Knightly News - Stamford High School


Knightly News - Stamford High School
Knightly News
February—March 2011
The Newsletter for the Families and
Friends of Stamford High School (FOSH)
Having a connection to a local business always makes
it easier to ask for donations and we would love your help
to solicit donations of gift certificates for landscaping/nurseries, golf, movie tickets etc. or gift cards
for things such as restaurants, beauty/nail salons,
car washes, oil changes. If you have a business
that can donate products for either event we
would be most grateful. Items such as small electronics (e.g. GPS, digital cameras) concert tickets and
sporting event tickets or small accessories such as
clothing or jewelry are great items for both events.
Every year FOSH organizes two very important events
that benefit our students: The Fashion Show and
the After Prom Party. The Fashion Show (where our
Juniors and Seniors strut their stuff in the latest fashions
for Prom and beyond) helps to fund the After Prom
Party by raffling baskets of amazing donated prizes. And
After Prom (a party produced and run by over 100 parent volunteers which takes place immediately after the
Senior Prom) allows us to provide the kids with a
safe, fun and completely entertaining environment
where they are able to bid on fabulous prizes at no cost
to them.
The Fashion Show is also looking for anyone
who may be able to subsidize the cost of printing
the program this year.
Please let us know if you are able to help us -these 2 events are very special to the SHS community and
are forever remembered by those that attend and volunteer.
Thank you for your continued support of
Stamford High School!
Hazel Katz - Co-Chair Fashion Show 203-322-8580
Randi Leeds - Chair After Prom 203-329-0377
The Friends of Stamford High (FOSH ) is a member of the
Stamford Parent Teacher Council
Vol. 22 Number 3
Dear Parents & Friends:
May this season of peace and new beginnings bring you and your
loved ones happiness and hope for the New Year. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your warm welcome, for the parenting and support you bestow upon our students, for your tenacious
efforts to move our school forward and last but not least, for the
collegiality you share with each of us.
Special thanks:
To FOSH for all the work they do; their patience, dedication
and contributions to SHS;
To parents, guardians and family members who care about
the academic, physical and emotional health of our students;
To the community for your support of SHS: the Veteran’s who
visit us and share their stories, offering hope for a bright future to many of our students; to the many volunteers who
offer countless hours to our student organizations, sports
teams and clubs;
And last, but not least to our students, faculty, administration,
BOE members and staff for their uncompromising dedication.
Our teachers and administration have been busy with continuing
work in professional learning communities where they address school
wide strategies for teaching and learning as part of our SIP (School
Improvement Plan). Our administrative team spends a great deal of
their time visiting classrooms, assisting with student issues and working to improve school climate.
Our school Data Team is hard at work addressing school wide
data of both formative and summative assessments to help in better
reaching all students’ needs. We are beginning to address the work
that will need to be accomplished as we prepare for our 2013 NEASC
visit. I will be reaching out for parent and community volunteers to be
part of this important undertaking. Please let me know if you would
have the time once a month to meet for a couple of hours as part of
this committee.
Winter sports are well underway; our band and theater groups are
working hard to prepare for their next events. Did you know that the
SHS Band was afforded the honor of playing at the Governor’s Inauguration earlier this month? We are so proud of them!
Please encourage your student to work harder than ever as we
enter the last semester. Many of our seniors have already been
accepted to their colleges of choice, while other still wait for early
spring acceptances. Please remind our tenth graders that CAPT
testing is just around the corner. Testing begins in early March, shortly
after winter vacation and I especially need your help in encouraging
students to do their very best. It is time to bring SHS back onto the list
of high performing high schools. It may take a few years, but I am truly
confident that we will accomplish this feat if we all work together.
Shortly, I will be setting up a Principal’s Blog on the SHS website,
stay tuned. I would also like to invite parents for morning coffee, starting in February. On the first Tuesday of the month, February 1, March
1, April 5 etc. please join me at 7AM in the rear office area.
Stay warm, have a great couple of months ahead and call or visit
anytime. Thank you!
“Excellence is to do a common
thing in an uncommon way.”
- B.T. Washington
Knightly News Page 2
Dear Parents,
On behalf of FOSH, we would like to wish all of the Stamford
High School students, parents and faculty members a very
Happy New Year. We are ready for the upcoming months of
fun and exciting activities, including:
The annual Junior/Senior SHS Fashion Show
Dare to Dream: Presentation of Grants to Teachers
FOSH Scholarships
Student Faculty Basketball Game: Date will be announced.
After-Prom Party
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Celebration of Service
To find out more about these events, please visit the school
website at
Best wishes for a Happy New Year,
Hazel Katz & Deena Brodie— FOSH Co-Presidents
Thursday, March 10, 2011
SHS Auditorium (Snow date: 3/11)
Rehearsals will take place on: Feb. 3rd, 10th,
17th, March 3rd, 9th.
