

New Jersey Open Road Thunderbird Club
Chapter 41 - Classic Thunderbird Club International
The Thunder Heard
March 2016
2016 Meeting Schedule
March 20 Paul & Pauline Schroll
March 13 Harold's Deli
Bob & Toni Sabino
April 23
50's Dance
Vince Ucci & Julia
Spring Cruise
Tune Up Clinic
Bruce & Eileen Corbett
Joe & Arlene Kubat
Henry & Judy Semmler
Don Dobres
October 16
Fall Cruise
The March meeting will the hosted by
Paul & Pauline Schroll on March 20th at
2PM. RSVP 201-652-7027 or See Page 4 for
If you cannot host your meeting as
scheduled, it is your responsibility to
get someone to switch with.
Please let Joanne Seiler know at least
2 months before your scheduled
month that YOU WILL BE
HOSTING the meeting and give the
President’s Message
We have had a lot of activity in the club last month. Joanne
and I made our trip to California for the CTCI board meeting.
Now with Joanne and Rich Martin they will see what Jersey
Strong is all about. They were actively involved in the meeting
and impressed the other board members. Joanne will have more
info in this newsletter. Our Valentine's brunch went great, thanks
to Lucille Chabala for chairing the event. Now we are looking
forward to the Harold's Deli Trip chaired by Sandy Pyrros.
Our annual NJORTC Board meeting on Jan. 16 was discussed
in the Jan/Feb issue. Go to our web site's Members Only page to
read the minutes. While you are there, look around, there is
always something new. Pictures of events, like the Christmas
party, minutes of all the meetings back to 2012. Treasurers
reports, roster, By Laws, also check out the for sale items and
video pages.
Feb. meeting was well attended as it was the first since
November 2015. Thanks to our hosts Paul Dorne and Julie
Andriolo. The minutes will be up on the web site shortly.
The biggest news is we had a motion on the floor on whether to
host a CTCI regional convention in 2017. There was a long
discussion on the pros and cons of doing it, as well as reading the
results of the on line survey. Afterward a secret ballot was held.
The results of the 23 votes (it was held to Members only, not
spouses as per by laws) 13 Yes vs 10 No. Although personally I
would have liked to have seen a wider margin. Now we will be
going forward with the process of selecting Chair-people and
confirming activities and contracts. Your help in this is certainly
wanted and needed. We will be setting up a Convention web site.
In addition, on the members only page we will have a link to a
progress page. Joanne will let everyone know when new things
are added
Please remember, this is a club, we either work together or we
fall apart. It is a family and being such, if there are problems or
concerns please let me know. The club family and it's harmony, is
more important then any activity and untold feelings can rip it
apart at it's heart. I am very proud of our club and together we
make great things happen. Pat LeStrange
A few Words From Alec
Winter is 2/3 over - one month to go. Not
too bad a winter compared to last year's
when it seemed it would never stop
Vice President's Message
This sure has been some crazy weather. Every day
it's like a different season, one thing for sure, Spring
is on its way and we can get our Tbirds on the road.
We really cannot complain, because winter didn't
come until February, but we still complain.
I understand Bob Belli is still undergoing
treatment. Bob, hope you start feeling better soon.
Bob Notar just underwent knee replacement and
now is in rehabilitation. I hope you have a speedy
Lucille, thank you for passing around a copy of a
newsletter written in 2002 by Wendy Meehan right
after our 2002 convention. Hope everybody was able
to read it at our meeting on Sunday. There were a
lot of good pictures attached and some funny ones.
We did have a good time at the convention.
We had 47 people at our Sweetheart Brunch at the
Bethwood. Great job Lucille. We also had guests
from the Mercedes Club. They enjoyed our
company and showed interest in doing other events
with our Club. Pat gave all the ladies a long stem
rose, Lucille gave out Valentine scarfs and a box of
candy in a heart shape box. We had a few kids and
they also received a little gift. As usual good food,
good friends, great time.
On March 13th we will be going to Harold's Deli,
Edison, NJ. If you have never been there come with
an empty stomach, the sandwiches and desserts are
huge. We always take home a goody bag. Sandra
Pyrros is Chairperson for this event.
On April 23rd we are having our annual Sock
Hop, (new name this year). We will be having
50/60's music. Our food is once again going to be
catered by the Market Basket. See Pat and Joanne
for tickets and fliers. I am looking forward to it.
Joe is looking into a bus trip to Barrett Jackson
Car Auction at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. It's
the first time Barrett Jackson will be held on the
East Coast. The trip will be on Saturday, June 24th.
Further information will be given out at our March
Activities for the year are: May, Spring Cruise June, Barrett Jackson Car Auction , Tune up Clinic
- August, Club Picnic - September, San Diego
Convention - October, Fall cruise - December 3rd,
annual Christmas party. Continued on Page 4
We should see all our snow bird friends returning
in the weeks to come.
