55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:09 PM Page i The White & Blue THE MAGAZINE OF THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL • SUMMER 2010 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:09 PM Page ii IN THIS ISSUE We SEE the world through the eyes of BOYS! 1 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE 2 AN IMPORTANT NEW SCHOLARSHIP FOR SHS 2 ALUMNI FAMILIES: STAY CONNECTED TO SHS 2 BARK NIGHT — A FAVOURITE ALUM MUM TRADITION! 2 THE FIRST ANNUAL DADS AND LADS BREAKFAST 3 FOUNDER’S DAY TERRY FOX RUN: ANOTHER RECORD-BREAKING YEAR THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL An independent School for Boys Jr Kindergarten to Grade 8 COME VISIT US: SCHOOL ENTRANCE Our main entrance is located at the west side of the school. 3 LOOKING BACK LONGINGLY AT THE DRIVE HOME 3 A MADD MESSAGE FROM THE CLASS OF 2007 MOMS 3 REACHING OUT TO HELP HAITI 4 TAKE A LOOK AT THE SHS GRAFFITI WALL 5 SHS: A PLACE WHERE EVERYONE KNOWS YOUR NAME 5 NEWS FROM FAR AND WIDE: OUR ALUMNI WRITE 6 OLD BOY SIGHTINGS AT SHS 6 AN EMAIL FROM ABROAD 7 SHS HOSTS VIP VISITS 7 THE STERLING INSTITUTE EXPANDS ITS REACH 8 STAFF AND FACULTY NEWS 8 OLYMPIC FLAME CASTS ITS LIGHT ON SHS 8 SOME SMOOTH SAILING BY “CAPT. NICOLL” AND CREW 9 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2010! 9 OLD BOYS PUB NIGHT — CHEERS! 9 FROM PAGE ONE TO THE NEXT CHAPTER 9 GREEN SCHOOL TASK FORCE SETS PRIORITIES Please find Visitors parking on SHS Drive, nor th off Bentwor th Ave. 99 Car twright Avenue, Toronto 416.785.3410 10 OLD BOYS PUB NIGHT INVITATION 10 THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL INVITES YOU OLD BOYS BACK TO YOUR OLD SCHOOL 10 THE MISSION OF THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL IS TO OFFER A SECURE ENVIRONMENT FOR THE EDUC ATION OF BOYS IN MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT. OUR SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY AND SMALL CLASSES NURTURE AND CHALLENGE OUR STUDENTS TO BECOME CRITIC AL THINKERS, SELF-DIRECTED LEARNERS, AND SUCCESSFUL CONTRIBUTORS. THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL 9 9 C A RT W R I G H T AV E N U E , TO RO N TO, O N TEL: 416.785.3410 • W W W. S T E R L I N G H A L L . C O M M6A 1V4 FA X : 4 1 6 . 7 8 5 . 6 6 1 6 • A DVA N C E M E N T @ S T E R L I N G H A L L . C O M Pictured on the Front Cover: Principal Ian Robinson chats with SHS boys in The Franssen-Tingley Eco-Garden. HELP US TELL THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL HISTORY 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:10 PM Page 1 P R I N C I PA L’ S M E S S A G E Signs of maturity are everywhere Welcome to the second annual (and the third ever) edition of The White and Blue! I star t this message by congratulating the efforts of the SHS Advancement team, who work hard to gather up-to-date information about our Alumni and to make the contents of this magazine interesting to its readers, whether they be graduates of the school, parents of grads, or other interested parties. It is fascinating to watch schools as they mature. One of the indicators of maturity is the ability of a school like ours to provide opportunities to students who, without the help of others, would not be able to consider applying, let alone actually attending. It is with great pride and sincere thanks to the Holland family that I announce that the first Nick Holland Scholarship recipient will be in Grade 7 at SHS for the 2010-2011 academic year. The scholar will be here thanks to the generosity of William and Susanne Holland, who are funding a place in Grade 7 and 8 at SHS for the next 10 years in the name of their son, Nick, who arrived in 2001 and graduated in 2009. This is the first step in what we hope will become a major part of our program as, with further support from others, we are able to offer more places to deserving students. There are a couple of items in this magazine that I would like to comment on. Dr. Chris Spence, Director of Education for the Toronto District School Board, visited SHS in early January and again in April to exchange ideas on young boys’ education. It was a mutually helpful visit, and we hope that SHS will remain in close contact with Dr. Spence. We applaud his efforts to create a Leadership School in central Toronto for disenfranchised young black students. Secondly, it is incumbent on me to celebrate the courageous efforts of SHS grad Sam Danniels, Class of 2000. Sam, who was paralyzed from the chest down in a mountain biking accident in 2005, proceeded to become an expert sit-skier and participated in the recent Paralympic Games. As far as SHS – the 2010 version – is concerned, we continue to stand by our founding principles and continue to progress. Our population for 2010 -2011 exceeds 300 for the fifth consecutive year, and we employ 40 full-time teachers and more than 20 staff. We still send boys to great Toronto secondary schools; we still win some games and lose others; we still send the Grade 6 - 8 boys on a Trips Week and offer a dog-sledding experience in Grade 7 and a Temagami leadership canoe trip in Grade 8. All Grade 8 students have an area of responsibility, and this year the Head Boy was helped by the six Prefects of Academic Life, Arts, Athletics, Citizenship, Communications, and Environment, who each led his own team. We have maintained the School’s interest in helping others. We contributed to the relief efforts in Haiti with a Read-a-thon, as we did for Sri Lanka after the tsunami, we had clothing and food drives and, once again, we were the highest grossing