File - St Turibius Parish


File - St Turibius Parish
March 27, 2016
27 de Marzo de 2016
27 Marca 2016
St. Turibius Church
A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago
La Iglesia de Sto. Toribio
Una Parroquia Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago
Kościół Św. Turibiusza
Domingo de Pascua
Easter Sunday
Rzymsko Katolicka Parafia Archidiecezji w Chicago
Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacraficed,
let us then feast with joy in the Lord.
Cristo, nestro cordero pascual, ha sido inmolado,
celebramos, pues, la Pascua.
Chrystus został ofiarowany jako nasza Pascha
Odprawiajmy nasze świeto w Panu.
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As we celebrate Easter today, I want to share with you some quotes from St. Augustine. It is my hope
that these quotes will help us all to reflect upon and live out the Easter Mystery.
Walking by faith, let us do good works. In these let there be a free love of God for His own sake and
an active love for our neighbor.
(773) 581-2730 ext. 29
For there is nothing we can do for God. But because we have something we can do for our neighbor,
we shall by our good offices to the needy gain the favor of Him Who is the source of all abundance.
Let us then do what we can for others; let us freely bestow on the needy out of our abundance.
-Sermon 49. 1
Face the world as you face a tumultuous and tempestuous sea. Sail across this world in the boat of
your interior peacefulness, without losing sight of the harbor.
When the strong winds of its desires try to take hold of you, call for help and awake Christ sleeping in
the cabin of your heart. - Sermon 76, 9
(773) 581-2730 ext. 17
Do you know who the upright of heart are? They are those who wish what God wishes. Therefore, do
not try to twist God’s will to your own but correct your will to that of God.
The will of God is a rule of conduct. By it you have the means of being converted and of correcting
your evil ways. - Commentary of Psalm 93, 18
Let those who are quicker than others in understanding reflect that they are walking along the road
together with those who are slower. When one is faster than a companion it is in the power of the
faster to allow the slower to catch up, not vice versa.
If the faster walks with all possible speed, the slower will not succeed in following. The faster must
slow the pace so as not to abandon the slower companion. - Commentary on Psalm 90 (2), 1
(773) 581-2730 ext. 15
4pm Saturday
6:45 am and 11 am
5-6pm Saturday
(773) 581-2730
Rev. William Lego, OSA
“Renew My Church” Survey
Archbishop Cupich wants your input. When Archbishop Cupich announced the
“Renew My Church” initiative in January, he invited everyone in the Archdiocese of
Chicago to participate in the process of revitalizing our parish communities. Just as
Pope Francis asked Catholics across the globe for their input prior to the Synod of
Bishops meetings in 2014 and 2015, Archbishop Cupich is asking for your help as the
Archdiocese begins a new listening phase of this important effort. Please take time
to respond to a survey designed to help Archbishop Cupich and the Archdiocese
Please take time to respond to a survey designed to help Archbishop Cupich and the
Archdiocese better understand the perspectives of Catholics across Cook and Lake
The survey will be available beginning on Easter Sunday at:
We encourage you to complete the survey online.
Paper copies will be available.
We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish.
Del Escritorio del Párroco
Estimados Hermandos/as en Cristo,
En este día de la Pascua de la Resurrección del Señor, quiero compartir con ustedes algunos citas
de San Agustín. Es la esperanza mia que estas citas nos ayuden de refleccionar y vivir los misterios
profundos de esta celebración.
(773) 581-2730 ext. 29
Caminemos por medio de la fe, hagamos obras buenas. En éstas actuemos del tal modo que sea
un amor libre pare Dios y un amor activo para el prójimo. Pues nada podemos hacer por Dios. Pero
haciendo algo por el prójimo, con nuestras obras de bien hacía los necesitados.
Aquel que es la fuente de la abundancia. Por tanto, hagamos lo que podamos, demos libremente a
los necesitados aquello en lo que abundamos. - Sermones 49, 1
Sacramentos en
los domingos
los sábados
el segundo domingo de
cada mes a las 2:00PM.
Tiene que registrarse en
la oficina parroquial.
Celebraciones de
Bodas y Quinceaños
tiene que hacer una cita
con un sacerdote para
arreglar su boda o su
misa de quinceaños.
