October 1, 2012 - MiraCosta College


October 1, 2012 - MiraCosta College
October 1, 2012
volume 24/issue 4
MiraCosta College
MCC named military-friendly college
Justin Morris
Copy Editor
Photo by Justin Morris
The number of veterans at MCC
increased by 150 percent over the
last decade, which has presented the
college’s veteran support services with
a new set of challenges. “The single
greatest need that the veterans have
at MCC is more quality educational
counselors. There are 1200 veterans,
and one Nancy Diaz, and that’s
a problem,”
Twaddell said.
According to
Diaz, the increase
in student veterans
needs to be
“I think we need to
continue building
the veteran’s
services, we need
to have permanent
staff, and we
need to deal with
the increasing
numbers. I think
we need to have
more counseling
dedicated to them.
In addition, one of the biggest issues
were facing right now is space. We
need to have a bigger Information
Center for veterans, so we can go
back to the original concept where
we had a study space, and we also had
a place where they can go to relax,”
Diaz stated.
One of the services MCC offers
veterans is a “Veterans UCSD
Presentation,” occurring on Oct.
9th from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Room
1202 in the Library and Information
Hub.“Timothy Borch is the assistant
director of the transfer services there
{at UCSD}, and he’s charged with
helping the student veterans. He’s
going to come out to MiraCosta and
we’re going to hold a forum for the
veterans to learn about all the services
and support programs that are there
to help them, as well as learn about
the transfer requirements,” Transfer
Center Counselor Jed Schlueter stated.
The presentation, which is set up
by the Transfer Center, is being held
in addition to the Veteran’s Fair,
which is funded by the MiraCosta
Foundation and occurs every year
during the spring semester. The
Veteran’s Fair features a variety of
transfer representatives from four-year
“Sometimes the vets are busy with
family, with work, they’re busy with
their lives, and can’t necessarily get
over to that school. A big thing with
veterans is – were not straight out
of high school. We’re people with
wives, kids, truck payments. We have
the lives of an average adult who is
not going to college. So the fact that
someone is coming here to talk to us
about transferring to their school is a
great benefit,” Jared stated.
The single
greatest need
that the veterans
have at MCC
is more quality
counselors. There
are 1,200 veterans,
and one Nancy
Diaz, and that’s a
his year an organization
called Victory Media
included MiraCosta
College in its list of
“2013 Military-Friendly Schools.”
According to Victory Media’s website,
the list “honors the top 15 percent
of schools that are doing the most to
embrace America’s military students
and ensure their success on campus.”
“MiraCosta has really stepped up
to the plate. Everyone from the
governing board to the president
has tried to listen to the needs the
veterans vocalize, which is unique. A
lot of colleges don’t have that kind
of atmosphere, where they’re trying
to make resources available,” Nancy
Diaz, a veteran’s counselor, stated.
“The college president is so
interactive with us. He’ll come in
here and just hang out and get to
know everyone on a first-name basis.
And for that reason, Dr. Rodriguez
really has his finger on the pulse of the
veteran’s needs at MiraCosta,” student
veteran Wayne Twaddell said.
The college offers a variety of
services to its 1,740 veterans and
active-duty military students, from
counseling and textbook lending
to emergency loans and crisis
intervention. The college also
provides an Information Center for
vets in the Financial Aid building.
The counselors and peer advisors at
the Information Center assist veterans
with procuring G.I. Bill certification, it seriously and get ahead,” DeMarlon
FAFSA applications, and scholarships. Pollard, a student veteran, stated.
According to Nancy Diaz, student
In addition to informing veterans
about the available resources, the veterans are both disciplined and
counselors and peer advisors try to dedicated to their education. “I’ve told
facilitate the veterans’ transition students to go get their placement tests,
from a military environment to a non- and they’ve gone off into the wild
military one. “The nature of education blue yonder, but with veterans, I can
is developing critical thinking and tell them to take their placement test,
authority, and
that’s a hard
transition from
a system of not
authority or the
status quo,” Diaz
said. According
to Mina Martinez
(a peer advisor for
the Information
Center), the
difficulties of the
transition also
extend beyond
the classroom.
“Integrating into a
regular social life
is kind of hard. We still tend to stick and three hours later, they’re sitting in
together, stay in our own little social front of me with the results,” Diaz said.
“Typically, veterans, when we
bubble,” Martinez said.
While student veterans face a unique have a class, we’re going to be there.
set of challenges, their background We’re not the type of people who say,
provides benefits as well. “One of the ‘I’m going to skip today’. Usually,
advantages you have is the discipline veterans are very dedicated to their
from the military to come to school schoolwork,” student veteran Phillip
and do your job, to come here and take Jared stated.
–Wayne Twaddell,
student veteran
October 1, 2012
MiraCosta College
In brief
“To preserve the freedom
of the human mind then and
freedom of the press, every
spirit should be ready to devote
itself to martyrdom; for as
long as we may think as we
will, and seek as we think, the
condition of man will proceed in
Thomas Jefferson
Chariot Staff
Copy Editor
Justin Morris
Opinion Writer
Erin O’Toole
Photo by Roberto Suarez
Assignment Editor
Desiree Davies
Dirt parking lot closed
Staff Writers
Andrea Abbott
Aamirah Syed
Bree Wethey
Andrea Abbott
The Chariot is the official
student publication of MiraCosta
College and is published on a
weekly basis. Articles, opinions,
cartoons, letters to the editor,
and advertising do not reflect the
ideas or opinions of The Chariot
staff, MCC faculty, staff, or
administration. The first copy
is free.
