March 2013 Employee Newsletter


March 2013 Employee Newsletter
Sequim School District No. 323
March 28, 2013
503 N. Sequim Avenue
Sequim, WA 98382
Phone (360)582-3260
Fax (360)683-6303
Kelly Shea, Superintendent
“Inspire and Achieve!”
On behalf of the
Sequim Community,
the School District shall
inspire and achieve
excellence in the academic, creative, and
physical potential of
each student.
At left, SHS freshman Cole Wall
played a drum solo
for the high school
talent show.
Cole’s mom is
HHE third grade
teacher Tami
(photo by Jim Heintz)
Kelly’s message: A Vision for Our Future
Recently, the Board of Directors approved a
contract to work with BLRB Architects to begin a
process of accessing our current district facilities
and then working with the community to identify a
vision of what we hope our facilities to be in the
future. Over the course of the next eight months,
BLRB will organize and facilitate a number of
Facilities Planning Committee meetings, along with several community input
sessions, to articulate a priority list aimed at modernizing our buildings and
grounds. In the end, a recommendation of facility improvements will be
presented to the Board for their consideration. This recommendation may or
may not lead to a potential capital levy or bond election in the near future.
Above, Mitzi Sanders and Supt. Kelly Shea look over
submitted scholarship notebooks in the SHS career center
The intent of this work is to look for ways of improving our facilities to reflect
office. The notebooks, prepared by SHS seniors, are circulatthe ever changing demands of living and learning in the 21st Century. We will be ed among local service groups and organizations for scholaridentifying solutions to creating safer and more secure campuses; more efficient
ship considerations. Scholarships will be announced at the
June 5 awards ceremony in the auditorium.
and effective environments for learning and working; facilities which foster
adaptability and flexibility for educational program needs; opportunities for
improved community access; and buildings which promote a greater sense of pride amongst our students, staff, and patrons.
The journey will not be easy. The list of improvements is long and will be expensive. Not everyone will agree as to what our priorities
are, and the wish list will have to be within our financial means. However, the journey will be worth it. In the end, we will have a
vision of what we hope to be, what we hope to achieve. It will take a great amount of time and effort, but anything worth doing
always does. I hope you’re willing to make the commitment to contribute. The future of our district and the future of our students
are counting on it. —Kelly
At right, representatives
from BLRB Architectural
Firm from Tacoma made a
presentation to the board
and district facilities
committee members during
a workshop on March 4.
The board approved a
contract to begin the prebond planning process with
(photos by Patsene Dashiell)
Inside this issue:
-Board Highlights, p. 2
-Business from Brian, p. 3
-March Enrollment, p. 3
-Vince Talks About Engaging Students in Learning,
p. 4
-Calendar of Events, p.5
-Scene Around, p. 6
-How Staff Members Plan
to Spend Their Spring
Vacation, p. 7
March 28, 2013
SSD Employee Newsletter
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Top right: Director Bev
Horan, State Rep. Kevin
VanDeWege, Student Reps
Joseph Landoni and Mollie
Smith, and Supt. Kelly Shea
in conversation during a visit
to Olympia. (submitted photo)
Top left: SHS FFA student
Saydee Marvel Herman
recited the FFA pledge for
the board.
Bottom right: SHS journalism teacher Andrew
Hosford presents travel
plans for board approval.
Bottom left: State Rep.
Steve Tharinger addressed
the WSSDA regional meeting
held in the SMS cafeteria.
(photos by Patsene Dashiell)
March School Board
The School Board held meetings on
March 4 and 18. The following business
was discussed:
 Thirty school directors attend the
WSSDA regional meeting held at SMS
on Sat., March 16. The meeting
included TPEP training. State Rep.
Steve Tharinger was a guest speaker
at the event.
 Heard a report from HHE Music
Teacher Steve Hall, on the music
programs at SMS and SHS. SMS Band
& Choir Director David Upton, and
SMS & SHS Choir Director John
Lorentzen were on hand. John
Lorentzen said he would like to see the
music program at SHS grow, and
reported that an additional opportunity
being offered to our young musicians
this year is to have a live band pit for the
operetta. A video featuring the SMS
percussion group and band class, as well
as the SHS jazz band performing at the
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival was
shown. At SMS, 250 students are
enrolled in music classes. At SHS, 250
students are enrolled in music classes as
 Pres. Virginia O’Neil, Dir. Sarah
Bedinger and Supt. Kelly Shea
attended a panel discussion regarding
the McCleary court decision in Pt.
