Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24 San Diego


Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24 San Diego
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego, CTCI Chapter 24
San Diego, California
August 2013
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
Presidents Message, August, 2013
Summer is for Thunderbirds!
Greetings Fellow Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego Club Members:
July and August have been busy months for The Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego. We have many
more tours, meetings, events and other very special activities planned in the coming months. I have
been pleased with the Club participation and hope to see many of the club members at future
events. For further details on events in the recent past, and those coming up in the near future,
please read this entire newsletter for more information.
CTSD is a very active CTCI Chapter; we have a very dedicated group of Board Members and member
participation that most CTCI Chapters would envy. Four members with spouses and family attended
the Birds on the Bay Regional in San Jose from July 31 to August 4th. We had a wonderful time;
there were many special activities, seminars, the car show, happy hours, a luau and the awards
banquet. Club Member Rick Steiner and his son Andy drove their Thunderbird to the Regional. In
his first CTCI Regional, Rick won an award in the touring class for his beautifully restored and
personalized 1955 Thunderbird. Congratulations Rick!
Our Club, however, does not run itself. We need active participation from the membership to not
only participate in the Club, but serve on committees and as Board Members. We currently have an
opening for Club Secretary that needs to be filled immediately. It is not too soon to start thinking
about running for a Board Member position this coming fall for the 2014 year. Next year is our 45th
Anniversary as a Club, and we still have two Charter Members with single digit membership
numbers! Please consider serving on the Board next year.
We have some very special things planned for the August and September meetings. The August
meeting will feature our Second Annual Bill Dandalides Memorial Auction. The September meeting
will be extra special; this will be a rare off-site meeting, at Dale and Linda Lee’s residence in El
Cajon. The meeting will feature a private tour of Dale’s 32 car collection, and a catered BBQ. I hope
to see everyone there.
On August 30th, CTSD will be the featured club at Cruisin’ Grand in Escondido. We will meet at
Hilltop Classics at about 3:00 p.m., and caravan to Grand Ave. This event attracts 10,000+ persons
every Friday night. There are several hundred cars on display, antique shops, and many restaurants
to choose from. Don’t miss it!
I am always happy to “Talk Thunderbirds” with any of our membership, so please give me a call if I
can be of assistance.
Happy Thunderbirding,
Alan Cutsinger, CTSD President
E-mail: Club Website:
Kearny Pearson Ford
7303 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA, 92111-1101
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
July 21, 2013
Meeting Minutes
Classic Thunderbirds convened the July meeting at 1:36 am in the Kearny Person Ford parking lot during the Kearny
Pearson Ford Summer Sales Event with 18 members in attendance. Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego was taking part
in the Summer Sales Event in conjunction with The Mustang Club of San Diego and Wicked Stangs, all sponsored by
Kearny Pearson Ford. Due to car show atmosphere, the meeting was rather abbreviated.
The June minutes prepared by John McKecknie were approved. Also it was noted that John McKechnie has resigned his
position as Club Secretary, but will still remain active in Chapter 24. Thank you John for your service. In the short term,
David Durrill will assume the duties of Secretary in addition to his duties as Treasurer. President Alan Cutsinger is
asking for a volunteer to take over as Secretary for the remainder of the year and for 2014. David Durrill presented the
Treasure’s report which was accepted and approved.
President Alan Cutsinger had the only committee reports which were for upcoming events. The September 22 meeting
will be held at the home of Dale and Linda Lee in El Cajon. Dale and Linda have a very nice collection of cars in which
they have invited the club to view. A catered lunch will be provided at a minimal charge. Club members attending this
meeting are encouraged to carpool with other members as parking is limited. Details such as cost, exact location and
time will forwarded soon. Also on July 18th, Gary and Carol Noyes hosted a get-together with lite food and beverage at
their home prior to the Encinitas Highway 101 Cruise night. They had a flock of 15 Thunderbirds parked in front of their
home and then everyone caravanned to the cruise night. David Durrill also announced that he is going to the Pageant of
the Thunderbird hosted by the EarlyBirds of Southern CA. in Buena Park on Saturday, September 14th and is looking for
others to caravan to a great car show. Contact David with any questions.
New Business included information that the 2nd Annual Bill Dandilides Auction will be at the August 25th meeting at
2:00pm at Kearney Pearson Ford. Be sure to bring any spare parts, tools and memorabilia to the Club meeting for
auction to benefit Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego.
It was also noted at the meeting the Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego was going to present two checks in the amount
of $100 each to the Meals on Wheels program and to the Monarch School for homeless children, both pet projects of
Kearney Pearson Ford. The checks were presented at 2:00pm and the meeting adjourned at 12:10pm.