school in the world as we conducted our ever-popular Terry Fox Run on the Friday morning before the Thanksgiving weekend. Please consider joining us for the 2010 run – a considerable number of grads and their families have made it a priority. If you can’t make that morning, and if you are 19 or over, do come to our May Pub Night, which is becoming a popular event. And all Alumni are invited to Old Boys Dinner in October. As we look to the future, our grads are also joining committees and task forces at SHS and if that might be of interest to you, please contact us. Lastly, if I am correct, we now have four married grads, three of whom have a child – one of whom is a boy. Congratulations! And now, do enjoy this edition of The White and Blue. I certainly intend to and if you are in Toronto, come and visit – we’d love to see you! Ian Robinson, Principal, The Sterling Hall School THE WHITE & BLUE 1 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/22/10 6:59 PM Page 2 A L U M N I FA M I L I E S An important new scholarship for The Sterling Hall School We would like to share with the SHS community our decision to establish a new scholarship, in gratitude for the outstanding quality of education that our son Nick experienced at The Sterling Hall School until his graduation in 2009. and beyond. That is why the new scholarship will cover tuition costs for a boy’s Grade 7 and 8 years. It will be made available for 10 years, which means that five boys who would be otherwise unable to afford it will have access to the outstanding programming at SHS. The new award, named The Nick Holland Scholarship, will be given to a boy who meets the scholarship criteria and whose socio-economic status is a barrier to a Sterling Hall education. Our family is delighted to establish this scholarship, which we hope will be beneficial to the recipients and their families, the community, and of course, The Sterling Hall School. Bill and Susanne Holland Our family has always been interested in supporting causes aimed at helping children. Over the years, we have seen how boys who receive support and guidance can go on to accomplish great things. We believe that if more boys were to benefit from a high-quality education such as our son received at SHS, they would be more likely to succeed. We offer this scholarship in the hopes that we can touch the lives of a few boys in the community and their families. We appreciate that the Grade 7 and 8 years are formative ones, and boys who are hindered during this time are often unable to succeed in high school Alumni families: stay connected to SHS Our sons, Will and Spencer, benefited enormously from their time at SHS — so much so that we wanted to help SHS develop the next generation of boys. For this reason, we have continued our support of SHS though the Annual Giving program. We hope you will too, if you haven’t already. Left to right: Susanne Holland, Bill Holland, Kate Holland, Nick Holland 2009 THE NICK HOLLAND SCHOLARSHIP AWARD CRITERIA • Achieve high academic standing. • Excel in areas other than academics (sports, music, the arts, or other area). • Be a well-rounded boy with varied interests. • Parents or Guardians must express willingness to play a role in supporting their son’s academic and extra-curricular life. • Demonstrate financial need. Bark Night — a favourite Alum Mum tradition! The McCain Dining Hall became a veritable bark workshop on November 25, as a dozen Alum Mums (and one Alum sibling) whipped up batches of the famous Alumni Peppermint Bark for the Parents Association’s Wintergreen Day. Even after all these years, the bark was a hot item at the Wintergreen bake table. Thank you to our dedicated crew and this year’s event organizers and Head Barkers, Lisa Ellis and Sally Sarjeant. SHS is continually adding new facilities and faces, but the essence remains. The dedicated Faculty who consistently go above and beyond for their students, the familiar smiles and applause from other Parents at Assembly, the remarkable achievements of boys from JK to Grade 8: these are still the norm at SHS. We’d like to thank every family that has supported the School this year. We hope that you will stay connected to 99 Cartwright. There are many ways to do so. Start by checking out the website at, where you will find links to Old Boy events, photos, and School news. The School also wants to hear your news, so please keep in touch with the Advancement Office at advancement@ Sally Hannon & Howard Barton Parents of Will 2005 and Spencer 2007 2 W W W. S T E R L I N G H A L L . C O M Back row (left to right): Kim Hanmer, Marty Wilder, Katie Porter, Mary Beadon, Linda Boutilier, Anne McGinn, Sally Sarjeant, Lisa Ellis. Front row (left to right): Lori Lewis, Wendy Jarvis, Cathy Langdon, Kate Holland, Susanne Holland. THE FIRST ANNUAL DADS AND LADS BREAKFAST On Wednesday, September 30, 2009, the Eaton Shier Gym hosted more than 400 for the first ever pancake breakfast for SHS dads and their sons. The event was highlighted by a tie swapping ceremony that sent boys to class with Dad’s tie and dads to work with their son’s tie. Based on the smiles on the boys’ and dads’ faces, the event was an overwhelming success and is certain to become an SHS tradition. Visit Media Gallery for highlights. Our celebrity chefs — Mr. Coles, Mr. Macdonald, Principal Ian Robinson — serve up breakfast to SHS lads and their dads. 