The Chariot reserves the right to
edit articles and items for space,
and the right to refuse to print
articles or items that contain
Letters may be sent to the editor
by emailing The Chariot at
mccchariot@yahoo.com. All
letters must be signed. Anything
submitted to The Chariot
becomes property of The
Chariot. The Chariot reserves
the right to cut letters for space
or edit for libel. Every effort is
made to print all letters in their
The Chariot is a First
Amendment publication.
(760) 757-2121 x6254
(760) 795-6761
MiraCosta College
One Barnard Dr.
Room 3441
Oceanside, CA 92056
Associated Collegiate
Press award winner
Staff Writer
Two weeks after the beginning of
the semester, Campus Police closed
the dirt parking lot located next to
Parking Lot 3A.
A “No Trespassing” sign stands
posted in the middle of the lot.
According to Campus Police, the lot
was initially opened to accommodate
the overflow of parking.
This was the first year the lot was
open for students.
According to Campus Police, the
busiest hours for parking on campus
occurs from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
A few precautions are advised
to keep any parking issues from
occurring. Other over flowparking lots
are open, such as parking 5A (next
to the gym and softball field) and
4C (near the track, behind the 4000
For more information, contact the
Campus Police Department at (760)
757-2121, ext. 6640
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Have you ever looked
through a telescope? Do you
have an interest in learning
more about the stars
and planets? Then come
join MCC’s Astronomy
Program as they host
stargazing parties on the
first Friday and Saturday
of each month starting in
October and extending
through December. The
viewing will take place at
the MiraCosta baseball field
(weather permitting) from
8-10 p.m. Parking will be
available along Barnard
Drive and in lot 4C. For
cancellation information or
directions, call (760) 7572121 ext. 6201.
No text is worth
dying for
Are you aware that
more than 100,000 traffic
accidents occur each year
that involve drivers who
were texting? In an effort
to curb (no pun intended)
car accidents that involve
texting, MiraCosta College
is participating in the “AT&T
Can Wait” campaign. The
campaign aims to reach
further than just raising
awareness, it also challenges
the public to avoid texting
while behind the wheel. “It
Can Wait” focuses on the
simple premise that there
is no text worth dying for.
To learn more, visit www.
The International Office
at MiraCosta College
will hold the 2012 Study
Abroad Expo on the Student
Center Walk at the San
Elijo Campus on October
25, from 11-2 p.m. Students
and interested community
members are invited to come
hear from private companies
and organizations from
around the world promoting
international study,
volunteer, and internship
programs. The event is free
and open to the public. For
more information and a list
of participating vendors,
please visit www.miracosta.
iip, or contact (760) 7956897.
October 1, 2012
MiraCosta College
Can we find peace in an imperfect world
Erin O’Toole
Opinion Writer
With all of the conflict that has
arisen lately all over the world, a lot
of which (of what we hear anyways)
is directed at the Western world, this
is the time--now more than ever, to
stand with our president. These past
few weeks there has been a great deal
of controversy after the posting of an
anti-Muslim YouTube video which
depicted the prophet Mohammed in
a negative manner (to put it lightly).
This caused protests (and riots) all over
the world, some of which ended in the
deaths of innocent people, including
the United States ambassador to Libya,
Christopher Stevens in Benghazi.
In certain countries around the
world, the notion of being able to
publish whatever one chooses onto
the Internet without first having the
government’s approval is almost
absurd. These nations have been
controlled by their government for so
long that it’s hard to imagine a nation
with our freedoms and rights; the very
freedoms and rights that our country
has fought for.
It is the very first constitutional
right that we as Americans have, and it
is something that many people in this
great nation of ours take for granted.
Every single person has this right. It
is not a right of just a few, it is a right
of every person, every color, every
religion, every age, every American.
This does not suggest that statements
should be said to offend, hurt, or
provoke anyone. But it is a right
that we fight to keep, a right that our
president defends.
Obama, in his address to the United
Nations last Tuesday, understands
that “As president of our country, and
Commander-In-Chief of our military,
I accept that people are going to call
me awful things every day, and I
will defend their right to do so.” He
reminds us that our Constitution
protects this right to free speech,
and it does so “because in a diverse
society, efforts to restrict speech can
become a tool to silence critics or
oppress minorities.”
He also mentions that in a society
where anyone with a cell phone has
the ability to spread hateful views
around the world with the click
of a button, the notion to control
speech has become obsolete. And
it’s not the control of speech, but the
response to it that should be agreed
upon, because “there is no speech
that justifies mindless violence.”
He reminds us that the actions of
a few extremists who were angered
over that YouTube video, were not
the collective actions or views of
an entire nation. And we also have
to understand that while extremists
who want to cause controversy are
out there, there are still so many
good individuals who believe in
peace as greatly as the rest of us. We
cannot “assume that the violence of
the past weeks, or the hateful speech
by some individuals, represents
the views of the overwhelming
majority of Muslims — any more
than the views of the people who
produced this video represent those
of Americans.”
Turning then to the rising violence
in Syria, Obama says that the future
must also not belong to “a dictator
who massacres his people,” referring
to Bashar al-Assad. “If there is a
cause that cries out for protest in
the world today, it is a regime that
tortures children and shoots rockets
at apartment buildings. We must
remain engaged to assure that what
began with citizens demanding their
rights does not end in a cycle of
sectarian violence.”