Townsend on March 27.
 Heard FFA student Saydee Marvel
Herman deliver a powerful rendition of
the FFA pledge at the Feb. 19 meeting.
Pres. Virginia O’Neil reported that Saydee
took second place in the competition where
she recited the pledge.
Heard a report from student rep. Joseph
Landoni on HHE student Reid Parker
taking first place in the Elks Essay Contest,
"What Does the National Anthem Mean to
Me?” Also heard about the HHE Cougar
Writing Conference and GWE’s drama
club, science club and Spanish club.
Heard a report from student rep. Mollie
Smith about the SHS Fine Arts assembly
and how teachers Vern Fosket, Chelsea
Reichner and Sonja Miller received
KONP teacher of the month awards. Also
heard about SHS boys basketball team
taking sixth place in 2A state, the SHS
talent show on March 8 & 9 and the SHS
band travelling to Anaheim for the Heritage
Festival March 21-24. Also heard about the
SEF engineering challenge on Feb. 23 at
the S. Boys & Girls Club. SHS student
Angela Bentley took first place in the high
school division and GWE student Connor
Forderer took first place in the elementary
Offered Classified Life Skills Para educator
position to Deborah Bowden for the 2012
-13 school year, effective Feb. 22.
Accepted a Leave of Absence request for
Mark Textor, for the 2013-14 school year.
Approved a request for out of state travel
for SHS Journalism students to San
Francisco, CA to attend a Journalism
Convention April 25—28, as presented by
teacher Andrew Hosford.
Approved the district calendar for 2013-14
school year. This calendar is available
on the district website.
Heard a report from Supt. Kelly Shea
that nine architectural firms submitted
proposals for Pre-Bond planning.
Proposals from the three finalist firms
were heard at a workshop held before
the board meeting. The facilities
committee recommended to the board
the architectural firm BLRB for SSD’s
Pre-Bond planning, and the board
Accepted a letter of resignation from
GWE teacher Susan Gellor effective
at the end of the 2012-13 school year
for the purposes of retirement.
Accepted a request for overnight travel
from SHS teacher Jim Heintz for the
Skills USA State competition in
Renton, WA on April 11 –13, and from
SHS choir teacher John Lorentzen for
band and choir All State Solo &
Ensemble competition in Ellensburg,
WA on April 25—27.
Decided to plan another Student Voice
event for May 2013, where high school
students are invited to a discussion with
the superintendent and board
Heard a report from student reps
Mollie Smith and Joseph Landoni on
their recent trip to Olympia for
Legislator’s Day on the Hill. Joseph
reported the legislators were very frank
with them. Mollie said they were really
focused on what the students had to
Complete minutes are online at
March 28, 2013
SSD Employee Newsletter
Page 3
Strictly Business
improvements to facilities.
Additionally, BLRB will develop cost
models of identified options.
Brian Lewis
Dir. of
Business Services
@ ext. 266
plan selection during the September open
enrollment period, but you’ll also use the
website to make changes to your plan due to
the occurrence of a qualifying event in your
· Conduct study sessions with the
life. Qualifying events include becoming
Board of Directors updating them on married or divorced or adding a dependent
due to the birth of a child or completion of
the process.
an adoption. You can also drop dependents
The process of pre-bond planning is intended
from your plan during a plan year if they
to provide sufficient information to the Board become insured through another provider.
of Directors so they can consider placing a
This change is initiated by the WEA and not
bond issue proposal on the ballot. Only the
the Sequim School District or any other
Board has this ability, and this process is not
entity. You can call the WEA Select Benefits
intended to force a question. Once the process Center at 1-855-668-5039 if you have
is complete, the Board has the prerogative to
further consider the issue.
District Hires Architectural Firm So what does this mean for us as employees of
the district, as parents of students in the district,
to Conduct Facilities Study
and as taxpayers in the Sequim School District?
