Work in Progress Ella Mae Pettry`s Treasure Chest


Work in Progress Ella Mae Pettry`s Treasure Chest
Work in Progress
Ella Mae Pettry’s
Treasure Chest
I obtained Ella Mae Pettry’s Chest on November 19, 2009 from Eugene Lowell Pettry at Dry
Creek, WV. Great-aunt Lula Faye (Pettry) Acord had given it to him when she moved out of the old
home place at Dry Creek and was going to Spanishburg, WV and live near her grandnephew Bobby
Roger Jarrell and his wife Imogene in the mid-1980s. Eugene had stored it in his garage for many
years. Knowing I was into our family genealogy, he gave it to me. I had seen the chest 20 years
before and had gone through some of it, finding myself, my brother George Dewey and my sister
Mary Irene birth announcements, sent to Ella by my parents, Dewey and Icie Marie (Williams)
Pettry. Ella had raised my father, her grandson, the son of Lillian Mae Belle Pettry and Phillip
Sheridan Price.
The chest is known as a turtle back chest because of the shape of the top lid. The lid is not
flat, but has a rounded bulge like a turtles shell. The Chest is made of thin wood covered with a thin
layer of tin with indentations to look like the leather scaling patterns on a turtle’s back. The wood is
in a state of dry rotting and the leather carrying handles on both sides have rotted away. Opening the
lid, it has a shallow shelf as most chests do on top. Removing this shelf exposes the whole of the
contents of the chest below. Being closed for many years, mildew and dust permeates everything
inside. When inventorying the chest, I had to move it outdoors on good weather days with no wind
because of the mildew and dust.
Ella Mae Pettry’s
Treasure Chest
Ella Mae Pettry was the illegitimate daughter of Nancy Avner Petry and Dr. Robert
Greenleaf. Ella was the fourth of five illegitimate children of Nancy, each having different fathers.
Ella's daughter, Lula, said "Ella" was her only name and that she added "Mae" later in life and wrote
her name as "Eler". The handwritings that I saw of Ella's were where she wrote Ella as "Ella". Ella
was born April 27, 1858 and died November 6, 1939 at Dry Creek, WV. Ella may have been born 4
years earlier than noted on her tombstone. She often said she was born at Crump's Bottom on New
River in Summers County. Crump's Bottom, is now covered by the waters of Lake Bluestone at
high water. I believe Ella was born on the hillside above Crump's Bottom on River Ridge near what
is now known as Butler's Scales or Island Creek, the headwaters of Tom's Run. Ella is buried in the .
47-acre Pettry Cemetery, which is located on a knoll behind her home at Dry Creek. Her half-sister
and brother-in-law, Ardellia and Ballard Preston Petrey, gave this 4.29 acres property to her that also
contained the Pettry Cemetery. Ella's daughter, Lula, received the property after Ella's death and
later sold it to Ella's grandson, Dewey Pettry. Dewey in-turn gave it to his grandson, Charles Stanley
Pettry, II. The house that she reared her family and some of her grandchildren was torn down in
1985. My brother, Charles, has built a home on this property and is now living there (2013).
Ella's father, Dr. Robert Greenleaf, was described in the "History of Summers County", by
Judge James H. Miller and published in 1908 as; "The first doctor in Pipestem District and Jumping
Branch was Dr. Greenleaf, who practiced throughout the region of those districts and in Mercer and
Ella came to the Marsh Fork area of Big Coal River between the age of 9-13 with her mother
Nancy, brother Benjamin F., sister Sarah Ann and Sarah’s son William A. from the Pipestem-Athens
area of Mercer-Summers Counties. After a 5-day trek in a covered wagon, they arrived at the mouth
of Horse Creek on April 30, 1867 and camped under a cliff. The next day they arrived at their
designation, her G-uncle Jacob and Celia (Gore) Petry’s home at Edwight, WV.
Ella Mae Pettry
Charles, g/d Fannie, Ella, g/s Dewey, Parthina
Claudia, Ceba, Lula, Belle
March 5, 1905
I remember Grandma (Great-grandma) Ella as an old white hair woman always with an apron
on, setting on the porch of her home at Dry Creek. Ella reared my father who thought she was his
mother until he was told the difference when about eight years old by other neighborhood children.
