2010 February - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia


2010 February - The Danish Club in Brisbane, Australia
Den Danske Forening
Flower stall at the Christmas market 16 December 2009
Photo: Soren Hoimark
Newsletter for the Danish Association ‘Heimdal’ – Established 1872
PHONE: 0437 612 913
If you would like to share your news, you are
welcome to send emails and other material to the
editor for publication. The closing date for the March
issue is 15 February 2010. We will endeavour to
publish all material submitted but reserve the right to
edit or not publish your contribution. Any material
published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of
the Danish Club or the Editor.
Webmaster: Aage Christoffersen
18 Boardman Street
Kallangur QLD 4503
Phone: (07) 3204 5761
Skype: lydatronic
Email: aage@tpg.com.au
From the Editor
HAPPY 2010!
Some like to welcome in the New Year with
style, others hate saying goodbye to the old
year. 2009 was an exciting year for the
Club with great support from members new
and old. November and December saw
several new events added on to the
Christmas favourites. I’m certain that 2010
holds many new challenges. The calendar
is already showing a great mix of old
favourites like Fastelavn and new events
that may become next year’s old favourite.
It’s important that the Danish club remains
relevant to its members at all levels and if
you have any suggestions, please share
them with the committee. In Melbourne, a
Danish group is participating in the
Australia Day street parade: how about
Brisbane? Is anybody interested for next
year? A Finnish woman is organising a
Nordic Festival in May 2010 in the area hit
by the fire devastation last year and there
might be a group from Brisbane interested
in participating? There are lots of
possibilities for the club and the individual
to represent Danes and Denmark in
Kransekage and wedding presents at Jean & Frank’s 60th
wedding anniversary 6 December 2009
Photo: Aage Christoffersen
Lone Schmidt
Phone: 07 3359 2026
Email: hoimark.schmidt@bigpond.com
Eva Kaiser, Woodridge
Help grow the club bigger and better
What’s on at the Danish Club?
Folk Dancers’ Special Event
29 January 2010
from 6 pm
See details inside – open house event
13 February 2010
2-5 pm
Folkies Old & New at Heimdal 20 February 2010
6.30 pm for 7.30 pm start
New event at the Club - see the invitation in the newsletter. The arrangement is organised by the
people behind the Folk Rag and members of the Danish Association are invited to enter at
concession rates. Kitchen and bar are open for business as usual.
Café Danmark
26 February 2010
from 6 pm
Try our tasty homemade ‘smorrebrod’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll often find
‘rullepølse’, fish wedges, roast beef, pate, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese. Or have a hot dog and get
a drink in the bar. The bar is now stocked with genuine Tuborg and Carlsberg brewed in Denmark
together with a variety of Australian beer. If you like a glass of wine with your food, there’s a good
variety of whites and reds on offer.
It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, specialty breads and organic biscuits direct
from Britt’s Danish Delights . Clive will be there with smallgoods and quality meats from Flemming,
the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba. It’s a good idea to order in advance and pick up at the café.
Kids’ Play Group
Every Friday
from 9.30-11.30
See contact details in the newsletter – give your children a chance to speak Danish and play with
other children in their age group.
Heimdal Goes to Toowoomba 13 March 2010
We are heading out of the city and going to Toowoomba – see details in the next newsletter.
Café Danmark
26 March 2010
from 6 pm
Concert with Kvoon and Faerd
28 March 2010
During the Christmas season, we had many inquiries about snaps, bitters and genuine Danish
beer (not to mention mackerel, cod roe and herring) – we can still help you source them. Give
Soren a ring or email him (details below).
