Dec 2015 Newsletter - Modesto Classic Thunderbird Car Club


Dec 2015 Newsletter - Modesto Classic Thunderbird Car Club
Modesto T-Bird Club
Volume 35 Issue 12
A Message From Our President
The 2016 officers have been elected and our club’s new web
site is under development. Except for our Christmas party 2015
is history.
Looking back I have had a great time as President. Except for
the CTCI position, the President’s position has to be the most
fun and easiest job in the club. Thanks to all the club officers
that worked so hard to make 2015 an outstanding year.
Thanks to Jan Peterson for allowing me to pick on her whenev‐
er we had a slow moment.
To each of you who recruited new members, upgraded your T‐
Bird, planned a tour, represented our club at a community
event or car show, or hosted a club meeting, I thank you. Each
of you play an integral part in making our club a great club
and a club where it is fun to be a member.
Darlene and I are looking forward to seeing all of you at the
Christmas Party. Our wishes for each member is for years of
happy fellowship and fun with our beautiful cars.
A couple of reminders for our Christmas Party, Sunday Decem‐
ber 13th. Don’t forget to bring a wrapped gift for the gift ex‐
change, an unwrapped new toy for “Toys for Tots”, and canned
food for our collection of food for the homeless.
H p
T-B r
Don & Darlene Cose
Officers & Chairpersons
Don Cose……………......209 835-2203
8950 W. Valpico Road, Tracy 95304
Vice President:
Jim Montavon………....209 522-8830
Elaine Rogers……….....209 527-2639
Jim Ridenour…………...209 529-8283
Monty Montgomery...209 835-1795
Board Members:
Keith Rogers…………….209 527-3639
Jack Martin……………...209 538-6652
Katrina Tellez…………..209 526-6103
Newsletter Editor:
Pat Mason…………..……209 538-1130
Shirley Mattos………….209 521-2498
Jim & Judy Lyon……….209 357-0905
Judy Lyon 5th
Shirley Mattos 7th
Last Day to signup or cancel is December 1st
The TURLOCK SWAP MEET will take place January 30th and
31st. The hours of operation are Saturday, 7 AM to 5 PM
and Sunday, 7 AM to 3 PM. Admission is $10.00 at the gate
on Saturday and $5.00 on Sunday; children 12 and under
are free when accompanied by an adult.
Tis that time of the year
to pay CTCI and club
dues. CTCI dues are
$35 and club dues are
$25. You can pay
Christmas Party monies
as well as CTCI and club
dues in one check.
Please bring check to
the Christmas Party or
mail to Elaine Rogers.
The CHRISTMAS CAR SHOW, Saturday, December 5th,10 to
2. Regal Theater, 3969 McHenry, Modesto. Open to all cars
and motorcycles. For additional information call: Larry
521-2675 or Dwight 632-1252. Entry is one toy, minimum
value of ten dollars.
January Meeting—Sunday, January 11, at Noon
Famiglia Bistro Ristorante, 2501 McHenry Avenue, Modesto
Order from menu with individual checks available.
Tax and Gratuity will be added.
Hosted by Sandy & Joe Hood and Pat Mason
Directions: Coming from North on 99, take Briggsmore/Carpenter
Road Exit. Turn left at top of off-ramp and go 2 miles to McHenry Avenue, turn left. The restaurant is on the left behind Well’s Fargo Bank.
Reminder: All business meetings begin at noon!
Our Members Recommend
It’s winter and time to get your T-bird into the shop for any
needed repairs. The following is a list of businesses
Who are highly recommended by our members.
Costa's Automotive Machine, 272 Button, Manteca. 8230782, Jim and Jess Costa
Hall's Classic Auto Body, 412 N. Walnut, Manteca. 824-0239
1956 Colonial White T-Bird For
Sale $34,000
McCoy Tire, 1226 9th Street, Modesto 578-1422
Oakdale Automotive Repair and Tire, 811 S. Yosemite,
Oakdale. 847-9111 Recommended for front end work.
Danny's Rod Shop, 427 7th Street, Modesto 530-9750
Recommended for exhaust.
The Shining Custom Metal Polishing, 6043 Creek Bend,
Riverbank, Owner Tim Dalton, 988-9708 Recommended for
custom metal polishing.
Jim's Transmission, 814 N. Carpenter, Modesto 578-0122 Jim
Jackson owner. Recommended for his great knowledge of
Gary Cooksey, Oakdale, auto body and painting. He is retired,
but has a full shop and takes cars on an appointment only basis. Cell: 605-1772.
B/W upholstery, white hard
top. New heater core, no oil
leaks, disc brakes, elect. ignition. Excellent cond.