Having reared her 8 children, she also reared at lease 5 grandchildren. Her favorite pastime was
fishing. Perhaps this sport was developed while young on New River before coming to the Marsh
Fork area. Fishing also provided her with fish for the family to eat. According to my father, Ella
would not fish on Sundays. She became religious in about 1900 when the Presbyterian missionaries
came into Dry Creek area seeking converts. She became so involved in her religion that the
Presbyterian missionaries wrote an article about her and published it in their “Women and Missions”
Publications Vol. V of November 1928. Ella and most of her children learned to read and write
some from the missionaries teaching them to read the Bible.
Ella wrote on the back of this picture:
Me and Artie, Bob, and Dora, Clauda
Ned, Jean, and Keith and Seba’s to children
Ella’s children and grandchildren celebrated her birthday with a reunion dinner and they
continued to do so until about 1980, 40 years after her death. She planted strawberries in a small
patch in her front yard for us great-grandchildren to destroy while picking them. I also remember her
funeral, which was held in the little Presbyterian Church (Marsh Fork Presbyterian Church) at the
mouth of Dry Creek, WV and the song, "Little Brown Church in the Dale", being sung. The small
church was full of people and a large crowd stood outside during the service. It was evident that a
pivotal character of the community had passed away.
Ella must have been a salty and tuff old gal. She never married but had eight children. Once
when asked why she sleep with so many different men, she replied; "My pussy is the only thing that I
own and I will give it to any man I choose." Charles Alexander Burnside fathered 6 of Ella’s 8
children. Charles Alexander Burnside (May 6, 1956-November 4, 1904), the son of Andrew
Smith and Dorcas Wilson (Abbott) Byrnside, was married to Susan Elmyra Petry-Arnold. Charles
"Bud" and Susan "Duck" had three children and they are:
Dollie E.
Dillie E.
Dale Smith
Albert Hutchinson McGuinnes
#1 Jack Ball, #2 Tom Bearfield
Belva Belle Pettry
After Charles and Susan separated, Susan had a child, John Oliver Burnside (March 1, 1906
Dry Creek, WV-September 5, 1978 Lufkin, TX), by William A. "Lawyer Bill" Massey. Lawyer Bill
is buried in the Pettry Cemetery on Dry Creek. Susan developed mental problems a few years after
John was born and was committed to an institution at Spencer, WV and I assumed is buried there.
John O. Burnside married Opal Oletta Wallace and raised his family at Lufkin, TX.
Charles A. Burnside, called “Pap” by his children, was a heavy drinker and would not work
to provide for his family, left his wife and lived with Ella most of the time. Here too he would leave
for long periods of time. During the spring he would feel the urge to visit his different kinfolks and
return after the farm had been worked and planted. The visiting urge would again seize upon him
when harvest time came in the fall. It was during his frequent absents that daughters Dora and
Parthina were born, fathered by other men. Charles left Ella for another woman and became very ill
after a while. When he returned, Ella cared for him until he died a few months later of TB at 48
years old. Charles is buried in the Pettry Cemetery. Lula, one of his daughters who had an old tin
plate picture of him that had faded away, told me many times that she wanted to be buried next to
Byrnside or Burnside Family Surname
It is believe that this family came from County Tyrone, Ireland, to America about 1735. In
Ireland the surname was originally "Wallace". This family clan named many of their male children,
"John". There were so many John Wallaces in the area that it was difficult to distinguish which
"John" was which. This naming trend also continued after some of the family came to America. A
John Wallace, a member of this family clan who lived by a byrn ("byrn", meaning stream) was called
"John by the byrn side", to distinguish him from the other members of the Wallace family. Eventually
Wallace was dropped and byrn-side “Byrnside” (Burnside) was used as the surname. The 1995
movie, "Braveheart", staring Mel Gypson, was about James Wallace, patriarch of this clan and
Ireland’s greatest national hero.
Ella's children are:
Ceba Margaret
Electra Paris
Lillian Mae Belle
Parthena Avner
Dora Ruth
Claudia Marie
Henry Lewis Burnside
Charles A. Burnside
Alfred Louden Bradley
Charles A. Burnside
Rev. Charles Wesley Perry
Charles A. Burnside
Robert Lee Jarrell
William Miles Watrous
Harry Todd Morrison
Rev. __________ Winters
Charles Anderson Jarrell
Lula Faye
Charles Franklin
Charles A. Burnside
#1 James Earl Marks
#2 James Garland “Garlie” Pettry
#3 Gilbert Bee Acord
Charles A. Burnside
#1 Beatrice Williams
#2 Ruby Christine (Hubbard) Phipps
#3 & #4 Mrs. Pearl B. Kokesh
#5 Thelma G. Theiss
Charles A. Burnside
Dora (June 18, 1889 Dry Creek, WV-February 22, 1911 Ironton, OH of typhoid pneumonia)
one of Ella’s daughters married (March 1910) Harry Todd Morrison of Ironton, OH. Dora was
pregnant and died less than one year after their marriage. Missionaries of the Presbyterian Church
had sent Dora to Ironton to attend school and she was there two years before marrying Harry (Feb.
