reflections - Transylvania Vocational Services, Inc
reflections - Transylvania Vocational Services, Inc
REFLECTIONS The Newsletter of Transylvania Vocational Services, Inc. Vol. XXVI Summer 2012 Issue 1 Americans with Disabilities Working to Feed the Hungry Across the Nation and Around the World. Serving People and Industry of Transylvania County and Western North Carolina Since 1967 N at i o n a l D i s a b i l i t y A wa r e n e s s E m p loy m e n t M o n t h H eld each October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. This year’s theme is “A Strong Workforce is an Inclusive Workforce: What Can YOU Do?” NDEAM’s roots go back to 1945, when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October National Disability Awareness Employment Month each year “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.” In 1962, the word “physically” was Welcome New Board Member Guy Freeman Disability Employment Awareness Month.” Upon its establishment in 2001, The Office of Disability Blazin’ Biscuits & Blazin’ Cornbread removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities. In 1988, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to “National Employment Policy (ODEP) assumed responsibility for NDEAM and has worked to expand its reach and scope ever since. TVS salutes the following employers who have demonstrated their commitment to an inclusive workforce in Transylvania County and Western NC: Dollar Tree The Gatekeeper’s Table Goodwill Bi-Lo FedEx Smartrac K-Mart Continental TEVES Nypro The City of Brevard Dugan’s Pub Gaia Herbs Aramark Brian Center Wendy’s Systematic Instruction TVS, Inc. The Oaks of Brevard Zaxby’s Transylvania County Falls Landing Hawg Wild BBQ Salute to Special Olympics Sav-Mor Ingles Sodexho Chartwells Friday’s Staffing Walgreen’s Morrisons Food Matters Market Hampton Inn New Quality Director and New Staff Edwin “Buddy” Buckner TVS is committed to providing skills development, career opportunities, and related services in a supportive environment for people with barriers to employment. Welcome New Board Member Guy Freeman is the newest member of the TVS Board of Directors. Retired from United Community Bank, he brings a wealth of financial and business experience to the Board. BOARD OF DIRECTORS JACK T. PARKER Chairman MARK EMORY Vice Chairman NANCY STRICKER Secretary DAVID NEUMANN Ex-Officio DEBORAH HALL RACHEL SMITH DON MOORE JOHN LEIBOLD STEVE SEELINGER BARBARA BOERNER LLOYD FISHER GUY FREEMAN JUDY WELCH LINDA NEUMANN Director’s Letter Dear Friends, Over the past months I have been once again reminded that the challenges we face can make us stronger and more determined to succeed. I see it in the lives of the people served by TVS who face challenges every day. They overcome physical and emotional obstacles with quiet grace and indomitable spirit which we should all applaud and affirm. TVS and other community rehabilitation programs exist because people with disabilities want to succeed. But as I’ve faced my own challenge over the past months, I’ve come to respect their determination even more. I want to thank each of you for the support you have poured out to me over the past months. You have paved this hard road with your love and prayers. It’s another reminder of how good it is to have great friends and to live in this wonderful community. —Nancy New Product/New Partnerships In partnership with H-E-B Grocery, a major grocery chain in Texas and Northern Mexico, TVS developed two bakery products, BLAZN’ biscuit mix and BLAZN’ cornbread mix that is now available in 154 HEB stores. TVS employees are blending, packaging and shipping the product to HEB for distribution to its stores. This is a pilot project for TVS’ commercial grocery initiative. If successful, TVS plans to reach out to other major grocery chains. Both products are available locally at a new grocery store in Brevard, Food Matters Market. Try them out to add a spicy kick to any meal. Systematic Instruction Edwin “Buddy” Buckner passed away on August 23, 2012. He was a part of the TVS family since 1972. A sweet, gentle man, he loved to work, listen to music and go to garage sales. He will be missed by everyone who knew and loved him. TVS Comings and Goings… Dan Fisher was hired as new Quality Director when Brad Bergman took a position with Samuel Adams Brewery in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dan came to Brevard from Bradenton, Fl where he worked in quality for Tropicana for 35 years. He and his wife, Judy, have three daughters and five grandchildren. He enjoys camping, reading, walking, watching baseball and football and really loves this area and the people here. Chase Henry attended a NISH sponsored training on Systematic Instruction and he is now sharing the information with all direct support staff and trainers. Systematic Instruction is the brainchild of Marc Gold, a pioneer in developing the “try another way” approach for teaching people with disabilities. Marc Gold’s values about people with disabilities are at the heart of Systematic Instruction. He believed that everyone is able to learn, although each of us acquires information in a variety of ways. A trainer’s essential role is to discover the ways that best convey information to the individual learner. A key element of Systematic Instruction is for trainers to know how to recognize which cues or prompts best help the individual learner complete the complex task. The cues or prompts are the most important of all the supports that the trainers use in the Systematic Instruction method. Buddy Buckner Dan Fisher Tonya Brown is the new Shipping and Receiving Manager and Amber Frederick was hired as the new second shift supervisor. New employees