Contact 209 565-1010
pictures at
1955 T-Bird For Sale
Solid, 3 speed overdrive, needs
total restoration. Over $1,000
N.O.S. parts, original red
Marlon 209 526-9073
Notes From Our Vice President—Jim Montavon
Wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas! Sorry we missed the November club meeting and the Duarte Poinsettia tour; I am sure they were fun. A special “Thank You” to Don Cose for all of his help this
year. Also thanks to my fellow club officers for their hard work. For our members who sponsored meetings and events you are what made the club so much fun this year. Please give Jim Ridenour, our new
Vice President, your ideas and support for the upcoming year. I am sure it will be a great year full of fun.
Last week Keith Rogers and I hauled Tweety Bird to the paint shop (Gary Cooksey, Oakdale, who did Pat
Mason's Lil Blue), so Tweety will have a new outfit for next year!
Sandy Hood's Black Beauty was recently in a photo shoot in Turlock so look forward to some calendar
Way to get those birds "exposed!"
See you at our Christmas gathering, woo hoo!
Jim Darwin & Gil Long
There were nineteen members and guests who took the tour to visit Duarte Nursery which is famous for their
large green houses full of poinsettias. Our host for the tour was Jan Peterson, along with her guest, Noreen
Duarte Nursery is a family owned and operated nursery located near Hughson in the Central Valley of California. Duarte Nursery is the largest permanent crops nursery in the United States and ships grapevines throughout the world. In addition to their orchard nursery Anita Duarte started growing poinsettias as a hobby many
years ago and then offered her poinsettias at a discounted price to local clubs and charitable organizations for
fund raisers. As a result there are now over four acres of green houses with thirty varieties of poinsettias
(60,000 plants) and an additional 5,000 cyclamens.
Anita served as our tour guide, sharing the grafting process in developing new colors of poinsettias. She
also related the story of the origin of the poinsettia and how Joe Poinset brought it to America in 1829.
The tour concluded with hot apple cider and cookies. Shirley Mattos was voted the biggest buyer as she
needed a big wagon, and Sandy Hood’s help, to haul off all of her purchases.
The next stop was the Fruit Yard Restaurant to enjoy their famous Sunday Brunch. Joyce and Roger Williams joined us at the restaurant. A tour that started in pouring rain ended on a bright sunny note with a beautiful afternoon greeting us as we left the restaurant. Another great tour with our T-Bird Club friends.
Submitted by Bobbi Murrison
A special thank you to everyone in
the club for submitting articles and
pictures for our newsletter. Each edition seems to grow a bit. I am delighted each time I receive an e-mail
from one of you with pictures attached. Our members are so supportive! Thanks to each one of you
whom make my job both rewarding
and fun!
Your editor,
Submitted by Katrina Tellez
Pat Mason
Galen Rydelius
Dad is doing better. After four visits to the
hospital, and a month in rehab, he is
home. He is so glad to be home again,
and he is doing better. He is still weak at
walking, but slowly improving. His back
really hurts and we found out recently that
he has a compression fracture. That just
takes time to heal, then he will feel much
better. Thanks to all who have visited
and kept in touch.
Submitted by Elaine Rogers
The Early Birds of Southern California and the Classic
Thunderbirds of San Diego invite you to have "Fun, Fun,
Fun in the California Sun" at our 2016 CTCI International
Convention. The hotel is the Crowne Plaza, 2270 Hotel
Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108. The room rate is $124
a night. The hotel started taking reservations October 15,
Registration forms are available in the Jan/Feb 2016 Early
Bird; online at, and will be online at our
Modesto Club website in December.
Planned events are: “Welcome Party Pool Side,” Polynesian style; Tour on the USS Midway aircraft carrier museum with lunch on the bow; Corvette Challenge at the Corvette Diner; Scenic Coastal Cruise drive to the San Diego
Botanic Garden; Outing to Viejas Casino and Outlet Center; Old Town Trolley tours; Concourse d'Elegance and
the Awards Banquet.
The Ford Johnson Memorial
Trophy is a commemorative trophy awarded to the chapter with
the most accumulated driving
miles to Regional and Interna.tional sanctioned events in a
1955, 1956, or 1957 Thunderbird.
The late Ford and Nell Johnson
of Seattle, Washington were
dedicated Classic Thunderbird
enthusiasts attending every
possible Regional and International Convention. They were
regularly honored with longest
distance driven awards at Regional and International conventions. Ford Johnson always encouraged members to participate at CTCI conventions by
driving their Thunderbirds.
This award is given each year at
the International Convention.
We should start logging miles
and competing for the award.
Bakersfield Classic Thunderbird Club QC+XXXIX
June 9-12, 2016 in Tehachapi, California
Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 901 Capital Hills Parkway
Reservations: 1-800-465-4329,, rate $99.99 per night + tax
Reference Code “BTC” to identify both event and room rate
Hotel reservations must be made by May 25, 2016
Don’s Tech Column * New This Month!
