GBHS Welcome Packet - Roseville Joint Union High School District
GBHS Welcome Packet - Roseville Joint Union High School District
Dear Parent/Guardian and Incoming 9th Grade Student: Welcome to registration for the 2016-17 school year! Please take time to read through each section for a successful registration. Packet Includes: 1. Registration Instructions 2. Naviance Instructions (Course Selections) Note: username/email and password located in top, right corner 3. Course Selection Worksheet for Freshman & 4 Year Plan (back to back) Important Dates/Times: February 16th - 21st ~ Naviance Course Selections OPEN February 18th ~ Evening at the Bay 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm – Parents go to the theater where Administrators, Activities Director and Athletic Director will provide an overview of Granite Bay High School. During the final hour, Guidance Counselors will provide advising on course selections and end with a Question and Answer session. 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm – Students go to the cafeteria where you will have the opportunity to experience the unique elective course offerings available to them at GBHS. 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm – Parents and Students reunite in the quad. All are welcome to take a tour of the campus and ask staff member’s questions. February 25th ~ Registration Night. Your final step in your registration process. Please see Registration Instructions and report during the time periods provided by your last name. If you DID NOT email your required documents to you MUST provide copies of documentation noted in registration instructions and go directly to the registration windows. If you DID utilize the FastPass process, provide your student’s name at the gate to receive your FastPass & head directly to the cafeteria to review your course selections. The Granite Bay High School website is a valuable resource for our families and students during this registration period and throughout the summer. Schedules will be finalized over the summer. Please check the website for Freshman schedule pick up information. Thank you Registration Instructions for Incoming Freshman 1. AIR - RJUHSD uses an online registration system to enroll all students. To register, click on the link or visit our school website for step by step instructions. (Please contact the school if you do NOT have internet access.) 2. Email COPIES of all required documentation. (See table below)— Submit via email to to receive a FastPass or bring copies to registration night . IF A DOCUMENT IS MISSING, YOUR REGISTRATION WILL BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE. Granite Bay High School #1 Grizzly Way Granite Bay, CA 95746 Phone: 916-786-8676 FAX: 916-786-0766 Proof of Residency- One from EACH column below is required. PROOF 1 PROOF 2 (Proof MUST show mailing and property address) (Must be with in last 2 months) Current Monthly Mortgage Statement Current Lease/Rental Agreement* Most Recent Property Tax Bill Current PG & E Statement/Bill AND Roseville Electric Statement/Bill Evening at the Bay– February 18th 4:30-7:00pm—An opportunity to learn about what programs GBHS has to offer and Q & A session. NO Phone, Cable or Satellite bills *cannot be expired and must show signatures Registration Night– February 25th Submit required documentation and Complete Student Immunization Record *If your child has a personal belief exemption filed with a school before January 1, 2016 it is valid for entry into the next grade . Personal beliefs exemptions may be transferred between schools in California BUT you must obtain a copy from the previous school. meet with Counselors/Administrators to review course selections. A-I 4:00pm to 5:30pm J-Q 5:00pm to 6:30pm Verification of identity of parent/guardian A driver’s license or state issued ID card , Military ID or Passport with photo 3. Course Selections**– All course selections will be completed through NAVIANCE online during the open window of February 16th – 21st. Student’s username and password will be distributed to students attending Cavitt (2/16) and Olympus (2/17) during Homeroom. Inter/Intra-district transfers: Naviance passwords will not be distributed until you have completed the transfer process and received approval from RJUHSD. If your approval is processed within the window, please contact the registrar to be issued a password. R-Z 6:00pm to 7:30pm Want a FastPass? Submit required documentation to: BY FEBRUARY 21st to SKIP line 1 of 2 on registration night. Please list your student’s last name, first name (legal name) in the subject title In-district not attending Olympus or Cavitt: Please complete the registration steps and if within the window, please contact the registrar to be GBHS Course Catalog issued a password. available online at: ** Naviance passwords will only be issued between Feb. 16th -Feb. 19th. If registering after this date, you must print a course selection form (attached & available online). Under Parent/Student Resources/ Additional Documents which may be required (available online): A. Shared Residency Affidavit Form– If you share a residency with another person and all bills are in their name. B. Qualified Caregiver Affidavit Form– If verification of your authority over a minor student is needed. Registrar: Marie Hollwager Online Registration Instructions 1. Go to and click on “Enrollment” under Quick Links on the left side of the screen Before starting the enrollment process, please read through the “Annual Parent Notice.” You will be asked to confirm that you have reviewed this document at the end of the enrollment process. 