Favor de no reserve un
salón antes de hablar con
el sacerdote.
(773) 581-2730
Afronta el mundo igual que afrontas el mar en tempestad y cuando tu corazón esté agitado por la
concupiscencia, pide ayuda y despierta a Cristo que duerme en tu corazón.
Aprende a pisotear el mundo y recuerda tener confianza en tu Señor. - Sermones 76, 9
¿Sabes quiénes son los que tienen el corazón recto? Son los que desean lo que Dios desea. Por
eso no quieras torcer el querer de Dios, sino corrige tu querer según el de Dios.
El querer de Dios es una regla de comportamiento de la que tomas los medios para convertirte y
para corregir tus errores. - Enarraciones sobre el salmo 93, 18.
Los que son más rápidos que los demás para entender reflexionan sobre el hecho que están caminando a lo largo del camino junto a quien es lento. Cuando uno es más veloz que su compañero es
él quien debe permitir al otro el alcanzarlo, no al revés.
Si el más veloz camina lo más rápido posible, el más lento nunca logrará seguirlo: al contrario, debe
hacer lento el paso para no abandonarlo. - Enarraciones sobre el salmo 90, 1.
Pd Guillermo Lego, OSA
“Renueva Mi Iglesia” Enquesta
El Arzobispo Cupich quiere conocer su opininon. Cuando el Arzobispo Cupich
anuncia la iniciativa “Renueva Mi Iglesia” el pasado mes de enero, invita a todos
los miembros de la Arquidiocesis de Chicago a participar en el proceso de revilitarizar nuestras comunidades parroquiales. El mismo modo que el Papa Francisco pide
a los catolicos de todo el mundo que compartieran sus pensamientos y opiniones
antes del Snodo de los Obispos de 2014 y 2015, el Arzobispo Cupich esta pidiendo
su ayuda, ahora que la Arquidiocesis inicia una nueva fase de escucha como parte
de este importante esfuerzo. Por favor tome un tiempo para responder la encuesta
que ha sido diseñado para ayudar al Arzobispo. Cupich y a la Arquidiocesis a entender mejor los puntos de vista de los catolicos de los condados de Cook y Lake.
La encuesta estar disponible a partir del domingo de Pascua en: Lo animamos a completar la encuesta por Internet.
Tambin habr copias impresas.
Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia.
Od proboszcza biurka
Drodzy Bracia i Siostry w Chrystusie,
Podczas gdy świętujemy Wielkanoc, chciałbym podzielić się z wami kilkoma cytatami Św. Augustyna.
Mam nadzieję, że te cytaty zachęcą nas wszystkich do refleksji i do źycia w tajemnicy paschalnej.
Chodzenie w wierze, pomaga nam w czynieniu dobra. W nich niech będzie wolna miłość Boga do
Niego samego oraz w aktywnej miłości do bliźniego.
(773) 581-2730 ext. 29
Msza Sw
w każdą niedziele
3-cia sobota w
17:15 do 6:00 p.m.
Sakramenty w
języku polskim
chrzest, slub itp.
Prosze dzwonic
na plebanie
(773) 581-2730
Nie ma niczego co moglibyśmy zrobić dla Boga. Ale dlatego, że mamy coś, co możemy zrobić dla
naszego sąsiada/bliźniego, po przez nasze dobre usługi dla potrzebujących, wzmocni łaski Tego,
który jest źródłem wszelkiej obfitości. Rόbmy więc to co możemy zrobić dla innych, pozwalając nam
swobodnie obdarzyć potrzebujących w naszej obfitości. - Kazanie 41, 9
Stawiaj czoło światu, jak stawiasz czoło burzliwemu i nawalnemu morzu. Przepłyń przez ten świat w
łodzi swojego wewnętrznego spokoju, nie tracąc portu z oczu.
Gdy silne wiatry pragnień będą próbować cię zchwytać, wezwij pomocy i wzbudź Chrystusa śpiącego
w kabinie twojego serca. - Kazanie 76, 9
Czy wiesz, kto jest prawego serca? Są to ci, którzy chcą tego co chce Bóg. Dlatego nie próbuj
przekręcać woli Bożej, aby poprawić własną, zato zamień swoją wolę w wolę Bożą.
