The practical approach to ECDL/ICDL testing
The practical approach to ECDL/ICDL testing
The practical approach to ECDL/ICDL testing Excellent quality testing of practical IT-Skills In-application tests for Windows and Mac OS X Integrated and flexible administration Easy to use, stable and reliable solution ow s W in d and OS X Mac Sophia Testing delivers high quality ECDL/ICDL testing Sophia Testing offers both Certification and Diagnostic Tests for all modules according to the New ECDL, including ECDL Advanced modules. The tests of Sophia Testing focus on practical skills. The “in-application” approach is implemented for the Office-modules, as well as with the new essential modules and Image Editing. Sophia Testing covers all common Microsoft platforms and also Mac OS X. Introduced on the market in 2008 and with more than 200.000 conducted tests to date the Sophia testing system has proven to be very stable and reliable. „High quality of tests, flexible, customised and easy to use systems for testing and administration as well as the consistent in-application approach are the main factors for our decision to choose Sophia Testing as our ATS provider for the next years. We are happy to have found a reliable and experienced partner.“ Julia van Wijnkoop, ECDL Switzerland Group Language versions ° English ° French ° German ° Dutch ° Italian ° More languages on demand Incorporating the long-time experience of the OCG (Austrian Computer Society) as a national operator, the web based administration tool covers all general workflows of ECDL/ICDL and offers high flexibility for customisation. With a special integrated tool individual Pre-assessment tests can be designed quickly with a few clicks, enabling national operators to create flexible and customised test solutions for corporate clients and schools. Currently available modules ECDL Base ECDL Standard Computer Essentials Presentation Advanced Word Processing Online Essentials Using Databases Advanced Spreadsheets Word Processing IT-Security Advanced Databases Spreadsheets Online Collaboration Advanced Presentation ECDL Advanced Technical facts ° low hardware and network requirements ° no installation ° no admin-rights ° no Java required ° low network/internet traffic Image Editing Supported platforms and software: ° Microsoft Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013 ° Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 ° Mac OS X and Office 2011, Office 2014 ° Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari ° Gimp/Photoshop Elements Contact Thomas Geretschläger Sophia Testing GmbH | Wollzeile 1 | 1010 Vienna I Austria Tel: +43 1 512 02 35-56 | Mobile: +43 664 886 74 862 I | Version 052013
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