2. Under “Step 1,” click on “AERIES Internet Registration” 3. From the drop down menu, select “2016-2017, Pre-Enrollment” 4. Carefully read about the required documents. Click “Next” 5. Create a new account 6. Once you create your account and your school is confirmed (based on boundaries). You will be sent an email with a link to activate your account. Please check your spam/junk mail if email is not received right away. The email is from: HomeLinkHelp. When the email is received, click on the link and it will then take you to our online registration page. NOTE: TRANSFERSINTRA: If you have been approved to attend GBHS on an Intradistrict Transfer your school of residence will appear, however you will be registered at GBHS. INTER: If you have been approved to attend GBHS on an Interdistrict Transfer, you must use our school address, #1 Grizzly Way, Granite Bay, CA 95746, in order to start AIR registration. 7. Please fill in all required fields. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING a. When asked to indicate your student’s grade level, please select current grade NOT next year’s grade. If going into the 9th grade please select 8th grade, as the system rolls over to the next grade they will be going into. b. Be sure to have your immunization records with you as you will be asked to enter them 8. If you need to save your information and complete the enrollment process later, click the “Finish Later” button on the right. 9. If the information you entered is correct, click “Finish and Submit.” After clicking “Finish and Submit,” no further changes can be made online. 10. PLEASE PRINT THE ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION PAGE. SIGN AT THE BOTTOM, AND EMAIL OR BRING TO THE REGISTRATION NIGHT ALONG WITH ALL OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email the Registrar, Marie Hollwager, at Naviance Course Registration Instructions for Incoming Freshmen Welcome to registration for the 2016-2017 school year! GBHS students (including incoming 9th graders) will be utilizing their Naviance account to make course selections for next school year. We have created a Naviance account for each student and you will be working with a 4-year academic plan for registration purposes. While students are welcome to complete as many years of the 4-year plan as they like, for registration purposes, only your course selections for 9th grade need to be complete. Please follow the directions below in order to ensure successful completion of your course selections. Read through all the instructions and preview our Course Catalog before you begin with your course selections. 1. To access your Naviance account, log on to or follow the link on GBHS’s main website. 2. Enter your email/username and password. (Note: you DO NOT enter your email). Student email/username is: firstname.lastname, with no spaces (ie. john.doe). Student password is: 6 digit GBHS ID# (ie. 123456). (the GBHS ID# has been provided on a bright sticker located on the top right corner on the front page of your registration packet). 3. Once you are in your Naviance account, click on the “COURSES” tab at the top left side of the page. 4. In the third section, click on the “MANAGE MY COURSE PLANS” link. Click on “ADD A NEW PLAN” then click on “Create new draft plan.” Then choose “GBHS Graduation plan.” 5. The left-hand side of the page lists all GBHS subject requirements for graduation. Click on each subject area to begin adding courses to your 9th grade plan. For English and History, you will be required to choose certain classes by grade. All other subject areas allow you to freely choose courses. When you click on the “ADD SELECTED COURSES TO YOUR DRAFT PLAN” at the bottom of each page, you will be prompted to indicate in which grade level the chosen courses will be taken. 6. Hover over or click on each course title to see a description, grade range, and pre-requisites. 7. REMEMBER: Every student must have 8 courses listed in next year’s grade level of the 4-year plan. Freshmen MUST enroll in the following required courses: English 9, PE 9, Health & Safety, Math, and 4 additional courses. 8. If you need to delete a class choice, scroll to the right side of the page, and click the “X” next to the course you wish to eliminate. 