Wola Boga jest regułą postępowania. Według niego masz środki aby przemienić się i poprawić swoje
złe drogi. - Relacja z Psalmu 93, 18
Niech ci, którzy są szybsi niż inni w zrozumieniu, odzwierciedlają to że idą wzdłuż tej samej drogi
wraz z tymi, którzy są wolniejśi. Kiedy jeden jest szybszy od swego towarzysza, jest to w mocy
szybszego, aby umożliwić wolniejszego aby mόgł dogonić go, a nie odwrotnie.
Jeśli szybszy idzie ze wszelką moźliwą prędkością, wolniejszy nie nadąży za nim. Szybszy musi
zwolnić tempo, aby nie porzucić wolniejszego towarzysza. - Relacja do Psalmu 90 ( 2 ) ,1
Ks. William Lego, OSA
From the Pastor’s Desk
Arcybiskup Cupich chciałby poznać Twoje zdanie! Kiedy, w styczniu Arcybiskup Cupich
ogłosił inicjatywę „Odnów mój Kościół” zaprosił wszystkich w Archidiecezji do
uczestnictwa w procesie umacniania naszych wspólnot parafialnych. Tak, jak Papież
Franciszek prosił katolików z całego świata, by wyrażali swoje opinie przed rozpoczęciem
spotkań Synodu Biskupów w 2014 i 2015 roku, tak Arcybiskup Cupich prosi o Twoją pomoc,
w momencie, kiedy Archidiecezja rozpoczyna nową fazę słuchania różnych opinii na temat
tego ważnego wydarzenia. Prosimy, abyście poświęcili trochę czasu odpowiadając na ankietę
stworzoną, jako pomoc dlaArcybiskupa Cupicha i Archidiecezji w lepszym zrozumieniu
perspektywy katolików z powiatów Cook i Lake.
Ankieta będzie dostępna począwszy od Niedzieli Wielkanocnej pod adresem:
Zachęcamy do wypełnienia jej w formie elektronicznej.
Ankiety w formie drukowanej będą dostępne.
Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w
naszej Parafi
Intentions for the Week
March/Marzo/Marca - 26th - Holy Saturday
8:00 AM: NO MASS
8:00 PM: Easter Blessings for Our Living and Deceased
Members of Our Parish
Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela
March/Marzo/Marca - 27th - Easter Sunday
6:45 AM: Easter Blessings for the Living and Deceased
Members of the Parish
8:00 AM: Easter Blessings for the Living and Deceased
Members of the Parish
9:30 AM: Easter Blessings for the Living and Deceased
Members of the Parish
11:00 AM: Easter Blessings for the Living and Deceased
Members of the Parish
1:00 PM: Easter Blessings for the Living and Deceased
Members of the Parish
March/Marzo/Marca - 28th
8:00 AM: + Joe Evans (Family) “21st Anniversary”
12:00 PM: + Bronislaw Bednarz (Janina & Piotr Kalata)
+ Johnny Maka (Mother)
+ Zdzislaw Slon (Wife)
March/Marzo/Marca - 29th
8:00 AM: + Sister Joan Marie Kryszak (Godowski Family)
“May the Angels Lead Her Into Paradise”
March/Marzo/Marca - 30th
8:00 AM: + Jan & Aniela Rutkowski (Family)
March/Marzo/Marca - 31st
8:00 AM: • Health and God’s Blessings for Michael
Nicholson (Friends)
April/Abril/Kwietnia - 1st
8:00 AM: + John Radovich (Wife & Son)
April/Abril/Kwietnia - 2nd
8:00 AM: • Health & God’s Blessings for the St. Anne