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:11 PM Founder’s Day Terry Fox Run: another record-breaking year Our 16th annual Founder’s Day Terry Fox Run took place on Friday, October 9, with participants following Terry’s example and running despite the rain. The build-up to the event was as exciting as ever, with visits from Jeff Harris, Toronto photographer and cancer survivor, and Lisa Armstrong from The Terry Fox Foundation. For the fourth consecutive year, SHS set another world record for cancer research fundraising — a staggering $127,510! Our boys gathered an average of 10 pledges each. Some were for a dollar, others for more significant amounts, but in every case awareness and hope were heightened. In particular, we welcome the continuing support of our Old Boys, who come out each year even though they have moved on to their new schools. A huge thank you goes out to our community for their help and great spirit in continuing to make this a worldclass event at SHS. Join us for the next Run on Friday, October 8, 2010. Page 3 Looking back longingly at the drive home In 1997, it was clear that our eldest son, Ian, was ready for a change in schools, and that SHS was the school for us. During the first few years, the drive from St. Clair and Mount Pleasant was shared with a couple of neighbourhood moms. Driving time was used for spelling drills, listening to books on tape, multiplication and division challenges, “name that tune,” and various car games. I also have great memories of quietly listening to the boys’ conversations. While some had us in hysterics, there were other very sombre ones, and yet others requiring a quick call to the other families with a heads-up about topics that might emerge as dinner-table conversation. A few years later, when our younger son, Alex, started at SHS, the car conversations changed slightly. The older boys, being sensitive to the presence of younger ears, began speaking in code. Alex loved being part of their group and had no clue what he was missing. As my carpool buddies and their sons graduated from SHS, I began driving Alex on my own. We had great conversations about current events, social and Tom Curry, Alex Curry 2009, Lori Monteith environmental issues, sports, and travelling. Our after-school drives included stories about that day’s events. Fast forward more than 10 years: Wow, how things have changed! I jump at the chance to pick Ian up in Kingston, looking forward to hearing about his life at Queen’s on the long drive back to Toronto. Now in Grade 9, Alex usually makes his own way to and from school. Although I still hear about his day, it’s easy for him to squeeze it into just a few minutes. That drive to and from SHS provided daily, uninterrupted chat time with my boys. It is something that I will always treasure and I really do miss it. Enjoy it while you can — it won’t last forever! Lori Monteith, Alumni Parent A MADD message from the Class of 2007 moms Reaching out to help Haiti For the past three years, the mothers of the 2007 SHS grads have gathered together for an annual Christmas lunch to share the ups and downs of raising teenage sons. We also select a charity to which we contribute. When the earthquake struck Haiti, the boys at Sterling Hall did what they do best — identified a need and leapt into action. • The Agents of Change sold SHS Cares bands as a symbol of our ongoing support for the people of Haiti. At our last gathering, we chose to support Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). The “MADD message” touches each of us in some way and we wanted to send a “zero tolerance” signal as our sons embark on their driving careers. In addition, one of the families in our midst was struck by tragedy through the senseless death of a beloved cousin. Lisa McAlpine, Alex Schwass’s mother, collected and delivered our donation of $645 to the Toronto Chapter of MADD. The money will go towards the ongoing production of their multimedia presentation, which is shown in schools and other venues to raise awareness of the tragic effects of drunk driving. • Grade 5 organized a loonie drive, with the goal of raising $1.00 for every student. • Grade 2 channelled their inner chefs and baked up a storm in The McCain Dining Hall with the help of the 2M parents. They also held a wildly successful shoe drive, collecting more than 1,100 pairs of shoes in a week. The lines of shoes stretched from one end of the main hall to the other and almost back again! • The School-wide Help Haiti Read-athon involved every boy at Sterling Hall in 22 days of reading at $1.00 a day each. From top step downwards, left to right (sort of !): Sally Hannon, Marie McFarlane, Angela Hay, Siobhan Barootes, Lisa McAlpine, Linda Brown, Katie Porter, Denise Grimes, Leslie Myers, Willa Black, Anne McGinn, Lisa Applegath, Sally Sarjeant, Cathy Langdon, Robin Horner, Naomi Cohen The students’ creative activities raised awareness and money for the relief efforts, and this is what makes Sterling Hall boys who they are – world citizens who always ask, “How can we help?” THE WHITE & BLUE 3 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:12 PM Page 4 O L D F R I E N D S , N E W A DV E N T U R E S David Hay, I travelled to New Zealand for the IBSC Conference with my Dad. Jamie Pennock, I love it at Northern Secondary School and volunteered at BMX Jam over March Break. Aiden Lupyrypa, I enjoy my volunteer work every Wednesday morning. David Hay Jamie Pennock Class of 2002 Eric L. McKinnon, I’m at UBC, in 4th year Visual Arts. Alex Marks, I achieved my Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award and volunteered as a flag bearer at the FIFA Soccer Tournament. Class of 2007 Spencer Barton, I participate in the Film Club at RSGC. Charlie Porter, I