Submitted by David Durrill
By Rick Steiner
On 30-31 July, my adult son Andy and I drove our ’55 T-bird,
“Nell”, to the CTCI western region convention in San Jose. I
had been really looking forward to taking “Nell” on her first
long trip, and we decided that it would be fun to drive up
Highway 1 as far as we could. We got an early start up the 5
freeway, then got on Highway 1 at its southern beginning in
Dana Point. We followed Pacific Coast Highway through the
Orange and LA county beach cities, Santa Monica and Malibu.
Some parts were scenic, some weren’t (like around LAX), but it
was still fun! After Hwy 1 merged with the 101 in Oxnard, we
took every off-ramp and side trip marked with the famous green
“1 North” sign… through the Ventura state beaches, Gaviota,
Lompoc, Oceano and Pismo Beach. What a great day! The
motor was burbling nicely, the temperature was perfect, and
the low clouds were hiding the tops of the hills. We stayed
overnight in San Luis Obispo, and had a great breakfast at
Margie’s Diner.
Then it was up Hwy 1 (the Cabrillo Highway) past Morro Bay,
San Simeon, and the stunning coastline south of Big Sur. The
marine layer kept things cool for most of the day. The views
were remarkable, and “Nell” was still running great and loving
the curves! What an amazing trip! We continued north to
through Monterey and Santa Cruz, and took 17 across the
coastal range into San Jose. I posted a slideshow of our trip
up Hwy 1 on YouTube.
Several CTSD members flew up to San Jose for the convention.
Alan and Kate Cutsinger, Gary and Carol Noyes and Bill and
Dee Hydrick
There were well over 100 baby birds in the back parking lot of
the San Jose Airport Garden Hotel for the convention! I was
experiencing sensory overload seeing that many gorgeous tbirds in one place! The amazing array of bright colors was
quite festive… I suspect that every possible factory color of tbird was represented. There were a surprising number of
Peacock Blue cars, but “Nell” was the only ’55. I know it’s not
stock, but I really like the color! “Nell” competed in the
Touring class, along with 40 other cars. There were over 20
cars in the various Concours classes, and over 40 cars just
there for display.
Andy and I went to the judge’s seminar, and learned about
workmanship judging. It made me very self-conscious about
the flaws in “Nell”, and I was sure that I wouldn’t be taking
home any awards. The next day, I helped judge Specialty Items
for Concours cars, and Andy took pictures. That evening we
attended a reception by the pool hosted by my friend Brian
Jacquish from Concours Parts, who came from Reno… check
out his posts on FaceBook in the “55 56 57 Thunderbird”
On Saturday, Andy and I drove “Nell” in the tour to the Santa
Cruz wharf. What a magnificent parade of cars! Andy got
some good shots as we drove through the mountains, and took
a lot of great pictures at the wharf. It was a lot more scenic than
the hotel parking lot! Take a look at the pictures we posted on
Flickr, including some WIDE panorama shots!
That night at the banquet, I was pleasantly surprised to receive
a 3rd place in the “Hoods Up Touring, Class B” for “Nell”. She
was competing against some very nice cars from the LA area.
What a great conclusion to a wonderful week! I learned a lot,
saw some stunning cars, made some new friends, and had a lot
of fun doing it with my son!
We left for home very early on Sunday, and managed to beat
the weekend traffic home. “Nell” was a lady the entire trip.
Overall, we put over 1000 miles on the car, bringing her total
mileage to over 110000, about 4000 miles on the engine rebuild.
Rick Steiner
CTCI #35959, CTSC #641
Main Street America Car Show
Sunday, July 28 was an absolutely perfect day in San Diego for
a car show. The Corvette Owners of San Diego held their
annual car show at Embarcadero Park. This show benefits the
San Diego Center for the Blind. Once again, Classic
Thunderbirds of San Diego was invited to attend.
The location of this show is arguably the nicest location for a
car show in San Diego. The park is located behind Seaport
Village, surrounded by water on three sides, with views of
downtown, Coronado and incredible view of the harbor. All the
cars are parked on the grass; all around a superb location.
There was a huge turn-out, all types of cars to admire of
different makes and years; something for everyone. CTSD had
a total eight member cars at the show, plus a modified 1957
owned by a non-club member. CTSD had a total of fourteen
club members at the show.
There were many, many awards presented in several different
categories. It is no surprise that our own Mark Waldow won in
the Thunderbird class with his stunning red 1957.
Not only is this an incredible show with a superb location, well
run and organized, the show helps support a very worthy local
organization. Main Street America Car Show is becoming a
CTSD tradition. I hope to see everyone out there next year!
Alan Cutsinger
CTSD President
Kearny Pearson Ford Summer Sales Event
For the second year in a row, Kearny Pearson Ford invited Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego to participate in the Summer
Sales Event. The three car clubs that hold their meetings at KP Ford were well represented; The Mustang Club of San
Diego, Wicked Stangs and CTSD.