Society Members
4:00 PM: + John Gac (Family)
+ Dolores & Thomas Maza (Family)
+ Eugene Shinkus Sr. (Ken & Sue Shinkus)
+ Stanley & Marie Stocki (Son)
• Health & God’s Blessings for Celeste Gac
Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela
April/Abril/Kwietnia - 3rd
6:45 AM: + Antoinette Tribuani (Tribuani Family)
+ John & Domenica Deskovic (Daughter)
• In Appreciation for Witold Socha
• Birthday Blessings for Sophie & Dominic
Czochara (Toni Smrz)
8:00 AM: + Ubaldo Saucedo Jr. (Family)
• Health & God’s Blessings for Marina
Franco Vazquez (Family)
• Health & God’s Blessings for Jose Zacarias
• Health & God’s Blessings for Jose M. Guzman
• Health & God’s Blessings for Jackeline Sosa
Intentions for the Week
Sunday /Domingo/Niedziela
April/Abril/Kwietnia - 3rd....continued
9:30 AM: + Anna Kaczmarczyk “15th Anniversary”
+ Bronislaw Bednarz (Janina & Piotr Kalata)
+ Stanislaw Pajerski (Wife)
+ Wladyslaw Wodziak (Maria Gal)
+ Anna & Frank Dabrowski (Maria Gal)
+ Wladslaw Sawicki (Family)
+ For the Deceased Members of St. Turibius
Polish Community
+ Feliks Witek (Kolo #29) Im Jakuba Nowaka
11:00 AM: • Health & God’s Blessings for Our Parishioners
1:00 PM: • Health & God’s Blessings for Our Parishioners
Readings for the Week
March/Marzo/Marca - 27th
Easter Sunday
Domingo de Pascua
Acts/Hechos/Dziejow Apostolskich 10: 34a, 37-43 *
Colossians/Colosenses/Kolosan 3: 1-4 *
John/Juan/Jn 20: 1-9
March/Marzo/Marca - 28th
Monday within the Octave of Easter
La Solemnidad de lunes de la Octava de Pascua
Acts/Hechos/Dz 2: 14, 22-33 *
Matthew/Mateo/Mt. 8: 8-15
March/Marzo/Marca - 29th
Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
La Solemnidad de martes de la Octava de Pascua
Acts/Hechos/Dz 2: 36-41 *
John/Juan/Jn 20: 11-18
March/Marzo/Marca - 30th
Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
La Solemnidad de miércoles de la Octava de Pascua
Acts/Hechos/Dz 3: 1-10 *
Luke/Lucas/Lk 24: 13-35
March/Marzo/Marca - 31st
Thursday within the Octave of Easter
La Solemnidad de jueves de la Octava de Pascua
Acts/Hechos/Dz 3: 11-26 *
Luke/Lucas/Lk 24: 35-48
April/Abril/Kwietnia - 1st
Friday within the Octave of Easter
La Solemnidad de viernes de la Octava de Pascua
Acts/Hechos/Dz 4: 1-12 *
John/Juan/Jn 21: 1-14
Abril/Abril/Kwietnia - 2nd
Saturday within the Octave of Easter
La Solemnidad de sábado de la Octava de Pascua
Acts/Hechos/Dz 4: 13-21 *
Mark/Marcos/Mk 16: 9-15
April/Abril/Kwietnia - 3rd
Second Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday
Sugundo Domingo de Pascua - Domingo de la Divina
Niedziela Miłosierdzia Bożego
Acts/Hechos/Dziejow Apostolskich 5: 12-16 *
Revelation/Apocalipsis/Rev. 1: 9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 *
John/Juan/Jana 20: 19-31
Please remember to turn in your “rice bowls”. Thank you!