You may be asked to participate in the citizens
committee, or asked to engage in discussion
with an employee of BLRB regarding the
current state of our buildings and what you
think should be done to them so we can better
achieve our educational goals. But right now,
An assessment of the physical the most important thing you can do is simply
condition of our facilities.
be aware that this process is occurring. You
can find a visual representation of the process
An assessment of the facilities’ on our website here:
ability to help or hinder the . If
delivery of the educational
you have any questions or comments you’d like
to share regarding pre-bond planning, contact
me at 582-3266 or
Prepare for and facilitate a pre
-bond planning committee
comprised of district staff and Managing Your Health Insurance
community members to
formulate a recommendation I’ll be including this information in our
to the superintendent
newsletters until after the start of the next
regarding the district’s
school year. Beginning January 2, 2013,
buildings and grounds.
subscribers to WEA health insurance plans will
At the March 19 meeting, the district’s
Board of Directors approved a contract
with BLRB Architects of Tacoma to
perform pre-bond planning services.
Activities called out in the contract
self-manage their health insurance benefits
selection via the WEA website, All current
subscribers should go to this website now and
create your benefits account. What this means
to you as a subscriber is that you’ll make
changes to your health insurance plan selection
Develop a conceptual design
via a website rather than submitting paper
and produce site plans, floor
forms to our district office. The most likely
plans, and images of proposed change you’ll make will be a change to your
Prepare for and facilitate three
community summits to solicit
input and share conceptual
ideas and cost options with the
district’s community.
Above, SHS Counselor Nate Hirsch helps students as they register online in the library computer loft for next year’s classes.
(photos by Patsene Dashiell)
March 2013
Alt. HS
March 28, 2013
Employee Newsletter
Engaging Students in Learning
Here is a summary of Component 3C from Danielson’s Framework for Teaching:
Capturing light in a bottle, hitting it out of the park, or they nailed it… All these
terms could be used to describe that feeling when ALL students are truly engaged
in the learning process. Student engagement is critical to the success of any lesson.
Page 4
Vince Riccobene,
Exec. Dir.
Teaching &
Ext. 269
Danielson describes student engagement as the most important component in her framework. “All the rest of the framework is in
the service of student engagement, from planning and preparation, to establishing an environment, to reflecting on classroom
Student engagement is not the same as time on task. Students may be on-task completing a worksheet, but the worksheet may not
engage them in any significant learning. Danielson describes student engagement as intellectual involvement with the content or
active construction of understanding.
Danielson uses four elements to describe student engagement: activities and assignments, grouping of students, instructional materials and resources, and structure and pacing.
Students are actively engaged in learning when their activities and assignments challenge them to think broadly and deeply. Also,
Danielson goes on to describe activities and assignments through the lens of the quality of student work in response to a teacher’s
The second element in student engagement is the grouping of students. Students can be grouped in a variety of ways to maximize
engagement. Creating student groups should be based on the learning needs of students as well as the purpose of the lesson.
Instructional materials and resources is another element in student engagement. A wide range of items constitute both materials
and resources. Of course, materials and resources are not engaging; however, the task and purpose provided by the teacher is what
creates student engagement.
The last element in student engagement is structure and pacing. Most lessons have a natural beginning, middle and end, as well as
a clear introduction and closure. Other lessons lend themselves to more of a working session, for instance in a lab setting. Regardless of the lesson type, all lessons have a structure which is developed and led by the classroom teacher. The pacing to this structure
should be based on learning needs of the students.
In closure, student engagement is a critical component in Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. More information and the rubric
for student engagement can be found on (pg. 83 – 85) in your Danielson book.
Important Reminders for Reimbursement for Travel Expenses
For any travel representing Sequim School District, you MUST:
 Complete travel request and registration (if applicable). Do not send registration for an event before the travel request is approved.
You are responsible for making your own reservations for hotels, etc.
Need a bus? Contact transportation at ext. 274 to verify bus availability.
When visiting the district office, parking is very limited, so please park your vehicle in the fenced lot across from the district office.
Reimbursement for use of private vehicles instead of a district vehicle must be approved by the business manager prior to submitting your travel request.
Be sure to indicate if you are in need of a ferry pass.
Do not combine several groups on one travel request, even if they are traveling together. Just add a notation
in the “Estimated Cost of Trip” (i.e. split cost with second grade).
Meal receipts must be itemized (i.e. soup $5.98, Coffee $2.50). Do not charge alcohol on district credit cards.
Tips should not exceed 15% of the meal cost. Be sure to code the expenses appropriately.
Travel requests must be to the district office at least FIVE business days prior to your departure date.