9, 1885-Feb. 20, 1930). Dora was reared and educated by Miss. Carry Louise Bundy, a local Marsh
Fork area Presbyterian Missionary. Dora attended elementary school at Muddy Lynn School at Dry
Creek. The Presbyterians sent her to the Pattie C. Stockdale Memorial School at Colcord, W.Va.,
and then to Ironton, OH for two years Collage/Finishing School. The following article was found in
Ella’s Chest that had been written in the “Irontonian” Newspaper on February 24, 1911:
Walked Miles In Snow
To See Dying Daughter;
Was Not Recognized
“A touching incident setting forth vividly, the wonderful mother love that is willing to
sacrifice self unreservedly, in order to go to her child when needed, was brought to light Thursday.
Mrs. Ella Pettry, mother of Mrs. Harry Morrison, an account of whose death was in yesterday's
Irontonian, lives back in the mountains of West Virginia in a little hamlet called Dry Creek. The mail
isn't delivered every day, and the first letter written Mrs. Pettry telling her daughter's illness, was kept
over and sent out with the second, which brought the sad information that Dora could not last much
longer. There were no means of transportation, and the mountains were wrapped in ice and snow,
but the dauntless mother love, which has recognized no obstacles since the beginning of time, was
yearning for her child. At daybreak Monday, she started on her arduous walk over the mountains
accompanied by one of the neighbor boys. Part of the road was fairly passable, but at times they
were compelled to climb over piles of brush and cordwood, fully ten feet high. In this manner the
seven miles from her home to Colcord, W.Va., where they took a train, was covered by evening.
But in spite of the magnificent effort put forth by the mother, who is fifty-seven years of age, her
beloved daughter was past recognizing her when she reached here, and passed into the spirit world
without a farewell word to the loved one.”
Dora Ruth Pettry Birthday Photo.
June 18, 1908 Ironton, OH
Ella evidently received the 4.29 acres of land she lived on at Dry Creek, WV with a house on
it, as a gift from her half-sister Ardellia, and husband Ballard Preston “Uncle Bal” Petrey. This
property contains the Pettry Cemetery. Ardellia and Ballard had built a new and larger house to live
in about 400 feet away. Before this time, Ella and her children had lived with her stepfather and
mother James Cruiesenberry & Nancy (Pettry) Anderson, and then with her brother Benjamin &
Mary Ellen (Burnside) Pettry at the mouth of Dry Creek. The following deed was found in the
This deed made this the 18 " day of October 1913 Between Ballard P. Pettry and Delia Pettry
his wife parties of the first part, and Ella Pettry party of the second part all of Raleigh County and the
state of West Virginia.
Witness est.: That for and in consideration of one ($1.00) dollars in hand paid and other
considerations. Parties of the first part dosh grant bargain and sell all that certain Lot, Tract or parcel
of land lying and being situati in Marsh-fork District Raleigh county West Virginia on the waters of
Dry Creek a tribertury of Mars-fork of Coal River and bounded and described as following:
Beginning at a stone at the public road near the resident of Ella Pettry N. 30 30' E. 458 feet
to a buckeye 10 E. 25 feet to a Black oak thence N. 67 36 W. 225 to a stake at cross fence; thence
S. 3 W. 500 ft to a stake near the public road. S 78 E. 146 feet to place of beginning conluming
4.29 acres.
Parties of the first part reserving rite themself on eight of acre (1/8) and for a graveyard
where the graveyard is now located also on eight of an acre. D.S. Burnside having been heretofore
reserved to D.S. Burnside by former deed
Parties of the first part do warrant generally the title of said tract of land hereby conveyed.
Witness the following signatures and seals
Ballard P. X Pettry
Delia X Pettry
State of West Virginia ss
Raleigh County
I, N.B. Henderick, a notary public do certify that Ballard Pettry and Delia Pettry his wife whose
name are signed to the writing above Counting date on the 18" of October 1913 acknowledged the
same before me in my said County given under my hand this the 18 day of Oct. 1913
N.B. Henderick
Notary Public
My commission expires
July 5, 1923
West Virginia
Raleigh County Court Clerk's Office, February 20, 1913
The foregoing Deed, together with the certificated of acknowledgment thereon, was this day
presented in said office and admitted to record.