Pray for the Sick of Our Parish
Eleanor Jasiorkowski, Emma Miranda, George Przybylski,
Frank Tonovich, Bob Bowen, Connie Bromer, Esme Bell,
(Bingo) Michael Nicholson, Florence Kois, Nick Rizzo,
Beverly Godfrey, Joseph E. Janik, Adeline Jeziorny,
Dorothy Kajmowicz, Nelida R. Aldana, Helen Kleiber,
Frances Kopec, Dorthea Kosicki, Ed Pavlik, Mary Zic
Charlene Young, Sister Joan Marie Kryszak, Martha Flores,
Carmen Madrigal, Marilyn Manzo, Jeannette Biskup,
Paul Mazzocco, Marge Newsome, Matthew Halloran,
Mike Purcella, Isabella Lash, Sr. Ann Mary Wundrach,
Arlene Peters, Sr. Emilie Marie Sierakowski,
Nayeli Leila Reyes, Lillian Tonkovich, Brian Wagner,
Joan Szczublewski, Julie Weisenberger, Doris Wilczewski,
Maggie Dybas, Ted Wojchiechowski, Serapia Ortega,
Dominica Jedrzejczyk, “Bingo” Irene, Ellen Nicholson,
Henryk Dynia, Dawn Sobie, Ignacio Soto, Lillian Snow
Anthony and Esther Zenari, LaVerne Murphy, Rose Bencik,
Sister Mary Beth Bromer, Frances Nowakowski,
Helen Hyerczyk, Dolores I. Janik, Patricia Pavlica,
Pamela Gorman, Lucja (Lucy) Kopiec, Alice Kasprzyk,
Deacon Ignacio Alvarez, Chris Canfield, Helen O’Brien
James Konieczny, Sister Rosemarie Morowczynski,
Gail Wodarski, Jeanne Prokopec, Jean & Bob Nelson,
Joyce Mullin, Gerald Jeropke, Rose Fremarek,
Marina Franco and Nielda Aldana
Pablo - El Apóstol Misionero
Lunes - 4 de Abril 2016
St. Gall - Oficinas de Caridades Catolicas
5533 South Sawyer - Chicago
7:00pm - 9:30pm
Una tarde de reflexión y conocimiento para profundizar en
San Pablo misionero. Como podemos nosotros los laicos ser
misioneros conociendo más la vida de San Pablo. Los retos, la
aventura, el riesgo y la misión todo por amor a Dios.
Jolly Senior’s News
Our next Jolly Senior regular meeting will be
held on Thursday, April 14th at 11am
in Felician Hall. Treats will be served and Bingo
will be played.
On April 28th we will have our yearly cakewalk
fundraiser. Attend the meeting with a delicious
baked or bought item. Hope to see you there.
The Jolly Seniors on May 5th at the 8am Mass
will be offered for the Living Jolly Seniors.
Coffee & Rolls will be served afterwards in Felician Hall.
The Jolly Seniors send wishes to all the Moms’
to enjoy a Happy Mother’s Day!
It’s party time again on May 12th celebrating all of our
Birthdays at The New Warsaw at 12:00 noon.
Reservations are required.
Come out for our May 26th meeting and let’s
celebrate “Bingo” Irene’s 104th Birthday!
Happy Birthday Irene!!
This is our last meeting before the summer break.
Have a enjoyable summer - stay healthy - and be safe!
See you back in September.
Question of the Week
When did I last glimpse the face of God’s mercy in my
life? Whose life will I try to brighten this Easter by
permitting God’s mercy shine on them through my
Year of Mercy
When I have been merciful......When I have experienced mercy......
Cuando he sido misericordioso.....Cuando he experimentado la misericordia.....
Kiedy doświadczyłem miłosierdzia.....Kiedy wyświadczyłem innym miłosierdzie.....
God showed me His mercy when He gave me wonderful earthly family of siblings that I have.
Zeby moj syn sie nawrocil.
Wierze w milosierdzie Boze. Prosze o dalsze laski, o ktore sie modle dla Calej rodziny. Panie Bozy badz
laskawy w mojej potrzebie.
Podziekowamie Milosierdziu Bozemu za wszystkie i proszac o dalsza pomoc Milosierdzia Bozego.
Cuando le doy dinero a los pobres. También rezo por las personas pobres y visito a las personas
enfermas y rezo por ellas.
Orar por ellos y prender una vela por ellos. Le diría a la Virgen que no le falten nada a los que
necesitan y que se recuperen los que están enfermos.
Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia.
March/April- 2016
Monday, March 28
6:00 PM: Pastorial Immagratorial Leadership Workshop (LCH)
8:00 PM: Spanish Men’s Prayer Group (Rectory B)
Tuesday, March 29
6:00 PM: Spanish Altar Servers Meeting (Rectory A)
7:00 PM: Youth Leadership Meeting (Rectory C)
Wednesday, March 30
No Meetings Scheduled
NO Religious Education Classes Tonight!
