Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24 San Diego


Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24 San Diego
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24
San Diego, California
March 2014
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
Presidents Message, March, 2014
Our 45th Year is well underway
We had an incredible Club Meeting and Potluck in February! Carol Noyes and Donna Hummer went above and
beyond to make this an awesome event for our Club; this was the first of several 45th Anniversary Celebrations.
You can read more about the Potluck meeting elsewhere in this edition.
With spring upon us, I highly recommend a thorough safety check, service and maintenance on your Thunderbird.
You will want to have your car ready to go for all the fun events we have planned in the coming months. Don’t miss
out; you get the most out of your membership by participation.
The big news of the year is the 45th Anniversary Party on April 12, at the San Diego Automotive Museum. This is
going to be an incredible event to celebrate our Club's founding. I am asking all current and past members to
attend. If you are in contact with any former members, please encourage them to attend. Please bring any club
collectibles to the party, such as old newsletters, photos, old name badges, etc. The cost for all current and former
members is $15, with the Club covering a substantial portion of the cost. Please see the flyer in this newsletter.
Dan Regan and I are co-chairs on the newly formed Merchandise Committee. We are diligently working on CTSD
jackets, shirts and hats for our club membership. We have a special embroidered logo that will be on the back of
the jacket. You will be able to select your year and color of car for the logo! We will be presenting more
information at upcoming meetings.
The Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego is Chapter #24 of Classic Thunderbird Club International (CTCI). Our Club
does not require membership in CTCI, however, it is highly encouraged. Are you aware that as a CTCI Member, you
have additional liability insurance when participating in a Club event? CTCI also offers an award winning bimonthly magazine The Early Bird, reprints of Ford manuals, an incredible technical/restoration manual,
merchandise, etc. All of this for only $35 per year. For CTSD Members who are not yet CTCI Members, please
accept my personal invitation to join.
The new CTCI President for 2014 is Martha Lazdins. Some of you may recall meeting Martha and her husband
Harold at some of our events. Both Harold and Martha have been active in CTCI and The Earlybirds of Southern
California for over 40 years, and are some of the hardest working and most genuine people in the entire
Thunderbird hobby. If you have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Harold and Martha, you will have the
opportunity to do so at one or more of our events this year.
The Classic Thunderbird Club International Convention is being held in Springfield, Missouri from July 1 to 6. I
highly recommend attendance at the convention. You will have the opportunity to visit Branson, make friends with
Thunderbird owners all over the country and from foreign countries, purchase CTCI merchandise, attend seminars,
attend the banquet, etc. The Concours will be the best place to see well over one hundred 1955 to 1957
Thunderbirds, in every color and condition, from daily drivers to 300 point Gold Medallion cars. You can register
online, and there is a registration form in the January/February Early Bird. Not a CTCI Member? No problem, we
will have CTCI applications available at all of our meetings and events. I highly encourage membership in CTCI. I
will see you in Springfield!
I am proud to serve as your CTSD President again this year. I am always glad to talk with Club Members about
anything Club or Thunderbird related, discuss new ideas for the Club, or anything else Thunderbird or old car
related. Feel free to speak with me at meetings or events, or give me a call.
Alan Cutsinger, CTSD President
E-mail: Club Website:
Kearny Pearson Ford
7303 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA, 92111-1101
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
February 23, 2014
Chapter 24 Meeting Minutes
The February meeting was called to order at 2:05 PM by President Alan Cutsinger with 35
members and 4 guests present, and with 12 classic Thunderbirds parked outside the Kearny
Pearson Ford complex. Our 45th year celebration was kicked off by a fabulous pot luck luncheon,
followed by the business meeting. The secretary’s minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s
report were approved by the members present. Dave Durrill reported our club treasury balance
was $4,373.00. Alan noted that our 45 year old San Diego club is better off financially, and we now
have more club members, than the Early Birds CTCI Chapter located in the greater Los Angeles
Plans for our big 45th anniversary dinner party, scheduled for April 12, 2014 from 5 to 8 PM at the
San Diego Automotive Museum, are well underway. Alan solicited a request for members to find
old club memorabilia, pictures, posters, newsletters, etc., to display at this party as a tribute to our
45 years in existence. The club is underwriting a portion of the costs by charging current and past
members $15.00 per person, and guests at $20.00 per person. Also Alan announced another
Automotive Museum event for a new “Muscle Car” Exhibit Opening party to be held next Friday,
February 28th. Call the museum for details.