When we began arriving at 09:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 21, we were a little overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of Mustangs
already parked on the dealership lot. Later we learned that the Mustang clubs started arriving as early as 6:00 a.m.! We
were able to salvage a small parking area at the far corner of the lot for our cars. CTSD Members in attendance had an
enjoyable time socializing, listening to the band, viewing all the cars on display, and the lunch that was cooked by the
Mustang clubs. Some of our Club Members even went home with some raffle prizes. We held a short business meeting
on the lawn area next to our cars.
We had a total of 14 Thunderbirds, and also got to speak with a potential new member couple that owns a 1955. KP Ford
provided a band, raffle prizes and donated food items to be sold for charity. Although rain was a possibility all day long,
the rain held off until we were all safely home and the Birds back in the garage.
The Summer Sales Event is the major annual fund raiser for two of KP
Ford’s favorite charities; Meals on Wheels and Monarch School.
CTSD had voted at the June meeting to donate $100 to each charity.
Club Treasurer David Durrill presented our donations to the KP Ford
staff during their awards presentation. Thanks to the generosity of all
the car clubs, individuals and local businesses, KP Ford raised a total
of $3200+ for these two worthwhile charities.
On November 2, we will be holding our annual Open House at KP
Ford. This will be an all Thunderbird event, featuring our Club, and
other Thunderbird Clubs and car owners that we will be able to invite.
This event will also be the kick-off for our Toys for Tots charity
Alan Cutsinger
CTSD President
25 Meeting, 2pm, Regular Meeting,
Second Annual Auction, Board Meeting 1pm
30 Cruisin Grand Escondido, CTSD Featured club along with Woody club
14 Pageant of the Thunderbird, 40th Anniversary. Twila Reid Park, Anaheim.
Contact Alan Cutsinger for information/caravan to the Pageant. ***CLUB EVENT***
14 Oceanside Airport Fly-In and Car Show
22 Meeting, 2pm, Club Meeting and BBQ at Dale Lee's residence in El Cajon.
27 Meeting, 2pm, Regular Meeting
2 Kearny Pearson Ford, CTSD Special Event, Annual Kearny-Pearson Ford and
Thunderbird Clubs Open House and Toys For Tots Kick-Off.
8 La Jolla Christmas Parade. Contact Gary Dumas.
14 CTSD Christmas Party, more details to follow later.
Automotive History…
Everything you wanted to know about automotive history.
For additional information
visit the Council website.
Summer Brunch
The sun was shinning, the birds
were singing, and a gentle warm
breeze marked the beginning of a
beautiful August morning at the
Rancho Bernardo Inn for twelve
members .....A BIG thank you goes
to Hugh & Rochelle Samuels who
arranged a very special Bruch at
the RB Inn ...It started with our
"birds" leaving their nest (garages)
and flying down the highway to
land at the RB Inn parking
lot...They were "show offs" as
many RB Inn guests took pictures
of the "flock of birds!"....Everyone
enjoyed the fellowship, excellent
food, and attentive staff on the
patio overlooking the Golf
Course.....The Brunch has become
a tradition and we'll meet again in
the Spring when we migrate to the
Rancho Bernardo Inn
Patio.....LANNY & JANE
Advertisers and Sponsors
Complimentary Bird's Eye View printing by CCS
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
P.O. BOX 82844, SAN DIEGO, CA 92138
Please email newsletter contributions to
Regular meeting Location: Kearny Pearson Ford
7303 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA, 92111-1101
(unless otherwise noted)
August 25, 2013 @ 2:00PM
Treasurer’s Report
by Dave Durrill
"Courtesy of Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance. All rights reserved.”
A 1934 Packard 1108 Twelve Dietrich Convertible Victoria, owned by
Joseph and Margie Cassini III of West Orange New Jersey won Best of
Show at the 2013 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. The Packard
Twelve is considered by many to be one of the finest automobiles
produced by Packard and one of the most significant creations of the
Classic Era. This was the second time Joseph and Margie Cassini
have taken “Best of Show” at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance.
Vice President
Newsletter Editor
Printing and Mailing
Membership Chair
Technical Chair
Tour Chair
Activities Chair
Parade Chair
Sunshine Lady
Past President
Classic Thunderbirds of San Diego
2013 Board Members
Alan Cutsinger
Dan Regan
David Durrill
Bob & Barbara Czajkowski
Bob & Donna Hummer
Tom & Marcia Mills
Hugh & Rochelle Samuels
Dave Durrill
Helen O'Hara
Gary Dumas
Lanny Arrowsmith
Alan Cutsinger
Dan Regan
Alan Cutsinger
Gary Dumas
Gary Noyes
Dee Hydrick
Rochelle Samuels
Gary Noyes
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