Price list 2010
Gammel Dansk 1000 ml
1- Enkelt Bitter (new item) 700 ml
$ 60
$ 50
Jubilæum 700 ml
Taffel (Rød Aalborg) 700 ml
Brøndum 1000 ml
Aalborg Porse 700 ml (new item)
Aalborg Export (new item)
Linieakvavit 710 ml (new item)
O P Anderson 1000 ml (new item)
$ 53
$ 50
$ 65
$ 50
$ 50
$ 57
$ 60
Genuine Danish beer (made in Denmark) – Taste the difference
Carlsberg Beer – 24 x 33 cl bottles
$ 50
Tuborg Beer – 24 x 33 cl bottles
$ 50
How to order and pay:
By email soren.hoimark@hotmail.com
By phone (07) 3359 2026
Payment by direct credit to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp
BSB 484 799 Account 02495 1468
(Please use as reference your member number and ‘snaps’)
Payment by cheque issued to Heimdal and mailed to treasurer:
Lone Schmidt, 24 Ashley Road, Chermside West QLD 4032
Haps, haps, haps, version 1
Mel.: "Sur, sur, sur – lille bi omkring ..."
Haps, haps, haps,
nu skal vi ha' snaps.
For det skærper appetitten,
og det krilrer ned på midten.
Haps, haps, haps,
nu skal vi ha' snaps.
Fastelavn Party
Saturday 13 February 2010
2 – 5 pm
Get the kids dressed up and ready for action. If you have
no ideas at all, check out the suggestions in the side bar (ask
your local Dane for translations). Adults may dress up too!
There’ll be a prize for best-dressed boy and girl, start up
the sewing machines now and get into the face-painting
‘KUPALEJA’ will entertain with their unique musical style
leading up to the big event: bashing the barrel to get that
dastardly cat off and get to the goodies inside.
There’ll be delicious fastelavnsboller available from Britt’s on
the Gold Coast to go with your afternoon coffee or maybe
you prefer a hot dog with a cold Tuborg.
Send an email to Lone on hoimark.schmidt@bigpond.com by
8 February 2010 to let her know that you and the kids are
coming or ring on 3359 2026 with details.
Hvad vil du være
til fastelavn?
Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK
4th Friday of each month
Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products
Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød,
Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje.
For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: www.brittsdanishdelight.com.au
Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214
Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947
Email: order@brittsdanishdelight.com.au
Come along for a free evening of dancing and entertainment hosted by the Danish Folkdance
Group in conjunction with the Danish Club.
Date: Friday 29 January 2010
Time: 6pm onwards
Where: Danish Club, 36 Austin Street, Newstead
The theme for the evening will be Danish and other Scandinavian dances. For those who are
interested there will be opportunities to participate and join in the fun.
Food and beverages will be available at reasonable prices from 6pm.
We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor!
Beer and snaps
If you’ve finished your Christmas beer
and snaps, don’t worry, the Club can
source more supplies (see details on
page 4).
Let’s grow the Club
Help make the Danish Club bigger and
better. Have you received your new
membership card for 2009/2010 yet? If
not, maybe you have forgotten to pay
your membership.
TIL LYKKE til klubbens fødselarer i
28/1 Aage Christoffersen fylder 60
23/2 Benny Uhlott
Skriv eller ring til redaktøren, hvis du kender
nogen, der fejrer fødselsdag eller jubilæum
eller sølvbryllup, guldbryllup, fødsel, dåb – vi
vil gernevide det hele.
Need something to read? Why not have a
look in Heimdal’s library on the
mezzanine floor behind the secret door
in the corner. Lots of old favourites in
both Danish and English.
Lost and found
Lost your top? It’s pink/mauve and the
editor may claim it if the real owner
doesn’t come forward. We have also
found a child’s cap and an Ipod. Get in
Hall Hire
Planning a birthday party,
christening, wedding or corporate
function? Need a training venue?
36 Austin Street is available for hire
at reasonable rates:
Full day: $250 (members)/
$350 (non-members)
Cleaning: $77
Deposit: $300
The hall is very popular, we already have
several bookings for weddings and
anniversaries. If you need more
information, ring Lone Schmidt on 0437
612 913.
Lars Bo Rasmussen and Henning Vermuth at Royal Queensland Yacht Club for the 2010 Contender
World Championships
Photo: Soren Hoimark
Camping in RQ and sailing on Moreton Bay – the two Danes travelled round the world
with their Contenders to participate in the 2010 World Championships. The weather
wasn’t the best in the two weeks after the New Year, but to the competitors that’s just
another challenge! In case anyone has a spare Dannebrog in the cupboard, please
donate it to RQ.