Additionally, he makes a slight jab
at Mitt Romney, who doesn’t believe
that there can be peace between the
Palestinians and Israelis, by saying
“the future must not belong to those
who turn their backs on the prospect
of peace.”
The main point is that violence for
any reason is not acceptable. He calls
upon the leaders of all nations to not
tolerate this kind of mindless violence.
We really don’t wanna
see it all hanging out
Desiree Davies
Staff Writer
Pretty much anywhere I go in San
Diego County these days, I see it.
MiraCosta is no exception. Fashion
is just getting trashy. Come on, ladies.
It’s time to question what has become
mainstream fashion, and re-assess the
way we dress.
It is like an attack of the butts at
MiraCosta right now. The booty shorts
trend has gone out of control. These
shorts are risqué. Booty shorts reveal
so much thigh that they might as well
be underwear. This can be a problem.
When you wear ‘em, you gotta be real
careful how you sit down.
Some girls get a little too
comfortable in the booty shorts and
flash their goods around when they
sit, like it ain’t no thang. Is this really
what we want?
It’s not enough that popular culture
has become ridiculously lewd and
crotch shots of so many random
celebrities are way too prevalent.
Now the trend has been brought home
and the girls of San Diego County
are giving us their very own crotch
shots. I’ve seen it happen on campus.
There’s no telling how many of these
ladies have flashed their professors
in class.
Booty shorts just don’t leave much
to the imagination. Even if you’ve got
the body of a goddess, you’re showing
off a bit much. And we can’t deny
the facts of life, people, let me state
this one bluntly: not every girl has a
tight butt.
If you don’t have a tight butt and
you wear the short shorts, your ass
will fall out of the shorts all day long
and everybody will see your ass
cheeks wiggling around below your
shorts. Some girls wear such itty-bitty
shorts, even if they have no butt at all
they somehow manage to show their
We must address the issue of The
Bras, ladies. It’s one thing for the
straps to show, but we don’t need to
see more than that. Save it for your
sexcapades. I’m tired of seeing bra
cups peeking out of women’s shirts
all the time.
Do we not know how to buy shirts
that fit? On top of that, we have
everybody wearing these shirts with
the lace backs, so they can flaunt
the backs of their bras. Bras are an
intimate article of clothing. When you
go flaunting your bra all willy-nilly,
it’s a little obscene. Does nobody
recognize this?
Lastly, we need to cover the whole
camel-toe thing. Women are seriously
abusing their right to wear leggings.
Most leggings are made with such thin
fabric they merely serve to highlight
the curves and contours of a woman’s
figure. They do not provide decent
coverage of a woman’s parts and are
rather like a second layer of skin. Yet
many women wear them as pants,
and consequently, everybody gets to
see their camel-toe. Ladies, do you
want total strangers to know exactly
what kind of vagina you have? The
camel-toe gives it all away, which
can be a little disturbing for those
people who aren’t so interested in
knowing the exact friggin’ shape of
your vagina lips.
Enough with the crotch shots, the
butts, the bras, and the camel toe! We
can be sexy without being explicit.
He believes that it is an obligation
of all leaders to speak out “against
violence and extremism.” Moreover,
violence has no place among our
united nations. We need to stand
together so that extremists don’t pull
us apart. As a collective goal between
nations, we should all want peace in
the Middle East.
And even as America works to bring
the killers in Libya to justice, Obama
will not back down from his support
of democratic freedoms in the Muslim
world. He says, “The United States of
America will always stand up for these
aspirations for our own people and for
people all across the world. That was
our founding purpose. That is what our
history shows.”
The Chariot welcomes
Letters to the Editor
All letters will be printed
in their entirety and
unedited. Send your
letters to mccchariot@
yahoo.com. Letters
must be signed by the
Theater team rises beyond “The 39 Steps”
Andrea Abbott
Staff Writer
The Theater Department plans to
bring the crowd to their feet throughout
October with the production of “The
39 Steps.” Since opening Sept. 28,
the small casts brilliantly portrayed
numerous roles for each performance.
Keeping the tradition of the original
“The 39 Steps” play, the drama team
chose to limit the acting crew to just
five people per show. Four of these
people play the “Clown” role (Clown
meaning not one set role, but a variety).
MCC’s very own Marshall Elstad
challenged himself by portraying “a
woman, a salesman, paperboy, and
two different old men.” The talent
shines through in each actor, as they
show off their self-discipline by
memorizing more than one part.
According to Elstad, what caused
Eric Bishop, the director, to choose
this particular play was observing the
current drama students and noticing
that a lot of them had funny quirks,
which is ideal for a play like “The
39 Steps.”
While watching the play, don’t feel
thrown off if the actors mess up on a
few lines -- it’s not because they’re
incapable, it’s because that is part of
the show. “39 Steps” is a play within
a play (think "High School Musical",
but not as “light”).
The plot focuses on the lifethreatening struggles of Richard
Hennay. After meeting an attractive
woman (a spy), Hennay discovers a
plan of sabotage by a group of other
spies. Suddenly it becomes his mission
to keep some vital information from
escaping the country in the wrong
hands. Meanwhile, the police are on
his tail as they assume he is guilty
of a brutal crime. It becomes a race
against time and a never-ending chase
with just one man versus a team of
powerful forces.
With the talented, “quirky” actors
starring in this action-packed
production, “The 39 Steps” should
not be missed. Whether it’s one
cast one night versus the other cast
another night, each night
should come out strong
as both groups contain
a powerhouse of actors.
Cassidy Mitchell and
Spencer Rodman play
the leading roles (and
are the only ones who
maintain one role).