Thursday, March 31
6:00 PM: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Church)
7:00 PM: Circulo Vigil (Felcian Hall)
7:00 PM:
7:00 PM
Friday, April 1
Legion of Mary (Rectory A)
Youth Group (Felician Hall)
9:00 AM:
5:00 PM:
7:00 PM:
Saturday, April 2
Girl Scouts/Brownies (Father Lechert Hall)
Confessions (Church)
Circulo (Church)
11:00 AM:
2:00 PM:
4:00 PM:
6:00 PM:
Sunday, April 3
Easter Sunday
1:00PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Rectory A)
Bingo Set Up (Felician Hall)
Bingo Doors Open (Felician Hall)
Bingo Games Start
Final Four Extravaganza
St. Laurence High School hosts its 16th Annual Final Four
Extravaganza, an evening of action and entertainment, on
Saturday, April 2, 2016. This year’s event features a Super Raffle
with cash prizes, casino gaming, and expanded craft beer tasting
area, great food, and jumbo-screen viewing of the NCAA men’s
basketball tournament’s Final Four. Supporters of the school are
invited to attend and renew acquaintances with friends,
faculty, and alumni. Activities are open to the public from 4pm
until midnight at 77th Street and Central Avenue in
southwest suburban Burbank.
Tickets are $60.00 per person.
For more information, please call (708) 458-6900, ext. 237.
This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice!
Sunday, April 10th
Celebrate the Start of the Baseball Season
Wear Your Favorite Team Apparel
Extra Door Prizes Will Be Given
Sunday, April 24th
Happy Birthday Bingo Will Be Played
Free Double Cards in All Computers
New End of Month Format
All Games Are Different
Doors Open at 4PM
Games Start at 6PM
Play Computer as low as $25.00 With Free Paper
All Paper Books Only $10.00
Please keep Bingo “Mike” Nicholson in
your daily thoughts and prayers. Thank you!
Play Ball!
Once again, St. Turibius Parish will be cheering on the
Windy City ThunderBolts at Standard Bank Stadium, near
140th and Cicero. This year the date will be on
Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 6:05pm. The ThunderBolts will
be playing the Traverse City Beach Bums. The cost for the
tickets will be $30.00 and will include watching the game in
the Executive Suite which is air conditioned and fully
furnished. Food and drinks will be also provided.
A fireworks show will be presented after
the game. Parking is not included and
will cost $2.00 per car.
So mark your calendar for June 25th.
Call Mike Nicholson at (312) 501-7063
and/or Len Tribuani at (773) 585-9845
for complete details.
As you are all aware, there is a Book of Petitions in the
Vestibule of the Church, wherein you may write your special
intentions and petitions for prayer. These intention are
remembered in prayer by all the members of the St. Turibius
Family and at all the masses. Along with your petitions, you
may make a monetary donation if you so choose, and many
of you have chosen to do that.
The St. Vincent De Paul Society would like to thank all of
you for your very generous donations, which are being used
to help the needy families in our Parish. At the same time
that you are asking God for His help, you too are helping
others in need. Thank you and God Bless You for your
“Push” to World Youth Day - 2016
World Youth Day, Poland 2016
Thank you!
On behalf of our seven young people who will be going to
World Youth Day in July 2016, I want to express my
wholehearted gratitude to all our parishioners for supporting
our fundraising efforts with your prayers and generous
contributions. It has been wonderful to witness how the
St. Turibius Parish is taking pride in sending our youth to
meet Pope Francis in Cracow, Poland!
“Higher Education”
Archbishop Blase Cupich,
“Higher Education As Partner in the Church’s Mission”
For centuries, Catholic education has enjoyed the
challenges of forming minds and developing whole
persons. Catholic higher education has thrus associated
knowledge with wisdom, and the search for truth with the
pursuit of the good. Saint Xavier University’s mission is to
educate men and women to think critically and serve
compassionately in support of the common good and
dignity of life.
March 31, 2016 / 7:30pm / McGuire Hall
Archbishop Blase Cupich will discuss the relationship
between Catholic highter education and the Church, and
their shared mission. The audience will be invited to
consider how the goals of Catholic higher education
harmonize with the mission of the Church, and to reflect
upon the direction of Catholic higher education in the
twenty-first century.
