Kia ora tatou katoa.


Kia ora tatou katoa.
From the Principal
Kia ora tatou katoa.
What a fantastic term we have had! Over recent
weeks I have shared many of our student
achievements. This week I would like to focus on the
work that has been going on behind the scenes.
Developing leadership opportunities has been one of
my goals for staff, students and community members. Our newlynamed Senior Leadership Team (Richard Baker, Deb Marsden and I)
have been working with the newly-formed extended Leadership
Team (Rob Anderson, Pete Mitchison, Taz Palmer, Ben Knoef and
Chris Stephenson) on our Strategic Plan. This has included
professional learning with staff, developing our Teacher Appraisal
System and amending the EOTC procedures so they comply with
the new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. This new legislation
has caused concern in many schools as to what students will be
permitted to engage in, in the interest of preventing accidents. Here
at Golden Bay High School I am very proud to say our students are
given amazing opportunities to develop skills in outdoor education
and I am reluctant to stop them having these opportunities.
However, these activities bring risks and so it is important we have
a collective responsibility to keep our students safe; that means
minimising the risks as best as we can. Currently the BOT and staff
are developing new procedures and policies to endeavour to keep
our students safe. We are also having a Health and Safety audit in
June. However, it is important that parents and students take
responsibility by reading relevant information and following the
safety guidelines. Also as part of developing leadership, our staff
and students are now actively encouraged to share some of their
ideas and work in assembly. The students have really enjoyed
seeing what their peers do.
A further area of focus has been to improve bi-cultural awareness in
the school. In the School Evaluation Indicators- a document
released to schools by ERO in November 2015- there is an emphasis
on Excellence and Equity.
“Ko te tamaiti te pūtake o te kaupapa’ (The child – the heart of the
To enable Excellence and Equity it is important to develop the
following four key concepts, which ‘provide a lens through which
cultural responsiveness of school activities and practices in
supporting and promoting equitable outcomes for all learners can
be evaluated. School and classroom practices that improve
outcomes for Maori are likely to improve outcomes for all
learners’ ( ERO 2015). The concepts are:
Whanaungatanga (builds extended family relationships),
Manaakitanga (hosts care for others’ emotional, spiritual,
physical and mental wellbeing).
Ako (describes teaching and learning relationships where the
student is both the teacher and learner)
Mahi Tahi (unites people working towards a specific goal or
implementation of a task).
15 April 2016
This week we presented student awards for Whanungatanga and
Kaitiakitanga (guardianship- care of others).
During assembly we now regularly include a karakia (led by Dallas
Bradley and Noah Haerewa) and a waiata (often led by students).
Phil Rawiri and Margie Little have been driving staff and students to
learn new Maori words and participate in cultural experiences.
I was extremely saddened that due to the recent flooding the
Athletics Sports had to be cancelled which meant I was unable to
attend the backup day as it coincided with the National Principal’s
Conference. I was very disappointed that I did not get the
opportunity to meet some of you. I am attending some weekend
sports and hope to see you there, and at our hui, but more about
that later. The conference was extremely beneficial for me. We had
very important information shared with us from the Education
Review Office, Education Council, NZQA’s progress with online
assessment and advice around the new Health and Safety
Legislation. One of our keynote speakers, Alan November,
( challenged over one hundred
principals in terms of their thinking about education and “who owns
the learning”. I shared these ideas through staff professional
learning this week. His ideas included: engaging students in their
own learning by building communities of learning with their peers,
making global connections and enabling the learner to be able to
ask questions at any time and get instant feedback. (cont. over page)
StudentS of the week
29 March
Brady Stone For placing 8th in
Open Male Category in the
Santacruz NZ Enduro Race held
in the Marlborough Sounds in
Jennifer Sampson; Winner
of the 1 ounce golden nugget, for being fastest female competitor from
Golden Bay High School in
the Tinbum Triathlon race
held on 20th March U14
Female Champion – Time of 1.01.29.
Gabe Stone; Winner of the 1 ounce golden nugget, for
being fastest male competitor from Golden Bay High
School in the Tinbum Triathlon race held on 20th March
U18 Male Champion – Time of 48.13.