When one cast is
performing, the work
is not over for the other.
They are behind the stage
with the technicians
and other backstage
members during the
October 1, 2012
MiraCosta College
show and are moving props around
and getting costumes together. The
main reason for their success is the
hard work put into every minute
of every practice and show. It’s a
commitment all around, and for them,
it’s all worth it by putting on a good
show and “wowing” the audience.
As students at MCC (which is
considered an art school), viewing
this play would be an enjoyable way
to spend the afternoon. Attending and
supporting the crew is as beneficial as
going to a home football-game, it’s a
social event (during intermission and
after the show), entertainment and a
way to honor others who have worked
hard to please the crowd.
General admission is $12. Seniors/
Staff is $8. Students is $8.
Show times:
Oct. 4 – 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 5 – 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 6 – 7:30 p.m.
and 2 p.m.
Oct. 7 – 2 p.m.
“2 Broke Girls” delves into the dying American dream
of those who aren’t rolling in dough,
except to produce abominations like
“My Name Is Earl” and “Roseanne.”
Copy Editor
The airwaves have long been
Then CBS came out with “2 Broke
dominated by shows about rich people. Girls”, and all was made well. “2
Somewhere along the line, Hollywood
Broke Girls” is hard to categorize,
decided that dysfunctional wealthy
because in a way it has created its own
families make for good television- a
genre, which I guess you might call
rule that gave birth to series like “recession comedy.” The show is about
“Arrested Development” and “Keeping
two waitresses in their twenties, Max
Up With The Kardashians.” The
and Caroline (played by Kat Dennings
lifestyles of the rich and/or famous
and Beth Behrs, respectively) who
are usually more glamorous, more
decide to break out of their dead-end
fascinating to viewers than lifestyles
jobs and start their own business.
that mirror their own. Rarely does
Max is a jaded, street-savvy girl
Hollywood explore the experiences
from the wrong side of the tracks
Justin Morris
with a sardonic wit, while Caroline
is a naïve, fashion-crazy former
member of the 1 percent. When
Caroline’s rich father (apparently
based on real-life Bernie Madoff) is
jailed for conducting a Ponzi scheme,
the spoiled Caroline suddenly finds
herself forced to (gasp) work for a
living. Hilarity ensues.
Most of the comedy in “2 Broke
Girls” plays on the contrast between
the two waitresses, as well as on
Caroline’s shock and dismay upon
discovering that, for example, not
everyone was given a pony when
they were twelve. Like many other
sitcoms, the humor in “2 Broke Girls”
is a bit punch-liney (Max: “You can't
give hipsters a microphone, that's like
throwing gasoline on a pretentious
fire!”) but the comedy is not so punchliney that it ruins the experience.
Overall, the comedy is brilliant, even
if some of the jokes fall flat.
Rather than ignore the recession
like most TV shows, “2 Broke Girls”
embraces it. Instead of pretending
that everyone in the United States
lives an upper-middle class lifestyle
uncharacterized by instability or
deprivation, this series brings the
experience of actual Americans to the
forefront. And furthermore, the show
is hilarious.
opening weekend, it made about $55
As stated by the Internet Movie
Database, the movie is about a
substance, designed to help the brain
repair itself, giving rise to a superintelligent chimp who leads an ape
uprising. This is the prequel to the
rest of the series, as implied by its title.
For one, the acting in this movie was
phenomenal. The cinematography and
the movie as a whole were very well
done. You know a movie is a good
one when it has especially outstanding
effects, while at the same time holds
a strong plot. Although some people
would consider this movie to be a
reboot, it gives a present-day twist so
that the audience can better relate to
it (the rest of the movies take place in
the distant future). The time relevance
also helps the audience understand the
message that is being conveyed. The
insightful message of the movie is
that humans shouldn’t play God and
disrupt Mother Nature, and that we are
cause of our own destruction.
This movie is emotional, action-
after me received their food way
before me. It took 30 minutes to get
my fries. 30 minutes for fries, really?
I don’t recall an apology either. But,
since that was a one-time deal, I’m
willing to move past that. What makes
this restaurant more of a grub shack is
not only the food, but the ambiance.
Photos of professional boxers cover
the wall, and similar photos are hung
up on the other side as well. most
noticeable feature is the blaring metal
or rock music playing, so hopefully
you appreciate those genres, otherwise
you’d better order to-go.
If you live near Carlsbad, you’ll
likely run into someone you know at
Knockout Burger. It definitely attracts
more locals than tourists, which is
refreshing for a restaurant near the
beach. If you’re a regular customer,
the servers will appreciate that and
treat you more like a friend than a
consumer (I observed this while eating
there with some of my devoted, loyal
If you’re in the mood for a pretty
decent burger with a craving for good
fries, and you live close by, Knockout
Burger will satisfy. The diner is
located on the corner of Carlsbad
Village Dr. and Grand Ave.
Great movie with a great message
Bree Wethey
Staff Writer
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
exceeded my expectations in every
aspect. If anyone has seen or heard
about this movie, they would likely
know that this is the latest movie in
the Planet of the Apes series of movies.
The first was produced in 1968, and
Rise of the Planet of the Apes came
out just last year in 2011. The budget
of Rise of the Planet of the Apes movie
was about $93 million and during
Knockout Burger hits and misses
Andrea Abbott
Staff Writer
In downtown Carlsbad, nestled
between other locally-owned
businesses along the beach,
Knockout Burger grills up grub
for many hungry customers. Their
offerings include “The Heavyweight”,
“The Middleweight”, and “The
Lightweight”, and for chicken lovers,
a seasoned chicken breast sandwich.