Welcome to my tech column. Pat approached me about writing this a couple of months ago, but at
the time I had other issues to deal with so I've had to put it off until now. I do have several reservations
about the direction of the column and would like input from club members. Many of the tech columns
are just repeats of common knowledge that are featured in many Thunderbird publications, like appropriate tire pressure or using a lead substitute in your gas. I wrote a test article for myself detailing how
to adjust valves without a feeler gauge, which was wordy and probably didn't address most members
needs. So what I'm looking for is input from members about topics you would be interested in reading
about to help guide me toward useful columns. The best way to is to send me an email to an account I
set up for this column (see below).
This month, I want to remind everyone that we have old cars and shouldn't be complacent about
their well being. When I started working on our 'Bird, I worked toward replacing parts that would deteriorate over time. I put a priority on changing all rubber parts as they tend to be the first things to
fail. In September of 2012 I changed the fuel hose that goes from the frame to the fuel pump. Barely
three years later, I was running the engine, before putting it away for what I knew would be at least a
month, when I noticed a drip. On inspection, I found moisture around the hose fitting at the fuel line so
I ordered a replacement. When I installed the replacement, first I noticed that it was different, requiring a 9/16-inch instead of ½-inch wrench for the fitting at the pump. After disassembly, I found that I
was only a little luck away from being stranded.
At first glance, it doesn't look too bad. The male end looks a little rough, but
that's not the end that was leaking .
Here a few cords are showing and the outside is pretty much gone.
As you can see, here it is totally rotted through. If this had been a pressure
hose I would have been stranded, maybe with an engine fire. I also have a
short hose by the carburetor I'll be checking soon.
Many of us have read about the damage ethanol does to the fuel system, but this is the
first time I've had any hose rot like this when the proper fuel hose was used. For those
who are curious, I typically use either COSTCO or ARCO gas, and I believe they are
10% ethanol.
Please send comments and suggestions to
Don Wigle
The meeting was called to order at 12:16 pm by club President Don Cose at Famiglia Bistro
Ristorante, in Modesto, CA. There were 30 members in attendance. Thank you to Keith and Elaine
Rogers for setting up the meeting and for providing decorations and candy.
Secretary Report – Jim Ridenour: There were no reported errors in the meeting minutes from September. Keith Rogers made a motion to approve the minutes and it was seconded by Don Murrison. The motion to accept the meeting minutes was approved.
Treasury Report – Elaine Rogers: For the month of October we had expenses of $94.90, income of
Sunshine Report – Shirley Mattos: Elaine gave a status on Galen. Galen is doing better and recently has starting finding activities outside of the home.
CTCI – Monty Montgomery: No CTCI report.
Meetings, Car shows and Tours: Jim Montavon was not present. Jim Ridenour mentioned a car
show coming up on December 5th. Information for this show will be in the newsletter. The Christmas party, planned by Pat, Donna and Dolly will be at Famiglia Bistro Ristorante, there will be a
gift exchange and a toy and canned food drive. More info is available in the newsletter. A tour of
Duarte Poinsettia nursery and lunch will be on November 15th.
News Letter – Pat Mason: Pat still wants photos from car shows and other club events. Pat made a
motion and Roger Williams seconded it to have a new website designed. The motion was passed.
Pat received a Silver Award plaque from CTCI for our newsletter.
Publicity – Katrina Tellez: Nothing to report.
ACCC – Keith Rogers: No ACCC report.
Hoods Up – No hoods up report
Old Business – None.
New Business – Sandra Hood made a motion to have a consistent start time for our meetings of either 11:30 or 12:00. 12:00 noon was chosen and was seconded by Keith Rogers. The motion was
Elections for 2016: The following have volunteered for position for officers and chair persons:
President- Jim Montavon, Vice president- Jim Ridenour, Treasurer-Elaine Rogers, Secretary Katrina
Tellez, Board Members- Keith Rogers and Earl Reedy, CTCI – Don Cose, Give Away-Sandy and
Joe Hood, Publicity/Newsletter – Pat Mason and Sunshine – Shirley Mattos. A motion was made
by Jim Ridenour and seconded by Monty Montgomery to accept the nominees. The motion was
passed. New officers and Board will installed at the Christmas Dinner.
Meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted Jim Ridenour
Give Away Winners
Jack ~ Shirley ~ Terry ~ Jim R ~ Bill ~ Gill ~ Bobbi ~ Roger ~ Pat
You are cordially invited to attend
The Modesto Classic T-Bird Club’s
Annual Christmas Luncheon
and Installation of Officers
Sunday, December 13, 12:00 PM
Famiglia Bistro Ristorante
2501 McHenry Avenue, Modesto
Cost is $35 per person
Choice of Rib Eye Steak, Chicken Marsala, Pistachio Crusted Salmon
Members are asked to bring a wrapped
gift for the gift exchange valued at $15.
Clearly label your gift as appropriate to
your same sex.
Members may opt to bring canned goods
and/or an unwrapped toy
for our donation box.