Mr. Dave Johnson, a representative from Lucas Oil Products Company gave an informative recap
of various Lucas Oil products beneficial for our classic Thunderbirds as well as other automotive
additive products designed for all cars, trucks, boats, etc. He noted that there is virtually no zinc
in modern automotive regular and synthetic oils sold today due to EPA mandated restrictions.
Most Lucas additive products do contain zinc and other additives that are beneficial for lubricating
valves, piston rings, camshafts, and other moving engine parts. Also discussed was the adverse
effect that ethanol mixed in our gasoline, has on engine performance and mileage. Samples of
Lucas products were passed out to members and were also given as prizes for our raffle ticket
Dues for 2014 are overdue. If this affects you, please remit to Dave Durrill soon or your name,
address, and cars owned, will be not be displayed on the roster to be published in March.
At the next monthly meeting our Parliamentarian, Mark Cedrun will give a presentation on his
experience while on Navy active sea duty related to the recent pirate attack on the Maersk
Alabama cargo vessel. The currently running movie “Captain Phillips” would give a viewer a good
idea of what occurred during this naval episode.
Ideas for a new club jacket artwork design will be discussed with at least two sample jacket styles,
that are available in about 6 colors, will be presented for evaluation by the membership at the next
monthly meeting.
Irene Woods won the raffle 50/50 dollar prize and Mark Cedrun fined himself $1.00, that’s double
the normal fine, for not having his club badge displayed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM.
Respectfully Submitted;
Dale Lee, Secretary
21-22: Overnight trip with Palm Springs Chapter
23: Kearny Pearson Ford, regular meeting date. Board meets at 1pm. general meeting at
2pm. Guest Speaker, Mark Cedrun
12: 45th Anniversary Party, San Diego Auto Museum, 5pm to 8pm, RSVP and advance
payment required.
27: Kearny Pearson Ford, Regular Meeting date. General meeting 2pm.
27: Ford show at Knotts Berry Farm
18. Kearny Pearson Ford, Note date change due to Memorial Day Holiday. General
meeting 2pm.
11 CTSD at Del Mar Fair
22 Kearny Pearson Ford, Regular Meeting date. General meeting 2pm.
1 to 6; CTCI Convention, Springfield MO. Contact Alan Cutsinger or David Durrill for
more information.
27 Kearny Pearson Ford, Regular Meeting date. General meeting 2pm.
24 Kearny Pearson Ford, Regular Meeting date. General meeting 2pm.
xx: Featured car club at Friday night Cruisin Grand, Escondido, TBA
28 Annual Club BBQ Meeting and Car Show, TBA
26 Kearny Pearson Ford, Regular Meeting date. General meeting 2pm.
23 Kearny Pearson Ford, Regular Meeting date, General meeting 2pm.
6 CTSD Annual Christmas Party, 94th Aero Squadron
Third Annual Potluck Meeting a Success!
The Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego held our
Third Annual Potluck Meeting on February 23 at
Kearny Pearson Ford. The Potluck was the first
of many 45th Anniversary celebrations planned
for the year.
The Club Members began arriving in Classic
Thunderbirds, Retro-Thunderbirds and some
modern drivers. Everyone brought that favorite
dish to share. Several Club Members helped in
setting up, and later, with clean-up. By the time
we started serving, everyone was hungry and
ready for great food, friendship and to "talk
After the great lunch, everyone settled back for
the meeting. We had a fantastic guest speaker,
Dave Johnson, a representative of Lucas Oil.