Teste: Jackson Smith
Evidently Ella made a number of wills in which she had changed her mind. There may have
been more wills, but below are the ones that I found in the Chest. To my knowledge, the property
eventually went to her daughter Lula and later purchase from her by my father, Dewey Pettry, Ella's
This Article of agreement or Will made this the 18, day of October 1919,
I do hereby will to my son C.F. Pettry, the following described 4 1/8 A of land containing the
surface Only, situated in Marsh Fork Dist Raleigh Co., West Virginia near the Mouth of Sturgeons
Personal property, $130.00 in war saving stamps. All the house and kitchen furniture. Except 1
Bead and Bead Clothes, and Some pictures and one heifer or money to buy one with which to Artie
Pettry, 1 cow which goes to C.F. Pettry, this becomes theirs at my death,
State WVa Co. of Raleigh To wit:
Ella Pettry
I C.C.Pettry, a notary Public in the Co. of Raleigh and State of WVa Do certify that Ella Pettry,
whose name are signed to the writing a bove bearing date of Oct. 18, 1919. has acknowdgled the
same before me in my said Co.
C.C. Pettry, N.P.
my com. expires April 15, 1923
This Deed made this the 24, day of January 1925 Between Ella Pettry party of the first part and C.F.
Pettry, party of the second part both of Raleigh County and State of West Virginia. Witness That for
and in consideration of $1.00 dollar and other valuables considered party of the second part is to take
care of the party of the first part Her life time and at Death party of the second part is to have all
personal property belonging to party of the first party at that time party of the first part doth grant
bargin and sell all that certain lot Tract or parcel of Land lying and situated in Marsh Fork District
Raleigh county West Virginia on the waters of Dry Creek a tributary of March Fork of Coal River
and bounded and dsacribed as follows.
Beginning at a Stake at the public road near the resident of Ella Pettry N 39 - 30 E 458 feet too a
Buckeye N 80 - W 139 feet to a dogwood North 10 E 25 feet to a Black oak Thence N 67 - 36 W
225 to a stake at cross fence thence S 3 - W 500 feet to a stake near the public road S 78 E 146 feet
to a place of beginning containing 4.29 aces Party of the first do warrant gemerally the title of said
trace of land hereby conveyed
Witness the following
Signature and seals
Ella Pettry
State of West Virginia County of Raleigh to Wit:
I C.C. Pettry a notory public in and doe said County certify that Ella Pettry whos name is signed
above writing bearing date Jan. 24th 1925. have this day acknowledged the same before me in my
said County Given under my hand this 24th day of Jan. 1925
My commission expires April 13th 1933
C.C. Pettry, N.P..
Book 161 Page 52
This Deed made this the 20 th of April 1936 Between Ella Pettry party of the first part, and
C.F. Pettry, party of the second part both of Raleigh County and State of West Virginia witness that
for and in the consideration of ($1.00) one dollar, and other valuables considerations.
Party of the first part doth grant bargin and sell all that certain lot or tract of trace or parcel of
land lying and being situated in Marsh Fork District Raleigh County West Virginia on the waters of
Dry Creek a tributary of Marsh Fork of Coal River and bounded and describe as follows
Beginning at a stone at the public road near the resident of Ella Pettry N 30 -30" E 458 feet
to a buckeye N 80 W 138 feet to a black oak. thence N 67-36" W. 225 feet a stake at cross fence
thence S 3 W 500 feet to a stake near the public road S 78 E 146 feet place of beginning containing
4.29 acres.
Party of the first part reserves a right of way from the public road through by the dwelling
house that Ella Pettry now lives in by the side ?????? of the house on up the hill the way the path now
leads to the Grave Yard for her relatives and friends
Party of the first part do warrant generally the title of said trace of land hereby bounded
Witness the following signature and seal
Ella Pettrey (seal)
State of West Virginia County of Raleigh to witt:
This the 30th day of April 1936
I B.P. Pettry a Notary Public of the said County of Raleigh do certify that Ella Pettry whose
name is signed to the following writing to the forgoing writing bearing date on the 20th day of April
1936 has this day acknowledged the same before me in my said county
Given under my hand this the 20th day of April 1936
B.P. Pettry, N.P.