volunteer with Free the Children and tutor in Regent Park. Mac Wilder, I enjoy soccer, skiing, and rugby at Lakefield. Aiden Lupyrypa Adam McBain, I travelled to North Carolina for Basketball camp. Class of 2004 Andrew Lawson, I’m enjoying Dalhousie University. Charlie Porter Alex Marks Andrew Lawson Jeff McCain, I earned the title of Head Boy at RSGC for the 20092010 school year. Spencer Barton Cameron Beatty, I travelled to Chile. Alex Schwass, I travelled the Moisie River in Quebec by canoe. Mac Wilder Class of 2009 Chester Davidson, I participate in Robotics, DECA, and Squash at Crescent School. Adam McBain Liam Oldershaw, I am having a great time at Crescent School. Cole A. McKinnon, I’m at UBC, in 1st year Applied Science. Cameron Beatty Class of 2005 Ben Murray, great to be back for a visit! Jeff McCain Zach Stern, I am President of the Maple Leafs Fan Club at CHAT. Matthew Bowlby, I volunteered at the ROM. Alex Schwass Chester Davidson Liam Oldershaw Class of 2008 Austin Almadi, I am a Lance Corporal in my Cadet Corps at St. Andrew’s College. Christian Fowler, I completed my Bronze Medallion. Alex Radhakrishnan, I travelled to Algonquin Park. Ben Murray Matthew Bowlby Class of 2006 Connor Lockett, I am a member of the Student Council at Blyth Academy. Connor Lockett 4 Zach Stern Ian Stewart-Binks, I enjoy music, yoga, and my unicycle. Ian Stewart-Binks W W W. S T E R L I N G H A L L . C O M Adam Halpern, I volunteered at the Grand Cru Culinary Wine Festival in support of the University Health Network. Adam Halpern Christian Fowler Austin Almadi Andrew Medjuck, I was named MVP Hockey. Andrew Medjuck Gavin Lifman, I participate in Debating, Model UN, Improv, the play, and two bands at UCC. Gavin Lifman Alex Radhakrishnan Jack Swadron, I travelled to Costa Rica. Jack Swadron 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:12 PM SHS: A place where everyone knows your name Page 5 NEWS FROM FAR AND WIDE: OUR ALUMNI WRITE The adventures that a student has at SHS are many, but as our Old Boys soon discover, even more excitement awaits in the years following graduation. Hello Parents of Sterling Hall, As I am sure you have already gathered from the months you spent deciding which school your son should go to, Sterling Hall is a fantastic school. You know that the facilities are perhaps the best in the city. You know that the other students will be just as well-rounded or unique as your own son. And you know that the trips, extra-curriculars, and opportunities that your child will receive will be amazing. Here is what you may not yet know for certain: Sterling Hall is an institution that will provide your boy with a foundation for not only high school and university, but the rest of his life. It will imprint your child with the values he needs to succeed. My time at Sterling Hall provided me with opportunities and experiences that are still in my life today. For example, by taking Philosophy in Grade 8, something rare for that age, my interest was piqued and I am now majoring in Philosophy at a Liberal Arts college out east. I have been in no organization that has had as dedicated, talented, unique, and passionate Teachers and Staff as SHS. To this day, when I walk in the main doors, I am greeted with smiles and genuine interest, and almost everyone knows my name (even when I don’t know theirs). You may be thinking I am tooting their horn a little too loudly, but I am confident that you will be singing equally high praises sooner than you know. Jamie Lockie 2004 KC Daya 1994: My wife, Nafisa, and I celebrated the birth of our first child, Aidan Rayn Daya, at 6 lbs, 14 ozs., on January 11, 2010 at 4:44 pm. Jason Love 1996: My wife, Samantha, gave birth to our daughter, Scarlett Mae, in March 2009. Jason with his mom, Nancy, and daughter, Samantha Wesley Pang 1996: I am currently an Associate Attorney in the Litigation Group at Shearman & Sterling LLP in Manhattan. After graduating from SHS, I went to UCC, then received an undergraduate degree in Business Management at King’s College London in the UK. I then completed a double-degree program, receiving an LLB (Hons) from King’s and a Juris Doctor from Columbia University School of Law. During law school, I competed on behalf of the UK in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and interned for the United Nations Human Rights Committee. Outside work and school, I recently got married to Bonnie Kwok (eldest sister of SHS Old Boy, Adrian Kwok) in New York on September 12, 2009. Sam Danniels 2000: I was named to the 2010 Para-Alpine team and was scheduled to compete in the Paralympics in two events: the Men’s Downhill on March 13 and the Men’s Super-G on March 15. SHS Boys Cheer on Sam – The Caplan Boys made this sign to cheer on Sam Danniels at the Paralympics during his downhill run A R E YO U U P - TO - DAT E ? Visit the SHS Old Boys Directory to update your contact information and find old friends.Visit the Alumni section of the SHS website – Shane Danniels 2002: I’m at York University doing a double major in Philosophy and Psychology. I finished first year with the highest GPA of the two faculties for my class, and I’m having the same kind of year again. I’ve applied for a summer research position in Psychology and I’m currently volunteering at the student centre, helping students with academic challenges. I have been invited to join an academic organization called The Golden Key International Honours Society. Pretty good for a kid with all of the academic challenges I’ve had! Nick Pullen 2003: I am back at Oxford reading History, and was