Looking forward to all of our club's coming events
in the months ahead. Time to get our Birds ready to
Happy motoring, Alec
January/February Meeting
This meeting was hosted by Paul Dorne and Julie
Andriolo. There was a large turnout. The weather
was threatening so the only "Bird" present was
Walters. Food was good and it was a nice get
together. Thanks to Paul and Julie
Highlights of the Business Meeting
The minutes of the last business meeting (Nov.)
were read and accepted (after revisions) as was the
Treasurers Report.
Joanne reported on the CTCI Director's meeting.
Pat reported on the NJORTC Director's meeting.
Effective for 2017, no credit will be given for dues if
the Christmas party is attended. Amount of dues
will be decided at a later date. New Sunshine rules
were decided. and codified rules for the lottery
tickets for members bring their cars to the meeting
(only for 55-56-57 Birds). The different events for
2016 were also decided, although members still may
bring up new ones or changes.
Arlene recapped the Christmas Party and Lucille
on the Sweet Hear brunch.
We had two guests, Jim Messersmith and Nancy
Evans-Bennett . They had submitted an
membership application and now they have
attended their first meeting.
Joanne reported that the American Legion hall in
Elmwood Park has been booked for the dance. She
and Pat have the tickets and flyers.
Since some members had expressed an interest in
going to the Westchester Dinner Theater, Donna
reported on various selections.
A long discussion was held about holding a CTCI
regional Conference in 2017. After the discussion, a
vote by ballot was taken (members only). There
was a 13 (yes ) to 10 (no) votes to go ahead with it.
Alec was the 50/50 winner.
Membership News
Pat LeStrange
Bill & Pat Selby 12th
John & Sandra Bolger 23rd
Bruce & Eileen Corbett 30th
Vice President
Arlene Kubat
Carol Ehm
Vince Ucci 1st
Jaonne Seiler 5th
Sue Gaeta 9th
CTCI Representative
Lois Martin
Recording/Corresponding Secretary
Sandy Pyrros
Editors: Thunder Heard
Paul Schroll
51 Glen Ave. Midland Park, NJ 07432
Bob Belli
Bob Notar
Alec Johnstone
1267 Paddington Rd., Mahwah, NJ 07430
The Spring (Vernal) Equinox is here
March 20th
Paul Schroll
John Pyrros
Phil Guidone
Daylight Savings Time
Another sign of Spring Daylight Savings Time starts March
13th. Set your clocks ahead one
hour. Remember - spring ahead, fall
Mailing Address: NJORTC, PO Box 615 Hewitt, NJ 07421
web site:
Registered Agent
Phil Guidone
John Pyrros
Membership Chairman
Paul Adamoff
Name Badges
John Pyrros
Club Historian
Lucille Chabala
Club Photographer
Joanne Seiler
Lucille Chabala
Master at Arms
Alex Johnstone
Asst. Master at Arms
Bob Sabino
Meeting Schedules & Activities Coordinator Joanne Seiler
Joanne Seiler
I want your input. Please send any items to be
included by the middle of the month if possible.
They can be e-mailed or snail mailed to me. email
Join CTCI now if you haven't yet. The Early
Bird magazine alone is worth the dues. And for
latest info, go to
Sweetheart Brunch
March 2106 Meeting
See Arlene's column for a report on the
Sweetheart brunch.
The host for the November meeting is Paul &
Pauline Schroll. It is March 20th at Delizia's
Pizza in Boonton. Time is 2 PM. Be sure to
RSVP (see page 1 for info) including regrets.
Harold's Deli
Back to Harold's and those delicious pastrami
and corned beef sandwiches. Date is March
13th. Time is 12:45 for a 1:00 seating.
Harold's is located at 1173 King Georges Rd.,
Edison, NJ. Sandy Pyrros is the chair, contact
her if you are going She will be away for most
of February, so call her before Feb. 9th or after
March 4th. or email her.
April Meeting
The April meeting will be hosted by Bob &
Toni Sabino on the 17th. Time and location to
be announced.
50's/60's Dance
Happening April 23rd. American Legion Post
147, 1 Legion Place, Elmwood Park. 7:30 to
11:30. Tickets $45.00. Tell your friends and
sell them tickets. See Pat for tickets.
Pittsburgh, PA Car Show
Preliminary plans are being made to return to
the Pittsburgh car show (in conjunction with
the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix) this year.
Date is July 16 & 17. Let Pat know if you are
interested in going.
CTCI Director's Meeting
Joanne, along with Rich, attended the Director's
meeting in CA. See Page 10 for her report
Vice President's Message (Cont'd)
Well it was voted by our club members to host
2017 Regional Thunderbird Club Convention to be
held the end of July. We need all our members to
get involved in running a class act convention. Next
month Joanne and Pat will have a list of committees
that we need. So please think about chairing a
committee or helping on a committee. It's hard
work, but as a club we can do it.
