Air Canada Vacations (ACV) is a leading Canadian tour operator
Air Canada Vacations (ACV) is a leading Canadian tour operator
CASE STUDY Air Canada Vacations (ACV) is a leading Canadian tour operator, offering travel packages to popular destinations in the Caribbean, Central and South America, Asia, Europe, the U.S. and Canada. AIR CANADA VACATIONS SOFIA + AUSTRAILIA THE BRIEF The Challenge Raise audience awareness and have them explore the unique European and Australian destinations offered by ACV. The Objective The campaign objective was two-fold; introduce and create ‘buzz’ for ACV’s newly launched virtual European blogger, Sophia and enrich readers understanding about Australia – a vacation hotspot that offers more than just the Outback and koala bears. AIR CANADA VACATIONS SOFIA + AUSTRAILIA THE STRATEGY A six part custom content program was developed with experiential advertorials and rich images that transported the reader and inspired frequent visits to the ACV website, through: 77 A three-part ‘Sophia’ series of full-page advertorials for The Globe Style and Travel newspaper sections, with ACV as the exclusive travel advertiser. 77 A three-part Australian series of full-page advertorials for The Globe Travel section. AIR CANADA VACATIONS SOFIA + AUSTRAILIA RESULTS “The Globe and Mail created the ‘buzz’ and awareness we had hoped for around our virtual, European blogger, Sophia. We found the content exciting while still being concise. Equally, the Australian series also hit the mark, with content and visuals that encouraged readers to experience Australia first-hand. We’re looking forward to working with The Globe again, for the 2012 phase of this campaign.” ~ Rose Marcello, Director, Strategic Development, Air Canada Vacations. V2 JUNE 8, 2012
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