Newsletter 2012/2
Newsletter 2012/2
Newsletter 2012/2. In this number: • The First Green Building for Education in Romania • Summer Camps: Education Village at Baisoara and Summer Day-Camps at the Transylvania College Campus • Fundraising Projects: The Annual Charity Ball and 20% for Excellence in Education • Community Involvement Projects: Gain By Giving and Grandchildren for Christmas • Celebrating Diversity: United Nations Day •Fighting Against School Drop-Out: Project “Together We Will Succeed” •ECDL Testing Center •Professional Skills Certification Center Assessment and THE FIRST “GREEN” BUILDING FOR EDUCATION IN ROMANIA In 2007 Happy Kids Foundation – today Transylvania College proposed a major project to benefit the local community – the first Educational and Sports Campus in Transylvania. The project meets the need of education at international standards, with emphasis on life-long learning programmes, character development programs and lots of extracurricular activities for children and youth. Within this project, Transylvania College Foundation has built a modern campus, able to serve the entire community in Transylvania. In 2012, the project continued with the construction of the second educational building, built on green principles. The new building is a model for sustainable construction, considering the wellbeing of the environment and the health of the beneficiaries, being scientifically proven that in a green building the students’ learning capacities increase by 26%, exam results increase by 18% and medical absences are reduced by over 10%. The newest building in the campus was inaugurated on the 22nd of November, in the presence of His Excellency, Mr. Martin Harris, Ambassador of Great Britain in Bucharest and Mayor of the city of Cluj-Napoca, Mr. Emil Boc. His Excellency, Ambassador Martin Harris congratulated the founders of the school and admitted that he was impressed with the advanced level of community involvement in the project, with the support provided by the parents and the local companies in building our school and in ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality in education. In his speech, Mr. Emil Boc, Cluj-Napoca's Mayor, stressed the importance of top quality education as a brand of Cluj and declared Transylvania College a model of innovation and good practice. Mr. Mayor pointed out that he hoped that our model would serve as an inspiration for developing more green buildings for education. Slide 2 SUMMER CAMPS EDUCATION VILLAGE AT BĂIŞOARA The project aims to build and create a special environment for organizing camps for children. The camp is a model both by offering accessible facilities and special programmes to help the integration of children with disabilities. During the summer camp we enforce learning activities for students in which they will develop teamwork abilities, self-respect and respect for the people around them, human relationships and green knowledge and attunements. The camp that took place in July 2012 hosted 15 children, of whom 8 with disabilities. During the 1st week of October, a group of 16 students and 3 teachers from Lyceum alpinum Zuoz, Switzerland, were involved in building the multifunctional room at the Băişoara campsite. This room is 80 square meters and will serve both as a dining room and a conference room. The project was implemented with the support of the following sponsors: Cemacon SA, Holcim Romania SA and Rehau Austria. IN THE CAMPUS OF TRANSYLVANIA COLLEGE The Summer Camp held in the Campus of Transylvania College took place during the summer holidays, for a period of 4 weeks. The activities included weekly themes. Most of these games are created especially for teamwork activities that will help attendants develop their organizational abilities and leadership skills. All these daily activities are assisted by complementary challenges that encourages development of “green” behaviour. Fun, self-trust development and responsibility are also key-words through which you can describe all the activities mentioned above. This summer, 60 children participated in the summer camps held in the Transylvania College Campus. FUNDRAISING PROJECTS THE ANNUAL FUNDRAISING BALL The annual charity ball is the foundation’s main fundraising event, held with the purpose of supporting the scholarship fund of Transylvania College. This year the annual ball was held at Hotel „Continental” on the 5th November, with the theme “Halloween” and it was a great success! We wish to thank all participants for their presence and for the generosity of supporting our cause! Thanks to their contribution, deserving students from disadvantaged families, will receive a chance to benefit of the education of excellence offered by Transylvania College. All those who bought tickets, made donations or participated in the raffle and auction, contributed to the success of this charity event. We wish to thank the parents and friends of our school and foundation, as well as the companies they represent, for their support given in organizing the event! We also thank Mr. Sorin Misiriantu, the MC of the event; Lucca the Magician, for making this night magical, David Bryan, for entertaining us with his wonderful voice, and the T-Dance group who electrified the evening, dancing "Thriller"-style. 20% FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION The Law allows companies to offer sponsorship to foundations or educational institutions and benefit from tax relief to certain limits. Transylvania College Foundation aims to invest the donations coming from directing 20% of the profit tax on supporting excellence in education. We aim to further develop the educational-sports campus as well as the special programs of the Foundation: the scholarship program, creativity development programs, programs of development and innovation through science and technology. We are honored to have the trust and support of all the companies who stood by us this year and we wish to take this opportunity to thank them for being our partners! We would be happy to enlarge our list of friends and add new leaves on our Sponsorship Tree, in order to achieve our goals. Your contributions will help many generations of students to enjoy high quality education and be prepared for success. For further details please call Domnita Fechete: 0724 087142 or email: domnita.fechete@transylvania-collegero. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PROJECTS GAIN BY GIVING: SAINT NICHOLAS BAZAAR Every year the Saint Nicholas Bazaar is organized by Transylvania College within Iulius Mall, involving the students in our school and kindergarten community, as well as other schools from the city, concrete fundraising actions for a nobile cause, decided by the children. We are deeply impressed by the generosity of both children and parents for the help given to those in need this year within this charitable project “St. Nicholas Bazaar”! This year children sold toys, books, handmade Christmas decorations and sports gear. At the end of the event, the children that participated as vendors donated 50% of what they’ve earned to a charitable cause. From these donations an amount of 2100 RON was gathered and the Student Council decided that the money will support the projects of Transylvania Autism Association. We thank all the 172 students, 70 parents and 30 teachers coming from 9 schools in Cluj who participated at this charitable action for bringing the joy of Christmas in the hearts of those less fortunate. GRANDCHILDREN FOR CHRISTMAS A group of students from Transylvania College joined the initiative of the talented magician, Cristian Gog, in his project called „Grandchildren for Christmas”, to bring the joy of the winter holidays into the hearts of almost 400 elderly people without families, thus having to spend Christmas all by themselves. Cristian, together with our students, raised donations from all those who wished to contribute at this charitable event, within a special show, organized on the 16th of December, in Polus Center. While the Transylvania College Choir caroled to the audience, the students donated sweets, fruits and food, to make the “grandparents” happy. The children became their “Grandchildren for Christmas” and put a smile on their faces on this special day. THE FIGHT AGAINST SCHOOL DROP-OUT: “TOGETHER WE WILL SUCCEED” In the context of the main objective: "Increase in frequency and maintaining primary and secondary students at risk of early school dropout in an attractive and quality education system, the project "Together we will Succeed“ continued its activity by implementing remedial activities, counseling and guidance for developing a knowledgebased society within the 8th institutions involved („Lucian Blaga” and „Eugen Pora” High Schools, Middle schools ”Constantin Brâncuşi”, „A. Şaguna”-Turda, „S. Balint”-Copăceni, Technical College „Dr. I. Ratiu”-Turda and School Group „St. Pascu” – Apahida). Starting with October 2012, 400 students and 200 parents participate in the participă la remedial and counseling activities, coordinated by 60 teachers. During October and November 2012, the management of the project from “Transylvania College” Foundation unfolded monitoring activities at all the educational institutions involved in the project aiming at the identification of both the positive and negative aspects, as well as those that need improvement. The way how ”Transylvania College” Foundation implements the activities within the project in order to fulfill the general objective he specific objectives, the promotion of the results and the assurance of sustainability made the foundation become a “multiplier of European values”, that has been recognized with awarding it 3rd Prize at the “Gala for Multipliers of European Values in North Transylvania, 2012”. This event was part of the “REGIO Days” organized by the Development Agency of the Nord-Western Region . CELEBRATING DIVERSITY: UNITED NATIONS’ DAY The United Nations officially came to existence on the 24th of October 1945. The day has been celebrated since 1948 each year, around the world, as United Nations Day. Our foundation celebrates every year the cultural diversity of the community of students in our school in kindergarten on this very day. Having colleagues from 25 different countries, our students celebrate the differences, the commonalities and the uniqueness of the environment they study day by day. This year the UN Day showcase started with organizing exhibits of different countries by students from every year group within the school. Students wore traditional costumes, presented dances and, with the help of their parents, prepared traditional dishes of the countries they represented. The show following the exhibition took the audience around the world with dances and performances presented by the students. Our school has even been featured on the news and our students have been publicly congratulated for respecting and celebrating diversity. SKILLS ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION CENTRE Transylvania College Foundation is an authorised ECDL testing centre (nr. 469), open to all those who wish to obtain European Computer Driving Licence – ECDL ECDL is also known as International Computer Driving License (ICDL), is a computer literacy certification programme provided by ECDL Foundation. ECDL / ICDL certification is a globally recognized information and communication technology (ICT) and digital literacy qualification. “Transylvania College” Foundation is an authorized ECDL Testing Center, open to everyone who wishes to obtain the ECDL permit. According to ECDL Foundation, the ECDL/ ICDL certification is recognized and supported by national governments, computer societies (such as the BCS and ICS), international organizations and private corporations. For enrollment and any further information please contact us by phone: 0264.418.990 or by mail: Transylvania College Foundation received authorisation as a center of assessment and certification of professional skills. The authorisation was granted by the National Authority for Qualifications in December 2012. The assessment and certification center is authorised to conduct evaluation processes and certify professional skills, obtained in different ways than the formal ones. After completing the evaluation process, each candidate may obtain a certificate of professional competence with the same value as a certificate issued by an approved training programme. The certificates are recognized on the labor market. The programme addresses those who wish to evaluate and certify their skills or knowledge as a Project Manager and Certified Trainer. The program addresses those who want to assess and certify their skills or knowledge for occupations held as Project Manager and Trainer, if the candidate : -possesses experience in the field, -is a busy person who doesn't have time to attend a course in one of these areas -possesses knowledge gained through individual study -possesses knowledge and skills acquired on courses taken within the companies he/she worked before and acquired only internal degree. The certificates issued to all units of competence relevant to specific occupations are equivalent with the graduation certificates issued by the national adult vocational training centres. The Benefits of Skills Assessment: Professional recognition; Obtaining a nationally and internationally recognized certificate of professional competence, proving experience in a particular field; Emphasizing ability to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical skills and capacity of the thinking, analysis and synthesis to achieve results at the quality levels required by the occupational standards; Accompanies the resume and offers a guarantee, thereby increasing employability and career development opportunities. For any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us by phone: 0264.418.990 or mail: WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE THESE PARTNERS:
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