See you at the next meeting, Arlene
Car Shows-Swap Meets
Cruise Nights
3/20 Woodstone (Sharptown) AACA Swap
Meet. Salem County Fairgrounds
4/10 Watchung Swap Meet
5/1 Morristown NJAACA Car Show. Mennen
Clifton, Rutt's Hutt
Hawthorne-this is a inside get together for any
car person. Car optional. Free coffee
and munchies. 8 AM to 1 PM-MGM Auto
Body Supplies, 344 Wagaraw Rd
Tech Support
Customer: I can't get on the internet
Tech: Are you sure you used the right
Customer: Yes I'm sure. I saw my colleague
do it.
Tech: Can you tell me what the password is?
Customer: Five dots
More Signs of Spring
Besides the change in time and the Vernal
Equinox, I got another sign - two flyers for
cars shows came in the mail.
Tech Tip
Pouring Liquids
Pretty messy are we? When pouring liquids
from jugs such as antifreeze bottles, do it
"bass-ackward" . Have the spout at the top
(highest point) as you tilt the jug over the hole.
This gives you much more control over the
liquid as it comes out of the jug. It will not
"glug-glug" and splash everywhere , as air can
get in to replace the liquid coming out. It is
much easier to aim and get every drop into the
fill hole From the Smoke Signal
Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce
on their own year after year (others must be
replanted every year). What are they. Need
both to win.
Henry got last month's item - it was lettuce
January/February Meeting
People never lie so much as after a hunting, during
a war or before an election.
Otto Von Bismarck
CTCI San Diego Convention
The hotel is now booking rooms and
registration forms are available . Book early.
The date is Sept. 13-18. See for forms
and contact info.
From Ford Barn (lots of different interpretations in lieu of "cars")
Famous Last Words
Don't be afraid - its only electricity
The 2016 Board meeting was held at CTCI headquarters in Signal Hill, CA,
in February
* The American Road Thunderbird Club (TARTC) from Dearborn, Michigan, has
gifted CTCI, and all its members, custody of the Thunderbird invoices that they
have maintained through the years. Plans for the physical transfer are underway.
Concurrent with the transfer will be the creation of digital archive copies of each
invoice. CTCI will continue the invoice sales in the same manner as TARTC has
done. This will generate substantial income for CTCI.
* A budget for 2016 was approved with a small loss, primarily due to the loss of
memberships. Membership has declined to 5,377 at the end of 2015. Your ideas
on ways to attract new members to CTCI from Classic Thunderbird owners and
fans everywhere are needed.
* The Early Bird conversion to all color has been very well received. Advertisers
and members appreciate the new format. A reminder to all the clubs of your annual
free ad in the EB is automatically in color with no additional cost.
* The Albuquerque Regional convention in 2015 was quite successful and as a
result the seed money was returned to the clubs that provided it, much to their
* The 2016 International Convention is scheduled for September in San Diego and
registrations are running very well. You need to get your registration and Hotel
reservations in so you won’t miss any of the fun.
* I as Region 1 Director, Joanne Seiler reported on the possibility of NJORTC to
host a convention in northern New Jersey in late July 2017. Concerns over
pricing were discussed and I was encouraged to continue to pursue it. Region 4
Director, Bill Long, also mentioned he had heard of some discussions from the
Miami area, but there was nothing firm to report at this time.
* The Convention Guidelines and Procedures were discussed and suggestions
were made to clarity the information required from a host chapter as it relates to
hotel contract. The actual contract is not required but a proposal listing of room
rates and the number and size of meeting/banquet rooms is required.
* A proposal to include the ’02-’05 Thunderbirds as a “Modern Classic” under the
definition of “Classic” in the By-Laws, was
* Participation with the Ford Performance Group has been delayed due to changes in
Fords plans for that activity. You will receive more information on how to participate
when they are up and running again.
* A plan to move the bi-annual printing of the Roster to a safe and secure on-line
version that members could access through a password and print it themselves as
well as search by name/state was approved. This will be able to be updated and a
regular basis and easier to read. This will save about $7,000 every two years. This
roster will be online soon.
* A revision to the By-Laws, to remove the requirement for paper ballot voting on
amendments, was approved by the Board. Voting on this change by members is
required and must be done by mail at this time. This proposal was made based on the
poor participation by mail in ballots in the recent elections. (400 members voted out
of some 5,377 members this past election)
* In the report from Jack Gray, our Managing Director, he highlighted a number of
plans that are needed to update and improve office procedures, make
improvements to the website, continue ways to back up our out-of-print Early Birds
and generate a survey to learn more about what members want from CTCI.
* In the Office update report, our interim employee, Liz Gray, reported her progress in
documenting the office procedures. Her results will make it easier for anyone to
quickly understand the process. She has also reorganized the shipping office for
more efficient and productive usage.
** Other ideas discussed, but no immediate action taken, included:
** Putting Early Birds and Technical articles
** CTCI sanctioning of Regional Rallies (non-judged driving events such as
AACA), for Regions not doing a Regional judged event.
** Purchase of an event management software package for clubs hosting a CTCI
Convention to help manage all phases of the process.
Over all it was an enjoyable, productive and enjoyable meeting and I look
forward to representing you and your club members. If you have any questions or
need help with something please contact me anytime.
Joanne Seiler, Region 1 Director