View Survey - Transylvania County Planning & Economic
View Survey - Transylvania County Planning & Economic
Transylvania County 2025 Comprehensive Plan - Draft Survey - 3-19-2015 1. Are you a full-time or part-time resident? Full-time Part-time 2. In what part of the County (community) do you live? Balsam Grove Little River City of Brevard Penrose City of Brevard ETJ Pisgah Forest Cedar Mountain Quebec Connestee Rosenwald Dunn's Rock Town of Rosman Lake Toxaway Sapphire Other (please specify) 3. Including you, how many generations has your family lived in Transylvania County? 1st Generation 3rd Generation 2nd Generation 4 or More 4. How many people, including you, live in your household? 1 2 3 4 5+ 5. How many children live in your household (18 years old and younger)? 0 1 2 3 4+ 1 6. Please select from the following that best describes you: Student Full-time employee Unemployed Part-time employee Homemaker Retiree Other (please specify) 7. In what county do you work, go to school or own your business? Transylvania County Jackson, NC Buncombe, NC Greenville, SC Henderson, NC Pickens, SC Other (please specify) 8. Do you like living in Transylvania County? Not at all Somewhat Neutral I like it I love it! 9. Generally speaking, would you say things in Transylvania County are heading in the right or wrong direction? Right direction Wrong direction Not sure 10. How would you characterize the rate of growth in Transylvania County today? Too little growth About the right amount of growth Too much growth 2 11. What do you like best about Transylvania County? (Select 3) Agriculture / Farming Opportunities Friends and Family Nearby Quality of Schools Scenic Beauty National Forest / State Parks Small Town / Rural Recreational Opportunities Atmosphere Quality of Life Other (please specify) 12. Thinking about the next 10 years, what would you like to see in the County that is not here now? Please list: 1. 2. 13. Similarly, thinking about the next 10 years, what would you like to see changed in the County? Please list: 1. 2. 14. Do you own or rent your residence? Own Rent Other (live with family or friends, college dorm, homeless, etc.) 15. Based on your income, are you able to find adequate housing for you and your family in Transylvania County? Yes No Uncertain 3 16. What types of housing does Transylvania County need? Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority Affordable Housing Continuing Care Multi-family (apartments, condominiums, duplexes, etc.) Secondary/Vacation Homes Single-family homes 4 17. In the next 10 years, what businesses in Transylvania County would you like to see more of? Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority Agriculture Big Box Retail Business Professional Construction / Maintenance Government Industrial Manufacturing Medical Outdoor Recreation Restaurant Chains (like Applebee's) Service Industry Small Business Small Retail Tourism / Hospitality Other (please specify) 5 18. Where do you think Transylvania County should concentrate its resources in providing safe and efficient transportation? Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority Bike lanes on roadways Construct new roadways Improve roads to reduce congestion Public transportation outside the County Public transportation within the County Routine road and bridge maintenance Safety improvements to roads and bridges 19. Road improvement and construction requires many years to plan. In your opinion, what one road or road improvement is needed in 10 years? 20. How often do you use the parks and cultural facilities in Transylvania County? Never Weekly Seldom Daily Occasionally 21. What is your favorite activity to do in Transylvania's parks and cultural facilities? 6 22. Please indicate how important each of the following is to you: Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority Affordable Housing Agricultural Lands Air and Water Quality Bicycle and Pedestrian Paths Commercial Development Cultural Resources Economic Diversity Healthcare access Homelessness Jobs Living Wage Parks and Recreation Public Education (K - 12) Public Transportation Relationship with local colleges Residential Housing Development State Road Maintenance / Construction Tourism and Hospitality Other (please specify) 7 23. Please rate Transylvania County on each of the following. If you feel you have no basis upon which to make a judgement or need more information, please select "Neutral." Poor Neutral Excellent Animal Control Services Broadband / Internet Access Cellphone Coverage County waste collection centers Efforts to attract new businesses The community's response to homelessness and poverty The quality of K-12 education in Transylvania County Public Schools The preservation of historic resources The quality of cultural facilities The accessibility of healthcare (TRH) The quality of local parks and recreation Your Volunteer Fire Department Other (please specify) 8 24. Please select how likely you are to support or oppose each of the following potential projects. If uncertain or need more information, select "Neutral". Strongly Oppose Neutral Strongly Support Consolidation of High Schools County / City Sewer and Water System County-Wide Zoning Create an Industrial Park Expanded Education Funding / Renovations New Courthouse Support Ecusta Trail Additional demographic questions: Note: this information is confidential and will only be used for analytical purposes. 25. What is your age? 26. Do you consider yourself... Asian Native American Black or African-American White Hispanic / Latino / Latina Prefer not to answer Multiracial Other (please specify) 27. What is your gender? Male Female 9 28. What is your approximate annual household income? Less than $20,000 $50,000 to less than $75,000 $20,000 to less than $30,000 $75,000 to less than $100,000 $30,000 to less than $40,000 $100,000 or more $40,000 to less than $50,000 29. What other comments or suggestions, if any, do you have for making Transylvania County a better place to live, work, and visit? For updates on the 2025 Comprehensive Plan, please go to: Thank you for taking your time to complete this survey! Done 10
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