thrilled to receive “distinction,” or “firsts,” from my preliminary exams last year. I’m now entitled to wear special robes, and I also received a scholarship from the college. I live with five Liverpudlians and am busy rowing and performing in plays, including A Clockwork Orange at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. David Choo Chong 2004: I am completing my final year at Upper Canada College, where I am active in sports, music, and theatre. I plan to enter an Engineering program at university, and look forward to meeting up with my buddies from SHS. I still believe “McClintock Rocks!” Stephen Lewtas 2004: I graduated from Greenwood College School and am currently in my 2nd year of a Bachelor of Environmental Studies Honours Degree in Geography and Aviation at the University of Waterloo. This requires me to obtain my Commercial Pilot Licence. I have already obtained my Private Licence, and have flown to Val d’Or, Quebec, and back without an instructor. In October 2009, I won a $1,000 WestJet award for excellence in the aviation program. Jamie Lockie 2004: I attend Crescent School and in 2009 earned the Humanities and Social Sciences award for demonstrating leadership, dedication to community action, and commitment and understanding in addressing difficult social issues. Patrick Brown 2005: I attended De La Salle High School, graduating in 2010. I’m looking forward to playing football in University. Patrick Brown (left), Ian Robinson, and Patrick’s classmate, Skylar Continued on page 6 THE WHITE & BLUE 5 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:17 PM Continued from page 5 Michael Gray 2006: I was selected to play for the U18 Team Ontario (baseball) as a catcher. With the team, I’ve travelled to Kansas, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Florida. I’m also continuing as an Ontario Level 3 umpire before I head off to university. Harris Kaufman 2006: I was selected, along with my debating partner, to represent Ontario at the 2009 Canadian National Debating Championships, where I won an award for being the top debater in Ontario. I’m ranked 6th in Canada. Taylor Mackenzie 2006: I’m currently at Lakefield, but I spent some time in Bangkok doing community outreach. Brando Usher 2006: I’ll be graduating Taylor Mackenzie in Bangkok from The York School in June with my IB Diploma. I have received early acceptance from Dalhousie but so far am undecided. I am currently the Athletic Prefect for my school and the captain of the Basketball team. Daniel Fishbayn 2007: I have very fond memories of Sterling Hall. In particular, Mr. Coles and Mr. Hay’s classes underscored a common, underlying value, which has become a personal motto for me: Question everything – and learn everything first, so that you are qualified to question it. David Merrithew 2007: I completed Grade 9 and 10 at Crescent. Because I wanted to develop my love of rugby, I transferred to Shawnigan Lake School in BC, where rugby is played at a very elite level. My local club is the Toronto Scottish and I will play for them again when I return to Toronto this summer. I was selected to play for Canada at the U17 level in England, where my team played Portugal, Italy, and Scotland. We currently have eight boys from my school playing for Canada. My plans are to go to Queen’s to study and to continue playing rugby. Neilan Freyne 2009: Last summer I explored Vietnam, Laos, and Page 6 Cambodia with my family and took a number of hikes to visit tribal families, which I very much enjoyed. I’m now at Crescent. Brendan Roberts 2012: I performed on stage with the Canadian Children’s Opera Company last season at the Four Seasons Centre in the COC’s production of La Boheme. Devlin DeFrancesco 2014: I’ve been competing in a variety of races around the US, including the Florida Winter Tour, where I finished fourth. In August 2009, I won the Canadian National Karting Championship at Goodwood Kartways in the Micro-Max class. Since then, I’ve begun school at St. Anthony’s Academy in South Florida, and am looking forward to more national and international competitions. Old Boy sightings at SHS Spencer Barton 2007: Spencer came in to work with the Grade 8 boys on a drama/acting lesson as they concluded their Shakespeare studies. It was a special treat to watch Spencer, just two years into his high school career at RSGC, play the role of teacher in the very class where he was so recently a student. Mark Horner 2007: was here with his mom, Robin Horner, to drop off old SHS uniforms. Mark is at Crescent and his older brother, Philip, is finishing at Neuchâtel this year. Mark and Robin are going over for his graduation. Sam Harris 2008 and Avery Shopsowitz 2008: came in during their Passover Break from CHAT to do some volunteer work for Mr. Coles and the Art Department for their Community Service hours. Drew Findlay Black, Braden Lyons, and Saunder Waterman, 2009 (pictured here with Braden’s father, Randy Lyons) had a great season with the UCC Junior Varsity football team in the fall of 2009. UCC ended up winning the CISAA championship, beating St. Mike’s College for the first time in years, and UCC went all the way to the Metro Bowl semi-finals. SHS Tennis Summer Camp 2009 Our Old Boys came back to help Mr. Coles out with the SHS Tennis Summer Camp. Back row (left to right): Trevor Booth 2009, Justin Polan 2009, Mr. Coles, Duncan Bull 2004, Alex Marks 2006 Front row (left to right): Greg Walker 2009, Seth Kovnats 2002, Liam Oldershaw 2009, Drew Findlay Black 2009 6 W W W. S T E R L I N G H A L L . C O M A N E M A I L F RO M A B ROA