(From the Principal continued) Our staff have engaged in a lot of
professional learning this term based around our strategic
goals which include:
ICT- how to increase learning opportunities in school
Student Achievement- how to raise for all students
Key Competencies- how to integrate into teaching
and learning
Engaging Years 9 and 10- by looking at new innovative ideas
Investigating new pathways/opportunities to keep
our students at school
Our staff will choose one of the above aims for a Professional Learning Inquiry as part of their own development next
term. Also the staff are making connections with our BOT by
one department per meeting sharing their results, evaluation and vision. So far it has been very beneficial for relationship building, transparency and understanding for both
In terms of my own development as a new Principal I have a
mentor (a very well respected, recently retired Nelson principal) as part of my First Time Principals Programme which
has also enabled me to be a part of a community of learning
with other principals. It is most important to make connections with other Principals to share ideas and discuss future
thinking around the education sector. I am thoroughly enjoying being a part of this program.
Now I have my feet under the table, we would like to hear
from the community about ideas/feedback they have for
the school. We have decided to hold a Community Hui on
6th July (date and time will be confirmed next term). This
will be an opportunity to showcase what we are currently
doing whilst giving the opportunity to hear the voice of our
I look forward to meeting you all. Stay safe and enjoy the
holidays with your children.
‘Ake Ake Kia Kaha’ -. Forever and ever be strong.
Kat Hutton
The school holidays are fast approaching
which means that there will be a lot of books
due back to our library in the first week of
Term 2. To avoid getting reminders, or
accounts sent home, PLEASE make sure your
children return their library books
the first week back at school, and to the right
library. The town library books have their
barcodes on the front cover, ours are on the
back. Thank you.
Check out the updates on our website, blog
and the NCEA wide reading wiki (QR codes)
Board News
Lockers: all credit to our student representative Jack
Balck who has been investigating the issue of whether
students would like access to lockers. Jack has drawn
up a survey which at last count about one third of students had responded to, asking them whether they would use a locker and
be prepared to pay a small fee for doing so. Jack’s hoping to get 200 responses within the next couple of weeks, and meanwhile is investigating
types and costs of lockers. It’s been a great student-led effort, with the
surveys being distributed via the Student Council.
Health and Safety: The new Health and Safety Act and its impact on
schools has been a hot topic in the news and no doubt around every board
table in the country, and ours is no exception. The board, along with other
schools in Golden Bay, is employing a consultant to conduct a health and
safety audit in June. Meanwhile we are using the Ministry of Education’s
recently released guide and toolkits to work through important policy and
procedure requirements.
On that note, have a safe and happy holiday,
Margie, Kirsten, Allan Nikki, Bronwynn, Sue, Jack, Darren and Katrina
Board of Trustees Election: The triennial election is rapidly
approaching (see dates published in this Goldie.) Trustees are active leaders
in our schools and we need more people willing to use their skills and
experience for the benefit of students. Trustees have an important role
supporting strong professional leadership and effective teaching for all
students through informed governance. Both parents and people from
throughout the wider community can be school trustees. It is important that
boards represent the diversity of their school communities to ensure a
bright future for our children. The elections also give parents of children at
state and state integrated schools the opportunity to vote for candidates
who will make a difference for their schools. It is an important responsibility
and all eligible parents should use their vote in an informed way. The
minutes of Board meetings are available on the school
website and you can contact any member of the
current Board to discuss the role with them. Margie Clark (current Board
chairperson), Kirsten Nalder, Darren Clarke and Allan Reid (all parentelected trustees), Nikki Winter (Home and School), Bronwyn Billens
(Manawhenua Ki Mohua), Sue Mitchison(staff-elected trustee) and Jack
Balck (student-elected trustee.)
Lizzy Laws, Jazlyn Goffriller, Chenille Simpson, Stella Bacci Rowe, and
Ihaka Griffith all went to the Marae to participate in the Powhiri for the
Singapore students on Easter Tuesday when it was a holiday. The girls did
the Karanga for the Singapore students and Ihaka blew the Conch shell to
welcome them into the Marae.
Taine Reynish has worked with David in cooking classes over the last 2
and a 1/4 years, and been an excellent role model. He helps David organise himself and ensures he takes an active role in these practical classes.
Taine is such a willing student who gives everything his best effort.
Jesse Eckert crashed his bike after
competing for only 10 seconds in the
Tasman Secondary School Mountain
biking Championship. He ended up
with a sore and bandaged wrist but
remained good humoured. He then
volunteered to marshal; supporting
younger riders, and informing all the
riders that went past that there was
an easier option should they choose
it. Even thought it became wet and
cold, Jesse remained until the last
rider had been past. He was a fantastic leader and role model for the
GBHS team that competed.