David presentation was very informative and he
handed out lots of samples of Lucas Oil
products. We thank Vice President Dan Regan
for arranging the guest speaker.
Many thanks to Carol Noyes for arranging the
Annual Potluck meetings, and to Donna Hummer
for her able assistance while Gary and Carol
Noyes were off on another of their world travel
adventures. Also, a special thanks to one of our
newest members, Terry Medina, for arriving early
and taking charge of the set-up and clean up. We
also thank all the members that helped out before
and after, of which there are too many to name,
and to everyone that attended and brought that
special dish to share.
You can see from the attached photos that
everyone had a great time. We are already
looking forward to all of the upcoming 45th
Anniversary events planned this year!
Story by Alan Cutsinger
Photos by Lanny Arrowsmith
Jane and I arranged an Orchid tour on Tuesday Feb. 18th and the day
couldn't have been more perfect!!...The weather cooperated so we could
drive our Tbirds to the Orchid Nursery....There were 24 persons who
enjoyed the beautiful Orchids raised by Fred Clarke....Fred Clarke, a
personal friend, gave a lecture about the life cycle of an Orchid...There are
35,000 known species of Orchids in the world and discoveries of
new Orchids are made every year....It takes an Orchid over 8 yrs to bloom
into a flower...The Orchids natural habitat is growing on trees and lives on
the bark of the tree....If one has an Orchid, it is best to transplant it to a
wood mulch base to allow the roots to be nourished in its familiar
environment...Fred Clarke raises Hybrid Orchids which are unique and are
one of a kind Orchid....Fred won International Fame when over several
years he was able to develop and grow the only known "Black Orchid!!"...
His Hybrid Orchids are known around the word and are sought after by
Orchids growers...He now tours and speaks at International Orchid
Conventions sharing techniques on how to develop Hybrid Orchids....After
the tour, the group had a delicious luncheon at Nucci's Italian Café....It was
truly a "Day to Remember!!"....LANNY & JANE ARROWSMITH
Advertisers and Sponsors
Complimentary Bird's Eye View printing by CCS
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
P.O. BOX 82844, SAN DIEGO, CA 92138
Please email newsletter contributions to
Regular meeting Location: Kearny Pearson Ford
7303 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA, 92111-1101
(unless otherwise noted)
March 23, 2013 @ 2:00PM
I’m selling a 1957 that I’ve owned for 39 years. It was
restored about 15 years ago by Webb Smith and I used
it for about five years. At some point it became a
project I lost interest. The car has sat about 10 years.
Treasurer’s Report
by Dave Durrill
Right now it’s a project car, but nothing major needs
repairing. Lots of NOS and NORS parts already on the
car, and many reproduction parts from Larry’s
Thunderbird Parts. Still looks great, but for now a no
go show boat.
Description: red, white top + soft top, 312 with 4bbl
carb, engine dress up kit, 3spd + OD, power brakes,
power seats. It is currently on Craigslist. Asking mid
20s in its current state. If it it doesn’t sell as a nonrunning car I’ll take to my mechanic and get it
streetworthy and the price will go up accordingly.
Anyone interested can contact me at , or call me at
for additional details.
Ed Roeters
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
2014 Board Members
Alan Cutsinger
Vice President
Dan Regan
Dale Lee
David Durrill
Bob & Barbara Czajkowski
Bob & Donna Hummer
Tom & Marcia Mills
Hugh & Rochelle Samuels
Dave Durrill
Newsletter Editor
Helen O'Hara
Printing and Mailing
Gary Dumas
Membership Chair
Lanny Arrowsmith
Mark Cedrun
Technical Chair
Alan Cutsinger
Tours and Activities Chair
Dan Regan
Parade Chair
Gary Dumas
Gary Noyes
Sunshine Lady
Dee Hydrick
Rochelle Samuels
Past President
Gary Noyes
Club Merchandise
Dan Regan and Alan Cutsinger