D Hey Mr. Robinson and Mr. Coles, So I am attending Neuchâtel Junior College in Switzerland right now…. I’m writing on three agendas: (1) maybe you could update some buddies that are going to the upcoming reunion; (2) to update you guys on what I am doing this year; and (3) to tell you how much I thank both of you for being a huge changing point in my life. I remember arriving at Sterling Hall and somehow causing trouble and having to deal with Mr. Macdonald. He looked me in the eye and could tell that I meant well, but didn't know better. I looked him back and said I promise I will try my best to be better. I think that I kept my promise to some extent (other than the occasional hair dispute)…. I can honestly say that a huge building block in my life was the Temagami trip with Mr. Coles and Mr. Jacobs (as Mr. Coles would refer to him). One day, it was pouring rain and Adam was acting up and Mr. Coles associated Adam and I, so he forced us to build a tent together. I remember struggling through the rain and finally building it up and after that we knew how to build a tent. Life doesn’t come at you with flying colours, you work for something and eventually you will achieve it. There are obviously so many teachers that changed my life, but looking back, this School did an outstanding job in forming who I am today and I would really like to thank both of you for that. During my stay at Neuchâtel I will be going to Kenya with Free the Children to build a school. I am looking forward to this and have been since Grades 6, 7, and 8, when the Kielburgers came to our School…. Hope this gives a good update of my life. Be well, Noah Sliwin 2006 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:17 PM Page 7 S P E C I A L V I S I TO R S SHS hosts VIP visits From artists to athletes, educators to rock bands, our special guests this past year have informed and delighted all of us at SHS. Dan Bergeron Alan November On October 19, 2009, the Grade 8 students had the privilege of spending time with Visiting Artist Dan Bergeron. Mr. Bergeron (a.k.a. “fauxreel”) has spent the better part of a decade creating thought-provoking, photobased street artwork. The students viewed his art and learned about his techniques – and are now planning some public art installations of their own! Thanks to the Visiting Artists Committee – Alison McDonald, Donna Poile, and Mary Dawn Thomson – for making Dan’s visit possible. A whirlwind of big ideas and provocative questions, Allan November thrives on confirming and challenging educators’ thoughts about what’s possible in the world of teaching and learning. On January 4, 2010, Mr. November made a special presentation on technology in education, entitled “Transforming the Culture of Teaching and Learning”, co-organized by The Sterling Hall School, Branksome Hall, and Upper Canada College. Mr. November also conducted a parent address at Branksome Hall in the evening, and led a second professional development session for Faculty and Staff of the three schools at SHS the following day. Dr. Chris Spence Adam van Koeverden Adam van Koeverden became a World Champion by capturing gold in the K-1 500m and silver in the K-1 1000m at the 2007 Canoe Kayak World Championships in Duisburg, Germany. In May 2009, he visited SHS to speak to our student body about Right to Play, an athlete-driven humanitarian organization that uses specially-designed sport and play programs to improve health, build life skills, and foster peace for children and communities affected by war, poverty, and disease. The Sterling Institute, in collaboration with The Sterling Hall School, hosted an appearance by Dr. Christopher Spence – newly appointed Director of Education of the Toronto District School Board and author of The Joys of Teaching Boys – on January 13, 2010. Dr. Spence has put forward the idea of a boysonly school for Toronto. Dr. Spence addressed the SHS community in a special student assembly to which Parents were invited, and discussed the School’s Character Education Program with a group of our students. Circa Survive Many boys dream of recording a CD. That dream became reality for several of our students. It all began when David Bottrill, a multi-Grammy award winning producer (and Mr. Robinson’s son-in-law), approached the Music Department about the possibility of assembling a choir of boys to sing back-up vocals on a CD. And so, on Friday, October 30, 2009, a group of 17 Sterling Hall boys from Grade 4-8 assembled in the Sullivan Music Centre for a recording session with Circa Survive, an experimental rock band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The session was a success: Mr. Bottrill and the band were pleased with the boys’ work, and we were proud of the fine way in which they represented The Sterling Hall School. Look for Circa Survive’s latest CD release, available soon! The Sterling Institute expands its reach The Sterling Institute for Excellence in Boys’ Education is the outreach vehicle of The Sterling Hall School, a centre of expertise whose goal is to share research and resources from around the globe that encourage excellence in the teaching of boys. In April, the Institute also hosted two new “ThinkTanks”: The Sterling Institute continues to expand its reach into the educational community: Dr. Christopher Spence spent a morning at The Sterling Hall School, drawn by the innovative mission of the Institute; the Principals of Bishop Strachan and St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn have also visited our School; and Branksome Hall has proposed a “collaborative