Archbishop Blase Cupich was installed as the ninth
Archbishop of Chicago in 2014. Prior to his appointment,
he has served as Bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota and
then Spokane, Washington.
Archbishop Cupich obtained his B.A. in Philosophy from
the College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota and his
M.A. in Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome.
Archbishop Cupich hold a Doctor of Sacred Theology
degree in Sacramental Theology from the Catholic
University of America, awarded in 1987.
St. Vincent de Paul “Food of the Month Club”
During the month of April, we are asking for your support
with donations of any type of CANNED FRUIT. Please, no
fresh or frozen fruit, just canned or any other type of
container that does not require refrigeration.
At this time, we are also asking for donations of any size
box of KLEENEX or any other brand of FACIAL TISSUE.
In addition to helping those in the Parish who need food, we
also will be having our yearly “Back to School Distribution”
in August, where we help all the students of our Parish in
fulfilling all their back-to-school supply lists. As all of you
parents are aware, these lists are vey complete and very
expensive, and we try to help by providing some of the
basic necessities. This Distribution is open to all students
who are members of St. Turibius Parish, and more
information will be provided on this in the Bulletin as we get
closer to August.
Your donations can be placed in the box located in the
vestibule of the church when you come to Mass, or they can
be taken to the Rectory during normal business hours.
Dear Parishioners: Thank you for your generosity. Your
response to the Food of the Month Club has been
overwhelming. Our pantry is well stocked and our Easter
Food Distribution is going to be a huge success, because of
your willingness to be a part of our mission.
May God Bless you for your generosity to others.
St. Vincent de Paul
Alumni Honor Roll
The Queen of Peace High School Community is pleased to
share good news about the student who is a member of your
parish and graduated from your grammer school whose
outstanding performance during the third quarter of the school
year earned her recognition on our Queen of Peace Honor Roll.
Congratulations Alexis Castro!
We are proud of YOU and Keep Focused!!
Proudly Serving Our Country
SPC Anne Marie Archer, USA
MAJ John Costanzo, USA
LCPL Aaron J. Godinez, USMC
SGT Michael P. Gorski, USA
CPL James R. Guarino, USMC
SPC Ricardo J. Guerrero, USA
SPC Luis A. Guerrero, USMC
CORP James A. Kilkelly, USMC
MSTR SGT Arthur R. Parra,
Airman Galo Rodriguez, USN
SGTJulio Cesar Roman, USMC
PFC Hector Rueda, USA
SGT Daniel S. Ryan, USMC
LTCOL TimothyTocwish, USMC
PFC Joe Doyle Ryan,USMC
Jordan A. Kopf, HN-USN
LT Brian Koll, USN
PFC Javier Pineda, USA
Mathew Harjung,USA Army
Rafael Murillo, USA Army
PFC Carlos Alday
“God Bless Our Soldiers”
Registration Form
We realize the Rectory hours are hard for some people who work to come to register. If you would like to register with our Parish
please fill out this form and drop it off in the rectory mailbox or when you come to church and our parish secretary will contact you to
complete the registration process. Thank you!
Name:________________________________________________ Phone #: ____________________________
Address: ________________________________________ Apt #_______ City: _________
Sunday Collections
March 13, 2016
$3,291.07 in 241 Envelopes
$2,055.30 Loose
4:00 PM: $1,310.00
Zip Code:_______
Penitential Act
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the Communion of
the Holy Spirit be with you all. And with your Spirit
Penitential Act
I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have
greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what
I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous
fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels an Saints, and you,
my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.
$1,160.00 in 67 Envelopes
$150.00 Loose
May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to
everlasting life. AMEN
6:45 AM: $375.00
$295.00 in 25 Envelopes
$80.00 Loose
8:00 AM: $790.00
$285.00 in 24 Envelopes
$505.00 Loose
9:30 AM: $685.00
$385.00 in 35 Envelopes
$300.00 Loose
11:00 AM: $807.82
$600.07 in 41 Envelopes
$207.75 Loose
1:00 PM: $1,098.55
$286.00 in 29 Envelopes
$812.55 Loose
Rectory: $280.00
20 Envelopes
Other Donations
Our Holy Father Pope Francis has invited all of us throughout this Jubilee Year of Mercy to "find a
way to collaborate to carry the Father's mercy throughout all the world".