The committee for this fabulous annual event could use
your help! There are numerous
jobs to choose from which
range in time commitment
from just a few hours on the
night of the show, to assisting
with the planning and preparation leading up to the
big event. If you are interested in volunteering
please call Anne Palumbo at 203-322-5705.
Join us for a fun-filled night at SHS on March 10th!
Request for Food Donations for Special Education
Vocational Communications Skills Class
The Special Education Vocational Communication skills
class is developing a Food Bank. The goal of this
program is independence in daily living skills, with a
concentration on food preparation. In order to support
the students endeavor to continue this weekly activity,
the class is in need of donations, non-perishables items
such as: sugar, flour, vegetable oil, pie fillings, Bisquick,
juices, rice. All donations are welcomed, including
perishable items which are utilized weekly. Items may
be dropped off in Rm.234 by contacting Sue Chandler or
Helen Wiess at 977-4591. Thank you so much for your
consideration and support.
February—March 2011
California Pizza Kitchen
Feb 16 & March 16
Grab some friends and come have dinner (or lunch since
it’s early dismissal) at CPK (located in the Stamford
Town Center) and 20% of your bill will be donated to
FOSH! Look for a flyer on the SHS website. (Must
present the flyer to get credit).
Promote your Business & Give Back to SHS!
Robustelli Merchandise Services is pleased to offer a
unique program that can help raise funds for FOSH. When
you purchase promotional items or gifts for your business,
association or organization, Robustelli will
donate 10% to Stamford High! For more information,
please contact: Tina Salvatore (SHS parent!), at
203-905-8108 or
Shop at Target and earn money for FOSH! If you have a Target Visa
Credit or Target Debit card, why not designate Stamford High as its
beneficiary? For all purchases made AT Target with your card, 1% of
your purchases is donated to SHS. For all purchases made outside of
Target with your card, ½% of your purchases are donated to
SHS. Visit the Target site,
corporate/page.jsp?contentId=PRD03-005174 to enroll!
Stop & Shop, A+ Program
Just shop for groceries as you normally would and help our
school! Log onto
bonus_bucks/designate_school.htm?execution=e1s1 to register your Stop n Shop card (this needs to be done each fall) and
select Stamford High (you can select up to 3 schools per
year). A portion of your spending goes towards SHS.
Toner & Cell Phone Recycling
FOSH is participating in the FundingFactory® Recycling Program! Please
donate your empty printer cartridges and used cell phones to our school
and we’ll take it from there! We will recycle the cartridges and cell phones
through FundingFactory to earn needed dollars. Cell phones and cartridges can
be dropped off at SHS in RM. 162 (which is located in Center Hall, next to the
Main Office and the Career Center).
FundingFactory also sponsors a businesses support program, where
your employer can help out our school without spending a cent. FREE
prepaid shipping labels can be sent, free of charge, directly to any
business, organization or other facility within the continental United
States. please call FundingFactory toll-free at 1.888.883.8237. Give the
customer service representative our school identification number, 49621 and
they’ll set you up to support our account.
FOSH Scholarship applications will soon be available in the
Guidance Office. Each year, FOSH awards scholarships to
deserving college-bound seniors who have served their school
and community.
February—March 2011
Knightly News Page 3
Parents of Seniors
Be sure to complete FAFSA online ASAP. File ASAP even
if taxes are not done. Use estimates. Get PIN numbers
March 12 @ WHS; deadline is Feb. 25
April 8 @ WHS; deadline is March 4
Important Dates
Upcoming in February - class scheduling for the 2011-12
school year.
Feb 16: Parent Conference Day, 1-5 pm
CAPT Testing will begin the first week of March
New college application software is now available to Stamford
High students. This software makes the college application
virtually paper-free. It’s very easy to use and puts the application
process on a level playing field for the first time.
The Naviance software lists every U.S. and international
college, university and vocational school and includes information on
financial aid, summer enrichment programs, guidance counseling
and score reporting. It also tells the applicant how his grades and
SAT scores compare with students accepted at the school.
Every student the Stamford school system and their families will
be given an access code to the program. Ferguson Library offers free
workshops on Naviance. Please check their website for dates and
SHS Media Center Offers Library & Computer Resources,
Homework Help for Students Before & After School
Library Hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 6:30am-3:15pm
Wed & Fri: 6:30am-2:20pm
After School Math Tutoring & Homework Help Available
Mon (Mrs. Schell), Tues & Thurs (Mr. Odoom)
Nat’l Honor Society Students, Ms. George & Mrs. Martinez are also
available to assist.
Strawberry Hill Players
The Strawberry Hill Players hilarious Improvisational
Comedy troop, Strawberry Hill Improv Players (SHIP) will
perform on February 4th & April 29th at 8pm in room 101 (small
Join us for our 2nd Annual Cabaret Night Fundraiser—
performing will be current SHS, WHS & AITE students and alumni.