Finally, make sure you are using the most current version of the travel request form, available under
Staff Resources on the district’s website.
Thank you! Ruth Judd, Fiscal Assistant @ ext. 265
March 28, 2013
SSD Employee Newsletter
Page 5
APRIL 2013 Events:
March 29—Pay Day, Snow
Day (no school, DO open)
April 1-5—Spring Break (DO
open 7 a.m.—3 p.m., closed
noon—1 p.m. for lunch)
April 8—School Board mtg.
@ 7 p.m., SEF Film Festival
entries due at the DO
April 10—Citizens Facilities
Planning Committee mtg.
from 6—8 p.m. in the board
April 13—ACT testing in SHS
library, SHS Jr. Prom 8—
11 p.m. in cafeteria
April 12—3rd Quarter Ends
April 17—HHE Kindergarten
Readiness mtg. @ 6 p.m.
SMS staff members saluted ASB Activities Coordinator Caity Karapostoles with sparkling
cider for being selected as Washington Sate Middle Level Adviser of the Year for 2012 by the
Washington Association of Student Councils. Caity was nominated by Assistant Principal
Scott Harker and ASB Advisor Tracy Barnes.
At left, GWE music teacher
Stephanie Clark
rehearses for a
music presentation
with students from
Jennifer Lopez’
fourth grade class.
(photos by Patsene
April 18—SMS “Sweats” Spirit
Day, SMS Spring Fling from
3—5 p.m.
April 21—27—National
Volunteer Week
April 19—Snow day (possibly
no school, DO open), SEF
Spaghetti Dinner 5-6:30
p.m. in cafeteria, SEF Film
Festival @ 7 p.m. in
April 22—Pre-Bond Planning
Workshop @ 6 p.m., School
Board mtg. @ 7 p.m., Earth
April 24—Admin. Asst.’s Day
April 25—SMS student-led
conferences from 11 a.m.—
7 p.m., no school for SMS
April 26 & 27– SHS All State
Choir and Band Solo &
Ensemble at CWU
Payroll/Personnel Reminders:
Certificated Staff: When you receive your new or renewed teaching certificate, please remember to bring the original to Karen Sande at the district office. Certificated staff who have certificates expiring 6/30/13 need
to send in their renewals as soon as possible. The closer we get to June,
the longer the process, and the more you risk having an expired certificate in September. If you do not have current certification upon the start
of the 2013-14 school year, we cannot place you in the classroom.
Sonja Brown, Payroll Specialist @ ext. 267,
Karen Sande, Dir. of Human Resources @ ext. 261,
Above, SHS teachers Vern Fosket, Chelsea
Reichner and Sonja Miller were awarded
KONP teacher of the month certificates at the
March 4 Fine Arts assembly. Congrats!
March 28, 2013
SSD Employee Newsletter
Scene Around…
Page 6
At right, SHS teacher Isaac Rapelje
and his students visited HHE classrooms to read with elementary school
kids in celebration of Read Across
America. (photo by Patsene Dashiell)
Below, SHS talent show emcees (from
left) Ben Heintz, Kevin Cassal and
Danny Willis created a whole lot of
fun between acts! (photo by Jim Heintz)
Above, GWE teacher Renee Mullikan
congratulates second grader Lia Jones
on moving up to a new reading level.
At right, SMS Principal
Brian Jones and Asst. Principal Scott Harker wish
para educator Jeffa Verdu
all the best at a farewell
gathering at the Mariner
Café. (photo by Richard Seiler)
Above, (at right) SHS Athletic Director and
Baseball Coach Dave Ditlefsen and Coach
Kevin Royall talk with the team during a
game against Pt. Townsend. (photo by Kathy
At left, DO’s Valorie Thornock gets put
in the hot seat of the police cruiser at
HHE’s Family Fun Night. She was later
released on her own recognizance. (photo by
School Resource Officer Tony Graham)
Above, DO’s Vince Riccobene and Trayce
Norman celebrate the sunshine with popsicles.
HHE Principal Russ Lodge personally
presented roses to classified staff members.