relationship” with the Institute to pursue best practices in the • “Hearts & Minds – the Emotional Lives of Students,” facilitated by Dr. Spence and Dr. David Booth of OISE. teaching and learning of both boys and girls. • “Our Schools for Earthlings” for teachers and administrators with an environmental responsibility in their schools, featuring speaker Doug Blakey, former Principal of UCC and now a consultant on green schools. We encourage you to participate in Institute events. You can stay up-to-date by visiting THE WHITE & BLUE 7 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/21/10 5:17 PM Page 8 S TA F F A N D F A C U LT Y N E W S A N D S T O R I E S Staff & Faculty News Honours Welcomes Tim Nahachewsky, Alison Carrie, Science Teacher, was awarded the Robotics Adult / Coach / Mentor Award, Toronto Regional 2009. Farewells Olympic Flame casts its light on SHS Grade 6 and Social Studies Michael Eben, Grade 8 French Mark Brown is teaching Celebrations Elizabeth Gray, Sarah Claydon Grade 5 and her husband, Peter, welcomed their first child, Sam, in June 2009. (returning from a leave of absence) Drew Gulyas Tena Laing, and his wife, Hilary Smith, welcomed Ruby, their second daughter and little sister to Charlotte, age 3, in August 2009. Grades 4-7 French (returning from a leave of absence) Kim Martin, Communications Assistant Cathy Reeves, former Executive Director of Advancement, became a grandmother for the second time. The family welcomed Jameson Truscott Kester, born 7 lbs, 7 ozs.,in August 2009. Lorna Pitcher, returning as part-time Admissions tester Lana Tancredi, JK Grade 5 at Somersfield Academy in Bermuda. Ernesto Pereira retired as Custodian after being part of The Sterling Hall community since 1992. He was loved and appreciated by all, and his generous spirit and willingness to help out at any time made him a valued member of SHS. He is now enjoying his time at home with his wife and family. We wish him well! Pamela Robinson is taking a year’s leave of absence and has started her Masters Degree in Education at OISE, University of Toronto. Viktor Sosic married Lillian Ferreira, a teacher at Archbishop Romero Catholic Secondary School, in October 2009. Angie Vallier, After 4 Supervisor Twelve thousand torchbearers participated in the Olympic Flame’s historic 45,000kilometre journey. We are proud that our very own Joel Brough, Health and Physical Education Co-ordinator, was one of those who carried the torch for Canada. “My 300-metre run with the torch, on Day 33 of the 106-day relay, took me to Chicoutimi, Quebec. The landscape and scenery along the shores of the St. Lawrence River were beautiful. Moreover, it was special to have my mother and nieces as a part of the event. It brought back some amazing memories of competing at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, where, during the Opening Ceremonies, an archer shot a flaming arrow over the cauldron to light it. Being a small piece of this long-held tradition for the Olympic host nation was a great experience — one I will remember for years to come.” Some smooth sailing by “Capt. Nicoll” and crew KATIE NICOLL AND HER THREE CREW MEMBERS CAME 16 / 35 IN THE 2009 ROLEX INTERNATIONAL WO MEN’S KEELBOAT CHAMPIONSHIP LAST OCTOBER. HERE ARE HIGHLIGHTS FROM HER CAPTAIN’S LOG. Katie Coleman Nicoll, Amada Karahanas, Gayle Gray, Clarity Nicoll DAY 1: The day dawned with no wind, but we had high hopes. The support boats 8 towed us all out to the starting line, several miles offshore, at 0845 hours. We bobbed around for three hours, until racing was postponed and then cancelled for the day. DAY 3: Too tired from the previous day’s excitement… DAY 2: The morning dawned with huge waves and a 15-knot breeze out of the northwest. DAY 4: We started the day in a five-way tie for 16th It was hard to find a place where you weren’t thrown around and almost out of the boat. We rounded the first mark in the top 10, then the breeze lightened up and we slipped back into the 20s to finish. But we finished both Race 5 and Race 6 in the top 10. Clarity did a spectacular job on the bow — almost falling off the boat in the last race! place, and finished 16th overall, meeting our goal of being in the top half of the fleet. A great accomplishment, especially since ours was one of the few teams to have never raced together or raced the boat in a regatta. W W W. S T E R L I N G H A L L . C O M no entry today! 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/22/10 7:01 PM Page 9 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2010! We wish you success in everything you do and hope that you remember your time at Sterling Hall with fondness. Keep in touch with all of your friends here, including your classmates, your teachers, and the Advancement Office. OLD BOYS PUB NIGHT — CHEERS! On Thursday, May 28, 2009, SHS Old Boys, teachers, and friends met up at Scallywags Restaurant and Bar in Toronto for the first SHS Old Boys Pub Night in many years. Old Boys from 1996 to 2003 came out to reconnect and say hello to their former teachers. “It’s a little bit odd, but very cool,” said Luke Coles, Grade 8 teacher and VP of Student Life, “to share a beer with a kid you still see as 13. It’s amazing how little they have changed — just larger versions of themselves.” Principal Ian Robinson dropped by to shake some hands and see what the boys were up to. “The establishment of what becomes a tradition is always interesting. Judging by the warm feeling and loud conversations, this one will continue for a long time.” James Macdonald,VP of Administration, was also