The idea sounds superb, but the
actual taste lacks a little. When I go out
for a burger, I want to experience meat
that’s full of flavor and a sandwich
that’s not like the rest. At Knockout,
you’ll get a decent burger for a good
price (Middle Weight: $3.50/ Meal:
$6), but in reality you’re better off
with In-N-Out. However, Knockout
does pack a punch with its seasoned
fries. They’re addictive. And a little
hint: ask for a side of their secret K.O.
sauce to dip your fries in (you’ll thank
me later).
Sometimes the service downright
sucks. One time I ordered and received
my meal within a decent time, but
the next visit I ordered just a basket
of fries and other tables that ordered
packed, suspenseful, and inspiring. All
of the elements reached and surpassed
my expectations and combined to
create a wonderful work of art and
a great rendition of the series. This
movie is very entertaining as well
as insightful and I would definitely
recommend watching it if you have
not already done so. I’m hoping that
they will go through with the sequel
to this movie, which is supposedly
coming out in 2014.
October 1, 2012
MiraCosta College
“I got it in Italy. Growing up Catholic and
doing Communion I knew I wanted [The
Virgin Mary] as a tattoo. I always get
compliments at work and everywhere I go.”
Nicholas Bruno
“I got it when I was in the navy. The siren
references the duality of man and animal.
Even though I might not identify with all my
tattoos the same way I did when I got them,
they still resonate with my current identity.”
Kaz Schneider
“I wish less people would talk crap and act
like it’s a bad thing. This could be possible
with more people getting tattoos. My
tattoos represent my interests. I’ve been
collecting them since I was 18. I love them.
They’re a part of who I am, quite literally.”
Miles Stanley
Spartan Ink
Aamirah Syed
Staff Writer
“I got it while I was in the army. It seemed
fitting to get it on my right shoulder-blade
since I shoot with my right hand. I’m gonna
expand it to create a heaven/hell theme
across my whole back.”
Greg Del Castillo
“I’ve always been passionate about music
tattoos. This tattoo is about my love for all
kinds of music. It’s a work in progress. I
hope I can afford to finish it.”
Drew Obeso
In a country where freedom
of expression is permitted and
encouraged, many of us find various
avenues to announce and display the
things that we hold close to us or
are passionate about. For some, that
avenue may be music or poetry. For
others it may be a form of art, such as
tattoo art. And I know for sure that
there are a huge variety of tattoos worn
by the students here at MiraCosta.
I can’t personally relate to the
greatness of tattoos, since I myself
have none, but that’s not to say I don’t
see how significant they can be to
others. So to get a little more insight
into the Wonderful World of Tattoos,
I talked to one of my close friends,
Charise Moore.
Me: When did you get your tattoo?
Charise Moore: I got my tattoo last
semester, a month before my 19th
Me: What made you want to get a
tattoo in the first place?
CM: Honestly, I’d always wanted
to have one, so it was only a matter of
time before I’d gotten it. And at the
time, my friend Christian kept bugging
me to hurry up with it, so that played
a part too.
Me: What is your tattoo, and why
did you get that particular one?
CM: I got a treble clef and a bass
clef connected in the shape of a heart.
Like I said before, I always wanted it. I
chose that since singing and music has
always been a big part of my life that I
love to do. Plus, a lot of people don’t
know that I sing. I don’t necessarily
see it as a label or anything, especially
since it’s on my foot.
Me: Why did you choose your foot?
CM: I didn’t want it to interfere
with my work now or my career in
the future. It’s easy to hide too, even
when I wear sandals, a lot of people
still can’t tell it’s there. Plus, I really
like my feet. My left one specifically.
Me: At one point in time, getting a
tattoo was seen as an act of rebellion,
or in other cases an act of confirmation
or assertion of a particular aspect of
one’s life. A part of that may still ring
true to our society. Do you see your
tattoo as an assertion of rejection of
CM: Not at all. It’s simply a
representation of something I’m
passionate about. My mom was
willing to take me to get it done when
I was 17, but it took me so long to
decide because I kept debating about
whether I should. I’m very much
into my Christian faith, and it even
explicitly says in the Bible that we
are not to tattoo our bodies, so I was
really torn with my decision. In the
end, I just coughed it up as a “young
mistake” and got it anyway.
Me: So what were the reactions of
those who knew about it or had seen it?
CM: A lot of people liked it and
I was really happy about getting it. I
truly loved it. But for a while I kept it
hidden and kept trying to cover it up
because I hated feeling as if I totally
sinned. Which I did, but now I don’t
mind people looking at it.
Me: So aside from you feeling as
if you’d “totally sinned,” did you
have any other regrets about getting
your tattoo?
CM: At first I did, as you could
tell since I kept it hidden for like, a
month. I didn’t wear any sandals, and
if I wore any tights they were always
dark-colored ones.
Me: I’ve heard that in some cases
when someone gets a tattoo (or even a
piercing), sometimes they get addicted
and soon get more of them. Do you see
yourself getting another tattoo?
CM: No, I’ve got more self-control
than that. At one point I wanted to get
a Monroe piercing on the outside of
my upper lip, but then I decided that
it didn’t look nice on me. So nope, I’m
sure I won’t be giving way to any other
funky habits or anything.
According to www.smithsonianmag.
com, the history of the tattoo goes as
far back as 5,200 years ago when
an Iceman near the Italian-Austrian
border was discovered in 1991.