My commission expires Jan. 3, 1948
Ellen also had the following will written 10 months before her death. She provided for her
son, Charles, the benefactor of her property and her daughter, Lula, the benefactor of her household
This will made this the 5th day of Jan. 1939. I Ella Pettry being in my right Mind do hereby
revoke all other wills previous of the making of this will, This being my last testmate or will. I do
hereby will unto my son Charles F. Petry. All of my estate which is as following, my residence of
Ella Pettry, North 30 30" E 458 feet, to a buckeye, Thence North 80 est. 138 feet to a dogwood,
thence North 10 E 25 feet to a black oak. thence North 67 36 W 225 feet a stake at the cross fence,
thence South 3 W 500 feet to a stake near the public road, thence South 78 E 146 feet to the place of
beginning containing 4.29 acres, I Ella Pettry doth reserve a right of way from the road up to the
cemetery for burial purpose for my friends.
I Ella Pettry, doth will unto my daughter Lula Pettry, all of my house hold good of what ever
it my be at my death and also one heifer.
I Ella Pettry, doth reserve the right to be the owner of my land and personal property until
my death then the land goes to my son Charles F. Petry, and my house hold goods & one heifer goes
to my daughter Lula Pettry, Witness the following signature and seal
Ella Pettry
We witness of the above writing bearing date of Jan. 5th 1939 have both this day read the
will & heard it read and saw the maker of this will sign her own name to her will in our presence.
This the 5th day of Jan. 1939
Thelma Theiss
Violet Jarrell
Taken and acknowledged before me this 5th day of Jan. 1939.
C.C. Pettry,
Notary Public
My commission
expires April 25th 1943
Ella Mae Pettry’s
Treasure Chest Inventory List
Leather roll-up documents keeper with county land tax receipts.
Red handkerchief.
Heal shoehorn.
Small box of sewing machine parts.
2 small rolls of knitting yarn.
4 knitting bone tools.
Small necklace of white ceramic beads.
Small box of mixed buttons.
Shotgun shell 12-gauge paper wrapped, Remington #3 shot, low brass.
2 very small glass jars.
Check book “The Raleigh County Bank” with 2 check stubs written to R.E. Barrett.
Small size women’s pink dress.
2 pages of school homework assignments for a book report.
Carl G. Jarrell Store charge bill receipt for bought merchandise.
Small medicine bottle.
Can that have contained “Conquest Brand Mixed Pickling Spice”.
Can that have contained “Blood Purifier” pills.
Can that have contained “Cloverine Salve”.
Can that have contained “Porter’s Pain King Salve”.
Bill from S.A. Ford, M.D. for $19.25 on 9-15-‘39.
A graduation and invitation announcement from Academy of Berea College, Berea, KY, for Harold
Chester Bradley for June 1-3, 1929 and schedule for the Commencement Events in an
envelope addressed to Mr. Charles F. Petry, C.C.C. Co. 2547, Elbert, Colorado. (This is to Jr.)
A note to Ella from Anna Belle Stewart, Directory of Pattie C. Stockdale Memorial School, Colcord,
W.Va. on School stationary.
2ID cards “Vote for W. Londa Lilly Democratic Candidate for House of Delegates, Experienced and
A political campaign badge with a mirror on one side the other “D.C. Meadows for Sheriff” a friend
to every one bossed by no one. November 3rd 1936.
Recite from C.F. Petry for $2.30 dated 7/23/1940
Pair of dice.
Prize child’s spinning top from a box of Cracker Jacks.
Surgical scissors.
Ball of string.
Odd peaces of string and cloth.
2 small rolls of pink ribbon.
Small box of letters:
Post card from Dewey Pettry from Cincinnati OH to Ella: 12-17-22
Envelope to Ella dated: Lick Creek, May 7, 1923.
Post Card to Ella from daughter L.F.M: dated April 25, 1923
18 Bible Cards with Bible lessons.
Letter to Ella from “Lick” at Mont Coal Dated: Feb. 26, 1923.
Post Card to Ella from “Lfarisy” at Ironton, OH dated Dec. 2, 1920.
Envelope with children’s writing on it, Mr. Ned Jarrell, Lean Dora.
Envelope to Mr. C.F. Pettry from Lock Box No. 233, Beckley, W.Va.
Metal picture of USA Capital at DC calendar for 1921 as an advertisement of White and Brown
Store No.2 Opp. Depot, Montgomery, W.Va.
Note from Charlie “Pap”.
Receipt for land tax paid for $2.44.
Envelope addressed to Dewey Pettry, Dry Creek, W.Va.
Greeting Card to Mother
Post Card adv. From The Clement Co. of Chicago, IL.
Post Card to Ella from “Mrs. Morrison” [Harry’s mother] at Ironton, OH dated Feb.13, 1922.