What is a Contender, you may ask? The International Contender is the World’s most
popular single-handed trapeze sailing dinghy, according to the UK club’s website.
It was originally designed back in 1967 by Australian Ben Lexcen as a potential successor to the Olympic Finn Class. The boat won the 1968 Olympic selection trials, but for
a variety of reasons was never adopted as an Olympic class. This was probably something of a blessing, as the class has thrived ever since. The longevity of the class is a
testament to the original design: simple, practical, with classic good looks.
The Contender Class is truly International with ISAF International status, and as well as
a strong UK fleet, there are fleets in Australasia, North America, and right across
Europe. The World Championships routinely attracts turnouts of over 100 boats.
The winner of this year’s World Championships was Australian Jono Neate who beat
Italian Andrea Bonezzi. Next year’s Championships will be in Weymouth UK.
Jean & Frank’s 60th Wedding Anniversary 6 December 2009
Over the years, the club has celebrated many events and anniversaries, but still – a
Diamond Wedding anniversary is a rare occasion. When the Committee found out
about Jean and Frank Nissen-Wiis’ anniversary (the actual date is 23 December 2009),
we thought it would be brilliant to surprise them with a real Danish wedding anniversary
celebration. Plans were quickly laid, invitations sent out in October and as we got closer
to the date, the excitement grew – could we keep it a secret? There were a few near
misses, I can tell you that!
60 people including friends and family turned up for canapés and champagne on a warm
Sunday afternoon and I
think we did it! There was
a real æresport decorated
with red and white
carnations by Pia
Neergaard and Alan
Pryzbylak made the
plaques, red and white
balloons and table
decorations by Vivian
Lindup, old time jazz
favourites by Per
Neergaard, delicious
canapés made by Pia
Neergaard, Lone Schmidt,
Soren Hoimark and the
kitchen team and a
magnificent kransekage
from Britt & Rene.
Thanks to all for
The bridal waltz with hat and veil
Photos: Aage Christoffersen
contributing to a great event.
To The Editor
What a party! What a surprise!
Frank and I would like to thank you all
for your warmth and love shown to us in
such a way on the occasion of our 60th
Wedding Anniversary.
How you all managed to keep it such a
secret was amazing.
We thank you all for the energy and
thought that was put into such a
memorable (for us) occasion.
Jean and Frank with family
We thank you all for the beautiful
Gammelgård Glas figurines which we
will treasure.
Jean & Frank
Christmas Market at Heimdal 16 December 2009
Stunning hand bags from Lemonink – made from recycled tarpaulins and signage
Harley Davidson accessories
Photos: Soren Hoimark
20. januar 2010: Fra næste år kommer Sluseholmen til at hænge bedre sammen
med resten af København , når en bro mellem Teglholmen og Sluseholmen er en
realitet. Den nye bro er en vej-, cykel-og gangbro og vil få stor betydning for
infrastrukturen i hele Sydhavnen. Broen vil gøre det nemmere for både beboere og
ansatte at komme til og fra Sluseholmen. Den skal forbinde Teglværkshavnens to
holme og samle det nye byområde til en harmonisk enhed.
20. januar 2010: Københavns Kommune gav i oktober tilladelse til at det 50 meter
høje pariserhjul på Axeltorv kunne blive stående tre månedere længere, men
søndag 31. januar er uigenkaldeligt sidste frist, hvis du vil se den vinterklædte by fra
toppen af det store hjul.
Prisen for en lufttur er indtil 31. januar sat ned på hverdage, hvor voksne slipper
med 50 kroner og børn med 25. I weekenden er prisen henholdsvis 75 og 50
kroner.Hjulet snurrer rundt mandag til fredag kl. 13-21, lørdag kl. 12.00-23.00 og
søndag kl. 12.00-21.00.