Above, Para educator Breva Funston got
hers while working with second grader
Kody Nash. At left, Para educator Dave
Miller got his in Dave Hasenpflug’s
classroom. Below, Sodexo employee Ruth
LaBelle got hers while preparing for lunch
in the kitchen! (photos by Patsene Dashiell)
March 28, 2013
SSD Employee Newsletter
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How staff plans to spend their spring vacation:
Laurie Campen: I am going on a long haul (trucker terms for a delivery/pick up) trip with my sister to ID. We get to sleep in the back of the semi!
Linda Dolan: I am going to work as a drug/alcohol intern at my other job with A New Beginning treatment center during the week, however I am also
going to spruce up the yard and spend 1 day in Seattle having a facial and eating yummy food in the big city. Karen Sande: I plan to work, so I can
enjoy two weeks in Kauai April 16-May 1. Kalea Christensen: I will be kicking off my spring break at Snoqualmie Pass to catch the last couple days of
good powder snowboarding, then I am heading to Whistler Black Comb for 3 nights and 4 days of shred-tastic riding. After that I will take the ferry to
Nanaimo and stay at a B&B for the night. On the morning of April 5 I will travel to Victoria and experience the 2-hour, eight connecting platform,
Adrena-Line zip-line course. The last weekend before we come back to school will be full of homework for my PhD and resting. Valerie Surgeon:
Celebrate my birthday, start planting my garden, make soap, cards and do a few other fun projects I haven't gotten to in awhile. Spend a sunny day or
two in LaPush. Sonja Brown: Exciting……work! Louise Lemley: Fun in the sun in Arizona! Joe Younger: I am going to climb Mt. Everest again
(yawn). Judie Lawson: Clean my house and do yard work! Karen Spoelstra: Go find the sun in Arizona. Kelly Shea: Heading to Connecticut to see
my daughter play softball. Dionne Nielsen: I wish I could say that I was going to travel or do something amazingly awesome... but the way this year
has gone I am looking forward to just being HOME. I plan to weed out my flower beds and move chickens out of my greenhouse so I can start planting
veggies. I have a big pile of wood that we need to cut and stack for next year and the lawns need mown. Basically just do some spring cleaning and prep
for summer. Also I am looking forward to spending play time with my 5th grader. Terilee Allsop-Howat: No schedules!!! REST, ride my horse, organize photos, maybe watch some Disney movies with my daughter since we just came back from Disneyland with the Band. Cathy Green: I plan to
read, relax and build a Math kit for a first grade math unit. Maria Roragen: I’m planning to watch my grandkids as much as possible!! Anita Benitez:
I am conquering Mount Laundre-mort and spring cleaning!! Judy Flynn: Spring clean. Jane LaBeaume: Pete and I are heading to West Yellowstone
to see the wolves! Jaye Hall: Come back here and clean my room! Grade papers. Put lesson plans together. Garden, plant a few trees and vegetables,
canoe in the pond. If it’s nice, maybe take the canoe and go to Freshwater Bay and paddle around, looking at the otters. Sheri Suryan: I plan to fly my
airplane as much as possible! I’d like to fly to Tillamook, Oregon where there is a cool vintage airplane museum. Jeff Gossage: Honduras for fun and
sun. Ione Marcy: Here is my list: Enjoying the Northwest’s gifts of mountains, trails, beaches and cool little towns, catching up on some great literature, planning for a fantastic third trimester, and...spring cleaning my house. Paul Pinza: Going to LA and Mammoth Lakes CA. Eric Danielson:
We are headed up to ski for 5 days at Big White near Kelowna, B.C. Joan Trindle: Anything I want and at anytime! Mark Textor: Arizona for golf,
tennis, and hiking. Pat Davis: Help my daughter move! Donna Olson: We will be heading off to the Oregon coast. Katie Gilles: Going to Pullman
and taking our new puppy Bandit with us, of course. He’s very cute! Chelsea Hasenpflug: Wedding planning! Sharle Osborne: I will be swimming
in the Caribbean at least twice a day and reading in the shade in between. Jeremy Copeland: Building shelves. Tami Wall: I am planning to stay
home sending positive energy to my son Cole (who will be in Rome on an EF student tour with the high school), taking Casey on an overnight to Victoria, hoping to visit my oldest son, Corey who lives in Seattle for a day…. and RELAXING! Debbie Buchillo: Visit family and enjoy the Oregon coast.
Richard Seiler: Work! Darcy Lamb: Have fun with my kids, see family, and have NO schedule for a week! Whoop! Cheryl McAliley: Palm Springs!