The small dots and crosses on the
body corresponds to places that
may have contained “strain-induced
degeneration.” It’s suggested that they
were to help decrease the joint pain.
Photos by Aamirah Syed,
Andrea Abbott, and Desiree
October 1, 2012
MiraCosta College
Student life
HSP student accepted into Sarah Lawrence
Storm Marquis
Contributing Writer
Francesca Carter, a former Honors
Scholar Program student, has been
there and has achieved her dream
of majoring in Film and Women’s
Studies at Sarah Lawrence College in
New York. After starting at MiraCosta
in 2010, Francesca began to explore
her options before transferring to a
four-year university. Upon finishing
two semesters at MiraCosta, she
applied to HSP.
Once accepted, Francesca took
full advantage of honors courses and
conference preparation. “The two
main things that [HSP] helped me
with were the Honors Conference and
classes like ENG201H,” Carter said.
Her participation in the conference
and the process of writing the
research paper was a great addition
to her resume when applying to Sarah
Lawrence. During this process, she
became very excited with the notion
of contributing ideas and research to
her field of interest.
The HSP environment motivated
her to get the work done and aim
for the best transfer institution. Her
favorite aspect of HSP was that “it
felt like a family [and] I loved having
amazing discussions in the lounge.”
With her two degrees, Francesca
aims to continue through a Masters
and Doctoral program. “I want to be
a professor and speak about gender
problems around the world and make
films to advocate for gender equality,”
Carter said.
Student Life
Japanese Club, 4:30 – 6:00
p.m., Student Center Aztlan
B Room 3449
H.O.P.E. Volunteer Club,
noon – 1 p.m., Student
Center Club Room 3400
Puente Club, 12:30 – 1:30
p.m., Student Center
Quetzalcoatl “Q” Room
Gay Straight Alliance, 1:30
– 3:00 p.m., Student Center
Club Room 3400
Oral Presentation Workshop,
3 – 4 p.m., Library
Conference Room 1202
Oral Presentation Workshop,
11 a.m. – noon, Student
Center Conference Rooms
A and B
Encuentros Leadership
Club, 2 – 3:30 p.m., Student
Center Temescal Room
UC/CSU Transfer Workshop,
2 – 3:30 p.m., Library
Computer lab Room 1201
Intramural Sports
Open Play Days
Oct.19 Flag
12-2 p.m.
Baseball field
Oct. 26 Beach
12-2 p.m.
Nov. 2 Softball
1-3 p.m.
Softball Field
Nov.16 Soccer
12-2:30 p.m.
Oct. 22, 29 Nov 5, 19, 26
Volleyball/ Ping pong
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Baseball Field
Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25
5:30-7 p.m.
Free HIV testing
FREE Oral Swab testing
and information
Get a FREE Gift-Card for
When? Tuesday, Oct. 2, 11 a.m.1:30 p.m.
Where? Student Center, BLDG
3400 Cafeteria Hallway
How much does it cost?
For more information: (760) 757-2121
It’s a great way to meet new people.
No need to schedule an
Drop by anytime.
Accounting/Business Club,
noon – 1:30 p.m., Student
Center Aztlan B Room 3449
Pacific Islanders Club, 1 – 2
p.m., Student Center Aztlan
A Room 3450
Friends of EOPS, 2 – 3 p.m.,
Student Center Quetzalcoatl
“Q” Room 3400
Accounting/Business Club, 6
– 7:30 p.m., Student Center
Aztlan B Room 3449
“The 39 Steps”, 7:30 – 9:30
p.m., Theatre Room 2001
Allied Health Occupations
Club, noon – 1 p.m.,
Psychology classroom 3101
Umoja Community
Harambee meeting, noon –
1 p.m., Student Center Club
Room 3400
CalWORKS Workshop,
noon – 1 p.m., Behavioral
Science classroom 3201
“The 39 Steps”, 7:30 – 9:30
p.m., Theatre Room 2001
October 1, 2012
MiraCosta College
Career Center
Internship Opportunities
Students may enroll for internship credit
for the 8 week session: Oct 15 - Dec 17.
Web Design Intern, Lucent Websites,
San Diego. 10 hrs./wk. Design
graphics in Photoshop for website use,
Design Printable PDF docs, Create
Web Pages using Word Press.
Social Media Account Manager Intern,
Majestic Social Media, Oceanside.
$500-700/month stipend. Manage
social media accounts for established
Marketing Intern, Dirty Dogs,
Sorrento Valley. 24 hrs./wk. Social
media and blogging strategy, content
development and local dog outreach.
Videographer Intern, Activ8
Athleticism, Carlsbad. 15 hrs./
wk. Produce media content (i.e.
photographs and video) for marketing
and business purposes.
Sports Management Intern,
Activ8 Athleticism, Carlsbad. 15
hrs./wk. Manage new client
enrollment, prospect sales, lead
generation, manage social media.
Business Admin Intern, Cornerstone
Wealth Advisors, Carlsbad. 10
hrs. /wk. Assist in development
of marketing database, preparing
portfolio performance reviews,
preparation of financial plans.
Job Opportunities
Catering Sales Manager, Wedgewood
Wedding & Banquet Center, San
Diego. Salary to be determined, entry
level position, customer service
or related educational background
preferred. Submit resume wwbchr@
Swim Head Coach, YMCA, Encinitas,
$18/hr. Part time, coaching about 15/
hr. per week. Lifeguard certification,
YMCA or WSI swim lesson
certification. Four years experience
in competitive swimming. Apply to
25 ME HR, 200 Saxony Rd. Encinitas,
CA 92024.