Pariserhjulet, som har stået på Axeltorv siden 24.juli skal videre til en ny by i
Norden, og det er endnu uvist, om det kommer tilbage til København.
(kilde: Berlingske Tidende)
Den danske dokumentarfilm ’Burma VJ’, der fortæller om tilværelsen i det
burmesiske miltærdiktatur i efteråret 2007, har allerede vundet mange priser verden
over og det forventes, at filmen vil blive nomineret til en Oscar.
TV-serien ’Forbrydelsen’ vil blive vist på SBS fra februar – hold godt øje med
programmet, serien er rigtig god.
Danmarks Statistik har offentliggjort en liste over de mest populære navne i 1. halvår
1. Freja
2. Emma
3. Ida
4. Lærke
5. Caroline
6. Anna
7. Laura
8. Sofie
9. Isabella
1. Lucas
2. Mikkel
3. Emil
4. William
5. Oliver
6. Magnus
8. Noah
9. Frederik
10. Mathias
Carnevale Dinner Dance
We hope to bring you an evening of fun, dancing food and drink. Feel free to
bring a friend and introduce them to this fun tradition.
We provide a three course meal and coffee and live music of Fortunato. Italian
We will be judging the costumes/masks, so come along in your best or most
original costume and try to win a prize!!
Where: 36 Austin Street, Newstead
When: Saturday, 27 Feb. 2010, 6.30pm onwards
Cost: $ 37.To register for this event please contact:
Ruth Milwright on Tel 07/3 205 4172 or 0414 705255.
Rita von Rotz on Tel 07/3 314 8344
Pre-paid Reservations only! Payable to SWISS SOCIETY OF QLD
EFT Direct Bank payment to: Westpac: BSB 034002 - Account 708120
Don’t forget to include the name of your party in the description so we can
identify your payment,
Send cheque to: Ruth Milwright or give cash directly to one of the
organisers before the event. Please do not send cash
Booking is not confirmed until money is received!
Book by 14 February 2010
RSVP: By mail to Ruth Milwright, 34 Stirling Street, Strathpine QLD 4500
or ruthgreif@gmail.com
Invitation from the Swiss Club
Study & Stay in Australia?
Your door to the best in Australian Education & Training….
We are Danes, with a strong background in both Danish and Australian education & training.
Though we work with people from any country, we run some especially exciting programs
between Denmark and Australia, including:
• Guiding would-be migrants to courses for recognition in 60-Point occupations
• Assisting students enter the very best course, school/college/university for their needs
• Study Tours – customised to meet the particular needs of the Danish schools/colleges/universities
• Semester Study Abroad – individuals or classes come to undertake one semester of
study, and get credit back into their secondary school/undergraduate programs in Denmark
• Placing students into workplaces in Australia for Occupational Training, which is part
of their studies in Denmark
• Consulting services for Danish institutions wishing to establish links with Australian
We’d be delighted to assist you in any of these areas. Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Riborg Andersen
Ph: 07-5442 9588
Joern Christoffersen
Ph. 07-54739917
Aftale om social sikring mellem Australien og Danmark
Ved du, at du kan søge om pensionsydelser gennem Centrelinks international servicecenter? Ring til Centrelink på 13 16 73 og find ud af, hvilke pensioner du er berettiget
til – de taler endda dansk. Deres hjemmeside er www.centrelink.gov.au
Former Danish Club building on Beaconsfield Parade
If you’ve ever visited the former home of the Danish club in Melbourne on Beaconsfield
Parade, you’ll be shocked to know that the building has been extensively renovated by
the new owners. Only the facade is still standing according to the Melbourne Heritage
Danish classes
Pia Blak is running Danish classes for kids at Mount Ommaney and Indooroopilly
libraries during school holidays – contact her on 3818 0066 or myozdanish@gmail.com
for an update.
Institute of Modern Languages at University of Queensland, St Lucia, is offering a
Danish course this semester – check their website on www.iml.uq.edu.au.