on second shift include Keith Wood and Corey Thomas. Doug Jones, the new third shift supervisor, moved here from Kansas nine years ago. He and his wife, Lynn, live on Selah Farm in Penrose and enjoy growing organic herbs and vegetables, along with having a flock of free-range laying hens. He also enjoys making furniture and accessories. The third shift crew also includes new hires Sharon Lunsford, Shane Young and Willie Barnett. Salute to Special OIympics over 30 athletes and eight coaches in six sports participating The vision for Special Olympics began in 1962 when Eunice Kennedy Shriver held a small sports day camp in her backyard for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Over the past fifty years Special Olympics has grown into a worldwide organization that provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports to over 4 million Michael Ream receiving Special Olympics Silver Medal athletes in 225 programs in 170 countries. Transylvania County students first participated in Special Olympics in 1978 but there was not a local program until 1998 when Spencer Smith, a teacher in the special education program identified the need. He along with Richard and Pat Ream, David Siniard, Brian Kreigsman, and Ralph Cobb became the first administrative board for SOTC. When the Special Olympics World Games were in Raleigh in 1999, Transylvania County hosted Slovika and their athletes stayed in local homes and became part of the community. competitions throughout the year. The teams attend the summer games in Raleigh and the fall games in High Point every year. At the Summer Games they join over 1,500 athletes from around the state on the NC State Campus, staying in the dorms and eating in the cafeteria. Last year at the Fall Games in High Point the soccer team won a gold medal. In 2010 one of the local athletes represented Transylvania County at the NC National Games in Lincoln, Nebraska. Athletes return from competitions with medals and memories of their experiences that last a lifetime. A new emphasis of Special Olympics is the Unify Program that pairs athletes with other athletes such as those from the local Senior Games. Transylvania County will be having a unified bocce team this year. New sports are being added including power lifting and field hockey. Pat and Richard Ream have been a driving force behind Special Olympics and valued members of the community but they will be moving back to Pennsylvania in October. It is their deepest hope that SOTC will grow and provide more opportunities for individuals. They want to thank the citizens of Transylvania County, TVS, Civitan, Knights of Columbus, Brevard Community Church, Transylvania County, Transylvania County Schools, Transylvania County Recreation Department, The City of Brevard, Connestee Falls Fishing Club, Brevard College and Dick Ream became the coordinator in 1999 and bowling and athletics (track and field) became the most popular sports. Adults and school-age athletes participated and teams began to travel to events at the regional and state level. Brevard College’s men’s and women’s basketball teams for their support of Special Olympics. But most of all they want to thank all the athletes and their families who have worked so hard over the years. Individuals Kathy Thorpe was the coordinator from 20032008 and additional sports were added including basketball, bocce, field hockey, golf, volleyball, and recreational swimming. Pat Ream assumed responsibility when Kathy died and has coordinated the program Dick Ream & Pat Ream in local Special Olympics. There are county, regional and state ever since. Today there are became stronger and more physically fit and developed more independence and confidence as they enjoyed opportunities all over the state. They made new friends and gained new skills. One athlete who was initially afraid of any kind of competition has gone from Special Olympics to high school track and on to high school football. The vision for Special Olympics is alive and well in Transylvania County. “Let me win. But if I can’t win let me be brave in the attempt.” SO Motto ADVP Happenings Dance, dance, dance… Every other month TVS Life Skills is booming with fun and excitement! There are food, drinks, prizes and most importantly dancing!! It is held every other month on the first Monday. The schedule for the rest of the year is September 10th and November 5th both from 6:00pm-8:00pm. Pizza and soda are available for a small cost. Come and join the fun! The 2nd Annual ADVP/Lifeskills Talent Show was held on Sept. 4 with the theme of “TVS Heroes”. The Connestee Falls Fishing Club hosted a day at the lake which everyone enjoyed. Personals Emile Adams, daughter of Lynn and Ken Adams graduated from Brevard High School and plans to continue her education at UNCCharlotte. Brooke Mulenex, daughter of Mark Mulenex, graduated from UNC Law School with honors, completed NC Bar exams and is working for Hendrick & Gardener Law Group in Charlotte, NC. Courtney Stroup, daughter of Greg and Donna Stroup, graduated from WCU, Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Recreational Therapy and is now working at Mission Hospital. 10th Anniversary Celebrated Susan Falat celebrated her 10th anniversary at Wendy’s. TVS’ Life Skills Adult Enrichment Program has openings. Monday – Friday, 8am – 2pm Program focuses on socialization, leisure skills and Lunch is provided for program participants. activities of daily living. Van transportation may be available through the County. Call Carla at 884-3195 for more information REFLECTIONS Transylvania Vocational Services, Inc. P.O. Box 1115 Brevard, NC 28712 (828) 884-3195
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