Did you know?
Application period has begun! Attend
the first UC/CSU transfer application
workshop on Oct. 3 from 2 - 3:30 p.m.
at the Oceanside campus in OC 1201..
Prior to the workshop, establish your
personal profile/password online, log
onto www.csumentor.com & bring an
unofficial copy of your transcripts and
Ed-plan (if you have one).
Does the transfer process confuse you?
Stop by an Introduction to Transfer
session on Oct. 8 at the Oceanside
campus in room 1202 from 6 - 7p.m.
Veterans and Military Service Members
are invited to a free informational
session to learn more about University
of California, San Diego (UCSD)
admission requirements, benefits, and
the Student Veterans Organization.
Join us Tuesday, Oct. 9 from 5-6 p.m.
in room OC 1202. No reservation
required. For more info. contact the
Transfer Center at 760-795-6880.
Questions and Answers
Question: Will I need to do a personal
statement for applying to a California
State University (CSU)?
Answer: No personal statement is
necessary for applying to any of the
California State Universities.
Question: Can I enroll in an Honors
course even if I haven’t applied for
the program?
H e l l o
Transfer Center
in applying to the Honor Scholar
Program (HSP) you can do so at any
time, as admission to the program is on
a rolling basis. For more info. contact
Joanne Gonzales or Christopher
Sleeper from the Honors office.
Question: What can a drop-in session
do for me?
Answer: A drop in session is mainly
for quick questions. We realize some
students may not need a full 30 minute
appointment. During a drop-in session
you are allotted 10 min. with a transfer
counselor, the counselor will not have
your file or transcripts. Issues can be
handled on a drop in. Check the drop
in board weekly for days and times.
Answer: Yes, the Honors courses
are open to all. If you are interested
Scholarship Info
MiraCosta College Friends of
DANCE Fall 2012 Scholarship
or to an individual chapter. Deadline:
Dec. 15.
Eligibility Criteria: Must be
currently enrolled at MiraCosta
College, completed at least six (6)
units in Dance at MiraCosta College,
Majoring in Dance at MiraCosta
College is preferred, cumulative 2.0
GPA or higher at MiraCosta College.
Application, Personal Statement,
and a Letter of Recommendation
from a MiraCosta dance instructor
required. Scholarship winners will
be announced at the Sunday, Dec. 2.
Dance Concert. Scholarship awards are
based on the Personal Statement and
Letter of Recommendation. Download
Application. Deadline: Thursday,
Nov. 1.
Jack Kent Cooke (JKC) 2013-14
TRANSFER Scholarship
Soroptimist, Int’l - Women’s
Opportunity Awards
Scholarship Soroptimist
An organization of business and
professional women united through
volunteer efforts to enable women
to live their dreams, take control of
their lives, and live according to their
own values. Women’s Opportunity
scholarships assists women who
provide the primary source of financial
support for their families by giving
them the resources they need to
improve their education, skills and
employment prospects. Apply Online
for exceptional students with
financial need. Awards up to $30,000
a year, up to 3 years, to complete
a Bachelor’s degree. JKC scholars
have distinguished themselves both in
and out of the classroom, performing
valuable community and public
service, often while holding full-time
MiraCosta information session:
Thursday, Oct. 4, 4:45-6 p.m.,
Oceanside campus, Student Center
Bldg. 3400, Aztlan A&B.
HoelsCheap Fall 2012 $2,500
General Scholarship
Eligibility: students enrolled in
2-year, 4-year, or graduate program,
answer the question in 300–500 words:
“What extra-curricular activities are
you involved in? Describe how these
activities contribute to your college
education and how do they make
you a better person.” The General
Scholarship is awarded each fall and
spring semester. Deadline: Oct.15
disABLED Person Scholarship
Fall 2012
$2,000 - scholarship awards to
college students with disabilities.
Write an essay with no more than 750
words, review the Scholarship Details
and register to apply online. Deadline
Oct. 19.
HAIKU $1,000 Scholarship
Write a HAIKU about cable TV for
your chance to win $1,000.. Apply
Online Deadline: Oct. 31.
College Internet Scholarship ATT Savings $1,000 scholarship
Write a 300-500 word article about
what you think the Internet will look
like in 10 years, post your article
on your blog or website. Apply
Online. Deadline: Nov. 30.
Go to the
MiraCosta College
website for more
information and
website links and
apply today at
Receptionist, Vitality College of
Healing Arts, Carlsbad, $9/hr. Part
time, front desk reception. Admin
support for clients, students and staff.
Email resume with reception position
in subject line vitalitycollege@yahoo.
Basketball Instructor, One on One
Basketball, N. County, $20/hr.
PT, teaching basketball classes to
youth ages 5-12. Email resume to
Workshops this Week
Resume Review, Thurs., 12:15 p.m.1:15 p.m. during college hour.
News & Events
Career & Major Fair, Thurs., Oct 25,
10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Oceanside
Campus Fountain Hub.
For complete informationon, stop by
Building 3700 Oceanside Campus,
or call 760-795-6772. Staff will be
at San Elijo Campus, Administration
Building most Mondays and
Wednesdays from 9-Noon. Walk-ins
welcome or call to schedule.
Job/Internship Search, every Mon.,
12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
Writing Your Resume, Oct. 3, 12:301:30
Need Help
Staying Healthy?
Vista Community Clinic is doing Free HIV testing
Oct 2, 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Oceanside Campus Student
Need Help
Staying Healthy?