Goldie Return Slip
Get your parent to sign this slip and put it in the box at the office to go in the next draw to win a $5 canteen voucher. Congratulations to
this weeks winner Connor Betts of 7T Please pick up your voucher from the office. Yes, I have read the 15 April issue of Goldie,
Student _________________________________ Class ____________ Signed by:_______________________________________
GB Swimming Club donation.
Home and School Y7 Rewards and U15 Rugby.
Bill Richards Wellington English Scholarship Trip and Reception upgrade.
Reynishs Fresh Choice for Basketball team to compete in Australia.
John Vaughan Engineering
donation of his time making
the new Hockey goalposts.
Te Anau Fishing Company donation to Aquaculture Academy
Fleur Murray for organizing the Hockey goalposts
Solly’s Freight Transport of Hockey goalposts
Golden Bay High School
Board of Trustees Elections
Nominations are invited for the election of
FIVE parent representatives to the board of trustees.
A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be
posted to all eligible voters. You can nominate another person
to stand as a candidate, or you can nominate yourself (Make
sure you sign both parts of the form). Additional nomination
forms can be obtained from the school office.
Nominations close at noon on Friday 20 May 2016
and may be accompanied by signed candidates’ statements.
Jamal and Anya spent Easter at the National Orienteering champs with the
Sprint race held around the streets of Nelson followed by 3 days in St Arnaud. Both Jamal and Anya came 3rd for New Zealand in their middle distance races, men’s 14 years A grade and women’s
12 years A grade, respectively. Jennifer and Marie
Sampson joined them for day 3 (long-distance)
and came 2nd and 3rd in their B grade races. Jamal
and Anya also competed in the mixed relay on day
4 with their little sister Lani.
Photos are of Jamal at
the mass start of the relay and Anya finishing Leg
3 of the relay.
The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be
viewed during normal school hours.
There will also be a list of candidates’ names, as they come to
hand, for inspection at the school.
Voting Closes at Noon on Friday 3 June 2016
Steph Hartill, Returning Officer, 525 9914
PLEASE PLEASE…. Mrs Allinson in Home
Economics would love clean, recycled,
food safe, plastic containers with lids
eg icecream containers, salad bar/ deli
bar containers, takeaways containers.
Abel Tasman Sea Shuttle School Holiday Special Offer
CHILDREN GO FREE Contact: 03 527 8688 or
GBHS Hockey Players. Any students (or staff) wanting to play for GBHS in our
local Saturday competition please contact Fleur on 5256116 or if you haven’t already done so.
Boat C
pril Po ssors Rock
2nd A
Fr i
Advice for Students and Parents on Raising Concerns
For updated information about our formal complaints procedure
please refer to
on our school website under “About GBHS” “Policies and Procedures” “Concerns and Complaints”; or ask to view a hard copy at
the school office, and if you want a paper copy please ask the school
office staff to print one for you.
BE SAFE BE SEEN! Students on bikes disappear into
the shadows these darker mornings. Please, please,
Please wear a fluoro safety vest, and turn your bike
lights on. We want you to get to school safely.
2May ................Term Two Begins
3 May ...............Garin College Exchange
5-7 May ............Yr 13 Biology Trip, NMIT
11-12 May .......Queen Charlotte Exchange away
13 May .............TSS Equestrian
13 May .............Goldie
18 May .............GBHS X– Country
19 May .............Career Expo, Nelson
20 May .............BOT Nominations Close
20 May .............TSS Swimming
20 May .............LIPSYNC
23 May .............BOT meeting 7pm
25 May .............TSS X-country
26 May .............Yr 9 Disco
27 May .............Goldie
3 June ..............BOT Election Voting Closes at Noon
“If you hadn’t travelled recently, weren’t 17 or a geek...the questions were challenging,” as quoted by a participant in the fundraising Quiz night for the Year 13 English trip.
Despite this, it was a well organised affair with plenty of delicious
platter nibbles, fine wine, raffles and prizes and a genuinely nice
atmosphere. It was a shame the rain kept some people way.
“We did manage to raise some funds for our writing trip and it
was testament to the hard work of the class,” Miss Palmer (HOD
English) commented. The class was very happy with all the donations from families and businesses and thanks Ms Demlyn for
her support as Duty Manager. We would also like to thank Bill
Richards for his $200 cash donation and the Careers Dept donation of $300 towards the trip.