a local
physician who assists in this charity and will
be visiting and can bring these gifts. We may
also make some dresses that would go as
well. There will be information at church, but
if you are interested in helping you can also
talk to Patty Hornik or email
Special Music Program
December 21 12 PM
A special musical program arranged by Betty
and Manny with the Henrietta Senior Center
will be presented for the Keenage group here
at Faith Church. We are inviting all seniors or
wannabe seniors to attend. RSVP to
MarionM - Sharon H.
Colors: Red, White, Marble, Pink
6 1/2 inch pot - covers included
Price - $8.00
Orders will be taken November
22nd, November 29th, deadline
December 6th.
Payment required at time of placement of
order - cash or check.
If there are any questions, please contact
Betty Gascoyne at 427-7647.
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In Faith
Rush-Henrietta Interfaith League News
Thanks for Helping for the Pastors-AsWaiters Dinner Fund Raiser
Over $1000 were raised. Thank you Betty
and Manny for working and thanks to all
who came out to support this venture for
Harvest Home Coalition-Habitat for
A Festival of Lessons and Carols
Presented by St. Marianne Cope Music
Sunday, December 6, 2015 3:00 pm
Good Shepherd Chapel Festive Reception to
Follow Free will donations
(To defray the cost of new hymnals for the parish)
Come Celebrate the Season
Rush-Henrietta Area Food Terminal
The Community’s
Emergency Food
Cupboard since 1979!
to all those who so
generously donate food
and supplies to RHAFT.
DONATION BOX is in the coat area near the
exit door. (There is a sign on it indicating
FISH/RHAFT now has a web site. Go to
<> for more information.
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
Baking Supplies for the Holidays
Typical canned good items suitable for Holiday
Canned Ham
Canned Yams
Canned Pumpkin
Cranberry Sauce
Pie Fillings
Gravy Mix
Canned Meats:
Chicken, Spam, Tuna, Corned Beef
Canned Fruits, Dried Fruits,
Pasta Sauce
Boxed Mashed Potatoes, Hamburger Helper
Pancake Mix & Syrup
Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Tea
Peanut Butter, Jelly of all types
Cold Cereals, Juices
Cat and Dog Food, plus Kitty Litter
Everyday/Anytime Donations:
Paper Products, Personal Hygiene, Shaving
Deodorant, Feminine Hygiene, Shampoo,
Bar Soap
VERY IMPORTANT (Some of our volunteers go
south for the winter!)
Telephone volunteers to receive calls for FISH and
RHAFT are in great need at this time. One day at
a time for volunteering is all that is required.
FISH (Friends in Service Here)- Transport clients
to and from medical appointments arranged one
day a head of time.
RHAFT (Rush-Henrietta Area Food Terminal)Packs grocery items from the RHAFT cupboard
and delivers them to the requesting clients.
All volunteer work is scheduled at your
convenience. If interested please call Beverly
Sesnie at 334-6147.
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In Faith
CONCERT was a Fund Raiser
for the Harvest Home Coalition.
Thanks to all who took the time
to support this and were able to
enjoy the International talent
displayed by Miche. It was truly an enjoyable time for
those who appreciated his talent. The results were:
Concert: $1,238.00 and Cookie Sales: $53.95.
This year’s home will be dedicated and named the
Roger Cross Habitat Home. Roger Cross was the
founder of Flower City Habitat Home for Humanity in
1984. His passing leaves a legacy of 210 homes as
of 2015. He was a former member of the West
Henrietta Baptist Church.
New Arrivals
Rhonda Callard shared these pictures of her new
twin grandchildren. Happy Birthday.
Jake (Jacobe Matthew). And Josie (Josephine
Information concerning volunteers to help with the
build at 57 Ries Street is available. Bill Rolfe will be
the contact person for Faith UMC. Please see him if
you are interested in volunteering.
Our name, as Faith UMC, is printed on the sign,
as this house is being built and will be dedicated.
Please continue to support this endeavor to
support the Harvest Home Coalition for the
Roger Cross Home.
Please be proud that you have been a part of this
transformation to the betterment of those who
are less fortunate.
God Bless You All
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
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In Faith
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Marie King
Charlotte Colegrove
David Smith
Sue Kim
Brittany Hovey
10th Karen Sun
11th Dan Quackenbush
13th Chris Parish
14th Mark Sun
15th Abigail Canterbury
17th Joshua Sun
18th Michael Proukou
20th Eudora Lippa
20th Heather Slough
22nd Megan Slough
23rd Ralph Strong
24th Austin Heimes
26th George Sanford
Jane & Norm Quenan
30th Sandy & Hoyt Brown
Manuella Padilla
Virginia Entz
Ralf Meyert
Ryann Scheele
13th Paige Smith
13th Sydney Smith
24th Ray Ottman
28th Harvey Colegrve
29th Sue Friederich
30th Craig Whitman
Linda & David Pico
December 6, 2015
Reader Sharon Hancock
Ushers Deb Deller & Julius
December 13, 2015
David McNitt
Ushers David Felty & Sharon Hancock
December 20, 2015
Reader Sue Friederich
Ushers David McNitt &
December 27, 2015
Reader Kathleen McGrath
Ushers Neil & Patty Hornik
Cares and Concern…
Olive Ford
The Hurlbut
1177 East Henrietta Rd
Rochester, NY 14623
Jim Logan
Hancock's brother-in-law
Pam Stover
Virginia Entz
St. Anne's Community
1500 Portland Avenue,
Rochester, NY 14621
Janet Winzenreid Home
Dick Spong
Tony Andolina
Jennifer Smith & Family Home
Ellie McGarigle
Angela Horan
Liza Entz's sister-in-law
(waiting for heart transplant)
Peter Stoller
Husband of Teri Stoller
(Norma Goodman's daughter)
Reg Evans
Norma Goodman's
Catherine Strong
Liza Entz
Unity Hospital
If there is anyone that you want to be
included in the Cares and Concerns portion
of the Newsletter, please advise the church
174 Pinnacle Road, Rochester NY 14623
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