Dansk legegruppe
Hver fredag 9.30-11.30 i Heimdals lokaler, 36 Austin St, Newstead
1. søndag i måneden 10-12 (find os på Facebook)
Vi vil meget gerne mødes 1. søndag hver måned, hvis det kan friste flere, som pga
arbejde og øvrige forpligtelser ikke kan deltage i vores ugentlige legestue om fredagen.
Da vores lille faste gruppe svinger lidt i deltagere pga ferier oftest til Danmark og
arbejde mv, vil vi meget gerne se flere medlemmer. Vi tror trods alt det gavner
børnene at mødes og lege samt høre, at vi alle taler dansk.
Vi starter normalt med noget fri leg og ca kl 11 sidder vi alle omkring et bord og spiser
vores medbragte mad – og slutter gerne dagen med nogle danske børnesange.
Med venlig hilsen
Tea, Morten, Charlotte, Tina
0405 730 252
E-mail: chartiefalk@yahoo.com
0410 215 300
E-mail: morten@simianosis.com
0419 659 837
E-mail: depoulsen@hotmail.com
0403 838 663
E-mail: tina@onskedrom.com
News from the Committee
The committee meets once a month and
at our January meeting we discussed:
Although the parking meters are a
nuisance they have freed up lots of
parking in Austin Street; the previous 2
hour parking limit was a problem for
potential tenants wishing to use the club
house during day time hours and Soren
may attempt to contact them again.
Grant Applications
We had applied to the federal Volunteers
Grant for funding for accounting software
and laptop, but our application did not
succeed. Our application for funding for
Project Kitchen to the Gambling
Community Benefit Fund was also
unsuccessful, but the application
participates in the next round.
The committee discussed various key
card entry models which were found to
be too expensive. Jens and Peter will
work on this project. Again the question
of a child-proof gate which will also
comply with fire regulations was
discussed. Alan has carried out various
maintenance and cleaning projects
during the Christmas break including
new ceiling tiles and the club house is
looking well.
New events include a special Folk
Dancers’ evening on 29 January which
will kick off the new year followed by
Fastelavn in February. The second
Folkies Old & New Concert will take place
on 20 February. On March 13,
Heimdal will be going to Toowoomba and
on Sunday 28 there will be a special
concert event at the club with Kvoon and
Faerd. The April Store Kolde Bord will be
held on a Sunday (11/4) this time as
some members have expressed a wish
for a lunch event. Lots of new initiatives
– if other members have suggestions,
please let the committee know and we’ll
try and incorporate it in the programme.
The treasurer presented the accounts for
the first half-year for approval. With
many events in November and
December, they showed a profit of close
to $20,000. This figure includes
membership fees and the Multicultural
Festival success, which can of course not
be duplicated in the second half-year,
but it’s looking good. Expenses remain
1 new member came on board in
December and 2 old members renewed
their memberships. 13 old members
have not yet paid their membership fees
for 2009/2010 and Soren will follow up.
Hall Hire
The hall is becoming more and more
popular as a venue for parties, weddings
and anniversaries – four bookings in
January came as a real surprise in an
otherwise quiet month.
Thanks to Worldwide Online Printing in
Eagle Street for printing the newsletter.
COMMITTEE 2009/2010
Committee Member:
Søren Høimark
Phone 07 3359 2026
Kim Tvede
Vice President:
Committee Member:
Alan Przybylak
Mobile 0402 691 435
Treasurer :
Peter Hansen
Phone (02) 6680 3574
Lone Schmidt
Phone 07 3359 2026
Membership Officer:
(not on the committee)
Lone Lambourne
Phone 07 3822 4476
Committee Member:
Committee Member:
Jens Gønget
Phone 07 3871 2570
Mobile: 0449 946 944
E-mail: gonget@gmx.net
Henrik Caspersen (Rick)
Phone 0418 776 277
Committee Member:
Committee Member:
Vivian Lindup
Phone 0411 084475
Jørgen Skov
Phone 07 3103 6535
E-mail: jorgen@qldaus.com
E-mail: vivandmikelindup@hotmail.com