A religious “Westminster Primary Story” about Christmas.
Post Card to Mother from Artie.
Singer Sewing Machine Instruction book.
A letter in an envelope to Ella from Mrs. H.E. Vogelsong of 1518 South 4th St., Ironton, OH
dated Nov. 1, 1922.
A letter in an envelope to Ella from son Charlie at Huntington, W.Va. dated Apr. 18, 1923.
2 page Letter to Ella from son Charlie at Handley: dated 3-22-23.
One page letter to Ella from son Charlie at Handley dated 5-11-23.
Letter to Ella from daughter “Lick” at Mont Coal; dated Jan. 3, 1923.
Post card to Ella from “Bee” (Charlie’s wife).
A letter to Ella from daughter Lula and Sam boy. No date.
Post Card to Ella from Mrs. Morrison, Ironton, OH dated 12-29-20
Envelope to Ella from son Charlie dated 4-30-23 and from daughter Lula at Harvey, W.Va.
Letter to Ella from son Charlie dated: 1-17-24.
Round paper box with odds & ends.
Small tin Pepper can with buttons.
Round wooden box with lock of blond hair.
Small glass Peroxide toilet Cream jar with buttons.
Large white glass Easter egg.
Pieces of 2 old broken eye gasses.
Oval can with buttons.
Small box with kid’s cutout cartoon characters with “Bill John” written on the back.
Palm fame with Alice S. King, Hansford, W.Va. Groceries, Flour Feed, Hay, Dry Goods, Notions
Shoes, Et.
Picture frame with the following pictures:
2 photos. of Dora Morrison’s casket and horse drawn hearse in background.
2 unidentified portrays of men.
Black woman’s purse with the following:
2 balls of fishing string rolled up in paper with Dewey Pettry, Packsville, W.Va. and Miss Verna
Mae Pettry written on it.
5 coping saw blades.
Old Shoe string that had been minded.
2 small pieces of dried Sensing or May Apple roots.
Small box of letters as following:
Christmas Card from Thelma G. Theiss to Ella from Hansford, W.Va. dated Dec.20, 1933.
2 page letter from son Charlie to Ella.
Envelope with Letter to Lula from Charlie on his lunch room letter head which is: C.F. Petry,
Prop. Victor Lunch Room, Handley, W.Va. dated: Aug. 16, 1937.
Envelope with birthday card from Charlie, dated April 21, 1937.
Envelope with letter from Charlie, dated July 2, 1937.
Letter to Envelope and letter to Ella from brother Ben and Mary at Saxon, W.Va. March 12,
Letter to Ella from son Charlie at Eskdale, W.Va. Dated May 26, 1937
Envelope from Berea, KY with letter from Charlie at Hanelley, W.Va. dated; Nov. 20, 1936.
Envelope to Ella from Charlie at Huntington, W.Va. dated: June 27, 1937.
Note from Dora about brother Charlie being sick.
Registered letter to Ella from Charlie dated: Mar. 3, 1937
Envelope and letter to Ella from Charlie from Lunenburg, Va. Dated: Apr. 21, 1937.
Envelope to Charlie from Mrs. C.W. Tabor, Naoma, W.Va. with a bill due of $42.89 dated; 91541.
Christmas card to Ella from Pearl B. Kokesh.
Envelope Christmas Card to Ella from Pearl, from Montgomery, W.Va. Dec. 19, 1938.
Woman’s black purse with pieces of string in it.
2 Paper fans with advertisements on them.
Picture of radio singers Cap-Andy & Flip.
Post card to Ella from Charlie.
Small box of letters to Ella from different people. [I have decided not to note each letter I find in the
Chest. To do so would take me forever to inventory the Chest.]
Round paper box with stuff in it.
White piece of cloth.
Song book of Cap-Andy & Flip.
Report card for Junior Pettry for the Seventh Grade at Muddy Lynn School, Sept. 2, 1929.
Part of newspaper at Syracuse, NY of solders.
May 5, 2013
This is work in progress.
Any comments, corrections and additions will be appreciated.
You are welcome to copy the contents of this report in part or whole.
James R. Pettry
P.O. Box 1067
King George, VA 22485
Two Annotated Presbyterian Missionaries’ Articles Serving Clear Fork and Marsh Fork Districts of
Raleigh County, WV.
Some Early Presbyterian Missionaries and Ministers serving Clear Fork and Marsh Fork Districts of
Raleigh County, WV.
Pettry Cemetery, Dry Creek, WV.