there. “It’s about time this tradition took off,” he said. “I’m already looking forward to next year.” Don’t miss this year’s Old Boys Pub Night — flip to the back page for details! Information about other Old Boys events coming soon! Front row (left to right): Andrew Allan, Grade 7 Teacher; Peter Parente, Past Faculty; David Woodruff 2003; James Macdonald, VP Administration; Peter Ambachtsheer 2003; Principal Ian Robinson; James Stewart, Past Faculty; Luke Coles,VP Student Life; Evan Anthony 2004 Back row (left to right): Chris Bowlby 2003; Liam Connor 2003; James Hay, Grade 8 Teacher; Raz Koren 2002; Evan Barootes 2003; Leslie Ann Dexter, VP Academics; Jame Zaiyouna 1999. Present, but not in photo: Ari Kopolovic 1996 From page one to the next chapter by KC Daya 1994 It has been more than 15 years since I walked the halls of SHS as a student, but the memories are still fresh. Back then, it was an up-and-coming school, still earning its respect amongst the older peer schools. The year was 1994, and our class of nine boys would be the first Grade 8 cohort this School had ever seen graduate. Our make-shift classroom doubled as the Lunch Room and the Art Room, and I believe it was Mr. Allan’s inaugural year (although curiously, he still looks the same!). Everyone played on every sports team — sometimes we were short a player — and Karate was mandatory. It was the year they created the Computer Room, we learned how to use MS-DOS, and we had floppy disks that were five inches wide! Everything was new as the School moved into uncharted territory, trying to deliver the best experience for the first Grade 8 class. After SHS, I spent five years at UCC, a School that quite possibly has more to offer than any boy really needs to reach his full potential. Then on to McGill for a BSc. Just when I thought I would never go back to school, I decided to go to Schulich for an MBA and then the CFA. It would appear that I put a high value on education! As SHS now prepares for its next growth spurt, potentially a secondary school, I am privileged to be on the Task Force that will determine the feasibility of this project. It is truly amazing to see how the story has unfolded: that little school in North York has matured, as have I. We are now about to embark on a new chapter, and it is going to be an exciting one! G R E E N S C H O O L TA S K F O R C E S E T S P R I O R I T I E S In October of 2009, an environmentally minded group of Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff, plus Old Boy Jame Zaiyouna 1999 – known collectively as the Green School Task Force – met to determine what projects they would undertake this school year. Following a lively discussion, three areas of greatest priority for SHS emerged: 1. The EcoSchools program. Under this government program, already underway at SHS, a school can be certified as an EcoSchool by assessing and improving its environmental footprint in four areas: waste management, energy conservation, school greening, and curriculum. 2. Food Services. We will look for ways to offer more local and less packaged food at the Blue Window. 3. Green Family Resources. This involves setting up a system to share green tips amongst SHS families. These initiatives will help SHS students and their families contribute to a greener future. THE WHITE & BLUE 9 55782_SHS_Mag.qxd:SHS_Mag 4/22/10 7:05 PM Page 10 THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL Old Boys Pub Night ALL SHS OLD BOYS UP TO THE CLASS OF 2004 Reconnect with your old teachers and friends — and share stories of adventures new and old — over complimentary munchies and drinks. SC ALLYWAGS B AR AND RESTAURANT 11 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST (YONGE AND ST CLAIR) THURSDAY MAY 27, 2010 • 6:30PM – 8:00PM (REMEMBER, YOU MUST BE 19 OR OLDER TO ATTEND.) RSVP THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE • TELEPHONE: 416.785.3490 x 347 ADVANCEMENT@STERLINGHALL.COM OR REGISTER ONLINE WWW.STERLINGHALL.COM, SHS COMMUNITY, EVENT REGISTRATION THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL Invites You Old Boys Back to Your Old School HELP US TELL THE STERLING HALL SCHOOL JOIN US FOR DINNER PLAY BASKETBALL IN THE EATON SHIER GYM JAM WITH THE BOYS IN THE SULLIVAN MUSIC CENTRE GET CREATIVE IN THE POILE ART STUDIO DISCOVER SOMETHING NEW IN THE PRYDE SCIENCE LAB AND RECONNECT WITH YOUR OLD TEACHERS AND FRIENDS! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2010, 6:30PM – 8:00PM RSVP THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE • TELEPHONE: 416.785.3490 x 347 ADVANCEMENT@STERLINGHALL.COM OR REGISTER ONLINE WWW.STERLINGHALL.COM, SHS COMMUNITY, EVENT REGISTRATION Archival contributions from students are a big part of Old Boy events at independent boys’ schools around the world. These items trigger many happy memories when they are displayed. SHS Old Boys, especially, love to look back at their time spent at school. At the moment, our archival collection reflects a limited portrayal of student life over the School’s history. Please help us ensure that the archival collection better reflects the reason we are all here! What can be submitted to the archives? • • • • • • • • Uniform pieces Trophies Photo albums Report cards Photographs of students and teachers Event posters and invitations Yearbook – 1994 Any items from 1987-1999 If you would like to donate any of these items to the SHS Archives, please contact us at We also welcome Old Boys to join our celebration at our Annual Founder’s Day Terry Fox Run on Friday, October 8, 2010, 9:00am – noon. Look for the SHS Old Boys Tent!