9. When your course selection is complete, click the “REVIEW & FINALIZE” tab at the very top of the page. To make sure you have the required courses for next year, click on the “VIEW BY GRADE LEVEL” tab at the top of your 4-year plan. 10. IGNORE THE “ALERTS” THAT MAY APPEAR IN CERTAIN SUBJECT AREAS! Naviance will indicate that you are missing required courses if you do not complete all four years so please disregard those error messages and alerts. Even if you do complete a plan for all four years in Naviance you will still experience an alert in the “Electives” section – once again, please disregard this as this is a shortcoming in Naviance that cannot be fixed. 11. You will be able to work on your course selections between February 16th and February 21st. Your 4year plan will save any updates you make as you choose your courses. You can log in and out of Naviance as many times during the window as you need prior to the deadline. 12. At 11:59 p.m. on February 21st, the registration window will close and you will no longer have access to make course selections. Make sure any final additions or changes to your course selection are complete by that time. 13. Congratulations! Your course selection for the 2016-2017 school-year is now complete. Please note that by simply entering your 8 course choices, you have completed the online steps required for Naviance course registration. There is not an official “submit” button or prompt indicating your completion of registration. 14. You will receive your course selection confirmation on registration night (February 25th) at which time it will be reviewed by our counseling/administrative team. Please be prepared to provide four course alternates at that time. Failure to come prepared with these alternate selections could lead to significant delays in completing paperwork on registration night. Alternates are extra courses that will be utilized should any of the preferred courses not schedule – these are usually elective offerings and not core academic classes. 19 Print Name: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________ COURSE SELECTION WORKSHEET FOR FRESHMAN (2016 – 2017) REQUIRED SUBJECTS: ENGLISH MATH PHYSICAL EDUCATION HEALTH AND WELLNESS English 9 (see course list below) PE 9 Health and Wellness Instructions: English 9, PE 9, and Health and Wellness have been pre-selected as they are required. Please select 5 additional classes below as you need 8 total classes plus select 5 additional alternates. Students interested in college preparation curriculum are encouraged to take science and world language. _______________________________________________________________________________________ BUSINESS ____Business Communications ____Intro to Sports and Entertainment Marketing ____Principles of Business HEALTH AND WELLNESS __X_Health and Wellness ENGLISH __X_CP English 9 ____Journalism ____***Yearbook (application required) ____Speech/Debate ____Competitive Forensics WORLD LANGUAGE ____French 1 ____French 2 ____Japanese 1 ____Japanese 2 ____Spanish 1 ____Spanish 2 ____Spanish 3 COMPUTER SCIENCE ____Exploring Computer Science ____Information Technology Essentials (GBiT) – Fall (Interview Required) ____Information Technology Essentials (GBiT) – Spring (Interview Required) CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING ____Introduction to Engineering & Design ____Civil Engineering & Architecture ____Construction Tech 1 MEDIA ____Media Production ____Adv. Media Production ____3D Animation ____Advanced 3D Animation MATHEMATICS ____ACCESS (by 8th grade teacher rec only and must also sign up for Int.Math 1) ____Integrated Math 1 (CCIM 1) ____Integrated Math 2 (CCIM 2) ____Integrated Math 3 (CCIM 3) ____Jazz Ensemble (Spring) ____Symphonic Band (Spring) ____Band (0 period Spring) PHYSICAL EDUCATION __X_P.E. 9 ____Aerobics (Fitness) ____Martial Arts ____Weight Conditioning ____Adv. Weight Training Spring (Application – Football players only) 1._________________________________ SCIENCE Physical: ____CP Earth Science 5._________________________________ Life: ____CP Biology Please complete if you plan to participate in a sport next year at GBHS. SOCIAL SCIENCE ____Military History ____Leadership ____Sport Culture VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS ____Art 1 ____Art 2 ____Ceramics 1 ____Drama ____Dance ____Intermediate Dance (Teacher approval) ____Guitar ____Photography 1 ____Beginning Piano ____Advanced Piano ____Treble Concert Choir (Fall) ____Baritone Concert Choir ____Concert Choir (Spring) ____Chamber Choir (spring) ____Marching Band (0 per. Fall) ____Color Guard (Fall) ____Percussion Ensemble (Fall) ____Brass/Wind Ensemble (Fall) ***YEAR LONG COURSE (counts as two choices) ### IB Students – you must obtain IB Coordinator (Duane Blomquist) signature of approval. 5 ALTERNATE SELECTIONS (Required) 2._________________________________ 3._________________________________ 4._________________________________ ____Fall sport participant (sport: ______________________) ____Spring sport participant (sport: ______________________) Rev 01/27/2016 IB Approval: _________________________________________ Duane Blomquist