Erik Stenerson: Going down to the Oregon coast with my wife and kids. Some friends are loaning their RV/motor home to us. Jeff Stroh: Going
surfing on the Oregon Coast. Garibaldi Oregon bakery is also a destination. Margaret Whitley: Flying to Dallas to visit my daughter in Plano, TX.
Sonja Miller: We’re going to Ocean Shores for the 14th spring break in a row! Then, we’ll be in Wenatchee for the Excel Gymnastics Championships.
Carla Morton: I plan on flying home to MO to visit family. There is a foot of snow on the ground there! Vince Riccobene: Take quick get away with
my wife, then have Easter with family in Olympia. Do some home and yard projects, play with kids. Renee Mullikin: Going to AZ for some fun in the
sun; my first trip to the Grand Canyon and Sedona. Vicki Helwick: I will be going with the Port Angeles High School Orchestra to NYC. After 4
years of planning, and over a year of fundraising, we are taking 110 strings players to play at Carnegie Hall on Easter Sunday. We will see museums, a
Broadway show and the UN building. I’m taking my daughter to a dance class at a studio on Broadway. My family is then staying on and traveling to 5
of the 8 states we have not yet seen (we have made two cross country trips in the last 4 years). I will need a break to rest up from my break! Bev
Horan: I am hoping to walk beaches for beach glass and possibly kayak one day if the weather cooperates. Then sad but true, it is time to work in the
yard with weed control and trimming and the house with de-cluttering. I do have a couple of good books on my Nexus 7 just in case the weather does
not cooperate. Jon Eekhoff: I will be grading Senior Project Papers. Kay MacDonald: It’s a secret. Ruth Judd: I have my daughter and her 3 kids
coming for a couple of days and then my son and his family are coming April 5-8. So I will be busy with grandkids and cooking when not working.
Caity Karapostoles: I am traveling to NYC to visit Ground Zero and the fire station my uncle spent his career at with my firefighter son. We are also
going to Hoboken NJ to go to Carlo’s Bake Shop, home of the TV show Cake Boss! My daughter and daughter in law are most excited about that part
of the trip! Tricia Billes: I’m headed to Gold Beach in Oregon to visit my friend. While there I plan on riding my bike and working on renewing my
National Board Certification. I can’t believe ten years have gone by! Kristi Toth: Am working the spring break. Casey Lewis: We are going to three
different college campuses to do college tours with my daughter. Laurie Henry: Goin’ to Palm Springs for some much needed R & R. Valorie Thornock: Well…I’ve given up on the snow dance, so after work each day (yes, work, but someone’s got to), enjoying the sunshine with my little dog, Ruby! Michelle Koitzsch: Steve Mahitka and I are getting married this Saturday March 30! Julie Lancheros: Stay at home and take care of my 3 yearold granddaughter and 91 year-old grandmother. Everyone else gets to go to Mexico. Trayce Norman: Headed to sunshine in Florida to visit my
momma with my two girls and my best friend! Colleen Robinson: Going to Jupiter, FL with my BFF to celebrate my big “5-0”! Phil Zarelli: Sailing
my boat from Shelton to P.A. Dave McInnes: Hanging out in Portland! Tammy Matthews: Doctor appointments, spring cleaning, and maybe
camping at Salt Creek. Kevin Magner: My wife Susan and I will be joining my daughter Damaina and her family at Seabrook to dig razor clams for part
of it. Dave Ketter: Visit Madison, WI and take care of my aging mother. Fun in some ways. Challenging in others. Michael Lovejoy: I plan to do a
lot of Honey Do’s and sleep. Steve Brown: Yakima River Canyon Marathon. Karen Junell: Visit granddaughters and their parents, heavy-duty yard
work, stay up late and get up late! Marilyn Walsh: Work...Vern Fosket: NOT spend time at the LAX airport!!! Steve Koehler: “Chill” in Puerto
Viejo de Talamanca in Costa Rica. Shannon Paselk: My uncle from eastern Washington is visiting. Brian Lewis: I’ll be working. John Lorentzen:
Rehearse for the operetta, plus sleep in at least a couple of mornings. Robin Hall: Build a set for the operetta! Darron McCarter: Continue to let my
hand with 37 stitches heal. Tricia Stratton: Painting my bedroom! Wendy Turner: Gardening, reading, Seattle fun including a play.