The invitation of the Holy Father emphasizes love, kindness and generosity.
Therefore, the catechists and students of the Religious education program at St. Turibius Church
have taken this invitation to heart in a very special way by learning about the
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Besides being informed about what are the
Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, classes are putting these works into practice with various
projects. Among the projects are:
A.) Collecting money for the Felician Mission in Haiti in which we help our neighbors who
are far.
B.) Collection of food items for the St. Vincent De Paul Food pantry located at
St. Turibius in which we help our neighbors who are near.
C.) Remembering the sick and aged at nursing homes and hospitals by making cards and
sending best wishes to lift their spirits.
“By working together on all of the various projects we are all carrying "the Father's Mercy
throughout all the world". What are you doing to spread “the Father’s Mercy throughout the world”
during this Jubliee of Mercy?
A Very Special “Thank You” to the
Parishioners of St. Turibius!
Un muy Especial “Agradecimiento” a
los feligreses de San Toribio!
Other Donations
Vigil Lights: $415.37
Building Conditions: $995.07
St. Vincent de Paul: $975.00
Serdeczne “Podziekowania” dla
parafian Sw. Turibiusza!
Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnonarodowości w
naszej Parafi
Saint Turibius Parish
We Are One Family, Encircled by God’s Love!
Pastoral Staff Directory
(773) 581-2730
(773) 581-5396
Rev. William (Guillermo) Lego, O.S.A, Pastor...x29
Rev. Robert Basler, O.S.A, Associate Pastor...x17
Rev. Jack (Juan) Dowling, O.S.A....x15
Deacon Thomas Christensen, Judy Christensen
Deacon Javier Pineda, Irma Pineda
Sr. Mary Beth Bromer, DRE...x 34
Sr. Eliana Remiszewska,CRE...x34
Religious Education
Sr. Eliana Remiszewska...x23
Mrs. Elvira Villaseñor, Office Assistant....x11
Ms. Kathy DeStefano, Parish Secretary...x10
Music Ministry
Ms. Jolanta Ziemba, Polish and English Music Minister
El Coro Agape: San Turibius -Spanish Choir
Tiempo de Dios: Charismatic Choir
Alejandro Morelos: 8:00 a.m. Mass
Parish Addresses
(Chicago, Illinois 60629-4441)
Parish Mission Statement
We Believe that God is Love, and when we
live in love we live in God and God lives in
us! Therefore we, the Parish Family of Saint
Turibius, dedicate ourselves to living out
Christ’s Great Commandment: we will love
the Lord our God with all our heart, with all
our soul, with all our mind, and with all our
strength, and we will show our love for God
by the way we love and care for one another.
To this end, we will respond to our baptismal
call, strengthened by the life, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ and empowered by
the Holy Spirit. As a Family of Faith that has
an Attitude of Gratitude for the gifts God has
given to us, we will share our time, our talent
and our treasure with each other. We welcome
into our parish family all people, because we
believe that together we are the Body of Christ
and together we can bring the love, peace,
forgiveness, healing, and joy of Christ into our
community in ways we never could have if we
were to remain apart. May all who meet us,
who worship with us, who work and play with
us, know we are Christians by our love!
Rectory: 5646 South Karlov Avenue
School: 4120 West 57th Street.....x21
Convent: 4125 West 56th Place.....x23
Rectory Hours
Sick Calls
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday,
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Call or stop by the parish office to
register for a baptismal preparation
class and finalize the baptism date.
Please contact the rectory office (x10)
to arrange for visits to the sick and
homebound. The priests and our
ministers of care will make every effort
to visit parishioners in the hospital, at
home, and in nursing homes.
Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Email Parish:
Like Us on Facebook
St. Turibius Parish, Chicago
Spanish: 2nd Sunday of the Month
English: 3rd Sunday of the Month
Polish: During the Sunday Mass
1st Friday Devotions
English: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Contact one of the priests at least six
(6) months in advance to make an
After Hours
(773) 581-2730 Ext. 55