Feb. 5th @ 7:30pm at Curtain Call Theatre.
SHP will again be competing in the CT Drama Festival on
March 25-26. A special preview of The Effect of Gamma Rays on
Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds will be performed at SHS on March
19th @ 8pm.
The spring musical this year will be “Grease”, to be performed May 6,7, 13 & 14 at 8pm. A special showing of the
Grease “Sing-A-Long” will be co-produced with and held at the
Avon Theatre at 7:30pm on March 30th as a fundraiser.
Watch the Black Knights in Action This Season
Varsity HOME game schedules for Feb & March
Boys Basketball: 2/14 vs WHS; 2/21 vs Trinity, 2/23, all at 7PM
Girls Basketball: 2/1 (5:30), 2/4 (5:30), 2/8 (5:30), 2/11 (6:00),
2/26 (5:30)
Wrestling: 2/1 (6:00)
Boys Hockey at Terry Connors Rink:
2/2 (6:30), 2/9 (6:00), 2/19 (8:30), 2/23 (8:00)
Girls JV Hockey (Co-op team with WHS) at Terry Connors:
2/5 (8:30), 2/9 (8:00), 2/16 (8:30)
Spring Sports Are Coming!
Boys Baseball begins March 14th.
Boys and Girls Lacrosse, Tennis, Track, Golf and Girls Softball
All begin March 21
Congratulations to SHS Award-Winning Fall Athletes
Girls Soccer
Meghan McGrath—2nd Team All FCIAC
Angela Altamura, Claire Hosinski, Alyssa Stern—Honorable Mention
Field Hockey - Western Division Champs
Morgan Gulliver—All FCIAC, 1st Team All-State, All-State
Scholar Athlete
Kelsey Cognetta, Maddy Burns, Katie Builes—All West
Katie Builes—2nd Team All-State
Chelsea Sciarretta, Jasmine Li—Honorable Mention
Matt Corcoran, Mark Robinson, Ruben Pierre-Louis—All FCIAC
1st Team Defense
Mark Seward, Guarien Horton—2nd Team All FCIAC
Guarien Horton—Volvo Player of the Week
Bryan Boderick—2nd Team All FCIAC
Coach Bryan Hoctor—NY Giants Coach of the Week
Danielle Jordine—All FCIAC 1st Team, Blue Streak Player of the Week,
WSTC/WNLK Player of the Week, Team MVP
Laurie Pochette—All FCIAC Honorable Mention, October FCIAC
Scholar Athlete, Team Coaches Award
Boys Soccer
Michael Altamura—All FCIAC West
Girls Swimming
Victoria McGovern—All FCIAC
Diane Yang—October FCIAC Scholar Athlete
The Marching Band had a successful season under the leadership of
our new Director George Beratis. They were honored with an invitation
from Governor Malloy to play at his inaguaration parade in Harford.
Concert Band and Jazz Band put on an amazing show for the Winter
Concert with over 200 family and friends in attendance.
Congratulations to Raymond Uymatiao, Harry Kliewe and Rainer
Moy-Huwyler for making Western Regionals!
The Jazz Band will be participating in the Berklee Jazz Festival
on 3/5 and the Westconn Jazz Festival on 4/29.
The Winter Percussion ensemble is hard at work rehearsing their
2011 show, "Gracefully Insane" and will compete again at the WGI World
Championships in Dayton, OH in April. Please come to our home show
on April 2 at SHS.
On 3/4 we will be hosting our third annual Winter Wonderland Dinner Dance and Silent Auction at the K of C in Stamford. It is open to the
community. For ticket information or to donate a raffle prize, we can be
reached at Anyone interested in joining
the band program can contact George Beratis at 203 977-4306.
February 2011
March 2011
2nd Q Report Cards Mailed
SHIP, 8pm, Auditorium
Cabaret Night @ Curtain Call Theatre
FOSH Meeting, 7pm, Rm 725
Early Release—Parent Teacher Confs.
California Pizza Kitchen Fundraiser
Winter Recess No School
CAPT Testing
3rd Q Progress Reports Mailed
FOSH Meeting @ 7pm, Rm 725
Jr-Sr Fashion Show, 7pm, Auditorium
Early Release—Staff Development
California Pizza Kitchen Fundraiser
The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the
-Moon Marigolds, 8pm, Auditorium
Spring Sports Practices begin (Baseball 3/14)
Grease Sing-A-Long, 8pm, Avon Theatre
The Knightly News wants to hear from you!
Please send your story ideas, comments or questions to
Or call: Hillary Gaizler, 461-9447 or Suzanne Fruithandler, 322-4712.
Stamford High School
55 Strawberry Hill Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902
Look inside for important
Guidance dates, fundraisers,
club Information & more!!!
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