Oceanside Campus Student Center
Oct 4, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. San
Elijo Campus Student Center
Flu Shots Available
Begins Oct. 1
Oceanside and San Elijo Campuses
No appointment needed. Cost is $15
Oceanside Campus
Building 3300 Room 3326
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Domestic Violence Group
Tuesday 11:30 p.m. – 1 p.m.
For information please call
Free HIV testing at the Vista
Community Clinic
Oct 2, 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
San Elijo Campus
Student Center
Monday through Thursday 9 a.m.to
3 p.m.
760-944-9444 x7747
The Fuzz
sometimes forget to focus on looking
for them. Take the next couple of
days and look around you for as much
good, kind, things people do as you
can find. You may notice a teacher do
something for a student, a student hand
another student something they forgot
Dear 6th Grader,
on the playground, a
Since I have become
parent making dinner
a police officer, I have
for their family, or even
learned a lot more about
the school bus driver
people. We live in a
who waits a little longer
world where there are
to ensure all the kids
a lot of different people
get on the bus. Even a
and no matter where
smile from one person
people come from, we
to another is an act of
all seem to know right
kindness. There is a lot
from wrong. What I
of good in this world.
have found interesting
Officer Mahan
We have to choose to
is what I might see as
look for it. When things
really horrible, someone
happen that hurt us, we
else might only view as
bad. I try to remember that each person don’t like, or are very overwhelming,
has had different experiences and we have to remember we have a
sometimes will make poor choices. choice to keep up hope and not let
Poor choices can lead to mistakes that those things make our world seem
can be very wrong. I believe it is the very bad. When something happens
choices that make our lives what they that makes you feel scared or sad,
remember to look for what the good
are. I choose to see the world with
lots of hope, because people can learn part of that experience is or what good
from their mistakes and choose to do can come from it. Also, what lesson
things differently. We can choose to can you learn from that experience or
see the world as bad because we hear event that will help you make healthy
more about things that aren’t good choices? I love the world we live in
or we can look at those things and and I believe there is always hope.
ask ourselves, "What are the good Submit your law enforcement related
things in this or what good thing can questions to “The Fuzz”, Officer
come from this?” There are far more Rebecca Mahan 760-757-2121 x 6519
good things in this world; we just or via email: rmahan@miracosta.edu
Awhile back a sixth grade student
asked me a question:
Since you have fought crime do you
feel as though our world is very bad or
do you feel there is still hope?
October 1, 2012
MiraCosta College
Dear Aphrodite,
We have candy!
Have a knack for photography?
Want to see your name in print?
Think you would enjoy working for a newspaper?
Then join The Chariot! We’re looking for writers,
editors, photograpers, and more to join our team.
If you’re just interested in contributing to the
newspaper, send us an email.
(Or you can just drop by and say “Hi!” We’re right
across from the Student Activities Office.)
I was just wondering if
you could help me with a girl
problem. I guess deep down I
would love to meet “the one”
but it just isn’t happening. In
fact, I’ve never had a girlfriend.
I know it isn’t looks (though they
aren’t everything) because I’ve
had perfectly attractive women
say that I’m good-looking. I
like to fancy myself an averagelooking person at least. Anyway,
what should I do, got any advice
for a silly fool like me?
~A Silly Fool
Dear Silly Fool,
So you’re looking for “the
one"? Or maybe even, at this
point, anyone. Ha ha, just
kidding. If you wanna win a
woman over, you gotta get on
her level, whatever that may
be. It’s a good idea to relate
with her as a person before you
get all flirty and make her feel
objectified. That way you won’t
I know some women are crazy
and they like to say stuff just to
make shit complicated. She may
be playing hard-to-get, but most
likely, she’s not interested in you,
for whatever reason. Lie or not,
she’s set a definite boundary.
You don’t have to resent her for
it, especially if she’s still friendly
with you. If she’s not friendly,
that’s kinda cold, but maybe
she’s burnt-out on dudes trying
to pick her up and this is her way
of dealing with it. Try not to take
it personally.
I am one of those guys who
never seems to get what women
are thinking. Never. So there’s
this woman who says she has a
boyfriend, then my friend tells
me she doesn’t. How do I know
if she’s telling the truth? If she’s
Do you need advice? Do you
have an opinion or a rant? Let's
start a conversation. Write me
an email at aphroditeanswers@
hotmail.com or leave a note in
my Submission Box outside The
Chariot Newsroom.
Dear Aphrodite,
Your name here
Your Student ID #
Did you know that
your Student ID card
is one giant coupon?
Undecided about
your Major or
Get all of your
answers in one
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lying, how do I know if she’s
playing hard-to-get or thinks I’m
creepy? I need some help!
seem desperate and she’ll have a
chance to see if she’s interested
in you. Some guys have no luck,
and always end up getting stuck
in the Friend Zone. Some guys
can’t even win women over as
friends. If women consistently
push you away despite your
advances, perhaps you are doing
something to turn the ladies off.
This could be due to poor social
skills or bad hygiene, and you
have the power to change these
things if you are willing to be
objectively self-critical. You
might be a totally awesome, sexy
dude who just needs to refine his
style in various areas a little bit.
You don’t have to be a silly fool.
• Meet MiraCosta College
and university faculty.
• Talk with industry professionals
from a variety of fields.
Dear Anonymous,
Major Fair
Thursday, October 25, 2012
10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Hub Fountain
Oceanside Campus
For more
stop by
Building 3700
• Enjoy free lunch.
Career | Counseling | Transfer